Можно ли установить драйвер для windows 7 на windows 10

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    есть драйвер, который работает с кастомной PCIe платой. Я собираю его в Windows 7 с помощью Windows Driver Kits 7600.
    В Windows 7 он работает замечательно.

    Появились заказчики, у которых стоит Windows 10. Не пересобирая драйвер для Windows 10 я опробовал его работу.
    Устанавливается драйвер без проблем. WinObj показывает, что устройство в ОС появилось.
    Но, любая, работающая до этого на Windows 7 программа, не может открыть устройство ни при запуске программы от имени администратора, никак иначе. Если дебажить программу в среде разработки, то при прохождении
    функции CreateFile ОС улетает в синий экран с ошибкой wdf_violation.

    Установил WindowsDriverKit 10, но из-за того, что он теперь встроен в VisualStudio 15, нет возможности пересобрать драйвер за 5 мин. Нужно создавать проект и переносить в него весь существующий функционал.

    Соответственно вопрос, подходят ли драйвера, работающие с железом и собранные в WDK 7, в Windows 10? Или однозначно надо тратить время и пересобирать драйвер в WDK 10?

    Нет ли в Win10 новых хитростей при работе с железом (Помню XP позволял работать с железом все, Win7 уже требовало либо запуск приложения от имени администратора, либо понижения до минимума параметров UAC)?



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    • Изменено

      30 ноября 2016 г. 8:51

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      30 ноября 2016 г. 9:50

Может ли драйвер для одной операционной системы использоваться в другой?


Может ли драйвер для одной операционной системы использоваться в другой — официально нет.


Вообще официально — конечно нет. Если драйвер например предназначен для Windows XP, то в Windows 7 он просто не установится, никак.

Однако я напишу свой опыт. Если только мне память не изменяет, было это давно. Вроде как драйвер от одной ОС может подойти для другой, при условии что это ОС похожи. Я точно не помню, но вроде я ставил беспроводной модуль Wi-Fi, драйверов не было под Windows 10, но были под Windows 7. Кое-как получилось установить драйвер от Windows 7, и все работало, но это скорее всего потому что ОС похожи. В любом случае Windows 10 и Windows 7 больше похожи, чем Windows 7 и Windows XP.

Поэтому стоит попробовать. Только устанавливать конечно нужно вручную, не при помощи установщика, а подсовывать inf файл. Но сразу скажу — вероятность все равно низкая. Может это зависит от типа устройств, например с звуковой картой, видеокартой вряд ли такой трюк пройдет. А вот с сетевой картой — может.

В любом случае стоит попробовать. И еще — мой опыт, это было давно, очень, просто помню что был модуль Wi-Fi, на который не было драйверов, потому что модуль какой-то старый. И я пробовал разные от Windows 7, один из них подошел. Еще скажу, что кажется я правил inf файл, в котором текстом прописано для какой ОС предназначен, там внутри можно например изменить Win7 на Win10, как-то так))

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by Vlad Constantinescu

Vlad might have a degree in Animal Husbandry and Livestock Management, but he’s currently rocking anything software related, ranging from testing programs to writing in-depth reviews about them…. read more

Updated on December 10, 2021

can windows 10 drivers work on windows 7

If you’ve ever asked yourself the question ‘Can Windows 10 drivers work on Windows 7, then you came to the right place.

In some specific cases, you might want to try using Windows 10 drivers on your Windows 7 platform.

In today’s article, we will try and explore this possibility, and we’ll also discuss the details about why this option could or could not work.

Can I install Windows 10 drivers on Windows 7?

The short answer to this question would be: Possibly. It might seem like a subjective answer, but it is well-founded.

Because of the large number of differences between the way different devices are built and work, there is no definitive answer to this question.

Are Windows 10 drivers backward compatible?

What we do know is that the Windows Device Model (WDM) drivers are created by the developers to be forward-compatible and not backward-compatible.

This is just another fancy way of saying that Windows drivers are meant to work on newer versions of Windows rather than older.

This means that the WDM allows you to use drivers from Windows 7 on Windows 10 by default.

If that wasn’t the case, the drivers could not make use of the new features introduced in the new version of the operating system.

Can you make Windows 10 drivers work on Windows 7?

Note:  Please be careful with what drivers your install on your operating system. In order to avoid any issues, it is recommended that before installing any drivers you create a restore point for your system.

This will allow you peace of mind that you can always return to the previously installed driver setup without losing any data in the process.

Even though generally the drivers are not meant to be used on another OS, there are some drivers from Windows 10 that work on Windows 7.

In some cases, the driver itself is compatible with the newer version of Windows, but the installer package is not.

In order to overcome this hurdle, you can simply right-click the setup file, and set it to run in compatibility mode. After doing this, you can simply follow the on-screen instructions and use the recommended settings.

