Narrow windows helped to defend the castle

1. I don't understand why dad left us and what he was thinking in ___________________ moments. a) this b) that c) these d) those+ 2. I think I buy ___________________ shoes I tried on before, these ones are too ordinary. a) this b) that c) these d) those+ 3. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании:

1. I don’t understand why dad left us and what he was thinking in ___________________ moments.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

2. I think I buy ___________________ shoes I tried on before, these ones are too ordinary.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

3. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ blouse
а) this+
b) these

4. I will make sure ___________________ you have everything you need.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

5. Who were ___________________ two people who left your house in the morning?
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

6. Wow, you look amazing, ___________________ dress really suits you.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

7. Where did you spend all ___________________ years?
a) this
b) that
c) these+
d) those

8. What shall I do, this hat is too expensive and ___________________ one is too big.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

9. ___________________ narrow windows helped to defend the castle.
a) This
b) That
c) These+
d) Those

10. I have teddy-bears from all over the world. ___________________ one in my hands is from Russia.
a) This+
b) That
c) These
d) Those

11. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ shorts
а) this
b) these +

12. My grandmother still remembers her youth and everything that happened in ___________________ times.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

13. I’ve been in Africa but it was to hard to work under ___________________ weather conditions.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

14. ___________________ problems we had 3 years ago are nothing in comparison with this problem.
a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those+

15. The only things that interested me back then were ___________________ connected with fun.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

16. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ dress
а) this+
b) these

17. We had a very strong basketball team last year, we won 15 matches in ___________________ season.
a) this
b) that+
c) these
d) those

18. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ trainers
а) this
b) these +

19. Какое местоимение пропущено в данном словосочетании: ___________ hat
а) this+
b) these

20. Hey Liana, where are you going to spend your vacation ___________________ year?
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

21. Who is _______ ?
а) this+
b) these

22. Is _______ family big?
а) this+
b) these

23. Chimera (or ghost fish): _______ species is found in coastal waters around the Pacific Ocean.
a) this+
b) that
c) these
d) those

24. We are going to see a new performance in the theater. ___________________ is an adaptation of Somerset Maugham`s novel.
a) This+
b) That
c) These
d) Those

25. What colour are _______ balls?
а) that
b) those+

26. Roads, crime and poverty — ___________________ problems are relevant for any city.
a) this
b) that
c) these+
d) those

27. I liked Madrid, I still remember ___________________ narrow streets where I got lost one time.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

28. _______ boy is my brother.
а) that+
b) those

29. Where is _______ swimmer from?
а) this+
b) these

30. I remember how I crashed my wife’s car last year. We were close to a divorce in ___________________ days.
a) this
b) that
c) these
d) those+

Порядковое числительное

Ø Перед порядковым числительным обычно ставится определенный артикль the. Точнее, существительное, определяемое порядковым числительным, употребляется с определенным артиклем. И артикль сохраняется перед числительным и тогда, когда существительное не упомянуто:

one — the first один — первый
five — the fifth пять — пятый
twenty — the twentieth двадцать — двадцатый
seventy-five — the seventy-fifth семьдесят пять — семьдесят пятый

Ø Порядковые числительные, за исключением первых трех: firstпервый, second[второй и thirdтретий, образуются от соответствующих количественных числительных прибавлением суффикса -th.

four — the fourth четвертый
ten — the tenth десятый
thirteen — the thirteenth тринадцатый

При этом: в числительных five и twelve буквы ve меняются на f — fifth, twelfth; к eight прибавляется только буква h — eighth; в числительном nine опускается буква e — ninth; в числительных, обозначающих десятки, конечная y меняется на ie — twentieth, fortieth.

Ø При образовании порядковых числительных от составных количественных суффикс -th прибавляется (изменению подвергается) только к последнему компоненту (как и в русском языке):

twenty-one — the twenty-firstдвадцать первый

seven hundred and thirty-four — the seven hundred and thirty-fourthсемьсот тридцать четвертый

Ø При записи порядковых числительных цифрами к ним добавляется две последние буквы от ненаписанного слова:

1st = 1st = first первый
2nd = 2nd = second второй
3d = 3d = third третий
4th = 4th = fourth четвертый
31st = 31st = thirty-first тридцать первый
52nd = 52nd = fifty-second пятьдесят второй

Числительное в предложении

В предложении числительное может быть подлежащим, дополнением, определением и именной частью составного сказуемого.

Ø Подлежащее:

Three were absent from the lesson. Трое отсутствовали на уроке.

Ø Дополнение:

«How many books did you take from the library? — I took three.» Сколько книг вы взяли в библиотеке? — Я взял три.

Ø Определение. Существительное, имеющее при себе определение, выраженное порядковым числительным, употребляется с определенным артиклем:

The second lesson begins at 10 o’clock. Второй урок начинается в десять часов.

Ø Именная часть составного сказуемого:

Two times two is four. Дважды два — четыре.

Числительное в осетинском языке

Осетинские числительные делятся на четыре основных разряда: ко­личественные, порядковые, дистрибутивные (разделительные) и дробные. (T.T. Камболов – 341)

В зависимости от значения числительное в осетинском языке имеет следующие разряды:

1) количественные числительные (дыууæ «два»,
фондз «пять», дæс «десять», дыууын «двадцать», дыууын фондз
двадцать пять»).

Имена числительные количественные, в свою очередь, разделяются на определенно-количественные и неопределенно-количественные.

Определенно-количественные числительные обозначают количество, которое состоит из определенного числа единиц, например: æртæ «три», цыппар «четыре», дæс «десять», сæдæ «сто» и т. д.

Неопределенно-количественные числительные обозначают количество, состоящее из неопределенного числа единиц, например, бирæ «много», чысыл, гыццыл, мæнкъи «немного», иуцалдæр, иуцасдæр, иукъорд «несколько» и т. д.

2) порядковые числительные (дыккаг «второй», æртыкаг
«третий», дæсæм «десятый», дыууынæм «двадцатый», дыуын фæндзæм «двадцать пятый»); порядковые числительные дыккаг (дыккæгæм, дыккæгæймаг) «второй» и æртыккаг (æртыккæгæм, æртыккæгæймаг) «третий» образованы от соответствующих количественных числительных при помощи суффикса -аг.

Все остальные порядковые числительные образуются от соответствующих количественных числительных при помощи суффикса — æм или — æймаг.

3)дробные числительные (дыууæ æртыккæгзем хайы «две третьих», фондз æстæмы «пять восьмых», дæс фынддæсæы «десять пятнадцатых»); дробные числительные являются разновидностью количественных числительных, ими обозначается часть целого числа.

4)разделительные(дистрибутивные) числительные (дыгай «по два», фæндзгай «по пять», фынддæсгай «по пятнадцать»).

Порядковые, дробные, разделительные числительные являются производными от количественных числительных.

По своему морфологическому составу имена числительные в осетинском языке могут быть простыми, сложными и составными.

К простым числительным относятся: иу «один», дыууæ «два», æртæ «три», цыппар «четыре», фондз «пять», æхсæз «шесть», авд «семь», аст, «восемь», дæс «десять», ссæдз «двадцать», æртын «тридцать», цыппор «сорок», фæндзай «пятьдесят», æхсай «шестьдесят», æвдай «семьдесят», æстай «восемьдесят», нæуæдз «девяносто», сæдæ «сто», мин, или старое æрзæ (æрдзæ) «тысяча».

Свыше двадцати в осетинском языке две системы счета: десятичный и двадцатичный.

Все простые числительные осетинского языка (кроме мин «тысяча») восходят к древнеиранским прототипам и большинство из них имеет соответствия в других иранских языках.

Сложные числительные состоят минимально из двух слов (корней или основ), но могут состоять и из трех слов (корней или основ) с некоторыми фонетическими изменениями и пишутся слитно. Сложное количественное числительное фараст состоит из двух частей фар (фал)+аст (буквально «за восьмью»). Сложное числительное иуæндæс состоит из двух частей и образовано из иуæн (дательный падеж от иу) и дæс, что буквально означает «одному десять».

