Применимые продукты и категории для данной статьи
С помощью этой статьи можно восстановить системный раздел компьютера VAIO в заводское состояние. Она применима ко всем компьютерам VAIO с предустановленной операционной системой Windows Vista, если раздел восстановления не был удален.
Важное замечание! Во время восстановления будут удалены все данные на диске C.
Применяйте это решение только в случае наличия резервной или дублирующей копии ваших личных данных.
- Существует два метода доступа к центру восстановления VAIO.
- Из Windows Vista.
- Нажмите Пуск.
- Выберите Все программы.
- Нажмите VAIO Recovery Center [Центр восстановления VAIO].
- Без Windows Vista.
- Загрузите или перезагрузите VAIO.
- Увидев логотип VAIO при загрузке, несколько раз нажмите клавишу F10 (см. рис. 1).
- Из Windows Vista.
Рис. 1. Логотип VAIO при загрузке
Нажмите клавишу Enter [Ввод], когда появится экран «Edit Boot Options» [Изменение параметров загрузки] (см. рис. 2).
Рис. 2. Экран «Edit Boot Options» [Изменение параметров загрузки]
Выберите Restore C: Drive [Восстановление диска C:] и нажмите кнопку Пуск (см. рис. 3).
Рис. 3. Восстановление диска C
How to recover your VAIO with VAIO Recovery Center
Applicable Products and Categories of This Article
This article enables you to restore the system partition of a VAIO to factory state. It is applicable to VAIO computers preinstalled with Windows Vista, unless the recovery partition has been removed.
Note: Additional information on the recovery system can be found in the Troubleshooting and Recovery Guide delivered with your VAIO computer. This guide is also available on this website for each model.
Important Notice:
- All data on the C: drive will be deleted in this process. Please follow this solution only if your personal data is backed up or redundant.
Proceed as follows to recover your VAIO computer to factory state:
- You can access VAIO Recovery Center in two ways:
- Within Windows:
- Close all open programs.
- Click the Start button and then click All Programs .
- In the All Programs menu, click VAIO Recovery Center .
- If Windows does not start:
- Start or Restart your VAIO.
- Press the F10 key several times while the VAIO logo is displayed (see figure 1).
- Within Windows:
Figure 1 — VAIO logo displayed while booting
Press the Enter key when the Edit Boot Options screen appears (see figure 2).
Figure 2 — Edit Boot Options screen
Figure 3 — Restore C: Drive
Click Start and confirm with Yes when prompted (see figure 4).
Figure 4 — Recovery start
Ошибка 333. Странности центра восстановления ноутбуков Sony VAIO
Так уж получилось, что за последнюю неделю столкнулся сразу с двумя странными и неприятными случаями с известными брендами. Одним из них, с сервером HP я поделился вчера, наверное стоило выделить ту тему в отдельный пост или объединить с сегодняшним, что было бы несколько логичнее.
Ладно, перейдем к сути проблемы. Неприятный сюрприз ждал меня при замене жесткого диска на ноутбуке Sony VAIO VPCCW1E1R. С маркировкой своих изделий Sony явно перемудрили, причём модификаций одной и той же модели больше чем у дурака фантиков, но проблема не в этом. Как я уже упомянул выше, понадобилось заменить жесткий диск, который приказал долго жить, как-никак ноутбуку уже 3 года. Раздел восстановления с полудохлого винта удалось благополучно спасти, он был в идеальном состоянии. Планировалось восстановить систему к заводским настройкам в первозданном виде, сохранив лицензию.
Жесткий диск был приобретен аналогичный, того же объема и производителя — WD на 320Gb, единственное отличие маркировка и серия конечно другие. Recovery-раздел был успешно перенесен на новый диск и по F8 ноутбук с радостью подгрузил мне с него Центр восстановления VAIO.
А вот дальше этого дело не пошло — процесс восстановления системы обрывался на 2% на форматировании диска с очень «информативным» сообщении некой ошибке 333. Излазив ВСЮ выдачу Google по данной проблеме (реально просмотрел все упоминания о ошибке 333), ответа на вопрос как с этим бороться и откуда у данной проблемы ноги растут, найти и не удалось. Техподдержка Sony ограничивается отсылкой в сервисный центр, а ведь такая проблема имеет место быть и не только на данной модели ноутбука.
Насколько я понял, в установщике, который находится в recovery разделе диска, где-то прописано строго определенное оборудование, серии устройств на которые возможна установка данной копии Windows. Это лишь моя догадка, исходя из того что я увидел покопавшись в содержимом раздела.
При установке Windows 7 x64 возникает ошибка «не найден необходимый драйвер для дисковода оптических дисков»
Пришлось распрощаться с лицензией. Следующая странность вылезла при попытке установить аналогичную, но OEM версию Windows 7 x64. «Не найден необходимый драйвер для дисковода оптических дисков». Замечу, что система ставилась с флешки.
Ладно, думаю, может дистрибутив какой «косячный» попался, решил проверить установкой пиратской 100% рабочей версии Windows 7 x64. Попытка закончилась аналогичной ошибкой.
Полазил по форумам, где радостно и дружно рапортуют о решении проблемы, предлагается делать установку переткнув флешку в другой USB-порт, так как Windows 7 не поддерживает установку с USB 3.0. В этом случае и выдается сообщение — «не найден необходимый драйвер для дисковода оптических дисков».
Опять не мой вариант. в Sony VAIO VPCCW1E1R нет USB 3.0 в принципе, так что дело не только в USB 3.0. В конечном счете пришлось устанавливать 32-битную версию Windows 7, с ней все прошло гладко.
Вот такой опыт с восстановлением ноутбука SONY. Так что стоит лишний раз задуматься о приобретении ноутбуков этого бренда.
Если считаете статью полезной,
не ленитесь ставить лайки и делиться с друзьями.
Как восстановить Windows 7 из раздела восстановления ноутбука Sony VAIO?
…Намедни попросили меня починить ноутбук Sony VAIO, – хозяева жаловались на то, что он «тупит и виснет»…
Выяснилось, что до меня ноут побывал в очумелых ручках эникейщика, который – провозившись 3 месяца! – зачем-то снёс лицензионную Windows 7 и установил пиратскую.
