Программы для просмотра спортивных трансляций онлайн windows 10

Фанаты спорта никогда не пропускают матчи любимых команд. Однако, уследить за фаворитами может быть довольно сложно. Кроме того, часто матчи проходят в одно время, особенно, если речь идет об одном турнире (например, Евр... Последние новости Тюмени и области | Наш город

Posted 6 июля 2021, 07:41

Published 6 июля 2021, 07:41

Modified 21 октября 2022, 08:12

Updated 21 октября 2022, 08:12

Фанаты спорта никогда не пропускают матчи любимых команд. Однако, уследить за фаворитами может быть довольно сложно. Кроме того, часто матчи проходят в одно время, особенно, если речь идет об одном турнире (например, Евро или Чемпионате мира).

Есть много способов, которые позволяют следить за спортивными событиями в реальном времени или же в записи. Можно выбрать удобные варианты и совмещать их, чтобы успевать везде, даже если матчи проходят в неподходящее время.

Типы трансляций

Есть несколько разновидностей трансляций. У каждой из них свои преимущества. Большинство болельщиков предпочитает следить за спортивными событиями в видеоформате. Так можно не просто слушать голос комментатора, а еще и наблюдать за изображением на экране, ощущать атмосферу соревнования. Видеотрансляции часто организовывают в пабах и клубах, специальных фан-зонах. Также их можно смотреть по телевизору, онлайн-телевидению.

Второй вариант — аудио-трансляция. В таком типе трансляции слышно только голос комментатора. Еще один тип трансляции — текстовая. На сайте публикуются данные о происходящем в матче. При этом трансляция ведется динамично, информация объявляется постоянно, но нет никаких лишних фраз (по типу разговоров комментаторов).

Трансляции позволяют оставаться в курсе того, что происходит в матче. Например, можно смотреть футбол по видео, а параллельно читать текстовые комментарии по поводу баскетбольного матча. Все виды трансляции доступны как в режиме онлайн, так и в записи.

Как смотреть трансляцию через интернет с компьютера

Сейчас многие сайты запускают онлайн-трансляции в разных форматах. Если с телевидением все понятно (матчи транслируют либо спортивные каналы, либо главные каналы страны), то среди разнообразия сайтов можно растеряться. Тем более, далеко не все ресурсы работают стабильно. Есть сайты, которые гарантируют высокое качество трансляции.


Один из самых популярных спортивных порталов. Его преимущество — яркое оформление и понятный интерфейс. Легко можно найти ту трансляцию, которая нужна. Акцент сделан на футболе, но есть и другие виды спорта (хоккей, бейсбол, теннис и т. д.). Сайт оптимизирован для смартфонов, смотреть матчи можно бесплатно.

Если не удалось посмотреть спортивное событие в live-режиме, можно ознакомиться с видеообзором. Это сокращенный вариант трансляции, в котором собраны важные моменты, изменившие ход игры. Также на сайте представлен блок с новостями спорта и прогнозами экспертов. На главной странице размещено расписание матчей, которые отсортированы по видам спорта.


На этом сайте собрано большое количество трансляций по разным видам спортивных событий. Интерфейс простой, нужно выбрать интересующий матч и запустить трансляцию. Обычно все работает без сбоев.

Также на сайте можно ознакомиться с расписанием матчей. При этом никакой другой информации по типу обзоров, новостей или прогнозов здесь нет. Функционал ограничен. Сайт подойдет для тех, кому важно смотреть матчи, а дополнительная информация не нужна.


Этот сайт выделяется на фоне других большим количеством спортивных событий, которые можно смотреть онлайн. По доступному разнообразию видов спорта его можно назвать одним из лучших. К недостаткам относится примитивный интерфейс. Дизайн простой, без изысков. При этом все понятно, разобраться несложно.

Кроме трансляций, здесь доступна турнирная таблица, расписание матчей. Можно посмотреть, какой счет был в предыдущих играх. Отдельно выделен новостной раздел, в котором собрана информация из мира спорта.


Еще один сайт с ярким интерфейсом, который позволяет смотреть спортивные события онлайн. Больше всего внимания уделяется футболу. Отдельно выделен раздел «Лучшие прямые трансляции», в котором собраны самые ожидаемые спортивные события по мнению редакции сайта.

Также здесь представлен архив видеообзоров. Есть разделы с результатами матчей, спортивными новостями, видеороликами от редакции, информацией о букмекерских конторах. Этот сайт можно назвать одним из самых интересных по функционалу и наполнению.


Этот сайт является «детищем» популярного спортивного телеканала «МатчТВ». Помимо того, что здесь можно смотреть видеотрансляции матчей, также есть доступ к передачам и обзорам. Некоторый контент повторяется с самим телеканалом, но есть и уникальные разделы.

Большое внимание уделяется новостям российского спорта. В отдельный раздел выделены матчи РПЛ. Главным преимуществом этого сайта можно назвать большое количество авторского контента.


Это бесплатный ресурс с видеотрансляциями. Акцент сделан на футболе, но можно следить и за другими видами спорта. Помимо видеотрансляций, здесь доступны и текстовые. При этом такой формат представлен просто отлично, информация обновляется очень быстро.

Также на сайте есть видеообзоры, прогнозы на спорт, новости о букмекерах и другая полезная информация. Хорошо оптимизирована мобильная версия.

Как смотреть трансляцию через мобильное приложение

Многие смотрят чемпионаты и турниры не через компьютер, а через мобильный гаджет. Это удобный вариант, смартфон всегда с собой. Существуют специальные стриминговые мобильные приложения, с помощью которых можно следить за спортивными событиями.