К составным числительным относятся: иу æмæ ссæдз «двадцать один», æхсай дыууæ или дыууæ æмæ æртиссæдзы «шестьдесят два»; сæдæ фæндзай æртæ или æртындæс æмæ авдыссæдзы «сто пятьдесят три» и т.д.

К составным числительным также относятся дробные числительные. Например: иу æмæ æрдæг «полтора» (буквально «один и половина»), фондз æмæ цыппæрæм хай «пять и четвертая часть» и т. д.

Составные числительные состоят из нескольких 2-х, 3-х, 4-х и т. д.) слов и пишутся всегда раздельно.



Тест «Word Order»

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

1. It was 9 o’clock in the evening, but … .

a. Stella yet was not at home;

b. Stella was yet not at home;

c. Stella was not at home yet.

2. Could you tell me … to the railway station?

a. how I can get;

b. how can I get;

c. I how can get.

3. It’s getting late. Are … in the park

a. still the children playing;

b. the children still playing;

c. the children playing still.

I wonder if … at the computer the entire day.

a. if Steve is going to work;

b. if is Steve going to work;

c. if to work Steve is going.

5. Don’t put all these things in your bag; … .

a. it is not enough big;

b. it is big not enough;

c. it is not big enough.

6. You really shouldn’t go … .

a. to bed such late;

b. so late to bed;

c. to bed so late.

There … on TV. In fact there are less of them nowadays.

a. are not enough good films;

b. good films are not enough;

c. not enough are good films.

8. … riding Anna’s bicycle in the forest?

a. Who did Nick see;

b. Who Nick saw;

c. Who saw Nick.

Dana has such a pretty face and … .

a. is her hair so long and beautiful;

b. her hair so long and beautiful is;

c. her hair is so long and beautiful.

10. Nancy … when she learnt about her mother’s illness.

a. was awfully upset;

b. awfully was upset;

c. was upset awfully.

Look at your watch and tell me what … .

a. time it is;

b. time is it;

c. time it be.

12. I … a very long vacation, I can’t afford it.

a. usually don’t take;

b. don’t usually take;

c. don’t take usually.

It took Felix … to repair his car.

a. so much time;

b. such much time;

c. much so time.

14. … on the shelf over there?

a. I shall put your books;

b. Shall I put your books;

c. Shall I your books put.

15. Let’s go to another restaurant; … here.

a. there are too few vacant tables;

b. are there too few vacant tables;

c. there are few vacant tables too.


I. Поставьте выделенные существительные в форму единственного числа. Если необходимо, измените предложения.

1. Copies of the contract were sent to London.

2. The last leaves fell from the trees.

3. The women standing by the window are our secretaries.

4. These shoes are too large for my feet.

5. “Are these workers Englishmen or Germans?” “They are Frenchmen”.

6. The mice were caught.

7. What are the children’s names?

8. The roofs of the houses were covered with snow.

9. Potatoes are vegetables and cherries are fruit.

10. These factories produce furniture.

12. The wives of the sailors came to the shore.

13. I have hurt my feet and hands.

14. In the farmyard we could see oxen, sheep, cows and geese.

15. Do your teeth still ache?

16. These are my friends’ studies.

17. He keeps his toys in the boxes.

18. These ladies are those gentlemen’s wives.

19. The children are sitting on the benches.

II. Поставьте выделенные курсивом существительные в форму множественного числа. Если необходимо, измените предложения.

1. This factory produces furniture.

2. The wifeof the sailor came to the shore.

3. I have hurt my foot and hand.

4. In the farmyard we could see an ox, a sheep, a cow, and a goose.

5. Does your tooth still ache?

6. This is my friend’s study.

7. He keeps his toy in the box.

8. This lady is that gentleman’s wife.

9. The child is sitting on the bench.

Pronoun/ Местоимение

Тест «Pronouns (personal and possessive)»

I. К каждому предложению даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

Gina gave … the wrong phone number just for fun.

a. he;

b. him;

c. his.

2. Are these … coats?

a. yours;

b. your;

c. you.

3. Willy is wearing a cap that isn’t … .

a. he;

b. him;

c. his.

I like that camera. I am going to buy … .

a. she;

b. it;

c. its.

John is a friend of … .

a. my;

b. mine;

c. me.

Wait a minute. I want to have a talk with … .

a. yours;

b. your;

c. you.

7. They’ve got two children, but I don’t know … names.

a. they;

b. them;

c. their.

8. Will you give me his telephone number? I don’t know … .

a. him;

b. its;

c. it.

9. Is this camera … ?

a. yours;

b. your;

c. you.

I want … to help Lionel with his homework.

a. yours;

b. your;

c. you.

These are our photos and those are … .

a. their;

b. they;

c. theirs.

Mary and Jim visit … parents very often.

a. their;

b. they;

c. theirs.

13. They invited … to their party. Did they invite you?

a. us;

b. our;

c. ours.

It is … problem, not ours.

a. their;

b. they;

c. theirs.

Remember … to your mother.

a. my;

b. mine;

c. me.

II. К каждому предложению даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

1. Mr. Brown doesn’t have a secretary to type his letters; he does it … .

a. heself;

b. himself;

c. hisself.

2. I felt sorry for … because I didn’t get that job.

a. me;

b. myself;

c. by myself .

The police say that the man shot … with a gun.

a. herself;

b. himself;

c. hisself.

4. Good-bye Charles and Nora! Have a nice holiday and look after … .

a. youself;

b. yourselves;

c. yourself.

5. Please help … to some cakes, children!

a. youself;

b. yourselves;

c. yourself.

Kevin was speaking … when I entered the room.

a. himself;

b. to himself;

c. by himself.

7. Silvia couldn’t get into the house; she had locked … out.

a. herself;

b. by herself;

c. it.

The cat was looking at … in the mirror.

a. himself;

b. itself;

c. herself.

9. Are you … better today?

a. feeling yourself;

b. feeling yourselves;

c. feeling.

10. Be careful! The knife is very sharp. You may cut … .

a. youself;

b. yourselves;

c. yourself.

11. Don’t worry about us; we can look after … .

a. by ourselves;

b. ourself;

c. ourselves.

12. Look here Sam! I am not going to clean your room. Why don’t you do it …?

a. youself;

b. yourselves;

c. yourself.

When I saw Jim, he was standing in the corner … .

a. herself;

b. himself;

c. by himself.

14. Mike didn’t need my help; he finished the work … .

a. by himself;

b. hisself;

c. himself.

Paul had a wash and dried … with a towel.

a. herself;

b. himself;

c. hisself.

III. Заполните пропуски личными или возвратными местоимениями.

1 . He is quite right, I agree with … completely.

2 . I looked at … in the mirror and left the house in a very good mood.

3 . “Who is it?” “It’s …, may I come in?”

4 . Mr. Lloyds is very fat … weighs over a hundred kilos?

5 . … introduced his wife to the quests.

6 . Where shall … meet, Bob?

7 . James took the book and opened ….

8 . We don’t dress … for dinner here.

9 . I taught … to play the quitar.

IV. Закончите предложения, используя притяжательные местоимения (my, your, his, her, our, their).

1 . I left … car in the garage.

2 . Mary hung … coat on the peg.

3 . Jack had … hair cut.

4 . Neil and David ate … supper.

5 . I hope you enjoy … holiday.

6 . We’ll invite you round to … house some time.

7 . You must make up … own mind.

8 . The children had to cook … own supper.

9 . Bill borrowed Jenny’s car … own can was being repaired.

10 . I’ll bring … own sheets and towels.

11 . Every dog had … own special basket to sleep in.

12 . You should do … own washing up.

Тест «This, these, that, those»

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

1. … month we’re starting a new project which will increase our income by 30%.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

2. I’ve been in Alaska but it was to hard to work under … weather conditions.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

Narrow windows helped to defend the castle.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these.

