Системный монитор windows 10 что это

Во всех версиях Windows присутствует универсальный инструмент для сбора информации по загруженности оборудования системы — Системный монитор Windows (Windows Performance Monitor). Он представляет собой  оснастку консоли управления (MMC), с помощью которой пользователь может в реальном времени осуществлять контроль над производительностью приложений и оборудования, выбирать данные, которые будут сохраняться в файлах журналов, задавать пороговые значения для оповещений и автоматических действий, генерировать отчеты и просматривать историю производительности системы, используя различные способы сортировки.

logo_Windows_Server_2012Во всех версиях Windows присутствует универсальный инструмент для сбора информации по загруженности оборудования системы — Системный монитор Windows (Windows Performance Monitor). Он представляет собой  оснастку консоли управления (MMC), с помощью которой пользователь может в реальном времени осуществлять контроль над производительностью приложений и оборудования, выбирать данные, которые будут сохраняться в файлах журналов, задавать пороговые значения для оповещений и автоматических действий, генерировать отчеты и просматривать историю производительности системы, используя различные способы сортировки.

В данной статье я подробно рассмотрю процедуры запуска и настройки системного монитора Windows.

0. Оглавление

  1. Запуск системного монитора Windows
  2. Работа с системным монитором
  3. Настройка системного монитора
  4. Запись данных системного монитора в файл

1. Запуск системного монитора Windows

В Windows Server 2012 запустить системный монитор можно из Диспетчера серверов (Server Manager) в меню «Средства» (Tools) — «Системный монитор» (Performance Monitor)

В Windows Server 2008 также данную оснастку можно найти в Диспетчере сервера (Server Manager) в группе «Диагностика» (Diagnostics) — «Производительность» (Performance).


А также в меню «Пуск» (Start) — «Администрирование» (Administrative Tools) — «Системный монитор» (Performance Monitor)


Также, в любой редакции Windows запустить Системный монитор можно выполнив команду perfmon (меню «Пуск» (Start) — «Выполнить» (Run))


Ну и как любая другая, данная оснастка доступна в консоли управления оснастками (меню «Пуск» (Start) — «Выполнить» (Run) —  «MMC»)

Пользователи, являющиеся членами группы «Пользователи» (Users) могут открывать журналы для просмотра в мониторе производительности, а также могут изменять свойства отображения монитором производительности данных истории во время просмотра.

Члены группы «Пользователи монитора производительности» (Performance Monitor Users) могут выполнять все действия, доступные членам группы «Пользователи» (Users), а также могут в реальном времени просматривать данные в мониторе производительности и  изменять свойства отображения монитором производительности данных во время просмотра в реальном времени.

Участники локальной группы «Администраторы» (Administrators) (или аналогичной) могут использовать все компоненты системного монитора Windows.

2. Работа с системным монитором

Как и другие оснастки Windows, системный монитор состоит из трех окон: окна с деревом консоли (можно скрыть / показать с помощью соответствующей кнопки на панели), информационного окна и панели действий (также можно скрыть / показать с помощью кнопки на панели, по умолчанию скрыта).


При открытии в дереве консоли активна вкладка «Системный монитор» (Performance Monitor), а в информационном окне можно сразу увидеть информацию по предустановленным счетчикам, выводимую в виде графиков в реальном времени.

Список выводимых счетчиков расположен сразу под самим графиком.


Можно включить / отключить отображение того или иного счетчика установив или сняв соответствующий флажок в таблице. Там же можно настроить цвет, масштаб и стиль графика для каждого из счетчиков. Наиболее интересующий в данный момент счетчик возможно выделить жирным черным цветом, отметив его в таблице и нажав на кнопку «Выделить» (Highlight), расположенную на панели над графиком.

Также, выделив счетчик в списке, можно увидеть длительность (Duration), максимум (Maximum), минимум (Minimum), среднее (Average) и последнее (Last) значение показателя для данного счетчика производительности.


На той же панели расположены и кнопки, с помощью которых можно удалить или добавить новый счетчик для отображения.  Нажав на кнопку «Добавить» (Add)  откроется окно со списком имеющихся счетчиков. Их очень много. Для удобства все счетчики сгруппированы по типу оборудования или ПО. Обратите внимание, что можно добавлять как счетчики текущего компьютера, так и компьютеров сети (при наличии соответствующих прав).

Для некоторых счетчиков возможно выбрать конкретный экземпляр объекта. Например, при добавлении счетчика «Средняя длина очереди диска» (Avg. Disk Queue Length) можно выбрать диск, для которого будет собираться статистика. Выбрав необходимый счетчики (или конкретный экземпляр объекта для счетчика) следует перенести его в таблицу «Добавленные счетчики» (Added Counters) с помощью кнопки «Добавить» (Add). А при помощи соответствующего флажка, для каждого счетчика можно вывести также и его короткое описание.

Добавив все необходимые счетчики, нажимаем «ОК».


После чего счетчики сразу появятся в списке выводимых показателей.


Данные по счетчикам производительности можно выводить не только в виде графика (Line), но и в виде линейчатой гистограммы (Histogram Bar) или тестового отчета (Report). Тип диаграммы меняется с помощью соответствующей кнопке на панели.


3. Настройка системного монитора

Все вышеописанные и другие настройки доступны в окне настроек системного монитора, которое можно вызвать с помощью соответствующих кнопок на панели задач.

На вкладке «Общие» (General) можно выбрать отображаемые элементы (Display elements), значения показателей счетчиков (Report and histogram data), которые будут выводиться в графике, длительность (Duration) и интервалы (Sample every) съема показателей.


