Обложки для classic shell windows 10

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Attachment(s) Classic Shell / Open Shell Start and Windows 11



Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:46 pm

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Classic Shell no longer in development. Source code released

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Fri Mar 18, 2022 4:07 pm

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Attachment(s) User PICTURE FRAMES different sizes




Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:09 am

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Skin Compilation




Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:46 am

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Attachment(s) The official THANK YOU thread :-) and user reviews

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Mon Feb 25, 2019 2:23 pm

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Attachment(s) Compare Start Menus:Classic Shell vs Windows 10 and others




Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:59 am

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Attachment(s) Icons for Explorer toolbar buttons and some Start menu items




Fri May 19, 2017 8:31 am

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Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:20 am

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Attachment(s) How to make a skin for the Start menu




Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:09 am

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Attachment(s) Start Menu skins suitable for Windows 10




Thu May 23, 2019 4:59 am

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Attachment(s) Skin with glyph icons in column 2 to match Win10 taskbar?




Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:15 am

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Attachment(s) Classic skin with original Windows captions

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Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:01 am

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Attachment(s) Alternative nicer icon you can use for the ‘Apps’ folder




Sun Nov 19, 2017 3:20 am

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Attachment(s) A note on colors and using Metro colors for Start Menu skins




Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:04 am

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The skinning tutorial has been updated for Classic Shell 4




Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:32 am

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Recommendation for Start Menu skin creators




Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:54 am

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Attachment(s) Off White System skin and Dark [Classic skin]




Sun Nov 20, 2022 5:26 pm

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Attachment(s) Testing Half transparent Smokylike Glass.skin7




Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:53 am

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Attachment(s) DogmaX4 port [Classic 1,2 and 7 styles]




Thu May 05, 2022 1:57 pm

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Attachment(s) Xbox XtremeXP port [Classic styles]




Thu Jan 27, 2022 5:34 pm

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Attachment(s) Fluent-Metro [7 style and Classic style]




Fri Dec 24, 2021 6:47 am

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Attachment(s) Metro skin with white submenu option [Classic style]




Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:57 pm

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Attachment(s) Xbox port [Classic 1/2 styles]




Mon Sep 20, 2021 12:30 pm

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Attachment(s) Ace port [Classic 1,2,& 7 styles]




Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:00 pm

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Good News Scrollbar skinning is back on Win10




Sat Jul 17, 2021 9:29 am

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Attachment(s) Woodworks port [7 style] and [Classic 1,2 style]




Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:41 pm

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Attachment(s) XP Metro-Glass Win10 [7style] and [Classic]




Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:10 pm

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Attachment(s) WIN7LIKE (Windows 7 style)




Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:40 pm

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Attachment(s) Opaque Custom Image Menu [7 style]




Thu Oct 08, 2020 11:55 am

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Attachment(s) XP LUNA Variations (Classic 1 and 2)

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Thu Sep 03, 2020 10:42 am

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Attachment(s) Windows 8 Dark [Classic and 7 style] Windows Aero Dark




Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:58 am

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Windows XP Media Center Edition (Royale) Start Menu




Sat May 23, 2020 2:04 pm

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Attachment(s) Avengers S.H.I.E.L.D. start menu skin




Sun May 10, 2020 12:12 pm

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Attachment(s) Modern XP Luna skin
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Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:31 pm

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Classic Shell includes one of the most popular Start menu replacements for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 along with a bunch of unique customization options for Explorer and Taskbar. When we cover various tips and tricks related to Classic Shell, our readers often ask us about good looking Start menu skins. Today, I would like to share a collection of excellent skins for Classic Shell to style your Start menu.

To install a skin, copy the .skin or .skin7 file to C:Program FilesClassic ShellSkins. Then open Classic Start Menu Settings and go to the «Start Menu Style» tab. Switch to the appropriate style (Windows 7 style for *.skin7 or Classic with two columns/Classic for *.skin). After picking the style, click the «Select skin…» blue link which will take you to the Skin tab. Pick the skin you just copied from the dropdown and adjust the skin options as required.

Here are the skins we liked.
Windows Longhorn Hillel Demo
The first skin is Windows Longhorn Hillel Demo Start Menu:01 Windows Longhorn Hillel Demo Start Menu

This is a retrophase skin which repeats the appearance of pre-release versions of Windows Longhorn. This operating system was never released and superseded by Windows Vista. However, its unique appearance and wonderful look still impress many people.
You can grab this skin here: [Skin7] Windows Longhorn Hillel Demo Start Menu

Plex Replay
Like the previous skin, Plex Replay uses ideas from Windows Longhorn. Plex was the default skin of Longhorn for many builds. The skin makes the Start menu look exactly it was in Longhorn.

