Safer vpn for windows скачать бесплатно

Safer VPN enables you to browse the Internet with no limit, and you can see that this one is a simple-to-use VPN for all your […]

October 31st, 2022 — Trial — 100% Safe

Safer VPN enables you to browse the Internet with no limit, and you can see that this one is a simple-to-use VPN for all your needs. First, you must know that it lets you quickly access content from anywhere globally because the VPN (more precisely, the servers through which traffic is redirected) helps you overcome all browsing restrictions.

You can choose an IP address from worldwide servers, and this is how you fool any government or website into thinking that you are in another location. Unlocking sites and accessing online streams is easy if you decide to use this tool.

You can stream your favorite movies and shows while traveling abroad. Streaming music and watching sporting events is also a thing that can be done with this Safer VPN.

Unblocking apps is possible by configuring your digital media players on your Chromecast. Gamers can also benefit from this VPN because they can easily access content using Steam, Xbox Live, or PlayStation Network.

Unblocking Smart TVs and using VoIP applications are also some things that can quickly be done using this tool.

Concealing your online identity is important because internet privacy is under threat from all types of governments, snoopers, and advertisers. You can hide your identity online thanks to the VPN`s anonymous connection. No one can identify your data, and you won`t leave any footprint on your online activity. Without a VPN, your privacy is at risk.

Metadata tracking won`t be an issue because no one can tell where you are from. Preventing third parties from tracking you is essential, and this is why you may find this Safer VPN useful.

It prevents companies from aggregating metadata about your Internet habits and selling them to third parties.

Safervpn – один из новейших безопасных и ультрабыстрых в установке впн-клиентов. Да, именно о нем пойдет сегодня речь. Мы не могли не посвятить обзор этому продукту, так как он востребован среди пользователей, имеет массу преимуществ в работе и позитивных отзывов в сети. Звучит немного невероятно, но сейчас мы обо всем расскажем по порядку.

Почему ультрабыстрый? – Потому что очень быстро скачивается и запускается на любом электронном гаджете. Соединение происходит буквально через 10-15 секунд. Но это конечно же не единственное достоинство SaferVPN. Программа имеет простую регистрацию и минимальный набор настроек для работы – ничего лишнего.

Почему безопасный? — Разработчик не ведет логирование – и это тоже радует. Плюс ко всему — большое количество серверов по всему миру, неограниченная пропускная способность трафика, большой выбор протоколов для подключения, 256-битное шифрование и т.д. Для новичка это хорошие показатели, не так ли?

На заметку

: утилита совместима с Windows, Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, имеется прокси-расширение для Хром, версии для Chromebook, роутеров DD-WRT и Tomato.


Нам предлагают несколько тарифных планов. Один из них пробный на 24 часа, а потому бесплатный и три соответственно платные: на месяц, год и на два года.

Как установить SaferVPN на Chrome

Установка стандартна и не займет много времени:

  1. Для начала идем в меню Хром, пункт Дополнительные настройки.
  2. Затем заходим в Интернет-магазин Chrome.
  3. В строке поиска указываем «SaferVPN», кликаем «Установить».
  4. После окончания процесса установки, в правом верхнем углу браузера появится значок плагина.
  5. Чтобы активировать расширение, пройдите регистрацию на сайте и завершите ее авторизацией (введением логина и пароля).

Помните, расширение защищает ваш комп и ваши данные только при использовании браузера – в других случаях вы «открыты» и незащищены. А вот если вы скачаете десктопный вариант проги, вы получите полный комплект защиты.

Настройка SaferVPN на Windows

  1. Программа загружается стандартно — просто следуйте указаниям мастера.
  2. Когда установка будет завершена, запустите утилиту и зарегистрируйтесь (выбрав тарифный план).
  3. Начинайте работу с выбора сервера в левой части экрана. Кликните “Connect”.

Вот так выглядит интерфейс приложения.

Настройка на Андроид

Мобильная версия также порадует вас минималистическим интерфейсом и хорошими функциями. SaferVPN позволит вам защитить свое соединение при использовании общественных wi-fi сетей, при этом вы получите доступ к своим страничкам в социальных сетях или на любых веб-ресурсах (даже если они заблокированы по разным причинам).

Мощная и быстрая утилита VPN.

SaferVPN — это быстрое и надежное решение, которое предлагает вам возможность подключиться к виртуальной частной сети (VPN) для безопасной работы в Интернете. Программа предлагает повышенную безопасность для вашего интернет-соединения и поможет вам защитить вашу систему от заражений вредоносным ПО.