4. Hey Melissa, where are you going to spend your vacation … year?

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

Avoid watering your cactus too much, … may kill it.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

I have teddy-bears from all over the world. … one in my hands is from Australia.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

7. … year’s Oktoberfest starts on the 18th of September.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

Dear Ann, when you read … letter I will be already far away.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

9. Who were … two women who left your house in the morning?

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

The First Amendment was signed in 1791. … law guarantees civic rights for all American citizens.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

Building on the opposite side of the street looks strangely familiar to me.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

12. We are going to see a new performance in the theater. … is an adaptation of Samuel Richardson’s novel.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

Problems we had 4 years ago are nothing in comparison with this crisis.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

Periodic table of chemical elements divides them into several classes. Elements in … classes have similar properties.

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

15. As long as you are live in … house you must do as I say!

a. this;

b. that;

c. these;

d. those.

Tест «Some or any»

I. К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

1. I haven’t got … money.

a. some;

b. any.

2. I can do it myself. I don’t need … help.

a. some;

b. any.

3. Do you have … good videos?

a. some;

b. any.

I have … money.

a. some;

b. any.

Paul took … books with him on holiday.

a. some;

b. any.

6. Do you have … children?

a. some;

b. any.

7. Could I have … coffee, please?

a. some;

b. any.

8. Sorry, we don’t have … rooms available.

a. some;

b. any.

9. Would you like … coffee?

a. some;

b. any.

10. Bob and Mary don’t have … children.

a. some;

b. any.

II. Поставьте “some”, “any” или “no”.

1. He does his homework without … difficulty.

2. This yeas all the apples are red, we are going out this morning to pick …

3. I’d like … water, please.

4. There weren’t … tomatoes left.

5. I won’t go with you. I have … free time.

6. There aren’t … students at the moment.

7. Sorry, I have … matches.

8. Do you have … money?

9. The box was empty. There was … apples in it.

10. Pour me … milk, please.

Тест «Something, everything, nothing, nobody»

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

1. I am very busy now, but I can have some time at seven o’clock. I have … to do after office hours.

a. something;

b. anything;

c. nothing.

Kevin never uses his car. He rides his bike … .

a. somewhere;

b. everywhere;

c. nowhere.

3. Let’s not go … in the evening. Let’s stay at home.

a. somewhere;

b. anywhere;

c. nowhere.

4. Ann said … but I didn’t understand her.

a. something;

b. anything;

c. nothing.

There is … to go and nothing to do in this town.

a. somewhere;

b. anywhere;

c. nowhere.

6. I can’t find my pencils. I always put them somewhere and then look for them … .

a. somewhere;

b. everywhere;

c. nowhere.

7. I don’t want … to help me. I can very well do it myself.

a. somebody;

b. anybody;

c. nobody.

Jerry is living in Canada now … near Vancouver.

a. somewhere;

b. anywhere;

c. nowhere.

9. Do you know … in London? – Yes, a few people.

a. somebody;

b. anybody;

c. nobody.

10. Let’s have dinner. … is hungry.

a. everybody;

b. somebody;

c. anybody.

11. Kelly hasn’t got … to write on.

a. something;

b. anything;

c. nothing.

12. Do you want to go … in the evening? – Oh, no. I prefer to stay at home. I want to watch TV. There is a new show tonight.

a. somewhere;

b. everywhere;

c. nowhere.

I like the people here. … is so nice.

a. everything;

b. everybody;

c. somebody.

14. Is there … in the room who knows the answer?

a. somebody;

b. anybody;

c. nobody.

15. Can I take one of your books? – Of course. Take … you like.

a. something;

b. anything;

c. nothing.


Тест «Degrees of Comparison»

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

1. Their children are not well-behaved. Actually they are … children I’ve ever seen.

a. badly-behaved;

b. worse-behaved;

c. the worst-behaved.

I am sure a trolleybus is … a metro.

a. as convenient as;

b. not as convenient as;

c. more convenient as.

3. Ben doesn’t work very hard; Bill works … .

a. the hardest;

b. more harder;

c. harder.

4. We are going to be late for the concert. Can you walk … ?

a. a lot faster;

b. a bit faster;

c. the fastest.

5. They’ve got … money than they need.

a. less;

b. the least;

c. little.

I have known Liz for years. She is … than her sister Jane.

a. far more serious;

b. a bit serious;

c. not so serious.

7. Let’s not go by train. Going by bus is … .

a. cheap;

b. the most cheap;

c. a lot cheaper.

8. This building is very high. Actually it’s … building in the town.

a. more higher;

b. the highest;

c. higher.

Philip is so quiet and obedient He is … child I have ever met.

a. well-behaved;

b. the best-behaved;

c. better-behaved.

10. Are you any good at tennis? I am … tennis player in the world.

a. the worst;

b. worse;

c. bad.

Richard got … good marks than Fred in the examinations.

a. less;

b. fewer;

c. few.

The … said the soonest mended.

a. least;

b. less;

c. last.

There are not so many hot days this July. In fact there are … of them this summer.

a. the least;

b. less;

c. fewer.

14. I didn’t like the book; it rather dull. The film is … .

a. as interesting;

b. more interesting;

c. the most interesting.

I want you to read … passage of the text.

a. the next;

b. the nearest;

c. next.

Тест «Little, a little, few, a few»

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

Though it is raining … many people are carrying umbrellas.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

Sara knows French … ; but she can speak Italian fairly well.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

According to the weather forecast there will be only … sunny days in April.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

4. Mike had … nails, that was why he couldn’t make a shelf.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

There were many clouds in the sky. The day was … dull but quite warm.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

There are only … English books in our library.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

Alec was very secretive; … of his friends knew about his problems.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

8. Can you walk … faster? We are going to be late for the concert.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

The tea is not sweet; there are … lumps of sugar in it.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

Liz is a nice girl but she is … lazy.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

11. Hurry up! We can miss our train; … time is left before the departure.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

12. He has … knowledge of the subject; you’d better ask somebody else.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

The task was difficult and I had … hope for my success.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

Every day he writes … letters and goes to the post-office to mail them.

a. little;

b. a little;

c. few;

d. a few.

15. I am sorry I can’t buy this dress; I have … money left.

a. little

b. a little

c. few

d. a few

ТестTo be”

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным

1. I can’t find my spectacles. Where … they?

a. is;

b. are;

c. am;

d. was;

e. aren’t.

His advice … forgotten.

a. was;

b. were;

c. am not.

Good news … always welcome.

a. is;

b. are;

c. was;

d. were.

There … not much furniture in this room.

a. is;

b. are;

c. am.

5. Where … the money? I put it into the drawer.

a. are;

b. is;

c. were.

Sheep … grass-eating animals.

a. is;

b. are;

c. am;

d. were.

Mathematics … his favorite subject.

a. are;

b. was;

c. were.

8. The girl’s hair … golden-brown.

a. were;

b. is;

c. am.

Women … always right.

a. are;

b. is;

c. was;

d. am.

10. My teeth … not white, I’m afraid.

a. are;

b. is;

c. was;

d. were.

Ten sheep … grazing in the field.

a. is;

b. was;

c. were.

The watch … made of gold.

a. are;

b. is;

c. were;

d. am.

Neither Ann nor Brett … interested.

a. is;

b. was;

c. were.

The coach, together with all his assistants, … released.

a. were;

b. was;

c. is;

d. am.

Jessica is one of those girls who … very clever.

a. are;

b. is;

c. were;

d. am.

His coat and hat … missing.

a. was;

b. were;

c. is;

d. am.

Volumes I and III of the encyclopedia … missing.

a. was;

b. am;

c. are.

A cool drink and the shade … all I need.

a. was;

b. were.

There … two strangers I mentioned before.

a. is;

b. was;

c. were.

22. Where in the world … my hat and gloves?

a. are;

b. is.

Everyone in the rooms … provided with a radio.

a. was;

b. were;

c. am.

The girl, as well her two friends, … arrested by the police officer.

a. was;

b. were;

c. am.

Тест «Вопросительныеслова»

I. Выберите вопросительное слово

A) What B) What’s

1._____ he doing?

