Remove this item from the windows registry перевод

Примеры перевода, содержащие „remove this item“ – Русско-английский словарь и система поиска по миллионам русских переводов.

GRPE agreed to remove this item from its agenda.

GRPE решила исключить этот пункт из своей повестки дня.

It also did not recall that there

had been an agreement to remove this item from the Agenda for the […]

next session.

Делегация также заявила, что не помнит, чтобы

Комитет принимал решение удалить пункт из повестки дня следующей […]


GRE noted that no new proposal

was available and agreed to remove this item from the agenda of its October […]

2010 session.

GRE констатировала отсутствие

каких-либо новых предложений и решила исключить этот пункт из повестки дня своей […]

сессии в октябре 2010 года.

Remove this item when it is no longer applied» can remove preference settings when the user or computer falls out of scope of management.

Удалить этот элемент, когда он больше не применяется«. С помощью этой опции можно удалить параметр привилегии, когда пользователь или компьютер выходит за рамки […]

области управления.

The function will

return the iterator to the first trash item, so if we want to remove these trash items, we need to write the code: «v.erase(remove(v.begin(), v.end(), […]

2), v.end())».

При этом функция вернет итератор на первый

мусорный элемент, и если мы хотим удалить эти мусорные элементы, то должны написать код: «v.erase(remove(v.begin(), v.end(), 2), v.end())».

At the 3rd meeting, the

SBI agreed to consider this item along with the SBSTA 29 […]

agenda item 10, “Matters relating to Article


2, paragraph 3, of the Kyoto Protocol”, in a joint contact group co-chaired by Ms. Kristin Tilley (Australia) and Mr. Kamel Djemouai (Algeria).

На 3-м заседании ВОО принял

решение рассмотреть данный пункт вместе с пунктом 10 повестки […]

дня ВОКНТА 29, «Вопросы, связанные


с пунктом 3 статьи 2 Киотского протокола», в рамках совместной контактной группы под сопредседательством г-жи Кристины Килли (Австралия) и г-на Камеля Джемуаи (Алжир).

At its 3rd meeting, the

SBSTA agreed to consider this item together with SBI 34 […]

agenda item 10, “Matters relating to Article


3, paragraph 14, of the Kyoto Protocol”, in a joint contact group, co-chaired by Mr. Eduardo Calvo Buendia (Peru) and Ms. Anastasia Theodorou (Hungary).

На своем 3-м заседании ВОКНТА

принял решение рассмотреть этот пункт вместе с пунктом 10 […]

повестки дня ВОО 34 «Вопросы, связанные


с пунктом 14 статьи 3 Киотского протокола», в рамках совместной контактной группы под сопредседательством г-на Эдуардо Кальво Буэндиа (Перу) и г-жи Анастасии Теодору (Венгрия).

In accordance with paragraph 3(c) of 167


EX/Decision 4.2, the Executive

Board decided to remove from the agenda the item relating to “Recent […]

decisions and activities


of the organizations of the United Nations system of relevance to the work of UNESCO” and include the relevant information on the subject in the report by the Director-General on the Executive Board of the Programme and Budget (C/5).

В соответствии с пунктом 3 (с)


решения 167 ЕХ/4.2,

Исполнительный совет постановил исключить из повестки дня пункт «Последние […]

решения и мероприятия организаций


системы Организации Объединенных Наций, имеющие отношение к деятельности ЮНЕСКО» и включить соответствующую информацию по этому вопросу в доклад Генерального директора о выполнении программы и исполнении бюджета (документ С/5).

However, the Delegation stressed that the

Committee had also not agreed to remove the item from the Agenda for the […]

next session.

Однако делегация подчеркнула, что Комитет

также не принимал решения удалить пункт из повестки дня следующей […]


If the worker or authorized representative fails to appear a second time without good


reason, the

committee may rule to remove the issue from the review process, but this does not deny […]

the worker the right


to apply again for the labour dispute to be reviewed, provided that it is within the time frame established by the current Labour Code.

В случае вторичной неявки работника или его


представителя без

уважительных причин комиссия может вынести решение о снятии вопроса с рассмотрения, что […]

не лишает работника


права подать заявление о рассмотрении трудового спора повторно в пределах срока, установленного настоящим Кодексом.

The six months provided for in the Rules of Procedure were enough for us; those of us who are members of the Commonwealth group will recall that in fact this first started being discussed very


early this year, as early as January or February,

and we were thus able to transmit comments on this item to our capitals.

Предусмотренных в Правилах процедуры шести месяцев нам было достаточно; те из нас, кто является членами группы Содружества, наверняка помнят, что впервые этот вопрос начал обсуждаться в самом начале этого года,


то есть уже в январе или

феврале, и что у нас поэтому была возможность передать высказанные по этому […]

пункту замечания в наши столицы.

It made suggestions for several changes in the

presentation of data on this item in future sessions including: […]

a more visible presentation


of the savings that would be derived from IPA actions; improved formatting to align explanatory text adjacent to tabular presentation; and finally, an account of actual expenditures against forecasts and available budget.

Он предложил внести несколько изменений

в представление данных по этому пункту повестки дня на его […]

будущих сессиях, включая: более


видимое представление экономии, которая будет достигнута за счет реализации мероприятий СПД; улучшение формата для соотнесения пояснительной и табличной частей текста; и наконец, представление отчета о фактических издержках в сопоставлении с прогнозами и наличным бюджетом.

