Spybot anti beacon for windows 10 portable

Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 is a small utility designed to block and stop the various tracking (aka telemetry) issues that come with Windows 10. Seeing the bunch of incomplete or broken scripts to disable tracking in Windows 10, and the tools that install adware or worse in exchange for their function, we wrapped disabling tracking up in a small tool that’s free and

January 4, 2016 — 6:33pm



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Joined: 2009-10-18 17:57

Spybot Anti-Beacon (Portable)

Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 is a small utility designed to block and stop the various tracking (aka telemetry) issues that come with Windows 10. Seeing the bunch of incomplete or broken scripts to disable tracking in Windows 10, and the tools that install adware or worse in exchange for their function, we wrapped disabling tracking up in a small tool that’s free and clean. With the upcoming news about telemetry in Windows 7 and 8.1, Spybot Anti-Beacon has added support for those as well.

Supported OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10


After upgrading to Windows 10 and hearing of all the ‘spying’ that was taking place, I began to think Windows 10 was to intrusive for my liking that is until I came across this application. It would be nice if this application can make it into the portableapps catalog alongside Spybot Search and Destroy.

Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 — небольшая бесплатная утилита, предназначенная для блокирования и остановки различных методов отслеживания (например, телеметрия), которые присутствуют в Windows 10.

В верхней части окна расположена полоса, окрашенная в красный цвет, которая показывает на сколько процентов защищена конфиденциальность пользователя. Ниже отображаются модули операционной системы, которые доступны для отключения.

Spybot Anti-Beacon отключает хосты и службы телеметрии, программу улучшения качества, WiFi контроль, запись действий на компе, обновление ОС через P2P, блокирует приложения, которые используют идентификатор рекламы и т.д.

Для блокировки отслеживания нужно нажать кнопку Immunize. Кнопка Undo позволит отменить изменения сделанные программой.

Также вы сможете отключить и некоторые другие модули Windows 10, такие как OneDrive, Cortana, поиск и удаленный реестр. Данная функция доступна во кладке «Оptional».

Программа не требует установки, достаточно разархивировать и запустить.

Safer Networking, the developers of Spybot have released a new tool for Windows 10, called Spybot Anti-Beacon, that allows Windows 10 users to immunize their computers and changes settings, so that Windows 10 phones home less.

Concerns have been raised about Windows 10 privacy settings, with users fearing rightly or wrongly that Windows 10 collects a lot of data, which it send home to Microsoft. Seeing that there was currently no good tool which can safely disable tracking in Windows 10, Spybot decided to release this tool. Seeing the bunch of incomplete or broken scripts to disable tracking in Windows 10, and the tools that install adware or worse in exchange for their function, we wrapped disabling tracking up in a small tool that’s free and clean, says Spybot. You will have to download the portable tool from Dropbox, as Spybot has preferred to host the download there. Once you have downloaded the tool, run the executable file. You will see the following window. Create a system restore point first and then click on Immunize.

This will disable the following

  • Telemetry Hosts
  • Telemetry Services
  • Consumer Experience Improvements Program
  • Application Impact Telemetry
  • Steps Recorder
  • Wi-Fi Sense
  • Apps using advertising ID
  • P2P Windows Updates outside local network.



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OS: Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG
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Size: 9,91 MB.

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Products » Spybot Anti-Beacon

Want Privacy?

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Did you know that:

  • Windows sends personally identifying information to Microsoft?
  • Windows tracks your system use to serve you personalized ads?
  • Windows might use your Internet connection to spread their updates, using up the bandwidth you paid for?
  • Windows automatically installs software it thinks you might like?
  • All standard browsers phone home?
  • Many pre-installed software includes telemetry that phones home?

Telemetry is merely a new name to give tracking of users a pretended user interest. Spybot Anti-Beacon was designed to address these privacy concerns for user of Microsoft Windows (from the modern Windows 10 back to Windows 7). Anti-Beacon Plus even addresses telemetry of popular browsers and some pre-installed manufacturer software.

Anti-Beacon has been designed to be absolutely simple to use, so get your copy now and stop being tracked!

If you are a loyal Spybot customer and already own a Spybot Professional Edition, Anti-Beacon Plus is already included. It will be unlocked for you during installation!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question, please check here if it has been answered before. You may save yourself time and effort.

We do like hearing from our users but we also like to see their issues resolved as quickly as possible!

Thank you!

Does Anti-Beacon support Windows 10 April Update (1803)?

Yes, we’ve updated Anti-Beacon to support changes made by Windows 10 April Update (Version 1803). To benefit from blocking the new tracking schemes, please use at least Spybot Anti-Beacon version 2.1.

Does Anti-Beacon support Windows 10 October 2018 Update (1809)?

Spybot Anti-Beacon 3.1  supports new privacy settings of the Windows 10 October 2018 like clipboard cloud sharing.

You can read more about Anti-Beacon using the link below:

Spybot Anti-Beacon

How to activate my Anti-Beacon license?

To activate your Anti-Beacon License:

Press License within the software then click the button Enter License Key.

Here you can enter the license key you’ve received on the purchase confirmation page (and in the email and receipt as well).

How to check if Anti-Beacon is responsible for missing Windows functionality?

Anti-Beacon blocks various parts of Windows that can be regarding as tracking you, the user. In case this has unwanted side-effects, please open up Anti-Beacon, press the Customize button and test, one by one, which Anti-Beacon immunizer is responsible for this.

Some changes Spybot Anti-Beacon applies can only be reverted by rebooting the system after undoing the Anti-Beacon immunizer.

Why should I buy Anti-Beacon Plus?

Keeping track of changes that appear in Windows updates requires time and knowledge. A curated list packed into a simple to use application saves you the effort required to research all necessary settings. Our regular updates will help you to keep your mind on more important things.

Buy now!

Choose one year license or subscription at checkout.


Acer User Experience Improvement Program

Let’s read what Acer states about the Acer User Experience (AUE) Improvement Program does:

The Acer User Experience app is used to collect customer behaviors when using Acer PC products and send the information back for further analysis. This aids in improving the user experience and satisfaction of new products or updated versions of existing products.

What Acer does not tell is which data exactly is collected and transmitted, which would be essential for any data collection.

We recommend to disable this immediately if it was pre-installed by Acer on your computer.


Adjust is an app analytics platform. They advertise their product for example with how this company used it:

Find out how ABA English did it

By syncing comprehensive in-app and campaign data to their own business intelligence system, ABA English have created in-depth user behaviour models which have enabled them to see exponential growth. In three short years they’ve acquired over 12 million users, with the majority of them using their apps.

Discover how they….

Tracked all in-app events and synced all data back to their own BI platform to tie together the entire user journey

It is used in popular software like Avira Antivirus or G-DATA Internet Security Light, rendering them Tracking Software or Spyware.

Adobe Marketo

Quoting Adobe:

Marketo Engage uses in-depth profiles, real-time behavioral and demographic data, and the power of AI to personalized web experiences, landing pages, emails, and more. Even anonymous visitors get experiences hand picked just for them.

Apple Telemetry

This immunizer blocks a range of telemetry services from Apple products. While Apple telemetry can usually be disabled, some people feel better with this additional layer of stopping it.


Appsflyer is a marketing analytics platform according to their own website:

AppsFlyer is the world’s leading mobile attribution & marketing analytics platform, helping app marketers around the world make better decisions.

AppsFlyer’s People-Based attribution breaks down data silos providing marketers with unified access to data on every touchpoint along the user journey.

