Oracle database 12c скачать для windows

Download the latest Database Software 19c or all previous versions 18c, 12c and 11g for Windows, Linux Oracle Solaris, IBM AIX, HP-UX and more.
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Oracle Database Software Downloads

Software Delivery Cloud

Oracle also provides all supported database release software for all platforms on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud:

Oracle Database 19c

Oracle Database 19c is the latest Long Term Release with the widest window of support duration. For details about database releases and their support timeframes, refer to Oracle Support Document 742060.1 (Release Schedule of Current Database Releases) on My Oracle Support.

19.5 — Enterprise Edition (also includes Standard Edition 2)




Oracle Solaris (x86 systems, 64-bit)

ZIP (2.7 GB)

See All

19.3 — Enterprise Edition (also includes Standard Edition 2)




Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)

ZIP (2.9 GB)

See All
Linux x86-64

ZIP (2.8 GB) | RPM (2.5 GB)

See All
Oracle Solaris (SPARC systems, 64-bit)

ZIP (2.8 GB)

See All

ZIP (4.1 GB)

See All
HP-UX ia64

ZIP (4.7 GB)

See All
Linux on System z (64-bit)

ZIP (2.6 GB)

See All

Oracle Database 21c

Oracle Database 21c is the latest Innovation Release. For details about database releases and their support timeframes, refer to Oracle Support Document 742060.1 (Release Schedule of Current Database Releases) on My Oracle Support.

21.3 — Enterprise Edition (also includes Standard Edition 2)




Linux x86-64

ZIP (2.9 GB) | RPM (2.6 GB)

See All
HP-UX ia64

ZIP (3 GB)

See All
Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)

ZIP (2.5 GB)

See All

Oracle Database Express Edition

  • Oracle Database Express Edition

Previous Database Release Software

Oracle Database 10.2, 11.x, 12.x, and 18c are available as a media or FTP request for those customers who own a valid Oracle Database product license for any edition. To request access to these releases, follow the instructions in Oracle Support Document 1071023.1 (Requesting Physical Shipment or Download URL for Software Media) from My Oracle Support. NOTE: for Oracle Database 10.2, you should request even if you want to install a later patch set. Once you install you can then apply any 10.2 patch set. Similarly, for 11.1 request which must be applied before installing Patch sets can be downloaded from the Patches and Updates tab on My Oracle Support.

  • Country/Region

In this article, I will take you through the steps to install Oracle Database 12c. Oracle database is the most widely used database across the world due to its multiple features capability. Some of its features are:-

a)Cluster Creation: Provides Real Application Cluster(RAC) Performance.
b)Performance and Scalability: Provides LOB(Large Object) Performance.
c)Database Security: Uses standard encryption algorithm like AES and 3DES to encrypt columns.
d)Availability: Provides fast start failover to standby database
e)Grid Management: Provides Automatic Storage Management and Standalone Disk Group Management.
f)Grid Computation: Simplify data provisioning within Grid environment.
g)Content Management: Provides new set of document filters.

Before going through the steps to install Oracle Database you need to download the database software and keep it ready.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 1

Step 1: Download Oracle Database 12c Release 2

You first need to go to Download Oracle Database 12c and download Oracle Database 12c in your local system to install Oracle database.

Step 2: Extract Zip file

Now you need to extract Oracle 12c Zip file in your local folder which will provide you with the below files:-

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 2

Also Read: How to create Network Bonding in RedHat/CentOS 7

Step 3: Run Setup.exe as Administrator

You need to right click on setup.exe and select Run as Administrator. After validating and passing the prerequisites it will display you the below screen. If you want you can let «I wish to receive security updates» checked to receive the latest security updates. In our case I will uncheck this option. Then click on Next.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 3

Step 4: Create and Configure Database

Now we need to configure a database here, so I will select Create and Configure Database option and click on Next.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 4

Step 5: Select the Server Class

Here you need to select either Desktop Class Installation or Server Class Installation.

Desktop Class: You need to select this option when you are installing on a local system or on Desktop System. This will provide you a started database and involves less configuration overhead.

Server Class: You need to select this option when you are installing on a Server Class Systems, which basically means a system you are going to use on Production with more advanced features.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 5

Step 6: Choose Oracle Home User Account

Here you have three options:-

a)Use Virtual Account
b)Use Existing Windows User
c)Create new Windows User
d)Use Windows Built-in Account

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 6

Step 7: Select Installation Configuration

Here you need to provide below configuration:-

Oracle Base: D:apptest
Software location: D:apptestproduct12.2.0dbhome_1
Database File Location: D:apptestoradata
Global Database Name:
Password: Test@12345
Pluggable Database Name: orclpdb

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 7

Step 8: Prerequisite Checks

After giving the database configuration, it will check if all the prerequisites are met or not. If any of the prerequisites fail, it will show you here.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 8

Step 9: Install Product

Once all the prerequisites are in place, installation will get started as you can see below. You can see the progress of installation as well as the status of installation.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 9

Step 10: Installation Completion

Once installation is completed without any error, you will get below screen with the URL to login.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 10

Step 11: Login to the Database

Now you can access the Database Page at https://localhost:5500/em.

