Those walls and windows that roof

Изучение английского языка - параллельный текст книги "Моя кузина Рейчел". Дафна Дюморье по методу Ильи Франка, встроенный английский словарь, интервальное (стр. 56)

The smoke rose from the chimneys, tall and straight.

Из труб прямыми тонкими струйками поднимался дым.

Old Don, the retriever, too ancient and stiff to walk with me and the younger dogs, scratched on the gravel under the library windows, and then turning his head towards me slowly wagged his tail as I drew near.

Дон, старый ретривер, слишком древний и немощный, чтобы с более молодыми собаками сопровождать меня, почесывался, лежа на песке под окнами библиотеки, а когда я подошел ближе, повернул голову и завилял хвостом.

It came upon me strongly and with force, and for the first time since I had learned of Ambrose’s death, that everything I now saw and looked upon belonged to me.

Впервые с тех пор, как я узнал о смерти Эмброза, я с поразительной остротой и силой осознал: все, что я сейчас вижу, все, на что смотрю, принадлежит мне.

I need never share it with anyone living.

Всецело, безраздельно.

Those walls and windows, that roof, the bell that struck seven as I approached, the whole living entity of the house was mine, and mine alone.

Эти окна и стены, эта крыша, этот колокол, пробивший семь раз при моем приближении, все живое в доме — мое, и только мое.

The grass beneath my feet, the trees surrounding me, the hills behind me, the meadows, the woods, even the men and women farming the land yonder, were all part of my inheritance; they all belonged.

Трава под моими ногами, деревья вокруг меня, холмы у меня за спиной, луга, леса, даже мужчины и женщины, возделывающие землю, — часть моего наследства; все это мое.

I went indoors and stood in the library, my back to the open fireplace, my hands in my pockets.

Я переступил порог дома, прошел в библиотеку и остановился спиной к камину, держа руки в карманах.

The dogs came in as was their custom, and lay down at my feet.

Собаки, по своему обыкновению, последовали за мной и легли у моих ног.

Seecombe came to ask me if there were any orders for Wellington, for the morning.

Вошел Сиком и спросил, не будет ли распоряжений для Веллингтона на утро.

Did I want the horses and the carriage, or should he saddle Gypsy for me?

Не желаю ли я, чтобы подали экипаж или оседлали Цыганку?

No, I told him, I would give no orders tonight.
I would see Wellington myself after breakfast.

— Нет, — ответил я. 
— Сегодня я не буду отдавать никаких распоряжений, а завтра утром сам увижусь с Веллингтоном.

I wished to be called at my usual time.

Я велел разбудить меня как обычно.

He answered,
“Yes, sir,” and left the room.

— Да, сэр, — ответил Сиком и вышел.

Master Philip had gone forever.

Мастер Филипп уехал навсегда.

Mr. Ashley had come home.

Домой вернулся мистер Эшли.

It was a strange feeling.
In a sense it made me humble, and at the same time oddly proud.

Такая перемена вызывала во мне смешанные чувства: с одной стороны — робость, с другой — какую-то особую гордость.

I was aware of a sort of confidence and of a strength that I had not known before, and a new elation.

Я ощутил незнакомую прежде уверенность, силу, душевный подъем.

It seemed to me that I felt as a soldier might feel on being given command of a battalion; this sense of ownership, of pride, and of possession too, came to me, as it might do to a senior major, after having deputized for many months and years in second place.

Мне казалось, будто я переживаю то же, что солдат, которому поручили командовать батальоном; ко мне пришло то же чувство собственности, та же гордость, наконец, то же ощущение свободы, какое приходит к старшему офицеру, в течение многих лет занимавшему не соответствующую его званию должность.


  5. Those walls and windows that roof





I started this for Holly

I finished it for Maddy

Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist,

but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

CORALINE DISCOVERED THE DOOR a little while after they moved into the house.

It was a very old house-it had an attic under the roof and a cellar under the ground and an overgrown garden with huge old trees in it.

Coraline’s family didn’t own all of the house-it was too big for that. Instead they owned part of it.

There were other people who lived in the old house.

Miss Spink and Miss Forcible lived in the flat below Coraline’s, on the ground floor. They were both old and round, and they lived in their flat with a number of ageing Highland terriers who had names like Hamish and Andrew and Jock. Once upon a time Miss Spink and Miss Forcible had been actresses, as Miss Spink told Coraline the first time she met her.

‘You see, Caroline,’ Miss Spink said, getting Coraline’s name wrong, ‘both myself and Miss Forcible were famous actresses, in our time. We trod the boards, luvvy. Oh, don’t let Hamish eat the fruitcake, or he’ll be up all night with his tummy.’

‘It’s Coraline. Not Caroline. Coraline,’ said Coraline.

In the flat above Coraline’s, under the roof, was a crazy old man with a big moustache. He told Coraline that he was training a mouse circus. He wouldn’t let anyone see it.

‘One day, little Caroline, when they are all ready, everyone in the whole world will see the wonders of my mouse circus. You ask me why you cannot see it now. Is that what you asked me?’

‘No,’ said Coraline quietly, ‘I asked you not to call me Caroline. It’s Coraline.’

‘The reason you cannot see the mouse circus,’ said the man upstairs, ‘is that the mice are not yet ready and rehearsed. Also, they refuse to play the songs I have written for them. All the songs I have written for the mice to play go oompah oompah . But the white mice will only play toodle oodle , like that. I am thinking of trying them on different types of cheese.’

Coraline didn’t think there really was a mouse circus. She thought the old man was probably making it up.

The day after they moved in, Coraline went exploring.