2._____ are his hobbies?

3._____ your phone number?

4._____ do you think of this dress?

5._____ in the newspaper today?

6._____ does Jane’s sister look like?

7._____ the little boy playing with?

8._____ the weather like today?

9._____ silver used for?

10.____ the man in the boat doing?

II. Выберите вопросительное слово к выделенным частям предложения

A) Who B) How C) What

D) Where E) When F) Why

1. Jack phoned Ann.

2. Janetlikes spaghetti very much.

3. We can start work on Monday.

4.The last exercisewas the easiest.

5. Jane met her friends at a party.

6.She doesn’t want to dance with you.

7. He’s worried about the test.

8.We have seen this film threetimes.

9. My friend’s family has got a flat on the sixth floor.

10. It isn’t cold in England in the winter.

11.We are going to the cinematonight.

12. Jack was upset because he wasn’t invited to the party.

13. I’d like to listen to the radio.

14.We went on an excursion by bus.

15. I borrowed money from my friends.

Which question word is suitable? Fill in the blanks below.

III. Выберите нужное вопросительное слово

A) Why В) What С) How D) Where

1.______ are you thinking about?

2.______ is the nearest telephone?

3.______ are you doing now?

4.______ don’t you wear this sweater?

5.______ do they get to school?

6.______ does your father go on Mondays?

7.______ didn’t you come to school yesterday?

8.______ is she wearing?

9.______ do you think of Mike?

10._____ often does he go running?

11._____ time do you get back?

12._____ don’t we go shopping this afternoon?

13._____ much are these trousers?

14._____ tall is he?

15._____ was the party last night?

16._____ many people live there?

17._____ are they from?

18._____ far is your school from our house?

19._____ don’t we have a game together some time?

20._____ exams have you passed?

Тест «Present Simple Questions — Do / Does»

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

1. Where … Susanne live?

a. do;

b. does.

2. … he have a car?

a. do;

b. does.

3. … London have many museums?

a. do;

b. does.

4. … they work here?

a. do;

b. does.

5. … Peter live in London?

a. do;

b. does.

6. … we have to go to the party?

a. do;

b. does.

7. What time … this class finish?

a. do;

b. does.

8. … they live in london?

a. do;

b. does.

9. Where … you live?

a. do;

b. does.

10. … hearing bad news make you depressed?

a. do;

b. does.

Тест 1.Basic English Grammar”

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным

The pencils and paper … on your desk. be;
b. is;
c. are;
d. be.

2. … do you like to do on the weekends?
a. How;
b. What;
c. Who;
d. Where.

3. My sister is … home today.;
b. in;
c. the;
d. on.

4. … am an engineer.

a. You;
b. He;
c. We
d. I.

5. The bathroom is … to the front door.
a. next;
b. far;
c. opposite;
d. away.

6. He always works … hard.
a. much;
b. very;
c. quietly.

7. Do you … time to go to the store for me?
a. like;
b. go;
c. have;
d. give.

8. She is … athlete.
a. good;
b. well;
c. a;
d. an.

9. There are 12 … in a year.
a. days;
b. weeks;
c. months;
d. hours.

10. Driving to work in a car is much … than riding a bicycle.
b. fast;
c. fastest;
d. more faster.

11. Are there … oranges left on the table?
a. any;
b. a;
c. much;
d. an.

12. She is … attractive woman.
a. an;
b. some;
c. the;
d. a.

13. What … she like? Does she like movies? Or does she prefer reading?
a. is;
b. do;
c. are;
d. has.

14. Mary came home … again last night.
a. after;
b. late;
c. behind;
d. latest.

15. I … a new computer last week.
a. bought;
b. will buy;
c. buy;
d. have bought.

16. I … to bed at 10 pm everyday.
a. does;
b. goes;
c. go;
d. to go.

17. … you have enough money to go to the movies?
a. Much;
b. Some;
c. Does;
d. Do.

18. Jack is a really funny guy. I like … a lot!
a. him;
b. his;
c. her;
d. it.

19. I like … movies.
a. watch;
b. have watched;
c. watching;
d. watched.

20. That is … exciting movie.
a. the;
b. an;
c. a;
d. much.

Тест 2 “Basic English Grammar”

1. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: … you hungry?

a. am;

b. is;

c. are;

d. was.

2. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: Now my brother smokes a lot, but he (not/smoke) before.

a. not smoke;

b. didn’t smoke;

c. didn’t smoked;

d. smokeding.

3. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: He … rich.

a. isn’t;

b. doesn’t;

c. don’t;

d. are;

e. were.

4. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: Let’s go for a walk. It (not/rain) now.

a. is raining;

b. are raining;

c. aren’t raining;

d. isn’t raining;

e. am not raining.

5. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: Ann (come) to the party tomorrow?

a. Ann come;

b. Will Ann come;

c. Will Ann comes;

d. Ann comes;

e. Does Ann comes.

6. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: That morning she (dress), (phone) somebody, and went out.

a. dressed , phoned;

b. had dressed, phoned;

c. dressed, had phoned;

d. dress, phone;

e. dressing, phoning.

7. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: I (talk) over the phone when they brought me the letter.

a. talked;

b. had talked;

c. had been talking;

d. talking;

e. was talking.

8. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: They really … a wonderful time at their friends.

a. am;

b. has;

c. are;

d. was;

e. had.

9. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: His sons … so much excited.

a. are;

b. is;

c. have;

d. am;

e. was.

10. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: I … go shopping to buy some bread.

a. have to has to;

b. had;

c. are;

d. were

11. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: My watch is broken, and it … to be fixed again.

a. need;

b. needs;

c. will need;

d. have need;

e. needing.

12. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: Last Tuesday he (to be) upset and (to have) no idea where to go.

a. were; had;

b. to be; is;

c. were; will be;

d. has; have;

e. was; had.

13. Выберите правильный вариант: He already (to be) to the cinema this week.

a. have been;

b. has been;

c. is;

d. was.

14. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: Look! Kate (to wash) all the dishes.

a. has washed;

b. is wash;

c. washes;

d. wash;

e. have washed.

15. Выберите правильную форму глагола: She (to read) the book the whole evening yesterday.

a. is read;

b. were reading;

c. was reading;

d. read;

e. reads.

16. Выберите правильную форму глагола: Hockey (to play) in winter.

a. am played;

b. played;

c. is played;

d. playes;

e. to play.

17. Выберите правильную форму глагола: This work (to finish) in time.

a. was finished;

b. finished;

c. finish;

d. to finish;

e. is finished.

18. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: The letter just (to type).

a. is typed;

b. has been typed;

c. types;

d. to type;

e. have been typed.

19. Выберите правильный вариант перевода в косвенную речь: Hesaid, “Where is Jill going?”

a. He asked where was Jill going.

b. He asked where Jill went.

c. He asked where Jill was going.

d. He asked where Jill were going.

20. Выберите правильный вариант глагола: He (to visit) Moscow next week.

a. is going to visit;

b. visits;

c. visit;

d. to visit.

21. Выберите правильный вариант: Plants die if you (not/water) them.

a. doesn’t water;

b. won’t water;

c. don’t water;

d. wouldn’t water.

22. Выберите правильный вариант перевода в косвенную речь: “I haven’t seen her since last year”, said Anna

a. Anna said she didn’t see her since last year.

b. Anna said she hadn’t seen her since last year.

c. Anna said she hasn’t seen her since last year.

d. Anna said she hadn’t seed her since last year.

e. Anna said she hadn’t seening her since last year.

23. Выберите правильный вариант пассивного залога: My questions (to answer) every day.

a. am answered;

b. is answered;

c. being answered;

d. was answered;

e. are answered.

Тест “Learning more about each other “

А. Выберите и вставьте слово, подходящее по смыслу.

Is a person who gives us the books when we need.

a. A teacher;

b. A librarian

c. A journalist.

2. Mr. Bright will be responsible for a German-Russian students’ … next year.

a. interview;

b. studying;

c. exchange.

3. My mum likes to invite guests. She is very … .

a. responsible;

b. hospitable;

c. intelligent.

