Настройка соединения l2tp ipsec на windows

Недавно я озадачился поиском возможности создания шифрованного подключения к своему офису средствами L2TP/IPsec протокола. Задача усложнилась, когда, кроме Windo...

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Недавно я озадачился поиском возможности создания шифрованного подключения к своему офису средствами L2TP/IPsec протокола. Задача усложнилась, когда, кроме Windows клиентов, появилась потребность пускать в сеть еще iOS и Android клиентов. В Интернете множество статей как проделать это на Windows Server с «внешним» IP-адресом. Но я хочу предложить сообществу реализацию стандартными средствами Windows 7/8 шифрованного L2TP тоннеля в локальную сеть с популярной, на мой взгляд, топологией.

Структура сети

Маленькая сеть из десяти Windows 7/8 клиентов с выделенным сервером на базе Windows Server 2008 Std (на него пока не обращаем внимание) и с доступом в Интернет средствами простого роутера. Для VPN сервера я выделил одну из машин на Windows 7 Pro. Далее будет описано два способа поднятия L2TP/IPsec сервера на Windows 7 Pro.

Windows 7 L2TP/IPsec AES 128-bit с использованием сертификата

  • Первым делом нужно сгенерировать сертификат компьютера и пользователя на VPN сервере.
    Для этого воспользуемся бесплатной утилитой Simple Authority.
    Устанавливаем, запускаем. Сразу программа предложит сгенерировать сертификат компьютера. Заполняем поля. Хаотично клацаем по клавиатуре, тем самым генерируя случайное число. Вводим пароль (лучше длиннее 8-ми символов, иначе могут быть глюки) Сертификат компьютера (CA) готов. Если пользователь не добавлен, то добавляем. Справа заполняем необходимые поля. Жмем «New certificate». После этого на рабочем столе появится два файла сертификатов с расширениями *.cer и *.p12
  • Установим сертификаты на наш VPN сервер.
    Для этого делаем Win+R(«Выполнить»), вводим mmc, жмем Enter. Откроется Консоль.
    Добавляем оснастку (Файл->Добавить удалить оснастку). Выбираем «Сертификаты». Жмем «Добавить». Выбираем пункт «учетной записи компьютера» при вопросе, где будет управлять эта оснастка сертификатами. Далее, «Личное»->Правой кнопкой мыши->Все задачи->Импорт->Выбираем файл сертификата с расширением *.p12 (именно его). Вводим пароль, ставим галку «Пометить этот ключ как экспортируемый». В категории «Личное» появится два сертификата. Тот сертификат, у которого поля «Кому выдан» и «Кем выдан» одинаковые, нужно перенести в категорию «Доверенные корневые центры сертификации».
  • Нужно убедиться в отсутствии параметра ProhibitIpSec=1.
    Идем в реестр (Win+R -> regedit). Ищем ветку HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesRasmanParameters. Если вышеуказанного параметра там нет или он равен 0, то все хорошо. Иначе, исправляем это.
  • Создаем входящее подключение.
    Идем в «Центр управления сетями и общим доступом»->«Изменение параметров адаптеров». Жмем клавишу Alt, сверху выпадет меню. Далее Файл->«Новое входящее подключение». Выбираем нужных пользователей, ставим галку «Через интернет… VPN». Выбираем нужные протоколы. На TCP/IP v4->Ставим галку «Разрешить доступ к локальной сети» и обязательно устанавливаем пул адресов, выдаваемых клиенту. После создания подключения обязательно откройте его свойства и во вкладке «Пользователи» проверьте наличие галки «Пользователи должны держать пароли в секрете»
  • Проверим, открылись ли нужные нам порты. Открываем командную строку и командой netstat /a /p udp смотрим, открылись ли UDP 1701 UDP 4500 UDP 500.

Создание клиентского подключения для этого способа

  • Установим сертификаты на нашего VPN клиента. Копируем с VPN сервера сертификаты, которые создали ранее. Устанавливаем их точно таким же способом, как и на сервере.
  • Создадим VPN подключение. Идем в «Центр управления сетями и общим доступом» -> Настройка нового подключения или сети. Далее «Подключение к рабочему месту» -> Использовать мое подключение к Интернет. Вводим адрес нашего VPN сервера. Подключение готово.
  • Настроим наше VPN подключение. Имя пользователя и пароль, думаю, вопросов не вызывают. Во вкладке «Безопасность» выбираем тип VPN L2TP/IPsec и в дополнительных параметрах выбираем «Использовать сертификат» и убираем галку «Проверить атрибуты имени сертификата». Шифрование ставим Обязательное и «Разрешаем следующие протоколы» проверки подлинности: MS-CHAPv2. Далее вкладка Сеть -> TCP/IPv4 свойства -> Дополнительно -> Убираем галку «Использовать основной шлюз».
  • Если не поднимается подключение. То на Windows 8 стоит попробовать такой ключ реестра HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesIPsec создаем параметр DWORD с именем AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule и значением 2. Для Windows 7/Vista этот параметр нужно создать в HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesPolicyAgent

Итоги этого способа

Для Windows клиентов это хороший способ реализации L2TP/IPsec, но когда дело доходит до iOS клиентов, задача расширяется. Проблема в том, что iOS могут подключаться по L2TP только с шифрованием по Заранее подготовленной ключевой фразе (Preshared Key), а по сертификату могут подключаться только к Cisco VPN. Второй способ расскажет, как решить эту проблему.

Windows 7 L2TP/IPsec Preshared Key с ESP 3DES шифрованием и контролем целостности

  • Вернемся к чудо-параметру ProhibitIpSec=1. Идем в Реестр, в ветку HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesRasmanParameters и создаем там параметр типа DWORD с именем ProhibitIpSec и присваиваем ему значение 1. После этого необходимо или перезагрузить ОС, или перезапустить службы RemoteAccess и RasMan. Этим действием мы отключаем локальную политику IP безопасности по-умолчанию для IPsec.
  • Создадим теперь новую политику безопасности IP. «Выполнить» -> mmc -> Добавить оснастку -> «Управление политикой IP-безопасности» и выбираем Локальный компьютер. Далее «Создать политику IP-безопасности». «Далее» -> Вводим имя -> Галку «Использовать правило по умолчанию» не ставим -> Далее -> «Изменить свойства» галку оставляем. Откроются свойства новой политики. Здесь убрать галку «использовать мастер» и «Добавить». Теперь по порядку о каждой вкладке:
    • Список IP-фильтров. Вводим имя, снимаем галку «Исп. мастер», «Добавить». Адрес источника: «Любой». Адрес назначения: «Любой». Вкладка протокол. В выпадающем списке выбираем UDP. Пакеты ИЗ этого порта: 1701. Пакеты НА любой порт. ОК, ОК и возвращаемся в список IP-фильтров. Здесь вновь созданный фильтр отмечаем «точкой» и переходим на следующую вкладку.
    • Действие фильтра. По аналогии. Имя, галку про мастер, «Добавить». Выбираем «Согласовать безопасность», «Добавить». Выбираем «Шифрование и обеспечение целостности. (ESP)». ОК. Смотрим, чтоб не стояло никаких галок ниже списка методов безопасности. ОК. Аналогично отмечаем точкой и переходим к очередной вкладке.
    • Тип подключения. Все сетевые подключения.
    • Параметры туннеля. Это правило не указывает туннель IPsec.
    • Методы проверки подлинности. Не обращаем пока внимание на Kerberos, жмем «Добавить». Выбираем «Использовать данную строку (Предварительный ключ)» и вводим наш заранее придуманный Ключ. ОК. И теперь можно удалить Kerberos. В этой же вкладке можно добавить проверку подлинности по Сертификату. Процесс генерации и установки Сертификата описан в первом способе.
  • Обязательно нужно назначить новую политику IP-безопасности. Правой кнопкой мыши по ней, «Назначить».

Создание клиентского подключения для этого способа

  • Отличается от создания клиентского подключения для первого способа только Дополнительными свойствами L2TP/IPsec, где вместо использования сертификата выбираем «… использовать общий ключ».

Доступ к VPN серверу

На роутере я использовал службу Dynamic DNS, т.к. внешний IP динамический. Для возможности подключения необходимо сделать проброс портов (Port Forwarding) для портов UDP 1701 UDP 4500 UDP 500 к нашему VPN серверу. Мы подобрались к финишному этапу, где нас ждет еще одна немаленькая проблема. Дело в том, что Windows 7/8 имеет ограничение на максимальное количество подключений для удаленного доступа, и оно равно 1. Такого ограничения нет на Windows Server. Тут и напрашивается фраза «А на фига ты тут всё это написал?!» Есть два способа решения. Первый: один хороший человек провел немаленькую работу и написал патч, снимающий ограничение для Windows 7 Pro SP1. Здесь подробно описан сам процесс поиска решения и присутствует патч. Второй: использовать Windows Server. Но использовать не так, как написано в большинстве статей, где говорится о назначении серверу Роли «Маршрутизации и удаленного доступа» и использовании специальных оснасток, в которых чёрт ногу сломит, а использовать вышеописанный метод. Он отлично работает на Windows Server без назначения специальных ролей и без ограничений на число подключений.

Переработанный материал:
  • Windows XP Pro as a L2TP IPSec VPN Server
  • VPN сервер L2TP на Windows 7
  • Конфигурация подключений L2TP/IPSec, использующих проверку подлинности на основе предварительного ключа
  • Роль сервера удаленного доступа или VPN-сервера: настройка сервера удаленного доступа или VPN-сервера

Шаг 1: создайте новое VPN-соединение

Щёлкните по кнопке Пуск, введите «VPN» в строку поиска и щёлкните “ Установить виртуальное частное соединение VPN

Введите адрес вашего VPN сервера в это поле Internet address и любое название соединения (например, «ZenVPN”) в поле Destination name. Проверьте Не соединяться сейчас; установить, чтобы я мог подключиться позже и кликните на Следующее.


Введите ваш логин для VPN в поле Имя пользователя и ваш пароль в поле Пароль. Нажмите Запомнить пароль и кликните Создать.

