Не отображаются файлы в сетевой папке windows 7

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Не видно файлов в расшаренной папке

  • Вопрос

  • Расшарил папку с ПК на windows 10, к этой папке подключаюсь по wifi с телефона/телевизора, после последнего обновления свеже добавленные файлы не отображаются,
    кэширование отключено, общий доступ предоставлен, в библиотеке мультимедиа папка присутствует, служба публикаций также включена,компонент SMB1 включен. В чем может быть проблема?


  • А может у вас нету пароля на доступ.

    Поставьте, пожалуйста пароль к учетной записи, затем попробуйте с паролем зайти, после какого то обновления много лет назад без пароля доступ к компонентам другой ОС из Windos и к Windows увы не возможно достичь, приведенный
    пример с планшета не имеет релевантного сравнения.

    Если Вам помог чей-либо ответ, пожалуйста, не забывайте жать на кнопку «Предложить как ответ» или «Проголосовать за полезное сообщение» Мнения, высказанные здесь, являются отражение моих личных взглядов, а не позиции
    корпорации Microsoft. Вся информация предоставляется «как есть» без каких-либо гарантий.

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      17 января 2019 г. 8:51

  • Question

  • I have mapped drives on a Windows 7 box. The server is running 2008 Standard.

    We scan files into a mapped drive, but they don’t immediately show up on other computers when opening the mapped drive. Is there a refresh rate?

    If so, how can it be changed? It usually works if I have the user do a F5 or right click and click refresh.


All replies

  • Hi,

    This issue may be caused by the Automatic refresh folder. You may kindly refer to the following steps:

    1.       Open your Windows Explorer, and click organize.
    2.       Click Folder and search Option.
    3.       Under the General Tab, please check the box before “Automatically expand to current folder”.

    If the issue persists, please try to disable the folder Index, please kindly refer to the following steps:

    1. Click Start Menu, then type Offline files, then click Manager Offline Files in the search result.
    2. Then check whether you enable offline files, if so, please disable it to have a try.

    In addition, can you advise me the following things:

    1. How other computers access the shares? Are they via mapped drive or access directly ?
    2. Are the new components able to be viewed immediately on the local computer ?

    Also, please kindly try the following steps:

    1. Disable Remote differential Compression.
    2. Disable Auto-Tuning.
    3. Disable SMBV2.

  • Hi,

    This issue may be caused by the Automatic refresh folder. You may kindly refer to the following steps:

    1.       Open your Windows Explorer, and click organize.
    2.       Click Folder and search Option.
    3.       Under the General Tab, please check the box before “Automatically expand to current folder”.

    If the issue persists, please try to disable the folder Index, please kindly refer to the following steps:

    1. Click Start Menu, then type Offline files, then click Manager Offline Files in the search result.
    2. Then check whether you enable offline files, if so, please disable it to have a try.

    In addition, can you advise me the following things:

    1. How other computers access the shares? Are they via mapped drive or access directly ?
    2. Are the new components able to be viewed immediately on the local computer ?

    Also, please kindly try the following steps:

    1. Disable Remote differential Compression.
    2. Disable Auto-Tuning.
    3. Disable SMBV2.

    Hi, I did the organize, folder / search option, as well as automatically expand…

    They are NOT set up as offline files, I checked that.

    All computers are mapped to the S: drive.  Some can see them right away, some it takes a reboot.  When I navigate (on any of the computers) using the UNC path, all files are visable.

    As far as your last three steps, I don’t understand what that means.  Also, a correction to my original post, F5 or refresh does not make them show up, only a reboot.



  • Hi Allen-CCWTech

    Have you had any solution to this error?

    I’m having the exact same problem. Some users can view the files, some cannot — however if they log off the server and log onto another terminal server — they can.

    Also, using the full UNC name works.

    Very strange.

    If you have any solution, I’d really appreciate it.


  • Hi Allen-CCWTech

    Have you had any solution to this error?

    I’m having the exact same problem. Some users can view the files, some cannot — however if they log off the server and log onto another terminal server — they can.

    Also, using the full UNC name works.

    Very strange.

    If you have any solution, I’d really appreciate it.


    No, not yet unfortunately.  Please post here if you find anything as well.

  • I too am seeing this exact same problem.

    Enviroment: Win7 pc connecting to Server 2008 standard through a mapped drive letter.

    New files created on a mapped drive letter do not show up.  If I disconnect the drive letter and re-map the drive letter to the UNC the files then show up.  This allowed me to create a batch file with a shortcut on the users desktop
    to temporarily fix the problem until I can find a permanent fix.

    Disconnect share first

    net use P: \ServerShare /disconnect

    reconnect to share

    net use P: \ServerShare /presistent:yes

    THe new files are now visable. 

    I would suspect the Microsoft has a hotfix available.


  • Unfortunately that’s not something I can just have my users doing all the time.

  • A better temporary fix, which works for me — is to get my users to hit F5 which refreshes the folder.

  • «…F5 or refresh does not make them show up, only a reboot.»

    That doesn’t work I’m afraid.

  • This issue persists, any ideas?

  • I am facing a similar issue wherein users in US are able to see the files on the share whereas users in India are unable to see any file even after doing a F5 etc. Any help is really appreciated.

  • Hello,

    I have the same issue with a Windows Server 2008 R2 fileserver and Windows 7 clients.
    If a network scanner upload files via SMB to the fileserver, the users doesn’t see any new files until they reboot the Windows 7 clients.

    Thats very strange…


  • I have made several tests. We can see the new file on the share with powershell, but not in explorer:

    After a restart, we can also see the file in the explorer.

    Thanks and regards


  • Same problem here in two offices. Did anyone find any solution?

    • Edited by

      Wednesday, February 9, 2011 10:15 AM

  • Yep same problem here too :( … Can’t find anything on the internet about this… I’m wondering if its lagging permissions if there’s such a thing because our AD server is through a VPN on the internet — anyone else have this setup?

    EDIT3: After a week of running without SMB2 the issue hasn’t shown up … so while this isin’t ideal due to the possible preformance impact its definitely fixed the problem… Microsoft REALLY needs to address this…

    • Proposed as answer by
      Tuesday, March 8, 2011 4:14 AM
    • Edited by
      Tuesday, March 8, 2011 4:15 AM

  • I have disabled SMB2 on the servers and workstations which made the problem go away.  I have been running with SMB2 disabled shortly after my first post here in December 2010 and have NOT seen the problem re-occur.


  • I have disabled SMB2 on the servers and workstations which made the problem go away.  I have been running with SMB2 disabled shortly after my first post here in December 2010 and have NOT seen the problem re-occur.


    What are the implications of disabling this?

  • SMB2 Basically is better performance and beter security but if it does not work right no improvement matters.


    I have not seen any negative impact on my network with 5 various server 2008 flavors, SQL server 2008, terminal server 2008 and 50+ clients.  All this running on a managed switched gigabit network.


  • I am still experiencing this issue.  Windows 7 SP2 (fully patched) client connecting to a mapped drive on a Storage Server 2008 SP2 (fully patched).   Browsing to the folder using UNC works.  As a matter of fact after browsing to the
    folder using UNC the file showed up in the mapped drive. 

    Disabling SMB2 is not an acceptable workaround for me.

  • Has anyone figured out how to resolve this? We’re seeing this too, Windows 7 clients connecting to Server 2008 R2 — each fully patched.

    • Edited by
      Scott Ladewig — WUSTL
      Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:15 PM
  • Did you try setting DirectoryCacheLifetime to 0 as one of the articles mentioned above suggested?  The length of time that the files aren’t visible would seem to preclude that as the problem, but curious if changing it had any impact with SMB2 active.


    I think i tried this a year ago when the problem first arose…. I’m not willing to try it again on a live system since disabling SMB fixed the issue… I just wish Microsoft would even acknowledge that this issue exists!…. Until then we are stuck using SMB1
    which is slower over VPN etc

    For us the SMB2 problem has more implications than just files not appearing on the drive — it also affects the software package PBBI Mapinfo which uses flat file databases and tracks record locks by checking the last modified stamp.. but if the files aren’t
    showing up and other people are working on the same database it leads to corruption… disabling SMB2 fixed this completely along with the issue of files not shownig up

    • Edited by
      Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:16 PM

  • We are experiencing the same issue but I don’t want to disable SMB 2.0 for 2 reasons — 1. I’ve seen people reporting that offline files won’t work, and 2. we don’t want to get slower file transfer speeds etc by going back to SMB 1.0.