This skins exists in boths variants.
Plex Replay for classic/classic two columns menu:10 Plex Replay classic

Plex Replay for the Windows 7 style menu:10 Plex Replay win7

Visit the link here to get the taskbar texture. Your desktop can look like this:10 Plex Replay full UI

Our next skin is a set of excellently reproduced Windows XP Start menus. Windows XP users might be familiar with the popular Royale skins and its Noir, Zune and Embedded variants. The «Royale» skin pack brings them back to modern Windows versions where Classic Shell runs:02 Royale

You can get it here: Windows XP Royale Skin.

Start8 Skin

The next skin is specially designed to fit the flat appearance of modern Windows versions like Windows 8 and Windows 10. It is simple and beautiful. It was inspired by Start8’s look:Start8_v2.5_7 03 Start8_v2.5_5 03 Start8_v2.5_4 03 Start8_v2.5_3 03 Start8-skin

Get it here: Start8 Skin V2.5

Gray Classic
The skin Gray Classic is designed for the Windows 7 menu style of Classic Shell. It provides a dark skin which Windows 10 users with dark mode or high contrast mode will like. Definitely good work:04 Light-Dark Gray Classic

Get it here: Gray Classic

The skin WIN7LIKE is designed to be used with Windows 7 menu style of Classis Shell. It will look best on Windows versions which have glass, that is, Windows 7 and Windows 10. For Windows 10, it will look better if transparency for the taskbar and Start menu is turned on from the Settings app. This skin reproduces the exact look of Windows 7 Aero Glass Start menu. It is recommended to all Windows 7 fans who switched to Windows 10 but miss the classic menu’s appearance:05 WIN7LIKE Compare OS

Get it here: WIN7LIKE

clrSharp1 2 3

This skin can be used with Classic and Windows 7 menu styles of Classic Shell. It looks clean and nice. Initially created for the Clearscreen Sharp visual style/theme on Windows 7, it can be used in any Windows version without the mentioned theme.06 Clear sharp

If you like it, read in detail about this skin here: clrSharp1 2 3

Vista Start menu
This is an excellent replica of the genuine Windows Vista Start menu. 07 Vista start menu 1 07 Vista start menu 2 07 Vista start menu 3Get it here: Vista Start menu

This flat and modern skin in dark colors will fit the appearance of Windows 10. 08 TenifiedThe author recommends adjusting Classic Shell settings as follows:

  • Enable menu glass: On
  • Override glass color: On
  • Menu glass color: 0A0A0A, although 000000 works nicely as well
  • Glass opacity: 40

You can get it here: Tenified

Two Tone
Yet another flat skin designed for Windows 10. It reminds me of the resizable Start menu we saw in early builds of Windows 10 which was replaced with the Modern/Universal Start menu which shipped eventually. Looks great:09 Two Tone Win7 style

You can get it here: Two Tone

This is our first look at some of the best looking skins for Classic Shell. If you like them, we will follow up with more skins. What is your favorite skin? Tell us in the comments.

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Classic Shell Windows 10 Skin

A Windows 10 skin for Classic Shell’s Start Menu replacement, with yummy Windows 10-style icons :)



If you’re not familiar with Classic Shell, it’s a free Start Menu replacement that retains the functionality and useability of previous Windows versions, specifically Pinned Items and a hierarchical All Programs menu.

It can downloaded and installed from:

  • http://www.classicshell.net

The Windows 10 Skin customises Classic Shell to make it look as much like Windows 10 as possible, and comes with the following hand-crafted icons:


Note that more icons will be released with the 1.1 update.

Download and installation

Download the package contents using the «Download ZIP» button on the right.

Unzip and navigate to the «dist» folder, then…

  1. Copy the «Windows 10.skin» file to your Classic Shell installation’s «Skins» folder
  2. Copy the «Windows 10 Icons» folder to «%USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalClassicShell» (use the supplied shortcut to get there)


To style the Start Menu and show the icons, you’ll need to load the supplied settings file. This will completely replace your existing Classic Shell settings, so make sure to backup your existing configuration or take a screenshot before loading the new settings.

