Remote connection to mysql server windows

I have installed MySQL Community Edition 5.5 on my local machine and I want to allow remote connections so that I can connect from external source. How can I do that?

I had to this challenge when working on a Java Project with MySQL server as the database.

Here’s how I did it:

First, confirm that your MySQL server configuration to allow for remote connections. Use your preferred text editor to open the MySQL server configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

Scroll down to the bind-address line and ensure that is either commented out or replaced with (to allow all remote connections) or replaced with Ip-Addresses that you want remote connections from.

Once you make the necessary changes, save and exit the configuration file. Apply the changes made to the MySQL config file by restarting the MySQL service:

sudo systemctl restart mysql

Next, log into the MySQL server console on the server it was installed:

mysql -u root -p

Enter your mysql user password

Check the hosts that the user you want has access to already. In my case the user is root:

SELECT host FROM mysql.user WHERE user = "root";

This gave me this output:

| host      |
| localhost |

Next, I ran the command below to grant the root user remote access to the database named my_database:

USE my_database;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'my-password';

Note: % grants a user remote access from all hosts on a network. You can specify the Ip-Address of the individual hosts that you want to grant the user access from using the command — GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'Ip-Address' IDENTIFIED BY 'my-password';

Afterwhich I checked the hosts that the user now has access to. In my case the user is root:

SELECT host FROM mysql.user WHERE user = "root";

This gave me this output:

| host      |
| %         |
| localhost |

Finally, you can try connecting to the MySQL server from another server using the command:

mysql -u username -h mysql-server-ip-address -p

Where u represents user, h represents mysql-server-ip-address and p represents password. So in my case it was:

mysql -u root -h -p

Enter your mysql user password

You should get this output depending on your MySQL server version:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4
Server version: 5.7.31 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.


Resources: How to Allow Remote Connections to MySQL

That’s all.

I hope this helps


It is not uncommon to host databases and web servers on the same local machine. However, many organizations are now moving to a more distributed environment.

A separate database server can improve security, hardware performance, and enable you to scale resources quickly. In such use cases, learning how to manage remote resources effectively is a priority.

This tutorial shows you how to enable remote connections to a MySQL database.

MySQL database logo and a representation of a remote connection.


  • Access to a terminal window/command line
  • Remote MySQL server
  • Sudo or root privileges on local and remote machines

Note: If you do not have direct access to your MySQL server, you need to establish a secure SSH connection. In case you need assistance, we have prepared a comprehensive tutorial on how to use SSH to connect to a remote server. This article a must-read for anyone new to the process.

MySQL Server Remote Connection

Allowing connections to a remote MySQL server is set up in 3 steps:

1. Edit MySQL config file.

2. Configure firewall.

3. Connect to remote MySQL server.

Step 1: Edit MySQL Config File

1.1 Access mysqld.cnf File

Use your preferred text editor to open the mysqld.cnf file. This example uses the nano text editor in Ubuntu 18.04. Enter the following command in your command-line interface to access the MySQL server configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

The location of the file may vary based on the distribution and version in use. If the MySQL configuration file is not it its default location try using the Linux find command to detect it.

1.2 Change Bind-Address IP

You now have access to the MySQL server configuration file. Scroll down to the bind-address line and change the IP address. The current default IP is set to This IP limits MySQL connections to the local machine.

Location of the bind-address line in the MySQL config file.

The new IP should match the address of the machine that needs to access the MySQL server remotely. For example, if you bind MySQL to, then any machine that reaches the MySQL server can also connect with it.

Once you make the necessary changes, save and exit the configuration file.

Note: Remote access is additionally verified by using the correct credentials and user parameters you have defined for your MySQL users.

1.3 Restart MySQL Service

Apply the changes made to the MySQL config file by restarting the MySQL service:

sudo systemctl restart mysql

Next, your current firewall settings need to be adjusted to allow traffic to the default MySQL port.

Step 2: Set up Firewall to Allow Remote MySQL Connection

While editing the configuration file, you probably observed that the default MySQL port is 3306.

Default MySQL port number defined in config file.

If you have already configured a firewall on your MySQL server, you need to open traffic for this specific port. Follow the instructions below that correspond to your firewall service in use.

Option 1: UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)

UFW is the default firewall tool in Ubuntu. In a terminal window, type the following command to allow traffic and match the IP and port:

sudo ufw allow from remote_ip_address to any port 3306
Firewall rule added to firewall deamon.

The system confirms that the rules were successfully updated.

Option 2: FirewallD

The firewalld management tool in CentOS uses zones to dictate what traffic is to be allowed.

Create a new zone to set the rules for the MySQL server traffic. The name of the zone in our example is mysqlrule, and we used the IP address from our previous example

sudo firewall-cmd --new-zone=mysqlrule --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=mysqlrule --add-source=
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=mysqlrule --add-port=3306/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

You have successfully opened port 3306 on your firewall.