    Surely Microsoft should have a fix for this by now? SMB 2.0 has been around for quite a while now…

    Oh and I looked at the reg keys Scott mentioned (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff686200(WS.10).aspx) but considering it says the default values are
    10 seconds and 5 seconds I don’t think this is what is causing it (as we can wait for much longer than that before the files appear, and usually just resort to pressing F5 to refresh).

    My website: www.cjwdev.co.uk My blog: cjwdev.wordpress.com

    • Edited by
      Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:57 PM

  • Hi Everyone,

    Unfortunately I have found a side-effect of disabling SMB2 on our Server 2008 server…. it causes BSOD issues with rdbss.sys and mrxsmb10.sys when viewing JPEG files using windows photo viewer and also using 7-Zip to extract files… when using a Network
    drive that is locally mapped back to the same server…. This configuration is because the server in question is a terminal server & file server…

    As documented here http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/itprovistasecurity/thread/97657c43-de53-43b2-9cc0-3d9f6fe7dd6e

    So that’s just something to be aware of if your disabling SMB2 to fix this

  • I am having the same problem on my 2008 server and win7 clients. any fixes??

  • I’m also having this issue.  I do not want to disable SMB2.

    In my case, we scan to our own network drives.  For a particular user, when there was a file that was scanned in, the number of files in the folder when viewing from the server was N, but I noticed that from the user’s computer that couldn’t see the
    file, it showed up that there were N-1 files in the user share.

  • 1 year later and Microsoft hasn’t fixed it. Maybe we’ll see a fix on Server 8, but of course something else will break. I have seen this issue on several servers in different customer sites. Very annoying.

    You can replicate the issue pretty easily by droping a file into a network share using an IP based UNC path ie:
    \, then going to a Computer Name based UNC path ie:
    \ComputerNameShare and whala no file.

    • Edited by
      Monday, November 28, 2011 2:44 PM

  • One of my clients is also experiencing the same issues. Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 fully patched connecting to a Windows Server 2008 mapped network drive. Direct connection via UNC does not correct the issue either. What gives? This is really creating issues
    with scanned files through Sharescan. People are scanning files 5-6 times because they don’t «see» the file in their scanned directory. 

    MS, are you listening? 

  • What scanner do you have ? Maybe the SMB2 client there is buggy and it is not a primary Windows problem.

    I have the same problem. The scanner vendor is Ricoh.

  • Hi Everyone-

    I too am looking for a fix for this, but I wanted to let you know from our troubleshooting that there appears to be a shorter way of making the files show up.

    If you notice that files are not showing up after transferring them to a network share, you can restart the service «Windows Search» (Windows 7) on the affected client PC, and the file shows right up!

    We have had this problem for awhile, and everytime it appears to happen, this service restart makes it show up. I cannot speak to other environments though, so I hope it works for you as well.

    The alternative is to wait about 10-20 minutes for the file to show up on its own.

    I figure it’s something to do with the file indexer, but I haven’t found much that would indicate there is a work around other than disabling SMB2 (yuck).

    Hope this gets addressed SOON from MS.

    • Edited by
      Wednesday, February 15, 2012 8:52 PM
      added client service for clarity

  • Just wanted to weigh in and say that I checked on the registry keys mentioned in the blog posting shamster mentions, and those keys are not present on our server. We have also been struggling with this issue for some time. Running 64-bit Windows Storage
    Server Standard 2008 SP2.


  • I have the same issue in my environment as well. Server 2008, with Win7 clients. It is only an issue for _SOME_ of my users, and we have xerox scanners by the way.

  • I have the same issue. Windows Server 2008 R2, Window 7 x64 and Windows 7 x32. We have TOSHIBA and TA scanners, but scanned images are sent to destination folder using FTP protocol.

  • We’re using Xerox scanners here, that is where we’re having the issue (users scan documents to a network share using the Xerox machine). We’re using FTP — I’ve tried using SMB instead but have the same problem that way as well. This was not a
    problem until we moved from Server 2003 to 2008.


  • Can we please stop talking about scanners…. this problem is completely unrelated to scanners… we don’t have any scanners and we have this problem… which i have fully documented in my other posts above (as well as unexpected side effects of disabling
    SMB2 on a terminal server — e.g. causing some programs to BSOD when acccessing a locally mapped network drive)  …. I just can’t believe that Microsot won’t acknowledge it!

  • They are saying scanners, but what you should really be taking from the comment is their method of file transfer.  By default most scanners will use SMB, so simply interpret their message that way and you can still see the trend of SMB file transfers
    to a Server 2008 File Server is where this issue seems to persist.

    We are having the same issue, but only with some users.  When files are transferred to a network share via SMB (UNC, or mapped)  The files will occasionally not show up for some users.  Another user can open the same location and the files
    are listed. 

    I went as far as completely replacing a system for one of our users (win7 32bit to win7 64bit, fresh installation, new hardware, etc.) and the issue STILL persists.

    I do not think disabling SMB2 is an option for our environment, since we cannot have the BSOD and reboots occuring on our TS server as mentioned above.  It could be worth testing in our non-production environment — but I can’t reproduce the issue consistently
    there like I can in the real world.  I would hate to resort back to older technology just to get something working on a new system.  Still nothing from microsoft.

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanWorkstationParameters]


    worked for us.


    • Proposed as answer by
      Thursday, June 21, 2012 8:42 PM
    • Edited by
      Daniel Be
      Friday, June 22, 2012 2:44 PM
      same key for 32bit

  • Has anyone resolved this problem!!  Pretty annoying that a reboot is the only option at this time.  We, too, noticed this once we went to server 2008.  Our shared network drive (we receive faxes in this folder) takes up to 15+ minutes for
    the folder to refresh for users to see the files.  VERY FRUSTRATING!!!

  • Yep the solution is to disable SMB2 … it’s the only way…. Microsoft has pretty much ignored this.

  • I am facing the same problem here. Win2008R2 sp1 server with Win7 sp1 clients. I can reproduce the problem with one particular application: MS Dynamics NAV. Two users are saving files from that application to a file share and other users are reading those
    files. I created a test VM with Windows server 8 beta and instructed the users to use a share from that server from now on. Since this change (about a month ago) the problem has not occurred.

    Although it’s not ready for production, it might be worth looking at Win8.

  • I have same problem with Samba server (!), so it looks like not W2K8R2 server problem, but Win7 client problem.

  • I have same problem with Samba server (!), so it looks like not W2K8R2 server problem, but Win7 client problem.

    Now that’s interesting! — Now if only Microsoft would at least acknowledge the issue…..

  • I have a similar problem where a share on a 2008 R2 box doesn’t seem to refresh. Have you guys seen this?


    I’m considering installing it, as disabling SMB2 and using just SMB1 fixes the issues on my Win7 SP1 box. It has to be an SMB2 problem, and the Samba thing doesn’t really change that. Later versions (post-3.6?) of Samba use SMB2 as well.


  • Daniel Be — is this registry key you changed on the Windows 7 PC or the Server?

  • islandgirl2 wrote:

    Daniel Be — is this registry key you changed on the Windows 7 PC or
    the Server?

    As this is a key for the LanmanWorkstation service it is only of use on
    the client PC.


  • WolfP is right, it seems to be a bug in the new SMB2 directory cache on client side. Even with
    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2646563 (latest SMB2 client) only disabling the cache at the clients using the registry key above makes the problem go away. I’ve seen no problems in production
    with the key yet.


  • I’m trying this in production now, and so far so good!

  • I’ve had this problem with cifs shares on NetApp-filers, too — as soon as SMBv2 was enabled on the filer. Fully patched 2008R2 machines (that access these cifs shares on NetApp as clients) and Windows 7 clients all had that issue. (I do not see any issues
    on serverside of 2008R2 file servers…)

    I support the client-side-problem-with-SMBv2-«theory» as I was able to clearly reproduce it on these testing devices. SMBv2 disabled on filer: files appear immediately on Windows 7 and 2008R2 machines. SMBv2 enabled on filer: files show up 5-20 minutes
    delayed (but with no need to reboot).

    No difference on XP SP3 machines if SMBv2 is used or not — an no Vista in use here, so no data about Vista :)

    The registry-hack (DirectoryCacheLifetime as described above) is working for me. Thank you very much for the hint, by the way.