Но дело даже не в том, что он установил пиратскую «Винду», а в том, что сделал он это весьма и весьма коряво, умудрившись уронить индекс производительности брендового ноутбука (2-ядерный процессор, 4ГБ ОЗУ) до 1,0.
А в том, что ноут стал работать неустойчиво и непроизводительно, эникейщик винил не свои руки и мозги, а «неразрешимые конфликты устройств»…
Хвала всевышнему, что эникейщик не догадался (не смог. ) удалить «секретный» раздел – раздел восстановления, позволяющий вернуть «девственность» ноутбуку (первоначальное состояние с настройками завода-изготовителя).
Ноутбуки Sony VAIO, как правило, оснащены «волшебной» кнопкой ASSIST:
Как восстановить Windows 7 из раздела восстановления ноутбука Sony VAIO:
– предварительно сохраните ваши данные на другой носитель;
– нажмите кнопку ASSIST;
– последовательно будут появляться сообщения Загрузка файлов…, Запуск Windows, Подождите, запускается VAIO Care – Восстановление;
– в окне VAIO Care – Восстановление нажмите Запустить Мастер восстановления (для выполнения настраиваемого восстановления выберите Сервис, затем нажмите Запустить Мастер расширенного восстановления);
– в окне Хотите спасти данные? нажмите Пропустить спасение (если вы не сохранили предварительно данные на другой носитель, нажмите Да, начать спасение прямо сейчас);
– в окне с сообщением «Вы уверены, что хотите начать восстановление?» установите флажок Да, я уверен;
– нажмите Запустить восстановление;
– дождитесь окончания процесса восстановления.
Восстановление проходит в автоматическом режиме, ваше участие потребуется только в конце процесса: выбрать локализацию операционной системы, установить время и часовой пояс, ввести имя учётной записи.
Как восстановить Windows 7 на Sony VAIO, не оснащённых кнопкой ASSIST:
– включите ноутбук и несколько раз нажмите клавишу F10 (до исчезновения логотипа VAIO);
– при появлении окна Изменение параметров загрузки нажмите клавишу Enter;
– выберите Запустить Мастер восстановления (для выполнения настраиваемого восстановления выберите Сервис, затем нажмите Запустить Мастер расширенного восстановления);
– следуйте инструкциям на экране.
1. В процессе восстановления ноутбук несколько раз перезагрузится.
2. Средняя продолжительность процесса восстановления – около 3-х часов.
3. Обязательно дождитесь окончания процесса восстановления (иначе придётся начинать всё сначала. ).
4. Иногда во время восстановления кажется, что ноутбук завис, но это не так. Вы можете убедиться в том, что ноутбук не завис, по светодиоду жёсткого диска: если он мигает, то волноваться не о чем.
The best way to deal with Vaio Recovery Center Error error codes
Click here now to run a quick scan for Vaio Recovery Center Error & corresponding errors.
Vaio Recovery Center Error error message codes are often produced because of missing files inside of your MS Windows operating-system.
To Fix (Vaio Recovery Center Error) error you should follow the steps below:
*File size: 1MB
Download time:
A Vaio Recovery Center Error error is the Hexadecimal data format of the error generated. It’s the common error code format utilized by Windows along with other Windows compatible software applications and device driver suppliers.
This computer code is required by the manufacturer to ascertain the error code made. This unique Vaio Recovery Center Error error message gives you a numeric number and also a technical explanation. Often the error code might have more parameters in Vaio Recovery Center Error data format .This additional numerical code will be the location of the system locations in which the directions are stored at the time of the error.
A Vaio Recovery Center Error error code can be because of Microsoft Windows system data file failure. Corrupted system files can be a serious danger to the health and wellbeing of a computer.
There are many situations which can have resulted in system file errors. An unfinished installation, an unfinished file erasure, incorrect deletion of utilities or components. It may also be caused when a system is infected by a trojan or adware/spyware infection or by an improper shut down of the computer system. The above actions can end up in the erasure or data corruption of Windows system files. That corrupted system file will lead to absent or erroneously linked information and archives required for the correct operation of the program.
Proven methods to quickly address Vaio Recovery Center Error error code?
The 2 main options to repair Vaio Recovery Center Error error message:
Expert Resolution (advanced):
1) Start the computer system then log on as the admin.
2) Then click the Get started button then click on Programs, Accessories, System, then select System Restore.
3) In the next window, select “Restore my computer to an earlier time” and then press Next.
4) Pick the freshest restore date within the “select a restoration date” listing, then click on Next.
5) Then click the Next button within the verification window.
6) Reboot your computer or laptop after the restoration is done.
Novice User Resolution (completely automated):
2) Install program and simply click on Scan button in the software.
3) Simply click on the Repair Errors button whenever the diagnostic scan is successfully completed.
Having a PC problem is not very nice. While user experience is very important for PC/Laptops/Netbooks customers, Sony came with a couple of tools that come in handy when a system/os problem occurs. This tools are usually used to diagnose system errors, backup and recover data, to recover Sony preinstalled software and drivers or to recover the entire VAIO to its original settings. Usual, this tools are found under a software called “VAIO Recovery Center” for older VAIO models and “VAIO Care” for newer.
But … what can be done when your VAIO can not load Windows?
A second option to recover your VAIO is using the build in recovery tools. To access the recovery tools from a SONY VAIO, the default key is F10. Immediately after you turn on your VAIO press F10 key. You may need to press it a couple of time while you see the first VAIO logo after you start your computer. This will ask you to boot from a different sector than normal one used to boot into your Windows or will enter directly to your recovery tools.
After a small waiting period, the VAIO Recovery Center will be launched.
1. Windows System Restore
System restore will restore your program files to a predefined restore point. Restore points are points in time, which may be changed by the user in System Properties. Under normal conditions, this program should not affect your personal files.
2. VAIO Hardware Diagnostics
The VAIO Hardware Diagnostics is a utility program that helps you to determine if your VAIO’s problem is related to your hardware or not. Computer problems can be caused by a number of factors including the hardware itself. Software installed on your VAIO or its settings could be the cause as well.
3. Restore C: drive
Restore the C: drive to its original factory condition. This includes all factory installed software. The time to complete the restore can take un to an hour depending on the amount of software being restored and the speed of your computer. This program deletes all files on the C: drive.
