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Physical Address Extension (PAE) — режим работы встроенного блока управления памятью x86-совместимых процессоров, в котором используются 64-битные элементы таблиц страниц (из которых для адресации используются только 36 бит), c помощью которых процессор может адресовать 64 ГБ физической памяти (вместо 4 ГБ, адресуемых при использовании 32-разрядных таблиц), хотя каждая задача (программа) всё равно может адресовать максимум 4 ГБ виртуальной памяти. — определение взято с Википедии [boot loader] Включить режим PAE в Windows 8 (Windows 8.1) штатными средствами не получится (для этого придется вручную в HEX редакторе править файл ядра ntoskrnl.exe и переподписывать его). Проще всего воспользоваться готовым патчем PatchPae2, который написан энтузиастом Wen Jia Liu. Скачать патч PatchPae2 можно тут. PatchPae2.exe -type kernel -o ntoskrnx.exe ntoskrnl.exe — Создадим новый модифицированный загрузчик, позволяющий отменить проверку наличия цифровой подписи ядра при загрузке: PatchPae2.exe -type loader -o winloadp.exe winload.exe Примечание: В случае успешного каждой из предыдущих команд должна появиться надпись «Patched» bcdedit /copy {current} /d «Windows (PAE Patched)»
bcdedit /set {boot_ID} kernel ntoskrnx.exe — Зададим новый загрузчик bcdedit /set {boot_ID} path Windowssystem32winloadp.exe — Отменим проверку подписи загрузчика bcdedit /set {boot_ID} nointegritychecks 1 — Зададим вариант загрузки с модифицированным ядром по умолчанию bcdedit /set {bootmgr} default {boot_ID} Зададим таймаут загрузки (время отображения загрузочного меню), например 10 секунд bcdedit /set {bootmgr} timeout 10 Осталось перезагрузить компьютер и, если вы все сделали правильно, появится такой экран. Выберем вариант Windows (PAE Patched), после чего 32-битная версия Windows 8 или 8.1 должна загрузиться в режиме, поддерживающем более 4 Гб оперативной памяти. 1 sudo apt-get install linux-generic-pae linux-headers-generic-pae Последний раз редактировалось: Metamorf (2016-12-07 11:55), всего редактировалось 1 раз |
Отправлено: 07-Дек-2016 10:38
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zxen |
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Metamorf |
Отправлено: 07-Дек-2016 11:36
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Xki |
[boot loader] |
Отправлено: 07-Дек-2016 11:51
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Metamorf |
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nikzzzz |
@echo off В принципе, если не нужно меню загрузки без pae, можно просто заменить ntkrnlpx.exe и winloadp.exe, можно просто заменить эти файлы пропатченными, не трогая BCD. |
Отправлено: 11-Дек-2016 21:29
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Adler |
Отправлено: 12-Дек-2016 02:35
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Отправлено: 12-Дек-2016 02:35
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nikzzzz |
А у меня один вопрос — а какая крайность вообще ставить 32х битную ОС на ПК с 4 и более ГБ ОЗУ учитывая кучу возможных глюков? Неполноценная поддержка x86 подсистемы, некоторые программы просто вылетают с ошибкой. |
Отправлено: 12-Дек-2016 23:47
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Отправлено: 12-Дек-2016 23:47
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stea.61 |
Ставить Primo RAMdisk ….. Использовать невидимую память. И использовать его как файл подкачки ? Имеющий, правда, целых 2 существенных, на мой взгляд, ПЛЮСА по сравнению с PAE-патчем: |
Отправлено: 16-Дек-2016 08:55
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Отправлено: 16-Дек-2016 08:55
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Kon Diter |
Отправлено: 16-Дек-2016 10:04
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nikzzzz |
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Kon Diter |
Отправлено: 16-Дек-2016 13:30
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Adler |
Отправлено: 16-Дек-2016 15:21
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Отправлено: 16-Дек-2016 15:21
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nikzzzz |
отлично, тогда какой смысл в этом патче, если нельзя задать ограничение в 2gb на процесс для произвольного приложения? Это ограничение самого x32 приложения, даже при запуске его в winx64 оно остается, и не зависит от подключенной памяти. |
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На полках магазинов компьютерной техники еще можно встретить ПК с объемом оперативной памяти менее 4 Гб, но с каждым годом их становится всё меньше. Тем не менее, в Microsoft пока что не думают отказываться от 32-битных Windows и на это у них есть все основания. Некоторое прикладное ПО до сих пор не умеет работать с 64-разрядными системами, а еще есть виртуалки, на которых ради экономии ресурсов пользователи и тестировщики предпочитают устанавливать 32-битные Windows.
