Программы для сообщений на windows 10

При настройке приложения "Связь с телефоном" вам будет предложено разрешить доступ к сообщениям на телефоне.

Отправка сообщений

Если вы еще не настроили сообщения, сделайте следующее:

  1. В приложении Связь с телефоном на вашем компьютере выберите Сообщения.

  2. Чтобы начать новую беседу, выберите Новое сообщение.

  3. Введите имя или номер телефона контакта.

  4. Выберите человека, которому нужно отправить сообщение. Откроется новая цепочка сообщений.

Если возникнут сложности при использовании сообщений, , вам могут помочь советы по устранению неполадок. 

Добавление мультимедиа в беседы

Под окном сообщения расположены три кнопки для вставки содержимого. При нажатии кнопки «Эмодзи» и кнопки GIF открываются меню, где можно быстро выбрать нужные элементы. 

Под полем "Сообщения" находятся кнопки для вставки эмодзи, GIF-файлов и изображений.

При нажатии кнопки «Изображение» также открывается меню, в котором доступны недавние фотографии на устройстве Android. В этом меню также можно вставить изображение с компьютера.

Чтобы добавить в сообщение изображение с компьютера:

  1. Под окном изображения нажмите кнопку«Изображение»   Кнопка "Вложить изображение"..

  2. Выберите«Обзор» на компьютере.

  3. Перейдите в папку с изображением.

  4. Выберите изображение и нажмите «Открыть».

Если на устройстве Android есть фотография, не входящая в число недавних, ее все равно можно вставить в сообщение. 

  1. В приложенииСвязь с телефоном, выберите«Фотографии».

  2. В галерее«Фотографии» выберите нужное изображение, щелкните по нему правой кнопкой мыши и выберите«Сохранить», чтобы сохранить его на компьютере.

  3. Чтобы вставить изображение с компьютера в сообщение, выполните перечисленные выше действия.

Ограничены ли возможности текстовыми сообщениями или можно работать и с MMS?

Приложение Связь с телефономподдерживает сообщения, отправленные по протоколу Short Message Service (SMS). Оно также поддерживает MMS-сообщения. Вы можете отправлять фотографии и GIF-файлы с компьютера. 

Для некоторых устройств Samsung также поддерживаются сообщения RCS. Подробнее 

Сколько сообщений я могу видеть?

Для экономии пропускной способности сети и повышения производительности мы отображаем SMS, которые вы получили или отправили за последние 30 дней.

Можно ли управлять сообщениями или удалять их?

Управлять сообщениями или удалять их на своем компьютере невозможно.

Нужна дополнительная помощь?

Лучшие приложения для общения имеют версии для рабочего стола, таким образом вы сможете общаться с друзьям на Windows

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Популярное китайское приложение для обмена сообщениями в версии для Windows

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Общайтесь с контактами с рабочего стола

LINE Русский

Мгновенный обмен сообщениями с вашего ПК

Windows Live Messenger 2012

Покойный мессенджер от Microsoft


Общайтесь с друзьями с вашего ПК

Telegram Messenger 4.5.2

Настольный клиент Telegram для Windows

Signal 6.1.0 Русский

Приложение для обмена мгновенными сообщениями и чата, гарантирующее анонимность

Telefuel 0.3.4 Русский

Альтернативный клиент Telegram сосредоточился на производительности для ПК

Messenger Plus!

Добавляйте дополнительные функции в Skype

WA Web Plus 3.2.6

Расширение для использования WhatsApp Web с большим количеством функций


Решение Kakao, чтобы оставаться на связи

WhatsappTime 15.2.1 Русский

Альтернативный клиент WhatsApp для Windows

IMVU 540.0

Мгновенный обмен сообщениями и чаты в 3D среде

Emoticon 5.9

Сотни смайлики для ваших чатов и электронной почты

Easy Message 2.3.663

Объединить всех служб обмена сообщениями, используемого на одного клиента

Hangouts 2021.818.419.1 Русский

Чат от Google для Windows

WhatSender 8.1

Отправка нескольких WhatsApp сообщений с ПК

QQ International 2.11

Приложение для обмена сообщениями на международном уровне

Wassapp 1.1.1

Клиент WhatsApp для Windows

MSN Messenger 7.5 .0324

Лучшее средство мгновенного обмена сообщениями на Вашем Windows XP

WhatsApp Recovery 2.6.1

Инструмент восстановления Whatsapp для iPhone и Android

Pidgin 2.14.1 Русский

Обмен мгновенными сообщениями совместим с MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ, IRC, Jabber…

