Скачать nbtexplorer nbt editor for windows and mac

NBTExplorer is a low-level graphical NBT data editor originally based on NBTedit. The key difference is NBTExplorer's full support for Minecraft .mcr/.mca re...

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  • #1

    Dec 4, 2011

    NBTExplorer is a low-level graphical NBT data editor originally based on NBTedit. The key difference is NBTExplorer’s full support for Minecraft .mcr/.mca region files, a directory-tree interface for easily exploring multiple worlds, and support for the latest NBT standard. NBTExplorer is built on top of Substrate.

    NBTExplorer can read:

    • Standard NBT files (e.g. level.dat)
    • Schematic files
    • Uncompressed NBT files (e.g. idcounts.dat)
    • Minecraft region files (*.mcr)
    • Minecraft anvil files (*.mca)
    • Cubic Chunks region files

    The NBTExplorer zip and installer packages for Windows now include a second utility, NBTUtil.exe, for command-line control of NBT data. NBTUtil currently has a limited featureset compared to NBTExplorer.

    Windows Users
    NBTExplorer is a Windows .NET application, and requires .NET framework 2.0 or higher to run. Note: If you run Windows 8 or later, you may get a SmartScreen warning when first running the program. See the related FAQ entry for more information.

    Linux Users
    NBTExplorer has been tested for compatibility with recent Mono runtimes. Minimally, your system needs the mono-core and mono-winforms packages, or whatever set of packages is equivalent.

    Mac Users
    A Mac-specific version of NBTExplorer is available with a native UX. It is compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 or higher. It will not run on 10.6, sorry.

    As of August 22, 2013, I’ve begun signing NBTExplorer with an Apple Developer ID certificate. If you have GateKeeper configured to only allow software from the App Store, then you will need to change GateKeeper to allow running signed downloaded applications, or following these instructions to bypass GateKeeper:

    For older unsigned versions of NBTExplorer, you may also receive a cryptic «OSStatus error -67053» if you try to bypass GateKeeper the normal way by right-clicking the app and selecting ‘Open’. Here are some instructions to bypass GateKeeper for NBTExplorer:

    1. Download NBTExplorer
    2. Copy the NBTExplorer.app out of the zip, to your /Applications folder
    3. Open your Terminal, found in /Applications/Utilities
    4. At the prompt the Terminal gives you, type exactly the following:
    5. «, courier, monospace»>xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/NBTExplorer.app

    This will clear the quarantine attributes that prevent NBTExplorer from running.

    If you have problems with the native client or you’re running OS X 10.6 or older, you can still run the Windows version of NBTExplorer on your Mac by following the Linux instructions and installing the Mono runtime. You may still need to disable GateKeeper quarantine on the downloaded files.

    Download: Windows / Linux (Version 2.8.0) [MSI installer or ZIP archive]
    Download: Mac (Version 2.0.3)

    Project Page: Github

    I recommend backing up worlds before modifying them with this tool.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: NBTExplorer didn’t save my changes — why?

    A: It’s possible you forgot to save. The more likely answer is NBTExplorer did save your changes, and if you were to immediately re-open your world in NBTExplorer, you would see that your changes are still there. Instead, Minecraft erased or ignored your changes when you loaded your world. The most common trap is editing player settings or inventory on a single-player world and making your changes in a .dat file instead of in level.dat. Minecraft will overwrite your .dat file on load with the contents of the player tag in level.dat.

    Q: I’m on Windows and NBTExplorer crashed on start / didn’t run.

    A: Did you get a message box listing one or more exceptions? Reply to this thread with the information so you can be better helped.

    If you didn’t get any message box though, or you only received a standard «program has stopped working» message box, then you have deeper issues with your .NET environment. Do any other .NET programs run on your computer? If yes, then try deleting the NBTExplorer.exe.config file that was installed / came with the zip. This will cause NBTExplorer to prefer the .NET 2.x/3.x framework over the 4.x framework, and may allow the program to run if your .NET 4.x framework is toast. You should still do something about that, of course.

    Q: I’m on Windows and NBTExplorer crashed with a scary warning.

    A: Windows 8 and later includes a program filter called «SmartScreen» that prevents unrecognized software from running. Its warning looks something like this:

    If you see this screen, press the «More info» link to get a «Run Anyway» button. This will launch the program, and you shouldn’t see the warning again unless you update NBTExplorer.

