Скачать все расширения для windows 10

Скачать программы «расширения» совместимые с ОС Windows 10 по прямой ссылке с собственного сервера, без СМС и torrent-файлов - бесплатное скачивание софта на компьютер от разработчиков, без вирусов и троянов.
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windows 10, статьи

Audio Comparer

Приложение для поиска схожих по звучанию MP3, MP2, MP1, WMA, AIF, WAV, WavPack, FLAC, APE, AAC и OGG аудиофайлов. Основное применение программы — это поиск дубликатов аудиофайлов и файловые операции с ними — перемещение, удаление, копирование.

  • Расширения Windows 10 совместимые защищены от вредоносного кода — установка безопасна для ваших компьютеров. Более 40 антивирусных систем следят за чистотой программного обеспечения.
  • FreeSoft обеспечивает быстрое и удобное скачивание лицензионных программ, официально переведенных на русский язык. Мы не распространяем взломанные или пиратские дистрибутивы.
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В приложениях windows 10 Часто ищут

HP Support Assistant является программой, используемой для компьютеров и…

LG Smart Share – это утилита от компании LG, позволяющая проигрывать…

AutoCAD  — мощная графическая программа для решения инженерных и…

Алиса является голосовой программой-помощником, используемым…

AutoRuns – полезная утилита, позволяющая отследить все запущенные…

Пунто Свитчер – это приложение, благодаря которому…

Epson easy photo print – это программа, позволяющая выводить на печать…

Pascal ABC.Net – это среда разработчика ориентированная на язык…

Достижения современных разработчиков компьютерных программ…

Калькулятор является довольно полезной утилитой, пользующейся…

Microsoft Visual C – это интегрируемая библиотека компонентов для…

Realtek High Definition Audio Drivers – современный пакет официальных драйверов,…

Via HD audio deck – это приложение для управления звуком и…

Microsoft .NET Framework – технология, направленная на то, чтобы создавать…

DirectX – это постоянно обновляемое программное обеспечение…

DirectX – это набор компонентов для оптимизации работы…

InSSIDer – это программа для анализа всех wi-fi сетей доступных для…

AMD Catalyst Control Center – это программное обеспечение для работы с…

GeForce Experience – это приложение для работы с видеокартами Nvidia….

DirectX 12 – графический API от компании Microsoft, обеспечивающий…

DirectX 10 представляет собой пакет библиотек от Майкрософт. Он…

Java представляет собой платформу, позволяющая стабильно и в…

Подборка лучших расширений и плагинов для браузеров для блокирования рекламы, скачивания видео и музыки, ВКонтакте и т.д.

В данном разделе собраны дополнения для браузеров, которые так же называют расширениями, так как их установка позволяет значительно расширить функционал интернет-обозревателя и добавить множество необходимых функций. Грамотно подобранные расширения могут добавлять на сайтах кнопки для быстрого скачивания видео и музыки из ВКонтакте, уведомлять о получении писем и сообщений в социальных сетях и даже безопасно хранить пароли для доступа к различным онлайн-сервисам.

Не секрет, что многие создатели сайтов злоупотребляют рекламой, которая становится все более и более надоедливой и часто мешает рассмотреть основное содержимое сайта. Воспользовавшись расширениями для блокирования рекламы в браузерах, вы не только избавитесь от назойливых предложений, но и увеличите скорость загрузки сайтов и сэкономите трафик.

Отдельного упоминания заслуживают дополнения FVD Speed Dial для Chrome, Яндекс Браузера и Firefox, а так же Визуальные закладки Яндекс. Они добавляют в барузер страницу визуальных закладок с помощью которой можно получить мгновенный доступ к наиболее важным для вас сайтам.   

Кстати, если вам необходимо расширение в Яндекс Браузер, то можете смело устанавливать любое подходящее для Google Chrome, так как они используют один движок и полностью совместимы. Если же вы используете Firefox или Opera, стоит обновить браузер до последней версии, так как некоторые расширения не работают с устаревшими версиями. В случае с Internet Explorer, большинство плагинов распространяются в виде отдельных программ с собственными установщиками.

Сортировать по:


Оценкам Загрузкам

Vkontakte Online 5.4

Vkontakte Online

Плагин для браузера Гугл Хром, предназначенный для быстрого доступа к функционалу социальной сети ВКонтакте.

11.4.15 Firefox

Дополнение для браузера Firefox, позволяющее разрешить выполнение JavaScript и Java только для доверенных доменов.


Дополнение для браузера Firefox, которое позволяет изменять вид открываемых в браузере страниц при помощи Java-скриптов.


Расширение для Chrome, которое позволяет управлять устройствами на базе Android.

Ears Audio Toolkit

Мультифункциональный эквалайзер для прослушивания музыки в веб-браузере с возможностью настройки звука отдельно для каждой вкладки.

IE Tab 4.0.20130321

IE Tab (Chrome)

Дополнение для Firefox и Chrome, позволяющее открывать веб-страницы с использованием движка Internet Explorer.

