Скачать xf adsk2020 x64 для windows 10

Оригинальный кейген от x-force для всех продуктов Автокада 2020 года. Скачать с сервера без регистрации, бесплатно.

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Designed by Katok


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Download AutoCAD 2020 for free, each new version incorbyates new tools and options for the user, this time AutoDesk some improvements such as “Quick measurement”, “Blocks palette”, “Clean”, “Compare DWG”, “Save in the middle second “, in addition to this the installation is 50% faster compared to the previous version of Autocad 2019; a new dark blue user interface is incorbyated, which envelops the program in a modern development environment and, above all, reduces visual fatigue.

You can download Autocad 2020 from MEGA or Mediafire completely free / free, we will also leave you the program in English, plus a textual installation guide.

Autocad 2020 is the first version which no longer has suppert for 32 bit systems, more details on the official page by clicking here.

Compatibility: Windows 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 (Not compatible with Windows XP).

Print Autocad 2020

Requirements to use Autocad 2020:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • Processor: 2.5Ghz, 3Ghz or more recommended.
  • Ram: 8GB, 16GB recommended
  • Screen resolution: 1920 x 1080
  • Video card: 1GB of VRAM, 4GB is recommended and it is also compatible with DirectX 11.
  • Storage space: 6.0GB.
  • Requires .NET Framework version 4.7 or later installed.

Autocad 2020 Installation Instructions:

important: It is recommended to deactivate the internet connection during activation and also deactivation of your antivirus, and always run everything as administrator.

  1. 1. Unzip the program with the latest version of Winrar, inside the resulting folder look for the installer and run the program.
  2. Use as “Serial number” one of the following codes:
  3. – Use 001K1 in “Product key”.
    Note 1: If when clicking on “Activate” it appears that the serial number is incorrect, we just have to close the window and click “Activate” again.
    Note 2: Before clicking on “Activate” we can disconnect the Internet connection and thus prevent the wrong serial number from being displayed.
  4. Once the serial number is recognized, select “I have an activation code from Autodesk” and copy the code from “Request code”.
  5. Run “xf_adsk2020” as administrator.
  6. Note 3: To run as administrator, do the following: right click on the keygen and click on “Run as administrator”.
  7. In the keygen window click on “Mem Patch” (If it has been done successfully, “Successfully patched” will appear).
  8.  In the keygen window paste the “Request code” in “Request”, click on “generate” and copy the generated code. Go to the activation window and paste the generated code, then click next.
  9. And with all this we would have our Autocad 2020 ready to work.

Screenshot of AutoCAD 2020:

Screenshot AUTOCAD


Download Autocad 2010 Full


Password: engineeringsoftware.net

IMPORTANT! All the files we share on this site are compressed with the final version of WinRAR, a lower version may cause errors when extracting the file.


  • Name: AutoCAD 2020
  • Author: AutoDesk
  • Compatibility: Windows 10, 8, 7.
  • Architecture: 64 bit
  • Version: 2020
  • Language: English
  • Size: 1.44GB

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Author: Baymax

Hi, I’m Baymax. I am a Mechatronic engineer, the purpose of this website is to share specialized software to professionals or students of different engineering interests.

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Autodesk+2020 ALL-Products+ X-Force (KeyGenerator)****** Autodesk builds software package for people that make things better. If you’ve ever driven a superior automobile, loved a high edifice, used a smartphone, or watched an excellent film, likelihood is you’ve knowledgeable about what many Autodesk customers do with our software package.

Autodesk 2020 Download ALL Products

Autodesk – 2020 – Robot Structural Analysis Professional – Multilingual
Autodesk – 2020 -Revit
Download_64bit Part 1
Download_64bit Part 2
Download_64bit Part 3
Download_64bit Part 4
Download_64bit Part 5
Download_64bit Part 6
Download_64bit Part 7
Autodesk – 2020 -Navisworks Manage
Download_64bit Part 1
Download_64bit Part 2
Autodesk – 2020 -Navisworks Simulate
Download_64bit Part 1
Download_64bit Part 2
Autodesk – 2020 -AutoCAD
Autodesk – 2020 -AutoCAD-LT
Autodesk – 2020- AutoCAD Architecture
Download_64bit Part 1
Download_64bit Part 2
Autodesk – 2020- AutoCAD Electrical
Download_64bit Part 1
Download_64bit Part 2
Autodesk – 2020- AutoCAD Mechanical
Autodesk – 2020- AutoCAD MEP
Download_64bit PART 1
Download_64bit PART 2
Autodesk – 2020- PLANT 3D
Download_64bit PART 1
Download_64bit PART 2
Autodesk – 2020- Inventor Nastran
Autodesk – 2020- Point Layout
Autodesk – 2020- Vault Professional Server
Download_64bit PART 1
Download_64bit PART 2
Autodesk – 2020 -Inventor Professional
Download_64bit Part 1
Download_64bit Part 2
Download_64bit Part 3

Autodesk – 3DSMAX 2020- Mutlilanguage:
Download_64bit Part 1
Download_64bit Part 2
Autodesk – 3ds Max Interactive 2020:
Autodesk – SketchBook Pro – 2020:
Autodesk – Vault Basic – Client 2020::
Autodesk – Vault Basic – Server 2020:
Autodesk – 2020 AutoCAD Raster Design
Autodesk – 2020 ReCap Pro 2020.0.1

How to Activate Autodesk All Products 2020, 2019,2018,2017,2016,2015,2014,2013 (X-Force KeyGenerator) For Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3… Click the “Download Setup.exe” ABOVE
Note: For Crack Press the Download button below
Password= www.civilmdc.com

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AutoCAD 2020

Важно! Перед началом скачивания и установки необходимо ОТКЛЮЧИТЬ АНТИВИРУС, иначе кейген может быть удалён.

AutoCAD 2020 скачать бесплатно русскую версию Автокад торрент 64 bit с активатором [1.5 GB]

Видео-инструкция по установке и активации AutoCAD 2020

Если видео не работает, обновите страницу или сообщите об этом в комментариях, поправлю.

Ссылка на видео: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/Kgkq8uUYTlwKYg

Обзор AutoCAD 2020

AutoCAD 2020 — это одно из лучших приложений для проектирования в формате 2D и 3D. Используя возможности 3D-моделирования, можно намного быстрее обрабатывать различные проекты, выпускать документацию, развивая свой творческий потенциал и реализовывая имеющиеся идеи в жизнь.

