Rex shared library dll скачать для windows 10

Rex shared library.dll download. The Rex shared library.dll file is a dynamic link library for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP. You can fix The file Rex shared library.dll is missing. and Rex shared library.dll not found. errors by downloading and installing this file from our site.

The size of this dll file is 0.11 MB and its download links are healthy. It has been downloaded 4614 times already and it has received 3.0 out of 5 stars.

Table of Contents

  • Rex shared library.dll Explanation
  • Operating Systems Compatible with the Rex shared library.dll File
  • How to Download Rex shared library.dll File?
  • Methods to Solve the Rex Shared Library.dll Errors
    • Method 1: Solving the DLL Error by Copying the Rex shared library.dll File to the Windows System Folder
    • Method 2: Copying The Rex shared library.dll File Into The Software File Folder
    • Method 3: Doing a Clean Reinstall of the Software That Is Giving the Rex shared library.dll Error
    • Method 4: Solving the Rex shared library.dll Error Using the Windows System File Checker
    • Method 5: Solving the Rex shared library.dll Error by Updating Windows
      • Guides to Manually Update for All Windows Versions
  • Most Seen Rex shared library.dll Errors
  • Dll Files Similar to Rex shared library.dll
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  1. Click on the green-colored «Download» button (The button marked in the picture below). Starting the download process for Rex shared library.dll
    Step 1:Starting the download process for Rex shared library.dll
  2. The downloading page will open after clicking the Download button. After the page opens, in order to download the Rex shared library.dll file the best server will be found and the download process will begin within a few seconds. In the meantime, you shouldn’t close the page.

ATTENTION! Before beginning the installation of the Rex shared library.dll file, you must download the file. If you don’t know how to download the file or if you are having a problem while downloading, you can look at our download guide a few lines above.

Method 1: Solving the DLL Error by Copying the Rex shared library.dll File to the Windows System Folder

  1. The file you downloaded is a compressed file with the extension «.zip«. This file cannot be installed. To be able to install it, first you need to extract the dll file from within it. So, first double-click the file with the «.zip» extension and open the file.
  2. You will see the file named «Rex shared library.dll» in the window that opens. This is the file you need to install. Click on the dll file with the left button of the mouse. By doing this, you select the file. Choosing the Rex shared library.dll file
    Step 2:Choosing the Rex shared library.dll file
  3. Click on the «Extract To» button, which is marked in the picture. In order to do this, you will need the Winrar software. If you don’t have the software, it can be found doing a quick search on the Internet and you can download it (The Winrar software is free).
  4. After clicking the «Extract to» button, a window where you can choose the location you want will open. Choose the «Desktop» location in this window and extract the dll file to the desktop by clicking the «Ok» button.
  5. Copy the «Rex shared library.dll» file and paste it into the «C:WindowsSystem32» folder. Copying the Rex shared library.dll file into the Windows/System32 folder
    Step 3:Copying the Rex shared library.dll file into the Windows/System32 folder
  6. If you are using a 64 Bit operating system, copy the «Rex shared library.dll» file and paste it into the «C:WindowssysWOW64» as well.

    NOTE! On Windows operating systems with 64 Bit architecture, the dll file must be in both the «sysWOW64» folder as well as the «System32» folder. In other words, you must copy the «Rex shared library.dll» file into both folders.

    Pasting the Rex shared library.dll file into the Windows/sysWOW64 folder

    Step 4:Pasting the Rex shared library.dll file into the Windows/sysWOW64 folder
  7. First, we must run the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.

    NOTE! We ran the Command Prompt on Windows 10. If you are using Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP, you can use the same methods to run the Command Prompt as an administrator.

    1. Open the Start Menu and type in «cmd«, but don’t press Enter. Doing this, you will have run a search of your computer through the Start Menu. In other words, typing in «cmd» we did a search for the Command Prompt.
    2. When you see the «Command Prompt» option among the search results, push the «CTRL» + «SHIFT» + «ENTER
    3. » keys on your keyboard.

    4. A verification window will pop up asking, «Do you want to run the Command Prompt as with administrative permission?» Approve this action by saying, «Yes«.

    Running the Command Prompt with administrative permission

    Step 5:Running the Command Prompt with administrative permission
  8. Paste the command below into the Command Line window that opens and hit the Enter key on your keyboard. This command will delete the Rex shared library.dll file’s damaged registry (It will not delete the file you pasted into the System32 folder, but will delete the registry in Regedit. The file you pasted in the System32 folder will not be damaged in any way).

