To begin with she opened all the windows

Работа по теме: Английский язык - методичка. Глава: 2. Неличные формы глагола. ВУЗ: ЧелГУ.

К неличным формам
глагола в английском языке относятся:

инфинитив (неличная
форма глагола, обозначающая действие
или состояние безотносительно к лицу,
его совершающему),

герундий (неличная
форма глагола, которая имеется в
английском, но отсутствует в русском

причастие (неличная
форма глагола, которая имеет функции
прилагательного и наречия также как и

Неличные формы
глагола могут выступать в роли различных
членов предложения. Особое внимание
следует обращать на перевод неличных
форм глагола.

Инфинитив и


in the open air is more than pleasant, it is healthy.(инфинит.)

(“спание”) на открытом воздухе не
только приятен, но и полезен для

this speciality is an indispensable thing.(герунд.)

этой специальностью необходимо.

Часть сказуемого

duty is to answer
all letters. (инфинит.)

обязанность — отвечать на все письма.


likes to write
with a fountain-pen.(инфинит.)

любит писать авторучкой.

like studying

нравится изучать английский язык.


have brought you an interesting story to

принес вам почитать интересную историю.

have an intention of
this article as soon as possible.(герунд.)

намерен прочесть эту статью

можно скорее.


went there early to
tickets. (инфинит.)

пошли туда рано, чтобы достать хорошие

to Moskow he resumed his work.(герунд.)

возвращения в Москву он



Часть сказуемого

is writing
a paper.

пишет статью.


boy is my son.

мальчик — мой сын.

method used
not new.

метод — не нов.


he made notes.

он делал заметки.


предложение, обращая внимание на неличные
формы глагола.

To begin with, she opened all the windows.

My neighbour is difficult to deal with.

To tell you the truth, I am very tired.

You are hard to please.

The boy running past the house suddenly stopped.

Playing in the garden, the children did not notice that it had become

He put a crumpled letter on the table.

Haying done their homework, the children went for a walk.

The machine needs cleaning.

10. The old
man could not stand being told what he should do.

11. Going
to the party was no use: he had no talent for dancing.

This job is not worth taking.

13. After
looking through and marking the students’ papers, the teacher
handed them back.

She was proud of being awarded the cup of a champion.

15. The cat
was punished for having broken the cup.

3. Союзы

(and, or), производные
(before, after), составные
(as soon as, so that), парные
(both … and, neither … nor).

По своим грамматическим
функциям союзы делятся на сочинительные
и подчинительные.

1. Сочинительные
союзы связывают однородные члены
предложения и однородные предложения:

were two chairs and
a table in that room.

комнате было два стула и стол.

dress was old but
very neat.

платье было старое, но очень


have lived all my life in Moskow, but
I have never been in this street.

всю свою жизнь жил в Москве,

я никогда не был на этой улице.

does not know this song, for
she has not seen the new film.

не знает эту песню, потому что

не видела новый фильм.

союзы присоединяют придаточные
предложения к главному.

cannot come because
I am busy.

не могу придти, потому что я занят.

will help you with your work if
she can find time.

поможет тебе в твоей работе, если у
нее найдется время.

was rather warm in the sun, it was still cold in the shade.

уже было тепло на солнце, в тени все
еще было холодно.


предложения. Укажите подчинительные и
сочинительные союзы.

1. I can’t
do it as you do.

2. He
always left the house at eight o’clock in order that he might not
miss the train.

3. This
road seems longer than I thought.

4. He was
born in Warsaw, so he speaks Polish very well.

5. While I
was sitting there, he came up to me.

6. They are
working quickly so that they may finish early.

7. There
are not so many people here as I expected.

8. He felt
very ill and went to bed.

9. Will you
please tell me whether he has come or not?

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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  1. Грамматика. Ключи к упражнениям по 6-му изданию.
  2. Грамматика. Ключи к упражнениям. Четвертое издание
  3. Упражнение 351
  4. Упражнение 352
  5. Упражнение 353
  6. Упражнение 354
  7. Упражнение 355
  8. Упражнение 356
  9. Упражнение 357
  10. Упражнение 358
  11. Упражнение 359
  12. Упражнение 360
  13. Упражнение 361
  14. Упражнение 362
  15. Упражнение 363
  16. Упражнение 364
  17. Упражнение 365
  18. Упражнение 366
  19. Упражнение 367
  20. Упражнение 368
  21. Упражнение 369
  22. Упражнение 370
  23. Упражнение 371
  24. Упражнение 372
  25. Упражнение 373
  26. Упражнение 374
  27. Упражнение 375
  28. Упражнение 376
  29. Упражнение 377
  30. Упражнение 378
  31. Упражнение 379
  32. Упражнение 380
  33. Упражнение 381
  34. Упражнение 382
  35. Упражнение 383
  36. Упражнение 384
  37. Упражнение 385
  38. Упражнение 386
  39. Упражнение 387
  40. Упражнение 388
  41. Упражнение 389
  42. Упражнение 390
  43. Упражнение 391
  44. Упражнение 392
  45. Упражнение 393
  46. Упражнение 394
  47. Упражнение 395
  48. Упражнение 396
  49. Упражнение 397
  50. Упражнение 398
  51. Упражнение 399
  52. Упражнение 400

Грамматика. Ключи к упражнениям по 6-му изданию.

Пособие содержит практические упражнения различной степени сложности по основным разделам школьного курса английского языка.

Грамматика. Ключи к упражнениям. Четвертое издание

Вопросы и диалоги в косвенной речи

Упражнение 351

1. Kate said that she would go to see her friend the next day and asked Pete if he would come with her. Pete said that he would and added that he wanted to see her (Kate’s) friend. 2. Victor asked Mary if her friend always came to school so early. Mary said that she didn’t and explained that her friend had come so early that morning because she was on duty that day. 3. Nina suggested playing badminton. Mike agreed and added that he liked to play badminton very much. 4. Bill suggested running a race. Jack refused and explained that he had hurt his foot three days before and now he could not run. 5. Tom asked Becky if she would show him their new flat. Becky said that she would (Becky agreed) and invited Tom to come to their place the next day. 6. Lena said that there was a new film on at their cinema and suggested going and seeing it. Mike refused. He said that he could not go because he would be busy. 7. Ann wondered what they would do with Nick and added that he had got a bad mark again. Pete suggested helping him with his Russian and added that he was sure they could do it.

Упражнение 352

1. He wanted to know who that man was and added that he did not know him. 2. I thought that he was a very clever man and (that he) could help me. 3. My brother said that in two hours he would have finished his work and then he would go to the cinema. He suggested going to the cinema together. I agreed. 4. The teacher told us (the pupils) to open our (their) books and begin reading the new text. 5. The girl wanted to know the price of that dress. 6. I asked my father to help me with that problem and added that I could not solve it. My father agreed and suggested trying to solve it together. 7. He said that they had forgotten to take the ball. 8. She said that she would be very glad to see me. 9. Walter suggested going to the Philharmonic and added that there was a good concert there that night. Robert agreed and added that he had not been to the Philharmonic for a long time. 10. Alec asked me if I had ever been to the National Gallery. I answered that I had and added that I had visited it the year before when we were staying in London. 11. Kate suggested going to Finland for the winter holidays. Andrew refused and added that they had already been to Finland. He suggested going to Greece and added that it would be very interesting to see the country they had read about so much. Kate agreed. 12. Nellie said that she had gone to see Paul the day before but he had not been at home. Nick suggested going to see him that day. He added that he thought Paul would be at home. Nellie refused and said that she could not go that day because she was very busy.

Упражнение 353

1. Lena said that she had not seen him since the year before and added that she thought he had grown. She suggested going and seeing him the next day. I agreed and added that it would be interesting to see him and talk to him. 2. I asked my friend if he thought it was really correct and added that I was afraid he had made a mistake in one or two words. 3. Tom’s mother said that that was enough. She said that Tom would never go there again and added that she would see to it. 4. Grandmother asked who would read the next story and added that it was very interesting and that she was sure we all should like it. 5. Lena asked her friend if he would come and see her on Friday. Her friend agreed and added that he thought he would be free on Friday. 6. He asked me whether I should need the book for a long time and added that he could give it to me only for a few days. 7. Mary said that soon she would know the whole poem perfectly and added that she had already learnt more than half of it. 8. John asked me if I should be able to find their house without him and added that I had never been to those parts. 9. She asked me not to ask her any more questions. She added that she was very tired and promised to answer all my questions the next day. 10. He told me that he would finish reading the book by Monday and added that I could have it then.