IGdm 3.0.3

Дополнительные функции для обмена сообщениями в Instagram

Twist 516 Русский

Обмен сообщениями в рабочей команде

Franz 5.6.1

14 служб обмена сообщениями в 1

Messenger for Desktop 3.0.8 Русский

Facebook Messenger на рабочем столе Windows

WhatsApp Extractor for iPhone 10.0

WhatsApp архивы на вашем компьютере

WhatsApp Pocket 4.2.0

Резервные копии WhatsApp чатов на вашем ПК


Общайтесь через чат WhatsApp с Windows

Facebook Chat Desktop 1.1

Настольный клиент для чата Facebook

Messenger 2012

Программа для обмена мгновенными сообщениями для Windows 7


Улучшения в Facebook чат на вашем рабочем столе

RetroShare 0.6.6 Русский

Создание защищенной частной сети говорить и обмениваться файлами

Microsoft Lync Server 2013 Русский

Организация комплексной связи для компаний

Psi 1.4

Простой и эффективный клиент обмена мгновенными сообщениями совместим с Jabber

MSN Spy Monitor 12.87.3

Монитор все разговоры, что вы сохранить через MSN


Развлекательный коллекции для Messenger смайликов и подмигиваний

Palringo 2.8.1 Русский

Альтернатива TalkBox для Windows

Nimbuzz 2.9.5 Русский

Мультисетевой клиент мгновенного обмена сообщениями

Softros LAN Messenger 9.6.10

Клиент обмена мгновенными сообщениями для частных netsworks, идеально подходит для рабочих мест и ко

Messenger Backup Wizard 2.2

Легко создавать резервную копию вашего Messenger

Pidgin Portable 2.14.1 Русский

Поддерживать связь с ваши контакты, где вы находитесь

Free MSN Emoticons Pack 4

Добавить 22 удивительная смайликов для MSN messenger

Messenger Plus! Live Русский

Дополнительные функции и утилиты для Windows Live Messenger

PMSN Paraiso 2.9.00

Настройка вашего messenger

MSN Winks Plus 5.4

Добавить новые Мультики Messenger

Miranda IM 0.10.80

Все сети обмена сообщениями в одной программе

Google Talk Русский

Говорите со всеми Вашими контактами Google

MSN Messenger 7 .0.0820

Самый передовой мессенджер

aMSN 0.98.9 Русский

Клиент обмена сообщениями через сеть Microsoft

Yahoo! Messenger 0.8.288 Русский

Обмен мгновенными сообщениями Yahoo!

Последнее обновление Ноя 12, 2021

Чтобы исправить различные проблемы с ПК, мы рекомендуем DriverFix: это программное обеспечение будет поддерживать ваши драйверы в рабочем состоянии, тем самым защищая вас от распространенных компьютерных ошибок и сбоев оборудования. Проверьте все свои драйверы сейчас за 3 простых шага:

  1. Загрузите DriverFix (проверенный файл загрузки).
  2. Нажмите «Начать сканирование», чтобы найти все проблемные драйверы.
  3. Нажмите «Обновить драйверы», чтобы получить новые версии и избежать сбоев в работе системы.
  • DriverFix в этом месяце скачали 501 404 читателя.

Когда вы были молоды, раскачивая свою новенькую Windows XP, вы, вероятно, хотели хотя бы раз отправить SMS-сообщения со своего компьютера.

Что ж, Microsoft наконец-то исполнила ваше давнее желание в Windows 10. Теперь вы можете отправлять текстовые сообщения со своего компьютера благодаря виртуальному помощнику Windows 10, Кортане.

С помощью Cortana вы можете легко отправлять текстовые сообщения со своего компьютера кому угодно из вашего списка контактов. Итак, если вам нужно быстро отправить сообщение, но вы не у своего телефона, просто позвольте Кортане сделать эту работу за вас.

Примечание. Эта возможность появилась в обновлении Threshold 2 для Windows 10. Следовательно, вам необходимо запустить хотя бы эту версию системы, чтобы иметь возможность отправлять SMS-сообщения с вашего компьютера.