She explored the garden. It was a big garden: at the very back was an old tennis court, but no-one in the house played tennis and the fence around the court had holes in it and the net had mostly rotted away; there was an old rose garden, filled with stunted, flyblown rose-bushes; there was a rockery that was all rocks; there was a fairy ring, made of squidgy brown toadstools which smelled dreadful if you accidentally trod on them.

There was also a well. Miss Spink and Miss Forcible made a point of telling Coraline how dangerous the well was, on the first day Coraline’s family moved in, and warned her to be sure she kept away from it. So Coraline set off to explore for it, so that she knew where it was, to keep away from it properly.

She found it on the third day, in an overgrown meadow beside the tennis court, behind a clump of trees-a low brick circle almost hidden in the high grass. The well had been covered up by wooden boards, to stop anyone falling in. There was a small knot-hole in one of the boards, and Coraline spent an afternoon dropping pebbles and acorns through the hole, and waiting, and counting, until she heard the plop as they hit the water, far below.

Coraline also explored for animals. She found a hedgehog, and a snake-skin (but no snake), and a rock that looked just like a frog, and a toad that looked just like a rock.

There was also a haughty black cat, who would sit on walls and tree stumps, and watch her; but would slip away if ever she went over to try to play with it.

That was how she spent her first two weeks in the house-exploring the garden and the grounds.

Her mother made her come back inside for dinner, and for lunch; and Coraline had to make sure she dressed up warm before she went out, for it was a very cold summer that year; but go out she did, exploring, every day until the day it rained, when Coraline had to stay inside.

‘What should I do?’ asked Coraline.

‘Read a book,’ said her mother. ‘Watch a video. Play with your toys. Go and pester Miss Spink or Miss Forcible, or the crazy old man upstairs.’

‘No,’ said Coraline. ‘I don’t want to do those things. I want to explore.’

‘I don’t really mind what you do,’ said Coraline’s mother, ‘as long as you don’t make a mess.’

Coraline went over to the window and watched the rain come down. It wasn’t the kind of rain you could go out in, it was the other kind, the kind that threw itself down from the sky and splashed where it landed. It was rain that meant business, and currently its business was turning the garden into a muddy, wet soup.

Coraline had watched all the videos. She was bored with her toys, and she’d read all her books.

She turned on the television. She went from channel to channel to channel, but there was nothing on but men in suits talking about the stock market, and schools programmes. Eventually, she found something to watch: it was the last half of a natural history programme about something called protective coloration. She watched animals, birds and insects which disguised themselves as leaves or twigs or other animals to escape from things that could hurt them. She enjoyed it, but it ended too soon, and was followed by a programme about a cake factory.

It was time to talk to her father.

Coraline’s father was home. Both of her parents worked, doing things on computers, which meant that they were home a lot of the time. Each of them had their own study.

‘Hello, Coraline,’ he said when she came in, without turning round.

‘Mmph,’ said Coraline. ‘It’s raining.’

‘Yup,’ said her father. ‘It’s bucketing down.’

‘No,’ said Coraline, ‘it’s just raining. Can I go outside?’

‘What does your mother say?’

‘She says, ‘You’re not going out in weather like that, Coraline Jones’.’

‘But I want to carry on exploring.’

‘Then explore the flat,’ suggested her father. ‘Look-here’s a piece of paper and a pen. Count all the doors and windows. List everything blue. Mount an expedition to discover the hot-water tank. And leave me alone to work.’

‘Can I go into the drawing room?’ The drawing room was where the Joneses kept the expensive (and uncomfortable) furniture Coraline’s grandmother had left them when she died. Coraline wasn’t allowed in there. Nobody went in there. It was only for best.

‘If you don’t make a mess. And you don’t touch anything.’

Coraline considered this carefully, then she took the paper and pen and went off to explore the inside of the flat.

She discovered the hot-water tank (it was in a cupboard in the kitchen).

She counted everything blue (153).

She counted the windows (21).

She counted the doors (14).

Of the doors that she found, thirteen opened and closed. The other, the big, carved, brown wooden door at

Those walls and windows that roof

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово «DRY» так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

California is generally known for its dry hot weather. No wonder, one of the __________________ places in North America, Death Valley, is located in Southern California.

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово NOT RAIN так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

An average of only about one and a half inches of rain falls each year in Death Valley, and in some years it __________________ at all.

Часть предложения после пропуска указывает на форму Present Simple у глагола на месте пропуска.

Ответ: doesn’t rain|does not rain.

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово IT так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The valley is the bottom of a lake that dried up in prehistoric times, leaving clay and salt in __________________ center and sand dunes to the north.

По структуре предложения на месте пропуска должно быть притяжательное местоимение.

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово SURPRISE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

No Baseball in Bad Weather

It was late spring evening. The snow began to fall. I __________________.

Контекст указывает на использование Passive Voice Past Simple.

Ответ: was surprised.

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово ONE так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

It was the __________________ time I experienced snow at the end of April.

По смыслу предложения требуется использовать порядковое числительное.

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово FALL так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Earlier, the temperature __________________. And now clouds began moving in.

Cмысл предложения указывает на форму глагола в Past Perfect.

Ответ: had fallen|’d fallen.

Преобразуйте, если это необходимо, слово COME так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.

I knew a storm __________________. Would it be a snowstorm? I woke up the next morning to see the ground all covered with snow. There would be no baseball practice today!

Cмысл предложения указывает на форму глагола в Past Continuous.

Образуйте от слова DIFFICULT однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The Loneliest Island

In the middle of the cold South Atlantic Ocean, one island stands alone. It lies near Antarctica. But it is far enough away that early explorers had __________________ finding it.