На вкладках «График» (Graph) и «Оформление» (Appearance) можно настроить тип (View), внешний вид и прочие параметры отображения графика.


На вкладке «Данные» (Data) можно добавить, удалить или настроить вид отображения конкретного счетчика производительности.

А на вкладке «Источник» (Source) можно выбрать источник отображения данных. По умолчанию это текущая активность, но возможно выбрать и ранее записанный файл журнала системного монитора.


4. Запись данных системного монитора в файл

Просматривать информацию по текущей загрузке оборудования в реальном времени конечно полезно, но чаще необходимо анализировать показания счетчиков производительности в течении определенного периода времени. Делается это с помощью Сборщиков данных (Data Collector), которые записывают показания выбранных счетчиков в файл журнала системного монитора, а затем уже администратор просматривает полученную таким образом информацию в системном мониторе.

О том, как настраиваются сборщики данных для системного монитора читайте в статье «Системный монитор Windows (Performance Monitor): сборщики данных загруженности оборудования системы».


  • Способ 1: Меню «Пуск»
  • Способ 2: Диалоговое окно «Выполнить»
  • Способ 3: «Диспетчер задач»
  • Способ 4: «Проводник»
  • Способ 5: «Панель управления»
  • Способ 6: «Командная строка»
  • Вопросы и ответы

как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-0

Способ 1: Меню «Пуск»

Самый простой способ открыть «Монитор ресурсов» в Windows 10 – это использовать поиск в «Пуске». Достаточно вызвать это меню, затем начать вводить запрос «Монитор ресурсов». В процессе набора отобразится совпадение, которое и выберите.

как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-01
Когда надо запустить средство с расширенными правами, в окне справа выберите пункт «Запуск от имени администратора».

Все средства администрирования располагаются в соответствующем разделе главного меню. Найти «Монитор ресурсов» там не слишком сложно — достаточно нажать на кнопку «Пуск» на нижней рабочей панели, отобразить «Все приложения», затем отыскать папку «Средства администрирования Windows» и развернуть ее. Появится список инструментов, где есть и искомый.
как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-05

Способ 2: Диалоговое окно «Выполнить»

Открытие «Монитора ресурсов» доступно и через диалоговое окно «Выполнить». Для этого нужно знать специальную команду, которая запускает окно встроенного средства.

  1. Одновременно зажмите клавиши «Win + R».
  2. как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-03

  3. Появится окно «Выполнить» — в строку «Открыть» вставьте команду perfmon /res и нажмите на клавишу «Enter».
  4. как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-04

Также можно использовать и команду resmon.exe, аналогичным образом прописав ее в строке окна «Выполнить». Эту же команду можно написать и в «Пуске», вместо названия приложения.

Способ 3: «Диспетчер задач»

Перейти в «Монитор ресурсов» в Windows 10 можно напрямую из интерфейса «Диспетчера задач», представляющего собой информационную утилиту, которая визуализирует сведения о работающих службах и процессах, а также потреблении ресурсов, производительности и другой информации.

  1. Кликните по рабочей панели правой кнопкой мыши и из меню выберите пункт «Диспетчер задач».
  2. как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-06

  3. Перейдите на вкладку «Производительность» и кликните по ссылке «Открыть монитор ресурсов», расположенной внизу.
  4. как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-07

Если «Диспетчер задач» изначально открылся в свернутом виде, нажмите на кнопку «Подробнее», чтобы отобразились все вкладки утилиты.
как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-08
Читайте также: Методы запуска «Диспетчера задач» в Windows 10

Способ 4: «Проводник»

Исполняемые файлы сторонних и встроенных средств Windows 10, а также некоторых их ярлыков располагаются в папках на локальных дисках. Системные средства – в разделе, на котором установлена система, чаще всего это «Локальный диск (C:)». Средства администрирования, в том числе «Монитор ресурсов» — не исключение.

Запустите «Проводник», вставьте в адресную строку путь C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsAdministrative Tools и нажмите клавишу «Enter». Отобразится список ярлыков средств администрирования, где отыщите «Монитор ресурсов» и запустите его двойным нажатием левой кнопкой мыши.
как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-09

Способ 5: «Панель управления»

Следующий способ открыть «Монитор ресурсов» на Windows 10 – это «Панель управления», в которой собраны средства настройки операционной системы. Через ее интерфейс можно совершить быстрый переход в папку, которая была рассмотрена в предыдущем способе.

  1. Вызовите диалоговое окно «Выполнить» с помощью сочетания клавиш «Win + R». В строке напишите control panel и кликните по «ОК».
  2. как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-10

  3. Вверху разверните меню «Просмотр», чтобы выбрать формат отображения и задайте крупные или мелкие значки. В появившемся перечне щелкните по разделу «Администрирование».
  4. как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-11

После выбора раздела откроется окно «Проводника» с инструментами Windows 10. Найдите «Монитор ресурсов» и запустите его.


Читайте также: Открытие «Панели управления» на компьютере с Windows 10

Способ 6: «Командная строка»

Если ни один способ не подошел (например, в работе «Проводника» или рабочей панели произошли системные ошибки), можете воспользоваться функциями консоли «Командная строка», через которую доступен запуск приложений и различных штатных средств. Чтобы открыть «Монитор ресурсов» таким образом, нужно знать только команду:

  1. Откройте «Командную строку», отыскав ее в «Пуске» по названию.
  2. как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-12

    Если вы запускаете консоль от имени администратора, то и все средства, открытые через нее, будут с расширенными правами.

