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OpenToonz - Open-source Animation Production Software

Open-source Animation Production Software

About OpenToonz

  • Software for the production of 2D animation.

    Based on the software «Toonz», developed by Digital Video S.p.A. in Italy, OpenToonz has been customized by Studio Ghibli, and used for the creation of its works for many years. Dwango has launched the OpenToonz project in cooperation with Digital Video and Studio Ghibli.

  • OpenToonz can be used free of charge for both commercial and non-commercial projects.
  • Available as an open-source so that anyone can modify its source code freely.
  • We aim to develop a new platform for connecting the academic research with cutting edge animation production.


How it has been used in Studio Ghibli

Since the software «Toonz», which is the original version of OpenToonz, was first used for some cuts of Princess Mononoke, it has been used in the ink and paint, color design and digital composition process(*) of almost all of the works by Studio Ghibli. After «Arrietty/The Secret World of Arrietty» it was customized inside the company, and evolved to become more usable according to its production style.

(*) The ink and paint, color design and digital composition: Processes from the scanning of hand drawn pictures to the production of final footages

Open source, which can be used by anyone free of charge

The source code of OpenToonz can be modified freely, based on the license(*). It can be used by anyone free of charge, for both commercial and non-commercial projects. It can be used in all kinds of scenes, such as professional production, amateur production, and school education.

(*) For further information on the license of the software (installer), see the rules of use of OpenToonz. Its source code is available under the terms of the New BSD License.

Functions to meet on-site needs

OpenToonz has unique features that have been iterated on based on the opinions of production staff, including the scanning tool «GTS» specializing in animation, which was developed in Studio Ghibli. For details, see «Introduction of the functions unique to OpenToonz» written below.

Effects development kit (SDK)

Dwango has developed a new SDK; a plug-in effect for image processing for OpenToonz. By using the SDK anyone can add effects to OpenToonz. Video expression researchers can receive swift feedback from on-site workers by developing and releasing their outcomes as plug-in effects.


By using the plug-in effect SDK, the effects developed by Dwango’s machine learning research and development team are released. They include the effect of automatically changing picture styles by applying the deep learning technology and the effect of producing affected incident light like those in classic works before the digitization of the production environment.

Changing picture styles

Affected incident light

Wavy distortion


  • GTS, a scanning tool developed by Studio Ghibli

    • Sequence number scanning can be conducted efficiently according to in between animation numbers.
    • Compatible with 4 types of scanning.
      (black & white, colored, with or without binarization)
    • The settings for scanning can be saved. Processes can be reproduced when some cuts are rescanned.
    • Compatible with the TWAIN standards

  • Digital painting

    • Anti-aliased lines can be used.
    • Since the data of paintings are independent of those of the palette, it is easy to paint with provisional colors.
    • Smooth operations even with high definition image data.

  • Filming

    • Both an xsheet and a timeline interfaces available.
    • Effects can be synthesized easily with the GUI using the node tree.
    • Images can be handled with the real scale considering resolution [dpi] (units, such as millimeter, are specified).
    • It is possible to use more effects by using plug-ins.

  • Other features

    • Compatible with both raster and vector images
    • Interconversion between the sequence image of the colored binarized TGA and the OpenToonz format, to ensure compatibility with your existing workflow.
    • Localized Japanese version available.

Click here to download

Download OpenToonz, GTS, effects, KumoWorks or IwaWarper via PC browser.

※ GTS and IwaWarper are available for Windows only


System Requirements

The requirements for using OpenToonz comfortably are as follows:


  • Microsoft Windows 7 SP1/8.1/10 (64bit required)
  • Intel Core i series processor
  • 4GB or more RAM
  • 500 MB or more available storage space
  • 1280 x 1024 or higher monitor resolution


  • (required) macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or a later version
  • Intel Core i series processor
  • 4 GB or more RAM
  • 500 MB or more available storage space
  • 1280 x 1024 or higher monitor resolution

The requirements for using GTS comfortably are as follows:

  • Microsoft Windows 7 SP1/8.1/10
  • Intel Core i series processor
  • 2 GB or more RAM
  • 8 MB or more available storage space
  • Scanner compatible with the TWAIN standard (including the driver software)
    ※EPSON DS-50000 is recommended.
If I find a defect or have a problem, what should I do?
OpenToonz has a Google group to provide a place where users can solve problems. Join the group to request functional improvements, report bugs, and have discussions with other users.
In addition, there is a forum for developers and video researchers in GitHub. Please offer development-related topics here.
Can I interview you?

Thank you very much for having interest in OpenToonz. If you want to interview us, please contact the following.

This address is exclusively for inquiries from the media. We will not respond to inquiries from anyone other than media staff. We appreciate your understanding.