Упражнение 354

1. Don’t call on me tomorrow as I shall not be at home. 2. Wait for me. 3. I have lived in St. Petersburg for many years and know the city very well. 4. I am sorry you haven’t kept your promise. 5. I have just come from the United States and intend to stay in St. Petersburg for about a month. 6. I am not satisfied with my report and I am going to work on it for some more time. I am to make it on the twelfth of February and so I have a few days left. 7. I am quite all right. The climate hasn’t done me any harm. 8. Where can I buy a video cassette? 9. Who rang you up in the morning?

Упражнение 355

1. An unfamiliar voice asked if that was Dmitri speaking. The man said that his name was Pavlov and that he had come from Moscow that day. He told me that he had brought some books for me from my friends. He added that he was staying at the Europe Hotel and wondered when and where he could see me. I suggested meeting at the monument to Pushkin in Arts Square at five o’clock if it was convenient to him. He agreed and added that he would be there. 2. The shop assistant said that the shoe department was downstairs. 3. The professor told his assistant that he had made great progress. 4. The teacher told us that we must read that text at home. 5. Paul said that they would have to discuss that text the next day. 6. She asked me if I knew who had taken her book. 7. We asked him what had happened to him and added that he looked very pale. 8. She told me that she hoped I had not forgotten to post the letter. 9. She asked me where I had put her gloves and added that she could not find them. 10. They told me to try that coat on before buying it and added that maybe I should not like it when I had put it on.

Упражнение 356

1. Mike asked Bob if he had done his homework or left it till the evening. He added that he had thought of inviting Bob to go to the theatre with him but had remembered that he nearly always did his homework in the evening. 2. Jack said that he was fond of Dickens. He said that he had been reading «The Old Curiosity Shop» the whole week. He added that he liked the novel very much and that he was reading it for the second time. 3. Tanya said that she thought her friend had finished reading «Jane Eyre». She added that she hoped her friend would give it to her soon and explained that she was eager to read it. 4. He asked me if I had a Russian-English dictionary. He wondered if I could let him have it for that evening. He added that he must do some very difficult translation. I agreed and added that I should not need the dictionary that night. 5. Nellie told Lydia that she had thought about her the night before. She wanted to know if Lydia had decided to go to Omsk with her parents or whether she would remain there with her aunt until she finished school.

Упражнение 357

It was morning. Nick’s mother woke him up. She asked him if he heard the alarm clock. Nick did not want to get up. He said that he was very sleepy. His mother remarked (said) that Nick always said it. She told him to get out of bed quickly. Nick moaned. His mother told him again to be quick. She added that he would be late for school if he was not quick. Nick told his mother that it was all right and added that he had a lot of time. Nick’s mother reminded him that he had to brush his teeth and to wash his hands and face. Nick answered that he remembered everything.

Упражнение 358

Kate was ill and Jane came to see her. She asked if she might come in. Kate recognized Jane and asked her to come in. She was very glad and said that it was very good of Jane to come and see her. Jane said that she had come before but Kate had been too ill to see anybody. She wanted to know if Kate had got the flowers. Kate answered that of course she had and added that it had been very nice of Jane to send them to her. Jane asked Kate how she was now. Kate thanked her and said that she was much better. She added that the doctor said that she would be allowed to go out in a few days. Jane wanted to know if Kate missed school. Kate answered that she missed school very much. She added that she was afraid she would be lagging behind the group in her lessons now. Jane told her not to think about it and added that they would help her. Kate thanked her.

Упражнение 359

Peter and John were classmates. One day they were going from school together. John asked Peter how he was getting along. Peter said that he was all right. He asked John what he thought about the last test in geometry. John said that he had found it rather difficult and added that he was not very good at solving problems. Peter wondered why John had not asked him to help him and added that he would gladly do it. John thanked him and said that he would. Then he wanted to know if Peter had a lot of homework for the next day. Peter answered that he had. He remarked (said) that John knew the timetable and that Friday was always a bad day. He reminded John that they had six lessons the next day and that all the subjects were difficult. He added that besides there would be questions from his little sister because she was not very good at sums. John agreed and said that he would come to Peter’s place the next day in the evening, if Peter did not mind. Peter agreed and suggested making it the next day. He added that he would be waiting for John.

Упражнение 360

Susan came to consult the doctor. The doctor greeted her and asked what the matter with her was. Susan complained of feeling bad. She said that she had a headache and added that she was afraid she was running a temperature. The doctor told her to open her mouth and show him her throat. Then he said that Susan had a bad cold and that she must stay in bed for two days until her temperature was normal and she stopped coughing. Susan exclaimed that she hated being ill and staying in bed. The doctor told her that if she was not careful, she might fall ill with the flu or pneumonia. He added that he would prescribe some medicine. Susan thanked the doctor and said goodbye.

Упражнение 361

Michael and Bill were friends. Michael asked Bill to show him around a bit. He added that he had only come there two days before and had not been anywhere as yet. Bill answered that he would do it with pleasure. He suggested going at once. And he also suggested inviting Alice to come with them. He added that Alice knew a lot about the places of interest there. Michael said that it was a good idea. Then Bill asked Alice if she could come with them. He told her that they were going for a walk and that he wanted to show Michael some places of interest. Alice refused to go with the boys. She said that she was sorry, but her mother had told her to buy some bread and she had forgotten about it. She added that she would have to do it now. She told the boys to go without her and promised to go with them some other time. Bill said that it was a pity, and he and Michael went alone.

Упражнение 362

A man entered a cafe and sat down at a table. A waiter came up to him and asked what he would order. The man wanted to see the menu. The waiter gave him the menu. Looking through the menu, the man said that he wanted chicken soup for the first course. As he was not sure what to order for the second course, the waiter recommended him to take fried fish and added that it was very good. The man agreed. Then the waiter asked him if he wanted some vegetables, and the man asked for some potatoes. He also ordered cheese, coffee and fruit.

Упражнение 363

1. to. 2. V. 3. V. 4. V. 5. to. 6. to. 7. V. 8. to. 9 V. 10. to. 11. to. 12. to. 13. V. 14. V. 15. V. 16. to. 17. to. 18. V. 19. to, V. 20. to. 21. V. 22. to. 23 to 24. to. 25. V. 26. V. 27. to.

Упражнение 364

1. to warm you up. 2. for you to clean your teeth with. 3. to prove that your theory is correct. 4. to rub on your hands. 5. for you to fasten the shelves to the wall. 6. to relieve your headache. 7. to be translated for tomorrow. 8. to write with. 9. to read now. 10 to be considered (for us to consider). 11. to take care of. 12. to read. 13. to help you with your spelling. 14. to take care of. 15. to say on this subject. 16. for him to do. 17. to explain these words to you. 18. to take soon. 19. to serve him.

Упражнение 365

1. She is too fat to wear this dress now. 2. The accident was too terrible to talk about. 3. They were too empty-headed to learn. 4. The window was too dirty to see through. 5. She was too foolish to understand my explanation. 6. I have too little wool to make a sweater. 7. The problem is too difficult to solve. 8. The box is too heavy to carry. 9. The baby is too little to walk. 10. He is too weak to lift this weight. 11. She is too busy to talk with you. 12. She was too inattentive to notice the mistake. 13. The rule was too difficult for them to understand. 14. He was too stupid to see the joke.

Упражнение 366

1. To begin with, she opened all the windows. 2. My neighbour is difficult to deal with. 3. To tell you the truth, I am very tired. 4. His behaviour leaves much to be desired. 5. To put it mildly, you surprised me. 6. These children are pleasant to look at. 7. To cut a long story short, they got married. 8. The most famous book by Jerome is «Three Men in a Boat, to Say Nothing of the Dog.» 9. You are hard to please. 10. To say the least of it, we were surprised. 11. To put it mildly, she was impolite. 12. Your work leaves much to be desired. 13. To tell you the truth, I don’t like boxing. 14. Your sister is hard to please. 15. To begin with, I am busy. 16. He was pleasant to look at. 17. To cut a long story short, he did not pass the examination. 18. We were all glad, to say nothing of Mother: she said it was the happiest day in her life. 19. Your composition leaves much to be desired. 20. It is very strange, to say the least of it.

