Posture assessment failed hostscan csd prelogin verification failed windows 10

45 votes and 22 comments so far on Reddit

Just wanted to throw this out there…if you are using Cisco Secure Desktop with Cisco AnyConnect and you are getting the error message, «Posture assessment failed. Hostscan CSD prelogin verification failed.» you may have to manually stop the Internet Connection Sharing service, quit Cisco AnyConnect, then re-open Cisco AnyConnect. I still don’t know what the true root cause is but if you have a user who just can’t get on from this error message, the above solution should get them through.

I spent a good 10-15 hours on this playing whack-a-mole with users who would have their problem just «go away» after a computer restart or two. Cisco TAC had no idea what was wrong, even after giving them the DART logs.

Hopefully this comes up on someone’s Google search and saves someone a LOT of time. Every link on Google related to this in my browser is now purple and I did not find the resolution without digging into the DART logs with a colleague.


Update — — 11/8/21

The root cause in my case was Windows Defender Application Guard (WDAG), a security feature that another team rolled out prior to testing it. This feature and AnyConnect have opposite prerequisites. AnyConnect requires ICS to be disabled, WDAG requires ICS to be enabled. If you have ICS enabled it looks like AnyConnect isn’t happy from time to time.

Сейчас многие люди переходят на удаленную работу. Среди прочего часто используется программа Cisco Anyconnect. И многие, пользуясь инструкцией своих администраторов, спокойно запускают эту мерзость на своих домашних устройствах. Вот зря. Во-первых, спокойно зря, во-вторых зря запускают.

У меня этот вид доступа был уже очень давно. И в один прекрасный момент он вдруг перестал работать. Подчеркну, что у меня Linux, что меня и спасло. Выяснилось, что в параметрах сервера включили CSD Host Scan.

С сайта Cisco описание


Using the secure desktop manager tool in the Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM), you can create a prelogin policy which evaluates the operating system, anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewall software Host Scan identifies. Based on the result of the prelogin policy’s evaluation, you can control which hosts are allowed to create a remote access connection to the security appliance.

The Host Scan support chart contains the product name and version information for the anti-virus, anti-spyware, and firewall applications you use in your prelogin policies. We deliver Host Scan and the Host Scan support chart, as well as other components, in the Host Scan package.

Расшифровываю: когда вы подключаетесь к VPN, к вам на устройство загружается троян, который проверяет его (или делает, что угодно другое) и сообщает по сети что-то на сервер VPN. Поскольку для мака или для Linux наши … умельцы из безопасности троянов не завезли, я и обламывался…

Ради интереса поставил в виртуалку Anyconnect

Антивирусы эту штуку не детектят. Зато в man openconnect, например, именно и называют ее трояном, что по сути так и есть

Что мне в этой гадости не нравится, помимо того, что я в принципе категорически против, чтобы что-то без моего ведома скачивалось хз откуда и запускалось:
1. Это не в составе вашего VPN, а совершенно отдельная хреновина, которая каждый раз при изменении скачивается с сервера VPN. Теоретически администратор сервера VPN может запускать у вас все, что ему угодно.
2. В моем случае софтинка еще и сильно старая, 2016 года. А, например, в 2018 были отзывы сертификатов. Т.е. зависимость от кривых рук администратора сильно напрягает, превращая удаленный доступ в потенциальную дыру.

Всем использующим Cisco AnyConnect настоятельно рекомендую запускать ее в изолированном окружении. Т.е. на отдельном ноуте (выданном на предприятии, например) или в виртуальной среде.

Posture assessment failed hostscan csd prelogin verification failed windows 10

cisco ccnp security cisco CCDA

We are trying to set the hostscan feature on the ASA, version 8.4(4)1. The configruation for webvpn with anyconnect v 3.1.01065 works fine but when we enable the CSD/hostscan feature, we receive the following error:

«Posture assessment failed: Hostscan CSD prelogin verification failed»

This only happens with windows XP (sp3) ; If we try with a windows 7 workstation, it works fine and its able to connect the tunnel.

on the anyconnect, I only get this messages:

[13/11/2012 12:38:22 p.m.] Contacting xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[13/11/2012 12:38:25 p.m.] Posture Assessment: Required for access

[13/11/2012 12:38:25 p.m.] Posture Assessment: Checking for updates.

[13/11/2012 12:38:27 p.m.] Posture Assessment: Initiating.

[13/11/2012 12:38:32 p.m.] Posture Assessment: Updating.

