Программа для синих экранов windows 10

BlueScreenView - небольшая бесплатная утилита, которая сканирует все файлы аварийных дампов памяти и отображает информацию о всех сбоях в сводной таблице. Для каждого сбоя предоставляется масса полезной для пользователя информации

для Windows

BlueScreenView скриншот № 1

BlueScreenView — небольшая бесплатная утилита, которая сканирует все файлы аварийных дампов памяти и отображает информацию о всех сбоях в сводной таблице. Для каждого сбоя предоставляется масса полезной для пользователя информации, как например имя файла дампа, дата/время сбоя, базовые сведения, выводимые на экран во время BSOD и сведения о драйвере/модуле, который привел к сбою.

Также программа позволяет просматривать список загруженных драйверов, в котором отмечаются те драйверы, которые были найдены в стеке минидампа, что дает возможность обнаружить драйвер, вызвавший критическую ошибку.

Основные возможности:

  • Выяснение причин сбоя системы.
  • Отображение подробной информации об ошибке.
  • Вывод данных о драйверах.
  • Экспорт информации в файл, сохраненный в формате: TXT, HTML, HTM, XML, CSV.
  • Поиск информации в интернете по готовым шаблонам.
  • Поддержка режима перетаскивания.
  • Поддержка командной строки.
  • Русификатор интерфейса (2 Кб)

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Отзывы о программе BlueScreenView

Stanmay про BlueScreenView 1.55 [13-03-2016]

Из архива русификатора извлекаем файл и копируем его в папку с программой. И все, прога русифицирована.
19 | 13 | Ответить

мишка про BlueScreenView 1.52 [15-09-2013]

закинуть в папку с прогой
23 | 8 | Ответить

ieheg про BlueScreenView 1.52 [26-08-2013]

Русификатор есть на сайте программы — http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/trans/bluescreenview_russian.zip
18 | 13 | Ответить

виктор про BlueScreenView 1.47 [04-05-2013]

как русифицироваь эту хрень
17 | 44 | Ответить

BlueScreenView v1.55

Copyright (c) 2009 — 2015 Nir Sofer

Related Utilities

  • WinCrashReport — Displays a report about crashed Windows application.
  • WhatIsHang — Get information about Windows software that stopped responding (hang)
  • AppCrashView — View application crash information on Windows 7/Vista.

See Also

  • NK2Edit — Edit, merge and fix the AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook.


BlueScreenView scans all your minidump files created during ‘blue screen of death’ crashes, and displays the information about all crashes in one table.
For each crash, BlueScreenView displays the minidump filename, the date/time of the crash, the basic crash
information displayed in the blue screen (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and the details of the driver or module
that possibly caused the crash (filename, product name, file description, and file version).

For each crash displayed in the upper pane, you can view the details of the device drivers loaded during the crash in the lower pane.
BlueScreenView also mark the drivers that their addresses found in the crash stack, so you can easily locate the suspected drivers that possibly caused the crash.

Download links are on the bottom of this page

Versions History

  • Version 1.55:
    • Added Drag & Drop support: You can now drag a single MiniDump file from Explorer into the main window of BlueScreenView.
    • Fixed bug: BlueScreenView failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor.
  • Version 1.52:
    • Added ‘Google Search — Bug Check’ and ‘Google Search — Bug Check + Parameter 1’ options.
  • Version 1.51:
    • Added automatic secondary sorting (‘Crash Time’ column).
    • Added 64-bit build.
  • Version 1.50:
    • The ‘Crash Time’ now displays more accurate date/time of the crash.
      In previous versions, the value of ‘Crash Time’ column was taken from the date/time of dump file, which actually represents that time that Windows loaded again, after the crash.
      The actual crash time is stored inside the dump file , and now the ‘Crash Time’ displays this value.
    • Added ‘Dump File Time’ column, which displays the modified time of the dump file.
  • Version 1.47:
    • Added ‘Auto Size Columns+Headers’ option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values and column headers.
  • Version 1.46:
    • Fixed issue: The properties and the ‘Advanced Options’ windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.
  • Version 1.45:
    • You can now choose to open only a specific dump file — from the user interface or from command-line.
    • You can now also specify the MiniDump folder or MiniDump file as a single parameter, and BlueScreenView
      will be opened with the right dump file/folder, for example:
      BlueScreenView.exe C:windowsminidumpMini011209-01.dmp
  • Version 1.40:
    • Added ‘Raw Data’ mode on the lower pane, which displays the processor registers and memory hex dump.
  • Version 1.35:
    • Added ‘Crash Address’ column.
    • Added 3 columns that display that last 3 calls found in the stack
      (Only for 32-bit crashes)
  • Version 1.32:
    • Added ‘Mark Odd/Even Rows’ option, under the View menu. When it’s turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line.
  • Version 1.31:
    • Added ‘Google Search — Bug Check+Driver’ for searching in Google the driver name and bug check code of the selected blue screen.
  • Version 1.30:
    • Added ‘Dump File Size’ column.
  • Version 1.29:
    • You can now send the list of blue screen crashes to stdout by specifying an empty filename («») in the command-line of all save parameters.

      For example: bluescreenview.exe /stab «» > c:tempblue_screens.txt
  • Version 1.28:
    • Added ‘Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File’ option. When this option is turned on, the column names are added
      as the first line when you export to csv or tab-delimited file.
  • Version 1.27:
    • Fixed issue: removed the wrong encoding from the xml string, which caused problems to some xml viewers.
  • Version 1.26:
    • Fixed ‘DumpChk’ mode to work properly when DumpChk processing takes more than a few seconds.
  • Version 1.25:
    • Added ‘DumpChk’ mode, which displays the output of Microsoft DumpChk utility (DumpChk.exe).
      You can set the right path and parameters of DumpChk in ‘Advanced Options’ window.
      By default, BlueScreenView tries to run DumpChk from ‘%programfiles%Debugging Tools for Windows’
    • The default MiniDump folder is now taken from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlCrashControl
  • Version 1.20:
    • Added 3 new columns in the upper pane: Processors Count, Major Version, Minor Version.
    • Added ‘Explorer Copy’ option, which allows you to copy dump files to the clipboard and then paste them into Explorer window.
  • Version 1.15:
    • Added option to view the blue screen list of multiple computers on your network.
      The computer names are specified in a simple text file. (See below).
    • Added Combo-Box to easily choose the MiniDump folders available in the hard-disks currently attached to your computer.
    • Added ‘Computer Name’ and ‘Full Path’ columns.
  • Version 1.11:
    • Added /sort command-line option.
  • Version 1.10:
    • Added accelerator keys for allowing you to toggle between modes more easily.
    • Added command-line options for saving the crash dumps list to text/csv/html/xml file.
    • Added command-line option for opening BlueScreenView with the desired MiniDump folder.
    • Fixed focus problems when opening the ‘Advanced Options’ window.
    • Added ‘default’ button to the ‘Advanced Options’ window.
    • Added ‘processor’ column — 32-bit or x64.
  • Version 1.05 — Added support for x64 MiniDump files.
  • Version 1.00 — First release.

