Mr smith s office three large windows

Пожалуйста ,помогите)))
3. Заполните пропуски глаголом to have в прошедшем времени+ общий и спец. вопросы и отрицательно форма

1. She … one sister and two brothers.
2. We … a large library at school.
3. They … a new car.
4. Helen … a headache.
5. The secretary … a new typewriter.
6. Mr. Smith’s office … three large windows.
7. We … many friends in Moscow.
8. Both brothers … red hair.
9. He and I … many things in common.

Светило науки — 136 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1. She had one sister and two brothers. She didn’t have one sister and two brothers. Did she have one sister and two brothers. How many sisters and brothers did she have?
2. We had a large library at school. We didn’t have a large library at school. Did we have a large library at school? What librarydid we have at school?
3. They had a new car. They didn’t have a new car. Did they have a new car? What car did they have?
4. Helen had a headache. Helen didn’t have a headache. Did Helen have a headache? Who had a headache?
5. The secretary had a new typewriter. The secretary didn’t have a new typewriter. Did the secretary have a new type writer?  What typewriter did the secretary have?
6. Mr Smith’s office had three large windows.  Mr Smith’s office didn’t have three large windows.  Did Mr Smith’s office have three large windows? How many windows did Mr Smith’s office have?
7. We had many friends in Moscow. We didn’t have many friends in Moscow. Did we have many friends in Moscow?  Where did we have many friends?
8. Both brothers had red hair. Both brothers didn’t have red hair. Did both brothers have red hair. Who had red hair?
9. He and I had many things in common. He and I didn’t have many things in common. Did he and I have many things in common? Who had many things in common?

. . . composition is very interesting.

(We ). . . son goes to school.

3) (You) . . . sister is

(They) . . . knowledge of the subject is very poor.

(He) . . . name is John.

(I) . . . family lives in Kiev.

7) (She) . . . friends often
visit her.

11 Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений:

1) I often see (they, them) in
the bus.

2) She lives near (we, us).

(We, us) always walk to school together.

He teaches (we, us) English.

5) She sits near (I, me)
during the lesson.

6) I always speak to (he, him)
in English.

7) What is the matter with
(he, him) today?

8) He explains the lesson to
(we, us) each morning.

9) There are some letters here
for you and (I, me).

10) I know (she, her) and her
sister very well.

12 Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений:

1) Would you like to see some
of (her, hers) poems?

2) (Their, theirs) knowledge
of the subject is not much superior to (our, ours).

You take care of (your, yours) things and I’ll take care of (my,

All (our, ours) clothes were dirty, and (my, mine) especially so.

(Their, theirs) boat was faster than (our, ours).

6) I’m afraid they will take
(your, yours) word against (her, hers).

(Their, theirs) home is pretty but (our, ours) is prettier.

Заполните пропуски указательными

All … is very interesting 2) … exercises are very easy. 3) …
will do. 4) … chair is very comfortable. 5) … is my English book.
6) Try one of . . . 7) … are the TV sets of the latest type. 8)
office at the end of the hall is the administra­tion office. 9)
… books are over there on the table.

Заполните пропуски глаголом
употребляя соответствующую форму в

. . . a good student. 2) They . . . old friends. 3) I . . . a
teacher. 4) John . . . absent from class today. 5) The weather . .
. good today. 6) The sky . . . clear. 7) We . . . both students. 8)
Mr. Smith . . . sick today. 9)
. . . cousins.

Напишите следующие предложения в
вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

They are in Europe now. 2) She is a clever girl. 3) It is cold today.
He is in his office. 5) They are members of the country club. 6) Both
sisters are tall. 7) John is angry with you. 8) She is a good tennis
player. 9) The stamps are in my desk. 10) She is a good teacher.

Заполните пропуски глаголом
употребляя соответствующую форму в

She . . . one sister and two brothers. 2) We . . . a large library
at school. 3) They . . . a new car. 4) She . . . green eyes. 5) Helen
. . . a headache. 6) The secretary . . . a new typewriter. 7) Mr.
Smith’s office . . . three large windows. 8) We . . . many friends
in Moscow. 9) Both brothers . . . red hair. 10) Harry’s dog … a
long tail.

