Скачать windows mobile device center для windows 10 64 bit

WMDC may not work in newer Windows versions, particularly Windows 10 version 1703 (Creators Update) OS Build 15063. If you absolutely need to use WMDC in a newer version of Windows, some possible methods to get it to work are as follows.

WMDC may not work in newer Windows versions, particularly Windows 10 version 1703 (Creators Update) OS Build 15063. If you absolutely need to use WMDC in a newer version of Windows, some possible methods to get it to work are as follows.

An abbreviated summary of a common method used to get it to work requires running our WMDC-fixes-for-Win10.msi patch utility (below), uninstall WMDC (both the driver update then main app), use Task Manager to end task on the two WMDC processes, use msconfig (System Configuration) to stop the two WMDC services, Restart, manually delete the entire C:WindowsWindowsMobile folder, re-install drvupdate-amd64.exe from our website, manually launch WMDC, connect cable, and then wait usually up to two minutes the first time connecting.

Feb 2018

After installing Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC), formerly ActiveSync, in the Microsoft Windows 10 operating system.

Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center (32bit)

Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center (64bit)

Next you will likely also need to run the following utility to get it to function fully.


Full instructions for this utility are provided in this document.


November 2017

After installing WMDC, if you are having difficulties running or connecting, download and run the following utility on your PC as an administrator.


Sometimes before being successful at installing WMDC, you must first manually enable the required .NET Framework 3.5 under “Turn Windows features on or off” and/or by using the previous dotNetFx35setup.exe installer from Microsoft.

We highly recommend that you run the 64-bit drvupdate-amd64.exe or 32-bit drvupdate-x86.exe installer as an Admin and in «Compatibility Mode» for Windows Vista if WMDC and the required drivers do not successfully install automatically through the Windows Update service when you connect USB.

After install and once «Windows Mobile Device Center» appears in the list under the Start menu on the desktop PC, similar to as is automatically applied by our «WMDC-Helper.exe» utility referenced above, you may need to run Windows Powershell as an adminstrator to apply the following registry commands, and then perform a Restart.

REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesRapiMgr /v SvcHostSplitDisable /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

REG ADD HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesWcesComm /v SvcHostSplitDisable /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

This is less likely, but you may additionally need to open «Computer Management» as an Admin to view Services and Applications > Services to change the Properties of the “Windows Mobile-2003-based device connectivity” and “Windows mobile-based device connectivity” services to Log On using «Local System Account», and then Start each service. You may sometimes need to re-apply and Start these again when re-connecting device or after performing a Restart on the PC.

Even if you are not able to get WMDC to show it is connected, you may still be able to browse the contents of the device through File Explorer (which will appear as a drive under «This PC») or synchronize anyway

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Внимание! Мы стараемся тщательно проверять все программы, но не гарантируем абсолютную безопасность скачиваемых файлов. Администрация сайта не
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Windows Mobile Device Center is a synchronization app that connects Windows Mobile devices to computers. It helps users manage and edit their mobile files and data.

The application allows users to sync various types of files, including media content such as music or videos, contacts, emails, and even browser settings, passwords, and favorites.

This device management app was initially developed under the name Active Sync. Users that still run older versions of the OS on their computer (Windows XP or earlier) will have to get the older version of the app.

Although Microsoft no longer offers support for Windows Mobile Device Center, the application is still sought after by Microsoft Mobile users.

Luckily, you can still safely download Windows Mobile Device Center for Windows 10 64-bit and 32-bit applications. But note that they no longer get any security updates, nor implement any new features.

Windows Mobile Device System Requirements

The most recent version of the software, WDMC 6.1 has the following system requirements:

  • Operating System
    • Windows 11
    • Windows 10
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 7
    • Windows Vista
  • Build:
    • 64-bit
    • 32-bit
  • Connection method:
    • USB
    • Bluetooth


Our Review

Manage all files on Windows Mobile
Sync music directly from Windows Media Player
Easy edit access to MS Office applications
Smooth setup
Check mobile contacts, documents, emails, and more
No longer supported by Microsoft
Not compatible with versions prior to Windows Vista
Outdated when compared to similar third-party tools

Windows Mobile Device Center: Main features

WMDC offers Windows Mobile users the possibility to navigate and manage their phone data directly from their PC. From the user interface of WMDC access the following features:

  • Programs and services management
  • Pictures and galleries management
  • Music synchronization
  • File Management
  • Device Settings
  • Contact Management
  • Access and Edit documents directly from the computer
  • Simple UI

As previously stated, Microsoft no longer offers support for this application. It is no longer available in the Microsoft Store or on the Microsoft website, and it does not get any more updates.