BlueScreenView Features

  • Automatically scans your current minidump folder and displays the list of all crash dumps, including crash dump date/time and crash details.
  • Allows you to view a blue screen which is very similar to the one that Windows displayed during the crash.
  • BlueScreenView enumerates the memory addresses inside the stack of the crash, and find all drivers/modules that might be involved in the crash.
  • BlueScreenView also allows you to work with another instance of Windows, simply by choosing the right minidump folder (In Advanced Options).
  • BlueScreenView automatically locate the drivers appeared in the crash dump, and extract their version resource information, including product name, file version, company, and file description.

System Requirements

  • BlueScreenView works with Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10,
    as long as Windows is configured to save minidump files during BSOD crashes.
    If your system doesn’t create MiniDump files on a blue screen crash,
    try to configure it according to the following article:
    How to configure Windows to create MiniDump files on BSOD
  • BlueScreenView can read the MiniDump files of both 32-bit and x64 systems.
  • Be aware that on Windows 10, some of the created MiniDump files might be empty and BlueScreenView will not display them.

Using BlueScreenView

BlueScreenView doesn’t require any installation process or additional dll files.
In order to start using it, simply run the executable file — BlueScreenView.exe

After running BlueScreenView, it automatically scans your MiniDump folder and display all crash details in the upper pane.

Crashes Information Columns (Upper Pane)

  • Dump File: The MiniDump filename that stores the crash data.
  • Crash Time: The created time of the MiniDump filename, which also matches to the date/time that the crash occurred.
  • Bug Check String: The crash error string. This error string is determined according to the Bug Check Code, and it’s also displayed in the blue screen window of Windows.
  • Bug Check Code: The bug check code, as displayed in the blue screen window.
  • Parameter 1/2/3/4: The 4 crash parameters that are also displayed in the blue screen of death.
  • Caused By Driver: The driver that probably caused this crash.
    BlueScreenView tries to locate the right driver or module that caused the blue screen by looking inside the crash stack.
    However, be aware that the driver detection mechanism is not 100% accurate, and you should also look in the lower pane, that display all drivers/modules found in the stack.
    These drivers/modules are marked in pink color.

  • Caused By Address: Similar to ‘Caused By Driver’ column, but also display the relative address of the crash.
  • File Description: The file description of the driver that probably caused this crash.
    This information is loaded from the version resource of the driver.

  • Product Name: The product name of the driver that probably caused this crash.
    This information is loaded from the version resource of the driver.

  • Company: The company name of the driver that probably caused this crash.
    This information is loaded from the version resource of the driver.

  • File Version: The file version of the driver that probably caused this crash.
    This information is loaded from the version resource of the driver.

  • Crash Address:The memory address that the crash occurred. (The address in the EIP/RIP processor register)
    In some crashes, this value might be identical to ‘Caused By Address’ value, while in others,
    the crash address is different from the driver that caused the crash.

  • Stack Address 1 — 3:
    The last 3 addresses found in the call stack.
    Be aware that in some crashes, these values will be empty.
    Also, the stack addresses list is currently not supported for 64-bit crashes.

Drivers Information Columns (Lower Pane)

  • Filename: The driver/module filename
  • Address In Stack: The memory address of this driver that was found in the stack.
  • From Address: First memory address of this driver.
  • To Address: Last memory address of this driver.
  • Size: Driver size in memory.
  • Time Stamp: Time stamp of this driver.
  • Time String: Time stamp of this driver, displayed in date/time format.
  • Product Name: Product name of this driver, loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • File Description: File description of this driver, loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • File Version: File version of this driver, loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • Company: Company name of this driver, loaded from the version resource of the driver.
  • Full Path: Full path of the driver filename.

Lower Pane Modes

Currently, the lower pane has 4 different display modes.
You can change the display mode of the lower pane from Options->Lower Pane Mode menu.

  1. All Drivers:
    Displays all the drivers that were loaded during the crash that you selected in the upper pane.
    The drivers/module that their memory addresses found in the stack, are marked in pink color.

  2. Only Drivers Found In Stack:
    Displays only the modules/drivers that their memory addresses found in the stack of the crash.
    There is very high chance that one of the drivers in this list is the one that caused the crash.

  3. Blue Screen in XP Style:
    Displays a blue screen that looks very similar to the one that Windows displayed during the crash.

  4. DumpChk Output:
    Displays the output of Microsoft DumpChk utility.
    This mode only works when Microsoft DumpChk is installed on your computer and
    BlueScreenView is configured to run it from the right folder (In the Advanced Options window).

    You can get DumpChk from the installation CD/DVD of Windows or
    with the installtion of Debugging Tools for Windows.

Crashes of Remote Network Computer

If you have multiple computers on your network and you have full administrator access to them
(e.g: you have access to \ComputerNamec$), you can also view the crashes of the other computers on your network remotely.
In order to do that, simply go to ‘Advanced Options’ (Ctrl+O) and type the MiniDump folder of the remote
computer, for example: \MyCompc$WindowsMiniDump.

Notice: If you fail to get full administrator access to the remote computer, you should read the instructions in the following Blog post:
How to connect a remote Windows 7/Vista/XP computer with NirSoft utilities.

Watching the crashes of multiple computers on your network

If you have a network with multiple computers, and you have full admin access to these computers, you can
view the blue screens list of all these computers in one table, and easily detect computers with recurring BSOD problems.

In order to use this feature, prepare a list of all computer names/IP addresses that you want to inspect, and save it to a simple text file.
The computer names in the list can be delimited by comma, semicolon, tab character, or Enter (CRLF).

Example for computer names list:


After you have a text file contains the computers list, you can go to Advanced Options window (Ctrl+O), choose the second option and type the computers list filename.

Command-Line Options

/LoadFrom <Source> Specifies the source to load from.

1 -> Load from a single MiniDump folder (/MiniDumpFolder parameter)

2 -> Load from all computers specified in the computer list file. (/ComputersFile parameter)

3 -> Load from a single MiniDump file (/SingleDumpFile parameter)

/MiniDumpFolder <Folder> Start BlueScreenView with the specified MiniDump folder.

/SingleDumpFile <Filename> Start BlueScreenView with the specified MiniDump file. (For using with /LoadFrom 3)

/ComputersFile <Filename> Specifies the computers list filename. (When LoadFrom = 2)

/LowerPaneMode <1 — 3> Start BlueScreenView with the specified mode.
1 = All Drivers, 2 = Only Drivers Found In Stack, 3 = Blue Screen in XP Style.

/stext <Filename> Save the list of blue screen crashes into a regular text file.

/stab <Filename> Save the list of blue screen crashes into a tab-delimited text file.

/scomma <Filename> Save the list of blue screen crashes into a comma-delimited text file (csv).

/stabular <Filename> Save the list of blue screen crashes into a tabular text file.

/shtml <Filename> Save the list of blue screen crashes into HTML file (Horizontal).

/sverhtml <Filename> Save the list of blue screen crashes into HTML file (Vertical).

/sxml <Filename> Save the list of blue screen crashes into XML file.

/sort <column> This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting by the desired column.
If you don’t specify this option, the list is sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface.
The <column> parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on) or
the name of the column, like «Bug Check Code» and «Crash Time».
You can specify the ‘~’ prefix character (e.g: «~Crash Time») if you want to sort in descending order.
You can put multiple /sort in the command-line if you want to sort by multiple columns.