    %windir%System32regsvr32.exe /u Rex shared library.dll

    Uninstalling the Rex shared library.dll file from the system registry

    Step 6:Uninstalling the Rex shared library.dll file from the system registry
  9. If you are using a 64 Bit operating system, after doing the commands above, you also need to run the command below. With this command, we will also delete the Rex shared library.dll file’s damaged registry for 64 Bit (The deleting process will be only for the registries in Regedit. In other words, the dll file you pasted into the SysWoW64 folder will not be damaged at all).

    %windir%SysWoW64regsvr32.exe /u Rex shared library.dll

    Uninstalling the damaged Rex shared library.dll file's registry from the system (for 64 Bit)

    Step 7:Uninstalling the damaged Rex shared library.dll file’s registry from the system (for 64 Bit)
  10. We need to make a new registry for the dll file in place of the one we deleted from the Windows Registry Editor. In order to do this process, copy the command below and after pasting it in the Command Line, press Enter.

    %windir%System32regsvr32.exe /i Rex shared library.dll

    Creating a new registry for the Rex shared library.dll file in the Windows Registry Editor

    Step 8:Creating a new registry for the Rex shared library.dll file in the Windows Registry Editor
  11. If the Windows version you use has 64 Bit architecture, after running the command above, you must run the command below. With this command, you will create a clean registry for the problematic registry of the Rex shared library.dll file that we deleted.

    %windir%SysWoW64regsvr32.exe /i Rex shared library.dll

    Creating a clean registry for the Rex shared library.dll file (for 64 Bit)

    Step 9:Creating a clean registry for the Rex shared library.dll file (for 64 Bit)
  12. You may see certain error messages when running the commands from the command line. These errors will not prevent the installation of the Rex shared library.dll file. In other words, the installation will finish, but it may give some errors because of certain incompatibilities. After restarting your computer, to see if the installation was successful or not, try running the software that was giving the dll error again. If you continue to get the errors when running the software after the installation, you can try the 2nd Method as an alternative.

Method 4: Solving the Rex shared library.dll Error Using the Windows System File Checker

  1. First, we must run the Windows Command Prompt as an administrator.

    NOTE! We ran the Command Prompt on Windows 10. If you are using Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP, you can use the same methods to run the Command Prompt as an administrator.

    1. Open the Start Menu and type in «cmd«, but don’t press Enter. Doing this, you will have run a search of your computer through the Start Menu. In other words, typing in «cmd» we did a search for the Command Prompt.
    2. When you see the «Command Prompt» option among the search results, push the «CTRL» + «SHIFT» + «ENTER
    3. » keys on your keyboard.

    4. A verification window will pop up asking, «Do you want to run the Command Prompt as with administrative permission?» Approve this action by saying, «Yes«.

    Running the Command Prompt with administrative permission

    Step 1:Running the Command Prompt with administrative permission
  2. After typing the command below into the Command Line, push Enter.

    sfc /scannow

    Getting rid of dll errors using Windows's sfc /scannow command

    Step 2:Getting rid of dll errors using Windows’s sfc /scannow command
  3. Depending on your computer’s performance and the amount of errors on your system, this process can take some time. You can see the progress on the Command Line. Wait for this process to end. After the scan and repair processes are finished, try running the software giving you errors again.

Method 5: Solving the Rex shared library.dll Error by Updating Windows

Some softwares require updated dll files from the operating system. If your operating system is not updated, this requirement is not met and you will receive dll errors. Because of this, updating your operating system may solve the dll errors you are experiencing.

Most of the time, operating systems are automatically updated. However, in some situations, the automatic updates may not work. For situations like this, you may need to check for updates manually.

For every Windows version, the process of manually checking for updates is different. Because of this, we prepared a special guide for each Windows version. You can get our guides to manually check for updates based on the Windows version you use through the links below.

Guides to Manually Update for All Windows Versions

  1. Guide to Manually Update Windows 10
  2. Guide to Manually Update Windows 8.1 and Windows 8
  3. Guide to Manually Update Windows 7 and Windows Vista
  4. Guide to Manually Update Windows XP

It’s possible that during the softwares’ installation or while using them, the Rex shared library.dll file was damaged or deleted. You can generally see error messages listed below or similar ones in situations like this.

These errors we see are not unsolvable. If you’ve also received an error message like this, first you must download the Rex shared library.dll file by clicking the «Download» button in this page’s top section. After downloading the file, you should install the file and complete the solution methods explained a little bit above on this page and mount it in Windows. If you do not have a hardware problem, one of the methods explained in this article will solve your problem.

