Не устанавливается windows 10 на samsung 970 evo plus

Установка Windows 10 на SSD m2 nvme Windows 10 Решение и ответ на вопрос 2568883

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12.01.2020, 16:41. Показов 23788. Ответов 21

Здравствуйте. У меня такая проблема. Купил SSD диск m.2 970 evo plus 250gb себе под систему. Устанавливается Windows 10 без нареканий через bios с загрузочной флешки, созданной официальным приложением от Microsoft. После установки сам виндовс не запускается, запускается снова меню установки. Если выбрать в приоритете загрузки даннный SSD диск или вообще вынуть установочную флешку, то я просто остаюсь в меню биоса UEFI. Материнская плата ASUS ROG strix z370h gaming. Помогите братцы, уже много всего перепробовал, не знаю что делать.

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь


4477 / 2157 / 439

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12.01.2020, 16:50


Сообщение от tekO-
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Устанавливается Windows 10 без нареканий через bios с загрузочной флешки

1. Отключить перед установкой ОС все накопители кроме SSD.
2. Установить ОС так:

Кликните здесь для просмотра всего текста

Загружаться с флешки надо через Boot Menu: т.е. на старте ПК нажать F8 на клавиатуре и выбрать для загрузки позицию UEFI с названием флешки. Далее как написано в мануале MS (Раздел Чистая установка Windows 10 с помощью установочного носителя — Использование установочного носителя для чистой установки — с п.4 по п.10).


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12.01.2020, 17:18



Все накопители были отключены, устанавливал через boot выбирал UEFI flash


4477 / 2157 / 439

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12.01.2020, 18:32


Сообщение от tekO-
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Материнская плата ASUS ROG strix z370h gaming.

Обновите версию BIOS.

Сообщение от tekO-
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SSD диск m.2 970 evo plus 250gb

Обновите прошивку контроллера.


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12.01.2020, 18:33



Bios последней версии, что значит обновить прошивку контроллера и как это сделать?


4477 / 2157 / 439

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12.01.2020, 19:02


Сообщение от tekO-
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и как это сделать?

Похоже никак. Обновления для этого SSD пока нет: https://www.samsung.com/semico… oad/tools/

Сообщение от tekO-
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Если выбрать в приоритете загрузки даннный SSD диск или вообще вынуть установочную флешку, то я просто остаюсь в меню биоса UEFI.

Сбросьте BIOS на заводские настройки.
Попробуйте загрузить SSD через Boot Menu на старте ПК.


0 / 0 / 0

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12.01.2020, 20:13



Там есть nvme драйвер но он exe, его не видит установочник винды при попытке подгрузить его при установке. Может его надо в архив какой запаковать??


4477 / 2157 / 439

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12.01.2020, 21:04


Сообщение от tekO-
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Там есть nvme драйвер но он exe, его не видит установочник винды при попытке подгрузить его при установке.

Он устанавливается из под ОС.


0 / 0 / 0

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12.01.2020, 21:24



Ну когда выбираешь на какой раздел установить правильно???


4477 / 2157 / 439

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12.01.2020, 21:27


Сообщение от tekO-
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Ну когда выбираешь на какой раздел установить правильно???

Что установить? Из под другой ОС это не установить.


0 / 0 / 0

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12.01.2020, 21:35



Я что-то не понимаю видимо, драйвер привязывается к самому SSD чтоли?


4477 / 2157 / 439

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12.01.2020, 21:46


Сообщение от tekO-
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Я что-то не понимаю видимо

Я тем более, NVMe драйвер есть в десятке. По ссылке, которую я давал выше, надо смотреть раздел FIRMWARE, а там NVMe SSD-970 EVO Plus Firmware. Что с этим дальше делать, увы, не знаю.


940 / 458 / 69

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12.01.2020, 23:13


Сообщение от tekO-
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созданной официальным приложением от Microsoft

Я такой же SSD ставил на ноут в ноябре 19г , только флешку делал по другому. Скачал ISO с оф. сайта, распаковал его архиватором 7zip. Флешку форматнул FAT32 и скопировал распакованные файлы на флешку. Далее

Сообщение от tekO-
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через boot выбирал UEFI flash

Сообщение от tekO-
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Там есть nvme драйвер но он exe

этот драйвер устанавливается в установленной ОС, но в БИОС нужно выставить Sata Mode-AHCI.

