Public downloads for windows 7 and office 2010 have been pulled

This will probably be the last chance to get Windows 7 and Office 2010 downloads, before Microsoft drops support for these products in early 2020. Starting October 1, 0:00 UTC, the download database on the server will be reset on the first day of every month. We will then generate one link per ho...

Jan Krohn


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This will probably be the last chance to get Windows 7 and Office 2010 downloads, before Microsoft drops support for these products in early 2020.

Starting October 1, 0:00 UTC, the download database on the server will be reset on the first day of every month. We will then generate one link per hour on a first come first served basis, whatever is requested, until all licenses are used up. The database is then again reset on the first day of the following month, and downloads can be provided again for some time.

Requesting a download can result in one of the four following cases:

1. A license for link generation of the requested file is currently available, and the last link generation on the server has happened more than an hour ago —> new link generation will be attempted, and if successful, the download can be provided.

2. The requested download has been requested and generated in the last 24 hours —> cached download link will be provided (cached downloads are indicated with a green font in the download tool).

3. All licenses for the product have been used up —> come back and try again next month after the database reset.

4. A license for link generation of the requested file is currently available, however, the server did another link generation for a different product in the last hour —> come back and try again in one hour, and be faster than everyone else.

I will think about error messages so that you guys can distinguish between cases 3. and 4. easily. Let’s see how this will go. Hopefully everyone can still get all downloads they need before MS takes them down for good…

Edited September 23, 2019 by Jan Krohn

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meaning on tab windows 7 is to get the latest iso while the tab windows 7 (august 2018) is older iso?


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Jan Krohn


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  • 2 weeks later…

Jan Krohn


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So the coding for the October 1 download day is in place and confirmed working. Let’s hope it will continue working in productive conditions too.

Case 3 message: «This file is currently unavailable, and can be provided again in a small capacity NEXT MONTH. For now, please select one of the downloads highlighted in green instead.»

Case 4 message: «New downloads can be generated SHORTLY. In the mean time, you can select one of the downloads highlighted in green.»

Messages will not be translated due to the short life span of a few months only before Win 7 EOL.

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  • 2 weeks later…

Princess Omo


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why is it  currentry unavailable  when i try to download it

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Jan Krohn


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10 hours ago, Princess Omo said:

why is it  currentry unavailable  when i try to download it

The licenses used to generate the downloads have been blocked by MS.

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W dniu 2.08.2019 o 19:05 Jan Krohn powiedział:

Będzie dostępna ostatnia szansa na pobranie systemu Windows 7 i pakietu Office 2010, zanim Microsoft zrezygnuje z obsługi tych produktów na początku 2020 roku.

Poczta pobierania od 1 października, 0:00 UTC, baza danych pobieranie będzie resetowana co miesiąc. Następnie należy wygenerować jeden link na godzinę według kolejności zgłoszeń, aż do wyczerpania wszystkich licencji. Baza danych jest następnie ponownie resetowana pierwszego dnia spotkania

Żądanie pobrań może zostać użyty jeden z czterech różnych przypadków:

1. Dostępna jest licencja, a ostatnie generowanie linków wymaga ponad godzin temu —> podjęto decyzję o podjęciu próby wygenerowania nowego linku, a jeśli powiesz, pobierz będzie możliwe.

2. Zażądano i wygenerowano to samo pobieranie w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin —> zostanie podany link do pobrania z pamięci podręcznej.

3. Wszystkie licencje na produkt zostały zużyte —> wróć i kontynuuj ponownie w przyszłym miesiącu.

4. Licencja jest dostępna, ale w ciągu ostatnich godzin wykonano kolejne generowanie linków —> wróć i uruchom ponownie w krótkim czasie.

Pomyślę o komunikach o błędach, abyście mogli łatwo rozróżnić przypadki 3. i 4 .. Zobaczmy, jak to pójdzie. Mam nadzieję, że wszyscy nadal muszą mieć wszystkie potrzebne pliki, zanim MS usunie je na dobre …

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popeye 21


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i noticed that in the dell option there was no metion of xps 9100 computer

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i noticed that in the dell option so is there opyion for Acer??

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Hello i want to get to this experiment at October 1 :)

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Jan Krohn


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On 9/7/2019 at 5:37 AM, popeye 21 said:

i noticed that in the dell option there was no metion of xps 9100 computer

If you post a service tag, I can try to add XPS 9100. But I don’t think it’s really necessary. I all likelihood, the download is identical to XPS 8900.

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Jan Krohn


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On 9/9/2019 at 4:58 PM, 陳順義 said:

i noticed that in the dell option so is there opyion for Acer??