Употребите оборот
в следующих предложениях. Переведите
их на русский язык:

… a new moon tonight. 2) … someone at the door. 3) … a lot of
students absent today. 4) … three lamps in the room. 5) … two
large windows in the room. 6) But . . . only one door. 7) … a lot
of English classes in our school. 8) … nobody in the room now. 9)
… no one at home. 10)
… a

Напишите следующие предложения в
вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

is a flag on the top of the building.

there a flag on the top of the building?

isn’t a flag oh the top of the building.

There is a big parade today. 2) There are two lamps in the room. 3)
There are ten new words in the lesson. 4) There are enough chair for
everyone. 5) There is a good restaurant near here. 6) There is a
comfortable chair in each room. 7) There are many pictures on the
walls of our room. 8) There are more than ten sentences in each

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Mr smith office three large windows


1. В каждой колонке подчеркните слова, в которых гласная буква произносится так же, как и выделенная гласная в первом слове:

2. Образуйте множественное число существительных с помощью суффикса

atom, set, group, work, climate, trade, name, art, play, star, year, idea, sorrow, ray, culture, nature, -doctor, sculpture, teacher, counter, conductor, leaf, life, shelf, knife, wife.

3. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе. Укажите, в каких случаях суффикс множественного числа произносится как [s], [z], [iz]:

student, party, chair, ring, glass, face, leaf, fat, time, way, university, language, wing, salt, energy, design, book, problem, dictionary, class, change, subject, speech, rule.

4. Перепишите следующие предложения, вставляя данные в скобках существительные в единственном или множественном числе:

1) Ann’s father told some funny circus . The funniest . was about a giant clown, (story, stories)

2) Many . live in an apartment house. Tom’s . lives on the fourth floor, (family, families)

3) Do you know the name of this . ? The travellers will see many . (country, countries)

4) Ben’s dog has five brown . One little . has a flat nose, (puppy, puppies)

5) Small . laugh and play. Jack’s … has a new toy. (baby, babies)

5. Замените существительные с предлогом of существительными в притяжательном падеже:

a meeting of students, the flat of my mother-in-law, the rays of the sun, a distance of two miles, the joys of life, the house of his parents, the theatres of Moscow, the children of my sister Mary, the rights of the women.

6. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык, употребляя притяжательный падеж:

письмо моего друга, рассказы этого писателя, библиотека института, дочь моей младшей сестры, младшая дочь моей сестры, стены этого старого дома, старые стены этого дома.

7. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и наречий с помощью суффиксов

short, cold, wide, early, big, near, late, fast, small, old, nice, young, large, kind, long, quick, easy;

8. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных и наречий с помощью слов more, (the) most:

Образец: important — more important(the) most important

interesting, caref-ully, comfortable, progressive, efficient, clearly, beautiful, difficult, beautifully, regularly, prominent, brightly, especially, wonderful, realistic, remarkable, special, dependent, attentively.

9. Употребите прилагательные и наречия, данные в скобках, в нужной степени сравнения:

1) My brother is much . than myself, (young)

2) The opera theatre is one of . buildings in the city, (beautiful)

3) The sound grew . and

4) The party was not so … as I had expected. (gay)

5) I have no one … than you. (near)

6) What is the news? (late

7) Yesterday I came home . than usual, (late)

8) Ann sings far . than Nina, (well)

9) I like this picture . of all. (well)

10. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоимениями, соответствующими личным местоимениям, данным в скобках:

1) (Не) . composition is very interesting.

2) (We) . son goes to school.

3) (You) . sister is young.

4) (They) . knowledge of the subject is very poor.

5) (He) . name is John.

6) (I) . family lives in Kiev.

7) (She) . friends often visit her.

11. Употребите нужную форму личных местоимений:

1) I often see (they, them) in the bus.

2) She lives near (we, us).

3) (We, us) always walk to school together.

4) He teaches (we, us) English.

5) She sits near (I, me) during the lesson.

6) I always speak to (he, him) in English.

7) What is the matter with (he, him) today?

8) He explains the lesson to (we, us) each morning.

9) There are some letters here for you and (I, me).

10) I know (she, her) and her sister very well.

12. Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений:

1) Would you like to see some of (her, hers) poems?

2) (Their, theirs) knowledge of the subject is not much superior to (our, ours).

3) You take care of (your, yours) things and I’ll take care of (my, mine).

4) All (our, ours) clothes were dirty, and (my, mine) especially so.

5) (Their, theirs) boat was faster than (our, ours).

6) I’m afraid they will take (your, yours) word against (her, hers).