Сообщение от ibarg
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FIRMWARE, а там NVMe SSD-970 EVO Plus Firmware. Что с этим дальше делать, увы, не знаю.

Это прошивка SSD. Если ОС установится, то можно установить Samsung Magician, программа сама проверит прошивку и если надо обновит.


0 / 0 / 0

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13.01.2020, 09:30



Ahci включён, скинул биос на дефолт загружал через f8, не помогло. Может залить на другой диск и с помощью Magician перенести винду на этот SSD?

Добавлено через 11 минут
Странно, попробовал залить на старый SSD такаяже проблема


940 / 458 / 69

Регистрация: 15.03.2012

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13.01.2020, 10:48


А, что за старый SSD?


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13.01.2020, 11:00



Старый обычный m.1 Kingston uv400.
Короче, скачал лицензионный образ iso распаковал на флешку предварительно отформатированную в fat32.
Получилось залить на другой SSD Kingston a1000 nvme таким методом.
Установил драйвера на Самсунг SSD, Samsung magician не видит его хотя винда видит. Я подгорать начинаю сильно


940 / 458 / 69

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13.01.2020, 11:05


Сообщение от tekO-
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Установил драйвера на Самсунг SSD

А такой- Samsung_NVM_Express_Driver_3.2.exe установился? И в Диспетчере устройств Есть такой контролер?

Установка Windows 10 на SSD m2 nvme


0 / 0 / 0

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13.01.2020, 11:10



3.0 такой ставил. Ща попробую 3.2

Добавлено через 3 минуты
На оф сайте только 3.0 вижу. Дай плиз ссылку на 3.2


940 / 458 / 69

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13.01.2020, 11:13



0 / 0 / 0

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13.01.2020, 11:15



Как-то так




87844 / 49110 / 22898

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13.01.2020, 11:15


Привет, друзья. Сегодня мы с вами установим Windows 10 на SSD M.2 спецификации NVMe. Вопрос очень актуальный, так как эти накопители сейчас стали доступны в цене. Так, например, высокоскоростной Samsung 970 EVO Plus с объёмом 250 Гб сейчас можно купить за 4500 руб. Номинальные линейные скорости чтения и записи этой модели SSD M.2 NVMe самые высокие на данный момент — 3500 Мб/с и 3200 Мб/с. Самое главное, чтобы ваша материнская плата имела разъём M.2 интерфейса PCI Express 3.0 x4, а BIOS поддерживал NVMe. В этом случае установка операционной системы на твердотельный накопитель и последующая загрузка с него системы будет возможна.  В нашем случае имеется материнка ASUS, и она в полной мере поддерживает накопители M.2 форм-фактора 2242, 2260, 2280, 22110. Выбранный нами SSD имеет ключ 2280 и совместим с нашей материнкой. Если такой накопитель для вас слишком дорогой, вы можете купить модели в два раза дешевле. Но и номинальные скорости обработки данных там будут меньше — в пределах 1800 Мб/с. Итак, как же установить Windows 10 на SSD M.2 NVMe?

Примечание: друзья, если у вас ещё недостаточно понимания, что такое современные SSD M.2 NVMe, посмотрите статью нашего сайта «SSD NVMe: всё о современных высокопроизводительных SSD-накопителях PCI-E». В ней рассматривается, что такое M.2, что такое NVMe, какие бывают размеры этого типа жёсткого диска, говорится о его поддержке материнскими платами, о ключах.


Устанавливается SSD M.2 в разъём M.2 довольно просто. Находим гнездо M.2 PCIe и устанавливаем в него твердотельник. Затем осторожно и несильно закрепляем винтом.
Далее создаём загрузочную флешку с Windows 10 и подсоединяем её к компьютеру. Но перед установкой операционной системы мы заглянем в BIOS.