На этом этапе вы уже должны быть в состоянии подключиться к VPN, однако, он будет использовать протокол PPTP, который считается менее безопасным, чем L2TP/IPsec. Для настройки подключения для использования L2TP/IPSec, перейдите к шагу 2.

Шаг 2: настройте соединение использовать L2TP/IPsec

Кликните на кнопку “Пуск”, введите “Сеть” в строку поиска и кликните Сеть и сетевой центр

Кликните Подключиться к сети

Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на созданное вами соединение на шаге 1 и выберите Свойства из меню.

Выберите Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol с IPSec (L2TP/IPsec) из Тип VPN выпадающего списка и нажмите кнопку Расширенные настройки

Выберите Использовать предварительно общий ключ для аутентификации из Тип VPN и предварительно введите согласованный ключ в поле ключ. Нажмите кнопку ОК.


Шаг 3: Протестируйте ваше VPN соединение

Активируйте соединение кликнув на кнопку Подключиться к сети в Сеть и Сетевой центр и выберите тип соединения из списка.

После того, как вы подключились, посетите эту страницу , чтобы увидеть ваш новый IP-адрес и убедиться, что все сработало правильно.


Инструкция: Настройка L2TP/IPSec VPN-подключения в ОС Windows

Для клиентов ИТ аутсорсинга мы составляем инструкции по самостоятельной настройке оборудования, данные рекомендации позволяют пользователям произвести настройку в удобное время, например, настроить удаленное подключение домашнего компьютера к рабочей сети.

Вводные данные

Для настройки L2TP/IPSEC VPN-подключения Вам потребуются следующие данные:

  1. IP-адрес, либо доменное имя VPN-сервер
  2. Логин VPN-пользователя
  3. Пароль VPN-пользователя
  4. Общий ключ шифрования

Эти данные Вы можете получить у контактного лица в Вашей компании.

В зависимости от версии ОС Windows, установленной на Вашем ПК, внешний вид меню настройки VPN-подключения будет различаться. Для того, чтобы определить версию Windows, находясь на рабочем столе системы, одновременно зажмите комбинацию клавиш Win (клавиша с изображением логотипа Windows) + R. В появившемся окне «Выполнить», введите команду «winver» (без кавычек):

подключение vpn на windows

Откроется окно «Windows: сведения», в котором будет указана версия Вашей операционной системы:

подключение vpn на windows

После того, как Вы выяснили версию Вашей ОС, перейдите к соответствующему ей разделу инструкции.

Настройка VPN-подключения в Windows 10

Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на кнопке меню «Пуск» и выберите из контекстного меня пункт «Параметры»:

подключение vpn на windows

В окне «Параметры» выберите раздел «Сеть и Интернет», затем выберите из списка пункт «VPN» и нажмите кнопку «Добавить VPN-подключение»

подключение vpn на windows

подключение vpn на windows

В окне настроек VPN-подключения, укажите следующие значения:

  1. Поставщик услуг VPN – Windows (встроенные)
  2. Имя подключения – любое понятное Вам название данной VPN-сети (на технические свойства настраиваемой сети никак не влияет)
  3. Адрес или имя сервера – IP-адрес, либо доменное имя VPN-сервера
  4. Тип VPN – L2TP/IPsec с предварительным ключом
  5. Общий ключ – Общий ключ шифрования
  6. Тип данных для входа – Имя пользователя и пароль
  7. Имя пользователя – Логин VPN-пользователя
  8. Пароль – Пароль VPN-пользователя

После ввода данных нажмите кнопку «Сохранить»:

подключение vpn на windows

Чтобы подключиться к добавленной сети, в правом нижнем углу экрана (рядом с часами и значком подключение vpn на windows или подключение vpn на windows), кликните по нему левой кнопкой мыши, выберите из списка VPN-сеть и нажмите кнопку «Подключить» (отключение производится тем же способом):

подключение vpn на windows

Об успешном подключении говорит надпись «Подключено», под названием VPN-подключения:

подключение vpn на windows

Прим.: опционально для настройки может быть указано, что необходимо отключить «Шлюз в удалённой сети». Для выполнения этой настройки перейдите к соответствующему разделу данной инструкции

Настройка VPN-подключения в Windows 8.1 / Windows 7

Находясь на рабочем столе системы, одновременно зажмите комбинацию клавиш Win (клавиша с изображением логотипа Windows) + R. В появившемся окне «Выполнить», введите команду «control» (без кавычек):

подключение vpn на windows

Откройте мастер создания нового подключения («Сеть и Интернет –> Центр управления сетями и общим доступом –> Центр управления сетями и общим доступом –> Создание и настройка нового подключения или сети»):

подключение vpn на windows

подключение vpn на windows

подключение vpn на windows

Следуйте указаниям мастера, как указано на изображениях ниже:

подключение vpn на windows

подключение vpn на windows

В окне настроек VPN-подключения, укажите следующие значения:

  1. Адрес в Интернете – IP-адрес, либо доменное имя VPN-сервер
  2. Имя объекта назначения – любое понятное Вам название данной VPN-сети (на технические свойства настраиваемой сети никак не влияет)
  3. Нажмите кнопку «Создать»

подключение vpn на windows

подключение vpn на windows

подключение vpn на windows

В окне свойств подключения, перейдите на вкладку «Безопасность» и нажмите кнопку «Дополнительные параметры»:

подключение vpn на windows

В окне дополнительных свойств, отметьте пункт «Для проверки подлинности использовать общий ключ» и в поле «Ключ» введите общий ключ шифрования, нажмите кнопку «Ок»:

подключение vpn на windows

В основном окне свойств подключения, настройте следующие параметры:

  1. Тип VPN – Протокол L2TP с IPsec (L2TP/IPsec)
  2. Шифрование данных – обязательное (отключиться, если нет шифрования)
  3. Разрешить следующие протоколы – Протоколы Microsoft CHAP версии 2 (MS-CHAP v2)

подключение vpn на windows

Чтобы подключиться к добавленной сети, в правом нижнем углу экрана (рядом с часами и значком раскладки клавиатуры), найдите значок с изображением сетевого подключения (подключение vpn на windows или подключение vpn на windows), кликните по нему левой кнопкой мыши, выберите из списка VPN-сеть и нажмите кнопку «Подключить» (отключение производится тем же способом):

подключение vpn на windows

Рисунок 1. Вид окна подключения в Windows 8.1

подключение vpn на windows

Рисунок 2. Вид окна подключения в Windows 7

Об успешном подключении говорит надпись «Подключено», под названием VPN-подключения:

подключение vpn на windows

Для отключения от VPN нажмите кнопку «Отключить»:

подключение vpn на windows

Прим.: опционально для настройки может быть указано, что необходимо отключить «Шлюз в удалённой сети». Для выполнения этой настройки перейдите к соответствующему разделу данной инструкции.

Как отключить шлюз в удаленной сети

Находясь на рабочем столе системы, одновременно зажмите комбинацию клавиш Win (клавиша с изображением логотипа Windows) + R. В появившемся окне «Выполнить», введите команду «control» (без кавычек):

подключение vpn на windows

В открывшемся окне «Все элементы панели управления» последовательно перейдите в разделы «Центр управления сетями и общим доступом» -> «Изменения параметров адаптера», кликните правой кнопкой мыши по ярлыку Вашего VPN-подключения и из контекстного меню выберите пункт «Свойства»:

подключение vpn на windows

В окне свойств VPN-подключения перейдите на вкладку «Сеть», выделите мышью компонент «IP версии 4 (TCP/IPv4)», нажмите кнопку «Свойства», в следующем окне нажмите кнопку «Дополнительно», в открывшемся окне «Дополнительные параметры TCP/IP» снимите галочку с пункта «Использовать основной шлюз в удалённо сети» и нажимайте кнопку «Ок» во всех открытых на предыдущих шагах окнах.

подключение vpn на windows

В операционной системе Windows 10 настроить VPN-подключение по протоколу L2TP не составит большого труда — достаточно выполнить все действия, как показано на картинках, и уже через минуту вы сможете анонимно посещать любые сайты, обойти блокировку Вконтакте, безопасно использовать бесплатный Wi-Fi.


Кликнуть на иконке сетевого подключения в системном трее, и в появившемся окне выбрать Сетевые параметры.


Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 1
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 1

Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 2
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 2

Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 3
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 3


Указать идентификационные данные:

  • Общий ключ — a-secure-psk
  • Тип данных для входа — Имя пользователя и пароль
  • Имя пользователя — username
  • Пароль — password

Для завершения настройки нажать Сохранить.

Важное замечание: имя пользователя и пароль находятся в файле readme.txt, отправленном на Вашу почту после заказа подписки.


Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 4
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 4


Для подключения выбрать только что созданное соединение, и нажать кнопку Подключиться.


Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 5
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 5


Соединение будет установлено через некоторое время. Для отключения нажать Отключиться.


Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 6
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 6

Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 7
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 7


В открывшемся окне Сетевые подключения кликнуть правой кнопкой на созданном подключении, и выбрать Свойства.


Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 8
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 8

Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 9
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 9

Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 10
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 10

Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 11
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 11

Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 12
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 12

Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 13
Настройка L2TP VPN на Windows 10, шаг 13

English | 中文

Configure IPsec/L2TP VPN Clients

After setting up your own VPN server, follow these steps to configure your devices. IPsec/L2TP is natively supported by Android, iOS, OS X, and Windows. There is no additional software to install. Setup should only take a few minutes. In case you are unable to connect, first check to make sure the VPN credentials were entered correctly.

  • Platforms
    • Windows
    • OS X (macOS)
    • Android
    • iOS (iPhone/iPad)
    • Chrome OS (Chromebook)
    • Linux
  • IKEv1 troubleshooting


You may also connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended).

Windows 11

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Network and Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click VPN.
  3. Click the Add VPN button.
  4. Select Windows (built-in) in the VPN provider drop-down menu.
  5. Enter anything you like in the Connection name field.
  6. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Server name or address field.
  7. Select L2TP/IPsec with pre-shared key in the VPN type drop-down menu.
  8. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK in the Pre-shared key field.
  9. Enter Your VPN Username in the User name field.
  10. Enter Your VPN Password in the Password field.
  11. Check the Remember my sign-in info checkbox.
  12. Click Save to save the VPN connection details.

