Someone is cleaning the windows пассивный залог

Passive Voice №3. Упражнение по английскому языку Английский язык онлайн.


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Переделайте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог:

1    Do they sell clothes in this shop?
 …Are clothes sold in this shop?…

2    Someone is cleaning the windows.
3    She tapped him on the hand with her pen.
4    I don’t like people laughing at me.
5    People spend a lot of money on food.
6    Is Sue washing the car?   
7    Who made this mess?
8    Grandfather is going to tell the children a story.
9    They will open the new sports centre soon.
10  They made him confess to the robbery.
11  Liz showed me some holiday pictures.
12   Sam remembers his friend telling him about the party.
13    They heard him calling for help.
14    Who broke this mug?
15    The jury will have reached a verdict by the morning.
16    The teacher will mark the essays.
17    People make jam from fruit.
18    They sent for the doctor.
19    Clive hasn’t cut the grass yet.
20    They may not repair the car this week.

Ответы к упражнению:

  1. Are clothes sold in this shop?
  2. Are the windows being cleaned?
  3. He was tapped on the hand with her pen.
  4. I don’t like being laughed at.
  5. A lot of money is spent on food.
  6. Is the car being washed by Sue?
  7.  Who was this mess made by?
  8. The children are going to be told a story by the grandfather.
  9. The new sport centre will be opened soon.
  10. He was made to confess the robbery.
  11. Some holiday pictures were shown to me by Liz.
  12. Sam remembers being told about the party.
  13. He was heard calling for help.
  14. Who was this mug broken by?
  15. A verdict will have been reached by the jury by the morning.
  16. The essays will be marked by the teacher.
  17. Jam is made from fruit.
  18. The doctor was sent by.
  19. The grass hasn’t been cut by Clive yet.
  20. The car may not be repaired this week.

Убрать ответы


  1. Помогите переделать предложения из действительного в страдательный залог :2 Someone is cleaning the windows?
  2. Make the sentenses passive?
  3. Перевести предложения в пассив 1?
  4. Помогите с переводом пожалуйста?
  5. Rewrite this sentences Using the Passive Voice?
  6. Сделайте в Passive Voice : 1) The teacher explained this rule twice 2) they do not grow fruit in this part of this country 3) they have designed new scenery for the party 4) they laughed at her becaus?
  7. Перепишите следующие предложения в пассивном залоге 1?
  8. Переделайте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог1?
  9. В страдательный (пассивный) залог She delivered her report in English?
  10. Пассивный (страдательный) залог 1 (present и past simple)
  11. Упражнения
  12. Tenses in passive voice
  13. III. Find the predicate and define its tense form.
  14. Сausative form в английском языке: have something done / have someone do
  15. Упражнения на Causative form с ответами.

Помогите переделать предложения из действительного в страдательный залог :2 Someone is cleaning the windows?

Помогите переделать предложения из действительного в страдательный залог :

2 Someone is cleaning the windows.

3 She tapped him on the hand with her pen.

4 I don’t like people laughing at me.

5 People spend a lot of money on food.

6 Is Sue washing the car?

7 Who made this mess?

8 Grandfather is going to tell the children a story.

9 They will open the new sports centre soon.

10 They made him confess to the robbery.

11 Liz showed me some holiday pictures.

12 Sam remembers his friend telling him about the party.

13 They heard him calling for help.

14 Who broke this mug?

15 The jury will have reached a verdict by the morning.

16 The teacher will mark the essays.

17 People make jam from fruit.

18 They sent for the doctor.

19 Clive hasn’t cut the grass yet.

20 They may not repair the car this week.


2 The windows are being cleaned (by someone).

3 He was tapped on the hand with the pen.

4 I don’t like when I am being laughed at.

5 A lot of money are spent by people on food.

6 Is the car being washed by Sue?

7 Who was this mess made by?

8 The children will be told a story by their

9 The new sports centre will be opened soon.

10 He was made to confess to the robbery.

11 Some holiday pictures were shown to me by Liz.

/ I was shown some holiday pictures by Liz.

12 His friend is remembered by Sam telling him

13 He was heard to be calling for help.

14 Who was this mug broken by?

15 A verdict will have been reached by the jury

16 The essays will be marked by the teacher.

17 Jam is made from fruit.

18 The doctor was sent for.

19 The grass hasn’t been cut (by Clive) yet.

20 The car may not be repaired this week.


Make the sentenses passive?

Make the sentenses passive.

EXAMPLE : They repairing the bridge.

