Скачать swi prolog для windows 10

Linux versions are often available as a package for your distribution. We collect information about available packages and issues for building on specific distros here. We provide a PPA for Ubuntu and snap images

Linux versions are often available as a package for your distribution.
We collect information about available packages and issues for building
on specific distros here.
We provide a PPA
for Ubuntu and snap

Android.png Android
binaries are available for Termux as the package
swi-prolog. See also Building SWI-Prolog on Android using

windows.jpg Please
check the windows release notes (also in the
SWI-Prolog startup menu of your installed version) for details.

Examine the ChangeLog.

Windows version (64-bits) 13,163,366 bytes SWI-Prolog 9.0.4-1 for Microsoft Windows (64 bit)

Self-installing executable for Microsoft’s Windows 64-bit editions.
Requires at least Windows 7. See the reference
manual for deciding on whether to use the 32- or
64-bits version. This binary is linked against GMP 6.1.1 which is
covered by the LGPL license.


Windows version (32-bits) 13,203,365 bytes SWI-Prolog 9.0.4-1 for Microsoft Windows (32 bit)

Self-installing executable for MS-Windows. Requires at least Windows 7.
Installs swipl-win.exe and swipl.exe. This binary is linked
against GMP 6.1.1 which is covered by the LGPL license.


MacOS bundle 51,743,650 bytes SWI-Prolog 9.0.4-1 for MacOSX 10.14 (Mojave) and later on x86_64 and arm64

Installer with binaries created using Macports.
Installs /opt/local/bin/swipl. Needs xquartz (X11)
and the Developer Tools (Xcode) installed for running the development


MacOS bundle 28,195,489 bytes SWI-Prolog 8.4.1-1 for MacOSX bundle on intel

Installer with binaries created using Macports.
Installs /opt/local/bin/swipl. Needs xquartz (X11)
and the Developer Tools (Xcode) installed for running the development


Source archive 11,854,471 bytes SWI-Prolog source for 9.0.4

Sources in .tar.gz format, including packages and generated documentation
files. See build instructions.


PDF file 3,153,520 bytes SWI-Prolog 9.0.4 reference manual in PDF

SWI-Prolog reference manual as PDF file. This does not include the
package documentation.

Show all files

Install scripts may download the SHA256 checksum by appending
.sha256 to the file name. Scripts can download
the latest version by replacing the version of the file with
latest. This causes the server to reply with the
location of the latest version using an
HTTP 303 See Other message.

SWI-Prolog version 9

The SWI-Prolog 9.0 consolidates many improvements of the 8.x series.
This major release mainly adds and improves features. Upgrading from
any 8.x release should not come with major compatibility issues.


  • Mature and feature-rich tabling support including well founded
    , incremental tabling, monotonic tabling and
    shared tabling.
  • Single sided unification [SSU](/pldoc/man?section=ssu) and zero-cost
    runtime determinism checking. See also $/0, $/1 and det/1.
  • Database transactions see transaction/1 and snapshot/1.
  • A new C++ interface that covers the whole foreign API and provides
    much better type safety.
  • Linux versions are by default linked to
    tcmalloc. This provides more
    information and control and reduces the footprint of multi-threaded
    7×7 servers considerably compared to the default ptmalloc.
  • Interfaces to Redis and
    STOMP message passing systems.
  • A port to WASM WebAssembly allows running
    SWI-Prolog in the browser. The high level bi-directional interfaces
    to JavaScript allows for inspecting and modifying the browser DOM.
  • A completely new GNU-Emacs package called
    sweep. Sweep embeds Prolog, which
    allows for semantic highlighting and much more.
  • A bundled replacement for GMP, providing
    unbounded integers and rational numbers based on
    LibBF under a permissive license.
    Currently significantly slower on notably larger rational numbers.

We collect information about available packages and issues for building
on specific distros here.
We provide a PPA
for Ubuntu and snap

Examine the ChangeLog.

Windows version (64-bits) 13,189,622 bytes SWI-Prolog 9.1.4-1 for Microsoft Windows (64 bit)

Self-installing executable for Microsoft’s 7/8/10 64-bit
editions. See the reference manual for deciding
on whether to use the 32- or 64-bits version.


Windows version (32-bits) 13,228,661 bytes SWI-Prolog 9.1.4-1 for Microsoft Windows (32 bit)

Self-installing executable for MS-Windows. Installs swipl-win.exe
and swipl.exe. Works on Windows 7/8/10.


MacOS bundle 51,742,278 bytes SWI-Prolog 9.1.4-1 for MacOSX 10.14 (Mojave) and later on x86_64 and arm64

Mac OS X disk image with relocatable application
Needs xquartz (X11) installed for running the
development tools. The bundle also provides the
commandline tools in the Contents/MacOS directory. Users of older
MacOS versions are adviced to use Macports, Homebrew or install from
source. This bundle contains universal (fat) binaries that run natively
on Intel and Apple Silicon (M1, arm64).


MacOS bundle 28,228,994 bytes SWI-Prolog 8.5.3-1 for MacOSX bundle on intel

Mac OS X disk image with relocatable application
Needs xquartz (X11) installed for running the
development tools. The bundle also provides the
commandline tools in the Contents/MacOS directory. Users of older
MacOS versions are adviced to use Macports, Homebrew or install from


Source archive 11,860,067 bytes SWI-Prolog source for 9.1.4

Sources in .tar.gz format, including packages. See build
instructions. See also the GIT


PDF file 3,152,513 bytes SWI-Prolog 9.1.3 reference manual in PDF

SWI-Prolog reference manual as PDF file. This does not include the
package documentation.