Note: This one-time registry change is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router).

To connect to the VPN: Click the Connect button, or click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, click VPN, then select the new VPN entry and click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.

Windows 10 and 8

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Open Network & Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click Network and Sharing Center.
  3. Click Set up a new connection or network.
  4. Select Connect to a workplace and click Next.
  5. Click Use my Internet connection (VPN).
  6. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Internet address field.
  7. Enter anything you like in the Destination name field, and then click Create.
  8. Return to Network and Sharing Center. On the left, click Change adapter settings.
  9. Right-click on the new VPN entry and choose Properties.
  10. Click the Security tab. Select «Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)» for the Type of VPN.
  11. Click Allow these protocols. Check the «Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)» and «Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)» checkboxes.
  12. Click the Advanced settings button.
  13. Select Use preshared key for authentication and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Key.
  14. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
  15. Click OK to save the VPN connection details.

Note: This one-time registry change is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router).

To connect to the VPN: Click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, select the new VPN entry, and click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.

Alternatively, instead of following the steps above, you may create the VPN connection using these Windows PowerShell commands. Replace Your VPN Server IP and Your VPN IPsec PSK with your own values, enclosed in single quotes:

# Disable persistent command history
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing
# Create VPN connection
Add-VpnConnection -Name 'My IPsec VPN' -ServerAddress 'Your VPN Server IP' ^
  -L2tpPsk 'Your VPN IPsec PSK' -TunnelType L2tp -EncryptionLevel Required ^
  -AuthenticationMethod Chap,MSChapv2 -Force -RememberCredential -PassThru
# Ignore the data encryption warning (data is encrypted in the IPsec tunnel)

Windows 7, Vista and XP

  1. Click on the Start Menu and go to the Control Panel.
  2. Go to the Network and Internet section.
  3. Click Network and Sharing Center.
  4. Click Set up a new connection or network.
  5. Select Connect to a workplace and click Next.
  6. Click Use my Internet connection (VPN).
  7. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Internet address field.
  8. Enter anything you like in the Destination name field.
  9. Check the Don’t connect now; just set it up so I can connect later checkbox.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Enter Your VPN Username in the User name field.
  12. Enter Your VPN Password in the Password field.
  13. Check the Remember this password checkbox.
  14. Click Create, and then Close.
  15. Return to Network and Sharing Center. On the left, click Change adapter settings.
  16. Right-click on the new VPN entry and choose Properties.
  17. Click the Options tab and uncheck Include Windows logon domain.
  18. Click the Security tab. Select «Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)» for the Type of VPN.
  19. Click Allow these protocols. Check the «Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)» and «Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)» checkboxes.
  20. Click the Advanced settings button.
  21. Select Use preshared key for authentication and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Key.
  22. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
  23. Click OK to save the VPN connection details.

Note: This one-time registry change is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router).

To connect to the VPN: Click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, select the new VPN entry, and click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode.

  1. Open System Preferences and go to the Network section.
  2. Click the + button in the lower-left corner of the window.
  3. Select VPN from the Interface drop-down menu.
  4. Select L2TP over IPSec from the VPN Type drop-down menu.
  5. Enter anything you like for the Service Name.
  6. Click Create.
  7. Enter Your VPN Server IP for the Server Address.
  8. Enter Your VPN Username for the Account Name.
  9. Click the Authentication Settings button.
  10. In the User Authentication section, select the Password radio button and enter Your VPN Password.
  11. In the Machine Authentication section, select the Shared Secret radio button and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Check the Show VPN status in menu bar checkbox.
  14. (Important) Click the Advanced button and make sure the Send all traffic over VPN connection checkbox is checked.
  15. (Important) Click the TCP/IP tab, and make sure Link-local only is selected in the Configure IPv6 section.
  16. Click OK to close the Advanced settings, and then click Apply to save the VPN connection information.

To connect to the VPN: Use the menu bar icon, or go to the Network section of System Preferences, select the VPN and choose Connect. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


Important: Android users should instead connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended), which is more secure. Android 12+ only supports IKEv2 mode. The native VPN client in Android uses the less secure modp1024 (DH group 2) for the IPsec/L2TP and IPsec/XAuth («Cisco IPsec») modes.

If you still want to connect using IPsec/L2TP mode, you must first edit /etc/ipsec.conf on the VPN server. Find the line ike=... and append ,aes256-sha2;modp1024,aes128-sha1;modp1024 at the end. Save the file and run sudo service ipsec restart.

Docker users: Add VPN_ENABLE_MODP1024=yes to your env file, then re-create the Docker container.

After that, follow the steps below on your Android device:

  1. Launch the Settings application.
  2. Tap «Network & internet». Or, if using Android 7 or earlier, tap More… in the Wireless & networks section.
  3. Tap VPN.
  4. Tap Add VPN Profile or the + icon at top-right of screen.
  5. Enter anything you like in the Name field.
  6. Select L2TP/IPSec PSK in the Type drop-down menu.
  7. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Server address field.
  8. Leave the L2TP secret field blank.
  9. Leave the IPSec identifier field blank.
  10. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK in the IPSec pre-shared key field.
  11. Tap Save.
  12. Tap the new VPN connection.
  13. Enter Your VPN Username in the Username field.
  14. Enter Your VPN Password in the Password field.
  15. Check the Save account information checkbox.
  16. Tap Connect.

Once connected, you will see a VPN icon in the notification bar. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode.

  1. Go to Settings -> General -> VPN.
  2. Tap Add VPN Configuration….
  3. Tap Type. Select L2TP and go back.
  4. Tap Description and enter anything you like.
  5. Tap Server and enter Your VPN Server IP.
  6. Tap Account and enter Your VPN Username.
  7. Tap Password and enter Your VPN Password.
  8. Tap Secret and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK.
  9. Make sure the Send All Traffic switch is ON.
  10. Tap Done.
  11. Slide the VPN switch ON.

Once connected, you will see a VPN icon in the status bar. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.

Chrome OS

You may also connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended).

  1. Go to Settings -> Network.
  2. Click Add connection, then click Add built-in VPN.
  3. Enter anything you like for the Service name.
  4. Select L2TP/IPsec in the Provider type drop-down menu.
  5. Enter Your VPN Server IP for the Server hostname.
  6. Select Pre-shared key in the Authentication type drop-down menu.
  7. Enter Your VPN Username for the Username.
  8. Enter Your VPN Password for the Password.
  9. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Pre-shared key.
  10. Leave other fields blank.
  11. Enable Save identity and password.
  12. Click Connect.

Once connected, you will see a VPN icon overlay on the network status icon. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


You may also connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended).

Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu 18.04 (and newer) users can install the network-manager-l2tp-gnome package using apt, then configure the IPsec/L2TP VPN client using the GUI.

  1. Go to Settings -> Network -> VPN. Click the + button.
  2. Select Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).
  3. Enter anything you like in the Name field.
  4. Enter Your VPN Server IP for the Gateway.
  5. Enter Your VPN Username for the User name.
  6. Right-click the ? in the Password field, select Store the password only for this user.
  7. Enter Your VPN Password for the Password.
  8. Leave the NT Domain field blank.
  9. Click the IPsec Settings… button.
  10. Check the Enable IPsec tunnel to L2TP host checkbox.
  11. Leave the Gateway ID field blank.
  12. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Pre-shared key.
  13. Expand the Advanced section.
  14. Enter aes128-sha1-modp2048 for the Phase1 Algorithms.
  15. Enter aes128-sha1 for the Phase2 Algorithms.
  16. Click OK, then click Add to save the VPN connection information.
  17. Turn the VPN switch ON.

If you get an error when trying to connect, try this fix.

Once connected, you can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

Fedora and CentOS

Fedora 28 (and newer) and CentOS 8/7 users can connect using IPsec/XAuth mode.

Other Linux

First check here to see if the network-manager-l2tp and network-manager-l2tp-gnome packages are available for your Linux distribution. If yes, install them (select strongSwan) and follow the instructions above. Alternatively, you may configure Linux VPN clients using the command line.

Configure Linux VPN clients using the command line

Advanced users can configure Linux VPN clients using the command line. Alternatively, you may connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended), or configure using the GUI. Instructions below are inspired by the work of Peter Sanford. Commands must be run as root on your VPN client.

To set up the VPN client, first install the following packages:

# Ubuntu and Debian
apt-get update
apt-get install strongswan xl2tpd net-tools

# Fedora
yum install strongswan xl2tpd net-tools

# CentOS
yum install epel-release
yum --enablerepo=epel install strongswan xl2tpd net-tools

Create VPN variables (replace with actual values):


Configure strongSwan:

cat > /etc/ipsec.conf <<EOF
# ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file

conn myvpn

cat > /etc/ipsec.secrets <<EOF

chmod 600 /etc/ipsec.secrets

# For CentOS and Fedora ONLY
mv /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf.old 2>/dev/null
mv /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets.old 2>/dev/null
ln -s /etc/ipsec.conf /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf
ln -s /etc/ipsec.secrets /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets

Configure xl2tpd:

cat > /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf <<EOF
[lac myvpn]
ppp debug = yes
pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.client
length bit = yes

cat > /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.client <<EOF
mtu 1280
mru 1280
connect-delay 5000
name "$VPN_USER"
password "$VPN_PASSWORD"

chmod 600 /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.client

The VPN client setup is now complete. Follow the steps below to connect.

Note: You must repeat all steps below every time you try to connect to the VPN.

Create xl2tpd control file:

mkdir -p /var/run/xl2tpd
touch /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control

Restart services:

service strongswan restart

# For Ubuntu 20.04, if strongswan service not found
ipsec restart

service xl2tpd restart

Start the IPsec connection:

# Ubuntu and Debian
ipsec up myvpn

# CentOS and Fedora
strongswan up myvpn

Start the L2TP connection:

echo "c myvpn" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control

Run ifconfig and check the output. You should now see a new interface ppp0.

Check your existing default route:

Find this line in the output: default via X.X.X.X .... Write down this gateway IP for use in the two commands below.