Как заставить 32-битную Windows использовать более 3 Гб оперативной памяти
А вот ставить 32-разрядную ОС на ПК с более чем 3 Гб памяти на борту, пожалуй, бессмысленно, ведь такая система всё равно не сможет использовать весь потенциал ОЗУ из-за ограничений архитектуры. Или всё же сможет? Возможно, вы будете удивлены, но такое действительно возможно. Есть версии Windows, в которых имеется особая функция под названием PAE или Physical Address Extension, позволяющая ЦП работать с 86-битной адресацией, что дает возможность задействовать объем памяти вплоть до 64 Гб при том же 32-битном адресном пространстве, остающимся неизменным.
Согласно официальным источникам, PAE поддерживается Windows Server Enterprise Edition 2000, 2003 и 2008, чтобы активировать этот режим в других версиях, потребуется внесение кое-каких модификаций. Предложенный здесь способ применим в большей мере к Windows 7, а вот в Windows 8.1 и 10 результаты могут оказаться не теми, которых стоило бы ожидать. Если вы всё же решитесь на трюк, рекомендуем создать полную резервную копию системного раздела.
- Предупреждение! Внесение модификаций в Windows с помощью описанных здесь инструментов может привести к необходимости переустановки вашей системы.
Для дела вам понадобятся PAE-патчи, скачайте их в архиве
по ссылке
, распакуйте архив и выберите патч для вашей версии системы.
Файлы безопасны, но антивирус всё-таки желательно отключить. Проще всего в Windows 7, в этой ОС достаточно забросить файл PAEPatch.exe из одноименной папки в каталог C:/Windows/system32 и запустить. О том, что патч был применен, укажет новая загрузочная запись во вкладке «Загрузка» утилиты msconfig (ее можно запустить через окошко «Выполнить»). Включите эту запись как используемую по умолчанию, тайм-аут выставьте от 2 до 5 секунд.
В Windows 8.1 и 10 всё немного сложнее, там вам нужно будет проследовать инструкции, приведенной в файле readme.tхt
— последовательно выполнить несколько команд, предварительно убедившись в корректности пути к исполняемому файлу патча PatchPae2.exe.
После этого также проверяем наличие загрузочной записи в окне утилиты msconfig и перезагружаем компьютер. Если всё получится, вы заметите прирост производительности, если нет, удаляем в msconfig запись «Windows (PAE Patched)» и файлы ntoskrnx.exe (ntkrnlpx.exe) и winloadp.exe из каталога System32.
Ну и не забываем о побочных следствиях применения патча. Испытавшие его на своих системах пользователи Windows 10 сообщали, что после «апдейта» у них переставали работать (это необязательно, а как повезет) некоторые устройства и системные приложения, включая Диспетчер задач. Не исключено появление зависаний, BSOD и черного экрана при загрузке. Со стороны пользователей Windows 7 особых жалоб не поступало, но это никак не означает, что можно обойтись без создания резервной копии системы.
PatchPae2 by wj32 + PatchPae3 evgen_b MOD Plese, consider make a donation: https://github.com/sponsors/therealdreg Executable releases: PatchPae3: PatchPAE3_2018_07_20.zip PatchPae2: PatchPae2.zip - https://github.com/wj32/PatchPae2 https://wj32.org/wp/2016/02/01/pae-patch-updated-for-windows-10/ https://wj32.org/wp/2013/10/25/pae-patch-updated-for-windows-8-1/ https://wj32.org/wp/2012/12/26/pae-patch-updated-for-windows-8/ https://wj32.org/wp/2011/02/23/pae-patch-updated-for-windows-7-sp1/ - PatchPae (v2) by wj32. Tested on: Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP0, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (builds 10240, 10586, 14393, 23569) == Installation == 1. Open an elevated Command Prompt window. 2. cd C:Windowssystem32. Make sure the current directory is in fact system32. [[ For Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10: ]] 3. C:WherePatchPaeIsPatchPae2.exe -type kernel -o ntoskrnx.exe ntoskrnl.exe This will patch the kernel to enable a maximum of 128GB of RAM. [[ For Windows Vista and Windows 7: ]] 3. C:WherePatchPaeIsPatchPae2.exe -type kernel -o ntkrnlpx.exe ntkrnlpa.exe This will patch the kernel to enable a maximum of 128GB of RAM. 4. C:WherePatchPaeIsPatchPae2.exe -type loader -o winloadp.exe winload.exe This will patch the loader to disable signature verification. 5. bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Windows (PAE Patched)" This will create a new boot entry. A message should appear: The entry was successfully copied to {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}. [[ For Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10: ]] 6. bcdedit /set {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} kernel ntoskrnx.exe This will set our boot entry to load our patched kernel. [[ For Windows Vista and Windows 7: ]] 6. bcdedit /set {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} kernel ntkrnlpx.exe This will set our boot entry to load our patched kernel. 