Online rom flash component for windows x64

Thanks so much, this is a very useful resource. Everybody who like me has to search HP for firmware, then try to figure out how to extract relevant files from iso-scexe-whatsoever strange archives, will agree 😉 I hope this effort will continue. Thanks again, Paul
  • Thanks so much, this is a very useful resource. Everybody who like me has to search HP for firmware, then try to figure out how to extract relevant files from iso-scexe-whatsoever strange archives, will agree 😉 I hope this effort will continue. Thanks again, Paul

  • Thanks! This is very helpful!

  • Right, i’m going to trust you and deploy your files…

    • Double-check it, you’ll find the files are the same… but your input made me suspicious, and I can’t find v1.95 for iLO1 on HP site… 😉

  • Thank you for your job, Paul!

    • Thanks, added to the post!

    • Thanks, I have updated the post.

  • Great site, and more useful than HP’s for drivers, any
    one got any updates on ilo2 firmware for resolving the Heartbleed crash issue?

    • Thanks, added

  • Thanks a lot, I was searching the update of iLO1. Too hard. 🙂

  • HP released ILO-3 1.80

    • Try flipping the options around

      load /map1/firmware1 -source

      ran into a issue that the blade needed to be fully power cycled before doing the firmware update.
      — CUT —
      Invalid property value.
      — CUT —

      from the OA unit

      OA-xxxxx> reset server 16

      Successfully reset the E-Fuse for device bay 16.

      (waited for the unit 2 power cycle and then did the ilo upgrade)

  • Great resource! Thank you so much!

  • Excellent site! I found in seconds for my ML350 what took ages in HP-site. Updating now 🙂

    • Спасибо, добвил, а также ILO2 2.27 и ILO 1.96

  • Thank you so much!!! Awesome stuff. Saved me clicking and clicking and clicking on HP website

  • guy this was very helpfull thanks

  • Very helpful thanks. Why can’t HP list the firmware like this. So much easier

    • Thanks, updated!

  • Thank you for making this, HP has made it as difficult as they possibly can to update ILO…

    • This link no longer works.

    • Hi, thanks, but I have this version included on top of the page already.

  • Thanks!
    HP’s web is a … xxxxx
    This made my ILO2 upgrade more convenient (though I had to usae Putty to do it!)

  • Thanks for this.

    It seems that iLO4_2.20 has been withdrawn by HP, to be replaced by iLO4_2.22 (not released yet). At current HP’s recommended version is iLO4_2.10.

    • Hi, I can still see 2.20 on HP website for iLO 4.

  • At the moment these seem to be the latest.


    • Added, thanks!

  • Finding ILO Download on HP Websites is a bad joke…
    This page helps so much, thank you!

  • Thank you for your effort.

    There are new releases available since October 1st:

    ilo2 — 2.27
    ilo3 — 1.85 (not changed)
    ilo4 — 2.30

    • Updated the page! (was on vacation, sorry for delay)

    • Updated the page with latest firmware, thanks for info!

    • Added, thanks!

  • Excellent article, thanks a lot and thank you for keeping it up to date.

    • Added, thanks!

  • thank you so much…crappy HP site,…this helps!! thanks again!

  • Thank you so much! You site is better than ugly and stupid HP

  • Thank you!! Worked like a charm!!

  • This is so convenient. Rather than navigating HP’s awful site, all the iLO firmwares are in one easy to use spot.

    • Added, thanks

    • Added, thanks

    • Added, thanks

  • Can you add MD5 as well?

  • Can you please upload ILO4 latest firmware release
    RHEL Version: 2.40(1 Apr 2016)

    • Added!

      • What’s the source of the 2.40 Version?
        Will this be released to the public on 01.04.2016?

          • Any idea on where the Windows version is located?

          • Thank you Very much.. I could download the 2.40 version for ILO4 now. I follow this link regularly. this is much handy instead of searching in HP site.

  • Excellent!

  • Thank you very much indeed! I had spent about an hour on official HP website but have not managed to find iLo 4 firmware BIN file

  • Life saver.

  • Really nice version, many thanks

  • Obrigado ….

    Me ajudou muito por aqui.

  • Best ILO download website ever!!!!

  • Thank you so much. Unbelieveable how complicated HP make it to find these.

    • Updated the page, thanks!

  • Thank you!

  • thank you very much…

  • this may not be the greatest ILO page in the world, but it IS a tribute

  • I dont get it my iLO2 wont update to the latest firmware
    HP ML310 G4

    • Trying with different browser (IE for example) can help.

  • Thanks you Thank you Thank you
    HP website is painful, I have was digging for hours and non of the firmwere I downloaded from HP website is not working


  • ILO 4 version 2.44 is out according to HPE’s alerts but 7-zip tells me it won’t open the scexe file. Why can’t HP just provide a bin file?? So annoying.

    • try the link from the top, I was able to extract it with 7-zip without any problems

  • There’s no windows way to get the bin file??

  • I downloaded the Windows Server 2012 R2 version and extracted the bin file from the cp30136.exe file. Now I have an ilo4_244.bin file that I can install.

    • firmware iLO4 v2.44 is now added to the post

    • Added!

    • Thanks, added!

    • Thanks a lot, added to the post!

  • Hi,

    Where did you find .bin file in HP site for firmware ilO4 2.44? Can you post official link pls?


  • I’ve literally been using this page as a sysadmin for about 5 years!

    The best single source of iLO .bins/info and the HP website is a complete sh*tshow to navigate at the best of times.

    Bravo sir, keep up the good work.

    • Thank you! I am glad to help fellow sysadmins 🙂

  • This is a great resource; HPE is absolutely making it more and more difficult to be their customer with failing web site; failing Intelligent Provisioning firmware updates and failing ftp site. Thank you for putting this together!

    • Thanks, added!

  • Hi BackTrack,

    I used to maintain my own list of firmware versions by simply mirroring from, but with the hp/hpe split it looks like isn’t updated anymore. Do you know of an automatable/scrapable way of grabbing the firmware urls?

    • I have never parsed hp’s ftp server, as source for updates I use either HP website or user reports or

      Haha! I just realised that it is your Git repository I used before 😀
      Great to finally meet you.

  • Thank you very much for this. HP don’t even provide bin file anymore.

  • Can you add the ilo files for integrity sistems? (HP rx3600…)

    Great job!

    • I can add them, if you point me to product page.

  • Thanks for continuing to update this!

  • iLO 2.53 came out in May.

  • Hi there! Seems a new HP iLO 4 version is out (2.53).

  • An ILO 2.53 is out. I learned of it through an HPE server product bulletin/update.

