Qtiplot скачать бесплатно для windows полная версия

Download QtiPlot for free. QtiPlot is a user-friendly, platform independent data analysis and visualization application similar to the non-free Windows program Origin.

QtiPlot is a user-friendly, platform independent data analysis and visualization application similar to the non-free Windows program Origin.


  • Cross platform: works natively on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux/Unix systems
  • Fully Python scriptable
  • OpenGL based 3D plotting
  • Publication quality plots and easy export to various image formats (EMF, EPS, PS, PDF, SVG, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, etc …)
  • Easy integration with LaTeX typesetting system
  • Powerful and versatile spreadsheets with column-logic calculations and easy import/export of multiple files
  • Advanced statistical analysis: Student’s t-Test, ANOVA, chi-square test for variance, normality test (Shapiro-Wilk)
  • Linear and nonlinear curve fitting with weighting and estimation of statistical errors of the fit-parameters
  • Multi-peak fitting with Gaussian, Lorentzian and Psedo-Voigt peak profiles
  • Image analysis tools
  • Project files based on folders, a powerful project explorer with built-in drag and drop and searching facilities
  • Interoperability with OriginLab®: full import of Origin projects and export of QtiPlot projects as Origin C files
  • Easy data exchange with Microsoft Excel and main free office suits (LibreOffice and Appache OpenOffice)
  • Import of Matlab files, LabVIEW TDMS files, dBase, MySQL, SQLite and Microsoft Access databases


Other License

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User Ratings


out of 5 stars





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2 / 5

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3 / 5

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2 / 5

User Reviews

  • All
  • ★★★★★
  • ★★★★
  • ★★★
  • ★★
  • As other reviewers said, the application is no longer open-source and if you want to use it, you have to pay for it (except for the limited demo version). Which is fine, if that’s what you want, but for the rest of us LabPlot may be a better choice.

  • This is demo software and should be removed from this platform.

    2 users found this review helpful.

  • Not usable!
    This is a demo version with limited itme and usuage.
    At least an old full version must be uploaded.
    This demo version needs to be removed from SourceForge.

    4 users found this review helpful.

  • If this software is no longer freeware or in Public domain remove it from here. Sourceforge hosts only free to use software and tools.

    3 users found this review helpful.

  • There are other plotting softwares for macOS, usually they are very expensive. Qtiplot is an amazing software with an affordable price. Although SciDavis is free software, Qtiplot is much better maintained, and has less bug. By far, it works perfectly. It is a good alternative for Origin for macOS users. I would like to pay ~20 bucks for supporting the developers to further improve this amazing software. I hope the price for the future versions should still be affordable too. Keep going!
    How about Qtiplot for iPadOS? More and more people use ipad pro in school, if Qtiplot will be available for ipados, it’ll be fantastic!

Read more reviews >

Additional Project Details

Intended Audience

Science/Research, End Users/Desktop

Programming Language

Python, C++


Note: this is unofficial QtiPlot fork with full commit history. Commits after last QtiPlot release ( licensed under GPL on 2011-11-02 are included up to 2012-05-29 by original author Ion Vasilief. Further commits will be made to improve and maintain QtiPlot for future use.

QtiPlot — Installation Notes

Visit QtiPlot webpage


QtiPlot is distributed under the GNU General Public License. Thus it is «free software». «Free software» is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of «free» as in «free speech», not as in «free beer».
«Free software» is also often called Open Source, FOSS, or FLOSS.

General requirements

You need to install the following libraries:

  • Qt (>= 4.5.0) ,
  • GSL (GNU Scientific Library),
  • muParser (1.32),
  • zlib and
  • libpng.

You also need to build and install the slightly modified versions of the
Qwt (5.2) and
QwtPlot3D libraries which are shipped
with QtiPlot in the «3rdparty/qwt» and «3rdparty/qwtplot3d» folders respectively.

For the export of 2D plots to TeX, you need to download and install

If you need to convert random grid XYZ datasets to matrices you must download
and install
ALGLIB (2.6).