OpenToonz — бесплатная версия известной профессиональной программы для создания анимации Toonz, успешно используемой на протяжении многих лет американской компанией 20th Century Fox и японской аниме-студией Ghibli. Приложение имеет открытый исходный код, что дает пользователям возможность самостоятельно развивать программу, добавляя новые функции и улучшая графический интерфейс.

На сегодняшний день программа OpenToonz выросла в полноценное отдельное приложение, обладающее серьезными возможностями. Программа позволяет рисовать векторную и растровую графику, в том числе и с использованием графических планшетов, чем очень любят пользоваться художники, привыкшие рисовать пером. Помимо этого в программе присутствуют инструменты для создания так называемой скелетной анимации. Также приложение поддерживает традиционный процесс создания анимации, рисованной на кальке. Благодаря поддержке стандарта TWAIN, программа умеет снимать изображение со сканеров и цифровых камер.

В функционале программы OpenToonz имеется большой набор палитр, красок, чернил, настраиваемых кистей и других инструментов. Кроме того, доступно больше сотни специальных эффектов, например: изменение стиля изображения, наложение падающего света, волнообразные искажения и т.д. Присутствуют и такие функции, как автоматическое раскрашивание кадров и возможность применять изменения, сделанные в одной сцене, к другим.

OpenToonz – данный цифровой продукт представляет собой бесплатную версию легендарного графического редактора – Toonz, специализирующегося на создании высококачественной анимации. Программа широко использовалась среди профессиональных студий, в том числе американской корпорацией — 20th Century Fox, и даже режиссером-аниматором – Хаяо Миядзаки, при создании лучших мультфильмов в жанре Аниме.


  • Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский и другие
  • Лечение: не требуется
  • Системные требования: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (64 bit)

Инструкция по активации

  • Активация не требуется


С помощью этого приложения вы сможете самостоятельно нарисовать векторную и растровую графику, используя любое подходящее оборудование для работы. Вы можете использовать стандартные устройства ввода – клавиатуру и мышь, либо воспользоваться специализированными графическими планшетами.

Отдельно стоит отметить наличие специальных инструментов, которые необходимы для создания скелетной анимации. Вы сможете детально воссоздать образ персонажа, тщательно контролируя все его движения, и учитывая все тонкости и особенности окружающего мира.

Еще одним важным плюсом продукта является то, что тут имеется поддержка популярного современного стандарта – TWAIN. С его помощью вы сможете без труда извлечь изображение с цифровой камеры или сканера, моментально добавив его в данный графический редактор.

Скачать OpenToonz 1.6.0

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Это и дальше позволит нам выкладывать свежии версии программ для вас бесплатно.

OpenToonz – это качественное программное обеспечение, разработанное для создания 2D-анимации. Графический редактор отличается высокой скоростью работы, большим количеством полезных инструментов, а также удобным интерфейсом. Безусловно, его главным преимуществом является бесплатное распространение, причём как для домашнего, так и для коммерческого использования.

Программа имеет открытый исходный код, что в свою очередь даёт возможность пользователям модифицировать её и улучшать. Продукт поддерживает работу на различных операционных системах, таких как Windows, Linux и macOS. Софт был задействован в разработке некоторых компьютерных игр, также с его помощью было создано немало известных анимационных фильмов (Анастасия, Балто, Футурама и другие), что свидетельствует о его качестве и многофункциональности. 

Основные возможности программы

Приложение OpenToonz позволяет преобразовывать рисунки в векторную графику, которую затем можно превратить в анимацию с помощью виртуального скелета, создавая действительно качественные, красивые и оригинальные проекты. Кроме того, софт поддерживает работу на графических планшетах, что является плюсом для художников. За счёт поддержки стандарта TWAIN программное обеспечение может снимать изображение со сканеров, а также с большинства цифровых фотокамер. Конечно это не все преимущества и возможности приложения, на самом деле их насчитывается огромное множество, среди которых:

  • Применение стилей и спецэффектов (волнообразные искажения, падающий свет и др.).
  • Большой перечень инструментов для рисования растровой и векторной графики (заливка, кисти, фигуры, ластик).
  • Создание покадровой анимации.
  • Поддержка скриптов.
  • Анимация частиц.
  • Использование кистей MyPaint.
  • Компоузинг.
  • Анимация скелета.
  • Создание образов цветов.
  • Очищение анимации.
  • Установка частоты кадров.
  • Определение настроек камеры.
  • Очистка отсканированных рисунков.  

Возможно, некоторым пользователям оформление редактора OpenToonz может показаться устаревшим, однако на удобстве работы это никак не сказывается. Также новички отмечают, что поначалу тяжело найти некоторые функции, но достаточно немного разобраться в настройках и эта проблема будет решена. Чтобы получить больше информации о базовых возможностях приложения, обязательно посмотрите небольшой видеоролик.