7. bcdedit /set {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} path Windowssystem32winloadp.exe This will set our loader to be our patched loader. 8. bcdedit /set {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} nointegritychecks 1 This will disable verification of the loader. 9. bcdedit /set {bootmgr} default {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} This will set our boot entry to be the default. 10. bcdedit /set {bootmgr} timeout 2 This will set the timeout to be shorter. Note: you can change this timeout to whatever you like. 11. Restart the computer and enjoy. == Removal == To remove the patch: * Run msconfig, click Boot, highlight the entry named "Windows (PAE Patched)", and click Delete. * Delete the files ntoskrnx.exe (or ntkrnlpx.exe) and winloadp.exe from C:Windowssystem32. == Updates == When Windows Update installs new updates on your computer, you should run Step 3 again to ensure that you have the latest version of the kernel. == Compiling == To compile PatchPae2, you need to get Process Hacker and build it. The directory structure should look like this: * ...ProcessHacker2lib... * ...ProcessHacker2phlib... * ...srcPatchPae2.sln
Windows 7 (32-bit) Patch to Support 4 GB Ram or more! | 3.68MB -=FS=-
In the Internet often haunts thestatement a 32-bit operating system can technically only managed a maximum of 4 GB of RAM. This is wrong and Microsoftis even evidence itself.
Yes, this is all wrong Guys!! Now technology are advancing, and here come PAE from the year 1995!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! duhhhhh!!!
There is no need to use pure 64bit os to take advantage of more rams, windows 7 32 bit canoptimize more than 4GB ram using PAE technologyCode:
, PAE are somewhat the same like our 32bit processor that support 64bit code (by extention). Your motherbord/bios need to support PAE and remaping memory address. The other thing you need are the kernel patch to remove 3.xgb ram limit by microsoft, those who are like me that have 4GB ram but windows 7 32bit only see 3.2GB ram usable, can use the patch to fully utilized full 4GB ram, just make sure your motherboard bios detect the correct full 4GB or 8GB of your system ram.
When the program open, it just have one button, just click it and after a while it will prompt some black screen to remove the watermark, just press y andit will reboot your windows 7. After that you will have 2 windows boot option and you also can select the old win 7 kernel (just in case), just select the «>128 GB memory» and load your windows 7, check the information page for the ram used. To edit the boot option i recommend program name EasyBCD, you can edit some option of the windows boot manager like default option and timer (10 second min).
After this some of you might stillhave a watermark of windows test mode in the right bottom desktop, means mcbuider need to be run again, open cmd in runbox then type mcbuilder.exe andenter, this might take a while, after that reboot your system and the watermark will be gone.
I tested it out my self with windows 7 ultimate, and its work, I got full 4GB and even tryadd another 1 stick of 2gb more, so total would be 6gb of rams in windows 7 32bit.
My windows 7 32-bit with 6GB of RAM.http://www.google.com/search?q=4GB-…d=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:de:IE-Address&ie=&oe=
can any one please comment on this? Does it work? Is it safe to use? I found it on the internet and I don’t know whethe it works or not. Do any of you have any idea on it? Please help.
Thanks in advance…
Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2011
Don’t you think that the word «Physical» and Software patch to bypass it somehow doesn’t fit ?
I have heard that PAE on Windows 32 bit was buggy. However this was quite a while ago and it may have just been regarding Vista. I could also be misremembering.
Is there any real reason to be running 32-bit Windows 7 anyway?
The reason why you see less than 4 GiB RAM with 4 GiB installed on a 32-bit OS is explained here:
If you are looking to make a 32-bit program use more than 2 GiB RAM, use this application here:
PAE is an old trick Server 2000 and other server software used in order to allow more memory to be used in a 32-bit environment. Using it takes a huge performance hit. Since XP x64/Server 2003 x64, PAE has gone the way of the do-do bird. If you want Windows to register all your memory, get a 64-bit OS and profit.
yeah PAE wont solve the problems with games.
Hell, all the spelling mistakes, typos, and sheer arrogance in that original post make me wonder how anyone believed it in the first place.