Given the uncertain and fluid economic situation, the Advisory Committee believes that a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of economic factors and the assumptions underpinning the cost estimates is an essential means


for gaining a better understanding of the risks of the project

and would greatly facilitate consideration of this item.

Учитывая неопределенность и нестабильность экономического положения, Консультативный комитет считает, что всеобъемлющий анализ изменений экономических факторов и предположений, положенных в основу сметы расходов, является важным


средством обеспечения более полного

понимания связанных с проектом рисков и значительно облегчит рассмотрение […]

этого вопроса.

The representative of the

Director-General introduced this item by stating that at its 33rd […]

session, the General Conference


adopted 33 C/Resolution 33, in which it welcomed the proposal by the Government of the Republic of Colombia to establish the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management for Latin America and the Caribbean in Cali, Colombia, under the auspices of UNESCO and in line with its programme on water management.

Представитель Генерального

директора кратко изложил этот пункт, отметив, что на своей 33-й […]

сессии Генеральная конференция


приняла резолюцию 33 С/33, в которой она приветствовала предложение правительства Республики Колумбия о создании в Кали (Колумбия) Регионального центра по управлению водными ресурсами в городах для Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна под эгидой ЮНЕСКО в соответствии с ее программой по управлению водными ресурсами.

Item 6 This chapter contains important hints […]

for the safety conscious operation of the machine.

Позиция 6 Эта глава содержит важные указания […]

для безопасной эксплуатации машины.

(c) remove from the agenda the item relating to “Recent decisions and activities […]

of the organizations of the United Nations


system of relevance to the work of UNESCO” and include the relevant information on the subject in the report by the Director-General on the execution of the programme and budget (C/5).

(c) исключить из повестки дня пункт «Последние решения и мероприятия организаций […]

системы Организации Объединенных Наций,


имеющие отношение к деятельности ЮНЕСКО», и включать относящуюся к этому вопросу информацию в доклад Генерального директора о выполнении программы и исполнении бюджета (C/5).

The Court therefore ordered the university to remove this as a criterion for the allocation of housing in dormitories.

В соответствии с этим суд предписал университету отменить данное требование при распределении жилых помещений в общежитиях.

You can customize the listings by removing an item from the list using the Remove or button or adding a previously removed item back to the list using the Add button.

Можно упорядочить объекты с помощью кнопок , которые находятся под соответствующими полями.

For example, in its extension request submitted in 2008, Yemen reported that some of the remaining mined areas are in Yemen’s Hadramout governorate where there is a great potential for oil exploration


and therefore that

completing implementation will remove a barrier to this important development initiative […]

and help reduce


Yemen’s dependence on imported oil.

Например, в своем запросе на продление, представленном в 2008 году, Йемен сообщил, что некоторые из остающихся минных районов находятся в йеменской провинции Хадрамаут,


где имеется большой

потенциал для нефтеразведки, и поэтому завершение осуществления устранит барьер […]

к этой важной инициативе


в сфере развития и поможет уменьшить зависимость Йемена от импортируемой нефти.

If you want to delete any item, select the item and click Remove on the top of the cart listing.

Если вы хотите удалить любой элемент, выберите элемент и нажмите кнопку «Удалить» в верхней части корзины листинга.

The Committee decided that, unless it decided otherwise at a later

stage, it would be best to remove this section from the concluding […]


Комитет постановил, что если им


не будет принято иного решения на более позднем

этапе, то лучше всего исключить этот раздел из заключительных […]


At its 4th meeting, the SBI agreed to

continue consideration of this item at its thirtyfifth session, […]

on the basis of the draft text


contained in annex III, with a view to recommending a draft decision on this matter for adoption by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) at its seventh session.

На своем 4-м заседании ВОО принял решение

продолжить рассмотрение этого пункта на своей тридцать пятой […]

сессии на основе текста, содержащегося


в приложении III, с тем чтобы рекомендовать проект решения по этому вопросу для принятия Конференцией Сторон, действующей в качестве совещания Сторон Киотского протокола (КС/СС), на ее седьмой сессии.

Delete: allows you to remove the currently selected item from the Format list.

Удаление: удаляет выбранный элемент из списка ‘Формат’.

This item will allow us to collectively develop […]

that broader vision of a common purpose, which has been lacking in recent


times and which would allow us to consolidate the positive developments while addressing the substantial challenges in the area of disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control.

Этот пункт позволит нам коллективно разрабатывать […]

широкое видение общей цели, которого не хватает в последнее время и которое


позволит нам консолидировать позитивные события при преодолении существенных проблем в области разоружения, нераспространения и контроля над вооружениями.

Under this item, the commission will consider the […]

report of the twenty-sixth session on of the Intergovernmental Working


Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (ISAR), which focused on the review of practical implementation issues of international financial reporting standards, accounting by small and medium-sized enterprises, and corporate governance and corporate responsibility reporting.

По этому пункту Комиссия рассмотрит доклад о работе […]

двадцать шестой сессии Межправительственной рабочей группы экспертов


по международным стандартам учета и отчетности (МСУО), которая была посвящена обзору вопросов практического применения международных стандартов финансовой отчетности, вопросам учета на малых и средних предприятиях, корпоративного управления и вопросам отчетности по вопросам корпоративной ответственности.

You can specify the quantity of the orderd

product(s), you can also remove an item from your shopping […]

cart or add another product.

Вы можете указать количество продуктов которые

Вы хотите заказать, а также удалить продукт из корзины […]

и/или добавить новый продукт.