QuickTextPaste 8.55

QuickTextPaste — бесплатная утилита, которая позволяет пользователю может быстро и легко вставить заранее скопированный текст с помощью горячих клавиш…

get_app8 787 | Бесплатная |

BootRacer 8.95.2023.0207

BootRacer — небольшая утилита, которая позволяет автоматически проверять скорость загрузки системы при каждом запуске компьютера…

get_app17 140 | Бесплатная |

Windows Terminal 1.16.1026 / 1.17.1023 Preview

Обновленная и усовершенствованная утилита Терминал от Microsoft, которая предлагает пользователям вкладочный интерфейс и объединяет в себе такие инструменты как Командная строка (CMD), PowerShell, Azure Cloud Shell и Подсистема Windows для Linux (WSL)…

get_app8 754 | Бесплатная |

NirLauncher 1.23.69

NirLauncher — сборник портативных программ, в котором вы найдете бесплатные инструменты на все случаи: от восстановления паролей до сканирования реестра и удаления программ. Есть возможность добавлять программные пакеты в дополнение к основному…

get_app6 074 | Бесплатная |

Aml Maple 7.04 build 853

Aml Maple — небольшая утилитка, показывающая текущую раскладку клавиатуры (язык ввода) в мышином и текстовом курсоре. Показывает флаг страны или название языка…

get_app6 333 | Условно-бесплатная |

Keystroke Visualizer 2.2

Бесплатная утилита, которая обеспечивает визуализацию нажатия клавиш, что может быть полезно при создании демонстрационных видеороликов, презентаций или обучающих материалов. Программа отлично работает с Zoom, Google Hangout, Skype, TeamViewer и прочими…

get_app33 | Бесплатная |

Start Everywhere

Бесплатная и портативная программа, которая позволяет пользователю быстро запускать любое ПО на ПК и легко получать доступ к нужным документам через специальное меню. Имеются настройки, благодаря которым можно легко изменить отображение и порядок меню…

get_app64 | Бесплатная |

Keyboard Lights 4.8

Приложение, отображающее виртуальную версию светодиодов классической клавиатуры в области рабочего стола при нажатии одной из клавиш Caps Lock/Num Lock/Scroll Lock. Утилита полезна для клавиатур и ноутбуков, не имеющих аппаратных светодиодных индикаторов…

get_app46 | Бесплатная |

MultiMonitorTool 2.00

MultiMonitorTool — небольшая бесплатная утилита, которая позволяет комфортнее работать с несколькими мониторами. С помощью программы можно включать/отключать мониторы,…

get_app5 407 | Бесплатная |

Keep Software Alive 2.0

Полезная утилита для автоматического поддержания работы приложений в случае их неожиданного сбоя или закрытия. Данное приложение позволяет поддерживать процессы в рабочем состоянии и может выполнять запланированные интервальные проверки и перезапускать их…

get_app28 | Условно-бесплатная |

PropertySystemView 1.20

Бесплатная портативная утилита, позволяющая просматривать и изменять свойства файлов, с помощью встроенного в Windows механизма управления свойствами объектов. Позволяет получить различные сведения о путях, потоках, идентификаторах и типах файлов…

get_app937 | Бесплатная |

DirPrintOK 6.71

Крохотная портативная утилита, которая позволяет быстро и легко отправить на печать содержимое каталогов и папок. Имеется функция предварительного просмотра, возможность изменять соотношение сторон перед печатью, экспорт в форматы XLS, HTML, CSV или TXT…

get_app1 718 | Бесплатная |

DesktopOK 10.61

DesktopOK — небольшая бесплатная и портативная (не требующая установки) программа, предназначенная для сохранения и восстановления местоположения иконок на рабочем столе…

get_app28 217 | Бесплатная |

ServiWin 1.72

ServiWin — небольшая бесплатная программа, показывающая список всех установленных в системе драйверов и сервисов с отображением дополнительной информацией по каждому из них, а именно…

get_app7 180 | Бесплатная |


Продвинутая версия инструмента Windows Run, которая позволяет полностью настроить его поведение и визуальные эффекты. Имеется возможность запускать приложения с повышенными привилегиями и назначать нужную горячую клавишу, чтобы сэкономить время и усилия…

get_app30 | Бесплатная |

Extensions can boost performance and reduce the loading speed

by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Updated on July 14, 2022

Fact checked by
Alex Serban

Alex Serban

After moving away from the corporate work-style, Alex has found rewards in a lifestyle of constant analysis, team coordination and pestering his colleagues. Holding an MCSA Windows Server… read more

  • Microsoft Edge is a solid web browser, but you can improve it with the best Edge extensions.
  • Our list of Edge’s best extensions starts with a tool that will improve online security.
  • We also included some tools meant to make browsing easier, like a mouse gesture management app.
  • You can also find productivity apps, bookmark organizers as well as customization tools.

Best Edge extensions to try today

Instead of fixing issues with Edge, upgrade to a better browser: Opera
You deserve a better browser ! 350 million people use Opera daily, a fully-fledged navigation experience that comes with various built-in packages, enhanced resource consumption and great design.Here’s what Opera can do:

  • Easy migration: use the Opera assistant to transfer exiting data, such as bookmarks, passwords, etc.
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  • Download Opera

Many web browsers support extensions that allow you to enhance them with new features.

