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Тема MacOS Catalina для Windows 10 на рабочий стол компьютера, для оформления интерфейса системы, ID: 11937. Разработчики тем не перестают копировать интерфейсы компании Apple и, в частности, в этот раз речь пойдет про Mac OS. Автор hs1987 создал свое видение Windows 10, в котором практически полностью повто...

Разработчики тем не перестают копировать интерфейсы компании Apple и, в частности, в этот раз речь пойдет про Mac OS. Автор hs1987 создал свое видение Windows 10, в котором практически полностью повторил визуальный стиль macOS Catalina. Окна проводника здесь компактные, переключители сместились в левый ряд и приобрели соответствующий вид — красный, оранжевый и зеленый круг. По ширине, левый сайдбар стал чуть меньше оригинала, за счет чего больше внимания уделяется рабочей области проводника. А панель задач и вовсе скрыта. Теперь ее заменяет стилизованный док с иконками.

Для правильной работы темы оформления Вам понадобится программа OldNewExplorer, а иконки Вы можете скачать в специальных разделах нашего сайта.
Поддержка версий Windows 10: 22H2, 21H2, 21H1, 2009, 2004, 1909, 1903, 1809, 1803, 1709, 1703

  1. Скачайте и распакуйте архив 1572094302_macos_catalina_theme.zip с помощью 7zip.
  2. Если Вы устанавливаете темы первый раз: пропатчите систему с помощью UltraUXThemePatcher.
  3. Переместите файлы *.theme, а также папку с содержанием ресурсов *.msstyles по адресу: C:WindowsResourcesThemes.
  4. Нажмите в пустой области на рабочем столе и выберите пункт «Персонализация» в контекстном меню.
  5. Перейдите в раздел «Темы» и примените добавленную тему.
  6. Установка завершена!

Обратите внимание! Для установки кнопки пуск, панели быстрого доступа и других ресурсов Вам потребуются специальные программы. Ссылки на них указаны в блоке «Дополнения». Чтобы узнать версию системы, нажмите сочетание клавиш «Win+R» (где «win» — это кнопка с логотипом windows на клавиатуре), а затем в окне «Выполнить» введите команду «winver» и нажмите Enter (или кнопку «ОК»).

Combine Windows and Mac to get the best of both worlds in one pack.

by Ivan Jenic

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and… read more

Updated on September 29, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • If you love the Mac look but also appreciate Windows’ functionality, you might have a hard time making a decision.
  • The good news is that you won’t have to pick between one or the other.
  • Why settle for one when you can have both? Here’s how to make Windows look like Mac and reap all the benefits!

how to make windows 10 look like mac

If you like the Mac interface or if you used it before but you would still like to keep your Windows 10 operating system, you now have the possibility to make Windows look like Mac.

It turns out it’s actually super easy to get the best of both worlds and all it takes is mastering the right apps to help you pull this off. Don’t worry, we’re here to guide you throughout the entire process.

In this manner, you’ll make your PC look like a Mac with just a couple of clicks and a Mac theme for Windows 10.

The desktop will look exactly like a Mac but your operating system will still function under Windows 10. Also, you can have access to all the Windows 10 features as you did before.

With no changes in the functionality department, you’ll just make Windows feel like Mac.

How can I make Windows look like Mac?

Making your Windows desktop look like Mac OS can be done very easily and in just a couple of minutes of your time.

You will only have to carefully follow the tutorials posted below and you will be ready to use your new apple theme for Windows 10.

1. Make Windows look like Mac using a skin pack

Users who wish to make their Windows OS look like mac can do this using a skin pack. A skin pack helps you change your UI to look exactly like on a mac OS.

You can manually customize which mac features you want to import and use on your Windows.

1. First you need to create a system restore point. It is highly recommended to do this before you download the skin packs, just in case something goes wrong during the installation or if you cannot uninstall them.

2. Press and hold the Windows button and the X button to open the Power Menu.

power menu windows

3. Select System from the options.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

4. On the left side-panel, in the Find a setting search box, type restore point and click on Create a restore point.

how to create a restore point windows

5. Now you should have a window with System properties in front of you. Left click on the Create button you are presented there and give a name to the restore session that you will create.

6. Proceed with the system restore.

7. Download a Mac theme for Windows 10. You need to choose the theme which is compatible with your OS and has the same system type (32bit or 54bit).

8. Right click on the installer for the Windows 10 Mac OS skin.

9. During the installation, you will be asked what features you want to have from the mac interface. You can choose the features as you see fit.

10. After the skin pack finishes the installation, restart your Windows 10 PC.

Note: If you have any issues after the restart of the Windows 10 PC, you can boot into Safe mode and disable any of the features that are causing the issues.

2. Make Windows look like Mac using the Mac OS Transformation Pack

You can also download and install the Mac OS transformation pack. With the help of this tool, you can make Windows feel like Mac.

The pack includes a great number of changes, but it’s easy to install and use. It brings Mac themes, wallpapers, as well as new OS X features to your Windows computer.