Упражнение 367

1. To tell the truth, I don’t like it. 2. They had nothing to eat. 3. Who is to blame? 4. To cut a long story short, he hasn’t done his homework. 5. Mother is always the first to get up in our family. 6. She is pleasant to to look at. 7. To translate this article you must use a dictionary. 8. In summer I have nowhere to go to. 9. It was out of the question to bathe in this river. 10. He had nobody to discuss this problem with. 11. Yesterday Kate was the last to come to school. 12. To get a good mark, you must work hard. 13. She is difficult to deal with. 14. What is to be done? 15. To begin with, he is ill. 16. To read Dickens in the original, you must know the language well. 17. To put it mildly, he is wrong (not right). 18. She was not to blame. 19. The child has nobody to play with. 20. To see is to believe. 21. To catch this train you should (must) hurry. 22. It is out of the question to buy a car this year. 23. The book leaves much to be desired.

Упражнение 368

1. Играть в шахматы было его самым большим удовольствием. 2. Ребенок не любил, когда его мыли. 3. Не правда ли, это естественно, что мы любим, когда нас хвалят, и не любим, когда нас ругают? 4. Что более приятно: делать подарки или получать их? 5. У природы есть много секретов, которые предстоит открыть. 6. Чтобы улучшить ваше произношение, вам следует записывать и анализировать вашу речь. 7. Это книга, которую надо прочитать во время летних каникул. 8. Проходить обучение у такого хорошего специалиста было большим преимуществом. 9. Он очень забывчив, но не любит, когда ему напоминают о его обязанностях.

Упражнение 369

1. Ребенок был счастлив, что его привели домой. 2. Джейн вспомнила, что ей много рассказывали о мистере Рочестере. 3. Дети были в восторге от того, что их привели в цирк.4. Я сожалею, что испортил Вам настроение. 5. Мэгги была очень обеспокоена тем, что забыла покормить кроликов. 6. Я ужасно рад, что встретил Вас. 7. Простите, что поставил Вас в такое неприятное положение. 8. Я очень счастлив, что имел удовольствие познакомиться с Вами. 9. Я сожалею, что заставил Вас ждать. 10. Клайд был ужасно рад, что возобновил свое знакомство с Сондрой. 11. Извините, что я не заметил Вас. 12. Я сожалею, что добавил неприятностей тем, что рассказал Вам. 13. Когда Клайд посмотрел на девушку внимательно, он вспомнил, что видел ее в компании Сондры. 14. Я вспомнил, что был растроган сценой, которую наблюдал.

Упражнение 370

1. It is certain to rain if you don’t take your umbrella. 2. Don’t promise to do it if you are not sure that you can. 3. He was happy to be praised by everybody. 4. He was very proud to have helped his elder brother. 5. She was sorry to have missed the beginning of the concert. 6. I am glad to see all my friends here. 7. I was afraid to go past that place alone. 8. My sister will be thrilled to be wearing a dress as lovely as that. 9. We must wait to hear the examination results. 10. She is happy to have found such a nice place to live in. 11. I should be delighted to join you. 12. He hopes to know everything by tomorrow.

Упражнение 371

1. to read. 2. to be reading. 3. to have been reading. 4. to have read. 5. to be. 6. to be helped. 7. to have been playing. 8. to have done. 9. to have been working. 10. to have broken. 11. to take. 12. to be taken. 13. to help. 14. to be helped. 15. to see.

Упражнение 372

1. to be quarrelling. 2. to have been working. 3. to be heard. 4. to be lost, to find, to have been dropped. 5. to have been waiting. 6. to be bothering, to be given. 7. to appear, to be talked. 8. to tell, to know. 9. to earn, to be read, not to be forgotten. 10. to have been, to have seen. 11. to know, to have spent. 12. to have overthrown, to be advancing. 13. to be reading, not to have heard. 14. to be looking. 15. to have been snowing.

Упражнение 373

1. I am glad to have told you this story. 2. I am glad to have been told this story. 3. I want to introduce you to this actress. 4. I want to be introduced to this actress. 5. I am glad to have met her at the station. 6. I am glad to have been met at the station. 7. We are happy to have invited him to the party. 8. We are happy to have been invited to the party. 9. He will be happy to visit this famous picture gallery. 10. He was happy to have visited this famous picture gallery. 11. Children like to be told fairy tales. 12. I did not intend to stop at this station. 13. I did not expect to be stopped. 14. I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble. 15. He cannot stand to be told lies. 16. I remembered to have come across this word in some book. 17. I am very sorry to have missed this interesting lecture. 18. She is happy to have heard the concert of the famous Italian conductor. 19. She is glad to have been present at the lecture. 20. He is very glad to have finished his book. 21. Our sportsmen are proud to have won the cup. 22. I only want to be allowed to help you. 23. I was grateful to have been given a room with a large window. 24. He was happy to have returned home. 25. He was happy to be at home again. 26. I am sorry to have interrupted you. 27. I am sorry not to have found you at home. 28. Jane was happy to be leaving Mrs. Reed. 29. Rochester was glad to meet Jane. 30. Rochester was glad to have met Jane.

Упражнение 374

1. Все смотрели на танцующую девочку. 2. Маленькая полная женщина, стоящая у окна, — моя бабушка. 3. Мужчина, играющий на рояле, — Катин дядя. 4. Войдя в комнату, она включила свет. 5. Придя в театр, она увидела, что спектакль уже начался. 6. Выглянув в окно, он увидел свою мать, поливающую цветы (. увидел, что его мать поливает цветы). 7. Услышав звуки музыки, мы перестали разговаривать. 8. Она вошла в комнату, оставив дверь открытой. 9. Работая за своим письменным столом, он слушал новый (компакт-)диск. 10. Выбежав на дорогу, молодой человек остановил такси. 11. Просматривая газету, она заметила фотографию своего босса. 12. Применяя химические вещества, пожарные вскоре потушили пожар в лесу.

Упражнение 375

1. All the people living in this house are students. 2. The woman speaking now is our secretary. 3. The apparatus standing on the table in the corner of the laboratory is quite new. 4. The young man helping the professor in his experiments studies at our university . 5. People taking books from the library must return them on time. 6. There are many pupils in our class taking part in all kinds of extracurricular activities.

Упражнение 376

1. Feeling now more at ease, the man spoke in a louder voice. 2. Knowing who the man was, Robert was very pleased to have the chance of talking to him. 3. Thinking that it was his brother at the window, Steve decided to open it. 4. Being afraid of falling into a ditch in the darkness at any moment, the people felt their way about very carefully. 5. Needing a shelter for the night, Peter decided to go to the neighbours’ house.

Упражнение 377

1. You must have much practice when learning to speak a foreign language. 2. When speaking English, pay attention to the word order. 3. When copying English texts, pay attention to the articles. 4. When beginning to work with the dictionary, don’t forget my instructions. 5. Be careful when crossing a street. 6. When leaving the room, don’t forget to switch off the light. 7. When travelling in Central Africa, the explorers met many wild animals.

Упражнение 378

1. Она поставила передо мной тарелку жареной рыбы. 2. Пальто, купленное в прошлом году, теперь мне слишком мало. 3. Никто не видел вещей, хранящихся в этом ящике. 4. Моя сестра любит вареные яйца. 5. Мы остановились перед закрытой дверью. 6. Будучи привязана к дереву, коза не могла убежать. 7. Они увидели опрокинутые столы и стулья, и осколки разбитого стекла, валяющиеся по всей комнате. 8. Это церковь, построенная много лет назад. 9. Книги, написаннные Диккенсом, дают нам реалистичную картину Англии XIX века.

Упражнение 379

а) Письмо, посланное из Петербурга сегодня, будет в Москве завтра.

b) На почте он увидел несколько человек, посылающих телеграммы.

c) Посылая телеграмму, она забыла написать свое имя.

2. а) Некоторые вопросы, заданные вчера лектору, были очень важными.

b) Девушка, ставящая книгу на полку, — наш новый библиотекарь.

c) Укладывая яйца в корзинку, она разбила одно из них.

а) Рыба, вытащенная из воды, не может жить.

b) Человек, принимающий солнечную ванну, должен быть очень осторожен.

c) Взяв словарь, он начал переводить текст.

а) Линия, видимая через этот кристалл, выглядит двойной.

b) Учитель, видя (видящий) ошибку в диктанте студента, всегда исправляет ее.

c) Увидев над домом клубы дыма, девочка закричала: «Пожар! Пожар!»