However, you can still download Mobile Device Center for Windows 10 and  11 for free from reputable third-party websites. It is safe and easy to use.

Windows Mobile Device Center Windows 10 64-bit download is generally available, which is the most frequently used build for Windows 10 as well as Windows 11 systems.

➡ Download & Install Windows Mobile Device Center on Windows 10

If you want to connect your mobile device to your Windows 10 computer, follow the instructions below:

  1. Head to a trusted website that offers the application.
  2.  Find your device and download the installer for your OS build (64-bit or 32-bit).
  3.  Open the installer and let it run on your PC.
    download windows mobile device center
  4. Once completed, download the WDMC-fixes-forWind10.msi patch and run it.
  5. When it is complete, it will ask you to restart your PC. Select Yes.
  6. Now the Windows Device Manager should be available in your start menu, click on the icon to open it.
  7. Read and accept the license terms.
  8. Now the app will launch, and you will be able to connect your Windows Mobile device.download windows mobile center

➡ Download & Install Windows Mobile Device Center on Windows 11

  1. You can proceed with the Windows Mobile Device Center Windows 11 download from the same source provided above. The only difference is that you will only be able to install the drvupdate-amd64.exe installer.
  2. Next, run the MSI file from above in order to reconcile any incompatibilities between registry keys.
  3. A reboot might be necessary in order to properly use the Windows Mobile Device Center Windows 11 download 64-bit version. Go on and perform the reboot.
  4. Launch the WMDC app on your PC and accept the license terms.
  5. Finally, connect your PC and your mobile via cable, USB, or Bluetooth.

➡ Install Windows Mobile Device Center on older versions of Windows

For users that still run older versions of the OS, the installation process is pretty similar. As previously stated, WMDC is also compatible with Windows 8, 7, and Vista.

As opposed to most Windows 10 and 11 computers, many Windows 7 and lower systems run a 32-bit build, so make sure to check yours and download the installer accordingly. Other than that, you can follow the installation guide above.

The application is not available for older OS versions, such as Windows XP. For that, you will have to get ActiveSync. Just as in the case of WMDC, the application is no longer supported by Microsoft, but you can safely download it from trusted third-party sources.

Easy configuration and straightforward UI

As you can see, the app is easy to install and set up. To connect and manage your device, just follow these simple steps:

  1.  From the computer application, open the Mobile Device Settings.
  2. Click Change content sync settings.
  3. Check the boxes for all data you want to sync, then click Next.
  4. Enter the device name and you are good to go.

Now you can manage your settings and browse the files on your connected mobile device.

Manage your media files

Besides allowing easy data transfer and sync of your media content, including pictures, music, and video files, Windows Mobile Device Center also helps you organize them.

You can add tags to your photos, create subfolders, and synchronize your Windows Media Player music, so you can easily access the exact files you need when you need them.

Navigate through your files

When you connect your phone to your computer, you get full access to all its files and folders. You can open and see everything on your device directly from your computer, without being required to save these files.

This can be especially useful if you work with the Microsoft Office Suite. It enables you to edit important documents on the go, and then open the information directly on your computer.

Any changes you make to your files from the Windows Mobile Device Center app will instantly apply to your phone (as you actually edit the same file, not a copy of it).

10 Mar 2021

This article provides instructions for installing Windows Mobile Device Center.

Note: This information is provided as a reference and does not imply that Juniper Systems will provide full support for the use of any specific third-party software.

Microsoft officially ended updates for Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC, formerly ActiveSync) with Windows Vista in 2008. WMDC may not work in newer Windows versions, particularly Windows 10 version 1703 (Creators Update) OS Build 15063 or newer, so an alternative is recommended.

See Mobile Connect by Juniper Systems

WMDC in Newer Versions of Windows

Update 2 Nov 2021: We have verified that this information is also applicable for computers running Windows 11.

If you absolutely need to use WMDC in a newer version of Windows, some possible methods to get it to work are listed below.