  3. В строку введите resmon и нажмите на клавишу «Enter» для подтверждения.
  4. как открыть монитор ресурсов на windows 10-13

После этого отобразится окно «Монитор ресурсов». В Windows 10 вместо «Командной строки» также можно использовать и аналогичную консоль – Windows PowerShell, где принцип запуска утилиты такой же.

Читайте также: Открытие «Командной строки» в Windows 10

Еще статьи по данной теме:

Помогла ли Вам статья?

Performance Monitor — универсальный инструмент сбора информации о загруженности ПК.

Представляет из себя оснастку консоли управления MMC, при помощи которой можно:

  1. В реальном времени контролировать производительность.
  2. Выбирать данные, которые будут сохранены в журнале.
  3. Настраивать оповещения, автоматические действия.
  4. Настраивать создание отчетов.
  5. Просмотр истории производительности, доступны разные способы сортировки.

Performance Monitor переводится как Системный Монитор.

Запуск в Windows 7:

Запустить также можно из окошка Выполнить (Win + R) командой:


Запущенный системный монитор в Windows 7:

Нужна ли эта программа?

Вопрос некорректный. Данный компонент встроенный в Windows. При необходимости вы можете им пользоваться. При ненадобности — не запускаем.

Удалить его нельзя. Удалять принудительно — не вариант, может затронуть работу других компонентов.

На главную!


Кроме того, вы можете открыть файл настроек с помощью Блокнота и скопировать его содержимое. Затем вы можете открыть системный монитор и нажать кнопку « Вставить список счетчиков» (Ctrl + V) на панели инструментов, чтобы загрузить сохраненные настройки. (Эта опция может не работать для всех.)

Счетчики монитора производительности

Теперь, когда у вас есть общее представление о том, что такое Performance Monitor и как его настроить, давайте рассмотрим некоторые общие счетчики, которые можно использовать для мониторинга вашей системы.

Физический диск

Включает счетчики для мониторинга физической производительности жесткого диска вашего компьютера.

Вы можете выбрать счетчики, такие как % времени на диске, чтобы отслеживать время, необходимое накопителю для выполнения запросов на чтение и запись. Если этот счетчик остается в большом количестве в течение длительного времени, это может указывать на то, что жесткий диск готов к замене.

Добавление других счетчиков, таких как Дисковые байты / сек , Дисковые чтения байт / сек , Дисковое чтение / сек , Дисковая запись байт / сек и Дисковая запись / сек, поможет вам определить скорость чтения и записи жесткого диска.


Включает счетчики для мониторинга активности процессора.

Вы можете выбрать счетчики, такие как % времени прерывания, чтобы отслеживать время, которое ЦП затрачивает на выполнение аппаратных запросов (прерываний). Если этот счетчик остается выше 30%, это может указывать на наличие проблемы с оборудованием.

Добавьте счетчик % Privileged Time, чтобы отслеживать время, которое процессор использует для выполнения в режиме ядра (Privileged). Высокий процент привилегированного времени может указывать на плохо записанный драйвер или неисправность оборудования.

Сетевой адаптер

Включает в себя несколько счетчиков для контроля отправленных и полученных байтов для одного или нескольких сетевых адаптеров.

Вы можете выбрать счетчики, такие как Получено байт / сек , Отправлено байт / сек , Всего байт / сек, чтобы увидеть, сколько пропускной способности используется вашим беспроводным адаптером или адаптером Ethernet. Если вы всегда загружаете файлы или потоковое видео с высоким разрешением, а полоса пропускания постоянно достигает 85%, вы можете рассмотреть вопрос об обновлении плана скорости передачи данных.

Однако, если вы не используете свое интернет-соединение интенсивно, но по-прежнему наблюдаете высокую сетевую активность, это может быть признаком того, что что-то работает неправильно, или это может быть также вредоносное ПО, скрытое на вашем компьютере.


Включает в себя массив счетчиков для контроля использования оперативной памяти вашего компьютера.

Вы можете выбрать счетчики, такие как % Committed Bytes in Use, чтобы контролировать общее количество памяти, используемой в настоящее время вашей системой. Если число постоянно превышает 80%, значит, в вашей системе недостаточно памяти.

Добавляя доступные мегабайты , вы можете измерить объем физической памяти, доступной для запущенных процессов. Если это значение составляет менее 5% от общего объема ОЗУ, установленного на вашем компьютере, вам может потребоваться увеличить объем памяти.

Файл подкачки

Включает счетчики для мониторинга использования файлов подкачки.

Если ваш компьютер работает медленно и счетчики файлов подкачки (% Usage и% Usage Peak) постоянно высоки. Это может быть признаком того, что вам нужно обновить память вашего компьютера.

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Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • System monitor tools for Windows 10 and 11 fully diagnose your OS’s performance. 
  • PC resource monitoring software collects information on system temperature or CPU usage.
  • Some PC resource monitoring apps also offer details about network connections.
  • Most such programs use simple methods to display the usage of your system resources.


To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

Keeping track of your system resources is relatively simple in Windows 10 and Windows 11. However, some users prefer using third-party applications to monitor system resources because they offer a better and more straightforward user interface.

If you require complete data for your system performance and processes, using these tools can offer detailed reports for CPU usage or temperature, RAM usage, or hard drive memory.

This type of information is crucial for the health of your PC, giving you everything you must know about the hardware or software quality and usability.

What does a Resource Monitor do?

