Speech to text for windows 10

Use dictation to convert spoken words into text anywhere on your PC with Windows.

With voice typing, you can enter text on your PC by speaking. Voice typing uses online speech recognition, which is powered by Azure Speech services.

To use voice typing, you’ll need to be connected to the internet, have a working microphone, and have your cursor in a text box.

Once you turn on voice typing, it will start listening automatically. Wait for the «Listening…» alert before you start speaking.


Do this

Turn on voice typing

  • Press Windows logo key + H on a hardware keyboard

  • Press the microphone key next to the Spacebar on the touch keyboard

To stop voice typing

  • Say a voice typing command like «Stop listening»

  • Press the microphone button on the voice typing menu

Note: Press Windows logo key + Alt + H to navigate through the voice typing menu with your keyboard. 

You can use a voice typing language that’s different than the one you’ve chosen for Windows. Here’s how:

  1. Select Start > Settings > Time & language > Language & region.

  2. Find Preferred languages in the list and select Add a language.

  3. Search for the language you’d like to install, then select Next.

  4. Select Next or install any optional language features you’d like to use. These features, including speech recognition, aren’t required for voice typing to work.

To see this feature’s supported languages, see the list in this article.

To switch voice typing languages, you’ll need to change the input language you use. Here’s how:

  • Select the language switcher in the corner of your taskbar

  • Press Windows logo key + Spacebar on a hardware keyboard

  • Press the language switcher in the bottom right of the touch keyboard

These languages support voice typing in Windows 11:

  • Bulgarian

  • Chinese (Simplified, China)

  • Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR)

  • Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)

  • Croatian

  • Czech

  • Danish

  • Dutch (Netherlands)

  • English (Australia)

  • English (Canada)

  • English (India)

  • English (New Zealand)

  • English (United Kingdom)

  • English (United States)

  • Estonian

  • Finnish

  • French (Canada)

  • French (France)

  • German

  • Gujarati

  • Hindi

  • Hungarian

  • Irish

  • Italian (Italy)

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Latvian

  • Lithuanian

  • Maltese

  • Marathi

  • Norwegian (Bokmål)

  • Polish

  • Portuguese (Brazil)

  • Portuguese (Portugal)

  • Romanian (Romania)

  • Russian

  • Slovak

  • Slovenian

  • Spanish (Mexico)

  • Spanish (Spain)

  • Swedish (Sweden)

  • Tamil (India)

  • Telugu

  • Thai

  • Turkish

  • Vietnamese

Use voice typing commands to quickly edit text by saying things like «delete that» or «select that».

The following list tells you what you can say. To view supported commands for other languages, change the dropdown to your desired language.

Select your desired language

  • Select your desired language
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese (Simplified, China)
  • Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR)
  • Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)
  • Croatian (Croatia)
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • English (Australia)
  • English (Canada)
  • English (India)
  • English (New Zealand)
  • English (United Kingdom)
  • English (United States)
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • French (Canada)
  • French (France)
  • German (Germany)
  • Gujarati
  • Hindi
  • Hungarian
  • Irish
  • Italian (Italy)
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Lithuanian
  • Latvian
  • Marathi
  • Maltese
  • Norwegian (Bokmål)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Romanian (Romania)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Swedish (Sweden)
  • Tamil (India)
  • Telugu
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Vietnamese

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Пауза при гласово въвеждане

Пауза при диктуване

Спиране на гласовото въвеждане

Спиране на диктовката

Спиране на слушането

Спиране на диктуването

Спиране на гласовия режим

Пауза при гласовия режим

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Изтриване на това

Изтриване на това

Задраскване на това

Select last spoken word or phrase

Избиране на това

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing









Delete last spoken word or phrase


Select last spoken word or phrase


Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing









Delete last spoken word or phrase




Select last spoken word or phrase


Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing









Delete last spoken word or phrase




Select last spoken word or phrase


Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pauziraj glasovni unos

Pauziraj diktat

Zaustavi glasovni unos

Zaustavi diktat

Zaustavi slušanje

Zaustavi diktiranje

Zaustavi glasovni način rada

Pauziraj glasovni način rada

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Izbriši to

Izbriši to

Briši to

Select last spoken word or phrase

Odaberi to

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pozastavit psaní hlasem

Pozastavit diktování

Zastavit psaní hlasem

Zastavit diktování

Zastavit poslouchání

Zastavit diktování

Zastavit hlasový režim

Pozastavit hlasový režim

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Odstranit to

Vymazat to

Vyškrtnout to

Select last spoken word or phrase

Vybrat to

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Afbryd stemmeindtastning midlertidigt

Afbryd diktering midlertidigt

Stop stemmeindtastning

Stoppe diktering

Stop lytning

Stop diktering

Stop stemmetilstand

Afbryd stemmetilstand midlertidigt

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Slet det

Udvisk det

Kassér det

Select last spoken word or phrase

Vælg det

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pauzeer spraakgestuurd typen

Pauzeer dicteren

Stop met spraakgestuurd typen

Stop met dicteren

Stop met luisteren

Stop met dicteren

Stop spraakmodus

Pauzeer spraakmodus

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Verwijder dit

Wis dit

Select last spoken word or phrase

Selecteer dit

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pause voice typing

Pause dictation

Stop voice typing

Stop dictation

Stop listening

Stop dictating

Stop voice mode

Pause voice mode

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Delete that

Erase that

Ignore that

Select last spoken word or phrase

Select that

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pause voice typing

Pause dictation

Stop voice typing

Stop dictation

Stop listening

Stop dictating

Stop voice mode

Pause voice mode

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Delete that

Erase that

Ignore that

Select last spoken word or phrase

Select that

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pause voice typing

Pause dictation

Stop voice typing

Stop dictation

Stop listening

Stop dictating

Stop voice mode

Pause voice mode

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Delete that

Erase that

Ignore that

Select last spoken word or phrase

Select that

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pause voice typing

Pause dictation

Stop voice typing

Stop dictation

Stop listening

Stop dictating

Stop voice mode

Pause voice mode

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Delete that

Erase that

Ignore that

Select last spoken word or phrase

Select that

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pause voice typing

Pause dictation

Stop voice typing

Stop dictation

Stop listening

Stop dictating

Stop voice mode

Pause voice mode

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Delete that

Erase that

Ignore that

Select last spoken word or phrase

Select that

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pause voice typing

Pause dictation

Stop voice typing

Stop dictation

Stop listening

Stop dictating

Stop voice mode

Pause voice mode

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Delete that

Erase that

Scratch that

Select last spoken word or phrase

Select that

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Peata dikteerimisega tippimine

Peata dikteerimine

Lõpeta dikteerimisega tippimine

Dikteerimise lõpetamine

Kuulamise lõpetamine

Lõpeta dikteerimine

Lõpeta kõnerežiim

Peata kõnerežiim

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Kustuta see


Select last spoken word or phrase

Vali see

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Keskeytä sanelu

Lopeta sanelu

Lopeta kuuntelu

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Poista se

Tyhjennä se

Select last spoken word or phrase

Valitse se

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Suspendre la dictée vocale

Suspendre la dictée

Arrêter la dictée vocale

Arrêter la dictée

Arrêter l’écoute

Arrêter la dictée

Arrêter le mode vocal

Suspendre le mode vocal

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Supprimer ceci

Effacer ceci

Annuler ceci

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Mettre en pause la saisie vocale

Mettre en pause la dictée

Arrêter la saisie vocale

Arrêter la dictée

Arrêter l’écoute

Arrêter le mode dictée

Arrêter le mode vocal

Mettre en pause le mode vocal

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Supprimer ceci

Effacer ceci

Annuler ceci

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Spracheingabe pausieren

Diktat pausieren

Spracheingabe stoppen

Diktat stoppen

Spracherkennung beenden

Diktieren stoppen

Sprachmodus stoppen

Sprachmodus pausieren

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Lösch das

Lösch das

Das hier streichen

Select last spoken word or phrase

Das hier markieren

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

વોઇસ ટાઇપિંગ થોભાવો

શ્રુતલેખન થોભાવો

વોઇસ ટાઇપિંગ બંધ કરો

શ્રુતલેખન બંધ કરો

સાંભળવાનું બંધ કરો

શ્રુતલેખન કરવાનું બંધ કરો

વોઇસ મોડ બંધ કરો

વોઇસ મોડ થોભાવો

Delete last spoken word or phrase

તેને હટાવો

તેને ભૂંસી નાખો

તેને સ્ક્રેચ કરો

Select last spoken word or phrase

તેને પસંદ કરો

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

वॉइस टाइपिंग को विराम दें

डिक्टेशन को विराम दें

वॉइस टाइपिंग को रोकें

डिक्टेशन रोकें

सुनना रोकें

डिक्टेट करना रोकें

वॉइस मोड रोकें

वॉइस मोड को विराम दें

Delete last spoken word or phrase

उसे हटाएँ

उसे मिटाएँ

उसे स्क्रैच करें

Select last spoken word or phrase

उसे चुनें

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Diktálás szüneteltetése

Diktálás leállítása

Figyelés leállítása

Diktálás leállítása

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Rész törlése

Rész végleges törlése

Select last spoken word or phrase

Rész kijelölése

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Stop deachtú

Stop ag éisteacht

Stop ag deachtú

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Scrios sin

Léirscrios sin

Scríob sin

Select last spoken word or phrase

Roghnaigh sin

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Sospendi dettatura

Sospendi dettatura

Termina dettatura

Termina dettatura

Termina ascolto

Termina dettatura

Termina modalità voce

Sospendi modalità voce

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Elimina elemento

Cancella elemento

Scarta elemento

Select last spoken word or phrase

Seleziona elemento

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing









Delete last spoken word or phrase




Select last spoken word or phrase


Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

음성 입력 일시 중지

받아쓰기 일시 중지

음성 입력 중지

받아쓰기 중지

듣기 중지

받아쓰기 중지

음성 모드 중지

음성 모드 일시 중지

Delete last spoken word or phrase




Select last spoken word or phrase


Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pristabdyti teksto rinkimą balsu

Pristabdyti diktavimą

Stabdyti teksto rinkimą balsu

Stabdyti diktavimą

Stabdyti klausymąsi

Baigti diktuoti

Išjungti komandų balsu režimą

Pristabdyti komandų balsu režimą

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Naikinti tai

Ištrinti tai

Panaikinti tai

Select last spoken word or phrase

Pasirinkti tai

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pauzēt rakstīšanu ar balsi

Pauzēt diktēšanu

Apturēt rakstīšanu ar balsi

Apturēt diktēšanu

Apturēt klausīšanos

Apturēt diktēšanu

Apturēt balss režīmu

Pauzēt balss režīmu

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Dzēst to

Izdzēst to

Noskrāpēt to

Select last spoken word or phrase

Atlasīt to

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

डिक्टेशनला विराम द्या

व्हॉइस टायपिंग थांबवा

डिक्टेशन थांबवा

ऐकणे थांबवा

डिक्टेट करणे थांबवा

व्हॉइस मोड थांबवा

व्हॉइस मोडला विराम द्या

Delete last spoken word or phrase

ते हटवा

ते पुसून टाका

ते खोडा

Select last spoken word or phrase

ते निवडा

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Issospendi l-ittajpjar bil-vuċi

Issospendi d-dettatura

Waqqaf l-ittajpjar bil-vuċi

Waqqaf id-dettatura

Ieqaf isma’

Ieqaf iddetta

Waqqaf il-modalità tal-vuċi

Issospendi l-modalità tal-vuċi

Delete last spoken word or phrase



Select last spoken word or phrase


Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Sett taleskriving på pause

Sett diktering på pause

Stopp taleskriving

Stopp diktering

Stopp lytting

Stopp diktering

Stopp talemodus

Sett talemodus på pause

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Slett det

Slett det

Stryk det

Select last spoken word or phrase

Velg det

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Wstrzymaj wpisywanie za pomocą głosu

Wstrzymaj dyktowanie

Zatrzymaj wpisywanie za pomocą głosu

Zatrzymaj dyktowanie

Przestań słuchać

Przestań dyktować

Zatrzymaj tryb głosowy

Wstrzymaj tryb głosowy

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Usuń to

Wymaż to

Skreśl to

Select last spoken word or phrase

Wybierz to

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pausar a digitação por voz

Pausar ditado

Parar digitação por voz

Parar ditado

Parar de ouvir

Parar de ditar

Parar modo de voz

Pausar modo de voz

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Excluir isto

Apagar isto

Remover isto

Select last spoken word or phrase

Selecionar isto

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pausar escrita por voz

Pausar ditado

Parar escrita por voz

Parar ditado

Parar escuta

Parar de ditar

Parar modo de voz

Pausar modo de voz

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Eliminar esse

Eliminar isso

Rascunhar isso

Select last spoken word or phrase

Selecionar esse

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pune în pauză tastarea vocală