BlueScreenView.exe /shtml «f:tempcrashes.html» /sort 2 /sort ~1

BlueScreenView.exe /shtml «f:tempcrashes.html» /sort «Bug Check String» /sort «~Crash Time»

/nosort When you specify this command-line option, the list will be saved without any sorting.

Translating BlueScreenView to other languages

In order to translate BlueScreenView to other language, follow the instructions below:

  1. Run BlueScreenView with /savelangfile parameter:

    BlueScreenView.exe /savelangfile

    A file named BlueScreenView_lng.ini will be created in the folder of BlueScreenView utility.
  2. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.
  3. Translate all string entries to the desired language.
    Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site.
    (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it’ll be
    used in the ‘About’ window.

  4. After you finish the translation, Run BlueScreenView, and all translated
    strings will be loaded from the language file.

    If you want to run BlueScreenView without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move
    it to another folder.


This utility is released as freeware.
You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM,
Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don’t charge anything for this.
If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in
the distribution package, without any modification !


The software is provided «AS IS» without any warranty, either expressed or implied,
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental,
consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.


If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility,
you can send a message to nirsofer@yahoo.com

BlueScreenView is also available in other languages. In order to change the language of
BlueScreenView, download the appropriate language zip file, extract the ‘bluescreenview_lng.ini’,
and put it in the same folder that you Installed BlueScreenView utility.

Language Translated By Date Version
Arabic Fcmam5 23/02/2013 1.47
Brazilian Portuguese cslibraga 20/02/2016 1.10
Bulgarian Евгений Кабакчиев 05/06/2015 1.55
Czech Pavel Konečný 04/01/2015 1.52
Danish Gustav Brock 15/01/2011 1.30
Dutch Jan Verheijen 03/02/2015 1.55
Farsi Hamed Babaei (ÍÇãÏ ÈÇÈÇíí) 18/03/2014 1.52
Finnish S. J. Liimatainen 03/06/2020 1.55
French EtoileFilante® Corp. 24/08/2015 1.55
French Eric FICHOT 27/07/2013 1.52
French xb70walkyrie [v. 1.55] 31/07/2016  
German «Latino» auf WinTotal.de 29/01/2015 1.55
Greek geogeo.gr 11/10/2014 1.52
Hungarian Timinoun 12/12/2022 1.55
Italian Roberto B.WSS 14/05/2015 1.55
Italian Daniele Cultrera & bovirus 01/04/2014 1.52
Japanese iLEƒÖEj 17/07/2013 1.52
Korean J. K. Lee(Wave) 04/02/2015 1.55
Latvian Nizaury 15/01/2012 1.45
Persian Shadima.com 26/04/2020 1.55
Polish Wojciech Sabaj 25/06/2012 1.45
Polish Tomasz Janiszewski 04/08/2009 1.00
Romanian Jaff (Oprea Nicolae) 08/05/2015 1.55
Russian Dmitry Posunko && Dm.Yerokhin 21/01/2016 1.55
Simplified Chinese CuiPlaY 14/03/2013 1.47
Simplified Chinese EaiLFly 28/01/2012 1.45
Simplified Chinese Edison Chen 27/05/2014 1.52
Slovak Fero Fico 29/01/2015 1.55
Slovenian Darko Kenda 22/01/2014 1.52
Spanish Amadeo García Torrano 07/05/2020 1.55
Swedish Bernt Janhäger 06/08/2012 1.45
Swedish Tommy Kellerman 29/03/2011 1.32
Traditional Chinese 發夢 King 04/08/2009 1.00
Traditional Chinese 丹楓(虫二電氣診所) 08/10/2013 1.52
Turkish Saner Apaydin 16/03/2010 1.20
Turkish HARUN ARI 16/09/2011 1.40
Ukrainian Lembergman, August 2017 19/08/2017
Ukrainian vmsoft77 20/11/2013 1.52
Valencian vjatv 25/08/2009 1.05

Choose the best tool to get rid of BSoD for good

by Radu Tyrsina

Radu Tyrsina has been a Windows fan ever since he got his first PC, a Pentium III (a monster at that time). For most of the kids of… read more

Updated on November 8, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • Using a professional Blue Screen of Death fixer utility could help you save your personal data.
  • We’ve tested the BSoD repair tools from our list to give you only the best options.
  • System crashes during Windows 10 updates, faulty drivers or even problems with your hardware are the most common causes for BSoD errors.


To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

Installing the latest Windows 10 updates can often result in making some users’ computers go straight into the blue screen of death. Having a reliable BSoD fixer at hand is the best way to avoid disaster.

This can happen lots of times with older versions of the operating system, and the catalysts are of various natures.

One of the causes that can lead to BSOD can be hardware-related, outdated driver software or the issue can be due to low-level software that is running in the Windows kernel.

Sometimes, a regular app can cause this nightmare as well as corrupted files and data loss. Faulty memory power can also lead to this.

A STOP error is a catalyst for the appearance of the blue screen, and when this happens there’s a complete crash involved, and Windows cannot perform anymore.

Your computer will restart, but the bad news is that your previously unsaved data will be lost because programs did not get a chance to save it.

In this article

  • What causes BSOD errors?
  • What are the best BSOD repair tools?
  • Tweaking Windows Repair — Automatic updates

What causes BSOD errors?

➡ Hardware malfunction

This issue can occur no matter if you’ve just installed a new SSD on your PC, or if a previously installed piece of hardware is experiencing issues.

Hardware malfunction could be caused by components not being connected properly to the motherboard, a sudden disconnection because of loss of power, or a broken element.

Unfortunately, this is one of the most common reasons for encountering BSOD errors, which will temporarily disable access to your files.

Hardware can get broken by being exposed to the limits of its capabilities, both in terms of temperature and power voltage.

To ensure that this is not a possible problem, it is recommended that you use a good computer monitoring tool that allows you to check these factors whenever you need to.

➡ Corrupted DLLs or system files

DLL files are the instruction manual of your system, so when and if one or more get corrupted, this can affect the way your PC works.

Example of corrupted DLL error

Damage to DLLs can appear because of mistakenly deleting one, malware attacks, and faulty application installations.

The damaged DLL will need to be replaced with a fresh new one for the system to be able to function without issues.

➡ Device drives improperly written

Sometimes, whenever you create a new partition, or during the installation process of a new OS, some drives might encounter errors while being written.

This can happen because of issues with your HDD or the partition software that you’re using. In turn, a BSOD can appear which will stop you from accessing your files entirely.

➡ Power supply issues

If your power supply has issues, then this will cause the voltage required for running the hardware on your motherboard to fluctuate. This in turn causes the components to malfunction, and thus, a BSOD error can appear on your screen as a result.

➡ Full PC memory

Having your PC memory full will hinder the OS’s ability to process information promptly, and thus cause issues with the software, which in turn could cause issues with the hardware.

To avoid this problem, it is recommended that you use a PC optimization tool that can easily identify any clutter and resolve it promptly.

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry anymore about finding an effective method to fix blue screen issues or to prevent the file loss triggered by them, because some third-party BSoD fixer tools can cover all the risk factors mentioned above.