  1. At the bottom of the panel, click «Backup» then «Load from XML File…»
  2. Choose the «Windows 10 Settings.xml» file
  3. Click «OK» in the main dialog to commit the changes

Your start menu should now be updated with the Windows 10 look and feel, but you will need to exit and restart Classic Shell in order for the icon sizes to update:

  1. Right click the Start Button
  2. Choose «Exit»
  3. Re-open Classic Shell



If you loaded the supplied settings file, you should see a useful default setup, with folders and icons, etc.

You can edit most of the Classic Shell settings as you like, with the exception of:

  • Start Menu Style > Windows 7 style (settings don’t exist for this style)
  • Menu Look > Large icon size (large icon size is fixed at 24)


To customise items you’ve added to the Start Menu yourself, you’ll need to edit their properties and set a new icon.

To do this:

  1. Open the Classic Shell «Settings» dialog, and switch to the «Customize Start Menu» tab
  2. In the left hand column, double-click the item you want to edit, to open the «Edit Menu Item» dialog
  3. In the «Icon» field, click the «…» button to open the «Select Icon» dialog
  4. In the «File» field, click the «…» button to open the «Select Source File» dialog
  5. Choose the icon you want to use and click «Open»
  6. Confirm all dialogs to exit


The menu background is blue (or some other color)

Classic Start Menu takes its color from the current Windows desktop bacground color, so you’ll need to change this to change the menu color.

Right click the Desktop and go Personalize > Colors > Choose a color, then turn off «Automatically pick an accent color from my background» and select something sensible, such as a dark grey.

The icons aren’t showing

Are you sure you copied the icons folder to your AppData/Classic Shell folder? The full path to an icon file should look like this:

%USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalClassicShellWindows 10 Iconssettings.ico

Make sure you’ve copied the whole «Windows 10 Icons» folder and not just the icons.

The icons look pixelated or wrongly-sized

If you’ve only just loaded the settings XML file, you will need to exit and restart Classic Shell for the new icon size to take effect.

The icons don’t look good on my hi-res screen

Hi-res icons are on the list of things to do.

Your previous menu settings have gone

Yes, if you loaded the settings file, this will have overwritten your existing settings.

Some of the menu items are showing <No Text> and don’t seem to link anywhere

The location that the menu item linked to doesn’t exist. This may be because you’ve moved the folder somewhere else, or it just doesn’t exist on your system.

You can remove, or edit, the menu item by:

  1. Navigating to Classic Shell’s «Settings» dialog
  2. Clicking the «Customize Start Menu» tab (this will only show if the «Show all settings» checkbox is checked)
  3. In the «Current menu items» list, locating the item you want to edit, and double-clicking it
  4. Editing the «Link» field to point towards a new folder location

Latest Stable Version 4.3.1

The latest stable version 4.3.1 can be downloaded from here:
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (English)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (French)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (German)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Italian)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Polish)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Russian)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Spanish)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Traditional Chinese)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Simplified Chinese)

The latest version is also available on the FossHub.com mirror.

Older Versions

Versions 4.0.0 and newer can be downloaded from the Mediafire archive

The archive also contains the PDB files for people who need help debugging the code.

Versions 3.6.8 and older can be downloaded from the Source Forge archive

The fosshub archive also contains a complete set of old versions.


Translation DLLs for the latest version can be downloaded from here:
Latest Translations

Translation DLLs for older version can be found here:
All Translations

Note: a translation DLL will only work for the exact version of Classic Shell it is intended for. Make sure you download the right version.

Classic Shell Utility

The Classic Shell Utility can assist you in troubleshooting problems with the Classic Shell software. Download it from here:
It can perform multiple functions.

Save system log

The tool will collect information about your system to help with troubleshooting. Save the file and attach it in a forum post that describes your problem.

For best results:

  • Run the tool using the same account that is causing problems. Do not run as administrator.
  • The tool may ask for administrative credentials if necessary. If you choose not to provide them, the tool will still work but will collect less information.
  • Some of the collected information may be sensitive (like what applications you have installed). If you wish to keep that information confidential, you can either upload the file to the FileDrop folder (see below), or archive it with a password, attach the archive in the forums and send a PM with the password to the user Ivo.