Как я могу отправлять и получать текстовые сообщения с помощью Кортаны в Windows 10?

В настоящее время этот параметр работает только с устройствами Windows 10 Mobile. Хотя Microsoft постоянно работает над улучшением Cortana для Android, мы не знаем, когда эта функция появится в ОС Google.

Первое, что вам нужно сделать, чтобы иметь возможность получать и отправлять сообщения со своего компьютера с Windows 10, – это убедиться, что вы подключаете свои устройства.

Чтобы убедиться, что ваш компьютер и устройства с Windows 10 Mobile подключены, выполните следующие действия (конечно, мы предполагаем, что вы уже настроили Кортану на обоих устройствах):

  1. Откройте Кортану на ПК с Windows 10.
  2. Разверните гамбургер-меню и перейдите в Настройки.
  3. Убедитесь, что опция “Отправлять уведомления между устройствами” включена.Отправляйте и получайте SMS-сообщения с помощью Кортаны в Windows 10
  4. Теперь откройте Кортану на своем устройстве с Windows 10 Mobile.
  5. Перейдите в Блокнот> Настройки.
  6. Убедитесь, что опция “Отправлять уведомления на телефон” включена.

Кортана пропадает при нажатии на нее? Давайте решим эту странную проблему с помощью этого замечательного руководства.

Убедившись, что ваши устройства подключены, можно начинать отправлять и получать текстовые сообщения со своего ПК с Windows 10. Отправляйте и получайте SMS-сообщения с помощью Кортаны в Windows 10

Начнем с получения сообщений.

Когда ваши устройства с Windows 10 подключены, вы автоматически будете получать уведомления о пропущенном вызове или полученном SMS-сообщении с вашего телефона с Windows 10 Mobile на компьютер с Windows 10.

Microsoft представила эту возможность в некоторых предыдущих сборках Windows 10 Preview.

Как только вы получите уведомление о текстовом сообщении, которое вы получили на свой телефон, вы можете ответить прямо с этого баннера с уведомлением. Просто нажмите кнопку «Ответить».

Отправлять сообщения так же просто, как и получать их. Вот как отправлять текстовые сообщения с компьютера с Windows 10 с помощью Кортаны:

  1. Если функция «Привет, Кортана» включена, просто скажите «Привет, Кортана, отправь сообщение на…».
  2. Она автоматически откроет окно, в котором вы можете настроить свое сообщение (написать текст, добавить получателей,…)
  3. Если у вас не включена функция «Привет, Кортана», просто откройте Кортану и напишите «отправить текстовое сообщение».
  4. Откроется такое же окно, и вы сможете настроить свое сообщение.Отправляйте и получайте SMS-сообщения с помощью Кортаны в Windows 10
  5. После того, как вы нажмете «Отправить», Кортана подключится к вашему телефону, и будет отправлено сообщение.

Нужны дополнительные возможности? Ознакомьтесь с этими программными инструментами, которые позволяют отправлять SMS-сообщения с ПК с Windows 10!

Итак, отправка текстовых сообщений с вашего компьютера никогда не была такой простой.

Просто имейте в виду, что вы можете отправлять текстовые сообщения только контактам в приложении «Люди», так как вы не можете добавить номер получателя вручную, поэтому убедитесь, что человек, которому вы отправляете сообщение, находится в вашем списке контактов.

Мы надеемся, что эта статья была полезной и что теперь вам стало проще отправлять сообщения. Если у вас есть какие-либо комментарии или вопросы, просто дайте нам знать в комментариях ниже.


  • Отправить SMS из Windows 10, Windows 8 с Mysms (бесплатно)
  • 4 лучших авто-отправителя SMS для ПК в 2019 году
  • Skype позволяет пользователям синхронизировать SMS-сообщения между мобильным телефоном и ПК.
  • Пользователи Skype, использующие Linux, теперь могут отправлять и получать SMS

Примечание редактора: этот пост был первоначально опубликован в мае 2016 года и с тех пор обновлен для обеспечения свежести и точности.