Друзья, считается, что установка и последующая загрузка Windows 10 с SSD M.2 с использованием технологии NVMe осуществляется только в системе, которая поддерживает UEFI. Но у нас получилось установить Windows 10 SSD NVMe, отключив UEFI — в режиме BIOS Legscy. Нам позволила это сделать функциональная геймерская материнская плата Asus Tuf Gaming Z490-Plus. Включаем компьютер и входим в БИОС. Идём в «Advanced Mode» — расширенный режим BIOS.
На вкладке «Advanced» открываем настройку «NVMe Configuration».
Здесь должен отображаться накопитель SSD M.2, если он правильно установлен в материнскую плату. Вот наш Samsung 970 EVO Plus 250 Гб отображается.
Переходим на вкладку «Boot», отвечающую за конфигурацию загрузки компьютера. Заходим в настройки CSM.
CSM — это так называемый модуль поддержки совместимости, который позволит установить на компьютер Windows 10 и в современном режиме UEFI, и в режиме устаревшего БИОСа (Legacy). В первом случае система установится на SSD и преобразует его в современный стиль разметки диска GPT. Во втором случае загрузочная запись на накопителе будет устаревшей MBR. В принципе, SSD в обоих случаях будет работать на одинаково высокой скорости. 

Ниже мы покажем два способа установки Windows 10 — в UEFI и Legacy.

Чтобы установить Windows 10 в режиме UEFI, все настройки BIOS в разделе «CSM» ставим в UEFI.

Настраиваем функцию Secure Boot, она отвечает за безопасную загрузку систем UEFI.
Выставляем эту функцию в UEFI.
Возвращаемся в начальное окно вкладки «Boot» и выставляем первым загрузочным устройством флешку, а вторым — SSD M.2.
Сохраняем наши изменения в BIOS и перезагружаемся. Устанавливаем Windows 10. После установки системы открываем штатное управление дисками и смотрим свойства SSD M.2. Видим, что накопитель имеет стиль разметки GPT, то есть операционную систему мы установили в режиме UEFI. 

Теперь давайте выставим настройки в режиме BIOS Legacy. На вкладке «Boot» в разделе «CSM» выставляем Legacy.
Настройки опции Secure Boot (OS Type) ставим в Other OS (Разные ОС).
Возвращаемся на вкладку «Boot» и выставляем первым загрузочным устройством флешку, а вторым — SSD M.2.
Далее устанавливаем Windows 10 обычным способом. После установки системы открываем штатное управление дисками и смотрим свойства SSD M.2. Видим, что накопитель имеет стиль разметки MBR, т. е. операционную систему мы установили в режиме BIOS Legacy.

Друзья, установочный процесс Windows 10 в обоих случаях будет стандартным. Он детально описан в статье сайта «Как установить Windows 10».

[SOLVED] Problem installing Windows 10 on Samsung 970 EVO plus NVMe drive

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    Nov 21, 2019

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Aug 24, 2016





  • #1

Just bought all the components and assembled the PC. Now trying a clean install of Win10 Pro (downloaded from MS website) from USB to Samsung 970 EVO Plus. Disconnected all other HDD & SSD. PC boots from the USB and Installation starts but stops when it comes to choosing target disk for installation. I cannot see my 970 EVO plus in the list. It asks for driver for storage devices. Updated BIOS of the motherboard but no effect. My Components are —

Processor — i9 9900k
Motherboard — Asus ROG Maximus XI Hero Z390
RAM — G.SKILL Trident Z RGB Series DDR4 (8GB X 4pcs, 3200Mhz) Total 32GB
CPU Cooler — NZXT Kraken X62
SSD M.2 — Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1 TB
Graphics card — MSI GTX1080 Gaming X — Twin Frozr VI
Power supply — CORSAIR RMX RM1000X 1000W
Cabinet — Phanteks Enthoo Pro Full Tower Chassis
Monitor — Dell 27 inches 4K Ultrasharp

I have an old installation of Win10 Home on Kingston SSD (from old machine with i7 7700K) . Connected that Kingston and the PC booted up without any problem. Went to Disk Management and Win10 Home prompted me to initialize the 970 EVO Plus. Did that and formatted to GPT. Now the 970 EVO plus is accessible when booted from Kingston SSD Win10 Home. Everything works well, all my software etc installed previously on the Kingston also works well on this new rig, except a nagging for activation of Win 10 Home. However when I try to clean install Win10 Pro from the USB, it cannot find my 970 NVMe drive.

Please help me. Tried searching the web for last two days, but no answer to my particular problem. Please suggest the proper bios settings on Asus ROG Maximus XI Hero Z390. Also please tell me how to add the NVMe driver to the Win10 Pro installation USB. I looked at Samsung website and downloaded the driver which is an exe file. Installed it in Win10 Home on Kingston SSD. But that does not solve the problem because I have to disconnect all other HDD & SSD when doing the clean install on 970 EVO Plus. (I have assembled many PCs successfully right from x286 days and Win 3.1, but never with a NVMe drive)

Last edited: Nov 21, 2019

Feb 19, 2013





  • #3

The OP does not appear to be using RAID.