    Time by time I’m checking if Microsoft has silently fixed the issue (as I’ve to push that registry hack via GPO to all my clients) — they didn’t until now, but for me this Cache-Lifetime workaround is doing well.


    • Proposed as answer by
      Friday, October 19, 2012 12:10 PM

  • Someone gave me a few more registry lines to add or edit, including the DirectoryCacheLifetime as described above, but adding additonal entries.  I don’t know the source, but here it is, it works for me so far:

    You can create registry keys below to control the cache lifetime.



    FileinfoCacheLifetime           FileNotFoundCacheLifetime           DirectoryCacheLifetime

    They are all REG_DWORD type in seconds.

    Please be careful if you are going to edit the registry.

    There is a DontRefresh key that should be set to 0

      Open Registry Editor by typing into Start > regedit.exe (or open directly in C:Windowsregedit.exe)
      Hit Ctrl+F for the search dialog, type «DontRefresh», hit Enter
      After waiting a couple of seconds, the search finds one result: ‘DontRefresh REG_DWORD    
      0x00000001 (1)»
      Double click on DontRefresh and change 1 to 0.
      Done! This should solve your problem.

    You maybe have to reboot your PC afterwards.

  • Hey mate not sure if you had any luck in fixing this but heres what happened to me:

    Gave access to a couple of users for a folder within the shared drive and in the proccess had to change the ownership to the admin, anyway, only half of the files in the folder and subfolders were visable for them. Under the admin profile and in
    the server where it was stored the files were still there.

    To cut a long story short heres what I ended up having to do, although the permissions to the folder were correct all the child files and folders within were not inherited (slight over look I know). Heres the steps: Right click parent folder in
    question -> Properties -> Security Tab -> Advanced -> Change Permissions -> Tick the ‘Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object’ box and click apply then hopefully all will be well.

    This fixed my certain issue, even though I was positive it wasn’t a permissions issue, it was.

    • Proposed as answer by
      Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:54 AM

  • Thanks Haima!  Your solution about changing the security permissions worked for me.

  • Thank You,

    It worked for me

  • Thanks Daniel. I created the new DWord «DirectoryCacheLifetime» and voila, the directory is now refreshed.

  • Quick Question:  Do the steps you provided apply for the Server or the workstaion?  «You may kindly refer to the following steps:

    1.       Open your Windows Explorer, and click organize.
    2.       Click Folder and search Option.
    3.       Under the General Tab, please check the box before “Automatically expand to current folder”.

    If the issue persists, please try to disable the folder Index, please kindly refer to the following steps:

    1. Click Start Menu, then type Offline files, then click Manager Offline Files in the search result.
    2. Then check whether you enable offline files, if so, please disable it to have a try.

    In addition, can you advise me the following things:

    1. How other computers access the shares? Are they via mapped drive or access directly ?
    2. Are the new components able to be viewed immediately on the local computer ?

    Also, please kindly try the following steps:

    1. Disable Remote differential Compression.
    2. Disable Auto-Tuning.
    3. Disable SMBV2. «

    I am working a similar issue where another tech referenced this discussion.

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanWorkstationParameters]


    worked for us.


    That’s it! Thanks Daniel. And it’s another shame on Microsoft not acknowledging the issue.

  • Microsoft has addressed the issue after 2 years!. With this hotfix the problem should be solved:


    I’d also used the workaround with the DirectoryCacheLifeTime registry value (applied by GPO), but remember that disabling the cache does increase the client metadata requests to the server.



    • Proposed as answer by
      Daniel Be
      Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:16 AM

    • Edited by
      Daniel Be
      Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:24 AM
  • Most awesome this worked for me also. Thanks Daniel.

    I had a restored Virtual machine (windows 2008) that was having difficulties seeing newly created data on mapped drives. Refresh button didn’t work when creating a new folder or Text files.

    I used



    And then also cleared out old defunct registered Nics from:


    And Removed old defunct registered Nics them from







    • Edited by
      Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:04 PM

  • Hi All,

    I tried all options in this discussion and the issue was present UNTIL I did a Scandisk and defrag of the SSD.

    I guess troubleshooting 101 is always the first course of action even if it seems unlikely…

    Thanks All.

    Daniel Meneghini

  • This worked for my client pc’s as well.

  • These registry keys resolved my issue as well.     I had to add the keys with a DWord value of 0 (zero) and restart explorer.exe, then the problem went away.

    • Edited by
      Jon Raines
      Wednesday, December 17, 2014 5:37 PM

  • Shammy posted to check these registry values and delete them. If they are not there, use Option 2.

    Option 1:

    Registry entries to delete:


    Restart Explorer and see if that has helped the problem.

    Option 2: (If DWORD registry entries are missing)

    Try adding the DWORD registry entries from Shammy’s post with a 0 value, restart explorer, and see if that helps.


    • Proposed as answer by
      Thursday, December 1, 2016 11:00 PM

  • we have the same issue it’s unbelievable how this can be possible… I first tough this could be a NetApp bug or something but now after reading this thread it’s just an epic fail of microsoft. just like excel files on NetApp.

  • I reviewed over a dozen posts on this problem and NONE of them actually solved the problem.  The mapped network folder continued to show the X’s over the folders.  I checked the mapped network folder from other machines and they succeeded in seeing
    up-to-date content in the target folder.  

    Finally I tried disabling and then re-enabling the network adapter.  PROBLEM SOLVED.  

    All these convoluted answers from so many different forums were useless.

    • Proposed as answer by
      Saturday, February 22, 2020 8:17 PM

  • Absolutely shocking that this has been allowed to remain an issue for so long (a fix not rolled out as an update).

    Practically wasted a full day on this issue, unpicking bat files and vbs scripts and implementing them as GPOs, only to hit this issue when setting up mapped drives (it just didn’t occur when the drives were connected with a script!).

    And the hotfix just hangs instead of completing. Sort it out MS :(

  • Iv’e been wrestling with this for quite awhile in windows 10.  Simple mapped network drive on a two-pc home network.  Your solution finally worked for me.  Thank You Very Much!

  • Disable the offline files from the control panel —> open sync center —> offline files and it might work.

  • Question

  • I have mapped drives on a Windows 7 box. The server is running 2008 Standard.

    We scan files into a mapped drive, but they don’t immediately show up on other computers when opening the mapped drive. Is there a refresh rate?

    If so, how can it be changed? It usually works if I have the user do a F5 or right click and click refresh.


All replies

  • Hi,

    This issue may be caused by the Automatic refresh folder. You may kindly refer to the following steps:

    1.       Open your Windows Explorer, and click organize.
    2.       Click Folder and search Option.
    3.       Under the General Tab, please check the box before “Automatically expand to current folder”.

    If the issue persists, please try to disable the folder Index, please kindly refer to the following steps:

    1. Click Start Menu, then type Offline files, then click Manager Offline Files in the search result.
    2. Then check whether you enable offline files, if so, please disable it to have a try.

    In addition, can you advise me the following things:

    1. How other computers access the shares? Are they via mapped drive or access directly ?
    2. Are the new components able to be viewed immediately on the local computer ?

    Also, please kindly try the following steps:

    1. Disable Remote differential Compression.
    2. Disable Auto-Tuning.
    3. Disable SMBV2.

  • Hi,

    This issue may be caused by the Automatic refresh folder. You may kindly refer to the following steps:

    1.       Open your Windows Explorer, and click organize.
    2.       Click Folder and search Option.
    3.       Under the General Tab, please check the box before “Automatically expand to current folder”.

    If the issue persists, please try to disable the folder Index, please kindly refer to the following steps:

    1. Click Start Menu, then type Offline files, then click Manager Offline Files in the search result.
    2. Then check whether you enable offline files, if so, please disable it to have a try.

    In addition, can you advise me the following things:

    1. How other computers access the shares? Are they via mapped drive or access directly ?
    2. Are the new components able to be viewed immediately on the local computer ?

    Also, please kindly try the following steps:

    1. Disable Remote differential Compression.
    2. Disable Auto-Tuning.
    3. Disable SMBV2.

    Hi, I did the organize, folder / search option, as well as automatically expand…

    They are NOT set up as offline files, I checked that.

    All computers are mapped to the S: drive.  Some can see them right away, some it takes a reboot.  When I navigate (on any of the computers) using the UNC path, all files are visable.

    As far as your last three steps, I don’t understand what that means.  Also, a correction to my original post, F5 or refresh does not make them show up, only a reboot.



  • Hi Allen-CCWTech

    Have you had any solution to this error?