Unfortunately no. Acer doesn’t provide a public API for generating downloads.

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Vocês ainda estão liberando o download do windows 7 Português?

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Please post in English so everyone can read you.

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7 hours ago, Luan said:

Are you still releasing windows 7 download?

Microsoft is the one who releases all Windows 7 downloads generated by the ISO Downloader. Hopefully the ISO Downloader will be able to generate Windows 7 links after the first of October.

  • Maciek Kalisciak

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Requesting a download can lead to one of the four following cases: Please explain the cases better; what is and where do I find a license. I only have the code numbers of Win7 and Office10. thanks for the explanation Yours sincerely From Switzerland

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Is there any chance of getting Win 7 Ultimate 64x for the Dell Vostro 1220?  Thank you.

Edited September 22, 2019 by cinca

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Can’t download Windows 7 in the Windows iso downloader says Currently unavailable

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On 8/2/2019 at 8:05 PM, Jan Krohn said:

This will probably be the last chance to get Windows 7 and Office 2010 downloads, before Microsoft will drop support for these products in early 2020.

Starting October 1, 0:00 UTC, the download database will be reset every month. We will then generate one link per hour on a first come first served basis, until all licenses are used up. The database is then again reset on the first of the following month.

Requesting a download can result in one of the four following cases:

1. A license is available, and the last link generation has happened more than an hour ago —> new link generation will be attempted, and if successful, the download can be provided.

2. The same download has been requested and generated in the last 24 hours —> cached download link will be provided.

3. All licenses for the product have been used up —> come back and try again next month.

4. A license is available, but another link generation was done in the last hour —> come back and try again in a short time.

I will think about error messages so that you guys can distinguish between cases 3. and 4. easily. Let’s see how this will go. Hopefully everyone can still get all downloads they need before MS takes them down for good…

Is it now absolutely impossible to get Windows 7 iso because i really need it

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Jan Krohn


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57 minutes ago, Hillion said:

Is it now absolutely impossible to get Windows 7 iso because i really need it

It’s not impossible. There are helpful forum users here who can help with a request. There are also illegal download sites, however, they may not be shared here. You’ll find them easily by googleing the file name or the hash of the file you need.

On 9/22/2019 at 5:01 AM, cinca said:

Is there any chance of getting Win 7 Ultimate 64x for the Dell Vostro 1220?  Thank you.

If you share your service tag, I can have a look, but I don’t have much hope. Dell seems to provide only Win 7 Pro and Home Basic for public download.

On 9/20/2019 at 3:28 PM, Vuk-1 said:

Requesting a download can lead to one of the four following cases: Please explain the cases better; what is and where do I find a license. I only have the code numbers of Win7 and Office10. thanks for the explanation Yours sincerely From Switzerland

Cases are updated with more details.

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On 8/2/2019 at 12:05 PM, Jan Krohn said:

This will probably be the last chance to get Windows 7 and Office 2010 downloads, before Microsoft drops support for these products in early 2020.

Starting October 1, 0:00 UTC, the download database on the server will be reset on the first day of every month. We will then generate one link per hour on a first come first served basis, whatever is requested, until all licenses are used up. The database is then again reset on the first day of the following month, and downloads can be provided again for some time.

Requesting a download can result in one of the four following cases:

1. A license for link generation of the requested file is currently available, and the last link generation on the server has happened more than an hour ago —> new link generation will be attempted, and if successful, the download can be provided.

2. The requested download has been requested and generated in the last 24 hours —> cached download link will be provided (cached downloads are indicated with a green font in the download tool).

3. All licenses for the product have been used up —> come back and try again next month after the database reset.

4. A license for link generation of the requested file is currently available, however, the server did another link generation for a different product in the last hour —> come back and try again in one hour, and be faster than everyone else.

I will think about error messages so that you guys can distinguish between cases 3. and 4. easily. Let’s see how this will go. Hopefully everyone can still get all downloads they need before MS takes them down for good…

If October 1 is restored, does that mean that the downloads can be generated from that day? If so, I will be there without a doubt being one of the first since I need to download Win7 Ult Spanish x64

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8 hours ago, Hillion said:

Can’t download Windows 7 in the Windows iso downloader says Currently unavailable

8 hours ago, Hillion said:

Is it now absolutely impossible to get Windows 7 iso because i really need it

If you can tell me the edition and architecture you need (given that you want English ISOs), I will be able to provide you with a link. Funny that a lot of users simply neglect other threads/topics/posts and I should start charging money for every link given to them💸🤑.