SaferVPN избавляет вас от необходимости настраивать безопасное соединение, которое исключает любые попытки мошенничества. Приложение выполнит всю работу за вас, что позволит вам легко подключиться к VPN за считанные секунды. Программа подходит для начинающих и опытных пользователей.

SaferVPN позволяет вам легко переключать ваш IP-адрес в другой регион, чтобы анонимно подключиться. Вы также можете использовать эту функцию для доступа к контенту и веб-сайтам, которые заблокированы для вашей страны.

SaferVPN предлагает несколько протоколов для опытных пользователей, таких как L2TP over IPSEC, PPTP и OpenVPN.

Название SaferVPN
Версия 4.4.2
Домашняя страница продукта SaferVPN
Лицензия Бесплатно попробовать (Shareware)
Загрузки прошлой недели 5
Все время загрузки 109
Имя файла SaferVPN.exe
Размер файла 9.6MB
Контрольная сумма MD5 3C370E81BD95DBF53363C98671A0379D
Поддержка ОС Windows All
Категория интернет

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  1. SaferVPN for Windows
  2. Softonic review
  3. A VPN that allows you to securely browse the internet
  4. Services for your needs
  5. Get online with everything
  6. Secure and simple
  7. Author’s review
  8. Fast & Easy VPN for Security and Privacy Online
  9. The Best VPN for Windows
  10. The Strongest VPN Defense for Windows Devices
  11. How Does StrongVPN for Windows Work?
  12. How Do I Secure My Windows Device with StrongVPN?
  13. Sign up for StrongVPN
  14. Download the Windows VPN onto your device
  15. Connect to a StrongVPN server
  16. Why StrongVPN for Windows?
  17. Zero-Logs Policy
  18. Safe Wi-Fi Connections
  19. IP Address Protection
  20. Have Questions About StrongVPN?
  21. Try StrongVPN for Windows Today
  22. Safer VPN
  23. SaferVPN
  24. Download SaferVPN Latest Version
  25. Screenshots
  26. Top Downloads
  27. Comments and User Reviews
  28. Join our mailing list
  29. Freeware
  30. Open Source
  31. Free to Play
  32. Trial
  33. SaferVPN
  34. Тарифы
  35. Как установить SaferVPN на Chrome
  36. Настройка SaferVPN на Windows
  37. Настройка на Андроид

SaferVPN for Windows

Softonic review

A VPN that allows you to securely browse the internet

If you regularly connect to the internet through open Wi-Fi hotspots, or if you want an extra layer of security to your browsing, then you need a virtual proxy network (VPN). SaferVPN provides you with a service that ensures no one is spying on your browsing habits or collecting personal data while you are online.

In addition to its safety features, SaferVPN lets you to connect from a number of countries – perfect for ex-pats trying to access home services from overseas.

Services for your needs

To start your trail with SaferVPN just click on download to go to their site, register with your email address, download the app, and install. Once it is running, all of your connectivity passes through the program providing a secure tunnel to the internet.

Hopefully after 24 hours you will know if SaferVPN is for you and you can choose from one of the three monthly price plans. The base service allows you to use one device or machine at a time to login and connect, another allows for three simultaneous connections, and the final one is designed for small businesses with up to ten machines able to securely connect.

Get online with everything

As well as offering a way to protect your privacy, SaferVPN also lets to select where in the world you would like connect from. With this you can seem to be browsing from one of the numerous countries offered on SaferVPN’s lengthy list – though, do note, some video sites do detect if a VPN is being used and won’t let you continue while it is active.

The advantage of SaferVPN over some similar services, such as Hola, is that it is a discreet program and not a browser extension. This means that not only does it work for your browser but also other apps, like iTunes, that use the internet.

Our test machine did seem to take a fraction longer to load sites while using SaferVPN, though nothing that impacted our browsing.

Secure and simple

SaferVPN offers a great range of services for every user. It’s easy to set up for users of every skill level, and works well. It is true that occasionally site response times were a fraction slower, but nothing dramatic enough to put us off.

Fast & Easy VPN for Security and Privacy Online

Enjoy the fastest and easiest way to access blocked websites, secure your data on WiFi hotspots, and protect your privacy. Download SaferVPN to enjoy security and complete Internet freedom with a single click. Try it now for free! Trusted by over 300,000+ users around the world. As featured on The Next Web, USA Today, BBC News, The Guardian, PC World & many others.