Популярное бесплатное приложение для видеотрансляций. Все спортивные трансляции представлены в отдельных категориях. Есть дополнительные опции, например, можно сохранять любимые каналы в закладки, чтобы иметь быстрый доступ к ним.


Еще одно бесплатное приложение для любителей спортивных трансляций. Здесь можно наблюдать в режиме онлайн за трансляциями разных каналов. Также есть новости и обзоры.


Это удобное мобильное приложение с прямыми трансляциями матчей. Здесь есть возможность общаться с другими болельщиками в чате, также доступны комментарии. В программе можно смотреть видеобзоры, подписаться на уведомления об играх других команд.


В этом приложении доступны как видеотрансляции, так и текстовые. Здесь доступно более тридцати видов спорта, также предусмотрена подписка на любимые команды, обновления. Можно настроить программу так, что на телефон будут приходить уведомления. Так можно всегда оставаться в курсе событий. Программа бесплатная.


Сейчас существует много сервисов и программ, в которых можно следить за любимыми спортивными событиями. Чтобы узнать прогнозы на спорт от экспертов, а также ознакомиться с последними новостями по теме и расписанием матчей, стоит воспользоваться сервисом scores24. На портале регулярно публикуются обзоры, отзывы и другая полезная для простых фанатов спорта и любителей ставок информация.

#Новости#Тюмень#Ирина Швецова#Спорт

Смотреть телевизор онлайн — это не новое явление. Быстрый поиск «смотреть живое телевидение» в Google дает более 400 миллионов результатов.

Для многих людей, особенно тех, кто устал оплачивать ежемесячные счета за кабельное телевидение, — это путь к онлайн-трансляциям. С помощью онлайн-трансляции вы можете смотреть телепередачи и фильмы на своем компьютере или мобильном устройстве без абонентской платы. Для любителей спорта нет ничего лучше, чем смотреть прямые трансляции игр со всего мира.

Есть несколько способов, которыми вы можете воспользоваться, давайте рассмотрим как очень легко смотреть спортивные мероприятия и ТВ на компьютере Windows.


Шаг 1: откройте сайт и введите в адресной строке название канала.


С правой стороны под чатом предлагаются каналы со схожей тематикой.

Альтернатива: tv.Yandex.ru

Трансляции не тормозят, можно выбрать качество изображения, уменьшив  количество потребляемого трафика и увеличив скорость загрузки. На YouTube представлены далеко не все каналы, а некоторые просто запрещены.

Спортивные порталы

Шаг 1: зайдите на сайт, выберите вид спорта.


Шаг 2: в турнирной таблице выберите состязание, в новом окне перейдите по ссылке, запустится онлайн-плеер.


Вы можете выбрать, смотреть в плеере, в браузере или специальном приложение SopCast.

Другие сайты: Livesport, Livesport365, LiveTV.

Во время популярных спортивных событий качество видео резко ухудшается, наблюдается торможение и подвисание, обрыв трансляции.

Веб-каталоги онлайн трансляций

Шаг 1: перейдите по ссылке на сайт, выберите канал и запустите трансляцию, нажав кнопку «Play».


Похожие сайты: Tivix, Glaz.tv, Ok-tv, Ontvtime, Gipnomag. 

Основное преимущество таких площадок – удобно расположенное расписание ближайших передач. Недостаток – подтормаживание видеопотока в прайм-тайм.

TV Player

Шаг 1: скачайте IPTV Player и установите его на свой ПК.


Шаг 2: запустите плеер после установки, выберите из списка провайдера или укажите ниже адрес плейлиста.


Шаг 3: выберите телеканал в меню справа для запуска онлайн трансляции.


Шаг 4: для смены провайдера нажмите на 3 вертикальные точки, перейдите в  контекстное меню «Списки», кликните на пункт «Выбрать провайдера».


Другие плееры: ComboPlayer, Crystal TV, RusTV Player, ProgDVB.


Многие платные стриминговые сервисы предлагают свои плейлисты для просмотра IPTV.

YouTube и Yandex TV – высокое качество трансляции, представлены не все каналы.

Спортивные порталы и веб-каталоги – большой выбор каналов, проблема с качеством трансляции во время популярных матчей и в прайм-тайм.

TV Player – не нужно запускать браузер, экономичен к потреблению ресурсов, можно подключаться к разным интернет-провайдерам, стриминговым сервисам, редактировать и составлять собственные списки каналов.

А как ты смотришь телевизионные шоу и трансляции онлайн?

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  1. Бесплатные программы
  2. Windows

  3. футбол

футбол, статьи

  • Программы для просмотра футбола на Windows защищены от вредоносного кода — установка безопасна для ваших компьютеров. Более 40 антивирусных систем следят за чистотой программного обеспечения.
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В приложениях футбол Часто ищут

Смотреть футбол на компьютере – это дело очень удобное, особенно если местные каналы не показывают матч, или хочется посмотреть игру в Full HD. Очень популярным средством для организации интернет-трансляций является технология SopCast.

Для того, чтобы смотреть футбол через SopCast нужно сначала скачать и установить саму программу, а затем просто искать трансляции в интернете ближе к началу самого события.

Альтернативой SopCast может стать любая программа, которая позволяет смотреть телевизионные (в том числе и спортивные) каналы. Такие программы, как OnLine TV Live и FreeZ Online TV позволяют смотреть тысячи каналов через обычные интернет-вещания. ProgDVB – это мощный инструмент для просмотра кабельного и спутникового телевидения через ТВ-тюнер.