Easy steps to Install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10 11

Congratulations!! You have now successfully installed the Oracle Database 12c !!

This article presents how to quickly install Oracle Database 12C Release 2 ( on Windows.

Software used:

Binaries Database 12C Release 2( - database software

Hardware and software requirements:

  • at least 2GB ram as minimum at least 10G space

Oracle Database for Windows x64 is supported on the following operating system versions:

  • Windows 7 x64 – Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions

  • Windows 8 x64 and Windows 8.1 x64 – Pro and Enterprise editions

  • Windows 8.1 x64 – Pro and Enterprise editions

  • Windows 10 x64 – Pro, Enterprise, and Education editions

  • Windows Server 2012 x64 – Standard, Datacenter, Essentials, and Foundation editions

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 x64 – Standard, Datacenter, Essentials, and Foundation editions

  • Windows Server 2016 x64 – Standard, Datacenter, and Essentials editions

I installed database software on Windows 10 Home Edition. Grid 12C is not supported for Windows 10 Home Edition.

Install database software

Unzip file in c:download

cd c:download


It will create subdirectory c:downloaddatabase with following structure.Just run setup.exe as administrator

1. Uncheck checkbox “I wish to receive security updates via My Oracle Support” and then click “Next” button.

2. Ignore following message and click “Yes” button.

3. Select “Create and configure a database” and click “Next” button.

4. Select “Server class” option and click “Next” button.

5. Select “Single instance database installation” option and click “Next”. Other options are available if you have grid software 12C installed.

6. Select “Advanced install” to have more options during installation of a new database. Click “Next” button.

7. Accept default “Enterprise Edition” and click “Next” button.

8. On this screen you can select account which will be used to install and use of new database software. I used “Use Windows Built-in Account”. Click “Next” button.

9. In such case ignore next message by clicking “Yes” button.

10. On the screen you can select directory for new binaries. Click “Next” button. I recommend to use:

  • ORACLE_BASE – c:apporacle
  • ORACLE_HOME – c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1

11. Accept default “General Purpose/Transaction Processing” and click “Next” button.

12. Enter “Global database name”, “Oracle system identifier (SID)” for your new database which will be created. If you check checkbox “Create as Container database” your database will be able to consolidate many databases. In such case you need to enter name of your first pluggable database “Pluggable database name”. Click “Next” button.

13. Specify more details about your database on 3 tabs where you can define memory settings, character set and if to install sample schemas on your database. Once you are happy with your settings click “Next” button.

14. On this screen you can select place where database files will be created. Select “File system” option and click “Next” button.

15. On this screen you can register your new database in Oracle Enterprise Cloud. Click “Next” button to continue.

16. Check checkbox “Enable Recovery” to specify recovery area where backups will be stored. Click “Next” button to continue.

17. Specify password for each user or enter the same for all. Once it’s done click “Next” button.

18. Checks are started to verify if OS is ready to install database software.

19. If everything is right click “Install” button. It’s the last moment to come back to each of previous point and make changes.

20. Installation in progress … go play football 🙂. BE PATIENT it can take 1h.

21. Installation is completed. Click “Close” button.

Following components are configured after installation:

  • Listener – required to connect to database using remote connection. All configuration details can be found for it in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file
  • Basic tnsnames entry to use remote network connection. All details can be found in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file

ORACLE_HOME was defined in point 10 as c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1


Basics commands can be used to manage listener:

  • lsnrctl status – check status
  • lsnrctl start – start listener
  • lsnrctl stop – stop listener

NOTE – the commands will work from only if you started cmd.exe as adminitrator. cmd.exe is windows command interpreter

With lsnrctl status you can see my listener is listing on host laptop port 1521:


and has got registered following important services – will be used to connect from such tools like sqlplus, sqldeveloper and others:

  • – service to root database
  • – service to pluggable database
c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1bin>lsnrctl status

LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 13-JUL-2019 09:25:43

Copyright (c) 1991, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=laptop)(PORT=1521)))
Version TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Start Date 13-JUL-2019 00:08:50
Uptime 0 days 9 hr. 16 min. 55 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Parameter File c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1networkadminlistener.ora
Listener Log File c:apporaclediagtnslsnrlaptoplisteneralertlog.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

If you stop/start listener you can be surprised services are missing for a while. It takes some time before database re-register the entries in listener.


LSNRCTL for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 13-JUL-2019 10:02:30

Copyright (c) 1991, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Welcome to LSNRCTL, type "help" for information.