В утилите имеется большое количество настроек, что делает такой инструмент универсальным для самых разных специалистов. Теперь можно приступить к проектированию с невероятным удобством — это и есть AutoCAD.

С помощью возможностей такой программы удастся решить самые разные проблемы, возникающие во время ведения проекта. В ней есть функция, предлагающая моделировать не только тела, но и поверхности. Время работы над проектами, при использовании возможностей программы, значительно сокращается.

Под рукой у специалиста окажется буквально все, что ему необходимо. Все проекты можно сохранить в расширении PDF или сделать их через макет, распечатав с помощью печати 3D.

Помогла статья? Сделай репост!

Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 многоязычный macOS

Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 design and documentation software-один из ведущих мировых инструментов 2D и 3D CAD. Он позволит вам проектировать и формировать мир вокруг вас, используя свои мощные и гибкие функции. Ускорьте документирование, легко делитесь идеями и исследуйте идеи более интуитивно в 3D. Благодаря тысячам доступных дополнений программное обеспечение AutoCAD обеспечивает максимальную гибкость, адаптированную к вашим конкретным потребностям. Пришло время заняться дизайном дальше. AutoCAD 2022 позволяет создавать и исследовать идеи, как никогда раньше. Это все, что вам нужно, чтобы создавать, визуализировать, документировать и делиться своими идеями. От концептуального проектирования до черчения и детализации. Импортируйте широкий спектр других форматов, включая SolidWorks, Pro/ENGINEER, CATIA, Rhino и NX. Чертежные виды, отображение ребер и местоположение мгновенно обновляются при внесении технических изменений.

Лидер по разработке, детализации и концептуальному дизайну снова показывает путь. AutoCAD 2019 продвигает повседневное черчение вперед с помощью функций, которые повышают скорость и точность при одновременной экономии времени. Масштабирование аннотаций и свойства слоев на видовом экране сводят к минимуму обходные пути, в то время как улучшения текста и таблиц и несколько лидеров помогают обеспечить непревзойденный уровень эстетической точности и профессионализма.
Создавайте свои проекты более интуитивно, более эффективно и быстрее, чем когда-либо прежде.

  • Общаться. Представляйте и делитесь своими проектами более плавно, более точно и более мощно.
  • Исследовать. Теперь вы можете превратить идеи, независимо от формы или размера, в 3D-модель САПР, чтобы помочь продвигать ваши проекты дальше.
  • Настроить. Сделайте так, чтобы программное обеспечение AutoCAD работало на вас так, как вы никогда не думали.
  • Создавайте потрясающие дизайны и улучшайте совместную работу
  • Поделитесь своей работой с TrustedDWG technology.
  • Работайте с подключенными настольными, облачными и мобильными решениями.
  • Получите мобильное приложение AutoCAD 360 Pro при подписке.

Что нового:

Версия 2022:

  • Примечания к выпуску были недоступны, когда этот список был обновлен.

Совместимость: домашняя страница macOS 10.14 или более поздней
версии https://www.autodesk.com/

Инструкция для Autodesk Autocad/Maya 2022

  1. Установите Autodesk Maya

Из папки: R23 [k] возьмите оба исправленных файла LTU & LMU и замените их оригиналом
внутри: Application/Autodesk/Adlm/R23/
При необходимости введите пароль администратора.

  1. Запустите Maya и используйте в качестве серийного номера 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545 066-66666666 …
  2. Если у вас возникли проблемы с серийными номерами, просто установите их как пробную версию. Завершите установку и перезагрузите Maya, а затем выполните активацию.

Мы предлагаем блокировать исходящий трафик (быстрее и проще активировать)

  1. Перед нажатием кнопки Активировать

У вас есть 2 варианта :

  • а) Отключите сетевую карту, вытащите сетевой кабель или заблокируйте его брандмауэром
    (это просто для того, чтобы отключить онлайн-проверки). Он может сказать вам, что требуется подключение к Интернету
    просто нажмите кнопку закрыть и снова нажмите кнопку активировать.


  • б) или блокировать исходящее соединение с помощью таких приложений, как Little Snitch, HandsOff! или Радиомолчание.
  1. Выберите У меня есть код активации от Autodesk
  2. Оказавшись на “Экране активации”, запустите XFORCE Keygen с смонтированного “xf-adsk2020.dmg”
  3. Нажмите на кнопку Mem Patch (вы должны увидеть успешно исправленный патч)
  4. Скопируйте код запроса в Кейген и нажмите кнопку generate
  5. Теперь скопируйте Код активации обратно на экран активации и нажмите кнопку Далее У вас есть полностью зарегистрированный продукт Autodesk

NB : Вы можете получить это сообщение, когда ваш исходящий трафик заблокирован или вы отключены от Интернета
Ваш запрос на онлайн-активацию вернул ошибку, которая не позволяет обработать ваш запрос с помощью наших автоматизированных систем.
просто нажмите кнопку Закрыть
о совместимости big sur с keygen:
ruby -e «$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)» < /dev/null 2> /dev/null если dosnt работает, используйте другую команду:
/bin/bash -c «$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh

Дождитесь окончания команды. После завершения выполните следующий код:
brew install upx или brew install upx

откройте xf-adsk2020.dmg и запустите его монтирование.

Теперь выполните следующую команду:
sudo upx-d ~/Desktop/xf-adsk20.app/Contents/macOS/x-force

Закройте терминал и откройте xf-adesk19 на рабочем столе.

  • Готово!

Уже посмотрели 27 100

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This is a super heavyweight post of AppNee, including all keygens (AKA: Autodesk Products 20XX – X-FORCE, XF-ADSK) made by X-Force team for Autodesk 2006~2020 all products on Windows 32-bit and 64-bit, Mac. From now on, AppNee will collect and share Autodesk 2006~2020 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows & Mac in this single one post (We have removed all other Autodesk keygen related posts). It’s important that, this post will be permanently updated and maintained.

Before AppNee officially announces that we are Anti-DMCA, there is no doubt that its visit link may be removed by Google. As a consequence, it has no fixed access address for a long time. Anyway, you can always find its latest working link by searching in Google like this: Autodesk 20xx All Products Universal Keygen + AppNee (or just “Autodesk 20xx Keygen +AppNee” for short).

At last, if you have any working keygen we have not, please send it to me. This way, we can build a real, full and perfect list for Autodesk all products keygens.