Option 3: Open Port 3306 with iptables

The iptables utility is available on most Linux distributions by default. Type the following command to open MySQL port 3306 to unrestricted traffic:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT

To limit access to a specific IP address, use the following command instead:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT

This command grants access to You would need to substitute it with the IP for your remote connection.

It is necessary to save the changes made to the iptables rules. In an Ubuntu-based distribution type the following commands:

sudo netfilter-persistent save
sudo netfilter-persistent reload

Note: If the previous commands do not work, try installing the program with:

sudo apt-get install iptables-persistent

Type the ensuing command to save the new iptables rules in CentOS:

service iptables save

Step 3: Connect to Remote MySQL Server

Your remote server is now ready to accept connections. Use the following command to establish a connection with your remote MySQL server:

mysql -u username -h mysql_server_ip -p

The -u username in the command represents your MySQL username. The -h mysql_server_ip is the IP or the hostname of your MySQL server. The -p option prompts you to enter the password for the MySQL username.

You should see an output similar to the one below:

Connection to mysql_server_ip 3306 port [tcp/mysql] succeeded!

How to Grant Remote Access to New MySQL Database?

If you do not have any databases yet, you can easily create a database by typing the following command in your MySQL shell:


To grant remote user access to a specific database:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON yourDB.* TO [email protected]'' IDENTIFIED BY 'password1';

The name of the database, the username, remote IP, and password need to match the information you want to use for the remote connection.

How to Grant Remote Access to Existing MySQL Database

Granting remote access to a user for an existing database requires a set of two commands:

update db set Host='' where Db='yourDB';
update user set Host='' where user='user1';

User1 is now able to access yourDB from a remote location identified by the IP


In this article, you have gained valuable insight into the general principles of a remote MySQL connection.

With the appropriate credentials, a user originating from the specified IP address can now access your MySQL server from a remote machine.

This article describes how to use a local computer to connect to your MySQL databases stored remotely on A2 Hosting servers.

Table of Contents

  • Choose a remote MySQL connection method
  • Method #1: Set up an SSH tunnel
    • Microsoft Windows
    • Mac OS X and Linux
  • Method #2: Set up a direct connection
  • Example ODBC connection
  • Troubleshooting
  • More Information

Choose a remote MySQL connection method

You can use either of the following methods to access your MySQL databases remotely:

  • SSH tunnel: This is the more secure method. You set up an SSH tunnel that forwards a port on your local computer to the remote MySQL server. The MySQL traffic is encrypted by the SSH tunnel.
  • Direct connection: You can set up a direct connection between your local computer and the remote MySQL server. Although it is easier to configure, it is not as secure.

After you have set up a remote MySQL connection, you can use a MySQL client application to manage your databases. For more information, please see this article.

Method #1: Set up an SSH tunnel

The procedure you follow to set up an SSH tunnel between your local computer and the A2 Hosting server depends on the local computer’s operating system.

Microsoft Windows

In order to use an SSH tunnel on a computer running Microsoft Windows, you need an SSH client program. A2 Hosting recommends using PuTTY, which you can download here. After you have downloaded the PuTTY executable to your local computer, you can set up an SSH tunnel.

To set up an SSH tunnel on a computer running Microsoft Windows:

  1. Start PuTTY.
  2. In the Category pane, expand Connection, expand SSH, and then click Tunnels.
  3. In the Source port text box of the Port Forwarding section, type 3306.  This is the local port to forward.In the Destination text box, type localhost:3306.
  4. Confirm that the Local and Auto radio buttons are selected.
  5. Click Add:

    Putty configuration window for tunnel.

  6. In the Category pane, click Session.
  7. In the Host Name (or IP address) text box, type your web site’s domain name or IP address.
  8. In the Port text box, type 7822.
  9. Confirm that the Connection type radio button is set to SSH.
  10. Click Open:

    Putty configuration panel for session.

  11. If a PuTTY security alert about the server’s host key appears, click Yes.
  12. When the login as prompt appears, type your A2 Hosting username, and then type your password.
  13. When the remote server’s command line prompt appears, the SSH tunnel is established and you can use your MySQL client applications on the local computer.

    To verify that PuTTY is forwarding ports correctly, you can click the icon in the top-left corner of the PuTTY session window, and then click Event Log. If port forwarding is working correctly, you see a line similar to:

    Local port 3306 forwarding to localhost:3306

Mac OS X and Linux

To establish an SSH tunnel on a computer running Mac OS X or Linux:

  1. Open a terminal window and type the following command at the command line. Replace username with your A2 Hosting username, and replace with your site’s domain name:
    ssh -p 7822 -L 3306:localhost:3306
  2. Type your password, and then press Enter. When the remote server’s command line prompt appears, the SSH tunnel is established and you can use your MySQL client applications on the local computer.