Программа позволяет создавать мультфильмы и анимированные изображения. Поддерживается функция автоматического раскрашивания кадров и добавления эффектов.

Дата обновления:




Версия Windows:

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

OpenToonz – приложение с открытым исходным кодом для Windows, с помощью которого можно рисовать мультфильмы. Утилита обладает большим набором инструментов для редактирования сцен и создания персонажей. Программа поддерживает стандарт TWAIN, что позволяет загружать отсканированные изображения. Как и SketchBook, данное приложение ориентировано на устройства с сенсорным экраном.


После запуска утилиты пользователю будет предложено создать новый проект. Далее на экране появится панель инструментов для рисования. С ее помощью можно добавлять геометрические фигуры, прямые и кривые линии. Есть возможность настроить параметры сцены, в том числе частоту смены кадров и количество цветов.


Программа позволяет добавлять спецэффекты, например, сглаживание и искажение. Пользователи могут создавать переходы между кадрами, а также писать и внедрять скрипты для автоматизации однотипных действий.

Доступно несколько готовых сценариев обработки. Для удобства работы поддерживается функция предварительного просмотра. Есть возможность создавать несколько слоев.

После завершения работы утилита позволяет сохранить проект в качестве рисунка или видеозаписи. Для этого доступен встроенный конвертер, позволяющий выбрать формат готового файла.


  • приложение можно скачать и использовать бесплатно;
  • утилита позволяет рисовать двумерные анимации и создавать мультфильмы;
  • есть возможность настраивать параметры кистей;
  • пользователи могут загружать изображения со сканеров и цифровых фотокамер;
  • поддерживается функция автоматического раскрашивания кадров;
  • программа совместима с актуальными версиями Windows.

52,5 Мб (скачиваний: 332)

Microsoft Designer Microsoft Designer

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно

Приложение предназначено для создания визуальных материалов, в том числе презентаций, плакатов и постеров. Есть возможность подбирать иллюстрации к статьям.

ver 1.0


Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно

С помощью нейросети можно создавать рисунки и визуализации на основе текстового запроса. Также есть возможность редактировать существующие изображения.

ver 1.0

MidJourney MidJourney

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно

Платформа позволяет генерировать изображения на любую тему, используя возможности искусственного интеллекта. Можно сохранять работы и публиковать их в сообществе.

ver 1.0


Windows 10 Бесплатно

Приложение позволяет создавать полноценные картины из простых набросков. Принцип работы графического редактора основан на использовании искусственного интеллекта.

ver 1.0

Blockbench Blockbench

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатная

Приложение позволяет создавать трехмерные объекты и анимированные изображения. Есть возможность создавать скрипты и устанавливать дополнительные плагины.

ver 3.8.3

MediBang MediBang

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатная

Утилита позволяет рисовать комиксы, мангу, иллюстрации и арты. Можно настраивать параметры кистей, карандашей и других инструментов, а также создавать собственные.

ver 26.2


Windows 10 Бесплатная

Пакет инструментов предназначен для работы с векторной графикой. Программа позволяет создавать изображения и логотипы. Доступны инструменты для рисования.


Tuning Car Studio Tuning Car Studio

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

Программа предназначена для проведения тюнинга автомобиля по фотографии. Пользователи могут добавить наклейки, покрасить кузов, заменить колеса и стекла.

ver SK

Each software is released under license type that can be found on program pages as well as on search or category pages. Here are the most common license types:


Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use).

Open Source

Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared.

Free to Play

This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. In some cases, ads may be show to the users.


Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program’s interfaces. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.


Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time. After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations.


Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose.

nightly build 2023-02-04

Merge pull request #4731 from justburner/Patch4718

Adjust Panel Width checkbox fix

OpenToonz V1.6

Release Notes


  • Improved Audio Recording


  • Enabled to Cleanup Without Line Processing

Flipbook / Viewers

  • (new) Zoom in/out and fit floating panel geometry commands
  • Enhanced Flipbook playback
  • (new) 30bit display feature

Xsheet / Timeline

  • (new) «Implicit hold» move by Shift+dragging cells
  • (new) Cell Mark feature
  • Allowed changing parent of column from XSheet (Tahoma2D port)
  • (new) Xsheet Minimum Layout
  • (new) Xsheet zoom control
  • Enhanced Note level column

Xsheet (Export)

  • (new) Export Xsheet to PDF
  • (new) TVPaint JSON export

Image Levels / Rendering / FFMPEG

  • Enabled to set Raster level frame number format
  • Enabled to use PNG for new Raster level
  • (new) Multi-Thread FFMPEG option
  • Enhanced FFMPEG GIF export
  • (new) OpenEXR I/O

