Not any glass in the windows that is why

1. John works twice as ____ as you.

Примерные варианты тестовых заданий
для вступительных экзаменов в Московский
государственный институт делового

Вариант 1


1. John works twice as ____ as you.

A. hard
B. harder
C. hardly
D. the hardest

2. That book is ____. Those are ____ over there.

A. mine, your
B. my, yours
C. mine, yours
D. my, your

3. He thinks Japanese is ____ all the languages he has studied.

A. more difficult in
B. much difficult than
C. most difficult from
D. the most difficult of

4. I didn’t find ____ mistakes. Maybe you can find ____.

A. any, any
B. any, some
C. some, some
D. some, any

5. ____ of students ____ absent today.

A. A number, is
B. The number, is
C. A number, are
D. The number, are

6. Nothing was stolen, ____?

A. was it
B. wasn’t anything
C. wasn’t it
D. was anything

7. We had mice in the house, so we set some traps to get rid ____ them.

A. from
B. of
C. out of
D. against

8. I have her business card, but strangely I don’t ____ her at all.

A. recall
B. remind
C. forget
D. memorize

9. There is a ____ going around the office that Mr. Blake is going to leave at the
end of the month.

A. rumour
B. report
C. news
D. saying

10. When we finally ____ Paris, we became completely tired.

A. arrived
B. came
C. got
D. reached

11. ____ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold in the room.

A. It is, there is
B. It was, there is
C. There are, it is
D. There is, it is

12. I don’t think he will do it by ____. He needs help.

A. his self
B. him
C. his own
D. himself

13. The ship is leaving ____ New York soon.

A. for
B. to
C. into
D. in

14. Nick apologized ____ Tom ____ stepping on his toe.

A. before, about
B. to, for
C. before, for
D. to, with

15. Ms. Jones, please type those letters before noon. – They’ve already ____,
sir. They’re on your desk.

A. typed
B. being typed
C. been typed
D. been being typed

16. She was tired and asked me ____ make so much noise.

A. didn’t
B. did not to
C. not
D. not to

17. Next year when tourists ____, they ____ many new shops and restaurants.

A. arrive, will find
B. arrive, will be finding
C. will arrive, will have found
D. will arrive, will find

18. Why did Bert ask you ____ a bicycle?

A. that if you had
B. do you have
C. that you had
D. if you had

19. If you ____ something to eat, I’ll be glad to ____ the washing up.

A. make, make
B. make, do
C. do, do
D. do, make

20. Both Steve ____ Jane ____ here.

A. or, is
B. and, is
C. or, are
D. and, are

21. I can’t find the book. Gail must ____ it with her when she went out.

A. take
B. had taken
C. have taken
D. has taken

22. Let’s wait in this place where we’ll ____ the strong winds.

A. protect from
B. be protecting by
C. be protected from
D. be protected by

23. What ____ today if you hadn’t come here this weekend?

A. would you be doing
B. have you done
C. are you doing
D. would you been doing

24. Would you mind not ____ on the radio until I ____ with this phone call?

A. to turn, finish
B. to turn, will finish
C. turn, finish
D. turning, finish

25. Let me give you ____ advice.

A. a few
B. a little
C. few
D. many

26. I work for Mr. Anderson every ____ Sunday.

A. the other
B. another
C. other
D. others

27. Jerry didn’t come to the meeting. I wish he ____.

A. had come
B. would come
C. could come
D. came

28. I can’t ____ to these shoes with high heels.

A. use
B. used
C. get used
D. be used

29. Do you ever gaze into ______ space and wonder if ______ other life forms exist
in ______ universe?

A. a, –, the
B. –, –, the
C. –, –, –
D. the, –, the

30. Where’s Gail? – I’m not sure. She ____ have gone to the library.

A. must
B. would
C. can
D. may

31. Shhh! I hear someone ____ in the distance. Do you hear it too?

A. shout
B. shouted
C. to shout
D. shouting

32. We ____ friends since childhood.

A. were
B. have been
C. are
D. had been

33. What ____ we are having!

A. the lovely weather
B. a lovely weather
C. lovely weathers
D. lovely weather

34. ____ was early morning. The sun ____ just risen.

A. It, had
B. It, has
C. There, has
D. There, had

35. The sky was cloudy. ____, we went to the beach.

A. Consequently
B. Nevertheless
C. In spite of
D. Even though

36. If I could speak Japanese, I ____ next year studying in Japan.

A. will spend
B. could have spent
C. could spend
D. would have spent

37. I didn’t know if he needed any help. ____.

A. So did I
B. Neither did I
C. So didn’t I
D. Neither didn’t I

38. If you cannot do it ____, you can always ____ your parents.

A. yourself, consult to
B. by your own, turn to
C. by yourself , turn for
D. on your own, consult

Ответы к варианту 1:

1. A; 2. C; 3. D; 4. B; 5. C;
6. A; 7. B; 8. A; 9. A; 10. D;
11. D; 12. D; 13. A; 14. B; 15. C;
16. D; 17. A; 18. D; 19. B; 20. D;
21. C; 22. C; 23. A; 24. D; 25. B;
26. C; 27. A; 28. C; 29. B; 30. D;
31. D; 32. B; 33. D; 34. A; 35. B;
36. C; 37. B; 38. D.

to be continued

 By Vladimir Pavlov
Moscow State Institute of Business Administration

Лексико-грамматический тест:
1. ____ beef is a kind of ____ meat.

A. The, the
B. A, the
C. The, –
D. –, –

2. I’m really angry ____ you!

A. with
B. about
C. on
D. over

3. My father has lived in Japan ____ five years.

A. at
B. on
C. in
D. for

4. I’ll be on vacation ____ next week.

A. on
B. –
C. at
D. in

5. Can you tell ____ not to be so rude?

A. he
B. him
C. himself
D. his

6. ____ wasn’t easy to find your house.