There are various ways to monitor resource consumption on Windows. The simplest option is to use the built-in Task Manager. It lists the CPU, Memory, Disk, Network, and GPU usage on the computer and is a free system monitor in Windows 10.

Task Manager

Along with that, it allows users to terminate applications and programs that hog the system resources and cause it to slow down.

But it doesn’t offer much information on critical aspects, making it slightly difficult to identify things, and this is where third-party tools come into the picture. We have listed the best available Windows Resource Monitors in this guide:

  • Paessler PRTG – Simply the best
  • AIDA64 Extreme – Provides comprehensive monitoring
  • Wise System Monitor – Offer a simple UI
  • Rainmeter – For easy monitoring
  • FreeMeter – For graphical representation of resource consumption
  • Solarwind Network Performance Monitor – Best for network monitoring
  • Process Explorer – A Task Manager alternative
  • TinyResMeter – Lightweight application for older devices
  • CPUID HWMonitor – For detailed system information
  • Moo0 System Monitor – Easily customizable
  • TaskbarMeters – To quickly identify high resource consumption

What is Resource and Performance Monitor?

Windows has two built-in tools, the Resource Monitor and the Performance Monitor, both equally useful and handy when troubleshooting performance-related issues with the computer.

The Resource Monitor allows you to view how the various system resources are being consumed, for instance, RAM and CPU. It has a separate tab for each and also plots the resource consumption on a graph for better understanding.

Resource Monitor

The Performance Monitor, as the name suggests, is used to analyze the performance of the computer and how the various programs and processes run. It provides the option to view this data both in real-time as well as go through the available logs for past performance analysis.

Performance Monitor

Though, if you’re looking for a dedicated tool to monitor your system resources, we have gathered here a neat list of programs that you need to check out. Also, some of the options here can be used as a Remote System Monitor, while a few offer a Windows 10 system monitor widget.

In this article

  • What does a Resource Monitor do?
  • Which are the best system resources monitoring tools?
  • Paessler PRTG — Simply the best

Paessler PRTG – Simply the best

Paessler PRTG, the best Resource Monitor in Windows 10 to download, is an all-in-one software that provides complete monitoring services for your PC, applications, network, and more. Basically, it entails the IT infrastructure at your fingertips. 

Anyone should know that monitoring system resources are a must-do task for any PC. So, keeping track of your hardware components using this third-party software can give you detailed data about CPU usage or other processes. 

On the same page, you can use PRTG technology to monitor hardware data such as CPU or RAM capabilities, hard drive storage, network printer, routers, and so forth 

Moreover, Paessler offers the possibility to track processes through features like built-in alerting technology, cluster failover solution for safety, real-time maps or dashboards, distributed network monitoring, and a multi-user interface. 

To get a better idea, the software monitors your PC components’ performance using different sensors that show how fast the processor goes. As an example, an SNPM CPU load is a sensor used to monitor your network channels and see helpful data. 

Thus keeping an eye on the system resources, contribute to better functionality on your device, also monitors traffic-related information at a glance. 

Paessler PRTG

Consider a monitoring software that handles your PC performance seamlessly. Try out Paessler PRTG!

AIDA64 Extreme – Provides comprehensive monitoring

AIDA64 Extreme is a comprehensive system analyzer and benchmark tool which includes some powerful features such as CPU, RAM, GPU, and system functionalities monitoring.

It can also offer benchmarks and can provide a detailed audit of your system resources.

Its interface is very intuitive and similar to Microsoft Console Management. You can consult a large number of activity indicators.

This software also allows you to stress test all your components in a large variety of combinations.

You will also have great support from AIDA’s team at your disposal. Download and give it a try.


Get real-time diagnostics about an overclocked system and support to measure your device’s performance.

Wise System Monitor – Offer a simple UI

Wise System Monitor, one of the best System Monitors in Windows 10, is another useful tool that can help you monitor system resources. The main tool allows you to see all your running processes and see how much of the computer resources they use.

There’s also a Hardware monitor included that allows you to see all hardware-related information. You can see detailed information about your motherboard, CPU, graphics card, memory, etc.

If you want, you can also see relevant information about your operating system.

As for the resource monitor, it is at the bottom right corner, just above your Taskbar. The tool will display information such as download and upload speed, RAM and CPU usage, as well as CPU temperature.

If you want to see detailed information, you just need to click a certain field, and you’ll see which applications are using most of that resource.

Wise System Monitor is a decent tool for monitoring your system resources. The tool keeps all information easily accessible, so it’s perfect for basic users.

Wise System Monitor also allows you to see your system information which can be rather useful for some users.

This is a free and simple application, and the only flaw might be the lack of any customization.

If you’re looking for a straightforward application to monitor system resources, be sure to check Wise System Monitor.

Wise System Monitor

See detailed, but easy-to-understand information regarding your system and hardware status with this free tool.

Rainmeter – For easy monitoring

Rainmeter is a simple open-source tool that lets you monitor your system resources. The tool will display small gadgets on your desktop so you can easily monitor your CPU and RAM usage.

In addition, you can check the hard drive space as well as the speed for upload and download with the Resource Monitor.

You can easily choose which gadgets you want to display, and you can easily move the gadgets anywhere on your screen.

Although Rainmeter is simple to use, it offers extensive support for customization. By customizing this tool, you can add new skins and a new feature to the application.

If you’re not a developer, there’s an active community that is constantly developing new skins and features.

Rainmeter is available in a portable version, so there’s no need to install it on your PC to run it.