    I’m having the exact same problem. Some users can view the files, some cannot — however if they log off the server and log onto another terminal server — they can.

    Also, using the full UNC name works.

    Very strange.

    If you have any solution, I’d really appreciate it.


  • Hi Allen-CCWTech

    Have you had any solution to this error?

    I’m having the exact same problem. Some users can view the files, some cannot — however if they log off the server and log onto another terminal server — they can.

    Also, using the full UNC name works.

    Very strange.

    If you have any solution, I’d really appreciate it.


    No, not yet unfortunately.  Please post here if you find anything as well.

  • I too am seeing this exact same problem.

    Enviroment: Win7 pc connecting to Server 2008 standard through a mapped drive letter.

    New files created on a mapped drive letter do not show up.  If I disconnect the drive letter and re-map the drive letter to the UNC the files then show up.  This allowed me to create a batch file with a shortcut on the users desktop
    to temporarily fix the problem until I can find a permanent fix.

    Disconnect share first

    net use P: \ServerShare /disconnect

    reconnect to share

    net use P: \ServerShare /presistent:yes

    THe new files are now visable. 

    I would suspect the Microsoft has a hotfix available.


  • Unfortunately that’s not something I can just have my users doing all the time.

  • A better temporary fix, which works for me — is to get my users to hit F5 which refreshes the folder.

  • «…F5 or refresh does not make them show up, only a reboot.»

    That doesn’t work I’m afraid.

  • This issue persists, any ideas?

  • I am facing a similar issue wherein users in US are able to see the files on the share whereas users in India are unable to see any file even after doing a F5 etc. Any help is really appreciated.

  • Hello,

    I have the same issue with a Windows Server 2008 R2 fileserver and Windows 7 clients.
    If a network scanner upload files via SMB to the fileserver, the users doesn’t see any new files until they reboot the Windows 7 clients.

    Thats very strange…


  • I have made several tests. We can see the new file on the share with powershell, but not in explorer:

    After a restart, we can also see the file in the explorer.

    Thanks and regards


  • Same problem here in two offices. Did anyone find any solution?

    • Edited by

      Wednesday, February 9, 2011 10:15 AM

  • Yep same problem here too :( … Can’t find anything on the internet about this… I’m wondering if its lagging permissions if there’s such a thing because our AD server is through a VPN on the internet — anyone else have this setup?

    EDIT3: After a week of running without SMB2 the issue hasn’t shown up … so while this isin’t ideal due to the possible preformance impact its definitely fixed the problem… Microsoft REALLY needs to address this…

    • Proposed as answer by
      Tuesday, March 8, 2011 4:14 AM
    • Edited by
      Tuesday, March 8, 2011 4:15 AM

  • I have disabled SMB2 on the servers and workstations which made the problem go away.  I have been running with SMB2 disabled shortly after my first post here in December 2010 and have NOT seen the problem re-occur.


  • I have disabled SMB2 on the servers and workstations which made the problem go away.  I have been running with SMB2 disabled shortly after my first post here in December 2010 and have NOT seen the problem re-occur.


    What are the implications of disabling this?

  • SMB2 Basically is better performance and beter security but if it does not work right no improvement matters.


    I have not seen any negative impact on my network with 5 various server 2008 flavors, SQL server 2008, terminal server 2008 and 50+ clients.  All this running on a managed switched gigabit network.


  • I am still experiencing this issue.  Windows 7 SP2 (fully patched) client connecting to a mapped drive on a Storage Server 2008 SP2 (fully patched).   Browsing to the folder using UNC works.  As a matter of fact after browsing to the
    folder using UNC the file showed up in the mapped drive. 

    Disabling SMB2 is not an acceptable workaround for me.

  • Has anyone figured out how to resolve this? We’re seeing this too, Windows 7 clients connecting to Server 2008 R2 — each fully patched.

    • Edited by
      Scott Ladewig — WUSTL
      Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:15 PM
  • Did you try setting DirectoryCacheLifetime to 0 as one of the articles mentioned above suggested?  The length of time that the files aren’t visible would seem to preclude that as the problem, but curious if changing it had any impact with SMB2 active.


    I think i tried this a year ago when the problem first arose…. I’m not willing to try it again on a live system since disabling SMB fixed the issue… I just wish Microsoft would even acknowledge that this issue exists!…. Until then we are stuck using SMB1
    which is slower over VPN etc

    For us the SMB2 problem has more implications than just files not appearing on the drive — it also affects the software package PBBI Mapinfo which uses flat file databases and tracks record locks by checking the last modified stamp.. but if the files aren’t
    showing up and other people are working on the same database it leads to corruption… disabling SMB2 fixed this completely along with the issue of files not shownig up

    • Edited by
      Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:16 PM

  • We are experiencing the same issue but I don’t want to disable SMB 2.0 for 2 reasons — 1. I’ve seen people reporting that offline files won’t work, and 2. we don’t want to get slower file transfer speeds etc by going back to SMB 1.0.

    Surely Microsoft should have a fix for this by now? SMB 2.0 has been around for quite a while now…

    Oh and I looked at the reg keys Scott mentioned (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff686200(WS.10).aspx) but considering it says the default values are
    10 seconds and 5 seconds I don’t think this is what is causing it (as we can wait for much longer than that before the files appear, and usually just resort to pressing F5 to refresh).

    My website: www.cjwdev.co.uk My blog: cjwdev.wordpress.com

    • Edited by
      Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:57 PM

  • Hi Everyone,

    Unfortunately I have found a side-effect of disabling SMB2 on our Server 2008 server…. it causes BSOD issues with rdbss.sys and mrxsmb10.sys when viewing JPEG files using windows photo viewer and also using 7-Zip to extract files… when using a Network
    drive that is locally mapped back to the same server…. This configuration is because the server in question is a terminal server & file server…

    As documented here http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/itprovistasecurity/thread/97657c43-de53-43b2-9cc0-3d9f6fe7dd6e

    So that’s just something to be aware of if your disabling SMB2 to fix this

  • I am having the same problem on my 2008 server and win7 clients. any fixes??

  • I’m also having this issue.  I do not want to disable SMB2.

    In my case, we scan to our own network drives.  For a particular user, when there was a file that was scanned in, the number of files in the folder when viewing from the server was N, but I noticed that from the user’s computer that couldn’t see the
    file, it showed up that there were N-1 files in the user share.

  • 1 year later and Microsoft hasn’t fixed it. Maybe we’ll see a fix on Server 8, but of course something else will break. I have seen this issue on several servers in different customer sites. Very annoying.

    You can replicate the issue pretty easily by droping a file into a network share using an IP based UNC path ie:
    \, then going to a Computer Name based UNC path ie:
    \ComputerNameShare and whala no file.

    • Edited by
      Monday, November 28, 2011 2:44 PM

  • One of my clients is also experiencing the same issues. Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 fully patched connecting to a Windows Server 2008 mapped network drive. Direct connection via UNC does not correct the issue either. What gives? This is really creating issues
    with scanned files through Sharescan. People are scanning files 5-6 times because they don’t «see» the file in their scanned directory. 

    MS, are you listening? 

  • What scanner do you have ? Maybe the SMB2 client there is buggy and it is not a primary Windows problem.

    I have the same problem. The scanner vendor is Ricoh.

  • Hi Everyone-

    I too am looking for a fix for this, but I wanted to let you know from our troubleshooting that there appears to be a shorter way of making the files show up.

    If you notice that files are not showing up after transferring them to a network share, you can restart the service «Windows Search» (Windows 7) on the affected client PC, and the file shows right up!

    We have had this problem for awhile, and everytime it appears to happen, this service restart makes it show up. I cannot speak to other environments though, so I hope it works for you as well.

    The alternative is to wait about 10-20 minutes for the file to show up on its own.

    I figure it’s something to do with the file indexer, but I haven’t found much that would indicate there is a work around other than disabling SMB2 (yuck).

    Hope this gets addressed SOON from MS.

    • Edited by
      Wednesday, February 15, 2012 8:52 PM
      added client service for clarity

  • Just wanted to weigh in and say that I checked on the registry keys mentioned in the blog posting shamster mentions, and those keys are not present on our server. We have also been struggling with this issue for some time. Running 64-bit Windows Storage
    Server Standard 2008 SP2.


  • I have the same issue in my environment as well. Server 2008, with Win7 clients. It is only an issue for _SOME_ of my users, and we have xerox scanners by the way.