Thank you guys for your replies. I actually didn’t have enough knowledge about that. So I wondered if it is possible to utilise more than 4 gb ram in x86 os. There are some program compatibility issue (very little, but there is) with x64. So I thought it would be good if it was possible. Anyway now according to your replies I came to the conclusion that it would be much better to use a x64 os.
And another off topic subject, I read a lot of topics in this forum. And I learn a lot of things about computer hardwares and staffs here.
Thanks again.
windows Xp x64 was problematic but windows 7 x64 has a wide range of programs that perform perfectly and also is backwards compatible with many programs.
Thank you guys for your replies. I actually didn’t have enough knowledge about that. So I wondered if it is possible to utilise more than 4 gb ram in x86 os. There are some program compatibility issue (very little, but there is) with x64. So I thought it would be good if it was possible. Anyway now according to your replies I came to the conclusion that it would be much better to use a x64 os.
And another off topic subject, I read a lot of topics in this forum. And I learn a lot of things about computer hardwares and staffs here.
Thanks again.
32 bit OS is capped at 4GB. the real problem is that applications are capped at 2GB maximum — which is where the problems come in with games.
with LAA patching (see fordGT90’s links) on a 32 bit OS, you can kick that limit to 3GB — or 4GB on a 64 bit OS, thus preventing (or at least, hugely delaying) those crashes.
PAE works, but it is at best a stop-gap on your way to a fully 64 bit OS. At worst, it is a foolish endeavour for those with too much money spent on RAM and not enough spent on the OS.
As others have said, get the program to flag 32 bit applications as large addressing aware (LAA). They will be able to use all the RAM that is available.
32 bit OSs are going to die. As soon as the next generation of consoles comes out, there will be now reason for developers to stick to 32 bit (read: M$ has hinted at 8 being 64 bit only, consider it hints at the next gen xbox…), so we can finally have fully 64 bit programs. I look forward to the day.
Back to topic, PAE is a joke. It does address the extra RAM, but it can’t access the stuff as fast. You can double the RAM, but have the same performance level you would have with 4 GB (3 recognized). It’s a good idea, but poorly executed at best.
Last edited: Jul 6, 2011
32 bit OSs are going to die. As soon as the next generation of consoles comes out, there will be now reason for developers to stick to 32 bit (read: M$ is 64 bit only, consider it hints at the next gen xbox…), so we can finally have fully 64 bit programs. I look forward to the day.
It really has nothing to do with consoles. Hell, I doubt the next gen consoles will have 4 GiB of RAM total (including VRAM). It’ll probably be closer to 2 or 3 GiB. Remember, they cut corners everywhere they can to keep the per-unit cost as low as possible.
Windows Server 2008 R2 is only available as 64-bit. Windows 8 is 50/50 on having a 32-bit version available for netbooks. It is very unlikely the Windows version after that will have a 32-bit option.
PAE was useful before the advent of AMD64/EM64T, not afterwards. IA-64 (which Intel was pushing before AMD introduced AMD64) was not backwards compatible with x86. That created a huge obstacle in terms of hardware and software (needed new programmers or at least compilers for all your applications). PAE was a bandage for the memory issue while still being able to use x86. After AMD64, there’s no reason to use a bandage when the hardware has evolved to allow address of more memory without using memory tricks.
Could have sworn if you have a 32bit disc you can just call up Microsoft and they’ll send you a 64 bit. Maybe they don’t do that anymore.
PAE does allow you to use more than 4GB of RAM on a 32-bit computer when using SERVER operating systems. Microsoft has locked their desktop 32-bit OSes to 4GB maximum, so PAE does nothing in Windows 7.
The only exception to this was, I believe, Windows XP Pre-SP2, but once SP2 came out Microsoft limited the OS to 4GB of RAM because machines with PAE enabled with more than 4GB of RAM were having driver issues.
Could have sworn if you have a 32bit disc you can just call up Microsoft and they’ll send you a 64 bit. Maybe they don’t do that anymore.
I know if you have a Vista 64bit and 32bit OS CD’s you can use the same key.. Can he not just download the 64bit version from MS as a ISO and put it on a disk ?.
Hopfully you can do the same with win7 too.
Yes, if you have Win7 32bit, you can just download a legal copy of Win7 64bit, and install it with the same key. Unfortunately, you can’t do an upgrade from 32bit to 64bit, you’ll have to do a fresh install. You also must stay with the same version, ie Home Premium, Ultimate ect.
Arg, didn’t check the date of the op, I’m embarrassed….
Fishfaced Nincompoop
windows Xp x64 was problematic but windows 7 x64 has a wide range of programs that perform perfectly and also is backwards compatible with many programs.
necro reply, but i’ve found several old games that worked out of the box with win7 32 but not with 64.