  1. «Rex shared library.dll not found.» error
  2. «The file Rex shared library.dll is missing.» error
  3. «Rex shared library.dll access violation.» error
  4. «Cannot register Rex shared library.dll.» error
  5. «Cannot find Rex shared library.dll.» error
  6. «This application failed to start because Rex shared library.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.» error
  • Npcdt.dll
  • Npdocbox.dll
  • Npdjvu.dll
  • Npdrmv2.dll
  • Npavi32.dll

Windows 7

Вы выполняете: Windows 7

Подходящая версия rex shared library.dll найдена в нашей базе

Windows 7 — это не ваша операционная система? Пожалуйста, выберите вашу операционную систему ниже: специальное предложение

Чтобы быстро решить вашу проблему, мы рекомендуем скачать и использовать rex shared library.dll Инструмент для исправления. Если у вас есть технический опыт и вы хотите установить DLL файл вручную, пожалуйста, выберите вашу версию Windows и скачайте rex shared library.dll, после чего скопируйте его в соответствующее место с помощью приведенной ниже инструкции, это исправит ошибки dll.

Что за Rex shared library.dll?

rex shared library.dll — dll файл с именем «REX Dynamically Linked Library» является частью программы Reason 2.5, разработанной Propellerhead Software AB.

Некоторые приложения или игры могут нуждаться в этом файле для корректной работы. Если rex shared library.dll отсутствует, то при запуске приложения/игры Вы можете столкнуться с различного рода ошибками. Чтобы исправить эти ошибки, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с Рекомендуемым решением ниже.

version: файла

Размер: файла 256.00 KB

MD5 файл sum: 9358FC1758FA10C2838465C3DEB4E5AC

SHA1 файл sum: 340D4C27ED4EA65D2FDC14BC1FF38D7E6AD6218A

Rex shared library.dll Error Screenshot

rex shared library.dll отсутствует

Возможные сообщения об ошибках относительно этого файла:

rex shared library.dll отсутствует

rex shared library.dll ошибка загрузки

rex shared library.dll поломка

rex shared library.dll не найдено

Точка входа в процедуру rex shared library.dll

rex shared library.dll не может быть найдено

rex shared library.dll Нарушение доступа

Не могу найти rex shared library.dll

Невозможно зарегистрировать rex shared library.dll

Рекомендуемое решение для исправления ошибки Dll

Для исправления ошибок, связанных с .DLL файлом, необходимо скачать rex shared library.dll и скопировать его в папку установки приложения или игры, либо скопировать его в системную папку Windows, и он должен исправить ошибку. Если вы не знаете, как установить этот файл, пожалуйста, прочитайте наше руководство «Как установить DLL файлы.

Вы можете прочитать больше информации о rex shared library.dll на


One or more copies of Rex Shared Library.dll are available for download! Continue reading for more information on how to fix .dll errors and unwanted issues.

DLL Wizard

Download Rex Shared Library.dll

Download and install Rex Shared Library.dll to help fix missing or corrupted .dll errors.

Propellerhead Software AB
REX Shared Library
Rex Shared Library.dll
Copyright Propellerhead Software AB 20002006 All Rights Reserved

About Rex Shared Library.dll errors.

When an application requires Rex Shared Library.dll, Windows will check the application and system folders for this .dll file. If the file is missing you may receive an error and the application may not function properly.
Learn how to re-install Rex Shared Library.dll.

    .DLL Error Examples

  • This application has failed to start because Rex Shared Library.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
  • Rex Shared Library.dll Not Found.

Possible fixes for Rex Shared Library.dll errors.

  • Re-Install the application that requires Rex Shared Library.dll.
  • Update the application to the latest version.
  • Install all Windows updates and any available driver updates.
  • Clean your registry and optimize your computer.
  • Download and install Rex Shared Library.dll.

Файл REX Shared Library.dll считается разновидностью DLL-файла. DLL-файлы, такие как REX Shared Library.dll, по сути являются справочником, хранящим информацию и инструкции для исполняемых файлов (EXE-файлов), например MpSigStub.exe. Данные файлы были созданы для того, чтобы различные программы (например, Reason) имели общий доступ к файлу REX Shared Library.dll для более эффективного распределения памяти, что в свою очередь способствует повышению быстродействия компьютера.