It has been added because we encountered apps that do not inform the user about the use of AppsFlyer. Since any contacts to third parties can be regarded as sharing PII (Personally Identifiable Information) in the European Union (IP addresses are PII), software using third party web servers can be regarded as tracking, and without proper information, consent and control, as Spyware.

Avast Telemetry

AVG Antivirus is an antivirus application that uses tracking of user interactions. It uses Avast services for this tracking as well as its own.

AVG Antivirus has an installer that points at an End User License Agreement. Before the user is able to read this, it has already started tracking the user. The End User License Agreement does not even allow copy and paste to save selected information for a later point, but is available online as well. Usage behaviour tracking is described as «information about your […] use of Solutions».

7.1. The term “Data,” as used in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, means: (a) the information you provide to Vendor, another member of the Vendor Group, or a Vendor Partner in the course of ordering Solutions, including your name, billing address (including postal code), email address, phone number, payment card or account number, payment card or account verification code, payment card commencement date and expiration date, the account password you select for your account with Vendor or another member of the Vendor Group, and other Billing Data as defined in Vendor’s Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”, which you can find here) (collectively, “Transaction Data”); (b) information Vendor, another member of the Vendor Group or a Vendor Partner collects in the course of processing and fulfilling your orders for Solutions, including information about the make, model, operating system and other identifying details of your Device, the name of your Internet service provider, your Internet Protocol (IP) address; and (c) information about your installation and use of Solutions ((b) and (c) collectively being referred to as “Service Data” in the Privacy Policy).

Is it spyware?

We use the ASCs definition of Tracking Software and Spyware:

Tracking software
Software that monitors user behavior, or gathers information about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other sensitive information, through an executable program.»
In its narrow sense, Spyware is a term for Tracking Software deployed without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user.»

Since the term adequate is not well defined in the ASCs context, we use both the European GDPR and compare Information, Consent and Control to what is standard for Windows itself.

Very insufficient: hidden deep within a page long EULA, user tracking is mentioned.
Bad: tracking starts before the user is informed.
Good: after installation, the settings allow to disable selected telemetry. It is possible to disable telemetry for marketing without disabling.
AVG Telemetry

AVG Antivirus is an antivirus application that uses tracking of user interactions.

AVG Antivirus has an installer that points at an End User License Agreement. Before the user is able to read this, it has already started tracking the user. The End User License Agreement does not even allow copy and paste to save selected information for a later point, but is available online as well. Usage behaviour tracking is described as «information about your […] use of Solutions».

7.1. The term “Data,” as used in this Agreement and the Privacy Policy, means: (a) the information you provide to Vendor, another member of the Vendor Group, or a Vendor Partner in the course of ordering Solutions, including your name, billing address (including postal code), email address, phone number, payment card or account number, payment card or account verification code, payment card commencement date and expiration date, the account password you select for your account with Vendor or another member of the Vendor Group, and other Billing Data as defined in Vendor’s Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”, which you can find here) (collectively, “Transaction Data”); (b) information Vendor, another member of the Vendor Group or a Vendor Partner collects in the course of processing and fulfilling your orders for Solutions, including information about the make, model, operating system and other identifying details of your Device, the name of your Internet service provider, your Internet Protocol (IP) address; and (c) information about your installation and use of Solutions ((b) and (c) collectively being referred to as “Service Data” in the Privacy Policy).

Is it spyware?

We use the ASCs definition of Tracking Software and Spyware:

Tracking software
Software that monitors user behavior, or gathers information about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other sensitive information, through an executable program.»
In its narrow sense, Spyware is a term for Tracking Software deployed without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user.»

Since the term adequate is not well defined in the ASCs context, we use both the European GDPR and compare Information, Consent and Control to what is standard for Windows itself.

Very insufficient: hidden deep within a page long EULA, user tracking is mentioned.
Bad: tracking starts before the user is informed.
Good: after installation, the settings allow to disable selected telemetry. It is possible to disable telemetry for marketing without disabling.

Avocet is an advertisement network.

It has been added because we encountered apps that do not inform the user about the use of Avocet. Since any contacts to third parties can be regarded as sharing PII (Personally Identifiable Information) in the European Union (IP addresses are PII), software using third party web servers can be regarded as tracking, and without proper information, consent and control, as spyware.

Blizzard Battle.Net Telemetry

Blizzard Games like World of Warcraft have a dedicated telemetry server they contact. The file at Battle.net/Telemetry/Policies (location depends on OS, on Windows it’s in %ProgramData%, on macOS it’s in /Users/Shared/) gives a hint at the types of telemetry events that might be tracked, listing the following categories:

  • network
  • process
  • traffic
  • log
  • connect
  • logon
  • disconnect
  • processStart
  • processFinish
  • probe
  • http
  • journal
  • pingdom
  • survey
  • agent
  • atlas
  • ngdp
  • tact
  • pro
  • d3
CloudBees RollOut Telemetry

CloudBees allows publishers to track rollout of software:

CloudBees Feature Management is a feature flag management solution used by engineering and product teams to mitigate release risk and improve developer productivity and by product management teams for ultimate control and measurement of feature releases.

While in itself this is a useful feature, tracking through third party services requires information to the user. CloudBees was added because it was seen in use without user information.

COMODO Internet Security Telemetry

COMODO Internet Security installs a scheduled task for telemetry. Users are not aware of this kind of tracking (Source).

Dell SmartByte Telemetry

SmartByte is a service intended to boost network speed while streaming on Dell computers.

It sometimes comes preinstalled and users do not feel notified about it’s telemetry, which caused it to be targeted by this immunizer.

Epic Games Telemetry

This telemetry service was seen in what seems like offline games (for example Civilization V or VI) to track usage.


Fiksu was found to be used, among other trackers, by the password manager LastPass, on Android.

Firebase Crashlytics

Firebase Crashlytics is a platform that allows developers to track crashes:

Firebase Crashlytics is a lightweight, realtime crash reporter that helps you track, prioritize, and fix stability issues that erode your app quality. Crashlytics saves you troubleshooting time by intelligently grouping crashes and highlighting the circumstances that lead up to them.

Our issue with Crashlytics is that it is often implemented to track more, often tracking and submitting even every application start:

Crashlytics automatically starts collecting crash reports as soon as you add the SDK, but you can also customize your setup by adding opt-in reporting, logs, keys, and even tracking of non-fatal errors.

GOG (Good Old Games) Telemetry

Good Old Games, a store for DRM free games, offers a dedicated client to manage a customers collection of games. Their product page even advertises:

Your Privacy

Designed to protect your privacy.
No spying

We’re not spying on data from your computer.
No data sharing

We’ll never share your personal data with third parties.
Your data belongs to you

With a single click, you can remove your imported data from our servers.

At the same time, there are plenty of connections to insights-collector.gog.com, without information on what is done with this data. The option to remove this data with a single click was not found at the time of adding this immunizer.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an analytics platform used by many mobile and desktop apps.

It has been added because we encountered apps that do not inform the user about its use. Since any contacts to third parties can be regarded as sharing PII (Personally Identifiable Information) in the European Union (IP addresses are PII), software using third party web servers can be regarded as tracking, and without proper information, consent and control, as Spyware.

Google Chrome Telemetry

Google Chrome can send anonymous (and non-anonymous) usage statistics and crashed-related data to Google.

Quoting Google, they include:

These reports usually won’t include any personal information about you, but they might include:

  • Your Chrome settings
  • Where you click
  • How much memory is used by Chrome
  • Web pages you visit that contain phishing or malware
  • Web pages you visit where you’ve entered text using speech
  • Your device’s operating system, manufacturer, and model.
  • If Chrome crashes while you’re using it, some personal information might be included. This will depend on what was happening at the time of the crash.