4. The Browns are a … English family: a mother, a father and two children.

a. traditional;

b. loving;

c. cruel.

5. A bodyguard is a very … profession.

a. funny;

b. creative;

c. dangerous.

B. Выберите и вставьте глагол в нужной форме.

1. She … meat every day.

a. is eating;

b. eats;

c. eat.

2. The baby … at the moment.

a. is sleeping;

b. sleeps;

c. sleep.

3. Mother never … the dishes.

a. is washing;

b. washes;

c. wash.

4. Look! He … very quickly.

a. is running;

b. runs;

c. run.

5. I … my homework every day.

a. am doing;

b. do;

c. does.

C. Заполните пропуски нужным предлогом, если требуется.

1. We are a close family and we get … well with each other.
2. I usually get up … 8 o’clock.
3. Last year Joan made friends … a very intelligent boy.
4. What music do you like to listen …?
5. He never misses … his classes at school.

D. Задайте общий вопрос и один специальный вопрос к предложению, начиная со слова в скобках.

Father is reading a newspaper at the moment. (What?)

E. Выберите и вставьте слово, подходящее по смыслу.
1. We are close family and we … on well with each other.

a. make;

b. get;

c. have.

2. My mother has a good sense of … .

a. love;

b. beauty;

c. humour.

3. A woman, who works at home for her family, is a … .

a. housewife;

b. teacher;

c. nurse.

4. A child, who doesn’t obey parents, is … .

a. obedient;

b. naughty;

c. talkative.

5. A person, who is impolite, is … .

a. friendly;

b. rude;

c. shy.

F. Выберитe и вставьте глагол в нужной форме.

1. Mum … TV now. watching;

b. watches;

c. watch.

2. He sometimes … to church.

a. is going;

b. goes;

c. go.

3. I … read the newspaper every morning.

a. am reading;

b. reads;

c. read.

4. Granny usually … dinner in the evening.

a. is cooking;

b. cooks;

c. cook.

5. We … a test at the moment.

a. are writing;

b. writes;

c. write.

G. Заполнитe пропуски нужным предлогом, если требуется.

1. We usually go skiing … winter.

2. Do you speak … any foreign languages?

3. Where can I change dollars … rubles?

4. Can you play … chess? It’s a very interesting game.

5. Whatcountryareyou… ?

H. Задайте общий вопрос и один специальный вопрос к предложению, начиная со слова в скобках.

The boys are playing football in the park now. (Where?)

Тест “We are going to travel “

A. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу.

1. I’d like to invite a … of students to visit us.

a. invitation;

b. programme;

c. group;

d. form.

2. Our … programme was very rich: we visited a lot of places.

a. local;

b. social;

c. foreign;

d. computer.

3. Our school will be … for the cost of accommodation.

а. responsible;

b. glad;

c. interested;

d. excited.

4. The students will … with British families.

a. stay;

b. invite;

c. miss;

d. arrange.

5. Let’s … a picnic at the weekend.

a. arrange;

b. play;

c. propose;

d. have.

B. Закончите вопросы.

1. She doesn’t like coffee, …?
2. He enjoys reading, … ?
3. You can play the guitar, … ?
4. They travelled a lot last summer, …?
5. Those women are doctors, … ?

C. Поставьте глаголы в нужной форме.

1. The pupils … homework every day (do).
2. Tomorrow I … to Moscow (go).
3. Last weekend we … a very interesting film (watch).
4. Jane usually … her granny on Saturday (visit).
5. They … this car two months ago (buy).

D. Выберите правильный предлог.
1. Can I kiss you on/ to/ at your cheek?
2. Who is responsible about/ to/ for the social programme?
3. Do you like to listen for/ out/ to classic music?
4. The lesson starts on/ at/ in at 2 p.m.
5. Could I change Russian rubles for/ on/ to euro here?

Reading Comprehension

Тест 1

Прочитайте короткий текст и выберите один из предло­женных вариантов ответа

General Motors, the world’s biggest carmakers have decided that companies which make toy models of their cars must pay them royalties. This news has been greeted with dismay by the toy companies, who fear a rise in prices of these models.

В данном фрагменте новостей говорится о том, что компания General Motors намерена…

а) наладить массовое производство игрушечных моделей своих автомобилей;

b) купить ряд мелких компаний, производящих модели автомобилей;

c) потребовать деньги с компаний, производящих модели их автомобилей;

d) значительно повысить цены на новые модели своих автомобилей.

Тест 2

Прочитайте короткий текст и выберите один из предло­женных вариантов ответа

You’re unsure of where you’re going. Some peo­ple know exactly where they’re going but most adole­scent people don’t have an idea, and it’s a way of, kind of, having something that they can say they belong to and that they are a ”whatever”.

На какой из перечисленных ниже вопросов от­вечает говорящий?

a)Why do the young join youth culture?

b)What do the young feel when they have to live on their own?

c) Have you decided what to do in the future?

d)What are the ideals of the younger generation?

Тест 3

Прочитайте короткий текст и выберите один из предло­женных вариантов ответа

What do you do when you see someone begging for money? Sadly, in London, it’s a very common sight and I hate to admit it, but more often than not, I hurry past as I rush to get my train or meet a friend.

В данном фрагменте женщина сожалеет о том, что:

a) у нее не хватает времени на общение с друзьями;

b) она постоянно опаздывает на свой поезд;

c) в Лондоне слишком много бездомных;

d) она не часто подает милостыню нищим.

Тест 4

Прочитайте короткий текст и выберите один из предло­женных вариантов ответа

Why complain about the rainy weather? Go grab some winter sun. You could be driving around the USA in a Hertz car for as little as 123 a week — that’s less than 20 a day. With such fantastic Hertz Hotspot offers like this, what are you waiting for?

В данном фрагменте объявления рекламируют­ся …

a) самые солнечные курорты США;

b) автомобильные туры по США;

c) услуги компании, сдающей в аренду автомо­били;

d) сезонные скидки, предоставляемые туристиче­ской компанией.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 1145 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania | Active vocabulary | The tale of Narts | Acknowledgements 3 страница | Acknowledgements 10 страница | Acknowledgements 11 страница | Acknowledgements 16 страница | Acknowledgements 17 страница | — 2015-2023 год. (0.49 сек.)

Местоимения в английском языке (Классификация)

  1. Личные местоимения (Personal pronouns): I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, they, them.
  2. Притяжательные местоимения (Possessive pronouns): mine, yours, hers, his, theirs, ours.
  3. Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative pronouns): this, that, these, those.
  4. Относительные местоимения (Relative pronouns): who, whom, which, that, whose.
  5. Возвратные местоимения (Reflexive pronouns): myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.
  6. Вопросительные местоимения (Interrogative pronouns): who, whom, which, whose, what.
  7. Неопределенные местоимения (Indefinite pronouns) all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone, everything, few, many, most, much, neither, no one, nobody, none, nothing, one, other, others, several, some, somebody, someone, and something.
    *all, any, more, most, none, и some sometimes могут использоваться с глаголом в единственном и множественном числе.

Тест на знание английских местоимений

Из предложенных вариантов ответа необходимо выбрать только один, который на ваш взгляд является правильным.

  1. I haven’t got ___________________money.
    •  some
    • any
  2. I went to a cafe with  ___________________friends last night.
    • some
    • any
  1. Would you like___________________ chocolate cake?
    • some
    • any
  1. Can you lend me___________________ money, please?
    • some
    • any
  1. I don’t have___________________ CDs.
    • some
    • any
  1. Can you give me  ___________________milk, please?
    • some
    • any
  1. Would you like  ___________________tea?
    • some
    • any

8. I’m going to the post office. I need  __________________ stamps.

    • some
    • any

9. I’m going to buy  ___________________ clothes.

    • some
    • any

10. Could I have  _______________ coffee, please?

    • some
    • any
  1. any
  2. some
  3. some
  4. some
  5. any
  6. some
  7. some
  8. some
  9. some
  10. some

Well done! Move on to the next test →

Из предложенных вариантов ответа необходимо выбрать только один, который на ваш взгляд является правильным.