Источник записи: windowsreport.com

Excellent options for managing and organizing your email accounts

by Madalina Dinita

Madalina has been a Windows fan ever since she got her hands on her first Windows XP computer. She is interested in all things technology, especially emerging technologies… read more

Updated on November 8, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • There are many email clients with great intuitive features on the market that you can use.
  • The best of them should at least be simple, straightforward email managers and editors.
  • You can also use more advanced clients with integrated data protection and unique features, as shown in this guide.

best email client for Windows 10


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Emails are a huge part of our work-life. They have transformed communication into something instant and replaced the letters of olden times when people had to wait weeks if not months to get a reply to their messages.

But in this modern age, the information itself can get overwhelming. There is too much data to handle, and you need tools that make you better at doing your job.

Different Email clients always strive to be better than their competition. This make them bring innovative ideas to present you with all this information in a simple manner that you can easily go through at a glance.

Of course, when there are so many of them, it gets a bit hard to figure out which one to go for, and the same goes for apps.

Thus, we made this list here to help you sort out the top email clients and apps for Windows 10. If you’re using the latest OS by Microsoft, you might find it useful to have access to some great Windows 11 email clients.

Does Windows 10 have an email client?

Windows 10, like other recent releases from Microsoft, has a built-in email app. This app called Mail is preinstalled on your PC with Calendar and other important features.

This email app allows you to connect all your email accounts on one platform. With this, you can improve your productivity, thanks to the ease of use.

What are the best Windows 10 desktop email clients?

Mailbird – Overall best email client for Windows 10


Mailbird attempts to bring the intuitiveness of Sparrow to Windows. Sparrow was a Mac-only email client that was bought by Google before it was shut down and its development was abandoned.

Mailbird is quite possibly the simplest email client to use for Windows while supporting multiple email accounts. It is no wonder it is widely regarded as the best email client for Windows 10.

It also supports simple keyboard shortcuts, has an extensive label and folder search feature, and supports HTML emails.

Some of the special features that put Mailbird at the top of the list are:

  • Free visual customizing (choose from tons of free themes)
  • App integration: connect your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Google Calendar to Mailbird
  • Speed reader for quicker mail reading
  • Attachment search feature
  • Multi-language support
  • Snooze less important emails for later

These are only a few of the multiple useful features that Mailbird has.


Feature-rich Mailbird will make your workload easier and faster in no time – give it a try!

eM Client – Secure email client

em best Windows 10 email client

eM Client has a basic interface that prioritizes usability above providing a plethora of functions. You may add numerous email accounts, but the free version is limited to only two.

What distinguishes this is the Skype connection, which allows you to utilize the same email interface.

Keeping up with the most recent security information and ensuring that new threats are adequately protected, eM Client provides a great email service.

It supports almost all email technologies (POP3, SMTP, IMAP, Exchange, Office365) and has a very well-organized UI. This is why eM Client is one of the best email providers on the market for Windows 10.

Here are the key features of eM Client:

  • Message encryption and digital signatures for a secured content guarantee
  • Instant translation
  • Snooze incoming messages for a better workflow efficiency
  • Keep track of replies so you won’t miss flagged information
  • Cloud storage support

In addition to these characteristics, eM has a calendar, tasks, sync contacts from other devices, organizers, templates, and much more.

eM Client

Boost productivity, manage emails, take notes, and chat. One email client that is simple and enjoyable to use.

Thunderbird – Extendable email client for Windows 10

thunderbird best Windows 10 email client

Thunderbird email client is one of the freeware clients that you can extend like a web browser on Windows 10. If there is a feature that you really need, somebody has probably made an extension to add it to Thunderbird.

The new multi-process Thunderbird makes greater use of your computer’s processor. It does this by dividing the program into several smaller processes rather than operating as a single large one.

Thunderbird includes a PDF viewer, allowing you to read and even edit PDFs emailed to you as attachments. You can accomplish all of this without ever leaving Thunderbird, allowing you to quickly return to your email.

Depending on how you use Thunderbird, whether you’re using it on a huge desktop display or a tiny laptop touchscreen, you may adapt the interface’s icons and text to be larger, more spread out, or extremely compact.

The calendar sidebar enhancements in this edition make it easier to manage numerous calendars. Also, there is a fast enable button for calendars. There is also the show/hide icon for rapidly changing calendars are shown.

Lastly, Thunderbird should work flawlessly for you. But if you face any kind of problems, we have the perfect solutions for any problems reported with Thunderbird on Windows 10 in this article.