Remove Classic Shell

The tool will attempt to manually remove the Classic Shell software from your system. Use it in case you are having problems uninstalling using the conventional methods. It is designed to work even after a failed attempt to uninstall the software when some of the registry may be corrupted or some of the files may be missing.

For best results:

  • Close all other programs
  • Sign out all other accounts
  • Read all the instructions carefully
  • Restart your computer after the tool completes

Show Metro colors

The tool will display the Windows start screen color palette. This is useful for people trying to create skins for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.


Use this location to upload crash dumps or screenshots for troubleshooting:
Media Fire FileDrop
Important: Please enter a description for the file — who is it from and what is it for. Or post a message in the forums. Otherwise I have no way of knowing what to do with it.


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powerplayer Avatar

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Post by powerplayer on Aug 26, 2019 17:12:29 GMT -8

Due to complaints of spamming and stuff i decided to move all my themes here and update these thread when i make new material in order to keep things organized and less bloated :

First you need to install classicshell ClassicShellSetup_4_3_1.exe (6.9 MB) Openshell does not load the skins properly

01. Modernclassic Metro.rar

(373.04 KB)


As stated on the picture above just drop the folders in classicshell folder then run the xml in the theme folder (that goes for all my skins )

02. I played this operating system roleplaying game called kingsway and decided to make the startmenu looking like the game here they are side by side

kingsway.rar (

33.96 KB) a game within a real OS :) posted on Jan 14, 2019 at 9:23pm Im deleting the original thread to reduce bloat

03 Macos7 made on

Dec 24, 2018 at 4:43am Think different use a maos startmenu lol macos7.rar (26.3 KB)

04 Winhn

Originally i made this way back in the xp days so when i found an image of my own modded xp i decided to port it to classicshell
winhn.rar (10.0 KB)

05 Win9x

Feeling retro yet? time to downgrade startmenu to good old win95 win9x.rar (32.0 KB)

06 Xpde Remember that early 2000’s Xp window manager they did on linux? Well i ported it over   xpde.rar (74.3 KB)

07 Reactos

What if reactos really worked? simulate with this startmenu reactos4.0.rar (173 KB)

08 Beos
Remember that 90s OS that never took off?
i honor its memory with a startmenu
beos.rar (627 KB)


09 Win 3.1

Strolling down the memory lane early 90s nostalgia
win3.rar (42.2 KB)

Finally a few modern start buttons

And the windows 8 startbutton

And the Large versions for superbar

And a pixel perfect win95 start button

Lately i made 95 theme for openshell

Win95.rar (95.47 KB)

For Openshell
allskinsandthemes.rar (8.2 MB)

Install openshell and startisback + then add this registry file to get all the modernclassic settings openshellstartisback.reg (82.0 KB)

Thanks to classic4ever i got this updated  win95 skin win95b.skin (197.0 KB) Thanks dude!!!!

Last Edit: Jul 18, 2020 9:16:41 GMT -8 by powerplayer

Post by classic4ever on Jul 5, 2020 1:01:02 GMT -8

Hi powerplayer,

Continuing from this thread

— I’m just trying to make the main menu as slim/thin as possible.

I extracted the bitmap with reshacker, filled the caption area with rgb 212 208 200 but left all borders as original:


After replacing the bitmap with reshacker and reloading the skin in openshell the border shadows became bright. Padding the menu to the left of the bitmap (Main_padding) leads to flat black menu borders. Maybe I overlooked something?
If I use the original bitmap everything looks fine.

— In «customize Start Menu», if I remove an item (even a separator) the content underneath moves up and leaves back a semi transparent (!) empty space (212,208,200) after saving and loading a new .xml.

— I saw the other threads but even if I use classicshell instead of openshell as recommended there because of not properly loading skins I get this empty space. Btw this win95 skin is my favourite.