Пользоваться программами из этого набора не сложно. После установки программы у вас будет список доступных каналов, которые, возможно будут отсортированы по категориям. Иногда часть каналов является бесплатно, а часть открывается только после оплаты.

Sports and reality shows are two genres of television that have to be watched live. You don’t want to be that person who missed your team’s game-winning goal or any intense moments throughout the match. Streaming a game after it’s already happened just isn’t the same.

In the past, you had to have a cable provider to watch all of the big games, but we live in the age of streaming and you’re able to cut the cord and still catch all of the best content. You can stream movies and cartoons without cable, so why should live sports be any different?

Which streaming service is best to watch live sports?

Streaming services give you all the sports coverage you want, but on your terms. However, there are so many to choose from that it can be a little difficult deciding which one is the best fit for you. When making your selection, here are some of the most important things to keep in mind:

Which sports are most important to you? If you’re a die-hard football fan and don’t really pay attention to any other athletics, NFL+(Opens in a new tab) might be the service you need. Or maybe you’re just looking to catch college basketball games — you’ll be better off with Paramount+(opens in a new tab) and its extensive coverage of men’s NCAA basketball.

Are you looking for a cable replacement? Some streaming sites are a cable replacement first and sports service second. Hulu Live(Opens in a new tab), for example, offers access to a bunch of live channels, on-demand movies and shows, original content, and sports, including events like the Super Bowl and World Cup. These kinds of options are great if your whole family is going to be using it or you just want a comprehensive TV plan for yourself. Otherwise, they can be pretty expensive.

Is your team in-network? By far, the most annoying thing about streaming live sports is the prioritizing of in-network games. If you’re a fan of a local team, you shouldn’t have much to worry about. But if you’re a fan of an out-of-market team, your life will be significantly harder. You’ll probably have to splurge on DirecTV’s Sunday Ticket (part of the Choice package(Opens in a new tab)) if you want access to all games, regardless of the network.

What features are non-negotiable? Keep in mind that not every service offers the same features. You might have to give up watching the Super Bowl in exchange for exclusive content or forego DVR storage for a lower price tag. The best part about going this route rather than cable (aside from being cheaper) is that you’re the one in charge. Feel free to be as picky as you want when it comes to non-negotiable features. And since there’s no contract involved, you can cancel your subscription whenever you want.

How to watch live sports without cable

Before you completely cut the cord, you may want to consider the options available to you. While there are at least a baker’s dozen streaming platforms to watch live and recorded sports (including esports), each has their perks and downfalls. There’s no point in canceling your cable plan if you can’t watch your favorite teams live. Check out our top picks to help you decide which one will deliver the sports fix you’re searching for.

Best Overall Choice For Sports


  • Free trial: 7 days
  • Pro plan: $69.99 per month
  • Elite plan: $79.99 per month
  • Ultimate plan: $99.99 per month

The best option out there for the biggest sports fan is fuboTV(Opens in a new tab). It offers access to a wide array of local and national channels in real time so you don’t miss out. You get access to the big channels like Fox, CBS, NBC, and more, plus tons of sports channels. Not only do you get the standard NFL, NBA, and MLB, you can also watch NHL, NASCAR, golf, boxing, MMA, tennis, college sports, and more. And of course, you get all of the big sporting events like the Super Bowl and World Cup. It’s the total sports package.

The Pro plan includes 128 channels,1000 hours of cloud DVR space, and the ability to watch on unlimited screens (10 at home). There’s also more advanced packages like the Elite or Ultimate plan, which include more channels, events in 4K, family sharing, and add-ons like Showtime.

There is a free, seven-day trial available for each of the packages so you can test the water before committing to the full price.

Best For Watching More Than Just Sports


  • Hulu + Live TV (with ESPN+ and Disney+): $69.99 per month
  • Hulu (no ads) + Live TV (with ESPN+ and Disney+): $75.99 per month
  • Live TV only: $68.99 per month
  • Live TV + NFL Red Zone add-on: $77.99 per month

Another great option out there right now is Hulu Live(Opens in a new tab). Hulu, as a service, built itself by offering on-demand network and cable TV shows the day after they aired but eventually began to develop their own series too, like the Emmy Award-winning show The Handmaid’s Tale. While that may not sound conducive to watching sports, that’s where Hulu Live comes in.

By signing up for Hulu Live or upgrading from the base $7.99 service, you get access to live TV through most major networks, plus some local channels as well. That means Fox, NBC, CBS, and their affiliated sports channels are right there at your fingertips on any device. The portability of Hulu cannot be overstated. Not only can you watch it on your smart TV or your laptop, but via the Hulu app as well on any compatible device. 

Hulu organizes channels and networks by genre, so you can find Group B games in the World Cup or jump between MLB games. It also makes finding replays easier as well, so if you miss any vital moments in big sporting events like the World Cup or Super Bowl, you can easily go back and watch them. And while Hulu Live might not get as many local channels as some other offerings, you do get a pretty decent movie selection with it.

It’ll currently cost you $69.99 per month for Hulu + Live TV, but expect a price increase when December rolls around to $74.99 per month. Even with the pending price hike, the Hulu + Live TV bundle, which comes with ESPN+ and Disney+, is one of the best deals around.

Best For College Basketball And Soccer


  • Free trial: 7 days
  • Essential plan: $4.99 per month
  • Premium plan: $9.99 per month

CBS’s entry in the streaming space, Paramount+(opens in a new tab) (formerly CBS All Access), gets into more specific desires when it comes to sports viewing.