A. There
B. This
C. That
D. It

7. The news he told us ____ interesting.

A. was
B. were
C. be
D. are

8. What is the ____ important invention in the twentieth century?

A. much
B. more
C. most
D. much more

9. This bank of the river isn’t ____ that one.

A. more beautiful
B. beautiful
C. so beautiful
D. as beautiful as

10. You look much ____ today.

A. good
B. better
C. the best
D. best

11. No letters again! ____ has written to me for a month.

A. Anybody
B. Somebody
C. Some
D. Nobody

12. Aunts, uncles and cousins are ____.

A. relatives
B. parents
C. families
D. neighbours

13. I’ll call you as soon as he ____.

A. will come
B. came
C. has come
D. comes

14. If he ____ without her, she will never speak to him again.

A. go
B. is going
C. will go
D. goes

15. What are you laughing ____?

A. about
B. at
C. over
D. above

16. It ____ since early morning.

A. rained
B. rains
C. had rained
D. has been raining

17. I’m afraid he ____ five minutes ago.

A. leaves
B. left
C. is leaving
D. has left

18. ____ you do me a favour?

A. May
B. Should
C. Can
D. Need

19. My sister was translating the article when I ____ the room.

A. had come into
B. came into
C. am coming into
D. come

20. I’d like to ask you ____ questions.

A. few
B. a little
C. a few
D. little

21. Children ____ by special instructors how to swim.

A. have taught
B. had taught
C. are taught
D. teach

22. Bill wanted to know when Nick ____ come to us.

A. can
B. will
C. will be able
D. could

23. My friend wanted ____ him as soon as I came home.

A. that I call
B. that I called
C. me to call
D. I called

24. Mother didn’t let the child ____ TV.

A. to watch
B. watching
C. watched
D. watch

25. It was so late that I ____ take a taxi.

A. was able
B. can
C. must
D. had to

26. She liked the film, ____ she?

A. did
B. didn’t
C. doesn’t
D. does

27. ____ Steve ____ Ann the other day?

A. Has ____ seen
B. Does ____ see
C. Did ____ see
D. Will ____ see

28. I got two letters. One was from my father. ____ was from my girlfriend.

A. The other
B. Another
C. Others
D. The others

29. If the ice were thick enough, we ____ able to walk across the river.

A. will be
B. would be
C. are
D. were

30. I don’t know if I ____ here when you phone tomorrow morning.

A. am
B. be
C. will be
D. was

Тест на понимание содержания текста:
Mark Twain, who lived from 1835 to 1910, is one of America’s most famous authors. He wrote many books, including The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain’s own life was interesting enough to be a book.
Twain was born in the state of Missouri, near the Mississippi River. He came from a poor family. His father died when he was twelve, so he had to leave school. While he was still a boy he worked as a river boat pilot. He steered boats up and down the long Mississippi River. The Civil War, which started in 1861, made travelling on the Mississippi impossible. Twain then went west to Nevada. There he worked on a newspaper. In 1864 he went to California in search of gold. Twain did not have much luck as a gold miner. He left California to travel in Europe. Twain wrote a book about his trips around Europe.
But the most important influence on Twain and his books was the Mississippi River. When Twain finally settled down, he lived in a house with a porch that looked like the deck of a riverboat. Huckleberry Finn, Twain’s greatest book, is about the adventures of a boy on the Mississippi River. Another of Twain’s books is called Life on the Mississippi.

31. Choose the best title.

A. Mark Twain’s childhood;
B. Mark Twain’s Books;
C. Life in the USA;
D. The Adventures of Mark Twain.

32. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A. to advertise Mark Twain’s books;
B. to give information on the Civil War;
C. to recommend a trip to California;
D. to tell a story about Mark Twain’s life.

33. Complete the phrase: The greatest influence on Mark Twain and his books was____

A. his poor family.
B. the Mississippi River.
C. the Civil War.
D. different jobs.

34. Choose the sentence, which is not true.

A. Mark Twain settled down in Europe.
B. Mark Twain worked as a river boat pilot.
C. Mark Twain worked on a newspaper.
D. Mark Twain was born in the state of Missouri.

35. What do we learn from the text about Mark Twain?

A. His father was a rich man.
B. He took part in the Civil War.
C. He didn’t have much luck.
D. He is one of America’s famous authors.

36. In the United States Julia Howe suggested the idea of Mother’s Day in 1872. Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia is credited with bringing about the official observance of Mother’s Day. But when she died in 1948, at the age of 84, Jarvis had become a woman of great ironies. Never a mother herself, her maternal fortune dissipated by her efforts to stop the commercialization of the holiday she had founded. Jarvis told a reporter shortly before her death that she was sorry she had ever started Mother’s Day. She spoke these words in a nursing home where every Mother’s Day her room had been filled with cards from all over the world.

Перед смертью Анна Джарвис говорила о том, что она:

A. счастлива, что праздник “День Матери” существует.
B. счастлива, что люди помнят о ней как об инициаторе празднования “Дня Матери”.
C. сожалеет, что подала идею празднования “Дня Матери”.
D. сожалеет, что ей самой не посчастливилось стать матерью.

Ответы к заданиям:
1. D; 2. A; 3. D; 4. B; 5. B; 6. D; 7. A; 8. C; 9. D; 10. B; 11. D; 12. A; 13. D; 14. D; 15. B; 16. D; 17. B; 18. C; 19. B; 20. C; 21. C; 22. D; 23. C; 24. D; 25. D; 26. B; 27. C; 28. A; 29. B; 30. C; 31. D; 32. D; 33. B; 34. A; 35. D; 36. C

2. Образцы тестовых заданий для выпускников 11-х классов.
Лексико-грамматический тест:
1. ____ President of ____ United States lives in ____ White House in ____ Washington D.C.