This immunizer sets global group policies to block these.


HockeyApp is, among other things, an analytics platform:

Distribution, crashes and analytics are just a part of the story. We’ve built App Center with powerful new features and services that help you build better apps in record time.

HockeyApp is transitioning into Microsofts newer App Center. It has been since we’ve seen this analytics platform used without user information, consent or control, e.g. by BitDefender security solutions, rendering them Spyware.

Hotjar.com Behavior Analytics

Quoting Hotjar:

Traditional web analytics tools help you analyze traffic data. But numbers alone can’t tell you what users really do on your site — Hotjar will.

HP CEEment

HP CEEment is a telemetry module that is part of HP software.

HP itself describes CEEment as:

CEEment stands for Customer Experience Enhancement. CEEment (HPCEE.exe) is the reporting tool that HP uses to collect and study anonymous data. You can activate CEEment when you set up your computer. Or, you can activate using HP Advisor or HP Support Assistant at any time.

Some of the data reported using CEEment includes your model number, OS, region, locale, and BIOS version. If you wish to know specifically which data was collected, launch HP Support Assistant. Click Settings, scroll down to the bottom of the Health Analysis tab, and then click View information collected by HP.

HP Touchpoint Analytics

HP Touchpoint Analytics is a telemetry module pre-installed on HP devices.

Reports about this can for example be found on ComputerWorld: HP stealthily installs new spyware called HP Touchpoint Analytics Client. Details on collected data can be found at this AskWoody post and include lists of installed hard- and software.

  • ApplicationsInstalled
  • Battery
  • Biosphere
  • Bios
  • DiskLogical
  • DiskPhysical
  • DiskSelfTest
  • Display
  • DriverCrash
  • EnvironmentVariable
  • Graphics
  • HPBios
  • HPBiosSensors
  • HPITImage
  • HpsaMessages
  • HpsaUpdates
  • InstalledWindowsUpdates
  • MemoryPhysical
  • Memory
  • Network
  • OperatingSystem
  • PnPDevice
  • PnPDriver
  • Processor
  • RealTimeClock
  • Security
  • SmartDrive
  • StorageUsage
  • System
  • SystemSlots
  • SystemStateMonitor
  • SystemState
  • Thermal
  • WebHistory
  • WindowsEvents
  • WindowsProcesses
  • WindowsServices
  • WindowsUpdates
Intel Computing Improvement Program

Using the Intel Computing Improvement Program, you share a lot of personal information with Intel. Here is an excerpt from their Privacy Policy, showing what kind of data gets collected and transmitted.

If I participate in the Intel® Computing Improvement Program, what data is collected and how is it used?

Intel wants to provide the best computing experiences. To accomplish this, we would like your permission to collect, use, and combine information to understand:

  • The categories of websites you visit, but not the URL itself
  • How you use your computer
  • System information from your computer
  • Other devices in your computing environment

Usage information contains:

  • Software usage: for example, frequency and duration of application usage such as Intel® Driver & Support Assistant, but not the application content itself such as specific actions or keyboard input.
  • Feature usage: for example, how much RAM you usually use or your laptop’s average battery life.
  • Other devices in your computing environment
    • Includes universal plug and play devices and devices that broadcast information to your computer on a local area network: for example, smart TV model and vendor information, and video streaming devices.

  • The categories of websites you visit, but not the URL itself,
    • The information collected includes categorized web browsing history that shows how long and how often you visited specific categories of sites (i.e. social media, personal finance, or news). All site visits are classified into one of 30 categories. We do not collect URLs, web pages titles, or user-specific content without explicit permission from you.

Collected system information contains, but is not limited to:

  • Your device manufacturer
  • CPU model
  • Memory and display configuration
  • OS version
  • Software versions
  • Region and language settings
  • Regional location and time zone

If I participate in the program, is there any personal information in the data collected?

The information we collect:

  • Will not include any directly identifying personal information such as name, email address, IP address, or MAC address
  • Will not include the URL (web address) for specific sites visited
  • Will not be used to identify or contact you

If these types of information are requested from you, you will first be prompted for additional consent.

The information we collect does include a randomly generated identifier that allows combining information from your system over time to better understand usage trends.

How is my data shared?

The information collected may be shared with Intel partners who are required to keep this information confidential and limit usage in accordance with your consent. For more information see intel.com/privacy

The information collected may be processed by authorized service providers who are required to keep this information confidential and limit usage in accordance with your consent. For more information see intel.com/privacy

Lavasoft Flow Telemetry

AdAware Free is a antivirus/antimalware application that uses tracking of user interactions.

Transparency of this tracking is lacking. The installer submits every page change of its user interface to a Lavasoft server, including installation and machine identification numbers and further system information. Their privacy policy does not mention this transmission of data.

Referencing other AdAware software, the Privacy Policy admits to collect data during installation, but tries to describe the IP address as not tracing back to a user. Contrary to that, in the European Union, IP addresses are recognized as Personally Identifiable Information.

Is it spyware?

We use the ASCs definition of Tracking Software and Spyware:

Tracking software
Software that monitors user behavior, or gathers information about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other sensitive information, through an executable program.»
In its narrow sense, Spyware is a term for Tracking Software deployed without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user.»

Since the term adequate is not well defined in the ASCs context, we use both the European GDPR and compare Information, Consent and Control to what is standard for Windows itself.

Bad: No information found during installation, nor in privacy policy.
Bad: without information, user consent cannot be expected.
Bad: except for blocking the telemetry host, there is no way to control.
Lenovo Customer Feedback Program

Lenovo Customer Feedback Program can be preinstalled on Lenovo systems and communicates telemetry data over the Internet.

Lenovo itself describes this telemetry:

In Windows 8, 8.1 and 10, Lenovo may also include an application in the preload called «Lenovo Experience Improvement». This keeps track of what preloaded applications are uninstalled within the first 90 days of system use. The data is uploaded to a server in the United States at various times during the first 90 days. The data does not include any personally identifiable information (PII)

It can be argued that transmitting data always involves IP addresses, which are regarded as PII by many legislations.

Lenovo Experience Improvement

Lenovo Experience Improvement collects telemetry data on Lenovo systems.

The website Should I Remove It? describes it as:

The Lenovo Experience Improvement application is an option program that is pre-installed with various PC models. It is designed to provide feedback to Lenovo about the user’s usage and overall experience using the computer by reporting any errors, etc. […] Regardless if the user decides to participate, the program will install itself in the Startup using the Windows Startup Task Schedule arn will launch on reboot/login. Removing the software is safe and will not effect the functionality of the laptop as it is not required.

LibreOffice Telemetry

LibreOffice has it’s telemetry disabled by default currently, but is able to submit telemetry data to The Document Foundation when set up to do so.

Use this immunizer to change its state from here instead of inside LibreOffice.

LogMeIn Telemetry
Malwarebytes Telemetry

Malwarebytes is a antivirus/antimalware application that uses tracking of user interactions.

Transparency of this tracking is mediocre. There is no explicit information during installation, but the user is able to opt-out in Malwarebytes’ Settings. The help describes the collected data insufficiently:

«If you check this box, you will be sending us information that helps us do our jobs. We like to know what countries Malwarebytes is being used in, and the breakdown of subscriptions, Premium Trial versions, and Free versions. Our Research organization likes to keep track of what malware we are detecting and how often. We can learn that from what you send us, and that allows us to serve you more effectively. For a full list of information that is collected, please see our Privacy Policy. We hope that’s fine with you as well.»

Contrary to this general information, many clicks within the software are transmitted, including installation and machine identification numbers.