Pune în pauză dictarea

Oprește tastarea vocală

Oprește dictarea

Oprește ascultarea

Oprește dictarea

Oprește modul voce

Puneți în pauză modul voce

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Șterge aceasta

Șterge asta

Mâzgălește asta

Select last spoken word or phrase

Selectează asta

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Приостановить голосовой ввод

Приостановить диктовку

Прекратить голосовой ввод

Закончить диктовку

Закончить прослушивание

Закончить диктовку

Завершить голосовой режим

Приостановить голосовой режим

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Удалить это

Стереть это

Перечеркнуть это

Select last spoken word or phrase

Выделить это

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pozastaviť písanie hlasom

Pozastaviť diktovanie

Ukončiť písanie hlasom

Ukončiť diktovanie

Ukončiť počúvanie

Ukončiť diktovanie

Ukončiť režim hlasu

Pozastaviť režim hlasu

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Odstrániť toto

Vymazať toto

Začmárať toto

Select last spoken word or phrase

Vybrať toto

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Začasno ustavi glasovno vnašanje

Začasna ustavitev narekovanja

Ustavi glasovno vnašanje

Ustavitev narekovanja

Ustavi poslušanje

Ustavi narekovanje

Ustavi glasovni način

Začasno ustavi glasovni način

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Izbriši to

Pobriši to

Briši to

Select last spoken word or phrase

Izberi to

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pon en pausa la escritura por voz

Pon en pausa el dictado

Detén la escritura por voz

Detén el dictado

Detén la escucha

Detén el modo de dictado

Detén el modo de voz

Pon en pausa el modo de voz

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Elimina eso

Borra eso

Tacha eso

Select last spoken word or phrase

Selecciona eso

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pausa la escritura por voz

Pausa el dictado

Detén la escritura por voz

Detén el dictado

Detén la escucha

Detén el modo de dictado

Detén el modo de voz

Pausa el modo de voz

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Elimina eso

Borra eso

Select last spoken word or phrase

Selecciona eso

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Pausa röstinmatning

Pausa diktering

Stoppa röstinmatning

Stoppa diktering

Sluta lyssna

Sluta diktera

Stoppa röstläge

Pausa röstläge

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Ta bort det

Radera det

Stryk det

Select last spoken word or phrase

Välj det

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

குரல் உள்ளிடலை இடைநிறுத்து

எடுத்துக்கூறலை இடைநிறுத்து

குரல் உள்ளிடலை நிறுத்து

எடுத்துக்கூறலை நிறுத்து

கேட்பதை நிறுத்து

எடுத்துக்கூறலை நிறுத்து

குரல் பயன்முறையை நிறுத்து

குரல் பயன்முறையை இடைநிறுத்து

Delete last spoken word or phrase

அதை நீக்கு

அதை அழி

அதைக் கீறு

Select last spoken word or phrase

அதைத் தேர்ந்தெடு

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

వాయిస్ టైపింగ్ పాజ్ చేయి

డిక్టేషన్ పాజ్ చేయి

వాయిస్ టైపింగ్ ఆపివేయి

డిక్టేషన్ ఆపివేయి

వినడం ఆపివేయి

డిక్టేట్ చేయడాన్ని ఆపివేయి

వాయిస్ మోడ్ ఆపివేయి

వాయిస్ మోడ్ పాజ్ చేయి

Delete last spoken word or phrase

దానిని తొలగించు

దానిని ఎరేజ్ చేయి

దానిని స్క్రాచ్ చేయి

Select last spoken word or phrase

దానిని ఎంచుకో

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing









Delete last spoken word or phrase




Select last spoken word or phrase


Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Sesle yazmayı duraklat

Dikteyi duraklat

Sesle yazmayı durdur

Dinlemeyi durdur

Sesli modu durdur

Sesli modu duraklat

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Şunu sil

Şunu temizle

Şunu karala

Select last spoken word or phrase

Şunu seç

Voice typing command

What you can say

Stop or pause voice typing

Tạm dừng nhập bằng giọng nói

Tạm dừng đọc chính tả

Dừng nhập liệu bằng giọng nói

Ngừng đọc chính tả

Ngừng lắng nghe

Ngừng Đọc chính tả

Dừng chế độ giọng nói

Tạm dừng chế độ giọng nói

Delete last spoken word or phrase

Xóa bỏ cái đó

Tẩy xóa cái đó

Cào cái đó

Select last spoken word or phrase

Chọn cái đó

Note: If a word or phrase is selected, speaking any of the “delete that” commands will remove it.

Use voice typing commands to insert punctuation marks.

The following list tells you what you can say. To view supported commands for other languages, change the dropdown to your desired language.

Select your desired language

  • Select your desired language
  • Bulgarian
  • Chinese (Simplified, China)
  • Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR)
  • Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)
  • Croatian (Croatia)
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch (Netherlands)
  • English
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • French (Canada)
  • French (France)
  • German (Germany)
  • Gujarati
  • Hindi
  • Hungarian
  • Irish
  • Italian (Italy)
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Lithuanian
  • Latvian
  • Marathi
  • Maltese
  • Norwegian (Bokmål)
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazil)
  • Portuguese (Portugal)
  • Romanian (Romania)
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish (Mexico)
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Swedish (Sweden)
  • Tamil (India)
  • Telugu
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Vietnamese