It can be done
i know this is an ancient thread, but still i haven’t seen anybody giving a proper answer to the guy. first let me start by saying that sometimes there are legitimate reasons why you’d want to stick to the win32-bit version. two of the tools i use for work do not work with win7 64bit, no matter what you try. the only way i managed to make them work was by installing a windows xp virtual machine within win7 64 bit. talk about performance hits
secondly, and more importantly, there IS a way to let your 32-bit win7 use more memory — allegedly up to 64GB, but i only use 8, so i can only confirm it definitely works up to 8 GB, with each inidividual application still being limited to 4 GB. once you install this patch (even though your antivirus will probably report is as a virus and advise you not to install it), you will be able to see (in system properties, task manager) the full amount of your memory.
i have not witnessed any performance losses, my machine works just as good as it did when i only had ~ 3GB of memory enabled… the only difference is that i can feel and see that it’s been using the hard drive virtual memory page file much less… the reason has to be that now i have the full 8 GB of memory at my disposal
hello im new
searching from google and i get here
in the end of line
which one better
Win 7 32 bit with 4 GB ram ( PAE enable )
Win 7 32 bit with 3.25 GB ram (default)
Last edited: May 24, 2013
IA-64 (which Intel was pushing before AMD introduced AMD64) was not backwards compatible with x86. That created a huge obstacle in terms of hardware and software (needed new programmers or at least compilers for all your applications). PAE was a bandage for the memory issue while still being able to use x86. After AMD64, there’s no reason to use a bandage when the hardware has evolved to allow address of more memory without using memory tricks.
Itanium was also geared for a very different market. In short, the real benefit of IA-64 was that what would normally be done in the pipeline of a modern X86 processor was done at compile time on an Itanium processor. So some of the CPU tasks were taken away from the application at run-time in favor of a more complicated build process. The benefit of this method of compiling made applications inherently more concurrent because the compile determines what operations can be done in parallel which is a neat concept.
All in all IA-64 was never really being made for the consumer market. It has always really been an enterprise and HPC thing. AMD64 hadn’t been around very long before EM64T came out on the skt775 Pentium 4s. By the time AMD really started using AMD64 on machines with more than 4Gb of ram, Intel had already created EM64T.
Last edited: May 24, 2013
Windows 7 (32-bit) Patch to Support 4 GB Ram or more! | 3.68MB -=FS=-
In the Internet often haunts thestatement a 32-bit operating system can technically only managed a maximum of 4 GB of RAM. This is wrong and Microsoftis even evidence itself.
Yes, this is all wrong Guys!! Now technology are advancing, and here come PAE from the year 1995!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! duhhhhh!!!
There is no need to use pure 64bit os to take advantage of more rams, windows 7 32 bit canoptimize more than 4GB ram using PAE technologyCode:
, PAE are somewhat the same like our 32bit processor that support 64bit code (by extention). Your motherbord/bios need to support PAE and remaping memory address. The other thing you need are the kernel patch to remove 3.xgb ram limit by microsoft, those who are like me that have 4GB ram but windows 7 32bit only see 3.2GB ram usable, can use the patch to fully utilized full 4GB ram, just make sure your motherboard bios detect the correct full 4GB or 8GB of your system ram.
When the program open, it just have one button, just click it and after a while it will prompt some black screen to remove the watermark, just press y andit will reboot your windows 7. After that you will have 2 windows boot option and you also can select the old win 7 kernel (just in case), just select the «>128 GB memory» and load your windows 7, check the information page for the ram used. To edit the boot option i recommend program name EasyBCD, you can edit some option of the windows boot manager like default option and timer (10 second min).
After this some of you might stillhave a watermark of windows test mode in the right bottom desktop, means mcbuider need to be run again, open cmd in runbox then type mcbuilder.exe andenter, this might take a while, after that reboot your system and the watermark will be gone.
I tested it out my self with windows 7 ultimate, and its work, I got full 4GB and even tryadd another 1 stick of 2gb more, so total would be 6gb of rams in windows 7 32bit.
My windows 7 32-bit with 6GB of RAM.http://www.google.com/search?q=4GB-…d=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:de:IE-Address&ie=&oe=
can any one please comment on this? Does it work? Is it safe to use? I found it on the internet and I don’t know whethe it works or not. Do any of you have any idea on it? Please help.
Thanks in advance…
Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2011
Don’t you think that the word «Physical» and Software patch to bypass it somehow doesn’t fit ?
