Скачать zadig для windows 7 х64

Утилита, которая выполняет установку USB драйверов на компьютер Windows. Для работы необходимо иметь установленную версию .NET Framework не ниже 3.5.


Zadig — небольшая портативная утилита, которая выполняет установку USB драйверов на компьютер. Она особенно необходима при подключении к ПК нестандартного оборудования вроде TV тюнера и различных USB приемников. Программа распространяется бесплатно.

Zadig не требует установки и может запускаться со съемного носителя. Интерфейс утилиты крайне прост, хотя и не переведен на русский язык. Программа позволяет выбрать сборку драйверов и даже устройство, для которого необходимо инсталлировать программное обеспечение. После запуска установки в окне программы появится журнал (log), который будет вести полный отчет о выполняемой работе. По завершении инсталляции пользователь сможет сохранить данные журнала.

При работе в Zadig могут возникнуть неполадки. Если у Вас возникли проблемы на этапе определения модели устройства, попробуйте переустановить программу. Также необходимо убедиться в том, что на компьютере установлена версия .NET Framework не ниже 3.5. Это поможет избежать трудностей, связанных с запуском софта.

Особенности утилиты Zadig 2.4:

  • Инсталляция USB драйверов для ТВ тюнеров,
  • Возможность выбора устройства, для которого требуется установить ПО,
  • Не требует установки,
  • Распространяется бесплатно.

Поддерживаемые ОС:

  • Совместимость со всеми версиями Windows от XP до 10.


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Скачать Zadig

Для полного комплекта мы рекомендуем вам также скачать EzRecover (программа для лечения флешек).

December 25th, 2022 — Free100% Safe

Zadig will allow you to generate catalog files and instantly install generic USB drivers on your computer without too many problems.

Tweaking your computer’s components is easy, especially if you have the right tools. However, this requires you to know how these applications work and how to get the most out of them.

One of these is Zadig, a portable tool that will help you install generic USB drivers on your computer. It will feature support for many drivers, including WinUSB, libusb, libusbK, and others.

It allows you to choose from the drivers you want to install freely, and you can do that easily and quickly.

Portable and Simple

Zadig is a simple application at its core. You don’t need to install it because it’s a portable application that enables you to work immediately. You only need to deploy it on your computer by either downloading the archives that come with this download or uploading it to your USB drive and deploying it from there.

You’ll notice that it has a minimalistic interface, enabling you to start using it instantly. It has everything organized neatly, especially its main features.

One issue might be that there’s no additional help documentation, although that might only be useful if you’re a beginner. Otherwise, it should be simple enough for almost anyone.

Install USB Drivers

The main capability of this tool is to help you install various USB generic drivers. It allows you to access and use your USB devices more easily.

The great thing is that you can use various driver types, including WinUSB – the most common, libusb, and libusbK. You can select these drivers from the dedicated list and make any choice you want.


Zadig is an effective tool that will help you install USB generic drivers on your computer, allow you to use various USB devices on your computer, and use their full potential.

Программа обладает простым и понятным интерфейсом и применяется для для полноценной работы приемников на основе RTL или других версий устройств.

Дата обновления:


Версия Windows:

XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10

  • Zadig Начало установки

Утилита Zadig с простым и понятным интерфейсом используется для полноценной работы приемников на основе RTL. 

Как установить программу и начать использовать?

Портативная утилита не требует установки на компьютер. Перед началом работы в программе, вам потребуется установить файлы SDRSharp в отдельную папку. Теперь нужно запустить установочный файл и дождаться завершения процесса инсталляции. Затем вставляем тюнер в порт USB и запускаем утилиту Zadig. В строчке Device необходимо выбрать ваше устройство, которое вы планируете подключить. Это может быть RTL2832U или другая модель. Поле успешной инсталляции, вы получите соответствующее сообщение. 

Возможные ошибки в процессе установки

Если не удается определить тюнер, проверьте корректность скаченной версии программы Zadig. Вы также можете удалить установленный файл и затем переустановить, что часто позволяет решить проблему. У некоторых не определяется устройство из-за обрыва контакта кабеля USB. В этом случае потребуется заменить и поставить новый кабель, что 100% решит проблему. Если во время старта программа закрывается, то следует установить или обновить библиотеки .NetFramework. Для начала поставьте версию 3.5, а уже потом обновляйте до последней версии.