    NBTExplorer is SAFE and has an established reputation in the Minecraft community. However, you don’t need to take my word at face-value. The source code is publicly available for inspection, and you can download and build your own copy if you so wish.

    SmartScreen builds up reputation on individual files. So you may see this warning if you download a freshly released update of NBTExplorer, but not if you download a version that has been out for a while. Unfortunately the permanent fix for this is to buy very expensive signing certificates that must be renewed annually, which is not viable for a free tool like this.

    Q: The Mac version doesn’t run on my Mac!

    A: If you’re running OSX 10.6.x or earlier, the Mac version is confirmed to not work. It has been tested and confirmed to work for people on 10.7.x and 10.8.x, although that may still not be a guarantee that it will work for you, or that it will be bug-free.

    If you’re having problems running the Mac-specific version of NBTExplorer, there is still a high probability that you can run the Windows/Linux version instead. thhinds has posted a more detailed set of instructions here. It won’t be as pretty — you’ll get a very crude looking version of Windows UI styling instead of native OSX styling, but it should still do the job. I can’t do anything about this unless an experienced Cocoa developer that also has some .NET/Mono experience is willing to step up and help me determine why it won’t run on older versions of OSX.

    Q: When I run the Mac version, I see: OSStatus error -67053

    A: It has been reported that this is caused by Gatekeeper disallowing NBTExplorer from running because it is not a properly signed application. Please refer to the instructions in the «Mac Users» section above for bypassing GateKeeper’s check. NOTE: As of August 22, 2013, I have begun signing NBTExplorer. Try downloading the latest version first.

  • #3

    Dec 16, 2011


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    Specs: Intel Core i5 2500k @ 4.5GHz, Gigabyte Geforce GTX 560 Ti 448 Cores @ 850MHz, ASrock Extreme3 Gen3, Corsair XMS3 4x2GB DIMMs, 2x Seagate Barracuda 1TB 7200RPM in RAID 1, Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus, 1x Seagate Momentus 160GB 7200RPM (For FRAPS), Cooler Master HAF 912.

  • #7

    Jan 22, 2012

    NBTExplorer has been updated. Rough changeset:

    — Project retargeted to .NET Framework 2.0
    — General usability improvements
    — — Open folder dialog remembers your last position
    — — Files and folders can be dragged into the window to open them
    — — Files and folders can be dragged onto the executable to open them at launch
    — Improved Mono support, tested to run under both Linux and MacOS X (as always, YMMV)

  • #10

    Jan 28, 2012

    No, that requires a mod. If you’re looking to physically remove all snow blocks, a block replacement tool can do that for you. There’s several around.

  • #11

    Jan 28, 2012


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    I still don’t understand why this thread haven’t got crapton of replies. Nice tool, i use it all the time!

    Join this Hamachi server! ID: aweshiz’s server PASS: 9999 IP: Awesome staff, friendly community, no lag! | I’M 12. GET OVER IT.

  • #12

    Jan 28, 2012

    NBTedit is still a good tool for most people, and even that’s pretty low level for the average player. Chunk editing is a niche requirement and most useful to developers. That’s okay.

  • #13

    Feb 14, 2012

    Can anyone tell me (if even possible) what i would need to edit in my level.dat with this program in order to make this appear as a fresh start world even though structures and features have spawned in it?

    The purpose is to use an existing World with the «Tale of Kingdoms» mod. I have moved my spawn point to where i want the Mods building to spawn, but the mod will only spawn them on new worlds. So to sum up… how can i make my old world new without deleting all the progress i made on it? Is that even possible?

  • #15

    Feb 14, 2012

    Can anyone tell me (if even possible) what i would need to edit in my level.dat with this program in order to make this appear as a fresh start world even though structures and features have spawned in it?

    The purpose is to use an existing World with the «Tale of Kingdoms» mod. I have moved my spawn point to where i want the Mods building to spawn, but the mod will only spawn them on new worlds. So to sum up… how can i make my old world new without deleting all the progress i made on it? Is that even possible?

    That largely depends on how the mod determines new-world state. If it goes off of an attribute like TerrainGenerated (which is used by Minecraft to determine when to populate chunks with trees, ores, etc.), then you could reset that flag, although it may have negative effects on your chunks. If it hooks into the routines that actually create chunks, then you’d need to delete the chunks where you’d like it to spawn. If it somehow hooks into the code that first creates a world, then I’m not sure there’s anything you could do.