7) (Their, theirs) home is pretty but (our, ours) is prettier.

13. Заполните пропуски указательными местоимениями this, that, these, those:

1) All . is very interesting.

2) . exercises are very easy.

4) . chair is very, comfortable.

5) . is my English book.

7) . are the TV sets of the latest type.

8) . office at the end of the hall is the administration office.

9) . books are over there on the table.

14. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be, употребляя соответствующую форму в Present Indefinite:

1) Не . a good student.

2) They . old friends.

4) John . absent from class today.

5) The weather . good today.

6) The sky . clear.

7) We . both students.

8) Mr. Smith . sick today.

9) She and I . cousins.

15. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) They are in Europe now.

2) She is a clever girl.

3) It is cold today.

4) He is in his office.

5) They are members of the country club.

6) Both sisters are tall.

7) John is angry with you.

8) She is a good tennis player.

9) The stamps are in my desk.

10) She is a good teacher.

11) I am her cousin.

16. Заполните пропуски глаголом to have, употребляя соответствующую форму в Present Indefinite:

1) She . one sister and two brothers.

2) We . a large library at school.

3) They . a new car.

4) She . green eyes.

5) Helen . a headache.

6) The secretary . a new typewriter.

7) Mr. Smith’s office . three large windows.

8) We . many friends in Moscow.

9) Both brothers . red hair.

10) Harry’s dog . a long tail.

11) He and I . many things in common.

17. Употребите оборот there is (are) в следующих предложениях. Переведите их нa русский язык:

1) . a new moon tonight.

2) . someone at the door.

3) . a lot of students absent today.

4) . three lamps in the room.

5) . two large windows in the room.

6) But . only one door.

7) . a lot of English classes in our school.

8) . nobody in the room now.

9) . no one at home.

10) . twelve months in a year.

11) . a letter for you on the table.

12) . several beautiful parks in this city.

18. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) There is a big parade today.

2) There are two lamps in the room.

3) There are ten new words in the lesson.

4) There are enough chairs for everyone.

5) There is a good restaurant near here.

6) There is a comfortable chair in each room.

7) There are many pictures on the walls of our room.

8) There are more than ten sentences in each exercise.

19. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Indefinite:

1) We (read) the newspaper in class every day.

2) He always (prepare) his homework carefully.

3) We always (play) tennis on Saturdays.

4) She (speak) several foreign languages.

5) The children (play) in the park every afternoon.

6) Helen (work) very hard.

7) They (take) a lot of trips together.

8) We always (travel) by car.

9) I (eat) lunch in the cafeteria every day.

20. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) He knows French perfectly.

2) I understand everything he says.

3) She makes mistakes in spelling.

4) They enjoy their English lessons.

5) They live in Kiev.

6) We use our books in class.

7) The plane leaves at ten o’clock.

8) She always comes to class late.

9) I always take the same bus to work.

21. Образуйте повелительное наклонение и его отрицательную форму. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) (Give) this to John. 2) (Open) the door. 3) (Close) the door.

4) (Telephone) him in the morning. 5) (Let) him talk with her. 6) (Turn) off the light. 7) (Leave) your hat on the chair. 8) (Lend) me a pencil. 9) (Help) him with his homework.

22. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в Past Indefinite:

1) Ann . absent from school yesterday.

2) The exercises in the last lesson . difficult.

3) She . in the same class as Nick last year.

4) We . tired after our long walk.

5) The weather yesterday . very warm.

6) There . a lot of students absent from class yesterday.

7) I . hungry after so many exercises.

8) I . busy all day yesterday.

9) We . good friends for many years.

23. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) We were pleased to receive your letter.

2) The door of the office was open.

3) The wind last night was very strong.

4) He and his brother were sick two days ago.

5) There were few passengers in the compartment.

6) There was a very interesting lecture last Monday.

7) There were two examinations last spring.

8) There was a large picture in her room.

24. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite:

1) We (work) in our garden all day yesterday.

2) I (listen) to the radio until twelve o’clock last night.

3) He always (want) to learn English.

4) Ann and I (talk) over the telephone yesterday.

5) They (live) in France for many years.

6) The meeting (last) about two hours.

7) I (wait) almost two hours for Helen yesterday.

8) She (study) in our class last semester.

9) We (watch) television until eleven o’clock last night.

25. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) They stayed in Moscow all summer. 2) She planned her work well. 3) The crowd waited a long time to see the famous actor. 4) He worked in that Institute for many years. 5) We arrived home late. 6) He entered this class in April. 7) Ann passed all her examinations. 8) The meeting lasted a long time. 9) They travelled there by train. 10) She decided to write a letter to her parents at home.

26. Образуйте Past Indefinite и Participle II от следующих глаголов. Проверьте себя по таблице неправильных глаголов*:

* ( Английский язык, I курс / Сост. А. П. Грызулина и др.- М., 1985. )

to build, to think, to go, to see, to give, to meet, to write, to read, to know, to take, to teach, to feel, to have, to come, to begin, to find, to get, to say, to tell, to put, to leave, to do, to sing, to lose, to stand.

27. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Indefinite. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) I (forget) to bring my notebook to class yesterday.

2) The telephone (ring) twice but no one answered it.

3) George (think) about his troubles continuously.

4) Last year Professor Johnes (teach) us both English and mathematics.

5) I (lose) my English book yesterday but (find) it later.

6) The Petrovs (take) their two children to the South with them.

7) He (tell) the whole story to us.

8) The meeting (begin) at ten o’clock yesterday.

9) They (go) to the park after the lesson.

28. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме, употребляя вопросительные слова, данные в скобках:

1) They sat in the first row. (In which row)

2) The performance lasted two hours. (How long)

3) He went to Leningrad to see some friends. (Why)

4) She put the mail on my desk. (Where)

5) He walked to school with Mary. (Whom with)

6) They spoke to us in French. (In what language)

7) He arrived home very late. (When)

29. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме, употребляя вопросительные слова who, what:

1) She wants to visit Moscow.

2) Speech is a kind of vibration.

3) Painting is an ancient art.

4) He collects the paintings of old masters.

5) Every substance is a kind of matter.

6) Metals are the best conductors of heat.

7) The Romans made portraits in stone.

8) Poor lighting makes a piece of sculpture look uninteresting.

9) We know little about early painters.

30. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в Future Indefinite:

1) She . our new teacher.

2) These exercises . very difficult for you.

3) They . glad to see their old friends.

4) There . many examinations next term.

5) There . a new club in our town next year.

6) We . very tired after the long walk.

7) I . happy to be here again.

8) We . interested in his progress.

31. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Indefinite:

1) Helen (find) the book which you need.

2) They (see) us tomorrow.

3) I (finish) the work in April.

4) The shops (close) at noon today.

5) We (arrive) at three o’clock.

6) She (tell) you all about it.

7) We (spend) two months in the South.

8) The plant (die) because of lack of sunshine.

9) The meeting (begin) at eight o’clock.

10) The film (last) an hour.

32. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) They will return in October.

2) These exercises will be easy for you.

3) He will be able to meet us later.

4) Our drama society will present a new play this year.

5) The lesson will be over at twelve o’clock.

6) There will be three new students in the class.

7) She will leave a message on the table for him.

8) They will write to us on Wednesday.

9) We shall take the children to the park.

33. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Continuous:

1) I see that you (wear) your new suit today.

2) Listen! Someone (knock) at the door.

3) The bus (stop) for us now.

4) Please, be quiet! The baby (sleep).

5) The leaves (begin) to fall from the trees.

6) John (have) lunch in the cafeteria now.

7) Listen! I think the telephone (ring).

8) Ann seems to be very busy. I guess she (prepare) her English lesson.

34. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) You are doing that exercise correctly.

2) He is looking for the book which he lost.

3) All the birds are flying south.

4) The sky is getting very dark.

5) They are laughing at what you said.

6) They are travelling in Europe at present.

7) Helen is taking dancing lessons at the country club.

8) Mr. Evans is writing a series of articles on the economic situation.

9) Ann is doing well in her studies at present.

35. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Past Continuous:

1) When you telephoned, I (have) dinner.

2) The baby (sleep) soundly when I went to wake him.

3) She (talk) with Mr. Smith when I saw her in the hall.

4) The accident happened while they (travel) in the South.

5) When I got up this morning, the sun (shine) brightly.

6) At seven o’clock, when you telephoned, I (read) the newspaper.

7) Mary (play) the piano when I arrived.

8) Helen fell just as she (get) off the bus.

9) The wind (blow) hard when I came to work this morning.

36. Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Continuous:

1) I (wait) on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning.