  • обладает понятным интерфейсом и открывается в окне;
  • не требуется устанавливать на компьютер или ноутбук;
  • полная совместимость со всеми версиями Windows;
  • утилита позволяет использовать приемники на планшете, ноутбуке или компьютере;
  • конфликтов оборудования в процессе использования не выявлено. 

4,91 Мб (скачиваний: 1855)


Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно

Чат бот от компании OpenAI, способный вести диалог, искать ошибки в программном коде, шутить и спорить на разные темы. Сервис создан на основе модели GPT 3.5.

ver 3.5

EA app EA app

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно

Приложение представляет собой платформу, позволяющую приобретать, скачивать и запускать компьютерные игры. Есть возможность обмениваться достижениями с друзьями.


Мой спорт Тренер Мой спорт Тренер


Сервис представляет собой цифровую платформу, предназначенную для спортивных школ и организаций. С его помощью тренеры могут составлять расписание занятий.



Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно

Приложение позволяет геймерам получать баллы за выполнение игровых заданий. Есть возможность обменять бонусы на реальные товары или цифровые подарочные карты.


Toncoin Toncoin

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно

Утилита представляет собой криптовалютный кошелек, позволяющий хранить средства и совершать переводы. Можно получить информацию о балансе и список транзакций.

ver 1.0

Ton Place Ton Place

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно

Социальная сеть, разработанная на основе блокчнейна TON. Пользователи могут публиковать новости, создавать сообщества по интересам и общаться с друзьями.

ver 1.0

PokerStars PokerStars

Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Бесплатно

Официальный клиент одноименного покер рума. Программа позволяет принимать участие в турнирах и играть на деньги. Есть возможность получить бонус на первый депозит.

ver 7.46703

SmartThings SmartThings

Windows 10 Бесплатно

Приложение предназначено для управления смарт телевизорами, кондиционерами, холодильниками и другими приборами от Samsung. Можно контролировать статус устройств.

ver 1.21192.2.0


Note: You will need 7-zip to extract the file. You can download 7-zip for Windows here.




From v2.0.1.156 on, the default version of Zadig uses KMDF v1.11, from the Windows 8 Driver Kit, for WinUSB and libusbK driver installation.
nHowever this version of KMDF is INCOMPATIBLE with Windows XP.
nSince v2.0.1.160, a specific version of Zadig is also released for XP users, using KMDF v1.09. If you are running XP, please download the _xp version!


Zadig screenshot




  • Newer versions of Zadig are now avilable at http://zadig.akeo.ien
  • Zadig is now provided as an LZMA compressed executablen
  • default driver extraction directory is now %USERPROFILE%\usb_driver\n
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.6.0n




  • Zadig is now provided in 2 versions: One for XP users that includes KMDF/WDF 1.09 and one for Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 users that includes KMDF/WDF 1.11. Make sure you pick the right one!n
  • libusb-win32 should now install the libusbK DLL. This is needed for libusbx applications using libusb-win32.n
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16n




  • token release to align with libwdi v1.2.2n
  • binary build compiler upgradded to gcc v4.7 (MinGW-w64)n
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16 — KMDF 1.11n




  • Fixes support for libusb0.sys as a composite interface driver when used with libusbx.n
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16 — KMDF 1.11n




  • fixes support for KMDF v1.11 issue #1.n
  • Note that the use of KMDF v1.11 may require a reboot the first time it is installed on Windows 7. If that is the case, a Windows popup will appear prompting you to reboot. Please pay attention to it!n
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16 — KMDF 1.11n




  • support the WinUSB redistributables from Windows 8 Previewn
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16 — KMDF 1.11 [BROKEN]n




  • minor fixes (Clang static-analyzer warnings)n
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.4.0 — KMDF 1.9n




  • fixed memory leaksn
  • fixed «could not reset device list» error messagen
  • updated file propertiesn
  • updated for libwdi v1.2.1n
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.4.0 — KMDF 1.9n