[13/11/2012 12:38:34 p.m.] Posture Assessment: Initiating.

[13/11/2012 12:38:39 p.m.] Posture Assessment: Failed

[13/11/2012 12:38:53 p.m.] Disconnect in progress, please wait.

[13/11/2012 12:38:53 p.m.] Ready to connect.

[13/11/2012 12:38:53 p.m.] Ready to connect.

On the ASA, the loggs only show me connections attemps and certificate validation, the same loggs as for windows7. I´ll attatch the configuration and the ASA loggs.


I received some Windows updates on my laptop yesterday morning, after which AnyConnect stopped working. It fails with a «Posture Assessment Failed: Hostscan CSD prelogin verification» error.

By comparing the log for a good connection with a recent failed one, I can see that the problem begins here:

[Tue Feb 12 07:26:39.107 2019][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_probe] sending probe request
[Tue Feb 12 07:26:39.399 2019][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_winhttp_probe] unable to send request: 12175

I notice that others have experienced similar problems with other Windows 7 updates, but I haven’t been able to pursue their suggestions because I’m a contractor using a corporate laptop, so I don’t even have sys admin privileges on my own laptop and the corporate Help Desk has been completely unhelpful.

From my past experience in IT, I figure I should be able to do something on the client end — since the problem appears to stem from Windows updates to the client — to get past this, perhaps by editing the AnyConnectLocalPolicy.xml file.

P.S. The patches include KB3140245, KB4480085, KB4480960, KB4480965 for Windows, KB4480072 for NET Framework, and a bunch for Office products.

Any suggestions? 

Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply

ask a new question.

OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Not Working

When i try to connect, an error pop out.

«Posture Assessment Failed: Hostscan CSD prelogin verification failed.»

Please help.

Posted on Apr 4, 2015 8:41 AM

1 reply

Apr 4, 2015 9:09 AM in response to kshino

The Cisco client is notoriously unreliable. Make sure you have the latest version, and refer to the developer for support if so. If at all possible, get rid of it and use the built-in Cisco client instead. It doesn’t work with all Cisco endpoints.

OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Not Working


Я только что обновил свой MacBook Pro (Retina, 15 дюймов, начало 2013 года) до последней версии OS X Yosemite (10.10 (14A389)), и Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client (3.1.05182) выдает ошибку при попытке подключения:

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client VPN User Messages, Release 3.1 — Cisco говорится следующее:

Удаление библиотеки из кэша НЕ решило мою проблему(

Есть другие идеи?


Этот вопрос имеет 1 ответ на английском, чтобы прочитать их войдите в свой аккаунт.


Ответ на вопрос

17-го октября 2014 в 4:27



Вот как очистить кэш:

  1. Откройте ~/Library/Caches в Finder.

  2. В строке меню выберите Edit > Select All.

  3. Перетащите все элементы в Корзину.

  4. В Macintosh HD выберите Library > Caches.

  5. Выберите Edit > Select All и перетащите элементы в Корзину. Вам потребуется ввести пароль администратора.

  6. Перезагрузите Mac.

Решение / Ответ


18-го октября 2014 в 2:45



Согласно Cisco’s Release Notes for Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, Release 3.1 — Cisco версия 3.1.05187 должна (пере)решить эту проблему, к сожалению я’все еще на предыдущей версии 3.1.05182. Я’опубликую свою находку, как только смогу скачать новую сборку (если только кто-нибудь не опередит меня ;p).

Мы удалили CSD из конфигурации и вместо него использовали последнюю версию HostScan:


Ответ на вопрос

23-го октября 2014 в 8:36



Имеется ли у вас лицензия на клиент мобильности? Посмотрите информацию о Cisco ASA и проверьте, включен или отключен AnyConnect for Mobile.


Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client VPN User Messages, Release 3.1

FIPS compliant algorithms for encryption, hashing, and signing have not been 

enabled on this system.


As part of the AnyConnect FIPS verification process, the Windows operating system’s 

FIPS registry key is checked to ensure that the system is in a FIPS-compliant mode. This error is 
seen because the registry key value to enable FIPS is not set.

Recommended Action

Restart Windows. AnyConnect will try to set the registry keys when the system 

is restarted.

FIPS mode requires TLS to be enabled to establish a VPN connection.


FIPS mode requires that the TLS protocol be enabled. AnyConnect failed to enable the 

TLS protocol through the registry key setting.

Recommended User Response

Choose the Control Panel > Internet Options > Advanced tab, and 

check Use TLS 1.0 under “Security.”

