Each software is released under license type that can be found on program pages as well as on search or category pages. Here are the most common license types:
Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use).
Open Source
Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared.
Free to Play
This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. In some cases, ads may be show to the users.
Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program’s interfaces. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.
Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time. After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations.
Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose.
PowerShell — современный аналог командной строки с более мощной функциональностью. Предназначен для написания скриптов и конфигурирования операционных систем MS Windows. В нем также реализована полноценная среда разработки PowerShell ISE.
Автоматизировать процесс удаления временных файлов, работа с архивами, перенос объектов, поиск файлов — это лишь малая часть того, на что способен PowerShell.
В первую очередь, эта программная оболочка нацелена на IT-специалистов. PowerShell предоставляет возможность более глубоко настроить систему. Это, своего рода, универсальный инструмент администрирования. Он позволяет автоматизировать множество рутинных задач. От смены настроек отдельных программ, до управления службами и процессами. PowerShell дает возможность работать быстрее, не теряя при этом качество.
Возможности PowerShell
Программная оболочка может выполнять все команды, реализуемые в стандартной командной строке cmd.exe. Тем не менее, PowerShell не заслуживала бы внимания, если не могла предложить что-то более интересное.
Помимо функций обычной командной строки, в оболочке существует своя среда разработки ISE. Благодаря этому, разработчики получают больше возможностей. Это реализуется различными фишками, присущим масштабным IDE. От подсветки синтаксиса до функции автозаполнения целых кусков кода.
Их можно считать аналогом команды “man” в Unix-системах. Командлеты — команды, предназначенные для выполнения различных действий. Они возвращают объекты Microsoft .NET. Реализуются они по типу “действие-объект”. Где командлет, условно, выступает в роли глагола, а объект — в роли существительного. Стоит отметить, что они не чувствительны к регистру. Разделяются точкой с запятой.
Например, командлет Get-Help отображает справку по всем используемым командам. Командлет Get-date возвращает текущую дату и время.
В программной оболочке есть команда Test-Connection. С его помощью можно произвести диагностику соединения. Пропинговать несколько хостов одновременно, установить задержку и тому подобное. Стоит отметить, что этот командлет работает также, как и ping, по ICMP.
С помощью командлета Copy-Item разработчик может копировать файлы между локальными или сетевыми каталогами. Также есть возможность копировать файлы между удаленными компьютерами.
Язык сценариев
Скрипты пишутся по принципам ООП. Команды сценариев именуются как компандплеты: “Действие-объект”. Язык сценариев содержит в себе все необходимые элементы, присущие обычным языкам программирования. Массивы, циклы, объекты, классы и многое другое присутствует в PowerShell. Скрипты в несколько раз увеличивают быстродействие программного обеспечения.
Где взять PowerShell
Рассматриваемая программная оболочка поддерживается на всех операционных системах Windows, начиная с Windows 7. Это значит, можно спокойно скачать и установить PowerShell на ОС версий 7,8, 8.1 и 10.
Виндовс Повер шелл — программа от корпорации Microsoft, предоставляющая широкие возможности по изменению данных компьютера и удаленной настройке серверов и других ПК. Представляет собой универсальный инструмент для системных администраторов.
Программное обеспечение не требует установки. Его можно сразу же запустить из Windows 10, кликнув на файл powershell.exe. Но если у вас по какой-то причине не оказалось PowerShell, вы можете загрузить программу с нашего сайта. Это полностью бесплатно.
В этом тексте вы узнаете об основных возможностях программного обеспечения, познакомитесь с базовыми командами и последствиями их выполнения, взгляните на плюсы и минусы PowerShell.
Благодаря Windows Power Shell можно:
- Получать доступ к ключам реестра и управлять ими.
- Манипулировать файловой системой, службами, процессами.
- Проводить настройку операционной системы и установленного программного обеспечения.
- Настраивать сервера и их компоненты.
- Писать и подключать сценарии (скрипты) для автоматизации администрирования.
- Выполнять другие типичные и не только задачи системных администраторов.
Познакомиться с программой можно введя команду Help. Она выводит на экран список всех команд. Кроме этого, можно также использовать следующие комондлеты (команды, cmdlet):
- Set-Alias-aliasname — создает новый алиас (укрощенное наименование команды).
- Sl hkcu (set-location HKEY_CURRENT_USER) — совершает переход из файловой системы на ветвь системного реестра компьютера.
- Get-eventlog -list — предоставляет доступ к техжурналу.
- Clear-RecycleBin — удаляет содержимое корзины.
- Огромный функционал. Windows PowerShell подойдет для решения множества поставленных задач.
- Понятный синтаксис. Если что-то вдруг непонятно — всегда есть команды-справочники типа help.
- Можно создавать свои команды и скрипты. Это позволяет лучше автоматизировать процессы.
- Присутствует интеграция с другими средами. К ним относятся WMI, .NET Framework и т.д.
- Понятный дизайн. В новых версиях включена подсветка синтаксиса.
- Классические комбинации копирования-вставки не работают.
- Старые версии менее удобны и имеют меньше возможностей.
Как пользоваться PowerShell для Windows 10
Подводя вывод: PowerShell — расширенная версия командной строки с множеством новых функций. Программа особенно пригодится системным администраторам, которые управляют несколькими удаленными ПК.