    I have a question, I have a diamond sword on a world in minecraft, I want to edit it to have enchantments, how?

    You can add the necessary tags to your items to give them enchantments. Check http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Alpha_Level_Format/Chunk_File_Format#Items for the exact tag hierarchy needed — enchantments are rooted in the «ench» compound tag. If you have enchantments on any of your items already, then you can look at those in NBTExplorer and use them as a guide. If you look around the tools forum, there are also tools specifically to edit enchantments that are probably easier to use.

  • #16

    Feb 15, 2012

    That largely depends on how the mod determines new-world state. If it goes off of an attribute like TerrainGenerated (which is used by Minecraft to determine when to populate chunks with trees, ores, etc.), then you could reset that flag, although it may have negative effects on your chunks. If it hooks into the routines that actually create chunks, then you’d need to delete the chunks where you’d like it to spawn. If it somehow hooks into the code that first creates a world, then I’m not sure there’s anything you could do.

    Thanks for the response. Ultimately i think it’s just time to start a new world and enjoy building it up anew.

  • #17

    Feb 19, 2012

    NBTExplorer has been updated for Anvil map support. The set of NBT tags was expanded in anvil to include int arrays, which are now used in the .mca region files.

  • #20

    Mar 13, 2012

    NBTExplorer has been updated, adding a (read-only) hex editor for viewing the contents of byte array and int array tags. I’ll extend this for read-write support later, but for now it was just critical I be able to read the data to verify the changes I’m making to Substrate.

  • #22

    Mar 29, 2012


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    It’d be cool if you also added compatibility for Cubic Chunks’ «r2.x.y.z.mcr/mca» file format. Basically standard MCR/MCA files, except with a sector size of 256 bytes instead of 4096 bytes. (This, of course, means that the offsets and timestamps tables have to take up 16 sectors each.)

    Regardless, +1, and great tool!

  • #23

    Mar 30, 2012

    Is this something with widespread adoption?

    Unfortunately it’s something I would need to add support for in Substrate and that would require a bit of work. I may look into it when I near the end of a proper Anvil rewrite but it’s still a ways off.

  • #25

    Apr 8, 2012


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    Is this something with widespread adoption?

    Unfortunately it’s something I would need to add support for in Substrate and that would require a bit of work. I may look into it when I near the end of a proper Anvil rewrite but it’s still a ways off.

    Aside from the few thousand Cubic Chunks users, no. Of course, that is a decent-sized «Aside»…

    Feel free to use my SaveConverter code. Sorry, but it is in Java… For SmallSector files, focus on RegionFile and its subclasses.


  • #26

    Apr 10, 2012

  • #27

    Apr 11, 2012

    NBTExplorer is just a raw NBT presenter. What you really want is to browse through the source code of the underlying library, Substrate https://github.com/jaquadro/Substrate/tree/AnvilOnly (link is to Anvil-compat branch), which has constructs for everything that builds on top of NBT. The way I work with the data in Substrate is not necessarily the way you’ll want to work with it in a mod (I’m currently abstracting Anvil chunks into Beta-style chunks, which closely mirrors .schematic file data, but also complicates things), but you should be able to see how to interpret the data.

  • #28

    Apr 11, 2012

    NBTExplorer is just a raw NBT presenter. What you really want is to browse through the source code of the underlying library, Substrate https://github.com/j…/tree/AnvilOnly (link is to Anvil-compat branch), which has constructs for everything that builds on top of NBT. The way I work with the data in Substrate is not necessarily the way you’ll want to work with it in a mod (I’m currently abstracting Anvil chunks into Beta-style chunks, which closely mirrors .schematic file data, but also complicates things), but you should be able to see how to interpret the data.

    thanks so much. good thing c# is alot like java :D
    Also, I found this… http://jnbt.sourceforge.net/ its a java library for reading this stuff.. has an NBT InputStream that takes care of everything. Then it puts the tags in a map with the name as key. helps a lot when learning how they work.

  • #29

    Apr 20, 2012

    Great tool! I’m surprised there aren’t like 1,000’s of posts already stating this!