На месте пропуска по смыслу должно быть существительное, которое можно образовать от глагола с помощью суффикса -ty.

Образуйте от слова ACTIVE однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

At about four miles long, the island is covered with glaciers. It is home to an __________________ volcano and huge

amounts of ice. The island is cold year-round, with an average temperature of about 29° F.

По структуре предложения на месте пропуска должно быть прилагательное, которое по смыслу должно быть противопоставлено active.

Образуйте от слова POSSIBLE однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

The steep cliffs that surround the island make sea landings almost __________________ . This is Bouvet Island, the

loneliest island in the world. A French explorer discovered Bouvet Island in 1739.

По структуре предложения на месте пропуска должно быть прилагательное, которое по смыслу должно быть противопоставлено possible.

Образуйте от слова NEAR однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

However, the island was so difficult to approach that nobody set foot on it for __________________ a hundred years. No people live on Bouvet Island, and little vegetation grows there.

По структуре и смыслу предложения на месте пропуска должно быть наречие,которое можно образовать с помощью суффикса -ly.

Образуйте от слова INTERACT однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

In recent years, Bouvet Island has had a little more _________________ with the world.

По структуре предложения на месте пропуска должно стоять существительное, которое можно образовать от глагола с помощью суффикса -tion.

Образуйте от слова RESEARCH однокоренное слово так, чтобы оно грамматически и лексически соответствовало содержанию текста.

Norway, which claimed the island in 1928, set up an unmanned weather station there in 1977. Today, this quiet island near the South Pole sends weather data to a satellite, which transmits the information to _________________ in Norway.

Meanwhile, Bouvet Island stands strong and silent in the harsh climate.

По смыслу и структуре предложения на месте пропуска должно стоять существительное во множественном числе.

Дом. Жилище

Учебное пособие

Куминова Е.И. «Дом. Жилище» [Текст]. Учебное пособие / Е.И. Куминова. – г. С-Петербург.-9 с.

Печатается по решению научно- методического совета   ГБОУ СОШ № 145


Куминова Е.И., учитель английского языка


Егоренкова Ю.В., учитель английского языка

Чанских Е.В., учитель английского языка

Учебное пособие предназначено для учащихся школ, лицеев и гимназий, студентов колледжа и учителей иностранного языка. Составлено на основе рабочей программы и соответствует требованиям ФГОС. Цель пособия – усвоить языковые знания, сформировать речевые навыки и умения на коммуникативной основе: монологический и диалогической речи, аудирования, чтения и письма.

В пособии представлен контроль знаний и умений. Учебное пособие окажет помощь в подготовке к практическим занятиям, экзамену. 


Part 1: Phonetical material

Part II: Vocabulary

Part III: Grammar exercises

Part IV: Speech practice

Part V. Test yourself

Part 1: Phonetical material

  1. Learn the proverbs:

A good laugh is sunshine in a house.

There is no place like home.

Men make houses, women make homes.

Dry bread at home  is better that roast meat abroad.

East or West – home is best.

  1. Read and translate the sayings:

1. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

2. Do not burn your house to get rid of the mice.

3. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

4. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

5. Charity begins at home.

6. Home is where the heart is.

7. East or West — home is best.

  1. Read the poem:

In front of my house there’s a tree,

My cat likes to climb it with me.

 In back of my house there’s a hill

Where I go hiking with Bill.

Next to my house there’s a creek

Where I catch fish every week.

Across the road there’s a lake

Where I go swimming with Jake.

Near my house there’s a park,

I don’t go there after dark.

1. Use the constructions there is, there are instead of the blanks:

1. There … a lot of new blocks of flats, on the outskirts of Moscow.

2. There … no teacher of French in the school at the moment.

3. … there boys in their family? — No, there … only girls.

4. There … a great deal of noise in the next room. There … children there.

5. There … some milk in the cup. Drink it up.

6. There … a little bread on the plate, eat it up if you like.

7. There … a lot of first-year students in the lecture room.

8. There … little salt in the soup, add some more.

9. There … few chairs in the classroom, bring a few more from the next room.

10. … there any Sugar in the coffee? — No, there … not. I like my coffee without sugar.

11. .. there any new cottages in this area? — Yes, there … .

12. … there a garage in your yard? — Yes, there      but there … no car there.

13. There … a few mistakes in your test.

14. There … little information on this town in the guide-book.

15. There … few mistakes in your dictation this time, I’m glad for you.

16. There … no news about the missing bag yet.

17. There … a little ice-cream left in the fridge. Have some if you like.

18. There … some tents on the lawn. There … no people in them.

19. There … a big house on the corner of this Street, you’ll see it at once.

20. There … a few fruit trees in their old garden.

3.a) Make up and write down some questions. Follow the model.

Model:    My sister Jane usually gets up at 6 o’clock. Does she get up at 6 o’clock on Sunday? Does she go to work early? Why does she get up at 6 o’clock?

1. Michael plays the piano. {How well      How often …? Where ._ … enjoy playing the piano?)

2. Lily’s parents often go to Africa. {How often …? Do … summer? What part of Africa go to? Do …America?)

3. Nelly sells some nice pictures. {What kind of pictures …? … other things?)

4. Her students write two tests a month. {Why …? What kind of tests …?)

5. I speak three languages. {What …? How well …?)

6. Mary goes to evening classes. {How often …? Why …?)

b) Let your fellow students answer the questions in (a).