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Jan Krohn


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9 hours ago, Johsp said:

If October 1 is restored, does that mean that the downloads can be generated from that day? If so, I will be there without a doubt being one of the first since I need to download Win7 Ult Spanish x64

It’s an experimental feature. Downloads will be generated at an extremely slow rate to avoid being blocked by Microsoft.

From the tests I’ve made, I’m confident that it’s going to work, but only at a rate of one download per hour, for about 20,000 daily users… Therefore, chances for people to get the exact download they need might be a bit low.

But if you need an Ultimate download, you can still go for a different edition (Home, Pro), and convert the iso file to an all-in-one file.

  • Johsp

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Hi, I’m currently downloading windows 7 (August 2018), the second option on the Windows tab, what is it and how is it different from windows 7, the first choice on the list?

Also, is this legal?


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Windows 10: Office 2010 is MS no longer supported so what non Windows software are available?

Discus and support Office 2010 is MS no longer supported so what non Windows software are available? in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; I understand that Office 2010 is MS will soon be no longer supported and I rsent very much their move away from buying softare to being forced to buy…
Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Software and Apps’ started by BML, Oct 26, 2021.

  1. Office 2010 is MS no longer supported so what non Windows software are available?

    I understand that Office 2010 is MS will soon be no longer supported and I rsent very much their move away from buying softare to being forced to buy what they laughingly reffer to as a service so what non Windows software are available?


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Ошибка при попытке скачать Windows 11 Installation Assistant и скачанный файл через VPN.

Проблема со скачиванием программ и продуктов с сайта Microsoft в РФ продолжает быть актуальной. Пользователи из РФ без VPN не могут скачать утилиты (MediaCreationTool, Windows 11 Installation Assistant), дистрибутивы Office, серверные продукты и ISO-образы Windows 10 и Windows 11 с сайта Microsoft. Разработчик до сих пор не пояснил, с чем связана эта проблема. Компания не отвечает пользователям на обращения в техподдержку по этой ситуации.

В процессе попытки скачивания возникают ошибка: «Возникла проблема с вашим запросом» или «404 — File or Directory not found». Примечательно, что при заходе через VPN скачивание образов новых ОС и утилит происходит нормально.

Также Microsoft заблокировала установку обновлений для инсайдеров Windows 11 в России. Для установки Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25145 необходимо использовать VPN.

Рабочая ссылка на скачивание MediaCreationTool.

Совет от пользователя Хабра: «заблокировано только получение ссылки. Через VPN получаем ссылку, а затем уже можно качать напрямую».

Скрипт от пользователя Хабра по выкачиванию Office 2019/2021/365 (все равно нужен VPN) с обходом блокировки по региону.

Ошибка при попытке скачать ISO-образ Windows 10.

Ошибка при попытке скачать ISO-образ Windows 11.

Если вы столкнулись еще с проблемами на сайте Microsoft по скачиванию продуктов или нашли способ, как без VPN их скачать (кроме ссылок на сторонние ресурсы) — просьба написать в комментариях для обновления публикации.

С чем связана эта проблема — непонятно. Microsoft ранее обещала, что продолжит выполнять все существующие договорные обязательства с российскими клиентами, пока действует приостановка новых продаж. Компания не объявляла, что будет блокировать доступ к своему сайту и продуктам

8 июня Microsoft сообщила, что компания сокращает операционную деятельность в России.

В начале марта Microsoft приостанавила продажу товаров, ПО, сервисов и предоставление любых новых услуг в России. Тем не менее компания продолжила поддерживать существующих клиентов и сохранила в стране офисы.

В марте Dell и Lenovo закрыли возможность пользователям из РФ скачать драйвера без VPN.

В апреле Intel приостановила свою деятельность в России. Также для всех пользователей из РФ перестал работать сайт Intel. Нельзя скачать драйвера или документацию. Везде стоит заглушка о прекращении работы. Теперь для скачивания информации нужно использовать VPN. Портал работает, но с него многие ссылки ведут на заглушку.



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Андрей Миронов

Андрей Миронов

1 год назад

«public downloads for Windows 7 and Office 2010 have been pulled by Microsoft, and are therefore no longer available here. You can support our campaign to bring via a MS subscription.» (общедоступные загрузки для Windows 7 и Office 2010 были удалены корпорацией Майкрософт, и поэтому они больше не доступны здесь. Вы можете поддержать нашу кампанию по привлечению через подписку MS.) Это каюк?

степан дад

степан дад

1 год назад

спасибо ну оооочень большое.может подскажешь как активировать



1 год назад

Огромное спасибо!!!!



1 год назад

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Иван Кислин

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1 год назад

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Ks Unnemo

Ks Unnemo

2 года назад

Все работает. Спасибо!

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Спасибо большое, очень помогло!



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