Best wishes

edit: Ok, I forgot to set the bitmap opacity (alpha channel) in Photoshop to 100% and now the colors and borders are fine. Then the first value in Main_padding must be always binary, e.g. not «2» but «02». So only the problem with the empty space under the search box is left.

edit2: I got it. First I have to remove (customize) all unneccesary items from the startmenu, then edit the skin «Main_bitmap_slices» and reduce the third value (3 digits) until the empty space is gone. If I add an item again in the menu, the menu expands. :)

Thanks a lot for this skin, looks like many many years ago now. ;D

Last Edit: Jul 5, 2020 7:14:18 GMT -8 by classic4ever


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powerplayer Avatar

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Post by powerplayer on Jul 5, 2020 14:17:58 GMT -8

classic4ever Avatar

edit2: I got it. First I have to remove (customize) all unneccesary items from the startmenu, then edit the skin «Main_bitmap_slices» and reduce the third value (3 digits) until the empty space is gone. If I add an item again in the menu, the menu expands. :)

Thanks a lot for this skin, looks like many many years ago now. ;D

send over the finished version of the skin  if you get it fully  working with my theme that would be pretty cool in the meantime check out my themes and skins pack at the bottom of my main post added win10 beta skin.
One more thing i thing we need to remove the show user picture option and the show user name from the skin cause maybe the resize thing was made with these in mind (i modified the nt workstation skin + colors in the skin to get this menu so i agree its not perfect yet)
maybe even add win9x specific enhancements to it while keeping it small then we keep on making it look like the rest of the old windows-versions sounds good?

Last Edit: Jul 5, 2020 14:37:33 GMT -8 by powerplayer


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Post by powerplayer on Jul 5, 2020 17:44:45 GMT -8

windows98skin.skin (118.26 KB) anyway here is a win98 skin made it today :) pretty lightweight one without any bloat and it renders things correctly providing your using caption.

Last Edit: Jul 5, 2020 17:46:06 GMT -8 by powerplayer

Post by classic4ever on Jul 6, 2020 18:08:32 GMT -8

Hi powerplayer,

Yes, sounds good. We should keep the original classic menu skin with 3d-separators and 3d-borders and add only the themes of the different old windows versions. Did I get you right?

Link sent (pm).

Btw: I modified the hilight colour from grey to classic blue (rgb 10,36,106 or #0a246a) and hilight text colour to white, like in XP for example.

Your are right, user name and picture stretch the main menu horizontally after my modification, one has to increase the earlier mentioned padding. I never used them and would leave it away for standard.

If someone wants them nevertheless, I wrote which values have to be changed. Maybe there’s a better solution, still need more time to tinker.

I’ll check the other skins later, thanks for the update.

Best wishes

Post by classic4ever on Jul 6, 2020 18:22:20 GMT -8

Strange, for me the main menu from your new skin has no 3d-borders and the separators in main- and submenu are not 3d, just lines.

I’ll look into it tomorrow.

btw: The caption works.

Good night ;)

Post by classic4ever on Jul 7, 2020 16:12:42 GMT -8

Hi powerplayer,

I checked your skin collection (for openshell) and must admit, my tinkering has ended. :)

Skin «Win98Plus! Retro» and «Classic Special 7» are absolute awesome. Maybe «Win98Plus! Retro» is slightly better because of the better looking font, the smaller menu size and the wide customizable caption. Plus it follows the system colours!

Optional username and picture show up clean without stretching or empty spaces, borders and separators are 3d, no need to edit any data.

Thanks for your efforts to keep the good old stuff alive!


Last Edit: Jul 7, 2020 16:16:49 GMT -8 by classic4ever


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powerplayer Avatar

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Posts: 771Male

Post by powerplayer on Jul 7, 2020 17:21:54 GMT -8

classic4ever Avatar

Hi powerplayer,

I checked your skin collection (for openshell) and must admit, my tinkering has ended. :)

Skin «Win98Plus! Retro» and «Classic Special 7» are absolute awesome. Maybe «Win98Plus! Retro» is slightly better because of the better looking font, the smaller menu size and the wide customizable caption. Plus it follows the system colours!

Optional username and picture show up clean without stretching or empty spaces, borders and separators are 3d, no need to edit any data.

Thanks for your efforts to keep the good old stuff alive!


yea but these skins that are with a bunch of stuff added to them take more space and thus the startmenu becomes slower with them i rather have a small lean startmenu cause it gets much quicker response overall , glad you like my skinpack also i use startisback with classic3 theme thats why i color the bitmaps in my skins accordingly to it unless we can modify classic3 theme to use win10 system color or respect all the system colors.

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Цитата: Mikhail от 08.02.2022, 03:16
Цитата: gmanka от 07.02.2022, 17:44

Здравствуйте, у кого-нибудь есть темная тема для windows 11, которая нормально красит диспетчер задач, управление дисками, рамки окон и меню «файл, правка»? Никак не могу найти на всех темах появляются глюки. Версия UltraUXThemePatcher — 4.3.2, версия windows 11 — 21H2 22000.434.