  • Also an ILO4 2.54 is out. Please be aware that this version does a callback with HPE to check your ILO advanced key. If you ‘borrowed’ your key from somewhere else, your key might be stripped and the ilo will be reset to factory defaults. All ILO usernames will be removed and the Administrator account will be reset to its defaults too.

    • Did anyone else notice this?

      Will it be possible to downgrade, and re-add a borrowed key?

  • thanks very much! HPE websites are some of the worst ones

  • Thx for this Page. very helpful.
    Greatings from Germany

  • ILO 2.54 is out

  • Added versions 2.53 and 2.54, sorry for delay

  • Hello, would anyone happen to know when ilo 4 — 2.55 is out ? Apparently it fixes a lot of issues with blades being managed in OneView 3.x Thanks

    • Its out now.

  • hello o want to update ilo3 on dl380 g7 to the latest version but because my ilo version is 1.15 i cant do it . i understand that i need to install 1.20 first and then the latest one . but nowhere even here i couldnt find ilo 3 1.20 . can you please help me ?

  • Thank you so much for keeping this site updated, really appreciate it.

  • Latest iLO 4 is now 2.55 (as of 9-18-2017)

  • Hi. I get an error when I try to update our iLO 4 from version 1.22 to 2.55 : »
    The last firmware update attempt was not successful. Ready for the next update.
    Do you think I need to do an intermediate update before 2.55?
    thank you,

  • Great, HP(E) web sux 🙁 something to find is mission impossible

    Thx a much!

  • Thank you very much! The old HP site was bad, but the new one, and newer new one (HPE Support Center or whatever they call it now). It is almost impossible to find anything in there, no matter how much you pay them…

    • Thanks a lot for the link, added

  • great effort. thank you

    • Added Ilo5 version 1.17

  • Super COOL.Thank you very much for the firmwares!!!! It worked like charm.I was a little concerned because i have a ilo2 on a proliant dl380 g5 and not g6 but worked perfect with the latest version(2.30)!Now ilo2 works very well on Windows 10 with the ie plugin installed.Thumbs UP!

  • What about ilo5? Thanks!

    • Added!

  • nice work. saves a lot of time. hate hp’s website. do they try to hide files customers could need?

    • You get scexe_tmp20438, which you can unpack again with 7-zip.

  • MSA 2040 SAN firmware?

    Thanks a lot!

    • ILO 5 added to the post, thanks!

    • Added, thanks!

  • thank you!

  • thanks man, nice to have a place to actually «find» the ilo update! HPE homepage sucks.

  • You are a Legend.

    I have every type of iLO in my organisation and was so far behind on many of them.

    No I am nearly up to date on all of them

  • This is so helpful and I cant thank you enough!!!!

  • I wish HP’s site was as logical as this one! Thank you for this.

  • Many thanks, this is the only internet place where I can found ILO 2 latest firmware.
    They are disappeared from hp site, I think they must write less infringement coiright letters and better organize their downloads!

    • Its just a packaging change..

    • Thank you, updated the page

    • Thanks, last checked 5 days ago, it wasn’t there yet 🙂

  • Saved my life

  • Not all heroes wear capes mate! Thanks!

  • This article is PURE GOLD!!!!
    This guy is an angel!

  • Save the life of my HP server lol

    GREAT JOB!!!

  • Hi, thanks so much for the files!

    I have a proliant mp10v2. I tried the latest file from ilo4 and ilo5, but after extracting using 7zip, the error says

    ML10 v2 is gen 5, but all the updates fail. Is there a specific one i should update first do you know?

    Thanks again for the page! So much easier than HPE.

    Server Name
    Product Name ProLiant ML10 v2
    Server Serial Number
    Product ID
    System ROM J10 02/02/2015
    System ROM Date 02/02/2015
    Backup System ROM J10 02/02/2015
    Integrated Remote Console .NET Java
    License Type iLO 4 Standard
    iLO Firmware Version 2.30 Aug 19 2015
    IP Address
    iLO Hostname

    • I’m running windows 10 64bit btw

  • Thank you

  • WOW! I can’t even begin to thank you enough for making this information available. What the hell is wrong with HPE that they make the iLO firmware updates so impossible to find? I wasted half of my morning until I found your page. Thank you a thousand times over!

  • Big wet kiss on the cheek for you… been searching for this stuff for hours and was almost ready to cry.

  • Very handy!

    • added, thanks!

      • Really? Its not visible in the list above…

        • What do you mean not visible:

          ILO2 : ilo2_233.bin (30-Mar-2018)

    • thanks, added!

  • thanks for all the latest firmwares, keep up the good work!
    but having a strange issue with ilo3 1.89
    uploads fine and flashes fine, but when run the web applet after downloaded,
    im getting an error saying
    Ignored exception: ExitException[ 3] Unable to load resource:

    • yes same here…..

      Also be aware that they have the capability to lock out the firmware, & keys with an update so be careful.
      seems the file is totally missing

  • Thank you very much for making things so clear. I really appreciate it!

  • Cheers mate..
    This is an excellent ILO resource page..
    If only HP could consolidate the ILO firmware into a single page and efficiently deliver the goods like you have done here they MAY have a complaint..
    But HP can’t do what you have done..

    Thank you

  • OH sorry another thought..
    If you could house the Windows .exe versions of the firmware it would be very handy, not essential but handy

    • You can use .bin files extracted from linked archives on both Windows and Linux, so there is not really much point (there will be double amount of links)

      • How?
        I cant find any procedure for extracting the bin files from the scexe file without using Linux..
        Maybe you can point us in the right direction?

          • does not work.. I’ll get only a temp file when extracting.

          • That’s right, you can now unpack the temp file again and get the BIN.

  • The Link for Firmware ilo4_260.bin is wrong. It would be nice to correct it. Thank you very much

    • It already works, was a problem on HP site

  • Hey,
    Thanks for the collection, it’s life saving to have site like that.
    Question: In my environment mostly have iLO2, if I update firmware via Ilo webpage, the server require reboot or only the ilo will reboot ? The servers are production and up 24/7. they can be update without having to restart the whole server (on the fly) ?

    • Yes, only ILO will restart, not the server OS. You are welcome!

  • Lots of people, if not all, already told you: thank you for this precious and useful list.

  • Thank you ! This is so much better organized than HP website !

  • Thanks a lot for maintaining this valuable resource!

    • Thanks, added!

  • Thanks for the useful downloads . Its very helpful. Can you guide us for Active onboard Administrator upgrade firmware .I am not able to find firmware packages for this .

  • 2.61 ?

  • Thanks for making this available.
    You saved my bacon.

    • added, thanks!