Introducing this item, the President stated that the CDM is a […]

unique mechanism that has played a crucial role in supporting


the contribution of Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties) that are also Parties to the Kyoto Protocol towards mitigation efforts and has also contributed to the sustainable development goals of developing countries that host CDM projects.

Представляя данный пункт повестки дня, Председатель напомнила, […]

что МЧР является уникальным механизмом, который играет ключевую


роль в оказании поддержки вкладу Сторон, включенных в приложение I к Конвенции (Сторон, включенных в приложение I), которые являются также Сторонами Киотского протокола, в усилия по предотвращению изменения климата, а также содействует достижению целей устойчивого развития развивающихся стран, в которых осуществляются проекты МЧР.

With the CARDUCTION set to Low

power, slowly move the pad over the item that you want to remove in a small circular or back and forth motion.

При установке CARDUCTION 33 на низкую мощность,

медленно двигайте прокладку над предметом, который вы хотите удалить движениями по кругу или вперед-назад.

Ireland welcomed Sierra Leone’s de facto


moratorium on the use of death penalty but noted that much

work remained to permanently remove this punishment from legislation.

Ирландия приветствовала введенный Сьерра-Леоне мораторий де-факто на применение смертной казни, но


отметила, что предстоит еще

большая работа для исключения навсегда этого вида наказания из национального […]


The proposal did not receive the support of GRE and

it was agreed to remove the item from the agenda […]

of the next session.

Данное предложение не встретило поддержки со стороны GRE, и

было решено исключить этот пункт из повестки дня […]

следующей сессии.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Suppose you have a consumer-producer relationship where one routine creates items and adds them to a queue and another removes items from the queue and uses them.

Предположим, необходимо реализовать отношение между потребителем и производителем, где одна часть программы производит элементы и помещает их в очередь, а другая удаляет их и использует.

COMODO Registry Cleaner removes items from the Windows Registry which are no longer in use or are unwanted on the system.

COMODO Registry Cleaner удаляет элементы из реестра Windows, которые являются нежелательными или больше не используются.

Другие результаты

You can easily remove items from the cart if you don’t want to purchase them now.

Вот теперь можно смело удалять товар из корзины, если вы не хотите покупать его прямо сейчас.

Customers must be able to add and remove items from a shopping basket.

If you do not remove items from your balcony, we will not be held responsible for any lost or damaged personal property.

Если вы не уберете вещи с балкона, мы не будем нести ответственность за потерю или повреждение личного имущества.

This is also used to remove items from the air within a room or building.

I began to remove items from the bas when another shopper handed me a $20 bill.

The global company will also remove items from its website that resemble assault-style rifles, including toy and airsoft guns.

Therefore, if you buy such things, hold them under running water — is the best way to remove items from someone else’s field.

Покупая такие вещи, подержите их в проточной воде — это лучший способ убрать с предметов чужое поле.

That allows the system to identify products as consumers remove items from shelves and to automatically charge them upon leaving the store, along with sending an itemized receipt.

Это позволит системе идентифицировать продукты по мере того, как потребители будут забирать товары с полок и автоматически взимать оплату с покупателя при выходе из магазина, а также отправлять ему детализированную квитанцию.

failure to remove items from the environment that a patient can use to commit suicide

Устранить из палаты все предметы, которые пациент мог бы использовать для совершения самоубийства.

remove items from cabinets and pack them in vacuum bags for further washing

вынуть из шкафов вещи и запаковать их в вакуумные пакеты с целью дальнейшей стирки

HijackThis makes no separation between safe and unsafe settings in its scan results giving you the ability to selectively remove items from your machine.

HijackThis не делает различия между безопасными и небезопасными настройками и в своих результатах сканирования дает вам возможность выборочно удалять подозрительные элементы из вашей машины.

When archaeologists remove items from the ground in the course of field work, they brush off the soil adhering to the finds and sometimes even wash objects.

Когда археологи в процессе раскопок извлекают артефакты из земли, они убирают грунт, приставший к находкам, а иногда моют их.

HijackThis makes no separation between safe and unsafe settings in its scan results giving you the ability to selectively remove items from your machine.

HijackThis не разделяет безопасные и небезопасные параметры в отчете, позволяя выборочно удалять объекты.

The FSA is now working with local authorities to remove items from shelves that do not comply with the EU Novel Food Regulations.

ССА сейчас работает с местными властями, чтобы удалить предметы с полок, которые не соответствуют Романа нормам ЕС продукты питания.

Remove unnecessary items from the bedrooms.

You can remove items from the Allowed Items list at any time.

For example: atomic {if (queueSize > 0) {remove item from queue and use it} else {retry}} This ability to retry dynamically late in the transaction simplifies the programming model and opens up new possibilities.

Пример: atomic {if (queueSize > 0) {remove item from queue and use it} else {retry}} Эта способность динамического повторения в конце транзакции упрощает модель программирования и открывает новые возможности.

GRRF agreed to remove this item from the agenda.

Никакой новой информации по этому пункту представлено не было. GRRF решила исключить этот пункт из повестки дня.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 3743. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 231 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

This article applies to Windows 2000. Support for Windows 2000 ends on July 13, 2010. The Windows 2000 End-of-Support Solution Center is a starting point for planning your migration strategy from Windows 2000. For more information see the Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy.


This article describes how to manually remove items from the Add/Remove Programs tool if the item is still displayed after you try to remove the item from Add/Remove Programs.