A. – , the, the, –
B. – , the, – , the
C. – , – , the, the
D. The, the, the, –

2. ____ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold in the room.

A. There is, it is
B. It is, there is
C. There are, it is
D. There was, there is

3. When the fog ____, we ____ to see where we are.

A. lifts, may
B. will lift, will be able
C. lifts, will be able
D. lifts, must

4. You looked very busy when I ____ you last night. What ____?

A. see, do you do
B. see were you doing
C. have seen, are you doing
D. saw, were you doing

5. Mary hasn’t been in London, ____ she?

A. hasn’t
B. did
C. has
D. didn’t

6. ____ breakfast yet? – Yes, I ____.

A. Did you have, have
B. Had you had, have
C. Have you had, have
D. Do you have, had

7. I ____ a new house last year, but I ____ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.

A. buy, don’t sell
B. bought, haven’t sold
C. have bought, sold
D. had bought, didn’t sell

8. After failing his driving test four times, he finally ____ trying to pass.

A. gave in
B. gave off
C. gave away
D. gave up

9. I ____ all of the questions correctly since I began this grammar exercise.

A. am answering
B. answer
C. have answered
D. had answered

10. I have my English class ____ Monday morning.

A. in
B. at
C. for
D. on

11. I was late. The teacher ____ the test when I ____ to class.

A. has already given, got
B. had already given, got
C. has already given, get
D. was already giving, get

12. They can’t have ____ more strawberries. I want ____ to make jam.

A. some, any
B. no, some
C. any, any
D. any, some

13. We all ____ his story as a joke.

A. thought
B. intended
C. treated
D. found

14. They ____ to return next Monday.

A. are sure
B. was sure
C. will be sure
D. would sure

15. My hair ____ very long.

A. grow
B. has grown
C. have grown
D. are growing

16. Nothing was stolen, ____?

A. was it
B. wasn’t anything
C. wasn’t it
D. was anything

17. I enjoyed the film last night. ____.

A. Neither do I
B. Neither did I
C. So do I
D. So did I

18. You are always ____ excuses for not ____ your homework on time.

A. making, making
B. doing, doing
C. making, doing
D. doing, making

19. I can’t speak French. I wish I ____.

A. can
B. would
C. could
D. had been able

20. What time does your plane take ____?

A. off
B. out
C. to
D. from

21. When I ____ for my passport, I ____ this old photograph.

A. look, found
B. was looking, found
C. will look, will find
D. looked, found

22. I____ to the theatre for ages.

A. wasn’t
B. hadn’t been
C. won’t be
D. haven’t been

23. Did you notice Nick ____ another student’s paper during the exam?

A. looked at
B. to look at
C. has looked at
D. looking at

24. I ____ to live with my family, but now I live alone.

A. am used
B. used
C. am accustomed
D. was used

25. You ____ have a passport if you want to travel abroad.

A. have to
B. can
C. may
D. might

26. She said that she ____ her present flat and ____ to find another.

A. doesn’t like, tried
B. doesn’t like, was trying
C. didn’t like, was trying
D. doesn’t like, will try

27. If it ____ raining yesterday, we ____ the game.

A. hadn’t been, would have finished
B. wasn’t, will finish
C. weren’t, would have finished
D. weren’t, would finish

28. The new highway ____ sometime next month.

A. has been completed
B. completes
C. will complete
D. will be completed

29. I have always enjoyed travelling. My sister, ____, prefers to stay home.

A. although
B. though
C. however
D. but

Тест на понимание содержания текста:
THE EARL OF ST. VINCENT dates back to the 12th century, when it was built as a boarding house for the masons who constructed the church. It was named after a former Admiral who sailed with Lord Nelson. Lovingly restored by the present owners, it is a most extraordinary pub, filled with antiques and hidden away in the old part of the tiny, picturesque village of Engloshayle, in beautiful North Cornwall, England. North Cornwall is one of the last, unspoilt places in the British Isles to offer the visitor coastal scenery as magnificent and beautiful as anywhere in the world, together with the facilities and hospitality to ensure that one returns time and time again. The Earl of St. Vincent is to be found off the A389 Wadebridge to Bodmin Road. Close by there are the picturesque harbours of Padstow and Port Isaac, some superb golfing and a great many historic monuments and ancient sites.

30. Чем привлекает туристов описанный паб? Тем, что:

A. он расположен в доме, где в ХII веке находилась церковь.
B. в доме, где он расположен, жил соратник адмирала Нельсона.
C. до него удобно добираться путешествующим на автотранспорте.
D. в нем до сих пор сохранился дух старой Англии.

Ответы к заданиям:
1. D; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D; 5. C; 6. C; 7. B; 8. D; 9. C; 10. D; 11. B; 12. D; 13. C; 14. A; 15. B; 16. A; 17. D; 18. C; 19. C; 20. A; 21. B; 22. D; 23. D; 24. B; 25. A; 26. C; 27. A; 28. D; 29. C; 30. D

Итоговый тест по английскому языку.

Класс 11

Лексикограмматический тест:

1. ____ President of ____ United

States lives in ____ White House in

____ Washington D.C.

A. , the, the,

B. , the, , the

C. , , the, the

D. The, the, the,

2. ____ not any glass in the windows,

that is why ____ so cold in the room.

A. There is, it is

B. It is, there is

C. There are, it is

D. There was, there is

3. When the fog ____, we ____ to see

where we are.