All major web browsers support extensions, but that wasn’t the case with Microsoft Edge.

The latest updates changed that and Microsoft finally brought extensions to Edge. Today we’re going to show you some of the best Edge add-ons.

Quick Tip:

By now, you might have heard that Microsoft Edge is built on top of Chromium. Just like Chrome. There are other similar browsers as well such as Opera.

What’s the difference between them? The extra features and functionalities. And also the user interface can be different.

The Opera browser has a neat, multifunctional sidebar on the left of the screen. There you can find integrations with all your favorite networks: Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Instagram.


Thousands of extensions, themes, and keyboard shortcuts are available for the ultimate customization with Opera.

Do extensions slow down Edge?

That’s not always the case. Some extensions are meant to boost Edge’s performance and reduce the loading speed. However, if you have several extensions installed, there is a good chance that Edge will slow down.

Take the case of an ad blocker for instance, which scans the page as soon as you open it and removes the ads. If it’s not designed well and even takes anywhere close to a second to run the scan, it will appear as if Edge is slowing down.

On the other hand, an effective ad blocker will quickly remove the ads, prevent them from loading, and in turn increase the speed of Edge.

So, it’s not extensions, in general, that slowdown Edge but only the ineffective, problematic, or conflicting ones. Though too many of these will affect the performance.

What are the best Edge extensions that you should install?

Guard.io – Best Edge security extension

Making sure you are not targeted by trackers and cyber-attacks is one of the first things to consider when browsing the web.

Browsers have come a long way. They can access to a basic level how secure the web pages you visit are. Unfortunately, cyber threats evolve too and become harder to detect.

For this reason, it is recommended you take extra precautions. Guard.io is an Edge browser extension that is perfect for this job.

It works under similar principles as an antivirus would. Instead of scanning your system for infections, it detects and blocks attacks before they reach your computer.

Guard.io excels when it comes to anti-phishing. Whenever you get a suspicious request to fill in data, either from a website or via email, Guard.io will block it.

This will prevent you from revealing payment information, your address, your real name, and other sensitive data that you don’t want to be known to cyber attackers.

Not only that, the app is able to clean your browser. When you first install Guardio, it scans your browser and removes all trackers, suspicious scripts, and malicious apps.

The tool also has a built-in ad blocker. It can also stop intrusive notifications so you can enjoy the web without interruptions.

Guard.io monitors data breach events and alerts you in case any of your accounts are vulnerable.

The application is very easy to set up. You can install it from the Microsoft Edge Addons page. Creating an account takes 5 minutes tops, and then you can start setting it up.

In case you alternate between multiple browsers, you should know that Guardio is compatible with Chrome and Firefox as well. You can use the same account to protect your data.


Secure your browser with advanced solutions against malware, tracking, phishing, and other types of cyber attacks.

Mouse Gestures – Best for better navigation

best edge extensions

If you want to quickly perform certain actions in your browser, you might be interested in an extension called Mouse Gestures for Microsoft Edge.

This extension allows you to perform certain actions simply by holding the right mouse button and performing the correct gesture.

For example, simply by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse to the right, you can go to the next page.

If you want to go back, press and hold the right mouse button and move your mouse to the left.

There are 30 default gestures available, and by performing them you can navigate through different tabs, or close specific tabs. If you don’t use certain actions, you can easily replace them with the ones you use.

When you perform a gesture you’ll see a blue trail, and if you make the correct gesture you’ll get a small window showing you what it does.

If you perform a non-existing gesture by mistake, another window with all available gestures will appear. This allows you to see all available gestures and quickly find the one you need.

Mouse Gestures is a great extension, especially if you like performing gestures while using your PC. The extension is available for download from the Microsoft Edge Addons Store.

⇒ Get Mouse Gestures

Pinterest Save Button – Best for creating collections

If you use Pinterest you might be interested in the Pinterest Save Button extension. This is a simple extension that allows you to pin your favorite websites right from Microsoft Edge.

To pin a certain website, simply click the Pinterest Save Button and you’ll be able to choose the image that you want to use for your Pin.

After doing that, a new window will appear that lets you choose your board and your Pin’s name.

As you can see, this is a simple extension that will make using Pinterest on Microsoft Edge faster and simpler than before.

⇒ Get Pinterest Save Button

OneNote Web Clipper – Advanced bookmarking for written content

best edge extensions

If you’re familiar with OneNote, then you might be interested in the OneNote Web Clipper extension. This extension allows you to easily save websites you visit OneNote.

To do that, simply click Clip to OneNote button and choose how you want to clip the web page.

You can save the full page as an image, or you can save the page as an article. If you choose the article option all images will be removed and you’ll be able to read the article later without any distractions.

There’s also a bookmark option that will save an excerpt and a thumbnail from an article, so you can easily read it later. All three options also allow you to add notes to saved pages.

We also have to mention that you can highlight certain sections of the page and save them to OneNote.