К сожалению, то, что делает файлы DLL настолько удобными и эффективными, также делает их крайне уязвимыми к различного рода проблемам. Если что-то происходит с общим файлом DLL, то он либо пропадает, либо каким-то образом повреждается, вследствие чего может возникать сообщение об ошибке выполнения. Термин «выполнение» говорит сам за себя; имеется в виду, что данные ошибки возникают в момент, когда происходит попытка загрузки файла REX Shared Library.dll — либо при запуске приложения Reason, либо, в некоторых случаях, во время его работы. К числу наиболее распространенных ошибок REX Shared Library.dll относятся:

  • Нарушение прав доступа по адресу — REX Shared Library.dll.
  • Не удается найти REX Shared Library.dll.
  • Не удается найти C:WindowsSysWOW64REX Shared Library.dll.
  • Не удается зарегистрировать REX Shared Library.dll.
  • Не удается запустить Reason. Отсутствует требуемый компонент: REX Shared Library.dll. Повторите установку Reason.
  • Не удалось загрузить REX Shared Library.dll.
  • Не удалось запустить приложение, потому что не найден REX Shared Library.dll.
  • Файл REX Shared Library.dll отсутствует или поврежден.
  • Не удалось запустить это приложение, потому что не найден REX Shared Library.dll. Попробуйте переустановить программу, чтобы устранить эту проблему.

Файл REX Shared Library.dll может отсутствовать из-за случайного удаления, быть удаленным другой программой как общий файл (общий с Reason) или быть удаленным в результате заражения вредоносным программным обеспечением. Кроме того, повреждение файла REX Shared Library.dll может быть вызвано отключением питания при загрузке Reason, сбоем системы при загрузке REX Shared Library.dll, наличием плохих секторов на запоминающем устройстве (обычно это основной жесткий диск) или, как нередко бывает, заражением вредоносным программным обеспечением. Таким образом, крайне важно, чтобы антивирус постоянно поддерживался в актуальном состоянии и регулярно проводил сканирование системы.

Первым делом:

Скачайте библиотеку — скачать rex.dll


Поместите rex.dll
в одну из следующих папок:

Если у вас 64-битная версия Windows, то поместите файл в:


Если у вас 32-битная версия Windows, то поместите файл в:


После этого

Перезагрузите компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

Всё равно выдаёт ошибку rex.dll
не был найден?

Тогда придётся установить этот файл вручную. Для этого:

Зайдите в меню «Пуск».

В строчке поиска введите «cmd». И запустите найденную программу от имени администратора.

В открывшемся окне введите «regsvr32 rex.dll

После этого снова перезагрузите компьютер. Теперь ошибка должна быть исправлена.

Если что-то не понятно прочитайте более подробную инструкцию — как установить dll файл.

Чаще всего проблемы REX Shared Library.dll типа DLL, возникают в результате повреждения или отсутствия файла, связанного с FL Studio Producer Edition. Возникновение подобных проблем является раздражающим фактором, однако их легко устранить, заменив файл DLL, из-за которого возникает проблема. В некоторых случаях реестр Windows пытается загрузить файл REX Shared Library.dll, который больше не существует; в таких ситуациях рекомендуется запустить сканирование реестра, чтобы исправить любые недопустимые ссылки на пути к файлам.

Формат Dynamic Link Library с расширением файла DLL классифицируют в качестве Системные файлы. Если вам нужно заменить файл REX Shared Library.dll, вы можете найти версию %%os%% в нашей базе данных, перечисленной в таблице ниже. В настоящее время в нашем каталоге для загрузки могут отсутствовать некоторые файлы (такие как REX Shared Library.dll), но их можно запросить, нажав на кнопку Request (Запрос) ниже. В крайнем случае, если ниже отсутствует необходимый вам файл ниже, для получения необходимой версии вы также можете связаться с Image Line Software.

Настоятельно рекомендуется выполнить проверку и убедиться в том, что файл был размещён в правильном каталоге. Тщательно следуйте настоящим инструкциям, чтобы устранить возникающую ошибку, связанную с файлом REX Shared Library.dll, однако мы рекомендуем выполнить быструю проверку. Мы рекомендуем повторно запустить FL Studio Producer Edition для проверки того, возникает ли проблема.