4. Rescue Data
Rescue Data detects the data which can be saved on the internal disk drive when Windows does not start, and saves this data to an external hard disk drive or removable media.
In case you need to use any of this options, take your time and read all the instructions you find. Be aware of the options that can harm your personal data. Consider the possibility of a backup before any recovery operation.
by Sean Doyle · Published March 17, 2012 · Updated March 21, 2017
To save PDF right click the link below, for Google Chrome “Save link as…”, for Internet Explorer “Save Target As…”.
Documentation PDF: Sony Vaio Recovery Guide
Sony Vaio computers are one of the easiest computers to back up, recover, or perform a factory restore on, simply because of their user friendly recovery center (Included on all factory Sony Vaio computers).
This article provides all necessary procedures to access the Sony Vaio Recovery Center in order to perform backups, restores, recoveries, and diagnose issues in any scenario to ensure the correct guidelines are followed.
- 1. Click Start on the Windows® taskbar, and click Control Panel.
The Control Panel window appears.
- 2. In the Control Panel window, click Performance and Maintenance.
If Performance and Maintenance is not listed in the Control Panel window, click Switch to Category View on
the left side of the window, and click Performance and Maintenance.
The Performance and Maintenance panel appears.
Using the VAIO Recovery Wizard may require you to restart your computer, even if you cancel and exit the
- 3. Click VAIO Recovery Wizard.
The VAIO Recovery Wizard window appears.
- 4. In the Welcome window, click Next.
- 5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
- F 10 is the Sony Vaio recovery center Hot Key
Upon starting your computer you press the F10 key during the prompted system boot menu. This will take you straight into the Sony Vaio recovery center.
The recovery center in Sony Vaio computers (which comes factory installed) is a program (software) that makes backing up data, creating scheduled backups to all devices (even networks), wiping out data, restoring your Sony Vaio to factory settings and more a very user friendly experience.
- You can sometimes find the Vaio recovery center in the Start menu>All Programs.
- It may also be found here: C:>Program Files>Sony>Vaio Recovery
- A Backup is when you want to save, “backup” your files, computer, etc. to a disc, storage device, network, or your computer system itself.
- Performing a Recovery means you will recover your computer from an early backup location such as a disc or storage device you previously performed a backup onto.
- Restore Complete System means you will restore your computer to the point as if you just turned it on for the first time. You will lose all saved data, you will only have what was on your computer when it was brand new. Your operating system will remain fine.
- Scheduling Backups automatically is a great way to always be sure your files, information, and computer data may become retrievable in moments where you need it such as an infection or virus.
- Restore C: Drive is used to, well, restore the C Drive of your Sony Vaio. It is commonly used to recover photos, documents, and data.
- Wipe and Erase Data allows you to delete specific data, say you were to sell your Sony Vaio, such as an entire drive like C:.
- 1. Click Start on the Windows® taskbar, and click Control Panel.
The Control Panel window appears.
- 2. In the Control Panel window, click Performance and Maintenance.
If Performance and Maintenance is not listed in the Control Panel window, click Switch to Category View on
the left side of the window, and click Performance and Maintenance.
The Performance and Maintenance panel appears.
Using the VAIO Recovery Wizard may require you to restart your computer, even if you cancel and exit the
- 3. Click VAIO Recovery Wizard.
The VAIO Recovery Wizard window appears.
- 4. In the Welcome window, click Next.
- 5. Select Proceed with System Recovery, and click Next.
- 6. Select Windows System Restore, and click Next.
- 7. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Recovery or Restore: Due to computer infections, viruses, adware, broken hardware, etc.
It is important to know what is wrong with your Sony Vaio to understand what steps you will need to take. Computer infections, viruses, broken hardware, and other problems require a more tactical approach when accessing the Sony Vaio recovery center.
Computer Virus Symptoms:
- Your operating system may still work but will not allow you to access files or folders.
- Your computer turns on but the screen goes black or turns a different color.
- Your computer turns on but freezes immediately or at any given time limit.
- Internet browsing shows too many pop up windows, advertisements, or re-directs. (re-directs can go unnoticed and can happen using websites like Google)
If you suspect a virus or infections and can not easily access your Vaio recovery center read the steps and options further below.
Signs of broken hardware or computer part:
- Computer turns on but only shows a black screen and you may not enter any menus or screens.
- The operating system logo (Microsoft windows logo) is the only thing you on your computer screen.
- Computer shuts off whenever it wants to.
If your hard drive is malfunctioning or broken you may not be able to access your files until you fix the part or use the drive connected to another compatible computer. In cases of a significant solid state drive you may not have much luck recovering data depending on the year and model of your Sony vaio.
Using the factory pre installed software boot disc:
The boot disc is not always necessary. In matters of new a new solid state hard drive your boot disc may be used to reboot your system, perform recoveries, and factory restores or install missing drives, even the Vaio Recovery Center may be installed. Therefore without getting into a whole new category it’s not recommended to use your boot disc unless of significant hardware failure, no access to menus or your operating system, or some type of hardware and software replacement.
How to access the Sony Vaio recovery center with the boot/recovery disc:
- Turn your Sony Vaio computer ON.
- Open the disc drive, and place the Startup Recovery Disc into the optical drive – then close the disc drive.
- Turn your computer OFF.
- Wait a few seconds and turn your Vaio back ON.
- When prompted, insert Recovery Disc 1 into the optical drive, and click OK. (The VAIO Recovery Wizard will appear)
- Click Next.
- Select one of the available menu options.
Missing or lost boot disc/recovery disc for Sony Vaio:
If you can not find your disc or can not find the recovery center on your Sony Vaio computer for whatever reason you may contact Sony support for a new disc. There are no downloads.
You should never download a standalone recovery center unless it is part of a trusted virus protection company included in their software.
Click and drag files onto a disc, flash drive, external hard drive, and other storage devices:
There are different ways to backup files onto a hard drive, compact disc, flash drive, media card, etc. using Windows on a Sony Vaio.
- Enter a disc or connect your memory drive to your computer whatever you prefer to use which has enough space to store what you want.
- Then open the “my computer” window, which can be found in your start menu most of the time. You should see an icon suggesting a storage device is properly connected. ( Its not necessary but you may right click this storage device icon and open it in a new window .)