Firefox certificate libraries could not be loaded. VPN connection cannot be 



AnyConnect could not access the Firefox certificate store, and there was no alternative 

certificate store available. Failure to verify server certificates results in the inability to verify the 
identity of the secure gateway. Also, AnyConnect cannot respond to certificate requests.

Recommended Action

Verify that Firefox is correctly installed, and that Firefox’s certificate store is 


Hostscan command line did not build.


The Hostscan module could not be properly configured to run. There were errors setting 

up the commandline parameters to launch the executable stub for Hostscan. This is an unexpected 

Recommended User Response

Try to connect again. If the problem persists, run DART. (See 

.) Report the error to your organization’s technical 

support and include the DART bundle.

Recommended Administrator Response

Open a case with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) 

and include the DART bundle.

Hostscan CSD prelogin verification failed.


During the pre-login check, Host Scan detected the local violation of a rule configured 

on the secure gateway. Examples of pre-login checks include:

Host Scan detected a keylogger.

A dynamic access policy matched an endpoint criterion disqualifies AnyConnect for VPN 

Recommended User Response

Restart the computer or device and try a new VPN connection.

  • Using patch plans for target oracle home fails with ‘PREREQ_MESG: Unable to get the version of OPatch’

    We are attempting to use patch plan to apply PSU and one-offs to a new database oracle home.  Our EM version is
    We are experiencing the same issue described in »Bug 20271609 : Unable to get the version of OPatch».   This bug is closed as ‘duplicate bug to filer’ but we do not appear to have visibility into what patch/bug fixes the issue.
    Description from the above mentioned bug is our same issue.  We do not have this issue when we use patch plans against an 11.2.x oracle_home target.  It is unique to oracle_home target.
    Description from the bug:
    The Plan failed in step «Run Prerequisite Checks» with the following errors:
    PREREQ_NAME: Minimum Version of OPatch
    PREREQ_DESC: Check if the required version of OPatch is present on the target
    PREREQ_MESG: Unable to get the version of OPatch at
    We have opened an SR to see if we can get more info on what was already identified as a bug.  Has anyone else experienced this issue?  If so, can you share any patches or workarounds (other than manually applying patches) that you found useful?

    You’ll probably get the same info from Support, but the workaround is to use the Patch Database (however that doesn’t work if there’s no DB target associated to that home).   If you were trying to do patchign out of place (clone home, patch, then move db’s), EM can do this for you.   If you’re just installing a new DB Home and trying to patch, then i don’ think there’s another workaround.  The base bug is marked fixed though, so a backport for the plugin should be available very soon.  I would ask the support analyst to request the backport for your plugin/patch level…

  • When trying update I get a message: Update failed unable to extract the downloaded files U44M1I20

    when trying to update I get a message: Update failed unable to extract the downloaded files U44M1I20