⇒ Get Mozilla Thunderbird

Inky – Excellent interface

inky best email client windows 10

Inky stands out because of its well-polished UX – basically, it looks good. It also has mobile clients, and it can sync all your settings between them over the cloud.

INKY is a low-cost cloud-based email security technology that is considerably more than just artificial intelligence. It interprets emails, looks for indicators of fraud, and can detect imposters with a single pixel. It is also a lightweight email client you can always use on Windows 10.

That is why INKY is the only solution that can prevent phishing by capturing everything from spam and malware to the most insidious and dangerous threats.

INKY is the best investment you can make to defend your organization against zero-day phishing attacks. INKY’s artificial intelligence detects anything from spam and viruses to the most insidious phishing scams. It’s determined, inquisitive, and mobile, and it’s getting smarter by the topic line.

You can determine which threats are delivered to your users’ inboxes and know how to avoid them. You can automatically detect phishing and harmful email and route them to quarantine. This enables you to prevent known threats from reaching your end-to-end customers.

Setting up your different email accounts is simple as well as you don’t have to tinker around with settings.

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 Get Inky

Outlook – All-in-one email client


Outlook is more of an all-in-one solution and comes as a part of Microsoft Office. You can also access it through a browser for free. This tool packs the most featured email client, a calendar, and the ability to store contacts, and even make notes.

Outlook makes it simple to engage with Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. You may use Skype to communicate in real-time straight from your Outlook account.

It works as everyone’s most accessible inbox, with simple, voice-controlled navigation, compatibility for numerous assistive devices, and inbox protection and data encryption after mail delivery.

The UX is as friendly as it can get for a client with these many features, but it might be a bit overwhelming to users who are not used to such a density of data and the number of options and settings.

Premium Outlook features like an ad-free interface, custom domains, better security, the complete desktop version of Office applications, and 1 TB of cloud storage are included with a Microsoft 365 subscription.

Outlook is a tool that is not easy to master, but it can be very powerful.

⇒ Get Outlook

Mail for Windows 10 – Built-in email app

mail for windows 10

Windows 10 comes with its own email client made by Microsoft – not outlook, but a simpler one.

Obviously, it’s not as feature-packed as Outlook, but it features a UX that is easy to understand, and setting it up can’t get any easier. But it is probably the best email application for Windows 10.

With the familiar and extensive capabilities of Microsoft Word integrated into the writing experience, creating emails has never been easier or more powerful. Simply insert tables, images, and bullets to create lists.

Keep up with your inbox with new touch gestures that assist you in reading, sorting, and archiving your mail. The navigation bar provides a quick and simple toggle, enabling you to navigate freely between your email and your calendar to get things done.

The calendar is Exchange-optimized, with comprehensive support for scheduling meetings and managing a busy calendar, and it gives useful, powerful views of your schedule, such as day, week, and month.

The email client supports the rich notifications featured in Windows 10 that lets you reply to an email just from its notification.

⇒ Get Mail for Windows 10

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  • 8 Best Bandwidth Limiter Tools for Windows 10
  • Protected: How to Use Acronis Cyber Protect to Prevent Ransomware and File Loss
  • How to Set Outlook Rule Save Email Attachments to a Folder

TouchMail – High organization

touch mail

TouchMail presents your emails in a unique yet simple fashion. You have your emails split by contacts and each email is highlighted as its own tile.

TouchMail is the quickest and simplest method to locate and tidy up what matters most in Gmail, Outlook.com, Yahoo Mail, iCloud, AOL, Office 365, and most IMAP email accounts.

Transform your email into a beautiful and colorful inbox that you can explore as you choose – using touch, mouse and keyboard, or pen – with rich visuals, resizable message tiles, and familiar interactions.

In only a few clicks, you’ll be clutter-free! Delete a message with a single tap or hundreds of messages at once. And, with just a few clicks, you can archive, flag, or transfer messages to manage your inbox, as well as quickly identify essential emails with unique color coding.

You can also preview the content of your messages without having to open them, you can easily zoom out to obtain a bird-eye perspective of where your messages are coming from.

TouchMail also supports multiple accounts and has full support for all the filters you could think of. It is primarily made for Windows 10 tablets, so the UI is designed for touch instead of mouse and keyboard, but you can always install those for your tablet.