* Access geo-restricted websites or apps with a single click * Secure your private data over unsecured WiFi hotspots * Save money on flights & rental cars by changing your IP address * Connect to one of our 24+ worldwide locations * Ultrafast and super easy to use * 24/7/365 Live chat support * Available for your computer, mobile and tablet.


The Best VPN for Windows

Use StrongVPN to secure your Windows device data.

Dedicated desktop software and mobile apps

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The Strongest VPN Defense for Windows Devices

The Windows operating system has a long history of security vulnerabilities. While Windows has made strides in this arena, sadly, they don’t protect the integrity of your internet traffic. The truth is, if you’re using the internet, your data is vulnerable, no matter what device you use. Thankfully, there’s an easy fix for this issue: a Windows VPN. StrongVPN for Windows protects you online, wherever you are. Connect your device to any of our 950+ private servers to encrypt your internet activity and free yourself from the limits of your IP address.

How Does StrongVPN for Windows Work?

When you connect to StrongVPN, you establish a secure tunnel between your Windows device and one of our remote servers. As you browse the web, all of your network activity travels through this tunnel for the duration of your StrongVPN connection.

Crucially, your StrongVPN tunnel is bolstered with encryption. This renders your data unreadable to any snoopers attempting to monitor your traffic. When you surf the web on your Windows device with StrongVPN enabled, your data is encrypted and unreadable to snoopers.

Lastly, StrongVPN changes your IP address. This allows you to obscure your real, physical location. When connected to the StrongVPN network, your IP address will match your selected VPN server, so you’ll appear as though you’re accessing the web from a different region.

How Do I Secure My Windows Device with StrongVPN?

You can set up our Windows VPN in just three steps:

Sign up for StrongVPN

To receive StrongVPN protection, you must sign up for a StrongVPN subscription. Subscriptions are available in one-month and one-year intervals.

Download the Windows VPN onto your device

Once you’ve subscribed to our VPN service, you’ll need to install StrongVPN on your Windows device. The fastest way to do this is by downloading our free, easy-to-use Windows VPN app.

Secure your other devices too! We allow up to 12 simultaneous connections and also offer dedicated apps for macOS, iOS, Android, and Amazon Fire TV. To get started, refer to our in-depth setup guides for our other platforms, or click your operating system below.

Connect to a StrongVPN server

Once you’ve configured StrongVPN on your Windows device, you’re ready to go. Just open your StrongVPN app and connect to one of our servers — it’s that simple!

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Why StrongVPN for Windows?

Zero-Logs Policy

VPN connections are supposed to provide privacy, but some VPN providers betray those intentions. Many claim to protect you online, but require you to sacrifice your personal data for encryption; that’s not privacy. Instead, you’re simply transferring data access privileges from your broadband provider to your VPN provider.

StrongVPN will never ask you to make that sacrifice. We follow a clear zero-logs privacy policy to secure your personal information. In accordance with that policy, we never track, store, or sell your data.

Safe Wi-Fi Connections

Public Wi-Fi is popular for its convenience. Unfortunately, that popularity extends to hackers, snoopers, and cybercriminals. That’s because these hotspots are almost always free to use, and they allow tech-savvy users to spy on any unsecured traffic that flows over the network.

This open setup leaves your personal information at risk. With StrongVPN, though, this problem disappears. Our VPN secures your hotspot connections by encrypting your online activity when you share network access with strangers. Connect with our Windows VPN to use the internet everywhere – from coffee shops to airports – without worry.

IP Address Protection

One of the most popular ways to identify you online is through your IP address – a unique set of numbers issued to you by your ISP. IP addresses are tracked all over the internet, across web pages and applications, and back to your physical location. Unfortunately, not all of this tracking is well-intentioned.

Thankfully, StrongVPN alleviates these concerns. When you use our Windows VPN service, your real IP address is hidden. Once you establish a connection to a StrongVPN server, your IP address will be temporarily replaced with an IP address from that server.

Have Questions About StrongVPN?

If you’re seeking assistance with your Windows VPN connection, please refer to our online support forum. This is where we post the answers to some of our most frequently asked queries. Have a question you still need answered? Our round-the-clock support team is always eager to share their expertise.

Try StrongVPN for Windows Today

As the most trusted VPN for Windows worldwide, we’re confident you’ll be satisfied with our service.
If you don’t like it for any reason, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee (Annual plan only).