    geetib, others,
    It should be here:
    Error U44M1I210 | Install updates

  • Posture Assessment Failed:Hostscan Initialize error in Window 8 x64

    I’m using Windows8 Enterprise x64,while using Cisco AnyConnect mobility client(installed filename is anyconnect-win-3.0.2052-web-deploy-k9.exe), it show error:
    Posture Assessment Failed:Hostscan Initialize error
    this is not being resolved,then I go back to Windows 7. Today I’ve changed the value of the registry as the guide( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesvpnva; changed the value to «Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64»), but it does NOT work yet. I re-installed the client software via the lastest anyconnect-win-3.1.00495-web-deploy-k9.exe, it still show the same error:
    Posture Assessment Failed:Hostscan Initialize error
    So boring it is! I would go back to Windows 7 one more time. Any advise???
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][all][csd_init] hello
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][all][csd_init] libcsd.dll version 3.0.08062
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_init] initialization
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] verifying file signature: file = [C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll], signer = [Microsoft Corporation], type = [1]
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] checking signature by file (C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll]: 2148204800
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] checking signature by catalog (C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll]: 2148098064
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][error][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] unable to verify file signature: (C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][error][hs_dl_load] file signature invalid, not loading library (C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll).
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_winhttp_init] failed to initialize winhttp with absolute path
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] verifying file signature: file = [C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll], signer = [Microsoft Corporation], type = [1]
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] checking signature by file (C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll]: 2148204800
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] checking signature by catalog (C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll]: 2148098064
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][error][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] unable to verify file signature: (C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][error][hs_dl_load] file signature invalid, not loading library (C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll).
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][error][load_system_lib] Failed to initialize kernel32.dll
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][hs_dl_load_no_signature] winhttp.dll has been loaded successfully with no signature verification
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] verifying file signature: file = [C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll], signer = [Microsoft Corporation], type = [1]
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] checking signature by file (C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll]: 2148204800
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] checking signature by catalog (C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll]: 2148098064
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][error][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] unable to verify file signature: (C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][error][hs_dl_load] file signature invalid, not loading library (C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll).
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_winhttp_init] failed to initialize crypt32
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] verifying file signature: file = [C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll], signer = [Microsoft Corporation], type = [1]
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] checking signature by file (C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll]: 2148204800
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] checking signature by catalog (C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll]: 2148098064
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][error][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] unable to verify file signature: (C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][error][hs_dl_load] file signature invalid, not loading library (C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll).
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][error][hs_transport_init] initialization failed
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_free] de-initialization
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_free] de-initialization done
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_free] de-initialization [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][all][csd_init] hello
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][all][csd_init] libcsd.dll version 3.0.08062
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_init] initialization
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] verifying file signature: file = [C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll], signer = [Microsoft Corporation], type = [1]
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] checking signature by file (C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll]: 2148204800
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.075 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] checking signature by catalog (C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll]: 2148098064
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][error][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] unable to verify file signature: (C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][error][hs_dl_load] file signature invalid, not loading library (C:Windowssystem32winhttp.dll).
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_winhttp_init] failed to initialize winhttp with absolute path
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] verifying file signature: file = [C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll], signer = [Microsoft Corporation], type = [1]
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] checking signature by file (C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll]: 2148204800
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.107 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] checking signature by catalog (C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll]: 2148098064
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][error][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] unable to verify file signature: (C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][error][hs_dl_load] file signature invalid, not loading library (C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll).
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][error][load_system_lib] Failed to initialize kernel32.dll
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][hs_dl_load_no_signature] winhttp.dll has been loaded successfully with no signature verification
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] verifying file signature: file = [C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll], signer = [Microsoft Corporation], type = [1]
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] checking signature by file (C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll]: 2148204800
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.138 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] checking signature by catalog (C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll]: 2148098064
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][error][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] unable to verify file signature: (C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][error][hs_dl_load] file signature invalid, not loading library (C:Windowssystem32crypt32.dll).
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_winhttp_init] failed to initialize crypt32
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] verifying file signature: file = [C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll], signer = [Microsoft Corporation], type = [1]
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] checking signature by file (C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_file] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll]: 2148204800
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.169 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] checking signature by catalog (C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][debug][check_signature_by_catalog] unable to verify trust for [C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll]: 2148098064
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][error][hs_file_verify_with_killdate] unable to verify file signature: (C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll)
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][error][hs_dl_load] file signature invalid, not loading library (C:Windowssystem32wininet.dll).
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][error][hs_transport_init] initialization failed
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_free] de-initialization
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_free] de-initialization done
    [周四 11月 08 23:06:03.185 20][libcsd][debug][hs_transport_free] de-initialization

    I’ve successfully solved this problem by using both web-based SSL-VPN login and latest AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. After I installed anyconnect-win-3.1.00495-k9, I open the URL of my company’s ssl vpn, followed the steps then logged in, thus it calls the client to establish a vpn connection. It successed!

  • Error while applying a patch «Unable to get the database connection»

    Dear Experts,
    A patch which got successfully applied is failing Production and the error is kind of surprising to me.
    Apps version is
    db version is
    The worker log file shows
    Time when worker restarted job: Thu Nov 24 2011 22:14:52
    Start time for file is: Thu Nov 24 2011 22:14:52
    adjava -ms128m -mx256m -nojit oracle.apps.fnd.odf2.FndXdfCmp &un_apps &pw_apps &un_apps &pw_apps &jdbc_protocol &jdbc_db_addr table &fullpath_pa_patch/115
    Reading product information from file…
    Reading language and territory information from file…
    Reading language information from applUS.txt …
      Temporarily resetting CLASSPATH to:
      Calling /usr/java14/bin/java …
    Exception occured
                  Copyright (c) 2003 Oracle Corporation
                     Redwood Shores, California, USA
             XDF(XML Object Description File) Comparison Utility
                            Version 1
    NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
          unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.
    Unable to get the database connection using schema username/passwordIo exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    AD Run Java Command is complete.
                         Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
                            Redwood Shores, California, USA
                                        AD Java
                                     Version 11.5.0
    NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
          unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.
    AD Worker error:
    The above program failed.  See the error messages listed
    above, if any, or see the log and output files for the program.
    Time when worker failed: Thu Nov 24 2011 22:14:53
    The error says database connection error.  I am able to connect to the database using sqlplus.  I tried to restart the failed worker, but the same error is repeating. 
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Edited by: user7640966 on Nov 24, 2011 9:07 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    One thing which I noticed now is in the apps Tier the
    tnsnames.ora under $TNS_ADMIN
    shows entry like this:
            )Actually *(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=<appsIPaddress>)(PORT=1521))* this line in the tnsnames.ora is not correct. In fact the appsServerName should be replaced with dbServerName
    I deleted the tnsnames.ora and reran autoconfig but it is again recreating the same entry.
    Any clue how this can be fixed?