Palettes / Style Editor

  • (new) Raster Lock Alpha tool setting
  • (new) Hex editbox in Style Editor
  • (new) Hex color names editor
  • Enabled to paste style’s color into a color field

File Browser

  • Enabled To view palette files from the File Browser

Effects / Schematic

  • (new) Conical Transform option for Fractal Noise Fx Iwa
  • (new) «Image Size» option for the Input Size parameter for Tile Fx Iwa
  • Allowed Renaming Pass Through Nodes (Tahoma2D port)
  • (new) Shader Fx: HSL Blend GPU
  • (new) Fx Global Controls parameter
  • Redesigned Pass Through Fx Node
  • (new) Bokeh Advanced Iwa Fx
  • (new) Compass Gadget for Radial and Spin Blur Fxs
  • (new) Linear color space option for all Layer Blending Ino fxs

File I/O

  • (new) File Path Processing Using Regular Expression

Camera Capture / Stop Motion

  • (new) Camera calibration for the Camera Capture feature
  • Enabled inputting frame with suffix in Camera Capture
  • Enhanced Stop motion feature

… with many additional bug fixes, typo corrections, enhancements and more!

See the change log and Opentoonz github pulse for more information.

OpenToonz V1.6 Release Candidate

Please see V1.6 for the Release Notes.

OpenToonz V1.5

Please make sure to uninstall all the previous versions of OpenToonz before installing V1.5.

Release Notes

Animate Tool

  • Ease Regulations for the Use of Animate Tool


  • Fix — Crash on Recording Audio (Mac, Windows)

Build / Github

  • Custom Qt with Wintab support
  • New — Support for Github Actions
  • New — CI builds for Windows, Mac and Linux (via Github Actions)
  • Updated — Github Issue Templates


  • New — Aotz MyPaint brush set (Sketch, Ink, Fill, Clouds, Water, Grass, Leaves, Fur, Eraser, etc.)
  • Fix vector custom styles

Color Model

  • Fix color model pick mode

Color Separation

  • New — Save/Reload Color Separation Colors Parameters

Control Point Editor Tool

  • New — Add snap option to control point editor tool
  • New — Freehand mode in control point editor tool


  • New — Convert To Vector : Align Boundary Strokes Direction Option

Cutter Tool

  • New — Snap at intersection in cutter tool


  • New — Bloom Iwa Fx
  • New — Fractal Noise Iwa Fx
  • New — Glare Iwa Fx
  • New — Search bar in New Fx browser
  • New — Linear color space option for Add Fx Ino
  • New — Logarithmic option for Spiral fx
  • New — Particle FX Preset: Flock fx

Eraser Tool

  • New Segment Erase
  • New Frame range for segment mode of eraser tool


  • New — (Optional/Experimental) Expression Reference Manager
  • New — Expression Function: Periodic Random
  • New — Copy expression object address directly from UI

Geometry Tool

  • New — multi arc shape in geometric tool
  • Fix — Geometric tool / Type tool first point offset

Image formats

  • Enhance — Premultiply on Loading PNG images


  • Fix — Fix copy/paste keyframe causing bad data

Level Strip

  • New — Horizontal Level Strip option

Monitors / Screens

  • Fix icon rendering for HDPI
  • Fix for Duplicate Window Title (Mac)
  • Fix for Full Screen on Multiple Monitors (WIndows)


  • New — (Optional) Toolbar location
  • New — Color Keys Global Palette

Plastic Tool

  • Fix — OpenGL Line Smoothing


  • Updated Dwango plugins (separate download)


  • Fix Batch Rendering on Mac
  • Updated Output Settings Dialogue


  • Fix incorrect xml in tnz file

Scene Cast

  • Fix — Scene Cast Update on Pasting

Selector Tool

  • Enhancement — Improved target area for Transform selection

Style Editor

  • New — (Optional) Create New Style Command Button

Tape Tool

  • Fix — Fix Vector Tape Tool on Joining Points at the Same Position


  • Updated Languages ( )
  • New — Initial support for Norwegian Bokmal
  • New — Weblate widget
  • New — Generation of translation projects now optional in cmake

UI / Preferences

  • New — All New Icons (GUI Cleanup)
  • New — Live update for 3DLuts via Preferences
  • New — Additional UI Style Sheet customizations via Preferences
  • New — Icons for all commands
  • Update Default Room set

Operating Systems

  • New — FreeBSD support


  • New — Paste as Copy Command for XSheet
  • Fix — Fix Crash When Drawing on Absent Level


  • New — More shapes for Adobe Animate keyboard shortcuts
  • New — Shortcut keypress length option


  • New — Undo: Reset Undo when Saving Levels Preference Option

… with many additional bug fixes, typo corrections, enhancements and more!