Последняя версия | 6.2.4 |
Обновлено | |
Разработчик | Microsoft Corporation |
Система | Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 |
Язык | Русский, Английский и другие |
Рейтинг пользователей |
Лицензия | Бесплатная |
Размер | 53.4 Мб |
Похожие программы для Windows:
v7.3.2 Release of PowerShell
7.3.2 — 2023-01-24
Engine Updates and Fixes
- Fix
to detect a pre-defined string when the text starts with it (#18916) - Fix for JEA session leaking functions (Internal 23820)
General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Fix
to check the existence of working directory using the PowerShell way (#18917) - Fix
error to include the command that is not found (#18650)
- Allow system lock down test debug hook to work with new
API (fixes system lock down tests) (#18962)
Build and Packaging Improvements
Bump to use .NET 7.0.2
- Update dependencies for .NET release (Internal 23818)
- Remove unnecessary reference to
(#18918) - Add bootstrap after SBOM task to re-install .NET (#18891)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- hashes.sha256
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- PowerShell-7.3.2-win-fxdependentWinDesktop.zip
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- PowerShell-7.3.2-win-x64.msi
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- PowerShell-7.3.2-win-x64.zip
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- PowerShell-7.3.2-win-x86.msi
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- PowerShell-7.3.2-win-x86.zip
- 6A7C7567B8DAB2D2FD918430D118011A0E7D7589E648BC2204C96EE120E3BD1A
v7.2.9 Release of PowerShell
7.2.9 — 2023-01-24
Engine Updates and Fixes
- Fix for JEA session leaking functions (Internal 23821 & 23819)
General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Correct incorrect cmdlet name in script (#18919)
Build and Packaging Improvements
Bump .NET version to 6.0.13
- Create test artifacts for windows arm64 (#18932)
- Update dependencies for .NET release (Internal 23816)
- Don’t install based on build-id for RPM (#18921)
- Apply expected file permissions to linux files after authenticode signing (#18922)
- Add authenticode signing for assemblies on linux builds (#18920)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- hashes.sha256
- E16E02BE4A71C71667F331C73284554D8F8AC6A3BD2D2995B64CF1F48DBFF97A
- powershell_7.2.9-1.deb_amd64.deb
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- powershell-7.2.9-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
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- powershell-7.2.9-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
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- powershell-7.2.9-linux-alpine-x64.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.2.9-linux-arm32.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.2.9-osx-x64.tar.gz
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- PowerShell-7.2.9-win-arm32.zip
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- PowerShell-7.2.9-win-arm64.zip
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- PowerShell-7.2.9-win-fxdependent.zip
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- PowerShell-7.2.9-win-fxdependentWinDesktop.zip
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- PowerShell-7.2.9-win-x64.msi
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- PowerShell-7.2.9-win-x64.zip
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- PowerShell-7.2.9-win-x86.msi
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- PowerShell-7.2.9-win-x86.zip
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- powershell-lts_7.2.9-1.deb_amd64.deb
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- powershell-lts-7.2.9-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
- C51D3831D1280BF1824617520F2CDA7884FF2F2A921E8B61D8E4017506AF7B02
- powershell-lts-7.2.9-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
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- powershell-lts-7.2.9-osx-arm64.pkg
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- powershell-lts-7.2.9-osx-x64.pkg
- CCB87C4D8FBE514A489E0ED1CA8B7D9C1CECEAB28A85D47C97F116EF8A19D53F
v7.4.0-preview.1 Release of PowerShell
[7.4.0-preview.1] — 2022-12-20
- Snap packages are not available for this release.
- Nano server docker images are not available for this release.
Engine Updates and Fixes
- Add Instrumentation to
and make the init variable readonly (#18727) - Fix typo in
(#18766) (Thanks @eltociear!) - Allow non-default encodings to be used in user’s script/code (#18605)
- Add
(#18653) - Change
from alias to function to handle arbitrary arguments (#18567) - The command prefix should also be in the error color for
(#18555) - Skip cloud files marked as «not on disk» during command discovery (#18152)
- Replace
(#18356) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Fix
to settermios
appropriate for child process (#18467) - On Unix, only explicitly terminate the native process if not in background (#18215)
- Treat
as the string type when resolving methods (#18080) - Improve pseudo binding for dynamic parameters (#18030) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Make experimental feature
stable (#18042) - Update to use version
of Application Insights. (#17903) - Do not preserve temporary results when no need to do so (#17856)
- Remove some static constants from
(#18154) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Avoid using regex when unnecessary in
(#18348) - Use source generator for
to improve startup time (#15603) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Skip evaluating suggestions at startup (#18232)
- Avoid using
when not necessary (#18210)
General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Update to use
for PowerShell Direct (#18194) - Replace
(#18792)(#18784) (Thanks @CarloToso!) - Remove
from remote session configuration (#18795) (Internal 23331) - WebCmdlets get Retry-After from headers if status code is 429 (#18717) (Thanks @CarloToso!)
- Implement
(#18731) (Thanks @JohnLBevan!) - Fix
New-Item -ItemType Hardlink
to resolve target to absolute path and not allow link to itself (#18634) - Add output types to Format commands (#18746) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Fix the process
on Linux (#18710) (Thanks @jborean93!) - Fix
to detect a pre-defined string when the text starts with it (#18693) - Switch
when feature is enabled (#18695) - Fix
to check the existence of working directory using the PowerShell way (#18675) - Webcmdlets add 308 to redirect codes and small cleanup (#18536) (Thanks @CarloToso!)
- Ensure
is consistently a string (#18254) - Remove
from the legacy list because it’s resolved to a .ps1 script (#18575) - Add
to list to use legacy argument passing (#18559) - Fix native access violation (#18545) (#18547) (Thanks @chrullrich!)
- Fix issue when completing the first command in a script with an empty array expression (#18355) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Improve type inference of hashtable keys (#17907) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Fix
to copy the current env to the new process (#18452) - Fix
error to include the command that is not found (#18443) - Update
to remove all decorating ANSI escape sequences from PowerShell formatting (#18425) - Web cmdlets set default charset encoding to
(#18219) (Thanks @CarloToso!) - Fix incorrect cmdlet name in the script used by
(#18374) (Thanks @urizen-source!) - Add the function
(#18308) (Thanks @GigaScratch!) - Fix type inference error for empty return statements (#18351) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Fix the exception reporting in
(#18336) (Thanks @GigaScratch!) - Implement
(#18341) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Replace command-error suggestion with new implementation based on subsystem plugin (#18252)
- Remove the
portion from the full name as it’s obsolete (#18320) - Make the fuzzy searching flexible by passing in the fuzzy matcher (#18270)
- Add
parameter toGet-Command
(#18261) - Improve startup time by triggering initialization of additional types on background thread (#18195)
- Fix decompression in web cmdlets (#17955) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Add
formatting to differentiate table header labels that are not property names (#17346) - Remove the extra new line form List formatting (#18185)
- Minor update to the
table formatting on Unix to make it more concise (#18183) - Fix Parent property on processes with complex name (#17545) (Thanks @jborean93!)