3. Open the brackets using the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous Tense:

1. I {to live) at 12, Oxford Street. Where you {to live)l

2. Her house {to be) situated in a side street.

3. What you {to do) at the moment? — We {to move) to a new flat.

4. How often you {to go) to evening classes?

5. Where her cottage {to be) situated? — On the bank of the Moskva River.

6. My mother always {to clean) the flat in the morning.

7. What they {to do) now? — They {to arrange) the furniture in their new flat.

8. It {to be) seven o’clock in the morning. Mary {to make) her bed.

9. She {to buy) a car next week.

10. They {to work) from early morning till late at night every day, they (to want) to finish off the task as soon as possible.

11. Who usually {to do) the cooking in your family? — My mother (to do). But today I {to go) to do it, mother {not to feel) well.

12. You often {to go) to the country? — No, we {not to go). Only when we {to have) time.

13. She {to get married) tomorrow.

14. What {to be) there behind the house? — There {to be) a big garden there.

15. Who {to like) to play the piano?

16. The boy {to have) breakfast now? — No, he {to do) his homework.

  1. Lexical and grammatical exercises

1. Ask your partner to give his/her address.

Model:   A. What’s your address? (Where do you live?)

В. I live at 45, Adams Street. (My address is Flat 1, 36, Green Street.)

A. Is it in the centre or on the outskirts?

B. On the outskirts.

Answer the following questions:

1. Do you live a long way from the centre? You don’t live a long way from the centre, do you?

2. Is your house on the main road or off the main road?

3. Your house is in a side street, isn’t it?

4. Are there many new houses on the outskirts of Moscow?

5. How many storeys are there in your house?

6. Do you live on the ground floor or on the top floor?

; 7. Do you prefer living on. the ground floor or on an upper floor?

8. How many flats are there on your landing?

9. Is there a balcony in your flat?

10. Have ybu got a cottage in the country? Where is it situated? ! 11. In what part of the house is the attic situated? Ц.. In what part of the house is the cellar situated?

13. Which is better, to have a vegetable garden or an orchard? Explain your choice.

14. Is there a fence or a hedge round your cottage?

15. Are there garages in your yard? Is your car in one of the garages?

2. Describe your house in five or six sentences:

Model:         My house is situated in a side street. It’s a ten-storeyed building with balconies. I live on the ninth floor. There are two flowerbeds in front of the house. There is a big. Yard behind it.

3. Translate and transcribe these words:

фруктовый сад                 газон                 балкон                 внизу

живая изгородь                 пригород         подвал                 чердак

гараж                         окраины         вверху                 стена

двухэтажный дом         терраса

4. a) Here are the definitions of some rooms. Read them carefully:

1) A bed-sitter is a single room used for both living and sleeping in.

2) A living-room (also a sitting-room) is the main room in a house where people can do things together (often a general purpose room).

3) A hall is the passage inside the entrance of a house, from which the rooms open.

b) Now try to define these words: a dining-room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a study, a nursery, a bathroom.

c) Write down your definitions.

5. Say how many rooms you have in your flat and say a few words about each room.

6. Say which pieces of furniture you find necessary and which you could do without.

Model:         I find a chair necessary, but I could do without a rocking-chair.

7. Say what pieces of furniture you need for your sitting-room, bedroom, kitchen, study. ‘

8.  a) Look at the picture, read the sentences under it, pay special attention to the prepositions used in the sentences:

1. The radiator is under the window.

2. The wall unit is against the wall. .

3. The desk is in the corner.

4. The table is in the middle of the room.   :

5. The sofa is to the right of the table.

6. One of the chairs is between the sofa and the desk.

7. The picture is over/above the wall unit.

8. The wall unit is below/under the picture.

9. The table-cloth is on the table.

10. The lace curtain is at the window.

11. There are some flowers in the vase.

b)    Fill in prepositions where necessary:

1. It was nearly six months later that Iris made her discovery … the attic.

2. … the right … Anthony sat Michael, his son-in-law.

3. There’s a heavy picture hanging … my bed. It fell … the night.

4. Her guide led her … a dark hall and opened a door … the right.

5. Miss Marple was sitting … a big chair … the fire.

6. Last night I pulled my bed …… the middle … the room.

7. We were sitting … the terrace … front … the hotel.

8. Looking … a portrait hanging … the mantelpiece, he said: «Is that your grandmother?»

9. She waited … she heard his footsteps ,.. the stairs.

10. The guest-rooms upstairs were … an even worse state … repair. One was used … lumber; … boxes piled … the wall.

11. Aunt Patience came …… the chicken-run … the house … some new-laid eggs … her apron.

12. Those walls and windows, that roof, the bell that struck seven as I approached, the whole living entity …the house was mine; and mine alone. The grass … my feet, the trees surrounding me, the hills … me, were all part … my inheritance.

9.   Read and translate the following word combinations:

a new floor lamp                 a heavy wall bracket         a blue bed-cover

a-crystal chandelier         a big square mirror         an oval mirror

a white table-cloth                 dark green wallpaper         lace curtains

beautiful curtains                 a new wipe-clean table-cloth

10.  Say in English:

круглое зеркало над пианино                 старая клеенка

новая тюлевая занавеска                         новое бра

большой желтый ковер                         темно-красные обои

маленький синий коврик у кровати         очень дорогая люстра

белоснежная скатерть                         старый торшер

11. Translate and transcribe the following words:

телефон                         холодильник                 стиральная машина

видеоплеер                 пылесос                   мусоропровод

электричество                 телевизор                 удобства     магнитофон

12. Answer these questions:

1. What conveniences are necessary in modern houses?

2. Which of these conveniences are there in your flat?

3. There is no central heating in your house, is there?

4. Is there a rubbish chute in your house? What is it used for?

5. Where is your refrigerator? What do you keep in it?

6. What do you use a vacuum-cleaner for?

7. Have you got a TV-set? Is it a colour one?

8. Is there a video in your house? How often do you watch it?

9. What is the difference between a tape recorder and a player?

10. Have you got a washing-machine? How often do you use it?

11. Is there a dishwasher in your kitchen? Would you like to have one?

12. Which is more important to have in the house: an electric fire or an electric mixer? Explain your choice.

13. Is there a gas or electric stove in your flat? Which of them do you prefer? Why?

14. Have you got a telephone? What’s your telephone number?

15. How often do you watch TV and listen to the radio?

13. Name the modern conveniences you can’t do without.

Model:    I can’t do without electricity.