а) Слово, сказанное студентом, было неправильным.

b) Человек, стоящий у входа в вагон поезда и прощающийся со своими друзьями, — известный музыкант.

c) Стоя у окна, она махала рукой.

а) Слово, произнесенное вовремя, может дать очень важные результаты.

b) Студенты, хорошо говорящие по-английски, должны помочь своим одноклассникам.

c) Говорящая кукла очень заинтересовала ребенка.

d) Разговаривая с Колей несколько дней назад, я забыл спросить его о его сестре.

Упражнение 380

1. a) singing b) sung. 2. a) washing b) washed. 3. a) doing b) done. 4. a) surrounded b) surrounding. 5. a) writing b) written. 6. translated. 7. visited. 8. lying. 9. bought. 10. organized. 11. taking. 12. lost. 13. painted. 14. received. 15. playing. 16. written. 17. written. 18. covered. 19. lost. 20. going. 21. gathered. 22. blown. 23. turning. 24. coming. 25. standing.

Упражнение 381

1. Living. 2. Talking. 3. Having read. 44. Having bought. 5. Sitting. 6. Doing. 7. Having done. 8. Selling. 9. Having sold. 10. Having eaten. 11. Drinking. 12. Running. 13. Looking. 14. Having written, having learnt.

Упражнение 382

1. Будучи очень больна, она не могла ходить в школу. 2. Первые лучи восходящего солнца осветили вершину холма. 3. Дерево, пораженное молнией, было черным, и на нем не было листьев. 4. Будучи занят, он отложил поездку. 5. Дверь, запертую изнутри на засов, было не открыть. 6. Так как путешественникам показали не то направление, они вскоре заблудились. 7. Комната, выходящая окнами в сад, гораздо более удобна, чем эта. 8. Спустившись с горы, они услышали человека, звавшего на помощь (. услышали, как какой-то человек зовет на помощь). 9. Раскрасневшийся и возбужденный, мальчик подбежал к своей матери. 10. Он стоял, наблюдая за людьми, которые шли по улице, крича и размахивая руками. 11. Мальчик лежал и спал, когда пришел доктор. 12. Доктор осмотрел сломанную руку. 13. Когда его осматривали, мальчик не мог удержаться от слез. 14. Прописав лекарство, доктор ушел. 15. Лекарство, прописанное доктором, было горьким. 16. Платье, купленное в универмаге, было очень красивым. 17. Пользуясь иголкой, вы должны быть осторожны, чтобы не уколоть палец. 18. Переходя улицу, нужно сначала посмотреть налево, а потом направо. 19. Люди, смотрящие спектакль, называются зрителями.

Упражнение 383

Bringing, brought, bringing, having brought, translating, translated, translating, having translated, giving, having written, reading, taking, given, having read, done, drinking, said, being lost, having drawn, WHO HAS (HAD) WRITTEN, doing, taken, having taken, drawing, drunk, having done, going, writing, read, having given, drawing, doing, drawn, having drunk, speaking, taking, written, reading, going, giving, having said, WHO WAS (HAD BEEN) SITTING, having looked, being forgotten, building, being built, playing, having played, told, WHO HAS (HAD) TOLD, seeing, WHO HAS (HAD) BROUGHT, being (having been) brought, built, having sold.

Упражнение 384

1. When running across the yard, he fell. 2. When going home yesterday, I kept thinking about my friend. 3. Putting on his coat, he went out and looked at the cars passing by. 4. Closing the book, she put it aside and looked at the children running about in the yard. 5. Being translated into Russian, the book could be read by everybody. 6. Being given dictionaries, we managed to translate the article easily. 7. Having done my homework, I shall go for a walk. 8. Having bought the book, I shall begin reading it.

Упражнение 385

1. Having phoned, saying. 2. Written. 3. Writing. 4. Having spent. 5. Being. 6. having been given. 7. Not wishing. 8. Translated. 9. Having been approved. 10. Having waited. 11. Waiting. 12. having walked. 13. Lying. 14. leaving.

Упражнение 386

1. Having left the house and crossing the street, he suddenly stopped remembering that he had forgotten to phone his friend. 2. He looked at me and hesitated, not knowing what to say. 3. Having long lived in those parts and knowing the place very well, he easily found his way to the marketplace. 4. He had no language problems, having studied English for a long time. 5. Having written this exercise, I began to doubt whether it was correct. 6. Take care when crossing the street. 7. Students should always be attentive when listening to the lecturer. 8. There are many students studying music. 9. Don’t you feel tired having walked so much? 10. Arriving at the railway station, he bought a ticket, walked to the platform and boarded the train. 11. Being promised help, he felt quieter. 12. Having been shown in, he was told to take off his coat and wait for a while. 13. Starting the building of the house at once, Robinson finished it before the season of rains set in. 14. Pouring out a cup of coffee, he sat down in an armchair and looked at the woman sitting opposite him.

Упражнение 387

1. The actress telling children fairy tales over the radio is famous all over the country. 2. The child always listens with interest to the fairy tales told by the nurse. 3. Telling the children fairy tales, she speaks in different voices imitating the characters of the tales. 4. (5.) The fairy tale told by the nurse produced a great impression on the child. 5. (4.) Having told a fairy tale to the child, she wished him good night. 6. My granny, who has told me this fairy tale, lives in a little house on the lake shore.

Упражнение 388

1. The boy running past the house suddenly stopped. 2. Being very busy, he did not hear me at once. 3. Hearing the steps, he looked up. 4. Having drunk a cup of tea, she felt better. 5. Playing in the garden, the children did not notice that it had become dark. 6. Going up to the door, he opened it. 7. Tom went up to the laughing girl. 8. He put a crumpled letter on the table. 9. The crying girl was hungry. 10. The grandmother was looking at the children playing in the yard. 11. She likes to look at playing children. 12. Having done their homework, the children went for a walk. 13. Lying on the sofa, he was reading a book. 14. Having brought his toys into the room, the child began playing. 15. Having read many books by Dickens, he knew this writer well.

Независимый причастный оборот. Nominative Absolute Participial Construction

Упражнение 389

1. Вы можете успокоиться, так как все хорошо. 2. Так как у вора не было ни одного шанса бежать, его арестовали на месте. 3. Оливер негромко постучал в дверь и, так как силы оставили его, опустился на ступеньку около двери. 4. Так как мост снесло наводнением, поезд опоздал. 5. Так как оставалось мало времени, они наняли кэб, чтобы добраться до театра вовремя. 6. Так как было холодно и сыро, разожгли костер, у которого усталые путешественники могли обогреться. 7. Так как было довольно поздно, они решили отложить свой визит. 8. Так как час был поздний, она поспешила домой. 9. Так как солнце село час назад, становилось темнее. 10. Так как погода была холодной, он надел пальто. 11. Так как погода переменилась, мы решили остаться там, где были. 12. Так как погода была очень теплой, окно чулана было оставлено открытым. 13. И так как ветер прекратился, они отправились на прогулку. 14. Так как судно сидело довольно глубоко в воде и погода была безветренной, они почти не двигались. 15. Так как сопротивление было очень высоким, ток в цепи был очень слабым. 16. Так как этот материал является диэлектриком, по нему не может идти ток. 17. На следующее утро, так как это было воскресенье, они все пошли в церковь. 18. В данный момент мастерская была пуста, так как механик вышел в заднюю комнату. 19. Так как на столе больше ничего не было, Оливер ответил, что он не голоден. 20. Так как миссис Мейли устала, они возвратились домой более медленным шагом. 21. Так как их поиски ни к чему не привели, она и Клайд дошли до угла. 22. Так как дует попутный ветер, наша яхта достигнет острова моментально. 23. Мистер Мэлл каждый день давал мне длинные задания, но я делал их, так как здесь не было мистера и мисс Мерд-стоун. 24. Так как было уже довольно поздно, мы взяли свечи и пошли наверх. 25. Так как о нем больше ничего не было слышно, было естественным все забыть. 26. Он отправился около пяти часов, так как Риггз сказал ему, что путь займет три часа. 27. Так как наши лошади утомились, было решено, что мы сделаем остановку. 28. Так как было решено не выходить из-за непогоды, члены группы занялись своими заметками. 29. Так как ветер шумел в деревьях и кустах, мы ничего не слышали.