More Information

Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

322756 How to back up and restore the registry in Windows
Programs that are compatible with Windows may have an uninstallation program or feature. The Add/Remove programs tool lists all of the Windows-compatible programs that have an uninstall program or feature. You may need to manually remove the program from the Add/Remove Programs list if you uninstall a program and the registry key that is used to display the program name is not removed correctly:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then press ENTER.

  2. Locate and click the following registry key:


  3. After you click the Uninstall registry key, click Export Registry File on the Registry menu.

  4. In the Export Registry File dialog box, click Desktop in the Save in box, type uninstall in the File name box, and then click Save.

  5. Each key under Uninstall represents a program that appears in Add/Remove Programs. To determine which program that each key represents, click the key, and then view the following values:

    DisplayName — the value data for the DisplayName key is the name that is listed in Add/Remove Programs


    UninstallString — the value data for the UninstallString key is the program that is used to uninstall the program

  6. After you identify the registry key that represents the program that is still in Add/Remove Programs, right-click the key, and then click Delete.

  7. After you delete the key, click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.

  8. In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.

  9. In Add/Remove Programs, verify that the program for which you deleted the registry key is not listed.

  10. If the program list is not correct in Add/Remove Programs, you can double-click the Uninstall.reg file on your desktop to restore the original list of programs in the registry.

  11. If the program list is correct in Add/Remove Programs, you can right-click the Uninstall.reg file on your desktop, and then click Delete.

Need more help?

How to Delete Windows Registry Files Manually (5 Steps)

  1. Click “Start” on your task bar.
  2. Click “Run” in the menu that appears.
  3. Type “C:WindowsSystem32Config” in the box that appears.
  4. Right-click the registry file you want to delete in the folder that appears.
  5. Click “Delete” in the menu that appears.

Can I delete files in registry?

Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then press ENTER. After you click the Uninstall registry key, click Export Registry File on the Registry menu. … After you identify the registry key that represents the program that is still in Add/Remove Programs, right-click the key, and then click Delete.

How do I remove a device from my registry?

How can I remove a device driver?

  1. Stop the service or device driver. …
  2. Start the registry editor (regedt32.exe).
  3. Move to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices.
  4. Find the registry key that corresponds to the service or device driver that you want to delete.
  5. Select the key.
  6. From the Edit menu, choose Delete.

How do I remove leftover registry keys?

Method 1: Manually Remove Software Leftover Files After Uninstall

  1. Launch Windows Registry by pressing Win + R keys, inputting registry and clicking OK.
  3. If you find the key with the name of the uninstalled program, delete it.

How do I delete old registry files?

To launch regedit, hit the Windows key + R, type “regedit” without the quotes, and press enter. Then, navigate to the problem key and delete it like you would with any regular file. Again, be very careful, and only do this if you’re absolutely sure that an erroneous registry entry is the heart of your problem.

What happens if you delete Windows registry?

So yes, deleting stuff from the registry will absolutely positively kill Windows. And unless you have a backup, restoring it is impossible. … If you remove this information, Windows will be unable to find and load critical system files and thus be unable to boot.

How do I delete an app that won’t uninstall?

I. Disable Apps in Settings

  1. On your Android phone, open Settings.
  2. Navigate to Apps or Manage Applications and select All Apps (may vary depending on your phone’s make and model).
  3. Now, look for the apps that you want to remove. Can’t find it? …
  4. Tap the app name and click on Disable. Confirm when prompted.

How do I manually uninstall a driver?

Click Start, type Device Manager, and press Enter. Find and double-click the category of device whose driver you wish to uninstall (for example, the graphics card would be listed under Display Adapters). Right-click the device, and click Uninstall. Windows will prompt you to confirm the device’s removal.

How disable Bluetooth in Regedit?

Solution 2: Disable Bluetooth by Registry Editor

  1. Press Windows + S to launch your computer’s start menu and type “run”. Open the first result which comes forward. …
  2. Once the Run application is opened, type “regedit” and hit Enter.
  3. A new window of Registry Editor will be opened.

How do I remove a Bluetooth device from the Registry Windows 10?

– Right click on Bluetooth service and press Stop. – Press Windows key + R and type in regedit and click on Enter. – Look at the right pane to check if the Bluetooth keyboard is listed there. If yes, right click on the same and choose Delete.

What is a good registry cleaner for Windows 10?

Listed below are the best registry cleaner software for Windows:

  • iolo System Mechanic.
  • Restoro.
  • Outbyte PC Repair.
  • Defencebyte.
  • Advanced SystemCare.
  • CCleaner.
  • Auslogics Registry Cleaner.
  • Wise Registry Cleaner.

Is CCleaner safe?

Yes! CCleaner is an optimization app designed to improve the performance of your devices. It’s built to clean to a safe maximum so it won’t damage your software or hardware, and it’s very safe to use.

How do I completely remove TeamViewer?


  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Under Programs click the Uninstall a Program link.
  3. Select the TeamViewer program and right click then select Uninstall/Change.
  4. Follow the prompts to finish the uninstallation of the software.

Context menu is a menu that appears when you perform a right-click on Windows 10 or other Windows versions. The number of items available on the context menu is not the same on each PC. It depends on the number of apps you have. The more apps you have, the more options available on the context menu as well. If you think that context menu displays too many items, in which make it looks cluttered, you can remove the ones you never use.

Sometimes, some apps failed to remove its item from the context menu even if you have removed the concerned app. In general, there are two ways to remove an item from the context menu: by editing the Windows Registry and using a third party app. In this article, we will show you how to remove an item from context menu using the first method.