Their Privacy Policy is at least pointing out behaviour tracking, though the full list is missing:

«You may opt out of usage and threat statistics collection in certain Malwarebytes products within the settings. Threat statistics collection includes detection samples and their corresponding statistics. Usage statistics includes behavior usage tracking

This immunizer was for Malwarebytes for Windows. Malwarebytes for MacOS shares this information with third party Crashlytics.

Is it spyware?

We use the ASCs definition of Tracking Software and Spyware:

Tracking software
Software that monitors user behavior, or gathers information about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other sensitive information, through an executable program.»
In its narrow sense, Spyware is a term for Tracking Software deployed without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user.»

Since the term adequate is not well defined in the ASCs context, we use both the European GDPR and compare Information, Consent and Control to what is standard for Windows itself.

No sufficient information during installation. Can later be found in settings if looking for it. Privacy policy only has limited information on tracked data.
No consent requested during installation.
No control during installation. Can be disabled in settings, but is tied to good threat analysis telemetry. Setting partially gets ignored in MacOS version.
McAfee Telemetry

McAfee Total Protection is an antivirus application that uses tracking of user interactions.

The McAfee installer references a privacy policy while user behaviour tracking has already started to submit installer usage. It at least points at user behaviour tracking:

«We automatically collect information about your interactions with the Services as well as devices on which the Services are installed. In some cases, we automatically collect information about other devices connected to the same network as the device on which the Services are installed.»

While the McAfee user interface boasts with headlines like My Privacy, there is no setting related to telemetry at all.

Is it spyware?

We use the ASCs definition of Tracking Software and Spyware:

Tracking software
Software that monitors user behavior, or gathers information about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other sensitive information, through an executable program.»
In its narrow sense, Spyware is a term for Tracking Software deployed without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user.»

Since the term adequate is not well defined in the ASCs context, we use both the European GDPR and compare Information, Consent and Control to what is standard for Windows itself.

Partial: The Privacy Policy includes a bold sentence mentioning user behaviour tracking.
Bad: the installer starts tracking even before the user reads the Privacy Policy.
Bad: no control over telemetry at all.
McAfee Telemetry

McAfee Total Protection is an antivirus application that uses tracking of user interactions.

The McAfee installer references a privacy policy while user behaviour tracking has already started to submit installer usage. It at least points at user behaviour tracking:

«We automatically collect information about your interactions with the Services as well as devices on which the Services are installed. In some cases, we automatically collect information about other devices connected to the same network as the device on which the Services are installed.»

While the McAfee user interface boasts with headlines like My Privacy, there is no setting related to telemetry at all.

Is it spyware?

We use the ASCs definition of Tracking Software and Spyware:

Tracking software
Software that monitors user behavior, or gathers information about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other sensitive information, through an executable program.»
In its narrow sense, Spyware is a term for Tracking Software deployed without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user.»

Since the term adequate is not well defined in the ASCs context, we use both the European GDPR and compare Information, Consent and Control to what is standard for Windows itself.

Partial: The Privacy Policy includes a bold sentence mentioning user behaviour tracking.
Bad: the installer starts tracking even before the user reads the Privacy Policy.
Bad: no control over telemetry at all.
Microsoft Active Protection Service (previously SpyNet)

Now called Windows Defender Antivirus cloud protection, it includes key telemetry events.

Microsoft describes it as:

The Microsoft Active Protection Service is the cloud service that enables:

  • Clients to report key telemetry events and suspicious malware queries to the cloud
  • Cloud to provide real-time blocking responses back to the client
Microsoft Bing

This immunizer blocks part of Windows’ built in telemetry services by blocking IPs (Internet addresses) associated with the telemetry using the Windows Firewall.

Microsoft Biometrics

Windows supports biometric features like fingerprint scanners. You can disable Biometrics using this immunizer, if you feel unsafe about your biometric data on your computer.

Microsoft Clipboard Cloud Sharing

Windows 10 October 2018 update (also called 1809) allows to synchronize your clipboard with the cloud to be able to access it from all machines you are logged into.

While this can be a helpful feature for some, others use password managers to store sensible data, and use the clipboard to paste it into software or websites.

We regard the cloud sharing of clipboard information to be an unnecessary risk. We recommend to use this protection.

Microsoft Cortana

Cortana is Microsofts voice assistant. To be able to give you answers on your personal data, it needs access to it. If you do not intend to use Cortana, we recommend that you use this immunizer to disable it.

Microsoft Cortana Restrictions

This immunizer adds restrictions to Microsofts voice assistant Cortana, including for example blocked access to contacts.

Microsoft Edge Do-Not-Track

This immunizer forces the Microsoft Edge browser to communicate your wish to not be tracked to all visited websites.

Microsoft Edge Telemetry

Do you want to share your browsing history with Microsoft?

Microsoft has a long policy describing what data it collects and stores:

Microsoft Edge saves your browsing history, which is made up of info about the websites you visit, on your device. If the Diagnostics data setting is set to Full, this browsing history is sent to Microsoft, which helps us find and fix problems and improve our products and services for all users. If you choose to turn on Tailored experiences, we will use this browsing history to personalize your experiences with Windows and other products and services. Separately, if you choose to enable browsing history within the Cortana Notebook Permissions, your browsing history is also sent to Microsoft so Cortana can help personalize your experience.

eBook reading telemetry is also covered by Edge:

By default, and depending on the device configuration, Microsoft Edge gathers basic diagnostic data about the books in the Books Library and sends it to Microsoft. Enabling this policy gathers and sends both basic and additional diagnostic data, such as usage data.

Even by default, basic diagnostic data would be transmitted.

We recommend to disable this telemetry.

Microsoft Map Auto-Update

Windows 10 includes a Maps app, which sports an offline mode. To avoid the offline maps to be updated automatically without your consent, we recommend to disable auto updates. This will ensure no updates will take place on metered connections (where Windows does not recognize you’re on such a connection) or while doing things that require a highly responsive Internet, like gaming.

Microsoft Media Player Online Data Collection

Windows Media Player can look up meta data for CDs and music files played. By using this immunizing, you’re blocking these transmissions of meta data. Recommended if you do not need Media Player to display more information than locally available.

Microsoft Media Player Statistics

Windows Media Player has a preference for Usage Tracking. Use this immunizer to disable that.

Microsoft Office 15 (2013) (via Group Policy)

Microsoft Office 2013 (also called Office 15) includes telemetry options that collect a range of personal information, including:

  • The file names of Office files that are in the Most Recently Used list.
  • The names of add-ins and solutions that interact with Office.
  • System information such as user name and computer name.
  • […]

You can use this immunizer to let Office know it should not collect or transmit telemetry data.

Microsoft Office 15 (2013) (via Scheduled Task)

Microsoft Office 2013 (also called Office 15) includes telemetry options that collect a range of personal information, including:

  • The file names of Office files that are in the Most Recently Used list.
  • The names of add-ins and solutions that interact with Office.
  • System information such as user name and computer name.
  • […]

You can use this immunizer to disable the scheduled tasks that are involved in this telemetry.

Microsoft Office 16 (2016) (via Group Policy)

Microsoft Office 2016 (also called Office 16) includes telemetry options that collect a range of personal information, including:

  • The file names of Office files that are in the Most Recently Used list.
  • The names of add-ins and solutions that interact with Office.
  • System information such as user name and computer name.
  • […]

You can use this immunizer to let Office know it should not collect or transmit telemetry data.