  • I have the same issue. Windows Server 2008 R2, Window 7 x64 and Windows 7 x32. We have TOSHIBA and TA scanners, but scanned images are sent to destination folder using FTP protocol.

  • We’re using Xerox scanners here, that is where we’re having the issue (users scan documents to a network share using the Xerox machine). We’re using FTP — I’ve tried using SMB instead but have the same problem that way as well. This was not a
    problem until we moved from Server 2003 to 2008.


  • Can we please stop talking about scanners…. this problem is completely unrelated to scanners… we don’t have any scanners and we have this problem… which i have fully documented in my other posts above (as well as unexpected side effects of disabling
    SMB2 on a terminal server — e.g. causing some programs to BSOD when acccessing a locally mapped network drive)  …. I just can’t believe that Microsot won’t acknowledge it!

  • They are saying scanners, but what you should really be taking from the comment is their method of file transfer.  By default most scanners will use SMB, so simply interpret their message that way and you can still see the trend of SMB file transfers
    to a Server 2008 File Server is where this issue seems to persist.

    We are having the same issue, but only with some users.  When files are transferred to a network share via SMB (UNC, or mapped)  The files will occasionally not show up for some users.  Another user can open the same location and the files
    are listed. 

    I went as far as completely replacing a system for one of our users (win7 32bit to win7 64bit, fresh installation, new hardware, etc.) and the issue STILL persists.

    I do not think disabling SMB2 is an option for our environment, since we cannot have the BSOD and reboots occuring on our TS server as mentioned above.  It could be worth testing in our non-production environment — but I can’t reproduce the issue consistently
    there like I can in the real world.  I would hate to resort back to older technology just to get something working on a new system.  Still nothing from microsoft.

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanWorkstationParameters]


    worked for us.


    • Proposed as answer by
      Thursday, June 21, 2012 8:42 PM
    • Edited by
      Daniel Be
      Friday, June 22, 2012 2:44 PM
      same key for 32bit

  • Has anyone resolved this problem!!  Pretty annoying that a reboot is the only option at this time.  We, too, noticed this once we went to server 2008.  Our shared network drive (we receive faxes in this folder) takes up to 15+ minutes for
    the folder to refresh for users to see the files.  VERY FRUSTRATING!!!

  • Yep the solution is to disable SMB2 … it’s the only way…. Microsoft has pretty much ignored this.

  • I am facing the same problem here. Win2008R2 sp1 server with Win7 sp1 clients. I can reproduce the problem with one particular application: MS Dynamics NAV. Two users are saving files from that application to a file share and other users are reading those
    files. I created a test VM with Windows server 8 beta and instructed the users to use a share from that server from now on. Since this change (about a month ago) the problem has not occurred.

    Although it’s not ready for production, it might be worth looking at Win8.

  • I have same problem with Samba server (!), so it looks like not W2K8R2 server problem, but Win7 client problem.

  • I have same problem with Samba server (!), so it looks like not W2K8R2 server problem, but Win7 client problem.

    Now that’s interesting! — Now if only Microsoft would at least acknowledge the issue…..

  • I have a similar problem where a share on a 2008 R2 box doesn’t seem to refresh. Have you guys seen this?


    I’m considering installing it, as disabling SMB2 and using just SMB1 fixes the issues on my Win7 SP1 box. It has to be an SMB2 problem, and the Samba thing doesn’t really change that. Later versions (post-3.6?) of Samba use SMB2 as well.


  • Daniel Be — is this registry key you changed on the Windows 7 PC or the Server?

  • islandgirl2 wrote:

    Daniel Be — is this registry key you changed on the Windows 7 PC or
    the Server?

    As this is a key for the LanmanWorkstation service it is only of use on
    the client PC.


  • WolfP is right, it seems to be a bug in the new SMB2 directory cache on client side. Even with
    http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2646563 (latest SMB2 client) only disabling the cache at the clients using the registry key above makes the problem go away. I’ve seen no problems in production
    with the key yet.


  • I’m trying this in production now, and so far so good!

  • I’ve had this problem with cifs shares on NetApp-filers, too — as soon as SMBv2 was enabled on the filer. Fully patched 2008R2 machines (that access these cifs shares on NetApp as clients) and Windows 7 clients all had that issue. (I do not see any issues
    on serverside of 2008R2 file servers…)

    I support the client-side-problem-with-SMBv2-«theory» as I was able to clearly reproduce it on these testing devices. SMBv2 disabled on filer: files appear immediately on Windows 7 and 2008R2 machines. SMBv2 enabled on filer: files show up 5-20 minutes
    delayed (but with no need to reboot).

    No difference on XP SP3 machines if SMBv2 is used or not — an no Vista in use here, so no data about Vista :)

    The registry-hack (DirectoryCacheLifetime as described above) is working for me. Thank you very much for the hint, by the way.

    Time by time I’m checking if Microsoft has silently fixed the issue (as I’ve to push that registry hack via GPO to all my clients) — they didn’t until now, but for me this Cache-Lifetime workaround is doing well.


    • Proposed as answer by
      Friday, October 19, 2012 12:10 PM

  • Someone gave me a few more registry lines to add or edit, including the DirectoryCacheLifetime as described above, but adding additonal entries.  I don’t know the source, but here it is, it works for me so far:

    You can create registry keys below to control the cache lifetime.



    FileinfoCacheLifetime           FileNotFoundCacheLifetime           DirectoryCacheLifetime

    They are all REG_DWORD type in seconds.

    Please be careful if you are going to edit the registry.

    There is a DontRefresh key that should be set to 0

      Open Registry Editor by typing into Start > regedit.exe (or open directly in C:Windowsregedit.exe)
      Hit Ctrl+F for the search dialog, type «DontRefresh», hit Enter
      After waiting a couple of seconds, the search finds one result: ‘DontRefresh REG_DWORD    
      0x00000001 (1)»
      Double click on DontRefresh and change 1 to 0.
      Done! This should solve your problem.

    You maybe have to reboot your PC afterwards.

  • Hey mate not sure if you had any luck in fixing this but heres what happened to me:

    Gave access to a couple of users for a folder within the shared drive and in the proccess had to change the ownership to the admin, anyway, only half of the files in the folder and subfolders were visable for them. Under the admin profile and in
    the server where it was stored the files were still there.

    To cut a long story short heres what I ended up having to do, although the permissions to the folder were correct all the child files and folders within were not inherited (slight over look I know). Heres the steps: Right click parent folder in
    question -> Properties -> Security Tab -> Advanced -> Change Permissions -> Tick the ‘Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object’ box and click apply then hopefully all will be well.

    This fixed my certain issue, even though I was positive it wasn’t a permissions issue, it was.

    • Proposed as answer by
      Thursday, June 13, 2013 3:54 AM

  • Thanks Haima!  Your solution about changing the security permissions worked for me.

  • Thank You,

    It worked for me

  • Thanks Daniel. I created the new DWord «DirectoryCacheLifetime» and voila, the directory is now refreshed.

  • Quick Question:  Do the steps you provided apply for the Server or the workstaion?  «You may kindly refer to the following steps:

    1.       Open your Windows Explorer, and click organize.
    2.       Click Folder and search Option.
    3.       Under the General Tab, please check the box before “Automatically expand to current folder”.

    If the issue persists, please try to disable the folder Index, please kindly refer to the following steps:

    1. Click Start Menu, then type Offline files, then click Manager Offline Files in the search result.
    2. Then check whether you enable offline files, if so, please disable it to have a try.

    In addition, can you advise me the following things:

    1. How other computers access the shares? Are they via mapped drive or access directly ?
    2. Are the new components able to be viewed immediately on the local computer ?

    Also, please kindly try the following steps:

    1. Disable Remote differential Compression.
    2. Disable Auto-Tuning.
    3. Disable SMBV2. «

    I am working a similar issue where another tech referenced this discussion.

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesLanmanWorkstationParameters]


    worked for us.


    That’s it! Thanks Daniel. And it’s another shame on Microsoft not acknowledging the issue.

  • Microsoft has addressed the issue after 2 years!. With this hotfix the problem should be solved:


    I’d also used the workaround with the DirectoryCacheLifeTime registry value (applied by GPO), but remember that disabling the cache does increase the client metadata requests to the server.



    • Proposed as answer by
      Daniel Be
      Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:16 AM

    • Edited by
      Daniel Be
      Tuesday, June 24, 2014 9:24 AM
  • Most awesome this worked for me also. Thanks Daniel.