  • Unable to get the file system information for: \****servernameE$; error = 64 Unable to distribute content to DP

    One of our DPs has stopped loading content. 
    I’ve research for quite a bit and cannot find a clear cut reason to this.  This server only has a DP role, I verified sharing permissions, all looked good. This DP has been running just fine for the last year or so and all sudden it will no longer load
    packages.  The disk drive is still present I can still reach the hidden share \servername.comE$
    Verified that the SMSSIG$ folder is there and the last entry is from 4/23/2015 
    SCCM 2012 R2 
    OS 2008 R2 Standard
    Any help is greatly appreciated!
    Here’s a snipit from the distmgr.log
    Start updating the package on server [«Display=\*****.com»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=1AB»]\*****.com…
    Attempting to add or update a package on a distribution point.
    Will wait for 1 threads to end.
    Thread Handle = 0000000000001E48
    STATMSG: ID=2342 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE=»SMS Server» COMP=»SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER» SYS=***.com SITE=1AB PID=2472 TID=8252 GMTDATE=Thu Apr 30 19:12:01.972 2015 ISTR0=»SYSMGMT Source» ISTR1=»[«Display=\*****.com»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=1AB»]\*****.com»
    ISTR2=»» ISTR3=»» ISTR4=»» ISTR5=»» ISTR6=»» ISTR7=»» ISTR8=»» ISTR9=»» NUMATTRS=2 AID0=400 AVAL0=»CAS00087″ AID1=404 AVAL1=»[«Display=\*****.com»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=1AB»]\*****.com»
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 4/30/2015 2:12:01 PM
    8252 (0x203C)
    The current user context will be used for connecting to [«Display=\*****.com»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=1AB»]\*****.com.
    Successfully made a network connection to \*****.comADMIN$.
    Ignoring drive \*****.comC$.  File \*****.comC$NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS exists.
    Unable to get the file system information for: \*****.comE$; error = 64.
    Failed to find a valid drive on the distribution point [«Display=\*****.com»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=1AB»]\*****.com
    Cannot find or create the signature share.
    STATMSG: ID=2324 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE=»SMS Server» COMP=»SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER» SITE=1AB PID=2472 TID=8252 GMTDATE=Thu Apr 30 19:12:55.206 2015 ISTR0=»[«Display=\*****.com»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=1AB»]\*****.com»
    ISTR1=»CAS00087″ ISTR2=»» ISTR3=»30″ ISTR4=»94″ ISTR5=»» ISTR6=»» ISTR7=»» ISTR8=»» ISTR9=»» NUMATTRS=2 AID0=400 AVAL0=»CAS00087″ AID1=404 AVAL1=»[«Display=\*****.com»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=1AB»]\*****.com»
    Error occurred. Performing error cleanup prior to returning.
    Cancelling network connection to \*****.comADMIN$.

    Error 64 is being returned which is simply «the network name is no longer available».
    There can be a number of reasons for this from SMB compatibility issues (2003 servers wont support SMB2), to the expected and actual computer name of the boxes don’t match (tries to authenticate with when the actual name is and
    you just put a C-name in). I’d start from the top:  Try opening said share from the Primary Site server as that’s the box doing the work.  Verify the IP and computer name is legit and that no one has played ACL games between the two systems (remember
    RPC only initiates/listens on port 135 but established connections are up in the dynamic port range).
    At the end of the day it’s an issues «underneath» SCCM, and not an SCCM problem specifically. 