    Great for moving a World’s default spawn. Also a great tool for loading player files to find their coordinates, if you are running Vanilla. Also, just a rather fun tool to play around with, tweaking and editing things here and there, if stuff like that amuses you.

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NBTExplorer is an open-source NBT editor for all common sources of NBT data. It’s mainly intended for editing Minecraft game data.

Supported Formats

NBTExplorer supports reading and writing the following formats:

  • Standard NBT files (e.g. level.dat)
  • Schematic files
  • Uncompressed NBT files (e.g. idcounts.dat)
  • Minecraft region files (*.mcr)
  • Minecraft anvil files (*.mca)
  • Cubic Chunks region files (r2*.mcr, r2*.mca)

System Requirements


Windows XP or later, .NET Framework 2.0 or later.


NBTExplorer is compatible with recent Mono runtimes, at least 2.6 or later.
Minimally, your system needs the mono-core and mono-winforms packages, or whatever package set is equivalent.


A separate Mac version with a native UI is available. All Mono dependencies are included within the app package.
Minimum supported OS is OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion, but it may run on versions as early as Snow Leopard.

The Windows version of NBTExplorer can still be used if the Mac version does not work. You will need to install the
Mono runtime, and then run NBTExplorer with Mono from the command line.

views ❘
April 7, 2022

NBTExplorer Tool is a low-level graphical NBT (Named Binary Tag) data editor for Minecraft. With a directory-tree interface for easily exploring multiple worlds, and support for the latest NBT standard, NBTExplorer is built on top of Substrate. Almost all things in a map in any Minecraft version is built with NBT, so you can usually change the datas for the newest version without updating NBTExplorer.


NBTExplorer can read:

  • Standard NBT files (e.g. level.dat)
  • Schematic files
  • Uncompressed NBT files (e.g. idcounts.dat)
  • Minecraft region files (*.mcr)
  • Minecraft anvil files (*.mca)
  • Cubic Chunks region files
  • Minecraft indev level format (.mclevel)

How to use:

NBT tags control every world parameter, such as ender chest items, player’s inventory, gamemode, whether the world is Hardcore or not and many other things. NBTExplorer can be used to view and change data, with uses including:

Changing level.dat, including but not only

  • Locate in-game structures.
  • Add or change items, and adding enchantments.
  • Access to the world seed.
  • Changing gamerules without usage of the /gamerule command or new gamerule changer built in when creating a world.
  • Applying custom formatting to world or server names.
  • Change the world’s name.
  • Change the players game mode, health, position and so on. For example, if the player is in an “illegal area” and can’t teleport back with /tp, this function can change the player’s position.
  • Change the settings for terrain generation, while it doesn’t affect the generated chunks.

Changing regions and chunks, including but not only

  • Change the biomes for chunks.
  • Change the mob datas or delete mobs. For example, if there are too many entities resulting in crashes, this can delete the mobs.
  • Change the block entity data. Including command blocks, chests, signs and so on.
  • Cheats ON.

How to install:

For MAC Users:

  • Download NBTExplorer.
  • Copy the NBTExplorer.app out of the zip, to your /Applications folder.
  • Open your Terminal, found in /Applications/Utilities.
  • At the prompt the Terminal gives you, type exactly the following:
    • “, courier, monospace”>xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/NBTExplorer.app

NBTExplorer Tool Download Links

For Windows Users:

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2

For MAC Users:

Download from Server 1 – Download from Server 2


NBTExplorer Tool — графический редактор данных NBT 

NBTExplorer Tool — это низкоуровневый графический редактор данных NBT (Named Binary Tag) для Minecraft. Благодаря интерфейсу дерева каталогов для легкого изучения нескольких миров и поддержке последнего стандарта NBT NBTExplorer построен на основе Substrate. Почти все на карте в любой версии Minecraft построено с помощью NBT, поэтому обычно вы можете изменить данные для самой новой версии без обновления NBTExplorer.