A. lifts, may

B. will lift, will be able

C. lifts, will be able

D. lifts, must

4. You looked very busy when I ____

you last night. What ____?

A. see, do you do

B. see were you doing

C. have seen, are you doing

D. saw, were you doing

5. Mary hasn’t been in London, ____


A. hasn’t

B. did

C. has

D. didn’t

6. ____ breakfast yet? Yes, I ____.

A. Did you have, have

B. Had you had, have

C. Have you had, have

D. Do you have, had

7. I ____ a new house last year, but I

____ my old house yet, so at the

moment I have two houses.

A. buy, don’t sell

B. bought, haven’t sold

C. have bought, sold

D. had bought, didn’t sell

8. After failing his driving test four

times, he finally ____ trying to pass.

A. gave in

B. gave off

C. gave away

D. gave up

9. I ____ all of the questions correctly

since I began this grammar exercise.

A. am answering

B. answer

C. have answered

D. had answered

10. I have my English class ____

Monday morning.

A. in

B. at

C. for

D. on

11. I was late. The teacher ____ the

test when I ____ to class.

A. has already given, got

B. had already given, got

C. has already given, get

D. was already giving, get

12. They can’t have ____ more

strawberries. I want ____ to make


A. some, any

B. no, some

C. any, any

D. any, some

13. We all ____ his story as a joke.

A. thought

B. intended

C. treated

D. found

14. They ____ to return next Monday.

A. are sure

B. was sure

C. will be sure

D. would sure

15. My hair ____ very long.

A. grow

B. has grown

C. have grown

D. are growing

16. Nothing was stolen, ____?

A. was it

B. wasn’t anything

C. wasn’t it

D. was anything

17. I enjoyed the film last night. ____.

A. Neither do I

B. Neither did I

C. So do I

D. So did I

18. You are always ____ excuses for

not ____ your homework on time.

A. making, making

B. doing, doing

C. making, doing

D. doing, making

19. I can’t speak French. I wish I


A. can

B. would

C. could

D. had been able

20. What time does your plane take


A. off

B. out

C. to

D. from

21. When I ____ for my passport, I

____ this old photograph.

A. look, found

B. was looking, found

C. will look, will find

D. looked, found

22. I____ to the theatre for ages.

A. wasn’t

B. hadn’t been

C. won’t be

D. haven’t been

23. Did you notice Nick ____ another

student’s paper during the exam?

A. looked at

B. to look at

C. has looked at

D. looking at

24. I ____ to live with my family, but

now I live alone.

A. am used

B. used

C. am accustomed

D. was used

25. You ____ have a passport if you

want to travel abroad.

A. have to

B. can

C. may

D. might

26. She said that she ____ her present

flat and ____ to find another.

A. doesn’t like, tried

B. doesn’t like, was trying

C. didn’t like, was trying

D. doesn’t like, will try

27. If it ____ raining yesterday, we

____ the game.

A. hadn’t been, would have finished

B. wasn’t, will finish

C. weren’t, would have finished

D. weren’t, would finish

28. The new highway ____ sometime

next month.

A. has been completed

B. completes

C. will complete

D. will be completed

29. I have always enjoyed travelling.

My sister, ____, prefers to stay home.

A. although

B. though

C. however

D. but

Тест на понимание содержания текста:

THE EARL OF ST. VINCENT dates back to the 12th century, when it was built as

a boarding house for the masons who constructed the church. It was named after a

former Admiral who sailed with Lord Nelson. Lovingly restored by the present

owners, it is a most extraordinary pub, filled with antiques and hidden away in the

old part of the tiny, picturesque village of Engloshayle, in beautiful North

Cornwall, England. North Cornwall is one of the last, unspoilt places in the British

Isles to offer the visitor coastal scenery as magnificent and beautiful as anywhere

in the world, together with the facilities and hospitality to ensure that one returns

time and time again. The Earl of St. Vincent is to be found off the A389

Wadebridge to Bodmin Road. Close by there are the picturesque harbours of

Padstow and Port Isaac, some superb golfing and a great many historic monuments

and ancient sites.

30. Чем привлекает туристов описанный паб? Тем, что:

A. он расположен в доме, где в ХII веке находилась церковь.

B. в доме, где он расположен, жил соратник адмирала Нельсона.

C. до него удобно добираться путешествующим на автотранспорте.

D. в нем до сих пор сохранился дух старой Англии.

Ответы к заданиям:

1. D; 2. A; 3. C; 4. D; 5. C; 6. C; 7. B; 8. D; 9. C; 10. D; 11. B; 12. D; 13. C; 14. A;

15. B; 16. A; 17. D; 18. C; 19. C; 20. A; 21. B; 22. D; 23. D; 24. B; 25. A; 26. C;

27. A; 28. D; 29. C; 30. D

Insert it is/there is in the spaces. In some sentences, contracted plural, negative and interrogative forms, or the past or future tense are required.

What’s the time?-

3.30. ~ And what’s the date?
~ .
the 24th.

2 How far… ………….to
York? ~.
50 miles.

3 …
very stormy last night. ~Yes, …
storms all over the country.

4 …
freezing very hard. … ……………..
…ice on the lake tomorrow.

5 As…
………………. sunny she decided to
take the children to the sea.

6 Why don’t you go for a
walk? .
a pity to stay in when .
………….. . . .
. so nice outside.

7 …
not any shadows because …
not any sun.

8 …
going to be a bus strike tomorrow. ~…….
…….. …all right if ………………
… a fine day; but if ……………
long queues on the Underground.

9 …
not any glass in the windows; that is why .
so cold in the

10 …
very wet yesterday; …
impossible to go out.

……………….. …a lot of rain last
week. …
floods everywhere.

12 … ……………..a
thick fog last night. …
several accidents on the motorway.