Guide to installing Windows 10 on M.2 NVMe boot drive:

Windows 10 has the NVMe driver, however you can replace it with the Samsung driver after completing the installation.

The NVMe M.2 drive should be the only storage drive connected.

NVMe SSDs do not appear within the BIOS until Windows creates the system partition with the EFI Boot Sector. Your M.2 SSD contains UEFI driver information within the firmware. By disabling the CSM module, Windows will read and utilize the M.2-specific UEFI driver

Go into the BIOS, under the boot tab there is an option for CSM. Make sure it is disabled.

Click on the secure boot option below and make sure it is set to another OS, not windows UEFI.

Click on key management and clear secure boot keys.

Insert a USB memory stick with a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup* on it, USB3 is quicker but USB2 works too. A Windows DVD won’t work unless you’ve created your own UEFI Bootable DVD.

Press F10 to save, exit and reboot.

Windows 10 will now start installing to your NVME drive as it has its own NVME driver built in.

When the PC reboots hit F2 to go back into the BIOS, you will see under boot priority that windows boot manager now lists your NVME drive.

Click on secure boot again but now set it to Windows UEFI mode.

Click on key management and install default secure boot keys

Press F10 to save and exit, Windows will finish the install. Once you have Windows up and running, shutdown the PC and reconnect your other SATA drives.

*How to create a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup

The Windows 10 ISO link is broken in the above. You can obtain the ISO file here:

Nov 21, 2019





  • #2

You need to install a raid driver to install the operating system to your hero XI.
Look at manual and mark pages for the NVMe, X4,X2 mode for slot and then creating a raid disk, also look at your m2.1 and m2.2 configurations.
When I set up my system it took quite awhile until I understood all the ramifications.
In certian modes you will lose sata ports or may have to reduce bus speeds. Most on the web advised against setting up sata on this MB. Try searching MB and 970 NVMe.
In my case I wanted the Sata port more than Raid as all my raids have not worked well.

Feb 19, 2013





  • #3

The OP does not appear to be using RAID.

Guide to installing Windows 10 on M.2 NVMe boot drive:

Windows 10 has the NVMe driver, however you can replace it with the Samsung driver after completing the installation.

The NVMe M.2 drive should be the only storage drive connected.

NVMe SSDs do not appear within the BIOS until Windows creates the system partition with the EFI Boot Sector. Your M.2 SSD contains UEFI driver information within the firmware. By disabling the CSM module, Windows will read and utilize the M.2-specific UEFI driver

Go into the BIOS, under the boot tab there is an option for CSM. Make sure it is disabled.

Click on the secure boot option below and make sure it is set to another OS, not windows UEFI.

Click on key management and clear secure boot keys.

Insert a USB memory stick with a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup* on it, USB3 is quicker but USB2 works too. A Windows DVD won’t work unless you’ve created your own UEFI Bootable DVD.

Press F10 to save, exit and reboot.

Windows 10 will now start installing to your NVME drive as it has its own NVME driver built in.

When the PC reboots hit F2 to go back into the BIOS, you will see under boot priority that windows boot manager now lists your NVME drive.

Click on secure boot again but now set it to Windows UEFI mode.

Click on key management and install default secure boot keys

Press F10 to save and exit, Windows will finish the install. Once you have Windows up and running, shutdown the PC and reconnect your other SATA drives.

*How to create a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup

The Windows 10 ISO link is broken in the above. You can obtain the ISO file here:

Aug 24, 2016





  • #4

You need to install a raid driver to install the operating system to your hero XI.
Look at manual and mark pages for the NVMe, X4,X2 mode for slot and then creating a raid disk, also look at your m2.1 and m2.2 configurations.
When I set up my system it took quite awhile until I understood all the ramifications.
In certian modes you will lose sata ports or may have to reduce bus speeds. Most on the web advised against setting up sata on this MB. Try searching MB and 970 NVMe.
In my case I wanted the Sata port more than Raid as all my raids have not worked well.

Thanks, but I am not trying for RAID.

Aug 24, 2016





  • #5

The OP does not appear to be using RAID.

Guide to installing Windows 10 on M.2 NVMe boot drive:

Windows 10 has the NVMe driver, however you can replace it with the Samsung driver after completing the installation.