Microsoft Office 16 (2016) (via Scheduled Task)

Microsoft Office 2016 (also called Office 16) includes telemetry options that collect a range of personal information, including:

  • The file names of Office files that are in the Most Recently Used list.
  • The names of add-ins and solutions that interact with Office.
  • System information such as user name and computer name.
  • […]

You can use this immunizer to disable the scheduled tasks that are involved in this telemetry.

Microsoft Office 17 (2019)

Microsoft Office 2019 (also called Office 17) includes telemetry options that collect a range of personal information, including:

  • The file names of Office files that are in the Most Recently Used list.
  • The names of add-ins and solutions that interact with Office.
  • System information such as user name and computer name.
  • […]

You can use this immunizer to let Office know it should not collect or transmit telemetry data.

Microsoft Office Telemetry

Microsoft Office includes telemetry options that collect a range of personal information, including:

  • The file names of Office files that are in the Most Recently Used list.
  • The names of add-ins and solutions that interact with Office.
  • System information such as user name and computer name.
  • […]

You can use this immunizer to let Office know it should not collect or transmit telemetry data.

Microsoft OneDrive (via Group Policy)

OneDrive is Microsofts online storage that can be used like a local drive in Windows.

If you do not use OneDrive, we recommend to use this immunizer to let Windows know you do not intend to use OneDrive.

Microsoft OneDrive (via System Service)

OneDrive is Microsofts online storage that can be used like a local drive in Windows.

If you do not use OneDrive, we recommend to disable the OneDrive services.

Microsoft Visual Studio

Users of Visual Studio might find unexpected Internet connections from the IDE, performed by Azure Application Insights. Microsoft describes it as:

Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor, is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and DevOps professionals. Use it to monitor your live applications. It will automatically detect performance anomalies, and includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your app.

The amount of monitoring is described as:

Application Insights is aimed at the development team, to help you understand how your app is performing and how it’s being used. It monitors:

* Request rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out which pages are most popular, at what times of day, and where your users are. See which pages perform best. If your response times and failure rates go high when there are more requests, then perhaps you have a resourcing problem.
Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out whether external services are slowing you down.
* Exceptions — Analyze the aggregated statistics, or pick specific instances and drill into the stack trace and related requests. Both server and browser exceptions are reported.
Page views and load performance — reported by your users’ browsers.
* AJAX calls from web pages — rates, response times, and failure rates.
* User and session counts.
* Performance counters from your Windows or Linux server machines, such as CPU, memory, and network usage.
* Host diagnostics from Docker or Azure.
* Diagnostic trace logs from your app — so that you can correlate trace events with requests.
Custom events and metrics that you write yourself in the client or server code, to track business events such as items sold or games won.

Microsoft Visual Studio Experience Improvement Program

Users of Visual Studio might find unexpected Internet connections from the IDE, performed by Azure Application Insights. Microsoft describes it as:

Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor, is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and DevOps professionals. Use it to monitor your live applications. It will automatically detect performance anomalies, and includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your app.

The amount of monitoring is described as:

Application Insights is aimed at the development team, to help you understand how your app is performing and how it’s being used. It monitors:

* Request rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out which pages are most popular, at what times of day, and where your users are. See which pages perform best. If your response times and failure rates go high when there are more requests, then perhaps you have a resourcing problem.
Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out whether external services are slowing you down.
* Exceptions — Analyze the aggregated statistics, or pick specific instances and drill into the stack trace and related requests. Both server and browser exceptions are reported.
Page views and load performance — reported by your users’ browsers.
* AJAX calls from web pages — rates, response times, and failure rates.
* User and session counts.
* Performance counters from your Windows or Linux server machines, such as CPU, memory, and network usage.
* Host diagnostics from Docker or Azure.
* Diagnostic trace logs from your app — so that you can correlate trace events with requests.
Custom events and metrics that you write yourself in the client or server code, to track business events such as items sold or games won.

Microsoft Visual Studio Feedback (via System Service)

Users of Visual Studio might find unexpected Internet connections from the IDE, performed by Azure Application Insights. Microsoft describes it as:

Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor, is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and DevOps professionals. Use it to monitor your live applications. It will automatically detect performance anomalies, and includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your app.

The amount of monitoring is described as:

Application Insights is aimed at the development team, to help you understand how your app is performing and how it’s being used. It monitors:

* Request rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out which pages are most popular, at what times of day, and where your users are. See which pages perform best. If your response times and failure rates go high when there are more requests, then perhaps you have a resourcing problem.
Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out whether external services are slowing you down.
* Exceptions — Analyze the aggregated statistics, or pick specific instances and drill into the stack trace and related requests. Both server and browser exceptions are reported.
Page views and load performance — reported by your users’ browsers.
* AJAX calls from web pages — rates, response times, and failure rates.
* User and session counts.
* Performance counters from your Windows or Linux server machines, such as CPU, memory, and network usage.
* Host diagnostics from Docker or Azure.
* Diagnostic trace logs from your app — so that you can correlate trace events with requests.
Custom events and metrics that you write yourself in the client or server code, to track business events such as items sold or games won.

Microsoft Visual Studio Telemetry (via Registry)

Users of Visual Studio might find unexpected Internet connections from the IDE, performed by Azure Application Insights. Microsoft describes it as:

Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor, is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and DevOps professionals. Use it to monitor your live applications. It will automatically detect performance anomalies, and includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your app.

The amount of monitoring is described as:

Application Insights is aimed at the development team, to help you understand how your app is performing and how it’s being used. It monitors:

* Request rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out which pages are most popular, at what times of day, and where your users are. See which pages perform best. If your response times and failure rates go high when there are more requests, then perhaps you have a resourcing problem.
Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out whether external services are slowing you down.
* Exceptions — Analyze the aggregated statistics, or pick specific instances and drill into the stack trace and related requests. Both server and browser exceptions are reported.
Page views and load performance — reported by your users’ browsers.
* AJAX calls from web pages — rates, response times, and failure rates.
* User and session counts.
* Performance counters from your Windows or Linux server machines, such as CPU, memory, and network usage.
* Host diagnostics from Docker or Azure.
* Diagnostic trace logs from your app — so that you can correlate trace events with requests.
Custom events and metrics that you write yourself in the client or server code, to track business events such as items sold or games won.

Microsoft Visual Studio Telemetry (via Registry)

Users of Visual Studio might find unexpected Internet connections from the IDE, performed by Azure Application Insights. Microsoft describes it as:

Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor, is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and DevOps professionals. Use it to monitor your live applications. It will automatically detect performance anomalies, and includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your app.

The amount of monitoring is described as:

Application Insights is aimed at the development team, to help you understand how your app is performing and how it’s being used. It monitors:

* Request rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out which pages are most popular, at what times of day, and where your users are. See which pages perform best. If your response times and failure rates go high when there are more requests, then perhaps you have a resourcing problem.
Dependency rates, response times, and failure rates — Find out whether external services are slowing you down.
* Exceptions — Analyze the aggregated statistics, or pick specific instances and drill into the stack trace and related requests. Both server and browser exceptions are reported.
Page views and load performance — reported by your users’ browsers.
* AJAX calls from web pages — rates, response times, and failure rates.
* User and session counts.
* Performance counters from your Windows or Linux server machines, such as CPU, memory, and network usage.
* Host diagnostics from Docker or Azure.
* Diagnostic trace logs from your app — so that you can correlate trace events with requests.
Custom events and metrics that you write yourself in the client or server code, to track business events such as items sold or games won.

Microsoft Windows Hard Disk Health Telemetry

Microsoft Window monitors the health of your hard disks as part of its telemetry. This causes your disks to spin up once per hour.

To avoid this part of Windows’ telemetry, you can use this immunizer.