Restoro – Free space optimizer

Topping out our list is a tool that can be considered a full package in terms of PC repair and optimization, called Restoro.

But can Restoro fix a BSOD? This program is perfectly capable of running a deep scan of your Windows system and then finding and automatically fixing system software problems that are causing those Blue Screens.

This is achieved thanks to the 25,000,000 files in its personal database that it uses to fix your corrupted, malfunctioning, and missing Windows software files.

What’s more, using the program is extremely easy, thanks to the wizard-like setup that it uses and the UI is intuitive to be used by the common user.

Once all registries and DLLs have been checked all software-induced BSoD errors will be nothing more but a bad memory. However, if the cause of your BSOD error is hardware in nature, the program will let you know after the initial scan.

Of course, we mentioned that this program is an entire package deal. To that end, Restoro also increases performance, stops computer freezing and system crashes as well as improves overall PC stability.

Other useful features:

  • Free space optimizer
  • 24/7 support available
  • Great PC speed boost
  • Friendly-looking UI
  • Entirely automatized

Restoro is a fast, easy and safe solution to fixing Blue Screens and all other Windows errors. This powerful application considers every element of your PC, starting from system stability to checking the versions of DLL files and the integrity of system files as well.

This program covers all the possible reasons for BSOD issues, and not only fixes any problems but also prevents them from ever occurring again.


Easily fix BSoD errors with this versatile, safe, and easy-to-use software today.

Wondershare Recoverit – User-friendly interface

Recoverit from Wondershare is a useful piece of software that will help greatly when dealing with Blue Screen of Death errors on your computer.

This is a safe and reliable computer data recovery software that was designed with ease of use in mind, thus allowing you to control all aspects of how the program is run from a user-friendly main hub.

Recoverit can restore any lost files, no matter if they are audio, photos, or normal files, thus being an important step in bouncing back from a BSOD that affected your PC’s storage.

Here are some specific formats this software can easily recover to your system:

  • Audio: AIF/AIFF, M4A, MP3, WAV, WMA, MID/MIDI, OGG, AAC, etc.
  • Photo: JPG, TIFF/TIF, PNG, BMP, GIF, PSD, CRW, CR2, NEF, etc.
  • Documents: DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, PPT/PPTX,/XLSX, etc.
  • Video: AVI, MOV, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, WMV, ASF, FLV, etc.
  • Message and Emails: PST, DBX, EMLX, etc.
  • Archives: ZIP, RAR, SIT, etc.

To ensure that you will not be missing any files, no matter where they are stored, the developers also included a feature that recovers data from an external HDD or SSD, memory cards, flash drives, and even digital cameras. Besides that, you can also recover files that have been deleted by mistake and are found in the Recycle bin.

A tool that offers these features can be a lifesaver, as it will ensure that no matter if you’re experiencing a drive getting formatted, a corrupted sector of data, virus attacks, or system crashes, Recoverit will be able to help.

Here are some other useful features:

  • Quick processing of data
  • Easy-to-understand user interface
  • Selective recovery features
  • Covers a wide range of data loss scenarios

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

Wondershare Recoverit is a licensed-based software with three different packages available. Each plan is available as a 1-year license, a one-month license, or a perpetual license.

Wondershare Recoverit

Quickly restore lost and deleted files and overcome BSOD problems with this intuitive tool.

Tweaking Windows Repair – Automatic updates

Tweaking Windows Repair is an astonishingly useful software that has the capability to resolve any BSoD errors within just a few minutes.

The step-by-step design of the BSoD repair tool was created in this manner to ensure that no elements are skipped, and this simplifies the actions the user needs to take as well.

To start the software all you have to do is click on Step 1, and follow the on-screen instructions. You will be guided all the way to the very end of the process, where all the issues that caused the BSOD will be resolved.

As a bonus, the main hub of the software offers you quick access to any of its menus and gives you a useful overview of all the elements that are contained in this powerful software.

This software from Tweaking is not only capable of resolving BSoD errors but can tackle almost any type of error or problem that you might encounter on a Windows platform.

You can easily resolve problems like registry errors, file permissions problems, Internet Explorer issues, Internet connection problems, and many more.

Even though the interface is not polished and beautifully designed like in the case of other software options, Tweaking Windows Repair makes up for it when it comes to usability.

There is only a small advantage to having slick-looking software, but the goal of this program is to ensure that your system works correctly, and isn’t created with looks in mind.

Other notable features:

  • Permissions backup and restore of the registry files
  • Cleans up entries in Windows Firewall
  • Unhides files to thoroughly identify malware
  • Enables access to Windows services tools

Tweaking Windows Repair is a licensed product with packages available for one or multiple PCs.

Tweaking Windows Repair

Resolve BSOD errors with this powerful software that thoroughly scans and fixes system issues.

Smart Blue Screen of Death Fixer Pro – Registry backup

Smart Blue Screen of Death Fixer Pro is another excellent tool that comes in handy if you have to deal with a BSOD issue.

This great BSoD repair software is one of the world’s top award-winning registry cleaners, and it boasts millions of downloads now.

Smart Blue Screen of Death Fixer scans the entire drive to make sure that there’s no unwanted fragment of software left behind and it automatically downloads the brand new program that you might need.

The software is so popular due to its great set of features, which not only thoroughly scans and identifies issues, but is also capable of replacing files, fixing them, and optimizing their usage on your system.

This tool is the equivalent of using eight separate products, as you get access to features that seem unrelated, but all deal with system stability and stabilizability.

The developers ensured that the application doesn’t take much space on your hard drive, is easy to install, and is even easier to use. The menus and options are designed for simplicity, but that doesn’t take away from the actual capabilities found in the backend.

Using the tool regularly will result in smaller risks for data loss and an extended lifespan for your hard drive.

Other useful features:

  • Optimizes menus, desktop environments, networks, services, and start-up features
  • Scans and cleans registries, junk files, shortcuts, etc.
  • Variety of system tools including an uninstaller manager, file splitter, disk defragmentation, etc.
  • Backs up your registry, system restore, folders, files, etc.

⇒ Get Smart Blue Screen of Death Fixer Pro

WhoCrashed – Detailed analysis

WhoCrashed is an excellent program that can reveal the drivers that are responsible for your computer’s crash, which in turn not only allows you to fix the issue but can also act as a preventive measure.

Even though it has a simple user interface, don’t get fooled by appearances, as this old-school-looking application can pack a punch.

WhoCrashed will show you the drivers that have been crashing your computer with just a single click of the mouse, thus eliminating the need for the user to go through laborious processes to initiate the recovery.

This tool performs a so-called post-mortem crash dump analysis as we described above, presenting all the gathered data most comprehensively for the user while offering you guidance in tracing the cause of the problem.

The best part about this process is that you won’t need any debugging skills to be able to know what drivers are troubling your computer running Windows, and also how to fix them.

This tool is available as a free download, and it’s packed with lots of useful features:

  • Scans your dump files, and it provides an estimation of what exactly caused your system to crash
  • Predicts whether the fault was the computer’s hardware or if it was software-related
  • Provides a bug check code, the error message, and the path of the file that ultimately caused the error
  • Comes with a more advanced version that provides a more detailed analysis via symbol resolution.

⇒ Get WhoCrashed

What can you do to prevent BSODs?