- Select the folders, pictures, documents, videos, programs, etc. which you want to save or back up from your computer using the folder icons to navigate (or select your entire drive folder such as C:) and drag it (by holding the left button on your mouse) into the storage device.
Storage device icons commonly look like this (below) in Windows Explorer or “My Computer”:
The number of recordable CDs or DVDs required to create a VAIO Recovery Media Kit varies, depending on computer model.
Your computer must be equipped with a recordable optical drive, such as a CD-RW, DVD-RW, or DVD±RW drive.
You can create a recovery media kit using:
- CD-R media
- Single layer DVD+R or DVD-R media
You cannot create a recovery media using:
- CD-RW media
- DVD+RW media
- DVD-RW media
- Double layer DVD+R or DVD-R medi
My Sony VAIO laptop computer was severely attacked by virus and I was able to delete them using a powerful antiviral program. After which my Windows OS restarted. And I got a black screen, which said that some system files are missing. I somehow managed to boot into the system after two to three attempts. But I found that many of the files were missing from my Sony VAIO laptop and also its speed has been gradually decreased. What should I do now to overcome this problem and to get my files back?
To counter these kinds of situations, Sony VAIO laptops are preinstalled with VAIO recovery center, a tool which helps you to restore all the missing files and restore the hard drive. It is also equipped with a recovery partition utility, which contains the Windows set-up files with all default programs and drivers. To use this tool follow the below procedure:
- Open “All Programs” from the “Start” menu
- Open “VAIO Recovery Center” application from the program menu
- Click «Restore C: Drive» option from the VAIO Recovery Center interface
- Click on «Next» button
- Start the process by clicking on the “Start” button which restores the C: drive, Windows will be reinstalled and laptop configured back to its factory settings
However if your Sony VAIO laptop contains only one drive then restoring to factory settings results in complete removal of data from the laptop hard drive.
Let us see some of the common reasons for data loss on your Sony VAIO laptop
- Human Mistakes: Human mistakes such as accidental deletion of a file or folder is one of the main reasons for data loss from VAIO laptop
- Formatting: Formatting the laptop drive without taking the backup of important files
- Virus Attack: Virus infection on the laptop hard drive results in file system corruption which in turn leads to data loss from the laptop drive
- File system conversion: Converting a file system from one to another i.e. from FAT16 to FAT32 or from FAT32 to NTFS leads to complete data loss from Sony VAIO laptop hard drive
- Improper System Termination: Turning off your system improperly sometimes lead to data loss from Sony Vaio laptops, this could be due to battery issue or any other reason
So how to recover data after such situations?
Yodot Hard Drive Recovery is one of the widely used data recovery software to recover data from Sony VAIO laptop. The application has the ability to create “Disk Image” of the hard drive which bypasses the bad sectors, which can be used in the future if any kind of data loss mishap happens. Furthermore supports recovery of more than 300 different file types.
Working of the software
- Download and install Yodot Hard Drive Recovery tool to your Sony VAIO laptop
- Open the application and stick to the guidelines appearing on the screen
- The software displays two options from the main screen, “Partition Recovery” and “Formatted / Reformatted Recovery”
- Choose either of the two options based on your data loss scenario
- The tool scans and displays all the physical and logical drives from the laptop
- Select the drive from where data is to be rescued from and click “Next”
- The application shows a screen asking for the selection of file type to be recovered, you can make your selection or simply click “Skip” button to select all the file format by default
- Allow the scanning process to complete
- After the scanning process, the tool displays all the recoverable data from the laptop
- Select the files which you want to recover
- Preview the picture files and save the rescued files to your desired location
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Sony Vaio Windows 7 Theme is dedicated to the Sony Vaio brand of computers from Sony. This is a high resolution Windows 7 Theme which will fit very well into nearly all desktop and laptop screens with Windows 7 operating system. There are 10 background images of 1920 x 1200 widescreen resolution in the theme.. Freeware download of Sony Vaio Windows 7 Theme 1, size 11.99 Mb.
Sony Photo Recovery(Windows & Mac) 2.0 Sony Photo Recovery
Sony is a popular brand of electronic gadgets. Its digital cameras are based on the latest technology and is capable of capturing high resolution pictures without any interruption. The picture clicked for the Sony camera get saved in the memory card installed in it. It is a very common situation that the picture stored in the memory card gets lost. Free download of Sony Photo Recovery(Windows & Mac) 2.0, size 4.00 Kb.
Sony Vaio PCG-Z505HE Windows 7 Driver Recovery CD 2 7 Driver Recovery CD
A Driver Recovery CD works with a windows cd to return your Sony Vaio PCG-Z505HE Windows 7 back to the original factory setup. Once windows has installed you put this cd into the drive as soon as windows gives you a found new hardware dialog box. Once inserted the Sony Vaio PCG-Z505HE Windows 7 will automatically find all the drivers and also. Free download of Sony Vaio PCG-Z505HE Windows 7 Driver Recovery CD 2 7, size 655.36 Mb.
Sony Vaio PCG-Z1M Windows 7 Driver Recovery CD 2 7 Driver Recovery CD
A Driver Recovery CD works with a windows cd to return your Sony Vaio PCG-Z1M Windows 7 back to the original factory setup. Once windows has installed you put this cd into the drive as soon as windows gives you a found new hardware dialog box. Once inserted the Sony Vaio PCG-Z1M Windows 7 will automatically find all the drivers and also install. Free download of Sony Vaio PCG-Z1M Windows 7 Driver Recovery CD 2 7, size 655.36 Mb.
Sony Vaio PCG-XR7Z Windows 7 Driver Recovery CD 2 7 Driver Recovery CD
A Driver Recovery CD works with a windows cd to return your Sony Vaio PCG-XR7Z Windows 7 back to the original factory setup. Once windows has installed you put this cd into the drive as soon as windows gives you a found new hardware dialog box. Once inserted the Sony Vaio PCG-XR7Z Windows 7 will automatically find all the drivers and also install. Free download of Sony Vaio PCG-XR7Z Windows 7 Driver Recovery CD 2 7, size 655.36 Mb.
Sony Vaio PCG-XR7F Windows 7 Driver Recovery CD 2 7 Driver Recovery CD
A Driver Recovery CD works with a windows cd to return your Sony Vaio PCG-XR7F Windows 7 back to the original factory setup. Once windows has installed you put this cd into the drive as soon as windows gives you a found new hardware dialog box. Once inserted the Sony Vaio PCG-XR7F Windows 7 will automatically find all the drivers and also install. Free download of Sony Vaio PCG-XR7F Windows 7 Driver Recovery CD 2 7, size 655.36 Mb.