  • Unable to get the AppsLocalLogin.jsp page

    We are on oracle Db and EBS : on Solaris Sparc 64 Bit 5.10.
    We have recently added a web node to an existing setup.
    Although Apache services are up , but we are unable to get the AppsLocalLogin.jsp page.
    Replacing the domain name and Ip in line 4  with HOSTNAME.DOMAIN_NAME/IPADDRESS
    We have found the below error in the Jserv log :
    [12/04/2012 20:09:38:868 IST] <info> ApacheJServ/1.1.2 is starting…
    [12/04/2012 20:09:38:868 IST] <debug> using confFile /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:016 IST] <info> Connection authentication enabled
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:045 IST] <info> Connection allowed from HOSTNAME.DOMAIN_NAME/IPADDRESS
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:045 IST] <info> Connection allowed from /
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16000 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16001 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16002 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16003 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16004 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16005 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16006 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16007 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16008 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> port 16009 is specified in properties file
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:046 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16000
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:050 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16001
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:050 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16000
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:051 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16001
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:051 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16002
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:051 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16002
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:051 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16003
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:051 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16003
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:051 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16004
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:051 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16004
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:051 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16005
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:052 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16005
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:052 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16006
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:052 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16006
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:052 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16007
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:052 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16007
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:052 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16008
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:052 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16008
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:052 IST] <debug> try to start on port 16009
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:052 IST] <debug> cannot create socket on 16009
    ApacheJServ/1.1.2: Failed to bind to port(s) specified in /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/  Please check /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/ and jserv.conf file, and make sure number of JServ process specified in jserv.conf is less than number of ports specified in /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/ and the ports are not used by other processes.
    [12/04/2012 20:09:39:053 IST] <critical> ApacheJServ/1.1.2: Failed to bind to port(s) specified in /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/  Please check /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/ and jserv.conf file, and make sure number of JServ process specified in jserv.conf is less than number of ports specified in /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/ and the ports are not used by other processes.The IP of this web node is different from the IP mentioned in the log, at line 4.

    ApacheJServ/1.1.2: Failed to bind to port(s) specified in /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/ Please check /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/ and jserv.conf file, and make sure number of JServ process specified in jserv.conf is less than number of ports specified in /pch3/oracle/external/prdora/iAS/Apache/Jserv/etc/ and the ports are not used by other processes.Please check your port is avaliable or not also check related path

  • Hello.  Since accepting the upgrade to the current version of I Tunes (11.4) I have been unable to get the application to boot.  I receive the message that I Tunes was not installed correctly and Error 7 (Windows Error 193).

    Hello.  Since accepting the upgrade to the current version of I Tunes (11.4) I have been unable to get the application to boot.  I receive the message that I Tunes was not installed correctly and Error 7 (Windows Error 193).  I have uninstalled/reinstalled I Tunes several times and this has not resolved the issue.  I also uninstalled/reinstalled Framework 4 since this was suggested by Apple support.  This also has not resolved the issue.
    When I reinstall I Tunes, I get a message that the “Service ‘apple mobile device’ failed to start.”  Verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services.  I attempted to manually start the Apple Mobile Device service but get a pop up stating, “Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.”Unsure what I should try next. 

    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it, which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down page in case one of them applies.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there is backup and recovery advice elsewhere in the user tip.
    The section Install missing components has advice on breaking down the iTunes installer into the individual .msi files which might prove useful if one component, such as Apple Mobile Device Support, won’t install normally.
    In your case I suggest you start with a clean download of the setup file using the direct link. If reinstalling AMDS alone doesn’t work try tearing everything down again.

  • Failed to get the Availability State on server Distriubtionpoint1 for role SMS Distribution Point