LSNRCTL> status
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=laptop)(PORT=1521)))
Version TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Start Date 13-JUL-2019 10:01:34
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 1 min. 3 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Parameter File c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1networkadminlistener.ora
Listener Log File c:apporaclediagtnslsnrlaptoplisteneralertlog.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=laptop)(PORT=1521)))
The command completed successfully

LSNRCTL> start
Starting tnslsnr: please wait...

TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
System parameter file is c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1networkadminlistener.ora
Log messages written to c:apporaclediagtnslsnrlaptoplisteneralertlog.xml
Listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=laptop)(PORT=1521)))

Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=laptop)(PORT=1521)))
Version TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Start Date 13-JUL-2019 10:02:45
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 4 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Parameter File c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1networkadminlistener.ora
Listener Log File c:apporaclediagtnslsnrlaptoplisteneralertlog.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

After 20 seconds you shoud see all services registered once again in listener

LSNRCTL> status
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=laptop)(PORT=1521)))
Version TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production
Start Date 13-JUL-2019 10:02:45
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 2 min. 59 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Parameter File c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1networkadminlistener.ora
Listener Log File c:apporaclediagtnslsnrlaptoplisteneralertlog.xml
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "CLRExtProc" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "CLRExtProc", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
Service "" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "ora12c", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully

As default LISTENER doesn’t know any services because $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora is configured in following way

# listener.ora Network Configuration File: c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1networkadminlistener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ORACLE_HOME = c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1binoraclr12.dll")

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = laptop)(PORT = 1521))

you can modify it and permanently add services then no matter if database is down or up listener will always know about the services

# listener.ora Network Configuration File: c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1networkadminlistener.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

(ORACLE_HOME = c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(ENVS = "EXTPROC_DLLS=ONLY:c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1binoraclr12.dll")
(ORACLE_HOME = c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1)
(SID_NAME = ora12c)
(ORACLE_HOME = c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1)
(SID_NAME = ora12c)

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = laptop)(PORT = 1521))

Direct connection to database

You can connect directly to your root database even if listener is down with OS authentication from sqlplus and switch to your pluggable database. As extra I have created user tomasz in my pluggable database.

c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1bin>set ORACLE_SID=ORA12C

c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1bin>sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Jul 13 09:23:59 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SQL> show con_id

SQL> show con_name


Session altered.

SQL> show con_id

SQL> show con_name



User created.

SQL> GRANT connect, resource TO tomasz;

Grant succeeded.

Remote connection to database

You can remotely connect to your database using sqlplus and aliases properly defined in file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora and properly running LISTENER with registered services !!!. I try to connect to my pluggable database with alias pora12c1. It fails because it’s not defined in the file.

C:WindowsSystem32>sqlplus tomasz@pora12c1

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Jul 13 10:36:32 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Enter password:
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified

Enter user-name:

After installation tnsnames.ora file should look like this. No defined alias pora12c1.

# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1networkadmintnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

ORA12C =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = laptop)(PORT = 1521))

(SID = CLRExtProc)

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = laptop)(PORT = 1521))

I added two aliases both pointing to the same service. Alias name can have any name:

  • pora12c1
  • bear
# tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File: c:apporacleproduct12.2.0dbhome_1networkadmintnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

ORA12C =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = laptop)(PORT = 1521))

PORA12C1 =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = laptop)(PORT = 1521))

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = laptop)(PORT = 1521))

(SID = CLRExtProc)

(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = laptop)(PORT = 1521))

Now remote connections using sqlplus works. You can test defined aliases with oracle tool tnsping to verify them

C:WindowsSystem32>tnsping pora12c1

TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 13-JUL-2019 10:48:12

Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
OK (20 msec)

C:WindowsSystem32>tnsping bear

TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Windows: Version - Production on 13-JUL-2019 10:48:17

Copyright (c) 1997, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
OK (0 msec)

finally connect from sqlplus

C:WindowsSystem32>sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Jul 13 10:46:22 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracle. All rights reserved.

SQL> connect tomasz/oracle@pora12c1
SQL> connect tomasz/oracle@bear

Sqldeveloper connection

I want to show two methods how to connect from sqldeveloper to your database. Both require LISTENER up and running with proper services registered.


It’s default method specify proper Username, Password,Connection Type-Basic, Hostname, Port, Service name. If you click button “Test” it will show if your settings are correct. This method doesn’t require any extra entry in tnsnames.ora.


It uses alias defined in tnsnames.ora in my case BEAR ;). Just select Connection Type: TNS and Network Alias:BEAR. If you click button “Test” it will show if your settings are correct.