Microsoft Windows Spotlight

Windows Spotlight shows information on the lockscreen (e.g. changing backgrounds), action center and in settings.

To reduce communications were not necessary, we disable Spotlight in the places mentioned above when you select the maximum level.


Mixpanel is an app analytics platform allowing to analyze user behaviour:

Analyze user behavior across your sites and apps. Then send messages and run experiments from what you learned–all in Mixpanel.

It is used in popular software like Avira Antivirus, rendering them Tracking Software or Spyware.


Mopub is an advertisement network.

It has been added because we encountered apps that do not inform the user about the use of Mopub. Since any contacts to third parties can be regarded as sharing PII (Personally Identifiable Information) in the European Union (IP addresses are PII), software using third party web servers can be regarded as tracking, and without proper information, consent and control, as Spyware.

Mozilla Firefox AddOn Telemetry

Firefox will update it’s cached information on extensions you’ve installed once per day. By applying this immunization, you can prevent this background action.

Mozilla Firefox Contextual Feature Recommender

Firefox recommends addons and features on new tabs. Use this immunizer to disable these.

Mozilla Firefox Kill Switch

This Firefox setting allows Mozilla to disable extensions remotely.

This is a good feature that allows to disable harmful extensions, but also regularly contacts the server containing the blocklist.

We recommend to disable if you want to shut down communications to the max.

Mozilla Firefox Microsoft Family Safety

Firefox supports Microsofts Family Safety, which works by analyzing URLs using a Man-in-the-Middle approach. As a privacy recommendation, we suggest to disable this feature.

Mozilla Firefox Safe Browsing

Firefox’ Phishing Protection, based on Googles Safe Browsing, checks URLs against a list of known bad URLs. For this feature, a list of bad URLs is regularly downloaded from Googles servers.

Mozilla Firefox Speculative Loading

Speculative Loading tries to speed up your Internet Browsing by guessing you might click no a link you’re hovering, and loading them in the background before you click. By applying this immunizer, this is deactivated.

Mozilla Firefox Sponsored Sites

Trackign done on new tabs in Firefox. Described by Mozilla as:

When you view or click on a sponsored shortcut, Firefox sends anonymized technical data to our partner through a Mozilla-owned proxy service. The code for this proxy service is available on GitHub for interested technical audiences. This data does not include any personally identifying information and is only shared when you click on a sponsored shortcut.

Mozilla Firefox Telemetry

Mozilla Firefox can send a wide range of information to Mozilla in case of crashes and on a daily basis. To quote the official public wiki of the Mozilla project:

It’s helpful for Mozilla’s engineers and decision-makers to be able to measure how Firefox behaves in the real world. The Telemetry feature provides this capability by sending performance and usage info to Mozilla. As you use Firefox, Telemetry measures and collects non-personal information, such as performance, hardware, usage and customizations. It then sends this information to Mozilla on a daily basis and we use it to improve Firefox.

You can view the data Firefox would transmit by visiting about:telemetry within Firefox.

This immunizer ensures that this transmission is disabled.

Mozilla Firefox Telemetry (via Configuration)

This will help to stop the telemetry in Mozilla Firefox by creating or updating the global Firefox configuration to not use telemetry.

Mozilla publishes telemetry information it collects on its Telemetry portal, where the interested user can read about the information Mozilla collects during everyday use of the Firefox browser.

Mozilla Firefox Telemetry (via Group Policy)

Mozilla Firefox can send a wide range of information to Mozilla in case of crashes and on a daily basis. To quote the official public wiki of the Mozilla project:

It’s helpful for Mozilla’s engineers and decision-makers to be able to measure how Firefox behaves in the real world. The Telemetry feature provides this capability by sending performance and usage info to Mozilla. As you use Firefox, Telemetry measures and collects non-personal information, such as performance, hardware, usage and customizations. It then sends this information to Mozilla on a daily basis and we use it to improve Firefox.

You can view the data Firefox would transmit by visiting about:telemetry within Firefox.

This immunizer ensures that this transmission is disabled.

Mozilla Firefox Update Tracking

If Firefox gets updated, it will load a website that can display change notes. This could be used to track if you are up to date and whether you are always using an up to date browser.

By using this immunizer, you set up Firefox to always just load your defined homepage.

NVidia Telemetry Registry

The Nvidia GeForce Experience includes a telemetry package (source) that’s reporting back some data well described in their GeForce Experience Privacy Policy:

To make this happen, we need to know your PC’s hardware, software for gaming and content creation (including settings, usage, and how well they run), GeForce Experience feature usage, and geographical region.

If you opt-in to recommendations, we will show you games, apps, and rewards that you might enjoy. If you opt-in to sharing technical data, you’ll send us error logs to help us find and fix bugs. You can configure collection and usage of your data by visiting Privacy Settings.

This has been added because it’s clearly Tracking Software.

NVidia Telemetry Scheduled Task

The Nvidia GeForce Experience includes a telemetry package (source) that’s reporting back some data well described in their GeForce Experience Privacy Policy:

To make this happen, we need to know your PC’s hardware, software for gaming and content creation (including settings, usage, and how well they run), GeForce Experience feature usage, and geographical region.

If you opt-in to recommendations, we will show you games, apps, and rewards that you might enjoy. If you opt-in to sharing technical data, you’ll send us error logs to help us find and fix bugs. You can configure collection and usage of your data by visiting Privacy Settings.

This has been added because it’s clearly Tracking Software.

NVidia Telemetry System Service

The Nvidia GeForce Experience includes a telemetry package (source) that’s reporting back some data well described in their GeForce Experience Privacy Policy:

To make this happen, we need to know your PC’s hardware, software for gaming and content creation (including settings, usage, and how well they run), GeForce Experience feature usage, and geographical region.

If you opt-in to recommendations, we will show you games, apps, and rewards that you might enjoy. If you opt-in to sharing technical data, you’ll send us error logs to help us find and fix bugs. You can configure collection and usage of your data by visiting Privacy Settings.

This has been added because it’s clearly Tracking Software.

Paddle Revenue Delivery Platform Analytics
Piriform CCleaner Telemetry

CCleaner is a popular cleaning tool that has recently added telemetry. Piriform explains the telemetry as:

As the world’s favorite device cleaning and optimization company, we want to keep your devices working better, for longer, and help protect your privacy online.

In order to do this, we are required to collect some data so we can offer you the best PC cleaning, optimization and privacy tools available. Our Privacy Policy documentation, and in particular our Products Policy, covers the data we collect and what it’s used for and how it is stored.

The step to add telemetry, the way users were (not?) informed and the availability of options to disable it caused CCleaner to appear on this list.

As a CCleaner Pro user, you can disable this in its Options > Privacy.

Razer Game Scanner

Razers Game Scanner service might be slowing down computers and could be tracking.


RedShell is a tracking module that comes shipped with games like Civilization VI, The Elder Scrolls Online, the Total War series and more.

Trend Micro Telemetry

Trend Micro Maximum Security is an antivirus application that uses tracking of user interactions.

Trend Micro is open about the data it collects. Its installer has a page dedicated to data handling, which refers to the target=»_blank»>Trend Micro Maximum Security Data Collection Notice. This notice is very detailed. It reveals that Google Analytics is used by the product and cannot be disabled:

«It is necessary to collect this data to provide the security functions on this product.»

It also reveals that user behaviour tracking («User interaction with product UI”) can be disabled by disabling «Share computer performance information with Trend Micro».

Since Trend Micro is open about user behaviour tracking and allows to disable it, it does not fall into the Spyware category. Due to it still including tracking, this immunizer was added.

Is it spyware?