⇒ Get TouchMail

Flow Mail – High integration

flow mail

Another great email app that you should try out is Flow Mail. The application has a beautiful design and is also quite fast. You can quickly check all your emails and take advantage of the integration offers with most email browser services like Gmail.

Regarding the features, here are some notable ones that Flow Mail offers:

  • Sleek user interface with Fluent Design
  • Support for Split View
  • Support all major webmail providers such as Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, and more. Flow Mail operates in a sandboxed (secure) environment, far more secure than accessing the web. In addition, it does not collect or retain personal information such as logins or email addresses.
  • Advanced privacy protection with support for custom passwords and Windows Hello
  • Sandbox environment that won’t collect any personal information
  • Frequent updates
  • Jumplists
  • Native downloading support
  • Ability to quickly upload or download files

Flow Mail operates in a sandboxed (secure) environment, far more secure than accessing the web. In addition, it does not collect or retain personal information such as logins or email addresses.

⇒ Get Flow Mail

Is Windows 10 email client any good?

While not as feature-rich as Outlook, the Windows 10 email client is still an excellent tool. It boasts an easy-to-use interface, as well as other superb features.

This is why it is a fitting mention on this list of the best email client and apps for Windows 10.

And these were some of the best Windows 10 desktop and apps email clients you could ask for. Each with its unique features and experiences.

While some borrow from others and refine the innovations, others think of something completely absurd and make it work with their experience in UX design and programming.

How an email client presents all the condensed information makes or breaks it – and it also depends on the user’s perspective. So do tell us what you think about these clients.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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Excellent options for managing and organizing your email accounts

by Madalina Dinita

Madalina has been a Windows fan ever since she got her hands on her first Windows XP computer. She is interested in all things technology, especially emerging technologies… read more

Updated on November 8, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • There are many email clients with great intuitive features on the market that you can use.
  • The best of them should at least be simple, straightforward email managers and editors.
  • You can also use more advanced clients with integrated data protection and unique features, as shown in this guide.

best email client for Windows 10


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Emails are a huge part of our work-life. They have transformed communication into something instant and replaced the letters of olden times when people had to wait weeks if not months to get a reply to their messages.

But in this modern age, the information itself can get overwhelming. There is too much data to handle, and you need tools that make you better at doing your job.

Different Email clients always strive to be better than their competition. This make them bring innovative ideas to present you with all this information in a simple manner that you can easily go through at a glance.

Of course, when there are so many of them, it gets a bit hard to figure out which one to go for, and the same goes for apps.

Thus, we made this list here to help you sort out the top email clients and apps for Windows 10. If you’re using the latest OS by Microsoft, you might find it useful to have access to some great Windows 11 email clients.

Does Windows 10 have an email client?

Windows 10, like other recent releases from Microsoft, has a built-in email app. This app called Mail is preinstalled on your PC with Calendar and other important features.

This email app allows you to connect all your email accounts on one platform. With this, you can improve your productivity, thanks to the ease of use.

What are the best Windows 10 desktop email clients?

Mailbird – Overall best email client for Windows 10


Mailbird attempts to bring the intuitiveness of Sparrow to Windows. Sparrow was a Mac-only email client that was bought by Google before it was shut down and its development was abandoned.

Mailbird is quite possibly the simplest email client to use for Windows while supporting multiple email accounts. It is no wonder it is widely regarded as the best email client for Windows 10.

It also supports simple keyboard shortcuts, has an extensive label and folder search feature, and supports HTML emails.

Some of the special features that put Mailbird at the top of the list are:

  • Free visual customizing (choose from tons of free themes)
  • App integration: connect your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Google Calendar to Mailbird
  • Speed reader for quicker mail reading
  • Attachment search feature
  • Multi-language support
  • Snooze less important emails for later

These are only a few of the multiple useful features that Mailbird has.


Feature-rich Mailbird will make your workload easier and faster in no time – give it a try!

eM Client – Secure email client

em best Windows 10 email client

eM Client has a basic interface that prioritizes usability above providing a plethora of functions. You may add numerous email accounts, but the free version is limited to only two.

What distinguishes this is the Skype connection, which allows you to utilize the same email interface.