У niivu посмотрите на deviantart у него хорошие темы или у других их там полно.

Цитата: gmanka от 07.02.2022, 17:44

Здравствуйте, у кого-нибудь есть темная тема для windows 11, которая нормально красит диспетчер задач, управление дисками, рамки окон и меню «файл, правка»? Никак не могу найти на всех темах появляются глюки. Версия UltraUXThemePatcher — 4.3.2, версия windows 11 — 21H2 22000.434.

У niivu посмотрите на deviantart у него хорошие темы или у других их там полно.

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Цитата: 790 от 10.02.2022, 13:23

А не подскажите в Win10 (21H2 Home) можно ли изменить цвет фона и текста выделения в дереве реестра на более контрастный? Там такой бледный цвет… я постоянно теряю, так сказать, «фокус», потому что я уже старый и плохо вижу 🙂 С другими цветами я разобрался сам, всё устраивает и контрастные темы мне не нужны.

А не подскажите в Win10 (21H2 Home) можно ли изменить цвет фона и текста выделения в дереве реестра на более контрастный? Там такой бледный цвет… я постоянно теряю, так сказать, «фокус», потому что я уже старый и плохо вижу 🙂 С другими цветами я разобрался сам, всё устраивает и контрастные темы мне не нужны.

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Всем 🖖
Есть у кого не будь доработанная темная тема, что бы шрифт был светлый а не темный в некоторых программах и WinRar темный.

Всем 🖖
Есть у кого не будь доработанная темная тема, что бы шрифт был светлый а не темный в некоторых программах и WinRar темный.

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Цитата: Flamer от 17.02.2022, 17:16

Можно ли становиться владельцем и получать полный доступ к папке SystemResources? Нашел просто модифицированные файлы с дизайном Windows 11, которые по идее туда нужно вставлять.

Можно ли становиться владельцем и получать полный доступ к папке SystemResources? Нашел просто модифицированные файлы с дизайном Windows 11, которые по идее туда нужно вставлять.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Profile photo ofAndrey
Цитата: Андрей от 17.02.2022, 17:50

Flamer, Добрый день.

Ну так вставь через WinPE, куда проще, чем возиться с правами.

Flamer, Добрый день.

Ну так вставь через WinPE, куда проще, чем возиться с правами.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0
Голова дана человеку не для того, чтобы кушать, а для того, чтобы думать.

Profile photo ofFlamer
Цитата: Flamer от 17.02.2022, 17:54

Возиться не нужно, есть же твик. Вопрос в безопасности такой процедуры

Возиться не нужно, есть же твик. Вопрос в безопасности такой процедуры

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Цитата: Mikhail от 18.02.2022, 03:21
Цитата: Flamer от 17.02.2022, 17:54

Возиться не нужно, есть же твик. Вопрос в безопасности такой процедуры

Все риски проверяйте на виртуалки, запустили, помучили, ок, делайте на основной машине.

Цитата: Flamer от 17.02.2022, 17:54

Возиться не нужно, есть же твик. Вопрос в безопасности такой процедуры

Все риски проверяйте на виртуалки, запустили, помучили, ок, делайте на основной машине.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0
«Любой дурак может знать. Дело в том, чтобы понять.» — Альберт Эйнштейн

Profile photo ofNeravan
Цитата: Илья от 03.03.2022, 10:58
Цитата: Evgenii от 10.08.2021, 00:15

Всем привет! Может, кому пригодится. Сделал скин для Classic Shell в стиле… эээ… классического варианта меню пуск Windows 11… 🙂
(За основу взят стандартный скин ClassicShell: Smoked Glass.)
Сделано немного парящее меню Пуск над Панелью задач, с увеличенным шрифтом (Заменил Segoe ui на Tahoma…), скруглёнными углами и прозрачностью.


Как вкл. скин:.
1. Закинуть файл скина «Windows 11 Classic.skin» в папку с установленным Classic ShellSkins
2. Зайти в Параметы Classic Start Menu, во вкладку «Обложка» — выбрать: «Windows 11 Classic»


Известные недоработки:

Т.к. не знаю, как сделать реальные отступы, чтобы отклеить меню от Панели задач — использовал корректировку скина, что визуально делает нижние границы Главного меню меньше верхних. Но, это только в основном окне.