1. I haven’t written  ___________________ postcards.

  • some
  • any

2. Would you like  ___________________ coffee?

  • some
  • any

3. Could I have  ___________________ cake, please?

  • some
  • any

4. Sorry, we don’t have  ___________________ rooms available.

  • some
  • any

5. Paul took  ___________________ books with him on holiday.

  • some
  • any

6. Do you speak  ___________________ foreign languages.

  • some
  • any

7. Do you know  ___________________ good restaurants near here?

  • some
  • any

8. Do you have  ___________________ better ideas?

  • some
  • any

9. I haven’t eaten  ___________________ chocolate today.

  • some
  • any

10. Would you like  ___________________ milk in your coffee?

  • some
  • any
  1. any
  2. some
  3. some
  4. any
  5. some
  6. any
  7. any
  8. any
  9. any
  10. some

Well done! Move on to the next test →

Данный тест проверяет навыки употребления указательных местоимений that, those, this, these в английском языке. Из предложенных вариантов ответа необходимо выбрать только один, который на ваш взгляд является правильным.

  1. I will make sure  ___________________you have everything you need.
    • this
    • that
    • these
    • those
  1. We had a very strong team last year, we won 9 matches in  ___________________season.
  • this
  • that
  • these
  • those
  1. Monodactylus argenteus:  ___________________species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean.
  • this
  • that
  • these
  • those
  1. We are going to see a new performance in the theater.  ___________________is an adaptation of Samuel Richardson’s novel.
  • This
  • That
  • These
  • Those
  1. Hey Melissa, where are you going to spend your vacation  ___________________year?
  • this
  • that
  • these
  • those
  1. Wow, you look awesome,  ___________________dress really suits you.
  • this
  • that
  • these
  • those
  1. Where did you spend all  ___________________years?
  • this
  • that
  • these
  • those
  1. Periodic table of chemical elements divides them into several classes. Elements in  ___________________classes have similar properties.
  • This
  • That
  • These
  • Those
  1. Modern car must be fast and safe. Our engineers have tried to meet both  ___________________requirements.
  • this
  • that
  • these
  • those
  1. This big panda is called Meimei and  ___________________two behind are Tai Shan and Lili.
  • this
  • that
  • these
  • those
  1. What shall I do, this hat is too expensive and  ___________________one is too big.
  • this
  • that
  • these
  • those
  1.  ___________________narrow windows helped to defend the castle.
  • This
  • That
  • These
  • Those
  1. I have teddy-bears from all over the world.  ___________________one in my hands is from Australia.
  • This
  • That
  • These
  • Those
  1.  ___________________month we’re starting a new project which will increase our income by 30%.
  • This
  • That
  • These
  • Those
  1.  ___________________building on the opposite side of the street looks strangely familiar to me.
  • This
  • That
  • These
  • Those
  1. that
  2. that
  3. this
  4. This
  5. this
  6. this
  7. these
  8. These
  9. these
  10. those
  11. that
  12. These
  13. This
  14. This
  15. That

Well done! Move on to the next test →

Данный тест проверяет умение правильно употреблять неопределённые местоимения: something, somebody/someone, everything, everybody/everyone, anything, anybody, nothing, nobody/no one; наречия: somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere. Из предложенных вариантов ответов к каждому предложению необходимо выбрать только один, который на ваш взгляд является правильным.

  1. There is  ___________________to go and nothing to do in this town.
    • somewhere
    • anywhere
    • nowhere
  1. Is everybody here? – Yes,  ___________________is here today. Nobody is absent.
  • everybody
  • everything
  • everywhere
  1. The policeman wanted me to tell him  ___________________I know.
  • something
  • anything
  • everything
  1. Let’s not go  ___________________in the evening. Let’s stay at home.
  • somewhere
  • anywhere
  • nowhere
  1. I don’t want  ___________________to help me. I can very well do it myself.
  • somebody
  • anybody
  • nobody
  1. There is  ___________________in the school. The building is empty. The pupils are on vacation.
  • somebody
  • anybody
  • nobody

7. Sam’s pen is broken; he has got  ___________________ to write with.

  • something
  • anything
  • nothing
  1. Sally was sitting alone; she wasn’t with  ___________________.
  • someone
  • anyone
  • no one
  1. Kelly knows  ___________________about computers. She is a computer programmer.
  • something
  • anything
  • everything
  1. There is  ___________________in the next room, who wants to speak to you.
  • somebody
  • anybody
  • nobody
  1. Would you like  ___________________to drink? – Yes, please – a glass of apple juice.
  • something
  • anything
  • nothing
  1. We don’t go out very much because there is  ___________________to go.
  • somewhere
  • everywhere
  • nowhere
  1. I can see nothing in the corner of the bedroom. Can you see  ___________________?
  • something
  • anything
  • nothing
  1. I am very busy now, but I can have some time at seven o’clock. I have  ___________________to do after office hours.
  • something
  • anything
  • nothing
  1. Let’s have dinner.  ___________________is hungry.
  • everybody
  • somebody
  • anybody
  1. nowhere
  2. everybody
  3. everything
  4. anywhere
  5. anybody
  6. nobody
  7. nothing
  8. anyone.
  9. everything
  10. somebody
  11. something
  12. nowhere
  13. anything
  14. nothing
  15. everybody
Английский язык в Краснодаре

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  • Английский язык

Список вопросов базы знаний

Английский язык

Вопрос id:95367

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Please remember ….. thousands of people rely on your work.

?) this

?) that

?) these

?) those

Вопрос id:95368

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

I will make sure ….. you have everything you need.

?) these

?) those

?) this

?) that

Вопрос id:95369

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Speed of light is much higher than ….. of sound.

?) this

?) those

?) these

?) that

Вопрос id:95370

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

The problem is ….. you do not work as a team.

?) these

?) that

?) those

?) this

Вопрос id:95371

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

I saw a car in the distance. ….. was a grey minivan.

?) These

?) Those

?) That

?) This

Вопрос id:95372

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Where’s ….. cafe you told me about?

?) those

?) this

?) these

?) that

Вопрос id:95373

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

We saw an uncertain shape walking to us in the fog. ….. was our postman.

?) This

?) Those

?) These

?) That

Вопрос id:95374

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

David suggested ….. we should spend our vacation together, what do you think?

?) these

?) those

?) this

?) that

Вопрос id:95375

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

We had a very strong team last year, we won 9 matches in ….. season.

?) this

?) those

?) these

?) that

Вопрос id:95376

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Let me introduce you to each other, ….. is Susan.

?) those

?) that

?) these

?) this

Вопрос id:95377

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Monodactylus argenteus: ….. species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean.

?) those

?) that

?) these

?) this

Вопрос id:95378

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

We are going to see a new performance in the theater. ….. is an adaptation of Samuel Richardson’s novel.

?) That

?) These

?) Those

?) This

Вопрос id:95379

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Have a look at this letter: is ….. your son’s writing?

?) these

?) those

?) that

?) this

Вопрос id:95380

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Hey Melissa, where are you going to spend your vacation ….. year?

?) those

?) these

?) that

?) this

Вопрос id:95381

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

As long as you are live in ….. house you must do as I say!

?) this

?) those

?) that

?) these

Вопрос id:95382

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Please get rid of the cheese, I can’t stand ….. smell.

?) that

?) these

?) this

?) those

Вопрос id:95383

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Dear Ann, when you read ….. letter I will be already far away.

?) that

?) this

?) these

?) those

Вопрос id:95384

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Wow, you look awesome, ….. dress really suits you.

?) those

?) that

?) these

?) this

Вопрос id:95385

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

– Where is Edward? – I did not see him since ….. morning. He looked unwell today.

?) those

?) these

?) that

?) this

Вопрос id:95386

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Where did you spend all ….. years?

?) those

?) that

?) this

?) these

Вопрос id:95387

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Periodic table of chemical elements divides them into several classes. Elements in ….. classes have similar properties.