This extension also allows you to change font and font size if you decide to save a page as an article. You can also highlight important parts right from OneNote Web Clipper.

OneNote Web Clipper is an amazing extension, especially if you use OneNote frequently. If you’re a OneNote user, be sure to download this extension from Windows Store.

Get OneNote Web Clipper

Reddit Enhancement Suite – Improved thread navigation for Redditors

This is another simple extension that will improve your Reddit experience. Bear in mind that this extension only works on Reddit, so it won’t work on other websites.

If you don’t use Reddit, you should probably skip this extension completely. This extension will make all threads endless, so you’ll be able to scroll through them with ease.

In addition, the extension will also add support for night mode which can be useful during the night. Reddit Enhancement Suite also brings keyboard shortcuts for browsing, simpler ways to switch accounts, and the ability to tag users.

These are some of the basic features, and this extension has a lot more to offer. If you use Reddit frequently, be sure to download this extension from Windows Store.

Get Reddit Enhancement Suite

Save to Pocket – Best for managing and organizing your favorite pages

best edge extensions

Pocket is a popular service that lets you bookmark websites and save articles. This service allows you to quickly bookmark any page and read it later on any device.

After you find an interesting website, you just need to click Save to Pocket icon in Microsoft Edge and you’ll automatically add that page to Pocket.

In addition to instantly adding the current page to Pocket, you can also assign tags in order to organize your saved pages.

If you want, you can also archive or remove saved pages from Pocket right from the menu.

This extension also allows you to add a keyboard shortcut, so you can save your favorite websites quickly.

If you want, you can also add Pocket to Reddit or Twitter from the settings menu. If you read a lot on the Internet, Save to Pocket might be perfect for you.

Get Save to Pocket

LastPass – Best for managing and generating passwords

LastPass is a popular password manager that will keep all your passwords secure in the cloud. By installing LastPass extension you won’t have to enter any password online again.

Instead of manually entering passwords, LastPass will enter them for you, thus keeping them safe from malicious users.

LastPass extension allows you to quickly search your Vault and copy your username, password, or website URL.

You can also quickly edit your login information if you want. This extension allows you to view saved websites, saved notes, or saved form fills.

You can also generate a unique and secure password right from the LastPass extension. If you want, you can also set the length and types of characters that your password will use.

Lastly, you can view matching websites or you can view recently used passwords. LastPass extension will also warn you if you have any duplicated passwords and ask you to update them.

Using the same password for two or more websites is a security risk, but LastPass will detect any duplicated passwords and warn you about them.

LastPass is an amazing extension for Edge that will make your online experience more secure, so be sure to try it.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

We have to mention that we had some minor issues with two-step authentication, but we easily resolved them by restarting Edge.

Get LastPass

Read more about this topic

  • 3 Quick Ways to Rotate PDFs on Windows & Save Changes
  • Edge Shortcut Keeps Appearing on Desktop: 5 Easy Fixes

Translator for Microsoft Edge – Real-time translations

If you frequently visit websites that aren’t in your native language, you might want to consider using Translator for Microsoft Edge extension.

This extension will integrate itself into the address bar and it will translate any page with just a single click. Currently, there are more than 50 languages supported, so you can easily translate almost any page.

If you want, you can use the option to automatically translate any webpage that isn’t in your native language.

You can also translate segments of the page simply by selecting them and choosing the Translate option from the context menu.

Translator for Microsoft Edge is an extremely useful extension, and it will be perfect for you if you visit websites that aren’t in your native language.

⇒ Get Translator for Microsoft Edge

Office Online – Best cloud-based office suite

best edge extensions

Office Online is an extremely useful extension for all Office Online users. Using this extension you can easily open any recent Office Online file, but you can also create a new document right from the extension.

Bear in mind that the extension doesn’t come with a built-in editor, so all available options work as Office Online shortcuts.

This is a simple and useful tool, and if you use Office Online frequently, be sure that you try it out.

⇒ Get Office Online

Evernote Web Clipper – Best Chrome extension for Edge

Evernote Web Clipper is another extension that can easily save interesting websites or articles. Saving websites is rather simple, and in order to do it, you just need to click the Evernote Web Clipper icon.

You can save the page as an article, and this option will remove unnecessary elements such as sidebars and keep only important information.

The simplified article option will remove all styles from the page which makes the page easier to read. If you want to save the complete page with all its elements, you can use the Full page option.

Lastly, there’s a Bookmark option that will save a small excerpt of the page. You can also select certain parts of the page and save them.

If you have an Evernote account, Evernote Web Clipper is an extension that you need to try out.

⇒ Get Evernote Web Clipper

TamperMonkey – Best to customize web-page scripts

best edge extensions

TamperMonkey is an extension that allows you to add user scripts to certain websites. By doing so, you might be able to enhance the functionality of certain websites.

You can download all sorts of third-party scripts and add them to a website thus altering its functionality. All these scripts run on your computer, so you won’t be affecting the website in any way by using user scripts.

The tool allows you to view all added scripts, and if you’re not pleased with a script you can easily disable it right from the extension.

If you’re a developer, you can even add your own code and create your own custom scripts.