Compared to most other networks, CBS offers the best coverage of men’s NCAA basketball. From the men’s regular season, division championships, and finally March Madness, CBS has established itself as the undisputed king of college basketball. You’ll also find NFL AFC games and Champions League soccer on Paramount+

Since rebranding to Paramount+ from CBS All Access, the service has also added a wide selection of movies from Paramount, Miramax, and MGM in addition to the CBS programming you’ve come to rely on. So come for the soccer, but stay for the NCIS.

Best For Pro Football


  • Free trial: 7 days
  • NFL+: $4.99 per month
  • NFL+ Premium: $9.99 per month

NFL+(Opens in a new tab) is one of the best of the dedicated league services out there. We don’t have to tell you that NFL Sunday is one of the biggest modern traditions for sports fans, with friends and families gathering at the house, apartment, bar — wherever — to see how their teams will play that week. NFL+ provides the most die-hard fans with an avenue to keep up with every game, every week.

The basic NFL+ plan offers subscribers live out-of-market preseason games, live local and primetime regular and postseason games on your phone and tablet, as well as live audio for every game. For just $5 more per month, you can sign up for a Premium plan and also get access to ad-free game replays across devices, condensed game replays across devices, coaches film, and more. If you’re a regular fan who wants to keep up with your team, the basic plan should be fine. If you’re a hardcore super fan, the extra $5 per month will unlock more footage to obsess over. And, like most of the services on this list, NFL+ offers a seven-day free trial to see how you like it.

Mashable’s tech reporter Alex Perry found that the app’s new streaming offering needs some work, so hopefully we’ll see some improvements — particularly involving stream quality and user experience — as the season goes on.

Best For Thursday Night Football


  • Amazon Prime membership: $14.99 per month or $139 per year
  • Amazon Prime Video only: $8.99 per month

The NFL has entered the modern streaming age, whether we like it or not. Thursday Night Football will exclusively be streamed on Amazon Prime Video for the 2022-2023 season, starting week two, and for the next 10 seasons after that. NFL lovers are in it for the long haul with Amazon’s 11-year deal(Opens in a new tab). That’s a total of 15 regular season games that will require a streaming subscription. Nearly every team has at least one TNF game each season, so there isn’t a single fanbase that’s safe from this streaming change. (You can find the schedule for Thursday night games on Amazon’s website(Opens in a new tab)).

If you’re already an Amazon Prime member, you’re good to go. Just pull up the app on a Thursday night and watch your favorite teams duke it out on the road to the Super Bowl. If not, you can choose to sign up for a full Prime membership(Opens in a new tab) ($14.99 per month) and get a ton of other perks, or sign up for Prime Video only ($8.99 per month) and get access to exclusive Prime Video content in 4K HDR, as well as the ability to rent movies at your leisure. If you don’t plan on using Prime for the other perks and content, it’s a bit expensive just to watch one game per week.

Best For Out-Of-Network Games


  • Entertainment Package: $69.99 per month
  • Choice Package : $89.99 per month
  • Ultimate Package: $104.99 per month
  • Free trial: 5 days

If you love football — college football, in particular — DirecTV Stream gives you more college and regional sports networks than any other streaming provider. That also includes ESPN, ACC Network, Big Ten Network, SEC networks, and more. If you’re a fan of an out-of-network team, this is also your best bet for catching games live. There’s just one catch: you’ll need at least the Choice package ($89.99/month) to access those networks and costs can add up quickly.

Since DirecTV Stream is a cable alternative, first and foremost, you’ll get over 105 channels that span entertainment and news, as well as sports. That’s great if you want access to more than just sports, but kind of unnecessary for those who only want football coverage.

The good news is DirecTV offers a brief free trial (five days) and usually runs promotional deals for the first couple months. And with no ongoing contract, there’s no long-term commitment — so you can subscribe for college football season, then move on. However, it’s definitely a bit pricey if that’s all you’re after.

Best Budget Pick


  • ESPN+ subscription: $9.99 per month
  • ESPN+ annual plan: $99.99 per year
  • ESPN+, Disney+, Hulu with ads: $13.99 per month
  • ESPN+, Disney+, Hulu no ads: $19.99 per month

Since 1979, ESPN has dominated sports coverage, providing 24/7 coverage of all professional sports in the United States. As time has gone on, the network has evolved and expanded, covering sports from all over the world and an ever growing list of sports related shows and specials.

That sort of coverage and varied programming is what makes ESPN+(Opens in a new tab) worth it, and a steal at the affordable price of $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year. While it doesn’t get the same number of big games as some other networks or providers, ESPN+ definitely makes up for it in sheer variety. You could go from MLB to college lacrosse to tennis in a snap. Add to that programs like 30 for 30 and SportsCenter and ESPN+ originals, and you’ve got a pretty decent sports offering right there.

You also have the option to bundle ESPN+ with Disney+ and Hulu for as low as $13.99 per month if you want to add more bang for you buck.

Best For Customized Add-ons


  • Sling Orange: $35 per month
  • Sling Blue: $30 per month
  • Sling Orange and Blue: $50 per month

Sling TV(Opens in a new tab) is a pretty bare bones cable alternative. The basic subscription choices give you some of the big channels, but if you want cloud DVR and access to all of the sports you love, you’ll have to pay additional costs.

Sling has two standard subscriptions, Orange and Blue, that each feature different sports channels. For the best deal, we suggest going for the combination package that gives you all the channels from both plans for $15 more per month. These include ESPN, NBC Sports, and a couple others.