?) This

?) These

?) Those

?) That

Вопрос id:95388

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Kids are so happy to see you again, just look at ….. faces.

?) these

?) this

?) those

?) that

Вопрос id:95389

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Look, your room is in total mess, do you even need all ….. CDs?

?) those

?) these

?) this

?) that

Вопрос id:95390

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Please get acquainted, ….. 2 young men are your new assistants.

?) this

?) that

?) those

?) these

Вопрос id:95391

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Our board of directors includes 7 members. ….. people control the work of a huge international corporation.

?) This

?) Those

?) These

?) That

Вопрос id:95392

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

When I was young, people loved their work. In ….. days everyone cares only about money.

?) these

?) that

?) this

?) those

Вопрос id:95393

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

I need several old issues of the Times for my dissertation but unfortunately ….. are hard to find.

?) This

?) That

?) Those

?) These

Вопрос id:95394

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Drugs, crime, traffic, pollution – ….. problems are relevant for any city.

?) these

?) those

?) this

?) that

Вопрос id:95395

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Modern car must be fast and safe. Our engineers have tried to meet both ….. requirements.

?) these

?) this

?) that

?) those

Вопрос id:95396

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

My grandfather still remembers his youth and everything that happened in ….. times.

?) these

?) this

?) that

?) those

Вопрос id:95397

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

I’ve been in Alaska but it was to hard to work under ….. weather conditions.

?) this

?) that

?) these

?) those

Вопрос id:95398

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Police is working to find out what has made the clerk to murder his colleague and what he was thinking in ….. moments.

?) this

?) that

?) those

?) these

Вопрос id:95399

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

I liked Istanbul, I still remember ….. narrow streets where I got lost one time.

?) this

?) that

?) these

?) those

Вопрос id:95400

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

This big panda is called Meimei and ….. two behind are Tai Shan and Lili.

?) those

?) this

?) that

?) these

Вопрос id:95401

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

I think I buy ….. shoes I tried on before, these ones are too bright.

?) these

?) that

?) those

?) this

Вопрос id:95402

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Who were ….. two women who left your house in the morning?

?) that

?) these

?) those

?) this

Вопрос id:95403

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

I remember how I crashed my husband’s car last year. We were close to a divorce in ….. days.

?) that

?) these

?) those

?) this

Вопрос id:95404

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

….. problems we had 4 years ago are nothing in comparison with this crisis.

?) that

?) this

?) those

?) these

Вопрос id:95405

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

The only things that interested me back then were ….. connected with fun and alcohol.

?) those

?) that

?) these

?) this

Вопрос id:95406

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

What shall I do, this hat is too expensive and ….. one too big.

?) that

?) this

?) these

?) those

Вопрос id:95407

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

….. narrow windows helped to defend the castle.

?) This

?) Those

?) That

?) These

Вопрос id:95408

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

I have teddy-bears from all over the world. ….. one in my hands is from Australia.

?) This

?) That

?) These

?) Those

Вопрос id:95409

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

The First Amendment was signed in 1791. ….. law guarantees civic rights for all American citizens.

?) That

?) Those

?) These

?) This

Вопрос id:95410

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

I think ….. I got ill.

?) that

?) those

?) this

?) these

Вопрос id:95411

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

….. year’s Oktoberfest starts on the 18th of September.

?) these

?) that

?) this

?) those

Вопрос id:95412

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

….. month we’re starting a new project which will increase our income by 30%.

?) that

?) these

?) this

?) those

Вопрос id:95413

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Avoid watering your cactus too much, ….. may kill it.

?) those

?) that

?) this

?) these

Вопрос id:95414

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

Didn’t I tell you ….. playing on the street is dangerous?

?) these

?) those

?) this

?) that

Вопрос id:95415

Тема/шкала: elementary,This, these, that, those

….. building on the opposite side of the street looks strangely familiar to me.

?) These

?) That

?) This

?) Those

Вопрос id:95416

Тема/шкала: low-intermediate,Take, bring, carry

At the hotel you can either ….. a single room or a double one.

Помогите с тестом пожалуйста
Тест по английскому языку «This, these, that, those»
Выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков.

The problem is you do not work as a team.
Have a look at this letter: is your son’s writing?
Hey Melissa, where are you going to spend your vacation year?
Where did you spend all years?
Kids are so happy to see you again, just look at faces.
I need several old issues of the Times for my dissertation but unfortunately are hard to find.
Drugs, crime, traffic, pollution — problems are relevant for any city.
I think I buy shoes I tried on before, these ones are too bright.
Who were two women who left your house in the morning?
What shall I do, this hat is too expensive and one is too big.
narrow windows helped to defend the castle.
I have teddy-bears from all over the world. one in my hands is from Australia.
The First Amendment was signed in 1791. law guarantees civic rights for all American citizens.
year’s Oktoberfest starts on the 18th of September.
month we’re starting a new project which will increase our income by 30%.

Attacking and defending castles

Jump to

Castles were built for powerful people to live in and stay safe.

In this article you can find out:

  • How people kept castles safe
  • How enemies attacked castles
  • Features of Caerlaverock Castle
  • The impact of cannons on castle building

This resource is suitable for Castles topics for P2, P3 and P4 (Second Level Curriculum for Excellence).

Find out how people kept castles safe and how enemies attacked castles.

When did attacking and defending castles begin?

In the 1100s, King David I of Scotland wanted to let everyone know that he was the most powerful man in the land. Building lots of large, strong castles was a great way of showing everyone that he was boss.

There were lots of families or clans that didn’t want him as their king so they came up with clever ways to attack his castles.

The King’s castle builders had to keep coming up with new ideas to make their castles stronger and safer. This continued for hundreds of years after King David’s reign.

How to defend a castle

Edinburgh Castle

Building up high

Building a castle up high made it difficult for enemies to get to the castle. Some castles were built on natural rocks and cliffs like Edinburgh Castle (above). Some other castles, like Duffus Castle in Moray, were built on man-made mounds.

1 of 8

Eglinton Castle

Tall towers

Strong towers were added to curtain walls to watch out for enemies. At first, castle towers were square but they were replaced with round towers which were stronger and harder to destroy. This photo shows the towers at Eglinton Castle in Ayrshire.

2 of 8

Blackness Castle


Battlements were walls on the roof of a castle. They had higher walls, called merlons, with lower gaps between, called crenels. Defenders would use crossbows to shoot arrows through the crenels,and then hide behind the higher merlons. This photo shows the battlements at Blackness Castle in Linlithgow.

3 of 8

Arrow slits in a castle tower

Arrow slits

Arrow slits, like the very thin holes you can see at Hermitage Castle near Hawick (above), were very narrow windows that defenders could shoot arrows out of. It was very hard for attackers to aim an arrow and shoot into such a narrow hole. Over time, many of these windows were changed to allow guns or cannons to be fired through the slits. These were known as gun loops.

4 of 8

Caerlaverock Castle


Some castles were surrounded by deep ditches called moats to stop attackers getting in. Some moats were filled with water, like Caerlaverock Castle near Dumfries (above). Attackers would have to swim or row across the moats to get to the castle.

5 of 8

Drawbridge at Threave Castle


A drawbridge was a bridge which could be pulled up to stop enemies getting in. Drawbridges usually went over a ditch or a moat. The drawbridge at Threave Castle near Castle Douglas (above) went over a moat flooded with water from the River Dee.

6 of 8

Castle portcullis


A portcullis was a heavy metal gate at the entrance of a castle. The defenders could lower the portcullis to trap any attackers at the gatehouse and stop others getting in. This portcullis is at Edinburgh Castle (above).

7 of 8

The bottle dungeon in the Sea Tower at St Andrews Castle


A castle dungeon was a room used to hold prisoners, usually underground. St Andrews Castle has a famous dungeon which is shaped like a bottle.

8 of 8

Defending Caerlaverock Castle

Look at this photo of Caerlaverock Castle in Dumfries and Galloway. It is a ruin now but can you spot which parts of the castle made it harder to attack?