2) It probably (rain) when you get back.

3) If you come before six, I (work) in my garden.

4) At this time tomorrow afternoon I (take) my final English examination.

5) If we go there now, they (have) dinner. But if we go later, they (watch) television.

6) At this time next year he (study) at the university.

37. Замените в следующих предложениях действительный залог страдательным. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) The audience enjoyed the concert very much.

2) The little boy ate the cake.

3) The teacher corrects our exercises at home.

4) They started a dancing class last week.

5) Everybody will see this film soon.

6) The teacher returned our written work to us.

7) Mr. Smith will leave the tickets at the box-office.

8) The students translate texts during the lessons.

9) Mary took that book from the desk.

38. Замените в следующих предложениях страдательный залог действительным. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) The entire city was destroyed by the fire.

2) The lecture was attended by many people.

3) The book will be published in spring.

4) The class is taught by Mr. Smith.

5) It was designed by a French engineer.

6) This book is always read by the students of the first course.

7) The letter was left on the table.

8) The house was struck by lightning.

9) The cries of the child were heard by everyone.

39. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:

1) The first prize was won by John.

2) Our exercises are corrected each night by the teacher.

3) The mail is delivered at ten o’clock.

4) The construction of the bridge will be finished this year.

5) The contract will be signed tomorrow.

6) His report was listened to with great interest.

7) The film is much spoken about.

8) All the letters are looked through by the secretary.

9) All these books were published by this publishing house.

40. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на Participle I и Participle II:

1) Finished with his breakfast, he remained for some time at the table, looking through the newspapers. 2) Before solving the problem, they had to consult the expert. 3) The leaves touched by the morning sun began to come out. 4) The flowers standing in the vase were brought by the pupils. 5) Writing a letter I heard a knock at the door. 6) I like pictures painted by this artist. 7) When asked about it, she couldn’t give a definite answer. 8) Engineers working at big plants in our country are trained at our institute.

41. Заполните пропуски относительными местоимениями who, whom, which. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) The film . we saw last night was not good.

2) She is the girl . I saw at the party yesterday.

3) This is the kind of exercise . I like best.

4) Was it Helen . said that?

5) The book . I read last night was very interesting.

6) Is this the book . you lost?

7) The teacher with . I studied English last year no longer teaches in our school.

42. Заполните пропуски соответствующими артиклями. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) . man whom Mr. Smith telephoned this morning is here now. 2) . book which I am reading now belongs to John. 3) There … pencil on the desk. 4) She is . good teacher. 5) Is this book which you need? 6) I want to buy . new briefcase, good book is always a pleasure for me. 8) It is . good idea. 9) . picture painted by the student is beautiful.

43. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1) Не thanked me . my interest . the matter. 2) This book belongs . our teacher. 3) We all went . a walk . the park. 4) Nick usually sits . this desk. 5) I make many mistakes . spelling. 6) The man walked quickly . the room and sat down, 7) She spends a lot . time . her English. 8) We read . the accident . the newspaper this morning. 9) They told me . their trip . the North.

44. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов с помощью суффиксов -еr, -or, -merit, -ation, -ion. Переведите существительные на русский язык:

to introduce, to work, to develop, to collect, to visit, to write, to contribute, to educate, to wait, to settle, to approach, to complete, to create, to build.

45. Образуйте прилагательные от следующих существительных с помощью суффиксов -able, -ible, -al, -ic, -ful. Переведите прилагательные на русский язык:

respect, response, nation, science, wonder, pay, care, advice, skill, comfort.

46. Образуйте наречия от следующих прилагательных с помощью суффикса -lу. Переведите наречия на русский язык:

bad, quick, correct, sudden, loud, easy, free, especial, careful, secret.

Ключ к контрольно-тренировочным упражнениям

1. candy, that, flash, ran, sad;

him, it, is, thing, pink, trick;

drop, stop, shop, on, top;

bed, get, well, let, tent;

trunch, just, uncle, lunch, sun.

4. 1) stories, story; 2) families, family; 3) country, countries; 4) puppies, puppy; 5) babies, baby.

6. my friend’s letter; this writer’s stories; the institute’s library; my younger sister’s daughter; my sister’s younger daughter; this old building’s walls; this building’s old walls.

9. 1) younger; 2) the most beautiful; 3) fainter, fainter; 4) gay;

5) nearer; 6) latest; 7) later; 8) better; 9) best.