Most Common Method

The most common method used to get WMDC to work is to run our WMDC-fixes-for-Win10.msi patch utility, which may fix WMDC automatically after a restart.

The video below provides step-by-step installation instructions.

Looking to replace your existing Windows Mobile device?

Juniper Systems manufactures a variety of rugged handhelds and tablets running Windows and Android operating systems.

Learn More

  1. Download the 64-bit drvupdate-amd64.exe or the 32-bit drvupdate-x86.exe. There are two parts to this installation.
    • For more information see Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center—ActiveSync.
  2. Download our patch WMDC-fixes-for-Win10.msi.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Open WMDC on your computer.
  5. Plug in a cable between your handheld device and computer to establish a connection.

If the WMDC has any problems after running this utility and a restart, visit our article WMDC Will Not Fully Install, Connect, or Uninstall.

Other Methods

There are other methods of getting WMDC to work, but they are older and usually unnecessary.

If you are using a previous version of Windows 10, you can use WMDC-Helper.exe.

  1. Save the above file to your desktop PC.
  2. Locate the file through File Explorer.
  3. Right-click on the file to Run as administrator (even if you are already logged in as an admin).

If you are still encountering problems, you can find other solutions in our Previous WMDC Fixes for Windows 10 article. 

Other Known WMDC Issues

  • WMDC will not fully install, connect, or uninstall
  • System security (Firewall or Virus Scan) conflict
  • Common connection issues with ActiveSync/WMDC

Original article written August 16, 2018.

Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center – представляет собой официальное программное обеспечение, представленное одноименной корпорацией, и направленное для обеспечения более эффективной синхронизации между персональным компьютером и смартфонами. Сама утилита может работать на большинстве современных платформ, и даже для Windows 7.

Windows Mobile Device Center

Эта программа успешно объединяет в себе сразу несколько инструментов, которые отлично оптимизированы для мобильных операционных систем. При этом вы смоете использовать возможности этой утилиты сразу на двух самых передовых платформах – Android и IOS.

Скачать бесплатно Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1.6965 (32 + 64 bit)

Пароль ко всем архивам: 1progs

Как только вы успешно проведете синхронизацию между устройствами, вы получить право свободно перемещать файлы, извлекать информацию, управлять контактами, сообщениями, и другими системными разделами. При этом все процессы управления будут совершенно безопасны, без наличия какой-либо угрозы для гаджетов.

Преимущества утилиты:

  • Отличная оптимизация для Windows 10;
  • Продвинутый файловый менеджер;
  • Возможность извлечения системной информации;
  • Широкая поддержка гаджетов;

Чтобы бесплатно скачать это приложение для синхронизации устройств, вам достаточно просто кликнуть по ссылке, которая находится на данной странице.

Аналоги программы вы всегда можете найти в наших подборках:

Компания Microsoft активно поддерживает собственные продукты поэтому создала бесплатную программу под названием Windows Mobile Device Center, которая позволяет передавать данные между мобильными устройствами на базе платформы Windows Mobile и компьютерами с ОС Windows.

С помощью Виндовс Мобайл Девайс Центр, вы сможете синхронизировать c гаджетом различную информацию, например, список контактов, видео, аудио и фото. Благодаря этому управлять контентом, находящимся на вашем телефоне будет просто и что немаловажно очень удобно.

Приложение будет интересно не только меломанам, но деловым пользователям, ведь если вы используете на ПК и в телефоне календарь, то оно позволит передавать между ними запланированные события, а также плюс к этому электронные письма, важные документы и т.д.

Рассматриваемое программное обеспечение ориентировано на обычных юзеров, поэтому процесс настройки приложения для синхронизации нужных данных не отнимает много времени. При подключении телефона к компьютеру продукт выведет на экран исчерпывающую информацию о вашем устройстве.

Если вы являетесь владельцем мобильного устройства с операционной системой Windows Mobile, того вам крайне рекомендуется скачать Windows Mobile Device Center на русском языке. Программа имеет интуитивно-понятный интерфейс, быстро синхронизирует информацию и предоставляет необходимые инструменты для создания резервных копий важных данных.

Распространяется Бесплатно
Разработчик Microsoft
Операционная система Windows 2K / XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Язык Русский
Размер 12,5 Mb

Скачать бесплатно Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1.6965 для Windows:

Версия x86 | Версия x64

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