Keep your drivers updated

Even though this might seem like an obvious part of our day-to-day usage of PCs, most of us forget how important drivers are.

Driver issues are the elements that don’t allow your software and hardware to function as intended, and it is one of the most common reasons for BSOD errors.

You can update your drivers by right-clicking Start and open the Device Manager. Then simply right-click the hardware components and choose the Update driver options.

If you want to simplify this process even further and ensure that drivers are updated automatically across time, then using a specialized driver updater software like DriverFix can help.

Only install compatible software

Running incompatible software on your PC can cause system instability. The bad effect this will have on your system is of course related to the importance of the software you installed.

To avoid causing BSOD errors in the future, make sure that the software you’re installing is made to run optimally in your version of Windows, no matter if it’s Windows 7, Windows 10, or the latest Windows 11.

In case you already have incompatible software installed on your PC, you can access the Add or remove programs app on your computer by using the Start search to find it.

If you want to be completely sure that all traces of said programs have been removed from your system, you can also use a third-party uninstaller tool.

Finally, you can also make use of the integrated tools to diagnose your system and help it recover from a BSoD.

Read more about this topic

  • Fix: System Service Exception BSOD error on Windows 10
  • 5+ best Windows update repair tools for Windows 10/11
  • Pfn List Corrupt Blue Screen error in Windows 10/11 [FIXED]
  • Where is the BSOD log file located and how to read it?
  • Fix: NMI HARDWARE FAILURE on Windows 10/11

How to fix a BSoD on Windows 10 using Command Prompt:

  1. Open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Type the following command in the prompt windows: sfc /scannow sfc-scannow active directory users and computers not responding
  3. This will scan your system for signs of corruption.
  4. Then, insert this line: chkdsk /f C:
  5. Note that this command will check the disk where Windows is installed for errors. Make sure to replace C: with the letter corresponding to your drive in case it is different.
  6. This tool will find damaged system files and replace them with sain ones if it can.
  7. Finally, restart your PC and check if the BSoD has disappeared.

Some users have a hard time opening the CMD as admins and if that’s your case, we got your back. If the native tools fail to solve your issue, your best bet is to use a professional BSoD fixer such as the ones recommended above.

As you can see from this guide, there is a wide range of possible software options that can resolve BSoD issues on your Windows device.

We recommend that you work your way down the list and choose the best fit for your situation. For more options to pick from, just take a look at this best PC repair tools article as well.

Feel free to get in contact with us by using the comments section below this guide.

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Choose the best tool to get rid of BSoD for good

by Radu Tyrsina

Radu Tyrsina has been a Windows fan ever since he got his first PC, a Pentium III (a monster at that time). For most of the kids of… read more

Updated on November 8, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • Using a professional Blue Screen of Death fixer utility could help you save your personal data.
  • We’ve tested the BSoD repair tools from our list to give you only the best options.
  • System crashes during Windows 10 updates, faulty drivers or even problems with your hardware are the most common causes for BSoD errors.


To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

Installing the latest Windows 10 updates can often result in making some users’ computers go straight into the blue screen of death. Having a reliable BSoD fixer at hand is the best way to avoid disaster.

This can happen lots of times with older versions of the operating system, and the catalysts are of various natures.

One of the causes that can lead to BSOD can be hardware-related, outdated driver software or the issue can be due to low-level software that is running in the Windows kernel.

Sometimes, a regular app can cause this nightmare as well as corrupted files and data loss. Faulty memory power can also lead to this.

A STOP error is a catalyst for the appearance of the blue screen, and when this happens there’s a complete crash involved, and Windows cannot perform anymore.

Your computer will restart, but the bad news is that your previously unsaved data will be lost because programs did not get a chance to save it.

In this article

  • What causes BSOD errors?
  • What are the best BSOD repair tools?
  • Tweaking Windows Repair — Automatic updates

What causes BSOD errors?

➡ Hardware malfunction

This issue can occur no matter if you’ve just installed a new SSD on your PC, or if a previously installed piece of hardware is experiencing issues.

Hardware malfunction could be caused by components not being connected properly to the motherboard, a sudden disconnection because of loss of power, or a broken element.

Unfortunately, this is one of the most common reasons for encountering BSOD errors, which will temporarily disable access to your files.

Hardware can get broken by being exposed to the limits of its capabilities, both in terms of temperature and power voltage.

To ensure that this is not a possible problem, it is recommended that you use a good computer monitoring tool that allows you to check these factors whenever you need to.

➡ Corrupted DLLs or system files

DLL files are the instruction manual of your system, so when and if one or more get corrupted, this can affect the way your PC works.

Example of corrupted DLL error

Damage to DLLs can appear because of mistakenly deleting one, malware attacks, and faulty application installations.

The damaged DLL will need to be replaced with a fresh new one for the system to be able to function without issues.

➡ Device drives improperly written

Sometimes, whenever you create a new partition, or during the installation process of a new OS, some drives might encounter errors while being written.

This can happen because of issues with your HDD or the partition software that you’re using. In turn, a BSOD can appear which will stop you from accessing your files entirely.

➡ Power supply issues

If your power supply has issues, then this will cause the voltage required for running the hardware on your motherboard to fluctuate. This in turn causes the components to malfunction, and thus, a BSOD error can appear on your screen as a result.

➡ Full PC memory

Having your PC memory full will hinder the OS’s ability to process information promptly, and thus cause issues with the software, which in turn could cause issues with the hardware.

To avoid this problem, it is recommended that you use a PC optimization tool that can easily identify any clutter and resolve it promptly.

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry anymore about finding an effective method to fix blue screen issues or to prevent the file loss triggered by them, because some third-party BSoD fixer tools can cover all the risk factors mentioned above.

Restoro – Free space optimizer

Topping out our list is a tool that can be considered a full package in terms of PC repair and optimization, called Restoro.

But can Restoro fix a BSOD? This program is perfectly capable of running a deep scan of your Windows system and then finding and automatically fixing system software problems that are causing those Blue Screens.

This is achieved thanks to the 25,000,000 files in its personal database that it uses to fix your corrupted, malfunctioning, and missing Windows software files.

What’s more, using the program is extremely easy, thanks to the wizard-like setup that it uses and the UI is intuitive to be used by the common user.

Once all registries and DLLs have been checked all software-induced BSoD errors will be nothing more but a bad memory. However, if the cause of your BSOD error is hardware in nature, the program will let you know after the initial scan.

Of course, we mentioned that this program is an entire package deal. To that end, Restoro also increases performance, stops computer freezing and system crashes as well as improves overall PC stability.

Other useful features:

  • Free space optimizer
  • 24/7 support available
  • Great PC speed boost
  • Friendly-looking UI
  • Entirely automatized

Restoro is a fast, easy and safe solution to fixing Blue Screens and all other Windows errors. This powerful application considers every element of your PC, starting from system stability to checking the versions of DLL files and the integrity of system files as well.

This program covers all the possible reasons for BSOD issues, and not only fixes any problems but also prevents them from ever occurring again.


Easily fix BSoD errors with this versatile, safe, and easy-to-use software today.

Wondershare Recoverit – User-friendly interface

Recoverit from Wondershare is a useful piece of software that will help greatly when dealing with Blue Screen of Death errors on your computer.