See the Opentoonz github pulse for more information: LINK

OpenToonz V1.5 Release Candidate 2

Please make sure to uninstall all the previous versions of OpenToonz before installing V1.5RC2.

Please see V1.5 for the Release Notes.

OpenToonz V1.5 Release Candidate

Please make sure to uninstall all the previous versions of OpenToonz before installing V1.5RC.

Please see V1.5 for the Release Notes.

OpenToonz V1.4

Release Notes


  • New Guided Drawing/Autoinbetweening
  • New XDTS File Support (Celsys and Toei Animation xsheet file format Import/Export)
  • New Cache folder Replacement & Clear Cache Command
  • New Camera Column in XSheet
  • New Context Aware Toolbar
  • New Create Blank Drawing command
  • New Fx: Corridor Gradient Fx Iwa
  • New Fx: Spin Gradient Fx Iwa
  • New Geometry Tool Driven Motion Paths
  • New (Initial) Korean Menu Translation
  • New Level Settings Adjustment for Multiple Selections in XSheet/Timeline
  • New Next/Previous Keyframe Shortcuts
  • New Pencil Mode for Toonz Raster Eraser in Freehand and Polyline
  • New Swap Colors Button for Gradient Fxs
  • New Short Play Feature
  • New Fill Tool for Raster Level
  • Updated/Reorganized Menus
  • New Canon DSLR Camera Capture support (Windows only)
  • New Portable Test Builds via zip file download at Github (Windows Only)
  • …and much much more. (See listing below)


Guided Drawing/Autoinbetweening

  • #2931 Add Vector Guided Drawing Auto-Inbetween option
  • #2930 Switch Auto-Inbetween Easing logic
  • #2935 Fix «Vector Guided Style» preference option
  • #2686 Fix crash when pressing Ctrl+X while moving a line (#2148)
  • #2957 Vector Guided Drawings Menu modification

Create Blank Frames

  • #2907 Add Create Blank Drawing command
  • #2936 Fix issues with Create Blank Frames
  • #2739 Fix undo/redo issue when pasting to new frame (#1807)

Xsheet & Timeline

  • #2938 XDTS File Support (Import/Export) — Celsys (Clip Studio) and Toei Animation file support
  • #2975 Fix «Merge Levels» Command to Update Thumbnails
  • #2897 Allow note frame creation on Animation Sheet
  • #2884 Fix folded columns slipping
  • #2911 Fix tool crashes on Palette and Zerary column
  • #2475 Fix ‘Merge TLV levels’ applies wrong style after first frame
  • #3026 Fix Dropdown Cycle Option
  • #2624 Fix Saving Sub Xsheet Including $scenefolder Path


  • #2872 Fix navigation keyframe shortcuts skipping
  • #2734 Add next/prev keyframe shortcuts

Columns / Levels

  • #2884 Fix folded columns slipping
  • #2911 Fix tool crashes on Palette and Zerary column

Camera Column

  • #2790 Remove selection requirement to toggle Camera Column
  • #2819 Fix Column Rename Field Position
  • #2811 Narrow Camera Column
  • #2810 Fix Assertion Failure on Selecting Camera Column
  • #2808 Fix deleted Camera1 returning due to Camera Column refresh
  • #2574 Add Camera Column to Xsheet
  • #2450 Prevent Camera Z from Being Zero

Note Levels

  • #2897 Allow note frame creation on Animation Sheet
  • #2915 Recommit Add Note Level context menu

Sound Levels

  • #2476 Fix left extender handle position on sound levels
  • #2472 Improve sound quality for playback and scrubbing on Linux #2244 (modified)

Drawing Levels

  • #2934 Level Settings for Multiple Selection
  • #2928 Add Shift Keys commands

Saving, Loading & Rendering

File formats

  • #2924 Allow double-click in Load Scene dialog to open selected scene
  • #2913 Block reserved file names
  • #2829 Fix reading escaped double-quotes in quoted strings
  • #2938 New XDTS File Support
  • #2544 Fix Transparent MOV Output

FFMpeg support

  • #2904 Mark PSD and ffmpeg loaded files as readonly in Level Strip
  • #2903 Allow Selection Tool copy when level is not editable
  • #2890 Warn on failing level save during Save All
  • #2888 Fix file loss issues
  • #2764 Fix crash on loading Blackmagic codecs
  • #2880 Handle missing ffmpeg info
  • #2876 Fix ffmpeg loaded levels


  • #2514 Backup scene file


  • #2510 Fix Audio Sync with Clapperboard

UI & Panels


  • #2839 Initialize Slider to Linear
  • #2801 Fix Reset buttons on Tool Option bars