The NVMe M.2 drive should be the only storage drive connected.

NVMe SSDs do not appear within the BIOS until Windows creates the system partition with the EFI Boot Sector. Your M.2 SSD contains UEFI driver information within the firmware. By disabling the CSM module, Windows will read and utilize the M.2-specific UEFI driver

Go into the BIOS, under the boot tab there is an option for CSM. Make sure it is disabled.

Click on the secure boot option below and make sure it is set to another OS, not windows UEFI.

Click on key management and clear secure boot keys.

Insert a USB memory stick with a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup* on it, USB3 is quicker but USB2 works too. A Windows DVD won’t work unless you’ve created your own UEFI Bootable DVD.

Press F10 to save, exit and reboot.

Windows 10 will now start installing to your NVME drive as it has its own NVME driver built in.

When the PC reboots hit F2 to go back into the BIOS, you will see under boot priority that windows boot manager now lists your NVME drive.

Click on secure boot again but now set it to Windows UEFI mode.

Click on key management and install default secure boot keys

Press F10 to save and exit, Windows will finish the install. Once you have Windows up and running, shutdown the PC and reconnect your other SATA drives.

*How to create a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup

The Windows 10 ISO link is broken in the above. You can obtain the ISO file here:

Thanks a lot for detailed reply. But before I can use your guide, I need to go into BIOS. And my PC is refusing to go to BIOS. I tried disconnecting all other drives (left the NVMe drive in) and pressing del/F2 repeatedly but it does not POST. Tried reconnecting the old SSD with Win10 Home and it booted directly to Windows, refusing to enter BIOS. Then changed the power button action in settings in Windows etc to disable fast boot. Also tried forced shutdown by long pressing power switch. But no effect. Then disconnected everything and removed CMOS battery, put it back after 10 minutes. Now the PC does not boot (with only the NVMe drive in it, not even the USB). Q code stuck on A2 (IDE detect). And now there is no post and no boot even after reconnecting old SSD with Win 10 Home. Guess now I will remove the NVMe and try to boot into BIOS and then apply all settings as suggested by you. Will report back. Thanks again!

Aug 24, 2016





  • #6

It worked! Thanks Calvin7. I could install Windows on the NVMe drive by using your instructions. However, now my PC boots only when I use onboard graphics. When I use my GeForce 1080, there is no display. And it does not detect my broadband connection. Can you help?

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[SOLVED] Problem installing Windows 10 on Samsung 970 EVO plus NVMe drive

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    Nov 21, 2019

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Aug 24, 2016





  • #1

Just bought all the components and assembled the PC. Now trying a clean install of Win10 Pro (downloaded from MS website) from USB to Samsung 970 EVO Plus. Disconnected all other HDD & SSD. PC boots from the USB and Installation starts but stops when it comes to choosing target disk for installation. I cannot see my 970 EVO plus in the list. It asks for driver for storage devices. Updated BIOS of the motherboard but no effect. My Components are —

Processor — i9 9900k
Motherboard — Asus ROG Maximus XI Hero Z390
RAM — G.SKILL Trident Z RGB Series DDR4 (8GB X 4pcs, 3200Mhz) Total 32GB
CPU Cooler — NZXT Kraken X62
SSD M.2 — Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1 TB
Graphics card — MSI GTX1080 Gaming X — Twin Frozr VI
Power supply — CORSAIR RMX RM1000X 1000W
Cabinet — Phanteks Enthoo Pro Full Tower Chassis
Monitor — Dell 27 inches 4K Ultrasharp

I have an old installation of Win10 Home on Kingston SSD (from old machine with i7 7700K) . Connected that Kingston and the PC booted up without any problem. Went to Disk Management and Win10 Home prompted me to initialize the 970 EVO Plus. Did that and formatted to GPT. Now the 970 EVO plus is accessible when booted from Kingston SSD Win10 Home. Everything works well, all my software etc installed previously on the Kingston also works well on this new rig, except a nagging for activation of Win 10 Home. However when I try to clean install Win10 Pro from the USB, it cannot find my 970 NVMe drive.