This is a safe and reliable computer data recovery software that was designed with ease of use in mind, thus allowing you to control all aspects of how the program is run from a user-friendly main hub.

Recoverit can restore any lost files, no matter if they are audio, photos, or normal files, thus being an important step in bouncing back from a BSOD that affected your PC’s storage.

Here are some specific formats this software can easily recover to your system:

  • Audio: AIF/AIFF, M4A, MP3, WAV, WMA, MID/MIDI, OGG, AAC, etc.
  • Photo: JPG, TIFF/TIF, PNG, BMP, GIF, PSD, CRW, CR2, NEF, etc.
  • Documents: DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, PPT/PPTX,/XLSX, etc.
  • Video: AVI, MOV, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, WMV, ASF, FLV, etc.
  • Message and Emails: PST, DBX, EMLX, etc.
  • Archives: ZIP, RAR, SIT, etc.

To ensure that you will not be missing any files, no matter where they are stored, the developers also included a feature that recovers data from an external HDD or SSD, memory cards, flash drives, and even digital cameras. Besides that, you can also recover files that have been deleted by mistake and are found in the Recycle bin.

A tool that offers these features can be a lifesaver, as it will ensure that no matter if you’re experiencing a drive getting formatted, a corrupted sector of data, virus attacks, or system crashes, Recoverit will be able to help.

Here are some other useful features:

  • Quick processing of data
  • Easy-to-understand user interface
  • Selective recovery features
  • Covers a wide range of data loss scenarios

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

Wondershare Recoverit is a licensed-based software with three different packages available. Each plan is available as a 1-year license, a one-month license, or a perpetual license.

Wondershare Recoverit

Quickly restore lost and deleted files and overcome BSOD problems with this intuitive tool.

Tweaking Windows Repair – Automatic updates

Tweaking Windows Repair is an astonishingly useful software that has the capability to resolve any BSoD errors within just a few minutes.

The step-by-step design of the BSoD repair tool was created in this manner to ensure that no elements are skipped, and this simplifies the actions the user needs to take as well.

To start the software all you have to do is click on Step 1, and follow the on-screen instructions. You will be guided all the way to the very end of the process, where all the issues that caused the BSOD will be resolved.

As a bonus, the main hub of the software offers you quick access to any of its menus and gives you a useful overview of all the elements that are contained in this powerful software.

This software from Tweaking is not only capable of resolving BSoD errors but can tackle almost any type of error or problem that you might encounter on a Windows platform.

You can easily resolve problems like registry errors, file permissions problems, Internet Explorer issues, Internet connection problems, and many more.

Even though the interface is not polished and beautifully designed like in the case of other software options, Tweaking Windows Repair makes up for it when it comes to usability.

There is only a small advantage to having slick-looking software, but the goal of this program is to ensure that your system works correctly, and isn’t created with looks in mind.

Other notable features:

  • Permissions backup and restore of the registry files
  • Cleans up entries in Windows Firewall
  • Unhides files to thoroughly identify malware
  • Enables access to Windows services tools

Tweaking Windows Repair is a licensed product with packages available for one or multiple PCs.

Tweaking Windows Repair

Resolve BSOD errors with this powerful software that thoroughly scans and fixes system issues.

Smart Blue Screen of Death Fixer Pro – Registry backup

Smart Blue Screen of Death Fixer Pro is another excellent tool that comes in handy if you have to deal with a BSOD issue.

This great BSoD repair software is one of the world’s top award-winning registry cleaners, and it boasts millions of downloads now.

Smart Blue Screen of Death Fixer scans the entire drive to make sure that there’s no unwanted fragment of software left behind and it automatically downloads the brand new program that you might need.

The software is so popular due to its great set of features, which not only thoroughly scans and identifies issues, but is also capable of replacing files, fixing them, and optimizing their usage on your system.

This tool is the equivalent of using eight separate products, as you get access to features that seem unrelated, but all deal with system stability and stabilizability.

The developers ensured that the application doesn’t take much space on your hard drive, is easy to install, and is even easier to use. The menus and options are designed for simplicity, but that doesn’t take away from the actual capabilities found in the backend.

Using the tool regularly will result in smaller risks for data loss and an extended lifespan for your hard drive.

Other useful features:

  • Optimizes menus, desktop environments, networks, services, and start-up features
  • Scans and cleans registries, junk files, shortcuts, etc.
  • Variety of system tools including an uninstaller manager, file splitter, disk defragmentation, etc.
  • Backs up your registry, system restore, folders, files, etc.

⇒ Get Smart Blue Screen of Death Fixer Pro

WhoCrashed – Detailed analysis

WhoCrashed is an excellent program that can reveal the drivers that are responsible for your computer’s crash, which in turn not only allows you to fix the issue but can also act as a preventive measure.

Even though it has a simple user interface, don’t get fooled by appearances, as this old-school-looking application can pack a punch.

WhoCrashed will show you the drivers that have been crashing your computer with just a single click of the mouse, thus eliminating the need for the user to go through laborious processes to initiate the recovery.

This tool performs a so-called post-mortem crash dump analysis as we described above, presenting all the gathered data most comprehensively for the user while offering you guidance in tracing the cause of the problem.

The best part about this process is that you won’t need any debugging skills to be able to know what drivers are troubling your computer running Windows, and also how to fix them.

This tool is available as a free download, and it’s packed with lots of useful features:

  • Scans your dump files, and it provides an estimation of what exactly caused your system to crash
  • Predicts whether the fault was the computer’s hardware or if it was software-related
  • Provides a bug check code, the error message, and the path of the file that ultimately caused the error
  • Comes with a more advanced version that provides a more detailed analysis via symbol resolution.

⇒ Get WhoCrashed

What can you do to prevent BSODs?

Keep your drivers updated

Even though this might seem like an obvious part of our day-to-day usage of PCs, most of us forget how important drivers are.

Driver issues are the elements that don’t allow your software and hardware to function as intended, and it is one of the most common reasons for BSOD errors.

You can update your drivers by right-clicking Start and open the Device Manager. Then simply right-click the hardware components and choose the Update driver options.

If you want to simplify this process even further and ensure that drivers are updated automatically across time, then using a specialized driver updater software like DriverFix can help.

Only install compatible software

Running incompatible software on your PC can cause system instability. The bad effect this will have on your system is of course related to the importance of the software you installed.

To avoid causing BSOD errors in the future, make sure that the software you’re installing is made to run optimally in your version of Windows, no matter if it’s Windows 7, Windows 10, or the latest Windows 11.

In case you already have incompatible software installed on your PC, you can access the Add or remove programs app on your computer by using the Start search to find it.

If you want to be completely sure that all traces of said programs have been removed from your system, you can also use a third-party uninstaller tool.

Finally, you can also make use of the integrated tools to diagnose your system and help it recover from a BSoD.