To Insert this

Say this




възклицателен знак

удивителен знак









въпросителен знак



започване на нов параграф

нов ред

на нов ред

нов параграф

To Insert this

Say this






































































To Insert this

Say this

撇 號

上 標 點

上 單 引 號

略 縮 號

減 號

連 字 號

感 歎 號

驚 嘆 號


井 字 號


美 元 符 號


百 分 號


和 號

上 括 號

下 括 號


星 號

逗 號

頓 號

刪 節 號



斜 線 符 號

冒 號

分 號

問 號


at 符 號


上 方 括 號

上 夾 註 號

上 中 括 號


換 行

分 段 符 號

換 行 符 號


下 夾 註 號

下 方 括 號

下 中 括 號


下 標 線

下 單 引 號


英 鎊 符 號


日 圓 符 號

人 民 幣 符 號

上 引 號

下 引 號

歐 元 符 號


加 號


小 於 符 號


等 號


大 於 符 號


正 負 號


乘 號


除 號


度 數 符 號

To Insert this

Say this

撇 號

上 標 點

略 縮 號

減 號

連 字 號

感 歎 號

驚 嘆 號


井 字 號


美 元 符 號


百 分 號


和 號

上 括 號

下 括 號


星 號

逗 號

頓 號

刪 節 號

句 號


斜 線 符 號

冒 號

分 號

問 號


at 符 號


上 方 括 號

上 夾 註 號

上 中 括 號


換 行

分 段 符 號

換 行 符 號


下 夾 註 號

下 方 括 號

下 中 括 號


下 標 線

上 單 引 號

下 單 引 號


英 鎊 符 號


日 圓 符 號

人 民 幣 符 號

上 引 號

下 引 號

歐 元 符 號


加 號


小 於 符 號


等 號


大 於 符 號


正 負 號


乘 號


除 號


度 數 符 號

To Insert this

Say this










novi odlomak

novi red

novi redak

novi paragraf

novi ulomak

sljedeći redak


sljedeći red

To Insert this

Say this


pomlčka ve slově






hash tag









konec závorky







tři tečky










nový řádek

nový odstavec

další řádek

uvozovky nahoře

uvozovky dole




rovná se


To Insert this

Say this







nyt afsnit





begyndende anførselstegn

lukkende anførselstegn

afsluttende anførselstegn

startende anførselstegn






venstre parentes

åben parentes





pund tegn


hash tegn







lukket parentes

højre parentes



snabel a







højre kantet parentes

kantet højreparentes

kantet lukket parentes

lukket kantet parentes


venstre kantet parentes

åben kantet parentes

åben venstreparentes

kantet venstreparentes


afsluttende enkelt anførselstegn

lukkende enkelt anførselstegn

åbnende enkelt anførselstegn

startende enkelt anførselstegn


mindre end




større end


plus- eller minustegn


apostrof s





blinkende smiley





pund sterling-tegn




trist smiley








smilende ansigt

To Insert this

Say this

enkel aanhalingsteken sluiten

enkel eindaanhalingsteken

enkel aanhalingsteken openen

enkel beginaanhalingsteken



en streepje

















haakje sluiten










dubbele punt






vierkante linkerhaak

vierkante haak openen



nieuwe regel

nieuwe alinea


vierkante rechterhaak

vierkante haak sluiten



laag streepje



aanhalingsteken openen

aanhalingsteken sluiten



britse pond-teken







kleiner dan-teken






groter dan-teken










apostrof s

To Insert this

Say this

begin/open single quote

end/close single quote


minus sign




exclamation mark/point


number/pound sign


dollar sign


Percent sign


ampersand, and sign


left/open parentheses


right/close parentheses






period, full stop

ellipsis, dot dot dot


forward slash




frowny face


smiley face




winky face


question mark


at sign, at mention


left/open (square) bracket



right/close (square) bracket


caret symbol




backquote, backtick


left/open (curly) brace


vertical bar sign/character, pipe character


right/close (curly) brace


tilde symbol

open quotes

close quotes


pound sterling sign


yen sign

euro sign


plus sign


less than sign, left/open angle bracket


heart emoji


equal sign


greater than sign, right/close angle bracket


plus or minus sign


multiplication sign


division sign


section sign


copyright sign/mark


registered sign


degree symbol/sign

paragraph sign/mark

new line

new/next line

new paragraph

new paragraph



To Insert this

Say this











järgmine lõik

järgmine rida

rea algus

uus lõik

uus rida

To Insert this

Say this

oikea puolilainausmerkki

vasen puolilainausmerkki









dollarin merkki







vasen sulkumerkki


oikea kaarisulje













surullinen hymiö






silmää iskevä hymiö




ät merkki



ät maininta


vasen hakasulje



uusi kappale

uusi rivi


oikea hakasulje







punnan merkki


jenin merkki

euron merkki




pienempi kuin -merkki






suurempi kuin -merkki


plus- tai miinusmerkki







To Insert this

Say this

guillemet simple fermant

guillemet simple ouvrant


tiret demi-cadratin


point d’exclamation


signe dièse


signe dollar


signe pourcentage


parenthèse ouvrante


parenthèse fermante







points de suspension


barre oblique


deux points





point virgule



point d’interrogation




crochet droit ouvrant



nouvelle ligne

new line

retour de chariot

saut de ligne

nouveau paragraphe


crochet droit fermant


trait de soulignement



signe livre sterling


signe yen

signe euro


signe plus


signe inférieur à


emoji cœur


signe égal


signe supérieur à


guillemet gauche

guillemet ouvrant

ouvrir les guillemets


guillemet fermant

guillemet droit

fermer les guillemets


signe multiplication


signe division


symbole degré

To Insert this

Say this

guillemet simple ouvrant

guillemet simple fermant

tiret demi-cadratin



point d’exclamation


signe dièse


signe dollar


signe pourcentage


parenthèse gauche

parenthèse ouvrante


parenthèse fermante







points de suspension


barre oblique


deux points






point virgule


point d’interrogation




crochet droit ouvrant



nouveau paragraphe

saut de ligne

new line


crochet droit fermant


trait de soulignement



signe livre sterling


signe yen

signe euro


signe plus


signe inférieur à


emoji cœur


signe égal


signe supérieur à


guillemet ouvrant

ouvrir les guillemets

guillemet gauche


fermer les guillemets

guillemet fermant

guillemet droit


signe multiplication


signe division


symbole degré

To Insert this

Say this














Klammer auf

Öffnende Klammer

Linke Klammer


Klammer zu

Rechte Klammer

Schließende Klammer








Punkt Punkt Punkt













Neue Zeile

Neuer Absatz

new line



Schließendes Gänsefüßchen

Rechtes Anführungszeichen

Schließendes Anführungszeichen

Anführungszeichen oben

Anführungszeichen unten

Linkes Anführungszeichen

Öffnendes Anführungszeichen

Gänsefüßchen unten





To Insert this

Say this



બાદબાકી ચિન્હ


માઇનસ સાઇન





એક્સ્કલેમેશન પોઇન્ટ

આશ્ચર્ય ચિન્હ

ઉદગારવાચક ચિન્હ

એક્સ્કલેમેશન માર્ક


નંબર સાઇન

હૅશ ટૅગ

ક્રમાંક ચિન્હ

પાઉંડ ચિન્હ

પાઉંડ સાઇન


ટકા ચિન્હ

પરસેંટ સાઇન


ઓપન પેરેંથેસિસ

ખુલ્લો કૌંસ

ડાબો કૌંસ

લેફ્ટ પેરેંથેસિસ


રાઇટ પેરેંથેસિસ

જમણો કૌંસ

બંધ કૌંસ

ક્લોઝ પેરેંથેસિસ



તારક ચિન્હ


અલ્પવિરામ ચિન્હ



ફુલ સ્ટોપ

પૂર્ણ વિરામ

ડૉટ ડૉટ ડૉટ


લોપ ચિન્હ








ક્વેશ્ચન માર્ક

પ્રશ્નાર્થ ચિન્હ

પ્રશ્નવાચક ચિન્હ

પ્રશ્ન ચિહ્ન


એટ ચિન્હ

એટ મેંશન

એટ સાઇન


ન્યૂ પેરેગ્રાફ

નવો પરિચ્છેદ

નવી લાઇન

ન્યૂ લાઇન

અવતરણ ચિન્હ પ્રારંભ

ખુલ્લા અવતરણ

ઓપન ક્વોટ્સ

ઇન્વર્ટેડ કોમાઝ ઓપન

ઓપન ક્વોટ્

બિગીન ક્વોટ્સ

ઇન્વર્ટેડ કોમાઝ બિગીન

અવતરણ શરૂ

અવતરણ ચિહ્ન શરૂ

બિગીન ક્વોટ

અવતરણ પૂર્ણ

એંડ ક્વોટ્સ

અવતરણ ચિન્હ સમાપ્ત

એંડ ક્વોટ

ઇન્વર્ટેડ કોમાઝ ક્લોઝ

ઇન્વર્ટેડ કોમાઝ એંડ

ક્લોઝ ક્વોટ્સ

અવતરણ ચિન્હ પૂર્ણ

ક્લોઝ ક્વોટ

બંધ અવતરણ


પ્લસ સાઇન

વત્તા ચિન્હ


ઇક્વલ સાઇન

બરાબર ચિન્હ

To Insert this

Say this

योजक चिन्ह

माइनस साइन

हाइफ़न साइन

हाइफ़न मार्क

ऐन डैश

निर्देशक चिन्ह




एक्स्क्लमेशन साइन

विस्मयादिबोधक चिन्ह

एक्स्क्लमेशन प्वाइंट

विस्मयादिवाचक चिन्ह

एक्स्क्लमेशन मार्क


हैश टैग

पाउंड साइन

नंबर साइन


परसेंट साइन


लेफ्ट ब्रैकेट

लेफ्ट परेन्थसिस

ओपन परेन्थसिस

ओपन ब्रैकेट

कोष्ठक शुरू


क्लोज़ ब्रैकेट

कोष्ठक खत्म

राइट परेन्थसिस

राइट ब्रैकेट

क्लोज़ परेन्थसिस





अल्प विराम

डॉट डॉट डॉट




कोलन मार्क

उप विराम

कोलन चिन्ह

कोलन साइन


अर्ध विराम



क्वेश्चन मार्क

प्रश्नवाचक चिन्ह


ऐट साइन

ऐट मेंशन


नेक्स्ट लाइन

न्यू पैराग्राफ

नई पंक्ति

न्यू लाइन

ओपन कोट्स

इनवर्टेड कॉमाज़ बिगिन

क्वोटेशन मार्क स्टार्ट

अवतरण चिन्ह शुरू

उदधरण चिन्ह शुरू

इनवर्टेड कॉमाज़ क्लोज़

क्वोटेशन मार्क एन्ड

उदधरण चिन्ह खत्म

क्लोज़ कोट्स

अवतरण चिन्ह खत्म

पूर्ण विराम

फुल स्टॉप


प्लस साइन


इक्वल साइन

To Insert this

Say this
















bal zárójel

nyitó zárójel

zárójel nyitva


berekesztő zárójel

csukó zárójel

jobb zárójel

zárójel zárva









pont pont pont













új sor

új bekezdés

következő sor

idézőjel bezárva

idézőjel zárva

záró macskaköröm

idézet vége

idézőjel nyitva

idézet kezdete

kezdő macskaköröm






három pont

To Insert this

Say this


comhartha uaillbhreasa






comhartha ceiste


paragraf nua

an chéad líne eile

fotha líne

líne úr

paragraf úr

líne nua

To Insert this

Say this

aperta virgoletta singola

chiudi virgoletta singola



punto esclamativo





simbolo di dollaro


e commerciale


parentesi aperta


parentesi chiusa







puntini di sospensione


due punti


punto e virgola


punto di domanda

punto interrogativo


a commerciale


parentesi quadra aperta


a capo


new line

nuova riga


parentesi quadra chiusa




simbolo di sterlina


simbolo di yen

simbolo di euro


segno di minore


segno di uguale


segno di maggiore


virgolette aperte


virgolette chiuse


segno di moltiplicazione


segno di divisione


simbolo di grado

To Insert this

Say this










































































To Insert this

Say this

작은따옴표 열고

작은따옴표 닫고







소괄호 열고

괄호 열고


괄호 닫고

소괄호 닫고

















대괄호 열고



새로운 줄

새로운 단락

줄 바꿈


대괄호 닫고


중괄호 열고


중괄호 닫고



큰따옴표 열고

큰따옴표 닫고

홑화살괄호 열고

홑화살괄호 닫고

겹화살괄호 열고

겹화살괄호 닫고

홑낫표 열고

홑낫표 닫고

겹낫표 열고

겹낫표 닫고




To Insert this

Say this










nauja eilutė

kita eilutė

kita pastraipa

nauja pastraipa

To Insert this

Say this


izsaukuma zīme






jautājuma zīme


jaunā rindiņa

jauna rindkopa

nākamā rindiņa

jauna rinda

nākamā rinda

To Insert this

Say this

वजा चिन्ह


मायनस साइन

संयोग चिन्ह

अपसारण चिन्ह



डॅश चिन्ह


उद्गार बिंदू

एक्सक्लमेशन पॉइंट

उद्गारवाचक चिन्ह

एक्सक्लमेशन मार्क


नंबर साइन

हॅश टॅग

पाउंड साइन

पाउंड चिन्ह

संख्या चिन्ह

क्रमांक चिन्ह


प्रतिशत चिन्ह

परसेंट साइन

टक्का चिन्ह


ओपन परेंथेसस

लेफ्ट परेंथेसस

डावा कंस

खुला कंस

ओपन कंस


राइट परेंथेसस

क्लोज परेंथेसस

कंस बंद

उजवा कंस








फुल स्टॉप


लोप चिन्ह


डॉट डॉट डॉट








प्रश्न चिन्ह

क्वेश्चन मार्क


ऍट मेंशन


ऍट साइन

ऍट चिन्ह


न्यू पॅरग्राफ

नवीन ओळ

न्यू लाइन

नवीन परिच्छेद

ओपन कोट

कोटेशन मार्क स्टार्ट

खुला कोट

बिगिन कोट

अवतरण चिन्ह प्रारंभ

अवतरण सुरू

बिगिन कोट्स

कोट सुरू

इनवर्टेड कॉमाज बिगिन

खुले अवतरण

ओपन कोट्स

इनवर्टेड कॉमाज क्लोज

क्लोज कोट्स

एंड कोट

कोटेशन मार्क एंड

अवतरण बंद

कोट समाप्त

अवतरण चिन्ह बंद

कोट बंद

अवतरण चिन्ह समाप्त

अवतरण समाप्त

क्लोज कोट

एंड कोट्स


प्लस साइन

अधिक चिन्ह


इक्वल साइन

बरोबर चिन्ह

To Insert this

Say this


Punt esklamattiv






Punt interrogattiv


Linja ġdida

Linja li jmiss

Paragrafu ġdid

To Insert this

Say this

avsluttende enkelt anførselstegn

venstre enkelt anførselstegn

høyre enkelt anførselstegn

begynnende enkelt anførselstegn



kort tankestrek




































alfakrøll omtale



venstre hakeparentes


ny linje

nytt avsnitt


høyre hakeparentes


begynnende anførselstegn

venstre anførselstegn

avsluttende anførselstegn

høyre anførselstegn


britisk pund-tegn







mindre enn-tegn






større enn-tegn


pluss- eller minustegn








apostrof s


To Insert this

Say this






nawias otwarty

w nawiasie

otwieram nawias


nawias zamknięty

zamykam nawias











znak zapytania


od nowej linii

nowa linia



otwieram cudzysłów


koniec cytatu

zamykam cudzysłów


To Insert this

Say this

aspas simples de final

aspas simples iniciais

aspas simples inicial

aspas simples de abertura

aspas simples de fechamento


sinal de subtração


ponto de exclamação


tecla jogo da velha




sinal de porcentagem


sinal e

e comercial


parêntese de abertura

parêntese esquerdo


parêntese direito






ponto final



dois pontos




ponto e vírgula


ponto de interrogação




abre colchete

colchete de abertura

colchete esquerdo

colchete abertura


novo parágrafo

mudar de linha

nova linha


colchete direito

colchete de fechamento

fecha colchete




aspa invertida


abrir aspas

fechar aspas


símbolo da libra esterlina


símbolo do Iene

símbolo do Euro


sinal de adição


sinal de menor que


emoji de coração


sinal de igual


sinal de maior que


sinal de mais ou menos


sinal de multiplicação


sinal de divisão


sinal de grau

To Insert this

Say this

aspas simples de final

aspas simples inicial

aspas simples de fechamento

aspas simples de abertura

aspas simples iniciais


sinal de subtração


ponto de exclamação


tecla jogo da velha




sinal de porcentagem


sinal e

e comercial


parêntese esquerdo

parêntese de abertura


parêntese direito






ponto final



dois pontos




ponto e vírgula


ponto de interrogação




colchete esquerdo

colchete abertura

abre colchete

colchete de abertura


nova linha

mudar de linha

novo parágrafo


fecha colchete

colchete direito

colchete de fechamento




aspa invertida


abrir aspas

fechar aspas


símbolo da libra esterlina


símbolo do Iene

símbolo do Euro


sinal de adição


sinal de menor que


emoji de coração


sinal de igual


sinal de maior que


sinal de mais ou menos


sinal de multiplicação


sinal de divisão


sinal de grau

To Insert this

Say this


semnul exclamării




separator zecimal

punct de abreviere



semn de întrebare

semnul întrebării


paragraf nou

următorul rând

linie nouă

To Insert this

Say this


знак минус



восклицательный знак


знак решётка


знак доллара


знак процента




открывающая круглая скобка

скобка открывается

скобки открываются


скобки закрываются

скобка закрывается

закрывающая круглая скобка


знак звёздочка




конец предложения



косая черта




точка с запятой


вопросительный знак

знак вопроса


коммерческое а


открывающая квадратная скобка


с новой строчки

с новой строки

новый абзац

новая строка


закрывающая квадратная скобка


знак подчеркивания


открывающая фигурная скобка


закрывающая фигурная скобка


знак плюс


открывающая кавычка

открыть кавычки

кавычки открываются


закрыть кавычки

кавычки закрываются

закрывающая кавычка


To Insert this

Say this










nový riadok

nový odsek