We use the ASCs definition of Tracking Software and Spyware:

Tracking software
«Software that monitors user behavior, or gathers information about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other sensitive information, through an executable program.»
«In its narrow sense, Spyware is a term for Tracking Software deployed without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user.»

Since the term adequate is not well defined in the ASCs context, we use both the European GDPR and compare Information, Consent and Control to what is standard for Windows itself.

Good: there is a dedicated page in the installer mentioning collected data, including user behaviour tracking.
Good: well described in Data Collection Notice.
Good: well described in Data Collection Notice.
TrendMicro Telemetry

Trend Micro Maximum Security is an antivirus application that uses tracking of user interactions.

Trend Micro is open about the data it collects. Its installer has a page dedicated to data handling, which refers to the target=»_blank»>Trend Micro Maximum Security Data Collection Notice. This notice is very detailed. It reveals that Google Analytics is used by the product and cannot be disabled:

«It is necessary to collect this data to provide the security functions on this product.»

It also reveals that user behaviour tracking («User interaction with product UI”) can be disabled by disabling «Share computer performance information with Trend Micro».

Since Trend Micro is open about user behaviour tracking and allows to disable it, it does not fall into the Spyware category. Due to it still including tracking, this immunizer was added.

Is it spyware?

We use the ASCs definition of Tracking Software and Spyware:

Tracking software
«Software that monitors user behavior, or gathers information about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other sensitive information, through an executable program.»
«In its narrow sense, Spyware is a term for Tracking Software deployed without adequate notice, consent, or control for the user.»

Since the term adequate is not well defined in the ASCs context, we use both the European GDPR and compare Information, Consent and Control to what is standard for Windows itself.

Good: there is a dedicated page in the installer mentioning collected data, including user behaviour tracking.
Good: well described in Data Collection Notice.
Good: well described in Data Collection Notice.
Twilio Segment Customer Data Platform

Twilio describes Segment as a cross-platform analytics data collector:

Use one API to collect analytics data, across any platform.
Join 20,000+ businesses that use Segment’s software and APIs to collect, clean, and control their customer data.

Segment is one of a bunch of trackers used without user notice in LastPass, as reported for example on AndroidPolice, referencing e.g. Exodus and researcher Mike Kuketz.

Vivaldi Do-Not-Track

The Vivaldi browser allows to set the Do Not Track flag that can be transmitted to all visited websites.

We recommend this setting for all users.

VMWare Customer Experience Improvement Program

VMWare has a tracking system called VMWare CEIP in recent versions of the virtualization solution VMWare Workstation. They describe it as:

[…] VMware collects technical information about our customer’s use of such products for the purposes set forth below, such as to improve VMware products and services, and advise our customers on how best to deploy and use our products and services. The data collected through this Customer Experience Improvement Program (“CEIP”) is separate from the configuration, performance, usage, and consumption data that we collect and use to facilitate delivery of our products and services (such as tracking entitlements, providing infrastructure related support, monitoring the performance, integrity and stability of the infrastructure, and preventing or addressing service or technical issues) (“Operational Data”).

And details on what gets collected is available as well:

Types of Data Collected under the Customer Experience Improvement Program

For customers participating in the Customer Experience Improvement Program, VMware regularly collects technical information about your organization’s use of our products in association with your organization’s VMware license key(s). Depending on the nature of the product, and whether the product offers Standard and/or Enhanced participation levels, the technical information collected consists of all or any of the following data:
Configuration Data

Technical data about how a customer’s organization has configured VMware products and related environment information. Examples include version information, configuration settings and technical data relating to the devices accessing those products or third party applications or systems used in connection with the VMware product.
Feature Usage Data

Data about how a customer organization uses the VMware product. Examples include details about which features the customer organization uses and metrics of user interface activity.
Performance Data

Data about the performance of VMware products. Examples include metrics of the performance and scale of VMware products, response times for user interfaces, and details about customer API calls.
Product Logs

These are logs that are generated during the active deployment of VMware products. Typically, product logs record systems events and state during product operations in a semi-structured or unstructured form. This data is only collected under the Enhanced participation level.

Such information is collected in association with customer identifying information (e.g. customer assigned license key(s), customer IDs, and entitlement account numbers relating to the customer) via a variety of automated means. Limited personal data may be collected, depending on the product and level of participation (Standard or Enhanced). Typically, this personal data only identifies the Customer IT administrator who operates the product for the customer. Customers should not enter personal data or sensitive personal data (or any other information that may allow an individual to be identified) when naming systems such as their hosts, VMs, or dashboards. To the extent we collect personal data, we will process it in accordance with our Privacy and Service Notices.

Wacom Experience Program

Wacom tablet drivers includes code that uses Google Analytics to track your computer usage. After public exposure, they now include a description on their website:

If a user agrees to participate, from time to time, the data is collected through Google Analytics and sent to Google Analytics’ server, not Wacom’s server. Wacom does not collect MAC addresses and product serial numbers. Although Google Analytics (Apps version) collects IP addresses, we are unable to access to such IP address data.

More details about what is collected follows.

The Wacom software driver will collect a sample of information such as the pen tablet models, how customers use our hardware and the names of the software applications being used when a Wacom device is in use, and the Wacom Desktop Center and Wacom Tablet Properties control panel (Windows) or Wacom Tablet preferences pane (macOS) will collect basic app usage data.

The Experience Program now seems to be optional and the user informed before it is in use.

Windows Account Location

This setting allows you to control whether Windows is allowed to access your accounts location. This can be a useful feature, e.g. for finding lost devices — disable only if you are sure you do not need location based services like this.

Windows Application Compatibility Program Inventory
Windows Application Impact Telemetry (via Group Policy)

AIT stands for Application Impact Telemetry. AIT is a part of Microsofts Customer Experience Improvement Program, which is described by Microsoft with these words.

When you choose to participate in the CEIP, your computer or device automatically sends information to Microsoft about how you use certain products. Information from your computer or device is combined with other CEIP data to help Microsoft solve problems and to improve the products and features customers use most often.

This immunizer will disable the AIT part of CEIP.

Windows Application Impact Telemetry (via Scheduled Task)

AIT stands for Application Impact Telemetry. AIT is a part of Microsofts Customer Experience Improvement Program, which is described by Microsoft with these words.

When you choose to participate in the CEIP, your computer or device automatically sends information to Microsoft about how you use certain products. Information from your computer or device is combined with other CEIP data to help Microsoft solve problems and to improve the products and features customers use most often.

This immunizer will disable the AIT part of CEIP.

Windows Application Suggestions and Auto-Installation

Windows Consumer Features will automatically install some apps suggested by Microsoft.

We highly recommend to use this immunizer to block this Windows 10 feature.

Windows Background Access Applications

Using the Background Access Applications immunizer, you can stop Microsoft Windows 10 from starting some apps in the background.

We recommend this option to give you more control over what runs on your computer at any given time.

Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) (via Group Policy)

CEIP stands for Customer Experience Improvement Program. If enabled, it collects and sends user experience data to Microsoft to improve future versions of Windows.

It is described by Microsoft with these words.

When you choose to participate in the CEIP, your computer or device automatically sends information to Microsoft about how you use certain products. Information from your computer or device is combined with other CEIP data to help Microsoft solve problems and to improve the products and features customers use most often.

We can disable CEIP using Group Policies.

Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) (via Scheduled Task)

CEIP stands for Customer Experience Improvement Program. It collects and sends user experience data to Microsoft to improve future versions of Windows.

It is described by Microsoft with these words.