The tool offers all the basic features that you need, but if you want to use the full potential of Rainmeter, we strongly suggest that you try using different skins for the tool.

This is a great tool for system monitoring, but basic users might be turned away by extensive customization.

Get Rainmeter

FreeMeter – For graphical representation of resource consumption

If you’re looking for a reliable and easy-to-use tool to monitor system resources, you should consider FreeMeter. The application has a simple user interface, and it will show you all the necessary information in the form of graphs.

The tool offers comprehensive performance information that will help you tackle any issue in order to get the best experience possible.

FreeMeter shows easy-to-follow reports and real-time status updates of your system uptime as well as hard drive space.

Along with that, it monitors CPU usage. The professional version can display kernel CPU usage and user CPU usage separately.

In terms of Internet connection, the software is able to monitor both wireless and Ethernet speeds separately.

It can also help with troubleshooting and fixing latency issues. FreeMeter monitors network ping and helps with slow connections.

FreeMeter offers a free version as well as a premium one with a larger set of features. Give it a try and see if it meets your needs.

⇒ Get FreeMeter

Solarwind Network Performance Monitor – Best for network monitoring

This multi-solution company can offer multi-vendor network monitoring on your own PC that shows network connection data at a glance.

Using this comprehensive software, you can see detailed information for network performance aspects like hardware internet issues or cloud server monitoring.

According to your monitoring needs, it’s easy to control your IT infrastructure with a detailed view of physical network performance or cloud server data.

More so, you have absolute control over the network processes and document every matter regarding the connectivity with key metrics and drill-down analysis meant to cover everything.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

It is also possible to monitor and analyze Cisco devices’ networks from the comfort of your home. More exactly, you have access to availability or performance graphics in one view.

If you need to detect Cisco routers or other devices, it can’t be more simple than automatically discovering and identifying the network.

Furthermore, for more insights, you can run packet inspections and see network slowdown problems and their causes.

Analyzing over 1.200 applications to see the response time or classifying network traffic gives you the perfect methods to resolve the issues.

Finally, you will efficiently manage the network performance with instant notifications when issues arrive and critical health data for network hardware.

⇒ Get Solarwind Network Performance Monitor

Process Explorer – A Task Manager alternative

Process Explorer is designed as a Task Manager alternative, and this tool will list all your active processes. Using this tool, you can easily end a process or change its priority.

In addition, you can also monitor system resources by using Process Explorer.

There are four graphs available in Process Explorer, and each graph represents a single resource. If you want detailed information, simply click one of the graphs, and a new window will appear.

From there, you can see the summary or check the CPU, memory, I/O, and GPU usage individually.

This tool also comes with a small graph that will appear in your Taskbar so you can constantly monitor your system resources.

Process Explorer is a great Task Manager alternative, but it can also be used to monitor system resources. This application is free and portable, so be sure to give it a try.

Get Process Explorer

TinyResMeter – Lightweight application for older devices

Another simple tool that allows you to monitor system resources is TinyResMeter. This is a portable and lightweight application, so it can run on almost any PC.

The application doesn’t have a visually appealing user interface, but it will show you all the necessary information.

System information can be displayed in a horizontal or vertical menu. If you want, you can customize the font and colors, but you can also customize available fields.

You can also enter your own labels for the fields. As for available fields, you can display RAM, CPU speed, CPU usage, network speed, etc.

TinyResMeter comes with a bit outdated interface, but it can still be useful. The tool allows you to right-click each field and see detailed information about it.

For example, by right-clicking your hard drive, you can see the total amount of space, label, system type, and all other necessary information.

As for the flaws, the tool feels a bit sluggish at times, and there’s also one visual bug that we noticed.

Every time you hover your mouse over the TinyResMeter, it will turn black, and after a second, it will turn back to normal. This is a small bug, but it can be irritating at times.

TinyResMeter is a simple and portable application that lets you monitor system resources. Despite its simplicity, the application feels a bit outdated, and it has a few minor bugs.

Get TinyResMeter

CPUID HWMonitor – For detailed system information

If you want to see detailed information regarding your system, HWMonitor is the perfect tool for you.

This system monitor tool is free, and it will allow you to monitor your hardware and see all the relevant information.

The application comes with a hardware tree that you can expand in order to see the necessary information. Using this tool, you can see important information such as temperature, fan speed, and utilization.

Although you can see the information about your motherboard, CPU, graphic card, and hard drive, it seems that you can’t see information regarding your RAM or network connection.

Unlike other tools on our list, HWMonitor doesn’t offer a real-time graph, and in order to check your system resources, you’ll need to keep the HWMonitor window open.

This tool offers a lot of information about your hardware, and it can be useful if you want to know more about your components. As for resource monitoring, the tool offers almost all necessary information, but some users might have issues finding the desired information.

HWMonitor is a decent tool, it’s free and portable, but it doesn’t show any information regarding your network connection or RAM, which is its biggest flaw, in our opinion.

Get HWMonitor

Moo0 System Monitor – Easily customizable

Moo0 System Monitor is a free and portable tool for monitoring system resources. This tool consists of several graphs that show you all the necessary system information.

Using this tool, you can see CPU usage and temperature, GPU usage and temperature, amount of free memory, HDD temperature, network speed, etc.

If you want, you can also add additional fields to show more information.

The tool supports some customization, and you can change the size of the tool or its transparency. You can also auto-hide this tool after a certain period of inactivity.

The tool also supports many different color schemes, and you can even set the color scheme to change automatically.