Have a fun 🙂


Getting first steps with Oracle Database 12c Release 2: preinstallWelcome to Oracle Database 12c Release 2 New Features blog, covering Oracle’s latest release. I’ve done my best to provide as much coverage of the many new features in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 as fits in a blog of this size. Oracle Database 12c Release 1 was a big release with a number of new and changed features. Oracle Database 12c Release 2 adds many more features and enhances all of the new ones introduced in Release 1!

This first my blog article describes everything you need to know to get started with Oracle Database 12c Release 2. This includes the following topics:

  • Downloading Oracle Database 12c Release 2
  • Preparing the OS to install Oracle Database 12c Release 2
  • Installing Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (software-only install)
  • Preparing to install Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Grid Infrastructure
  • Staging Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Grid Infrastructure (preinstall)

Even on a single-instance, nonclustered database, we want to use Grid Infrastructure (GI) to leverage Automatic Storage Management (ASM). As the preceding list indicates, we’re doing a software-only install of Oracle Database, so it doesn’t matter whether we set up GI before or after that. The GI setup is “preinstalled” and as such the staging of GI is much easier than in past releases. In any case, you will need to create a GI instance, with storage, before creating your first database. Let’s start looking at Oracle Database 12c Release 2!

Downloading Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Components

The initial release of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 is available on both OTN and via Oracle’s eDelivery service. Oracle Database 12c Release 2 is considered a “base release” even though it builds on the features introduced in Oracle Database 12c Release 1. Some Oracle documentation calls Oracle Database 12c Release 2 a “patch set,” but since you can do a clean install with no existing databases on your server, I’m calling it a “base release.” When patch sets come out every quarter, they will only be available via Oracle Support.


If you want to experiment with the new features of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 in a preinstalled environment, you can get prebuilt virtual machines (VMs) for use with Oracle Virtual Box or Oracle VM here. These VMs are not intended for use in a production environment.

If you get the files via the Oracle eDelivery service, here are the packages and descriptions:

  • V839960-01 Database
  • V840012-01 Grid Infrastructure
  • V840019-01 Global Service Manager
  • V839967-01 64-bit Linux client
  • V839968-01 32-bit Linux client
  • V266898-01 Fusion Middleware

Via OTN, here are the filenames:

  • zip Database
  • zip Grid Infrastructure
  • zip Global Service Manager
  • zip 64-bit Linux client
  • zip 32-bit Linux client
  • zip Sample schemas and code
  • zip Oracle Gateways

For your initial installation of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 and Grid Infrastructure, you will need only the database and grid packages.

Preparing the Operating System for Oracle Database 12c Release 2

In the examples that follow, I’ll be using and to perform the installations. I’ll also be using Oracle Linux 7.3, although most of these guidelines will apply to all hardware and software platforms. Table 1 lists the relevant file systems, directories, and raw disk devices in addition to the OS default locations used for all of the examples in this chapter and throughout the book.

Device or File System Contents
/media/zipfiles Installation source files
/install Staging area for database installer files
/u01/app/oracle Oracle «base» for all products and configuration information: $ORACLE_BASE
/dev/sdc1-/dev/sdf1 ASM disks for DATA disk group
/dev/sdh1-/dev/sdi1 ASM disks for RECO disk group

 TABLE 1. Key Installation File Systems and Devices on the Linux OS

At the OS level, there are a number of steps that you need to complete before you start your Oracle Database software installations). If the server on which you are going to install Oracle Database 12c Release 2 is already running some other release of Oracle Database, then you might have already performed many of these steps. Regardless, it’s a best practice to review all of the requirements associated with a new release of Oracle Database and ensure that your current hardware and software meet those requirements.

The following list highlights the most important tasks that you should complete before you install Oracle Database 12c Release 2. This list isn’t exhaustive (but covers the most important things to check), and it’s certainly not hardware specific, so you need to consult the installation guide for your specific hardware and OS combination for a more detailed list of things to do. Many of the tasks will seem very familiar to those who have been working with Oracle Database for a long time.

  • Review the Oracle Database Installation Guides (hereafter generically referred to as the install guides) and Readme files. In many cases, Oracle makes the Readme files accessible online so that you don’t even need to extract the database software to read them.
  • Make sure your OS platform has all required updates installed.
  • Make sure your platform meets the minimum hardware and software requirements. In particular, if you’re moving from a much earlier release of Oracle, make sure that the OS version is one supported by Oracle Database 12c Release 2. You can find which OS versions are supported (down to individual package versions) either from the My Oracle Support portal (using the Certification Search function on the Certifications tab) or by reviewing the install guide for your particular OS platform.
  • Create the required OS groups and users. Note that a new administrative role, SYSRAC, is available to provide more granularity with respect to management of Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)-related components. You may wish to create a new OS group to support this new role.
  • Check and configure the required kernel parameters for your OS platform. This information is platform specific and is contained in the install guide for your OS platform.
  • Check whether any patches to Oracle Database 12c Release 2 are required prior to the install.
  • Finish the preinstall steps.