Exclude your VPN server’s public IP from the new default route (replace with actual value):


If your VPN client is a remote server, you must also exclude your Local PC’s public IP from the new default route, to prevent your SSH session from being disconnected (replace with actual value):


Add a new default route to start routing traffic via the VPN server:

route add default dev ppp0

The VPN connection is now complete. Verify that your traffic is being routed properly:

wget -qO- http://ipv4.icanhazip.com; echo

The above command should return Your VPN Server IP.

To stop routing traffic via the VPN server:

route del default dev ppp0

To disconnect:

# Ubuntu and Debian
echo "d myvpn" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
ipsec down myvpn

# CentOS and Fedora
echo "d myvpn" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
strongswan down myvpn

IKEv1 troubleshooting

Read this in other languages: English, 中文.

See also: IKEv2 troubleshooting and Advanced usage.

  • Check logs and VPN status
  • Windows error 809
  • Windows error 789 or 691
  • Windows error 628 or 766
  • Windows 10 connecting
  • Windows 10 upgrades
  • Windows DNS leaks and IPv6
  • Android MTU/MSS issues
  • Android 6 and 7
  • macOS send traffic over VPN
  • iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15/11+
  • iOS/Android sleep mode
  • Debian 11/10 kernel
  • Other errors

Check logs and VPN status

Commands below must be run as root (or using sudo).

First, restart services on the VPN server:

service ipsec restart
service xl2tpd restart

Docker users: Run docker restart ipsec-vpn-server.

Then reboot your VPN client device, and retry the connection. If still unable to connect, try removing and recreating the VPN connection. Make sure that the VPN server address and VPN credentials are entered correctly.

For servers with an external firewall (e.g. EC2/GCE), open UDP ports 500 and 4500 for the VPN.

Check the Libreswan (IPsec) and xl2tpd logs for errors:

# Ubuntu & Debian
grep pluto /var/log/auth.log
grep xl2tpd /var/log/syslog

# CentOS/RHEL, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, Oracle Linux & Amazon Linux 2
grep pluto /var/log/secure
grep xl2tpd /var/log/messages

# Alpine Linux
grep pluto /var/log/messages
grep xl2tpd /var/log/messages

Check the status of the IPsec VPN server:

Show currently established VPN connections:

Windows error 809

Error 809: The network connection between your computer and the VPN server could not be established because the remote server is not responding. This could be because one of the network devices (e.g, firewalls, NAT, routers, etc) between your computer and the remote server is not configured to allow VPN connections. Please contact your Administrator or your service provider to determine which device may be causing the problem.

Note: The registry change below is only required if you use IPsec/L2TP mode to connect to the VPN. It is NOT required for the IKEv2 and IPsec/XAuth modes.

To fix this error, a one-time registry change is required because the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router). Download and import the .reg file below, or run the following from an elevated command prompt. You must reboot your PC when finished.

  • For Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (download .reg file)

    REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesPolicyAgent /v AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f
  • For Windows XP ONLY (download .reg file)

    REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesIPSec /v AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f

Although uncommon, some Windows systems disable IPsec encryption, causing the connection to fail. To re-enable it, run the following command and reboot your PC.

  • For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (download .reg file)

    REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesRasManParameters /v ProhibitIpSec /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f

Windows error 789 or 691

Error 789: The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer encountered a processing error during initial negotiations with the remote computer.

Error 691: The remote connection was denied because the user name and password combination you provided is not recognized, or the selected authentication protocol is not permitted on the remote access server.

For error 789, click here for troubleshooting information. For error 691, you may try removing and recreating the VPN connection, by following the instructions in this document. Make sure that the VPN credentials are entered correctly.

Windows error 628 or 766

Error 628: The connection was terminated by the remote computer before it could be completed.

Error 766: A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPSec require the installation of a machine certificate, also known as a computer certificate.

To fix these errors, please follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Open Network and Sharing Center. Or, if using Windows 10 version 1709 or newer, select Open Network & Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click Network and Sharing Center.
  3. On the left, click Change adapter settings. Right-click on the new VPN and choose Properties.
  4. Click the Security tab. Select «Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)» for Type of VPN.
  5. Click Allow these protocols. Check the «Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)» and «Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)» checkboxes.
  6. Click the Advanced settings button.
  7. Select Use preshared key for authentication and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Key.
  8. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
  9. Click OK to save the VPN connection details.

For reference, see this screenshot of the VPN connection properties dialog.

Windows 10 connecting

If using Windows 10 and the VPN is stuck on «connecting» for more than a few minutes, try these steps:

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Open Network & Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click VPN on the left.
  3. Select the new VPN entry, then click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK.

Windows 10 upgrades

After upgrading Windows 10 version (e.g. from 1709 to 1803), you may need to re-apply the fix above for Windows Error 809 and reboot.

Windows DNS leaks and IPv6

Windows 8, 10 and 11 use «smart multi-homed name resolution» by default, which may cause «DNS leaks» when using the native IPsec VPN client if your DNS servers on the Internet adapter are from the local network segment. To fix, you may either disable smart multi-homed name resolution, or configure your Internet adapter to use DNS servers outside your local network (e.g. and When finished, clear the DNS cache and reboot your PC.

In addition, if your computer has IPv6 enabled, all IPv6 traffic (including DNS queries) will bypass the VPN. Learn how to disable IPv6 in Windows. If you need a VPN with IPv6 support, you could instead try OpenVPN.

Android MTU/MSS issues

Some Android devices have MTU/MSS issues, that they are able to connect to the VPN using IPsec/XAuth («Cisco IPsec») mode, but cannot open websites. If you encounter this problem, try running the following commands on the VPN server. If successful, you may add these commands to /etc/rc.local to persist after reboot.

iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m policy --pol ipsec --dir in 
  -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -m tcpmss --mss 1361:1536 
  -j TCPMSS --set-mss 1360
iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m policy --pol ipsec --dir out 
  -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -m tcpmss --mss 1361:1536 
  -j TCPMSS --set-mss 1360

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc

Docker users: Instead of running the commands above, you may apply this fix by adding VPN_ANDROID_MTU_FIX=yes to your env file, then re-create the Docker container.

Reference: [1].

Android 6 and 7

If your Android 6.x or 7.x device cannot connect, try these steps:

  1. Tap the «Settings» icon next to your VPN profile. Select «Show advanced options» and scroll down to the bottom. If the option «Backward compatible mode» exists (see screenshot), enable it and reconnect the VPN. If not, try the next step.
  2. Edit /etc/ipsec.conf on the VPN server. Find the line sha2-truncbug and toggle its value. i.e. Replace sha2-truncbug=no with sha2-truncbug=yes, or replace sha2-truncbug=yes with sha2-truncbug=no. Save the file and run service ipsec restart. Then reconnect the VPN.

Docker users: You may set sha2-truncbug=yes (default is no) in /etc/ipsec.conf by adding VPN_SHA2_TRUNCBUG=yes to your env file, then re-create the Docker container.

macOS send traffic over VPN

OS X (macOS) users: If you can successfully connect using IPsec/L2TP mode, but your public IP does not show Your VPN Server IP, read the OS X section above and complete these steps. Save VPN configuration and re-connect.

  1. Click the Advanced button and make sure the Send all traffic over VPN connection checkbox is checked.
  2. Click the TCP/IP tab, and make sure Link-local only is selected in the Configure IPv6 section.

After trying the steps above, if your computer is still not sending traffic over the VPN, check the service order. From the main network preferences screen, select «set service order» in the cog drop down under the list of connections. Drag the VPN connection to the top.

iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15/11+

If your device running iOS 13+, macOS 10.15 (Catalina), macOS 11 (Big Sur) or above cannot connect, try these steps: Edit /etc/ipsec.conf on the VPN server. Find sha2-truncbug=yes and replace it with sha2-truncbug=no. Save the file and run service ipsec restart. Then reconnect the VPN.

In addition, users running macOS Big Sur 11.0 should update to version 11.1 or newer, to fix some issues with VPN connections. To check your macOS version and update, refer to this article.

iOS/Android sleep mode

To save battery, iOS devices (iPhone/iPad) will automatically disconnect Wi-Fi shortly after the screen turns off (sleep mode). As a result, the IPsec VPN disconnects. This behavior is by design and cannot be configured.

If you need the VPN to auto-reconnect when the device wakes up, you may connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended) and enable the «VPN On Demand» feature. Alternatively, you may try OpenVPN instead, which has support for options such as «Reconnect on Wakeup» and «Seamless Tunnel».

Android devices will also disconnect Wi-Fi shortly after entering sleep mode, unless the option «Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep» is enabled. This option is no longer available in Android 8 (Oreo) and newer. Alternatively, you may try enabling the «Always-on VPN» option to stay connected. Learn more here.

Debian 11/10 kernel

Debian 11 or 10 users: Run uname -r to check your server’s Linux kernel version. If it contains the word «cloud», and /dev/ppp is missing, then the kernel lacks ppp support and cannot use IPsec/L2TP mode. The VPN setup scripts try to detect this and show a warning. In this case, you may instead use IKEv2 or IPsec/XAuth mode to connect to the VPN.

To fix the issue with IPsec/L2TP mode, you may switch to the standard Linux kernel by installing e.g. the linux-image-amd64 package. Then update the default kernel in GRUB and reboot your server.

Other errors

If you encounter other errors, refer to the links below:

  • http://www.tp-link.com/en/faq-1029.html
  • https://documentation.meraki.com/MX-Z/Client_VPN/Troubleshooting_Client_VPN#Common_Connection_Issues
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25245854/windows-8-1-gets-error-720-on-connect-vpn


Note: This license applies to this document only.

Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Lin Song View my profile on LinkedIn
Inspired by the work of Joshua Lund

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Configure IPsec/L2TP VPN Clients

Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文.

Note: You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode.

After setting up your own VPN server, follow these steps to configure your devices. IPsec/L2TP is natively supported by Android, iOS, OS X, and Windows. There is no additional software to install. Setup should only take a few minutes. In case you are unable to connect, first check to make sure the VPN credentials were entered correctly.

  • Platforms
    • Windows
    • OS X (macOS)
    • Android
    • iOS (iPhone/iPad)
    • Chromebook
    • Linux
  • Troubleshooting


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended).