Method #2: Set up a direct connection

To set up a direct connection between your local computer and the MySQL server, you must enable remote MySQL access in cPanel. For information about how to do this, please see this article.

Example ODBC connection

The following procedure demonstrates how to configure a remote ODBC connection:

  1. Launch the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
  2. Click Add to add a new data source.
  3. In the Create New Data Source dialog box, click the MySQL ODBC driver.
  4. Click Finish to start the MySQL Connector/ODBC Data Source Configuration.
  5. On the MySQL Connector/ODBC Data Source Configuration dialog box, in the Data Source Name text box, type a descriptive name for the data source.
  6. Confirm that TCP/IP Server is selected.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • If you are using an SSH tunnel, in the TCP/IP Server text box, type localhost.
    • If you are using a direct connection, in the TCP/IP Server text box, type the domain or IP address of the remote server.
  8. In the Port text box, type 3306.
  9. In the User text box, type a database username that can connect to the remote database.
  10. In the Password text box, type the password for the username.
  11. To test the connection, click Test:

    Dialog box for MySQL Connector/ODBC Data Source Configuration

  12. Optionally, you can use the Database list box to select an initial database for the connection.
  13. To complete the configuration, click OK.


If you are doing development work on the local computer, a local copy of MySQL may already be running on port 3306. In this case, the following connection error appears:

Error message with local port conflict.

To work around this issue, create a tunnel with an alternate local port, and then connect to the remote MySQL server on that port.

  1. If you use Putty to create the tunnel, use an alternate Source port on the Tunnels configuration page. In this example, port 3307 is being used:

    Putty tunnel configuration with alternate port.

    The session configuration does not change.

  2. For Mac OS X or Linux, use the following SSH command to create the tunnel with a local port of 3307. Replace username with your A2 Hosting username, and replace with your site’s domain name:

    ssh -p 7822 -L 3307:localhost:3306
  3. Create the ODBC connection as previously described, but type 3307 in the Port text box (instead of 3306).

    Dialog box for MySQL Connector/ODBC Data Source Configuration with alternate port.

  4. You should now be able to connect.

More Information

To view the online documentation for PuTTY, please visit

5 years late to the party, but the only answer appearing here while accurate left me feeling unsatisfied.

The reason is that the OP in a comment asked » if i have to specify a single ip address to connect from, whats the point in creating a user with wildcard «%»? Am i not restricting the server to allow connections from a specified host against to the given privilege of user that he can connect virtually from anywhere?»

There seems to be some confusion regarding several issues including the purpose of the bind address and the difference between connecting FROM vs connecting TO.

From the docs… «The MySQL server listens on a single network socket for TCP/IP connections. This socket is bound to a single address, but it is possible for an address to map onto multiple network interfaces.»

Simply put, the server binds to one and only one address. The client can only connect where the server is listening for a connection attempt. The client connects TO the server. The server receives connection attempts FROM clients. If the client is connecting FROM, then the server must allow that host — — in the grant tables if the connection is to succeed.

That is why Derek Downey stated:

Look in your mysql.user table on the Linux MySQL server for a user
entry with the user/host combination of your windows machine:

SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user WHERE User=’my_user’ AND

If that doesn’t return a result, you’ll need to add that user.

So «lo» is an interface and it’s the interface associated with localhost/ localhost is mapped to in /etc/hosts — though some distributions add some new constructs which I won’t go into here. eth0 was an ethernet interface at one time, now it’s something like enp5s0 (at least on ubuntu). That interface is associated with your other address such as or and is generally associated with your physical Network Interface Card (NIC).

When a client wants to connect, it specifies where it wants to connect TO — what address and port. The server is listening on the bind address and the configured port (3306 by default). Since it is possible for an address to map onto multiple network interfaces, the server can listen on multiple IP addresses that are associated with said interfaces.

Next, there’s the grant tables. The grant tables specify which clients are allowed to connect — and that’s where you add your client. If only user@localhost is allowed, then remote connections will fail. The OP stated he tried user@% as a test, so that indicates the OP’s issue is somewhere else. I’m not a security expert, but I think that’s probably safe (secure as the user’s password) as long as you don’t use root or another privileged user as your «user». Otherwise, someone can beat on your account remotely. Best to specify specific hosts to allow if you’re security conscious.

I would guess that you have an anonymous user in your table and your client matches that first. Solution: Delete that user. Use «SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user» to see what users are in the table. You might be surprised at what you see. Make sure you understand why each row is in the table.

