Скачать coolpack на русском для windows 10

CoolPack is a collection of simulation models for refrigeration systems. CoolPack is a complex of utilities intended for carrying out calculations and building models of refrigeration systems. With their help it is possible to display in the form of formulas and graphs the physical properties of refrigerants, to simulate refrigeration cycles, to carry out energy efficiency calculation, as well as to check the models in ...

CoolPack is a complex of utilities intended for carrying out calculations and building models of refrigeration systems. With their help it is possible to display in the form of formulas and graphs the physical properties of refrigerants, to simulate refrigeration cycles, to carry out energy efficiency calculation, as well as to check the models in the dynamic simulation mode. These programs are designed primarily for engineers involved in the construction and analysis of industrial refrigeration systems, refrigerators, and other refrigeration equipment using various coolants and cryoagents as coolants. The program includes more than 40 cryo- and refrigerants (from nitrogen to fluorodichlorobromethane) with all their features and properties.

CoolPack consists of several groups of programs divided into tabs. The first tab contains three main programs: Refrigeration Utilities, Refrigerant calculator and Secondary fluids for heat transfer. The first one allows to carry out calculations of the transition period and to make diagrams of pressure (Bar) of the coolant and enthalpy (kJ/kg). The Refrigerant calculator can be used to calculate the properties of individual states for refrigerants, while Secondary fluids for heat transfer is needed to calculate the auxiliary fluids for heat transfer, and it is also possible to know the pressure drop coefficient.

The Dynamic simulation utility for dynamic simulation of coolant behavior under various conditions deserves special mention. It can provide approximate results of the use of certain refrigerants, energy consumption and other parameters depending on external factors, such as ambient temperature.

The rest of the CoolPack tabs contain auxiliary utilities for analyzing compressor operation cycles, constructing the basic circuits of cooling systems and so on. The following utilities can be found: Engeneering Equation Solver, CoolTools: Cycle Analysis, CoolTools: Design and Auxiliary.


image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


Wow, if I were a refrigeration designer or repair person, I would use this software. There are many formulas for regrigeration that cannot be memorized and need to be research to be able to use them.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


CoolPack for Windows is the software you need if you want to design the best refrigeration and HVAC systems around. This comprehensive software enables you to design the most dynamic and effective refrigeration unit for the area. Hotel, restaurant, apartments, duplexes if you want the best looking and best working designs that also give you the option to save space then this software is for you.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner


This is best software for industrial refrigeration in this moment, congratulations. Good software. Very practical and handy. Good software. Very practical and handy. Avira reports ADWARE/InstallCore.Gen9 adware. Is this a false alarm? Has anyone experienced the same problem?

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

James Belinski

CoolPack is a software package for thermodynamic simulation and analysis of air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. It is designed for engineers and technicians in the HVAC&R industry, providing a powerful and intuitive tool for the design, optimization, and analysis of refrigeration systems. It can be used to quickly and accurately evaluate the performance of a system and analyze the effect of design changes on the system’s performance.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Sam A******f

I recently installed CoolPack software for my computer and it has been a great experience. It is easy to install and does not require any additional software to run. The user interface is intuitive and user friendly. It also has plenty of features that make it a great choice for those looking for a comprehensive software package. The performance is great and the software runs smoothly, even on older computers. I find the search functions to be particularly useful and efficient. The support team is also very helpful and responds quickly to any queries. Overall, CoolPack is a great software package that is worth checking out.

image/svg+xmlBotttsPablo Stanleyhttps://bottts.com/Florian Körner

Jude H.

CoolPack software is pretty intuitive to use and I found it to be helpful for tracking my shippment, though I did experince a few issues with its speed sometime.


CoolPack — это комплекс утилит, предназначенных для проведения расчетов и построения моделей холодильных систем. С их помощью можно выводить в виде формул и графиков физические свойства хладагентов, моделировать холодильные циклы, проводить расчет энергоэффективности, а также проверять модели в режиме динамической симуляции. Данные программы разработаны в первую очередь для инженеров, занимающихся построением и анализом работы промышленных холодильных комплексов, рефрижераторов, и прочего холодильного оборудования, использующего в качестве теплоносителей различные хладагенты и криоагенты. В программе представлено свыше 40 крио- и хладагентов (начиная с азота и заканчивая фтордихлорбромметаном) со всеми их особенностями и свойствами.