// Historical Release Time of AutoCAD //

  • ….
  • AutoCAD 2020 – Released on March 29, 2019
  • AutoCAD 2019 – Released on March 22, 2018
  • AutoCAD 2018 – Released on March 21, 2017
  • AutoCAD 2017 – Released on March 21, 2016
  • AutoCAD 2016 – Released on March 23, 2015
  • AutoCAD 2015 – Released on March 27, 2014
  • AutoCAD 2014 – Released on March 26, 2013
  • AutoCAD 2013 – Released on March 27, 2012
  • AutoCAD 2012 – Released on March 22, 2011
  • AutoCAD 2011 – Released on March 25, 2010
  • AutoCAD 2010 – Released on March 24, 2009
  • AutoCAD 2009 – Released on March, 2008
  • AutoCAD 2008 – Released on March, 2007
  • AutoCAD 2007 – Released on March, 2006
  • AutoCAD 2006 – Released on March, 2005
  • ….

// Introduction //

Autodesk 2008 All Products Specified Keygens collection
After the post Autodesk 2009 All Products Specified Keygens collection, maybe you can’t believe we would release this same type of post for Autodesk 2008 All Products Specified Keygens – in fact, we can only get you a few of them.

Although we did not collect all the keygens for every product of Autodesk 2008, the most important ones are here (especially for Autodesk AutoCAD 2008 and Autodesk Architecture 2008). Anyway, we hope and believe that it can, more or less, help some guys who are used to the classic versions of large industry software.

Autodesk 2009 All Products Specified Keygens collection
When you see this post, some new visitors of AppNee who do not know much about us may feel wonder. Hi, AppNee! What are you doing? Autodesk 2009? It’s been Autodesk 2017 now… That’s because, we are sure that a big part of people are still in use of the old but classic versions of Autodesk products (even the Autodesk 2007, 2008).

It’s a pity that we could not get you all the Keygens (by X-Force Team for Windows 32-bit & 64-bit) of the following listed Autodesk products, but the most popular ones of them have been there, such as AutoCAD 2009, 3ds Max 2009…. Again, the using method for each Keygen is almost the same in every detail, so below, we only take the 3ds Max 2009 for example!

Autodesk 2010 All Products Universal Keygen by X-Force
These are the universal keygen for Autodesk 2010 all products which have been out of print from the Internet (especially clean and did not bundled with any virus – you can judge from the file size easily or scan them with anti-virus).

This post is specially for our visitor “johnny”, just hope it can really help you and what I can do for you may be just so much. Good luck!

Autodesk 2011 All Products Universal Keygen for Win & Mac
Below are the universal Keygens for Autodesk 2011 All Products (to respond to the user’s request), working on Windows (32-bit & 64-bit) and Mac platforms, made by X-Force Crack Team.

All these 3 Keygens are surely working all right, and we can only provide you this (as well as the Autodesk 2011 All Product Keys collection below), as for the Autodesk 2011 All Products’ official trial installers, you have to try to get them by yourself.

Autodesk 2012 All Products Universal Keygens for Win & Mac
Autodesk 2012 All Products Universal Keygen by X-Force is currently the only best, fastest, safest and most effective way to activate any product of Autodesk 2012 on both Windows and Mac.

In fact, for people engaged in the design industry, their designing tool versions are not always the latest. Cost is one of the reasons, and I believe that the more important problem is the use habit, so as to perhaps any version they have will be used for a long time.

Taking this case into consideration plus many AppNee’s users have put forward the related demands. So today, we finally posted this timeworn but safe, clean, easy-to-use and powerful universal keygen for Autodesk 2012 All Products, made by the famous X-Force Team. Here, I will say thanks to X-Force Team on behalf of all users from AppNee.

Autodesk 2013 All Products Universal Keygen for Win & Mac
This is the original (clear, no suspicious files packed) Autodesk 2013 Keygen program from the famous Crack Team “X-Force Team“, suitable for Autodesk all products. Of course it also applies to all products of the Autodesk AutoCAD 2013!
Autodesk 2014 All Products Universal Keygen for Win & Mac
Still based on the needs of our users, we posted this Autodesk 2014 universal keygen for Mac and Windows 32 & 64 bits, just hope it can help more folks have the same demands. Meanwhile, we have to say thanks again to our old friends – X-Force Team!

Please feel free to use, AppNee has been following, and will always follow the dedication purpose “No hex-editing, No repack, No selling and Just Free!” of X-Force and many other Crack Team.

This time, I will not post the the cracking method similar in every detail with the previous ones. Instead, I put the “installation notes” in the every corresponding keygen folder you can get.

This Autodesk 2014 all products universal keygen is presented by the celebrated crack organization X-Force (full name – TEAM XFORCE), released in 2013. If you’ve got some keygen for any product of Autodesk 2014 with bigger size (> 288 KB), then you must got the fake or repacked one carrying viruses and Trojans. AppNee (has the same purpose as X-Force team) advises you not to try that, never!

Autodesk 2015 All Products Universal Keygens for Win & Mac
Autodesk 2015 Products Keygen is universal keygen specially designed for Autodesk 2015 whole series products, made by the famous X-Force Crack Team. Working for both Windows (32-bit & 64-bit) and Mac.

AppNee will say “Thank you” to Osama.O in the name of us all who benefit from these resources at AppNee.

All the cracking methods are the same for any one Autodesk product you are using, such as AutoCAD 2015, 3ds Max 2015, Maya 2015… Below I will show you a more comprehensive, clear, readable and easier cracking tutorial with Text, Picture and Video, just take AuoCAD 2015 for example.

If it works and you think it is useful and helpful, please share this article to more friends who need it. This is the only what we hope you can do for us, thanks!

Autodesk 2016 All Products Universal Keygen for Windows
Below you can get the Autodesk 2016 All Products Universal Keygen for Windows 32-bit & 64-bit, still made by our great friends X-Force Crack Team. Thanks to X-Force Crack Team again, we all should say thank you, isn’t it?

In according to the following method to crack, just remember one thing: do follow the every step and slow down, slow down! BTW, I promise the cracking tutorial you see in AppNee is the only most detailed and cleared one you can find on the whole Internet! So, don’t waste or miss this opportunity, just pay a little more patience.

Autodesk 2017 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
At this time of every year, Autodesk will release its brand-new versions for all its products. This is very punctual (if there is nothing wrong with it, this date will be the 3rd week of March).

Accordingly, our special demands (keygen, serial number, etc.) about them will also be awakened, and all this is counting on the only X-Force TEAM, never comes the second one.