Keeping up with the most recent security information and ensuring that new threats are adequately protected, eM Client provides a great email service.

It supports almost all email technologies (POP3, SMTP, IMAP, Exchange, Office365) and has a very well-organized UI. This is why eM Client is one of the best email providers on the market for Windows 10.

Here are the key features of eM Client:

  • Message encryption and digital signatures for a secured content guarantee
  • Instant translation
  • Snooze incoming messages for a better workflow efficiency
  • Keep track of replies so you won’t miss flagged information
  • Cloud storage support

In addition to these characteristics, eM has a calendar, tasks, sync contacts from other devices, organizers, templates, and much more.

eM Client

Boost productivity, manage emails, take notes, and chat. One email client that is simple and enjoyable to use.

Thunderbird – Extendable email client for Windows 10

thunderbird best Windows 10 email client

Thunderbird email client is one of the freeware clients that you can extend like a web browser on Windows 10. If there is a feature that you really need, somebody has probably made an extension to add it to Thunderbird.

The new multi-process Thunderbird makes greater use of your computer’s processor. It does this by dividing the program into several smaller processes rather than operating as a single large one.

Thunderbird includes a PDF viewer, allowing you to read and even edit PDFs emailed to you as attachments. You can accomplish all of this without ever leaving Thunderbird, allowing you to quickly return to your email.

Depending on how you use Thunderbird, whether you’re using it on a huge desktop display or a tiny laptop touchscreen, you may adapt the interface’s icons and text to be larger, more spread out, or extremely compact.

The calendar sidebar enhancements in this edition make it easier to manage numerous calendars. Also, there is a fast enable button for calendars. There is also the show/hide icon for rapidly changing calendars are shown.

Lastly, Thunderbird should work flawlessly for you. But if you face any kind of problems, we have the perfect solutions for any problems reported with Thunderbird on Windows 10 in this article.

⇒ Get Mozilla Thunderbird

Inky – Excellent interface

inky best email client windows 10

Inky stands out because of its well-polished UX – basically, it looks good. It also has mobile clients, and it can sync all your settings between them over the cloud.

INKY is a low-cost cloud-based email security technology that is considerably more than just artificial intelligence. It interprets emails, looks for indicators of fraud, and can detect imposters with a single pixel. It is also a lightweight email client you can always use on Windows 10.

That is why INKY is the only solution that can prevent phishing by capturing everything from spam and malware to the most insidious and dangerous threats.

INKY is the best investment you can make to defend your organization against zero-day phishing attacks. INKY’s artificial intelligence detects anything from spam and viruses to the most insidious phishing scams. It’s determined, inquisitive, and mobile, and it’s getting smarter by the topic line.

You can determine which threats are delivered to your users’ inboxes and know how to avoid them. You can automatically detect phishing and harmful email and route them to quarantine. This enables you to prevent known threats from reaching your end-to-end customers.

Setting up your different email accounts is simple as well as you don’t have to tinker around with settings.

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We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
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 Get Inky

Outlook – All-in-one email client


Outlook is more of an all-in-one solution and comes as a part of Microsoft Office. You can also access it through a browser for free. This tool packs the most featured email client, a calendar, and the ability to store contacts, and even make notes.

Outlook makes it simple to engage with Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. You may use Skype to communicate in real-time straight from your Outlook account.

It works as everyone’s most accessible inbox, with simple, voice-controlled navigation, compatibility for numerous assistive devices, and inbox protection and data encryption after mail delivery.

The UX is as friendly as it can get for a client with these many features, but it might be a bit overwhelming to users who are not used to such a density of data and the number of options and settings.

Premium Outlook features like an ad-free interface, custom domains, better security, the complete desktop version of Office applications, and 1 TB of cloud storage are included with a Microsoft 365 subscription.

Outlook is a tool that is not easy to master, but it can be very powerful.

⇒ Get Outlook

Mail for Windows 10 – Built-in email app

mail for windows 10

Windows 10 comes with its own email client made by Microsoft – not outlook, but a simpler one.

Obviously, it’s not as feature-packed as Outlook, but it features a UX that is easy to understand, and setting it up can’t get any easier. But it is probably the best email application for Windows 10.

With the familiar and extensive capabilities of Microsoft Word integrated into the writing experience, creating emails has never been easier or more powerful. Simply insert tables, images, and bullets to create lists.