Read more about this topic

  • Fix: System Service Exception BSOD error on Windows 10
  • 5+ best Windows update repair tools for Windows 10/11
  • Pfn List Corrupt Blue Screen error in Windows 10/11 [FIXED]
  • Where is the BSOD log file located and how to read it?
  • Fix: NMI HARDWARE FAILURE on Windows 10/11

How to fix a BSoD on Windows 10 using Command Prompt:

  1. Open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
  2. Type the following command in the prompt windows: sfc /scannow sfc-scannow active directory users and computers not responding
  3. This will scan your system for signs of corruption.
  4. Then, insert this line: chkdsk /f C:
  5. Note that this command will check the disk where Windows is installed for errors. Make sure to replace C: with the letter corresponding to your drive in case it is different.
  6. This tool will find damaged system files and replace them with sain ones if it can.
  7. Finally, restart your PC and check if the BSoD has disappeared.

Some users have a hard time opening the CMD as admins and if that’s your case, we got your back. If the native tools fail to solve your issue, your best bet is to use a professional BSoD fixer such as the ones recommended above.

As you can see from this guide, there is a wide range of possible software options that can resolve BSoD issues on your Windows device.

We recommend that you work your way down the list and choose the best fit for your situation. For more options to pick from, just take a look at this best PC repair tools article as well.

Feel free to get in contact with us by using the comments section below this guide.

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Пользователи операционной системы Windows нередко сталкиваются с так называемым «синим экраном смерти» (англ. «BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death)»). Причины его появления для многих остаются неясными, поэтому приходится звать на помощь профессиональных программистов.

Чтобы избежать этого была создана специальная программа — BlueScreenView, позволяющая пользователям самостоятельно разобраться в проблеме и принять меры для ее устранения.

Для чего нужна BlueScreenView?

BlueScreenView — специальная программа для диагностики проблем BSOD в операционной системе Windows, определяющая конкретную причину сбоя в системе. В обычное время человек, не знающий английского языка (да и его носители тоже), вряд ли сумеет понять, что за таинственные символы были выведены на «синем экране» и каково их значение. Утилита делает это за него.

Она анализирует полученные данные и после перезагрузки компьютера или ноутбука выводит сообщение, из которого можно понять, что произошло с техникой и как это можно исправить.

BlueScreen Viewer — это одна из самых простых программ в ОС Windows. Она занимает мало место в памяти устройства. Процесс работы утилиты строится на анализе дампа. Это файлы, которые образуются в памяти компьютера в процессе появления «синего экрана смерти». После перезагрузки человек может получить данные о каждом дампе в виде таблицы.

Это позволит ему самостоятельно разобраться в неполадках или дать точную информацию ремонтнику, который придет «возвращать к жизни» компьютер. Это будет лучше, чем если пользователь невнятно скажет мастеру, что «Появился синий экран, монитор погас, а дальше я ничего не понял».


Утилита поддерживается даже старыми версиями операционной системы (например, Windows XP), поэтому использовать ее можно практически на любом компьютере или ноутбуке.

К основным возможностям Blue Screen View относятся:

  • возможность быстро выяснить причину системного сбоя;
  • ознакомление пользователя с информацией, связанной с драйверами;
  • экспорт полученных данных в текстовый файл (THT, HTL, XML и пр.);
  • создание шаблона для поиска информации в интернете по поводу возникшей проблемы в автоматическом режиме;
  • работа с командной строкой.

Плюсы и минусы


  • функциональность;
  • универсальность;
  • возможность самостоятельно выяснить причину появления «синего экрана»;
  • наличие портативной версии;
  • интерфейс на русском языке (нужно установить русификатор);
  • занимает мало места.


  • начинающим пользователям может быть сложно разобраться в тонкостях работы программы.


BlueScreenView — простая утилита для диагностики источника «синего экрана смерти», с помощью которой можно понять в каком направлении искать проблему. Скачать последнюю версию BlueScreenView для Windows 2023 года с официального сайта можно по ссылке ниже.


BlueScreenView – программное обеспечение, предназначенное
для анализа файлов, создающихся после критических сбоев системы.


  • Сбор и анализ файлов, произошедших после
    критических ошибок в работе Windows.
  • Отображение записанных файлов ошибок.
  • Возможность поискать в поиске способы решения в
  • Возможность загружать дамп-файлы из определённой

Во время работы с операционной системой бывает, что она не
работает корректно. Иногда это выражается в том, что не запускаются некоторые
программы или в ошибке во время работы того или иного приложения.

В некоторых случаях это можно свалить на приложение, но
иногда подобное не получается. Например, когда приходит Синий экран смерти (в
случае с Windows 10 – голубой),
то уже трудно валить все проблемы на программы, и пора начинать решать

И не всегда под рукой может оказаться телефон с хорошей
камерой, чтобы сфотографировать код ошибки, и по нему искать возможный источник
проблемы. Для удобства можно использовать специальные программы. Например, BlueScreenView,
который можно скачать бесплатно.

Если говорить вкратце, то программа позволяет просматривать
дамп-файлы, которые оставляет после себя каждый критический сбой работы Windows, переходящая в
сине-голубые экраны смерти.

Перекопировав дамп-файлы в программу, их можно просмотреть.
Считывание приводит к тому, что на экран программы (вернее, на нижнюю её часть)
выводится запись последнего экрана критической ошибки Windows, приведшей к резкому завершению


С помощью подобного программного обеспечения пользователь может подробнее ознакомиться с текстом ошибки. Там он может просмотреть сам текст ошибки и коды, которые идут ниже основного текста ошибки. Также с помощью неё можно изучить и другие тонкости вылезшего синего экрана.

Спокойно, без лишних заглядываний в телефон, пользователь во
всех деталях знакомится с текстом ошибки. Ознакомившись, пользователь начинает
искать решение проблемы. И приложение позволяет это сделать. С помощью функций
внутри программы можно сразу отправить текст ошибки в интернет-поисковик,
который и выдаст возможные источники проблемы.

Помимо файлов, сообщающих о критических ошибках операционной системы, можно просматривать системные файлы. Нередко именно файлы становятся первоисточником случившегося синего экрана смерти.

Разработчик Nir Sofer
Лицензия Бесплатно
ОС Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 32|64-bit
Язык Русский
Категория Диагностика
Скачиваний 2220 раз

BlueScreenView — бесплатная программа, предоставляющая подробную информацию о причинах возникновения «Синего Экрана Смерти» (Blue Screen Of Death) в ОС Windows. Вы получите все необходимые данные о критической ошибке и узнаете, какой системный драйвер приводит к сбою.

Возможности BlueScreenView

  • Обнаружение проблемных драйверов;
  • Наличие портативного варианта приложения Блюскрин Вивер;
  • Сканирует файлы minidump, созданные во время появления ошибки;
  • Показывает точные данные о драйверах, установленных на компьютере;
  • Предоставляет полную информацию о «падениях системы» в структуре таблицы.


  • Отображает информацию о причине сбоя;
  • Простой в использовании интерфейс;
  • Отображение ошибок в виде таблицы;
  • Процесс сканирования занимает несколько секунд;
  • Находит драйвера и устройства, вызывающие ошибки системы;
  • Наличие справочных материалов на официальном сайте;
  • Последняя версия BlueScreenView 1.55 поддерживает Windows 10 (32 и 64 bit);
  • Использование поиска ‘Google Search для получения развернутых данных о сбоях.


  • Английский язык интерфейса Блю Скрин Вьювер.