  • Zadig executable is now digitally signedn
  • fixed arrow tooltip not being displayedn
  • fixed potential issues reported by Clang static-analyzern
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.4.0 — KMDF 1.9n




  • New GUIn
  • full WCID driver support (more)n
  • facilitate the reporting of unresolved VIDs to the USB ID Repositoryn
  • libusb-win32’s filter driver supportn
  • fixed extraction directory selectionn
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.4.0 — KMDF 1.9n




  • WCID driver support (more)n
  • changed WinUSB installation category to match Windows 8’s («libusb (WinUSB) devices» -> «Universal Serial Bus Devices»)n
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385 (KMDF 1.9), libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.3.0 — KMDF 1.9n




  • improved USB 3.0 HUB detectionn
  • embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385 (KMDF 1.9), libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.3.0 — KMDF 1.9




  • Customization for Dashboard.
  • Search functionality for projects.
  • Helm Services can be imported from repository of other types.
  • Improvements to parameters for k8s services.


  • Implemented view for workflows.
  • Multiple PR for single build.
  • Workflow naming now supports chinese characters.
  • IM notification for workflow can now be configured to notice a single person ( for Feishu & Wechat Enterprise )
  • Custom workflow can now use regex to set multiple branches as its trigger.
  • Code scanning step for custom workflow.
  • Image distribution step for custom workflow.
  • Parameter passing through steps for custom workflow.
  • Shared PVC between steps for custom workflow.
  • Statistics for custom workflow.
  • Added preparation stage for custom workflow.

Code Scannings

  • Sonar scanning can now use customized images.
  • Sonar scanning task now has a link for the related sonar project.


  • Added English as a system language.
  • Improvements to external links.
  • Reference list for helm chart templates and build templates.
  • Added region setting for AWS S3 integration.
  • Search functionality for registry selection.
  • Zadig Packages version updates.


  • 32 UI/UX improvements.
  • Logs style customization.
  • OpenAPI improvements.
  • User experience improvements for repository & branch selection.
  • Multiple bugfixes.


Developer Experience

  • Launched mobile version.
  • Local installation has been supported.
  • Custom workflow API has been supported.
  • UI and UX enhancements.


  • Test job has been supported in custom workflow.
  • Add kubernetes deploy job for custom workflow.
  • Enable notification for custom workflow.
  • Collaboration mode has been enabled for custom workflow.
  • Parameter of choice type has been added to the custom job.
  • Enable timer for custom workflow.


  • Provider aws has been supported on infrastructure(Object Storage,Cluster Management,Image Registry).
  • Go template has been supported in k8s yaml template.
  • Upgrade dependencies to improve code security.

Bugfixes & Improvements

  • Optimize the name length of custom workflow.
  • Code repository can be selected in workflow trigger when using build templates.
  • Remove services that don’t exist in workflow build deployment.
  • The app can be edited when it is disabled.
  • Fix the failure of pulling code when the source URL contains path.
  • Add branch filtering when upgrading services via workflow.
  • Ops workflow modifications no longer depend on service build configuration.
  • Services created using templates support editing values.yaml in helm project.
  • Multiple bugfixes.



  • Workflows can choose their own default branches.
  • Implement general job for custom workflow.
  • Jobs can partially be executed in custom workflow.
  • Implement plugin system for custom workflow.
  • Enable global variables for custom workflow.
  • Enable webhooks for custom workflow.
  • Implement Mysql plugin for custom workflow.
  • Enable the use of $BRANCH parameter in code scan.


  • Dry run functionality for both helm chart project and yaml project.
  • Operation logs for environment changes
  • Environment duplication functionality for yaml project.
  • Download files from pods in environment pages.

Improvements & Bugfixes

  • Collaboration mode has been enabled for loaded projects.
  • OpenAPI for build, test and deploy statistics.
  • Clusters can be managed by kubeconfigs instead of agents.
  • Merged some microservices.
  • Codehost with git protocol is now compatible with repository with IP + port.
  • Multiple code-scan improvements.
  • Multiple webhook bugfixes
  • Multiple workflow improvements.



  • New Workflow released
  • VMs can be managed in project settings.
  • Node IP and pod readiness status has been added to the service info page.
  • Pod debug mode has been added to the service info page.
  • DinD can now use PVC as a storage option
  • K8S Resources loaded from codehost can automatically be synced.