  • #3003 Fix Viewer to Unlock After Stopping Playback
  • #2885 Fix playback skipping first frame
  • #2883 Fix tool option on Command bar crash
  • #2847 Fix Crash on Launch without Viewer
  • #2723 Fix viewer pan disabled on toggling «Compare to Snapshot»
  • #2567 Fix touch rotating flipped viewer
  • #2564 Flip on viewer center


  • #2766 Fix picking color of the snapshot image on Flipbook
  • #2744 Fix Flipbook Histogram Problems
  • #2696 Limit flipbook zoom to 100% on initial loading

Style Editor

  • #2882 Scene/Level Editor changes
  • #2855 Fix blank Style Editor panel
  • #2892 Fix initial Style Editor palette
  • #2814 Stop Width Change on Style Editor on Maximize

Function Editor

  • #2755 Multi Channel Selection in Function Sheet Column Header
  • #2754 Change Step and Interpolation Type of Selected Multiple Keyframes in Function Editor
  • #2859 Add «Hide Selected» Command to the Function Editor Spreadsheet
  • #2755 Multi Channel Selection in Function Sheet Column Header
  • #2719 Option to hide inbetween values in the Function Editor spreadsheet
  • #2717 Revert text align of function editor sheet
  • #2655 Display Cycled Values in Function Editor Spread Sheet

Color Model / Palettes

  • #2792 Save Specified Frame Numbers of Color Model in Palette
  • #2787 Fix Color Field Undo Registration
  • #2700 Fix Color Model fails to display if it is minimized on loading the image
  • #3023 Fix Studio Palette Hang Up on Clicking Item in the Tree View

Level Strip

  • #2789 Fix filmstrip disabled tools


  • #2802 Fix Crash When Loading MacroFx Containing CurveFx
  • #2722 Fix crash on loading linked macro fx
  • #2779 Fix Fx Settings Geometry Restoration
  • #2479 Fx setting popup enhancements
  • #2554 Fix Fx connection crash

Camera Capture

  • #3018 Fix Camera Capture Onion Skin for OSX
  • #2998 Fix Black Camera Capture View on MacOS
  • #2698 Add «Always Overwrite» button to Camera Capture

Full Screen

  • #2823 Fix Main Window Full Screen Mode

Startup Popup

  • #2875 Enable to create folder in the Startup Popup


  • #2821 Fix lipsync popup layout


Animate Tool

  • #2858 Enable Animate tool to control precisely by pressing the Alt key
  • #2780 Fix Animate Tool Availability

Selector Tool

  • #2809 Improve vector stroke selection
  • #2842 Fix pivot location on new/modified vector selections
  • #2837 Selection pivot fix
  • #2854 Fix bounding box computation in TXshSimpleLevel
  • #2867 Revised vector selection pivot re-centering logic
  • #2804 Improve selection box visibility
  • #2671 Added «Select All» function for vector images (#1042)

Brush Tool

  • #2824 Nonlinear Slider for the Brush Size Options
  • #2770 Remember last brush preset used
  • #2737 Fix crash on centering Toonz Raster brush
  • #2695 Improve deactivate behaviour for brush (#2694)
  • #2687 Put raster brush cursor at center of preview square/circle (#1212)

MyPaint Brushes

  • #2769 libmypaint DLL update
  • #2768 MyPaint libmypaint 1.4.0
  • #2763 Support for MyPaint brush format version 2
  • #2749 Fix Toonz Raster MyPaint brush center
  • #2614 Fix «Convert to Vectors» command for TLV with MyPaint Styles

Eraser Tool

  • #2838 Enable Pencil Mode for Toonz Raster Eraser in Freehand and Polyline types
  • #2731 Enable shortcuts for Eraser Tool in Raster Levels (#2724)

Fill Tool

  • #2646 New Fill Tool for Raster Level
  • #2995 Fix Phantom Fill Check

Type Tool

  • #2874 Fix Type Tool Cursor Jumping
  • #2906 Ignore OT’s paste shortcut in TypeTool box
  • #2773 Fix pasting into Type Tool edit box

Pump Tool

  • #2805 Fix for pump tool using Wacom tablet (#2180)

Control Point Editor Tool

  • #2774 Make control points easier to click (#1722)

Pinch and Magnet Tools

  • #2848 Modify Maximum Values for Pinch and Magnet Tools Size
  • #2699 Fix for changing size of the magnet tool using hotkeys (#1436)

Geometric Tool

  • #2830 Enable Geometric Tool for Motion Path

User profiles


  • #2543 Change Preference defaults
  • #3024 Fix UI Font Colors
  • #3014 Theme Fixes for v1.4
  • #2988 Update Help menu options
  • #2966 Add new Help Menu options
  • #2947 Allow double-click in Load Level dialog to open selected level(s)
  • #2894 Overhaul the Preferences
  • #2921 Fix BG color buttons malfunction
  • #2918 Quick fix setting undo memory size
  • #2776 Cache folder replacement & Clear cache command
  • #2866 Fix customize commands tree structure
  • #2685 Modify saving and restoring panels / popups geometries
  • #3012 Fix Doubled Toolbar Separator