To Insert this

Say this










nov odstavek

nova vrstica

naslednja vrstica

To Insert this

Say this

abrir comilla simple

comilla simple de apertura

cerrar comilla simple

comilla simple de cierre

signo menos

guion corto


signo de exclamación

signos de exclamación




símbolo del dólar


signo de porcentaje


y comercial


paréntesis de apertura

abrir paréntesis


cerrar paréntesis

paréntesis de cierre







puntos suspensivos


barra diagonal


dos puntos


cara enfadada


cara sonriente


punto y coma


cara con guiño


signos de interrogación

signo de interrogación




abrir corchete

corchete de apertura



nueva línea

salto de línea

nuevo párrafo

new line


cerrar corchete

corchete de cierre


guion bajo


comilla inversa


signo de apertura de exclamación

signos de apertura de exclamación


signos de apertura de interrogación

signo de apertura de interrogación



símbolo de la libra esterlina


símbolo del yen

símbolo del euro


signo más


signo menor que


emoji de corazón


signo igual


signo mayor que


signo más o menos


comillas izquierdas


comillas derechas


signo de multiplicación


signo de división


símbolo de grado

To Insert this

Say this

comilla simple de apertura

abrir comilla simple

comilla simple de cierre

cerrar comilla simple

guion corto

signo menos


signos de exclamación

signo de exclamación




símbolo del dólar


signo de porcentaje


y comercial


paréntesis de apertura

abrir paréntesis


paréntesis de cierre

cerrar paréntesis







puntos suspensivos


barra diagonal


dos puntos


cara enfadada


cara sonriente


punto y coma


cara con guiño


signos de interrogación

signo de interrogación




corchete de apertura

abrir corchete


nuevo párrafo

nueva línea


new line

salto de línea


corchete de cierre

cerrar corchete


guion bajo


comilla inversa


signos de apertura de exclamación

signo de apertura de exclamación


signos de apertura de interrogación

signo de apertura de interrogación



símbolo de la libra esterlina


símbolo del yen

símbolo del euro


signo más


signo menor que


emoji de corazón


signo igual


signo mayor que


signo más o menos


comillas izquierdas


comillas derechas


signo de multiplicación


signo de división


símbolo de grado

To Insert this

Say this




kort tankstreck














inledande parentes



avslutande parentes









framåtlutat snedstreck






blinkande smiley




at omnämnande



vänster hakparentes

inledande hakparentes


ny rad

påbörja ny rad


avslutande hakparentes

höger hakparentes




grav accent

inledande enkelt citattecken

avslutande enkelt citattecken

enkelt citattecken

inledande citattecken

avslutande citattecken









mindre än-tecken


större än-tecken









To Insert this

Say this



கழித்தல் குறி

கோடு குறி

மைனஸ் சைன்




எக்ஸ்க்ளமேஷன் மார்க்



எக்ஸ்க்ளமேஷன் பாயின்ட்



பவுண்டு சைன்

எண் குறியீடு

ஹேஷ் டேக்

பவுண்டு குறியீடு

நம்பர் சைன்


பெர்சென்ட் சைன்

சதவீதம் குறியீடு


திறந்த பிறைக்குறி

இடது அடைப்புக்குறி

திறந்த அடைப்புக்குறி

லெஃப்ட் பாரன்தெஸிஸ்

ஒப்பன் பாரன்தெஸிஸ்


க்ளோஸ் பாரன்தெஸிஸ்

வலது அடைப்புக்குறி

ரைட் பாரன்தெஸிஸ்

வலது பிறைக்குறி

மூடிய பிறைக்குறி

மூடிய அடைப்புக்குறி


பெருக்கல் குறி

விண்மீன் குறியீடு


நட்சத்திர குறியீடு











டாட் டாட் டாட்

புள்ளி புள்ளி புள்ளி




முக்காற் புள்ளி







குவெஸ்டின் மார்க்


அட் சைன்

அட் மென்ஷன்


நியூ லைன்

புதிய கோடு

புதிய பத்தி

நியூ பாராகிராஃப்

புதிய பாரா

ஒப்பன் குவோட்

பிகின் குவோட்

திறந்த மேற்கோள்

இன்வெர்டட் கமாஸ் ஒப்பன்

ஒப்பன் குவோட்ஸ்

இன்வெர்டட் கமாஸ் பிகின்

தலைகீழ் காற்புள்ளிகள் தொடக்கம்

மேற்கோள் குறி தொடக்கம்

திறந்த மேற்கோள்கள்

பிகின் குவோட்ஸ்

தொடக்க மேற்கோள்கள்

இன்வெர்டட் கமாஸ் எண்டு

தலைகீழ் காற்புள்ளிகள் முடிவு

க்ளோஸ் குவோட்

தலைகீழ் காற்புள்ளிகள் மூடுதல்

மூடிய மேற்கோள்கள்

இன்வெர்டட் கமாஸ் க்ளோஸ்

எண்டு குவோட்

மூடிய மேற்கோள்

எண்டு குவோட்ஸ்

க்ளோஸ் குவோட்ஸ்

மேற்கோள்கள் முடிவு


பிளஸ் சைன்

கூட்டல் குறியீடு


சமம் குறியீடு

ஈகுவல் சைன்

To Insert this

Say this

మైనస్ సైన్

తీసివేత గుర్తు

ఎన్ డాష్





ఆశ్చర్యార్థకం గుర్తు

ఎక్స్క్లమేషన్ మార్క్

ఎక్స్క్లమేషన్ పాయింట్



సంఖ్య గుర్తు

నంబర్ సైన్

హాష్ ట్యాగ్

పౌండ్ సైన్


పర్సెంట్ సైన్



లెఫ్ట్ పారెంథసిస్

ఎడమ కుండలీకరణము

ఓపెన్ పారెంథసిస్

ప్రారంభ కుండలీకరణము


ముగింపు కుండలీకరణము

రైట్ పారెంథసిస్

క్లోజ్ పారెంథసిస్

కుడి కుండలీకరణము


నక్షత్రం గుర్తు




విరామ చిహ్నము


పూర్ణ బిందువు

ఫుల్ స్టాప్


డాట్ డాట్ డాట్


న్యూన బిందువు



అర్ధ బిందువు




క్వశ్చన్ మార్క్


ఎట్ సైన్

ఎట్ మెన్షన్


కొత్త పేరా

కొత్త వాక్యం

న్యూ లైన్

న్యూ పేరాగ్రాఫ్

తాజా వాక్యము

ప్రారంభ విలోమ కామాలు

ఆద్య అనుకరణ చిహ్నము

బిగిన్ కోట్

ఓపెన్ కోట్స్

బిగిన్ కోట్స్

ఓపెన్ కోట్

ఇన్వర్టెడ్ కామాస్ బిగిన్

ఇన్వర్టెడ్ కామాస్ ఓపెన్

ఆద్య అనుకరణ చిహ్నములు

క్లోజ్ కోట్స్

ఎండ్ కోట్

ముగింపు విలోమ కామాలు

అంత్య అనుకరణ చిహ్నము

క్లోజ్ కోట్

ఇన్వర్టెడ్ కామాస్ ఎండ్

ఇన్వర్టెడ్ కామాస్ క్లోజ్

ఎండ్ కోట్స్


కూడిక గుర్తు

ప్లస్ సైన్


ఈక్వల్ సైన్


To Insert this

Say this




To Insert this

Say this


eksi işareti


kısa çizgi

orta çizgi

en tire

en çizgi



ünlem işareti


tırnak işareti



sayı işareti

kare işareti

hashtag işareti

numara işareti


yüzde işareti


bölü yüz işareti


sol parantez

aç parantez


kapa parantez

sağ parantez

yay ayraç


yıldız işareti







iki nokta üst üste


noktalı virgül


soru işareti


kuyruklu a


et işareti


yeni paragraf

sonraki satır

yeni satır


artı işareti



eşittir işareti


üç nokta

To Insert this

Say this

dấu gạch nối

gạch nối


dấu trừ

gạch ngang

dấu gạch ngang


dấu cảm

dấu chấm cảm

dấu chấm than


dấu ngoặc kép

dấu ngoặc kép mở

dấu ngoặc kép đóng


dấu thăng


phần trăm


đóng ngoặc đơn


mở ngoặc đơn


dấu hoa thị

dấu sao


dấu phẩy



dấu chấm

dấu ba chấm

dấu chấm lửng


dấu hai chấm


dấu chấm phẩy


dấu chấm hỏi

dấu hỏi

dấu hỏi chấm


a còng


xuống dòng



dấu cộng



dấu bằng

Use dictation to convert spoken words into text anywhere on your PC with Windows 10. Dictation uses speech recognition, which is built into Windows 10, so there’s nothing you need to download and install to use it.

To start dictating, select a text field and press the Windows logo key + H to open the dictation toolbar. Then say whatever’s on your mind.  To stop dictating at any time while you’re dictating, say “Stop dictation.”

Dictation toolbar in Windows

If you’re using a tablet or a touchscreen, tap the microphone button on the touch keyboard to start dictating. Tap it again to stop dictation, or say «Stop dictation.»

To find out more about speech recognition, read Use voice recognition in Windows . To learn how to set up your microphone, read How to set up and test microphones in Windows.

To use dictation, your PC needs to be connected to the internet.

Dictation commands

Use dictation commands to tell you PC what to do, like “delete that” or “select the previous word.”

The following table tells you what you can say. If a word or phrase is in bold , it’s an example. Replace it with similar words to get the result you want.

To do this


Clear a selection

Clear selection; unselect that

Delete the most recent dictation result or currently selected text

Delete that; strike that

Delete a unit of text, such as the current word

Delete word

Move the cursor to the first character after a specified word or phrase

Go after that; move after word ; go to the end of paragraph ; move to the end of that

Move the cursor to the end of a unit of text

Go after word ; move after word ; go to the end of that; move to the end of paragraph

Move the cursor backward by a unit of text

Move back to the previous word ; go up to the previous paragraph

Move the cursor to the first character before a specified word or phrase

Go to the start of the word

Move the cursor to the start of a text unit

Go before that; move to the start of that

Move the cursor forward to the next unit of text

Move forward to the next word ; go down to the next paragraph

Moves the cursor to the end of a text unit

Move to the end of the word ; go to the end of the paragraph

Enter one of the following keys: Tab, Enter, End, Home, Page up, Page down, Backspace, Delete

Tap Enter ; press Backspace

Select a specific word or phrase

Select word

Select the most recent dictation result

Select that

Select a unit of text

Select the next three words ; select the previous two paragraphs

Turn spelling mode on and off

Start spelling; stop spelling

Dictating letters, numbers, punctuation, and symbols

You can dictate most numbers and punctuation by saying the number or punctuation character. To dictate letters and symbols, say «start spelling.» Then say the symbol or letter, or use the ICAO phonetic alphabet.

To dictate an uppercase letter, say “uppercase” before the letter. For example, “uppercase A” or “uppercase alpha.” When you’re done, say “stop spelling.”

Here are the punctuation characters and symbols you can dictate.

To insert this



at symbol; at sign


Pound symbol; pound sign; number symbol; number sign; hash symbol; hash sign; hashtag symbol; hashtag sign; sharp symbol; sharp sign


Dollar symbol; dollar sign; dollars symbol; dollars sign


Percent symbol; percent sign




And symbol; and sign; ampersand symbol; ampersand sign


Asterisk; times; star


Open paren; left paren; open parenthesis; left paren


Close paren; right paren; close parenthesis; right parenthesis



Hyphen; dash; minus sign



Backslash; whack


Forward slash; divided by




Period; dot; decimal; point



Apostrophe; open single quote; begin single quote; close single quote; close single quote; end single quote


Equal symbol; equal sign; equals symbol; equal sign








Question mark; question symbol


Open bracket; open square bracket; left bracket; left square bracket


Close bracket; close square bracket; right bracket; right square bracket


Open curly brace; open curly bracket; left curly brace; left curly bracket


Close curly brace; close curly bracket; right curly brace; right curly bracket


Plus symbol; plus sign


Open angle bracket; open less than; left angle bracket; left less than


Close angle bracket; close greater than; right angle bracket; right greater than


Open quotes; begin quotes; close quotes; end quotes; open double quotes; begin double quotes; close double quotes; end double quotes

Supported languages

Dictation commands are available in US English only.

You can dictate basic text, symbols, letters, and numbers in these languages:

  • Simplified Chinese

  • English (Australia, Canada, India, United Kingdom)

  • French (France, Canada)

  • German (Germany)

  • Italian (Italy)

  • Portuguese (Brazil)

  • Spanish (Mexico, Spain)

To dictate in other languages, Use voice recognition in Windows.

Need more help?

Are you ready to start dictating your documents and text using just your voice? Instead of offering separated dictation or speech-to-text capabilities, Windows 10 conveniently groups its voice commands under Speech Recognition, which interprets the spoken word across the operating system for various tasks. We’ll teach you how to get everything ready, as well as how to enable speech-to-text in Windows 10, so you can start chatting away to your favorite OS and improve Windows’ “ear” for your voice.

Related Guides

  • How to use Windows 10
  • Best dictation software

Note: Speech recognition is only currently available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

Finding a mic

Before you start, you must be sure that you have the correct hardware for speech-to-text options. It’s easy to overlook this step as we assume that all devices come with built-in mics these days.

However, the issue here is quality. Built-in mics can work well for simple tasks, like Skype conversations or voice commands, but they can also cause distortion, especially with speech-to-text options. In the past, Microsoft has warned that its speech-recognition features are best suited for headset microphones that interpret sounds with greater clarity and are less susceptible to ambient noise. If you really want to use speech recognition on Windows 10, you should get a quality headset that works well with your computer.

If you’re going to invest in hardware, you should do it as soon as possible. Once you train the speech features, it can be difficult to switch devices. Should you decide to buy a mic, follow these steps to make sure Windows knows that you want it to be your primary microphone, even over previous mics:

Step 1: In the Windows search box, type “speech.” Doing so will bring up an option to go to Speech Recognition in the Control Panel. Select this. When the window opens, select Set Up Microphone to begin.

Step 2: Now, choose whether you are using a headset mic or a desktop mic and select Next. Windows will give you some tips on mic placement, then ask you to read a sentence. Read the sentence into your mic, and select Next (there’s no grade or test to pass).

Step 3: If everything worked well, your mic should now be set up. Select Finish to complete the task.

Setting up speech recognition

With your mic ready, it’s time to start configuring your various speech-recognition capabilities. In Windows 10, this is a more seamless process than it has been in the past. These steps and tutorials will affect an array of Windows programs, but you may also want to make sure dictation is enabled in any writing apps that you prefer to use. Begin with the steps below.

Step 1: In the Windows 10 search box, type “speech,” and select Windows Speech Recognition in the results.

Step 2: Select Start Speech Recognition to begin. If Windows 10 still doesn’t recognize your mic, it will have you go through the mic setup steps again at this point, then begin the speech recognition setup.

Step 3: One of the choices in the setup process is whether to enable Document Review or not. This option tells Windows to look at your emails and documents in your search index and look at the words you frequently use. It can help with the recognition software, but it isn’t a necessary step, so choose what you feel comfortable with.