NBTExplorer может читать:

  • Стандартные файлы NBT (например, level.dat)
  • Файлы схемы
  • Несжатые файлы NBT (например, idcounts.dat)
  • Файлы региона Minecraft (*.mcr)
  • Файлы наковальни Minecraft (*.mca)
  • Файлы региона Cubic Chunks
  • Формат уровня разработки Minecraft (.mclevel)

Как пользоваться:

Теги NBT управляют всеми параметрами мира, такими как предметы из сундука Края, инвентарь игрока, игровой режим, является ли мир хардкорным или нет, и многими другими вещами. NBTExplorer можно использовать для просмотра и изменения данных, в том числе:

Изменение level.dat, в том числе, но не только

  • Найдите внутриигровые структуры.
  • Добавляйте или меняйте предметы и добавляйте чары.
  • Доступ к мировому сиду.
  • Изменение правил игры без использования команды /gamerule или нового средства смены правил игры, встроенного при создании мира.
  • Применение пользовательского форматирования к именам мира или сервера.
  • Изменить имя мира.
  • Измените режим игры игроков, здоровье, положение и так далее. Например, если игрок находится в «незаконной зоне» и не может телепортироваться обратно с помощью /tp , эта функция может изменить положение игрока.
  • Измените настройки генерации ландшафта, пока это не влияет на сгенерированные чанки.

Изменение регионов и чанков, включая, но не только

  • Меняйте биомы на чанки.
  • Измените данные мобов или удалите мобов. Например, если сущностей слишком много, что приводит к сбоям, это может удалить мобов.
  • Измените данные сущности блока. Включая командные блоки, сундуки, знаки и так далее.
  • Читы включены.

Как установить:

Для пользователей MAC:

  • Скачайте NBTExplorer.
  • Скопируйте NBTExplorer.app из архива в папку /Applications.
  • Откройте свой терминал, который находится в папке /Applications/Utilities.
  • В подсказке терминала введите следующее:
    • “, courier, monospace”>xattr -rd com.apple.quarantine /Applications/NBTExplorer.app

Скачать NBTExplorer Tool — графический редактор данных NBT

Для пользователей Windows
nbtexplorer-tool-windows-all-versions.zip [ 504.75 Kb 63 08 апреля 2022]


Для пользователей MAC
nbtexplorer-tool-mac-all-versions.zip [ 3.12 Mb 6 08 апреля 2022]


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5 (1 голосов)


NBTExplorer — это низкоуровневый графический редактор данных NBT, первоначально основанный на NBTedit.

Ключевым отличием является полная поддержка NBTExplorer файлов Minecraft .mcr / .mca, интерфейса дерева каталогов для простого изучения нескольких миров и поддержки новейшего стандарта NBT. NBTExplorer построен поверх подложки.

NBTExplorer может читать:

Стандартные файлы NBT (например, level.dat)
Схемы файлов
Несжатые файлы NBT (например, idcounts.dat)
Файлы региона Minecraft (* .mcr)
Файлы Minkraft anvil (* .mca)
Файлы региона кубических кусков

В пакеты Zip и Installer для NBTExplorer для Windows теперь включена вторая утилита NBTUtil.exe для управления данными NBT из командной строки. NBTUtil в настоящее время имеет ограниченный набор функций по сравнению с NBTExplorer.

Пользователи Windows
NBTExplorer — это приложение Windows .NET, для чего требуется .NET framework 2.0 или выше. Примечание. Если вы запустите Windows 8 или более позднюю версию, вы можете получить предупреждение SmartScreen при первом запуске программы. Дополнительную информацию см. В соответствующем разделе часто задаваемых вопросов.

Как установить Custom NBT Crafting Utility &amp NEW Crafting Chest Minecraft Mod на Майнкрафт:

    • Скачать и кинуть скачанный Custom NBT Crafting Utility &amp NEW Crafting Chest Minecraft Mod мод в папку datapacks что находится в папке выбранного вами мира.
    • Потом в зайдите в мир и наберите команду /reload
    • Подробнее.

Скачать Custom NBT Crafting Utility &amp NEW Crafting Chest Minecraft Mod мод на Майнкрафт:

На Все версии

  • https://github.com/jaquadro/NBTExplorer/releases/tag/v2.8.0-win

MINESBORKA » Программы » NBTExplorer | Программа для изменения параметров мира майнкрафт

NBTExplorer | Программа для изменения параметров мира майнкрафт

все картинки доступны при полном просмотре


NBTExplorer — это программа для изменения параметров мира. С помощью неё Вы сможете изменять цвет названия карты (пример: &a Дмитрий). И не только! С ней возможно перевернуть всю карту. 


Как скачать?

1. Скачайте и распакуйте архив.
2. Запустите программу NBTExplorer.
3. Выберите нужный мир и редактируйте его!



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