10. 1) his; 2) our; 3) your; 4) their; 5) his; 6) my; 7) her.

11. 1) them; 2) us; 3) we; 4) us; 5) me; 6) him; 7) him; 8) us; 9) me; 10) her.

12. 1) her; 2) their, ours; 3) your, mine; 4) our, mine; 5) their, ours;

6) your, hers; 7) their, ours.

13. 1) that; 2) these; 3) that; 4) this; 5) this; 6) these; 7) these;

14. 1) is; 2) are; 3) am; 4) is; 5) is; 6) is; 7) are; 8) is; 9) are.

15. 1) Are they in Europe now? They are not in Europe now.

2) Is she a clever girl? She is not a clever girl.

3) Is it cold today? It is not cold today.

4) Is he in his office? He is not in his office.

5) Are they members of the country club? They are not members of the country club.

6) Are both sisters tall? Neither of the sisters is tall.

7) Is John angry with you? John is not angry with you.

8) Is she a good tennis player? She is not a good tennis player.

9) Are the stamps in my desk? The stamps are not in my desk.

10) Is she a good teacher? She is not a good teacher.

11) Am I her cousin? I am not her cousin.

16. 1) has; 2) have; 3) have; 4) has; 5) has; 6) has; 7) has; 8) have; 9) have; 10) has; 11) have.

17. 1) there is; 2) there is; 3) there are; 4) there are; 5) there are;

6) there is; 7) there are; 8) there is; 9) there is; 10) there are; 11) there is; 12) there are.

19. 1) read; 2) prepares; 3) play; 4) speaks; 5) play; 6) works;

7) take; 8) travel; 9) eat.

22. 1) was; 2) were; 3) was; 4) were; 5) was; 6) were; 7) was; 8) was;

9) were. 24. 1) worked; 2) listened; 3) wanted; 4) talked; 5) lived; 6) lasted,

7) waited; 8) studied; 9) watched.

27. 1) forgot; 2) rang; 3) thought; 4) taught; 5) lost, found; 6) took;

7) told; 8) began; 9) went.

30. 1) will be; 2) will be; 3) will be; 4) will be; 5) will be; 6) shall be; 7) shall be; 8) shall be.

31. 1) will find; 2) will see; 3) shall finish; 4) will close; 5) shall arrive; 6) will tell; 7) shall spend; 8) will die; 9) will begin; 10) will last.

37. 1) was enjoyed; 2) was eaten; 3) are corrected; 4) was started;

5) will be seen; 6) was returned; 7) will be left; 8) are translated; 9) was taken.

38. 1) destroyed; 2) attended; 3) will publish; 4) teaches; 5) designed; 6) read; 7) left; 8) struck; 9) heard.

42. 1) the; 2) the; 3) a; 4) a; 5) the; 6) a; 7) a; 8) a; 9) the.

43. 1) for, in; 2) to; 3) for, in; 4) at; 5) in; 6) across; 7) of, on; 8) about, in; 9) about, to.

Пожалуйста , помогите))) 3.

Заполните пропуски глаголом to have в прошедшем времени + общий и спец.

Вопросы и отрицательно форма 1.

She .

One sister and two brothers.

2. We .

A large library at school.

3. They .

A new car.

4. Helen .

A headache.

5. The secretary .

A new typewriter.

6. Mr.

Smith’s office .

Three large windows.

7. We .

Many friends in Moscow.

8. Both brothers .

Red hair.

9. He and I .

Many things in common.

На этой странице находится ответ на вопрос Пожалуйста , помогите))) 3?, из категории
Английский язык, соответствующий программе для 10 — 11 классов. Чтобы посмотреть
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Употребите нужную форму притяжательных местоимений

Читайте также:

  1. Cызықты мұнай қабатының өңдеу мерзімі келесі нөмірлі формуламен анықталады 4) ; A) 4
  2. I Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Определите видо-временнную форму и залог сказуемого (см. образец).
  4. III. Употребите возвратные местоимения.
  5. III. Употребите возвратные местоимения.
  6. V. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.

Would you like to see some of her (her, hers) poems?

(Their, theirs) Their knowledge of the subject is not much superior to ours (our, ours).

You take care of your (your, yours) things and I’ll take care of mine (my, mine).

All our (our, ours) clothes were dirty, and mine (my, mine) especially so.

(Their, theirs) Their boat was faster than ours (our, ours).