Please help me. Tried searching the web for last two days, but no answer to my particular problem. Please suggest the proper bios settings on Asus ROG Maximus XI Hero Z390. Also please tell me how to add the NVMe driver to the Win10 Pro installation USB. I looked at Samsung website and downloaded the driver which is an exe file. Installed it in Win10 Home on Kingston SSD. But that does not solve the problem because I have to disconnect all other HDD & SSD when doing the clean install on 970 EVO Plus. (I have assembled many PCs successfully right from x286 days and Win 3.1, but never with a NVMe drive)

Last edited: Nov 21, 2019

Feb 19, 2013





  • #3

The OP does not appear to be using RAID.

Guide to installing Windows 10 on M.2 NVMe boot drive:

Windows 10 has the NVMe driver, however you can replace it with the Samsung driver after completing the installation.

The NVMe M.2 drive should be the only storage drive connected.

NVMe SSDs do not appear within the BIOS until Windows creates the system partition with the EFI Boot Sector. Your M.2 SSD contains UEFI driver information within the firmware. By disabling the CSM module, Windows will read and utilize the M.2-specific UEFI driver

Go into the BIOS, under the boot tab there is an option for CSM. Make sure it is disabled.

Click on the secure boot option below and make sure it is set to another OS, not windows UEFI.

Click on key management and clear secure boot keys.

Insert a USB memory stick with a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup* on it, USB3 is quicker but USB2 works too. A Windows DVD won’t work unless you’ve created your own UEFI Bootable DVD.

Press F10 to save, exit and reboot.

Windows 10 will now start installing to your NVME drive as it has its own NVME driver built in.

When the PC reboots hit F2 to go back into the BIOS, you will see under boot priority that windows boot manager now lists your NVME drive.

Click on secure boot again but now set it to Windows UEFI mode.

Click on key management and install default secure boot keys

Press F10 to save and exit, Windows will finish the install. Once you have Windows up and running, shutdown the PC and reconnect your other SATA drives.

*How to create a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup

The Windows 10 ISO link is broken in the above. You can obtain the ISO file here:

Nov 21, 2019





  • #2

You need to install a raid driver to install the operating system to your hero XI.
Look at manual and mark pages for the NVMe, X4,X2 mode for slot and then creating a raid disk, also look at your m2.1 and m2.2 configurations.
When I set up my system it took quite awhile until I understood all the ramifications.
In certian modes you will lose sata ports or may have to reduce bus speeds. Most on the web advised against setting up sata on this MB. Try searching MB and 970 NVMe.
In my case I wanted the Sata port more than Raid as all my raids have not worked well.

Feb 19, 2013





  • #3

The OP does not appear to be using RAID.

Guide to installing Windows 10 on M.2 NVMe boot drive:

Windows 10 has the NVMe driver, however you can replace it with the Samsung driver after completing the installation.

The NVMe M.2 drive should be the only storage drive connected.

NVMe SSDs do not appear within the BIOS until Windows creates the system partition with the EFI Boot Sector. Your M.2 SSD contains UEFI driver information within the firmware. By disabling the CSM module, Windows will read and utilize the M.2-specific UEFI driver

Go into the BIOS, under the boot tab there is an option for CSM. Make sure it is disabled.

Click on the secure boot option below and make sure it is set to another OS, not windows UEFI.

Click on key management and clear secure boot keys.

Insert a USB memory stick with a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup* on it, USB3 is quicker but USB2 works too. A Windows DVD won’t work unless you’ve created your own UEFI Bootable DVD.

Press F10 to save, exit and reboot.

Windows 10 will now start installing to your NVME drive as it has its own NVME driver built in.

When the PC reboots hit F2 to go back into the BIOS, you will see under boot priority that windows boot manager now lists your NVME drive.

Click on secure boot again but now set it to Windows UEFI mode.

Click on key management and install default secure boot keys

Press F10 to save and exit, Windows will finish the install. Once you have Windows up and running, shutdown the PC and reconnect your other SATA drives.

*How to create a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup

The Windows 10 ISO link is broken in the above. You can obtain the ISO file here:

Aug 24, 2016





  • #4

You need to install a raid driver to install the operating system to your hero XI.
Look at manual and mark pages for the NVMe, X4,X2 mode for slot and then creating a raid disk, also look at your m2.1 and m2.2 configurations.
When I set up my system it took quite awhile until I understood all the ramifications.
In certian modes you will lose sata ports or may have to reduce bus speeds. Most on the web advised against setting up sata on this MB. Try searching MB and 970 NVMe.
In my case I wanted the Sata port more than Raid as all my raids have not worked well.

Thanks, but I am not trying for RAID.