The bridge is being repaired.

1)Has someone repaired your car?

2)They haven’t printed the results yet.

3)They won’t tell the staff about the problems.

4)They are improving the property.

5)They don’t manufacture computers at that factory.

6)They will advertise the new product on TV.

7)They must do the work carefully.


Перевести предложения в пассив 1?

Перевести предложения в пассив 1.

Everyone conditiers her to be the beast student in the class 2.

Mary wants someone to help her when the paints the house 3.

They will have built the new bridge by the end od the year 4.

People ask Eve questions about her job all the time 5.

The detective had collected all the information before he handed in his report.

6. do people expect Jane to get a promotion this year?

7. Frank dosen’t like people telling him what to do 8.

They washed the car with soapy water 9.

Who will make the speech tomorrow?

10. What did they decorated the streets with?


Помогите с переводом пожалуйста?

Помогите с переводом пожалуйста!

Who will build the hotel in space?

Where will they get the building materials?

When will the hotel open?

How many people will stay at the hotel?

What will the guests see thronng thier windows?

What will the guests’ rooms?

Where will they build another hotel?


Rewrite this sentences Using the Passive Voice?

Rewrite this sentences Using the Passive Voice.

People speak hundreds of languages in India.

; We will send the telegram tomorrow.

; Sam repaired the car a week ago.

; They make jam from fruit.


2) Who has prepared the food for the paryt?

3) who will make the lanterns?

4) what did they fill the cake with?

5) who is teaching the children traditional dances?


Сделайте в Passive Voice : 1) The teacher explained this rule twice 2) they do not grow fruit in this part of this country 3) they have designed new scenery for the party 4) they laughed at her becaus?

Сделайте в Passive Voice : 1) The teacher explained this rule twice 2) they do not grow fruit in this part of this country 3) they have designed new scenery for the party 4) they laughed at her because of her hat 5) we have already sent for the doctor.


Перепишите следующие предложения в пассивном залоге 1?

Перепишите следующие предложения в пассивном залоге 1.

Someone is repairing the garden fence.

2. Do they teach Latin at this school?

— 3. I don’t like people pointing at me.

— 4. She hit him on the head with a tennis racquet.

— 5. Michael has made the preparations.

— 6. Is Tim cleaning the house?

— 7. Who built the Pyramids?

— 8. The boss is going to give us a pay rise.

— 9. I expect they will deliver my new car soon.

The police are questioning the suspects.

Did your next door neighbors see the thieves?

Paul remembers his teacher asking him to star in the school play.

A lot of children use computers nowadays.

Who smashed the kitchen window?

They won’t have completed they work by the end of the month.

The children will post the letters.

People make wine from grapes.


Переделайте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог1?

Переделайте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог

Liz showed me some holiday pictures

2 Sam remembers his friend telling him about the party

3 they heard him calling for help

4 who broke this mug?

5 the jure will have reached a verdict by the morning

6 the teacher will mark the essays

7 people make jam from fruit

8 they sent for th doctor

9 clive hasnt cut the grass yet

10 They do not repair the car this week.


В страдательный (пассивный) залог She delivered her report in English?

В страдательный (пассивный) залог She delivered her report in English.

We have looked for the key everywhere.

They will build the house in a month.

Nobody had visited him.

People speak English all over the world.

Students may change the day of the meeting.

The secretary is typing a letter.

We are discussing the new play.


2) Who has prepared the food for the paryt?

3) who will make the lanterns?

4) what did they fill the cake with?

5) who is teaching the children traditional dances?


Пассивный (страдательный) залог 1 (present и past simple)

Изучите этот пример:

This house was built in 1935.
Этот дом был построен в 1935 году.

Was built is passive (пассивный/страдательный залог).

Сравните активный (действительный) и пассивный залоги:

unit42 1

Когда мы используем активный глагол, мы говорим о том, что делает подлежащее (subject):

Когда мы используем пассивный глагол, мы говорим о том, что происходит с подлежащим:

Когда мы используем пассивный залог, мы часто не знаем кто или что совершает действие, либо нам не важно это знать:

Пассивный залог состоит из глагола be (is/was и т.д.) + past participle (причастие прошедшего времени) (done/cleaned/seen и т.д.):

(be) done (be) cleaned (be) damaged (be) built (be) seen etc.