    I had a restored Virtual machine (windows 2008) that was having difficulties seeing newly created data on mapped drives. Refresh button didn’t work when creating a new folder or Text files.

    I used



    And then also cleared out old defunct registered Nics from:


    And Removed old defunct registered Nics them from







    • Edited by
      Tuesday, July 22, 2014 12:04 PM

  • Hi All,

    I tried all options in this discussion and the issue was present UNTIL I did a Scandisk and defrag of the SSD.

    I guess troubleshooting 101 is always the first course of action even if it seems unlikely…

    Thanks All.

    Daniel Meneghini

  • This worked for my client pc’s as well.

  • These registry keys resolved my issue as well.     I had to add the keys with a DWord value of 0 (zero) and restart explorer.exe, then the problem went away.

    • Edited by
      Jon Raines
      Wednesday, December 17, 2014 5:37 PM

  • Shammy posted to check these registry values and delete them. If they are not there, use Option 2.

    Option 1:

    Registry entries to delete:


    Restart Explorer and see if that has helped the problem.

    Option 2: (If DWORD registry entries are missing)

    Try adding the DWORD registry entries from Shammy’s post with a 0 value, restart explorer, and see if that helps.


    • Proposed as answer by
      Thursday, December 1, 2016 11:00 PM

  • we have the same issue it’s unbelievable how this can be possible… I first tough this could be a NetApp bug or something but now after reading this thread it’s just an epic fail of microsoft. just like excel files on NetApp.

  • I reviewed over a dozen posts on this problem and NONE of them actually solved the problem.  The mapped network folder continued to show the X’s over the folders.  I checked the mapped network folder from other machines and they succeeded in seeing
    up-to-date content in the target folder.  

    Finally I tried disabling and then re-enabling the network adapter.  PROBLEM SOLVED.  

    All these convoluted answers from so many different forums were useless.

    • Proposed as answer by
      Saturday, February 22, 2020 8:17 PM

  • Absolutely shocking that this has been allowed to remain an issue for so long (a fix not rolled out as an update).

    Practically wasted a full day on this issue, unpicking bat files and vbs scripts and implementing them as GPOs, only to hit this issue when setting up mapped drives (it just didn’t occur when the drives were connected with a script!).

    And the hotfix just hangs instead of completing. Sort it out MS :(

  • Iv’e been wrestling with this for quite awhile in windows 10.  Simple mapped network drive on a two-pc home network.  Your solution finally worked for me.  Thank You Very Much!

  • Disable the offline files from the control panel —> open sync center —> offline files and it might work.

  1. 12.12.2012 15:12


    Хрень с домашней сеткой — папки видно, а файлов в них нету!

    есть сеть, ну роутер вайфайный с насом, три ноута, медиаплеер, тилипоны, книжки ляхтронные, и стационарный комп, был с вин 7 проф 32, на компе были расшарены несколько папок, ну там документы, музыка и т.п., всё работало как часы несколько лет.
    Сменил маму и проц, поставил винду 7 проф 64.
    И всё…:(
    в папочках этих с других компов — только подпапки видны! файлов нету!!!!!

    не веришь — прими за сказку

  2. 12.12.2012 16:24


    Права доступа смотри. Сеть там вообще не при делах. Скорее всего пользователи старые стоят, хотя не знаю как в 7-ке…

    Последний раз редактировалось avk1973; 12.12.2012 в 16:28.

  3. 12.12.2012 16:26


    эт тебе воздалось за колья, бгг

  4. 12.12.2012 17:03


    Сообщение от avk1973
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Права доступа смотри. Сеть там вообще не при делах. Скорее всего пользователи старые стоят, хотя не знаю как в 7-ке…

    пользователи «ВСЕ»! какие права доступа?

    Сообщение от DobermanLND
    Посмотреть сообщение

    эт тебе воздалось за колья, бгг

    я Билла Гейца и прочих сотрудников Некрософта нисколько не наказывал!

    не веришь — прими за сказку

  5. 13.12.2012 06:00


    Удали из свойств папки пользователя «Все» и поставь заново, с полными правами. Подозреваю какой-нить глюк.

    P.S. Щаc, мы ему в отместку за пользователя насоветуем ;)
    P.P.S. Дома тоже попробую, как раз 64 разрядная стоит… на детском компе чтобы память всю адресовала.

  6. 13.12.2012 07:27


    Сообщение от садовник
    Посмотреть сообщение

    пользователи «ВСЕ»! какие права доступа?!

    NTFS нопример.

  7. 13.12.2012 20:02


    Сообщение от avk1973
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Удали из свойств папки пользователя «Все» и поставь заново, с полными правами. Подозреваю какой-нить глюк.

    не помогло… почти… вот, к примеру, в папке «документы» видны 5-6 файлов… из нескольких тысяч…

    не веришь — прими за сказку

  8. 14.12.2012 06:10


    EvilByte вне форума

    Сообщение от садовник
    Посмотреть сообщение

    есть сеть, ну роутер вайфайный с насом, три ноута, медиаплеер, тилипоны, книжки ляхтронные, и стационарный комп, был с вин 7 проф 32, на компе были расшарены несколько папок, ну там документы, музыка и т.п., всё работало как часы несколько лет.
    Сменил маму и проц, поставил винду 7 проф 64.
    И всё…:(
    в папочках этих с других компов — только подпапки видны! файлов нету!!!!!

    Попробуй использование автономных файлов отключить.
    Если не поможет, то копать в сторону локальных прав доступа NTFS.

  9. 14.12.2012 06:21


    Сообщение от садовник
    Посмотреть сообщение

    не помогло… почти… вот, к примеру, в папке «документы» видны 5-6 файлов… из нескольких тысяч…

    Это случаем не свежесозданные/свежеисправленные файлы?
    Попробуй выделить в папке все файлы и также удалить/присвоить им группу все с полным доступом.

  10. 14.12.2012 06:37


    Сообщение от avk1973
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Это случаем не свежесозданные/свежеисправленные файлы?
    Попробуй выделить в папке все файлы и также удалить/присвоить им группу все с полным доступом.

    еслиф у меня одна папка была… а так — это работа на сутки, с подпапками-то!(

    не веришь — прими за сказку

  11. 14.12.2012 06:39


    Сообщение от EvilByte
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Попробуй использование автономных файлов отключить.
    Если не поможет, то копать в сторону локальных прав доступа NTFS.

    не помогло!

    не веришь — прими за сказку

  12. 14.12.2012 06:42


    Сообщение от avk1973
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Это случаем не свежесозданные/свежеисправленные файлы?
    Попробуй выделить в папке все файлы и также удалить/присвоить им группу все с полным доступом.

    это помогает… но ёмаё… работы на неделю минимум…:(

    не веришь — прими за сказку

  13. 14.12.2012 07:06


    бл*, почему у большинства файлов нету общего доступа, хотя у папки, в которой они находятся, такой доступ есть?????

    не веришь — прими за сказку

  14. 14.12.2012 07:26


    EvilByte вне форума

    Сообщение от садовник
    Посмотреть сообщение

    бл*, почему у большинства файлов нету общего доступа, хотя у папки, в которой они находятся, такой доступ есть?????

    Потому что у них разные «локальные» права доступа: локально копируешь с правами одного пользователя, а по сети обращаешься от имени другого (с правами «Гость» скорей всего). Галочку в настройках доступа папки поставь: Наследовать файлам права доступа от папки (При этом на саму папку дай разрешения на чтение(и запись, если надо) группе «Все»(Everyone)

  15. 14.12.2012 07:27


    Сообщение от садовник
    Посмотреть сообщение

    бл*, почему у большинства файлов нету общего доступа, хотя у папки, в которой они находятся, такой доступ есть?????

    Разрешения выдаете на вкладке «Доступ» или «Безопасность»? На вкладке «безопасность» разрешение для «всех» установи, и владельца желательно тоже.

  16. 14.12.2012 07:30


    Сообщение от EvilByte
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Потому что у них разные


    права доступа: локально копируешь с правами одного пользователя, а по сети обращаешься от имени другого (с правами «Гость» скорей всего). Галочку в настройках доступа папки поставь: Наследовать файлам права доступа от папки (При этом на саму папку дай разрешения на чтение(и запись, если надо) группе «Все»(Everyone)

    В дальнейшем созданные файлы все равно не будут наследовать родительские разрешения. Надо тогда и в «Шару» заходить под учетными данными с разрешением.