To really utilize Sling as a sports streaming platform, you’ll definitely want to add on the sports extra for an additional $11 per month. Unfortunately, local channels are not automatically included with Sling TV, but that’s not a huge issue because all you have to do to gain access is install an HD antenna.

Best For Youtube Lovers


  • Free trial: 2 weeks
  • Subscription: $64.99 per month

YouTube built its domination of the internet as an easy-to-use video platform that started in the mid-2000s. As time went on, it became a new entertainment platform with some of the biggest personalities and content providers on the internet. As such, this has helped it grow to the point where it can now offer live programming.

This is where YouTubeTV(Opens in a new tab) comes into the equation. Growing out of the original platform and YouTube Red, YouTubeTV offers live coverage of most major networks, including sports affiliates. That means FSN and NBCSN are available so that you don’t miss the biggest games of the week, much like fuboTV and Hulu Live.

And unlike a cable provider that’s going to lock you into a contract, a site like YouTubeTV lets you cancel at any time. This means that if you’re really only into basketball, you can tune in during the regular season then cancel your account once the NBA finals conclude. And, much like Fubo and Hulu, you can try YouTube TV free for seven days if you’re undecided.

The downside is that YouTubeTV(Opens in a new tab) is a little more limited in its offerings when it comes to local channels, giving services like the aforementioned Hulu(Opens in a new tab) and Fubo(Opens in a new tab) an edge. That said, it does provide access to YouTube Red, which has slowly been building a large and varied catalogue of original content.

Best For Watching A Variety Of Sports


  • Peacock (sports talk and highlights): Free
  • Peacock Premium: $4.99 per month
  • Peacock Premium Plus (no ads): $9.99 per month

NBC created its own streaming platform called Peacock TV and is slowly moving all of its content from other streaming sites onto its own. But, Parks & Rec and 30 Rock aren’t the only things to enjoy on the platform — there’s also a robust sports selection.

The base package is free and includes golf, tennis, sports talk, and all the entertainment content Peacock offers. The Premium tier includes additional sports like Premier League, cycling, rugby, and more, and then Premier Plus is all of that but without commercials.

Peacock Sports is awesome for people who are into a variety of sports. You won’t find figure skating, rugby, or the Tour de France on many other sports streaming services. Plus, Peacock also includes the Olympic Games (although the user experience for something of that caliber could still use a little work).

Best For Mma Fans


  • Monthly pass: $9.99 per month
  • Annual pass: $95.99 per year

For those combat sports fans, it doesn’t get much bigger than the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Growing out of fairly unregulated tournaments in the ’90s to see whose fighting style was best, the UFC has grown into the biggest MMA organization on the planet.

So it only makes sense that it would offer its own dedicated platform, UFC Fight Pass(Opens in a new tab), for MMA fanatics to catch every fight, no matter where they are. That means you can watch an entire packed card, from the prelims to the main event, with no fuss through UFC Fight Pass. It also gets you access to every piece of content dropped by UFC, whether that be the latest in Dana White’s Contender Series or a vlog following fighters leading up to a big fight.

Best Free Option


  • NBC Sports app: Free (with cable subscription)

We know what you’re thinking. Yes, the idea is to cut cable. And yes, the NBC Sports(Opens in a new tab) app requires a cable account in order to work. But like many other things today, thanks to technology, there’s always a work around.

While there are plenty of people cutting cable, there are still plenty of others who are happy with what they have. To that end, it is always worth seeing if anyone in your family still has cable. If they do, you can simply share the account to get access. That way, you won’t miss the NFL’s Sunday night game or NHL’s featured game of the week. Just log into the NBC Sports app and you’re good to go.

If you’ve been on the verge of cutting your cable cord because you aren’t getting enough access to sports, adding on the NBC Sports app might save you the hassle.

Best Esports Platform


  • Twitch.tv subscription: Free
  • Free trial (Prime Gaming): 30 days
  • Prime Gaming: $14.99 per month

This one is a little more subjective, depending on how you feel about esports, but stick with us. Twitch(Opens in a new tab), at its core, is a streaming service dedicated to live streaming video games, leading to a new collection of personalities, like AnneMunition and Ninja, who are able to rival some of the most successful YouTube personalities when it comes to building a devoted following.

It’s because of this kind of exposure that several leagues, like the Overwatch League, have chosen to use Twitch as their core streaming platform. And given the booming popularity of esports, it only made sense that Prime Gaming would serve a major role. And the great thing here is that there are two options available. If you don’t want to pay for anything, you don’t have to. Just use Twitch to sit back, relax, and watch your favorite players.

Get more out of your Twitch account by signing up for Prime Gaming(Opens in a new tab) (formerly Twitch Prime) if you’re super into gaming. Plus, with an Amazon Prime(Opens in a new tab) account, you can access live sports like football and basketball.

Mashable Image

Christina Buff is a freelance deals writer for Shopping.

Sports and reality shows are two genres of television that have to be watched live. You don’t want to be that person who missed your team’s game-winning goal or any intense moments throughout the match. Streaming a game after it’s already happened just isn’t the same.

In the past, you had to have a cable provider to watch all of the big games, but we live in the age of streaming and you’re able to cut the cord and still catch all of the best content. You can stream movies and cartoons without cable, so why should live sports be any different?

Which streaming service is best to watch live sports?