This project aims to be a complement to configure the Sony Vaio Laptops from a user friendly graphical interface.
Currently only wwan switch available.
There are some GUI Tools for the sony-laptop linux kernel driver.
Sony Control Center 1.0 License — GNU General Public License (GPL). Freeware download of Sony Control Center 1.0, size 0 b.
VAIO Easy Connect is a useful application that was especially designed to provide Sony VAIO owners with a simple means of connecting their notebook to a network.
The program will only work with specific models of VAIO laptops so you should check the list of supported devices (available on this page) before installing the software.
Through this DVD player software you can play all regions DVD on all DVD drives (except the Matshita DVD-RAM serials, Sony VAIO serials and Toshiba Satellite serials) even if you have changed the region code 5 times.
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DVD X Player is the first region free/code free software DVD player in the world.
Through this DVD player software you can play all regions DVD on all DVD drives (except the Matshita DVD-RAM serials, Sony VAIO serials and Toshiba Satellite serials) even if you have changed the region code 5 times.
Record DVD movies for your Apple. Free download of DVD X Player Pro, size 20.88 Mb.
Recovery for Exchange Server 5.0.1017 Recoveronix Ltd.
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Recovery for BizTalk is a powerful data recovery software for damaged Microsoft BizTalk database files (.MDF). Retrieves information from both corrupted databases and backups. Recovers channels, ports, envelopes; restores processed documents and shared queues. Saves recovered information in Transact-SQL script fit for quick database recreation. New. Free download of Recovery for BizTalk 1.1.0840, size 1.72 Mb.
Kryz.org site describing various details on the Sony Vaio PCG-C1MHP Picturebook, including Windows XP experiences and Debian Linux installation details
Describes burn treatment therapies including skin grafts and reconstructive surgery. Information on burn centers and resources for long-term treatment and care.
Education, resources and support in the process of recovery and the understanding of Anorexia, Bulimia or Compulsive Overeating as well as Muscle Dysmorphia.
A site giving all pertinent information about the formation, operation, philosophies and testimonies concerning the success of our six month, resident, Christ centered addiction recovery program.
Rogue Valley Medical Center, a member of Asante Health System
RVMC in Medford Oregon is a member of the Asante Health System, a locally owned and governed, not-for-profit organization. Asante also includes Three Rivers Community Hospital in Grants Pass.
Fundraising auction for blindness, Charity Sight Savers International Organization. Bid for BMW Mini Cooper, Sony Vaio, World Cup tickets.
Offers video tape duplication and video tape transfer to all formats. Camcorder, TV, DVD, and VCR repair. Sony authorized repair center. Pennsylvania based.
VAIO Control Center — это приложение, которое нужно для ноутбуков sony, а именно популярной линейки VAIO. Приложение является неким центром, который дает возможность управлять многими параметрами ноутбука. К примеру, вы сможете переключать режимы энергопотребления, что очень полезно для портативных компьютеров. Также есть возможность управлять параметрами сети, и другими настройками. Стоит отметить, что работать приложение может только с операционными системами windows, версии не ниже 7. Это означает, что поддержка 8 и 10 версии также присутствует.
Возможности и интерфейс
Интерфейс этой программы очень прост и понятен. Это позволяет каждому пользователю разобраться с приложением. К тому же, здесь есть русская локализация, что также упрощает пользование. Всего VAIO Control Center состоит из 2 панелей. В первой панели можно выбрать категорию настроек, а во второй увидеть настраиваемые параметры. В последних обновлениях в программу добавили подразделы. Это разделы с настройками управления электропитанием, клавиатуры и мыши, экрана, сетевых параметров, устройств воспроизведения и безопасности. Есть также дополнительные кнопки с информацией о системе и специальными функциями. Учтите, что в большинстве моделей работать будут далеко не все разделы. Более детально рассматривать все параметры не стоит, поскольку они интуитивно понятны.
Кроме всех вышеперечисленных функций, программа предлагает несколько дополнительных возможностей. К примеру, при её помощи вы сможете управлять биометрическими сканерами. Также можно настраивать цветовые профили, изменять назначение специальных клавиш. Ещё вы можете произвести управление позиционированием курсора. Но самой полезной является включение и отключение быстрой зарядки. При работе от сети этот параметр можно выключить, но при необходимости быстро зарядить ноутбук, быстрая зарядка будет просто необходимой.
Ключевые особенности
- Приложение официально издано компанией sony;
- Предназначено для портативных компьютеров линейки VAIO;
- Можно управлять практически всеми параметрами ноутбука;
- Есть горячие клавиши;
- Интерфейс простой и понятный, полностью переведен на русский язык.
Этим и занимался.
OS( ОБЕ) были установлены на одном физ.диске(с 4-мя разделами:(10.55Гб), (100Мб), (С)(187Гб) и (Е)(500Гб) подключенном к порту0. Второй физ.диск(698,63Гб) подключен к порту4 всегда пустой. Его отключаю в панели управл.компьютером. VAIO Recovery автомат. формат. и разбивает физ.диск(подключенный к порту0(Master)) на 3 раздела, давая возможность создать только один(4-й) дополн. раздел (формат MBR до 4 логических разделов на физ.диске), присваивая ему в кофигурации определение-ДИСК0. VAIO Recovery Center устанавливает OS в раздел (С)(187Гб) физ.ДИСКА0(с 4-мя разделами, раздел (Е)(500Гб) пуст). В начале установки OS: — установка оборудования -100% — СООБЩЕНИЕ:
» Программе установки Windows не удалось настроить Windows для работы с оборудованием этого компьютера .»
Нажимаю ОК, компьютер перезагружается, снова запускается установка… — загрузка служб и опять все останавливается, СООБЩЕНИЕ:
«Не удалось завершить процесс установки. Чтобы установить Windows, перезапустите программу установки.»
Нажимаю ОК, снова запускается установка — загрузка служб и опять все останавливается — ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ СООБЩЕНИЕ. И так постоянно (раз 20 перезагружал-без изменений).
