The windows let in the light and the air

10 цитат на Английском. Развиваем эрудицию Всем нам иногда сложно оставаться позитивными, ведь жизнь — сложная штука. Эти 10 цитат на английском помогут

10 цитат на Английском. Развиваем эрудицию

Всем нам иногда сложно оставаться позитивными, ведь жизнь — сложная штука. Эти 10 цитат на английском помогут вам увидеть жизнь с лучшей стороны, открыть потрясающие возможности и улучшить своё настроение!

1. «Success is the child of audacity». (Benjamin Disraeli)

«Успех — дитя смелости». (Бенджамин Дизраэли)

2. «We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light». (Plato)

«Можно с лёгкостью простить ребёнка, который боится темноты. Настоящая трагедия жизни — когда взрослые люди боятся света». (Платон)

3. «It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change». (Charles Darwin)

«Выживает не самый сильный и не самый умный, а тот, кто лучше всех приспосабливается к изменениям». (Чарльз Дарвин)

4. «I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions». (Stephen Covey)

Я не продукт моих обстоятельств. Я продукт моих решений. (Стивен Кови)

5. «You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough». (Mae West)

«Мы живём один раз, но если правильно распорядиться жизнью, то и одного раза достаточно». (Мэй Уэст)

6. «The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why». (Mark Twain)

Два самых важных дня в вашей жизни: день, когда вы родились, и день когда поняли зачем. (Марк Твен)

7. «Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened». (Dr. Seuss)

«Не плачь, потому что это закончилось, улыбнись, потому что это было». (Доктор Сьюз)

8. «There are no shortcuts to any place worth going». (Helen Keller)

«К достойной цели нет коротких путей». (Хелен Келлер)

9. «Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm». (Winston Churchill)

«Успех — это умение двигаться от неудачи к неудаче, не теряя энтузиазма». (Уинстон Черчилль)

10. «Never make fun of someone who speaks broken English. It means they know another language». (H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)

«Никогда не смейтесь над человеком, который говорит на ломаном английском. Это значит, что он знает и другой язык». (Х. Джексон Браун — младший)

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Упражнение 6 на английские артикли

Здесь находится упражнение 6 на английские артикли.

Вставьте артикль the, если необходимо.

1. … most of … stories that … people tell about … Irish aren’t true.

2. … married couples with … children often rent … cottages by … seaside for … summer holidays. … men hire boats and go for … trips along … coast; … children spend … day on … beach and … poor mothers spend … most of … time doing … cooking and cleaning.

3. It’s usually safe to walk on … sand, but here, when … tide is coming in, … sand becomes dangerously soft. … people have been swallowed up by it.

4. When … Titanic was crossing … Atlantic she struck an iceberg which tore a huge hole in her bow. … captain ordered … crew to help … passengers into … boats.

5. Everywhere … man has cut down … forests in order to cultivate … ground, or to use … wood as … fuel or as … building material.

6. But … interference with … nature often brings … disaster. … tree-felling sometimes turns … fertile land into a dustbowl.

7. … people think that … lead is … heaviest metal, but … gold is heavier.

8. Our air hostess said, ‘ … rack is only for … light articles … heavy things such as … bottles must be put on … floor.’

9. … windows are supposed to let in … light; but … windows of this house are so small that we have to have … electric light on all … time.

10. There’ll always be a conflict between … old and … young. … young people want … change but … old people want … things to stay … same.

11. … power tends to corrupt and … absolute power corrupts absolutely.

12. You can fool some of … people all … time, and all … people some of … time; but you cannot fool all … people all … time.

1. MOST of THE STORIES that PEOPLE tell about THE IRISH aren’t true.


3. It’s usually safe to walk on SAND, but here, when THE TIDE is coming in, THE SAND becomes dangerously soft. PEOPLE have been swallowed up by it.

4. When THE TITANIC was crossing THE ATLANTIC she struck an iceberg which tore a huge hole in her bow. THE CAPTAIN ordered THE CREW to help THE PASSENGERS into THE BOATS.

5. Everywhere MAN has cut down FORESTS in order to cultivate THE GROUND, or to use THE WOOD as FUEL or as BUILDING MATERIAL.

6. But INTERFERENCE with NATURE often brings DISASTER. TREE-FELLING sometimes turns FERTILE LAND into a dustbowl.

7. PEOPLE think that LEAD is THE HEAVIEST METAL, but GOLD is heavier.

8. Our air hostess said, ‘THE RACK is only for LIGHT ARTICLES. HEAVY THINGS such as BOTTLES must be put on THE FLOOR.’

9. WINDOWS are supposed to let in (THE) LIGHT; but THE WINDOWS of this house are so small that we have to have THE ELECTRIC LIGHT on all THE TIME.