If you want to perform ANOVA statistic calculations you must download

If you need Python scripting support, don’t forget to download and install
SIP and

In order to build QtiPlot you also need qmake, which is distributed as a part of Qt.

Linux/Mac OS X

Binaries from maintenance contracts

Ion Vasilief offers supported QtiPlot binaries as Debian packages (for Debian, Ubuntu, …) as well as for Mac OS X (>= 10.4).
The packages provide all needed libraries, except Python and Qt (on Linux), which must be installed separately on your system.

QtiPlot Linux binaries free of charge

The QtiPlot team offers GNU/Linux binaries free of charge but without any guaranteed support.

To use this service, you need to subscribe to a maintenance contract.
You can find details about this QtiPlot download page.

To install the Debian package, download the file qtiplot_X.X.X_i386.deb and login to your machine as «root» (on Ubuntu, login as a normal user and prepend sudo), then open a terminal and execute the following command:
dpkg -i qtiplot_X.X.X_i386.deb

To install the binary package on Mac OS X, download the file qtiplot-X.X.X.pkg.zip, unzip it, double-click on the «qtiplot-X.X.X.pkg» file and follow the installation instructions.
Some time after each release, you will find these (including notes how to install them) on the
QtiPlot download page or in the files section at the QtiPlot project page at berliOS.

Compiling QtiPlot from source

  1. Install all the dependencies listed above either from your package manager or
    from the sources. If you are using precompiled packages, make sure you also
    install the corresponding development packages (*-dev or *-devel). If you want
    to display the manual from within QtiPlot (you can also view it with your
    favorite browser), you also need the Qt Assistant, which sometimes comes in a
    separate package (qt4-dev-tools for Ubuntu edgy).
  2. Open a terminal window.
  3. Download the .tar.bz2 archive with QtiPlot’s sources (or the .zip archive, which has the same contents):
    wget http://soft.proindependent.com/src/qtiplot-X.X.X.tar.bz2
  4. Unpack the source archive:
    tar -xvjf qtiplot-X.X.X.tar.bz2 (or unzip qtiplot-X.X.X.zip, respectively)
  5. Go to the main directory qtiplot-X.X.X:
    cd qtiplot-X.X.X
  6. Create a build.conf file. You can use the provided example for this:
    cp build.conf.example build.conf
  7. Open build.conf in your favorite editor. Near the bottom of the same file,
    either comment out the line SCRIPTING_LANGS += Python or make
    sure you have the following additional dependencies installed:
    SIP and
  8. Build qtiplot:
    qmake && make
  9. Install QtiPlot on your system (you need root privileges):
    sudo make install
    or, alternatively,
    su -c "make install"


Binaries from maintenance contracts

Ion Vasilief offers supported QtiPlot Windows binaries. In principle QtiPlot should work on any Windows version from 98 to Vista. But don’t expect it to run perfectly on older versions than 2000. For platform specific issues of Qt4 based applications see doc.trolltech.com.

To install:

  1. Download the qtiplot-X.X.X.exe file.
  2. Open a Windows Explorer, double click on ‘qtiplot-X.X.X.exe’ and follow the installation instructions.

Compiling QtiPlot from source

The compilation process requires the same steps as explained above in the Linux/Mac OS X section.

Forums and mailing lists

If you want to discuss QtiPlot with other users (or the developers) or if you are insterested in its further development, you can go to the relevant QtiPlot forum or subscribe to the appropriate QtiPlot mailing list.


Операционная система:

mac os



QtiPlot — наверное программное снабжение для разбора и визуализации научных этих. Имеет возможность употребляться для сотворения 2D и 3D графиков и охватывает огромное численность функций для разбора этих, таковых как аппроксимация кривых и т. п. При построении 3D-графиков рендеринг имеет возможность изготавливаться с внедрением OpenGL при поддержки библиотеки Qwt3D.


  • Размер 54.7 МБ
  • Версия
  • Стоимость Бесплатно для Windows
  • Разрядность
  • Совместимость Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
  • Язык Английский
  • Дата обновления 27.10.2018
  • Разработчик


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