Упражнение 390

1. Когда договор был подписан, торговля тотчас же была возобновлена. 2. Около одиннадцати часов он снова вышел на улицу, когда день стал яснее и немного теплее, чем предыдущий, а снег растаял. 3. Когда обед был закончен, мы собрались в гостиной. 4. Когда наступило пятое июня, они уехали. 5. Когда он закончил давать указания привратнику, он подошел к племяннице. 6. Когда это поняли, конференция закончилась. 7. Когда скованность, вызванная присутствием старика, немного рассеялась, разговор стал более оживленным. 8. Когда это было сделано и Сайке утолил свой голод, оба мужчины улеглись на стульях вздремнуть. 9. Когда концерт закончился, началась лотерея. 10. Когда обед закончился, старая дама попросила Барбару подойти к ней и сесть рядом на диван. 11. Затем, когда поиски в доме показали, что ее там нет, Эйза вышел поискать ее на улице. 12. Когда все необходимые приготовления были проделаны в обстановке крайней секретности, армия пошла в атаку. 13. Когда катод нагревают, электроны покидают поверхность и переходят к аноду. 14. Когда по проводу двигаются электроны, вырабатывается электрическая энергия.

Упражнение 391

1. Потом они услышали шум самолета, и его тень пробежала по поляне. 2. Она вспомнила, как он говорил, и как очки делали большими его круглые синие глаза. 3. Она сидела, неотрывно глядя на огонь, а забытый носок лежал на ее коленях. 4. Он слышал, как купальщики идут по песчаной дороге, а их звенящие голоса нарушают тишину. 5. Они продолжали свой путь; мальчик тихо всхлипывал, мужчина чувствовал себя смущенным. 6. Они вместе пошли вниз по лестнице, причем Эйлин немного отставала. 7. Они оба стояли, он поднял крышку и держал ее в руке, пока она пила. 8. Она танцевала легко как перышко, ее глаза сияли, ноги летели, стан немного склонился вперед. 9. Мы очень медленно попели домой; Агнес и я любовались лунным светом, а мистер Уикфилд почти не поднимал глаз от земли. 10. Они быстро проходили улицу за улицей, причем Доджер шел впереди, указывая путь, а Оливер следовал за ним по пятам. 11. Он стоял молча, но его губы кривились горькой усмешкой. 12. Пес сидел возле стола, его хвост то и дело постукивал по полу, а глаза были с надеждой устремлены на хозяина. 13. Электроны движутся с различными скоростями, причем их скорость зависит от температуры и от материала. 14. Любой движущийся предмет может производить работу, причем количество кинетической энергии зависит от его массы и скорости. 15. Радио было изобретено в России, а его изобретателем был русский ученый А. С. Попов.

Упражнение 392

1. Она стояла с безразличным видом, опустив голову на грудь. 2. Она поднялась с кровати, сняла пальто и стояла не двигаясь, опустив голову и сжав руки. 3. С побледневшими губами и сильно бьющимся сердцем, Эндрю последовал за секретарем. 4. Джек сидел молча, вытянув длинные ноги. 5. Оратор посмотрел на слушателей, подняв руку в ожидании тишины. 6. Он быстро сел, закрыв лицо руками. 7. Клайд сел, устремив взгляд не на то, что было перед ним, а на далекую сцену перед озером. 8. Она шла быстро, и плотный снег скрипел под ее каблуками.

Упражнение 393

1. Маленький Пол сидел, оперевшись подбородком на руку. 2. Он стоял, скрестив руки. 3. Лэнни стоял и смотрел на отъезжавший грузовик, щеки его горели, и кулаки были сжаты. 4. Она стояла там, причем ее брови были нахмурены, а ее голубые глаза смотрели вперед (Она стояла там, нахмурив брови и глядя перед собой своими голубыми глазами). 5. Он немного склонился над столом, опираясь на него руками. 6. А затем наступил финал, и охрана пришла за ним. 7. Он неторопливо и бережно расправил бумагу на столе, а Лоуэлл внимательно наблюдал за ним. 8. Она стояла на скале, готовая прыгнуть, а зеленая вода внизу манила ее. 9. Двадцать минут спустя он вышел из седьмого номера, бледный, губы его были плотно сжаты, а на лице застыло странное выражение. 10. Маленький Оливер Твист лежал на земле, его рубашка была расстегнута, а голова откинута назад. 11. Девушка побрела прочь, и по ее щекам катились слезы. 12. Залитая лунным светом дорога была пустынной, и в лицо им дул прохладный ветерок. 13. Она сидела на ступеньках, сложив руки на коленях. 14. Потом, с сильно бьющимся сердцем, она подошла и позвонила.

Упражнение 394

1. Our work being finished, we went home. 2. The letter being posted today, the news will reach them tomorrow. 3. Mother permitting, we shall go to the theatre. 4. The working day being over, she went straight home. 5. A storm arising, the ship entered the harbour. 6. The packing being done, the girls left for the station. 7. The stop being a long one, the girls got off the train. 8. The weather being perfect, Lydia played tennis every day. 9. The last month being a very busy one, she could not answer her friend’s letter. 10. Time permitting, we shall come a few days earlier. 11. The third bell having gone, the curtain slowly rose. 12. The underground station being not far, we walked there. 13. Bill could not sleep the whole night, there being something wrong with his eye. 14. The rules being very strict, the doorkeeper did not permit Bill to enter. 15. The front door being open, she could see straight through the house. 16. Rip had no desire to work on his farm, it being to his mind the worst piece of land in the neighbourhood. 17. They stood there, the night wind shaking the drying whispering leaves. 18. The situation being urgent, we had to go ahead. 19. The greetings being over, Old Jolyon seated himself in a wicker chair. 20. The town of Crewe is known to be one of the most busy junctions in England, many railway lines passing through it. 21. We set off, the rain still coming down heavily. 22. A private sitting room being engaged, bedrooms (being) inspected and dinner (being) ordered, the party walked out to view the city. 23. Dinner was served on the terrace, it being very close in the room. 24. Thoughtful, Andrew finished his omelette, his eyes all the time fixed upon the microscope. 25. There being in fact nothing to wait for, we got down to work. 26. The question being rather difficult to answer at once, I asked for permission to think it over. 27. He stood leaning against the wall, his arms folded. 28. There being very little time left, we had to hurry. 29. Of an evening he read aloud, his small son sitting by his side. 30. The new engines were safely delivered, all of them being in good order. 31. Our efforts to start the car having failed, we spent the night in a nearby village.

Упражнение 395

1. There still being half an hour left before the train’s departure, we decided to have supper at the railway station. 2. The weather being favourable, the I sportsmen may show good results. 3. For a long time we were talking, he asking me questions and I readily answering them. 4. Circumstances permitting, I shall come to your place for the summer. 5. It being very warm, the children slept (were sleeping) in the open. 6. All the preparations being over, we went hiking. 7. The ship was slowly sailing along the shores of the White Sea, hundreds of birds circling over it. 8. It was very dark, there being not a single star in the sky. 9. The sun having set, the tourists made a fire. 10. It being very late, the meeting was closed. 11. Weather permitting, we shall go to the skating rink. 12. Everything being ready, she decided to rest. 13. It being already very late, they did not go anywhere. 14. The weather being cold, Jack put his hands into his pockets. 15. It getting dark quickly, she hurried home. 16. The sun having set, it became dark at once. 17. Our conversation being over, I went home. 18. The letter written (being written), she quickly ran to the post office to send it.

Упражнение 396

1. Он занимается ремонтом автомашин (Его бизнесом является ремонт автомашин). 2. Само собой разумеется. 3. Жить в маленьких душных комнатах значит дышать отравленным воздухом. 4. Железо добывают из земли. 5. Есть два способа получения сахара: один — из свеклы, а другой — из сахарного тростника. 6. Джейн Эйр любила читать. 7. Мисс Тротвуд имела обыкновение спрашивать совета у мистера Дика. 8. Вы кончили писать? 9. Принимать холодный душ утром очень полезно. 10. Я люблю ходить на лыжах, но моя сестра предпочитает кататься на коньках. 11. Она любит сидеть на солнце. 12. Похоже, что будет дождь. 13. Мои часы нуждаются в починке. 14. Спасибо, что вы пришли. 15. Я не надеялся получить ответ до конца месяца. 16. Я имел удовольствие танцевать с ней весь вечер. 17. Давай покатаемся на лодке. 18. Он говорил, не останавливаясь. 19. Некоторые люди могут ходить весь день, не уставая.

Упражнение 397

А. Я действительно жду с нетерпением поездки в Нью-Йорк.

В. Да? А я нет. Я не выношу бывать в шумных городах.

