Не устанавливается tap драйвер windows 7 openvpn

I'm having trouble installing OpenVPN - the TAP driver simply refuses to install.


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Installing TAP driver on Windows x64 fails [solved]

I’m having trouble installing OpenVPN — the TAP driver simply refuses to install.

I’ve tried 5 different versions of the installer — including v2.1 RC19 which, according to a Google search, seems to be everyones solution.

I’ve tried v2.1.3, which supposedly should have the driver signing solved, v2.1.1, v2.1.4 and even v2.2 beta5 — all run as administrator.

I’ve tried running the installers in compability mode set to Vista, aswell.

I’ve tried downloading the x64 driver (tap0801), from openvpn.se, and installing it manually (from a dos prompt, run as administrator, from a destination folder that isn’t named with troublesome characters like space), and between the installs, i’ve even made sure to uninstall the «unknown» TAP network adaptor, the installations leaves behind.

I’ve tried extracting the driver (tap0901) from the installer and manually install it, using same procedure as above.

… I’m fresh out of ideas on how to get OpenVPN running on Windows 7 Ultimate x64, please help.

Mads Jensen

Last edited by sjoller on Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TAP driver on Windows x64


by gladiatr72 » Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:21 pm


I’m not a Windows Guy(tm), but what sort of errors are being emitted when the installation fails?

After the error, is there anything left in the installation target directory?

Check if the following path exists and contains any files: (I think) C:program files (x86)openvpnbin

Specifically, I’m looking for the tapinstall.exe binary. If it doesn’t it might be getting cleaned up if you exit the installer. If this is the case, try running the installation again but not exiting the installer after it pukes.

If you can get an admin CLI with the tapinstall binary present, from openvpnbin, run the following command and post the output:

tapinstall install ..driveroemwin2k.inf tap0901


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Re: TAP driver on Windows x64


by sjoller » Tue Dec 28, 2010 9:38 pm

Hi gladiatr72,

Thanks for replying.

After a looong time trying to install the TAP driver, the installation pops an error message saying that «An error occured installing the TAP device driver». After accepting this, the installation finishes withour further errors.

This is what is logged:

Code: Select all

Previous Service REMOVE (if exists)
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNbin
Extract: openvpn.exe... 100%
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNbin
Extract: openvpn-gui-1.0.3.exe... 100%
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNeasy-rsa
Extract: openssl.cnf.sample... 100%
Extract: vars.bat.sample... 100%
Extract: init-config.bat... 100%
Extract: README.txt... 100%
Extract: build-ca.bat... 100%
Extract: build-dh.bat... 100%
Extract: build-key-server.bat... 100%
Extract: build-key.bat... 100%
Extract: build-key-pkcs12.bat... 100%
Extract: clean-all.bat... 100%
Extract: index.txt.start
Extract: revoke-full.bat... 100%
Extract: serial.start
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNbin
Extract: openvpnserv.exe... 100%
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNconfig
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNsample-config
Extract: sample.ovpn... 100%
Extract: client.ovpn... 100%
Extract: server.ovpn... 100%
Create folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNlog
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNbin
Extract: libeay32.dll... 100%
Extract: libssl32.dll... 100%
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNbin
Extract: openssl.exe... 100%
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNbin
Extract: libpkcs11-helper-1.dll... 100%
We are running on a 64-bit system.
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNbin
Extract: tapinstall.exe... 100%
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNdriver
Extract: OemWin2k.inf... 100%
Extract: tap0901.cat... 100%
Extract: tap0901.sys... 100%
Create folder: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPN
Create folder: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNDocumentation
Create shortcut: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNUninstall OpenVPN.lnk
Output folder: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPN
Extract: INSTALL-win32.txt... 100%
Extract: license.txt... 100%
Extract: icon.ico... 100%
tapinstall hwids returned: 0
No devices were removed.
tapinstall remove TAP0801 returned: 0
TAP INSTALL (tap0901)
Device node created. Install is complete when drivers are installed...
Updating drivers for tap0901 from C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNdriverOemWin2k.inf.
UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices failed, GetLastError=32
tapinstall.exe failed.
tapinstall install returned: 2
tapinstall cumulative status: 2
OpenVPN Service installed.
Create folder: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNUtilities
Create folder: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNShortcuts
Create shortcut: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNOpenVPN GUI.lnk
Create shortcut: C:UsersMadsDesktopOpenVPN GUI.lnk
Create shortcut: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNUtilitiesAdd a new TAP virtual ethernet adapter.lnk
Create shortcut: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNUtilitiesDelete ALL TAP virtual ethernet adapters.lnk
Create shortcut: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNShortcutsOpenVPN configuration file directory.lnk
Create shortcut: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNShortcutsOpenVPN log file directory.lnk
Create shortcut: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNShortcutsOpenVPN Sample Configuration Files.lnk
Create shortcut: C:UsersMadsAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsOpenVPNUtilitiesGenerate a static OpenVPN key.lnk
Created uninstaller: C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNUninstall.exe