10. There’ll always be a conflict between (THE) OLD and (THE) YOUNG. YOUNG PEOPLE want CHANGE but OLD PEOPLE want THINGS to stay THE SAME.

11. POWER tends to corrupt and ABSOLUTE POWER corrupts absolutely.

12. You can fool some of THE PEOPLE all THE TIME, and all THE PEOPLE some of THE TIME; but you cannot fool all THE PEOPLE all THE TIME.


Windows let in light and air

The Vatican — The Vatican † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Vatican This subject will be treated under the following heads: I. Introduction; II. Architectural History of the Vatican Palace; III. Description of the Palace; IV. Description of the… … Catholic encyclopedia

light — light1 W1S1 [laıt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(natural/artificial light)¦ 2¦(lamp/electric light etc)¦ 3¦(traffic control)¦ 4¦(on a vehicle)¦ 5 first light 6 be/stand in somebody s light 7¦(for a cigarette)¦ 8¦(in somebody s eyes)¦ 9 set light to something … Dictionary of contemporary English

The Neptunes discography — The Neptunes are a two member producing group consisting of Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo. This discography lists the recorded performances as a duo and individuals. It also lists the writing and production credits as The Neptunes, as Williams… … Wikipedia

The Sims 3 — Developer(s) The Sims Studio Publisher(s) Electronic Arts … Wikipedia

Air New Zealand Flight 901 — Most of the wreckage of Flight 901 remains on the slopes of Mount Erebus. This photo, taken on the 25th anniversary in 2004, shows part of the DC 10 s upper fuselage skin with entry door and cabin windows. Part of the opposite side skin, with… … Wikipedia

Air France Flight 8969 — Simulation of the GIGN intervention Hijacking summary Date 24 December 1994 … Wikipedia

Air India Flight 182 — Boeing 747 237B Emperor Kanishka landing at London Heathrow Airport on 10 June 1985, a few days before the explosion Occurrence summary … Wikipedia

The Crystal Maze — Series 1–2 logo (top) Series 3–6 logo (bottom) Genre Adventure game show … Wikipedia

Air Force Research Laboratory — Emblem of AFRL … Wikipedia

The Death of Superman — Cover of Superman vol. 2, 75 (Jan 1993). Art by Dan Jurgens Brett Breeding. Publisher DC Comics … Wikipedia


let sth down – опустить, удлинить
Please let the window down.
This skirt needs letting down.

let sb down – подводить, разочаровывать
He will never let you down.
I was counting on John to come, but he let me down.

let-down – разочарование

let the side down разочаровывать коллектив, команду, частью которой являешься
The general feeling is that cleaners who ignore the union’s ban on overtime are letting the side down.

let sb/sth in/into sth – позволять входить, впускать
Windows let in the light and air.
Who let you into the building?

let sb in for – быть вовлеченным в трудности, потери, неприятности
He didn’t realize how much work he was letting himself in for when he bacame a chairman.

let sb into/ in on – быть посвященным в тайну, поделиться секретом
She has been let into the secret.

let sb off – простить, помиловать, облегчить наказание
He was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison.

let sth off – взрывать
The boys were letting off fireworks.

let on (that) – утаить информацию, не выдать секрета
He knew where the boy was but he didn’t let on.

let sb/sth out – выпустить, позволить уйти
He let the air out of the tyres.

let sth out – расставить по швам, сделать свободнее  одежду
He’s getting so fat that his trousers need to be let out round the waist.

let sb/sth through – поставить проходной балл при сдаче экзамена
He got only 40%, so the examiners couldn’t possibly let him through.

let up/ let-up – ослабевать, уменьшаться
Will the rain never let up?
There has been no let-up in the rain since last Friday.










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An opening in a wall to let in air or light is called a

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You do not need to spend a lot of electricity on lighting the house, as the windows let in a maximum of light.

Вам не потребуется тратить много электроэнергии на освещение дома, так как стекла пропускают максимум света.

In the winter, the large corner window lets the sunlight in to add with heating.

Зимой большое угловое окно позволяет добавить солнечный свет с подогревом.

And for that purpose having darkened my chamber, and made a small hole in the window shuts, to let in a convenient quantity of the sun’s light, I place my prism at his entrance, that it might be thereby refracted to the opposite wall.

Для этой цели, затемнив свою комнату и проделав небольшое отверстие в оконных ставнях для пропускания в нужном количестве солнечного света, я поместил призму там, где входил свет, так что он мог преломляться к противоположной стене.

After all, a picture is meant to be looked at in a house, where the windows let in a false light.

«В конце концов, картину пишут для того, чтобы смотреть на неё в доме, где окна часто искажают освещение.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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