В состав CoolPack входят несколько групп программ, разделенных на вкладки. На первой вкладке находятся три основные программы: Refrigeration Utilities, Refrigerant calculator и Secondary fluids for heat transfer. Первая позволяет проводить вычисления переходного периода и строить графики давления (Bar) теплоносителя и энтальпии (кДж/кг). При помощи калькулятора (Refrigerant calculator) можно рассчитывать свойства отдельных состояний для хладагентов, а Secondary fluids for heat transfer нужен, чтобы проводить расчеты вспомогательных жидкостей для теплопередачи, там же есть возможность узнать коэффициент падения давления.

Отдельного упоминания заслуживает утилита динамической симуляции поведения теплоносителей при различных условиях — Dynamic simulation. В ней можно получить примерные результаты использования тех или иных хладагентов, потребление электроэнергии и прочие параметры в зависимости от внешних факторов, например, от температуры окружающей среды.

На остальных вкладках CoolPack размещены вспомогательные утилиты для анализа циклов работы компрессоров, построения принципиальных схем систем охлаждения и так далее. В составе можно найти следующие утилиты: Engeneering Equation Solver, CoolTools: Cycle Analysis, CoolTools: Design и Auxiliary.

CoolPack – это даже не отдельное приложение, а целый комплекс мини-программ, который позволяет производить точные расчеты для моделирования самых разных охладительных систем и установок.


  • выводит результаты расчетов в виде графиков и формул;
  • а также наглядных представлениях характеристик систем охлаждения разных видов;
  • физических характеристик хладагентов;
  • моделирует циклы охлаждения;
  • производит расчеты по эффективности установок с заданными параметрами;
  • проверяет динамические модели холодильных установок.

Целевая аудитория – инженеры и конструкторы, работающие в области конструирования промышленных комплексов охлаждения, рефрижераторных систем. CoolPack предлагает работу с несколькими десятками разновидностей хладагентов – азот, фтордихлорбромметан и др.

В составе пакета находятся приложения, удобно разделенные по вкладкам. Первая вкладка содержит главные утилиты — Refrigeration Utilities, Refrigerant calculator и Secondary fluids for heat transfer. С их помощью можно вычислять переходный период и выстраивать графики давления, производить расчеты по состоянию хладагентов и вспомогательных жидкостей. Здесь же можно определять коэффициенты падения давления.CoolPack

Заслуживает внимания утилита для проведения динамической симуляции теплоносителей в разных условиях эксплуатации — Dynamic simulation. Она позволяет получать достаточно точные результаты работы многих видов хладагентов, рассчитывать энергопотребление и многие другие параметры – в зависимости от разнообразных факторов.

Прочие вкладки пакета содержат в себе различные утилиты для анализирования циклов оборудования, построения схем охлаждения и т.д. Сюда вошли утилиты — Engeneering Equation Solver, CoolTools: Cycle Analysis, CoolTools: Design и Auxiliary. Итак, если требуется проводить точные расчеты по охладительным системам и их компонентам, а также имитировать виртуальные их модели в динамике, то программа CoolPack окажется как раз тем, что нужно.

Программа может предложить следующие преимущества в сравнении с аналогичным софтом на рынке:

  • сравнительную простоту использования;
  • интуитивность интерфейса;
  • наличие большого количества действительно полезных на практике утилит;
  • их тесную взаимосвязь между собой в плане комплексного динамического моделирования систем охлаждения;
  • нетребовательность к компьютерному «железу»;
  • удобное расположение инструментов во вкладках.


У нас на сайте CoolPack можно загрузить бесплатно. Кроме того, у нас вы всегда найдете большой выбор других приложений, которые могут вам понадобиться для удобной и безопасной работы на компьютере. Весь представленный софт проходит через антивирусную проверку и тестируется на предмет работоспособности.


CoolPack was developed by the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MEK), Section of Thermal Energy (TES) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The development of CoolPack has until version 1.33 been financed by the Danish Energy Agency as part of the SysSim project. IPU hosts the CoolPack download pages.