Improvements & bugfixes

  • List workflow API performance has been improved.
  • Minor improvement for version control.
  • Resources can be deleted correctly when the service definition is deleted.
  • Lower the connection count for hub-server and hub-agent.
  • Multiple bugfixes



  • SourceCode scanning has been supported
  • Service can be linked to multiple builds
  • Services can be loaded from kubernetes cluster
  • Services can be loaded from Gitee
  • Environments can be automatically updated when the service is updated
  • Minor improvements


  • Build template has been added
  • Helm chart template can be loaded from Gitee
  • Service created from templates can automatically be updated after the template’s update.


  • Testing mode for helm projects.
  • Helm Releases can be listed for helm projects.
  • Add a button to refresh the service list.


  • Multiple IM notification support.
  • Branch/Tag filter for repository when executing workflow.


  • Multiple Jenkins integration
  • Clone with git protocol is supported.
  • Multiple DinD instances are supported
  • Minor improvements

Bugfix & Improvements

  • Button-level authorization config implemented
  • Minor bugfixes



  • Enable image retag while creating version for helm project.
  • Service can now be imported from Microsoft Azure container registry and Aliyun ACR.
  • Helm chart templates can now be imported from Gerrit.
  • Helm release name can be customized for each service.
  • Pod debug authorization can be configured separately.


  • Services in projects can be deployed partially to an environment except for VM services
  • Ingress/ConfigMap/Secret/PVC can be deployed to an environment separately.
  • Container name and image name can be different now for service.
  • VMs login tests have been supported.


  • Support deploy image to a selected environment after the distribution of that image.
  • Jenkins workflows now support IMAGE as a variable & choice type parameter
  • Files can be uploaded to object storage in workflow.


  • Support Gitee as a codehost.
  • Sensitive information has been masked in the API.
  • Docker registry can now use self-signed certificate.
  • Kubernetes V1.22 has been supported.
  • Define custom path for PVC type workflow cache.


  • Tags can be selected in workflow even if there is no distribution stage.
  • Update of multiple service modules will only trigger one helm release.
  • Image tag rules can now be generated from short commit ID.
  • Added several environment variables for VM script.
  • Enhanced variables for external system modules in workflow.
  • Enable search for environment variables in kubernetes environments.


  • Fixed a bug where multiple codehost with same host will cause webhook trigger to function abnormally.
  • Build job will now be deleted correctly.
  • Fixed timer switch in workflow.
  • Improve loading speed of environment when there are ingresses in the cluster.
  • New services in VM project can now be updated to environment correctly.
  • Fixed collaboration mode bugs.



  • UI improvement
  • Enables loading and syncing helm services from gerrit.
  • Added more statuses for running workflow and testing for debug purposes.
  • Improved workflow and testing cache.
  • Workflow and testing can be run on Serverless Kubernetes clusters.
  • Added a stage for workflow which can be used to call external system.
  • Collaboration mode for developers.
  • Enable creating environment on existing namespace.
  • System config for workflow task parallel setting and build parallel setting.


  • Performance improvement for service list on the environment page.
  • Proxy settings can be enabled on different codehost separately.



  • Data analysis for Zadig.
  • Workflow can be triggered by tag events.
  • Advanced strategy for image rollback in workflow.
  • Workflow tasks can be searched and filtered
  • IM notification has been improved.
  • IM notification can be used by tests.
  • Parameter of choice type has been added to the workflow.


  • Fixed a bug where webhook is accidentally deleted.
  • Fixed multiple bugs for loaded projects.
  • Fixed a bug where release job cannot find the correct environment.




  • Reuse existing build scripts when creating new service.
  • Workflow trigger can now be configured by yaml.
  • Added visibility switch for service list in build module.
  • Build and test jobs can be scheduled on selected cluster


  • Environments of the same project can use different image registries.
  • Resources restrictions for service of yaml type have been removed.

Delivery Center:

  • Helm services can be used to create delivery version

System Config:

  • AWS ECR has been supported
  • Clusters can be scheduled for specific projects.