I have heard that PAE on Windows 32 bit was buggy. However this was quite a while ago and it may have just been regarding Vista. I could also be misremembering.
Is there any real reason to be running 32-bit Windows 7 anyway?
The reason why you see less than 4 GiB RAM with 4 GiB installed on a 32-bit OS is explained here:
If you are looking to make a 32-bit program use more than 2 GiB RAM, use this application here:
PAE is an old trick Server 2000 and other server software used in order to allow more memory to be used in a 32-bit environment. Using it takes a huge performance hit. Since XP x64/Server 2003 x64, PAE has gone the way of the do-do bird. If you want Windows to register all your memory, get a 64-bit OS and profit.
yeah PAE wont solve the problems with games.
Hell, all the spelling mistakes, typos, and sheer arrogance in that original post make me wonder how anyone believed it in the first place.
Thank you guys for your replies. I actually didn’t have enough knowledge about that. So I wondered if it is possible to utilise more than 4 gb ram in x86 os. There are some program compatibility issue (very little, but there is) with x64. So I thought it would be good if it was possible. Anyway now according to your replies I came to the conclusion that it would be much better to use a x64 os.
And another off topic subject, I read a lot of topics in this forum. And I learn a lot of things about computer hardwares and staffs here.
Thanks again.
windows Xp x64 was problematic but windows 7 x64 has a wide range of programs that perform perfectly and also is backwards compatible with many programs.
Thank you guys for your replies. I actually didn’t have enough knowledge about that. So I wondered if it is possible to utilise more than 4 gb ram in x86 os. There are some program compatibility issue (very little, but there is) with x64. So I thought it would be good if it was possible. Anyway now according to your replies I came to the conclusion that it would be much better to use a x64 os.
And another off topic subject, I read a lot of topics in this forum. And I learn a lot of things about computer hardwares and staffs here.
Thanks again.
32 bit OS is capped at 4GB. the real problem is that applications are capped at 2GB maximum — which is where the problems come in with games.
with LAA patching (see fordGT90’s links) on a 32 bit OS, you can kick that limit to 3GB — or 4GB on a 64 bit OS, thus preventing (or at least, hugely delaying) those crashes.
PAE works, but it is at best a stop-gap on your way to a fully 64 bit OS. At worst, it is a foolish endeavour for those with too much money spent on RAM and not enough spent on the OS.
As others have said, get the program to flag 32 bit applications as large addressing aware (LAA). They will be able to use all the RAM that is available.
32 bit OSs are going to die. As soon as the next generation of consoles comes out, there will be now reason for developers to stick to 32 bit (read: M$ has hinted at 8 being 64 bit only, consider it hints at the next gen xbox…), so we can finally have fully 64 bit programs. I look forward to the day.
Back to topic, PAE is a joke. It does address the extra RAM, but it can’t access the stuff as fast. You can double the RAM, but have the same performance level you would have with 4 GB (3 recognized). It’s a good idea, but poorly executed at best.
Last edited: Jul 6, 2011
32 bit OSs are going to die. As soon as the next generation of consoles comes out, there will be now reason for developers to stick to 32 bit (read: M$ is 64 bit only, consider it hints at the next gen xbox…), so we can finally have fully 64 bit programs. I look forward to the day.
It really has nothing to do with consoles. Hell, I doubt the next gen consoles will have 4 GiB of RAM total (including VRAM). It’ll probably be closer to 2 or 3 GiB. Remember, they cut corners everywhere they can to keep the per-unit cost as low as possible.
Windows Server 2008 R2 is only available as 64-bit. Windows 8 is 50/50 on having a 32-bit version available for netbooks. It is very unlikely the Windows version after that will have a 32-bit option.
PAE was useful before the advent of AMD64/EM64T, not afterwards. IA-64 (which Intel was pushing before AMD introduced AMD64) was not backwards compatible with x86. That created a huge obstacle in terms of hardware and software (needed new programmers or at least compilers for all your applications). PAE was a bandage for the memory issue while still being able to use x86. After AMD64, there’s no reason to use a bandage when the hardware has evolved to allow address of more memory without using memory tricks.
Could have sworn if you have a 32bit disc you can just call up Microsoft and they’ll send you a 64 bit. Maybe they don’t do that anymore.
PAE does allow you to use more than 4GB of RAM on a 32-bit computer when using SERVER operating systems. Microsoft has locked their desktop 32-bit OSes to 4GB maximum, so PAE does nothing in Windows 7.
The only exception to this was, I believe, Windows XP Pre-SP2, but once SP2 came out Microsoft limited the OS to 4GB of RAM because machines with PAE enabled with more than 4GB of RAM were having driver issues.