REX Shared Library.dll Описание файла
Расширение файла: DLL
Функция: Audio Editing
Софт: FL Studio Producer Edition
Вер: 12.4.1
Программист: Image Line Software
File: REX Shared Library.dll  

Размер: 279352
SHA-1: 4e634f6861a0731a1bbdc10820cd6fa0134c5edd
MD5: 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5
CRC32: 4329c7ba

Продукт Solvusoft

WinThruster 2023 — Сканировать ваш компьютер на наличие ошибок реестра в REX Shared Library.dll


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REX Shared Library.dll

Идентификатор статьи:   486030

REX Shared Library.dll

Имя MD5 KB Загрузить
+ REX Shared Library.dll 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5 272.80 KB
Софт FL Studio Producer Edition 12.4.1
Создано Image Line Software
Версия Windows 8 x64
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
KB 279352
MD5 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5
Контрольная сумма SHA1 4e634f6861a0731a1bbdc10820cd6fa0134c5edd
CRC32: 4329c7ba
Расположение файла C:WindowsSystem32
+ REX Shared Library.dll 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5 272.80 KB
Софт FL Studio Producer Edition 12.4.1
Создано Image Line Software
Версия Windows 8 x32
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
KB 279352
MD5 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5
Контрольная сумма SHA1 4e634f6861a0731a1bbdc10820cd6fa0134c5edd
CRC32: 4329c7ba
Расположение файла C:WindowsSystem32
+ REX Shared Library.dll 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5 272.80 KB
Софт FL Studio Producer Edition 12.4.1
Создано Image Line Software
Версия Windows Vista x64
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
KB 279352
MD5 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5
Контрольная сумма SHA1 4e634f6861a0731a1bbdc10820cd6fa0134c5edd
CRC32: 4329c7ba
Расположение файла C:WindowsSystem32
+ REX Shared Library.dll 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5 272.80 KB
Софт FL Studio Producer Edition 12.4.1
Создано Image Line Software
Версия Windows 7 x32
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
KB 279352
MD5 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5
Контрольная сумма SHA1 4e634f6861a0731a1bbdc10820cd6fa0134c5edd
CRC32: 4329c7ba
Расположение файла C:WindowsSystem32
+ REX Shared Library.dll 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5 272.80 KB
Софт FL Studio Producer Edition 12.4.1
Создано Image Line Software
Версия Windows 7 x64
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
KB 279352
MD5 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5
Контрольная сумма SHA1 4e634f6861a0731a1bbdc10820cd6fa0134c5edd
CRC32: 4329c7ba
Расположение файла C:WindowsSystem32
+ REX Shared Library.dll 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5 272.80 KB
Софт FL Studio Producer Edition 12.4.1
Создано Image Line Software
Версия Windows Vista 32 Bit
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
KB 279352
MD5 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5
Контрольная сумма SHA1 4e634f6861a0731a1bbdc10820cd6fa0134c5edd
CRC32: 4329c7ba
Расположение файла C:WindowsSystem32
+ REX Shared Library.dll 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5 272.80 KB
Софт FL Studio Producer Edition 12.4.1
Создано Image Line Software
Версия Windows 10 64-bit
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
KB 279352
MD5 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5
Контрольная сумма SHA1 4e634f6861a0731a1bbdc10820cd6fa0134c5edd
CRC32: 4329c7ba
Расположение файла C:WindowsSystem32
+ REX Shared Library.dll 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5 272.80 KB
Софт FL Studio Producer Edition 12.4.1
Создано Image Line Software
Версия Windows 10 32-bit
Тип 64-разрядная (x64)
KB 279352
MD5 98b5a9eae0d1a5b7cd7192aa56bd10d5
Контрольная сумма SHA1 4e634f6861a0731a1bbdc10820cd6fa0134c5edd
CRC32: 4329c7ba
Расположение файла C:WindowsSystem32

Распространенные проблемы REX Shared Library.dll

Частичный список ошибок REX Shared Library.dll FL Studio Producer Edition:

  • «Отсутствует файл REX Shared Library.dll.»
  • «Отсутствует файл REX Shared Library.dll.»
  • «REX Shared Library.dll нарушение прав доступа.»
  • «Не удается зарегистрировать REX Shared Library.dll. «
  • «Файл C:WindowsSystem32\REX Shared Library.dll не найден.»
  • «Не удается загрузить FL Studio Producer Edition — отсутствует требуемый файл REX Shared Library.dll. Установите FL Studio Producer Edition еще раз. «
  • «Ошибка FL Studio Producer Edition: REX Shared Library.dll не найден. Переустановите FL Studio Producer Edition. «

Обычно ошибки REX Shared Library.dll с FL Studio Producer Edition возникают во время запуска или завершения работы, в то время как приложения, связанные с REX Shared Library.dll, выполняются, или редко во время последовательности обновления ОС. Отслеживание того, когда и где возникает ошибка REX Shared Library.dll, является важной информацией при устранении проблемы.