  • Very helpful post and too bad HP harassed you on this one. Their site is very hard navigate and find simple things like ILO and BIOS updates!

  • Fantastic site, thank you so much!

  • Hi,

    Any idea, how to pack it again into executable .scexe file.


    • Thanks for reporting this, however I can’t find linux version of this firmware at the moment

    • thank you, added!

  • Hello,
    Thanks for the files..
    I’m using iLO 2 and v2.33 says that
    If the host operating system is Microsoft Windows:
    — The «HP ProLiant Support Pack for Microsoft Windows Server»: version 9.10 or later
    — The «HP ProLiant iLO 2 Management Controller Driver for Windows»: version or later
    NOTE: The «HP ProLiant iLO 2 Management Controller Driver for Windows» is included in the «HP ProLiant Support Pack for Microsoft Windows Server»
    When can I get «HP ProLiant Support Pack for Microsoft Windows Server» ..version 9.10 or later?
    Currently have — iLO 2 v2.27, HP ProLiant iLO 2 Management Controller Driver for Windows Server 2012 v1.15, HP Insight Management Agents for Windows Server x64 Editions v10.20.0.0
    Have an out of warranty ML350 G6..

  • There is now a newer iLO3 FW version: v1.91!

    • Thanks, added

  • Today new v3 iLO file was named cp037907.exe, in your link it was cp037906.exe, now it’s cp037908.exe and no download again. They are fixing something rapidly…

    • Привет! Current link is working ~50% of the time, if you get 404 just try again. I will update this link in a few days when this madness stops.

    • Thank you, updated!

  • Amazing job!
    Really helpful! Even for an HPE employee!!!

    • Made my day, Let me know if HP would like to buy me a beer 🙂

  • Excellent. Thanks a lot for keeping this page running!

  • FYI iLO5 v1.40 is out

  • thanks man

  • Another huge thank you for maintaining these links. The HP ‘support’ website is a horrible maze of twisty links, all alike, and I think I saw a grue around the search button…

  • How can I upgrade the firmware if the server does not boot? Stops at error 270 and will not let go.
    F10 does not appear.


  • Perfect website.Save me lot of time clicking via that crazyness at HP.

  • Finding this page was a massive time saver for me… Clicking through the HP website to find the right firmware seemed almost impossible, and then I found this page.
    Amazing, thank you!

    • thanks, added!

  • ilo 2.6.2 is out

  • Hello, I need this fil for HP Prolaint dl580 gen 9 — firmware-system-u17-2.70_2018_12_29-1.1.i386.rpm (5.6 MB)
    where can I find one firmware. Now I have a version 2,30 its making me crazy.

    thank you

  • Much thanks! I’m signed up for the HP alerts, but those alerts tend to not be very timely.

  • Greetings!

    Great thanks for firmaware!

    • thanks, but I don’t see any download links yet..

  • New ILO 4 version released — thanks for maintaining this site, the old version links are invaluable.

    • Please provide dl link as I don’t see it on hp website yet

        • thanks, added!

  • is it save from iLO 4 Firmware version 1.32 to upgrade for 2.62 ?

    or it must be upgrade for example version 2.1 first or what?

    then is it OS on the server must be restart when flashing iLO upgrade ? because it is production server i scared if something gone wrong .

    please help me, thanks

  • OMG!! Thank you so much! I lost several hours in trying to find iLO2 fw for an old HP server!

    You’re a life saver!

  • Thank you for this very usefull site. Saved me a lot of searching.

    • thanks, still throwing 404 for me as well

      • FYI: all download links now appear to be functional

        • thanks, updated

    • thanks, download links do not work currently, will update the page as soon as it’s fixed

    • thanks, download link doesn’t work currently, will update the page as soon as it’s fixed

  • Thanks a lot, highly appreciated!!!

  • Thank you

  • Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    • Thanks, post updated

  • ILO2 2.33 doesn’t work with the c7000 OA with KVM firmware 4.xx. It gives error 0x4 when attempting to connect with the local KVM console. 2.32 works fine.

    Tested with OA firmware 4.23 and 4.90 and BL460c G1, BL260 G5 and BL460 G6 blades using the latest blade firmware.

  • give me your btc address i want to donate a little bit

    • Thanks! 1EEosE9pxbLQzKj91EZVgJ7fX5bdE7eoXa

      • sent a few satoshis

        • wow, thank you so much, was pretty sure it was a prank 🙂

  • Thank you very much. It was very easy to upgrade from iLO itself.

  • this site is much more useful than hpe.

    • I agree. The HPE site is probably the most difficult site to find anything on that I’ve ever encountered — no apparent logic to anything, links often change, files vanish, and all those meaningless, cryptic filenames! I hate it!

  • Thank you so much! I was fighting for hours against the HPE website for this file. 😉

  • Thank you for This , really makes things a lot easier.

  • Great resource. Trying to find these myself on the HP website is an exercise in frustration. You just saved me a lot of time.

  • Much appreciated for these firmware updates! Made updating my server so much easier, since I had bought it from a seller online, it didn’t come with a warranty or any of the licenses. Now, hopefully my fans can stop running at 94% and hopefully go down to about 10-20%.

    • Thanks!

    • Thanks, added!

        • The only difference I see is the filename, cp041711.exe contains ilo5_210_SHA512.bin, probably newer installer.
          Ilo version is identical, as well as build time (30.10.2019).

          • Thanks!

  • Anyone else getting the following error while updating iLO5 to 2.10?
    «The last attempt to update or upload firmware was not successful. Make sure you are using a valid, signed flash file and try again.»

        • Thanks for confirming, I have replaced the link on the page

  • you are doing goods work!

  • Just a thank you for that work, great help found here

  • A great resource as always! Just spotted there’s a new firmware versino for iLO5 — now updated to 2.12

    • Links updated, thanks!

    • Added, thanks!

      • Not working links 🙁

        This page isn’t didn’t send any data.

        • Lol, HP downloads website has expired https cert 🙂
          If you confirm security exception, you will be able to download

  • ILO4 : ilo4_273.bin (iLO4 v 2.73.2 11-Feb-2020)
    Redirects to: CP042663.scexe while the latest ilo4_273.bin is CP042664

    Am I mistaken, or is this newer or different?

    • CP042663 — linux package
      CP042664 — windows package
      firmware inside is exactly the same:
      iLO4 v 2.73.2 11-Feb-2020

  • Thanks !!!

  • thx man good library site, hp site is sh!t

  • thanks a lot 😉

  • Good job you did there!

  • Can I update a Hpe ML10 Gen 9 with ILO3 to ILO4

    • Are you sure you have a Gen9? From the specs, the Gen9 doesn’t use an iLO, it uses some kind of Intel chipset management solution.