I’m afraid they will take your (your, yours) words against hers (her, hers).

(Their, theirs) Their home is pretty but ours (our, ours) is prettier.

8. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопросы) и отрицательной формах:

1. They are in Europe now. – Are they in Europe now? Where are they now? They aren’t in Europe now/

2. She is a clever girl. – Is she a clever girl? Who is a clever girl? She isn’t a clever girl.

3. It is cold today. – Is it cold today? What is the weather like today? It isn’t cold today.

4. He is in his office – Is he in his office? Who is in his office? He isn’t in his office.

5. They are members of the country club. – Are they members of the country club? What they are members of? They aren’t members of the country club.

6. Both sisters are tall. – Are both sisters tall? Who is tall? Both sisters aren’t tall.

7. John is angry with you. – Is John angry with you? Whom is John angry with? John isn’t angry with you.

8. She is a good tennis player. – Is she a good tennis player? Who is a good tennis player? She isn’t a good tennis player.

9. The stamps are in my desk. – Are the stamps in my desk? Where are the stamps? The stamps aren’t in my desk.

10. She is a good teacher. – Is she a good teacher? Who is a good teacher? She isn’t a good teacher.

11. I am her cousin. – Am I her cousin? Who is her cousin? I am not her cousin.

9. Заполните пропуски глаголом to have, употребляя соответствующую форму настоящего, прошедшего времени. Напишите предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопрос) и отрицательной формах:

1. She has one sister and two brothers. – Does she have one sister and two brothers? How many sisters and brothers does she have? She hasn’t one sister and two brothers.

She had one sister and two brothers. – Did she have one sister and two brothers? How many sisters and brothers did she have? She hadn’t one sister and two brothers.

2. We have a large library at school. – Do we have a large library at school? What do we have? We haven’t a large library at school.

We had a large library at school. – Did we have a large library at school? What did we have? We hadn’t a large library at school.

3. They have a new car. – Do they have a new car? What do they have? They haven’t a new car.

They had a new car. – Did they have a new car? What did they have? They hadn’t a new car.

4. She has green eyes. – Does she have green eyes? What eyes does she have? She hasn’t green eyes.

She had green eyes. – Did she have green eyes? What eyes did she have? She hadn’t green eyes.

5. Helen has a headache. – Does Helen have a headache? Who has a headache? Helen hasn’t a headache.

Helen had a headache. – Did Helen have a headache? Who had a headache? Helen hadn’t a headache.

6. The secretary has a new typewriter. – Does the secretary have a new typewriter? What does the secretary have? The secretary hasn’t a new typewriter.

The secretary had a new typewriter. – Did the secretary have a new typewriter? What did the secretary have? The secretary hadn’t a new typewriter.

7. Mr. Smith’s office has three large windows. – Has Mr. Smith’s office three large windows? How many windows has Mr. Smith’s office? Mr. Smith’s office hasn’t three large windows.

Mr. Smith’s office had three large windows. – Had Mr. Smith’s office three large windows. How many windows had Mr. Smith’s office? Mr. Smith’s office hadn’t three large windows.

8. We have many friends in Moscow. – Have we many friends in Moscow? Where have we many friends? We haven’t many friends in Moscow.

We had many friends in Moscow. – Had we many friends in Moscow? Where had we many friends? We hadn’t many friends in Moscow.

9. Both brothers have red hair. – Have both brothers red hair? What hair have both brothers? Both brothers haven’t red hair.

Both brothers had red hair. – Had both brothers red hair? What hair had both brothers? Both brothers hadn’t red hair.

10. Harry’s dog has a long tail. – Has Harry’s dog a long tail? What tail has Harry’s dog? Harry’s dog hasn’t a long tail.

Harry’s dog had a long tail. – Had Harry’s dog a long tail? What tail had Harry’s dog? Harry’s dog hadn’t a long tail.

11. He and I have many things in common. – Have he and I many things in common? Who has many things in common? He and I haven’t many things in common.

He and I had many things in common. – Had he and I many things in common? Who had many things in common? He and I hadn’t many things in common.

10. Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопрос) и отрицательной формах:

1. We were pleased to receive your letter. – Were we pleased to receive your letter? Who was pleased to receive your letter? We weren’t pleased to receive your letter.

2. The door of the office was open. – Was the door of the office open? What was open? The door of the office wasn’t open.