Click on the labels to get more information about each feature.

With help from pupils from Brownhall and Caerlaverock Primary Schools, find out more about the history of Caerlaverock Castle.

A film about the history of Caerlaverock Castle near Dumfries.

How did cannons bring the time of castles to an end?

From the early 1400s, gunpowder and cannons changed the way castles were designed.

For example, narrow arrow slits were replaced with wider gunloops. These allowed defenders to shoot cannon balls out of the castle towards the attackers.

Attackers used cannons too. Cannons eventually became so powerful that castles couldn’t defend against them any more and the time of castles came to an end.

Gunloops at Blackness Castle

At Blackness Castle near the Firth of Forth, you can still see the gunloops that cannons shot through.

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Using paper and other arts and crafts materials design your own castle.

Some features you might want to think about for your castle:

  • drawbridge
  • towers
  • battlements
  • arrow slits

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Part of Bitesize Primary Castles series

How did people attack and defend castles?

Conwy Castle (aka Conway Castle), located in North Wales, was built by Edward I of England (r. 1272-1307 CE) from 1283 to 1292 CE to protect and maintain, along with several other castles, his newly acquired dominance in the region. Built on a rock promontory, the castle incorporated the latest defensive design features such as massive round towers, a double courtyard or bailey, and outer barbican defensive walls and towers. Conwy Castle is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

Edward I’s Castle Building

From 1272 CE Edward I, the new king of England, conquered most of Wales and joined it with the county system present in England. Following the death of Llywelyn, the Prince of Wales, in 1282 CE, the only part of Wales which remained free was the wild mountainous north and here the king built several major castles which included Caernarfon Castle, Harlech Castle, and Conwy Castle. Work began on Conwy Castle in March 1283 CE and would continue over that decade, the vast team of labourers, masons, and craftsmen being supervised by Master James of Saint Georges (c. 1235-1308 CE), the experienced architect and engineer who had previously built castles in Europe and who would be involved in many of Edward’s other Welsh castles.

Edward I appropriated a culturally significant site for his new castle to emphasise that a new order had begun.

King Edward selected as a suitable site for the castle a high rock perched above the estuary of the River Conwy on the east side and the Gyffin stream on the south side. Easily defended, the castle could then be supplied by the river in times of siege. However, as with his other castles, Conwy’s position had a significance beyond mere defensive features as it was also the site of the Cistercian Aberconwy Abbey of Saint Mary, founded there a century before. The abbey was also the burial place of Llywelyn ap Iorworth, the prince who ruled North Wales and who is often called Llywelyn the Great (r. 1195-1240 CE). The Cistercian monks were obliged to move elsewhere (although Edward did pay for the move) and, once again, the English king appropriated a culturally significant site for his own message: a new order had begun.

Plan of Conwy Castle

Plan of Conwy Castle

Cadw (See Original Source)

Local limestone and grey sandstone were used (except for finely carved decorative elements), most of which came from a quarry right next to the town, greatly saving on costs as the transport of heavy materials was by far the most expensive part of building a medieval castle. Still, other materials such as lead, steel, iron, tin, and glass came from across the kingdom so that, altogether, the castle cost some 15,000 pounds (over $30 million today) to finish. It was money well spent, though, because Edward needed the castle for his own personal safety in the winter of 1294-5 CE. The Welsh uprising led by Madog ap Llywelyn resulted in an army besieging Conwy, and the castle could not be reinforced until the spring because of heavy floods. Edward was even obliged to share out his personal wine stock as the siege bit hardest in early 1295 CE. This was to be the only time Edward ever stayed at Conwy; perhaps he had bad memories of the siege and had no wish to ever return. In 1301 CE Edward had his son, the future Edward II of England (r. 1307-1327 CE) declared the Prince of Wales, and he received homage from his subjects in a ceremony at Conwy Castle. The castle then went through a period of neglect but was repaired in the second half of the 14th century CE.

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Conwy Castle was built with a curtain wall punctuated by eight massive circular towers & two Fortified gates.

The castle was famously used as a refuge of last resort by another king, indeed, the next royal person to stay there. This time it was Richard II of England (r. 1377-1399 CE) who, during his fight for the English throne with his cousin Henry Bolingbroke (future King Henry IV of England, r. 1399-1413 CE), used Conwy as his base. Richard was tempted to come out of the castle on 20 August 1399 CE by a traitorous adviser, and the king was promptly imprisoned in the Tower of London and then forced to abdicate by Parliament. The castle would see action again, this time in 1401 CE when it was captured during the Welsh rebellion led by Owain Glyn Dwr (c. 1359 — c. 1415 CE).

Layout & Features

Conwy Castle was built with a curtain wall punctuated by eight massive circular towers and two fortified gates. The main gate was on the west side of the castle and had a triple arrangement of doors and portcullises, protected on either side by a massive circular tower, built a little further apart than was usual because of the formation of the rock upon which they were built. The gate was further protected by a barbican or semi-independent fortification structure with three towers and an entrance gate at a right angle to the main gate. In addition, the approach to the gate was via a steep stairway and then a drawbridge over a deep ditch. The castle’s second gate, on the east side, also had a double tower arrangement and its own barbican, again with three towers. As both barbicans were lower than the curtain wall behind them, defenders could easily fire down upon anyone attacking the outer defences.

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The inner courtyard was divided by a cross-wall into two wards (aka baileys). The smaller inner ward (to the east) contained the royal residence, granary, and private chapel, while the outer ward on the west side of the castle was much larger and had the Great Hall (up to 30 metres / 98 ft. in length), main chapel, kitchens, and other domestic buildings, including barracks for the castle’s garrison of 15 crossbowmen. The castle’s main well was located in the southeast corner of the outer ward and was originally 21.7 metres (70 ft.) deep. There was an expensively turfed garden, a fashionable feature of castles of the period and distinct from the kitchen garden where herbs, vines, and vegetables were grown. A small gate and drawbridge connected the two wards. The castle has an unusual set of three latrines on a single floor of one of the lower towers. Finally, the castle was originally covered in white plaster, traces of which remain today, and a number of shields would have been hung from the walls, all to give Edward an even more striking castle with which to impress the locals.

The Fortified Town

The castle also protected the adjacent walled town of Conwy, which, in turn, protected the castle’s weakest side. A deep ditch was dug out between the castle and town as an extra defensive measure The town fortification walls were added between 1283 and 1287 CE and cost almost as much as the castle did to build. These town walls originally measured some 1,300 metres (1,400 yards) in length and included an impressive 21 towers. One section of wall has the unusual feature of a row of 12 toilets which were built sticking out of the outer facade, an arrangement usually only found in a medieval monastery. Arrow loops (narrow windows) were built into the town walls at varying heights and there was a wall walk all around to give a maximum area of fire by archers. Holes in the walls show that wooden beams would once have supported wooden hoardings to protect archers stood at the top of these walls.

Inner Ward, Conwy Castle

Inner Ward, Conwy Castle

Catherine Singleton (CC BY-SA)

The Castle Today

Since 1986 CE, Conwy Castle has been listed, along with three other Welsh castles of Edward I (Caernarfon, Harlech and Beaumaris Castle), as a World Heritage Site. UNESCO states that these castles

…are the finest examples of late 13th century and early 14th century military architecture in Europe, as demonstrated through their completeness, pristine state, evidence for organized domestic space, and extraordinary repertory of their medieval architectural form.

In addition, «the extensive and detailed contemporary technical, social, and economic documentation of the castles, and the survival of adjacent fortified towns at Caernarfon and Conwy, makes them one of the major references of medieval history» (ibid). Today, Conwy Castle is open to the public and managed by Cadw, the Historic Environment department of the Welsh Assembly Government. The spiral staircases have been restored in the castle’s towers, and it is now possible for visitors to walk a circuit of the castle’s walls. In addition, the once royal apartments are amongst the best-preserved examples in any medieval castle in England and Wales.

This article has been reviewed for accuracy, reliability and adherence to academic standards prior to publication.

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