A. Но Нью-Йорк — замечательный город. Я обожаю смотреть на его небоскребы, посещать музеи, я люблю его исторические памятники, Статую Свободы.

B. А я не люблю ходить по музеям. Я вовсе не жду, что поеду туда.

A. Но это так интересно! Мне нравится слушать звуки Нью-Йорка: его движение, речь на разных языках.

B. Этот Шум! Поверь мне, терпеть не могу посещать шумные города.

A. Ну, это же будет такое удовольствие! Ведь Нью-Йорк — это огромный город, в котором бьет ключом жизнь людей со всего света. (Это огромный город, в котором множество разных людей со всего света становятся нью-йоркцами. This is the idea of ‘a melting pot’. Н. Егорова) А столицу мира стоит посмотреть. Это так интересно!

B. Это ты так думаешь! Знаешь, и город такой грязный.

А. Ты прав, он грязный. Но этот город и красив. В Нью-Йорке, Большом Яблоке, в самом деле стоит побывать!

Упражнение 398

1. I thought of coming and seeing you tomorrow. 2. I am thinking of going out to the country. 3. What do you think you will do tomorrow? — I don’t know; I thought of going to the zoo, but the weather is so bad that probably I shan’t go. 4. I hear there are some English books at our institute bookstall now. — So you are thinking of buying some, aren’t you? 5. I thought of working in the library this evening, but as you have come, I won’t go to the library. 6. We were thinking of planting roses this year.

Упражнение 399

1. After taking the child to the kindergarten, she went to the library to study for her exam. 2. After making a thorough study of the subject, he found that it was a great deal more important than he had thought at first. 3. After hesitating some minutes whether to buy the hat or not, I finally decided that I might find one I liked better in another shop. 4. After graduating from the university, she left St. Petersburg and went to teach in her hometown. 5. After proving that his theory was correct, he started studying ways and means of improving the conditions of work in very deep coalmines.

Упражнение 400

1. Она всегда мечтала жить в маленьком домике у моря. 2. Ей не нравилось жить в своем старом доме. 3. Она думала о том, чтобы купить новый дом. 4. Итак, она получает огромное удовольствие от того, что живет в красивом новом доме. 5. Конечно же, она скучает по общению с соседями. 6. Она обычно любила поболтать с ними и была не прочь помочь им. 7. Ей очень нравится готовить, и она прекрасно справляется с этим. 8. Но она не любит стирать и гладить. 9. Она ненавидит рано вставать,.но ей приходится это делать. 10. Вы знаете, она ничего не имеет против того, чтобы много работать. 11. Ей доставляет удовольствие водить дорогую машину. 12. Она всегда мечтала о путешествии вокруг света (о том, чтобы совершить путешествие вокруг света). 13. Но она терпеть не может летать на самолете, и поэтому она никогда не была за морем (за границей). 14. Она возглавила коммерческую фирму, несмотря на то, что она женщина в мире мужчин (в мире бизнеса). 15. Она любит встречаться с людьми, потому что она не выносит одиночества. 16. Она обожает беседовать с представителями прессы и появляться в телепередачах. 17. Ей доставляет большое удовольствие фотографироваться, так как она считает, что она красива. 18. Она ненавидит, когда над ней смеются. 19. Ей нравится, когда на нее пристально смотрят, поскольку она думает, что она привлекательна. 20. Но она терпеть не может, когда ее игнорируют (когда на нее не обращают внимание).

Маркеры – это обозначения промежутков времени. Они помогают правильно определить видовременную форму английского глагола.

Наблюдательность и внимание к знакам и словам-подсказкам — залог успеха для тех, кто только делает первые шаги в английском.

Punctuation Marks – расставляем знаки препинания

Знаки препинания в английском языке употребляются реже, чем в русском языке. Напомним, что знаки препинания — особые элементы письменности, служащие для обозначения на письме формально-грамматического, смыслового и интонационного членения речи.

В английском языке используются те же знаки препинания, что и в русском: например, точка, вопросительный знак, восклицательный знак, – ставятся в конце. Кавычки ставятся для выделения прямой речи и цитат.

В обоих языках расстановка знаков препинания в тексте регулируется определенными правилами, но в английском языке эти правила менее жесткие. Хорошая пунктуация – это умение сделать правильный выбор в нужном месте, чтобы читатель мог наилучшим образом понять интонацию автора.

Punctuation Marks

. = full stop, period, dot, (decimal) point




?=question mark

!=exclamation mark

-= dash


“ “ =quotation marks, double quotes

‘ ‘=single quotes




/=(forward) slash

=backwards slash or backslash

%= per cent, percentage

( ) = (round)brackets

( =open bracket

) = close bracket

  1. Заглавные буквы

Заглавные  буквы обозначают начало предложения. Также они используются в написании имен собственных: личных имен и названий, национальностей, дней недели, месяцев, времен года, народных праздников, географических названий. Заглавные буквы используются в написании названий книг, журналов и газет. Обратите внимание, если имя собственное состоит из двух и более слов, то все составляющие название слова пишутся с большой буквы: The British Museum

  1. Full stop- точка

1. в конце повествовательного предложения:

Не was there.

I study English.

2. при сокращении слов:

etc. – от латинского et cetera – и так далее

co. – company — компания

i.e. – от латинского id est – то есть

e.g. – от латинского exempli gratia – например

3. в конце вопросительного по форме предложения, имеющего характер          просьбы:

Could you give me this book.

4. аббревиатуры (сокращенные слова):

Dr или Dr. – doctor, доктор

Mr или Mr. – mister, господин

Mrs или Mrs. – mistress, госпожа

Prof. – Professor Nov. – November

5. при сокращении названий стран или организаций возможно употребление сокращений с точкой или без нее.

USA или U.S.A.

U.K. – United Kingdom

Примечание 1:

точка не используется в акронимах (слова, состоящие из начальных букв других слов или частей слов): NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization

UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

Примечание 2:

если предложение заканчивается аббревиатурой, обозначенной точкой, то эта же точка служит и для завершения всего предложения.

6. в десятичных дробях целое число отделяется от дроби точкой (в отличие от русского языка).

Точка читается point [point]. Ноль – nought [no:t].

Если целое число равно нулю, то оно часто не читается.

0.25 – nought point two five или point two five.




7. для разделения больших и меньших денежных единиц одной системы: $10.75

8. при обозначении времени, разделяя часы и минуты: 6.45 a.m. – англ. 6:45 a.m. – амер.

Примечание 3:

Точка не ставится в газетных заголовках, в названия книг и других произведений: Mid Summer Night’s Dream, New School to Be Built, Summit Talks.

Точка не ставиться, если аббревиатура включает в себя последнюю букву слова: Rd (Road), Ltd (Limited), St (Street)

  1. Comma – запятая

1.ряд однородных определений:

Red, pink, yellow and white flowers filled the vases.

2. для отделения вопросительной части в разделительных вопросах:

You saw this film, didn’t you?

They haven’t come today, have they?

3. в датах для отделения числа и месяца от года:

Не was born June 14, 1940.

April 8, 1872

Moscow, July 12, 1972

4. в больших числах:

$1,000 a year / 1,767 / 2,565,727

5. в английском варианте (в американском используется двоеточие) при оформлении деловой корреспонденции после обращений:

Dear Mr. Johnson, I have received your letter… – англ.

Dear Sir:

I have received your letter… – амер.

6. для отделения пояснительных слов от прямой речи, если нет других знаков препинания:

He asked, «How long will it take you.»

7.  обстоятельственные придаточные предложения, если они стоят в начале предложения перед главным. Если придаточное следует за главным, то оно запятой не отделяется:

When it was convenient for him, he went to the office.

Cp. We worked overtime whenever it was necessary.

8. причастные и абсолютные обороты, стоящие в начале предложения:

The rain having stopped, we went for a walk.

A doctor, called to the scene, examined the injured man.

9. вводные инфинитивные конструкции, если инфинитивная конструкция выполняет функцию подлежащего, то она запятой не отделяется:

То become a doctor was his dream.

Ср. То be successful, one must work hard.

10. после вводных слов или выражений для отделения их от остальной части предложения:

Well, I like this.

By the way, I also need money.

However, nobody drank much.

11. после обращений и междометий.

“Fred, it’s disgusting. You’re cheating people who trust you.”

“What did you do, daddy?” he asked.

“Oh, no, Headmistress, that can’t be right!”

Well, what do you think they have done?

