Python открыть папку в проводнике windows

In Python, how do I jump to a file in the Windows Explorer? I found a solution for jumping to folders: import subprocess subprocess.Popen('explorer "C:pathoffolder"') but I have no solution for

In Python, how do I jump to a file in the Windows Explorer? I found a solution for jumping to folders:

import subprocess
subprocess.Popen('explorer "C:pathoffolder"')

but I have no solution for files.

Trilarion's user avatar


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asked Nov 11, 2008 at 19:24

Kirill Titov's user avatar

Kirill TitovKirill Titov

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A nicer and safer solution (only in Windows unfortunately) is os.startfile().

When it’s given a folder instead of a file, it will open Explorer.

Im aware that i do not completely answer the question since its not selecting a file, but using subprocess is always kind of a bad idea (for security reasons) and this solution may help other people.

answered Mar 7, 2018 at 19:40

Guillaume Lebreton's user avatar


As explorer could be overridden it would be a little safer to point to the executable directly. (just had to be schooled on this too)

And while you’re at it: use Python 3s current subprocess API: run()

import os
import subprocess
FILEBROWSER_PATH = os.path.join(os.getenv('WINDIR'), 'explorer.exe')

def explore(path):
    # explorer would choke on forward slashes
    path = os.path.normpath(path)

    if os.path.isdir(path):[FILEBROWSER_PATH, path])
    elif os.path.isfile(path):[FILEBROWSER_PATH, '/select,', path])

answered Jun 21, 2018 at 9:56

ewerybody's user avatar


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For some reason, on windows 7 it always opens the users Path, for me following worked out:

import subprocess"explorer C:\temp\yourpath", shell=True)

answered Dec 2, 2014 at 13:51

user1767754's user avatar


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Alternatively, you could use the fileopenbox module of EasyGUI to open the file explorer for the user to click through and then select a file (returning the full filepath).

import easygui
file = easygui.fileopenbox()

answered Oct 18, 2018 at 19:48

MacNutter's user avatar


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For anyone wondering how to use a variable in place of a direct file path. The code below will open explorer and highlight the file specified.

import subprocess
subprocess.Popen(f'explorer /select,{variableHere}')

The code below will just open the specified folder in explorer without highlighting any specific file.

import subprocess
subprocess.Popen(f'explorer "{variableHere}"')

Ive only tested on windows

answered Dec 15, 2020 at 15:57

Stephan Yazvinski's user avatar


Code To Open Folder In Explorer:

import os
import ctypes
path_to_open = os.getenv('windir')
ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(0, "open", path_to_open, 0, 0, SW_SHOWDEFAULT)

answered Dec 6, 2021 at 6:27

Pixelsuft's user avatar

import subprocess
subprocess.Popen(r'explorer /open,"C:pathoffolderfile"')

I find that the explorer /open command will list the files in the directory.
When I used the /select command (as shown above), explorer opened the parent directory and had my directory highlighted.

answered Jul 6, 2022 at 18:17

RAllenAZ's user avatar

I’m in Python, and I have the path of a certain folder. I want to open it using the default folder explorer for that system. For example, if it’s a Windows computer, I want to use Explorer, if it’s Linux, I want to use Nautilus or whatever is the default there, if it’s Mac, I want to use Finder.

How can I do that?

Jace Browning's user avatar

asked Jul 8, 2011 at 22:41

Ram Rachum's user avatar

Ram RachumRam Rachum

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I am surprised no one has mentioned using xdg-open for *nix which will work for both files and folders:

import os
import platform
import subprocess

def open_file(path):
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
    elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
        subprocess.Popen(["open", path])
        subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", path])

answered Apr 24, 2013 at 23:36

Cas's user avatar


You can use subprocess.

import subprocess
import sys

if sys.platform == 'darwin':
    def openFolder(path):
        subprocess.check_call(['open', '--', path])
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
    def openFolder(path):
        subprocess.check_call(['xdg-open', '--', path])
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
    def openFolder(path):
        subprocess.check_call(['explorer', path])

answered Jul 8, 2011 at 22:46

Dietrich Epp's user avatar

Dietrich EppDietrich Epp

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The following works on Macintosh.

import webbrowser'file:///Users/test/test_folder')

On GNU/Linux, use the absolute path of the folder. (Make sure the folder exists)

import webbrowser'/home/test/test_folder')

As pointed out in the other answer, it works on Windows, too.

answered Sep 13, 2012 at 13:21

punchagan's user avatar


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I think you may have to detect the operating system, and then launch the relevant file explorer accordingly.

This could come in userful for OSX’s Finder: Python «show in finder»

(The below only works for windows unfortunately)

import webbrowser as wb'C:/path/to/folder')

This works on Windows. I assume it would work across other platforms. Can anyone confirm? Confirmed windows only :(

Community's user avatar

answered Jul 8, 2011 at 22:45

Acorn's user avatar


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One approach to something like this is maybe to prioritize readability, and prepare the code in such a manner that extracting abstractions is easy. You could take advantage of python higher order functions capabilities and go along these lines, throwing an exception if the proper function assignment cannot be made when a specific platform is not supported.

import subprocess
import sys

class UnsupportedPlatformException(Exception):

def _show_file_darwin():
    subprocess.check_call(["open", "--", path])

def _show_file_linux():
    subprocess.check_call(["xdg-open", "--", path])

def _show_file_win32():
    subprocess.check_call(["explorer", "/select", path])

_show_file_func = {'darwin': _show_file_darwin, 
                   'linux': _show_file_linux,
                   'win32': _show_file_win32}

    show_file = _show_file_func[sys.platform]
except KeyError:
    raise UnsupportedPlatformException

# then call show_file() as usual

answered Apr 8, 2019 at 12:49

Reblochon Masque's user avatar

Reblochon MasqueReblochon Masque

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For Mac OS, you can use

import subprocess["open", "your/path"])

answered Jan 10 at 3:33

bingtanghuluwa's user avatar

I’m in Python, and I have the path of a certain folder. I want to open it using the default folder explorer for that system. For example, if it’s a Windows computer, I want to use Explorer, if it’s Linux, I want to use Nautilus or whatever is the default there, if it’s Mac, I want to use Finder.

