Most windows are made of glass

Ex. 54. Insert the right article. 1. ...most windows are made o перевод.

Ex. 54. Вставьте правый статьи.

1. …
Большинство windows из стекла. 2. …
стекло мои часы сломан, и один из …
руки —
отсутствует. 3. … первой заботой правительства должно быть …
образования of
… народ …
4 …. звезд очень светлые сегодня вечером. 5. …
президент говорит, что он не хотел …
неисправности but
… бед

Страны должен был решаться быстро. 6. …
деревьев в нашем саду нести много фруктов каждый год. 7.
… аудитории камень хранит молчание. 8
. … Девочки действительно … большое абонент. 9. В Америке «соседа» …
дружественных коннотацию, в Англии это …
прохладное слово, почти всегда …
чужого человека. 10. … дождь был по-прежнему
избиение в Windows. 11.

дорожные участки возводятся его пути across
… холмы. 12. Эмма надеется …
будет … девушка. 13. …
«куин-сайз», улыбнулся. Она сообщила …
черный он. 14. В …
ближнем …
год он
сделал … вторую поездку в Fairley зале. 15. — Я не хотел бы …
полицейских. — Не I. но Я like
… Английском языке полицейских. 16. …
деревню, где мои родственники живут — это такие …
идиллическое место. 17.
… Bell
… третий раз для indicate

начало of
… класс. До 18 лет. …
девочки …
Родился миротворца.
Ex. 55. Объясните использование статей с существительные жирным шрифтом.
1. Она дала в магазин окончательного взгляда. 2. Они хотят большой семьи, с тем чтобы они столь большим, не единственный ребенок третьего ребенка. 3. Он представил все это ина наиболее дипломатические средства. 4. Амелия была беременна и ей было inseventh небес. 5. Она дает portraita последнего взгляда и вышел. 6. Она
заливать второй glass.7.Это третье поколение компьютера.
8. Всегда есть
впервые. 9. Первая любовь, — никогда не
забыли. 10. Она была второй медовый месяц для них.
11. Пожалуйста, Фрэнк, дважды подумайте, прежде чем сделать окончательный
12. Они являются установка
вторая ванная комната
наверху. 13.1 . Не хотел бы питание, который был разогрет
время. 14. Боюсь мы needa третьему виду

Ex. 56.Вставьте правый статьи.

1. Генри Renault Nelsinho пикет had
… cool и уточнены. … развитого мужчину, он был …
искусства connoisseur, …
сборник редких первых выпусков, … борцом драмы и music.
… продукт of

богатыми и старой
семьи, он был сегодня …
любопытный сплав …
верхней classEnglish консервативные принципы and
… международного технического совершенства.

2. Как я работал в …
Библиотека сегодня утром, листая этих книг, я не могла не думать что $Lettice
было много подобно мне, во многих отношениях. …

… Кук, …
садовника, … художник, … женщина заинтересована в
мебель и все те вещи, которые делают …
домашняя страница 35 красивое. И она была … посвятил матери и …
преданные тифози жены, так же как я.
3. Виктор был …
мягкий и светоотражающими мальчика.И он …
глубокое понимание страстной седмицы.
он был … мыслителя и …
мечтатель, и он had
… душа …
поэт. Виктор был самый счастливый когда он
чтении или прослушивания … музыка и.

4. … Грех включает в себя такие вещи как …
лежа, … страсть … обман, … обмана, … гнев, … зло thoughts,
… аморальное поведение, и более.Наиболее заметные преимущества в люди … ответственность, … энергии, …
напряженной работы, … энтузиазм, и … настойчивость

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Have you ever wondered why window panes are made of glass? While we traditionally think of glass as a fragile material that’s easily broken, glass offers many benefits when it’s used properly. Sure, some window panes are made of plastic, but glass remains the best solution for window panes due to its durability and aesthetic appeal. But why are window panes made of glass? Let’s take a closer look at the history of window panes and why this material is used by many leading window replacement window companies, including Thompson Creek. 

Why Are Window Panes Made of Glass? 

A Brief History of Window Panes 

In England, before windows were made of glass, they were constructed from flattened animal horns. However, glass windows also existed during Roman Egypt, around 100 A.D. In Asian countries such as China, Korea, and Japan, paper was used for window panes. In the early 17th century, glassmaking arrived in America, and the tradition has remained.  


Glass windows have many benefits. In the Mid-Atlantic, we often experience brutally cold winters and glass helps provide better insulation inside your home. If you install double-pane glass windows, you keep warm air inside the house and cold air outside and make your home more energy-efficient. 


Another benefit of glass is that it’s sustainable. Glass is made from natural elements that exist in nature, which means you can recycle and reuse it. It’s actually 100% recyclable. 

Additional Light 

Nothing quite compares to natural sunlight beaming into your home. Especially in winter, every ray of sunshine counts. Glass allows for light to enter your home, which can be a great source of vitamin D and help your home feel larger. Are windows made of glass only to let sunshine into your home? Maybe not, but it’s definitely welcomed! 


