Unable to initialize live for windows components shadowrun

So, I bought Shadowrun for 75p ($0.99) however when I try to start it I get the following message: Quote: Unable to initialize Live for Windows components I've redownloaded/installed the game and the GFWL client - it just refuses to work. Was looking forward to playing this, anyone got...

So, I bought Shadowrun for 75p ($0.99) however when I try to start it I get the following message:


Unable to initialize Live for Windows components

I’ve redownloaded/installed the game and the GFWL client — it just refuses to work.

Was looking forward to playing this, anyone got any ideas?

Joined Jan 22, 2007


1,830 Posts

Some games these days I wouldn’t even bother paying $1 for. I don’t even think there are still any servers.

Still, just serves as a landmark for the one time they tried PC->Console crossplay.


Joined Jan 9, 2008


1,729 Posts

Check the Windows firewall, make sure it’s not being blocked. If you use AVG or something similar try disabling that for 5/10 mins.


Joined Jul 26, 2010


258 Posts

Joined Oct 30, 2008


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Dec 4, 2010


Originally Posted by NewAtOCing View Post
Check the Windows firewall, make sure it’s not being blocked. If you use AVG or something similar try disabling that for 5/10 mins.

I’ve disabled Windows Firewall and I disabled all anti-virus and firewall software.


I can’t install the patch, I’ve already tried.

During patch install it tries to open the game to finalise the patch and it just gives me the stupid error.


Joined Jul 26, 2010


258 Posts

This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread. Please consider creating a new thread.

Вряд-ли у кого-то возникают проблемы с системой Games for Windows Live, однако, возможно и остались те, кто не может запустить игры по типу GTA IV, Section 8: Prejudice . Я был один из тех, кто был в такой ситуации и поверьте, всё ГОРАААЗДО проще, чем кажется! (Да, этот гайд может быть бесполезным, но эй, может и нет, откуда нам знать?)

Невозможно установить Games For Windows Marketplace

Начнем с простого! Вы устанавливаете спокойно себе GfWLive(Отныне будем его сокращать), как вдруг выскакивает ТАКАЯ ОШИБКА

И казалось бы всё, жизнь окончена… Но что бы её возобновить следуйте инструкции:

  1. Нажмите «Папка журнала»
  2. Дальше идём туда

3. Далее идём в данную папку

4. Жмём на этот установщик(Если будет 2 файла, то установите оба! У меня просто осталось как анинсталлер) и устанавливаем


(Если будут проблемы — сообщите!)

Xlive.dll проблема и как решать?

Ошибка возникает в том случае, если вы такой же как и я, удалили Marketplace, но даже с успехом его установки есть вероятность появления ошибки

Ой, да тут ещё проще!

Сначала скачайте данный файл

И теперь погнали решать:



  1. Перенесите этот файл в папку System32(Если он там уже есть, то существующий не удаляйте, а перенесите в другую папку, это ваш резерв)
  2. Попытайтесь запустить то, что вам нужно, если ошибки не будет, то это значит, что получилось, если будет, то попробуйте перезапустить пк!

Hello there! I am a new user to Ubuntu Linux and a new user to PlayOnLinux. My favorite game in the whole world is a game called Shadowrun. Since i don’t have windows anymore I want to know if anyone got it working, and if they could help me with it. I’d appreciate it so much.. My knowledge of how the game connects is very little, but i’d love to help when i can.

Before we begin i’d like to share what i know from windows. For shadowrun to start it needs a program called «Games For Windows Marketplace Client». Without this, Shadowrun will have an error saying «windows was unable to initialize live components». There might be a way to workaround this, but at this time i don’t know a way for linux.

My laptop is Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS) with PlayOnLinux 4.0.14. I have an I7 processor, 8gm ram ddr3, 500gb hard drive, and a geforce gtx 560m graphics card. 

My attempts at this

1.clicked Install a non-listed game

2.clicked Install a program in a new virtual drive

3.Named my application virtual drive «ShadowrunVirtualDrive»

4.Clicked on 2 of the 3 options for pre-install actions. one being «Use another version of wine», and another being «configure wine».