13 …………………. …
foolish to drive fast when …

14 …
difficult to find your way round this town.
so many streets all looking exactly alike.

15 Come on, children!

time to get up! …
nearly breakfast time.

16 .
… lunch time when we get to York, so
let’s have lunch there.~

No, …………………..

not be time for lunch because our train to Edinburgh leaves York at

17 … ……………..a
funny smell here.


18 … ……………..all
sorts of stories about Robin Hood, but …
not known exactly who he was or what he did.

19 …
said that if you break a mirror you’ll be unlucky for seven years.

20 As he had very bad
sight …
difficult for him to recognize people.

21 ‘Can
I have a Telegraph,
said the customer. I’m
afraid …
not any left,’
said the newsagent.
a Guardian
on the rack beside you. Why not take that?

just as good.’

22 …
not necessary to carry your passport everywhere with you but

advisable to carry some document of identity.

23 … …………….a
guard outside the door and …
bars on the windows……………….

impossible to escape.

24 … …………a
garage behind the hotel? ~Yes,
but ………….

rather full. I don’t think

room for your car.

25 One night
a heavy fall of snow which blocked all the roads. Luckily

plenty of food in the house.

26 … …………a
hotel in the village, so we decided to stay there………
a charming village and I was very happy there, but my children were
bored because …
nothing to do in the evenings.

27 …
five flats in the building—one on each floor. Mine’s on the top
floor. .
no lift but …
supposed to be good for the figure to run up and down stairs,

28 … ………………a
pity you haven’t another bedroom. ~Yes, but

quite a big loft, which I am thinking of turning into a bedroom.
…….. a skylight so …
not .
a ventilation problem.

29 … ………………….all
sorts of legends about these caves.

said that smugglers
hid their goods here and that .
an underground passage leading to the village inn.

30 Tell me something
about King Lear.
the story of a king who divided his kingdom between his daughters.

foolish to give away your property like that.
. ……….. .
never certain that your family will behave generously to you in

31 Has Tom any more
children? ~ Yes.
a daughter, Ann. ~
Oh yes,

Ann who opened the door to us yesterday, .

32 He thought that

better to say nothing about his change of plan.

33 .
……………..a long time before I got an answer. Then one day a
letter arrived—well, …………..

not really a letter, for …
only one sentence on the paper.

34 … …………..a
pond beside your house?—
Yes, .
~ How
deep .

35 We’ve done all we
can. ………………..

nothing to do now but wait.

36 Just cross out that
word and go on….
………………. not necessary to begin
…no need to begin again.)


(Affirmatives are not given in their contracted form but would
normally be contracted in speech.)

1 It is, It
is it, It is
It was, there were
It is, There will be 5
it was
It is, it is
There are, there is
There is; It will be, it is, it is, there will be
There is, it is
It was, it was 11 There was; There were
There was; There were
It is, it is
It is; There are
It is; It is
It will be; there will
There is; Is it 18
There are, it is
It is
it was
there are: there is; It is 22
It is, it is
There is, there are; It is or
There was, there were; It was
Is there; it is; there is/there will be
there was; there was 26
There was; It was, there was
There are; There is, it is, isn’t it
It is; there is; There is, there is/will be
There are: It is, there is
It is; It is; It is
there is; it was, wasn’t it
it was/would be
It was; it was, there was
Is there; there is; is it
There is
It is; There is

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Олимпиада по английскому языку (9-11 классы)

1. Read the text and mark the sentences below it True or False.

A Good Deed Every Day

The Boy Scout Movement was founded in 1908 by the British Lieutenant-General R.S.S. Baden-Powell. Since that time, boys from all over the world have been attracted by Baden-Powell’s ideas.

The Boy Scouts are taught such things as reading maps, camping and first aid. To become a scout a boy must promise to do his duty to his country, to help other people at all times, and to do a good deed (поступок) every day.

Every four years a “World Jamboree” is held; it’s a meeting of thousands of scouts from many parts of the world, who camp together as one large family.

Scouts who are over 11 years of age are called “senior scouts”, those who are younger are called “wolf-cubs”.

Donald has been a wolf-cub for a few months. One day he found a letter in the street. There was a name and address on the envelope and Donald decided to return the letter.

Mrs. Miller, who had lost the letter, was very glad: “That’s very nice of you. I have been looking for this letter for a long time. Here is twenty pence for you”. And she took the money out of her purse.

“Sorry Madam”, said Donald, “I won’t take it. I’m a scout, it’s my good deed for today”.

1. The Boy Scout movement is popular all over the world.            ______

2. During a “World Jamboree” boys live in tents.                           ______

3. Donald was 12 years old.                                                              ______

4. He joined the Scout movement not long ago.                              ______

5. When Donald found a letter, he decided to post it.                     ______

6. Mrs. Miller didn’t want to give Donald some money.                ______

7. Donald refused to take money.                                                    ______

2. Put the correct word.

1. Where is Kate? She _____ tennis.

A. plays      B. is playing      C. play       D. played

2. ______ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold in the room.

A. It is, there is       B. It was, there is     C. There are, it is    D. There is, it is

3. She was tired and asked me _____ make so much noise.

A. didn’t       B. did not to         C. not      D. not to

4. Both Steve ______ Jane ______ here.

A. or, is     B. and, is        C. or, are        D. and, are

5. I didn’t know if he needed any help. _______ ?

A. So did I        B. Neither did I        C. So didn’t I      D. Neither didn’t I

6. ___ President of ___ United States lives in ____ White House in ___ Washington D.C.

A. -, the, the, —     B. -, the, -, the       C. -, -, the, the       D. The, the, the, —

7. I have my English class ___ Monday morning.

A. in          B. at          C. for            D. on

8. _____ breakfast yet? Yes, I ____.