3. The wind last night was very strong. – Was the wind last night very strong? When was the wind very strong? The wind last night wasn’t very strong.

4. He and his brother were sick two days ago. – Were he and his brother sick two days ago? When were he and his brother sick? He and his brother weren’t sick two days ago.

5. There were few passengers in the compartment. – Were there few passengers in the compartment? Where were there few passengers? There weren’t few passengers in the compartment.

6. There was a very interesting lecture last Monday. – Was there a very interesting lecture last Monday? When was a very interesting lecture? There wasn’t a very interesting lecture last Monday.

7. There were two examinations last spring. – Were there two examinations last spring? When were there two examinations? There weren’t two examinations last spring.

8. There was a large picture in her room. – Was there a large picture in her room? What picture was there in her room? There wasn’t a large picture in her room.

11. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be, употребляя соответствующую форму будущего времени. Напишите предложения в вопросительной (общий и специальный вопрос) и отрицательной формах:

She will be our new teacher. – Will she be our new teacher? Who will be our new teacher? She won’t be our new teacher.

These exercises will bevery difficult for you. – Will these exercises bevery difficult for you? What will be very difficult for you? These exercises will not bevery difficult for you.

They will be glad to see their old friends. – Will they be glad to see their old friends? Who will be glad to see their old friends? They will not be glad to see their old friends.

There will be many examinations next term. – Will there be many examinations next term? When will be many examinations? There will not be many examinations next term.

There will be a new club in our town next year. – Will there be a new club in our town next year? Where will be a new club next year? There will not be a new club in our town next year.

We shall be very tired after the long walk. – Shall we be very tired after the long walk? When shall we be very tired? We shall not be very tired after the long walk.

I shall be happy to be here again. – Shall I be happy to be here again? Why shall I be happy? I shall not be happy to be here again.

We shall be interested in his progress. – Shall we be interested in his progress? What shall we be interested in? We shall not be interested in his progress.

12. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные:

1. There are two reference books on the shelf. – Are there two reference books on the shelf? There aren’t two reference books on the shelf.

2. There is a lot of discussion about language learning now. – Is there a lot of discussion about language learning now? There isn’t a lot of discussion about language learning now.

3. There is a set of grammar exercises in this text book. – Is there a set of grammar exercises in this text book? There isn’t a set of grammar exercises in this text book.

4. There are some courses for beginners at the University. – Are there any courses for beginners at the University? There aren’t any courses for beginners at the University.

5. There are some booklets here. – Are there any booklets here? There aren’t any booklets here.

6. There is some sense in what he proposes. – Is there any sense in what he proposes? There is not any sense in what he proposes.

13. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. На столе (лежат) книги и тетради. – There are books and exercise books on the table.

2. В этой книге несколько интересных рассказов. – There are some interesting stories in this book.

3. Есть люди, которые знают более 10 иностранных языков. – There are people who know more than 10 foreign languages.

4. В учебном году два семестра. – There are two terms in an academic year.

5. В аудитории нет студентов. – There is no student in the room.

6. В его работе несколько ошибок. – There are some mistakes in his work.

7. В этой книге есть иллюстрации? – Are there any pictures in this book?

14. Раскройте скобки, используя необходимую по смыслу форму глаголов to be и to have:

1. My friend is (to be) at home now.

2. We have (to have) English classes twice a week.

3. Wealth is (to be) nothing, happiness is (to be) all.

4. She is (to be) an economist.

5. A good teacher has (to have) some of the gifts of a good actor.

6. Nothing is (to be)so rare as complete honesty.

7. A triangle has (to have) three sides and three angles.

8. Education is (to be) not just learning facts.

9. Everything children study at school has (to have) some practical use in their daily life.

10. School is (to be) an institution for educating children.

11. This book is (to be) interesting.

12. John has got (to have got) a problem.

15. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу глаголы to be или to haveв нужной форме:

Mr. Brown’s father is (to be) an old man. His hair is (to be) grey but he is (to be) still in good health. His house is (to be) in the same street as Mr. Brown’s. When he was (to be) a young man he had (to have) a house in London. He was (to be) a doctor at a large hospital in London, and his wife was (to be) a typist at a factory. Now they are (to be) both on pension. Last year they were (to be) in France and had (to have) a very pleasant holiday.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 1475 | Нарушение авторских прав — 2015-2023 год. (0.032 сек.)

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