Источники проблем REX Shared Library.dll

Отсутствующий файл REX Shared Library.dll (или поврежденный файл REX Shared Library.dll) обычно является источником проблемы. Как внешний файл (REX Shared Library.dll), это делает проблемы FL Studio Producer Edition более вероятными.

Повреждение REX Shared Library.dll происходит во время неожиданного завершения работы, вирусов или других проблем, связанных с FL Studio Producer Editions. Поврежденные файлы REX Shared Library.dll предотвращают правильную загрузку, что приводит к сообщениям об ошибках FL Studio Producer Edition или REX Shared Library.dll.

В других случаях проблемы реестра с REX Shared Library.dll могут быть источником проблемы FL Studio Producer Edition. Сломанные ссылки на DLL-файлы могут помешать правильной регистрации файла DLL, давая вам ошибку REX Shared Library.dll Перемещение REX Shared Library.dll, отсутствующие файлы REX Shared Library.dll или неправильная и оставшаяся ссылка на файл из неправильной установки/удаления FL Studio Producer Edition приводят к их нарушению.

Особенно эти ошибки REX Shared Library.dll проистекают из:

  • Раздел реестра REX Shared Library.dll поврежден.
  • Вирус или вредоносное ПО поврежден REX Shared Library.dll.
  • НеисправностьОборудование, связанное с Image Line Software, вызывает повреждение REX Shared Library.dll (может помочь ContactImage Line Software).
  • Другая программа изменила требуемую версию REX Shared Library.dll.
  • REX Shared Library.dll злонамеренно или ошибочно удален другой программой (кроме FL Studio Producer Edition).
  • Другая программа (не связанная с FL Studio Producer Edition) удалила REX Shared Library.dll по ошибке (или злонамеренно).


  • DLL File Name:RexSharedLibrary.dll

  • File Type:Win32 DLL

  • Product Name:REX SDK

  • Developer:Propellerhead Software AB

  • File Version:

  • File Size:228KB (233472 bytes)

  • Language Code:English

  • Character Set:Unicode

  • MD5 Checksum:8b4cf1408aa523c1e9b2222515159028

  • Copyright:Copyright Propellerhead Software AB 2000-2006, All Rights Reserved

RexSharedLibrary.dll Errors

REX Shared Library

The file RexSharedLibrary.dll is a 32bit Windows DLL module for REX SDK or other related programs. The file is also referred as REX Shared Library.dll. The file and the associated REX SDK software was developed by Propellerhead Software AB. The file was licensed as Copyright Propellerhead Software AB 2000-2006, All Rights Reserved.

RexSharedLibrary.dll file is a critical component for the software to work properly without any problems. You may receive an error message like the ones below that indicates the file is not found or damaged.

  • This application failed to start because RexSharedLibrary.dll was not found.
  • The file RexSharedLibrary.dll is missing or corrupted.
  • A required component is missing: RexSharedLibrary.dll. Please install the application again.
  • Error loading RexSharedLibrary.dll. The specified module could not be found.
  • The program can’t start because RexSharedLibrary.dll is missing from your computer.

To fix the error, you need to copy the missing RexSharedLibrary.dll file to your system or replace the corrupted dll file with a working one by following the instructions below. The current version of dll file available on our site is with a size of 228KB.

How to Install RexSharedLibrary.dll

You can download RexSharedLibrary.dll for free from the download section on this page. After downloading the zip file, unzip it to a convenient location on your computer. In order to fix dll related errors, you need to copy the .dll file to the installation folder of the application/game, or install .dll file directly to Windows (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10).

Install DLL File to Program Folder

· Copy the extracted RexSharedLibrary.dll file to the installation directory of the application or game.

· Check if the problem is solved. If the problem persists or you are not sure which software is having problems, install the file directly to Windows system folder.

Register DLL File Using Microsoft Regsvr

· Copy the file to «C:WindowsSystem32»

· You can install the .dll file in both system folders without any problems. In order to complete this step, you must run the Command Prompt as administrator.

· Open the Start Menu and before clicking anywhere, type «cmd» on your keyboard.

· Right-click the «Command Prompt» search result and click the «Run as administrator» option.

· Paste the following command into the Command Line window that opens up and press Enter key.