Step 4: Now decide whether you want speech-to-text to be activated with a keyboard or vocal command and click Next. Use the reference sheet to familiarize yourself with commands you can make and continue through the other preferences. While Windows offers to print out the commands for you, you can easily access them on Microsoft’s website by going here.

Step 5: Windows will also ask if you want to start speech recognition every time you start the computer. If you are using speech recognition for accessibility reasons, this may be an excellent mode to enable.

You should now be ready to go. You can enable or disable speech to text by pressing the Ctrl + Windows keys at any time.

Training your computer and more

You’re all set at this point to use speech-to-text with a variety of files within Windows Docs. But first, you might want to take the time to fine-tune Windows’ voice-recognition capabilities. With a little training, Microsoft’s latest software can learn your voice and process it to text with greater accuracy.

Configure speech recognition Windows 10

Step 1: Go to the Ease of Access menu. Click on Speech Recognition.

Step 2: Select Train Your Computer to Better Understand You.

Step 3: Windows will have you read out extended sequences of text, which will help it learn the particular quirks of your voice and intonation, allowing it to understand your voice better.

Near the bottom of the speech-recognition menu is the Speech Reference Card, which is a helpful tool. It provides a cheat sheet on controlling software programs verbally, for those new to voice commands. You can access the cheats in either a small side screen or a print-out.

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by Radu Tyrsina

Radu Tyrsina has been a Windows fan ever since he got his first PC, a Pentium III (a monster at that time). For most of the kids of… read more

Updated on September 5, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • Speech to text is an increasingly popular way of interacting with your digital devices.
  • This process can be automated, based on AI software, or set as a task for professional transcribers.
  • Based on your needs, you need to select the software that provides the best speech recognition accuracy.

What are the best speech to text software for Windows


To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

Speech recognition has advanced a lot during the latest years, and it has become a very useful technology for automation.

Nowadays, speech-to-text software can identify many languages and accents and even adapt to your behavior in time.

So, whether you would want to write a novel or perform an academic transcription, create business documents, or write memos, you will need the best speech-to-text tool.

How can I pick the best speech-to-text software?

There are plenty of options on the market these days and all of them have different sets of options and some of them even imply the help of professional transcribers.

Therefore, let’s go through some of the main aspects on how to choose the best solution for your needs:

Automated or handwritten

Even with all the technological advancements, speech recognition is far from being failproof. So, the automatic speech-to-text software will never beat a human transcriber.

Of course, for writing a note or an email, any of the solutions presented below are perfect but if you’re working on lengthy and important transcriptions, we recommend selecting a tool that implies the work of human specialists.

With Rev, you can even produce captions for your videos

For instance, a solution like Rev employs the help of professionals to make transcriptions and they even provide captioning for your videos.

Some of the listings below guarantee 99% accuracy and offer very fast results, but they are not free so you need to set up a budget for this task.

Artificial intelligence features

All the automated speech-to-text software is based on artificial intelligence but while some use the latest installments, others didn’t receive any updates.

You will need to try them before buying and see if they meet your requirements in terms of speech recognition accuracy.

There is no tool out there that will get all your words and sentences but if you only need to correct three mistakes on a full page, that’s pretty good.

Look for additional options

If you’re not just looking to transform speech into text and you want a more complex tool, you will find that some of the solutions below also offer translation, video captioning, and PC voice control.

For instance, Windows Speech Recognition is built into your OS, so it’s free and you can use it for dictation as well as for performing vocal commands.

We gathered the best tools that can help you transform speech into text so make sure that you check out their sets of features and functionalities because each of them is unique.

After analyzing their sets of functionalities, you will be able to make the most informed decision according to your needs.

Which are the best speech-to-text tools?

Rev – Best accuracy in speech-to-text

If you’re in need of high-quality speech-to-text services, then Rev is your best bet. Their suite of solutions combines state-of-the-art AI with human professionals to deliver the fastest, most accurate speech-to-text services on the market.

Rev’s services are incredibly easy to use. All you need to do is upload your video or audio files from your device or share a public URL to your content.

Then, Rev’s marketplace of 70,000 freelancers will get to work on your files. Rev’s freelance marketplace is the largest of its kind in the world, and since the platform is functional 24/7, there is always somebody taking care of your files.

These freelance transcriptionists are required to meet rigorous quality standards before working on customer files. That’s how Rev is able to honor its 99% accuracy guarantee.

And the service is fast too. With Standard delivery, you will get your files within 12 hours, and if you need your files faster, you can choose the Rush delivery add-on, which will get you your files within 4 hours.

While Rev promises these standard timelines, your transcripts often come back much faster than advertised.

Once you have your Rev transcript, you can use their built-in, interactive tools to review, edit, and annotate transcripts alongside the audio.

The Transcript Editor also lets you share the file with team members and export the file in your preferred format.

Let’s review some of Rev’s best features:

  • Can process specialized, industry-specific vocabulary
  • Freelancers can handle multiple speakers, diverse accents and difficult audio
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Rev also offers video captioning and subtitle translation services
  • Very quick delivery and near-perfect accuracy


Transcribe all your audio and video quickly using this professional tool that guarantees 99% accuracy.

Dragon Professional Individual – Best for business

Dragon Professional Individual is one of the best options that are available on the market for speech-to-text transcription.

This is also one of the best-selling and most accurate speech recognition software that you can find, and it’s already being used by millions of people all over the world.

This software allows users to dictate three times faster than typing with up to 99% accuracy. There are more options that you can choose from on the software’s official website.

The tool will get your to-dos done with just your voice, and this tool is perfect for students, parents, retirees, speech recognition newbies, and busy multi-taskers.

Words will appear on the screen almost instantly, and all you have to do is speak naturally, and the tool will know exactly what you are saying.

We recommend that you head over to the product’s official website and take a look at the complete list of features and functionalities that are included in this software because there’s much more to see there.

Take a look at its best features:

  • Create documents much faster than typing, and you will get an accuracy of 99%
  • Comes with support for Windows 10 touchscreens PCs
  • Use your voice to search the Internet for videos, information, recipes, directions and more
  • Email your family and friends by dictating, editing, and sending messages via Gmail and Hotmail and manage appointments in the calendar with the help of voice commands
  • Update your social media status and navigate without even having to touch your keyboard
  • Import and export custom word lists and user profiles as well

Dragon Professional Individual

Your voice to gain total control over your PC, all software, and services with the help of this fantastic tool.

Dragon Home – Best for individuals

Marketed as the best speech recognition software on the market for home users, Dragon Home is an amazing tool that promises to deliver 99% speech recognition.

Unlike most similar speech recognition tools, you don’t need to worry about using it while having a strong accent, and neither should you worry about using it solely in quiet places since this product is designed to handle both.

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Not only that, it uses Nuance’s learning technology to evolve alongside the user, allowing the program to get better and better at recognizing what you are saying, and thus become better at meeting your needs.

Since speaking has been proved to be three times faster than typing, get your work done faster and better with this tool.

Also, perform all the tasks you would normally do via text, such as editing documents, posting on social media, watching movies, and more via speech.

Let’s review some of its best features below:

  • 99% speech recognition accuracy
  • Evolves and learns from your experience
  • Adapts to your voice or environmental variations
  • Streamlined user interface
  • No training required

Dragon Home

Use this adaptive tool that molds itself to your accent and environment and use your voice to get control over your PC.

Temi – Best for recordings

Temi is a speech-to-text tool that provides transcription in about five minutes. This is a really advanced software that will come in handy if you want to improve your efficiency.

All you have to do is upload any audio or video file, review the transcript with timestamps and speakers and eventually save and export the final result in MS Word, PDF, and more available formats.

If you head over to the official website of this tool, you will see that you can get a free trial that offers you the possibility to try one transcript of any length, access to all the software’s features, and no credit card is required for this.

The transcript will be back in a few minutes, and the shorter files are delivered much faster. This tool is ideal for journalists and reporters, podcasters, bloggers and authors, and so on.

The transcripts will be delivered in just a few minutes to your email so you can apply or send them wherever you want.

Take a look at more features that are included in this tool below:

  • The transcript quality usually depends on the audio quality so make sure to upload high-quality content for best results
  • Up to 90% accuracy with good quality audio
  • Built by machine learning and speech recognition experts
  • The editing tool is easy to use, and you will be able to adjust the playback speed and skip around effortlessly
  • Recognizes the timing of every word

Get Temi

Google Docs Voice Typing – Most accessible

This is not a standalone app, but it’s worth listing because it’s the best way to get started with speech-to-text.

Google Docs Voice Typing requires the Chrome Browser and also a microphone. You will also need a persistent Internet connection. This is probably the easiest way to get started with speech transcription.

You may have been using Google Docs before, but you were not aware of the fact that it includes a Voice Typing feature.

It’s best to get a dynamic microphone rather than a condenser because dynamics pick up less background noise and this way, your words will sound clearer, and the voice recognition software will be more accurate.

Check out the best features included in Google Docs Voice Typing:

  • You can use this tool for recording notes and thoughts while you are on the go.
  • Google Docs Voice Typing is also packed with enough features to allow you to write entire documents.
  • With only your voice you can control document navigation, text selection, text editing and formatting, and more.
  • You can disable voice typing by simply speaking Stop Listening, and the feature will get turned off.

⇒ Get Google Docs

Braina – Most features

Braina is another fantastic speech recognition software that you can find on the market. This is a multi-language speech recognition software that has the ability to fill forms on websites as well.

Apart from dictation, it also provides voice-command features that allow you to search the Internet, open files, websites, and programs, find all kinds of data, set reminders, take notes, and much more.

This amazing speech recognition software is able to convert your voice into text in any website and software, and it supports more than 100 languages.

You can create your own customized voice commands and replies as well, and you also can define hotkeys that will automatically trigger a custom command action.

Here are some of the best features that are included in this software:

  • Use your voice to dictate text to a computer, automate processes and enhance your personal and business productivity
  • Interact with your Windows PC and use various voice commands in English and more languages
  • Increases your productivity
  • Create customized voice commands, replies and define hotkeys that will automatically trigger a custom command action
  • Works on Windows, Android and iOS

Get Brainia

Windows Speech Recognition – Easiest to use

Windows Speech Recognition is also known as Speech Platform Runtime, and it’s a free tool that requires a Windows 7 or later operating system in order to work.

This is really worth mentioning in the article due to its excellent features even if it’s a bit different compared to other software that we listed.

You have to make sure that your computer has a built-in microphone and if it doesn’t, you will have to connect an external mic or a headset that comes with a mic.

It’s best to use a headset with a microphone because this seems to give the best results. After you connect the mic, you will have to set it up.

Try the Windows Speech Recognition and see what more you can do with the help of this great feature.

Take a look at some of its best features:

  • It’s a free, preinstalled app on your OS
  • Works on any text editor, including Word and Notepad
  • Can be used to control your PC and Windows apps
  • Extremely easy to use
  • Small interface, unobtrusive
Read more about this topic

  • Best text-to-speech apps for your Windows
  • Best PC software that can talk to you
  • Best dictaphone recorder software for PC

How can I use Windows Speech Recognition?

The best part of Windows Speech Recognition is that it’s built into your OS so you don’t need to install anything else. And don’t forget that it’s free.

Here’s how to open and use this Microsoft tool:

  1. Click the Start button, type windows speech and select Windows Speech Recognition from the results.
  2. If you’re running it for the first time, you will have to perform a few microphone configuration steps so just go through them quickly.
  3. The little app will attach itsef to the top of the screen and will listen to your commands.
  4. The Windows Speech Recognition can be used to type any text or perform various commands. For instance, we have opened a Notepad window and dictated a few sentences, as you can see from our screenshot.

Windows Speech Recognition is certainly not the best tool we have listed here but it’s excellent for basic needs like opening certain apps or writing a note quickly.

We encourage you to give it a try and experiment with various commands because you might find it pretty useful for certain tasks.

These are the best tools for speech-to-text transcription that you can use these days, and no matter which one you decide to get/use you will definitely be satisfied with the result.

We also need to mention that all the software we recommended above work seamlessly on Windows 11, in case you upgraded to the latest OS.

You might also be interested in our guide on how to control your PC using voice commands because it will also help you automate certain tasks and become more productive.

Do you have any experience with any of the tools we listed above? Tell us all about your experience in the comments section below.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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Mobile technology is steadily moving towards a hands-free operation. Siri, Google Assistant, and Cortana have dominated the portable assistant market. Consequently, the development of Windows 10 saw the improvement of such technologies in the operating system.

The trend is becoming more popular with users these days. Using your voice to dictate texts and control your device is more efficient, comfortable, and natural.

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Interacting with the computer using voice requires a sophisticated application. Here are the five best speech to text software.

Paid Options

In the past, the use of speech to text was regular by transcribing professionals. Thus, they were pricey. Nowadays, prices are much more affordable as users began using the technology for casual functions.