Moo0 System Monitor is a great tool, it’s simple and portable, so it will be perfect for both basic and advanced users.

We have to mention that this tool can sometimes take up a lot of space on your screen depending on the number of fields that you have, so keep that in mind.

Overall, Moo0 System Monitor is a great tool, and you should definitely check it out.

Get Moo0 System Monitor

TaskbarMeters – To quickly identify high resource consumption

Taskbar Meters is a set of applications that allows you to monitor your system resources. There are three applications available, and they all work the same way.

Each application will position itself in your Taskbar, showing your resource usage.

Every application is designed to change color in the Taskbar, so you’ll quickly notice if you’re using too much of your resources.

Using these tools, you can monitor your CPU, RAM, and disk usage, which is more than enough for primary users. Then, if you want, you can adjust the colors or update the frequency of each tool.

We have to mention that these applications use a simple method to display the usage of your system resources.

Unfortunately, using this method, you can’t see the exact numbers, which can be a flaw for some users.

The only flaw of these tools is the lack of ability to show detailed information about CPU, RAM, or disk usage, which can turn away some users.

Get TaskbarMeters

Read more about this topic

  • Best PC performance monitoring software for Windows 10/11
  • Best cloud monitoring & performance tools
  • Best bandwidth monitors for Windows 10/11
  • Fix: Low system resources on Windows 10/11 [Easy Guide]

How do I check my system performance?

  1. Open the Performance Monitor, expand Data Collector Sets, and double-click on System under it.system to monitor system resource
  2. Right-click on System Performance and select Start.start test to monitor system resource
  3. This will trigger a 60-second test to analyze the computer’s performance.
  4. After the period, expand Reports, select System under it, and then double-click on System Performance.system performance to monitor system resource
  5. Now, double-click on the report listed here.report to monitor system resource
  6. You can now view the system performance and identify what’s consuming the maximum resources and other critical information.test result to monitor system resource

If you want to monitor system resources, feel free to use any of these tools because they will provide the necessary information.

It is essential to maintain your computer healthy. The first step is to monitor the system resources accordingly, and this list is more than sufficient to provide the best options for everyone and every PC.

You can use the Resource Monitor in Windows 10 for logging data or try the other third-party tools here.

If you found some problems, here’s what you should do if the system runs low on resources on Windows 10/11.

We’d like to hear which of these tools you prefer and why. Use the comments section to get in touch with us.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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Keep resource consumption in check for best performance

by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Published on August 31, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • System monitor tools for Windows 10 and 11 fully diagnose your OS’s performance. 
  • PC resource monitoring software collects information on system temperature or CPU usage.
  • Some PC resource monitoring apps also offer details about network connections.
  • Most such programs use simple methods to display the usage of your system resources.


To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

Keeping track of your system resources is relatively simple in Windows 10 and Windows 11. However, some users prefer using third-party applications to monitor system resources because they offer a better and more straightforward user interface.

If you require complete data for your system performance and processes, using these tools can offer detailed reports for CPU usage or temperature, RAM usage, or hard drive memory.

This type of information is crucial for the health of your PC, giving you everything you must know about the hardware or software quality and usability.

What does a Resource Monitor do?

There are various ways to monitor resource consumption on Windows. The simplest option is to use the built-in Task Manager. It lists the CPU, Memory, Disk, Network, and GPU usage on the computer and is a free system monitor in Windows 10.

Task Manager

Along with that, it allows users to terminate applications and programs that hog the system resources and cause it to slow down.

But it doesn’t offer much information on critical aspects, making it slightly difficult to identify things, and this is where third-party tools come into the picture. We have listed the best available Windows Resource Monitors in this guide:

  • Paessler PRTG – Simply the best
  • AIDA64 Extreme – Provides comprehensive monitoring
  • Wise System Monitor – Offer a simple UI
  • Rainmeter – For easy monitoring
  • FreeMeter – For graphical representation of resource consumption
  • Solarwind Network Performance Monitor – Best for network monitoring
  • Process Explorer – A Task Manager alternative
  • TinyResMeter – Lightweight application for older devices
  • CPUID HWMonitor – For detailed system information
  • Moo0 System Monitor – Easily customizable
  • TaskbarMeters – To quickly identify high resource consumption

What is Resource and Performance Monitor?

Windows has two built-in tools, the Resource Monitor and the Performance Monitor, both equally useful and handy when troubleshooting performance-related issues with the computer.

The Resource Monitor allows you to view how the various system resources are being consumed, for instance, RAM and CPU. It has a separate tab for each and also plots the resource consumption on a graph for better understanding.

Resource Monitor

The Performance Monitor, as the name suggests, is used to analyze the performance of the computer and how the various programs and processes run. It provides the option to view this data both in real-time as well as go through the available logs for past performance analysis.

Performance Monitor

Though, if you’re looking for a dedicated tool to monitor your system resources, we have gathered here a neat list of programs that you need to check out. Also, some of the options here can be used as a Remote System Monitor, while a few offer a Windows 10 system monitor widget.

In this article

  • What does a Resource Monitor do?
  • Which are the best system resources monitoring tools?
  • Paessler PRTG — Simply the best

Paessler PRTG – Simply the best

Paessler PRTG, the best Resource Monitor in Windows 10 to download, is an all-in-one software that provides complete monitoring services for your PC, applications, network, and more. Basically, it entails the IT infrastructure at your fingertips. 

Anyone should know that monitoring system resources are a must-do task for any PC. So, keeping track of your hardware components using this third-party software can give you detailed data about CPU usage or other processes. 