- Make PowerShell class not affiliate with
when declaring theNoRunspaceAffinity
attribute (#18138) - Complete the progress bar rendering in
when downloading is complete or cancelled (#18130) - Display download progress in human readable format for
(#14611) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Update
to not usestackalloc
for buffer with too large size (#18084) - Filter out compiler generated types for
Add-Type -PassThru
(#18095) - Fixing
warnings and removing the warning suppression (#17982) (Thanks @creative-cloud!) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18044) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18041) - Handle
argument specially in method invocation logging (#18060) - Fix typos in
(#18063) (Thanks @eltociear!) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18046) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18045) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18043) - Fix error formatting to use color defined in
(#17987) - Remove unneeded use of
chmod 777
(#17974) - Support mapping foreground/background
values to VT escape sequences (#17938) - Make
server modes implicitly not show banner (#17921) - Add output type attributes for
(#17948) (Thanks @MartinGC94!) - Remove 1 second minimum delay in
for small files, and prevent file-download-error suppression. (#17896) (Thanks @AAATechGuy!) - Add completion for values in comparisons when comparing Enums (#17654) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Fix positional argument completion (#17796) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Fix member completion in attribute argument (#17902) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
- Throw when too many parameter sets are defined (#17881) (Thanks @fflaten!)
- Limit searching of
attribute inmeta
tag for HTML to first 1024 characters in webcmdlets (#17813) - Fix
failing silently with implicit non-US culture. (#17780) (Thanks @dkaszews!) - Add the
attribute (#17191) (Thanks @wmentha!) - Improve enumeration of inferred types in pipeline (#17799) (Thanks @MartinGC94!)
Code Cleanup
We thank the following contributors!
@MartinGC94, @CarloToso, @iSazonov, @xtqqczze, @turbedi, @trossr32, @eltociear, @AtariDreams, @jborean93
- Add TSAUpload for APIScan (#18446)
- Use Pattern matching in
(#18794) (Thanks @MartinGC94!) - Cleanup
(#18596) (Thanks @CarloToso!) - Unify
in SMA (#18751) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Cleanup
(#18785) (Thanks @CarloToso!) InvokeRestMethodCommand.Common
cleanup and merge partials (#18736) (Thanks @CarloToso!)- Replace
(#14319) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - WebResponseObject.Common merge partials atomic commits (#18703) (Thanks @CarloToso!)
- Enable pending test for
(#18724) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove one CreateFileW (#18732) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Replace
for WNetAddConnection2 (#18721) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Use File.OpenHandle() instead CreateFileW pinvoke (#18722) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Replace DllImport with LibraryImport for WNetGetConnection (#18690) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Replace
— 1 (#18603) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Replace DllImport with LibraryImport in SMA 3 (#18564) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Replace
in SMA — 7 (#18594) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Use static
(#18621) (Thanks @turbedi!) - Rewrite Get-FileHash to use static HashData methods (#18471) (Thanks @turbedi!)
- Replace DllImport with LibraryImport in SMA 8 (#18599) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Replace DllImport with LibraryImport in SMA 4 (#18579) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Remove NativeCultureResolver as dead code (#18582) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Replace DllImport with LibraryImport in SMA 6 (#18581) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Replace DllImport with LibraryImport in SMA 2 (#18543) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Use standard SBCS detection (#18593) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Remove unused pinvokes in RemoteSessionNamedPipe (#18583) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Replace DllImport with LibraryImport in SMA 5 (#18580) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Remove SafeRegistryHandle (#18597) (Thanks @iSazonov!)
- Remove
from the code base…
v7.3.1 Release of PowerShell
7.3.1 — 2022-12-13
Known Issues
If you use the Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK
NuGet package you will need to workaround an issue with the version of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe
until we can release an update package. To work around the issue, add the following the the .csproj
file with the reference, until 7.3.2
is released.
<PackageReference Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe" Version="7.0.0-preview.2.22152.2" NoWarn="NU1605" />
See issue #18782 for more details.
Engine Updates and Fixes
- Remove TabExpansion for PSv2 from remote session configuration (Internal 23331)
- Add
to list to use legacy argument passing (#18645 #18646) - Change
from alias to function to handle arbitrary args (#18644) - Fix
to copy the current env to the new process (#18632) - Fix issue when completing the first command in a script with an empty array expression (#18355)
- Fix
to settermios
appropriate for child process (#18572) - Fix native access violation (#18571)
- Backport CI fixed from #18508 (#18626)
- Mark charset test as pending (#18609)
Build and Packaging Improvements
Update package versions.