Payment options are becoming easier as well. Some are available for a monthly subscription. Others you can pay annually.

1. LilySpeech

LilySpeech is a lightweight speech to text application. It works on Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7. It boasts 99.5 percent accuracy. Additionally, it can recognize custom words which can be names, businesses, and industry-specific words. It also offers canned answers to emails and forms. LilySpeech supports 24 languages including French, Italian, and Spanish.


LilySpeech leverages cloud technology. The application uses Google Chrome’s Web Speech API functionality. Your settings, custom words, and canned answers are in the clouds. It allows you to use LilySpeech across different computers. Which means you’ll have a seamless experience even if you’re using multiple computers.

Because it uses Google Chrome’s Web Speech API, you need to install Google Chrome on your system. It is not a problem for Chrome users. But, others may not want to download another browser. Moreover, you need to be connected to the Internet while using the application.

2. Braina Pro

Braina Pro is the paid version of the Braina application. It is a multi-functional artificial intelligence software. The app aims to go beyond the speech to text function. It provides control to your computer in a single window.

Braina Pro

Braina Pro can take dictations, search the Internet, play the songs and videos on your computer, and search your files. It can even set alarms and reminders. Furthermore, Braina Pro can perform mathematical calculations, read ebooks, and remember your notes. It aims to be an all-around assistant in your operating system.

Braina Lite is available with limited features. Braina Pro is $59 for a year subscription. It includes a speech to text function in 40 languages. You can use it in any software or website. There’s also a Braina Pro Lifetime which costs $299.

3. Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Dragon NaturallySpeaking is one of the most popular names among speech to text applications. It can capture speech with 99% accuracy. The app allows you to create and edit documents three times faster than typing. You can also use it to send emails and surf the web.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking

It can open programs on your computer using voice commands. Dragon NaturallySpeaking can also analyze audio files and turn them into text. You can also use the application offline in the Professional version.

The primary application, Dragon Home, is $99 for one computer. There are other versions tailor-fit for specific needs such as Dragon Legal and Dragon Law Enforcement. You can also use Dragon Anywhere on your mobile.

Free Options

There are free options available if you want to try out speech to text technology. They are perfect for casual use. Being free does not mean low quality as the options below are some of the best performing applications. Follow the steps below to use readily available speech to text programs.

4. Google Docs

Somewhere in Google Docs hides a robust speech recognition function. Google Docs Voice Typing is one of the most accessible options around. Its technology is same as in Google Assistant, Google Home, and other Google products. It is especially useful if you are already a Google Drive user.

First, log-in to your Google account. Then head over to Google Drive. Create a new document by clicking New, then selecting Google Docs from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can go directly to Google Docs.

Google Docs

Click Tools, then choose Voice Typing from the drop-down menu. You can also activate Voice Typing by pressing Ctrl+Shift+S on your keyboard.

Google Docs Step 1

A tiny microphone dialog should appear. Click the mic logo and begin speaking clearly.

Google Docs Step 2

Google’s speech to text dictation technology now recognizes 119 languages. You can even select the localization of some words. It will realize local accents and vocabularies. Google Voice Typing needs continuous access to the Internet. The quality of the dictation depends on your microphone and your speech.

5. Windows Speech to Text

Windows 10 has its speech to text functions. It is an improvement from its earlier versions. You can dictate documents, email, and notes. Also, you can control your computer using voice commands. It works seamlessly, especially with Microsoft products.

Setting-up Speech Recognition is easy. Click Search then type Speech Recognition.

Windows Speech to Text 1

Plug your microphone. It is recommended to use a headset microphone for more precise sounds.

Windows Speech to Text 2

Click Set up the microphone and follow the set-up wizard.

Windows Speech to Text 3

Click Start Speech Recognition when you are ready to use voice dictation and commands.

Few Extra Tips

The quality and type of hardware significantly affect the accuracy of the results. As suggested, it is best to use a headset as the microphone sits comfortably near your mouth. You can use a desktop microphone, but it is more likely to catch background noise.

Furthermore, some microphone offers noise-canceling options. It reduces ambient sound making it easy for the program to catch your voice.

The Internet connection can also affect the performance of the application. Some of the software on this list requires a constant Internet connection.

You also have to speak openly. Accents differ in various locations, but the software should be able to recognize clear syllables. Additionally, talking in complete sentences during dictation can also help speech recognition.

Final Thoughts

Speech to text technology can significantly speed up with the workflow. Speaking is faster than typing. Also, it is easier to take note of your ideas. Sometimes, your train of thought is more rapid than your fingers. Using speech to text application allows you to jot down ideas rapidly.

Allan Jay Monteclaro

Allan Jay is a web developer who loves to read and watch tech reviews, especially cutting-edge technologies. He likes exploring and taking photos of the places he visited.

In the workplace, efficiency is crucial for success. The quicker you can produce results, the more you can focus on improving the more strategic aspects of your work. However, physically transcribing audio recordings, personal notes, verbal brainstorming ideas, and other documents is a tedious and time-consuming task that severely impacts the level of brainpower you can apply to other activities. Fortunately, there exists technology by the name of speech-to-text software. It allows you to type without your hands and use your voice to create documents. This article discusses the best speech to text software available today in various categories of machine learning solutions.

Here are our top five picks for the best free speech-to-text applications available on the internet.

1) Converse Smartly

We included Converse Smartly in this list of the best free speech-to-text software because of its powerful and robust technology. It can quickly and accurately convert any audio stream to text, including dialogue or discourse from team meetings, conferences, interviews, and seminars. It enables organizations and individuals to work faster and smarter with greater accuracy.

Created by Folio3, the primary aim behind Converse Smartly is to increase the workflow efficiency of any organization. The app uses advanced speech recognition technology based on the IBM Watson Speech API and the Natural Language Processing ToolKit. It is one of the best text-to-speech software with natural voices. Top features include:

– Speech Analysis

– Text Analysis

– Summary Generation

– Perform sentiment analysis

– Generate word cloud from input speech and writing

– Identify key entities and themes during speech or conversation

– Live Audio Transcription

– Detect multiple speakers

– Spot keywords

Compatibility: Any device with an internet connection, browser, and internet connection

Price: Free trial version

Demo Link: https://www.folio3.ai/converse-smartly-try-now/

2) Microsoft Dictate

Microsoft’s Dictate is here to prove that the even best text-to-speech software can be free and be just as good as premium software. Created by Microsoft Garage (a company division where employees get to work on their ideas as projects), this feature-rich application boasts the same advanced speech recognition technology that powers the Microsoft Cortana Virtual Assistant.

Best Speech to text software

Dictate is a Microsoft Office add-on and works well with Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook. You can install it from the Microsoft store if you don’t already have it pre-installed with a copy of Microsoft 365. Once installed, you can access it through the “Dictation” tab in the top right of the Ribbon toolbar. The app supports voice commands for most standard operations, such as typing or editing text, moving the cursor to a new line, and adding punctuations manually or automatically.

Furthermore, the app offers features such as visual feedback to specify that it is processing speech input. Microsoft dictates also supports dictation with real-time translation in 60 different languages. Microsoft Dictate is compatible with Office versions 2013 and above and works well with Windows versions 8.1 and above.

Apps Compatibility: Windows devices only

Price: Free

Download Link: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/garage/profiles/dictate/

3) Google Docs Voice Typing

Google Docs has now become an integral part of the lives of most content writers. Especially if you are already a google services user. So if you use Google products such as Gmail and Google Drive and need an in-built, powerful, yet free dictation tool, consider using Google Docs or Google Slides and use their Google Voice Typing tool. It enables you to type with your voice, and use over 100 view commands meant explicitly for editing and formatting your documents in any way you like, including making bullet points, changing the style of the text, and moving the cursor to different parts of the material.

To use Voice Typing through Google Docs, all you have to do is click on the “Tools” button and then select “Voice Typing” then allow Google access to your laptop or PC’s microphone.

Compatibility: Any Google Chrome compatible device

Price: Free

Download Link: https://www.google.com/docs/about/

4) Otter

Otter can be used for taking notes and as a collaboration app that records and transcribes any audio source as long as the speech is coherent. Common data sources include meetings, interview and other voice interactions with data processing in real-time. Created by AISense, Otter uses Ambient Voice Intelligence for some of the smartest and most accurate speech recognition tools out there. Transcriptions are available within minutes so you can share them with your team almost immediately.

Compatibility: Android and iOS

Price: Free 600 minutes/month; $9.99 for 6,000 minutes/month

Get it from: https://otter.ai/login

5) Speechnotes

Based on the Google speech-recognition engine, Speechnotes is a straight forward online tool for dictations and speech transcription. Since downloads, registrations or installations are unnecessary to use Speechnotes, so it is by far one of the more accessible dictation tools available on the internet.

Speechnotes is incredibly user-friendly too — it automatically capitalises the beginning of your sentence, AutoSaves your documents, and has the option for you to dictate and type all at the same time. You’re your work is complete; you can manage your documents in a multitude of ways. You can either send it out through email, print and file it, export it to Google Drive, or download the files onto your computer.

Compatibility: Any device with Google Chrome installed and a microphone

Price: Free with an option to donate and upgrade to premium

Download Link:  https://speechnotes.co/

8 Speech to Text Software Free Download for Windows 10

6) Window’s Speech Recognition (WSR):

Window’s Speech Recognition (WSR) is a good software for speech recognition, especially because it is specifically designed to work with Windows, and works best in its newest update with Windows 10. Most people reviewed it as good, not great, but also claimed that it is at par with Google Docs Voice Typing (GDVT) and is a Windows version of the same level.

The advantages specific to WSR are that it has computer automation and related features, because it is especially integrated into and designed for the Windows operating system, it has complete control over the computer and its features, like sleep or shutdown options, etc. In addition, it gives the user text editing options, whereby any mistakes can be there and then corrected.

Though, some downsides include the fact that it is not the most accurate voice recognition software available in the market, as its accuracy is on the weaker side, and it cannot be freely used with other operating systems is need be for a change.

Its unique selling point would be the fact that it can control the whole computer through the software options, and can edit as you go. It is also free of cost, without additional charges, and works fine with Windows 10.

7) Temi

Temi is a tool used for speech to text transcription, and is a highly advanced version of speech recognition software. It works when you upload any kind of file, be it audio or video, and it transcribes it in under five minutes. Eventually, the files can be stored in MS Word or PDF formats that especially belong to Windows, and can even be emailed.

This transcription tool gives ease of use to its users, who are effortlessly able to adjust the sound, speed of playback, skip any part if need be, and add timestamps too.

However, the quality of the transcription depends on the sound quality of the uploaded file, and the better the sound quality, the more accurate the results. Additionally, if files are too large, it may take a lot of time to transcribe, and crosses the five minute set benchmark. It also has a little difficulty understanding multiple different accents.

A unique point of Temi is that it has been built by speech recognition experts who are also masters of machine learning. There is a little cost attached if there is need of the whole software, though, multiple shorter trial versions are available for free. Journalists, bloggers and podcasters or authors can best use this tool for their field of work.

8) Microsoft Bing Speech API

This Microsoft API is used for transcription purposes of the speech into text of any kind of audio streams that are fed to it. What this application does it, that it either displays whatever the transcribed text is, or it can follow and act upon the command given in the speech. It is best used in scenarios requiring conversion, dictation or an interactive participation, and gives great recognition results.

There are two important features to it: the REST APIs, where developers can use calls, HTTP format and use the service. Or else, there are Client Libraries also available for downloading, that belong to various platforms such as Windows, iOS, Android, etc. for any kind of integration.

It has great accuracy, is highly easy to use, and not very expensive, with a free trial version also available to check it before making a minimal purchase. One of its major advantages is that it supports multiple languages, for example, about 5 languages in conversation mode and 15 languages when it comes into dictation mode, so multilingual transcription is also possible.

Though, it gives the most accurate results when used in a continuous and real-time form, and may be slower in transcribing than other software.

9) Kaldi

Kaldi is a free speech-to-text software for Windows and Linux operating systems and available under the Apache License. The software was developed at John Hopkins University and was meant to offer super high-quality speech recognition solutions for multiple languages and domains.

It’s one of the few speech recognition software that is fully supported by leading technologies including deep neural networks and others. Kaldi comes with full support for general linear algebra, as well as, offers an extensible design for features-space discriminative training.

The code of the software was released back in 2014 and since then the platform is known for its intuitive interface and highest-quality standard for speech to text conversion.

10) Simon

Simon is a technologically advanced and highly flexible speech recognition software, available for Windows and Linux free of cost. The software offers high-level customization for all applications, thus can be used with all systems wherever speech recognition is required. What’s even better is that Simon isn’t bounded by any language, and can work with high accuracy with all major dialects. The software essentially brings in the automation to replace the mouse and keyboard.