Since Registry is sensitive enough, make sure to backup it first before making any change.

Removing context menu items via Registry

To get started, open the Registry Editor. You can do that by pressing the Ctrl+R keys on keyboard and type regedit on the Run dialog box and hit enter.

You will need a little effort to find the context menu items you want to remove because they are located on the different locations on Windows Registry. You can find them on one of the following locations.


You can use the left panel to go to the paths above.

On this example, we are going to remove a context menu item from the Droplr app.

On our case, the Registry key that shows Droplr context menu item is located on the following path.


Once you found the key, you can simply delete it and the menu item handled by this key will disappear from the context menu. Right-click and select Delete to delete the key.

There is an additional option you can take. Instead of deleting the key, in which will remove the item on the context menu, you can add a new string to disable the menu item. This option allows you to get the menu item back in case you change your mind.

To add a new string, select the key you want to disable on the left panel. Click the Edit menu and select New -> String Value.

Name the string value “LegacyDisable”.

As soon as you create the LegacyDisable value, the change should be immediate. Try to right-click a file or folder on File Explorer and you should not see the menu item anymore.

If you think that editing Registry is too risky since you haven’t familiarized, you might want to use a third party app instead. NirSoft is one of the utility app you can use in this case.

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While the right-click context menu on Windows 10 is very handy as it lets us access the quick actions contextually. Some programs add more items to the context menu and make it cluttered. Fortunately, it’s easy to remove or add a program and edit the right-click context menu on Windows 10 via the Registry editor and context menu customizer programs like Nirsoft ShellMenuView, Easy Context Menu, Context Menu Tuner, and CCleaner.

All operating systems support the context menu feature as it’s an essential tool that offers relevant options based on file types and programs. The longer the context menu is, the more time-taking and confusing it becomes. Therefore it’s a good idea to clean the Windows context menu for a better experience. As you can see below, the context menu for a folder with images on my PC has 28 items most of which (the highlighted ones) I probably never use.

right-click context menu windows 10

If you are not comfortable with right-click, there’s a way to swap the left and right mouse buttons’ functions on Windows.

While I feel like getting rid of useless shortcuts, there are some missing items I would like to add to it. In this tutorial, we’ll see how we can edit and add a program to the right-click context menu on Windows 7, 8, and 10. I remember using tools like Ultimate Windows Context Menu Customizer and Windows Context Menu Manager years ago but these programs and no more available.

It’s very easy to edit the right-click context menu on Windows 10 using a program. However, if you don’t want to install a third-party app, you can easily remove unwanted items from the Windows context menu by editing the Registry. Windows Registry Editor is a powerful tool that can add do a lot of things such as:

  • Disable automatic driver update
  • Add ‘Copy to’ and ‘Move to’ shortcuts  in the context menu
  • Disable Guest Mode in Chrome browser
  • Schedule automatic restore point

Besides being powerful, Regedit is also a very sensitive thing, and therefore, it needs to be used carefully. To avoid any troubles, it’s advisable that you create a system restore point or backup your PC.

  1. Click on the Search icon on the Taskbar and type ‘regedit‘ or ‘registry editor‘ and launch it.Registry editor windows 10
  2. Please note that all items present in the context menu of your Windows PC are not found in the same location in the Registry Editor. You’ll have to explore the different subfolders and files inside the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT directory.context menu handler windows 10

While you can find many of the context menu items in the ContextMenuHandlers directory, you need to look for others on the following paths in the Registry Editor. You can either navigate to the keys mentioned below or just copy and paste them in the address bar.


To find the folder-related context menu items in the following locations:


Once you have found the desired key for the context menu item you want to remove, you can either delete it or edit it. Please note that if you delete the folder that contains the key, you won’t be able to restore that context menu item. That’s why you should back up the item/s before deleting.

There’re 3 methods to get rid of any unwanted context menu item by removing a Shell item using the Registry Editor.

  1. Delete the context menu item key.
  2. Add the ‘LegacyDisable‘ string value.
  3. Create the ‘Extended‘ string value.

You can remove a right-click context menu item on Windows by adding a new string value file called LegacyDisable as well. For instance, if you use the VLC media player and want to remove ‘Add to VLC media player’s Playlist‘ from the right-click menu, navigate to AddtoPlaylistVLC or paste the following path in the Registry Editor’s address bar:


Select AddToPlaylistVLC in the left pane of the window. Now, perform a right-click in the right pane and select New > String Value.

remove vlc from context menu windows

Rename ‘New Value #1‘ to ‘LegacyDisable‘.

reove vlc from right-click menu windows

That’s it! You have successfully removed ‘Add to VLC media player’s Playlist‘ option from the context menu. You can try this method to delete other items from the context menu as well. Should you ever feel the urge to restore the removed item, just delete the ‘LegacyDisable’ file.

Finally, here is my favorite way. If there is a context menu shortcut that you don’t use very often, you can remove it from your right-click context menu while still use it. This method works very much like the Shift + Right-click shortcut used to make the Copy as path option appear in the context menu.

Suppose you want to remove the ‘Add to VLC media player’s Playlist‘ (or any other) shortcut from your context menu and want it to be available at your behest, here’s what you need to do. Go to AddtoPlaylistVLC, create a new string value ( New > String Value) and rename ‘New Value #1‘ to ‘Extended‘.

extended context menu windows 10

Now, you’ll see the ‘Add to VLC media player’s Playlist‘ item in the context menu of your PC only when you press the Shift + Right-click buttons.