This is the post about this universal keygen for Autodesk 2017’s all products on Windows (still and must be made by X-Force TEAM), including the Autodesk official setup serial numbers and detailed, clear installation notes (as you can see all the time from the whole Internet). Of course, we only take the most widely used AutoCAD for example! First, let’s have a look at the release time list for every new version of AutoCAD in the past few years.

Autodesk 2018 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
Since 2010, each March of year (strictly speaking, it’s the week of March) has become a big starting date for Autodesk to release all its products’ official version. Without any doubt, almost at the same time (sometimes it’s a little beforehand), X-Force TEAM will contribute their universal keygens for Autodesk all products. And now, it’s turn of Autodesk 2018 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows.

Likewise, AppNee only provides Autodesk all products’ two most important resources (Product Keys: from official site; All products Universal Keygens for Windows 32-bit & 64-bit: from X-Force crack team) in two separate posts:

  • Autodesk 2018 All Product Keys Collection
  • Autodesk 2018 All Products Universal Keygens

As for Autodesk 2018 All Products offline direct download links, we never release such kinds of posts. The reason is, Autodesk official site could no longer endure their severe server resources overloading by providing this convenience service (as a consequence, you found more and more direct download links removed by them). Meanwhile, AppNee thought that there is not any sense to do this any more. Especially the Autodesk Virtual Agent has become the best alternative of Autodesk all products offline direct download links.

Autodesk 2019 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows 
This is a mod/revised edition of the X-Force 2019 all products universal keygen made by LAVTeam cracking team according to X-Force 2018 All Products universal keygen, not the original one made by X-Force.
Autodesk 2020 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows 

Older Versions

Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 Keygen & Crack DLL for Windows
Below, AppNee provides you two effective activation methods for Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 – Crack DLL (adlmint.dll, also called activation file) and X-Force Keygen methods on Windows 32-bit & 64-bit. As for the Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 trial installer, you have to use your own or try to get it by yourself.
AutoCAD 2012 x64 Full Installer and Keygen
Now AutoCAD 2012 has been very old, not only the official had already removed the installation file download link, even it is difficult to find some really quality and working download links from the network. But I’m sure there are still many users will need AutoCAD 2012 at work.

In view of the actual needs of some users, AppNee here only share collections from the official AutoCAD 2012 complete installation package, Product Key, as well as the valid keygen made by the famous X-Force Crack Team (pay attention to the file size, any one with size greater than 200 KB must be bound with Trojans). Even so, still recommend using your anti-virus software to scan before runing the keygen, safety first.

Autodesk Maya 2012 Full Installer + Keygen for Mac
First, the reason that I post this Autodesk Maya 2012 Keygen by X-Force for Mac is in response to some users’ needs. Just hope it can help them and other guys having the same needs. Second, I myself do not have a Mac PC, so I can not provide any further help info about some strange questions you maybe meet. Good luck!
AutoCAD 2013 x86/x64 Keygen, Patch by X-Force
This is the Autodesk Product AutoCAD 2013 Keygen program from the famous Crack Team “X-Force”. It does not support Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 all other products, if needed, please get the “Autodesk 2013 All Products Universal Keygen, Serials + Keys for Win32/64 & Mac” instead!

// Screenshots //

// Supported Products //

Autodesk 2008 All Products Specified Keygens collection
  • Autodesk AutoCAD 2008
  • Autodesk Revit Architecture 2008
  • Autodesk Viz 2008
  • Autodesk Architecture 2008
Autodesk 2009 All Products Specified Keygens collection
  • Revit Architecture 2009
  • Revit Architecture 2009 Suite
  • Revit MEP 2009
  • Revit Structure 2009
  • Revit Structure Suite 2009
  • 3DS MAX 2009
  • AutoCAD 2009
  • AutoCAD Architecture 2009
  • AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009
  • AutoCAD Electrical 2009
  • AutoCAD LT 2009
  • AutoCAD MAP 3D 2009
  • AutoCAD Mechanical 2009
  • AutoCAD MEP 2009
  • Inventor Pro 2009
  • Inventor Suite 2009
  • NaviWorks Manage 2009
  • NaviWorks Review 2009
  • NaviWorks Simulate 2009
  • Quantity Takeoff 2009
  • Raster Design 2009
Autodesk 2010 All Products Universal Keygen by X-Force
All Products
Autodesk 2011 All Products Universal Keygen for Win & Mac
  • AutoCAD
  • AutoCAD Architecture
  • AutoCAD LT
  • 3ds Max
  • Civil 3D
  • Inventor
  • Maya
  • Revit Architecture
  • ….
Autodesk 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 All Products Universal Keygens for Win & Mac
All Products

// Installation Notes //

Autodesk 2008 All Products Specified Keygens collection
Take Autodesk Autocad 2008 for example:

  1. Install Autocad 2008 (launch setup.exe)
  2. Click on Configure (after accepting license agreement…)
  3. Select Stand-alone-licence
  4. Select your desired options
  5. Click on Configuration Complete and then Install
  6. Start Autodesk 2008 and select Activate the Product
  7. When asked for activation, select Enter an Activation Code
  8. Use serials like: 653-12354321 or 666-98989898 or 666-69696969, and copy the request code
  9. Start X-Force keygen and generate an activation code based on your request code
  10. Continue the registration process, and copy, paste your generated activation code
  11. Restart AutoCAD
  12. All done, enjoy!
Autodesk 2009 All Products Specified Keygens collection
  1. Install the Autodesk 2009 product in your hand (below we only take 3ds Max 2009 for example)
  2. Start 3ds Max 2009 and Select ‘Activate the Product
    when ask for activation
  3. Select ‘Enter an Activation Code‘, and use any one serial like: 653-12354321666-98989898 or 666-69696969
  4. Copy the ‘Request Code‘ to keygen and generate your activation code
  5. Copy the generated activation code back to Autodesk’s activation window to continue the activation progress
  6. Restart 3ds Max, all done!

*** When see this error from keygen, that means you should do as it says.

Internal Error #2 – Please be sure the app is running and on the license screen!

Autodesk 2010 All Products Universal Keygen by X-Force
Below we take the AutoCAD 2010 for example:

  1. Install your AutoCAD setup file
  2. Use Serial Number: 356-72378422 and Product Key: 001B1 when asked, then finish the setup
  3. Start AutoCAD 2010, it will prompt to activate. Copy the request code
  4. Run the keygen from AppNee (must as administrator), and paste the request code.
  5. Click “Mem Patch” first, then click “Generate
  6. Copy the generated activation code back to the activation window of AutoCAD 2010. Then click “Next”
  7. All done. Enjoy!
Autodesk 2011 All Products Universal Keygen for Win & Mac
Below we only take cracking Autodesk Autocad 2011 on Windows for example, any other product on Windows or Mac is similar.