14.   Translate these sentences into English:

1. Где вы живете? — Парковая улица, 15. — Это в центре или на

окраине? — Недалеко от центра. .2. Его дом находится в стороне от главной дороги, там очень тихо.

3. У нас большая кухня, но маленькая прихожая.

4. В доме нет ванны, к сожалению.

5. Мне нужен письменный стол, но я мог бы обойтись без этого мягкого кресла.

6. Где ваш телевизор? — У нас нет телевизора.

7. Давай купим новый гарнитур для нашей гостиной.

8. Посредине детской находится большой ковер, справа от двери — кровать ребенка, на окнах красивые занавески.

9. Видите эту картину над камином? Ее нарисовал мой свекор. 10. Напротив дивана стоит книжный шкаф, полный английских книг.

15. Before reading the text below make sure that you can pronounce the following words correctly:

electricity         wire

heating                   peculiarity

façade                furnished

villa                downstairs

upstairs                sparsely

bamboo                seaward

1. Read and answer the questions


Some people have a house; others have a flat. I live in a new nine-storey block of flats in Popov street. Our house is of modern design. In front of the house there is a children’s playground and a small garden.

I have the flat with my parents and my brother. We occupy four rooms in the flat on the first floor. It is very comfortable. We have all modern conveniences, such as heating, electricity, cold and hot water and a telephone. In our flat there are four rooms: a sitting-room, a study, a bedroom, my room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a lavatory, small entrance hall and three balconies.

In the sitting-room we have a modern furniture with a sideboard and a bookcase, a large table, a small magazine table, a sofa, two arm-chairs, a colour TV set, a wireless, a type-recorder, a video recorder, a standard-lamp. There is a carpet on the floor and a curtain on the window. There are four pictures on the wall.

In the bedroom there are two beds, two bedside tables, a wardrobe, and a dressing table with a mirror. There is a lovely carpet on the floor between the beds.

In the study there are two bookcases, a writing-table, a bureau, lot of a book-shelves on the wall, a computer, a telephone and a type writer. My father and mother works there. Sometimes I work and play there with computer too.

My room is just across the corridor on the right. Here you can see two sofa-beds where my brother and I sleep at night and have a rest in the day-time. There is also a writing-table, two chair and some bookshelves here. We use our room as a study where do our homework. In the corner of the room there is table with a tape-recorder on it. We all enjoy listening to music.

In our kitchen we have an electric cooker, an electric refrigerator, a sink with two taps, a dinner table and four chairs, a cupboard in which we keep cups, plates and all our dishes. The kitchen serves as a dining-room. But when we receive guests or have our family celebrations we have the meals in the sitting-room.

In our bathroom there are a bath, a washbasin and a shower. Over the washbasin is a shelf, and over the shelf is a mirror.

Answer the following questions:

1. Do people get the apartments for an unlimited period of time? 2. Does the size of an apartment depend on the size of family? 3. The standard amount of housing space is 12 square meters per person, isn’t it? 4. The housing commission decide who is to get the apartment first, don’t they? 5. Who get the new apartment first? 6. May a citizen buy a state-owned flat? On what conditions? 7. Do you live in a private house or in a block of flats? 8. Is there a garden in front of your house? 9. What is there next to your house? 10. Is your house far from the metro (bus stop)? 11. What floor is your flat on? 12. What modern conveniences are there in your flat? 13. Is your flat large or small? 14. How many rooms are there in your flat? What are they? 15. Which is the biggest room in your flat? 16. How is your living-room furnished? 17. Do you often get together in your living-room? 18. In what room do you receive guests? 19. Where do you keep your clothes? 20. Where do you keep your books? 21. Where do you usually have meals? 22. Are you happy with your flat?

2. Retell the text


We have a nice flat rather far from the centre of the city. It is in a new five-storey building in Gagarin Avenue. As there are five storeys in the building it has a lift.

Our flat is on the fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences such ,as central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, and a chute to carry rubbish down.

There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall in our flat.

The dining-room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. In the middle of the dining-room we have a square dining-table with six chairs round it. There is a hanging lamp above the table. To the right of the dining-table there is a sideboard with two drawers in it. Near it there is a piano with a piano stool before it.

Between the two large windows there is a little table with a TV set on it. Our TV set is of the latest model. Near the TV set there are two cosy armchairs. Nothing is more pleasant in rainy weather than to sit in a comfortable armchair and watch TV programmes.

A small round table, a divan-bed and a standard lamp are in the left-hand corner. This table is for newspapers and magazines.

The walls of the dining-room are light-green and there are a few prints and water-colours on them.


The bedroom is a bit smaller than the dining-room and not so light as there is only one window in it. In this room there are two beds with a bedside-table between them. An alarm-clock and a small lamp with a pink lamp-shade are on the table. At the opposite wall there is a dressing-table.

In this room we have a built-in wardrobe with coat-hangers to hang clothes on. There is a thick carpet on the floor and plain light-brown curtains on the window.