BlueScreenView скачать бесплатно

Последняя версия:
1.55 от

Лицензия: Бесплатно

Операционные системы:
Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Vista

Интерфейс: Русский

Скачать BlueScreenView

  32 bit

Скачать BlueScreenView

  64 bit

Полное описание

С помощью BlueScreenView, вы сможете получить данные о причинах появления BSOD. Синий Экран может быть вызван различными сбоями оборудования или ОС. Полезная программа быстро сканирует все файлы аварийных дампов памяти, выведет код ошибки (Bug Check Code на синем экране), а также информацию о драйвере и модуле, послужившим сбою системы.

Программное обеспечение позволяет анализировать неполадки и своевременно устранять их. Данные об ошибках предоставляются в удобном табличном отображении. Показаны не только основные, но и дополнительные параметры драйвера, послужившего причиной сбоя. Существует полная и портативная редакции утилиты BlueScreenView, работающие с Windows XP, Vista, 7 и выше. При необходимости, в сети можно найти русификатор интерфейса Blue Screen View.

Для успешной работы Блюскрин Вью в системе должен сохраняться файл дампа ошибок, связанных с синим экраном смерти. Чтобы файл с расширением .dmp не стирался с жесткого диска до запуска программы, отключите автоматическую перезагрузку компьютера при возникновении BSOD в настройках системы. 

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

Программы для анализа дампов памяти WindowsПри возникновении синих экранов BSoD Windows 11, 10 и другие версии системы создают дамп (снимок состояния) оперативной памяти, содержащий отладочную информацию, которую можно использовать для диагностики и определения причин сбоя. Функция обычно включена по умолчанию, но если дампы памяти не создаются, их можно включить: Как включить создание дампов памяти в Windows.

Подробным анализом дампов памяти занимаются разработчики, но и для рядового пользователя, столкнувшегося с синими экранами в Windows это может оказаться полезным: адреса в памяти ему ничего не дадут, но часто можно обнаружить имя файла приложения или драйвера, вызывающее сбой. Здесь помогут специальные программы для анализа дампов памяти, о которых и пойдёт речь далее.


Синий экран BSoD

У Майкрософт имеется собственный инструмент отладки и анализа дампов памяти — WinDbg (пока Preview). Скачать его для Windows 11 и Windows 10 можно из Microsoft Store, используя поиск в магазине приложений или прямую ссылку.

Пример простого анализа дампа памяти для обычного пользователя с целью выявления процесса, вызвавшего BSoD с помощью WinDbg:

  1. Запустите WinDbg от имени Администратора (правый клик по ярлыку в меню «Пуск» — «Запуск от имени администратора»).
  2. В главном меню программы выберите «Файл» — «Open dump File» и укажите путь к нужному мини-дампу, обычно находящемуся в папке C:WindowsMinidump, нажмите кнопку «Open». Открыть дамп памяти в WinDbg
  3. Введите команду
    !analyze -v

    в поле ввода команд (либо нажмите по ссылке с командой в верхней панели WinDbg) и дождитесь завершения анализа. Анализировать дамп памяти в WinDbg

  4. В панели «Command» в верхней части окна программы будет отображен результат анализа, где, при удаче, вы сможете найти информацию о том, каким процессом был инициирован сбой (PROCESS_NAME). Имя процесса в WinDbg
  5. Может быть информация о файле драйвера (.sys) в поле IMAGE_NAME и другая информация, позволяющая найти источник проблемы. Имя файла драйвера в WinDbg

Далее полученную информацию можно использовать для того, чтобы найти, каким устройствам соответствуют драйверы в Интернете, выяснить назначение процессов вызвавших сбой, предпринять те или иные действия с целью их устранения.


BlueScreenView — очень простая утилита, которая позволяет выбрать файла дампа памяти в списке и посмотреть, какие файлы драйвера и процессы привели к сбою: в окне программы они будут выделены красным цветом.

Анализ дампов памяти в BlueScreenView

Скачать BlueScreenView можно с официального сайта разработчика https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html


Ещё одна программа для анализа дампов памяти — WhoCrashed. В бесплатной версии предоставляет не так много информации.

После нажатия кнопки «Analyze» имеющиеся дампы памяти анализируются, и на вкладке «Report» выводятся коды ошибок, а также текстовое описание на английском языке о том, что означает этот код и о возможных причинах сбоя.

Анализ дампов памяти в WhoCrashed

Официальный сайт WhoCrashed https://www.resplendence.com/whocrashed, судя по всему, не открывается из РФ, но утилиту легко найти и скачать из сторонних источников.

Категория: Система
Cистема: Windows
Статус программы: Бесплатно
Язык: Русский

Если вы хотите узнать причину, почему появился Синий Экран смерти, то вам нужно скачать BlueScreenView. Это приложение работает на всех версиях Windows 10.


Практически все пользователи, перед которыми появляется так называемый «синий экран смерти» испытывают состояние, напоминающее шок. Просто такое изображение иногда возникает по причинам, которые человек в настоящее время просто не может объяснить. И даже выявить. Чтобы решить подобный вопрос, была разработана особая программа под названием BlueScreenView, о которой и пойдёт речь ниже.

Появление «синего экрана» означает некий шок. Но вот возникает он не у человека, а у самого компьютера. Просто устройство не может быстро отреагировать на определённые неисправности и «пугается» их. Таким образом, речь может идти о защитной реакции, что возникает для предотвращения возникновения более серьёзных повреждений. Часто повторная загрузка возвращает систему в нормальное состояние. Однако причина сбоя все равно должна быть выявлена и устранена. Она отображается на самом «синем экране», но пользователю не всегда может быть понятна. Основными причинами сбоев считают:

  • Повреждения какой-то детали компьютера;
  • Конфликты драйверов и софта;
  • Деятельность вирусов и прочего вредоносного ПО.


Это приложение может рассказать пользователю о конкретных причинах, привёдших его устройство к «шоковому» состоянию. Оно демонстрирует дампы сбоев, указывает на конкретное «железное» устройство, вызвавшее неполадки и т. д.

Когда вы скачаете и установите эту программу, то вам нужно будет произвести некие предварительные настройки. Например, необходимо отключить программно возможность перезагрузки устройства для того, чтобы пользователь смог зафиксировать коды ошибок «синего экрана».

Сейчас рассматриваемая программа не требует установки и выпускается в виде версии portable. Вам нужно будет загрузить архив с этой утилитой и распаковать его в удобное для вас место. Запуск будет производиться с помощью исполняемого файла с расширением «exe».


Самое примитивное использование этой утилиты связано с простым просмотром дампов ошибок и проблемных компонентов и драйверов. Вся эта информация отображается в основном окне программы, которое разбивается на два раздела. Если вас заинтересовал какой-то конкретный сбой, то просто кликните по нему дважды, и перед вами появится окно с названием и описанием файла.

BlueScreenView имеет систему сортировки, которая очень удобна для отображения нужной информации. В том числе и того самого «синего экрана», что появлялся так неожиданно.

Чтобы снизить риск появления синего экрана, рекомендуем вам не делать на компьютере ничего, в чем вы не уверены. Например, не трогайте реестр на Windows 10, если вы не хотите в буквальном смысле слова сломать систему.




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close Рекомендации по установке необходимых программ check
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