A. Did you have, have    B. Had you had, have     C. Have you had, have    D. Do you have, had

9. I was late. The teacher ___ a test when I ___ to class.

A. has already given, got    B. had already given, got    C. has already given, get     D. was already giving, get

10. How long will it ___ to do the homework?

A. need her       B. take her       C. she take      D. she need

11. Mary has never been to London, ____ she?

A. has     B. did         C. hasn’t     D. didn’t

12. According ___ the list he was the 10th.

A. to           B. at              C. on          D. for

13. He grew up in New England, ____?

A. don’t you     B. didn’t he      C. doesn’t he          D. did he

14. Lorena is ____ the girl I have ever met.

A. the most beautiful   B. a more beautiful    C. the beautifulest    D. most beautiful

15. Newspapers and magazines ____ just by the postman.

A. have been bring   B. has been brought      C. have been brought    D. were bought

16. I haven’t got ______ money with me.

A. no            B. some            C. any        D. a

17. He said he _____ that man before.

A. never met     B. did not meet       C. had never met      D. did not never meet

18. When I ______ the children ______ television peacefully.

A. came, watched          B. came, were watching     C. was coming, were watching     D. was coming, watched

19. Have you ever been _____ Paris.

A. in      B. to        C. at        D. through

20. Who ____ Phil with his homework?

A. does help       B. helps       C. do help       D. help

21. The train ______ at 5 o’clock.

A. will leave        B. leaves      C. leave      D. is leaving

22. My sister ____ some new clothes last week.

A. had bought      B. bought        C. was buying        D. have bought

23. The tickets ____ yesterday.

A. was sold        B. sold        C. were sold        D. sell

24. Lisa said that she ______ this book.

A. buys      B. bought      C. has bought         D. had bought

25. She _____ to Moscow, if she _____ her homework.

A. go, will do      B. goes, does        C. will go, does     D. will go, do

3. Choose the right variant.

1. Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому

These scientists have completed their experiments.

a) What these scientists completed?

b) What have these scientists completed?

c) What have completed these scientists?

d) What these scientists have completed?

2. … is the capitol of Australia.

a) Wellington   b) Washington, D.C.   c) Canberra    d) Sydney

3. The Royal Shakespeare Theatre was opened in … in 1932.

a) London   b) Coventry   c) Stratford-on-Avon   d) Oxford

4. The Tower of London was once a prison and now it is …

a) concert hall   b) theatre   c) museum   d) cinema

5. Вы рады встрече с любимой подругой

a) I don’t care   b) Take it easy   c) What a joy   d) I hope so

6. Выразите разрешение войти после постукивания в дверь

a) Be quiet    b) Come in   c) Wait a moment   d) Just a moment

7. Выберите правильный вопрос к подчеркнутому

She made two mistakes in the test.

a) How many mistakes she made in the test?

b) How many mistakes made she in the test?

c) How many mistakes did she make in the test?

d) How many mistakes did made she in the test?

8. Выберите правильный вопрос к предложению

She comes from Scotland

a) Does she comes from Scotland?

b) Do she come from Scotland?

c) Does she come from Scotland?

d) She comes from Scotland?

9. J. London was a famous …writer.

a) Canadian   b) English   c) Australian   d) American

10. The Independence day is a holiday celebrated in … on July, 4.

a) Canada   b) Ireland   c) Scotland   d) The USA

11. “King Lear” is a famous play written by the well-known English play-writer…

a) T. Hardy   b) A. Wells   c) W. Shakespeare    d) R. Kipling

12. Выскажите пожелание заболевшей сестре

a) I wish you health   b) Glad to see you   c) What a luck!   d) That’s right

4. Is the ‘s’ in the following sentences a contraction of ‘is’ or ‘has’? Write the correct full form after the sentence.

1. It’s a difficult language. _________________

2. Alison’s working now.__________________

3. Jane’s phoned three times. _______________

4. How’s the baby been? __________________

5. He’s doing his homework. _______________

6. He’s fallen down again._________________

7. It’s finishing now. _____________________

8. She’s been working. ___________________

KEYS (10-11кл):

1. Reading: 1) true;  2) true;  3) false;  4) true;  5) false;  6) false;  7) true

2. 1) B;   2) D;   3) D;   4) D;   5) B;  6) D;  7) D;  8) C;  9) B;  10) B;  11) A;  12) A;  13) B;  14) A;  15) C;  16) C;  17) C;  18) B;  19) B;  20) B;  21) B;  22) B;  23) C;  24) D;  25) C

