Не удается подключиться к серверу с помощью удаленного взаимодействия windows powershell

Добрый вечер, уже 4ый день, безрезультатно, пытаюсь развернуть сервер терминалов на базе windows server 2012 standart.

Добрый вечер, уже 4ый день, безрезультатно, пытаюсь развернуть сервер терминалов на базе windows server 2012 standart.

Сервис разворачивается под доменным администратором, (включен в домен). При проверки совместимости выдает ошибку «Не удалось подключиться с помощью удаленного взаимодействия Windows PowerShell»

С удаленных хостов легко подключаюсь к серверу с помощью New-PSSession, Enter-PSSerssion. Включение winrm контролирует групповая политика (успешно отрабатывает). На самом хосте запускал «Enable-PSRemoting» и WinRM qc»

В Журналы получаю предупреждение от Windows-Remote-Management с кодом 10149:

Служба WinRM не прослушивает запросы WS-Management. 

Действие пользователя  Если служба не была остановлена специально,

проверьте конфигурацию WinRM с помощью следующей команды:  winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener

Вывод winrm enumerate winrm/config/listener:

Listener [Source="GPO"]
    Address = *
    Transport = HTTP
    Port = 5985
    Enabled = true
    URLPrefix = wsman
    ListeningOn =

IP адрес: — localhost

Пройдусь по другим условиям выдаваемым «проверкой совместимости»:

— сервер должен быть доступен через Windows PowerShell ДА (ИМХО)

— Сервер должен быть присоединен к домену ДА

Сервер должен работать под управлением Windows server 2012

— Текущий пользователь должен входить в группу локальных администраторов сервера
ДА (доменный администратор)

— Подключения служб удаленных рабочих столов должны быть разрешены с помощью групповой политики
ДА (политика отрабатывает)

Заранее благодарю за помощь, Константин.

И да главный вопрос, все это делается именно на 2012ом сервере только потому что вычитал в технетовских блогах что rdweb работает со сторонними браузерами отличными от IE. Это правда?


  • Изменено

    19 февраля 2013 г. 20:16

When you try to install RDS role on server 2012 R2 using standard deployment, this issue may occur (Figure 1).

“Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting”.

Figure 1: Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting

First of all, we need to verify the configurations as it suggested:

1. The server must be available by using Windows PowerShell remotely.

2. The server must be joined to a domain.

3. The server must be running at least Windows Server 2012 R2.

4. The currently logged on user must be a member of the local Administrators group on the server.

5. Remote Desktop Services connections must be enabled by using Group Policy.

In addition, we need to check if the “Windows Remote Management “service is running and related firewall exceptions have been created for WinRM listener.

To enabling PowerShell remoting, we can run this PowerShell command as administrator (Figure 2).

Enable-PSRemoting -Force

Figure 2: Enable PowerShell Remoting

However, if issue persists, we need to check whether it has enough memory to work.

By default, remote shell allots only 150 MB of memory. If we have IIS or SharePoint App pool, 150 MB of memory is not sufficient to perform the remoting task. Therefore, we need to increase
the memory via the PowerShell command below:

Set-Item WSMan:localhostShellMaxMemoryPerShellMB 1000

Then, you need to restart the server and the issue should be resolved.

You can get more information regarding Remote Troubleshooting by below link:


If you need further assistance, welcome to post your questions in the

RDS forum.

Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

When you try to install RDS role on server 2012 R2 using standard deployment, this issue may occur (Figure 1).

“Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting”.

Figure 1: Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting

First of all, we need to verify the configurations as it suggested:

1. The server must be available by using Windows PowerShell remotely.

2. The server must be joined to a domain.

3. The server must be running at least Windows Server 2012 R2.

4. The currently logged on user must be a member of the local Administrators group on the server.

5. Remote Desktop Services connections must be enabled by using Group Policy.

In addition, we need to check if the “Windows Remote Management “service is running and related firewall exceptions have been created for WinRM listener.

To enabling PowerShell remoting, we can run this PowerShell command as administrator (Figure 2).

Enable-PSRemoting -Force

Figure 2: Enable PowerShell Remoting

However, if issue persists, we need to check whether it has enough memory to work.

By default, remote shell allots only 150 MB of memory. If we have IIS or SharePoint App pool, 150 MB of memory is not sufficient to perform the remoting task. Therefore, we need to increase
the memory via the PowerShell command below:

Set-Item WSMan:localhostShellMaxMemoryPerShellMB 1000

Then, you need to restart the server and the issue should be resolved.

You can get more information regarding Remote Troubleshooting by below link:


If you need further assistance, welcome to post your questions in the

RDS forum.

Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

When you try to install RDS role on server 2012 R2 using standard deployment, this issue may occur (Figure 1).

“Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting”.

Figure 1: Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting

First of all, we need to verify the configurations as it suggested:

1. The server must be available by using Windows PowerShell remotely.

2. The server must be joined to a domain.

3. The server must be running at least Windows Server 2012 R2.

4. The currently logged on user must be a member of the local Administrators group on the server.

5. Remote Desktop Services connections must be enabled by using Group Policy.

In addition, we need to check if the “Windows Remote Management “service is running and related firewall exceptions have been created for WinRM listener.

To enabling PowerShell remoting, we can run this PowerShell command as administrator (Figure 2).