Could have sworn if you have a 32bit disc you can just call up Microsoft and they’ll send you a 64 bit. Maybe they don’t do that anymore.
I know if you have a Vista 64bit and 32bit OS CD’s you can use the same key.. Can he not just download the 64bit version from MS as a ISO and put it on a disk ?.
Hopfully you can do the same with win7 too.
Yes, if you have Win7 32bit, you can just download a legal copy of Win7 64bit, and install it with the same key. Unfortunately, you can’t do an upgrade from 32bit to 64bit, you’ll have to do a fresh install. You also must stay with the same version, ie Home Premium, Ultimate ect.
Arg, didn’t check the date of the op, I’m embarrassed….
Fishfaced Nincompoop
windows Xp x64 was problematic but windows 7 x64 has a wide range of programs that perform perfectly and also is backwards compatible with many programs.
necro reply, but i’ve found several old games that worked out of the box with win7 32 but not with 64.
It can be done
i know this is an ancient thread, but still i haven’t seen anybody giving a proper answer to the guy. first let me start by saying that sometimes there are legitimate reasons why you’d want to stick to the win32-bit version. two of the tools i use for work do not work with win7 64bit, no matter what you try. the only way i managed to make them work was by installing a windows xp virtual machine within win7 64 bit. talk about performance hits
secondly, and more importantly, there IS a way to let your 32-bit win7 use more memory — allegedly up to 64GB, but i only use 8, so i can only confirm it definitely works up to 8 GB, with each inidividual application still being limited to 4 GB. once you install this patch (even though your antivirus will probably report is as a virus and advise you not to install it), you will be able to see (in system properties, task manager) the full amount of your memory.
i have not witnessed any performance losses, my machine works just as good as it did when i only had ~ 3GB of memory enabled… the only difference is that i can feel and see that it’s been using the hard drive virtual memory page file much less… the reason has to be that now i have the full 8 GB of memory at my disposal
hello im new
searching from google and i get here
in the end of line
which one better
Win 7 32 bit with 4 GB ram ( PAE enable )
Win 7 32 bit with 3.25 GB ram (default)
Last edited: May 24, 2013
IA-64 (which Intel was pushing before AMD introduced AMD64) was not backwards compatible with x86. That created a huge obstacle in terms of hardware and software (needed new programmers or at least compilers for all your applications). PAE was a bandage for the memory issue while still being able to use x86. After AMD64, there’s no reason to use a bandage when the hardware has evolved to allow address of more memory without using memory tricks.
Itanium was also geared for a very different market. In short, the real benefit of IA-64 was that what would normally be done in the pipeline of a modern X86 processor was done at compile time on an Itanium processor. So some of the CPU tasks were taken away from the application at run-time in favor of a more complicated build process. The benefit of this method of compiling made applications inherently more concurrent because the compile determines what operations can be done in parallel which is a neat concept.
All in all IA-64 was never really being made for the consumer market. It has always really been an enterprise and HPC thing. AMD64 hadn’t been around very long before EM64T came out on the skt775 Pentium 4s. By the time AMD really started using AMD64 on machines with more than 4Gb of ram, Intel had already created EM64T.
Last edited: May 24, 2013
Все еще используете 32-битную Windows-машину? Вот как можно снять ограничение в 4 ГБ, которое может мешать использованию ОЗУ.
В то время как 32-разрядная версия была когда-то стандартом, в последние годы все больше и больше пользователей Windows переходят на 64-разрядную версию ОС. Тем не менее, некоторые 32-битные системы все еще имеют некоторые трудности, и они вполне могли бы упустить некоторые возможности своего оборудования, если бы не решили известную проблему с оперативной памятью на компьютерах такого типа.
К счастью, есть относительно простое решение этой проблемы, если вам удобно использовать интерфейс командной строки. чтобы сделать необходимые настройки. Вот все, что вам нужно знать о исправлении 32-битной системы, чтобы вы могли использовать до 64 ГБ оперативной памяти. Установлен на вашем компьютере.
Почему я ограничен 4 ГБ оперативной памяти?
Причина так называемого «барьера 3 ГБ» заключается в архитектуре 32-битных операционных систем. Каждый отдельный байт ОЗУ имеет свой физический адрес, который система использует для доступа к определенным единицам памяти. 32-разрядные системы имеют ограничение на количество адресов, доступных для оперативной памяти и различных других компонентов. В зависимости от настроек это может ограничить объем оперативной памяти, который ваша система может поддерживать, до 3 ГБ, хотя он может быть немного выше или немного ниже.