This post is far too long at this point, so look elsewhere to secure your installation. Here’s a good starting point though now that it’s 5 years later, it is of course a later version than the OP was using:
It provides more details on the mentioned anonymous user.
Below copied from

The MySQL server listens on a single network socket for TCP/IP
connections. This socket is bound to a single address, but it is
possible for an address to map onto multiple network interfaces. To
specify an address, use the —bind-address=addr option at server
startup, where addr is an IPv4 or IPv6 address or a host name. If addr
is a host name, the server resolves the name to an IP address and
binds to that address.

The server treats different types of addresses as follows:

If the address is *, the server accepts TCP/IP connections on all server host IPv6 and IPv4 interfaces if the server host supports IPv6,

or accepts TCP/IP connections on all IPv4 addresses otherwise. Use
this address to permit both IPv4 and IPv6 connections on all server
interfaces. This value is the default.

If the address is, the server accepts TCP/IP connections on all server host IPv4 interfaces.

If the address is ::, the server accepts TCP/IP connections on all server host IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces.

If the address is an IPv4-mapped address, the server accepts TCP/IP connections for that address, in either IPv4 or IPv6 format.

For example, if the server is bound to ::ffff:, clients can
connect using —host= or —host=::ffff:

If the address is a “regular” IPv4 or IPv6 address (such as or ::1), the server accepts TCP/IP connections only for that IPv4 or IPv6 address. 

If you intend to bind the server to a specific address, be sure that
the mysql.user grant table contains an account with administrative
privileges that you can use to connect to that address. Otherwise, you
will not be able to shut down the server. For example, if you bind the
server to *, you can connect to it using all existing accounts. But if
you bind the server to ::1, it accepts connections only on that
address. In that case, first make sure that the ‘root’@’::1′ account
is present in the mysql.user table so you can still connect to the
server to shut it down.

Usually remote access to MySQL database server is disabled for security reasons. However, some time you need to provide remote access to MySQL database server from home or a web server. You can follow these steps to enable it.

Step 1 : Log in using SSH (if server is outside your environment or intranet)

First, login over ssh to remote MySQL database server from windows using PuTTy or from Linux using SSH

Step 2 : Edit the my.cnf file

Once connected you need to edit the MySQL server configuration file my.cnf using a text editor such as vi:

  • On Debian Linux file is located at /etc/mysql/my.cnf location.
  • On Red Hat Linux/Fedora/Centos Linux file is located at /etc/my.cnflocation.

To edit /etc/my.cnf, run:

# vi /etc/my.cnf
  • On Windows, my.ini file is located at C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server X.Y (X.Y is version number of MySQL server)

For windows, open my.ini file in notepad

Step 3: Once file is opened, locate line that reads as follows


Make sure line skip-networking is commented (or remove line) and add following line


For example, if your MySQL server IP is then entire block will look like as follows:

user            = mysql
pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port            = 3306
basedir         = /usr
datadir         = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir          = /tmp
language        = /usr/share/mysql/English
bind-address    =
# skip-networking


  • bind-address: IP address to bind to.
  • skip-networking : Don’t listen for TCP/IP connections at all. All interaction with mysqld must be made via Unix sockets. This option is highly recommended for systems where only local requests are allowed. Since you need to allow remote connection this line should be removed from my.cnf or commented.

Step 4: Save and Close the file

On Debian / Ubuntu Linux, type the following command to restart the mysql server:

# /etc/init.d/mysql restart

On RHEL / CentOS / Fedora / Scientific Linux, type the following command to restart the mysql server:

# /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

On Windows, open command prompt as Administrator and type

net stop MySQL
net start MySQL

Step 5: Grant access to remote IP address

Grant access to a new database

If you want to add a new database called foo for user bar and remote IP then you need to type the following commands at mysql prompt:


Grant Access To An Existing Database

Let us assume that you are always making connection from remote IP called to database called webdb for user webadmin. To grant access to this IP address for existing database type the following command at mysql prompt:

mysql> update db set Host='' where Db='webdb';
mysql> update user set Host='' where user='webadmin';

Step 6: Logout of MySQL

Type exit command to logout of mysql:

mysql> exit

Step 7: Open port 3306

A sample iptables rule to open Linux iptables firewall

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --destination-port 3306 -j ACCEPT

OR only allow remote connection from your web server located at

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -p tcp --destination-port 3306 -j ACCEPT

OR only allow remote connection from your lan subnet

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -p tcp --destination-port 3306 -j ACCEPT

Finally save all rules (RHEL / CentOS specific command):
# service iptables save

On windows, go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall > Add inbound rule for port 3306

Step 8: Test remote access to MySQL database

From your remote system or your desktop type the following command:

$ mysql -u webadmin –h –p

On windows, run the MySQL command-line program, and log in as an administrator by typing the following command from the MySQL root folder (e.g Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.5bin):

C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.5bin>mysql -u webadmin –h –p


  • -u webadmin: webadmin is MySQL username
  • -h IP or hostname: is MySQL server IP address or hostname (FQDN)
  • -p : Prompt for password

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