12. ставится в тех случаях, когда существует вероятность неправильного восприятия смысла предложения:

As the police car pulled up, the crowd surged forward (без запятой можно было бы подумать, что машина врезалась в толпу)

After a period of calm, college students have begun to demonstrate again (без запятой слово college можно было бы отнести к слову calm)

13. если слово also стоит в начале предложения для усиления (в остальных случаях also запятой не отделяется):

Also, we noticed that the prices were going up.

We also noticed that the prices were going up.

14. для отделения любой части предложения, содержащей дополнительную информацию (но: если такая часть предложения имеет характер пояснения или уточнения, запятая не ставится):

Yesterday I met John, who told me he was getting married.

A widow is a woman whose husband is dead.

4. Запятой не отделяются:

1. слова в городских адресах: 115 Oxford Street

2. при обозначении страниц, года: page 15 / in the year 1986

3. придаточные, когда стоят после главного предложения:

I had to finish my work earlier to help mother.

It is important that you should be here tomorrow.

Our advice is that you should not smoke.

4. между подлежащим и сказуемым, когда информация обязательная, не дополнительная:

The driver who helped me that morning insisted that he knew me.

The girl with whom he fell in love left him after a few weeks.

5.предложения соединяющиеся с помощью союзов AND, OR, BUT, хотя запятая может быть и использована.

There was a muddy pond in the garden (,) and this was the home of some frogs.

(В таких случаях запятая используется чаще в американском английском, чем в британском.)

5.Colon – Двоеточие

Двоеточие употребляется перед перечислением и разъяснением. Если после двоеточия следует полное предложение, то первое слово такого предложения пишется с заглавной буквы:

Breakfast: Picking up the remaining chicken bite from the sofa. Knock it onto the carpet and bat it under the television set.

There are different trends in painting: classicism, romanticism, impressionism, cubism, etc.

The history of Britain: A Personal View.

Примечание: Если список перечисленных пунктов расположен в столбик, каждая новая строка должна начинаться с заглавной буквы, после каждого пункта знак препинания не ставится.

6. Semi-colons – Точка с запятой

1. Точка с запятой иногда используется вместо запятой, чтобы отделить предметы, включенные в список.

The shopping centre has a number of features: a cinema; two meeting rooms; a fast-food café; a small gymnasium.

2. Точка с запятой также может использоваться вместо точки , отделяя два главных предложения. В таких случаях предложения грамматически остаются отдельными, но связанны  по значению.

Some cats sleep during the night; most cats are active during the dark.

3. Точка с запятой используется в официальной письменной речи, в которой много длинных предложений и синтаксически сложных конструкций.

7.Dashes – Тире

Тире ставится перед перечислением однородных членов, с обобщающим словом:

We bought some new crockery – cups, saucers, plates, dishes.

8.Apostrophe – Апостроф

1. во случаях использования притяжательного падежа:

mother’s hat

students’ books

Примечание: при образовании притяжательного падежа от имен собственных, заканчивающихся буквой -s, можно использовать оба варианта:

King Charles’s crown / King Charles’ crown

2. для обозначения пропущенных букв или цифр:





3. для обозначения множественного числа букв, чисел или аббревиатур:

In the 1980’s


I can’t distinguish his L’s.

9.Прямая речь и знаки препинания

При прямой речи знак препинания ставится внутри кавычек (в русском языке точка и запятая ставятся после кавычек).

Можно использовать одинарные кавычки ‘ ‘ или двойные » ». Двойные кавычки более распространены в рукописных материалах.

He said, “Now it’s time to begin.” “Now it’s time to begin,” he said, “and you will be the first to speak.”

Передача чужих мыслей

Иногда мы сообщаем и о мыслях, используя при этом структуру косвенной речи, кавычки не употребляются:

Why did I marry so quickly, so foolishly, she thought to herself.

What would he say, she wondered, if he could see that now?


  1. Put in punctuation marks and capital letters


My name’s hans I’m from zurich in Switzerland I speak german and a bit French zurich is in the north of Switzerland its got a population of about 700,000 im in England now because I want to learn more English the town where im staying is called hastings its on the south coast of England


Jack is a british student hes from York in the north of England hes on a Russian language course at Moscow state university he wants to learn more Russian hes on holiday with his friends in st petrsburg on the coast of the Baltic sea hes fond of rissian art jacks parents are coming to visit him in july hell show them a lot of interesting places


My names donna and ive got a brother his names desmond were twins were English and we live in London we like the same things we like running and swimming but we don’t like tv we like our city it’s a lovely place to live in


It was late Friday evening just before eleven oclock mr jones bought a ticket and walked onto the platform it was a cold January night there wasn’t anybody on the platform the train was late suddenly mr jones heard something it was a cassette player and it was very loud mr jones looked around and saw nobody

  1. Some of the sentences below have mistakes. Find these sentences and correct the mistakes. (Capital letters)
  1. “The times” has a Sunday colour supplement. 2. We often buy french bread in the form of thick sticks. 3. Jane Austin’s “Sense and sensibility” made a really great impression on me. 4. Sigmund Freud was an Austrian doctor who developed a new system for understanding the way that people’s minds work. 5. Mecca is a city in Saudi arabia where the prophet Muhammad was born. 6. “Casablanca” with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman is considered an all-time classic. 7. The Rolling stones, one of the most successful groups ever, first became popular in 1963. 8. October is the tenth month of the year between september and november. 9. The romans are remembered as skilled and effective soldiers, great builders and engineers.
  1. Give abbreviations for the following. Check in a dictionary. Use full stops where they may appear.
  1. the alphabet; 2. Home Box Office (a TV channel); 3. laboratory; 4. Mister; 5. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (an international organization); 6. please turn over (written at the bottom of the page to tell the reader to look at the next page); 7. departure; 8. His Excellency (a title of important state officials); 9. Member of Parliament; 10. post meridiem; 11. singular; 12. postscript (a note added at the end of a letter, giving more information); 13. John Boynton Priestley; 14. George Bernard Shaw  

4.There are no commas in the sentences below. Say where they must be or may be.

1.   Well Matilda aren’t you going outside with the others? 2. Oh I was. I was flying past the stars on silver wings. 3. They passed the greengrocer and then they came out at the other side of the village. 4. You won’t tell anyone about this will you? 5. Calm yourself down child calm yourself down. 6. It is quite possible that you are a phenomenon but I’d rather you didn’t think about yourself like that. 7. “By the way” Ma said “did you do anything about the car?” 8. She was a sweet gentle and caring creature. 9. It was cool dark and very unpleasant down stairs. 10. If you write an email now he will get it immediately Bess believe me. 11. Pop departed across the field to the truck and Mr Charlton at once felt much more himself. 12. When he first asked me I laughed at the question. 13. Have you ever heard of Max Preston who came to our school last month? 14. The woman had a small suitcase a box an h-bag and an umbrella.

5. Use commas where and if necessary to complete the sentences.

1. This is the problem which we’re solving at the moment. 2. Tell him about it when he comes. 3. If they arrive early they will be able to have a short tour of the city. 4. The man whose face seems familiar to you is our principal. 5. I have been to Rhodes Crete and some other islands of the Mediterranean. 6. The guy who is waiting in the office wants to talk to you. 7. I will be delighted if you get a chance to know this outstanding writer. 8. Emily Green who was here in the morning won’t join us. 9. We’ll ask Dick who is the oldest in the family just to say a few words. 10. If my daughter leaves me I’ll miss her very much.

6. Explain the use of colons in these sentences.

1. In formal English we always read year dates as hundreds: 1999 9ninteen hundred and ninety-nine). 2. She still enjoys such books: science fiction, detective stories, historical novels. 3. We have everything we need: land, brains, wealth, technology. 4. American Literature: 20th century. 5. She decided against going to Spain in November: the weather is usually dull and rainy there in that month. 6. The man had been paralysed: this, not age, explained his unsteady walk. 7. I decided to leave: John and Mary were obviously tired. 8. Please send the stipulated items: your birth certificate, your passport and your CV.

7. Use semi-colons instead of commas and full stops it is possible.

1. Taylor was an outstanding actor. With a few telling strokes he characterized King Lear magnificently. 2. The breakfast menu consisted of fruit juice or cereal, a boild egg, toast and marmalade, and a pot of tea or coffee. 3. I had been aware that they sometimes disagreed violently. I had not realised that they were seriously contemplating divorce. 4. The room was bright, spacious and very cosy. 5. Everybody knows that, don’t they? 6. She slowly, carefully, deliberately moved the box. 7. She is expected later today. She is not expected to open the conference. 8. She bought eggs, butter, bread and coffee.