Windows 11

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Network and Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click VPN.
  3. Click the Add VPN button.
  4. Select Windows (built-in) in the VPN provider drop-down menu.
  5. Enter anything you like in the Connection name field.
  6. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Server name or address field.
  7. Select L2TP/IPsec with pre-shared key in the VPN type drop-down menu.
  8. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK in the Pre-shared key field.
  9. Enter Your VPN Username in the User name field.
  10. Enter Your VPN Password in the Password field.
  11. Check the Remember my sign-in info checkbox.
  12. Click Save to save the VPN connection details.

Note: This one-time registry change is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router).

To connect to the VPN: Click the Connect button, or click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, click VPN, then select the new VPN entry and click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.

Windows 10 and 8

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Open Network & Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click Network and Sharing Center.
  3. Click Set up a new connection or network.
  4. Select Connect to a workplace and click Next.
  5. Click Use my Internet connection (VPN).
  6. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Internet address field.
  7. Enter anything you like in the Destination name field, and then click Create.
  8. Return to Network and Sharing Center. On the left, click Change adapter settings.
  9. Right-click on the new VPN entry and choose Properties.
  10. Click the Security tab. Select «Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)» for the Type of VPN.
  11. Click Allow these protocols. Check the «Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)» and «Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)» checkboxes.
  12. Click the Advanced settings button.
  13. Select Use preshared key for authentication and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Key.
  14. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
  15. Click OK to save the VPN connection details.

Note: This one-time registry change is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router).

To connect to the VPN: Click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, select the new VPN entry, and click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.

Alternatively, instead of following the steps above, you may create the VPN connection using these Windows PowerShell commands. Replace Your VPN Server IP and Your VPN IPsec PSK with your own values, enclosed in single quotes:

# Disable persistent command history
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing
# Create VPN connection
Add-VpnConnection -Name 'My IPsec VPN' -ServerAddress 'Your VPN Server IP' -L2tpPsk 'Your VPN IPsec PSK' -TunnelType L2tp -EncryptionLevel Required -AuthenticationMethod Chap,MSChapv2 -Force -RememberCredential -PassThru
# Ignore the data encryption warning (data is encrypted in the IPsec tunnel)

Windows 7, Vista and XP

  1. Click on the Start Menu and go to the Control Panel.
  2. Go to the Network and Internet section.
  3. Click Network and Sharing Center.
  4. Click Set up a new connection or network.
  5. Select Connect to a workplace and click Next.
  6. Click Use my Internet connection (VPN).
  7. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Internet address field.
  8. Enter anything you like in the Destination name field.
  9. Check the Don’t connect now; just set it up so I can connect later checkbox.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Enter Your VPN Username in the User name field.
  12. Enter Your VPN Password in the Password field.
  13. Check the Remember this password checkbox.
  14. Click Create, and then Close.
  15. Return to Network and Sharing Center. On the left, click Change adapter settings.
  16. Right-click on the new VPN entry and choose Properties.
  17. Click the Options tab and uncheck Include Windows logon domain.
  18. Click the Security tab. Select «Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)» for the Type of VPN.
  19. Click Allow these protocols. Check the «Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)» and «Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)» checkboxes.
  20. Click the Advanced settings button.
  21. Select Use preshared key for authentication and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Key.
  22. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
  23. Click OK to save the VPN connection details.

Note: This one-time registry change is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router).

To connect to the VPN: Click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, select the new VPN entry, and click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode.

  1. Open System Preferences and go to the Network section.
  2. Click the + button in the lower-left corner of the window.
  3. Select VPN from the Interface drop-down menu.
  4. Select L2TP over IPSec from the VPN Type drop-down menu.
  5. Enter anything you like for the Service Name.
  6. Click Create.
  7. Enter Your VPN Server IP for the Server Address.
  8. Enter Your VPN Username for the Account Name.
  9. Click the Authentication Settings button.
  10. In the User Authentication section, select the Password radio button and enter Your VPN Password.
  11. In the Machine Authentication section, select the Shared Secret radio button and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Check the Show VPN status in menu bar checkbox.
  14. (Important) Click the Advanced button and make sure the Send all traffic over VPN connection checkbox is checked.
  15. (Important) Click the TCP/IP tab, and make sure Link-local only is selected in the Configure IPv6 section.
  16. Click OK to close the Advanced settings, and then click Apply to save the VPN connection information.

To connect to the VPN: Use the menu bar icon, or go to the Network section of System Preferences, select the VPN and choose Connect. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode. Android 12 only supports IKEv2 mode.

  1. Launch the Settings application.
  2. Tap «Network & internet». Or, if using Android 7 or earlier, tap More… in the Wireless & networks section.
  3. Tap VPN.
  4. Tap Add VPN Profile or the + icon at top-right of screen.
  5. Enter anything you like in the Name field.
  6. Select L2TP/IPSec PSK in the Type drop-down menu.
  7. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Server address field.
  8. Leave the L2TP secret field blank.
  9. Leave the IPSec identifier field blank.
  10. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK in the IPSec pre-shared key field.
  11. Tap Save.
  12. Tap the new VPN connection.
  13. Enter Your VPN Username in the Username field.
  14. Enter Your VPN Password in the Password field.
  15. Check the Save account information checkbox.
  16. Tap Connect.

Once connected, you will see a VPN icon in the notification bar. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode.

  1. Go to Settings -> General -> VPN.
  2. Tap Add VPN Configuration….
  3. Tap Type. Select L2TP and go back.
  4. Tap Description and enter anything you like.
  5. Tap Server and enter Your VPN Server IP.
  6. Tap Account and enter Your VPN Username.
  7. Tap Password and enter Your VPN Password.
  8. Tap Secret and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK.
  9. Make sure the Send All Traffic switch is ON.
  10. Tap Done.
  11. Slide the VPN switch ON.

Once connected, you will see a VPN icon in the status bar. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


  1. If you haven’t already, sign in to your Chromebook.
  2. Click the status area, where your account picture appears.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. In the Internet connection section, click Add connection.
  5. Click Add OpenVPN / L2TP.
  6. Enter Your VPN Server IP for the Server hostname.
  7. Enter anything you like for the Service name.
  8. Make sure Provider type is L2TP/IPSec + pre-shared key.
  9. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Pre-shared key.
  10. Enter Your VPN Username for the Username.
  11. Enter Your VPN Password for the Password.
  12. Click Connect.

Once connected, you will see a VPN icon overlay on the network status icon. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended).

Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu 18.04 (and newer) users can install the network-manager-l2tp-gnome package using apt, then configure the IPsec/L2TP VPN client using the GUI.

  1. Go to Settings -> Network -> VPN. Click the + button.
  2. Select Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).
  3. Enter anything you like in the Name field.
  4. Enter Your VPN Server IP for the Gateway.
  5. Enter Your VPN Username for the User name.
  6. Right-click the ? in the Password field, select Store the password only for this user.
  7. Enter Your VPN Password for the Password.
  8. Leave the NT Domain field blank.
  9. Click the IPsec Settings… button.
  10. Check the Enable IPsec tunnel to L2TP host checkbox.
  11. Leave the Gateway ID field blank.
  12. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Pre-shared key.
  13. Expand the Advanced section.
  14. Enter aes128-sha1-modp2048 for the Phase1 Algorithms.
  15. Enter aes128-sha1 for the Phase2 Algorithms.
  16. Click OK, then click Add to save the VPN connection information.
  17. Turn the VPN switch ON.

If you get an error when trying to connect, try this fix.

Once connected, you can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

Fedora and CentOS

Fedora 28 (and newer) and CentOS 8/7 users can connect using IPsec/XAuth mode.

Other Linux

First check here to see if the network-manager-l2tp and network-manager-l2tp-gnome packages are available for your Linux distribution. If yes, install them (select strongSwan) and follow the instructions above. Alternatively, you may configure Linux VPN clients using the command line.


Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文.

See also: Check logs and VPN status, IKEv2 troubleshooting and Advanced usage.

  • Windows error 809
  • Windows error 789 or 691
  • Windows error 628 or 766
  • Windows 10 connecting
  • Windows 10 upgrades
  • Windows DNS leaks and IPv6
  • Android MTU/MSS issues
  • Android 6 and 7
  • macOS send traffic over VPN
  • iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15/11+
  • iOS/Android sleep mode
  • Debian 11/10 kernel
  • Other errors
  • Check logs and VPN status

Windows error 809

Error 809: The network connection between your computer and the VPN server could not be established because the remote server is not responding. This could be because one of the network devices (e.g, firewalls, NAT, routers, etc) between your computer and the remote server is not configured to allow VPN connections. Please contact your Administrator or your service provider to determine which device may be causing the problem.

Note: The registry change below is only required if you use IPsec/L2TP mode to connect to the VPN. It is NOT required for the IKEv2 and IPsec/XAuth modes.

To fix this error, a one-time registry change is required because the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router). Download and import the .reg file below, or run the following from an elevated command prompt. You must reboot your PC when finished.

  • For Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (download .reg file)

    REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesPolicyAgent /v AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f
  • For Windows XP ONLY (download .reg file)

    REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesIPSec /v AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f

Although uncommon, some Windows systems disable IPsec encryption, causing the connection to fail. To re-enable it, run the following command and reboot your PC.

  • For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (download .reg file)

    REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesRasManParameters /v ProhibitIpSec /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f

Windows error 789 or 691

Error 789: The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer encountered a processing error during initial negotiations with the remote computer.

Error 691: The remote connection was denied because the user name and password combination you provided is not recognized, or the selected authentication protocol is not permitted on the remote access server.

For error 789, click here for troubleshooting information. For error 691, you may try removing and recreating the VPN connection, by following the instructions in this document. Make sure that the VPN credentials are entered correctly.

Windows error 628 or 766

Error 628: The connection was terminated by the remote computer before it could be completed.

Error 766: A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPSec require the installation of a machine certificate, also known as a computer certificate.

To fix these errors, please follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Open Network and Sharing Center. Or, if using Windows 10 version 1709 or newer, select Open Network & Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click Network and Sharing Center.
  3. On the left, click Change adapter settings. Right-click on the new VPN and choose Properties.
  4. Click the Security tab. Select «Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)» for Type of VPN.
  5. Click Allow these protocols. Check the «Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)» and «Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)» checkboxes.
  6. Click the Advanced settings button.
  7. Select Use preshared key for authentication and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Key.
  8. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
  9. Click OK to save the VPN connection details.