Let’s look at each of these tasks in some additional detail next.

Review the Installation Guide and Readme Files

It’s always a good practice to review the install guide a few times before you install Oracle Database, especially if you’re dealing with a new release. The install guide provides you with a concise list of steps that you should perform as you prepare to install Oracle Database 12c Release 2.


For Oracle Database 12c Release 2, the installation guides are at here.

Additionally, you will find a Readme text file available online that you can review before you download the install media. It’s a good idea to read the online version of the Readme file because it contains the most current list of the various files in the install package and what the purpose of each is. That way, you don’t end up downloading files you don’t need. Readme files are also available in each file of the install media with specific instructions on how to install the files that are on that image. You will also often find other Readme files in other locations within the media that address specific products that you might be installing.

Finally, My Oracle Support usually provides additional documentation online that supplies the most current information with respect to any issues you might encounter when installing Oracle Database 12c Release 2. You will find a link to this My Oracle Support documentation in the Readme files both online and on the install media. It’s a really good idea to read this supplementary documentation before you start installing and upgrading databases to Oracle Database 12c Release 2.

Preparing for the installation Oracle Database 12c Release 2: steps for install 

Make Sure Your OS Platform Has All Required Updates Installed

Review the install guide for your specific OS platform to ensure that you are running on a version of that OS that supports Oracle Database 12c Release 2. Additionally, check that guide, the associated Readme files, and the My Oracle Support portal to make sure that you have installed all the OS patches and fixes that are required before installing Oracle Database 12c Release 2. On Oracle Linux, this is as easy as running yum update from a user logged in as root.

Make Sure Your Platform Meets the Minimum Requirements

Before you begin your install, make sure the platform on which you will be installing Oracle Database 12c Release 2 meets the minimum hardware and software requirements. Of course, minimum requirements are just that —minimum requirements—and don’t ensure peak performance of your databases. Total requirements of the platform with respect to disk space, memory, and CPU usage are impacted by other factors such as plans to add databases in the future, the nature of the processing that occurs in the databases, and so on.

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 is fully supported on Oracle Linux (OL) 6.x and 7.x as well as on the equivalent Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) releases. Otherwise, the general minimum server requirements vary by platform. To give you an example, the following sections outline some of the stated requirements for a Linux x86-64 (64 bit) install on Oracle Linux.

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Software Storage Requirements

A Linux x86-64 install has the following software storage requirements for the two Oracle Database 12c Release 2 editions and Grid Infrastructure:

  • Я Oracle Database Enterprise or Standard Edition: 7.5 GB
  • Я Oracle Grid Infrastructure: 8.6 GB

The space requirements for GI seem a bit steep, but keep in mind that at the heart of GI is another very specialized Oracle Database plus the software required to manage high availability (HA) configurations such as RAC and ASM. The benefits of ASM alone justify the disk space required for the software itself! Also keep in mind that the disk space requirements for the database itself, backups, redo log files, and so forth depend on your application, but to create an empty database with all of the options, it will occupy about 2 GB. Each additional database will be about the same size unless you are using Oracle’s Multitenant Architecture (container databases)—which you should also be using, but those enhancements are a topic for another chapter!

The /tmp directory requires a minimum of 1 GB of space. If you do not have enough space in /tmp, then either increase the amount of space in that file system or set the TMP or TMPDIR environment variable in the Oracle environment.

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 Memory Requirements

The Oracle Database 12c Release 2 memory requirements for a Linux x86-64 install are as follows:

  • Oracle Database: minimum of 1 GB (recommend 2 GB of RAM or more).
  • Swap space:
    • If you have between 1 GB and 2 GB of memory on your system, then
      you should allocate 1.5 times the amount of RAM for swap space.
    • If you have more than 2 GB of memory on your system, then you should allocate an amount of swap space equal to the amount of memory available on the system, up to 16 GB.
  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI): at least 8 GB.


To reiterate, these are minimum, bare-bones requirements for database memory. Typically, you will want a great deal more memory on your system. The amount of memory that you will need is very dependent on the nature and number of the databases that you intend to run on the system.