Ask an expert. We’re here to help. +1-800-755-8001

© 2022 Ziff Davis, Inc. or its affiliates (collectively, “Ziff Davis”).

All rights reserved.

StrongVPN is a registered trademark of Ziff Davis.


Safer VPN

safervpn 1

Safer VPN enables you to browse the Internet with no limit, and you can see that this one is a simple to use VPN for all of your needs. First of all, you have to know that it lets you quickly access content from anywhere globally because the VPN (more precisely the servers through which traffic is redirected) helps you overcome all browsing restrictions.

You can choose an IP address from worldwide servers, and this is how you fool any government or website into thinking that you are in another location. Unlocking sites and accessing online streams is an easy thing to do if you decide to use this tool.

You can stream your favorite movies and shows even when you are traveling abroad. Streaming music and watching sporting events is also a thing that can be done with this Safer VPN.

It is also possible to unblock apps by configuring your digital media players on your Chromecast. Gamers can also benefit from this VPN because they can easily access content using Steam, Xbox Live, or even a PlayStation Network.

Unblocking Smart TVs and using VoIP applications are also some things that can quickly be done using this tool.

Concealing your online identity is an important thing to do because internet privacy is under threat from all types of governments, snoopers, and advertisers. You can hide your identity online thanks to the VPN`s anonymous connection. No one can identify your data, and you won`t leave any footprint on your online activity. Without a VPN, your privacy is at risk.

Preventing third parties from tracking you is essential, and this is why you may find this Safer VPN useful. Metadata tracking won`t be an issue for you because no one can tell where you are from. It prevents companies from aggregating metadata about your Internet habits and selling them to third parties.




Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10

SaferVPN 2022 full offline installer setup for PC 32bit/64bit

With over 200,000 downloads, SaferVPN is a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that unblocks blocked sites, secures your personal information, and protects you from hackers, snoopers, and government agencies. Whether browsing at home, on public WiFi, or while traveling, SaferVPN encrypts your data and hides your information on the Web.

With Safer VPN, you can: Protect personal information when using the Internet Access sites like Twitter and Facebook without worrying about censorship See familiar TV and media when you are traveling Combat hackers, snoopers, and over-zealous Government agencies Use the Internet with complete confidence

Features and Highlights

The Fastest Speeds
Browse with the fastest connection speeds possible. The VPN for Windows runs so fast, you won’t even notice it’s there.

Simple, Single-Click Connection
Connect with a single click. No configuration needed, just tap and unlock access to a secure, limitless Internet.

Bank-Level Security
256-bit level encryption ensures your data protection over any connection, on any Windows device. Protect your online privacy!

24/7 In-App Support
«Easily contact 24/7 support team from within the app. Our friendly customer service staff is always here for you».

Global Server Access
With 400+ high-speed, anonymous servers in every continent, access to worldwide content is right at your fingertips.

Note: 1-day trial version.

Download SaferVPN Latest Version


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Each software is released under license type that can be found on program pages as well as on search or category pages. Here are the most common license types:


Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use).

Open Source

Free to Play

This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. In some cases, ads may be show to the users.

Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program’s interfaces. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.


Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time. After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations.

Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose.



Safervpn – один из новейших безопасных и ультрабыстрых в установке впн-клиентов. Да, именно о нем пойдет сегодня речь. Мы не могли не посвятить обзор этому продукту, так как он востребован среди пользователей, имеет массу преимуществ в работе и позитивных отзывов в сети. Звучит немного невероятно, но сейчас мы обо всем расскажем по порядку.

Почему ультрабыстрый? – Потому что очень быстро скачивается и запускается на любом электронном гаджете. Соединение происходит буквально через 10-15 секунд. Но это конечно же не единственное достоинство SaferVPN. Программа имеет простую регистрацию и минимальный набор настроек для работы – ничего лишнего.

На заметку: утилита совместима с Windows, Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, имеется прокси-расширение для Хром, версии для Chromebook, роутеров DD-WRT и Tomato.


Нам предлагают несколько тарифных планов. Один из них пробный на 24 часа, а потому бесплатный и три соответственно платные: на месяц, год и на два года.

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Как установить SaferVPN на Chrome

Настройка SaferVPN на Windows

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Настройка на Андроид

Мобильная версия также порадует вас минималистическим интерфейсом и хорошими функциями. SaferVPN позволит вам защитить свое соединение при использовании общественных wi-fi сетей, при этом вы получите доступ к своим страничкам в социальных сетях или на любых веб-ресурсах (даже если они заблокированы по разным причинам).

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