The technology behind Simon includes KDE libraries, along with HTK, and CMU SPHINX. The software is available open-source and free of cost for Windows and Linux operating systems. Apart from being a speech recognition software, Simon also allows controlling computers through voice commands. The software is equally suited for disabled people. The strong architecture behind Simon means it can easily be used with all languages and dialects. Simon can be used to control various software and applications including media centers, emails, web browsers, etc.

11) Verbit

Verbit brings advanced transcription and captioning features using artificial intelligence (AI). The software specifically is meant to help enterprises, and educational institutes in faster, and precise speech-to-text conversion.

The software leverage multiple speech models including neural network models, and AI algorithms to suppress the background noise and improve the accuracy of the transcription by understanding the speakers regardless of accent. The AI algorithms also enable software to identify and incorporate contextual events from the speech.

Overall, Verbit is an ideal solution for transcription services, even though the software does offer direct speech-to-text service.

12) Speech Texter (Web Chrome, Android)

Speech Texter is a free speech-to-text conversion software that specifically works on Chrome browser or with Android. While the app’s privacy policy does mention that it doesn’t store any of the text, the text may be processed by Google’s server (since you will be doing it online through Chrome browser or Android app). So, one should keep that in mind.

The application offers easy transcription of speech, with great accuracy. The platform does allow live transcription, where you can click start and begin talking. Once the transcription is done, the text is shown in the main window with the “Result Confidence Wheel”, showing the estimated percent of accurately transcribed words.

13) Vocola3

Vocola3 is yet another great free speech-to-text converter. The software works in association with “Window Speech Recognition”, which helps to improve the accuracy and speed of the transcription service.

To be able to use the software, you would have to activate Windows Speech Recognition, before installing the Vocola3. Once the software is installed, simply turn on the settings of Vocol3 from the system tray and you are good to start transcribing. To further improve the features and functionalities of the software, different extensions can also be integrated into the Vocola3.

Best Free and Paid Speech to Text Software for Windows in 2022

14) Dragon Professional Individual

Dragon by far the gold standard when it comes to speech recognition software even today. Filled with several features and extensive customisation capabilities, Dragon Professional Individual is without question the best speech to text software available in the industry. Using deep learning technology allows the program to adapt to the user’s voice and environmental variations in real-time. Dragon automatically adds frequently used words and phrases to an internal repository to minimise the number of corrections.

Furthermore, using the Smart Format Rules, users can easily configure how they want specific items (e.g. dates, phone numbers) to appear. Dragon Professional Individual’s advanced personalisation features allow for maximum flexibility coupled with efficiency and productivity. You can also import or export custom lists for words, acronyms and various business-specific terms. If that was not enough, you could even configure custom voice commands to do the actions you do most often. Or quickly inserting frequently used content (e.g. text, graphics) in documents, and even create time-saving macros to automate multi-step tasks with simple voice commands.

Compatibility: Any device with windows version 7 and up.

Price: $300

Download Link: https://www.nuance.com/dragon/business-solutions/dragon-professional-individual.html

15) Windows Dictation

If you would like a reliable speech to text software for Windows 10, you don’t even need to look elsewhere, as Microsoft’s newest OS already comes with one. The new and improved dictation feature lets you capture all your thoughts and ideas using only your voice both quickly and accurately. Furthermore, due to the deep integration between the app and Windows, Dictation works seamlessly with just about any text field in Windows 10. To start using the app, select a text field and press the “Windows + H” keys in combination to launch the dictation toolbar.

To insert any particular letter, number, punctuation mark, and symbols by just saying their names (e.g. to enter $, say “dollar symbol” or “dollar sign”). Dictation also supports numerous voice commands that allow you to select/edit text, move the cursor to a specified location, and more. However, Dragon is not available in any language besides U.S. English, and you require an internet connection.

Compatibility: Any devices with Windows version 8.1 and up

Price: Free

Get it from Windows or visit:

https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4042244/windows-10-use-dictation for more details

16) Briana Pro

Braina Pro is a personal virtual assistant with artificial intelligence as its backbone. The app can process over 100 languages and can automate various computer tasks, set alarms and reminders. Furthermore, Briana Pro can also serve as a dictionary and thesaurus with text to speech options as well.

Compatibility: Any devices with Windows installed and a microphone

Price: $239

Download Link: https://www.brainasoft.com/braina/download.html

Best Free Trial Speech to Text Apps for Android

17) Gboard Voice Typing

Of the many keyboard apps available for Android, Gboard is arguably the most popular and is one of the best free text to speech software available. Google’s keyboard comes with several attractive features, such as glide typing and one-handed mode. But aside from these, it also boasts robust speech recognition capabilities. You can use your voice for anything and everything from writing emails to responding to text messages. Gboard’s Voice Typing works with any Android app that accepts text input. To use the feature, all you have to do is tap the microphone icon (located at the right side of Gboard’s suggestion strip), and start dictating when “Speak now” is displayed.

Any errors in the transcribed text can be manually corrected. You can also use Gboard’s Voice Typing functionality to replace words in any document or message. For this, select the target word, and tap the microphone icon. Once “Speak now” is displayed, say the new word to have it replace the existing word. Gboard supports dictation in multiple languages and offers offline use as well.

Compatibility: Any Android device

Price: Free

Download Link: https://support.google.com/gboard/answer/2781851?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en

18) Dragon Anywhere

Dragon Anywhere brings you superior dictation capabilities wherever you may be with high-quality speech recognition and desktop apps. Although an internet connection is a must, it is a small price to pay for this versatile software. Dragon Anywhere is the mobile version built for both Android and iOS devices, which is rare. However, Dragon anywhere is not ‘lite’ in any way and offers fully-formed dictation capabilities powered by the cloud.

The app also facilitates removing and adding boilerplate chunks of text with a single command along with auto-syncing of custom vocabularies between the mobile app and desktop Dragon software. However, you can only translate text from within Dragon Anywhere. You cannot use it in other apps and directly input your text. Nonetheless, even with these limitations, it is still an excellent application to use for all your speech to text needs.

Compatibility: Android, iOS | Features: Dictation, sync with Dragon Professional and cloud services

Price: 7-day free trial; 12 months @ $149.99/year; 1 month @ $14.99/month

19) English Voice Typing Keyboard

English Voice Typing Keyboard – Voice to Text Converter as it instantly converts spoken words to text format with high accuracy.

With the advancement in technology and the rapid growth of the world English Voice Typing keyboard – Voice to Text will facilitate your life. Voice to text apps can be a treat for busy professionals who don’t even find time to have a conversation with their loved ones. Voice typing is actually a speech recognition tool that records, analyzes and interprets the phrases and words you speak and converts your voice into words much faster than it would take you to type. This feature is useful for visually impaired people to take notes and convey their messages in the easiest way. Voice typing in English will increase your confidence in speaking English in such a way that if you do not understand any phrase, word or sentence, it will confirm it and give alternative suggestions. With each update, app developers try to innovate new core features.
In addition to voice typing, it also has built-in aesthetic wallpapers, funky stickers and cute emojis that will blow your mind. The application is very convenient to use while dealing with clients who do not speak the same language as you or useful for those who have moved abroad for study or business purpose. Speechnotes is exemplary for codifying long notes, is a delight for the students to take notes and will save them in chats for later.

Price: Free

Accuracy Rate: Not disclosed

20) E-Dictate App

E-Dictate is an Android application for converting voice to text with an interpreter

One of the most reliable free online applications with which you type your voice and translate text

E-Dictate – is the most secure, highly accurate, and intuitive speech recognition application available for Android smartphones. You can use it to do the following:

– Dictate in any language of the world and watch the text print on the screen
– You can convert thousands of phrases into the text;
– You can send all content via e-mail or messaging applications
– Record your voice and later convert the mp3 file to text

This software is designed for bloggers, writers, drivers, runners, busy people, teenagers, visually impaired people who have difficulty finding letters on the keyboard, and those who prefer to type quickly and easily.

Unlike other one-touch speech-to-text applications, turn on the recording and start speaking, and the application will convert your speech to text, and the longer you spend using it, the artificial intelligence “learns” your voice.

What can this app do that turns your voice into text using voice recognition technology?

– It is useful for writing long and short texts. Dictate freehand for hours! Punctuation for voice input; continuous speech recognition; recall the command for the last voice input, triggered by a button or voice.
– The percentage of accuracy of speech-to-text conversion exceeds 96 and clearly shows the best quality compared to other voice-to-text conversion software.
– Copy, edit, share, export notes, and print with just one click.
– Automatic capitalization.
– The size of this best application for converting voice to text is only 20MB.

For desktops, laptops go to: https://dictate.pro

Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=rs.edukom.diktat

Best Free Speech to Text Apps for Mac/iPhone/iOS Devices

21) Apple Dictation

Apple Dictation is one of the best free speech to text software that comes built-in with most Apple devices. It uses Siri’s servers to process up to 30 seconds of speech at a time (remember to connect to the internet). Apple Dictate is the ideal option for quickly getting your thoughts down on paper. Still, if you want to create content with longer for your voice and you’ve upgraded your Mac’s operating system to version 10.9 or later, then the better option would be Enhanced Dictation.

Furthermore, Apple Dictate helps you transcribe speech to text without an internet connection and is especially handy when faced with time constraints. With more than 70 voice commands, you can effectively control all your Mac’s actions, including typing, editing, and formatting for any document.

Compatibility: Mac

Price: Free

Get it from the Mac device’s Apple Menu by going to System Preferences, then click on keyboard and then go to dictation.

22) Voice Texting Pro

Voice Texting Pro is a professional app built by Sparking Apps with a 4+ rating App Store. It requires iOS version 5.1.1 or later since that app works best on the iPhone 5. Furthermore, much like most Apple software, the app prioritises the User Interface (UI) above all else, so it is effortless to use. All of its features are available from a single screen, and there are many in-app purchases available, including voice texting and adding languages.

Compatibility: Mac/iOS devices

Price: Free

Get it from the Apple App Store or https://apps.apple.com/us/app/voice-texting-pro/id542300792

5 Best Speech to Text Recognition Software for Windows 11

To fully utilize the benefits of speech to text recognition software, you need to look for apps that cater directly to your business needs. 

Here we have chosen some of the best speech to text recognition software available for Windows 11 along with its positives and negatives so that you can easily find an app that matches all your business needs.

23) Dragon Naturally Speaking

Dragon Naturally Speaking is one of the highest rated speech to text recognition software options available in the market, specifically if you want to integrate your program with Windows 11.

The app transcribes information from audios three times faster than regular typing can, while boasting an accuracy rate of 99%.

Dragon Naturally Speaking instantly records all the words you speak on screen in real-time and it comes with support for Windows touchscreen PCs. 

The software has different versions. Dragon Naturally Speaking Home edition is suitable for students, parents, and general at-home multitasking. The professional version is for office use and has a greater speed and accuracy. 


  • The software can edit the text in real-time
  • You can use your voice for google searches, organizing your calendar, and emailing friends and work colleagues at the same time
  • It is extremely accurate
  • Excellent customer care
  • The website helps you learn how to use the app correctly
  • The app adapts to accents and dialects 


  • The app may occasionally collapse when integrating with Outlook
  • Certain combinations of voice messages and commands can be difficult for the system to understand and respond to


Dragon Naturally Speaking Professional Version is available for Windows for a total one-time payment of 500 USD. 

The software offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. 

24) e-Speaking

e-Speaking is dictation software that is an optimal option for Windows 11 because it uses Microsoft’s speech application program and interface and net framework. 

The app allows you to control your computer through your voice. You can dictate documents, transcribe voice messages, document emails, and even read text out loud. 

e-Speaking comes with multiple in-built functions, that allow you to perform a lot of tasks together. For example, you can access the internet and Excel while transcribing. Along with this, the software is very customizable as new commands can be added to it. 


  • The app integrates well with Windows 
  • It is customizable and new commands can be added to meet your particular business operations
  • It offers tutorials and excellent customer support
  • The software is very user-friendly and is a great option for users with disabilities


  • e-Speaking is not as accurate as other speech to text recognition software


e-Speaking is very affordable as an upgrade license costs 14 USD. The app also offers a 30-day free trial version.

25) Speechmatics

Speechmatics is speech to text recognition software that automates the transcription process through its machine learning technology.

Speechmatics can convert saved audio and video files into text, as well translating in real-time. The app also uses commands like keyword searches to make going through translations more comprehensive. 

Speechmatics is also well-equipped to support a range of accents. 


  • It can comprehend multiple accents
  • It can comprehend multiple languages
  • It is comprehensive and has features like keyword searches and media captioning 
  • It boasts both high speed and accuracy


  • It does not offer a free trial version
  • You have to manually confirm that your transcription is complete, it does not automatically inform you of a document’s completion
  • The documents created are all PDFs and cannot be edited


Speechmatics offers 600 minutes of free speech to text recognition, but it does not have a proper free trial. 

Speechmatics is available for 8.33 USD per month. 