P.S. Если кто знает как двигать Главное меню по-горизонтали, если это возможно, чтобы поместить его в центр, напишите пожалуйста.
В конфиге самого скина есть команда для дочерних меню: (Submenu_offset — дополнительное смещение по горизонтали для подменю.
Это уменьшает перекрытие, когда подменю имеют толстые границы.)
Я поставил Submenu_offset=10 (Именно это и создаёт горизонтальные разрывы для дочерних меню…)
Пробовал добавить команду наугад: Mainmenu_offset=10 и Main_menu_offset=10 — не работает…
В любом случае — будет время — напишу на форум ClassicShell, это я так мало ли…

Доброго времени суток! Если можно, обновите ссылку пожалуйста..

Цитата: Evgenii от 10.08.2021, 00:15

Всем привет! Может, кому пригодится. Сделал скин для Classic Shell в стиле… эээ… классического варианта меню пуск Windows 11… 🙂
(За основу взят стандартный скин ClassicShell: Smoked Glass.)
Сделано немного парящее меню Пуск над Панелью задач, с увеличенным шрифтом (Заменил Segoe ui на Tahoma…), скруглёнными углами и прозрачностью.


Как вкл. скин:.
1. Закинуть файл скина «Windows 11 Classic.skin» в папку с установленным Classic ShellSkins
2. Зайти в Параметы Classic Start Menu, во вкладку «Обложка» — выбрать: «Windows 11 Classic»


Т.к. не знаю, как сделать реальные отступы, чтобы отклеить меню от Панели задач — использовал корректировку скина, что визуально делает нижние границы Главного меню меньше верхних. Но, это только в основном окне.

P.S. Если кто знает как двигать Главное меню по-горизонтали, если это возможно, чтобы поместить его в центр, напишите пожалуйста.
В конфиге самого скина есть команда для дочерних меню: (Submenu_offset — дополнительное смещение по горизонтали для подменю.
Это уменьшает перекрытие, когда подменю имеют толстые границы.)
Я поставил Submenu_offset=10 (Именно это и создаёт горизонтальные разрывы для дочерних меню…)
Пробовал добавить команду наугад: Mainmenu_offset=10 и Main_menu_offset=10 — не работает…
В любом случае — будет время — напишу на форум ClassicShell, это я так мало ли…

Доброго времени суток! Если можно, обновите ссылку пожалуйста..

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.1

Profile photo ofAleksandr9323
Цитата: Александр от 16.03.2022, 23:47

Доброго вечера всем! 🙂

Рабочий стол
» alt=»» width=»1360″ height=»768″ data-orig-src=»https://i.imgur.com/i6uafOo.jpg» />

Обои как раньше были у Хачатура, но анимированные, из Wallpaper Engine.
Иконка Win 10 Tweaker’а как у меня.

Привет🖐 можно скинуть иконку «downloads» ?

Доброго вечера всем! 🙂

» alt=»» width=»1360″ height=»768″ data-orig-src=»https://i.imgur.com/i6uafOo.jpg» style=»color: #25d39d !important» />

Обои как раньше были у Хачатура, но анимированные, из Wallpaper Engine.
Иконка Win 10 Tweaker’а как у меня.

Привет🖐 можно скинуть иконку «downloads» ?

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Цитата: Mikhail от 17.03.2022, 01:37

Добрый🖐, Александр.
Вы про эту .

Добрый🖐, Александр.
Вы про эту .

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0
«Любой дурак может знать. Дело в том, чтобы понять.» — Альберт Эйнштейн

Profile photo ofAleksandr9323
Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0
Цитата: Mikhail от 17.03.2022, 03:07

Это системная иконка, которая лежит в SHELL32.dll.

Это системная иконка, которая лежит в SHELL32.dll.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0
«Любой дурак может знать. Дело в том, чтобы понять.» — Альберт Эйнштейн

Profile photo ofAleksandr9323
Цитата: Александр от 17.03.2022, 11:05

Точно спасибо вам Mikhail👌

Точно спасибо вам Mikhail👌

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Цитата: Mikhail от 25.03.2022, 15:52

Можете сами вытащить, imageres.dll какие нужно.

Можете сами вытащить, imageres.dll какие нужно.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0
«Любой дурак может знать. Дело в том, чтобы понять.» — Альберт Эйнштейн

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