When you choose to participate in the CEIP, your computer or device automatically sends information to Microsoft about how you use certain products. Information from your computer or device is combined with other CEIP data to help Microsoft solve problems and to improve the products and features customers use most often.

We can disable the Scheduled Tasks that exist for CEIP.

Windows Device Location

This setting allows you to control whether Windows is allowed to access your device location. This can be a useful feature, e.g. for finding lost devices — disable only if you are sure you do not need location based services like this.

Windows Error Reporting

Windows Error Reporting, or simply WER, transmits information about crashing applications to Microsoft.

We usually recommend to keep using this feature, but if you want to deactivate it, you can use this immunizer.

Windows Error Reporting (via System Service)

Windows Error Reporting, or simply WER, transmits information about crashing applications to Microsoft.

We usually recommend to keep using this feature, but if you want to deactivate it, you can use this immunizer.

Windows Feedback (via Firewall)

Windows Feedback is a feedback and telemetry system build into Windows 10.

Unless you want to actively participate by providing Feedback to Microsoft, we recommend to use this immunizer to disable Windows Feedback.

Windows Feedback (via Group Policy)

Windows Feedback is a feedback and telemetry system build into Windows 10.

Unless you want to actively participate by providing Feedback to Microsoft, we recommend to use this immunizer to disable Windows Feedback.

Windows Handwriting Data Sharing

Microsoft can collect your handwriting information on tablet computers to improve their handwriting recognition.

It is described by Microsoft as:

Data about handwriting samples sent from the Handwriting Panel is used to help Microsoft improve handwriting recognition.

Windows Location
Windows Lock Screen Camera

As a security measure, we recommend to disable access to attached cameras on Windows’ lock screen.

Main Window

This is what you see when you start Anti-Beacon. Simple click the wheel or press the Customize button.


The customization screen allows you to set all tracking options known to Anti-Beacon to either permitted or blocked. Presets at the top allow you to quickly select the recommended range (or all, if you want). Changes will be applied once you press Done.


Watch how Rob from Team Spybot explains how Spybot Anti-Beacon is used!

Spybot : Using Anti Beacon 2.3


meek420 @ FileForum

Works great! I’ve tried a few others, don’t make the same mistake I did. Spybot Anti Beacon has worked the best thus far. The interface is easy, clean and smooth. Please keep up the great work Dev(s)! Thank you!


Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 is a tool that will attempt to curtail Windows 10 from sending data back to Microsoft. Created by the developers of Spybot Search and Destroy.

Clover Grenier on YouTube

Good job Spybot. Good tool. continue the good job


Standard Installer

Get this to install on a 32 or 64 bit Windows system.

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
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  • Windows XP
  • Download
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Portable Installer

Download this to include Anti-Beacon in your PortableApps collection.

  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 8
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  • Windows XP
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  • Version History
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Portable Spybot Anti-Beacon

Can block telemetry-related hosts and service

Anti Beacon 2If any issues occur with your PC while using Anti-Beacon, undoing the changes made can be done by clicking the “Undo” button in the main window. This will re-enable all tracking services. Spybot Anti-Beacon is a standalone tool which was designed to block and stop the various tracking (telemetry) issues present in Windows 10.

Portable Spybot Anti-Beacon details

License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: Feb 6, 2020
File size: 8.60 MB
Downloads: 52
Keywords: Block telemetry, Block group policy, Windows 10 tweak, Telemetry, Policy, Block, Windows 10
Author URL: https://www.safer-networking.org

Portable Spybot Anti-Beacon screenshot

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Portable Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 — Full description

Portable Spybot Anti-Beacon is a reliable program designed to help you block tracker services and solve related issues in Windows 10. It can also help users of Windows 8 and Windows 7 fix similar tracking aspects. Portable Spybot Anti-Beacon is a simple solution to these problems, which allows you to immunize tracker services or telemetry and thus block the data capturing process.

Anti-Beacon is small, simple to use, and is provided free of charge. It was created to address the privacy concerns of users of Windows 10 who do not wish to have information about their PC usage sent to Microsoft. Simply clicking “Immunize” on the main screen of Anti-Beacon will immediately disable any known tracking features included by Microsoft in the operating system.

Anti Beacon 2If any issues occur with your PC while using Anti-Beacon, undoing the changes made can be done by clicking the “Undo” button in the main window. This will re-enable all tracking services. Privacy protection moved to the spotlight ever since the release of Windows 10. No installation is required when using Spybot Anti-Beacon, so just double-click on the executable file to launch it. Usage is very simple, and no restore point is automatically created, although you are advised to create one beforehand, just to be on the safe side of things. Spybot Anti-Beacon can block telemetry-related hosts and services, restrict the telemetry group policy and automatically block apps that use the advertising ID. Spybot Anti-Beacon is a new attempt to reach the privacy protection goal when using Windows 10, providing a quick and easy way to disable telemetry services, configure group policies and block hosts.

Portable Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows 10 — Post your review

Spybot Anti-Beacon — это бесплатная и простая в работе утилита, блокирующая функциональные возможности отслеживания, включенные Microsoft в операционных системах семейства Windows.

Изначально предназначалась для использования в 10 версии ОС Виндовс, позже была модифицирована для решения проблем конфиденциальности пользователей в 7, 8, 8.1 версиях.

Spybot Anti-Beacon будет востребована теми пользователями, которые не хотят оправлять информацию об работе своей операционной системы в Майкрософт. При возникновении необходимости, всегда можно отменить произведенные действия и легко вернуться к значениям по умолчанию.

Утилита проводит отключение отправки такой информации, как:

  • хостов, служб и прикладной телеметрии;
  • программ сбора потребительских предпочтений;
  • приложений с рекламным идентификатором;
  • данных с Wi-Fi Sense и Steps Recorder;
  • P2P обновления ОС за пределами локальной сети и т.п.

Spybot Anti-Beacon for Windows скачать бесплатно возможно по официальной ссылке на soft-file.ru ниже сразу после описания.

Интерфейс Spybot Anti-Beacon англоязычный, но он достаточно прост и интуитивен, поэтому не доставит проблем в использовании русскоязычным потребителям. Для скачивания предусмотрен как обычный инсталлятор программы, так и ее портативный аналог, не требующий установки.

При запуске открывается главное окно приложения, с несколькими вкладками в верхней части интерфейса. Немного ниже располагается шкала индикатора, задачей которой является отображение качества защищенности конфиденциальности пользователя в процентах. Если шкала заштрихована алым, значит модули функционируют и отправляют данные с ПК в сеть. В самом низу находится ряд кнопок, с помощью которых и выполняются основные действия в Spybot Anti-Beacon.

Для блокировки отслеживания нужно нажать кнопку «Immunize». Стоит обратить внимание, что иногда потребителями отмечается возникновение сбоев в работе системы при отключении различных функций отслеживания for Windows с помощью сторонних приложений. На такой случай в утилите предусмотрена кнопка «Undo», отменяющая все внесенные изменения и запрет отслеживания.

Возможные проблемы при использовании, которые нужно учесть:

  1. Блокировка обновлений операционной системы.
  2. Отсутствие синхронизации с веб-серверами зависимых программ.
  3. Отключение антивируса Windows Defender (актуально для Виндовс 10).

При желании, с помощью вкладки Log можно собрать все сведения о проведенной работе и позже изучить их детальнее. Создателем Spybot Anti-Beacon выступила ирландская компания Safer-Networking Ltd, усилия которой в первую очередь посвящены разработке программного обеспечения, обеспечивающего защиту вопросов конфиденциальности пользователей.

Скачать Spybot Anti-Beacon Rus for Windows с официального сайта можно по ссылкам, представленные сразу после описания.

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