5.I picked 1.5.6 wine because i assumed it would be the easiest to work with.

6.I configured wine to be windows version XP. I also made sure my path was 

«z/home/sean» for my drive. —-This game was made for vista/XP—

7.Used my CD-ROM install cd of shadowrun

8.Clicked install on shadowrun’s installer, and i have an error saying that nothing was there to be ran. 

That is where i’m at in my quest to play Shadowrun. If anyone can spot a mistake I’ve made please point it out. Also if there is a way to catch or log  the problems while doing it please post the way how.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. 

Edited by Shadow19231

When I try to run Shadowrun I get the message «Failed to initialize the Live for Windows components» can any body please advise, I’m under Win 7, 64-bit fully patched


Shadowrun is compatible with Windows 7


As you are able to run the game, but you get an error «failed to initialize the direct for windows components». It sounds as if there is a problem with the live parts. Try these steps and check the result.
1 open the folder of Shadowrun . This is a directory where the game is loaded; generally, you will find in file C:Program Files.
2 find the xlive.dll file in folder of shadowrun .
3. rename the xlive.dll as xlive.old
4. start the game and control its functionality.

For further assistance, you can post your request here:


It will be useful.

Tags: Windows

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    The information below should be beneficial to obtain a resolution.




    Thank you

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

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    Hi Ravikumar,

    Of Virtua Tennis are what version you try to work with?

    It seems that Virutal Tennis version is not compatible with Windows 8.1, you can check the Windows Compatibility Center.

    See also:

    Make the programs more compatible with this version of Windows


    However, uninstall the «games for Windows — LIVE redistributable Microsoft» and ‘Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace’ and resettlement of http://www.xbox.com/en-US/Live/PC/DownloadClient allowed little such users mentioned by ‘ GeraldLuger answered December 30″ provided article.»

    Virtua Tennis 4 — games for Windows LIVE

    Hope this information helps. Response with status so that we can help you.

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    I tried to use the redistributable that I got from a game to uninstall, but it does not work either.

    You can still get a working copy of the «Windows Uninstaller Utility» from Softpedia. Simply click on the ‘blue box’ to the left of the description and avoid downloading the rest of the Junk software listed as «Download.» now


    I have this installed on my Windows 7, 64-bit and used more than once. Good luck, I hope this helps.

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    (1) what version of windows are you using?

    (2) at what point of the installation you get the error message?

    See the link below.


    If the link above is not enough, post in Games for Windows — Live forums.


    I hope this helps.

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    Subject ‘ Fw: Snowplow ‘
    Server: «smtpout.secureserver.net.»
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    Server: «smtpout.secureserver.net.»
    Windows Live Mail error ID: 0x800CCC0F
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    Start with this Port number.   Port 80 is usually reserved for HTTP.    Try the 25.

    Unless your host secureserver.net says something, otherwise…

    Oh.  They do it?  But no information for WLMail, so you have to adapt…


    (BING search engine for)
    Site: secureserver SMTP .net

    In particular, I think, note this:

    NOTE: «smtpout.secureserver.net» is a relay SMTP server. To use this server to send e-mail messages, you must enable SMTP relay on your e-mail account. Connect to your management page email accounts to set up SMTP relay. If you have not set up SMTP relay and allows it to your Internet Service Provider (ISP), you can use the server of mail from your Internet Service provider. Contact your Internet service provider for this setting.

    BTW if you use WLMail.exe you can also try to get help from the WLSC through its Mail Portal


    Good luck

    Robert Aldwinckle

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    NIC: Local 2 network connection

    Internet IP address: not connected

    Local IP address:

    System link address:

    Account PC: PC.000000000000

    UPnP: Not signed in

    PC ID: 0X10DF99910D0A00E8

    I have made the following recommended to others in similar situations, has passed all the recommended ports (TCP 53,80,443,3074) and UDP 53,88,3074, installed and running Windows fix it, Microsoft.Net 4.0 update, installed and run Winsockfix, disabled windows firewall (I have not installed any other protection software yet) compatible UPnP on my router, changed my static connection type and still no progress. My router is supported and I am in a country supported direct (UK). This my independent being, but I also experience certificate errors when you use Microsoft sites, which is strange as I said that the Web site of the company that developed the program that I use is dangerous. It’s my totally finished in guys any help would REALLY be apreciated. Cheers.