The third room is the study. It is not so large as the dining-room but it is as cosy as all the other rooms.

There is not much furniture in it, only the most necessary pieces. It has a writing-desk with drawers to keep papers in. Pens, pencils, an inkpot, a writing-pad and a few dictionaries are lying on the desk. There is a telephone on the left. Just behind it is a reading lamp. On the right there is a desk-clock and a calendar. A desk-armchair is standing before it. There are books on the shelves all round the walls of the study. In the right-hand corner there is a bookcase full of books. Among them there are many English books in the original and in translation as I am a student of English.

A small table with a radio is standing in the left-hand corner. Near it there is a sofa with some cushions. In my opinion the study is the best room in our flat.


The next room is our kitchen. In it there is a large table, some stools, two kitchen-cupboards for cups, saucers, plates and dishes, a refrigerator (a fridge) to keep food cool in hot weather, and a number of shelves for pans, frying-pans and kettles.

There is a gas-stove here to cook the meals or boil the kettle on. Here, too, is the sink to wash the dishes in after meals. It has two taps, one for hot water and the other for cold water.

Then we have a bathroom. In it there is a bath with a shower and a wash-basin with a mirror over it. To the right of the mirror there is a towel-rail, to the left of it there is a shelf to keep tooth-brushes, tooth-powder (tooth-paste) and soap on.

In the hall there is a hall-stand where we may leave our coats and hats. A rug is lying in front of the door.

 3. Read and retell the text


Let’s have a look at this picture of our sitting-room. As you come into the room you notice a piano with a low music-stool in front of it. Next to the piano is a tall bookcase standing against the wall. On the left is a large window. Under the window there’s a radiator, but, you can’t see it because itjjs behind the settee. On the settee there are two cushions. The fireplace is at the other end of the room. On each side of the fireplace there’s an armchair. An old lady is sitting in one of the chairs, but nobody’s sitting in the other one: it’s empty.

In the centre of the mantelpiece there’s a clock and above it an oval mirror. On the right you can see a standard lamp. Opposite the fireplace you can see a small table with an ash-tray and some newspapers on it. By the table there’s a small chair. On the extreme right there’s a radio-set. The floor is covered with a beautiful thick carpet. An electric light is hanging from the middle of the ceiling. At night when it gets dark we switch on the light and draw the curtains: During the day, the light comes in through the window.

 4.Read and retell the text


At night when I feel tired and sleepy, I go up to my bedroom and switch on the electric light. I take off my shoes, undress and put on my pyjamas. Then I get into bed and switch off the light.

After a few minutes I fall asleep. I sleep the whole night through.

Punctually at seven-thirty in the morning, the alarm-clock rings and wakes me up. I get out of bed, put on my dressing-gown and slippers, and go into the bathroom, where I turn on the hot and cold taps. While the water’s running into the bath, I wash my face and neck, clean my teeth, and shave. My shaving things are on the shelf above the basin. Then I turn off the taps and have my bath. Sometimes I have a shower. When I’ve dried myself with a towel, I get dressed.

On the dressing-table in front of the looking-glass, you’ll see a hairbrush and a comb, a hand-mirror, a bottle of scent and a powder-box. These, of course, don’t belong to me, but to my wife. In the chest of drawers I keep clean linen such as shirts! collars and handkerchiefs, besides things like socks and ties. The dirty linen is put in a linen basket and sent to the laundry. In the wardrobe I keep my suits and other clothes, which I hang on coat-hangers.

5. Learn the following dialogue

A. Well, here is our new flat. B. When did you move in?

A. About two weeks ago. Last Saturday we had a housewarming party.

B. Do you like your new flat?

A. Yes. It’s a nice flat of three rooms with all modern conveniences. Just a moment, this must be the wrong key, it doesn’t fit into the keyhole… Now it’s all right… Just walk in.

B. Oh, the hall is rather large.

A. Let me help you off with your coat, hang your hat on that peg up there… Now I’ll show you round the flat. This door leads to the living-room.

B. A rather large room, I should say. What’s the floor space?

A. About 23 square metres, I believe.

B. I like the wall-paper.

A. There is not enough furniture. We want to buy a coffee-table and two or three armchairs to make the room look cosy.

B. The windows face south-west, don’t they?

A. So they do. We have sunshine the greater part of the day. Now, this glassed door opens on the balcony.

B. Oh, what a fine view you get from here! That building on the left is a school, I believe.

A. Right you are. And on the right you will see a supermarket. So we needn’t go far to do our shopping.

B. That’s fine. It saves a lot of time, doesn’t it?

A. Now here is one of our bedrooms. Would you like to see it?

B. I’ll just look in… The room really looks fine. You’ve got everything a bedroom should have: beds, a bedside table, a dressing table, a mirror over it… Well, but there is one thing lacking. I see no wardrobe.

A. This time you are mistaken, there is one. We have a built-in wardrobe. Here it is.

B. How very convenient! And it is so large! You can keep a lot of clothes in it.

A. Now shall I take you to-our kitchen?

B. Yes, please. I would like to see your kitchen very much.

A. Well, here we are. As you see, we have all conveniences necessary for cooking: a gas stove, a refrigerator, a built-in cupboard for dry foods and dishes, two shelves and a sink with a rack for dishes above.