On the same page, you can use PRTG technology to monitor hardware data such as CPU or RAM capabilities, hard drive storage, network printer, routers, and so forth 

Moreover, Paessler offers the possibility to track processes through features like built-in alerting technology, cluster failover solution for safety, real-time maps or dashboards, distributed network monitoring, and a multi-user interface. 

To get a better idea, the software monitors your PC components’ performance using different sensors that show how fast the processor goes. As an example, an SNPM CPU load is a sensor used to monitor your network channels and see helpful data. 

Thus keeping an eye on the system resources, contribute to better functionality on your device, also monitors traffic-related information at a glance. 

Paessler PRTG

Consider a monitoring software that handles your PC performance seamlessly. Try out Paessler PRTG!

AIDA64 Extreme – Provides comprehensive monitoring

AIDA64 Extreme is a comprehensive system analyzer and benchmark tool which includes some powerful features such as CPU, RAM, GPU, and system functionalities monitoring.

It can also offer benchmarks and can provide a detailed audit of your system resources.

Its interface is very intuitive and similar to Microsoft Console Management. You can consult a large number of activity indicators.

This software also allows you to stress test all your components in a large variety of combinations.

You will also have great support from AIDA’s team at your disposal. Download and give it a try.


Get real-time diagnostics about an overclocked system and support to measure your device’s performance.

Wise System Monitor – Offer a simple UI

Wise System Monitor, one of the best System Monitors in Windows 10, is another useful tool that can help you monitor system resources. The main tool allows you to see all your running processes and see how much of the computer resources they use.

There’s also a Hardware monitor included that allows you to see all hardware-related information. You can see detailed information about your motherboard, CPU, graphics card, memory, etc.

If you want, you can also see relevant information about your operating system.

As for the resource monitor, it is at the bottom right corner, just above your Taskbar. The tool will display information such as download and upload speed, RAM and CPU usage, as well as CPU temperature.

If you want to see detailed information, you just need to click a certain field, and you’ll see which applications are using most of that resource.

Wise System Monitor is a decent tool for monitoring your system resources. The tool keeps all information easily accessible, so it’s perfect for basic users.

Wise System Monitor also allows you to see your system information which can be rather useful for some users.

This is a free and simple application, and the only flaw might be the lack of any customization.

If you’re looking for a straightforward application to monitor system resources, be sure to check Wise System Monitor.

Wise System Monitor

See detailed, but easy-to-understand information regarding your system and hardware status with this free tool.

Rainmeter – For easy monitoring

Rainmeter is a simple open-source tool that lets you monitor your system resources. The tool will display small gadgets on your desktop so you can easily monitor your CPU and RAM usage.

In addition, you can check the hard drive space as well as the speed for upload and download with the Resource Monitor.

You can easily choose which gadgets you want to display, and you can easily move the gadgets anywhere on your screen.

Although Rainmeter is simple to use, it offers extensive support for customization. By customizing this tool, you can add new skins and a new feature to the application.

If you’re not a developer, there’s an active community that is constantly developing new skins and features.

Rainmeter is available in a portable version, so there’s no need to install it on your PC to run it.

The tool offers all the basic features that you need, but if you want to use the full potential of Rainmeter, we strongly suggest that you try using different skins for the tool.

This is a great tool for system monitoring, but basic users might be turned away by extensive customization.

Get Rainmeter

FreeMeter – For graphical representation of resource consumption

If you’re looking for a reliable and easy-to-use tool to monitor system resources, you should consider FreeMeter. The application has a simple user interface, and it will show you all the necessary information in the form of graphs.

The tool offers comprehensive performance information that will help you tackle any issue in order to get the best experience possible.

FreeMeter shows easy-to-follow reports and real-time status updates of your system uptime as well as hard drive space.

Along with that, it monitors CPU usage. The professional version can display kernel CPU usage and user CPU usage separately.

In terms of Internet connection, the software is able to monitor both wireless and Ethernet speeds separately.

It can also help with troubleshooting and fixing latency issues. FreeMeter monitors network ping and helps with slow connections.

FreeMeter offers a free version as well as a premium one with a larger set of features. Give it a try and see if it meets your needs.

⇒ Get FreeMeter

Solarwind Network Performance Monitor – Best for network monitoring

This multi-solution company can offer multi-vendor network monitoring on your own PC that shows network connection data at a glance.

Using this comprehensive software, you can see detailed information for network performance aspects like hardware internet issues or cloud server monitoring.

According to your monitoring needs, it’s easy to control your IT infrastructure with a detailed view of physical network performance or cloud server data.

More so, you have absolute control over the network processes and document every matter regarding the connectivity with key metrics and drill-down analysis meant to cover everything.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

It is also possible to monitor and analyze Cisco devices’ networks from the comfort of your home. More exactly, you have access to availability or performance graphics in one view.

If you need to detect Cisco routers or other devices, it can’t be more simple than automatically discovering and identifying the network.

Furthermore, for more insights, you can run packet inspections and see network slowdown problems and their causes.

Analyzing over 1.200 applications to see the response time or classifying network traffic gives you the perfect methods to resolve the issues.

Finally, you will efficiently manage the network performance with instant notifications when issues arrive and critical health data for network hardware.

⇒ Get Solarwind Network Performance Monitor

Process Explorer – A Task Manager alternative

Process Explorer is designed as a Task Manager alternative, and this tool will list all your active processes. Using this tool, you can easily end a process or change its priority.