How can I do that?

Jace Browning's user avatar

asked Jul 8, 2011 at 22:41

Ram Rachum's user avatar

Ram RachumRam Rachum

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I am surprised no one has mentioned using xdg-open for *nix which will work for both files and folders:

import os
import platform
import subprocess

def open_file(path):
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
    elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
        subprocess.Popen(["open", path])
        subprocess.Popen(["xdg-open", path])

answered Apr 24, 2013 at 23:36

Cas's user avatar


You can use subprocess.

import subprocess
import sys

if sys.platform == 'darwin':
    def openFolder(path):
        subprocess.check_call(['open', '--', path])
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
    def openFolder(path):
        subprocess.check_call(['xdg-open', '--', path])
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
    def openFolder(path):
        subprocess.check_call(['explorer', path])

answered Jul 8, 2011 at 22:46

Dietrich Epp's user avatar

Dietrich EppDietrich Epp

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The following works on Macintosh.

import webbrowser'file:///Users/test/test_folder')

On GNU/Linux, use the absolute path of the folder. (Make sure the folder exists)

import webbrowser'/home/test/test_folder')

As pointed out in the other answer, it works on Windows, too.

answered Sep 13, 2012 at 13:21

punchagan's user avatar


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I think you may have to detect the operating system, and then launch the relevant file explorer accordingly.

This could come in userful for OSX’s Finder: Python «show in finder»

(The below only works for windows unfortunately)

import webbrowser as wb'C:/path/to/folder')

This works on Windows. I assume it would work across other platforms. Can anyone confirm? Confirmed windows only :(

Community's user avatar

answered Jul 8, 2011 at 22:45

Acorn's user avatar


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One approach to something like this is maybe to prioritize readability, and prepare the code in such a manner that extracting abstractions is easy. You could take advantage of python higher order functions capabilities and go along these lines, throwing an exception if the proper function assignment cannot be made when a specific platform is not supported.

import subprocess
import sys

class UnsupportedPlatformException(Exception):

def _show_file_darwin():
    subprocess.check_call(["open", "--", path])

def _show_file_linux():
    subprocess.check_call(["xdg-open", "--", path])

def _show_file_win32():
    subprocess.check_call(["explorer", "/select", path])

_show_file_func = {'darwin': _show_file_darwin, 
                   'linux': _show_file_linux,
                   'win32': _show_file_win32}

    show_file = _show_file_func[sys.platform]
except KeyError:
    raise UnsupportedPlatformException

# then call show_file() as usual

answered Apr 8, 2019 at 12:49

Reblochon Masque's user avatar

Reblochon MasqueReblochon Masque

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For Mac OS, you can use

import subprocess["open", "your/path"])

answered Jan 10 at 3:33

bingtanghuluwa's user avatar

Я изучаю питон, и я немного застрял …

Это мой код:

import os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path

name = 'my_random_dir'

# Main
path2 = str(Path(__file__).parent.absolute())
var = path2 + "/" + name 
subprocess.Popen(r'explorer /select "{var}"')

Я хотел бы открыть каталог внутри сценария папки, который создается автоматически (это означает, что я не могу заранее знать имя этой папки, и мне нужно связать его с переменными)

Я пробовал такие вещи, как приведенный выше код, но я не нашел решения … есть ли способ открыть папку в проводнике Windows, если вы не знаете имя папки, и вам нужно его взять из переменных?

Этот сценарий запускает только проводник Windows и игнорирует мой путь … есть ли синтаксическая ошибка? Я плохо к этому подхожу?

1 ответ

Лучший ответ

Используйте этот скрипт

import os
path = "C:\Users\shafi\Desktop\PAPER"
path = os.path.realpath(path)

И он открывает папку БУМАГА

Не забудьте использовать // вместо /


Sadaf Shafi
19 Окт 2020 в 05:30

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#1 Март 13, 2009 16:52:32


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открыть папку через проводник..

необходимо из скрипта открыть папку..так чтоб ее содержимое отображалось в стандартном виндовом проводнике..


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#2 Март 13, 2009 17:38:15


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открыть папку через проводник..

Т.е. нужно вызвать из скрипта проводник — explorer “c:program Files”


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#3 Март 13, 2009 17:50:17


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открыть папку через проводник..

import subprocess
subprocess.Popen('explorer "%s"'%(PATH))


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#4 Дек. 8, 2016 16:15:32


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открыть папку через проводник..

не стал заводить новую тему, у меня такой вопрос, как вызвать проводник и через проводник указать путь к файлу. Такое окно есть в любой программе,Ctrl+O если нажать оно появляется.


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#5 Дек. 8, 2016 16:31:26


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открыть папку через проводник..



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