  17. 14.12.2012 07:30


    EvilByte вне форума

    Сообщение от садовник
    Посмотреть сообщение

    еслиф у меня одна папка была… а так — это работа на сутки, с подпапками-то!(

    садовник, тебя за такие фразы самого надо на кол: нафига каждой папке выставлять права по отдельности, если можно вышестоящей папке присвоить соответствующие права и в разделе «Дополнительно» поставить галочку напротив «Заменить на такие же права для всех дочерних объектов»

  18. 14.12.2012 08:19


    на кол, на кол…
    я, между прочим, простой лесоруб, и университетов не кончал… (вру, кончал, но только по географии-экологии и истчо по экономике)

    вот иллюстрации

    што я, бл**ь, делаю не так??????????

    не веришь — прими за сказку

  19. 14.12.2012 10:48


    На последнем скрине галочку снизу поставь в «заменить все записи разрешений дочернего объекта наследуемыми от этого объекта». После этого присваивай права на «все», всем папкам верхнего уровня которые хочешь открыть. Ну или CTRL+A в каждой из них.
    [b] И go на кол! [/a]

    P.S. А мне «эксперта» пожалуйста , я первый догадался, что садовника за косяк с правами на кол садить нужно :)

    Последний раз редактировалось avk1973; 14.12.2012 в 10:53.

  20. 14.12.2012 12:55


    заместо эксперта вручаю самый сучковатый кол!

    не веришь — прими за сказку

Конфигурация компьютера
Материнская плата: ASUS P8Z77-V LE PLUS
HDD: Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256 Гб, WD Green WD20EZRX 2 Тб
Звук: Realtek ALC889 HD Audio
ОС: Windows 8.1 Pro x64
Прочее: корпус: Fractal Design Define R4

Доступ есть ко всем папкам в этом диске, только не отображается содержимое некоторых папок

D:) Доступ есть ко всем папкам в этом диске, только не отображается содержимое некоторых папок »

Там дело не в политиках было. Доступ был разрешен всем, кто хочет.


Решение проблемы с отображением компьютеров в сети на Windows 7

Сейчас многие компьютеры в пределах одной локальной сети объединены между собой, что позволяет использовать файлы, директории и периферийное оборудование в общем доступе. Реализовать подобное соединение можно и в операционной системе Windows 7. Однако некоторые пользователи сталкиваются с такой проблемой, что другие ПК в сети просто не видны. Из-за этого нарушается процесс обмена файлами. Исправляется эта ситуация разными способами. Обо всех них и пойдет речь в рамках нашего сегодняшнего материала.

Решаем проблемы с отображением компьютеров в сети на Windows 7

Перед началом рассмотрения следующих методов мы рекомендуем убедиться в том, что локальная сеть была правильно настроена. Многие пользователи не знают об определенных тонкостях данной конфигурации, поэтому и пропускают важные этапы, которые приводят к появлению схожих сегодняшней неполадок. Всю необходимую информацию и детальные иллюстрированные руководства вы найдете в другой нашей статье, перейдя по указанной ниже ссылке, Мы же приступаем к решению проблем с отображением ПК в сети, которые возникли уже после правильной конфигурации домашней или рабочей группы.

Способ 1: Проверка идентификатора рабочей группы

При обнаружении устройств, расположенных в пределах одной локальной сети, используется определенный идентификатор, установленный в качестве «Рабочей группы». В каждой системе он должен быть одинаковым, иначе это приведет к появлению подобных проблем. Проверить и исправить идентификатор можно буквально в два клика, а выглядит это так:

    Откройте меню «Пуск» и зайдите в «Панель управления».

Отыщите раздел «Система» и кликните по нему левой кнопкой мыши.

Откроется небольшое новое окно свойств. В нем переместитесь во вкладку «Имя компьютера».

Внизу будет находиться одна кнопка под названием «Изменить». Она и нужна вам.

Нажав на нее, отметьте маркером пункт «Рабочей группы» и задайте любой удобный идентификатор, если это поле окажется пустым.

Сразу же покажется окно с предложением перезагрузки. Если вы завершили все необходимые дела, можете смело нажимать на «Перезагрузить сейчас».

Точно такую же операцию нужно проделать на всех остальных ПК, которые входят в пределы домашней или рабочей группы. Убедитесь в том, что все они имеют одинаковое имя группы, а при необходимости измените его так, как это было показано выше.

Способ 2: Изменение параметров общего доступа

Если вы не прочитали материал, который мы рекомендовали в самом начале статьи, то можете не знать о том, что при организации общего доступа осуществляется выдача специальных разрешений на редактирование и чтение файлов. Дополнительно также включается сетевое обнаружение. Давайте детальнее ознакомимся с этим, ведь проверить параметры общего доступа потребуется абсолютно на каждом устройстве.

    Снова откройте «Пуск» и перейдите в «Панель управления».

Здесь отыщите категорию «Центр управления сетями и общим доступом».

На панели слева отыщите «Изменить дополнительные параметры общего доступа».

Убедитесь в том, что соответствующим маркером отмечены пункты, включающие сетевое обнаружение и предоставляющие доступ к файлам, папкам и принтерам.

По завершении не забудьте применить конфигурацию, нажав на «Сохранить изменения».

Не стоит забывать, что и эта настройка должна осуществляться абсолютно на всех ПК, входящих в одну сеть. Для уверенности также лучше перезагрузить машину, чтобы обновить конфигурацию.

Способ 3: Проверка службы «Маршрутизация и удаленный доступ»

К сожалению, все приведенные выше действия не принесут абсолютно никакого результата, если служба «Маршрутизация и удаленный доступ» находится в отключенном состоянии. Обычно при создании локальной сети она сразу же переходит в автоматический режим запуска, однако происходит это не всегда. Потому рекомендуется выполнить такие шаги:

    Снова вернитесь в главный раздел «Панель управления» и найдите там «Администрирование».

В открывшемся окне переместитесь в меню «Службы».

В списке отыщите «Маршрутизация и удаленный доступ». Дважды кликните по этому параметру, чтобы открыть его свойства.

Вам необходимо убедиться, что значение «Тип запуска» установлено в режиме «Автоматически». Если это не так, выберите данный вариант вручную.

После примените настройки.

Теперь активируется кнопка «Запустить». Нажмите на нее, и служба будет включена. Это избавит от необходимости перезагружать компьютер.

Способ 4: Применение консольных команд

Этот метод подразумевает объединение нескольких действий в одно, поскольку все они выполняются через «Командную строку». Вместе их выполнить будет куда быстрее и правильнее. Вам же для этого потребуется использовать учетную запись администратора на всех компьютерах, которые подключены к локальной сети и где будет использоваться этот вариант.

    Откройте «Пуск» найдите и нажмите ПКМ по значку «Командная строка».

В отобразившемся контекстном меню выберите «Запуск от имени администратора».

Используйте поочередно команды, указанные ниже, чтобы сбросить настройки сети и межсетевого экрана.

netsh int ip reset reset.txt
netsh winsock reset
netsh advfirewall reset

Вставьте команду netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=»Network Discovery» new enable=Yes . Она добавит правило для межсетевого экрана, которое позволит обнаруживать данный ПК в сети.

Способ 5: Временное отключение брандмауэра и антивируса

Иногда различные проблемы с локальной сетью и общим доступом связаны с необычными правилами стандартного брандмауэра или антивируса, которые были добавлены пользователем намерено, случайно либо же они установились по умолчанию. Проверить, действительно ли в появившейся ошибке виноваты эти средства, можно, временно отключив их. Детальные инструкции по этим темам ищите в других наших материалах, перейдя по ссылкам ниже.

Если же окажется, что какой-то из этих компонентов действительно виноват в проблеме, вы можете оставить их в отключенном состоянии, но делать этого не рекомендуется. В случае с брандмауэром его потребуется настроить, а антивирус же лучше заменить на более качественный.

Сегодня мы разобрали основные причины, по которым компьютеры под управлением Windows 7 не видят другие ПК в пределах локальной сети. Вам же остается только проверить все представленные варианты, чтобы найти тот, который поможет навсегда избавиться от данной проблемы.


Windows 7 не отображаются сетевые папки

net config server /hidden:no

Это на машинке естественно проблемной. Потом попробуйте зайти. Если нет, то покажите здесь результаты выполнения:

2.net config server

In pivo veritas. t.G. — испокон и вовеки. Want to believe. It’s a magic.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. Все права защищены.