3. 1) b; 2) c; 3) c; 4) c; 5) c; 6) b; 7) c; 8) c; 9) d; 10) d; 11) c; 12) a

4. 1) is; 2) is; 3) has; 4) has; 5) is; 6) has; 7) is; 8) has

Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

It is, there is B. It was, there is C. There are, it is D. There is, it is
3. She was tired and asked me make so much noise,
A. didn’t B. did not to C. not D. not to
4. Both Steve Jane here.
A. or, is B. and, is C. or, are D. and, are
5. I didn’t know if he needed any help.
A. So did I B. Neither did I C. So didn’ul D. Neither didn’t I
6. President of United States lives in White House in Washington D.C.
A. -, the, the, — B.-, the, -, the C. -, -, the, the D. The, the, the, —
7. I have my English class Monday morning
A in B at C. for D. on
8. breakfast yet? Yes, I
A. Did you have, have B. Had you had, have C. Have you had, have D. Do you have, had
9. I was late. The teacher a test when I to class.
A has already given, got B. had already given, got C. has already given, get D. was already giving,
10. How long will it to do the homework?
A. need her B. take her C. she take D. she need
11. Mary has never been to London, she?
A. has B. did C. hasn’t D. didn’t
12. According the list he was the 10th.
A. to B. at C. on D. for
13. He grew up in New England ?
A. don’t you B. didn’t he C. doesn’t he D. did he
14. Lorena is girl I have ever met.
A. the most beautiful B. a more beautiful C. the beautifulest D. most beautiful
15. Newspapers and magazines just by the postman.
A. have been bring B. has been brought C. have been brought D. were bought
16. I haven’t got money with me.
A. no B. some C. any D. a
17. He said he that man before.
A, never met B. did not meet C. had never met D. did not never meet
18. When I the children television peacefully.
A. came, watched B. came, were watching C. was coming, were watching
19. Have you ever been Paris.
A in B to C. at D. through
20. Who_ Phil with his homework?
A. does help B. helps C. do help D help
21. The train at 5 o’clock.
A. will leave B. leaves C. leave D. is leaving
22. My sister some new clothes last week.
A. had bought B. bought C. was buying D. have bought
23. The tickets yesterday.
A. was sold B. sold C. were sold D. sell
24. Lisa said that she this book.
A. buys B. bought C. has bought D. had bought
25. She to Moscow, if she her homework.
A. go, will do B. goes, does C. will go, does D. will go, do
D. was coming,

Ответ №1




























Обновлено на

15 нояб. 2020

  • Русский
  • Английский (американский вариант)

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  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Русский
    Практически свободно говорящий

b, d, d, d, b, d, d

  • Русский

@cmertb thank you so much💖💖💖

  • Русский

@cmertb Could you help me with that too
School inspectors have found that contrary to all (0) expectations (EXPECT)
children don`t (1)_________________( LIKE )homework at all. In fact, many do more than their teachers suggest, either because of anxiety about their marks or simply for (2) __________ (ENJOY). The inspectors` findings add to the evidence of the powerful beneficial effects of homework on pupils` (3) _________ (ACHIEVE).
The inspectors also recommend the introduction of “homework charters”. These tell parents and children how much (4) ________ (ADD) work is expected and provide encouragement to schools to form links with parents who can check that tasks are (5) ___________ (PROPER) completed. International comparisons suggest that a typical 14-year-old does 6 hours homework in Britain, 8 hours in Italy, and almost 9 hours in Hungary, Japan and Poland.

I did it, but not sure

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Русский
    Практически свободно говорящий


What a BS passage :)

  • Русский

@cmertb I first wrote «like» , is it permissible?

  • Английский (американский вариант)

  • Русский
    Практически свободно говорящий

@daulethanovatomiris It contradicts the logic of the passage. I think it’s trying to say that children actually like homework. So «like» = «don’t dislike».

ok dimmi

[News] Эй, привет! Тот, кто учит язык!

Вы знаете как улучшить свои языковые навыки❓ Все, что вам нужно – это исправление вашего письма носителем языка!
С HiNative ваше письмо носители языка могут исправить бесплатно ✍️✨.


1. Where is Kate? She _____ tennis.
A. plays      B. is playing      C. play       D. played

2. ______ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold in the room.
A. It is, there is       B. It was, there is     C. There are, it is    D. There is, it is

3. She was tired and asked me _____ make so much noise.
A. didn’t       B. did not to         C. not      D. not to

4. Both Steve ______ Jane ______ here.
A. or, is     B. and, is        C. or, are        D. and, are

5. I didn’t know if he needed any help. _______ ?
A. So did I        B. Neither did I        C. So didn’t I      D. Neither didn’t I

6. ___ President of ___ United States lives in ____ White House in ___ Washington D.C.
A. -, the, the, -     B. -, the, -, the       C. -, -, the, the       D. The, the, the, -

7. I have my English class ___ Monday morning.
A. in          B. at          C. for            D. on

  • III. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. (15 pts)
    1. Helen is my aunt’s…


    Sense of humor
    Get used to
    To clean
    The telephone directory
    A w…

  • 1.The old lady sat in a corner talking to ………………

    A. himself B. itself C. herself D…


    1. herself
    2. themselves
    3. Do you have
    4. hard
    5. dangerous to play

    6. Is a storm in a desert during which strong winds blow sand in …

  • Choose the best answer
    Help me please !!!!!
    1) I’m exhausted! I’m tired of the daily …… of …


    1. C
    2. C
    3. C
    4. D it should be «through»
    5. B
    6. C
    7. A
    8. A
    9. C
    10. B

  • 8. _____ breakfast yet? Yes, I ____.
    A. Did you have, have B. Had you had, have C. Ha…



    Hope this helps

  • 16. I haven’t got ______ money with me.
    A. no B. some C. any D. a


    16. C
    17. A or C (could really be both) I would choose A.
    18. A or B
    19. B
    20. B
    21. A or B
    22. B
    23. C or B
    24. C or D

  • Please help me check it out : 1B -2A- 3B- 4A- 5D- 6A-7A-8B-9B

    1 The cases of COVID 19 outside …


    7, 8, and 9 don’t look right to me.

  • «Kate found a carpet whose color she likes very much.»

    «Kate found a carpet that has a color s…

  • Kate found a carpet whose color she likes very much. это звучит нормально?
  • Как сказать на Английский (американский вариант)? Kate found a carpet whose color she likes very …
  • I was asked a question from my friend like,
    «what’s this photo
    suppose to be?»
    in two separate…
  • 日本語を人に教えてあげるときに





  • what is correct?
    Where are you study?
    Where do you study?

    Thank you.