- Update packages (Internal 23330)
- Apply expected file permissions to linux files after authenticode signing (#18647)
- Bump
(#18573) - Don’t install based on build-id for RPM (#18570)
- Work around args parsing issue (#18607)
- Fix package download in
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- hashes.sha256
- D8CD0FE9D8462435D875B034D1DD3E0A1223CD6A62F867F4CE2FF4BE7D899491
- powershell_7.3.1-1.deb_amd64.deb
- C23B461A443AB87F9C11CE69FB625A01D7FD141F30CA42BEC7A86CEFED79EBAC
- powershell-7.3.1-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
- 9DC84952CEE2C3A8D644265A8E02EDE779DF986D222786182BDFE199CBD93149
- powershell-7.3.1-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
- BC5695F06121DBF8EBF56A842B8723E241FD5299BB34DB42B367A4157B9A9DA8
- powershell-7.3.1-linux-alpine-x64.tar.gz
- 043CBA55FC9208FCC51074D7174E295D4B46D2EDCABD03E107736BD6731DDF66
- powershell-7.3.1-linux-arm32.tar.gz
- 3AF65D5DB14D3B8D2C7F1E756821B036ED8629CC4BC59F7F6B260F6AF4DA72CA
- powershell-7.3.1-linux-arm64.tar.gz
- F0E03A128171E596A2387D86EF659F3A09D3700BE900D62BDEA3156D005EDA68
- powershell-7.3.1-linux-x64.tar.gz
- 68C2C0531A6796871DD7341B66C7085DDCC70570EB619DA3DBED769BCE4EE371
- powershell-7.3.1-linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz
- D6032C02D57DCBC3FAE5C0D2572DEA5682504811061BD1635A07B70B137E21FA
- powershell-7.3.1-osx-arm64.pkg
- ADB1E56FFF1E3B4BD1403E75089B92EF8B7432DCA6FE48CF94ED84A16936CD7E
- powershell-7.3.1-osx-arm64.tar.gz
- 66AE3E155043011A0CB7025E748C385C101C464FC105F39818DA678B702154BD
- powershell-7.3.1-osx-x64.pkg
- B6C8D4F8ED0CD1854CD00FE8A7816428093E71FDDC30546A3406C07F409C02AE
- powershell-7.3.1-osx-x64.tar.gz
- 18529E2EF589DACFA62B3ADAA0640EDABF5F31FE4CC3D484D5060F93166E6156
- PowerShell-7.3.1-win.msixbundle
- F2C9247D6108B42EBCD489FC2EF52078EB450CF7282E4B91B9525A334F38B233
- PowerShell-7.3.1-win-arm32.zip
- D808FBBB91E73F39BA1629D4339F2CC6E73D0C1A51EA5FF91BA8F68861B11A5E
- PowerShell-7.3.1-win-arm64.zip
- F86C1DA8896144A0D913B85B58157B419D3A89FF357EA191081D58DE944DE354
- PowerShell-7.3.1-win-fxdependent.zip
- 12A4E9100CF6448583D205714B262A0C3EA0CA4F2056ABEFD6831A6AFB923160
- PowerShell-7.3.1-win-fxdependentWinDesktop.zip
- 9938F6F95BBD0341B1279BA859B4BF643924759534DC6B527E15528E736E3149
- PowerShell-7.3.1-win-x64.msi
- CAD0026DF877F1B195B87AAE1858E8BC8BA759C19B7440CD62E1F5432665519F
- PowerShell-7.3.1-win-x64.zip
- 997EDF93ED570C0E6559588F2E3F52CB2B043535D7022128F2A734A2D904E3F5
- PowerShell-7.3.1-win-x86.msi
- 0266C3BCF23A35E5400C8DA28BE951986454D33973E56274D0E6217B0C56829A
- PowerShell-7.3.1-win-x86.zip
- 9FA3E39DC072093F0AB86EC75C91199D91B526BEFCE80722D6FB5F6614C21547
v7.2.8 Release of PowerShell
7.2.8 — 2022-12-13
Engine Updates and Fixes
- Remove TabExpansion for PSv2 from remote session configuration (Internal 23294)
Build and Packaging Improvements
Bump .NET SDK to 6.0.403
- Update CGManifest and ThirdPartyNotices
- Update Microsoft.CSharp from 4.3.0 to 4.7.0
- Update to latest SDK (#18610)
- Allow two-digit revisions in vPack package validation pattern (#18569)
- Update outdated dependencies (#18576)
- Work around args parsing issue (#18606)
- Bump System.Data.SqlClient from 4.8.4 to 4.8.5 (#18515)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- hashes.sha256
- 00B41479FC128D1F058F3A54103B70F4E8D035BFCB3A9891026DCD3FF2827BB6
- powershell_7.2.8-1.deb_amd64.deb
- 5F72D3DD601E5211AA00F26CC5ED578ECA7762C0D34BEA0E560E5147D1E0D8D7
- powershell-7.2.8-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
- 3B8383F639FFD460D064088B723FB6ED45B740D14847B4C07163B9503EBA2A5D
- powershell-7.2.8-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
- 309AF60D9163A0549E1B3E86C5DB50D86E03BC0F216CA3990BEDF64930FA2EA8
- powershell-7.2.8-linux-alpine-x64.tar.gz
- 02A9E72CE0DBCB338DE9A245AE7E0B7D5110F746F897C31C47BC7E05F8E4D19F
- powershell-7.2.8-linux-arm32.tar.gz
- 222CF60ADA7F1771801EF6466A6D316E61838ADA002245E1BE2D4E5B4F1F3334
- powershell-7.2.8-linux-arm64.tar.gz
- A840C265647CF4AC05BD405064F2D2D6CD161F0C70CACC1E651303FC7B66E122
- powershell-7.2.8-linux-x64.tar.gz
- 28FF2653667AC63B508F0B98433E48F64E6BC1EC59F8C1D252BA89EB5A7441A2
- powershell-7.2.8-linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz
- 06D85EB96AF284EB2639A7A0F7EFC738A30B1315EC9092D66652BD97E26C9CD0
- powershell-7.2.8-osx-arm64.pkg
- 5F3DB2978E1F8CA705F6F5DA423D013C40195D441EAEF7F80F24A0130566159A
- powershell-7.2.8-osx-arm64.tar.gz
- 3B3D917C6AFEFF86F567E10C740A2B34E1AD51F48872F61C340E9CBE007D387F
- powershell-7.2.8-osx-x64.pkg
- 06B25059B5BA56DD4FE5495533EEF96EB7B12263B97CAA62E8DC9116BEE03F14
- powershell-7.2.8-osx-x64.tar.gz
- 4C73410E2181BB794B2D9EE519BF64F5F25E9AA7C480D141FC194C28B75DD87D
- PowerShell-7.2.8-win-arm32.zip
- 20B7718467E5B6A93A3648C8646F1225CC1C63E412E7C9D1CEF70273FF6A8A0B
- PowerShell-7.2.8-win-arm64.zip
- 066DE7BA09783B38FEB506939093E8AC9779AFE4776D619CBA2AD28A825F8165
- PowerShell-7.2.8-win-fxdependent.zip
- F3696D973533B2509A16F100C8AEF4A679726C6D2518F9F5A9A0DD96A0E151EB
- PowerShell-7.2.8-win-fxdependentWinDesktop.zip
- 057E96FE2C475F2E0982FF58DE95DE5CA3832CF1B5B6E331193F1F3E39AAD8C1
- PowerShell-7.2.8-win-x64.msi
- 9A27962C3652C85193C6F3678741A712E880AA9F85F403774CD632C5CB8680FF
- PowerShell-7.2.8-win-x64.zip
- EF61A17B989698B5DEEC282D52DADC4C659D2DF5E2B69E093ED74145411CF7C8
- PowerShell-7.2.8-win-x86.msi
- 5298A693BC7602503C3A39CE613EE9B1824A60A5C139CDB61D18C424F71B556A