И при 3-х разделах на ДИСКЕ0 (один раздел(С)(687Гб) вместо(С)(187Гб) и (Е)(500Гб) тоже самое. Системы НЕТ!
Далее устанавливаю OS с установочного диска(оригинальные образы Windows) в раздел(Е)(500Гб) физ.ДИСКА0, установщик предлагает выбрать диск(раздел) для установки, конфигурация дисков уже изменена: ДИСК0(с 4-мя разделами:(10.55Гб), (100Мб), (С)(187Гб) и (Е)(500Гб) переименован в ДИСК1, а ДИСК1(c разделом (D)( 698,63Гб)) в ДИСК0. После установки OS с установочного диска(оригинальные образы Windows) в раздел(Е)(500Гб) получаю обмен названиями не только между физ.дисками, но и разделами с OS (C) и (Е). Теперь (Е)(187Гб) и (С)(500Гб) — разделы физ.ДИСКА1 подключенного к порту0(Master), а раздел (D)(698,63Гб) — раздел физ.ДИСКА0 подключенного к порту4(Slave).
OS от VAIO Recovery Center в разделе (187Гб)
OS с установочного диска(оригинальные образы Windows) в разделе (500Гб)
Отключаю ДИСК с разделом (D)(698.63Гб) в панели управл.комп. и перезагружаю систему. Получаю
Подключаю второй физ.ДИСК
Перезагружаю систему и все возвращается
Message was edited by: R.A.Valerjevich
Message was edited by: R.A.Valerjevich
/Guides /VAIO Recovery Disk – Guide for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
This guide is about recovery disks for VAIO computers (including Sony VAIO) for the following versions of Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
A recovery disk is also known as a restore disc, repair disc, boot disc or rescue disk.
VAIO computers were originally manufactured by the Sony Corporation, but the division was sold in February 2014.
This guide covers all computers models, that have Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8 installed, known as Sony VAIO and the newer models from the VAIO Corporation that now builds these computers.
Looking for a recovery disk for VAIO? Download Easy Recovery Essentials (our recovery and repair disk for VAIO).
- 1 Download VAIO recovery disk
- 2 Create set of recovery disks for VAIO
- 2.1 Using VAIO Recovery Wizard
- 2.2 Using VAIO Care
- 3 Restore a VAIO computer
- 3.1 Restore Windows XP
- 3.2 Restore Windows Vista
- 3.3 Restore Windows 7
- 3.4 Restore Windows 8
- 4 Troubleshooting
- 4.1 Error loading operating system
- 4.2 Windows – No Disk
- 4.3 Cannot find the partition, restart
- 4.4 Can’t create a Recovery Media
- 4.5 Can’t complete the recovery process
- 4.6 Screen is blank, power indicator is green
- 4.7 Enter Onetime password
- 5 More Information
- 5.1 Support Links
- 5.2 Applicable Systems
- 5.3 Applicable Models
Download VAIO recovery disk
If your recovery partition is no longer available on your VAIO computer or you don’t have a set of recovery disks to restore your computer, download Easy Recovery Essentials, our recovery and repair disk.
Easy Recovery Essentials works with any VAIO computer model and it’s compatible with the following Windows versions:
- Microsoft Windows XP
- Microsoft Windows Vista
- Microsoft Windows 7
- Microsoft Windows 8
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003, 2008 and 2012
Burn Easy Recovery Essentials directly to a CD, DVD or a USB flash drive and use the Automated Repair function to automatically find and fix boot errors.
Download Easy Recovery Essentials for VAIO
Note: Easy Recovery Essentials can not be used to install or reinstall Windows.
Create set of recovery disks for VAIO
Sony VAIO computers and laptops don’t come with a recovery CD or DVD included with your purchase, but the computers have a recovery partition available (similar to a Dell recovery partition) that you can use to create your VAIO Recovery Media Kit (this is the set of recovery CDs or DVDs that you will use to restore your computer) using the software application provided by Sony/VAIO.
Depending on your computer model and your Windows version, this software application can have different names:
- VAIO Recovery Wizard
- VAIO Recovery Center
- VAIO Care
Your computer’s recovery partition might not be available if you changed the partitions on your hard drive in any way and incidentally deleted this partition.
Backup your computer before you proceed. Running the recovery software utility to create a Recovery Media Kit can lead to data loss (including your music, movies, pictures and applications).
Depending on the computer model you have, you will need either a set of CDs or DVDs to create the disks.
You can use simple CDs or DVDs:
- CD-R
- DVD-R or DVD+R (only single layer)
You can’t use any of the following types of media:
- Double layer DVD-R or DVD+R
You might need 10 – 12 CDs or 1 – 2 DVDs, depending on the computer model you have. The VAIO software will notify you about the required media type you need to use and how many you’ll need.
Before you begin to create the recovery disks, please make sure that you:
- Close any programs
- Disconnect from the Internet and all other network connections with might have opened
- Disconnect any peripheral devices, e.g. USB flash drives, external hard disk
- Disable any antivirus software
- Disable your screensaver
Follow these instructions for the VAIO software you have installed:
- VAIO Recovery Wizard
- VAIO Care
Using VAIO Recovery Wizard
Follow these instructions to create a set of recovery disks for a Sony VAIO computer using the VAIO Recovery Wizard software:
If you’re not able to create the disks, use Easy Recovery Essentials for VAIO
- Boot your computer
- Login into Windows
- Click Start
- Go to Control Panel. If you have the Category View enabled, go to Performance and Maintenance
- Click on the VAIO Recovery Wizard item
- Wait for the VAIO Recovery Wizard software to open
- Click Next
- Select Create Recovery Media Kit (Strongly Recommended) and click Next
- Select what type of media you want to use: CDs or DVDs.
Even if your computer has a DVD-RW or DVD±RW drive, the VAIO Recovery Wizard does not support any of the following: CD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RW, 1X and 2X speed DVD-R, or double layer DVD+R and DVD-R.
- Click Next
- Insert your first blank disk in the drive
- Click Next
- Continue with the rest of the CDs or DVDs
- When the “The Recovery Media Kit is complete” window appears, click OK
- Click Finish
- Your computer will now restart. The Recovery Media Kit is completed. Label the disks and keep them safe!