    I can’t believe ive finally resolved, hours after validation. the button on my motherboard battery had been dislodged and my date and time have been reset in 2009, whenever I stop my PC. everything is working fine now GFWL working and no more certificate errors.

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    All advice, instructions or ideas will be appreciated.

    Thank you

    -J’ I reset my computer
    -J’ uninstalled and re-installed the «games for windows — live.


    Welcome to Microsoft Windows 7 answers Forum!

    The question you posted corresponds to the games and would be better suited to the games forum community. Please visit the link below to find a community that will provide the best support.


    Hope this information is useful.

    Thank you, and in what concerns:

    Suresh Kumar-Microsoft Support.

    Visit our http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/answersfeedback/threads/ Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Games for windows live password incorrect claims

    I recently bought gears of war using microsoft marketplace. I played before games other than use games for windows live and had no problems, but these were download using steam instead of games for windows live client (such as fallout 3 and dead rising 2). When I downloaded the client I was unable to open a session as he claims that my information is incorrect, my ID or password. However, I can connect Marketplace on a browser, but after that I downloaded this games for windows client my other games Microsoft would no longer connection, with a «could not connect to the live account. Error appearing in the overlay in the games. I can now no longer play any of my Microsoft online games that I can’t sign the client or in the game. But as I said before I can sign in the market with the same information on a browser and also msn with the same information.


    I suggest you according to the question in this forum and check if that helps:


    It will be useful.

  • Games for windows live client crashes

    Games for windows live client crashes on download Age Of Empires 3 saying out of memory and it was the only thing that I had opened, I’ve played other games like batman arkhum asylum GFWL and age of empires online very well. I have used other services such as this fine on this pc and I have 2046 MB RAM

    Hi tacoskin,

    Since the problem is related to Games for Windows, I suggest that you post your question on games for Windows Live Forums.

    Games for Windows — Xbox.com

  • I bought the PC Version of Fable III of this year early and installed and created an account with games for windows Live!

    I bought the PC Version of Fable III of this year early and installed and created an account with games for windows Live! About 2 months ago, I formatted my computer and reloaded windows 7! Last night I downloaded Microsoft Flight and used my existing account to play! Today, I installed Fable III and the game won’t start as it says that I am not connected to the internet! This is wrong since I write here for you! Why my game will not, organize that I have connected to my account last night with problem now? Please help me?

    Yes, unfortunately GFWL’s an imperfect system. Steam has similar problems. I find the best way to avoid
    problems is to play all the games that are related to a system off line.
    I have absolutely no interest in what GFWL can offer online, in any case.
    Many games have a «fix» for GFWL, which are generally easy to find through a search.
    Of course these only help facilitate offside line.

    Try Timeslips Fable 3 GFWL remover — it is well known in the modding community, particularly
    its managers mod for Bethesda games and his job is safe to use.



  • Games For Windows Live (800488EB error Code)

    I have the version of GTA4 PC (bought via steam) and this game like many others use the Games for Windows Live client.  The game worked fine and online (via my gamertag xbox live) for about half a year now until 2 months ago.  After you download a GFWL update for their client, I was unable to connect to my account via GFWL.  In game, just to say that my gamertag did not exist, which wasn’t true because I could sign in here, xbox.com and Windows Live site.  When I tried to connect using the GFWL market he gave me the error code 800488EB authentication failed. Can you help me please someone, I would really like to play my games again online.

    Hello — Valx-,

    Try the link here for assistance in connecting to Games for Windows.

    Click here for the contact information for Games for Windows Live.

    I hope this helps.

    Thank you

    Microsoft Answers Support Engineer
    Visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think

  • Games for windows live will not yet installed

    So every time I try and install Games for Windows Live, it says it has «successfully installed, as shown here.