The method to remove a Shellex item from the right-click context menu on Windows is a bit different. Below is an example showing how I removed the Google Drive sync shortcut from the right-click context menu via Shellex.

  1. Navigate to shellex > ContextMenuHandlers in the Registry Editor and select GDContextMenu. Alternatively, you can paste the following path into the address bar.
  2. Right-click on the (Default) file and select the Modify… option.modify context menu value data on windows
  3. Now, click in the Value data box and add a dash or minus () or any sign before it. The value data is should look like ‘–{BB02B294-8425-42E5-983F-41A1FA970CD6}‘.edit string to remove context menu item windows 10
  4. Click on the OK button to save the changes.

That’s it! The Google Drive file sync shortcut should have disappeared from the right-click context menu on your Windows PC. You can revert the changes anytime later by removing the minus sign you added.

Don’t Miss: How to Save a Webpage in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, & Edge

If you find the Registry Editor methods described above too geeky or complicated, there are some programs that can remove or add a program to the right-click menu 0n Windows 10 and older. I tested several context menu customizers that can easily add or remove any item for you.

Easy Context Menu is probably the most user-friendly program to customize the Windows 10 context menu. It lets you customize the right-click context menu for Desktop, My Computer, Tools, System Tools, Drives, Folders, Files, EXE, Power options, and more. Easy Context Menu is compatible with the 34-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. You can download this portable tool from the official website.

If you want to add new items to your context menu, launch Easy Context Menu. Select the items you wish to add to the context menu and then, click the Mouse icon with a Plus (+) sign to save the changes. As you can see below, I created a new System Tools context menu item that contains several options.

Easy Context Menu

Add Items using Easy Context Menu

Easy Context Menu gives you the exact name for the context menu shortcuts. It’s really a great thing as you know which item are you going to remove without any confusion. Click on the ContextMenu Cleaner icon after launching Easy Context Menu.

Context Menu Cleaner

When the ContextMenu Cleaner window pops up, select the items you want to remove and click the Refresh button on the right pane.

easy context menu cleaner

ShellMenuView and ShellExView from Nirsoft are nifty tools to edit the context menu on Windows. While the first utility handles shell items, the second one takes care of the shellex items.

Extract the and double-click shmnview.exe to launch the program. Now, select the context menu item you want to remove or add. Click the Disable or Red light button to remove and the Enable or Greenlight button to add an item. Alternatively, you can right-click after selecting the items and choose Enable/Disable Selected items option.

nirsoft context menu edit shellmenuviewor


If you couldn’t get rid of all undesired items in your right-click context menu using ShellMenuView, you should be able to disable them with ShellExView. It’s a very lightweight utility that works with all versions of Windows (32-bit and 64-bit editions).

Just launch the program by clicking the shexview.exe and select the items you want to remove or add to the context menu and select Disable or Enable Selected Items.

nirsoft shellex view tool

Context Menu Tuner is another useful utility that you should check out if you want to customize the context menu on Windows 8,/8.1, and Windows 10. It can add context menu options or commands for files, Windows File Explorer, folders, desktop, local disk, and library.

Download Context Menu Tuner from Winaero and extract the downloaded Double-click ContextMenuTuner.exe to launch the tool.

  1. In the right pane, select the destination to which you want to add a context menu item.
  2. Now navigate through the left pane to find the command you want to add.
  3. Click on Add >> and select either Add to selected item or Add to specific file type depending on your need.
  4. Finally, customize the Menu Item Options.

    context menu tuner windows

    Context Menu Tuner set up

As you can see in the screenshot, I have added the Copy file path command for all file types on my PC. Context Menu Tuner is a must-have tool if you want to add a program to the right-click menu on Windows 10.

If you are not happy with the Windows context menu editors listed above, there are some more tools that you might try. While FileMenu Tools is good enough, Right Click Enhancer is a paid utility that is available for a free trial. As for CCleaner, it’s not a dedicated context menu customizer. However, you can still use it to edit the right-click context menu by navigating to Tools > Startup > Context Menu.

  • File Menu Tools
  • Right Click Enhancer
  • CCleaner

Whether you use the Registry Editor or a tool, it’s very easy to edit the context menu on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, and XP. Easy Context Menu is my go-to program for making changes to the context menu. Which tool do you prefer? Do let me know via comments.

Read Next: How to Make Windows 10 PC Boot Faster

I’m adding this answer because, judging from some of the comments, it is not clear to all that Windows 10 offers two separate interfaces for uninstalling programs, and that editing the registry is generally not required to remove an entry from the programs list. When there is a problem uninstalling an application, the newer «Settings» interface does not currently provide the option to remove the entry. However, the older «Control Panel» interface (which is still easily available in Windows 10) does allow removal of an errant entry.

Yes, strictly speaking, this does not answer the OP’s question about where the registry entry is, and about using the newer Settings-based interface, but it may offer a simpler solution that more people (including myself) are looking for when they land on this question, and that may not be obvious on a quick reading of previous answers (even though some do explicitly mention Control Panel). And, it DOES directly answer the Subject Line of the OP’s question.

Here are screenshots to emphasize the two methods.

The older Control Panel, «Programs and Features» interface (available from the Windows Start menu, Control Panel, then select Programs and Features) allows removal of the item:

enter image description here

The newer Settings, «Apps & Features» interface DOES NOT offer to remove the item:
enter image description here

remove — перевод на русский


The best thing would be to have you admitted to the hospital straightaway, to have it removed.

Ћучше всего было бы немедленно положить вас в больницу, дабы удалить еЄ.