- PowerShell-7.2.8-win-x86.zip
- 0E461172AB6FBC0CBDC00A4FE3A2925F8FA2AE5719EC64B342DB8D6E4642A41C
- powershell-lts_7.2.8-1.deb_amd64.deb
- 012EB465DF8A50284C49D0E37940E4BB84A88600094C7B706E5B15EF724C1333
- powershell-lts-7.2.8-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
- 9497E333DEBD303F0132150949B4932B523AF5A342B7B2F3F487FB5D2D3560F7
- powershell-lts-7.2.8-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
- 6E755026DCE18F32F647A80AAB1D4CDD131AC19A1FFD47093CFBEBE6C5EE948A
- powershell-lts-7.2.8-osx-arm64.pkg
- E37BE1504E0854C6C5D2C031C9D18A668BC2A6BED9CF810647858987E2112877
- powershell-lts-7.2.8-osx-x64.pkg
- ABAEC191208BF602BC5B1A79EE40664FAF32E4281E57625284C4EBF4C3D16F8F
v7.3.0 Release of PowerShell
7.3.0 — 2022-11-08
General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Correct calling cmdlet
in script forRestart-Computer
- Add test for framework dependent package in release pipeline (Internal 23139)
Build and Packaging Improvements
Bump to use internal .NET 7 GA build (Internal 23096)
- Fix issues with building test artifacts (Internal 23116)
- Use
task instead ofAzCopy.exe
- Remove
installation from msixbundle step - Add TSAUpload for APIScan (#18446)
- Add authenticode signing for assemblies on Linux builds (#18440)
- Do not remove
from build (#18438) - Allow two-digit revisions in vPack package validation pattern (#18392)
- Bump
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- hashes.sha256
- 2748D1008F025B4BBF35B326F8113E2A0DD7C3F096F669FDACC04EF1171F1C4A
- powershell_7.3.0-1.deb_amd64.deb
- A99E9FE370B0D9C05C736FA81521D32375DDB418AB75C76D9D0A14B4CE3D3DF2
- powershell-7.3.0-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
- CFB97B059C08F0D31EABFE854048D2ABD67A56175A896A63E7B8FB17E659EE51
- powershell-7.3.0-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
- 3C4B9BEB52CC4F52C52DFBA59346E23DF38CFF9FE18D534F83CB902472D28B37
- powershell-7.3.0-linux-alpine-x64.tar.gz
- 0E91269D2AA29C9D28CC921562B41514C757C9FEE9E93098F69CCB01E5E156D1
- powershell-7.3.0-linux-arm32.tar.gz
- 5246CEC2ABA67CF3A1B7DC61FD015D35E651A1EC9D5AAA4B6A19F9B34F671616
- powershell-7.3.0-linux-arm64.tar.gz
- DC84E26DF576EF8CC353850EEB5F6659F322FF999913442F472B158F943D109F
- powershell-7.3.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
- 5F781392597776519BB3726B2D9854061017F4CC22F9F1CDAA9F26636B936CC0
- powershell-7.3.0-linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz
- 485F4BB9626E0BF869F76CC77751ED037A5DB570EFABC064FF26B36E60916492
- powershell-7.3.0-osx-arm64.pkg
- D4DD81CD9078C8B5F3C6407A7AB31FE8D4DD142926356E5DCAB6EDCAFAE83692
- powershell-7.3.0-osx-arm64.tar.gz
- 52F7CCA7A99F5FADFD39B9F937AC09E8FAC4D39631F35D1DB10DDFC711E38F2B
- powershell-7.3.0-osx-x64.pkg
- FC95BE4E3D99BF940B593B53A54FE7AA11B05D8815820CC162A4B04CC8811EDE
- powershell-7.3.0-osx-x64.tar.gz
- B3205A8EDE7A90E6F4BF856AB38293680C3D03A69EE5E03935A61FEC455C0485
- PowerShell-7.3.0-win.msixbundle
- 3A04FA5EA8944E6A2AF006E7595F90F5CFFCDD7F222F15689DAFF0C8B2E4D643
- PowerShell-7.3.0-win-arm32.zip
- 90DBF3DF9E1F1F5EF3B5CBB13270887154E86A9CEFED54B1588C3EB6E223E8D3
- PowerShell-7.3.0-win-arm64.zip
- 564C56AA84116FB3BF058D9BCB83F9D80D7DB802988E9DB5DFE82A7C4730B17D
- PowerShell-7.3.0-win-fxdependent.zip
- 7CF427D9D773859248CC73B85572E0830113B94BF6522218AF00661A18C0E014
- PowerShell-7.3.0-win-fxdependentWinDesktop.zip
- CE61E12FDE3CD04B581D966E765AD23F5FED75BBC24EE928186A3E47BEB9A538
- PowerShell-7.3.0-win-x64.msi
- 5DBBFA10FD37A032414F36B9D6A8DE99E042081075DAB320C10F1F67B93E2C4E
- PowerShell-7.3.0-win-x64.zip
- B4F0089E44E8E66975BE3D9968F320CD540D46F219415F3EC0C525BC1BF35974
- PowerShell-7.3.0-win-x86.msi
- 9E819F88D3CC1575EF19CC1ACF002E7D942737B9D34E8A5306410B0DF34F433C
- PowerShell-7.3.0-win-x86.zip
- 03210C0C2D29B4B4F103D7A1F6B63743A311CE87A7E75CF67DEA9EA4266EF751
v7.3.0-rc.1 Release of PowerShell
7.3.0-rc.1 — 2022-10-26
- PowerShell Direct is only supported on Windows 10, version 1809+
- Windows 7 is not supported anymore
Breaking Change
- Update to use
for PowerShell Direct (#18194)
Engine Updates and Fixes
- On Unix, explicitly terminate the native process during cleanup only if it’s not running in background (#18215)
General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Remove the
portion from the full name as it’s obsolete (#18320)
- Add missing
-Tag 'CI'
to describe blocks. (#18317)
Build and Packaging Improvements
Bump to .NET 7 to 7.0.100-rc.2.22477.20
- Update ThirdPartyNotices (Internal 22987)
- Remove API sets (#18304) (#18376)
- Do not cleanup
for framework dependent packages (#18300) - Bump
(#18217) - Remove unnecessary native dependencies from the package (#18213)
- Make the link to minimal package blob public during release (#18158)
- Create tasks to collect and publish hashes for build files. (#18276)(#18277)
- Add branch counter to compliance build (#18214)
- Move APIScan to compliance build (#18191)
- Update MSI exit message (#18137)
- Remove XML files for min-size package (#18189)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- hashes.sha256
- FA3A1086B5742D63C84E62ED7D6DC61D7D0AF6771341AC59A3FB473061186173
- powershell-7.3.0-rc.1-linux-alpine-x64.tar.gz
- C800018ED3DC809023503775C7E4E66B659E45EC37DC769646CA06DE9D7E8D31
- powershell-7.3.0-rc.1-linux-arm32.tar.gz
- BAB2A23E68C84075D9B492B35558AF16ECB85DE8B2FC0B5B5AFC8CE452C56A3B
- powershell-7.3.0-rc.1-linux-arm64.tar.gz