  1. Install Autodesk Autocad 2011 first
  2. Use Serial: 356-72378422 (or anything matching this template), and use Product Key: 001C1
  3. Finish the installation & restart Autodesk Product
  4. Before clicking on Activate, pull out your network cable (this is just to disable online serial check)
  5. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk
  6. Once at the activation screen, run the appropriate Keygen (as administrator) and click Mem Patch (you should see successfully patched)
  7. Copy the request code into the keygen and press Generate
  8. Copy the activation code back to the activation screen and click Next. All done, you have a fully registered Autodesk product now.


  1. Make sure you are running the Keygen as administrator
  2. Mare sure you have turned the UAC off on Vista or Windows 7
Autodesk 2012 All Products Universal Keygens for Win & Mac
  1. Get and install your Autodesk 2012 trial product
  2. Use serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545 (or anything matching those templates) when asked
  3. Use Product Key 001D1
  4. Finish the installation and restart your Autodesk Product
  5. Before clicking on the “Activate” button, you have to choose a or b from 2 options:
    1. Pull the network cable out or block with firewall (in order to disable online serial check)
    2. Click on “Activate” and it will tell you that your serial is wrong, simply click on “Close” and then click on “Activate” once more
  6. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk
  7. Run the keygen as administrator (important)
  8. Click on “Mem Patch” (you should see successfully patched)
  9. Copy the request code from the activation panel into the keygen and click “Generate
  10. Now copy the generated activation code back to the activation panel and click “Next

Congratulations! You have a fully registered your Autodesk product by yourself. Enjoy!

***Make sure you are running the Keygen as administrator and with UAC off on Vista or Windows 7

Autodesk 2013 All Products Universal Keygen for Win & Mac
1. Install your Autodesk 2013 product

2. Use as Serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545, 066-66666666… (or anything matching those templates)

3. Use the matching Product Key from here.

(The product Key can also be found in a file called MID.txt in the root of the ISO or in the unpacked EXE file. It will look like this: Part Number: xxxE1-123456-123456… What you want is the xxxE1 number.)

4. Finish the installation & restart your Autodesk product

5. Before clicking on “Activate” button

You have 2 options (must choose one option, a or b):

– a) Disable Your network Card, pull the network cable out or block with firewall (this is just to disable its online serial check)


– b) Click “Activate” and it will tell you that your serial is wrong, then simply click “Close” and click the “Activate” again.

6. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk”

7. Once at the activation screen: start the Keygen 32-bit or 64-bit (must be right clicked and select “Run as Administrator”)

8. Click on “Mem Patch” (you should see “Successfully patched”)

9. Copy the “Request Code” into the keygen and press “Generate”

10. Finally, copy the “Activation Code” back to the activation screen and click “Next”…… Done!


  • You need to apply patch when licence screen appears
  • Make sure you are running the Keygen as administrator and with UAC off on Windows 7/8/8.1
  • Use the keygen for the right product.
Autodesk 2014 All Products Universal Keygen for Win & Mac
for Windows:

First of all, if you have installed any Autodesk product (whether it is successful or failed), you must remove all Autodesk products from your Windows system cleanly (files, folders, Windows registry and more) first, then follow the every step as below to crack, or you will never win. OR your only and simplest way is to reinstall your Windows system.

1. Install your Autodesk 2014 Product for Windows

2. Use as Serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545, 066-66666666…. (or anything matching those templates)

3. Use the matching Product Key from here.

(The product Key can also be find in a file called MID.txt in the root of the ISO or in the unpacked EXE file. It will look like this: Part Number: xxxE1-123456-123456… What you want is the xxxE1 number.)

4. Finish the installation & restart Autodesk Product

5. Before clicking on “Activate” button

You have 2 steps (must do):

– a) Disable your network adapter, pull the network cable out or block with firewall (this is just to disable its online serial check)


– b) Click “Activate” and it will tell you that your serial is wrong, then simply click “Close” and click the “Activate” again.

6. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk

7. Once at the activation screen: start the Keygen 32-bit or 64-bit (must be right clicked and select “Run as Administrator”)

8. Click on “Patch” (you should see “Successfully patched”)

9. Copy the “Request Code” into the keygen and press “Generate

10. Finally, copy the “Activation Code” back to the activation screen and click “Next

Congratulations, you have a fully registered autodesk product now! Enjoy!

for Mac:

1. Install your Autodesk 2014 Product for Mac

2. Select “Install as Trial” (that is in most cases, you can also try to put a serial and the product key)

3. Finish the installation & restart Autodesk Product

4. Use as Serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545 066-66666666…. or anything matching those templates for activation

5. Use the matching Product Key. {The product Key can be find in a file called MID.txt (but not always) in the root of the dmg file. It will look like this: Part Number: xxxF1-123456-123456…. What you want is the xxxF1 number. You may also get it after installing in Trial and Activating within the application.}

ACTIVATION : We suggest blocking outgoing traffic (faster and easier to activate)

6. Before clicking on Activate, you have 2 options:

– a) Disable Your network Card, pull the network cable out or block with firewall (this is just to disable online checks). It may tell you an internet connection is required simply click on close and click on activate again.


– b) Click on Activate and it will make some online checks, simply click on close and click on activate again.

Choose option a or b.

7. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk”

8. Once at the activation screen: start XFORCE Keygen for Mac

9. Click on “Patch” (you should see successfully patched)

10. Copy the request code into the keygen and press generate

11. Now copy the activation code back to the activation screen and click Next, and all done now!


  • You need to apply patch when licence screen appears
  • Make sure you are running the Keygen as administrator and with UAC off on Windows7
  • Use the keygen for the right Product.
Autodesk 2015 All Products Universal Keygens for Win & Mac
Before cracking, make you satisfy the following condition:

  • A clear (have completely uninstalled any Autodesk product with specifically uninstall tool) or new Operation System (please refer to the following “// Related Links //”)
  • Make sure you have turned off the UAC on Windows 7/8
  • Disable your network adapter (unplug the network cable or block with firewall – just in order to disable the online check)
  1. Download and install your Autodesk 2015 product official trial installer from here
  2. Use any one of these serials:
    • 066-66666666
    • 400-45454545
    • 653-12354321
    • 666-98989898
    • 666-69696969
    • 667-98989898
  3. Use the products keys here
  4. Finish the installation & restart Autodesk Product (agree the privacy statement)
  5. Click on “Activate”, then select the “Connect now and activate! (Recommended)” and directly click “Close”. When seeing “Activation has not been completed. Are you sure you wish to cancel?”, click “Yes”. Finally click on the “Activate” once more
  6. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk”
  7. Right click the keygen and select “Run as administrator”
  8. Click on “Patch” (then you should see “Successfully patched!”)
  9. Copy the “Request code” from the ‘Product License Activation Options’ window, paste them into the keygen’s “Request” field and press “Generate” to get the “Activation code”
  10. Last, copy the generated activation code and paste them into the ‘Product License Activation Options’ window’s blank fields (select the 1st and paste), then click “Next”

All done, your Autodesk product has been fully registered now, congratulations!