26) Microsoft Azure Speech to Text 

Microsoft Azure speech to text is cloud-based software that is a part of Azure’s platform for cognitive services. 

The software allows real-time transcription, as well as transcription of saved video and audio files. The app also has functions that can cater to accents, speech patterns, and even background noise. 

Microsoft Azure is highly customizable and offers settings that can adjust to specialist terminology, product and place names, and technical information. 


  • The app can cater to multiple speakers at one time and can distinguish between their voices
  • It offers customization for proper nouns
  • It is highly accurate and reliable


  • The software is complicated to set up and the process can be take a lot of time
  • It does not offer a wide range of language translations 


The standard cost pricing for Microsoft Azure Speech to Text software is 1600 USD for 2000 hours, with 0.80 USD per hour.

27) IMB Watson Speech to Text

IBM Watson Speech to Text is a cloud-based speech to text recognition software. It has the option to transcribe in real-time, as well as the ability to download multiple audio files and then transcribe and translate them collectively.

The app has features that allow you to use smart formatting, timestamps and implement editing for technical words, acronyms, and numbers. 


  • The app is easy to install and use
  • It has a feature for smart formatting
  • The software allows you to process multiple audio files at one point in time


  • The app may be considered expensive
  • Its ability to recognize multiple speakers may be a bit complex to use


The software costs 80 USD per month or 960 USD per year. 

Best speech to text Software FAQs:

Is there speech to text on Microsoft Word?

Yes, dictation technology is available for Microsoft Word independently and as a part of Windows 10. Just press the Windows and H key to launch the toolbar and start speaking. However, it is best to use the Microsoft Office speech to text tool since it will work seamlessly with any Office product. Here’s how you can activate the dictation feature if you are an Office 365 subscriber https://support.office.com/en-us/article/dictate-your-documents-d4fd296e-8f15-4168-afec-1f95b13a6408.

What is the best voice recognition software for Mac?

The best text to speech software for Mac systems is the built-in Apple Dictation software. It is also one of the best text to speech software with natural voices. To use it, go to the Apple menu to activate and enjoy.


In recent years, dictation software has become a staple for individuals and organisations alike as it becomes more readily available. It has become more comfortable to use, less expensive, and once you become experienced enough, it can significantly increase writing speed and make you more productive. Even if you’re not using the best speech to text software, it is still a necessary tool for people with accessibility issues or people trying to prevent repetitive stress disorders from typing too much.

However, remember that dictation may not always be right for every ask. It is best to use it for writing speeches, dialogue or commentary. Dictation can also be used effectively for making lists and writing notes. Fortunately, there exists technology by the name of speech to text software, thanks to the software development services that are available to us.

Please feel free to reach out to us, if you have any questions. In case you need any help with development, installation, integration, up-gradation and customization of your Business Solutions. We have expertise in Deep learning, Computer Vision, Predictive learning, CNN, HOG and NLP.

Connect with us for more information at Contact@folio3.ai

Программы для перевода голоса в текст

Любой пользователь компьютера может столкнуться с ситуацией, когда необходимо голосом ввести какой-либо текст на компьютере. Помимо стандартных решений Windows, существуют сторонние приложения, позволяющие сделать это. Предлагаем рассмотреть лучшие из них.


Первым делом рассмотрим бесплатную утилиту MSpeech от независимого разработчика Михаила Григорьева, распространяющего свой продукт бесплатно с открытым исходным кодом. В основе решения лежит технология Google Voice API, предназначенная для распознавания человеческой речи и дальнейшего ее преобразования в текст. Распознанный текст вводится в специальное окно, откуда его можно легко перенести в другие приложения разными способами. Поддерживается порядка 50 различных языков, включая русский. Доступны горячие клавиши для удобной активации и завершения записи.

Интерфейс программы MSpeech

Предусмотрен простой текстовый редактор, в котором можно выполнить первичную коррекцию полученного текста: заменить определенные слова другими или изменить первые буквы предложений на прописные. В качестве источника звука можно использовать любое устройство, подключенное к компьютеру. Если их несколько, то MSpeech предложит выбрать подходящее. Меню программы поддерживает русский язык. Помимо этого, она совместима со следующими интерфейсами: Microsoft SAPI, Google Text-to-Speech, iSpeech Text-to-Speech, Yandex Text-to-Speech и др.

Скачать последнюю версию MSpeech с официального сайта

Читайте также: Голосовой ввод текста на компьютере


На очереди еще одно простое приложение для транскрибации, которое изначально создавалось командой разработчиков с разных стран. Сейчас в качестве создателя выступает один независимый программист, продолжающий развивать его. LossPlay можно использовать не только для перевода голоса в текст, но и в качестве обычного плеера для прослушивания музыки и других аудиофайлов. Решение поддерживает любое актуальное расширение от MP3 до WMA. Управление воспроизведением осуществляется с помощью настраиваемых горячих клавиш.

Интерфейс программы LossPlay

LossPlay оптимизирован для работы с текстовыми документами Microsoft Word. Распознаваемый текст вводится в программе без участия пользователя. Помимо этого, предусмотрена функция автоматической вставки тайм-кодов всех фраз. Интерфейс рассматриваемого решения представлен в виде привычного плеера с дополнительными функциями. При этом с меню справится даже начинающий пользователь. LossPlay распространяется на бесплатной основе на русском языке.

Скачать последнюю версию LossPlay с официального сайта

Читайте также: Набираем текст голосом в Документах Гугл


Transcriber-Pro — программа от российских разработчиков, предназначенная для ручной расшифровки аудио и видеофайлов в текст. Присутствует встроенный текстовый редактор со всеми необходимыми функциями для качественной транскрибации: вставка временных меток и дикторов, простая навигация по записи, коррекция без повторного прослушивания, формирование профессиональное стенограммы и др. Управление осуществляется с помощью настраиваемых горячих клавиш, что делает решение более удобным.

Интерфейс программы Transcriber-Pro


Рассматриваемое приложение позволяет работать в команде над одним проектом. Предусмотрена оперативная техническая поддержка для обладателей платной лицензии. Подписка оформляется на год. На официальном сайте можно ознакомиться с системными требованиями, посмотреть наглядный видеоролик по работе с Transcriber-Pro, а также увидеть подробное руководство пользователя.

Скачать последнюю версию Transcriber-Pro с официального сайта

Читайте также: Программы для озвучки текста

Express Scribe

Express Scribe — многофункциональный инструмент для ручной расшифровки аудиозаписей, представленный в виде удобного плеера с дополнительными возможностями. В одном интерфейсе сосредоточен звуковой и текстовый модуль, что избавляет пользователя от необходимости переключаться между окнами. Среди примечательных особенностей стоит отметить возможность переключаться между звуковыми дорожками, переходить к конкретным ее частям, а также добавлять заметки с тайм-кодами.

Интерфейс программы Express Scribe

Для открытия файла можно использовать директорию компьютера, FTP-сервер, компакт-диск, электронное письмо или внешние накопители. Помимо этого, Express Scribe поддерживает портативное аудиозаписывающее оборудование. Рассматриваемое решение работает с огромным количеством звуковых форматов: WAV, MP3, WMA, VOX, AU, DSS и др. Поддерживаются расширения диктофонов Philips Digital Recorder, GSM 6.10, ALaw, DSP и т. д. Стоит отметить, что некоторые форматы недоступны в демо-версии, а русский язык здесь вообще не предусмотрен.

Скачать последнюю версию Express Scribe с официального сайта


Voco — простая утилита для автоматического распознавания человеческой речи и преобразования в текст. Она работает в фоновом режиме, а соответствующий значок можно найти в трее. Микрофон запускается при нажатии комбинации горячих клавиш, после чего пользователь произносит нужные слова и уже через несколько секунд они появляются на экране. Благодаря совершенным алгоритмам система практически не ошибается, а скорость ее работы превышает опытных стенографистов.

Интерфейс программы Voco

Механизм Voco позволяет выставлять знаки препинания голосом и переводить курсор на новую строчку или абзац. Помимо этого, предусмотрена функция расшифровки аудио или видеофайла, но она доступна только в платной версии. Утилита имеет развивающийся словарный запас, который может пополнить любой пользователь. База уже насчитывает более 85 тысяч слов. Для получения демо-версии необходимо заполнить специальную анкету. Присутствует русская локализация.

Скачать последнюю версию Voco с официального сайта

Это были наиболее надежные и популярные средства для перевода голоса в текст. Одни из них работают в автоматическом режиме, где достаточно загрузить аудиофайл или воспользоваться микрофоном, другие же представляют собой лишь вспомогательный инструмент, значительно упрощающий ручную транскрибацию.

  • You can use the speech-to-text feature on Windows to dictate text in any window, document, or field that you could ordinarily type in.  
  • To get started with speech-to-text, you need to enable your microphone and turn on speech recognition in «Settings.»
  • Once configured, you can press Win + H to open the speech recognition control and start dictating. 
  • Visit Business Insider’s Tech Reference library for more stories.

One of the lesser known major features in Windows 10 is the ability to use speech-to-text technology to dictate text rather than type. If you have a microphone connected to your computer, you can have your speech quickly converted into text, which is handy if you suffer from repetitive strain injuries or are simply an inefficient typist.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Windows 10 (From $139.99 at Best Buy)

Acer Chromebook 15 (From $179.99 at Walmart)

How to turn on the speech-to-text feature on Windows

It’s likely that speech-to-text is not turned on by default, so you need to enable it before you start dictating to Windows.

1. Click the «Start» button and then click «Settings,» designated by a gear icon.

2. Click «Time & Language.»

3. In the navigation pane on the left, click «Speech.»

4. If you’ve never set up your microphone, do it now by clicking «Get started» in the Microphone section. Follow the instructions to speak into the microphone, which calibrates it for dictation. 

5. Scroll down and click «Speech, inking, & typing privacy settings» in the «Related settings» section. Then slide the switch to «On» in the «Online speech recognition» section. If you don’t have the sliding switch, this may appear as a button called «Turn on speech services and typing suggestions.»

How to use speech to text on Windows 1

Turn on online speech recognition in the «Speech» privacy settings to be able to dictate within Windows.

Dave Johnson/Business Insider

How to use speech-to-text on Windows

Once you’ve turned speech-to-text on, you can start using it to dictate into any window or field that accepts text. You can dictate into word processing apps, Notepad, search boxes, and more. 

1. Open the app or window you want to dictate into. 

2. Press Win + H. This keyboard shortcut opens the speech recognition control at the top of the screen. 

3. Now just start speaking normally, and you should see text appear. 

How to use speech to text on Windows 2

Press Win + H to start dictating inside any window, document, or text field.

Dave Johnson/Business Insider

If you pause for more than a few moments, Windows will pause speech recognition. It will also pause if you use the mouse to click in a different window. To start again, click the microphone in the control at the top of the screen. You can stop voice recognition for now by closing the control at the top of the screen. 

Common commands you should know for speech-to-text on Windows

In general, Windows will convert anything you say into text and place it in the selected window. But there are many commands that, rather than being translated into text, will tell Windows to take a specific action. Most of these commands are related to editing text, and you can discover many of them on your own – in fact, there are dozens of these commands. Here are the most important ones to get you started:

  • Punctuation. You can speak punctuation out loud during dictation. For example, you can say «Dear Steve comma how are you question mark.» 
  • New line. Saying «new line» has the same effect as pressing the Enter key on the keyboard.
  • Stop dictation. At any time, you can say «stop dictation,» which has the same effect as pausing or clicking another window. 
  • Go to the [start/end] of [document/paragraph]. Windows can move the cursor to various places in your document based on a voice command. You can say «go to the start of the document,» or «go to the end of the paragraph,» for example, to quickly start dictating text from there. 
  • Undo that. This is the same as clicking «Undo» and undoes the last thing you dictated. 
  • Select [word/paragraph]. You can give commands to select a word or paragraph. It’s actually a lot more powerful than that – you can say things like «select the previous three paragraphs.» 

Related coverage from Tech Reference:

  • How to use your iPad as a second monitor for your Windows computer

  • You can use text-to-speech in the Kindle app on an iPad using an accessibility feature— here’s how to turn it on

  • How to use text-to-speech on Discord, and have the desktop app read your messages aloud

  • How to use Google text-to-speech on your Android phone to hear text instead of reading it

  • 2 ways to lock a Windows computer from your keyboard and quickly secure your data

Dave Johnson

Freelance Writer

Dave Johnson is a technology journalist who writes about consumer tech and how the industry is transforming the speculative world of science fiction into modern-day real life. Dave grew up in New Jersey before entering the Air Force to operate satellites, teach space operations, and do space launch planning. He then spent eight years as a content lead on the Windows team at Microsoft. As a photographer, Dave has photographed wolves in their natural environment; he’s also a scuba instructor and co-host of several podcasts. Dave is the author of more than two dozen books and has contributed to many sites and publications including CNET, Forbes, PC World, How To Geek, and Insider.

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