Shortcut Keys

  • #2771 Fix default shortcut assignments


Gradient FX

  • #2816 New Fx: Corridor Gradient Fx Iwa
  • #2873 New Fx: Spin Gradient Fx Iwa
  • #2786 Add Swap Colors Button to Gradient Fxs
  • #2878 Linear Gradient Fx Revised
  • #2742 Add «Type» option to gradient fxs
  • #2891 Fix odd behavior of LinearGradientFx handles

Bokeh Ref Fx

  • #2743 Fix semi-transparent gap appears with Bokeh Ref Iwa fx

Fx UI/Menus

  • #3029 Fix Panel Rearrangement
  • #2925 Add FX Editor to Windows menu
  • #2711 Fix schematic spline option icon zooming
  • #2625 debug ino_line_blur
  • #2480 possible to lose the Curves node’s handles
  • #2767 Ensure dragged curve handles stay inside graph (#2480)
  • #2799 Add ability to move curve points using arrow keys


Command Line/Scripting

  • #3011 Ability to execute Toonz scripts from commandline (modifies #2695)
  • #2750 Enable system path arguments in tcomposer

Build environment


  • #2820 Update

Enhanced portable Releases for testing builds

  • #2781 Add stuff folder to AppVeyor build artifact
  • #2756 Use QDir::home() instead of getenv(«HOME») in file browser


  • #2916 Quick fix for build error
  • #2900 Fix macOS brew installed glew issue
  • #2835 Fix Travis macOS builds
  • #2806 Update macOS Info.plist to include missing strings
  • #2664 Image disappearing when moved …

OpenToonz V1.4 Release Candidate

Release Notes are moved to the V1.4.0 official version.

OpenToonz V1.3 Release Candidate 2

Release notes is in progress. It will be published along with the release version.

OpenToonz V1.3 — Improved usability and stability.

Release Notes


  • Windows Ink Support. #2152 (Windows version)
  • MyPaint brush for toonz raster levels. #2257
  • New option for the output settings: adding Clapperboard. #2314
  • New Fx: Text Fx Iwa for rendering text. #2393 #2444
  • New command: Separate Colors. #2402 #2449
  • Improved Shift and Trace feature. #2212 #2240
  • Allowed to add Command Line Qualifiers for specifying system paths overriding the registry values. #2143 #2155 (Windows version)
  • Enabled to convert Toonz 4.x level files (.tzp and .tzu) to TLV via Convert command. #2126
  • Enabled to connect multiple nodes at once by Ctrl-dragging in the stage schematic. #2196
  • Reverted Alt-dragging feature to the Fx schematic. #2191
  • Allowed to use the Duplicate command in the Xsheet. #2342 #2447
  • Enabled to specify Matte Color for saving transparent raster levels in non-alpha-enabled image format. #2418