About the project

CoolPack is no longer maintained, nor do we plan to do so in the future.  A large part of CoolPack is based on EES, and difficult to maintain.

Please have a look at the new CoolTools software, for calculations with new refrigerants. It does not have all the same functionality as CoolPack has, but it comes with a lot of the new refrigerants built-in, and receives regular updates. The idea is to make a more modular software with different components that can be updated individually. Ideally, this new software would be supported by the community and receive continuous upgrades.

If you are looking for transcritical CO2 system calculations, please have a look at Simple one-stage CO2.

For yearly calculations, and comparing different system designs for refrigeration and heat pumps, we offer the commercial software Pack Calculation Pro.

Lastly, if you are interested in secondary side calculations (e.g. water, glycol loops), SecCool may be worth taking a look at.

If you wish to proceed using CoolPack, please find the download link below.

Features of CoolPack

The following simulation purposes are covered:

  • Cycle analysis (process design)
  • System sizing
  • System simulation
  • Component calculations
  • Analysis of operating conditions
  • Transient simulation (cooling of an object/room)
  • Refrigerant calculations (property plots, thermodynamic & transport properties, comparison of refrigerants)
  • Life cycle cost (LCC)

As indicated by the name, CoolPack is a collection of simulation programs related to refrigeration. It consists of “Refrigeration Utilities”, “EESCoolTools”, and a transient element called “Dynamic”.

The first version of Refrigeration Utilities was released in 1995 and the program has since then been updated continuously with new refrigerants, more property plots etc.

EESCoolTools has been formally introduced as part of CoolPack (March 1999). The name EESCoolTools is a combination of the three words EES, Cool and Tools:

  • “EES” refers to the name of the program used to develop the simulation models (Engineering Equation Solver – EES).
  • “Cool” refers to that the programs are related to the area of refrigeration.
  • “Tools” refers to that the programs are thought to be tools enabling you to make faster and more detailed system design and energy analysis.

EES is developed by S. A. Klein and F .L. Alvarado, and is sold by F-Chart Software in Wisconsin, USA. You can get more information about EES and F-Chart Software on the Internet.

The dynamic elements are modeled and solved using a DAE-type simulation program called DALI. DALI was developed at the Refrigeration Laboratory (now part of Section of Thermal Energy at the Technical University of Denmark) in 1985. Originally, it was programmed in Pascal but the present release is updated to Delphi. So far we have included one transient element: simulation of the cooling of an object with the possibility of applying an on/off control of the compressor.


The CoolPack program is freeware and it may be distributed freely. For more information, see:

  • CoolPack license summary


  • Download CoolPack v1.5.0
  • CoolPack tutorial

Note: Versions after v1.4.7 don’t contain functional changes, but only changes related to installation of the software.

Read more about IPU and our services here.

If interested, you can also join our mailing list to get informed about releases of new software, and to get access to early preview versions. You can sign up on https://www.ipu.dk/ at the bottom of the page, remember to select the interest category “Thermodynamics and Energy Technology”.


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Dimi4 ®

26-Сен-2012 11:29

CoolPack Refrigeration Utilities / Расчёт параметров рефустановок

Year: 2012
Version: 1.50
Platform: Windows
System Requirements: стандартные
Localization: english
Crack: Not needed
Description: CoolPack. программа симулятор хладагентов,диаграммы состояния, холодильные циклы. Расчет параметров влажного воздуха по I-D диаграмме.
CoolPack is a collection of simulation models for refrigeration systems. The models each have a specific purpose e.g. cycle analysis, dimensioning of main components, energy analysis and -optimization.
CoolPack is developed by the Department of Mechanical Engineering (MEK), Section of Energy Engineering (ET) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
The development of CoolPack has until version 1.33 been financed by the Danish Energy Agency.
Refrigeration Utilities is a refrigerant oriented program that can create tables and plots of refrigerant properties. Refrigeration cycle calculations for standard refrigeration cycles can be performed. The program has the following specific features:
Note: Changes since version 1.47 are all related to installation issues and position of files. The functionality of CoolPack is unchanged.


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