B. Well, thank you for showing me everything. I like your new flat very much.

Part V. Test yourself

1. Write a dictation

Mary Brown and her parents’ flat is in the modern many-storeyed building. They live on the eighth floor and use a lift. There is a big supermarket on the ground floor and it’s very convenient to do everyday shopping. The Browns’ flat is very comfortable and well-planned. They have all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, running water, gas, rubbish chute and a telephone. There are 4 rooms in the flat: a living room, 2 bedrooms and a study. They also have a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. The living-room is large. There is a coffee table and a couple of armchairs in the room. On the left there is a divan-bed and a standard lamp near it. At the opposite wall there is a piano and in the wall unit one can see a TV-set with a video cassette-recorder and a music center. There is also a cupboard and several bookshelves. Nice white curtains, a beautiful thick carpet and a fireplace make their living-room very cosy.

In parents’ bedroom there is a double-bed, two bedside tables with the reading lamp on one of them and with photos on another. On the bed there are two big soft pillows and a blanket. In the middle of the room there is a rug. There is also a dressing table with a mirror and a wardrobe. The Browns’ study is like a library. There is a writing table with a computer and a large bookcase filled with books.

The bathroom is not very big, but comfortable. On the right there is an oval-shaped bath with a mixer lap for cold and hot water and a shower. On the bath there is a bath-rack to keep shampoo, bubble-bath, bath salt, shower gels and others. To the next of it there is a washbasin with a mirror and a towel-rail. On the left a washing machine is situated.

The kitchen is very light. A new refrigerator stands near the window. To the left of it there is a cupboard with pots, pans, cups and plates and an electric stow, with an oven. On the windowsill there are some pot plants. In the middle of the kitchen a dining table and some stools are situated. The Browns like to have dinners there with their neighbours. The Browns’ neighbours are very nice. They are Jane and Bill Robinson. They live in the flat downstairs. Jane is a nurse in a hospital and Bill is an agent of the real estate company.

2.  Test

2.1 Listen to the text and say:

1. how many rooms there are in the house;

2. what rooms are on the ground floor;

3. if there is central heating in that house.

A Letter from my London Friend

This is a picture of my house. Like many English houses it is a two-storey brick building with a garden around it.

On the ground floor we have a sitting room, a dining room and a kitchen. The kitchen is rather big and comfortable.

But when we have a party we have dinner in the dining room. And after dinner we usually go to the sitting-room. It is very cosy. There isn’t much furniture in our sitting room. There is a sofa and two armchairs ж it. There are some pictures on the walls. In the middle of the room there is a carpet. We also have a TV set the comer. We like watching TV. Our bedrooms are upstairs on the first floor. There are not many things ere. We have only two beds, a mirror, a dressing table and a wardrobe in the bedroom. There are also two brooms for guests.

They are small. In winter we heat the bedrooms because there is no central heating. Few people have central heating in their own houses.

My husband’s study is downstairs. It faces the garden. The room is large with a lot of books in the bookcases. There is also a computer on the desk. It is my husband’s favorite room. I like my house. It is my home.

Answer the questions given below

2.2. Say if these statements are true or false.

1. The house is rather small,

2 The sitting room is upstairs.

3 There is much furniture in the sitting room.

4. There is no TV-set in the house.

5. Many people in England have central heating in their houses.

6. There are no bedrooms for guests there.

7. The study doesn’t face the street.

2.3.  Complete these sentences

1.  Like many English houses it is …  

2. The kitchen is …

3. When we have a party …

4. Our bedrooms are upstairs …

5. In winter we heat the bedrooms because …

6. My husband’s study faces …

7. The study is my husband’s …

8. I like my …

2.4.  Find English equivalents

Кирпичное здание, уютная комната, немного мебели, туалетный столик, платяной шкаф, центральное отопление, внизу (по лестнице), любимая комната.

2.5. Fill in the gaps with proper words. Use the words in the box

Central heating (1), cosy (2), brick (3), cupboards (4), furniture (5) ground floor (6), upstairs (7), kitchen (7), garden (8), wardrobe (9),-storey building (10), fridge (11).

Our friends now have a large 1)… in the country. They live there all year round because there is 2)…..there. It is a 3)…..with a large 4)…..around it. On the 5)…..there is a living-room, two bedrooms and a 6)…..There isn’t much 7)… the rooms, but they are 8).there is a bedroom for the guests. There is only a bed, a 9)…..and a dressing table in it. The kitchen is large with a lot of 10)…..and a 11)… the corner. We like visiting our friends.

2.6. Find out (ask questions on the text).

— how many storeys the house has; — if there is a garden;

— if there is much furniture in the sitting room; — where the bedrooms are;

— if many people have central heating in their houses; — what the study is like.

2.7. Translate into English.

У моих друзей новая квартира. Они живут на четвертом этаже нового кирпичного дома. Их квартира не очень большая, но удобная. В ней две комнаты и большая кухня. Окна комнаты выходят в парк, а кухня — на тихую улицу, где мало машин. Они проводят много времени на кухне, там они и едят, если нет гостей. А телевизор смотрят в жилой комнате. Мне нравится навещать моих друзей.

3. Translate into English:

1. У вас ведь новая квартира? — Да, у меня теперь чудесная квартира.— На каком этаже? — На третьем.— Большая? — Довольно (rather) большая: гостиная, кабинет отца, спальня, ванная и маленькая передняя.— Ваша квартира со всеми удобствами? — Конечно. Горячая и холодная вода, центральное отопление, газ, мусоропровод и электричество.— Есть в доме лифт? — Да. У нас в доме двенадцать этажей.

2. В комнате моей сестры стоит пианино, диван-кровать, круглый стол, стулья и буфет. По-моему, в ней слишком много мебели. В моей комнате меньше мебели, чем в комнате моей сестры.

3. Это самая светлая и большая комната в квартире.

4. На нашей улице три новых многоэтажных дома, в них много хороших и удобных квартир.

5. Прямо перед окном — мой письменный стол. На нем масса вещей.