This is a great tool for developers and computer enthusiasts, but if you are an average user, you might want to skip this extension.

⇒ Get TamperMonkey

Turn Off the Lights – Improves online video-watching experience

If you frequently watch videos online, you might be interested in Turn Off the Lights. This extension will focus on the video that you’re watching by covering other web elements with a black overlay.

This is a simple extension, and in order to turn it on simply click the Turn Off the Lights icon.

Even though this is a simple extension, it comes with extensive configuration. For example, you can configure the color or opacity of the overlay.

If you want, you can also use a gradient instead of a solid color for overlay. There’s also an option to use a background image or dynamic background as an overlay.

If you want, you can configure this extension to turn itself on automatically on certain websites when you click the play button.

Turn Off the Lights supports extensive configuration for YouTube, and you can even set which elements will be visible while watching YouTube videos. You can even set player size, quality, and other options regarding YouTube.

This extension also supports certain visual effects, so you can set atmosphere lightning effects for videos.

If you wish, you can also toggle fade-in and fade-out effects or use the reflection effect.

This extension also supports some advanced options, so you can easily control dimness level, or show video volume control or video toolbar.

If you want, you can also turn on the video toolbar or eye protection feature.

Turn Off the Lights also supports various keyboard shortcuts, and you can even add support for the context menu or change how the mouse works with the extension.

You can also turn on this extension for all open tabs and you can even use password protection so that others can’t disable it.

The extension also supports Night Mode, and thanks to the Camera Motion feature you can easily turn on Turn Off the Lights by performing a hand gesture.

We have to mention that this feature requires a front-facing camera on your device.

Another feature that this extension supports is Speech Recognition, so you can control the extension and video playback with your voice.

Turn Off the Lights is a simple extension, but it supports advanced configuration. If you frequently watch videos online, we suggest that you try this extension out.

⇒ Get Turn Off the Lights

Page Analyzer – Best for developers

Page Analyzer is a tool designed mostly for web developers. The tool will scan any website and check if it follows the correct practices.

For example, it will check if you use CSS fallbacks, HTML5, and modern doctype. You can expand any of the warnings and see the detailed information along with the problematic code.

This tool is designed for web developers, and if you want to ensure that your website is using the best practices, be sure to download Page Analyzer.

We have to warn you that the tool can be a bit sluggish depending on the complexity of your website, so keep that in mind.

⇒ Get Page Analyzer

Microsoft Personal Shopping Assistant – Organize your carts

If you frequently buy products online, you might be interested in Microsoft Personal Shopping Assistant extension for Edge.

This extension will list all recently browsed products and allow you to save your favorites. Regarding saving, you can add products to different categories so you can organize them better.

The extension allows you to sort the products by price, reviews, or price change. You can even get notifications when a price for certain product changes.

In addition, you can also easily filter all your saved products. Microsoft Personal Shopping Assistant is a great extension if you shop online frequently.

The extension allows you to keep track of all recently viewed products, so it will be rather helpful while making a purchase online.

⇒ Get Microsoft Personal Shopping Assistant

Amazon Assistant – Optimizes the Amazon browsing experience

best edge extensions

If you frequently buy on Amazon, you’ll be pleased to know that there’s a dedicated Amazon extension for Edge.

Amazon Assistant will allow you to quickly search for any product on Amazon right from the extension.

In addition, this extension allows you to add products to your lists or to view daily deals right from the extension. This is a simple extension, and it will surely be helpful to all Amazon users.

⇒ Get Amazon Assistant

Which are the best Edge VPN extensions?

There are several VPN extensions available for Edge and these can easily be downloaded from the Add-ons store. But not all of them are effective, and as is generally the case with VPNs, some considerably reduce the Internet speed. That’s why you need to install only the best.

Here are the best VPN extensions available on the Edge Add-ons store:

  • Surfshark VPN (paid VPN)
  • NordVPN (paid VPN)
  • ZenMate (both free and paid versions available)
  • hide.me (both free and paid versions available)

Also, you can use an effective VPN app that will work just as well and not affect the speed or performance of the device.

Why are my extensions not working in Edge?

In many cases, the extensions were not installed properly or a recent update broke them. Here, it’s best to reinstall the extension from the Edge Add-ons site.

It’s also likely that you are running an outdated version of Microsoft Edge, and as a result, the extensions are not working. Updating the browser should do the trick here.

If you notice that some of the extensions stopped working after installing a new one, there’s a chance that the recently installed extension is conflicting with the others and preventing them from working. Just remove it and things should be fine.

Extensions allow you to customize and add new features to Microsoft Edge. If you’re looking for the best Microsoft Edge extensions, be sure to try some extensions from our list.

If you have any other proposals or ideas, you can leave them in our comments section below.

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Extensions can boost performance and reduce the loading speed

by Milan Stanojevic

Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more

Updated on July 14, 2022

Fact checked by
Alex Serban

Alex Serban

After moving away from the corporate work-style, Alex has found rewards in a lifestyle of constant analysis, team coordination and pestering his colleagues. Holding an MCSA Windows Server… read more

  • Microsoft Edge is a solid web browser, but you can improve it with the best Edge extensions.
  • Our list of Edge’s best extensions starts with a tool that will improve online security.
  • We also included some tools meant to make browsing easier, like a mouse gesture management app.
  • You can also find productivity apps, bookmark organizers as well as customization tools.