Aug 24, 2016





  • #5

The OP does not appear to be using RAID.

Guide to installing Windows 10 on M.2 NVMe boot drive:

Windows 10 has the NVMe driver, however you can replace it with the Samsung driver after completing the installation.

The NVMe M.2 drive should be the only storage drive connected.

NVMe SSDs do not appear within the BIOS until Windows creates the system partition with the EFI Boot Sector. Your M.2 SSD contains UEFI driver information within the firmware. By disabling the CSM module, Windows will read and utilize the M.2-specific UEFI driver

Go into the BIOS, under the boot tab there is an option for CSM. Make sure it is disabled.

Click on the secure boot option below and make sure it is set to another OS, not windows UEFI.

Click on key management and clear secure boot keys.

Insert a USB memory stick with a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup* on it, USB3 is quicker but USB2 works too. A Windows DVD won’t work unless you’ve created your own UEFI Bootable DVD.

Press F10 to save, exit and reboot.

Windows 10 will now start installing to your NVME drive as it has its own NVME driver built in.

When the PC reboots hit F2 to go back into the BIOS, you will see under boot priority that windows boot manager now lists your NVME drive.

Click on secure boot again but now set it to Windows UEFI mode.

Click on key management and install default secure boot keys

Press F10 to save and exit, Windows will finish the install. Once you have Windows up and running, shutdown the PC and reconnect your other SATA drives.

*How to create a bootable UEFI USB drive with Windows 10 Setup

The Windows 10 ISO link is broken in the above. You can obtain the ISO file here:

Thanks a lot for detailed reply. But before I can use your guide, I need to go into BIOS. And my PC is refusing to go to BIOS. I tried disconnecting all other drives (left the NVMe drive in) and pressing del/F2 repeatedly but it does not POST. Tried reconnecting the old SSD with Win10 Home and it booted directly to Windows, refusing to enter BIOS. Then changed the power button action in settings in Windows etc to disable fast boot. Also tried forced shutdown by long pressing power switch. But no effect. Then disconnected everything and removed CMOS battery, put it back after 10 minutes. Now the PC does not boot (with only the NVMe drive in it, not even the USB). Q code stuck on A2 (IDE detect). And now there is no post and no boot even after reconnecting old SSD with Win 10 Home. Guess now I will remove the NVMe and try to boot into BIOS and then apply all settings as suggested by you. Will report back. Thanks again!

Aug 24, 2016





  • #6

It worked! Thanks Calvin7. I could install Windows on the NVMe drive by using your instructions. However, now my PC boots only when I use onboard graphics. When I use my GeForce 1080, there is no display. And it does not detect my broadband connection. Can you help?

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Apr 5, 2020





  • #1

I am trying to install windows on an NVME m.2 drive. I have tried the advice of other threads, but after it restarts in the windows installer, no bootloader shows up in my bios. My bios is up to date, I have CSM Disabled, and I have cleared my secure boot keys. No other storage or USB devices are connected aside from the monitor and mouse and keyboard. If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.

Asus Prime Z-390A
SSD-Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVME 1 TB

Sep 13, 2002





Apr 5, 2020






Dec 2, 2009





  • #4

where did you get/create your windows install media from?

Apr 5, 2020





  • #5

where did you get/create your windows install media from?

It was created from the same computer, from a different drive.


Dec 2, 2009





  • #6

So you’re cloning and not a fresh install?

Apr 5, 2020





  • #7

No. I am doing a fresh install. But I made the windows creation tool while the old ssd was in the machine.

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Apr 5, 2020





  • #1

I am trying to install windows on an NVME m.2 drive. I have tried the advice of other threads, but after it restarts in the windows installer, no bootloader shows up in my bios. My bios is up to date, I have CSM Disabled, and I have cleared my secure boot keys. No other storage or USB devices are connected aside from the monitor and mouse and keyboard. If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.

Asus Prime Z-390A
SSD-Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVME 1 TB

Sep 13, 2002





Apr 5, 2020






Dec 2, 2009





  • #4

where did you get/create your windows install media from?

Apr 5, 2020





  • #5

where did you get/create your windows install media from?

It was created from the same computer, from a different drive.


Dec 2, 2009





  • #6

So you’re cloning and not a fresh install?

Apr 5, 2020





  • #7

No. I am doing a fresh install. But I made the windows creation tool while the old ssd was in the machine.

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