There’s a drug called chloroform that renders a person unconscious in perfect safety… so that a surgeon can remove a gangrenous limb… or— or perform an abdominal operation without pain.

Есть препарат, названный хлороформом, который, погружая человека в бессознательное состояние, позволяет хирургу удалить поражённый орган или проводить брюшные операции без боли.

This time… I must try removing a larger section.

На этот раз… я попытаюсь удалить большую секцию.

Is removing him so easy, Satta?

Думаешь, удалить его так просто, Сатта?

And the entwining is far, far too involved for conventional surgery to remove.

Причем сливается так плотно, что с помощью обычной операции не удалить.

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I regret I am forced to remove it from your charge.

Сожалею, но я вынужден снять с вас полномочия.

Would you remove your coat?

Помочь вам снять плащ?

If you like, you may remove your coats.

Если хотите — можете снять пальто.

I order you to remove the trap!

Приказываю тебе снять капкан!

You may remove your head bandage, Raymond.

Можешь снять свою шапочку, Рэймонд.

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I disagree. I want to remove that.

Я уже говорил, что эту статью надо убрать.

Would you mind removing your purse?

Вы не могли бы убрать сумку?

Through the ages, so much has been added and changed that we have to remove the additions in order to see the Romanesque core.

За прошедшие века столь многое было добавлено и изменено, что нам придётся убрать пристройки, дабы увидеть романскую основу.

If you wish, I can remove that remark about hating Mrs. Randolph… from your statement.

Если хотите, я могу убрать замечание о ненависти к миссис Рэндольф из вашего заявления.

Excuse me, gents, I’m here to remove the cinders.

Извините, джентльмены, я только убрать золу.

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Most of the Catholic images of saints were removed.

Большинство изображений католических святых были удалены.

During the great restoration from 1926 to 1935, a number of newer floor and room divisions were removed.

Во время генеральной реставрации, с 1926 по 1935, многие более поздние перекрытия и перегородки были удалены.

All masks have been removed.

Все маски удалены.

«Surgically removed before embryo implantation.

Удалены хирургическим путем до внедрения эмбриона.

Under chloroformic anaesthesia the dog’s testicles and pituitary gland were removed… ..and replaced by implanted human testes and pituitary taken from a dead male.

Под хлороформенным наркозом удалены семенные железы и гипофиз собаки и вместо них пересажены железы и гипофиз, взятые от скончавшегося мужчины.

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Today we must examine ourselves and remove from our midst the elements that have become bad.

Сегодня мы должны проверять сами себя и удалять из наших рядов элементы которые стали ненадежными.

Unless, of course, you, Miss Deverich, instead of writing household hints about how to remove chilli stains from blue jeans, get yourself involved in a trunk murder.

Если конечно вы, мисс Девериш, вместо написания советов по домоводству о том, как удалять пятна от острого соуса с джинсов, не окажетесь втянутой в «убийства в ящиках» (*) (* серия убийств, начавшаяся в Нью-Йорке в 1934)

Doctor, you weren’t supposed to remove his gall bladder.

Его желчный пузырь удалять не надо.

The worse thing is, he said, being unable to identify it he was reluctant to remove it.

Самое плохое, что он сказал, что не может её определить… и он отказался её удалять.

We can remove implant after implant, but maybe at her core, she’ll always be part of the collective.

Мы можем удалять имплантант за имплантантом, но возможно, где-то внутри она всегда будет частью коллектива.

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why me to remove?

Зачем меня снимать?

before it begins to remove film, precisely, through this offis pass the turn of the most different people.

Перед тем, как он начинает снимать фильм, именно через этот оффис проходит череда самых разных людей.

this lady, after saying Fellini, that it never will make a good film, if are continue to remove all the same sad faces of old men, read one of their poems, named «Molniya — this is the autograph of god?»

Эта леди, сказав Феллини, что он никогда не сделает хороший фильм, если будет продолжать снимать всё те же унылые лица стариков, читает одно из своих стихотворений, названное «Молния — это автограф Бога?»

A thousand pardons, sir, but my religion forbids me to remove my cope.

Тысячу извинений, сэр, но мне религия запрещает снимать мое облачение.

Once we link hands, you must not show fear, you must not speak, you must not remove the blindfold, you must not move at all.

Сейчас мы соединим руки, а ты должна подавить страх молчать, не снимать повязку — и не двигаться!

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While I might trust the doctor to remove a splinter or lance a boil, I do not believe he has the knowledge to restore a brain.

Я доверил бы доктору вытащить занозу или перевязать ожог, но я не верю, что он знает, как вернуть мозг.

Such a man could creep up behind you as you lay asleep… And dip his hands into the small of your back. Remove your kidneys.

Этот человек мог подкрасться к тебе, пока ты спишь, засунуть руку в маленькое отверстие у тебя на спине и вытащить твои почки,

Do you know how to remove a bullet?

Вы знаете, как вытащить пулю?

I can remove the bullet.

Я могу вытащить пулю.

Believe me, it can’t be removed.

Поверьте мне, его вам не вытащить.

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Our police force didn’t feel that it was important… to remove that particle for their ballistics test.

Ќаша полици€ не пон€ла, что очень важно было извлечь эту частицу дл€ баллистического опыта.

There’ll be a team of surgeons standing by. They’ll be prepared to remove you immediately should anything happen.

Хирургическая бригада будет готова извлечь вас в любой момент, если что-то случится.

I tell you there’s nothing else we can do but remove them.