Using VAIO Care
Follow these instructions to create a set of recovery disks for Sony VAIO computers using the VAIO Care software:
If you’re not able to create the disks, use Easy Recovery Essentials for VAIO
- Boot your computer
- Connect to the Internet and run VAIO Update to get all the updates for your computer and Windows
- Then, click Start
- Go to All Programs
- Select and click VAIO Care
- If the UAC (User Account Control) window appears, click Yes
- Select Recovery & restore from the left menu options
- Click Create Recovery Media
- Read the instructions and then click Next
- Follow the instructions on the screen to continue with the process
Restore a VAIO computer
Your computer can be recovered and restored using the following options:
- If you can boot into Windows to run the VAIO software
- If you have a set of disks already created to run the VAIO software
- If you have the recovery partition available on your computer to run the VAIO software
Restore Windows XP
If you have the recovery partition intact or have a set of recovery disks created (the Recovery Media Kit), you can access the VAIO Recovery Wizard software to restore Windows XP.
If you no longer have the recovery partition or the recovery disks, use Easy Recovery Essentials for VAIO
You can find instructions below, for each case:
- If you can boot into Windows XP
- If you have a set of recovery disks (you can use these if you can’t boot into Windows)
- If you have the recovery partition available. You can use this option if you can’t boot into Windows XP and don’t have a set of disks available
If you can boot into Windows XP, follow these instructions:
- Boot into Windows XP
- Click Start
- Go to Control panel. If you have the Category View enabled, select the Performance and Maintenance category
- Click VAIO Recovery Wizard
- At the Welcome window, click Next
- Select any of the available menu options and continue with the instructions on the screen
If you have a set of disks created:
- Boot your computer by pressing the Power button
- Insert your first disk in the optical drive and close it
- Turn off your computer
- Wait 30 seconds (approximately)
- Turn on the computer
- When prompted, insert the disk asked by the VAIO Recovery Wizard software
- Click OK
- Click Next
- Select any of the available options and continue with the instructions on the screen
If you have the recovery partition available on your computer:
- Turn off your computer
- Boot your computer
- When the VAIO logo appears, press the F10 key
- Wait for the VAIO Recovery Wizard to appear
- Click Next
- Continue with the instructions on the screen after you selected any of the available options presented by the software utility
Restore Windows Vista
VAIO computers with Windows Vista have the VAIO Recovery Center software installed that you can use to do a factory reset of your computer.
If you don’t have the disks, use Easy Recovery Essentials for VAIO
If you have the disks available, follow these instructions:
- Turn on your PC and insert the first disk in the optical drive
- Restart your computer
- Wait for the recovery program to load
- Select Restore Complete System
- Click Start, then Next
- Check Yes at the question about your C: drive size, and click Next
- Check the “I understand” checkbox and click Start
- Click Yes at the “Are you sure?” question
- Wait for the software to finish the process. Follow any instructions on the screen to complete the process
If you have the partition available on your computer, follow these instructions:
- Boot your Windows Vista
- While it’s booting up, press the Alt and F10 key several times before the VAIO logo appears on your screen.
- At the VAIO Recovery Center software screen, select Restore Complete System from the menu on the left
- Click Start
- Click Next
- Check Yes at the “Do you want to keep the factory default C: drive size?” question and click Next
- Check the “I understand” option and click Start
- Click Yes at the “Are you sure?” question
- Wait for the process to finish
- Follow the next set of instructions on the screen to complete the process
If Alt and F10 didn’t work to open the software utility, try pressing only the F10 key or the ASSIST button from your keyboard (if your computer model has this button on the keyboard).
Another alternative is to press the F8 key to boot into the Advanced Boot Options of Windows Vista, then select Repair Your Computer and wait for the VAIO Recovery Center software to appear.
Restore Windows 7
You can do a factory reset on a Sony VAIO with Windows 7 installed. VAIO computers with Windows 7 have the VAIO Care software installed. Other models can have the VAIO Recovery Center software.
To restore your computer, you can also use Easy Recovery Essentials for VAIO, if you don’t have the disks created with VAIO Care
If you can boot into Windows 7, follow these steps:
- Start Windows 7
- Press the ASSIST button available on your keyboard to open the VAIO Care software. If you don’t have an ASSIST button, find the VAIO Care software by going to Start > All Programs
- At the Recovery & restore section from the left menu, select Recovery
- Select Recover computer
- Click Yes
- Wait for your computer to reboot
- At the VAIO Care Rescue screen, select Start recovery wizard. Advanced options are available by clicking Tools.
- Select Skip rescue
- Check the “I’m sure” option and then click Start recovery
- Wait for the process to finish. Your computer may restart several times during this process.
- At the Recovery complete window, click Restart
- Follow the instructions on the screen to setup Windows 7 again
If you have the recovery partition available, follow these steps:
- Turn on your computer and hit F10 several times (or Alt and F10). You can also press the ASSIST button, if this is available for your computer model
- If the “Edit Windows boot options” screen appears, hit Enter
- Wait for the software to appear
- Click Start recovery wizard and follow the instructions on the screen
If you have the disks follow the instructions from Windows 8, at the “If you have a set of recovery disks created” section.
Restore Windows 8
VAIO computers with Windows 8 installed have the VAIO Care software installed that you can use to recover and restore your computer.
To restore your computer, you can also use Easy Recovery Essentials for VAIO, if you don’t have the disks created with VAIO Care
If you can boot into Windows 8, follow these instructions:
- Boot into Windows 8
- Press the
and C key to open the Charm bar
- Select Search
- Type in “vaio care“
- Select VAIO Care (or the VAIO Care (Desktop) item) from the result items on the left
- Select Advanced Tools
- Select Restore and recovery
- Select Recover or maintain your system
- Click Yes and wait for your computer to restart
- After restart, select your keyboard layout
- At the “Choose an option” screen, select Troubleshoot
- Select Recovery and maintenance
- At the Recovery Tool screen, select your operating system (usually this is named “Windows 8/;)
- At the VAIO Care Rescue Mode window, select Start recovery wizard
- Select Skip rescue
- Check the “Yes, I’m sure” option
- Click Start recovery
- The recovery process now begins
If you have a set of recovery disks created, follow these instructions:
- Turn on your computer to insert the first disk in your computer’s optical drive
- Turn off your computer
- Turn on your computer again
- At the Windows Boot Manager, select Start VAIO Care Rescue and hit Enter. If you have an external optical drive, you may need to press F11 multiple time before the VAIO logo disappears to boot into the Windows Boot Manager.