For reference, see this screenshot of the VPN connection properties dialog.

Windows 10 connecting

If using Windows 10 and the VPN is stuck on «connecting» for more than a few minutes, try these steps:

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Open Network & Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click VPN on the left.
  3. Select the new VPN entry, then click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK.

Windows 10 upgrades

After upgrading Windows 10 version (e.g. from 1709 to 1803), you may need to re-apply the fix above for Windows Error 809 and reboot.

Windows DNS leaks and IPv6

Windows 8, 10 and 11 use «smart multi-homed name resolution» by default, which may cause «DNS leaks» when using the native IPsec VPN client if your DNS servers on the Internet adapter are from the local network segment. To fix, you may either disable smart multi-homed name resolution, or configure your Internet adapter to use DNS servers outside your local network (e.g. and When finished, clear the DNS cache and reboot your PC.

In addition, if your computer has IPv6 enabled, all IPv6 traffic (including DNS queries) will bypass the VPN. Learn how to disable IPv6 in Windows. If you need a VPN with IPv6 support, you could instead try OpenVPN.

Android MTU/MSS issues

Some Android devices have MTU/MSS issues, that they are able to connect to the VPN using IPsec/XAuth («Cisco IPsec») mode, but cannot open websites. If you encounter this problem, try running the following commands on the VPN server. If successful, you may add these commands to /etc/rc.local to persist after reboot.

iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m policy --pol ipsec --dir in 
  -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -m tcpmss --mss 1361:1536 
  -j TCPMSS --set-mss 1360
iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m policy --pol ipsec --dir out 
  -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -m tcpmss --mss 1361:1536 
  -j TCPMSS --set-mss 1360

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc

Docker users: Instead of running the commands above, you may apply this fix by adding VPN_ANDROID_MTU_FIX=yes to your env file, then re-create the Docker container.

References: [1] [2].

Android 6 and 7

If your Android 6.x or 7.x device cannot connect, try these steps:

  1. Tap the «Settings» icon next to your VPN profile. Select «Show advanced options» and scroll down to the bottom. If the option «Backward compatible mode» exists (see screenshot), enable it and reconnect the VPN. If not, try the next step.
  2. Edit /etc/ipsec.conf on the VPN server. Find the line sha2-truncbug and toggle its value. i.e. Replace sha2-truncbug=no with sha2-truncbug=yes, or replace sha2-truncbug=yes with sha2-truncbug=no. Save the file and run service ipsec restart. Then reconnect the VPN.

Docker users: You may set sha2-truncbug=yes (default is no) in /etc/ipsec.conf by adding VPN_SHA2_TRUNCBUG=yes to your env file, then re-create the Docker container.

macOS send traffic over VPN

OS X (macOS) users: If you can successfully connect using IPsec/L2TP mode, but your public IP does not show Your VPN Server IP, read the OS X section above and complete these steps. Save VPN configuration and re-connect.

  1. Click the Advanced button and make sure the Send all traffic over VPN connection checkbox is checked.
  2. Click the TCP/IP tab, and make sure Link-local only is selected in the Configure IPv6 section.

After trying the steps above, if your computer is still not sending traffic over the VPN, check the service order. From the main network preferences screen, select «set service order» in the cog drop down under the list of connections. Drag the VPN connection to the top.

iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15/11+

If your device running iOS 13+, macOS 10.15 (Catalina), macOS 11 (Big Sur) or above cannot connect, try these steps: Edit /etc/ipsec.conf on the VPN server. Find sha2-truncbug=yes and replace it with sha2-truncbug=no. Save the file and run service ipsec restart. Then reconnect the VPN.

In addition, users running macOS Big Sur 11.0 should update to version 11.1 or newer, to fix some issues with VPN connections. To check your macOS version and update, refer to this article.

iOS/Android sleep mode

To save battery, iOS devices (iPhone/iPad) will automatically disconnect Wi-Fi shortly after the screen turns off (sleep mode). As a result, the IPsec VPN disconnects. This behavior is by design and cannot be configured.

If you need the VPN to auto-reconnect when the device wakes up, you may connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended) and enable the «VPN On Demand» feature. Alternatively, you may try OpenVPN instead, which has support for options such as «Reconnect on Wakeup» and «Seamless Tunnel».

Android devices will also disconnect Wi-Fi shortly after entering sleep mode, unless the option «Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep» is enabled. This option is no longer available in Android 8 (Oreo) and newer. Alternatively, you may try enabling the «Always-on VPN» option to stay connected. Learn more here.

Debian 11/10 kernel

Debian 11 or 10 users: Run uname -r to check your server’s Linux kernel version. If it contains the word «cloud», and /dev/ppp is missing, then the kernel lacks ppp support and cannot use IPsec/L2TP mode. The VPN setup scripts try to detect this and show a warning. In this case, you may instead use IKEv2 or IPsec/XAuth mode to connect to the VPN.

To fix the issue with IPsec/L2TP mode, you may switch to the standard Linux kernel by installing e.g. the linux-image-amd64 package. Then update the default kernel in GRUB and reboot your server.

Other errors

If you encounter other errors, refer to the links below:

  • http://www.tp-link.com/en/faq-1029.html
  • https://documentation.meraki.com/MX-Z/Client_VPN/Troubleshooting_Client_VPN#Common_Connection_Issues
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25245854/windows-8-1-gets-error-720-on-connect-vpn

Check logs and VPN status

Commands below must be run as root (or using sudo).

First, restart services on the VPN server:

service ipsec restart
service xl2tpd restart

Docker users: Run docker restart ipsec-vpn-server.

Then reboot your VPN client device, and retry the connection. If still unable to connect, try removing and recreating the VPN connection. Make sure that the VPN credentials are entered correctly.

Check the Libreswan (IPsec) and xl2tpd logs for errors:

# Ubuntu & Debian
grep pluto /var/log/auth.log
grep xl2tpd /var/log/syslog

# CentOS/RHEL, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux & Amazon Linux 2
grep pluto /var/log/secure
grep xl2tpd /var/log/messages

# Alpine Linux
grep pluto /var/log/messages
grep xl2tpd /var/log/messages

Check the status of the IPsec VPN server:

Show currently established VPN connections:

Configure Linux VPN clients using the command line

After setting up your own VPN server, follow these steps to configure Linux VPN clients using the command line. Alternatively, you may connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended), or configure using the GUI. Instructions below are based on the work of Peter Sanford. Commands must be run as root on your VPN client.

To set up the VPN client, first install the following packages:

# Ubuntu and Debian
apt-get update
apt-get install strongswan xl2tpd net-tools

# Fedora
yum install strongswan xl2tpd net-tools

# CentOS
yum install epel-release
yum --enablerepo=epel install strongswan xl2tpd net-tools

Create VPN variables (replace with actual values):


Configure strongSwan:

cat > /etc/ipsec.conf <<EOF
# ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file

conn myvpn

cat > /etc/ipsec.secrets <<EOF

chmod 600 /etc/ipsec.secrets

# For CentOS and Fedora ONLY
mv /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf.old 2>/dev/null
mv /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets.old 2>/dev/null
ln -s /etc/ipsec.conf /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf
ln -s /etc/ipsec.secrets /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets

Configure xl2tpd:

cat > /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf <<EOF
[lac myvpn]
ppp debug = yes
pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.client
length bit = yes

cat > /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.client <<EOF
mtu 1280
mru 1280
connect-delay 5000
name "$VPN_USER"
password "$VPN_PASSWORD"

chmod 600 /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.client

The VPN client setup is now complete. Follow the steps below to connect.

Note: You must repeat all steps below every time you try to connect to the VPN.

Create xl2tpd control file:

mkdir -p /var/run/xl2tpd
touch /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control

Restart services:

service strongswan restart

# For Ubuntu 20.04, if strongswan service not found
ipsec restart

service xl2tpd restart

Start the IPsec connection:

# Ubuntu and Debian
ipsec up myvpn

# CentOS and Fedora
strongswan up myvpn

Start the L2TP connection:

echo "c myvpn" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control

Run ifconfig and check the output. You should now see a new interface ppp0.

Check your existing default route:

Find this line in the output: default via X.X.X.X .... Write down this gateway IP for use in the two commands below.

Exclude your VPN server’s public IP from the new default route (replace with actual value):


If your VPN client is a remote server, you must also exclude your Local PC’s public IP from the new default route, to prevent your SSH session from being disconnected (replace with actual value):


Add a new default route to start routing traffic via the VPN server:

route add default dev ppp0

The VPN connection is now complete. Verify that your traffic is being routed properly:

wget -qO- http://ipv4.icanhazip.com; echo

The above command should return Your VPN Server IP.

To stop routing traffic via the VPN server:

route del default dev ppp0

To disconnect:

# Ubuntu and Debian
echo "d myvpn" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
ipsec down myvpn

# CentOS and Fedora
echo "d myvpn" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
strongswan down myvpn


This document was adapted from the Streisand project, maintained by Joshua Lund and contributors.


Note: This license applies to this document only.

Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Lin Song View my profile on LinkedIn
Based on the work of Joshua Lund (Copyright 2014-2016)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Configure IPsec/L2TP VPN Clients

Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文.

Note: You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode.

After setting up your own VPN server, follow these steps to configure your devices. IPsec/L2TP is natively supported by Android, iOS, OS X, and Windows. There is no additional software to install. Setup should only take a few minutes. In case you are unable to connect, first check to make sure the VPN credentials were entered correctly.

  • Platforms
    • Windows
    • OS X (macOS)
    • Android
    • iOS (iPhone/iPad)
    • Chromebook
    • Linux
  • Troubleshooting


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended).