Streaming services give you all the sports coverage you want, but on your terms. However, there are so many to choose from that it can be a little difficult deciding which one is the best fit for you. When making your selection, here are some of the most important things to keep in mind:

Which sports are most important to you? If you’re a die-hard football fan and don’t really pay attention to any other athletics, NFL+(Opens in a new tab) might be the service you need. Or maybe you’re just looking to catch college basketball games — you’ll be better off with Paramount+(opens in a new tab) and its extensive coverage of men’s NCAA basketball.

Are you looking for a cable replacement? Some streaming sites are a cable replacement first and sports service second. Hulu Live(Opens in a new tab), for example, offers access to a bunch of live channels, on-demand movies and shows, original content, and sports, including events like the Super Bowl and World Cup. These kinds of options are great if your whole family is going to be using it or you just want a comprehensive TV plan for yourself. Otherwise, they can be pretty expensive.

Is your team in-network? By far, the most annoying thing about streaming live sports is the prioritizing of in-network games. If you’re a fan of a local team, you shouldn’t have much to worry about. But if you’re a fan of an out-of-market team, your life will be significantly harder. You’ll probably have to splurge on DirecTV’s Sunday Ticket (part of the Choice package(Opens in a new tab)) if you want access to all games, regardless of the network.

What features are non-negotiable? Keep in mind that not every service offers the same features. You might have to give up watching the Super Bowl in exchange for exclusive content or forego DVR storage for a lower price tag. The best part about going this route rather than cable (aside from being cheaper) is that you’re the one in charge. Feel free to be as picky as you want when it comes to non-negotiable features. And since there’s no contract involved, you can cancel your subscription whenever you want.

How to watch live sports without cable

Before you completely cut the cord, you may want to consider the options available to you. While there are at least a baker’s dozen streaming platforms to watch live and recorded sports (including esports), each has their perks and downfalls. There’s no point in canceling your cable plan if you can’t watch your favorite teams live. Check out our top picks to help you decide which one will deliver the sports fix you’re searching for.

Best Overall Choice For Sports


  • Free trial: 7 days
  • Pro plan: $69.99 per month
  • Elite plan: $79.99 per month
  • Ultimate plan: $99.99 per month

The best option out there for the biggest sports fan is fuboTV(Opens in a new tab). It offers access to a wide array of local and national channels in real time so you don’t miss out. You get access to the big channels like Fox, CBS, NBC, and more, plus tons of sports channels. Not only do you get the standard NFL, NBA, and MLB, you can also watch NHL, NASCAR, golf, boxing, MMA, tennis, college sports, and more. And of course, you get all of the big sporting events like the Super Bowl and World Cup. It’s the total sports package.

The Pro plan includes 128 channels,1000 hours of cloud DVR space, and the ability to watch on unlimited screens (10 at home). There’s also more advanced packages like the Elite or Ultimate plan, which include more channels, events in 4K, family sharing, and add-ons like Showtime.

There is a free, seven-day trial available for each of the packages so you can test the water before committing to the full price.

Best For Watching More Than Just Sports


  • Hulu + Live TV (with ESPN+ and Disney+): $69.99 per month
  • Hulu (no ads) + Live TV (with ESPN+ and Disney+): $75.99 per month
  • Live TV only: $68.99 per month
  • Live TV + NFL Red Zone add-on: $77.99 per month

Another great option out there right now is Hulu Live(Opens in a new tab). Hulu, as a service, built itself by offering on-demand network and cable TV shows the day after they aired but eventually began to develop their own series too, like the Emmy Award-winning show The Handmaid’s Tale. While that may not sound conducive to watching sports, that’s where Hulu Live comes in.

By signing up for Hulu Live or upgrading from the base $7.99 service, you get access to live TV through most major networks, plus some local channels as well. That means Fox, NBC, CBS, and their affiliated sports channels are right there at your fingertips on any device. The portability of Hulu cannot be overstated. Not only can you watch it on your smart TV or your laptop, but via the Hulu app as well on any compatible device. 

Hulu organizes channels and networks by genre, so you can find Group B games in the World Cup or jump between MLB games. It also makes finding replays easier as well, so if you miss any vital moments in big sporting events like the World Cup or Super Bowl, you can easily go back and watch them. And while Hulu Live might not get as many local channels as some other offerings, you do get a pretty decent movie selection with it.

It’ll currently cost you $69.99 per month for Hulu + Live TV, but expect a price increase when December rolls around to $74.99 per month. Even with the pending price hike, the Hulu + Live TV bundle, which comes with ESPN+ and Disney+, is one of the best deals around.

Best For College Basketball And Soccer


  • Free trial: 7 days
  • Essential plan: $4.99 per month
  • Premium plan: $9.99 per month

CBS’s entry in the streaming space, Paramount+(opens in a new tab) (formerly CBS All Access), gets into more specific desires when it comes to sports viewing.

Compared to most other networks, CBS offers the best coverage of men’s NCAA basketball. From the men’s regular season, division championships, and finally March Madness, CBS has established itself as the undisputed king of college basketball. You’ll also find NFL AFC games and Champions League soccer on Paramount+

Since rebranding to Paramount+ from CBS All Access, the service has also added a wide selection of movies from Paramount, Miramax, and MGM in addition to the CBS programming you’ve come to rely on. So come for the soccer, but stay for the NCIS.

Best For Pro Football


  • Free trial: 7 days
  • NFL+: $4.99 per month
  • NFL+ Premium: $9.99 per month

NFL+(Opens in a new tab) is one of the best of the dedicated league services out there. We don’t have to tell you that NFL Sunday is one of the biggest modern traditions for sports fans, with friends and families gathering at the house, apartment, bar — wherever — to see how their teams will play that week. NFL+ provides the most die-hard fans with an avenue to keep up with every game, every week.