Изучите активные и пассивные формы для present simple и past simple:

clean(s) / see(s) etc.

am/is/are + cleaned/seen etc.

unit42 2

cleaned/saw etc.

was/were + cleaned/seen etc.

unit42 3


1. Закончите предложения, используя один из этих глаголов в правильной форме настоящего или прошедшего времени:

cause damage hold invite make
overtake show surround translate write


2. Напишите вопросы, используя пассив настоящего или прошедшего времени.


3. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму: present simple или past simple, active или passive.



4. Перепишите эти предложения. Вместо somebody, they, people и др. используйте пассивный залог.


Tenses in passive voice

1. Write passive sentences in Present Simple.

1. The window / open

2. The letter / send

3. The documents / print

4. The book / read / not

5. The litter / throw away

6. The songs / sing / not

9. The shop / close / not

10. The food / eat / not

2. Write passive sentences in Past Simple.

1. The house / build

2. The car / stop / not

3. The lights / switch on

4. This computer / sell / not

6. The children / pick up / not

7. The tables / clean / not

3. Write passive sentences in Present Perfect.

1. The room / book / not

2. The people / inform / not

4. The trees / plant

5. The pencils / count

6. The money / spend

8. The postcard / send

9. The rent / pay / not

10. The door / close

4. Write passive sentences in Future Simple.

1. The thief / arrest

2. The sign / see / not

3. The windows / clean

4. The ring / find / not

5. These songs / sing

6. The message / read

7. A dictionary / use / not

9. Credit cards / accept / not

10. The exhibition / visit

5. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Present Simple).

6. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Past Simple).

7. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Present Perfect).

8. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Future Simple).

9. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice (Modal Verbs).

10. Sentences with 2 Objects (Indirect Object, Personal Passive)

11. Fill in the gaps with the passive voice

1. The words __ explained by the teacher every class. (present simple)

2. We __ sent the contract yesterday. (past simple)

3. This car __ (not) sold. It’s too old. (future)

4. This document __ (already) signed. (present perfect)

5. A new restaurant __ opened next month. (future)

6. He __ interviewed when I came there yesterday. (past continuous)

7. The traffic lights __ seen from that distance. (can)

8. This task __ done by me right now. (present continuous)

9. The dishes __ washed by the time I arrived home. (past perfect)

10. These questions __ asked. (future)

Вы можете разместить свои варианты ответов для проверки в блоке для комментариев ниже.


III. Find the predicate and define its tense form.

a). 1. The research into the properties of these metals is done at one of Moscow institutes. 2. Such crystals are grown in special laboratories. 3. In the first year we are taught many important subjects. We are also given to do laboratory work.

b). 1. The delegates were shown new types of machinery which are produced at the plant at present. 2. All the machines were looked at with great interest. 3. At this chemical plant the huge automatic unit was looked after by only a few men.

c). In the future machine-tools will be made faster, more complex, and automatic. 2. Is this true that this problem will be worked at in our laboratory? 3. His scientific paper will be spoken about at the end of the discussion.

d). Machine parts can be produced by today’s machine-tools with very high precision. 2. Tools that cut metals should be made of very hard steel and alloys. 3. All the data had to be analysed by the experimentor himself.

IV. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.

1. Her mother drives her to school every day.

2. The boys walk the dog every day.

3. Do they sell clothes in this shop?

4. Someone is cleaning the windows.

5. People spend a lot of money on food.

6. They will open the new sports centre soon.

7. They sent for the doctor.

8. They may not repair the car this week.

9. They made him confess to the robbery.

10. The jury will have reached a verdict by the morning.

V. Underline the correct answer.

A large amount of valuable jewellery (has stolen / has been stolen) from Forest Manor. A man (arrested / was arrested) yesterday and (is questioned / is being questioned) by the police at the moment. He (thought / is thought) to (have committed / have been committed) the crime, although so far no proof (has found / has been found). The robbery (believed / is believed) to (have carried out / have been carried out) by two men, but so far no clue (has discovered / has been discovered) as to the second man’s identity. The police say that he may (have left / have been left) the country.

VI. Rewrite the sentences using “have something done”.

1. His teeth are checked twice a year.

2. Her skirt is being cleaned at the moment.

3. Central heating is going to be installed in our house next month.

4. My car is being repaired at the moment.

5. The windows will be cleaned.

6. The clock has to be fixed.

VII. Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.