      — ProLiant ML10 Gen9 Server specs:

      >> On System Management Chipset

      >> Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT 11.0)

      >> NOTE: The server supports the Intel Standard Manageability when the Intel Pentium or Core i3 processor is installed. The server supports Intel AMT when the Intel Xeon processor is installed in the system

      If you’ve got just the ProLiant ML10, then it has an iLO3 according to the specs.

      — ProLiant ML10 Server specs:

      If you’ve got the ProLiant ML10 v2, the specs say it has an iLO4:

      — ProLiant ML10 v2 Server specs:

      If you’ve got the ProLiant ML10 Server with an iLO3, there wouldn’t seem to be an upgrade path to a v2 (that has the iLO4) without a complete system swap, at least as far as I can tell…

  • Still pointing straight out to the firmwares you need. Still beating the HPE search bar…
    thnx! Safes a lot of time, finding the old FW’s.

    • Thank you!

    • Thanks, added

    • Added, thanks

    • Added, thanks

  • You don’t have to type «chmod 755», you can do «chmod +x» to only change the executable bit. This will prevent mishaps if you fat finger like I do.

    • I agree, fixed, thanks

    • Actually, you don’t need to chmod at all. It’s a shell script so ‘sh ./CP022551.scexe —unpack=/tmp/iLO3’ works as well.

  • ilo4 v2.75 and ilo3 v1.93 have been released.

  • ILO5 v2.30 is out

    • thanks, added

    • cp045313.scexe is correct file name, in case you want to check.
      I also checked the version of the ilo4.bin file, it’s still ilo4_275.bin (13 Aug 2020)

      The Fixes sections on the website says:
      iLO 4 version 2.75(b) was released with a packaging update. The update does not affect the firmware functionality. If version 2.75 was previously deployed to target device, then it is not necessary to update to version 2.75(b)

      Potential Ripple20 vulnerabilities affecting the TCP/IP stack.

  • ilo5 updates:

    2.30 (4 Sep 2020)
    2.19 (18 Aug 2020)

    • Thanks, added. I don’t see Linux version of 2.19 firmware on HPE website, it seems to affect only esx/vsphere

  • what’s the difference between versions 2.75( a) and 2.75 (b)?

    • binary firmware files are identical in both versions:
      iLO 4 version 2.75(b) was released with a packaging update. The update does not affect the firmware functionality. If version 2.75 was previously deployed to target device, then it is not necessary to update to version 2.75(b)

    • Thank you for this information, I couldn’t find Linux firmware version on HPE website, hope it will be fixed in a more recent release.

  • Thank you for providing this service to the HPE Community.

    • No problem, feel free to make a donation XD

      • Wow, thanks a lot, that’s second donation I received this year.

  • Latest on the Vmware problem in ILO 5 2.30
    «Yes, we are making a short term fix in iLO 5 v2.31 as we work through the final solution with VMware. Will update once we get iLO 5 v2.31 released.»

    • When is the 2.31 version expected to be released? Do you know that?

  • And so the latest ilo 5 version 2.31 is here.
    With the fix for vmware

    • thanks, added

  • Thank you!

    • Thanks, there is no Linux version of ILO 4 2.76 package for some reason, will wait a bit

        • Thank you, added!

  • Just what I needed today, thanks for this!

    • added, thanks

    • thanks, updated

  • Please make it clear at the top of the page that these images are for the HP ProLiant ILO series only. HP Integrity servers also have ILO and ILO2, but the Integrity ILO images are incompatible with the ProLiant ILO images. Otherwise a great page of ILO image links!

  • Good night, I have an ML150 Gen9 with an expired warranty contract and I need to update the BIOS, mine is version 2.60 (P95) does anyone have above it to update? I need to install windows server 2016 or 2019.

    • You still have the possiblity to download online rom flash from
      with a valid registration but expired warranty contract.

      • this option not working

  • is there any way to possibly enhance this list further by keeping up two more columns for the actual iLOx ‘Version’ & ‘Release Date’ ?

  • Merci beaucoup !

  • FYI ILO5 is now to 2.41

    • thanks, added

  • Hi, i have an Micorserver Gen8 with the iLO 4 2.73, but i need the 2.74 firmware update file.

  • Current ILO5 Version is 2.42. The corresponding package is cp046458 which is currently only included in SPP 2020-10-04.

    FILE NAME: iLO5_242.bin
    TITLE: iLO 5 firmware v2.42
    BUILD DATE: April 5, 2021
    EFFECTIVE DATE: April 8, 2021

  • Did you notice that as part of the latest SPP for Gen10 a version 2.42 of the firmware for iLO 5 is included (cp046458.exe)?
    The only way I can find to download the file is by downloading the SPP.

  • iLO 4 V 2.78 and iLO5 V 2.44 are already available.

  • Thanks for this archive, much appreciated!

  • Hi,

    This version ‘ilo3_193.bin’ is also compatible with VMWARE (ESXi) 6.5 Operating System or only Linux ?

    Thank you for your response.

    • iLO firmware (.bin file) is identical for any OS you install

  • Awesome archive! Makes my life so much easier 🙂

  • I appreciate your help for ILO, hope HP learns what is being user-friendly.

  • I was having an issue updating ILO2 from v1.20 to the latest since it would not work via the browser. Tried so many version and would not work, then I was able to do it via command line since the server was running RHEL 6. In case you’re having the same issue, here is what I did.
    # rpm -ivh hponcfg-4.6.0-0.x86_64.rpm # Installed hponcfg
    # hponcfg | grep Firmware # Check current Firmware version
    Firmware Revision = 1.20 Device type = iLO 2 Driver name = hpilo
    # chmod u+x CP035238.scexe # Update firmware file permission so it’s executable
    # sh CP035238.scexe # Start the install
    FLASH_iLO2 v1.12 for Linux (Aug 31 2009)
    Copyright 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
    Firmware image: ilo2_233.bin
    Current iLO 2 firmware version 1.20; Serial number ILOUSE641NDNF

    Component XML file: CP035238.xml
    CP035238.xml reports firmware version 2.33
    This operation will update the firmware on the
    iLO 2 in this server with version 2.33.
    Continue (y/N)?y
    Current firmware is 1.20 (Jun 06 2006 15:31:37)
    Firmware image is 0x300000 bytes
    Committing to flash part…
    ******** DO NOT INTERRUPT! ********
    Flashing completed!
    Attempting to reset device.
    Waiting for iLO 2 to reboot…
    iLO 2 reboot completed.

    That’s it!