How to install Windows 10 drivers on Windows 7?

To install a driver, you just need to run the setup file and follow the steps on the screen. If that doesn’t work, you can install the drivers manually by doing the following:

  1. Open Device Manager.
  2. Locate the device which driver you want to update. Right-click it and choose Update driver.
    update driver windows 10 drivers on windows 7
  3. Select Browse my computer for driver software.
    browse for driver software windows 10 drivers on windows 7
  4. Now click the Browse button.
  5. Select the folder where the driver is located. This folder is usually created by the driver setup or by extracting the driver from the archive.
  6. Click OK, then Next and follow the instructions on the screen.

You can also use a professional tool created to perform this procedure automatically. This program has multiple capabilities that aim to keep your OS healthy and boost your device’s performance.

This dedicated software can definitely give you the needed support by installing compatible drivers for Windows 7 OS.

From its rich drivers’ database gathered from manufacturer’s websites it can find the right drivers for your devices that will function smoothly for your Windows 7 PC.

The install process is also automated so there is not any effort on your part. Plus, it scans your PC fully to detect outdated or missing drivers, and you only have to select which drivers to install.

Therefore, choose your specific Windows 10 drivers and optimize your system performance right away using specialized support from DriverFix.

In today’s article we tried to answer if Windows 10 drivers can work on Windows 7, and some other related questions as well.

We hope this guide helped you understand the reasons for all the answers given in this article. Please feel free to let us know if you have any other questions relating to this issue by using the comment section below.

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by Vlad Constantinescu

Vlad might have a degree in Animal Husbandry and Livestock Management, but he’s currently rocking anything software related, ranging from testing programs to writing in-depth reviews about them…. read more

Updated on December 10, 2021

can windows 10 drivers work on windows 7

If you’ve ever asked yourself the question ‘Can Windows 10 drivers work on Windows 7, then you came to the right place.

In some specific cases, you might want to try using Windows 10 drivers on your Windows 7 platform.

In today’s article, we will try and explore this possibility, and we’ll also discuss the details about why this option could or could not work.

Can I install Windows 10 drivers on Windows 7?

The short answer to this question would be: Possibly. It might seem like a subjective answer, but it is well-founded.

Because of the large number of differences between the way different devices are built and work, there is no definitive answer to this question.

Are Windows 10 drivers backward compatible?

What we do know is that the Windows Device Model (WDM) drivers are created by the developers to be forward-compatible and not backward-compatible.

This is just another fancy way of saying that Windows drivers are meant to work on newer versions of Windows rather than older.

This means that the WDM allows you to use drivers from Windows 7 on Windows 10 by default.

If that wasn’t the case, the drivers could not make use of the new features introduced in the new version of the operating system.

Can you make Windows 10 drivers work on Windows 7?

Note:  Please be careful with what drivers your install on your operating system. In order to avoid any issues, it is recommended that before installing any drivers you create a restore point for your system.

This will allow you peace of mind that you can always return to the previously installed driver setup without losing any data in the process.

Even though generally the drivers are not meant to be used on another OS, there are some drivers from Windows 10 that work on Windows 7.

In some cases, the driver itself is compatible with the newer version of Windows, but the installer package is not.

In order to overcome this hurdle, you can simply right-click the setup file, and set it to run in compatibility mode. After doing this, you can simply follow the on-screen instructions and use the recommended settings.

How to install Windows 10 drivers on Windows 7?

To install a driver, you just need to run the setup file and follow the steps on the screen. If that doesn’t work, you can install the drivers manually by doing the following:

  1. Open Device Manager.
  2. Locate the device which driver you want to update. Right-click it and choose Update driver.
    update driver windows 10 drivers on windows 7
  3. Select Browse my computer for driver software.
    browse for driver software windows 10 drivers on windows 7
  4. Now click the Browse button.
  5. Select the folder where the driver is located. This folder is usually created by the driver setup or by extracting the driver from the archive.
  6. Click OK, then Next and follow the instructions on the screen.

You can also use a professional tool created to perform this procedure automatically. This program has multiple capabilities that aim to keep your OS healthy and boost your device’s performance.

This dedicated software can definitely give you the needed support by installing compatible drivers for Windows 7 OS.

From its rich drivers’ database gathered from manufacturer’s websites it can find the right drivers for your devices that will function smoothly for your Windows 7 PC.

The install process is also automated so there is not any effort on your part. Plus, it scans your PC fully to detect outdated or missing drivers, and you only have to select which drivers to install.

Therefore, choose your specific Windows 10 drivers and optimize your system performance right away using specialized support from DriverFix.

In today’s article we tried to answer if Windows 10 drivers can work on Windows 7, and some other related questions as well.

We hope this guide helped you understand the reasons for all the answers given in this article. Please feel free to let us know if you have any other questions relating to this issue by using the comment section below.

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