Enable-PSRemoting -Force

Figure 2: Enable PowerShell Remoting

However, if issue persists, we need to check whether it has enough memory to work.

By default, remote shell allots only 150 MB of memory. If we have IIS or SharePoint App pool, 150 MB of memory is not sufficient to perform the remoting task. Therefore, we need to increase
the memory via the PowerShell command below:

Set-Item WSMan:localhostShellMaxMemoryPerShellMB 1000

Then, you need to restart the server and the issue should be resolved.

You can get more information regarding Remote Troubleshooting by below link:


If you need further assistance, welcome to post your questions in the

RDS forum.

Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

When you try to install RDS role on server 2012 R2 using standard deployment, this issue may occur (Figure 1).

“Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting”.

Figure 1: Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting

First of all, we need to verify the configurations as it suggested:

1. The server must be available by using Windows PowerShell remotely.

2. The server must be joined to a domain.

3. The server must be running at least Windows Server 2012 R2.

4. The currently logged on user must be a member of the local Administrators group on the server.

5. Remote Desktop Services connections must be enabled by using Group Policy.

In addition, we need to check if the “Windows Remote Management “service is running and related firewall exceptions have been created for WinRM listener.

To enabling PowerShell remoting, we can run this PowerShell command as administrator (Figure 2).

Enable-PSRemoting -Force

Figure 2: Enable PowerShell Remoting

However, if issue persists, we need to check whether it has enough memory to work.

By default, remote shell allots only 150 MB of memory. If we have IIS or SharePoint App pool, 150 MB of memory is not sufficient to perform the remoting task. Therefore, we need to increase
the memory via the PowerShell command below:

Set-Item WSMan:localhostShellMaxMemoryPerShellMB 1000

Then, you need to restart the server and the issue should be resolved.

You can get more information regarding Remote Troubleshooting by below link:


If you need further assistance, welcome to post your questions in the

RDS forum.

Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

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You are trying install RDS 2012 R2 (no matter quick or standard mode) and get error during compatibility check:

Unable to connect to the server by using Windows PowerShell remoting.

rds compatibility error

  • Server is joined to domain
  • Server is running on 2012 R2 up-to-date
  • Current user is a member of  group “Administrators”  (lusrmgr.msc  -> groups)
  • PowerShell is configured to receive remote queries (Enable-PSRemoting)
  • Remote Desktop Services are not forbidden in GPOs (default policies)
  • Remote management is enabled in Server Manager (servermanager -> local server -> remote management)
  • Firewall rules for remote management are enabled (Get-NetFirewallRule *winmgmt*|select name,enabled)
  • There are no network and time synchronization issues between this server and my environment


If you ping server you may notice IPv6 name format (in my case). Windows Server management consoles don’t like it in my case (any thoughts/comments?). So turn off IPv6 (if you are not using it) on your network adapter. I think unchecked “register this connection in the DNS”, ipconfig /flushdns work too. But did no try.

I had a lot of VDI deployments but faced with this problem for the first time.

Note:  same issue was with Active Directory mmc. There was the wrong status of Domain Controller in “change domain controller..” (was Offline). Turning IPv6 ON resolved this behavior. Agruments against disabling IPv6

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  • Добрый день.

    Пол дня сижу, весь интернет перерыл не получается.

    помогите пожалуйста

    Хочу удаленно подключиться с рабочей станции к серверу через PowerShell

    Рабочая станция Windows 7

    Сервер Windows Server 2012

    PS C:Windowssystem32> Enter-PSSession -ComputerName
    Enter-PSSession : Не удалось подключиться к удаленному серверу. Сообщение об ошибке: Клиенту WinRM не удается обработат
    ь запрос. Если применяемая схема проверки подлинности отличается от Kerberos или компьютер клиента не входит в домен,
    необходимо использовать транспорт HTTPS или добавить компьютер назначения к значениям параметра конфигурации TrustedHos
    ts. Чтобы настроить TrustedHosts, используйте winrm.cmd. Обратите внимание, что в списке TrustedHosts могут находиться
    компьютеры, не прошедшие проверку подлинности. Чтобы получить дополнительные сведения об этом, выполните следующую кома
    нду: winrm help config. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе справки, вызываемом командой about_Remote_Troubleshooting
    строка:1 знак:16
    + Enter-PSSession <<<<  -ComputerName
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: ( [Enter-PSSession], PSRemotingTransportException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CreateRemoteRunspaceFailed

    что делал.

    На сервере делал Enable-PSRemoting (хотя читал что в 2012 должно все быть включено по умолчанию)

    Делал настройку доверия между компьютерами через Trusted Hosts

    Компы в одной рабочей группе, между собой пингуются.

    Что еще необходимо сделать?


  • 1 консоль на клиенте запускайте от имени администратора

    2 учетка которой ломитесь на сервере должна быть администратором

    3 должен быть открыт порт WinRM (по дефолту вроде TCP 5985)

    4 Если хотите ходить без указания логинапароля ходить нужно по имени, либо придется указывать креденшелы и использовать CredSSP (по последним можно почитать там ничего сложного нет)

    5 учитывая вашу ошибку в последнем посте проверяйте ДНС, знает ли он что то про test

    6 так же не плохо было бы что бы вы указали есть у вас домен (что было бы хорошо), или нет (и половина рекомендаций отпадала бы сразу)

    The opinion expressed by me is not an official position of Microsoft

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      14 июля 2017 г. 9:00

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