    Then I hit the launch, and it appears.

    I check my installed programs there. I have check the path, not here. I have no idea where it installed, if it is still installed at all, and if ever, it will install. I’m just trying to play with friends on GTA 4 xD

    If someone has help, it would be amazing. I searched the internet for days. Thank you!


    Please contact the Microsoft Community.

    I you have to check out this link-


    Let us know if you have problems with Windows in the future.

  • Games for Windows Live does not open

    Hello. I had the Client Games for Windows LIVE and the market installed on my PC for some time now (several years). I played many games, such as Halo 2, Grand Theft Auto IV, Batman: Arkham City, etc., which require this piece of shit software. However, recently, I’ve been making mistakes where I can’t run Arkham City in what appears to be an error related to the GFWL client. Of course, when I tried to open market Games for Windows LIVE, I see the splash screen, but after a few seconds it disappears and the program does not start. I tried to reinstall both on the market and the client, each instance of the .NET Framework and Bing Bar, but also reset Internet Explorer and run CCleaner registry cleaning, all to nothing is helping. I paid for all of these games and I’m not going to sit idly by because of a strange problem with a piece — of-* DRM software. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    I thought it would be more simple, but apparently, these errors can be caused by multiple scenarios

    • (You have probably tried this) Download xbox.comGFWL client, some people say that the steam of an offer is broken
    • Install Windows Live ID Sign-Assistant (I’m very positive with this one)
    • Check services.msc to Windows Live ID Sign-Wizard it should be in the manual
    • DirectX updates could fix it (I’ve seen reports of which fixed for some people)
    • Update your graphics card driver from the manufacturer’s website  (also this resolved for some)
    • run sfc/scannow to elevated command prompt (last call)

    Also, you can check your crash logs in %localappdata%MicrosoftGFWLive I think to see if they show you something different from the error you get

Maybe you are looking for

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Possibly Sticky this???


Keeping things in perspective, this was never a Games for Windows — LIVE issue, it was a problem that was addressed like several other products by the Windows development team.

If you are seeing errors with Halo 2 for Windows Vista, such as ‘Failed to Initialize LIVE’, then this kb below should be your next step in resolving your issue. However, if the error still persist, for whatever reason, then you should contact Windows Support for assistance as this update is supported by them.


As for the manul steps below, they were a spin off from the exact same issue occuring wtih folks running dedicated servers on Windows Server 2003, they have also been proven to work with Vista and Win 7; However, its a last resort approach and should be avoided unless the above patch fails to resolve your Halo 2 for Windows Vista problems.


If you continue to expereince problems with this error and Halo 2, then you should contact the support number provided in the manual specific to your country.


Here is the following troubleshooting steps I have done and so far have worked for me and a few friends

try the following:

Run Command Prompt (run as Administrator):

Type: net stop cryptsvc and hit enter

You will receive a message stating that the service was stopped.

Navigate to your LocalDrive:/Windows/System32 and rename the «catroot2» folder to «cr2old»

Once it is renamed, go back to command prompt and run this command: net start cryptsvc which will restart the Cryptographic Services:

The above steps may work, however I have noticed that if it does when you exit to the desktop then try to relaunch or reboot the PC the error may come back. If this is true then the steps below have been so far successful.

1. Delete all the tmp*.cat files in the following folders (use the search option on the top right corner of the screen to find and delete the files):

%systemroot%system32CatRoot{127D0A1D-4EF2-11D1-8608-00C04FC295EE} (there may be no files in this folder if that’s the case then only worry about the next folder)

%systemroot%system32CatRoot{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE} (if no items are found then go to the next step)

2. Delete all the kb*.cat files in the following folders (use the search option on the top right corner of the screen to find and delete the files):

%systemroot%System32CatRoot{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE} ( A pop up will ask that you need admin rights to delete, accept and delete, you may notice that they were deleted however still appear, if you refresh the screen they will be gone)

%systemroot%System32CatRoot{127D0A1D-4EF2-11D1-8608-00C04FC295EE} (again skip if there is no files in the folders)