1. It is known that the explosion caused major damage to the buildings.


2. The Lumiere brothers invented the first film-making equipment.


3. Bob doesn’t like people asking him questions about his job.


4. They hired a famous architect to design their house.


5. They will punish you if you go on causing trouble.


VIII. Correct the mistakes.

1. He is said he has been promoted.

2. Who was this cake made?

3. Have you your car serviced often?

4. The man was seen hit the police officer.

5. The house has decorated recently.

IX. There are eight unnecessary words in the text below. Cross them out.

1. Ten-year-old Martin Witts, who was been rescued

2. from a fire at his home last week, has to

3. been discharged from hospital today. He is said

4. by to be fully recovered from his injuries. The

5. fire it was started by accident when a

6. pan was knocked over. Smoke was seen to

7. coming from the house by Mr. Steven Free, who

8. did broke down the door and rescued Martin

9. and his parents, who they were not seriously

10. injured. Mr. Free was awarded a medal for

X. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Эту статью написал один английский журналист.

2. Статья должна быть переведена к пяти часам.

3. Перевод будет закончен вовремя.

4. Этот мост еще строится. Он строился, когда я увидел его в первый раз.

5. Все эти книги были взяты из библиотеки.

6. В будущем году будет построено много новых школ.

7. Произведения английских и американских писателей издают во всем мире.

8. Этот кинотеатр был построен до того, как мы приехали сюда.

9. Лекции этого знаменитого профессора всегда слушают с большим вниманием.

10. Вас всех пригласят в зал и расскажут обо всех изменениях в программе конференции.

11. Эту статью должны прочитать все студенты нашей группы.


I. Rewrite the following passage in the Passive.

Do you think that people will ever use electric cars?

Someone has already invented the electric car, but at the moment they are too expensive for most people to buy. Also, you have to recharge their batteries frequently. However, if people drove electric cars instead of the cars we use today, the air we breathe would be cleaner, as they would not pump exhaust fumes into the atmosphere.

II. Rewrite the following sentences in the Active.

1. Her excuse may not be believed by her parents.

2. The bill must be paid immediately.

3. Our newspaper is delivered by a boy every morning.

4. The meeting was attended by several important critics.

5. Preparations are being made by the event organizers.

III. Choose the correct answer.

1. You _____ write and thank Aunt Louise for your present.

a. must b. need c. can

2. You _____ wear a coat. It’s very warm ouside.

a. must b. needn’t c. could

3. It’s late. Mark _____ have forgotten about the meeting.

a. might b. will c. ought

4. She _____ be on holiday. I saw her this morning.

a. can’t b. would c. must

5. A lot of children _____ to boarding school in the old days.

a. are sent b. is sent c. were sent

6. A lot of people _____ by this company last year.

a. hired b. are hired c. were hired

7. Sam _____ carry the box. It was too heavy.

a. couldn’t b. could c. can’t

8. “_____ we get up on time, we will catch the train.”

“I will set my alarm clock.”

a. Supposing b. Providing c. Unless

9. “I’m going to a party tonight.”

“If I wasn’t ill, I _____ with you.”

a. come b. will come c. would come

10. “David’s car isn’t here.”

“No, he _____ be at work. ”

a. should b. will c. must

IV. Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.


1. It wasn’t necessary for her to buy me a present, but she did.

boughtShe ____________________ me a present.

2.You mustn’t interrupt the teacher when she is talking.

allowedYou ____________________ the teacher when she is talking.

3.“What a spectacular view!” said Virginia.

exclaimedVirginia _____________________ was spectacular.

4.“I’m sure he didn’t go to the cinema last night.”

haveHe ____________________ the cinema last night.

5. It’s possible that they will sell their house.

mayThey _____________________ their house.

6.They will give Lily a pay rise this month.

beLily ____________________ a pay rise this month.

7. Someone told us about the party.

were We ____________________ the party.

8. Janet needs someone to teach her how to drive.

beJanet needs _____________________ how to drive.

9. People say that a problem shared is a problem halved.

beA problem shared ____________________ a problem halved.

10.The boss will shout at you if you’re late again.

getYou ____________________ if you’re late again.

V. Fill in the gaps with “if” or “when” and a verb in the Present tense.

1. We might go for a walk tomorrow. _____, we will take the dog with us.

2. The guests will arrive soon. _____, we will greet them at the door.

3. The bus comes at eight o’clock. _____, we will all get on it.

4. She might invite us to the party. ______ us, we will go.

5. Mark may lend me some money. _____ some money, I will buy that jacket.

Model:1. _____ you / see / someone committing a robbery?

A: What would you do if you saw someone committing a robbery?

B: If I saw someone committing a robbery, I would call the police.

2. _____ you / find / a lot of money.

3. _____ a fire / start / in your home.

4. _____ you / have / a headache.