    Distriubtionpoint1— Server share distribution point
    Distriubtionpoint1— Acting as site system role (DP)
    Distriubtionpoint1—attached under the primary PR0 (Primary server0)
    Primary server0— reporting to CS0 (central site 0)
    Distriubtionpoint1— Windows 2008 sp1 r2 standard
    Infrastructure details:-
    Distriubtionpoint1 located in different domain with one way trust.
    1) Check ping status with FQDN from both domain and it is success.
    2) Check port 135, 445, 80,443 through telnet from both domain and success.
    3) Primary Server0 account is member of the local admin group on Distriubtionpoint1.
    4) Check the PR0-SCCM-DP$ folder NTFS & Share permission
    Share permission
    a) everyone & local admin group has full control
    Security permission
    a) System has full permission
    b) user has read & exec
    4) Local admin full
    Sitestat.log error message:
    —->: Failed to get the Availability State on server
    Distriubtionpoint1 for role SMS Distribution Point. SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER 4/22/2014 9:00:15 PM 952 (0x03B8)
    —->: Now polling via NAL for SiteObject «[«Display=\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=PR0″]\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$» SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER
    4/22/2014 9:00:15 PM 952 (0x03B8)
    for [«Display=\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=PR0»]\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$, no connection account is available SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER
    4/22/2014 9:00:15 PM 952 (0x03B8)
    —->: The NAL path [«Display=\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=PR0»]\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$ is currently not accessible. SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER
    4/22/2014 9:00:18 PM 952 (0x03B8)
    Info>: Unable to get available space for the Site Object [«Display=\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=PR0»]\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$ SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER
    4/22/2014 9:00:18 PM 952 (0x03B8)
    STATMSG: ID=4701 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE=»SMS Server» COMP=»SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER» SYS=Distriubtionpoint1 SITE=PR0 PID=4112 TID=952 GMTDATE=Wed Apr 23 01:00:18.002
    2014 ISTR0=»\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$» ISTR1=»\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$» ISTR2=»2014 04 4 17 04 31 31 000″ ISTR3=»» ISTR4=»» ISTR5=»» ISTR6=»» ISTR7=»» ISTR8=»»
    ISTR9=»» NUMATTRS=0 SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER 4/22/2014 9:00:18 PM 952 (0x03B8)
    for [«Display=\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=PR0»]\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$, no connection account is available SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER
    4/22/2014 9:00:18 PM 952 (0x03B8)
    —->: GetOperationsManagementData failed to connect to [«Display=\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$»]MSWNET:[«SMS_SITE=PR0»]\Distriubtionpoint1PR0-SCCM-DP$; error
    = 5. SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER 4/22/2014 9:00:20 PM 952 (0x03B8)

    I have tried to access the server share DP from the primary server by using my user
    credential. Yes I can able to access the share.
    But when I use the system credential to access the share received an error message as shown in below screenshot
    Hence i have provided the share and ntfs permission administrators, system, everyone,
    primary server account with full control on both tab. but still i am receiving error message.
    c:temp>dir \PrimaryServer1SCCM-DP$
    Volume in drive \PrimaryServer1SCCM-DP$ is Data
    Volume Serial Number is 22F0-661B
    Directory of \PrimaryServer1SCCM-DP$03/17/2014
    03:33 PM <DIR> .03/17/2014 03:33 PM <DIR> .
    04/01/2014 08:04 AM <DIR> SMSPKG
    0 File(s) 0 bytes
    3 Dir(s) 514,625,064,960 bytes free
    nt authoritysystem
    Access is denied.

  • Update failed:  Unable to extract the download files (why????), error U44M1210.  What’s that ?

    When downloading Premiere Pro CC, in Creative Cloud, I’m getting a message:
    Update Failed
    Unable to extract  the downloaded files.  Press retry.
    Sometimes it happens when I’m updating extensions.
    Can I directly download and update apps WITHOUT using the Creative Cloud desktop app ?
    Please advice.

    I had the same problem on a Mac (CC update failing with a U44M1210 error.
    . I just finished a chat with an Adobe specialist who walked me through the solution. So I recommend a chat to solve the problem for me (and I suspect all Mac users).
    The Solution essentially this came down to the following:
    Deleting the following:
    OOBE and AAM Updater folders from ~/library/Application Support/Adobe
    OOBE and Adobe Application Manager folders from /Library/Application Support/Adobe
    Reinstalling the Adobe Application Manager.
    Restarting the Creative cloud Application.

  • Hi, after installing Adobe CC I tried opening Adobe Photoshop. This failed. I get the opening window where it says installing plugins searching etc, after which PS opens in full screen. Just moments after that there’s a fail warning, no code number, only

    Hi, after installing Adobe CC I tried opening Adobe Photoshop. This failed.
    I get the opening window where it says installing plugins searching etc, after which PS opens in full screen.
    Just moments after that there’s a failure warning, no code number, only the warning that PS failed to open and PS will close.
    I tried downloading it for a second time, but this did’nt solve the problem.
    Befor the CC version I used a one year student version of Adobe CS6.
    What can I do?