  • What is the best ilo version for Dl 385p gen 8 server. if it is currently running on ilo 3.

  • ilo5 v2.46 available

    • Thanks, added 2.46 for windows and 2.48 for linux

    • TY, added

  • iLO5 v2.55 is now available

    • added, thanks

  • lo 5 V2.55

    • added, thanks

  • Hello!! Thank you so much for all the work you have done getting and uploading the files. I wanted to know, I have a HP Proliant ML10 V2. I have searched the internet and noticed that V2 was able to update to ILO 4, but no matter what I keep getting a fail error when trying update to ILO 4. Also, I updated to 194 bin file and still can’t access my ILO 3 over all the latest browsers. I keep getting a ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH. Im hoping that HP will do another update or maybe if i can get updated to ILO 4 then I will be able to access it via the latest browsers. Anyway, thanks in advance.

    • Hi Keith, I’m able to use Internet Explorer (whatever version is there on a fully patched Win10) to connect to iLO3 on DL Gen7 servers, while all other browsers fail with same ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error you had.
      BTW I’ve never heard of being able to do just firmware update to get to newer type of ILO (ILO2 to ILO3 or ILO3 to ILO4). I believe what they might mean was a hardware upgrade option, but tbh can’t recall seeing that either.

      • You can enable FIPS mode on the ILO for those cipher mismatches to be gone.

  • Thank you backtrack <3

  • ILO 2.79 for ILO4 is now available.

    • added, thanks

    • added, thanks

  • Does anyone know something about iLO 4 V 2.78 and problem with IML «Mark as repaired» field? Now it’s greyed out always. iLO 4 V 2.77 works just fine. Quite annoying 🙁 I have to clear IML everytime instead of marking as repaired…

    • thanks, added

  • iLO 4 2.79 is out now!

    • added!

    • thanks for reporting!

  • ilo4 has update, please update the table

    HPE iLO 4 v2.79

    • done, sorry for delay

  • can’t thank you enough

  • ILO 5 V2.60 is out

    • thanks for reporting, added

    • thanks, added!

    • thanks, sorry for delayed update

    • thanks, sorry for delay

    • thanks, sorry for delay

    • thanks, windows version can be easily unpacked with 7-zip

    • thanks for the links, it seems the BIN files are the same as in December release

      • Perfect, both are fine of course, thanks for the link 🙂

    • thank you

    • thanks for reporting!

  • thanks a lot for maintaining this, it is extremely useful

  • Just wanted to say thank you for this site. I visit this site at least once a quarter because its just so much faster to grab iLO binary from here.

    Thanks again and keep it up!

  • You can always go to the HP site and check the checksum.
    I do that often with SPPs I download from … yeah, weird pages.
    Checksum matches, gtg

  • I can’t seem to get my iLO5 2.63 .bin file to upload; always says it fails, sometimes with a verification error. I have downloaded a couple of times on different systems; just doesn’t seem to work. Do all the extracted files from the .EXE (this is from a Windows machine) need to be in the same folder as the ilo5_263.bin file? I wonder if there is anything missing or a step I am leaving out.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thank you, It really is a pain that HP have a habit of re-organising their sites such that they break links.
    I can usually find the firmware after several searches and the opening of several tabs, but this really makes life far easier.


  • Where can i download bios for proliant dl360 gen9 P89

    System ROM
    P89 v2.76 (10/21/2019)

    • Where can i find this —> P89 v2.76 (10/21/2019) HPE blocked the BIOS downloads,

    • Added, thanks!

  • Hi there, New versions of at least ILO 4 (v2.80) and ILO 5 (2.65) are out. Thanks

    • Added, thanks!

  • Where can i download bios for proliant ML150 gen9 P95 2.92 ?
    in HPE site, download is locked 🙁

  • Thank you for this site!!! It save my it technical live more than once !!

    Thanks again and keep it up!


  • Still doing good work after all this time. It’s impossible to find on HP crappy support website.

    Thanks man!

  • Hi
    Do you have HP Integrity iLO2 MP firmware? Seems to be different from Proliant iLO2

  • OK, perhaps this may come handy to someone…

    We still run Gen7 blades (ProLiant BL465c G7 [half height, Linux] and ProLiant BL685c G7 [full height, MS-Win]) that use System ROM A19 and A20, respectively. I tried to update the ROM to the latest, π-day (3/14/2018), release.

    There is no SPP (Service Pack for ProLiant) any more, but the ROM component can be downloaded. The respective update files are ‘CPQA1903.46E’ and ‘CPQA2003.46E’ as extracted from ‘cp036027.exe’ and ‘cp035679.exe,’ but hose cannot be installed via iLO3. The ROMpaq for Gen7 (intructions for overcoming the ‘Drive is Write Protected: ) failed with ‘Illegal OpCode’ and a Red Screen of Death, but the ROMpaq for Gen8 just needed the two files (.46E) added to the di where another ‘.46E’ already was, and the update worked.
    Best of Luck to You!

  • errata: ‘but those cannot,’ ‘added to the dir where’
    π-day release mitigates the Spectre vulnerability:

    >Spectre is a subset of security vulnerabilities within the class of vulnerabilities known as microarchitectural timing side-channel attacks. These affect modern microprocessors that perform branch prediction and other forms of speculation.

    • Thank you, added!

    • Thank you, added!

  • Great resource! thanks so much. Do you have access to system ROM BIOS .bin files (I36) for g9 blade servers?

  • iLO4 v 2.81 released but broken download links

  • For those of you who want to extract the firmware from the Linux rpm package, gnutar is able to extract all the files from the Linux download. macos version of tar seems to be gnutar and can also extract all the files. You can see below.

    % tar tf firmware-ilo5-2.71-1.1.x86_64.rpm

    • thanks, added!

  • thank you

  • Thank you so much!!

  • Quick query. I’ve obtained a ML10 v2 server from a friend, it currently has ILO4 2.10

    Do you know if I’m able to go straight to 2.81 or have to perform intermediary upgrades too?

    Many thanks (for the software and any potential replies)

  • Hi!
    Thanks for your constant updates. What do you think — are updates from the vendors (HPE and other) released after February dangerous for users in Russia?

  • Hi,

    Can you get the latest spp iso image for the dl380 g9?
    Now days it getting harder to get it without a support contract.

    Many thanks in advanced

  • Muchas gracias por compartir estos archivos tan importantes para los servidores.

  • Thank you, My Life saver!!

    • updated, ty

    • added, thanks

  • Recently ran into an issue with a new client, servers iLO firmware was ancient (ilo 5 1.40) and it can’t update directly to the latest (2.78).

    luckily this site exists to get hold of 2.10 which then allowed me to jump up to the latest.