5. _____ you / see / a stray dog outside your house.

6. _____ your boss / shout / at you.

VII. Correct the mistakes.

1. “Could you help me lift this box?” “Of course I could.”

2. Need I to book a table in advance?

3. Although she was exhausted, she could finish the race.

4. I must have my car repaired last month.

5. The bus can be late today because there is a lot of traffic.

VIII. Use the prompts to talk about the prisoner’s regrets.

Model:never meet / John and his gang.

Frank wishes he had never met John and his gang.

a). listen / wife’s advice

e). not get / ten-year sentence

IX. Fill in the correct tense.

1. I wish he _____ (not / interrupt) me while I’m trying to make a point.

2. If only you _____ (not / react) so rudely to Mary’s comment at the meeting.

3. I wish Harriet _____ (join) us on the excursion this weekend.

4. If only he _____ (be) more tactful.

5. Luke wishes he _____ (not / forget) to turn off the water heater before he left.

6. I wish I _____ (buy) tickets for last night’s rock concert.


Сausative form в английском языке: have something done / have someone do

causative forms

Causative form в английском языке представлена следующими конструкциями


Мы используем выражение have + object + past participle (have something done) чтобы описать услугу, которую нам оказали, или какое-то неприятное событие, которое с нами произошло в тех случаях, когда действие производим не мы, но направленно оно на нас или на нашу собственность.

I had my car stolen – У меня украли машину.

We had the roof repaired last year. – Нам починили крышу в прошлом году.

Не has had his application turned down – Eго заявление отклонили.

My girlfriend has her letter published in the Times – Письмо моей девушки напечатали в Таймс.

В качестве подлежащего в таком предложении будет выступать человек, на которого направленно действие, либо лицо, на чью собственность направлено действие. Такая конструкция в английском языке используется довольно часто.

Обратите внимание, в устной речи выражение часто употребляется с get вместо have без изменения в значении.

We have our fence pulled down = We get our fence pulled down.

Как использовать выражение have something done?

Causative form have something done можно использовать в любом времени. При этом меняется только глагол to have. Давайте рассмотрим на примере предложения We have the office cleaned (В нашем офисе провели уборку)

We have the office cleaned

We had the office cleaned

We will have the office cleaned

We are having the office cleaned

We were having the office cleaned

We will be having the office cleaned

We have had the office cleaned

We had had the office cleaned

We will have had the office cleaned

Present Perfect Continuous

We have been having the office cleaned

Past Perfect Continuous

We had been having the office cleaned

Future Perfect Continuous

We will have been having the office cleaned

Конечно, все формы Perfect Continuous и форма Future Perfect практически не используются в устной речи, так как слишком перегружены вспомогательными глаголами.


Вторая возможная форма Causative – have someone do something. Это выражение более характерно для американского, нежели для британского английского. Оно означает, что вы заставили / попросили кого-либо что-то для вас сделать.

I will have the waiter bring you the menu. – Я попрошу официанта принести тебе меню.

I had my assistant type the report. – Я попросил помощника напечатать отчет.

В Британии вместо have часто говорят get, как и в случае с выражением have / get something done. Однако, при использовании get, выражение будет вида get someone to do something (появляется частица to).

I will get the waiter to bring you the menu.

I got my assistant to type the report.

Таким образом, causative в английском языке представлен следующими конструкциями:


Упражнения на Causative form с ответами.

Давайте немного попрактикуемся.

Упражнение 1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of “to have something done”

Упражнение 2. Write down the sentences using the correct causative form. Use a modal verb where appropriate.

Упражнение 3. Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMETHING DONE

Упражнение 3. Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING


Надеюсь, правила и упражнения помогли Вам разобраться в теме causative forms.

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4 Комментариев для «Сausative form в английском языке: have something done / have someone do»

Во 2 упражнении нет ответа на последний (8)вопрос.

Можем ли использовать структуру have smth done после модальных глаголов need, may, can, want

Конструкция have something done может использоваться с модальными глаголами.

You should have your wisdom tooth removed. – Тебе стоит удалить зуб мудрости.

У меня вопрос одно предложение меня мучает Did the professional make the cake for me?