Методика, называемая физическим расширением адреса, или PAE, может позволить 32-битной ОС поддерживать до 64 ГБ ОЗУ. Увеличив размер физического адреса с 32 бит до 36, система может использовать гораздо больше адресов, но виртуальные адреса системы остаются прежними, гарантируя, что все работает так, как должно.
Как я могу узнать, нужна ли мне ПАЭ?
Нужно ли вам использовать PAE или нет, зависит от двух важных факторов; Вы используете 32-разрядную или 64-разрядную версию Windows и сколько используемой оперативной памяти можно использовать? Чтобы установить оба, откройте панель управления и перейдите к « Система и безопасность» > « Система» .
Если вы видите что-то похожее на вышеприведенное, значит, вы уже отсортированы. Однако, если тип «Система» читает 32-разрядную операционную систему, и в скобках есть запись, указывающая, сколько оперативной памяти можно использовать, в соответствии с результатом, установленным для установленной памяти , вам потребуется использовать PAE, чтобы получить полный эффект. вашей оперативной памяти .
Еще одна вещь, которую необходимо учитывать, прежде чем приступить к этому процессу, — это то, что PAE, по сообщениям, испытывает некоторые трудности при работе с графическими картами в прошлом. Если это так с вашей установкой, возможно, стоит подумать об обновлении о 64-битной системе.
Как включить PAE в Windows 7 и Windows 8
Перво-наперво, скачайте PatchPae2 с wj32 . Это даст вам ZIP-файл, содержащий патч, который будет работать на компьютерах под управлением Windows 7 или Windows 8 / 8.1, но между процессами для версий ОС до и после Windows 8 есть несколько небольших различий. разархивируйте загруженный файл и поместите его в папку в Windows > System32 , которая, вероятно, будет находиться на диске C: вашего компьютера. Как только PatchPae2.exe будет на месте, запишите его путь к файлу, так как он понадобится вам позже.
Теперь откройте командную строку с включенными привилегиями администратора . Вы можете легко это сделать, выполнив поиск в командной строке для командной строки, а затем щелкните правой кнопкой мыши правильную запись в результатах поиска и выберите Запуск от имени администратора . Вам должен быть представлен стандартный интерфейс командной строки — убедитесь, что каталог читает system32 .
Если вы используете Windows 8 или более позднюю версию, теперь настало время выполнить команду P atchPae2.exe — тип ядра -o ntoskrnx.exe ntoskrnl.exe , который должен выглядеть следующим образом.
Если вы используете версию Windows, более раннюю, чем Windows 8 , вам нужно сделать то же самое, но с немного другим списком инструкций в зависимости от местоположения файла. Вместо ядра -type -o ntoskrnx.exe ntoskrnl.exe вместо этого введите ядро -type -o ntkrnlpx.exe ntkrnlpa.exe .
Затем исправьте загрузчик, чтобы отключить проверку цифровой подписи, введя команду PatchPae2.exe -type loader -o winloadp.exe winload.exe . Затем создайте новый параметр загрузки со следующим вводом: bcdedit / copy {current} / d «Windows (PAE Patched)» . Фраза между кавычками — это просто комментарий для обозначения того, что вы сделали.
Вы должны увидеть сообщение об успешном копировании и уникальный идентификатор загрузки в формате {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} . Скопируйте этот идентификатор, потому что мы собираемся использовать его для следующих нескольких команд. Введите bcdedit / set {boot ID} kernel ntoskrnx.exe, если вы используете Windows 8 или 8.1, и bcdedit / set {boot ID} kernel ntkrnlpx.exe для чего-либо ранее.
Нам нужно выполнить еще несколько команд. Во-первых, убедитесь, что наш исправленный загрузчик выбран путем ввода пути bcdedit / set {boot ID} Windows system32 winloadp.exe . Затем используйте bcdedit / set {boot ID} nointegritychecks 1, чтобы подтвердить, что загрузчик не должен проверяться. Затем установите эту загрузочную запись как заданную по умолчанию с помощью bcdedit / set {bootmgr} default {boot ID} . Вы также можете использовать bcdedit / set {bootmgr} timeout X, чтобы установить время отображения пользовательского меню загрузки, заменив X на желаемую продолжительность в секундах, но это необязательно. Все, что осталось с этого момента, это перезагрузить компьютер.
Использовали ли вы PAE, чтобы освободить свой компьютер от ограниченного использования ОЗУ? ? Сообщите нам о своем опыте — и о любых возможных советах — в разделе комментариев ниже.