- BE02398DE3457F9A61942291B1CDA5030A6CD5F4ADE0F96F20797C614E1F3844
- powershell-7.3.0-rc.1-linux-x64.tar.gz
- 0FF8D846E071A3D7C04D854BBC4582F9928D56500B0976504A520DACDECFBC6F
- powershell-7.3.0-rc.1-linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz
- F53E90ED3E6C74239E16EBCDD232F2EE6AAD34E577B281959F347ECCB6001151
- powershell-7.3.0-rc.1-osx-arm64.pkg
- DF946C85EFD17D3712C281D722CFCC4177EE7CBFE5F462D664521A567D81CF0F
- powershell-7.3.0-rc.1-osx-arm64.tar.gz
- CE116DC4E4132EF6534DF3E3FD68B9189AE55E67BD171A2160D3BB94A1D9349F
- powershell-7.3.0-rc.1-osx-x64.pkg
- 4C1C5658C86952C239D330AFABAD6502531996AE213AB5DEA74EFD767122CB82
- powershell-7.3.0-rc.1-osx-x64.tar.gz
- DD1405D81B2AAB5AEE1CC62540D898A666D975235DB2DE7DBD0E2F88826CE079
- PowerShell-7.3.0-rc.1-win-arm32.zip
- F0F8C62DCD9FC8073765ED4E24D2ADACE4608B925D5E6D3DF2C01C8B5BECBDA0
- PowerShell-7.3.0-rc.1-win-arm64.zip
- 5DECE383005E94E60ED0A63066FBF6D998F43E4063EC2697C9B17B17A345F596
- PowerShell-7.3.0-rc.1-win-fxdependent.zip
- 3EF0F5051F0A4543CCEDB412D4034CE6FC3EF2F0269F404FFFCDB243E2BD236C
- PowerShell-7.3.0-rc.1-win-fxdependentWinDesktop.zip
- 1F4C7A46BA9D882F23FFD289F03B9C92994097A1DA7D1F19B50B066BB4C773C5
- PowerShell-7.3.0-rc.1-win.msixbundle
- 2A8D3B5E2F3588DF547A868EA0002362FCD9408F37AD476BA1FC791BA660E8BF
- PowerShell-7.3.0-rc.1-win-x64.msi
- 2C304FEDCD04BD1F9040BA6DD0B6AEADA9248C7BB9B344103E1B29440793766F
- PowerShell-7.3.0-rc.1-win-x64.zip
- CD0AF8921B19FA93A894ACA9AFB5155417D2B23C8D9A573B9216B607D95E9EC7
- PowerShell-7.3.0-rc.1-win-x86.msi
- F23DF935F22513443606B261E0EE696F3AC22A6CE77F1FF6EDE788F67E08BC60
- PowerShell-7.3.0-rc.1-win-x86.zip
- 4BC9322312885229AFE6BE8E08EB91832A7035BFCA78B58F02B60F4343F463C1
- powershell-preview_7.3.0-rc.1-1.deb_amd64.deb
- 5CCA8118D8E2238BD4C7ED40A2CD370C12320EA5096AA5DFC6AB4911F3D6E7F1
- powershell-preview-7.3.0_rc.1-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
- B63701909FFE6847E84954B42BD6F2860E690F2DE90408AB8E7EED456311950E
- powershell-preview-7.3.0_rc.1-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
- 621FD3A034AC637E66ECB0113B542B7DDFE2DB0A66FABC04614DAAD8A074773B
v7.2.7 Release of PowerShell
7.2.7 — 2022-10-20
Engine Updates and Fixes
- On Unix, explicitly terminate the native process during cleanup only if it’s not running in background (#18280)
- Stop sending telemetry about
General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Remove the 1-second minimum delay in
for downloading small files, and prevent file-download-error suppression (#18170) - Enable searching for assemblies in GAC_Arm64 on Windows (#18169)
- Fix error formatting to use color defined in
- Use Ubuntu 20.04 for SSH remoting test (#18289)
Build and Packaging Improvements
Bump .NET to version 6.0.402 (#18188)(#18290)
- Update cgmanifest (#18319)
- Fix
to find the required .NET SDK version when a higher version is installed (#17299) (#18282) - Update MSI exit message (#18173)
- Remove XML files for min-size package (#18274)
- Update list of PS team members in release tools (#18171)
- Make the link to minimal package blob public during release (#18174)
- Add XML reference documents to NuPkg files for SDK (#18172)
- Update to use version 2.21.0 of Application Insights (#18271)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- hashes.sha256
- 5BF4A470B717F57F3B0E1EF1F16C9B1EB390555995E0DBE64F264101C7D490C9
- powershell_7.2.7-1.deb_amd64.deb
- 93612AA09171838E997C85B78F6FE42041FBC73741B9751F975B1E908D6E77F0
- powershell-7.2.7-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
- CDCDDB60450387E3C74B66942ECB295A7514463A47FECEBC88526C7D35D94ADA
- powershell-7.2.7-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
- FC7C5759BA5CD4F28291F187E60348D7EBCC76841786480CA78A6E42439A0FA0
- powershell-7.2.7-linux-alpine-x64.tar.gz
- 1E2098067BCE21EC116745F75594D1BC92A15BB736845453E490D96F8C46129D
- powershell-7.2.7-linux-arm32.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.2.7-linux-x64.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.2.7-linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.2.7-osx-x64.tar.gz
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- PowerShell-7.2.7-win-arm64.zip
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- PowerShell-7.2.7-win-fxdependent.zip
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- PowerShell-7.2.7-win-fxdependentWinDesktop.zip
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- PowerShell-7.2.7-win.msixbundle
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- PowerShell-7.2.7-win-x64.zip
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- PowerShell-7.2.7-win-x86.msi
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- PowerShell-7.2.7-win-x86.zip
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- powershell-lts-7.2.7-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
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- powershell-lts-7.2.7-osx-arm64.pkg
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- powershell-lts-7.2.7-osx-x64.pkg
- F819E17DE7D389C423BAB44C93C59EA132375D53F7077647AF7C79464AA3DB24
v7.0.13 Release of PowerShell
7.0.13 — 2022-10-20
Engine Updates and Fixes
- Stop sending telemetry about
Build and Packaging Improvements
Bump .NET SDK to 3.1.424 (#18272)
- Update Wix file for new assemblies (Internal 22873)
- Update the
(#18318) - Update
version for 7.0.13 release (#18259) - Fix