Windows 11

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Network and Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click VPN.
  3. Click the Add VPN button.
  4. Select Windows (built-in) in the VPN provider drop-down menu.
  5. Enter anything you like in the Connection name field.
  6. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Server name or address field.
  7. Select L2TP/IPsec with pre-shared key in the VPN type drop-down menu.
  8. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK in the Pre-shared key field.
  9. Enter Your VPN Username in the User name field.
  10. Enter Your VPN Password in the Password field.
  11. Check the Remember my sign-in info checkbox.
  12. Click Save to save the VPN connection details.

Note: This one-time registry change is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router).

To connect to the VPN: Click the Connect button, or click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, click VPN, then select the new VPN entry and click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.

Windows 10 and 8

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Open Network & Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click Network and Sharing Center.
  3. Click Set up a new connection or network.
  4. Select Connect to a workplace and click Next.
  5. Click Use my Internet connection (VPN).
  6. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Internet address field.
  7. Enter anything you like in the Destination name field, and then click Create.
  8. Return to Network and Sharing Center. On the left, click Change adapter settings.
  9. Right-click on the new VPN entry and choose Properties.
  10. Click the Security tab. Select «Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)» for the Type of VPN.
  11. Click Allow these protocols. Check the «Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)» and «Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)» checkboxes.
  12. Click the Advanced settings button.
  13. Select Use preshared key for authentication and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Key.
  14. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
  15. Click OK to save the VPN connection details.

Note: This one-time registry change is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router).

To connect to the VPN: Click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, select the new VPN entry, and click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.

Alternatively, instead of following the steps above, you may create the VPN connection using these Windows PowerShell commands. Replace Your VPN Server IP and Your VPN IPsec PSK with your own values, enclosed in single quotes:

# Disable persistent command history
Set-PSReadlineOption –HistorySaveStyle SaveNothing
# Create VPN connection
Add-VpnConnection -Name 'My IPsec VPN' -ServerAddress 'Your VPN Server IP' -L2tpPsk 'Your VPN IPsec PSK' -TunnelType L2tp -EncryptionLevel Required -AuthenticationMethod Chap,MSChapv2 -Force -RememberCredential -PassThru
# Ignore the data encryption warning (data is encrypted in the IPsec tunnel)

Windows 7, Vista and XP

  1. Click on the Start Menu and go to the Control Panel.
  2. Go to the Network and Internet section.
  3. Click Network and Sharing Center.
  4. Click Set up a new connection or network.
  5. Select Connect to a workplace and click Next.
  6. Click Use my Internet connection (VPN).
  7. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Internet address field.
  8. Enter anything you like in the Destination name field.
  9. Check the Don’t connect now; just set it up so I can connect later checkbox.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Enter Your VPN Username in the User name field.
  12. Enter Your VPN Password in the Password field.
  13. Check the Remember this password checkbox.
  14. Click Create, and then Close.
  15. Return to Network and Sharing Center. On the left, click Change adapter settings.
  16. Right-click on the new VPN entry and choose Properties.
  17. Click the Options tab and uncheck Include Windows logon domain.
  18. Click the Security tab. Select «Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)» for the Type of VPN.
  19. Click Allow these protocols. Check the «Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)» and «Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)» checkboxes.
  20. Click the Advanced settings button.
  21. Select Use preshared key for authentication and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Key.
  22. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
  23. Click OK to save the VPN connection details.

Note: This one-time registry change is required if the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router).

To connect to the VPN: Click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray, select the new VPN entry, and click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode.

  1. Open System Preferences and go to the Network section.
  2. Click the + button in the lower-left corner of the window.
  3. Select VPN from the Interface drop-down menu.
  4. Select L2TP over IPSec from the VPN Type drop-down menu.
  5. Enter anything you like for the Service Name.
  6. Click Create.
  7. Enter Your VPN Server IP for the Server Address.
  8. Enter Your VPN Username for the Account Name.
  9. Click the Authentication Settings button.
  10. In the User Authentication section, select the Password radio button and enter Your VPN Password.
  11. In the Machine Authentication section, select the Shared Secret radio button and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Check the Show VPN status in menu bar checkbox.
  14. (Important) Click the Advanced button and make sure the Send all traffic over VPN connection checkbox is checked.
  15. (Important) Click the TCP/IP tab, and make sure Link-local only is selected in the Configure IPv6 section.
  16. Click OK to close the Advanced settings, and then click Apply to save the VPN connection information.

To connect to the VPN: Use the menu bar icon, or go to the Network section of System Preferences, select the VPN and choose Connect. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode. Android 12 only supports IKEv2 mode.

  1. Launch the Settings application.
  2. Tap «Network & internet». Or, if using Android 7 or earlier, tap More… in the Wireless & networks section.
  3. Tap VPN.
  4. Tap Add VPN Profile or the + icon at top-right of screen.
  5. Enter anything you like in the Name field.
  6. Select L2TP/IPSec PSK in the Type drop-down menu.
  7. Enter Your VPN Server IP in the Server address field.
  8. Leave the L2TP secret field blank.
  9. Leave the IPSec identifier field blank.
  10. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK in the IPSec pre-shared key field.
  11. Tap Save.
  12. Tap the new VPN connection.
  13. Enter Your VPN Username in the Username field.
  14. Enter Your VPN Password in the Password field.
  15. Check the Save account information checkbox.
  16. Tap Connect.

Once connected, you will see a VPN icon in the notification bar. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 (recommended) or IPsec/XAuth mode.

  1. Go to Settings -> General -> VPN.
  2. Tap Add VPN Configuration….
  3. Tap Type. Select L2TP and go back.
  4. Tap Description and enter anything you like.
  5. Tap Server and enter Your VPN Server IP.
  6. Tap Account and enter Your VPN Username.
  7. Tap Password and enter Your VPN Password.
  8. Tap Secret and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK.
  9. Make sure the Send All Traffic switch is ON.
  10. Tap Done.
  11. Slide the VPN switch ON.

Once connected, you will see a VPN icon in the status bar. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


  1. If you haven’t already, sign in to your Chromebook.
  2. Click the status area, where your account picture appears.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. In the Internet connection section, click Add connection.
  5. Click Add OpenVPN / L2TP.
  6. Enter Your VPN Server IP for the Server hostname.
  7. Enter anything you like for the Service name.
  8. Make sure Provider type is L2TP/IPSec + pre-shared key.
  9. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Pre-shared key.
  10. Enter Your VPN Username for the Username.
  11. Enter Your VPN Password for the Password.
  12. Click Connect.

Once connected, you will see a VPN icon overlay on the network status icon. You can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

If you get an error when trying to connect, see Troubleshooting.


ℹ️ You may also connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended).

Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu 18.04 (and newer) users can install the network-manager-l2tp-gnome package using apt, then configure the IPsec/L2TP VPN client using the GUI.

  1. Go to Settings -> Network -> VPN. Click the + button.
  2. Select Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).
  3. Enter anything you like in the Name field.
  4. Enter Your VPN Server IP for the Gateway.
  5. Enter Your VPN Username for the User name.
  6. Right-click the ? in the Password field, select Store the password only for this user.
  7. Enter Your VPN Password for the Password.
  8. Leave the NT Domain field blank.
  9. Click the IPsec Settings… button.
  10. Check the Enable IPsec tunnel to L2TP host checkbox.
  11. Leave the Gateway ID field blank.
  12. Enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Pre-shared key.
  13. Expand the Advanced section.
  14. Enter aes128-sha1-modp2048 for the Phase1 Algorithms.
  15. Enter aes128-sha1 for the Phase2 Algorithms.
  16. Click OK, then click Add to save the VPN connection information.
  17. Turn the VPN switch ON.

If you get an error when trying to connect, try this fix.

Once connected, you can verify that your traffic is being routed properly by looking up your IP address on Google. It should say «Your public IP address is Your VPN Server IP«.

Fedora and CentOS

Fedora 28 (and newer) and CentOS 8/7 users can connect using IPsec/XAuth mode.

Other Linux

First check here to see if the network-manager-l2tp and network-manager-l2tp-gnome packages are available for your Linux distribution. If yes, install them (select strongSwan) and follow the instructions above. Alternatively, you may configure Linux VPN clients using the command line.


Read this in other languages: English, 简体中文.

See also: Check logs and VPN status, IKEv2 troubleshooting and Advanced usage.

  • Windows error 809
  • Windows error 789 or 691
  • Windows error 628 or 766
  • Windows 10 connecting
  • Windows 10 upgrades
  • Windows DNS leaks and IPv6
  • Android MTU/MSS issues
  • Android 6 and 7
  • macOS send traffic over VPN
  • iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15/11+
  • iOS/Android sleep mode
  • Debian 11/10 kernel
  • Other errors
  • Check logs and VPN status

Windows error 809

Error 809: The network connection between your computer and the VPN server could not be established because the remote server is not responding. This could be because one of the network devices (e.g, firewalls, NAT, routers, etc) between your computer and the remote server is not configured to allow VPN connections. Please contact your Administrator or your service provider to determine which device may be causing the problem.

Note: The registry change below is only required if you use IPsec/L2TP mode to connect to the VPN. It is NOT required for the IKEv2 and IPsec/XAuth modes.

To fix this error, a one-time registry change is required because the VPN server and/or client is behind NAT (e.g. home router). Download and import the .reg file below, or run the following from an elevated command prompt. You must reboot your PC when finished.

  • For Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (download .reg file)

    REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesPolicyAgent /v AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f
  • For Windows XP ONLY (download .reg file)

    REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesIPSec /v AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule /t REG_DWORD /d 0x2 /f

Although uncommon, some Windows systems disable IPsec encryption, causing the connection to fail. To re-enable it, run the following command and reboot your PC.

  • For Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (download .reg file)

    REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesRasManParameters /v ProhibitIpSec /t REG_DWORD /d 0x0 /f

Windows error 789 or 691

Error 789: The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer encountered a processing error during initial negotiations with the remote computer.

Error 691: The remote connection was denied because the user name and password combination you provided is not recognized, or the selected authentication protocol is not permitted on the remote access server.

For error 789, click here for troubleshooting information. For error 691, you may try removing and recreating the VPN connection, by following the instructions in this document. Make sure that the VPN credentials are entered correctly.

Windows error 628 or 766

Error 628: The connection was terminated by the remote computer before it could be completed.

Error 766: A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPSec require the installation of a machine certificate, also known as a computer certificate.