    God send and bookmark’ed

  • Обновлено 30.11.2018

    Скачать HP Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) Version 2015.10.0

    Скачать HP Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) Version 2015.10.0

    Всем привет сегодня приятная новость появился HP Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) Version 2015.10.0, который вы сможете скачать тут с яндекс диска. Что это такое можно прочитать в заметке Утилита SPP — ProLiant Support Pack для серверов HP ProLiant. В двух словах она нужна для обновления драйверов сервера одним махом, это описано в статье Как обновить все прошивки на серверах HP на примере HP dl380 g7 с помощью HP Service Pack.

    Что нового в HP Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) Version 2015.10.0

    Скачать HP Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) Version 2015.10.0-01

    Добавлена поддержка:


    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — HP Apollo 4200 Gen9
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — EG0300FCHHR, EG0450FCHHT, EG0600FCHHU,
      and EG0900FCHHV Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — MO0200JDVET, MO0400JDVEU, MO0800JDVEV,EO0200JDVFA, EO0400JDVFB, and EO0800JDVFC Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — EH0300JEDHC, EH0450JEDHD, and EH0600JEDHE
    • Drives Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — MB4000JEQNL and MB6000JEQNN Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — MM1000JEFRB and MM2000JEFRC Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — MM1000FECVH Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — VO1920JEUQQ Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — MK0960GECQK Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — TK0120GECQL, VK0240GECQN, and
      VK0480GECQP Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — MB4000GEQNH and MB6000GEQNK Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — MB6000GEQUT and MB8000GEQUU Drives
    • HP 3PAR HostExplorer for Windows x86 Operating Systems


    • Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) – HP Apollo 4200 Gen9
      Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) – HP Apollo 45xx Gen9
      Backplane Expander Firmware
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — EG0300FCHHR,
      EG0450FCHHT, EG0600FCHHU, and EG0900FCHHV Drives
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — MO0200JDVET,
      MO0400JDVEU, MO0800JDVEV, EO0200JDVFA, EO0400JDVFB, and EO0800JDVFC Drives
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — EH0300JEDHC,
      EH0450JEDHD, and EH0600JEDHE Drives
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — MB4000JEQNL and
      MB6000JEQNN Drives
    • HP Service Pack for ProLiant 2015.10.0 Release Notes
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — MM1000JEFRB and
      MM2000JEFRC Drives
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — MM1000FECVH Drives
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — VO1920JEUQQ Drives
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — MK0960GECQK Drives
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — MK0960GECQK Drives
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — MB4000GEQNH and
      MB6000GEQNK Drives
    • Supplemental Update / Online ROM Flash Component for Linux (x64) — MB6000GEQUT and
      MB8000GEQUU Drives


    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi – HP Apollo 4200 Gen9
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi – HP Apollo 45xx Gen9 Backplane Expander
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — EG0300FCHHR, EG0450FCHHT, EG0600FCHHU, and
      EG0900FCHHV Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — MO0200JDVET, MO0400JDVEU, MO0800JDVEV,
      EO0200JDVFA, EO0400JDVFB, and EO0800JDVFC Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — EH0300JEDHC, EH0450JEDHD, and EH0600JEDHE
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — MB4000JEQNL and MB6000JEQNN Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — MM1000JEFRB and MM2000JEFRC Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — MM1000FECVH Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — VO1920JEUQQ Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — MK0960GECQK Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — TK0120GECQL, VK0240GECQN, and VK0480GECQP
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — MB4000GEQNH and MB6000GEQNK Drives
    • Online ROM Flash Component for VMware ESXi — MB6000GEQUT and MB8000GEQUU Drives. Материал сайта

    Скачать HP Service Pack for ProLiant (SPP) Version 2015.10.0 с яндекс диска

    Ноя 30, 2018 01:10


        • 0.0.1 Войти
    • 1 * RECOMMENDED * Online ROM Flash Component for Windows x64 — HP ProLiant DL360 G5 (P58) Server
    • 2 Описание
    • 3 Инструкции по установке
    • 4 Замечания о версии
    • 5 Исправления

    Когда новую ОС Windows Server 2012 загоняли на виртуальные машины на базе Hyper-V 2.0 всё казалось радужно и приятно, однако когда дело дошло до установки на аппаратную платформу “не первой свежести” — HP ProLiant DL 360/380 G5 – веселье куда-то улетучилось… После изучения ситуации с драйверами HP для новой ОС поймал себя на мысли, что любимый вендор ведёт себя как закадычный друг, то есть друг, который хочет взять своих клиентов за кадык, внушая им то, что работать с новой ОС можно только на серверах поколения G7/G8

    Здесь изложена небольшая история о, том как я бодался с имеющимся на сегодня комплектом драйверов и прошивок для серверов ProLiant – HP Service Pack for Proliant (SPP) версии 2012.10.0

    Итак, скачав с сайта HP доступный на данный момент файл HP_Service_Pack_for_Proliant_2012.10.0-0_713293-001_spp_2012.10.0-SPP2012100.2012_1005.37.iso размером 2 513 903 616 байт, копируем его на сервер со свежеустановленной Windows Server 2012 и с помощью новой встроенной функции Windows монтируем образ в виртуальный DVD-привод …

    Перед непосредственным запуском программы устанавливаем в системе службу SNMP Service (в случае если не планируется использовать WBEM).

    Далее, открываем командную строку с правами администратора и из смонтированного образа SPP запускаем программу установки hpswpackageshpsum.exe
    В конфигурации по умолчанию предлагаемый SPP список репозитариев выглядит так

    В такой конфигурации, дойдя до шага непосредственной установки мы столкнёмся с ошибками зависимостей из-за того, что текущая версия SPP не может определить для некоторых устройств подходящий драйвер. Конкретно в моей ситуации при запуске SPP на платформе ProLiant DL 360 G5 возникла проблема с распознанием iLO2 и Smart Array P400i

    В поисках решения проблемы на странице HP ProLiant Servers — Microsoft® Windows Server® 2012 обнаружил ссылку указывающую на дополнение к SPP для поддержки Windows Server 2012 — Supplement for SPP . Это дополнение называется Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Supplement for HP Service Pack for ProLiant и представляет собой архивный файл MSsupplement2012.exe размером 183 713 504 байт, который после загрузки был распакован во временный каталог на подопытном сервере.

    При повторном запуске SPP добавил этот каталог как дополнительный источник поиска обновлений. Для полноты эксперимента, дополнительно была включена проверка обновлений с

    После того как HP Smart Update Manager прокачал с интернета дополнительно внушительную пачку обновлений и просканировал локальные каталоги…результат оказался весьма удручающим – ни пакет дополнений ни доступные на ftp файлы не решили проблему…

    После некоторого количества экспериментов удалось найти работоспособный вариант мануальной установки драйверов. Выяснилось, что оба неизвестных системе устройства – Base System Device и IPMI Interface в нашем случае относятся к контроллеру iLO2.