As you might have guessed from above, everything besides the driver is installed as it should. Manually running the tabinstall as you describe, gives me yet another «Unknown device» in Network adapters, but fails.

I sometimes find that Windows have a hard time accepting paths containing spaces (when installing from the DOS prompt), which is why I initially tried to place the driver files in a properly named folder, at the very root of my system drive and install it manually from there — but to no avail.

Today, I tried to install v2.1.4 on a Windows 7 x64 box at work, and it installed flawlessly. The two boxes have pretty much the same software on them, but varies in hardware. I don’t think it’s a hardware problem, so the only major difference I can think of, is that I’m running Ultimate at home, and the work box has a OEM Home Premium.

Mads Jensen


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Re: TAP driver on Windows x64


by sjoller » Tue Dec 28, 2010 10:50 pm


I tried to update the driver using Windows device manager, and it told me that the driver file was locked due to being used by another process. Googling for a solution to this problem yielded no solution (quelle surprise), but the the universal Windows problem fixer solution (A.K.A. reboot) released the lock on the file, and I was then able to install the driver with success…

I feel a little silly for not trying this in the first place, but atleast thing are working for me again.

Mads Jensen.


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Re: Installing TAP driver on Windows x64 fails [solved]


by Goykie » Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:50 am

The new OpenVPN versions work on 64 bit!!!

Uninstall all Open VPN. Restart PC. Follow link http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html and install the newest version. (I installed version 2.1.4 and it works)

Btw when you uninstall you don’t have to delete your config folders.


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Re: Installing TAP driver on Windows x64 fails [solved]


by unkim » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:34 pm

i have the same problem of the tap adapter in win7.
i have 2 computers both with win7 (one is 100%legal bought in europe, and the other one is bought is china so who knows…)
curiously, i dont have any problem installing the adapter on the chinese one, but i have it in the legal one…
so must to be a software issue right?
my laptop asus A53S is the one which dont allow me to install the adapter.

thanks in advance!

ps: why the thread shows solved??


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Re: Installing TAP driver on Windows x64 fails [solved]


by tazz602 » Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:27 pm

I don’t know why this was marked as solved because no one answered the question.

The issue is simple — you need to run the Add TAP as Administrator — right click on the menu option and select «Run as Administrator» and it should work.


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Re: Installing TAP driver on Windows x64 fails [solved]


by razvezlo » Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:20 am

maybe — will be fixed / changed in further releases, but — for now:

Recently tried «openvpn-install-2.3_rc2-I001-x86_64» («release candidate» for x64 platforms); OpenVPN installer do NOT created <openvpn-install-dir>bintapinstall.exe; but it created additional folder in «Program Files» — Program FilesTAP-Windows (if NOT — unpack the installer package with {7-zip}, go to unpacked «$temp» folder and run tap-windows.exe; unfortunately, no any shortcuts are created in your system to any of the tools/files in this folder). To add another virtual TAP-adapter — go to «Program FilesTAP-Windowsbin» and run («as administrator» !!!) the file named addtap.bat

Столк­нул­ся с неожи­дан­ной про­бле­мой при уста­нов­ке кли­ен­та попу­ляр­ной реа­ли­за­ции vpn. Не уста­нав­ли­вал­ся openvpn кли­ент на Windows 10, выда­вая ошиб­ку уста­нов­ки TAP интер­фей­са: «An error occurred installing the TAP device driver«.