Operating System Requirements

As of this writing, Oracle Database 12c Release 2 supports the following Linux distributions:

  • Oracle Linux 7.x and Red Hat Linux 7.x distributions for x86-64
  • Oracle Linux 6.4 and Red Hat Linux 6.4 distributions for x86-64
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1

You can use a command such as uname -a, cat /etc/oracle-release, cat /etc/redhat-release, or lsb_release -id to determine the distribution and version of Linux that is installed. Here is an example of checking both the Oracle and Red Hat versions of the OS (the version number should be the same with minor differences in the details):

[root@ol7base ~] # cat /etc/oracle-release
Oracle Linux Server release 7.3
[root@ol7base -]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7,3 (Maipo)

You will also want to determine whether the required kernel errata is installed by using the uname -r command, as shown here:

[root@ol7base -]# uname -r 
3.8.13-118.16.4.el7uek.x86 64

The installation guide indicates that I need to be on the Linux kernel 2.6.x (version 6.4) or later, or kernel 3.8.x (version 7.3) or later, therefore I have the correct server release installed. The current install guide (or updated Readme file) will contain the latest minimum release level required. The Linux distributions from Oracle and Red Hat differ mainly in the availability of the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK), which as you might expect has many additional HA features. Unless you are in a 100 percent Red Hat shop or have other licensing issues, Oracle Linux is by far the best choice given that the vast majority of Oracle Database’s development and testing is performed on that platform.

For Linux distributions, a number of packages must be installed. Check the current install guide for a list of these required packages. Use the rpm command to query the system to determine if the correct packages are installed. For example, I might want to check that the correct release for binutils (binutils- or later as of this writing) is installed. I can use the following command to check this information:

[root@ol7base ~] # rpm -q binutils 

But there is a much easier way to go about this! If you are using Oracle Linux and are signed up with the Unbreakable Linux Network, you can take advantage of the Oracle preinstallation RPM. Simply subscribe to the relevant preinstallation channel and then use yum to install the correct preinstall RPM, as shown here (note that the name of the package might well change over time, so make sure you check the documentation for the correct name):

[root@Ol7base ~]$ yum install oracle-rdbms-server-12cR2-preinstall
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
> Package oracle-database-server-12cR2-preinstall.x86_64 0:1.0-2.el7 will be
--> Finished Dependency Resolution Installing:
oracle-database-server-12cR2-preinstall x86_64 1.0-2.el7
ol7_latest 18 к
Total download size: 18 к Installed size: 52 к Is this ok (y/d/N):
oracle-database-server-12cR2-preinstall.x86_64 0:1.0-2.el7 Complete!
[rroot@ol7base 12.2.0]$

When you run this package, it creates the OS groups and users that are required, sets various kernel parameters, and performs other required preinstall actions. The installation guides provide a great deal more information on how to use this feature.

Create the Required OS Groups and Users

If this is the first install on the system you are using, then you need to create the Oracle environment. The process to do this has not changed in Oracle Database 12c Release 2. You still create (default names given in parentheses) the Oracle inventory group (oinstall), the OSDBA group (dba), the Oracle software owner (the oracle OS account), and the OSOPER group (oper). A new OS group called the RAC Administrative Group is available in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 and you may want to consider adding a new group to support the functionality of the RAC administrator. Otherwise, for a smaller infrastructure with a single DBA, the only roles you’ll probably need are the oinstall and dba groups. To further divide responsibilities, you can create the grid user to own the GI software directory.


If you use the Oracle preinstall package, these users and groups are created for you automatically.

Configure the Kernel Parameters

On a new system, you need to set the OS kernel parameters if you have not used the Oracle RDBMS preinstall RPM referenced earlier in the chapter. Refer to the Oracle Database 12c Release 2 install guide for your specific OS for recommended minimum values. The Oracle install guide for your OS also provides you with the recommended minimums and methods to determine the current settings and reset those settings if required.


I often find that the minimum values for the parameters recommended by Oracle quickly become insufficient for larger database installations. If you are not familiar with the operating system you are working with, you should discuss the recommended settings with an experienced OS administrator and determine if higher values are advisable.

I often find that one of the places that I run into problems is with the resource limits defined for the account that owns the Oracle database software and runs the background processes upon database startup (typically this is the oracle user). Make sure that the limits for the oracle account are set to at least the minimum values listed in the install guide.

Check for Patches

Something else to consider when installing Oracle Database 12c Release 2 is that there may be a patch set that you should apply. In fact, I’m a strong believer in keeping all production databases up to date with each quarterly Oracle Database proactive bundle patch (BP), Patch Set Update (PSU), or at a minimum, the Oracle Security Patch Update (SPU) after performing the appropriate regression testing in a QA environment. By the time you read this, there will likely be at least one quarterly BP, PSU, or SPU available for Oracle Database 12c Release 2, so consider applying the most recent version to the base database software install.

All BPs, PSUs, and SPUs can only be found on the My Oracle Support website. If applicable, you would install the BP, PSU, or SPU after you have installed the base Oracle Database software. Figure 1 shows the hierarchical content of Oracle quarterly patch sets.

FIGURE 1. Quarterly database patch content

A quarterly SPU is included in each PSU, and a BP includes everything in the PSU. Bundle patches will have additional fixes that are generally not critical but include things like optimizer fixes or enhancements. As a result, BPs may require a higher level of regression testing before deploying them in your production environment.