Most homes have more than six windows, and glass is an inexpensive way to make sure that you have strong, insulated window panes. Glass is affordable because production costs are relatively inexpensive. You can also save money on your future utility bills due to the energy efficiency of glass window panes. 

Easy to Maintain 

Glass doesn’t collect dust or dirt and is easy to clean. You don’t have to worry about glass window panes warping and tearing, which is something to consider when using plastic. 

Helpful in Case of Emergency 

No one wants to think about something going wrong, but in the case of a fire or the need to escape, the ability to break glass actually turns into one of its strengths. It’s rare for a material to be both fragile yet strong at the same time, but glass manages to accomplish this.  

Why are window panes made of glass? Because they’re utilitarian and sustainable. While traditional glass windows offer protection, choosing double-pane windows or adding treatments can provide additional benefits to your home.  

We are  the leading window replacement and renovation company in the Mid-Atlantic. Our team of experts can help you design, build, and install energy-efficient windows that effortlessly complement your home. We’ve been offering high-quality glass windows to customers throughout the Mid-Atlantic since 1980, and all of our windows are manufactured with care at our Maryland facility.  

 At Thompson Creek, we provide customized solutions for a wide variety of homes, including windows for Colonial-era homes. Contact us today to start your project! 

Paper windows were economical and widely used in ancient China, Korea and Japan.

In England, glass became common in the windows of ordinary homes only in the early 17th century whereas windows made up of panes of flattened animal horn were used as early as the 14th century.

When was clear glass invented?

1500 BC Small glass articles made from moulds have been found in Egypt and Syria. The first glass was produced probably in Egypt. 1 AD Technique of blowing glass was invented in the Babylon area.

When was the first glass window created?

17th century

When were glass windows first used in castles?

Glass was expensive, so it was rarely used in castle windows. Diamond (or “angled”) mullions, which indicate a window without glass, were found from at least the 14th century, and were used for bedrooms, store rooms and other chambers until the late 17th.

Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen on April 4, 1975, to develop and sell BASIC interpreters for the Altair 8800. It rose to dominate the personal computer operating system market with MS-DOS in the mid-1980s, followed by Microsoft Windows.

Who first discovered glass?

Little is known about the first attempts to make glass. However, it is generally believed that glassmaking was discovered 4,000 years ago, or more, in Mesopotamia. The Roman historian Pliny attributed the origin of glassmaking to Phoenician sailors.

When was glassblowing invented?

1st Century

When were double pane windows invented?

In 1952, they introduced a Welded Insulated Glass window, and the double pane window was born. An interesting note over at ecobuildingpulse says: Robert Struble, communications manager at PPG Industries (formerly Pittsburgh Plate Glass), says that the concept of double glazing originated in the 1860s.

When were aluminum windows first used?

jor architect-designed building or representative of an early use on a vernacular building type, aluminum windows from the 1930s to the 1950s have earned their place in the history of building construction in the United States.

Were there glass windows in medieval times?

Houses in the Middle Ages did have windows, but for most people, these windows were simply a small opening to let some light in. Wooden shutters were used to block the wind. Windows in these houses were typically quite small.

Did the Romans have glass windows?

Roman glass objects have been recovered across the Roman Empire in domestic, industrial and funerary contexts. Glass was used primarily for the production of vessels, although mosaic tiles and window glass were also produced.

Did medieval castles have stained glass windows?

Medieval stained glass is the coloured and painted glass of medieval Europe from the 10th century to the 16th century. The purpose of stained glass windows in a church was both to enhance the beauty of their setting and to inform the viewer through narrative or symbolism.

What do you call a window without glass?

Actually, a window (“wind-eye”) was originally an unglazed opening to let in light and air (“wind”). In modern English it is still possible to use “window” for an opening without glass. It’s just called a window.

Did Steve Jobs invent Windows?

The 5 “inventions” of Steve Jobs. Macintosh: A great leap in the career of Steve Jobs was the introduction of the original Macintosh (1984), the first consumer computer with a graphical user interface. In other words, it had an operating system with windows and icons, and a mouse to move between them.

Did Bill Gates Invent Windows?

Yes, among other things he and Paul Allen co-authored Microsoft BASIC, one of the first Microsoft products. Did Bill Gates write all of Windows? No, Windows was written by a team of people.

Who really created Microsoft?

Bill Gates

Paul Allen

Was glass invented or discovered?

The earliest known man made glass are date back to around 3500BC, with finds in Egypt and Eastern Mesopotamia. Discovery of glassblowing around 1st century BC was a major breakthrough in glass making.

Who invented mirrors?

Justus von Liebig

When did glasses get invented?

Although the exact date is in dispute, it is generally agreed upon that the first pair of corrective eyeglasses was invented in Italy sometime between 1268 and 1300. These were basically two reading stones (magnifying glasses) connected with a hinge balanced on the bridge of the nose.

How much do glass makers make?