· %windir%System32regsvr32.exe RexSharedLibrary.dll

Download RexSharedLibrary.dll

Version OS Size Language Download 32bit 228KB English Download

Please note : This is a free download. No guarantees or warranties are given or implied. Please download and install the file at your own risk…

About Developer

Propellerhead Software AB

Reason Studios is a music software company, based in Stockholm, Sweden, and founded in 1994. Propellerhead Software AB is the developer of 7 dll files in our archive, available for free download, including popular files like rex.dll, rewire.dll, wavelib.dll, aifflib.dll.

Similar DLL Files

Wavelib.dll — Reason 2.5

Developer: Propellerhead Software · Ver: 1.0.4 · Size: 124KB

AIFFLib.dll — Reason 4.0.1

Developer: Propellerhead Software · Ver: 4.0.1 · Size: 136KB

Rex.dll — ReCycle

Developer: Propellerhead Software · Ver: 1.2.1 · Size: 252KB

Audiocardlib.dll — Reason 2.5

Developer: Propellerhead Software · Ver: 1.3.5 · Size: 220KB

Rewire.dll — Propellerhead Software ReBirth RB-338

Developer: Propellerhead Software · Ver: 1.0.0 · Size: 24.5KB

Piggelin.dll — PropellerHeads Software AB Piggelin

Developer: Propellerhead Software · Ver: 1.5.1 · Size: 352KB

Wwsplex.dll — L&H Mendez Sweden Spellchecking Engine

Developer: L&H · Ver: 1.0.0 · Size: 80KB

Snksec32.dll — SoftToken SDK

Developer: Quest Software · Ver: 5.5.0 · Size: 176.9KB

Deformerdll.dll — Microsoft Ensemble Studios Age of Empires 3

Developer: Ensemble Studios · Ver: 0.1.2 · Size: 73KB

Alphablend.dll — FLOMIX Studios FoxCBmp

Developer: FLOMIX Studios · Ver: 3.3.0 · Size: 64KB


  • 1. What is REX Shared Library.dll?
  • 2. Is REX Shared Library.dll safe, or is it a virus or malware?
  • 3. Can I remove or delete REX Shared Library.dll?
  • 4. Common REX Shared Library.dll error messages
  • 4a. REX Shared Library.dll not found
  • 4b. REX Shared Library.dll is missing
  • 5. How to fix REX Shared Library.dll
  • 6. January 2023 Update

Updated January 2023: Here are three steps to using a repair tool to fix dll problems on your computer: Get it at this link

  1. Download and install this software.
  2. Scan your computer for dll problems.
  3. Repair the dll errors with software tool

REX Shared Library.dll is a dynamic link library file that is part of developed by Propellerhead Software AB. The version of the software: is usually about in size, but the version you have may differ. DLL files are a file format for dynamic link libraries that is used to store several codes and procedures for Windows programs. DLL files have been created to allow several programs to use their information simultaneously, thus preserving memory. It also allows the user to modify the encoding of several applications at once without changing the applications themselves. DLLs can be converted to static libraries using MSIL disassemble or DLL to Lib 3.00. The file format of.EXE files is similar to that of DLL. DLL files, and both types of files contain code, data and resources.

The most important facts about REX Shared Library.dll:

  • Name: REX Shared Library.dll
  • Software: Reason 7.0.0
  • Publisher: Propellerhead Software AB
  • Publisher URL:
  • Help file:
  • Known to be up to 3.54 MB in size on most Windows;

Recommended: Identify REX Shared Library.dll related errors
(optional offer for Reimage — Website | EULA | Privacy Policy | Uninstall)

Is REX Shared Library.dll safe, or is it a virus or malware?

The answer is no, in itself, REX Shared Library.dll should not damage your computer.

Unlike executable programs, such as those with the EXE extension, DLL files cannot be executed directly, but must be called by another code that is already executed. However, DLLs have the same format as EXEs and some can even use the .EXE extension. While most dynamic link libraries end with the .DLL extension, others can use.OCX, .CPL or .DRV.

DLL files are useful because they allow a program to separate its different components into individual modules, which can then be added or deleted to include or exclude certain features. If the software works this way with DLLs, the program can use less memory because it does not need to load everything at the same time.

On the other hand, if the .dll file is attached to an executable that is intended to damage your computer, it is possible that it is dangerous. We recommend you run a scan of your system with a tool like this that can help identify any issues that may exist.