The basic NFL+ plan offers subscribers live out-of-market preseason games, live local and primetime regular and postseason games on your phone and tablet, as well as live audio for every game. For just $5 more per month, you can sign up for a Premium plan and also get access to ad-free game replays across devices, condensed game replays across devices, coaches film, and more. If you’re a regular fan who wants to keep up with your team, the basic plan should be fine. If you’re a hardcore super fan, the extra $5 per month will unlock more footage to obsess over. And, like most of the services on this list, NFL+ offers a seven-day free trial to see how you like it.

Mashable’s tech reporter Alex Perry found that the app’s new streaming offering needs some work, so hopefully we’ll see some improvements — particularly involving stream quality and user experience — as the season goes on.

Best For Thursday Night Football


  • Amazon Prime membership: $14.99 per month or $139 per year
  • Amazon Prime Video only: $8.99 per month

The NFL has entered the modern streaming age, whether we like it or not. Thursday Night Football will exclusively be streamed on Amazon Prime Video for the 2022-2023 season, starting week two, and for the next 10 seasons after that. NFL lovers are in it for the long haul with Amazon’s 11-year deal(Opens in a new tab). That’s a total of 15 regular season games that will require a streaming subscription. Nearly every team has at least one TNF game each season, so there isn’t a single fanbase that’s safe from this streaming change. (You can find the schedule for Thursday night games on Amazon’s website(Opens in a new tab)).

If you’re already an Amazon Prime member, you’re good to go. Just pull up the app on a Thursday night and watch your favorite teams duke it out on the road to the Super Bowl. If not, you can choose to sign up for a full Prime membership(Opens in a new tab) ($14.99 per month) and get a ton of other perks, or sign up for Prime Video only ($8.99 per month) and get access to exclusive Prime Video content in 4K HDR, as well as the ability to rent movies at your leisure. If you don’t plan on using Prime for the other perks and content, it’s a bit expensive just to watch one game per week.

Best For Out-Of-Network Games


  • Entertainment Package: $69.99 per month
  • Choice Package : $89.99 per month
  • Ultimate Package: $104.99 per month
  • Free trial: 5 days

If you love football — college football, in particular — DirecTV Stream gives you more college and regional sports networks than any other streaming provider. That also includes ESPN, ACC Network, Big Ten Network, SEC networks, and more. If you’re a fan of an out-of-network team, this is also your best bet for catching games live. There’s just one catch: you’ll need at least the Choice package ($89.99/month) to access those networks and costs can add up quickly.

Since DirecTV Stream is a cable alternative, first and foremost, you’ll get over 105 channels that span entertainment and news, as well as sports. That’s great if you want access to more than just sports, but kind of unnecessary for those who only want football coverage.

The good news is DirecTV offers a brief free trial (five days) and usually runs promotional deals for the first couple months. And with no ongoing contract, there’s no long-term commitment — so you can subscribe for college football season, then move on. However, it’s definitely a bit pricey if that’s all you’re after.

Best Budget Pick


  • ESPN+ subscription: $9.99 per month
  • ESPN+ annual plan: $99.99 per year
  • ESPN+, Disney+, Hulu with ads: $13.99 per month
  • ESPN+, Disney+, Hulu no ads: $19.99 per month

Since 1979, ESPN has dominated sports coverage, providing 24/7 coverage of all professional sports in the United States. As time has gone on, the network has evolved and expanded, covering sports from all over the world and an ever growing list of sports related shows and specials.

That sort of coverage and varied programming is what makes ESPN+(Opens in a new tab) worth it, and a steal at the affordable price of $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year. While it doesn’t get the same number of big games as some other networks or providers, ESPN+ definitely makes up for it in sheer variety. You could go from MLB to college lacrosse to tennis in a snap. Add to that programs like 30 for 30 and SportsCenter and ESPN+ originals, and you’ve got a pretty decent sports offering right there.

You also have the option to bundle ESPN+ with Disney+ and Hulu for as low as $13.99 per month if you want to add more bang for you buck.

Best For Customized Add-ons


  • Sling Orange: $35 per month
  • Sling Blue: $30 per month
  • Sling Orange and Blue: $50 per month

Sling TV(Opens in a new tab) is a pretty bare bones cable alternative. The basic subscription choices give you some of the big channels, but if you want cloud DVR and access to all of the sports you love, you’ll have to pay additional costs.

Sling has two standard subscriptions, Orange and Blue, that each feature different sports channels. For the best deal, we suggest going for the combination package that gives you all the channels from both plans for $15 more per month. These include ESPN, NBC Sports, and a couple others.

To really utilize Sling as a sports streaming platform, you’ll definitely want to add on the sports extra for an additional $11 per month. Unfortunately, local channels are not automatically included with Sling TV, but that’s not a huge issue because all you have to do to gain access is install an HD antenna.

Best For Youtube Lovers


  • Free trial: 2 weeks
  • Subscription: $64.99 per month

YouTube built its domination of the internet as an easy-to-use video platform that started in the mid-2000s. As time went on, it became a new entertainment platform with some of the biggest personalities and content providers on the internet. As such, this has helped it grow to the point where it can now offer live programming.

This is where YouTubeTV(Opens in a new tab) comes into the equation. Growing out of the original platform and YouTube Red, YouTubeTV offers live coverage of most major networks, including sports affiliates. That means FSN and NBCSN are available so that you don’t miss the biggest games of the week, much like fuboTV and Hulu Live.