  • How to respond to «I hope you are doing well»?
  • If you are not the correct person, please direct me the correct one.
    Does this sentence sound nat…
  • «Я расставил всю одежду в шкаф» можно ли так сказать?
  • «Его голос напоминает мне о моем деде- царство небесное ему» и «Его голос напоминает мне моего де…
  • «Я сейчас кое что пишу/записываю в блокноте» или «Я сейчас что то пишу/записываю в блокноте» како…
  • со временем 有最终、结果的意思吗?
  • «Homo sapiens» на русский переводится как человек разумный. А как будет «Homo sapiens sapiens»?
  • «Я расставил всю одежду в шкаф» можно ли так сказать?
  • «Я расставил всю одежду в шкаф» можно ли так сказать?
  • «Его голос напоминает мне о моем деде- царство небесное ему» и «Его голос напоминает мне моего де…
  • When do I use меня?
    Also provide some examples, thank you.
  • «Я сейчас кое что пишу/записываю в блокноте» или «Я сейчас что то пишу/записываю в блокноте» како…

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  • Что значит From Dylan to be Dylan, that takes real time.?
  • Как сказать на Английский (американский вариант)? How do you speak this in English language?

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Grammar test

1. Put the correct word.

1. Where is Kate? She _____ tennis.

A. plays B. is playing C. play D. played

2. ______ not any glass in the windows, that is why ____ so cold
in the room.

A. It is, there is B. It was, there is C. There are, it is D.
There is, it is

3. She was tired and asked me _____ make so much noise.

A. didn’t B. did not to C. not D. not to

4. Both Steve ______ Jane ______ here.

A. or, is B. and, is C. or, are D. and, are

5. I didn’t know if he needed any help. _______ ?

A. So did I B. Neither did I C. So didn’t I D. Neither didn’t I

6. ___ President of ___ United States lives in ____ White House
in ___ Washington D.C.

A. -, the, the, — B. -, the, -, the C. -, -, the, the D. The,
the, the, —

7. I have my English class ___ Monday morning.

A. in B. at C. for D. on

8. _____ breakfast yet? Yes, I ____.

A. Did you have, have B. Had you had, have C. Have you had, have
D. Do you have, had

9. I was late. The teacher ___ a test when I ___ to class.

A. has already given, got B. had already given, got C. has
already given, get D. was already giving, get

10. How long will it ___ to do the homework?

A. need her B. take her C. she take D. she need

11. Mary has never been to London, ____ she?

A. has B. did C. hasn’t D. didn’t

12. According ___ the list he was the 10th.

A. to B. at C. on D. for

13. He grew up in New England, ____?

A. don’t you B. didn’t he C. doesn’t he D. did he

14. Lorena is ____ girl I have ever met.

A. the most beautiful B. a more beautiful C. the beautifulest D.
most beautiful

15. Newspapers and magazines ____ just by the postman.

A. have been bring B. has been brought C. have been brought D.
were bought

16. I haven’t got ______ money with me.

A. no B. some C. any D. a

17. He said he _____ that man before.

A. never met B. did not meet C. had never met D. did not never

18. When I ______ the children ______ television peacefully.

A. came, watched B. came, were watching C. was coming, were
watching D. was coming, watched

19. Have you ever been _____ Paris.

A. in B. to C. at D. through

20. Who ____ Phil with his homework?

A. does help B. helps C. do help D. help

21. The train ______ at 5 o’clock.

A. will leave B. leaves C. leave D. is leaving

22. My sister ____ some new clothes last week.

A. had bought B. bought C. was buying D. have bought

23. The tickets ____ yesterday.

A. was sold B. sold C. were sold D. sell

24. Lisa said that she ______ this book.

A. buys B. bought C. has bought D. had bought

25. She _____ to Moscow, if she _____ her homework.

A. go, will do B. goes, does C. will go, does D. will go, do


1. 1) B; 2) D; 3) D; 4) D; 5) B; 6) D; 7) D; 8) C; 9) B; 10) B;
11) A; 12) A; 13) B; 14) A; 15) C; 16) C; 17) C; 18) B; 19) B; 20)
B; 21) B; 22) B; 23) C; 24) D; 25) C

Внимание! На все вопросы возможен только один
правильный ответ

1. I’m afraid he ____ five minutes ago.

A) leaves

B) is leaving

C) has left

D) left

 2. ____ you do me a favour?

A) May

B) Can

C) Should

D) Need

 3. My sister was translating the article when I ____
the room.

A) had came into

B) came into

C) am coming into

D) come

 4. I’d like to ask you ____ questions.

A) some few

B) a little

C) a few

D) little

 5. Children ____ by special instructors how to swim.

A) have taught

B) had taught

C) are taught

D) teach

 6. Bill wanted to know when Nick ____ come to us.

A) can

B) could

C) will

D) will be able

 7. My friend wanted ____ him as soon as I came home.

A) me to call

B) that I call

C) that I was called

D) called I

 8. Mother didn’t let the child ____ TV.

A) to be watching

B) watching

C) watched

D) watch

 9. It was so late that I ____ take a taxi.

A) was able

B) can

C) had to

D) must

 10. She liked the film, ____ she?

A) did

B) didn’t

C) doesn’t

D) does

 11. ____ Steve ____ Ann the other day?

A) Did ____ see

B) Has ____ seen

C) Does ____ see

D) Will ____ see

 12. I got two letters. One was from my father. ____
was from my girlfriend.

A) Another

B) The others

C) The other

D) Others

 13. If there was a bridge, we ____ able to walk across
the river.

A) would be

B) will be

C) are

D) were

 14. I don’t know if I ____ here when you phone
tomorrow morning.

A) am

B) be

C) was

D) will be

 15. ____ not any glass in the windows, that is why
____ so cold in the room.

A) It is, there is

B) There is, it is

C) There are, it is

D) There was, there is

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