to not specify both version and quality fordotnet-install
(#18267) - Update list of PowerShell team members in release tools(#18266)
- Move
generation to daily (#18268) - Disable static analysis CI on 7.0 (#18269)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- powershell_7.0.13-1.debian.10_amd64.deb
- 0688A332EDBD5BE32222108576398E6E7A8115482CFFF498DCEAE9AD248CDB40
- powershell_7.0.13-1.debian.11_amd64.deb
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- powershell_7.0.13-1.debian.9_amd64.deb
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- powershell_7.0.13-1.ubuntu.16.04_amd64.deb
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- powershell_7.0.13-1.ubuntu.18.04_amd64.deb
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- powershell_7.0.13-1.ubuntu.20.04_amd64.deb
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- powershell-7.0.13-linux-arm64.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.0.13-linux-x64.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.0.13-linux-x64-fxdependent.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.0.13-osx-x64.pkg
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- powershell-7.0.13-osx-x64.tar.gz
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- PowerShell-7.0.13-win-arm32.zip
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- PowerShell-7.0.13-win-arm64.zip
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- PowerShell-7.0.13-win-fxdependent.zip
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- PowerShell-7.0.13-win-fxdependentWinDesktop.zip
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- PowerShell-7.0.13-win-x64.msi
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- PowerShell-7.0.13-win-x64.zip
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- PowerShell-7.0.13-win-x86.msi
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- PowerShell-7.0.13-win-x86.zip
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- powershell-lts_7.0.13-1.debian.10_amd64.deb
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- powershell-lts_7.0.13-1.debian.11_amd64.deb
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- powershell-lts_7.0.13-1.ubuntu.18.04_amd64.deb
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- 36B5EAA97EA234067DDB41BD5ED44EFB30A1941F7B8E24B33A2DF84467D523A2
- powershell-lts-7.0.13-1.rhel.7.x86_64.rpm
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- powershell-lts-7.0.13-osx-x64.pkg
- 13BC58095C8C9304CA6FBA71118F114F6F4060EBA3B3798052D700E61B7AE8C7
v7.3.0-preview.8 Release of PowerShell
7.3.0-preview.8 — 2022-09-20
NOTE: Known issue about Console.ReadKey()
on Unix platforms that the KeyChar
is not preserved for Ctrl+Letter inputs. This causes all key bindings in the form of Ctrl+Letter to not work in PowerShell v7.3.0-preview.8
on Unix platforms. For details, see the .NET issue dotnet/runtime#75795. The fix dotnet/runtime#75853 will be included in .NET 7.0.0-rc.2
and we plan to include this in the next PowerShell 7.3
General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes
- Filter out compiler generated types for
Add-Type -PassThru
(#18095) - Fix error formatting to use color defined in
(#17987) - Handle
argument specially in method invocation logging (#18060) - Revert the experimental feature
(#18040) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18041) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18042) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18043) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18044) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18045) - Make experimental feature
stable (#18046) - Add the
option to the PowerShell help content (#18093)
Build and Packaging Improvements
Bump .NET SDK to version 7.0.100-rc.1
- Update ThirdPartyNotices.txt for 7.3.0-preview.8 (Internal 22553)
- Update cgmanifest.json for 7.3.0-preview.8 (Internal 22551)
- Re-enable building with Ready-to-Run (#18107)
- Make sure
gets signed in release build (#17930) - Update
for .NET 7 RC1 build (#18106) - Add XML reference documents to NuPkg files for SDK (#18017)
- Make Register MU timeout (#17995)
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.2.0 to 17.3.0 (#17924)
- Update list of PS team members in release tools (#17928)
- Update to use version 2.21.0 of Application Insights (#17927)
- Complete ongoing
in test (#17922)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- hashes.sha256
- B8FE62FE51C391395CD43E3411B73885E7F58C671506243161D742F39597DF78
- powershell-7.3.0-preview.8-linux-alpine-x64.tar.gz
- 9F25E94EA30DAA89BD17D3A35D753138D02F829D223ABAC4D9E1E116A7D4648F
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- powershell-7.3.0-preview.8-linux-arm64.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.3.0-preview.8-linux-x64.tar.gz
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- powershell-7.3.0-preview.8-osx-x64.pkg
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- powershell-7.3.0-preview.8-osx-x64.tar.gz
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- PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.8-win-fxdependent.zip
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- PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.8-win-fxdependentWinDesktop.zip
- CEFDB7DE0447CBD21FBD576FCBB9F2A14AC41340817F4E9F94E0B5E9C5CE3D1B
- PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.8-win-x64.msi