Ошиб­ка уста­нов­ки openvpn на Windows 10 выгля­де­ла сле­ду­ю­щим обра­зом. Инста­ля­тор после выбо­ра дефолт­ных настро­ек заду­мы­ва­ет­ся на несколь­ко минут и в ито­ге выда­ет ошибку:

При этом сам кли­ент openvpn успеш­но уста­нав­ли­ва­ет­ся. Мож­но запу­стить GIU, но ясное дело, под­клю­чить­ся к сер­ве­ру openvpn не полу­чит­ся, так как в систе­ме не появ­ля­ет­ся TAP адап­те­ра. В интер­не­те нашел мно­го сове­тов по дан­ной про­бле­ме, но мне ни один не помог. Пере­чис­лю их, может вам помо­жет что-то из этого:

  1. Запу­стить скрипт на добав­ле­ние TAP интер­фей­са — C:Program FilesTAP-Windowsbinaddtap.bat. У меня он так же не отра­ба­ты­вал. Висел несколь­ко минут, потом выда­вал ошибку.
  2. Зай­ти в Пуск -> TAP Windows -> Add a new TAP virtual ethernet adapter. Это тоже не помогло.
  3. Повто­рить уста­нов­ку openvpn с выклю­чен­ным анти­ви­ру­сом или защит­ни­ком windows.

Два пер­вых дей­ствия нуж­но выпол­нять от адми­ни­стра­то­ра. С помо­щью них мож­но доба­вить несколь­ко tap адап­те­ров в систе­му, что­бы одно­вре­мен­но под­ни­мать несколь­ко openvpn туннелей.

После того, как ниче­го из пред­ло­жен­но­го не подо­шло, я креп­ко при­за­ду­мал­ся. Openvpn я исполь­зую посто­ян­но. Ста­вил его на раз­ные систе­мы десят­ки раз и все­гда все про­хо­ди­ло успеш­но, либо про­бле­ма быст­ро реша­лась. Тут быст­ро­го и про­сто­го реше­ния не получалось.

Помог­ло в ито­ге вот что. Я открыл дис­пет­чер устройств и посмот­рел на сете­вые адап­те­ры. В спис­ке был TAP-Windows Adapter V9, что наме­ка­ло на то, что все долж­но рабо­тать. Но не рабо­та­ло. В пане­ли управ­ле­ния в спис­ке адап­те­ров TAP адап­те­ра не было.

Я вклю­чил отоб­ра­же­ние скры­тых устройств и уви­дел там же в сете­вых адап­те­рах неиз­вест­ное устрой­ство (unknown device). Открыл у него вклад­ку Све­де­ния. Путь к экзем­пля­ру устрой­ства был сле­ду­ю­щий — ROOTNET000. Я нажал обно­вить драй­вер для это­го устрой­ства и ука­зал, что он дол­жен быть най­ден авто­ма­ти­че­ски. После это­го устрой­ство полу­чи­ло назва­ние TAP-Windows Adapter V9 #2 и в пане­ли управ­ле­ния появил­ся TAP адаптер.

После это­го Openvpn зара­бо­тал. Я смог под­клю­чить­ся к сер­ве­ру и орга­ни­зо­вать тун­нель. После того, как я уда­лил openvpn на этой же систе­ме и уста­но­вил зано­во, все про­шло без оши­бок с пер­во­го раза. Появил­ся толь­ко один TAP-Windows Adapter V9. Про­ве­рил еще на пароч­ке тесто­вых вир­ту­аль­ных машин. Тоже все про­шло без оши­бок, так что не смог собрать акту­аль­ные скри­ны по про­бле­ме, а сра­зу их не сделал.

Если  реше­ние не помо­жет, то обра­ти­те вни­ма­ние на сле­ду­ю­щее, бери­те бубен и танцуйте:
Драй­вер для TAP адап­те­ра дол­жен быть в дирек­то­рии C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositoryoemvista.inf_amd64_*. В кон­це могут быть раз­ные сим­во­лы. На той систе­ме, где был глюк, были созда­ны 2 подоб­ных дирек­то­рии с раз­ны­ми сим­во­ла­ми на кон­це. Когда про­блем нет — толь­ко одна.


Когда я пытаюсь подключиться к своему рабочему VPN с помощью OpenVPN, происходит сбой соединения с сообщением:

All TAP-Win32 adapters on this system are currently in use.