Повторяю, остается только извлечь их.

These adaptations, if they went in haphazardly, could they be removed the same way?

Если эти усовершенствования добавляли в случайном порядке, можно ли извлечь их тем же самым способом?

You can remove a bullet, and wrap it up?

Можете извлечь пулю и наложить повязку?

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Target’s a deal too close. can we have it removed to a fit distance to shoot at?

Стрелы слишком близко друг к другу. Можно их вынуть, чтобы мы выстрелили?

Who has dared to remove the Great Crystal?

Кто посмел вынуть Большой Кристалл?

And for Mademoiselle Grace Wilson to open this drawer, remove the box, somehow to unlock it, open the box, take out the necklace, close the box, and return it?

А сколько бы понадобилось времени мадемуазель Вилсон, на то, чтобы открыть ящик, вынуть шкатулку, каким-то образом открыть ее, вынуть ожерелье, закрыть шкатулку и поставить ее обратно на место? У нее не было на это времени.

But… though you may remove our saint’s bones from the earth,

Но… хотя вы можете вынуть кости нашей святой из земли,

Well, first of all, we’ve got to remove this damaged tube.

Ну, для начала, мы должны вынуть эту поврежденную лампу.

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They told me you have removed Miss Cunningham from their care.

Там мне сказали, что вы забрали мисс Каннингем из-под их присмотра.

I should say they’ve been here and been removed.

Полагаю, они были здесь, но их отсюда забрали.

Or it was — they’ve probably removed it by now.

Точнее, был там, они наверно его уже забрали.

Just say there are a couple of drunks in the Penrith Tea Rooms, and we want them removed.

Скажите, тут парочка пьяниц в пенритской чайной. И мы хотим, чтобы их забрали.

He was removed from his uncle and sent to a foster home away from Bergen.

Его забрали от дяди и поместили в приемную семью далеко от Бергена.

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Windows 10’s “This PC” view doesn’t just show hard drives, removable storage devices, and network locations. Unlike the traditional “My Computer” list, it also contains several folders — but you can hide them and make This PC look more like Windows 7’s Computer view.

You can hide the Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, and Videos folders — all of them, or just some of them. This requires a quick little registry hack. They’ll only be hidden from the This PC view in File Explorer. You’ll still have easy access to them via the Quick Access view.

Update: Here’s how to remove the 3D Objects folder from This PC, too.

Without Editing Your Registry

RELATED: How to Disable Quick Access in File Explorer on Windows 10

If you’ve gotten this far, you probably want to use the registry hack below. But you don’t necessarily need to. You can simply click or tap the “Folders” heading at the top of the This PC view and it will collapse. Windows remember this setting, so it will stay collapsed and out of your way each time you open a File Explorer window.

This is the best you can do if you’re on a computer you can’t edit the registry on — for example, a work PC you don’t have administrator access to. To actually remove the entire “Folders” heading from here, you’ll need to use the registry hack below.

Check if You’re Using a 64-bit or 32-bit Version of Windows 10

Before running one of the below registry hacks, you’ll need to check whether you’re using a 64-bit or 32-bit version of Windows 10. You’re probably using the 64-bit version, but you can quickly check if you’re not sure.

To check, open the Start menu and launch the Settings app. Select System, select About, and look next to “System type” to see whether you’re using a “64-bit operating system” or “32-bit operating system.”

Download and Run a .reg File

Download our “Remove User Folders From This PC” registry hack. Open the zip file and run the appropriate .reg file for your system by double-clicking it and agreeing to the Registry Editor warning.

You just need to double-click a single file here — either the “Remove All Folders From This PC 64-bit.reg” file or the “Remove All Folders From This PC 32-bit.reg” file. This will remove all the folders from the This PC view.

These changes won’t take effect immediately. You’ll need to restart the Explorer.exe process or log out of your computer and log back in for this to take effect.

To quickly restart Explorer, you can open the Task Manager — right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager or press Ctrl+Shift+Escape. Click the “More details” option, click the “Processes” tab, select “Windows Explorer,” and click the “Restart” button. Explorer will restart and the folders will vanish from File Explorer.

If you don’t want to remove all the folders but just want to remove specific ones, we’ve included individual .reg files for removing the Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, and Videos folders individually, as well as restoring them individually.

If you decide you want all of — or just one of — the folders back later, run the appropriate Restore .reg file included with the download. You’ll have to restart Windows Explorer after this, too.

Specifically, Windows 10 stores the list of folders under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerMyComputerNameSpace in the registry. On 64-bit versions of Windows 10, the list of folders is also stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerMyComputerNameSpace , where it’s used by 32-bit programs in their file save and open windows. The registry hacks above just remove the individual folder keys from these locations in the registry, while the Restore ones re-add them. You can right-click the .reg files and select Edit to see exactly which keys they’re removing and adding.

You can also rename “This PC” to anything you like. Just right-click “This PC” in File Explorer, select Rename, and type a name. You’re free to rename it “Computer”, “My Computer”, or anything else you want to call it.


  • › Microsoft Is Removing Windows 10’s “3D Objects” Folder
  • › The 10 Best Registry Hacks for Windows 10
  • › How to Fix All of Windows 10’s Annoyances
  • › How to Remove the “Folders” From My Computer in Windows 8.1
  • › Windows Registry Demystified: What You Can Do With It
  • › How to Remove “3D Objects” From This PC on Windows 10
  • › How to Screen Record on iPhone
  • › PSA: You Can Email Books and Documents to Your Kindle

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