8. Put in punctuation marks in the direct speech.

A father and his baby

One Sunday some visitors to Hyde Park, who were sitting on benches quietly enjoying their sandwiches, were suddenly surprised by a strange young man.

The young man was pushing a pram. The baby in the pram was crying loudly. The young man stopped and said softly You should take it easy Tom. You should control yourself Tom.

The baby calmed down for a minute but then it started to cry again. The young man stopped, took out a little toy out of the bag, gave the toy to the child and said You should take it easy Tom. You should control yourself Tom.

They went on, but soon the child started to cry again. The young man stopped, took some chocolate out of his bag and gave it to the baby. Don’t worry Tom. It’s Ok Tom. You’ll be all right Tom he said. But the baby didn’t calm down. It just cried louder and louder.

An old woman who had been watching the man came up to him and smiled. You’re a great father she said you know how to talk to your baby, in a nice, quiet voice. Then she looked into the pram and asked What’s wrong with you Tom? Why are you crying?

The father looked at the woman strangely and said The baby is a girl. Her name’s Sabrina. Tom is my name.

9. Put in commas if it is necessary.

1. This princess who did her best to help the poor and the sick died in 1997. 2. Books by this playwright who lived in the 16th century are still very popular. 3. This is a politician with his famous pipe which he smoked all the time. 4. This musician who comes from Liverpool is famous all over the world. 5. That’s the man who was friends with John Lennon. 6. That’s the politician who was one of the best British prime ministers. 7. That’s the woman whom everybody loved. 8. The building that was next to the school fell down. 9. Jane whose father was also a doctor works at the hospital. 10. I’m going to the town where I spent the best year of my life. 11. In the room I spotted a boy whose father helped me last year. 12. There were a lot of flowers in the tree her grandfather planted. 13. The present that he brought was the best. 14. The girl they are talking about is Mark’s sister. 15. His brother whom I have known for many years phoned me yesterday.

10. Put in punctuations marks that are necessary.

                                                                                               10 Pink Street


Kent TN 1 2 NB


10 02 2012

Dear Ben

I haven t seen you for ages How are you

I have  good news we moved our house a couple of weeks ago and I had to change school  But it s very difficult for me to get used to new classmates and new teachers  I don t have friends here and I feel very lonely  Where did you meet your best friend  What is he like  What do you do

I m sorry I have to stop now because I must help my mother about the house Write soon

Best wishes


11.  Put in semi-colons and commas where they are necessary.


Most people enjoy travelling but I don’t share their passion. The best holiday for me would be a quiet day when I can watch some films. I hate trains and crowds in the railway stations I’m afraid of travelling by air and I feel seasick when going anywhere by boat. What’s the point in travelling I ask? Why suffer if you can see faraway places on TV?


I’ve always dreamt about travelling. However travelling is not as thrilling an adventure nowdays as it used to be. Travellers of the past risked their lives every minute. Nowdays people travel with too much comfort. They can always find food and medical care. Of course safety and comfort are not bad things, but to me, the old way of travelling is far more attractive!


I like travelling. Once my parents and I were travelling by ship and we were caught in a storm. The waves were huge and the captain insisted that all the passengers should stay in their compartments. The storm lasted for several hours. No one was hurt but now I can understand what travelers of the past felt when they were crossing the oceans on their little wooden ships.

12. Put in all necessary punctuation marks.

Dear ann

    thank you for your letter im ben im from great britain my country is beautiful too the capital of great britain is london there are many new and old houses and bridges in london  there are a lot of cars in the streets you can also see many interesting towns in gb like oxford Cambridge and others

i live in oxford but I often visit my granny she lives in the country there is a green garden with white red yellow and blue flowers next to her house there are green fields and white sheep in the country

i think russia is a beautiful country so i want to visit russia next summer

your pen friend


13.   Put in all necessary punctuation marks.

my winter fantasy

yesterday I went to the park I met my best friend there it was sunny and cold we skied in the park we played snowballs and made a funny snowman the snowman looked at us and said hello we liked it very much

when I came home I had lunch at home I did my homework watched tv and drew a picture of my funny snowman

I put the picture on the wall at 10 pm I went to bed the snowman smiled and said good night

14.  Put in commas

1. If I am not too busy I will go to the concert. 2. They will all be surprised if I make such a mistake. 3. If he doesn’t come on time will we have to wait for him? 4. If no one comes to help we will be obliged to do the work ourselves. 5. If you put on your glasses  you will see better. 6. What will we do if they are late? 7. Will you be very angry if we don’t come? 8. Will he be very displeased if I don’t ring him up?

15.  Put in commas

1. Tom’s mother said that  that was enough. She said that Tom would never go there again and added that she would see to it. 2. Grandmother asked who would read the next story and added that it was very interesting and that she was sure we all should like it. 3. To begin with  she opened all the windows. 4. My neighbor is difficult to deal with. 5. To tell you the truth  I am very tired. 6. His behavior leaves a lot to be desired. 7. These children are pleasant to look at.  8. To cut a long story short  they got married. 9. To translate this article  you must use a dictionary. 10. It was out of the question to bathe in this river.

16. Put in commas

1. It is certain to train if you don’t take your umbrella. 2.When copying English texts pay attention to the articles. 3. Be careful when crossing a street. 4. When leaving the room  don’t forget to switch off the light. 5. You must have more practice when learning to speak a foreign language. 6. Arriving at the railway station  he bought a ticket  walked to help the platform and boarded the train. 7. Having left the house and crossing the street  he suddenly stopped remembering that he had forgotten to take his tablets. 8. He had no language problems  having studied English for a long time.

17. Put in commas if they are necessary

1. I think it is time for the bell to ring. 2.  I am almost sure they have this book in the library. 3. Probably he recognized you by your photo in the papers. 4. He is sure to be in at this time. 5. Of course  she is trying to help you. 6. She is certain to be waiting for you at home. 7. There is little doubt that the first experiment failed. 8. No doubt  she knew what she was going to do. 9. I am sure she is fond of the child. 10. Perhaps he visited the Hermitage when he was in St Petersburg last year. 11. I don’t believe you have lost your passport; probably you have put it into another bag.

18. Put in commas if they are necessary

1. Everybody knows that Christopher Columbus discovered America. However America was named after Amerigo Vespucci who explored the eastern coast of South America. 2. To test his ideas Heyerdal decided to build a copy of the reed boats which were pictured in ancient Egyptian paintings and sail across the Atlantic. 3. On May 25 1969 the boat called Ra left a port in Morocco and headed across the widest part of the Atlantic. Before reaching Barbados Ra had broken but all the members of the expedition survived and wanted to try again. 4. However it was never used as a fortress. In 1824 it became a place of public entertainment . 5.  Paul Samuelson was born on May 15 1915 in Gary Indiana. He was educated at the University of Chicago in Illinois and at Harvard University.

19. Put in commas if they are necessary

           Nowadays many people think that they are too fat even if their doctors disagree. They think the best way to improve their fitness is following a diet. But is dieting really so effective and healthy?

        On the one hand if you want to lose weight it is very important to keep your eye on what you eat. To begin with you should cut out snacks and desserts which add weight without boosting energy levels. Besides you ought to cut down on fat as it is believed to be one of the major causes of obesity. Finally you may count the number of calories you eat every day which may substantially reduce the amount of food you eat  and help to lose weight.

        On the other hand strict dieting may be dangerous. Firstly the lower the calories eaten per day the harder it is to get the daily requirements of proteins and vitamins. In addition excessive dieting causes muscle loss and this loss may be from your heart with severe consequences. Moreover dieting lowers your metabolic rate so when you return to your normal food intake you will put on weight even faster than before.

       To conclude I believe that to stay healthy everybody should follow a sensible well-balanced diet that gives their body exactly what it needs. However I think the best way of keeping fit is doing sports. If you do regular exercise you can eat and drink whatever you want because you are burning it all off.      

20.  Put in punctuation marks.

I love music. Since my childhood I’ve played many different musical instruments the piano the guitar and even the drums.

My music teacher sometimes says that I have a gift for music and I hope she’s right.

Recently I’ve joined our school band and we are going to take part in a modern music concert.

Unfortunately we couldn’t participate in the city music competition as it was our exam time.

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