To fix these errors, please follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Open Network and Sharing Center. Or, if using Windows 10 version 1709 or newer, select Open Network & Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click Network and Sharing Center.
  3. On the left, click Change adapter settings. Right-click on the new VPN and choose Properties.
  4. Click the Security tab. Select «Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPsec (L2TP/IPSec)» for Type of VPN.
  5. Click Allow these protocols. Check the «Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)» and «Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2)» checkboxes.
  6. Click the Advanced settings button.
  7. Select Use preshared key for authentication and enter Your VPN IPsec PSK for the Key.
  8. Click OK to close the Advanced settings.
  9. Click OK to save the VPN connection details.

For reference, see this screenshot of the VPN connection properties dialog.

Windows 10 connecting

If using Windows 10 and the VPN is stuck on «connecting» for more than a few minutes, try these steps:

  1. Right-click on the wireless/network icon in your system tray.
  2. Select Open Network & Internet settings, then on the page that opens, click VPN on the left.
  3. Select the new VPN entry, then click Connect. If prompted, enter Your VPN Username and Password, then click OK.

Windows 10 upgrades

After upgrading Windows 10 version (e.g. from 1709 to 1803), you may need to re-apply the fix above for Windows Error 809 and reboot.

Windows DNS leaks and IPv6

Windows 8, 10 and 11 use «smart multi-homed name resolution» by default, which may cause «DNS leaks» when using the native IPsec VPN client if your DNS servers on the Internet adapter are from the local network segment. To fix, you may either disable smart multi-homed name resolution, or configure your Internet adapter to use DNS servers outside your local network (e.g. and When finished, clear the DNS cache and reboot your PC.

In addition, if your computer has IPv6 enabled, all IPv6 traffic (including DNS queries) will bypass the VPN. Learn how to disable IPv6 in Windows. If you need a VPN with IPv6 support, you could instead try OpenVPN.

Android MTU/MSS issues

Some Android devices have MTU/MSS issues, that they are able to connect to the VPN using IPsec/XAuth («Cisco IPsec») mode, but cannot open websites. If you encounter this problem, try running the following commands on the VPN server. If successful, you may add these commands to /etc/rc.local to persist after reboot.

iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m policy --pol ipsec --dir in 
  -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -m tcpmss --mss 1361:1536 
  -j TCPMSS --set-mss 1360
iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -m policy --pol ipsec --dir out 
  -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -m tcpmss --mss 1361:1536 
  -j TCPMSS --set-mss 1360

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc

Docker users: Instead of running the commands above, you may apply this fix by adding VPN_ANDROID_MTU_FIX=yes to your env file, then re-create the Docker container.

References: [1] [2].

Android 6 and 7

If your Android 6.x or 7.x device cannot connect, try these steps:

  1. Tap the «Settings» icon next to your VPN profile. Select «Show advanced options» and scroll down to the bottom. If the option «Backward compatible mode» exists (see screenshot), enable it and reconnect the VPN. If not, try the next step.
  2. Edit /etc/ipsec.conf on the VPN server. Find the line sha2-truncbug and toggle its value. i.e. Replace sha2-truncbug=no with sha2-truncbug=yes, or replace sha2-truncbug=yes with sha2-truncbug=no. Save the file and run service ipsec restart. Then reconnect the VPN.

Docker users: You may set sha2-truncbug=yes (default is no) in /etc/ipsec.conf by adding VPN_SHA2_TRUNCBUG=yes to your env file, then re-create the Docker container.

macOS send traffic over VPN

OS X (macOS) users: If you can successfully connect using IPsec/L2TP mode, but your public IP does not show Your VPN Server IP, read the OS X section above and complete these steps. Save VPN configuration and re-connect.

  1. Click the Advanced button and make sure the Send all traffic over VPN connection checkbox is checked.
  2. Click the TCP/IP tab, and make sure Link-local only is selected in the Configure IPv6 section.

After trying the steps above, if your computer is still not sending traffic over the VPN, check the service order. From the main network preferences screen, select «set service order» in the cog drop down under the list of connections. Drag the VPN connection to the top.

iOS 13+ and macOS 10.15/11+

If your device running iOS 13+, macOS 10.15 (Catalina), macOS 11 (Big Sur) or above cannot connect, try these steps: Edit /etc/ipsec.conf on the VPN server. Find sha2-truncbug=yes and replace it with sha2-truncbug=no. Save the file and run service ipsec restart. Then reconnect the VPN.

In addition, users running macOS Big Sur 11.0 should update to version 11.1 or newer, to fix some issues with VPN connections. To check your macOS version and update, refer to this article.

iOS/Android sleep mode

To save battery, iOS devices (iPhone/iPad) will automatically disconnect Wi-Fi shortly after the screen turns off (sleep mode). As a result, the IPsec VPN disconnects. This behavior is by design and cannot be configured.

If you need the VPN to auto-reconnect when the device wakes up, you may connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended) and enable the «VPN On Demand» feature. Alternatively, you may try OpenVPN instead, which has support for options such as «Reconnect on Wakeup» and «Seamless Tunnel».

Android devices will also disconnect Wi-Fi shortly after entering sleep mode, unless the option «Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep» is enabled. This option is no longer available in Android 8 (Oreo) and newer. Alternatively, you may try enabling the «Always-on VPN» option to stay connected. Learn more here.

Debian 11/10 kernel

Debian 11 or 10 users: Run uname -r to check your server’s Linux kernel version. If it contains the word «cloud», and /dev/ppp is missing, then the kernel lacks ppp support and cannot use IPsec/L2TP mode. The VPN setup scripts try to detect this and show a warning. In this case, you may instead use IKEv2 or IPsec/XAuth mode to connect to the VPN.

To fix the issue with IPsec/L2TP mode, you may switch to the standard Linux kernel by installing e.g. the linux-image-amd64 package. Then update the default kernel in GRUB and reboot your server.

Other errors

If you encounter other errors, refer to the links below:

  • http://www.tp-link.com/en/faq-1029.html
  • https://documentation.meraki.com/MX-Z/Client_VPN/Troubleshooting_Client_VPN#Common_Connection_Issues
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25245854/windows-8-1-gets-error-720-on-connect-vpn

Check logs and VPN status

Commands below must be run as root (or using sudo).

First, restart services on the VPN server:

service ipsec restart
service xl2tpd restart

Docker users: Run docker restart ipsec-vpn-server.

Then reboot your VPN client device, and retry the connection. If still unable to connect, try removing and recreating the VPN connection. Make sure that the VPN credentials are entered correctly.

Check the Libreswan (IPsec) and xl2tpd logs for errors:

# Ubuntu & Debian
grep pluto /var/log/auth.log
grep xl2tpd /var/log/syslog

# CentOS/RHEL, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux & Amazon Linux 2
grep pluto /var/log/secure
grep xl2tpd /var/log/messages

# Alpine Linux
grep pluto /var/log/messages
grep xl2tpd /var/log/messages

Check the status of the IPsec VPN server:

Show currently established VPN connections:

Configure Linux VPN clients using the command line

After setting up your own VPN server, follow these steps to configure Linux VPN clients using the command line. Alternatively, you may connect using IKEv2 mode (recommended), or configure using the GUI. Instructions below are based on the work of Peter Sanford. Commands must be run as root on your VPN client.

To set up the VPN client, first install the following packages:

# Ubuntu and Debian
apt-get update
apt-get install strongswan xl2tpd net-tools

# Fedora
yum install strongswan xl2tpd net-tools

# CentOS
yum install epel-release
yum --enablerepo=epel install strongswan xl2tpd net-tools

Create VPN variables (replace with actual values):


Configure strongSwan:

cat > /etc/ipsec.conf <<EOF
# ipsec.conf - strongSwan IPsec configuration file

conn myvpn

cat > /etc/ipsec.secrets <<EOF

chmod 600 /etc/ipsec.secrets

# For CentOS and Fedora ONLY
mv /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf.old 2>/dev/null
mv /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets.old 2>/dev/null
ln -s /etc/ipsec.conf /etc/strongswan/ipsec.conf
ln -s /etc/ipsec.secrets /etc/strongswan/ipsec.secrets

Configure xl2tpd:

cat > /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf <<EOF
[lac myvpn]
ppp debug = yes
pppoptfile = /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.client
length bit = yes

cat > /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.client <<EOF
mtu 1280
mru 1280
connect-delay 5000
name "$VPN_USER"
password "$VPN_PASSWORD"

chmod 600 /etc/ppp/options.l2tpd.client

The VPN client setup is now complete. Follow the steps below to connect.

Note: You must repeat all steps below every time you try to connect to the VPN.

Create xl2tpd control file:

mkdir -p /var/run/xl2tpd
touch /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control

Restart services:

service strongswan restart

# For Ubuntu 20.04, if strongswan service not found
ipsec restart

service xl2tpd restart

Start the IPsec connection:

# Ubuntu and Debian
ipsec up myvpn

# CentOS and Fedora
strongswan up myvpn

Start the L2TP connection:

echo "c myvpn" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control

Run ifconfig and check the output. You should now see a new interface ppp0.

Check your existing default route:

Find this line in the output: default via X.X.X.X .... Write down this gateway IP for use in the two commands below.

Exclude your VPN server’s public IP from the new default route (replace with actual value):


If your VPN client is a remote server, you must also exclude your Local PC’s public IP from the new default route, to prevent your SSH session from being disconnected (replace with actual value):


Add a new default route to start routing traffic via the VPN server:

route add default dev ppp0

The VPN connection is now complete. Verify that your traffic is being routed properly:

wget -qO- http://ipv4.icanhazip.com; echo

The above command should return Your VPN Server IP.

To stop routing traffic via the VPN server:

route del default dev ppp0

To disconnect:

# Ubuntu and Debian
echo "d myvpn" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
ipsec down myvpn

# CentOS and Fedora
echo "d myvpn" > /var/run/xl2tpd/l2tp-control
strongswan down myvpn


This document was adapted from the Streisand project, maintained by Joshua Lund and contributors.


Note: This license applies to this document only.

Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Lin Song View my profile on LinkedIn
Based on the work of Joshua Lund (Copyright 2014-2016)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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