In addition, you can also monitor system resources by using Process Explorer.

There are four graphs available in Process Explorer, and each graph represents a single resource. If you want detailed information, simply click one of the graphs, and a new window will appear.

From there, you can see the summary or check the CPU, memory, I/O, and GPU usage individually.

This tool also comes with a small graph that will appear in your Taskbar so you can constantly monitor your system resources.

Process Explorer is a great Task Manager alternative, but it can also be used to monitor system resources. This application is free and portable, so be sure to give it a try.

Get Process Explorer

TinyResMeter – Lightweight application for older devices

Another simple tool that allows you to monitor system resources is TinyResMeter. This is a portable and lightweight application, so it can run on almost any PC.

The application doesn’t have a visually appealing user interface, but it will show you all the necessary information.

System information can be displayed in a horizontal or vertical menu. If you want, you can customize the font and colors, but you can also customize available fields.

You can also enter your own labels for the fields. As for available fields, you can display RAM, CPU speed, CPU usage, network speed, etc.

TinyResMeter comes with a bit outdated interface, but it can still be useful. The tool allows you to right-click each field and see detailed information about it.

For example, by right-clicking your hard drive, you can see the total amount of space, label, system type, and all other necessary information.

As for the flaws, the tool feels a bit sluggish at times, and there’s also one visual bug that we noticed.

Every time you hover your mouse over the TinyResMeter, it will turn black, and after a second, it will turn back to normal. This is a small bug, but it can be irritating at times.

TinyResMeter is a simple and portable application that lets you monitor system resources. Despite its simplicity, the application feels a bit outdated, and it has a few minor bugs.

Get TinyResMeter

CPUID HWMonitor – For detailed system information

If you want to see detailed information regarding your system, HWMonitor is the perfect tool for you.

This system monitor tool is free, and it will allow you to monitor your hardware and see all the relevant information.

The application comes with a hardware tree that you can expand in order to see the necessary information. Using this tool, you can see important information such as temperature, fan speed, and utilization.

Although you can see the information about your motherboard, CPU, graphic card, and hard drive, it seems that you can’t see information regarding your RAM or network connection.

Unlike other tools on our list, HWMonitor doesn’t offer a real-time graph, and in order to check your system resources, you’ll need to keep the HWMonitor window open.

This tool offers a lot of information about your hardware, and it can be useful if you want to know more about your components. As for resource monitoring, the tool offers almost all necessary information, but some users might have issues finding the desired information.

HWMonitor is a decent tool, it’s free and portable, but it doesn’t show any information regarding your network connection or RAM, which is its biggest flaw, in our opinion.

Get HWMonitor

Moo0 System Monitor – Easily customizable

Moo0 System Monitor is a free and portable tool for monitoring system resources. This tool consists of several graphs that show you all the necessary system information.

Using this tool, you can see CPU usage and temperature, GPU usage and temperature, amount of free memory, HDD temperature, network speed, etc.

If you want, you can also add additional fields to show more information.

The tool supports some customization, and you can change the size of the tool or its transparency. You can also auto-hide this tool after a certain period of inactivity.

The tool also supports many different color schemes, and you can even set the color scheme to change automatically.

Moo0 System Monitor is a great tool, it’s simple and portable, so it will be perfect for both basic and advanced users.

We have to mention that this tool can sometimes take up a lot of space on your screen depending on the number of fields that you have, so keep that in mind.

Overall, Moo0 System Monitor is a great tool, and you should definitely check it out.

Get Moo0 System Monitor

TaskbarMeters – To quickly identify high resource consumption

Taskbar Meters is a set of applications that allows you to monitor your system resources. There are three applications available, and they all work the same way.

Each application will position itself in your Taskbar, showing your resource usage.

Every application is designed to change color in the Taskbar, so you’ll quickly notice if you’re using too much of your resources.

Using these tools, you can monitor your CPU, RAM, and disk usage, which is more than enough for primary users. Then, if you want, you can adjust the colors or update the frequency of each tool.

We have to mention that these applications use a simple method to display the usage of your system resources.

Unfortunately, using this method, you can’t see the exact numbers, which can be a flaw for some users.

The only flaw of these tools is the lack of ability to show detailed information about CPU, RAM, or disk usage, which can turn away some users.

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Read more about this topic

  • Best PC performance monitoring software for Windows 10/11
  • Best cloud monitoring & performance tools
  • Best bandwidth monitors for Windows 10/11
  • Fix: Low system resources on Windows 10/11 [Easy Guide]

How do I check my system performance?

  1. Open the Performance Monitor, expand Data Collector Sets, and double-click on System under it.system to monitor system resource
  2. Right-click on System Performance and select Start.start test to monitor system resource
  3. This will trigger a 60-second test to analyze the computer’s performance.
  4. After the period, expand Reports, select System under it, and then double-click on System Performance.system performance to monitor system resource
  5. Now, double-click on the report listed here.report to monitor system resource
  6. You can now view the system performance and identify what’s consuming the maximum resources and other critical information.test result to monitor system resource

If you want to monitor system resources, feel free to use any of these tools because they will provide the necessary information.

It is essential to maintain your computer healthy. The first step is to monitor the system resources accordingly, and this list is more than sufficient to provide the best options for everyone and every PC.

You can use the Resource Monitor in Windows 10 for logging data or try the other third-party tools here.

If you found some problems, here’s what you should do if the system runs low on resources on Windows 10/11.

We’d like to hear which of these tools you prefer and why. Use the comments section to get in touch with us.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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