Autodesk 2016 All Products Universal Keygen for Windows

Step One: Install First

  1. Install any product of Autodesk you got (below, we only take AutoCAD 2016 for example)
  2. Use any numeric string like 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545066-66666666 as serial…
  3. Use your own Product Key or find one here (for AutoCAD: 001H1)
  4. Continue to finish up the installation and then restart your Autodesk Product (agree the privacy statement)

Step Two: Ready to Crack

Before enter the real cracking step, you have to do as follows to prepare for the following crack step:

  1. Click ‘Activate‘ button
  2. Select “Connect now and activate! (Recommended)” and directly click ‘Close
  3. When seeing “Activation has not been completed. Are you sure you wish to cancel?”, click ‘Yes
  4. Finally click on the ‘Activate‘ once more

Step Three: Crack Now

  1. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk
  2. Download and extract the keygen out
  3. Right click on the keygen and select “Run as administrator
  4. Click on “Patch” until you see “Successfully patched!
  5. Copy the “Request code” field from the “Product License Activation Options” window, and paste them into the keygen’s “Request” field
  6. Press “Generate” button to get the “Activation code
  7. Finally, copy the generated activation code back to the “Product License Activation Options” window’s blank fields (locate the 1st one and paste), then click “Next
  8. All done, your Autodesk product has been fully registered now, congratulations!


  • Do make sure you are running the Keygen as administrator
  • Make sure you have turned off the UAC on Windows 7/8/8.1/10
Autodesk 2017 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
Below, we only take Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 for example:

  1. Download and install Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 from official site
  2. Use Serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545 066-66666666…. or any number series matching this kind of format
  3. Use Product Key 001I1 (this is for AutoCAD only)
  4. Finish the installation & restart your Autodesk Product once
  5. Choose “Enter a Serial” (here, blocking outgoing traffic from Autodesk with firewall is a better choice – and that’s faster and easier to activate, but not required at all)
  6. Before clicking “Activate“, select the following either way:
    • – a) Disable your Internet connection or just pull the network cable out (in order to disable Autodesk’s real-time online check). When it tells you that “…an Internet Connection is Required“, click “Close” and then click “Activate” once more
    • – b) Click on “Activate” and it will make an online check, simply click “Close” and click on “Activate” again (this way costs you just some more time)
  7. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk
  8. Download and run Autodesk 2017 All Products Universal Keygen by X-Force as administrator, and click “Patch” first
  9. Copy the ‘Request Code‘ from Autodesk’s activation window and paste them into the ‘Request‘ field in X-Force Keygen, then click “Generate
  10. Now, copy the generated ‘Activation Code‘ back to the corresponding field of Autodesk’s activation window, and click “Next
  11. Done, enjoy!

*** Make sure you run the X-Force Keygen as administrator

*** Make sure you have turned the User Account Control (UAC) off under your Windows 7+.

Fixes for CFD 2017 (contributed by M.T.)
You will need to install 2 licenses in order to have full options. The first license to install is the Design Study license and then the Motion license. You can install the Advanced and CFD 2017 basic licenses but they are not required to have full options. The CAD connection for NX, Pro/e and Parasolid are now part of the Design study license so there will no option to install these licenses (new for 2017).

  1. Install Autodesk CFD 2017 x64
  2. Disable the network cards so all internet traffic is blocked
  3. Start CFD 2017 and when prompted at the activation screen select “Activate” for the Design Study license
  4. At the next window use Serial 200-34659000, 667-98920991, 400-45454545, 066-66666666 as any combination of numbers you like. Use the Product Key 812I1 (do not use any other key). Click next once you have entered the serial and key
  5. At the next window select “Request and activation code using an offline method” then click next
  6. At the next window select back and then at that window select back again until you are at the “Product License Activation Options” window. Now select “I have an activation code from Autodesk” button.
  7. Start XFORCE Keygen and click on Mem Patch (you should see successfully patched)
  8. Copy the request code into the keygen and press generate
  9. Now copy the activation code back to the activation screen and click next for registration screen then program will start. Close the program once it has started
  10. Run CFD 2017 and select the “Start & learn” tab then select the “licensing” button
  11. At the license manager window select the “>” for CFD 2017 Motion to expand it. Now select “update” in the serial number field. Use same serial number you used in step 4 and click active
  12. A window will pop up for the CFD 2017 motion license. Select “activate” and at the next window use Product key 811I1
  13. Repeat steps 5 through 9 to license the motion options
  14. Run CFD 2017 and select the “Start & learn” tab then select the “licensing” button. You will now see that the Design Study and Motion license are commercial as shown in the example below
  15. Optional but not required: you can license CFD 2017 basic and the advanced option. Use the same serial as in step 4 and the following Product Keys:
    • CFD 2017: 809I1
    • CFD 2017 Advanced: 810I1
  16. (To configure the CAD plugin and options, run “C:Program FilesAutodesk CFDConfig.exe” and follow the prompts in next part)

 Fixes for CFD 2017’s Creo 2.0/3.0 Plugin Errors (disclosed by M.T.)
Intro: He loaded the program and now noticed PTC Creo plugin CAD application has several bugs the Autodesk never fixed.
Click the image to download the full HD PDF edition.