6. У моей семьи небольшая, но удобная, хорошо распланированная квартира в центре города. Наш дом на улице Гоголя, а наша квартира на 3-м этаже. Моя комната самая маленькая, но очень уютная и светлая. В ней большое окно с красивыми занавесками. Комната очень теплая. В комнате довольно много мебели. Посредине комнаты стоит небольшой круглый стол; вокруг него несколько стульев. Направо от окна — мой письменный стол. Перед столом — кресло. Я очень люблю сидеть в этом кресле, оно мягкое и удобное. На письменном столе — масса вещей: календарь, часы, лампа, английские и русские книги, журналы и газеты, тетради, ручки, карандаши. Над столом — полка с книгами. Направо от двери — маленький столик. Мы очень любим музыку. В одном из углов — диван-кровать. Рядом с диваном-кроватью встроенный платяной шкаф. Обои в моей комнате светло-коричневые. На стенах висят два портрета моих родителей и несколько фотографий и акварелей. У нас есть телефон. Он — в прихожей.

Дом. Жилище.

Учебное пособие

Усл. печ. л. 1,78

195220, г. С-Петербург, пр. Науки, 13


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

стены и крышу

стенах и крыше

стены и крыша

стен и крыши

стены и потолок

стены и крыши

стены и кровля

For better light transmission, the walls and roof should be cleaned at least twice a season.

Для лучшей светопроницаемости стены и крышу необходимо очищать как минимум два раза за сезон.

They then sheathed the walls and roof.

Faults in the walls and roof can be changed at any time, but the foundation — this is simply impossible.

Неисправности в стенах и крыше могут быть изменены в любое время, но фундамент — это просто невозможно.

With broken windows, with bushes growing up on the walls and roof, he was in those years a sad spectacle.

С выбитыми окнами, с кустарником на стенах и крыше, он являл в те годы печальное зрелище.

The frame is the skeleton of the structure and supports the walls and roof.

Рама представляет собой скелет конструкции и поддерживает стены и крышу.

He begins with the foundation, then only he erects the walls and roof.

Его начинают делать сразу после заливки фундамента, а только потом возводят стены и крышу.

If the foundation begins to collapse, then you may have to disassemble the walls and roof, which threatens serious financial costs.

Если фундамент начнет разрушаться, то, возможно, придется разбирать стены и крышу, что грозит серьезными денежными затратами.

Another feature of the structure is that the energy for the complex is taken from the solar panels located on the walls and roof.

Еще одна особенность строения заключается в том, что энергия для комплекса берется от солнечных батарей, расположенных на стенах и крыше.

It consists of a single building with a hewn beam and wooden branches that formed the walls and roof of a structure most likely like a house.

«Оно представляет собой корпус с высеченной балкой и деревянными элементами, формирующими стены и крышу сооружения, больше похожего на дом.

After the Foundation you need to build the walls and roof.

Когда фундамент будет готов нужно построить стены и крышу.

For example, heat can be transported from the interior of a house to the outside environment through the walls and roof even if there were no gaps near the window sills or doors.

Например, тепло может передаваться из внутренних помещений вовне через стены и крышу даже при отсутствии щелей у подоконников и дверей.

Whatever form of heating you use, it’s important to have good insulation, without which up to 60 per cent of the heat generated is lost through the walls and roof.

Какой бы вид отопления вы используете, очень важно иметь хорошую теплоизоляцию, без которой до 60 процентов тепла теряется через стены и крышу.

The reactor fuel appears to have at least partially melted, and the subsequent explosion has shattered the walls and roof of the containment vessel — and likely the remaining useful parts of the control and coolant systems.

Реакторное топливо по меньшей мере частично расплавилось, а последовавший взрыв раскурочил стены и крышу защитной оболочки реактора, и, вероятно, остававшиеся рабочие части органов контроля и системы охлаждения.

Large slabs of rock were used to make the walls and roof of the very basic burial chamber, normally located at one end of the cairn, which although usually blocked after use could be immediately accessed from the outside courtyard.

Большие каменные плиты использовались, чтобы сделать стены и крышу самой основной погребальной камеры, обычно расположенной на одном конце пирамиды из камней, к которой, хотя обычно блокировали после использования, можно было немедленно получить доступ из внешнего двора.

We were able to capture 7,000 square meters, and if we count the walls and roof, the total amount is 36,000 square meters.

Мы смогли запечатлеть 7000 квадратных метров, и если посчитаем стены и крышу, в сумме это будет 36000 квадратных метров.

The dimensions of the hall were calculated from 200 posthole marks on the ground from the huge oak beams that supported the walls and roof.

Объем зал был вычислен посредством 200 следов отверстий от огромных стволов дуба, которые поддерживали стены и крышу.

Imagine that you paid them to be there while they soiled your furniture, wrecked your carpets, damaged the walls and roof… Would you call that a good deal for you?

Представьте, что Вы платите ему за проживание, а он портит вашу мебель и ковры, ломает стены и крышу вашей собственности… разве Вы можете назвать эту сделку удачной? .

The walls and roof are done and we’re working on the interior.

Стены и крышу рабочие уже построили, а сейчас идут внутренние работы.

The walls and roof of the teachers quarters have been completed and work is continuing on the interior.

Стены и крышу рабочие уже построили, а сейчас идут внутренние работы.

Both the supporting structure and the walls and roof plating is manufactured with an accuracy of 1 millimetre.

Как конструкция каркаса, так и покрытия обшивки стен и крыши, изготавливаются с точностью до 1 миллиметра.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 63. Точных совпадений: 63. Затраченное время: 120 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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