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- PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.8-win-x64.zip
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- PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.8-win-x86.msi
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- PowerShell-7.3.0-preview.8-win-x86.zip
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- powershell-preview-7.3.0_preview.8-1.cm.x86_64.rpm
- 30F4329AD0B8C9EAAC23F4FDB796937AC912D8238313DFD4C47132C845FA23CC
- powershell-preview-7.3.0_preview.8-1.rh.x86_64.rpm
- FBD9DF4B6BD4273C4B102375FF3C2B9D760AD0FC40AD723CABE7277BDA0055CA
Latest Stable Version 4.3.1
The latest stable version 4.3.1 can be downloaded from here:
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (English)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (French)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (German)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Italian)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Polish)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Russian)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Spanish)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Traditional Chinese)
Classic Shell 4.3.1 (Simplified Chinese)
The latest version is also available on the FossHub.com mirror.
Older Versions
Versions 4.0.0 and newer can be downloaded from the Mediafire archive
The archive also contains the PDB files for people who need help debugging the code.
Versions 3.6.8 and older can be downloaded from the Source Forge archive
The fosshub archive also contains a complete set of old versions.
Translation DLLs for the latest version can be downloaded from here:
Latest Translations
Translation DLLs for older version can be found here:
All Translations
Note: a translation DLL will only work for the exact version of Classic Shell it is intended for. Make sure you download the right version.
Classic Shell Utility
The Classic Shell Utility can assist you in troubleshooting problems with the Classic Shell software. Download it from here:
It can perform multiple functions.
Save system log
The tool will collect information about your system to help with troubleshooting. Save the file and attach it in a forum post that describes your problem.
For best results:
- Run the tool using the same account that is causing problems. Do not run as administrator.
- The tool may ask for administrative credentials if necessary. If you choose not to provide them, the tool will still work but will collect less information.
- Some of the collected information may be sensitive (like what applications you have installed). If you wish to keep that information confidential, you can either upload the file to the FileDrop folder (see below), or archive it with a password, attach the archive in the forums and send a PM with the password to the user Ivo.
Remove Classic Shell
The tool will attempt to manually remove the Classic Shell software from your system. Use it in case you are having problems uninstalling using the conventional methods. It is designed to work even after a failed attempt to uninstall the software when some of the registry may be corrupted or some of the files may be missing.
For best results:
- Close all other programs
- Sign out all other accounts
- Read all the instructions carefully
- Restart your computer after the tool completes
Show Metro colors
The tool will display the Windows start screen color palette. This is useful for people trying to create skins for Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.
Use this location to upload crash dumps or screenshots for troubleshooting:
Media Fire FileDrop
Important: Please enter a description for the file — who is it from and what is it for. Or post a message in the forums. Otherwise I have no way of knowing what to do with it.
2019-07-03 08:51:47
Windows 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Windows PowerShell — это оболочка командной строки, разработанная компанией Microsoft для облегчения управления процессами и операционными системами, а также автоматизации задач.
О программе
Перед вами программа с открытым исходным кодом, которая позволяет системным администраторам и опытным пользователям без особых усилий контролировать работу определённых программ или целой операционной системы, а также автоматизировать многие задачи. Используя специальные команды, при помощи ПауэрШелл можно управлять компьютерами из командной строки, а также получить доступ к реестру или хранилищу сертификатов так же просто, как к простым файлам или папкам на ПК.
Стоит добавить, что PowerShell включает многофункциональное средство синтаксического анализа выражений. А наличие специального журнала позволяет значительно упростить копирование команд в отдельные файлы для их дальнейшего использования в качестве скриптов.
С нашего сайта вы можете скачать Windows PowerShell совершенно бесплатно.
Приложения, рекомендуемые для вас
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Больше информации
Лицензия | Бесплатно | |
ОС | Windows |
Раздел | Общие | |
Язык |
1 больше |
Автор | Microsoft | |
Размер | 101.3 MB | |
Загрузки | 135,285 | |
Дата | 11 ноя 2022 | |
SHA256 | 5dbbfa10fd37a032414f36b9d6a8de99e042081075dab320c10f1f67b93e2c4e | |
Почему это приложение опубликовано на Uptodown? |
(Больше информации) |
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