Passive Voice №3

Переделайте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог:

1    Do they sell clothes in this shop?
 …Are clothes sold in this shop?…

2    Someone is cleaning the windows.
3    She tapped him on the hand with her pen.
4    I don’t like people laughing at me.
5    People spend a lot of money on food.
6    Is Sue washing the car?    
7    Who made this mess?
8    Grandfather is going to tell the children a story.
9    They will open the new sports centre soon.
10  They made him confess to the robbery.
11  Liz showed me some holiday pictures.
12   Sam remembers his friend telling him about the party.
13    They heard him calling for help.
14    Who broke this mug?
15    The jury will have reached a verdict by the morning.
16    The teacher will mark the essays.
17    People make jam from fruit.
18    They sent for the doctor.
19    Clive hasn’t cut the grass yet.
20    They may not repair the car this week.

Ответы к упражнению:

  1. Are clothes sold in this shop?
  2. Are the windows being cleaned?
  3. He was tapped on the hand with her pen.
  4. I don’t like being laughed at.
  5. A lot of money is spent on food.
  6. Is the car being washed by Sue?
  7.  Who was this mess made by?
  8. The children are going to be told a story by the grandfather.
  9. The new sport centre will be opened soon.
  10. He was made to confess the robbery.
  11. Some holiday pictures were shown to me by Liz.
  12. Sam remembers being told about the party.
  13. He was heard calling for help.
  14. Who was this mug broken by?
  15. A verdict will have been reached by the jury by the morning.
  16. The essays will be marked by the teacher.
  17. Jam is made from fruit.
  18. The doctor was sent by.
  19. The grass hasn’t been cut by Clive yet.
  20. The car may not be repaired this week.

Помогите переделать предложения из действительного в страдательный залог :

2 Someone is cleaning the windows.

3 She tapped him on the hand with her pen.

4 I don’t like people laughing at me.

5 People spend a lot of money on food.

6 Is Sue washing the car?

7 Who made this mess?

8 Grandfather is going to tell the children a story.

9 They will open the new sports centre soon.

10 They made him confess to the robbery.

11 Liz showed me some holiday pictures.

12 Sam remembers his friend telling him about the party.

13 They heard him calling for help.

14 Who broke this mug?

15 The jury will have reached a verdict by the morning.

16 The teacher will mark the essays.

17 People make jam from fruit.

18 They sent for the doctor.

19 Clive hasn’t cut the grass yet.

20 They may not repair the car this week.

На этой странице сайта размещен вопрос Помогите переделать предложения из действительного в страдательный залог :2 Someone is cleaning the windows? из категории
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1 / 22

Her mother drives her to school every day.

Click the card to flip 👆

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Terms in this set (22)

Her mother drives her to school every day.

She is driven to school by her mother every day.

Her mother woke her up at seven o’clock.

She was woken up by her mother at seven o’clock.

Sue asked the waiter to bring some water.

The waiter was asked by Sue to bring some water.

Michael moved the boxes out of the way.

The boxes were moved out of the way.

The boys walk the dog every day.

The dog is walked by the boys every day

Someone is cleaning the windows.

The windows are being cleaned .

She tapped him on the hand with her pen.

He was tapped on the hand with her pen.

I don’t like people laughing at me.

I don’t like being laughted at.

People spend a lot of money on food.

A lot of money is spent on food.

Is Sue washing the car?

Is the car being washed by Sue?

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Переделайте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог:

1 Do they sell clothes in this shop?
…Are clothes sold in this shop?…

2 Someone is cleaning the windows.
3 She tapped him on the hand with her pen.
4 I don’t like people laughing at me.
5 People spend a lot of money on food.
6 Is Sue washing the car?
7 Who made this mess?
8 Grandfather is going to tell the children a story.
9 They will open the new sports centre soon.
10 They made him confess to the robbery.
11 Liz showed me some holiday pictures.
12 Sam remembers his friend telling him about the party.
13 They heard him calling for help.
14 Who broke this mug?
15 The jury will have reached a verdict by the morning.
16 The teacher will mark the essays.
17 People make jam from fruit.
18 They sent for the doctor.
19 Clive hasn’t

cut the grass yet.
20 They may not repair the car this week.

Ответы к упражнению:

Are clothes sold in this shop? Are the windows being cleaned? He was tapped on the hand with her pen. I don’t like being laughed at. A lot of money is spent on food. Is the car being washed by Sue? Who was this mess made by? The children are going to be told a story by the grandfather. The new sport centre will be opened soon. He was made to confess the robbery. Some holiday pictures were shown to me by Liz. Sam remembers being told about the party. He was heard calling for help. Who was this mug broken by? A verdict will have been reached by the jury by the morning. The essays will be marked by the teacher. Jam is made from fruit. The doctor was sent by. The grass hasn’t been cut by Clive yet. The car may not be repaired this week.

Passive Voice №3

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