Best Edge extensions to try today

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Many web browsers support extensions that allow you to enhance them with new features.

All major web browsers support extensions, but that wasn’t the case with Microsoft Edge.

The latest updates changed that and Microsoft finally brought extensions to Edge. Today we’re going to show you some of the best Edge add-ons.

Quick Tip:

By now, you might have heard that Microsoft Edge is built on top of Chromium. Just like Chrome. There are other similar browsers as well such as Opera.

What’s the difference between them? The extra features and functionalities. And also the user interface can be different.

The Opera browser has a neat, multifunctional sidebar on the left of the screen. There you can find integrations with all your favorite networks: Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Instagram.


Thousands of extensions, themes, and keyboard shortcuts are available for the ultimate customization with Opera.

Do extensions slow down Edge?

That’s not always the case. Some extensions are meant to boost Edge’s performance and reduce the loading speed. However, if you have several extensions installed, there is a good chance that Edge will slow down.

Take the case of an ad blocker for instance, which scans the page as soon as you open it and removes the ads. If it’s not designed well and even takes anywhere close to a second to run the scan, it will appear as if Edge is slowing down.

On the other hand, an effective ad blocker will quickly remove the ads, prevent them from loading, and in turn increase the speed of Edge.

So, it’s not extensions, in general, that slowdown Edge but only the ineffective, problematic, or conflicting ones. Though too many of these will affect the performance.

What are the best Edge extensions that you should install?

Guard.io – Best Edge security extension

Making sure you are not targeted by trackers and cyber-attacks is one of the first things to consider when browsing the web.

Browsers have come a long way. They can access to a basic level how secure the web pages you visit are. Unfortunately, cyber threats evolve too and become harder to detect.

For this reason, it is recommended you take extra precautions. Guard.io is an Edge browser extension that is perfect for this job.

It works under similar principles as an antivirus would. Instead of scanning your system for infections, it detects and blocks attacks before they reach your computer.

Guard.io excels when it comes to anti-phishing. Whenever you get a suspicious request to fill in data, either from a website or via email, Guard.io will block it.

This will prevent you from revealing payment information, your address, your real name, and other sensitive data that you don’t want to be known to cyber attackers.

Not only that, the app is able to clean your browser. When you first install Guardio, it scans your browser and removes all trackers, suspicious scripts, and malicious apps.

The tool also has a built-in ad blocker. It can also stop intrusive notifications so you can enjoy the web without interruptions.

Guard.io monitors data breach events and alerts you in case any of your accounts are vulnerable.

The application is very easy to set up. You can install it from the Microsoft Edge Addons page. Creating an account takes 5 minutes tops, and then you can start setting it up.

In case you alternate between multiple browsers, you should know that Guardio is compatible with Chrome and Firefox as well. You can use the same account to protect your data.


Secure your browser with advanced solutions against malware, tracking, phishing, and other types of cyber attacks.

Mouse Gestures – Best for better navigation

best edge extensions

If you want to quickly perform certain actions in your browser, you might be interested in an extension called Mouse Gestures for Microsoft Edge.

This extension allows you to perform certain actions simply by holding the right mouse button and performing the correct gesture.

For example, simply by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse to the right, you can go to the next page.

If you want to go back, press and hold the right mouse button and move your mouse to the left.

There are 30 default gestures available, and by performing them you can navigate through different tabs, or close specific tabs. If you don’t use certain actions, you can easily replace them with the ones you use.

When you perform a gesture you’ll see a blue trail, and if you make the correct gesture you’ll get a small window showing you what it does.

If you perform a non-existing gesture by mistake, another window with all available gestures will appear. This allows you to see all available gestures and quickly find the one you need.

Mouse Gestures is a great extension, especially if you like performing gestures while using your PC. The extension is available for download from the Microsoft Edge Addons Store.

⇒ Get Mouse Gestures

Pinterest Save Button – Best for creating collections

If you use Pinterest you might be interested in the Pinterest Save Button extension. This is a simple extension that allows you to pin your favorite websites right from Microsoft Edge.

To pin a certain website, simply click the Pinterest Save Button and you’ll be able to choose the image that you want to use for your Pin.

After doing that, a new window will appear that lets you choose your board and your Pin’s name.

As you can see, this is a simple extension that will make using Pinterest on Microsoft Edge faster and simpler than before.

⇒ Get Pinterest Save Button

OneNote Web Clipper – Advanced bookmarking for written content

best edge extensions

If you’re familiar with OneNote, then you might be interested in the OneNote Web Clipper extension. This extension allows you to easily save websites you visit OneNote.

To do that, simply click Clip to OneNote button and choose how you want to clip the web page.

You can save the full page as an image, or you can save the page as an article. If you choose the article option all images will be removed and you’ll be able to read the article later without any distractions.