A Glass Blower, Molder, Bender, or Finisher gets a compensation on a scale from 24000 to 36000 based on education and experience. Glass Blowers, Molders, Benders, and Finishers will most likely receive an average salary of Thirty Thousand Two Hundred dollars every year.

How did glass blowing start?

It wasn’t until around 300 BC that the Syrians invented the blowpipe which formed the foundation for the craft of glass blowing. Glass enameling later perfected by the glass blowers in the Middle East and Egypt began during the time of the Roman Empire.

Did the Phoenicians invent glass?

By about 1550 BC the Phoenicians (who were very good at glass working) could make core-formed glass perfume bottles. They probably used the newly invented bellows to finally get their furnaces hot enough to get strings of glass.

Did they have glasses in medieval times?

Spectacles. Spectacles, or reading glasses, were present throughout the medieval period in Europe. Spectacles may have been initially invented in Italy at the end of the thirteenth century. Physical evidence for the use of spectacles during the Middle Ages is limited.

When was stained glass first used in churches?

Evidence of stained glass windows in churches and monasteries in Britain can be found as early as the 7th century. The earliest known reference dates from 675 AD when Benedict Biscop imported workmen from France to glaze the windows of the monastery of St Peter which he was building at Monkwearmouth.

How was glass made in the 1800s?

They are all melted together to make what we call glass. When glass is in its melted stages, it can be shaped into many different objects however the most common are blowing, pressing, and drawing. Humans first manufactured glass somewhere around 3000 B.C. by blowing the glass.

Do Catholic churches have stained glass windows?

Catholic churches– especially the older ones– have long been known for their ornate and elaborate stained glass windows.

How was glass made in medieval times?

During medieval times, stained glass windows were made from a combination of sand and potash (wood ash). These two ingredients were heated to the point where they’d liquify and become glass when cooled. That’s how stained glass windows were made during The Middle Ages.

Why was stained glass invented?

The process of coloring glass was probably invented in ancient Egypt. But it was during the Middle Ages that the making of stained-glass windows developed as a major art. Stained-glass windows were an important feature of churches built in the Gothic style, which first arose in the mid-1100’s.

What type of glass is used for house windows?

They may be two or three panes of glass, with argon in the spaces between the panes. The glass panes in an insulated unit are typically laminated or tempered security glass.

Why Windows are called Windows?

The first GUI-based version of its operating system was launched in 1985 and it was named Windows 1.0 – internally codenamed Interface Manager. Microsoft actually named it after the rectangular “Windows” which were (and still) used to display content on the screen. The name was simple and broad.

What is the opening part of a window called?

For example, on a single-hung window, the piece you slide to open the window is the sash. The frame has three main parts: the sill, or horizontal strip along the bottom of the frame; the jamb, the vertical sides of the frame; and the head, the top horizontal strip on the frame. The sash also has several components.

Photo in the article by “Flickr”

A. Say what they are usually made of.

rings and earrings

bags and handbags

tables and chairs

exercise books

children’s toys

mobile phones

tennis balls

modern cars





B. Remember your favourite dish or drink and say what it is made from.
Example: I like hot sandwiches. They are made from bread, cheese, ham and tomatoes.

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 2) Афанасьева. UNIT 4. Step 5. Номер №7


Перевод задания

Скажи, из чего они обычно сделаны.

кольца и серьги
сумки и сумочки
столы и стулья
детские игрушки
мобильные телефоны
теннисные мячи
современные автомобили

B. Вспомните свое любимое блюдо или напиток и скажите, из чего он сделан.
Пример: Я люблю горячие бутерброды. Их готовят из хлеба, сыра, ветчины и помидоров.



Rings and earrings are usually made of gold.

Bags and handbags are usually made of leather.

Tables and chairs are usually made of wood or plastic.

Exercise books are usually made of paper.

Children’s toys are usually made of plastic.

Mobile phones are usually made of metal and plastic.

Tennis balls are usually made of rubber.

Modern cars are usually made of metal.

Scissors are usually made of metal.

Windows are usually made of glass.

Buildings are usually made of bricks and cement.

Scarves are usually made of wool or silk.


I like pizza. It is made from dough, cheese, ham and tomatoes.

I like Greek salad. It is made from lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives and Feta cheese.

Перевод ответа


Кольца и серьги обычно изготавливаются из золота.
Сумки и сумочки обычно изготавливаются из кожи.
Столы и стулья обычно изготавливаются из дерева или пластика.
Тетради обычно изготавливаются из бумаги.
Детские игрушки обычно изготавливаются из пластика.
Мобильные телефоны обычно изготавливаются из металла и пластика.
Теннисные мячи обычно изготавливаются из резины.
Современные автомобили обычно изготавливаются из металла.
Ножницы обычно изготавливаются из металла.
Окна обычно сделаны из стекла.
Здания обычно строятся из кирпича и цемента.
Шарфы обычно делают из шерсти или шелка.


Я люблю пиццу. Она готовится из теста, сыра, ветчины и помидоров.
Мне нравится греческий салат. Он сделан из листьев салата, помидоров, огурцов, оливок и сыра Фета.

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