    Для устройства Base System Device подошёл драйвер HP ProLiant Integrated Lights-Out Management Interface Driver for Windows Server 2003/2008 x64 Editions версии (файл hpswpackagescp016017.exe размером 739 096 байт из состава выше обозначенного SPP). Отдельно загрузить драйвер можно по ссылке .

    Для устройства IPMI Interface подошёл драйвер HP ProLiant iLO 2 Management Controller Driver for Windows Server 2008 x64 Editions версии (файл cp013803.exe размером 695 624 байт). На текущий момент загрузить драйвер можно по ссылке .

    Для контроллера Smart Array P400i система установила драйвер который шёл в составе ОС, однако этот драйвер не позволяет полноценно обнаружить устройство утилитам HP и поэтому потребовалось заменить его на родной драйвер HP ProLiant Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Driver for Windows Server 2012 версии (файл hpswpackagescp018436.exe размером 717 064 байт из состава выше обозначенного SPP). Отдельно загрузить драйвер можно по ссылке .

    Все указанные драйвера нужно выполнять в режиме ручной установки для каждого отдельного устройства, предварительно распаковав инсталляционный файл драйвера.

    После этого установка драйверов и утилит из состава HP Service Pack for ProLiant 2012.10.0 пройдёт без проблем.


    • December 2019
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7
      8 9 10 11 12 13 14
      15 16 17 18 19 20 21
      22 23 24 25 26 27 28
      29 30 31

    1) Ставим 2012 с графической оболочкой
    2) Инсталлируем фичу: SNMP Service
    3) Скачиваем SPP с сайта HP:
    HP_Service_Pack_for_Proliant_2013.02.0-0 _725490-001_spp_2013.02.0-SPP2013020B.20 13_0628.2.iso
    4) Качаем Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Supplement for HP Service Pack for ProLiant:
    5) Распаковываем MSsupplement2012.exe в папку C:Win2012 (например).
    6) Качаем HP ProLiant Integrated Lights-Out Management Interface Driver for Windows Server 2003/2008 x64 Editions:
    7) Качаем HP ProLiant Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Driver for Windows Server 2012:
    8) Инсталлируем драйвера из п.п. 6 и 7. Если система дала отлуп «hardware not found» или «OS version not supported» — распаковываем архивы и ставим драйвера вручную через devmgmt.msc. Перезагружаем сервер, если необходимо.
    9) Монтируем образ SPP (из п.3)
    10) Запускаем hpswpackageshpsum.exe
    11) Кроме дефолтного репозитория добавляем FTP* и папку с содержимым из MSsupplement2012.exe. Жмачим next.
    12) Localhost добавляется автоматически. Добавляем другие хосты, если необходимо. Жмачим next. Смотрим, как проходит self discovery.
    13) Проверяем, нет ли failed dependencies:
    14.1) Если есть — проверяем, какие устройства остались из драйверов и ставим их как в п.8.
    14.2) Если всё в порядке жмачим next.
    15) Проверяем, всё ли ок.
    16) Перезагружаем сервер.
    17) PROFIT.

    * — уже давно не актуально. Адрес FTP изменился или FTP-сервер отключен насовсем.

    Также, подчеркну следующее: в силу неизвестных причин (подозреваю встроенные драйвера RAID-контроллера), система устанавливается ОЧЕНЬ долго (порядка 3-х часов).
    Однако, если создать виртуальную машину в hyper-v и развернуть 2012R2 в ней, то там она ставится, как положено — за 3-5 минут.

    14.1) Если есть — проверяем, какие устройства остались из драйверов и ставим их как в п.8.
    14.2) Если всё в порядке жмачим next.

    14.3. Если эта хрень стоически не может скачать пару файлов, идем в каталог, куда оно льет, и создаем файлы пустышки с нужными именами, после чего оно сразу подобреет.

    * RECOMMENDED * Online ROM Flash Component for Windows x64 — HP ProLiant DL360 G5 (P58) Server

    Загрузка файла означает ваше согласие с условиями и положениями Лицензионного соглашения на программное обеспечение Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
    Примечание. Для использования некоторых программ необходимо наличие действующей гарантии, контракта на поддержку с Hewlett Packard Enterprise или оплаченная лицензия.

    Тип: BIOS (Entitlement Required) — Системное ПЗУ
    Версия: 2015.08.16(30 сен 2015)
    Операционная система(ы):

    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for 64-bit Extended Systems

    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64

    Имя файла:
    cp028102.exe (1.2 MB)

    Due to system security configuration set to «high», a supported system may experience any of the following errors when attempting to install or update the system with Online ROM Flash Component for Windows x64 — HP ProLiant DL360 G5 (P58) Server version 2011.05.02:

    • «This program has been blocked for your protection»
    • «Blocked»
    • «Not Trusted»
    • MSIExec installation error (Return code: 1625)
    • «The recommended software listed below could not be installed…»

    To ensure the integrity of your download, HP recommends verifying your results with this MD5 Checksum value:

    79552558838b4d5fa2d68616d3d91110 cp028102.exe

    Reboot Requirement:
    Reboot is required after installation for updates to take effect and hardware stability to be maintained.

    To update firmware from Windows operating system on target server:

    1. Place the Component in a temporary directory.
    2. From the same directory, run the Component by double-clicking it.
    3. When the Component dialog window displays, click the Install button to initiate the firmware upgrade.
    4. Reboot your system if you would like the update to take effect immediately.

    Supplemental updates for supported ProLiant servers and options can be done by using HP Smart Update Manager, which is found on the Service Pack for ProLiant ISO.

    • Place the Service Pack for ProLiant on a USB key using the USB Key Creator Utility.
    • Place the desired components to be updated in the directory, hpswpackages on the USB key.

    Update the firmware and software in the usual manner.

    This component can only be executed on Windows x64.

    Due to system security configuration set to «high», a supported system may experience any of the following errors when attempting to install or update the system with Online ROM Flash Component for Windows x64 — HP ProLiant DL360 G5 (P58) Server version 2011.05.02:

    • «This program has been blocked for your protection»
    • «Blocked»
    • «Not Trusted»
    • MSIExec installation error (Return code: 1625)
    • «The recommended software listed below could not be installed…»

    Upgrade Requirement:
    Recommended — HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.