That’s why normally when you see a new .dll file on your computer, there will be an .exe file somewhere.

Make sure you scan both together so you don’t have to worry about your computer being infected with something bad.

Can I remove or delete REX Shared Library.dll?

According to various sources online, 6% of people remove this file, so it may be harmless, but it is recommended that you check the trustworthiness of this executable yourself to determine if it is safe or a virus.

Software programs store DLL files in one or more folders during installation. These files contain code that explains the operation to the programs.

If you are considering deleting REX Shared Library.dll, it is probably best to leave it alone. The reason for this logic is that some programs share these files, so deleting a particular DLL file can unintentionally cause problems. This means that deleting REX Shared Library.dll may cause one or more other programs to stop working, or only to a limited extent.

Some software can also install DLL files in several folders outside the Program Files folder (where most programs are installed). Finding these DLL files can be very difficult, and deleting them can be dangerous.

As mentioned above, if you are not sure if REX Shared Library.dll is being used by another program, we recommend that you leave it alone. However, if you need to delete the file, we recommend that you first make a copy. If you then have a problem with another program that requires you to use the recently deleted DLL file, you can restore the file from the backup.

Common REX Shared Library.dll error messages

As you can imagine, some DLLs appear more often in error messages than others. Here are some of the DLLs that are best known to cause problems.

  • The application failed to start because REX Shared Library.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
  • REX Shared Library.dll Not Found
  • REX Shared Library.dll Is Missing
  • Required DLL REX Shared Library.dll Not Found
  • The application or REX Shared Library.dll is not a valid Windows image
  • REX Shared Library.dll is either missing or corrupt
  • Cannot find REX Shared Library.dll
  • Cannot start REX Shared Library.dll. A required component is missing: REX Shared Library.dll. Please install REX Shared Library.dll again.

How to fix REX Shared Library.dll

Updated January 2023:

We recommend you try using this new tool. It fixes a wide range of computer errors, as well as protecting against things like file loss, malware, hardware failures and optimizes your PC for maximum performance. It fixed our PC quicker than doing it manually:

  • Step 1 : Download PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista – Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • Step 2 : Click “Start Scan” to find Windows registry issues that could be causing PC problems.
  • Step 3 : Click “Repair All” to fix all issues.

(optional offer for Reimage — Website | EULA | Privacy Policy | Uninstall)

If REX Shared Library.dll is missing or corrupted, it can impact many applications, including the operating system, which can prevent you from doing your job or using critical features in critical software.


sfc for corrupted DLL

The safest way to repair missing or corrupted REX Shared Library.dll file caused by your Windows operating system, is to run the built-in System File Checker, which replaces missing or corrupted system files.

To do this, right-click the Start button on your Windows 10 computer to open the WinX menu and click the Command Prompt (Admin) link.

In the CMD window, copy the following command and press Enter :

sfc /scannow

The scan may take 10 minutes, and if it is successfully completed, you must restart your PC. Running sfc /scannow in safe mode or at startup can give better results.

Update drivers


Sometimes, you’ll get a missing REX Shared Library.dll file error while using hardware, such as a printer. This error can be due to an older version of the driver that is not compatible with the updated .dll file, so the printer is looking for a wrong .dll file and can’t find it.

Update your device’s drivers to see if this fixes the problem.

Startup repair

startup repair tool

Startup repair is another way to restore all .dll files like REX Shared Library.dll to their original working condition. However, this fix can cause problems in other programs, especially if a program has updated the .dll files.

Download or reinstall REX Shared Library.dll

replace missing DLL files

In most tutorials and guides, authors warn their readers not to download missing REX Shared Library.dll files from random and unusable websites that could provide them with malware. This is not without reason, of course. The truth is that the Internet is full of websites that promise users to solve their problems by opening certain applications or programs as soon as possible. Unfortunately, very few can really meet your expectations.

Although less common, a potentially much worse problem is that DLLs that you download from sources other than the provider can sometimes be loaded with viruses or other malware that can infect your PC. This is especially true for websites that are not too careful about where their files come from. And it’s not as if these sites will do anything to tell you about their high-risk sources.

Fortunately, the process of installing REX Shared Library.dll is quite simple. In short, all you have to do is copy the original DLL file into C:WindowsSystem32. Once the .DLL has been copied, run the following command: regsvr32 REX Shared Library.dll and your .DLL will be successfully installed.

The only way to ensure that you get a stable, up-to-date and clean REX Shared Library.dll is to get it from the source from which it comes.

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