3. Delete all the oem*.* files from the %systemroot%inf folder. (again use the search option on the top right hand corner of the screen to find and delete the files)

4. At the command prompt (Run as Administrator), type the following commands. Press ENTER after each command.

A) net stop cryptsvc

B) Next, Navigate to your LocalDrive:/Windows/System32 and delete the renamed Catroot2 folder we made previously and keep the “Catroot2” file

C) ren %systemroot%System32Catroot2 oldcatroot2

D) net start cryptsvc

Exit Command Prompt

5. Run halo 2

This should run successfully, even after exiting and re-launching halo 2 as well as after a reboot. Hopefully this helps and Please post back with results, as i’m sure the Mods would like to know the outcome


Guardian Hope:

Halo 2 PC Windows 7 Fix

Many users have faced the «LIVE Gaming for Windows failed to initialize» error message in Halo 2 PC and/or Shadowrun . The solution offered to fix it in this thread http://forums.gamesforwindows.com/t/8958.aspx (see above) helped for some users but buried within the thread are several key posts which are evidentially the solution to resolve the issue for Halo 2 on Windows 7 and why the far more complicated fix in the previously mentioned thread works in the first place.

It can also be noted that the solution offered by Microsoft in a compatibility update for Windows 7 doesn’t fully address the issue either. Below is exactly how to resolve this issue, copied from the previously mentioned thread which is now cluttered with 17 pages and in its depths, the solution as well.

Applies To

  • Windows 7 x64 Systems
  • Windows 7 x86 Systems (Possibly, haven’t heard of an x86 user with problems)


When starting Halo 2 PC (and Shadowrun), users receive the error «LIVE Gaming for Windows failed to initialize…» and are unable to start Halo 2 or Shadowrun.


The cause is one or more OEM files located in the C:WindowsINF directory. The OEM file that causes the problem to arise is different on every computer and as a result, one user’s OEM file that caused the problem may not be the same on another user’s.


You will need to narrow down the file that is causing the problem on your PC as this is user specific. The recommended procedure is to move half of the OEM files to another directory to see if Halo 2 starts. If it does, you need to start moving some of the OEM files back until you get the error, then narrow it down to the one or multiple OEM files that are causing the problem. Delete the problematic OEM file(s) causing your problem once located.


  • The OEM file(s) causing the problem will not be the same on all systems (mine was OEM21.inf, another use had OEM94.inf and OEM95.inf as the problem files).
  • There is at least one but can be multiple files causing the problem.
  • The .PNF files do not seem to cause the problem. However, you may remove the .PNF file of the OEM file(s) cause your problem if you so wish to be on the safe side.
  • I recommend that you run Windows 7 in «test mode» if you haven’t already done so just in case any driver signing issues arise from messing with the «INF» folder.

Users — Once you find the OEM file(s) causing your problem, open them to see what exactly they are for. It may be a good idea to see if we can narrow it down to a particular device/driver. For example, my problematic OEM file was for atiilhag.dll and had a special note that it was modified with Mobility Modder.NET.

Or you could run the monstrmoose patch which is essentially Deadbl0w’s fix in an executable file —http://www.monstrmoose.com/download.php?f=H2VWin7Fix.exe

If, and I mean IF you use the executable, it is a non-reversable fix, though most likely not damaging, there have been reports of sound and other hardware no longer functioning without reinsalling that hardware happening to a few users.

If you do the manual fix, I personally suggest moving one file at a time to accomplish this, sure it’s slow, tedious work, but you will be able to weed out the single file that is causing your issue, and as a result, leaving in place other files that may be of some importance to the functioning of your system.


This fix helps many users with some of these problems discussed, while not a 100% fix for everyone, it is working for a lot of people.

Download it HERE


Unable to initialize Live for Windows Components

UPDATE: For some who are having the game crash with the error ‘Unable to initiliaze Live for Windows components’ and the logs report that the faulting module is xlive.dll try deleting that file (xlive.dll) from the Shadowrun directory (C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft GamesShadowrun) only and then restart the game, this IS working for some people as a solution.

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