Developer center:

  • OpenAPIs for helm service.
  • Get Workflow Info API response has been improved.


  • Gitlab subgroups can be listed correctly now.
  • Fixed a bug where the build job freezes when a single line log is too large.
  • Helm releases can be reverted correctly.
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Support OAuth2 authentication extension development
  • Build configuration support for custom resource specifications
  • Bugfix for User management/Authorization system

v2.4 (2018.07.26)

Fix HTTPS download and update URLs

Improve error reporting

Fix Windows 7 showing a «Trusted Publisher» dialog

Embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0, libusbK v3.0.7.0 & usbser (native)

v2.3 (2017.04.18)

Fix issues with extended characters in current user directory

Drop Windows XP and Windows Vista support

Embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0, libusbK v3.0.7.0 & usbser (native)

v2.2 (2016.01.22)

Add USB Serial (CDC) support (EXPERIMENTAL)

Use SHA-256 instead of SHA-1 wherever possible

Fix a possible crash when deleting the private key

Other improvements

Embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0, libusbK v3.0.7.0 & usbser (native)

v2.1.2 (2015.04.30)

Fix freezout when listing all devices on some systems

Update version detection for Windows 10

Embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.7.0

v2.1.1 (2014.11.30)

Fix a possible crash when listing devices

Set logging to debug by default

Improve auto-update feature

Embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.7.0

v2.1.0 (2014.02.03)

Fix a crash when listing all devices on machines with intel USB 3.0 controllers

Fix multiple issues with paths containing spaces

Use the Google Device Interface GUID when an Android device is detected. This allows the use of Zadig to install the debug port driver for adb & fastboot.

Add auto-update feature

Update versioning scheme

Embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.6.0

v2.0.1.162 (2013.11.20):

fix support for devices that have a comma in their description

fix usage of relative directories for driver files

add support for VIA VL805 USB 3.0 Host Controllers

add ‘exit_on_success’ option in zadig.ini

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.6.0

v2.0.1.161 (2013.09.03):

Newer versions of Zadig are now available at http://zadig.akeo.ie

Zadig is now provided as an LZMA compressed executable

default driver extraction directory is now %USERPROFILE%usb_driver

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.6.0


Zadig is now provided in 2 versions: One for XP users that includes KMDF/WDF 1.09 and one for Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 users that includes KMDF/WDF 1.11. Make sure you pick the right one!

libusb-win32 should now install the libusbK DLL. This is needed for libusb applications using libusb-win32.

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16


token release to align with libwdi v1.2.2

binary build compiler upgradded to gcc v4.7 (MinGW-w64)

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16 — KMDF 1.11


Fixes support for libusb0.sys as a composite interface driver when used with libusb.

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16 — KMDF 1.11


fixes support for KMDF v1.11 issue #1.

Note that the use of KMDF v1.11 may require a reboot the first time it is installed on Windows 7. If that is the case, a Windows popup will appear prompting you to reboot. Please pay attention to it!

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16 — KMDF 1.11


support the WinUSB redistributables from Windows 8 Preview

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.6.0 & libusbK v3.0.5.16 — KMDF 1.11 [BROKEN]


minor fixes (Clang static-analyzer warnings)

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.4.0 — KMDF 1.9


fixed memory leaks

fixed «could not reset device list» error message

updated file properties

updated for libwdi v1.2.1

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.4.0 — KMDF 1.9


Zadig executable is now digitally signed

fixed arrow tooltip not being displayed

fixed potential issues reported by Clang static-analyzer

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.4.0 — KMDF 1.9



full WCID driver support (more)

facilitate the reporting of unresolved VIDs to the USB ID Repository

libusb-win32’s filter driver support

fixed extraction directory selection

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385, libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.4.0 — KMDF 1.9


WCID driver support (more)

changed WinUSB installation category to match Windows 8’s («libusb (WinUSB) devices» -> «Universal Serial Bus Devices»)

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385 (KMDF 1.9), libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.3.0 — KMDF 1.9


improved USB 3.0 HUB detection

embedded drivers: WinUSB v6.1.7600.16385 (KMDF 1.9), libusb-win32 v1.2.5.0 & libusbK v3.0.3.0 — KMDF 1.9

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