Keep up with your inbox with new touch gestures that assist you in reading, sorting, and archiving your mail. The navigation bar provides a quick and simple toggle, enabling you to navigate freely between your email and your calendar to get things done.

The calendar is Exchange-optimized, with comprehensive support for scheduling meetings and managing a busy calendar, and it gives useful, powerful views of your schedule, such as day, week, and month.

The email client supports the rich notifications featured in Windows 10 that lets you reply to an email just from its notification.

⇒ Get Mail for Windows 10

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TouchMail – High organization

touch mail

TouchMail presents your emails in a unique yet simple fashion. You have your emails split by contacts and each email is highlighted as its own tile.

TouchMail is the quickest and simplest method to locate and tidy up what matters most in Gmail, Outlook.com, Yahoo Mail, iCloud, AOL, Office 365, and most IMAP email accounts.

Transform your email into a beautiful and colorful inbox that you can explore as you choose – using touch, mouse and keyboard, or pen – with rich visuals, resizable message tiles, and familiar interactions.

In only a few clicks, you’ll be clutter-free! Delete a message with a single tap or hundreds of messages at once. And, with just a few clicks, you can archive, flag, or transfer messages to manage your inbox, as well as quickly identify essential emails with unique color coding.

You can also preview the content of your messages without having to open them, you can easily zoom out to obtain a bird-eye perspective of where your messages are coming from.

TouchMail also supports multiple accounts and has full support for all the filters you could think of. It is primarily made for Windows 10 tablets, so the UI is designed for touch instead of mouse and keyboard, but you can always install those for your tablet.

⇒ Get TouchMail

Flow Mail – High integration

flow mail

Another great email app that you should try out is Flow Mail. The application has a beautiful design and is also quite fast. You can quickly check all your emails and take advantage of the integration offers with most email browser services like Gmail.

Regarding the features, here are some notable ones that Flow Mail offers:

  • Sleek user interface with Fluent Design
  • Support for Split View
  • Support all major webmail providers such as Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, and more. Flow Mail operates in a sandboxed (secure) environment, far more secure than accessing the web. In addition, it does not collect or retain personal information such as logins or email addresses.
  • Advanced privacy protection with support for custom passwords and Windows Hello
  • Sandbox environment that won’t collect any personal information
  • Frequent updates
  • Jumplists
  • Native downloading support
  • Ability to quickly upload or download files

Flow Mail operates in a sandboxed (secure) environment, far more secure than accessing the web. In addition, it does not collect or retain personal information such as logins or email addresses.

⇒ Get Flow Mail

Is Windows 10 email client any good?

While not as feature-rich as Outlook, the Windows 10 email client is still an excellent tool. It boasts an easy-to-use interface, as well as other superb features.

This is why it is a fitting mention on this list of the best email client and apps for Windows 10.

And these were some of the best Windows 10 desktop and apps email clients you could ask for. Each with its unique features and experiences.

While some borrow from others and refine the innovations, others think of something completely absurd and make it work with their experience in UX design and programming.

How an email client presents all the condensed information makes or breaks it – and it also depends on the user’s perspective. So do tell us what you think about these clients.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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10Сообщения (Windows 10)Описание разработчика:

«Приложение «Сообщения» в Windows 10 собирает все ваши текстовые сообщения в одном месте, благодаря чему поддерживание связи еще никогда не занимало так мало времени.

Общайтесь с одним или несколькими друзьями и быстро делитесь своими мыслями, всего несколько раз проведя пальцем по клавиатуре автоисправления. Благодаря приложению «Сообщения» отправлять сообщения и отвечать на них можно с любого места без необходимости открывать отдельное приложение.»

Обратите внимание: приложение «Сообщения» для Windows 10 содержит само приложение «Сообщения» для обмена текстовыми сообщениями и файлами и приложение Skype Video для совершения голосовых и видеозвонков.

Интерфейс — многоязычный.
Поддерживаемые процессоры: x86, arm.

Скачать Сообщения (Windows 10) бесплатно можно по этой ссылке:

Скачать Сообщения (Windows 10)


Сообщения (Windows 10)


13.10.2015 23:17

Русский язык:



Приложения / Интернет / Связь

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SoftEther VPN Client 2023.02.08 Build 9782


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