  • Fixed crash when using the vector brush + frame range with thickness 0. #2151
  • Fixed crash when pasting a mesh column node in the Stage Schematic. #2174
  • Fixed crash on undoing the Merge Levels command. #2183
  • Fixed crash on merging 16bpc raster levels. #2186
  • Fixed crash when typing function key on Type tool. #2222
  • Fixed crash when typing letter after dot in an input field. #2223
  • Fixed crash on launch if the preferred font is not a valid font for the system. #2227
  • Fixed crash on undoing the Antialias command on toonz raster level. #2331
  • Fixed crash on typing number in the style number field of toonz raster Tape tool. #2352
  • Fixed crash on switching back to raster Brush tool from temporary usage of Hand Tool. #2362
  • Fixed crash on switching back to Eraser tool from temporary usage of Hand Tool. #2389
  • Fixed crash when switching toonz raster levels containing MyPaint style. #2381
  • Fixed crash on pasting raster image selection. #2364
  • Fixed crash on using raster Brush tool just after unhiding column. #2369
  • Fixed crash when drag moving note cells. #2392
  • Fixed crash when switching modes while using Eraser tool. #2396
  • Fixed crash on trying to use the Palette Gizmo to empty palette. #2413
  • Fixed crash on using the Replace Fx command to a node with no input. #2417
  • Fixed crash on attempting to instance a certain Macro FX. #2425
  • Fixed crash on applying Motion Blur Fx to level deformed by Plastic tool. #2446
  • Fixed crash on attempting to use vector replacement commands to invalid levels. #2469
  • Fixes crash on inputting blank vector level to the texture port of Particles Fx. #2459
  • Fixed crash on selecting frame in 2nd level of a column. #2486
  • Fixed crash on setting the camera Z value to 0. #2405
  • Fixed the linked fxs not updating properly. #2061
  • Fixed the viewer not updating properly when using Onion Skin. #2125
  • Fixed the viewer not updating properly when using Animated Guided Drawing. #2264
  • Fixed the viewer not refreshing when switching the scenes. #2288
  • Fixed the vector Brush stroke display issues. #2133
  • Fixed “OpenToonz” shortcut preset to match the default keys. #2100
  • Fixed loading raster level to attach the Raster Drawing Palette. #2184
  • Fixed the motion path stroke not displayed. #2188
  • Fixed tcomposer to handle UNC paths properly. #2173
  • Fixed the New Scene command to continue opening new scene after saving modified levels. #2225
  • Fixed floating Viewer / Combo Viewer windows failing to restore geometry on launch. #2287
  • Fixed studio palettes losing link-ability once they are loaded on the scene and overwritten. #2299
  • Fixed files not being loaded properly. #2324
  • Fixed the output settings preset not being loaded properly. #2316
  • Fixed importing an image renames it incorrectly. #2325 #2326
  • Fixed Color Model failing to properly pick up the style on high dpi monitor environment. #2330
  • Fixed line termination problem with mouse on toonz raster. #2332
  • Fixed the mesh visibility to be kept hidden when the current tool is changed. #2333
  • Fixed antialiasing by using level settings applied on toonz raster levels. #2370
  • Fixed playback slowness with opening Style Editor. #2367
  • Fixed initial pen contact drawn as separate stroke when using Windows Ink. #2282
  • Fixed pen behavior when using Windows Ink. #2382
  • Fixed deterministic initialization bug in Particles Fx. #2273
  • Fixed memory leak bug in Tracker tool. #2279
  • Fixed renaming PSD cell available. #2416
  • Fixed loading SVG file. #2345 #2358
  • Fixed hiding a column with hotkeys not blocking the action of the tools. #2365
  • Fixed vector stroke being saved with wrong line cap. #2374
  • Fixed empty column property issues. #2395
  • Fixed incorrect key frame cell pasting and redo. #2398
  • Fixed the pressure sensitivity lost issue. #2431
  • Fixed updating tool state on switching levels. #2428
  • Fixed the schematic group node to be displayed properly when maximized. #2403
  • Fixed reordering fx in the Fx Schematic causing nodes to move so far. #2407
  • Fixed Style Picker and Type tools invalid status on non-toonz levels. #2483 #2489
  • Fixed tool state improperly being disabled on secondary level frame. #2487


  • Fixed antialiasing of vector strokes. #2289



  • Enhanced the Viewer playback with Plastic tool deformation. #2123
  • Updated the font combo box to show actual fonts. #2080
  • Enabled to save and load DPI information of JPEG format. #2322
  • Improved JPEG quality. #2419
  • Added checking folder access on overwriting level. #2334
  • Modified the behavior of folder tree in the File Browser to search the special folders on moving folder location. #2312
  • Enabled to open the fx settings from the context menu of the Xsheet. #2337
  • Enabled inputting numbers in Xsheet cell to use the level in the following cells. #2199
  • Allowed the Pump tool for precise tapering on small objects. #2340
  • Removed mysettings.ini from user profiles. #2366
  • Allowed to use Increase / Decrease Step commands even if cell selection is lost. #2343
  • Enabled to reload PSD levels. #2415
  • Added more default interpolation types and added ability to change interpolation type from Xsheet. #2344
  • When loading a level file into the Xsheet/Timeline, the current frame will now switch to the first frame of the newly loaded level. #2375
  • Removed version numbers from file names. #2410
  • UI enhancement. #2034 #2134 #2192 #2241 #2268 #2378 #2476
  • Source refactoring. #2165 #2194 #2195 #2197 #2246 #2247 #2271 #2277 #2278
  • Build / CI scripts fixes & enhancements. #2208 #2245 #2313 #2394 #2414
  • Typo fixes. #2162 #2379
  • Docs / instructions updates. #2113 #2153 #2168
  • Translation updates. #2448 #2453 #2464 #2465


  • Improved sound quality for playback and scrubbing. #2244 #2472
  • Added Linux desktop data. #2210


  • For OS X users: Please make sure to uninstall all the previous versions of OpenToonz before installing V1.3 for OS X.
  • Adding the Clapperboard will lose compatibility of the scene file with the older versions of OpenToonz. Setting the duration to 0 will remove the Clapperboard data from the scene at all so that you can maintain the compatibility.

Special Thanks to:

Mr. Alvin Wong and the Krita Community for making the addition of Windows Ink possible.

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