Show all files

Install scripts may download the SHA256 checksum by appending
.sha256 to the file name. Scripts can download
the latest version by replacing the version of the file with
latest. This causes the server to reply with the
location of the latest version using an
HTTP 303 See Other message.

About the development releases

The development branches have their own GIT repository at the address
below. See the general GIT instructions for details.

% git clone https://github.com/SWI-Prolog/swipl-devel.git

Should I use the development release or the stable one?

Many active SWI-Prolog users track the development releases or GIT
versions for developing Prolog applications. Most of the time the
development versions are fairly stable. Infrequent larger rewrites to
the core infrastructure that may cause instability is typically
announced on the forum.

Tracking the latest version offers some advantages for you are user:

  • Bug fixes are quickly available.
  • When you are stuck on a missing feature you can use this quickly
    after it has been added.
  • Although you are a little more often confronted with
    incompatibilities and regressions, such issues can be discussed and

SWI-Prolog: A comprehensive Prolog implementation

SWI-Prolog is an open source (BSD-2) implementation of the Prolog
language with many extensions. It is implemented in C (version 11) and
Prolog and is available for many platforms (Linux, practically any POSIX
like system, MacOS, Windows). All CPUs supported by Debian Linux are
supported. A prototype running in your browser based on WASM (Web
Assembly) is available.

(SWI-)Prolog is a versatile language. It is being used for business rule
validation, natural language processing, software verification, software
refactoring, network configuration, security, robotics, reasoning in
legal and medical domains, graph processing, machine learning (ILP,
PLP), linked data (RDF), mathematical proofs, and much more.

If you are interested in commercial assistence to make SWI-Prolog work
in your organization, please contact SWI-Prolog Solutions

Forking, cloning and submitting patches

This repository uses many Git
submodules. This
causes the common issue that fork and clone doesn’t work. Instead,
clone from https://github.com/SWI-Prolog/swipl-devel.git and then
associate your clone with your fork (replace me with your github
user name).

git clone https://github.com/SWI-Prolog/swipl-devel.git
cd swipl-devel
git submodule update --init
git remote add myfork git@github.com:me/swipl-devel.git

See How to submit a patch
for details.

See also the discussion at Being friendly to quick


and Build SWI-Prolog from source

Web home

Please find the up-to-date information on SWI-Prolog at

Trying SWI-Prolog online

An online version of SWI-Prolog is provided by
SWISH. Note that this version is subject
to sandbox restrictions and does not provide the features most valued in
SWI-Prolog such as its rich set of interfaces, multi-threading, modules,

Forum/mailing list

Our forum is hosted at a Discourse
site. The forum provides a mail
list interface.


Documentation is available from several locations and in several formats.

  • Several tutorials can be accessed from the Tutorials menu on
    the home page

  • A HTML version of the documentation is in the doc/Manual directory
    of the installation. Note that some packagers put this documentation
    elsewhere or require it to be installed separately.

    These docs can be searched using ?- apropos("query").. Help on
    a predicate can be disaplayed using e.g., ?- help(append/3).

  • A PDF version of the documentation is available from the download

You can also install the website locally to use its complete
functionality if you are offline. It is available at

Предположительно у вас система Windows 7, разрядность: 64 Bits

Версия для 32-битных систем Windows:

Скачать SWI-Prolog (32-бита) с официального сайта

Этот файл мы отметили как основной. Если вы не знаете что скачивать, то скачивайте его.

12.59 Мб






MD5: 2b104a044fb547d19de805c282bdc21b
SHA256: c99b7b794d14335ca6fda556f959e74c4b1b51877673a404f87c9cb68bce794c

Скачать SWI-Prolog (32-бита) с нашего сайта

12.59 Мб

Проверено антивирусами






MD5: 2b104a044fb547d19de805c282bdc21b
SHA256: c99b7b794d14335ca6fda556f959e74c4b1b51877673a404f87c9cb68bce794c

Версия для 64-битных систем Windows:

Скачать SWI-Prolog (64-бита) с нашего сайта

12.55 Мб

Проверено антивирусами






MD5: bde3d97686408a5d3a9a9410c3aa33d9
SHA256: 33758f1c2dd190df9c8828d2dcb39166ad10d31d78f1198812e6d0f33b71c73b

Внимание! Мы стараемся тщательно проверять все программы, но не гарантируем абсолютную безопасность скачиваемых файлов. Администрация сайта не
несет ответственности за содержание файлов, программ и возможный вред от их использования.

Advanced debugging features»

Since the archaic machine code programming method that uses bytecodes became obsolete, many advanced programming languages have evolved. Some of these languages are for the creation of general purpose applications while most aligns to performing some specific tasks. The Prolog logic programming language is a perfect platform for computational linguistics and artificial intelligence applications. This application is designed to provide faster compilation and debugging tasks by using the Proof virtual machine to define instructions.

The application can be adapted to perform unique tasks such as cross-referencing, executing profiling, and comprehensive debugging. The application also contains a collection of libraries that are critical to carrying out programming tasks such as HTML, and XML parsers, the web server library for session management, authorization modes for HTML and HTTP.

The interface of the application is intuitive, it allows the programmer to work with codes in C and C++ with excellent performance. The debugging functions consist of the Spy Point Editor, a thread monitor, an exception debugger, and a dependency management tool.

The vast array of features, libraries and the compilation speed makes it an excellent tool for application developers.

SWI-Prolog is licensed as freeware for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. It is in debuggers / decompilers category and is available to all software users as a free download.

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1 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 51 vote, average: 4.00 out of 5 (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)
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Jan Wielemaker

Last Updated On
October 17, 2018
Runs on
Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / XP
Total downloads


File size
23,47 MB



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