Future patch sets will not have stand-alone SPUpatch sets—you will be required to install a PSU or BP to get the security fixes. The SPU+PSU gives you the minimum set of patches to ensure a secure database environment with the most important database fixes that affect the vast majority of database users.

Finish the Preinstall Steps

You are almost ready to install the software for Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (database and GI). Before you can begin the install, you need to complete the following steps:

  • Determine the location of the ORACLE_BASE directory. If you already have a previous release of Oracle Database installed on the system, then you should use the same ORACLE_BASE directory that is already defined. This is not required but highly recommended. For the examples throughout this book, this will be /u01/app/oracle:
[oracl9@ol7base ~]$ Is -l /uOl/app/oracle total 8

drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 6 Aug 31 2016 12.1.0
drwxr-xr-x. 69 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 3 17:32 12.2.0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 oracle oinstall 6 Mar 3 21:32 checkpoints
drwxrwxr-x. 21 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 3 21:27 diag
drwxr-xr-x. 3 oracle oinstall 19 Mar 3 21:25 product

[oracle@ol7base ~]$

  • Ensure that you can start an X terminal session (if installing on Linux) so that you can run the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). Alternatively, if you are using a Linux desktop on the same server where the software will be installed, you will not need a remote X Windows server.
  • Unset parameters such as ORACLE_HOME, TNS_ADMIN, and the like.
  • Make sure that the PATH environment variable does not include an existing $ORACLE_HOME/bin from a previous release.


In earlier Oracle Database releases, it was common to set ORACLE_HOME to the location of the new ORACLE_HOME before starting a new software install. It is now recommended that you set the ORACLE_BASE parameter instead.

When ORACLE_BASE is set, the OUI creates an ORACLE_HOME path that is compliant with Oracle’s Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA). It is recommended that you accept the ORACLE_HOME path that the OUI recommends.

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  • Disk space: Typical Install Type total: 10 GB

  • Physical memory (RAM): 2 GB minimum


  • Create the ORACLE_HOSTNAME system environment variable with setx. Set this variable to point to the host name of the computer on which you are installing Oracle Database.

SUCCESS: Specified value was saved.
::Restart the shell 
  • Verify that the system drive on your computer has default share configured on it with net use:

net use \%COMPUTERNAME%c$
Local name
Remote name       \HI-LAPTOP-NGDc$
Resource type     Disk
Status            Disconnected
# Opens           0
# Connections     1
The command completed successfully.


  • Configure Security Updates: Pass

  • Software Updates: Provides you Mos Id

  • Installation Options: Create and Configure a database

  • System Class: Server Class (because I want to be able to choose all options)

  • Grid Installation Options: Single Instance Database Installation

  • Install Type: Advanced Install

  • Product Languages: English

  • Database Edition: Enterprise Edition

  • Oracle Home User Selection: Windows Built-in Account. This account is used for running the Windows services for the Oracle home.

  • Installation Location: (Default)

    • Oracle_Home: C:appgerardproduct12.1.0dbhome_1

  • Configuration Type: General Purpose (It could be Data Warehousing)

  • Database Identifier:

    • Global Database Name: orcl.HotITem.local

    • Oracle System Identifier (Sid): orcl

  • Configurations Options:

    • Enable Automatic Memory Management

    • Characters Set: UTF-8

    • Create Database with Sample Schemas

  • Database Storage: File System: C:appgerardoradata

  • Management Options: No Cloud Control

  • Recovery Options: No Recovery

  • Schema Passwords: The same: manager1

  • Database Configuration Assistant:

  • Finish

Post Task


The pdb’s are standard not opened (but mounted).

END open_pdbs;



Users created during the installation


  • SYS




  • DVF





  • APEX_040200






  • XDB










  • DIP








A database instance with the specified identifier already exists

After suppression of an old database software, you may still get this errors:

Oracle system identifier (SID):[INS-35075] A database instance with the specified identifier already exists.


  • Restart the Installer

Bad Language on Em

Enterprise Manager uses the local en-us and not us. Be sure that this local is on the top if you want to see Em in English.

Documentation Reference

Recommended Pages

Oracle Database — Installation

This page includes all installation article of the Oracle database. Windows Linux Articles Related

Robert van Amerongen says:

Hi Sven and Mike

On My Oracle Support the “Certification Information for Oracle Database on Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) (Doc ID 1307195.1)” is updated (maybe in June 2017) with this section:

Windows 2016 O/S Information:

• The following editions are supported:
◦ Windows Server 2016 Essentials (x64)
◦ Windows Server 2016 Standard (x64)
◦ Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (x64)

• No support for Server Core
• Oracle Database and earlier will not be certified with Windows Server 2016

But the careful reader will notice that this is not stating that is supported yet on Windows Server 2016.
It is only a promise that and earlier will not be certified with Windows Server 2016.