C:UsersАдминистратор>net share ADMIN$
Имя общего ресурса ADMIN$
Путь C:Windows
Заметки Удаленный Admin
Макс. число пользователей Не ограничен
Кэширование Документы кэшируются вручную
Разрешение Все, FULL

Команда выполнена успешно.

C:UsersАдминистратор>net share C$=C:
Общий доступ к этому имени уже открыт.

Для вызова дополнительной справки наберите NET HELPMSG 2118.

C:UsersАдминистратор>net config server /hidden:no
Команда выполнена успешно.

C:UsersАдминистратор>net config server
Имя сервера \PC1203
Комментарий для сервера

Версия программы Windows 7 Ultimate
Активный сервер на
NetbiosSmb (PC1203)
NetBT_Tcpip_ (PC1203)

Скрытый сервер No
Максимальное число пользователей 20
Максимальное число открытых файлов в сеансе 16384

Время холостого хода сеанса (мин) 15
Команда выполнена успешно.

Общее имя Ресурс Заметки

IPC$ Удаленный IPC
C$ C: Стандартный общий ресурс
D$ D: Стандартный общий ресурс
ADMIN$ C:Windows Удаленный Admin
test C:test
Users C:Users
Команда выполнена успешно.

По итогам шары недоступны.

net config workstation

на проблемной машине и на машине, с аналогичной системой, для которой всё работает.

In pivo veritas. t.G. — испокон и вовеки. Want to believe. It’s a magic.

Первая и единственная семерка в домене, к сожалению, сравнил с вистой.

Microsoft Windows [Версия 6.0.6001]
(C) Корпорация Майкрософт, 2006. Все права защищены.

C:UsersАдминистратор>net config server
Имя сервера \PC0903
Комментарий для сервера

Версия программы Windows Vista (TM) Business
Активный сервер на
NetbiosSmb (PC0903)
NetBT_Tcpip_ <2A17F337-7012-47EA-9DE6-AA6BE8F10E98>(PC0903)

Скрытый сервер No
Максимальное число пользователей 10
Максимальное число открытых файлов в сеансе 16384

Время холостого хода сеанса (мин) 15
Команда выполнена успешно.

C:UsersАдминистратор>net config workstation
Имя компьютера \PC0903
Полное имя компьютера PC0903.alphanet.local
Имя пользователя Администратор

Активная рабочая станция на
NetbiosSmb (000000000000)
NetBT_Tcpip_ <2A17F337-7012-47EA-9DE6-AA6BE8F10E98>(0016E645953A)

Версия программы Windows Vista (TM) Business

Домен рабочей станции ALPHANET
DNS-имя домена рабочей станции alphanet.local
Домен входа ALPHANET

Интервал ожидания открытия COM-порта (с) 0
Отсчет передачи COM-порта (байт) 16
Таймаут передачи COM-порта (мс) 250
Команда выполнена успешно.

Подключение по локальной сети:
Адрес IP узла: [] Код области: []

Локальная таблица NetBIOS-имен

Имя Тип Состояние
PC0903 Уникальный Зарегистрирован
ALPHANET Группа Зарегистрирован
PC0903 Уникальный Зарегистрирован
ALPHANET Группа Зарегистрирован

Настройка протокола IP для Windows

Имя компьютера . . . . . . . . . : PC0903
Основной DNS-суффикс . . . . . . : alphanet.local
Тип узла. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Гибридный
IP-маршрутизация включена . . . . : Нет
WINS-прокси включен . . . . . . . : Нет
Порядок просмотра суффиксов DNS . : alphanet.local

Ethernet adapter Подключение по локальной сети:

DNS-суффикс подключения . . . . . :
Описание. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
Физический адрес. . . . . . . . . : 00-16-E6-45-95-3A
DHCP включен. . . . . . . . . . . : Да
Автонастройка включена. . . . . . : Да
Локальный IPv6-адрес канала . . . : fe80::1505:150:b060:bac8%8(Основной)
IPv4-адрес. . . . . . . . . . . . :Основной)
Маска подсети . . . . . . . . . . :
Аренда получена. . . . . . . . . . : 28 июля 2010 г. 9:57:19
Срок аренды истекает. . . . . . . . . . : 4 августа 2010 г. 9:57:21
Основной шлюз. . . . . . . . . :
DHCP-сервер. . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS-серверы. . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBios через TCP/IP. . . . . . . . : Включен

Туннельный адаптер Подключение по локальной сети*:

Состояние носителя. . . . . . . . : Носитель отключен
DNS-суффикс подключения . . . . . :
Описание. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
Физический адрес. . . . . . . . . : 02-00-54-55-4E-01
DHCP включен. . . . . . . . . . . : Нет
Автонастройка включена. . . . . . : Да

Туннельный адаптер Подключение по локальной сети* 44:

Состояние носителя. . . . . . . . : Носитель отключен
DNS-суффикс подключения . . . . . :
Описание. . . . . . . . . . . . . : isatap. <2A17F337-7012-47EA-9DE6-AA6BE8F10
Физический адрес. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
DHCP включен. . . . . . . . . . . : Нет
Автонастройка включена. . . . . . : Да

на проблемной семерке:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
(c) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corp.), 2009. Все права защищены.

C:UsersАдминистратор>net config server
Имя сервера \PC1203
Комментарий для сервера

Версия программы Windows 7 Ultimate
Активный сервер на
NetbiosSmb (PC1203)
NetBT_Tcpip_ (PC1203)

Скрытый сервер No
Максимальное число пользователей 20
Максимальное число открытых файлов в сеансе 16384

Время холостого хода сеанса (мин) 15
Команда выполнена успешно.

C:UsersАдминистратор>net config workstation
Имя компьютера \PC1203
Полное имя компьютера PC1203.alphanet.local
Имя пользователя Администратор

Активная рабочая станция на
NetBT_Tcpip_ (485B392EB121)

Версия программы Windows 7 Ultimate

Домен рабочей станции ALPHANET
DNS-имя домена рабочей станции alphanet.local
Домен входа ALPHANET

Интервал ожидания открытия COM-порта (с) 0
Отсчет передачи COM-порта (байт) 16
Таймаут передачи COM-порта (мс) 250
Команда выполнена успешно.

Подключение по локальной сети:
Адрес IP узла: [] Код области: []

Локальная таблица NetBIOS-имен

Имя Тип Состояние
PC1203 Уникальный Зарегистрирован
ALPHANET Группа Зарегистрирован
PC1203 Уникальный Зарегистрирован

Настройка протокола IP для Windows

Имя компьютера . . . . . . . . . : PC1203
Основной DNS-суффикс . . . . . . : alphanet.local
Тип узла. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Гибридный
IP-маршрутизация включена . . . . : Нет
WINS-прокси включен . . . . . . . : Нет
Порядок просмотра суффиксов DNS . : alphanet.local

Ethernet adapter Подключение по локальной сети:

DNS-суффикс подключения . . . . . :
Описание. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
Физический адрес. . . . . . . . . : 48-5B-39-2E-B1-21
DHCP включен. . . . . . . . . . . : Да
Автонастройка включена. . . . . . : Да
IPv4-адрес. . . . . . . . . . . . :Основной)
Маска подсети . . . . . . . . . . :
Аренда получена. . . . . . . . . . : 28 июля 2010 г. 14:23:21
Срок аренды истекает. . . . . . . . . . : 4 августа 2010 г. 14:23:21
Основной шлюз. . . . . . . . . :
DHCP-сервер. . . . . . . . . . . :
DNS-серверы. . . . . . . . . . . :
Основной WINS-сервер. . . . . . . :
Дополнительный WINS-сервер. . . . . . :
NetBios через TCP/IP. . . . . . . . : Включен

Состояние среды. . . . . . . . : Среда передачи недоступна.
DNS-суффикс подключения . . . . . :
Описание. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Адаптер Microsoft ISATAP
Физический адрес. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
DHCP включен. . . . . . . . . . . : Нет
Автонастройка включена. . . . . . : Да

Туннельный адаптер Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

Состояние среды. . . . . . . . : Среда передачи недоступна.
DNS-суффикс подключения . . . . . :
Описание. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
Физический адрес. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
DHCP включен. . . . . . . . . . . : Нет
Автонастройка включена. . . . . . : Да



Спасибо всем за содействие.

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