And unlike a cable provider that’s going to lock you into a contract, a site like YouTubeTV lets you cancel at any time. This means that if you’re really only into basketball, you can tune in during the regular season then cancel your account once the NBA finals conclude. And, much like Fubo and Hulu, you can try YouTube TV free for seven days if you’re undecided.

The downside is that YouTubeTV(Opens in a new tab) is a little more limited in its offerings when it comes to local channels, giving services like the aforementioned Hulu(Opens in a new tab) and Fubo(Opens in a new tab) an edge. That said, it does provide access to YouTube Red, which has slowly been building a large and varied catalogue of original content.

Best For Watching A Variety Of Sports


  • Peacock (sports talk and highlights): Free
  • Peacock Premium: $4.99 per month
  • Peacock Premium Plus (no ads): $9.99 per month

NBC created its own streaming platform called Peacock TV and is slowly moving all of its content from other streaming sites onto its own. But, Parks & Rec and 30 Rock aren’t the only things to enjoy on the platform — there’s also a robust sports selection.

The base package is free and includes golf, tennis, sports talk, and all the entertainment content Peacock offers. The Premium tier includes additional sports like Premier League, cycling, rugby, and more, and then Premier Plus is all of that but without commercials.

Peacock Sports is awesome for people who are into a variety of sports. You won’t find figure skating, rugby, or the Tour de France on many other sports streaming services. Plus, Peacock also includes the Olympic Games (although the user experience for something of that caliber could still use a little work).

Best For Mma Fans


  • Monthly pass: $9.99 per month
  • Annual pass: $95.99 per year

For those combat sports fans, it doesn’t get much bigger than the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Growing out of fairly unregulated tournaments in the ’90s to see whose fighting style was best, the UFC has grown into the biggest MMA organization on the planet.

So it only makes sense that it would offer its own dedicated platform, UFC Fight Pass(Opens in a new tab), for MMA fanatics to catch every fight, no matter where they are. That means you can watch an entire packed card, from the prelims to the main event, with no fuss through UFC Fight Pass. It also gets you access to every piece of content dropped by UFC, whether that be the latest in Dana White’s Contender Series or a vlog following fighters leading up to a big fight.

Best Free Option


  • NBC Sports app: Free (with cable subscription)

We know what you’re thinking. Yes, the idea is to cut cable. And yes, the NBC Sports(Opens in a new tab) app requires a cable account in order to work. But like many other things today, thanks to technology, there’s always a work around.

While there are plenty of people cutting cable, there are still plenty of others who are happy with what they have. To that end, it is always worth seeing if anyone in your family still has cable. If they do, you can simply share the account to get access. That way, you won’t miss the NFL’s Sunday night game or NHL’s featured game of the week. Just log into the NBC Sports app and you’re good to go.

If you’ve been on the verge of cutting your cable cord because you aren’t getting enough access to sports, adding on the NBC Sports app might save you the hassle.

Best Esports Platform


  • Twitch.tv subscription: Free
  • Free trial (Prime Gaming): 30 days
  • Prime Gaming: $14.99 per month

This one is a little more subjective, depending on how you feel about esports, but stick with us. Twitch(Opens in a new tab), at its core, is a streaming service dedicated to live streaming video games, leading to a new collection of personalities, like AnneMunition and Ninja, who are able to rival some of the most successful YouTube personalities when it comes to building a devoted following.

It’s because of this kind of exposure that several leagues, like the Overwatch League, have chosen to use Twitch as their core streaming platform. And given the booming popularity of esports, it only made sense that Prime Gaming would serve a major role. And the great thing here is that there are two options available. If you don’t want to pay for anything, you don’t have to. Just use Twitch to sit back, relax, and watch your favorite players.

Get more out of your Twitch account by signing up for Prime Gaming(Opens in a new tab) (formerly Twitch Prime) if you’re super into gaming. Plus, with an Amazon Prime(Opens in a new tab) account, you can access live sports like football and basketball.

Mashable Image

Christina Buff is a freelance deals writer for Shopping.

Программы для просмотра футбола

Просмотр футбола на ПК – это очень удобно, особенно, если трансляция не идёт по TV или хочется посмотреть встречу в Full HD.

На сегодняшний день технология SopCast является одним из самых популярных инструментов для организации Internet-трансляций. Для просмотра футбола через SopCast сначала необходимо скачать и установить само ПО, а потом останется только найти интересующую трансляцию в сети.

Альтернативным решением может стать любая утилита, позволяющая, смотреть телеканалы. Среди функций данного софта можно найти не только просмотр телевизионных каналов, но и прослушивание Internet-радио, а также чтение газет. Для просмотра тысячи телеканалов через обычные Internet-вещания подойдут OnLine TV Live и FreeZ Online TV.

Утилита ProgDVB является мощным решением для просмотра кабельного и спутникового телевидения через TV-тюнер. Использовать софт из данной подборки довольно просто, и справятся с этим даже начинающие пользователи. После завершения инсталляции утилиты у пользователя появится список доступных телеканалов, которые, с большой долей вероятности будут разделены на категории. Некоторые утилиты предоставляют бесплатно только часть TV-каналов, а за просмотр остальных придётся заплатить. Программное обеспечение из данной подборки пользователи могут скачать совершенно бесплатно.


IP-TV Player

Эта программа является удобнейшим IP-TV проигрывателем, в основе которой заложена технология VideoLANVLC. Она абсолютно бесплатно может быть загружена из интернета, имеет удобный русифицированный

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SopCast – это программа, которая позволяет просматривать различные каналы и прямые трансляции в режиме онлайн.

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