There’s also a bookmark option that will save an excerpt and a thumbnail from an article, so you can easily read it later. All three options also allow you to add notes to saved pages.

We also have to mention that you can highlight certain sections of the page and save them to OneNote.

This extension also allows you to change font and font size if you decide to save a page as an article. You can also highlight important parts right from OneNote Web Clipper.

OneNote Web Clipper is an amazing extension, especially if you use OneNote frequently. If you’re a OneNote user, be sure to download this extension from Windows Store.

Get OneNote Web Clipper

Reddit Enhancement Suite – Improved thread navigation for Redditors

This is another simple extension that will improve your Reddit experience. Bear in mind that this extension only works on Reddit, so it won’t work on other websites.

If you don’t use Reddit, you should probably skip this extension completely. This extension will make all threads endless, so you’ll be able to scroll through them with ease.

In addition, the extension will also add support for night mode which can be useful during the night. Reddit Enhancement Suite also brings keyboard shortcuts for browsing, simpler ways to switch accounts, and the ability to tag users.

These are some of the basic features, and this extension has a lot more to offer. If you use Reddit frequently, be sure to download this extension from Windows Store.

Get Reddit Enhancement Suite

Save to Pocket – Best for managing and organizing your favorite pages

best edge extensions

Pocket is a popular service that lets you bookmark websites and save articles. This service allows you to quickly bookmark any page and read it later on any device.

After you find an interesting website, you just need to click Save to Pocket icon in Microsoft Edge and you’ll automatically add that page to Pocket.

In addition to instantly adding the current page to Pocket, you can also assign tags in order to organize your saved pages.

If you want, you can also archive or remove saved pages from Pocket right from the menu.

This extension also allows you to add a keyboard shortcut, so you can save your favorite websites quickly.

If you want, you can also add Pocket to Reddit or Twitter from the settings menu. If you read a lot on the Internet, Save to Pocket might be perfect for you.

Get Save to Pocket

LastPass – Best for managing and generating passwords

LastPass is a popular password manager that will keep all your passwords secure in the cloud. By installing LastPass extension you won’t have to enter any password online again.

Instead of manually entering passwords, LastPass will enter them for you, thus keeping them safe from malicious users.

LastPass extension allows you to quickly search your Vault and copy your username, password, or website URL.

You can also quickly edit your login information if you want. This extension allows you to view saved websites, saved notes, or saved form fills.

You can also generate a unique and secure password right from the LastPass extension. If you want, you can also set the length and types of characters that your password will use.

Lastly, you can view matching websites or you can view recently used passwords. LastPass extension will also warn you if you have any duplicated passwords and ask you to update them.

Using the same password for two or more websites is a security risk, but LastPass will detect any duplicated passwords and warn you about them.

LastPass is an amazing extension for Edge that will make your online experience more secure, so be sure to try it.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

We have to mention that we had some minor issues with two-step authentication, but we easily resolved them by restarting Edge.

Get LastPass

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  • 3 Quick Ways to Rotate PDFs on Windows & Save Changes
  • Edge Shortcut Keeps Appearing on Desktop: 5 Easy Fixes
  • How To Stop Microsoft Edge From Running in Background
  • Fix: Microsoft Edge Keeps Freezing, Hangs or It’s Not Responding

Translator for Microsoft Edge – Real-time translations

If you frequently visit websites that aren’t in your native language, you might want to consider using Translator for Microsoft Edge extension.

This extension will integrate itself into the address bar and it will translate any page with just a single click. Currently, there are more than 50 languages supported, so you can easily translate almost any page.

If you want, you can use the option to automatically translate any webpage that isn’t in your native language.

You can also translate segments of the page simply by selecting them and choosing the Translate option from the context menu.

Translator for Microsoft Edge is an extremely useful extension, and it will be perfect for you if you visit websites that aren’t in your native language.

⇒ Get Translator for Microsoft Edge

Office Online – Best cloud-based office suite

best edge extensions

Office Online is an extremely useful extension for all Office Online users. Using this extension you can easily open any recent Office Online file, but you can also create a new document right from the extension.

Bear in mind that the extension doesn’t come with a built-in editor, so all available options work as Office Online shortcuts.

This is a simple and useful tool, and if you use Office Online frequently, be sure that you try it out.

⇒ Get Office Online

Evernote Web Clipper – Best Chrome extension for Edge

Evernote Web Clipper is another extension that can easily save interesting websites or articles. Saving websites is rather simple, and in order to do it, you just need to click the Evernote Web Clipper icon.

You can save the page as an article, and this option will remove unnecessary elements such as sidebars and keep only important information.

The simplified article option will remove all styles from the page which makes the page easier to read. If you want to save the complete page with all its elements, you can use the Full page option.

Lastly, there’s a Bookmark option that will save a small excerpt of the page. You can also select certain parts of the page and save them.

If you have an Evernote account, Evernote Web Clipper is an extension that you need to try out.

⇒ Get Evernote Web Clipper

TamperMonkey – Best to customize web-page scripts

best edge extensions

TamperMonkey is an extension that allows you to add user scripts to certain websites. By doing so, you might be able to enhance the functionality of certain websites.