Read more about this topic

  • This File Came From Another Computer: 4 Ways to Unblock It
  • How to Play DVDs on Windows 11 [Easy & Free Methods]
  • How to Fix Try Catch PowerShell Not Working?

There are other interesting MAC-related things that you can do on a Windows PC. We will show you the most popular and used MAC features on Windows PCs. Here they are:

  • 6 best PC emulation software for Macs
  • How to create a Mac OS bootable USB Media on Windows 10
  • How to install Windows 10 on a Mac
  • How to read Mac-formatted drives on Windows

Now that you have your Windows 10 Mac OS skin up and running on your PC,  you can start testing it and see if it fits your needs.

Don’t hesitate to write us below if you are unable to install the Mac theme for Windows on your PC, and we’ll be sure to help you succeed.

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Combine Windows and Mac to get the best of both worlds in one pack.

by Ivan Jenic

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and… read more

Updated on September 29, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • If you love the Mac look but also appreciate Windows’ functionality, you might have a hard time making a decision.
  • The good news is that you won’t have to pick between one or the other.
  • Why settle for one when you can have both? Here’s how to make Windows look like Mac and reap all the benefits!

how to make windows 10 look like mac

If you like the Mac interface or if you used it before but you would still like to keep your Windows 10 operating system, you now have the possibility to make Windows look like Mac.

It turns out it’s actually super easy to get the best of both worlds and all it takes is mastering the right apps to help you pull this off. Don’t worry, we’re here to guide you throughout the entire process.

In this manner, you’ll make your PC look like a Mac with just a couple of clicks and a Mac theme for Windows 10.

The desktop will look exactly like a Mac but your operating system will still function under Windows 10. Also, you can have access to all the Windows 10 features as you did before.

With no changes in the functionality department, you’ll just make Windows feel like Mac.

How can I make Windows look like Mac?

Making your Windows desktop look like Mac OS can be done very easily and in just a couple of minutes of your time.

You will only have to carefully follow the tutorials posted below and you will be ready to use your new apple theme for Windows 10.

1. Make Windows look like Mac using a skin pack

Users who wish to make their Windows OS look like mac can do this using a skin pack. A skin pack helps you change your UI to look exactly like on a mac OS.

You can manually customize which mac features you want to import and use on your Windows.

1. First you need to create a system restore point. It is highly recommended to do this before you download the skin packs, just in case something goes wrong during the installation or if you cannot uninstall them.

2. Press and hold the Windows button and the X button to open the Power Menu.

power menu windows

3. Select System from the options.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

4. On the left side-panel, in the Find a setting search box, type restore point and click on Create a restore point.

how to create a restore point windows

5. Now you should have a window with System properties in front of you. Left click on the Create button you are presented there and give a name to the restore session that you will create.

6. Proceed with the system restore.

7. Download a Mac theme for Windows 10. You need to choose the theme which is compatible with your OS and has the same system type (32bit or 54bit).

8. Right click on the installer for the Windows 10 Mac OS skin.

9. During the installation, you will be asked what features you want to have from the mac interface. You can choose the features as you see fit.

10. After the skin pack finishes the installation, restart your Windows 10 PC.

Note: If you have any issues after the restart of the Windows 10 PC, you can boot into Safe mode and disable any of the features that are causing the issues.

2. Make Windows look like Mac using the Mac OS Transformation Pack

You can also download and install the Mac OS transformation pack. With the help of this tool, you can make Windows feel like Mac.

The pack includes a great number of changes, but it’s easy to install and use. It brings Mac themes, wallpapers, as well as new OS X features to your Windows computer.

Read more about this topic

  • This File Came From Another Computer: 4 Ways to Unblock It
  • How to Play DVDs on Windows 11 [Easy & Free Methods]
  • How to Fix Try Catch PowerShell Not Working?
  • WaasMedic Agent.exe High Disk Usage: How to Stop It?

There are other interesting MAC-related things that you can do on a Windows PC. We will show you the most popular and used MAC features on Windows PCs. Here they are:

  • 6 best PC emulation software for Macs
  • How to create a Mac OS bootable USB Media on Windows 10
  • How to install Windows 10 on a Mac
  • How to read Mac-formatted drives on Windows

Now that you have your Windows 10 Mac OS skin up and running on your PC,  you can start testing it and see if it fits your needs.

Don’t hesitate to write us below if you are unable to install the Mac theme for Windows on your PC, and we’ll be sure to help you succeed.

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MacOS Catalina

Популярная тема оформления Catalina для Windows 10, которая выполнена в MacOS стиле. Тема практически полностью похожа на интерфейс ОС от Apple. Все окна и переключатели полностью соответствуют стилю Mac OS. Короче, если у вас Windows 10, а хотели MAC, то эта тема ваш выбор!

В архиве находятся:

  • Сама тема в 2 вариациях (светлая и темная);
  • Обои рабочего стола.

тема MacOS Catalina


  • 22H2;
  • 21H2;
  • 21H1;
  • 2009.

Скачать тему:
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Размер: 19 Mb


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