Autodesk 2018 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
Below, we only take Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 for example:

  1. Download and install Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 from official site
  2. Use Serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545, 066-66666666…. or any number series matching this template
  3. Use Product Key 001J1 (this is for AutoCAD only)
  4. Finish the installation & restart your Autodesk Product
  5. Choose “Enter a Serial” (here, blocking outgoing traffic from Autodesk with firewall is a better choice, and that’s faster and easier to activate, but not required at all)
  6. Before clicking “Activate“, select the following either way:
    • – a) Disable your Internet connection or just pull the network cable out (in order to disable Autodesk’s real-time online check). When it tells you that “…an Internet Connection is Required“, click “Close” and then click “Activate” once more
    • – b) Click on “Activate” and it will make an online check, simply click “Close” and click on “Activate” again (this way costs you just some more time)
  7. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk
  8. Download and run Autodesk 2018 All Products Universal Keygen by X-Force as administrator, and click “Patch” first
  9. Copy the ‘Request Code‘ from Autodesk’s activation window and paste them into the ‘Request‘ field in X-Force Keygen, then click “Generate
  10. Now, copy the generated ‘Activation Code‘ back to the corresponding field of Autodesk’s activation window, and click “Next
  11. Done, enjoy!

*** Make sure you run the X-Force Keygen as administrator

*** Make sure you have turned the User Account Control (UAC) off under your Windows 7+.

Autodesk 2018 All Products Universal Keygens for Mac
  1. Install Autodesk SketchBook for Enterprise 2018 OSX
  2. Use as Serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545 066-66666666 ..
    or anything matching those templates
  3. Use as Product Key 871J1
  4. IF You cant input a serial and a product key, just install as trial. Finish the installation & restart Autodesk Product then do the activation. ACTIVATION : We suggest blocking outgoing traffic (faster and easier to activate)
  5. Before clicking on Activate
    You have 2 options (Choose option a or b):
    – a) Disable Your network Card, pull the network cable out or block with firewall
    (this is just to disable online checks). It may tell you an internet connection is required
    simply click on close and click on activate again.
    – b) Click on Activate and it will make some online checks, simply click
    on close and click on activate again.
  6. Select I have an activation code from Autodesk
  7. Once at the activation screen: start XFORCE OSX Keygen
  8. Click on Mem Patch (you should see successfully patched)
  9. Copy the request code into the keygen and press generate
  10. Now copy the activation code back to the activation screen and click Next
    You have a fully registered autodesk product
Autodesk 2019 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
  1. Install and launch your Autodesk 2019 product
  2. Use any ‘Serial‘ like: 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545, 066-66666666, and use the corresponding ‘Product Key‘ (all listed here)
  3. Disable your Internet connection, then click ‘Activate
  4. Copy the “Request Code“, and keep the activation windows open
  5. Run X-Force keygen as administrator, click ‘Patch‘ (this action modifies the hosts file to block the networking verification)
  6. Paste the copied “Request Code” to keygen’s “Request” field, and click ‘Generate‘ button
  7. Copy the generated “Activation Code
  8. Select “I have an activation code from Autodesk“, and paste the copied “Activation Code
  9. Click ‘Next‘, all done!

*** If activation fails, delete all files under “C:ProgramDataFLEXnet” first, then try it again.

Autodesk 2020 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
Take AutoCAD as example:

  1. Download and install AutoCAD from official site
  2. Disable your Internet connection temporarily
  3. Run AutoCAD 2020, and click “enter a serial number
  4. Click ‘Activate‘, use “666-98989898” as Serial Number, use “001L1” as Product Key (do not click ‘Next‘ now)
  5. Run the keygen as administrator, and click ‘Patch
  6. Go back to program activation window, and click ‘Next
  7. Copy the “Request code” to keygen, generate a “Activation code” and copy it
  8. In program activation window, select “I have an activation code from Autodesk
  9. Paste or input the generated activation code manually, and click ‘Next‘ (one box is just blank)
  10. Done

*** It’s suggested to block outgoing traffic (faster and easier to activate).

You may get this error message while your outgoing traffic is blocked, or you are off internet (just close it):

Your online activation request has returned an error (800c0005) which is not allowing your request to be processed using our automated systems.

*** Make sure you are running the Keygen as administrator from your HDD and with UAC off on Windows 7/8/10.

*** You can apply updates before or after activation

Autodesk Specific Product Keygens

Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 Keygen & Crack DLL for Windows
Crack DLL method:
  • This is the easiest way to activate your AutoCAD 2010, just copy the “adlmint.dll” file to your AutoCAD 2010’s installation directory and overwrite the same file
  • Done, restart your system to use
X-Force Keygen method:
  1. Install your AutoCAD 2010 using Serial Number: 356-72378422 and Product Key: 001B1
  2. When finished, restart Autodesk AutoCAD 2010, fill in the necessary information for registration, then click Activate
  3. Select “I have the activation code provided by Autodesk”
  4. Run X-Force Keygen as administrator
  5. Copy the Request Code from the activation window and paste them into the Keygen’s “Request” field, then click “Mem Patch”
  6. When seeing “Successful” word, click “Generate”
  7. Finally, copy the generated Activation Code back to the activation window’s corresponding field, and click Next
  8. Congratulations, you made it, and enjoy it
AutoCAD 2012 x64 Full Installer and Keygen
  1. download the Full Installer + Keygen below (a Torrent file, use µTorrent to download it)
  2. install and activate, do follow the every step here
Autodesk Maya 2012 Full Installer + Keygen for Mac
  1. Disconnect Internet (you can choose to unplug the cable, turn off the airport or block the registration program with a firewall)
  2. Download and/or install Autodesk Maya 2012
  3. Use this Serial 222-24242424
  4. Use this Product Key 657D1
  5. Finish the installation and run Maya 2012
  6. If you clicked on Activate with the Internet connection, you will be told your serial is wrong now. Just click on ‘Close’ and click on ‘Activate’ again. After a few seconds you’ll be allowed to choose the option “Activate by phone”, then fill up the form with bogus phone number.
  7. Restart Maya 2012 again and select ‘Activate’ once more
  8. Here you’ll be presented with the option of ‘Entering your serial’. So select where it says you have an activation code from Autodesk UI.
  9. You have to run the keygen as root (with administration privileges), and do as follows:
    1. copy the “xf-adesk” icon from xf-adesk.dmg to your user directory
    2. open the Terminal application
    3. execute the following commands:
      • cd xf-adesk.app/Contents/MacOS
      • sudo ./x-force
  10. Click on ‘Mem Patch’ (you should get a massage of success)
  11. Copy the ‘Request Code’ into the keygen and press ‘Generate’
  12. Copy the ‘Activation Code’ back to the activation screen in the empty white spaces and click ‘Next’
  13. Very well done! Now, I know you’re wondering why there is a bloody number 13a… well, Maya and Composite are 100% working but MatchMover doesn’t because it can’t find the License file (don’t ask me why). We will provide it.
  14. Open the Terminal application, copy/paste and execute:
    • cp /Applications/Autodesk/maya2012/Maya.app/Contents/License.env /Applications/Autodesk/MatchMover2012/MatchMover2012.app/Contents/