Многие источники предлагают в Панели управления Сеть и Интернет Сетевые подключения включить адаптер TAP, но когда я смотрю туда, его нет. Теперь я запустил addtap.bat который поставляется с OpenVPN, но я все еще не вижу ни одного адаптера TAP, и вход в VPN по-прежнему не удается. Вывод addtap.bat:

C:Windowssystem32>"C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNbintapinstall.exe" install
"C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNdriverOemWin2k.inf" tap0801
Device node created. Install is complete when drivers are updated...
Updating drivers for tap0801 from C:Program Files (x86)OpenVPNdriverOemWin2k
Drivers updated successfully.

Я запускаю от имени администратора как настройки OpenVPN, так и addtap.bat .
Я запустил deltapall.bat чтобы удалить любые (возможно, скрытые) адаптеры. Он сказал, что удалил три из них, после чего я снова запустил addtap.bat чтобы попытаться создать еще один.
Я также запускаю OpenVPN как администратор. В чем дело?

Под управлением Windows 7 Home Premium на HP Pavilion dv7 4050ed. Он работал раньше, но недавно мне пришлось переустанавливать свой ноутбук, для чего я использовал восстановленные диски, которые я создал, когда только что получил его. Все остальное вроде нормально работает.


Адаптер TAP находится в диспетчере устройств, но, очевидно, он отключен, поскольку он несовместим с 64-разрядной версией Windows 7. Я удалил OpenVPNGui, скачал версию, которая должна быть 64-битной совместимой, и установил ее. До сих пор нет сигары.
Затем я нашел совет по установке OpenVPN (версия 9) после установки OpenVPNGui, потому что это устанавливает OpenVPN версии 8. Теперь я получил драйвер TAP v9 в диспетчере устройств, но он все еще не работает и отображается в диспетчере устройств с восклицательным знаком, а не в моих сетевых устройствах.

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  • Question

  • Hi all, ok ive tried openvpn forums, and getting no joy, so im trying here.

    I have recently configured a pfsense server for VPN, and am testing out the OpenVPN
     client on a few users. I have installed OpenVPN and it is up and running like a dream on all the users PC’s its been tried on, OS’s being windows XP, and windows 7.

    However today when installing it on a users laptop, on XP sp3, it will not install the TAP-Win32 device driver.
    During installation an error box appears;

    «error occurred installing the TAP-Win32 device driver»

    The login account does have administrative rights, (right clicking the install file and selecting run-as the selected user has admin rights), and I have tried the previous version openvpn-2.rc19, still has same problem (read on another forum this solved the problem for someone)

    Any suggestions ? Much appreciated.


  • Hi all, ok ive tried openvpn forums, and getting no joy, so im trying here.

    I have recently configured a pfsense server for VPN, and am testing out the OpenVPN
     client on a few users. I have installed OpenVPN and it is up and running like a dream on all the users PC’s its been tried on, OS’s being windows XP, and windows 7.

    However today when installing it on a users laptop, on XP sp3, it will not install the TAP-Win32 device driver.
    During installation an error box appears;

    «error occurred installing the TAP-Win32 device driver»

    The login account does have administrative rights, (right clicking the install file and selecting run-as the selected user has admin rights), and I have tried the previous version openvpn-2.rc19, still has same problem (read on another forum this solved the problem for someone)

    Any suggestions ? Much appreciated.

    I have been able to resolve this issue many ways, but I would try this first.

    With openVPN installed go to Start > All Programs > OpenVPN > Utilities > Delete ALL TAP-32 virtual Ethernet adapters (do it as administrator).
    Go back to the directory, and Install a new TAP virtual adapter and try again.

    Hope that works.

    • Marked as answer by

      Thursday, January 21, 2010 12:35 PM

  • Thanks for the reply,

    I managed to get it installed, what I did was (not sure which one solved the problem tbh):

    • uninstall a load of junk on the users computer (blackberry applications, norton internet security.. which was expired anyway)
    • did what jpag4947 suggested and; Start > All Programs > OpenVPN > Utilities > Delete ALL TAP-32 virtual Ethernet adapters
    • uninstalled openvpn gui
    • create a new acccount on the pc, with admin rights.
    • logout, then login wiht new account
    • install openvpn gui

    This worked, it created the TAP-Win32 adaptor. I then logged in with the user account, and the application and adaptor were there, and working.

    • Marked as answer by
      Thursday, January 21, 2010 12:34 PM

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