You can download all sorts of third-party scripts and add them to a website thus altering its functionality. All these scripts run on your computer, so you won’t be affecting the website in any way by using user scripts.

The tool allows you to view all added scripts, and if you’re not pleased with a script you can easily disable it right from the extension.

If you’re a developer, you can even add your own code and create your own custom scripts.

This is a great tool for developers and computer enthusiasts, but if you are an average user, you might want to skip this extension.

⇒ Get TamperMonkey

Turn Off the Lights – Improves online video-watching experience

If you frequently watch videos online, you might be interested in Turn Off the Lights. This extension will focus on the video that you’re watching by covering other web elements with a black overlay.

This is a simple extension, and in order to turn it on simply click the Turn Off the Lights icon.

Even though this is a simple extension, it comes with extensive configuration. For example, you can configure the color or opacity of the overlay.

If you want, you can also use a gradient instead of a solid color for overlay. There’s also an option to use a background image or dynamic background as an overlay.

If you want, you can configure this extension to turn itself on automatically on certain websites when you click the play button.

Turn Off the Lights supports extensive configuration for YouTube, and you can even set which elements will be visible while watching YouTube videos. You can even set player size, quality, and other options regarding YouTube.

This extension also supports certain visual effects, so you can set atmosphere lightning effects for videos.

If you wish, you can also toggle fade-in and fade-out effects or use the reflection effect.

This extension also supports some advanced options, so you can easily control dimness level, or show video volume control or video toolbar.

If you want, you can also turn on the video toolbar or eye protection feature.

Turn Off the Lights also supports various keyboard shortcuts, and you can even add support for the context menu or change how the mouse works with the extension.

You can also turn on this extension for all open tabs and you can even use password protection so that others can’t disable it.

The extension also supports Night Mode, and thanks to the Camera Motion feature you can easily turn on Turn Off the Lights by performing a hand gesture.

We have to mention that this feature requires a front-facing camera on your device.

Another feature that this extension supports is Speech Recognition, so you can control the extension and video playback with your voice.

Turn Off the Lights is a simple extension, but it supports advanced configuration. If you frequently watch videos online, we suggest that you try this extension out.

⇒ Get Turn Off the Lights

Page Analyzer – Best for developers

Page Analyzer is a tool designed mostly for web developers. The tool will scan any website and check if it follows the correct practices.

For example, it will check if you use CSS fallbacks, HTML5, and modern doctype. You can expand any of the warnings and see the detailed information along with the problematic code.

This tool is designed for web developers, and if you want to ensure that your website is using the best practices, be sure to download Page Analyzer.

We have to warn you that the tool can be a bit sluggish depending on the complexity of your website, so keep that in mind.

⇒ Get Page Analyzer

Microsoft Personal Shopping Assistant – Organize your carts

If you frequently buy products online, you might be interested in Microsoft Personal Shopping Assistant extension for Edge.

This extension will list all recently browsed products and allow you to save your favorites. Regarding saving, you can add products to different categories so you can organize them better.

The extension allows you to sort the products by price, reviews, or price change. You can even get notifications when a price for certain product changes.

In addition, you can also easily filter all your saved products. Microsoft Personal Shopping Assistant is a great extension if you shop online frequently.

The extension allows you to keep track of all recently viewed products, so it will be rather helpful while making a purchase online.

⇒ Get Microsoft Personal Shopping Assistant

Amazon Assistant – Optimizes the Amazon browsing experience

best edge extensions

If you frequently buy on Amazon, you’ll be pleased to know that there’s a dedicated Amazon extension for Edge.

Amazon Assistant will allow you to quickly search for any product on Amazon right from the extension.

In addition, this extension allows you to add products to your lists or to view daily deals right from the extension. This is a simple extension, and it will surely be helpful to all Amazon users.

⇒ Get Amazon Assistant

Which are the best Edge VPN extensions?

There are several VPN extensions available for Edge and these can easily be downloaded from the Add-ons store. But not all of them are effective, and as is generally the case with VPNs, some considerably reduce the Internet speed. That’s why you need to install only the best.

Here are the best VPN extensions available on the Edge Add-ons store:

  • Surfshark VPN (paid VPN)
  • NordVPN (paid VPN)
  • ZenMate (both free and paid versions available)
  • hide.me (both free and paid versions available)

Also, you can use an effective VPN app that will work just as well and not affect the speed or performance of the device.

Why are my extensions not working in Edge?

In many cases, the extensions were not installed properly or a recent update broke them. Here, it’s best to reinstall the extension from the Edge Add-ons site.

It’s also likely that you are running an outdated version of Microsoft Edge, and as a result, the extensions are not working. Updating the browser should do the trick here.

If you notice that some of the extensions stopped working after installing a new one, there’s a chance that the recently installed extension is conflicting with the others and preventing them from working. Just remove it and things should be fine.

Extensions allow you to customize and add new features to Microsoft Edge. If you’re looking for the best Microsoft Edge extensions, be sure to try some extensions from our list.

If you have any other proposals or ideas, you can leave them in our comments section below.

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