*** You can also copy the KEYGEN to Home dir to make things easier with terminal for those lacking the commands.

AutoCAD 2013 x86/x64 Keygen, Patch by X-Force
1.Install Autodesk Autocad 2013

2.Use as Serial 666-69696969, 667-98989898, 400-45454545, 066-66666666… or anything matching those templates

3.Use as Product Key 001E1 (185E1)

4.Finish the installation & restart Autodesk Product

5.Before clicking on Activate

You have 2 options (must do):

– a) Disable Your network Card, pull the network cable out or block with firewall (this is just to disable online serial check)


– b) Click on Activate and it will tell you that your serial is wrong, simply click on close and click on activate again.

Choose option a or b.

6.Select I have an activation code from Autodesk

7.Once at the activation screen: start XFORCE Keygen 32 bits version or 64bits version (must be right clicked and select “Run as Administrator”)

8.Click on Mem Patch (you should see successfully patched)

9.Copy the request code into the keygen and press generate

10.Now copy the activation code back to the activation screen and click Next

You have a fully registered autodesk product now!


  • You need to apply patch when license screen appears
  • Make sure you are running the Keygen as administrator and with UAC off on Windows7
  • Use the keygen for the right Product.

// Warning //

The following keygens may be falsely reported as threats with high security:

Keygen Reported As
Autodesk Products 2010 – X-FORCE (64-bit) FileRepMetagen [PUP]
Autodesk Products 2011 – X-FORCE (32-bit) FileRepMalware
Autodesk Products 2015 – X-FORCE (32-bit) Win32:PUP-gen [PUP]
Autodesk Products 2015 – X-FORCE (64-bit) Win32:PUP-gen [PUP]
Autodesk Products 2018 – X-FORCE V1 (32-bit) FileRepMetagen [Malware]
Autodesk Products 2018 – X-FORCE V3 (32-bit) FileRepMetagen [Malware]
Autodesk Products 2018 – X-FORCE V3 (64-bit) FileRepMalware
Autodesk Products 2019 – X-FORCE MOD (32-bit) Win32:PUP-gen [PUP]
Autodesk Products 2019 – X-FORCE MOD (64-bit) Win64:PUP-gen [PUP]
Autodesk Products 2020 – X-FORCE MOD (64-bit) Win32:Malware-gen
Autodesk Products 2020 – X-FORCE (64-bit) Win32:Malware-gen

// Related Links //

  • Autodesk 2005 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2006 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2007 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2008 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2009 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2010 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2011 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2012 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2013 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2014 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2015 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2016 All Product Keys collection
  • Autodesk 2017 All Product Keys Collection
  • Autodesk 2018 All Product Keys Collection
  • Autodesk 2019 All Product Keys Collection
  • Autodesk 2020 All Product Keys Collection


  • Autodesk All products list
  • Autodesk All Products free trials download (web installer)
  • How to Turn User Account Control on or off
  • How to perform a clean uninstall of an Autodesk product
  • How find Request Code for Manual Activation
  • How to Remove all Autodesk software products and make a clean installation

// Download URLs //

Version/Supported Products Download Size
Autodesk 2020 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows & Mac
All Products (V2)
  • Windows 64-bit
  • 552 KB
All Products (V1)
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Mac
  • 579 KB
  • 641 KB
MOD (All Products) Windows 64-bit 347 KB
Autodesk 2019 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows & Mac
All Products
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Mac
  • 566 KB
  • 600 KB
  • 650 KB
MOD (All Products)
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • 988 KB
  • 0.97 MB
Autodesk 2018 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows & Mac
V3 (All Products)
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Mac
  • 289 KB
  • 292 KB
  • 854 KB
V1 (All Products)
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Mac
  • 288 KB
  • 291 KB
  • 841 KB
Autodesk 2017 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
All Products
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • 297 KB
  • 300 KB
Autodesk 2016 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
All Products
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • 290 KB
  • 295 KB
Autodesk 2015 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows & Mac
All Products
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Mac
  • 285 KB
  • 316 KB
  • 800 KB
Autodesk 2014 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows & Mac
All Products
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Mac
  • 285 KB
  • 300 KB
  • 799 KB
Autodesk 2013 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows & Mac
All Products
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Mac
  • 1.36 MB
  • 1.36 MB
  • 577 KB
Autodesk 2012 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows & Mac
All Products
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Mac
  • 193 KB
  • 194 KB
  • 733 KB
Autodesk 2011 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
All Products
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • Mac
  • 74.6 KB
  • 75.6 KB
  • 735 KB
Autodesk 2010 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
All Products
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • 74.6 KB
  • 75.5 KB
Autodesk 2009 All Products Specified Keygens collection
All Products 905 KB
Autodesk 2008 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2008 37.4 KB
Autodesk Viz 2008 37.6 KB
Autodesk Architecture 2008 40.1 KB
Autodesk 2007 All Products Universal Keygens for Windows
n/a n/a n/a
Autodesk Specific Product Keygens Collection
Autodesk AutoCAD 2006 Keygen 67.7 KB
Autodesk AutoCAD 2007 Keygen 40.6 KB
Autodesk AutoCAD 2008 Keygen 39.3 KB
Autodesk AutoCAD 2009 Keygen
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • 103 KB
  • 104 KB
Autodesk AutoCAD 2010 Keygen lost n/a
Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 Keygen lost n/a
Autodesk AutoCAD 2012 Keygen lost n/a
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Keygen
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • 1.36 MB
  • 1.36 MB
Autodesk 3ds Max 2009 Keygen
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • 53.8 KB
  • 53.8 KB
Autodesk 3ds Max 2013 Keygen
  • Windows 32-bit
  • Windows 64-bit
  • 1.36 MB
  • 1.36 MB
Autodesk Maya 2008 Keygen reserved 100 KB
Autodesk Maya 2012 Keygen lost n/a

(No Homepage)

If some download link is missing, and you do need it, just please send an email (along with post link and missing link) to remind us to reupload the missing file for you. And, give us some time to respond.
If there is a password for an archive, it should be «appnee.com».
Most of the reserved downloads (including the 32-bit version) can be requested to reupload via email.

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