    HP ProLiant DL360 G5 System ROM — P58

    Last Recommended or Critical Revision:

    While HP ProLiant servers using impacted Intel processors are not vulnerable to the specific attack announced publicly at the Blackhat USA 2015 security conference, this BIOS update includes updated microcodes from Intel which prevent the possibility of exploiting the processor vulnerability that make the attack possible with Intel Xeon 5200-series and Intel Xeon 5400-series processors. This Intel processor vulnerability is NOT unique to HP ProLiant servers.

    Upgrade Requirement:
    Recommended — HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.

    While HP ProLiant servers using impacted Intel processors are not vulnerable to the specific attack announced publicly at the Blackhat USA 2015 security conference, this BIOS update includes updated microcodes from Intel which prevent the possibility of exploiting the processor vulnerability that make the attack possible with Intel Xeon 5200-series and Intel Xeon 5400-series processors. This Intel processor vulnerability is NOT unique to HP ProLiant servers.

    HP ProLiant DL360 G5 System ROM — P58

    Last Recommended or Critical Revision:

    While HP ProLiant servers using impacted Intel processors are not vulnerable to the specific attack announced publicly at the Blackhat USA 2015 security conference, this BIOS update includes updated microcodes from Intel which prevent the possibility of exploiting the processor vulnerability that make the attack possible with Intel Xeon 5200-series and Intel Xeon 5400-series processors. This Intel processor vulnerability is NOT unique to HP ProLiant servers.

    Тип: BIOS (Entitlement Required) — Системное ПЗУ
    Версия: 2015.08.16(30 сен 2015)
    Операционная система(ы):
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for 64-bit Extended Systems
    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64


    Инструкции по установке

    Due to system security configuration set to «high», a supported system may experience any of the following errors when attempting to install or update the system with Online ROM Flash Component for Windows x64 — HP ProLiant DL360 G5 (P58) Server version 2011.05.02:

    • «This program has been blocked for your protection»
    • «Blocked»
    • «Not Trusted»
    • MSIExec installation error (Return code: 1625)
    • «The recommended software listed below could not be installed…»

    To ensure the integrity of your download, HP recommends verifying your results with this MD5 Checksum value:

    79552558838b4d5fa2d68616d3d91110 cp028102.exe

    Reboot Requirement:
    Reboot is required after installation for updates to take effect and hardware stability to be maintained.

    To update firmware from Windows operating system on target server:

    1. Place the Component in a temporary directory.
    2. From the same directory, run the Component by double-clicking it.
    3. When the Component dialog window displays, click the Install button to initiate the firmware upgrade.
    4. Reboot your system if you would like the update to take effect immediately.

    Supplemental updates for supported ProLiant servers and options can be done by using HP Smart Update Manager, which is found on the Service Pack for ProLiant ISO.

    • Place the Service Pack for ProLiant on a USB key using the USB Key Creator Utility.
    • Place the desired components to be updated in the directory, hpswpackages on the USB key.

    Update the firmware and software in the usual manner.

    This component can only be executed on Windows x64.

    Замечания о версии

    Due to system security configuration set to «high», a supported system may experience any of the following errors when attempting to install or update the system with Online ROM Flash Component for Windows x64 — HP ProLiant DL360 G5 (P58) Server version 2011.05.02:

    • «This program has been blocked for your protection»
    • «Blocked»
    • «Not Trusted»
    • MSIExec installation error (Return code: 1625)
    • «The recommended software listed below could not be installed…»

    Upgrade Requirement:
    Recommended — HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.

    HP ProLiant DL360 G5 System ROM — P58

    Last Recommended or Critical Revision:

    While HP ProLiant servers using impacted Intel processors are not vulnerable to the specific attack announced publicly at the Blackhat USA 2015 security conference, this BIOS update includes updated microcodes from Intel which prevent the possibility of exploiting the processor vulnerability that make the attack possible with Intel Xeon 5200-series and Intel Xeon 5400-series processors. This Intel processor vulnerability is NOT unique to HP ProLiant servers.


    Upgrade Requirement:
    Recommended — HP recommends users update to this version at their earliest convenience.

    While HP ProLiant servers using impacted Intel processors are not vulnerable to the specific attack announced publicly at the Blackhat USA 2015 security conference, this BIOS update includes updated microcodes from Intel which prevent the possibility of exploiting the processor vulnerability that make the attack possible with Intel Xeon 5200-series and Intel Xeon 5400-series processors. This Intel processor vulnerability is NOT unique to HP ProLiant servers.

    Перейти к содержимому

    Для теста обновлю прошивку Smart Array P420i на сервере HPE DL380p G8.

    Сначала скачаем с официального сайта новую версию прошивки.
    Вот более точная ссылка:

    В поиске наберем «HPE Smart Array P420i Controller», выберем «Тип ПО: Микропрограммное обеспечение» и «Разновидность ПО: Контроллер накопителя».
    Для скачивания регистрация на сайте не требуется.

    На момент написания статьи я нашел версию 8.32(C) «Online ROM Flash Component for Windows (x64) — Smart Array P220i, P222, P420i, P420, P421, P721m, and P822».
    У меня загрузился файл «cp037741.exe», но так как на сервере был установлен Ubuntu Server, то я выключил его и запустил с флешки на которой был обычный загрузочный Windows X64, в котором я запустил «exe» файл, подождал пока файл прошивки запишется на Smart Array, после успешной записи закрыл окно, извлек флешку и перезагрузил сервер.

    После перезагрузки, Smart Array P420i успешно запустился с версией 8.32(C).

    Смотрите также мою статью:
    Обновление прошивки Smart Array P410

    imageСуть проблемы — в заголовке заметки. При использовании браузера Internet Explorer 11 для доступа к веб-интерфейсу Integrated Lights-Out 2 (iLO2) в некоторых случаях (закономерность выявить не удалось) можно наблюдать жуткие тормоза открытия веб-страниц. Такое поведение замечено на нескольких разных версиях прошивки вплоть до 2.20.

    Решается эта проблема установкой текущей актуальной версии Firmware 2.25 (Апрель 2014), в которой улучшена поддержка IE11. Загрузить файл онлайн установщик для 64-битных версий Windows (cp023068.exe) можно по ссылке Online ROM Flash Component for Windows x64 — HP Integrated Lights-Out 2.

    Помимо прямой установки из Windows обновить iLO2 можно непосредственно через веб-интерфейс (Administration > iLO 2 Firmware) предварительно распаковав файл прошивки ilo2_25.bin из установщика.


    Также установить обновление можно через агента VCA, добавив файл cp023068.exe в папку репозитория VCRM. Через несколько минут после добавления файла, информация в репозитории должна обновиться автоматически…


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