Therefore the certifications tab on My Oracle Support must bring the answer. And this is (today)

“Oracle Database is certified on Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit) 2016”

Similar information can be found at a public Oracle website:

(if the “GUID” is not working search for “Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Support” at the toc.htm)

Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2) is certified on Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (Standard, Datacenter, and Essentials Editions), which includes support for the database client, server, and Oracle Real Application Clusters. The following database features require patches for Microsoft Windows Server 2016 certification:

• Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS)
◦ Oracle ACFS on Microsoft Windows Server 2016 must apply the second bundle patch or higher to Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2).

• Oracle Server Management (SRVM)
◦ For some network errors, SRVM may fail on Microsoft Windows Server 2016. This issue is fixed by applying the second bundle patch or higher of Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2).

• Oracle Cluster Health Monitor (CHM)
◦ CHM may fail intermittently on Microsoft Windows Server 2016 due to an unexpected termination of the Microsoft’s Windows Management Instrumentation service. The issue is being actively investigated with Microsoft and will be addressed in a future bundle patch.

The last 2 features are used in “Oracle Database QoS Management”.

So when not using these 3 features, guess the base release is stable enough to start on Windows Server 2016.
Otherwise “wait for bundle patch 2 (or higher)”. But the bundle patches are not numbered 1, 2, 3 … anymore.

I can find only 1 bundle patch (today) : Patch 25894005: WINDOWS DB BUNDLE PATCH
So this is number 1?
And around 18 July 2017 there will be new Critical Patch Updates released.
So if there is a bundle patch for, this will be number 2?

Mike :
– Since I have done some guessing maybe you can disapprove or confirm these guesses.
– Is there already more news about Oracle Database 12.2 and “Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Support” that can be shared?

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Summary: This tutorial shows you step by step how to install Oracle Database 12c in Windows 10.

Installing Oracle Database

To install the Oracle database on your computer, you need to download the installer from the download page of the Oracle website.

After having the installation files which are in ZIP format, you need to extract them into a specific folder on your computer.

The following picture shows the structure of the folder of the Oracle installation files after extraction.

Install Oracle Database

Now you need to double-click the setup.exe file to start the installation process. There will be 9 steps that mostly automatically execute.

Step 1. The installer asks you to provide your email address to get the latest security issues and updates. You can ignore it by clicking the Next button:

Install Oracle Database - Step 1

Because I didn’t provide the email address, the Oracle database installer confirm it, you just need to click the No button to continue.

Step 2. In step 2, the Oracle installer asks you whether you want to create and configure a database, install database software only, or just upgrade an existing database. Because you install the Oracle database for the first time, choose option 1 and click the Next button.

Install Oracle Database - Step 2

Step 3. The installer allows you to choose the system class. Because you install Oracle on your computer, not a server, therefore, you choose the first option: desktop-class and click the Next button.

Install Oracle Database - Step 3

Step 4.  This step allows you to specify the Windows user account to install and configure Oracle Home for enhanced security. Choose the third option: “Use Windows Built-in Account”.

Install Oracle Database - Step 4

Step 5. in this step you can (1) choose the folder on which Oracle database will be installed, (2) Global database name and password, (3) pluggable database name.

Install Oracle Database - Step 5

Step 6. The installer performs the prerequisite check.

Install Oracle Database - Step 6

Step 7.  The installer shows you the summary of the information such as global settings, database information, etc. You need to review the information and click the install button if everything is fine.

Install Oracle Database - Step 7

Step 8. The installer starts installing the Oracle database. It will take a few minutes to complete, depending on your computer.

Install Oracle Database - Step 8

You will see the Database Configuration Assistant window. Click the Password management… button to enter the password for Oracle database accounts.

Enter the password for SYS and SYSTEM accounts and then click the OK button.

Step 9. Once installation completes successfully, the installer will inform you as shown in the following screenshot. Click the Close button to close the window.

Install Oracle Database - Step 9

Connecting to Oracle Database

First, launch the SQL developer application provided by the Oracle Database.

Second, right-click the connections node and choose New Connection … menu item to create a new connection.

Third, enter the information that you provided during the installation process as shown in the following screenshot. Click the Connect button to connect to the Oracle Database.

SQL Developer will display all objects as shown below.

SQL Developer - Connected

Congratulation! you have installed Oracle Database 12c successfully. Let’s start exploring Oracle.

Adding an entry to the tnsnames.ora file

The  tnsnames.ora file is typically located in the following directory:


Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

If you follow the above installation steps, then the file is located in the following directory:


Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

You first open the  tnsnames.ora file using any text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++.  Then, you need to add the following lines at the end of the file:


Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

After that, you can save the file and close it. It is time to download and load a sample database into the Oracle Database server.

Was this tutorial helpful?

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