    Regarding the Flash Player problem, disable Hardware Acceleration to circumvent driver incompatibilities.
    Regarding the Flash Pro installation problems, post in the Flash forums or

  • Unable to get the composite instance for the invocation. This could be because instance has not yet been created or because the audit level for the SOA infra has been set to Off

    I am on Oracle BPM suite on W8 64 bit. I can’t launch the flow trace and get the error «Unable to get the composite instance for the invocation. This could be because instance has not yet been created or because the audit level for the SOA infra has been set to Off».  I have set the audit level to development at the soa-infra>SOA Administration> Common Properties > Audit level set to development and Capture Composite Instance State is Checked.
    Can somebody advice.

    Can you please confirm me the following steps…
    Log in to the EM console, Expand soa-infra (soa_server1) , go to the partition where your composite is been deployed, Click on your composite, On the right, click on the dropdown Settings and choose Composite Audit Level. you can choose to set the Audit Level for this composite. If you choose Inherit, it will take the settings to what the server is being set to. Otherwise, we can override it by choosing Off, Production, or Development.
    Make sure your setting for that composite is not Off, keep inherit or production or development.

  • Unable to get the values from PAYLOAD

    i’m unable to get the values of payload. When i use
    currentTask = client.getTaskQueryService().getTaskDetailsById(workflowContext, taskID);
    Element payload = (Element)currentTask.getPayloadAsElement();
    node = (Element)payload.getFirstChild();
    I get null but i instantiate the bpel process with a value and i have
    — <payload>
    — <ns1:DocumentReviewProcessRequest xmlns:ns1=»»>
    <ns1:groups />
    if i use System.out.println(node.getElementsByTagName(«HELLO»).item(0).getNodeValue());
    I get a normal erro ’cause this variable don’t exist…
    Can someone please help me?

    I think the problem is UME related. I had the same problem once. Try using a system user for searching, instead of the logged on user.
    Like this: user = WPUMFactory.getUserFactory().getUser(«cmadmin_service»);
    Please reward the points if this helps.

  • Unable to get the response from dynamic partnerlink

    I used dynamic partnerlink, in this i am able to invoke the services dynamcially but i am unable to get the response from the services which i had invoked dynamically. In my dynamic partnerlink wsdl i had included callback binding and call back service in the wsdl you can see them below
    <binding name=»LoanServiceCallbackBinding» type=»tns:LoanServiceCallback»>
    <soap:binding style=»document» transport=»»/>
    <operation name=»onResult»>
    <soap:operation soapAction=»onResult» style=»document»/>
    <soap:header message=»tns:RelatesToHeader» part=»RelatesTo» use=»literal» required=»false»/>
    <soap:body use=»literal»/>
    <service name=»LoanServiceCallbackService»>
    <port name=»LoanServiceCallbackPort» binding=»tns:LoanServiceCallbackBinding»>
    <soap:address location=»»/>
    please help me on this

    Hi, thanks for the input
    Actually My partnerLink had two messageTypes one for Input message request and the other for the Output message request and for the input message i had used the operation as initiate also for the output messsage type operation as result.For both of them binding is defined.
    With these am passing the values from myBPELl to the service which am nvoking dynamically but unable to capture the response the variables are local to myBPEL.

  • Unable to get the media from the Endeca Experience manager version 11.0.0

    Iam unable to get the media from the Endeca Experience Manager for my endeca app ‘CRS’.
    I have created the endeca app named ‘CRS’ using the reference app discover-data-catalog-integration and successfully initialized and indexed.Iam able to see the Indexed data in my endeca_jspref and the configurations in my Experience Manager.
    I want to import the media from my experience manager(this is my actual requirement) and for this iam executing the get_media.bat cmd from my application’s control folder,the cmd was executing successfully without any errors, but the media folder was not populating with any images that i can see in the Experience manager .Please do the needful to resolve this issue.
    C:>cd EndecaappsCRScontrol
    [07.04.14 11:48:08] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
    [07.04.14 11:48:09] INFO: Updating provisioning for component ‘DailyReportGenerator’.
    [07.04.14 11:48:09] INFO: Updating definition for component ‘DailyReportGenerator’.
    [07.04.14 11:48:10] INFO: Definition updated.
    [07.04.14 11:48:10] INFO: Exporting resource ‘http://localhost:8006/ifcr/sites/CRS/media’ to ‘C:EndecaappsCRScontrol..configmedia’
    [07.04.14 11:48:11] INFO: Finished exporting resource.

    What media are you trying to import?  There won’t be any media returned with get_media unless you but media in to begin with using the set_media cmd.  However, it’s preferable to use the media MDEX rather than storing media in the ECR.

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