- Select Start recovery wizard
- Follow the instructions on the screen to continue with the process. If you want a custom recovery process, you can select Tools instead of Start recovery wizard and then click Start advanced recovery wizard
If you have the recovery partition on your computer, follow these steps:
If your computer has an ASSIST button:
- Turn off your computer
- Press the ASSIST button
- Wait for the VAIO Care Rescue software to launch
- Click Start recovery wizard. For more advanced options on the recovery process, select Tools and then click Start advanced recovery wizard
- Follow the instructions on the screen
If your computer does not have an ASSIST button:
- Turn on your computer
- Press the F10 key several times before the VAIO logo disappears
- If the Edit Boot Options screen appears, hit Enter
- Select Start recovery wizard. For more options, select Tools and then click Start advanced recovery wizard
- Follow the instructions on the screen
Error loading operating system
If you received this error message after running the VAIO Recovery Wizard software – Error loading operating system – run the software again.
The power to your computer might have been interrupted during the process.
Windows – No Disk
If you received this error message – Windows – No Disk – when booting the computer with the set of disks you created, the recovery disks you’ve used may have been corrupted (either due to bad quality or incompatibility).
In this case, you need to create a new set of disks.
Cannot find the partition, restart
If you’ve used the software utility before and it didn’t closed properly, you may receive this error message at its next start:
VAIO Recovery Wizard cannot find the partition. Restart your computer.
If so, restart your computer and start VAIO Recovery Wizard again.
Can’t create a Recovery Media
If you can’t create the disks, follow these tips and try again:
- Turn off your computer and run the software again. Make sure you close all your open programs, antivirus software and remove any plugged-in peripherals.
- Download the latest available updates for your computer model from the VAIO Update software
- Try a different set of CDs or DVDs with a better quality
Can’t complete the recovery process
If you can’t complete the recovery process, try these suggestions:
- Disconnect any external drives
- If you can’t complete the process from the VAIO Recovery Wizard or the VAIO Care software, try using your set of disks instead
- Check the disks you’re using for any damages. The disks need to be clean and high quality.
Screen is blank, power indicator is green
If the power indicator is green but the computer screen is blank or stuck, follow any of these tips:
- Press the Alt and F4 keys to close a software application
- Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then go to Shutdown and select Restart to restart your computer
- Press and hold the Power button for more than 4 seconds to shutdown your computer
- Make sure you don’t have any external devices plugged-in
Enter Onetime password
If you entered the password wrong 3 times, the following error message appears on your screen:
Enter Onetime Password.
In this case, press and hold the Power button for more than 4 seconds to shutdown your computer. When you are sure than your computer has been turned off completely, wait 10 to 15 seconds and then restart your computer again.
More Information
Support Links
- Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows – our repair and recovery disk.
It’s an easy-to-use and automated diagnostics disk. It’s available for Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista. It’s also available for Windows XP and Windows Server.
Read more at Windows Recovery Disks.
- The NeoSmart Support Forums, member-to-member technical support and troubleshooting.
- Get a discounted price on replacement setup and installation discs: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.
Applicable Systems
This Windows-related knowledgebase article applies to the following operating systems:
- Windows XP (all editions)
- Windows Vista (all editions)
- Windows 7 (all editions)
- Windows 8 (all editions)
- Windows 8.1 (all editions)
- Windows Server 2003 (all editions)
- Windows Server 2008 (all editions)
- Windows Server 2012 (all editions)
Applicable Models
This VAIO-related knowledge base article applies to the following computer models:
- PCG series: PCG-505, PCG-505G, PCG-505GX, PCG-505TS, PCG-505TX, PCG-838, PCG-C1XS, PCG-F150, PCG-F160, PCG-F180, PCG-F190, PCG-F340, PCG-F350, PCG-F360, PCG-F370, PCG-F390, PCG-F420, PCG-F480, PCG-F490, PCG-F520, PCG-F540, PCG-F560, PCG-F570, PCG-F580, PCG-F590, PCG-F610, PCG-F630, PCG-F650, PCG-F6650K, PCG-F680, PCG-F680K, PCG-F690, PCG-F690K, PCG-FR100, PCG-FRV26, PCG-FRV27, PCG-FRV28, PCG-FRV30, PCG-FRV31, PCG-FRV33, PCG-FRV34, PCG-FRV35, PCG-FRV35Q, PCG-FRV37, PCG-FRV37B, PCG-FX120, PCG-FX120K, PCG-FX140, PCG-FX140K, PCG-FX150, PCG-FX150K, PCG-FX170, PCG-FX170K, PCG-FX190, PCG-FX200, PCG-FX200K, PCG-FX210, PCG-FX215, PCG-FX220, PCG-FX290K, PCG-FX300, PCG-FX30010B, PCG-FX30011B, PCG-FX30012B, PCG-FX30013B, PCG-FX30014B, PCG-FX30015B, PCG-FX30016B, PCG-FX30017B, PCG-FX30018B, PCG-FX30019B, PCG-FX3001B, PCG-FX30020B, PCG-FX30021B, PCG-FX30022B, PCG-FX30023B, PCG-FX30024B, PCG-FX30025B, PCG-FX30026B, PCG-FX30027B, PCG-FX30028B, PCG-FX30029B, PCG-FX3002B, PCG-FX30030B, PCG-FX30031B, PCG-FX30032B, PCG-FX30033B, PCG-FX30034B, PCG-FX30035B, PCG-FX30036B, PCG-FX3003B, PCG-FX3004B, PCG-FX3005B, PCG-FX3006B, PCG-FX3007B, PCG-FX3008B, PCG-FX3009B, PCG-FX300K, PCG-FX300P, PCG-FX310, PCG-FX340, PCG-FX350, PCG-FX370, PCG-FX390, PCG-FX400, PCG-FXA32, PCG-FXA33, PCG-FXA36, PCG-FXA40, PCG-FXA47, PCG-FXA47B, PCG-FXA48, PCG-FXA48DB, PCG-FXA49, PCG-GR200, PCG-GR200P, PCG-GR250, PCG-GR300, PCG-GR350, PCG-GR370, PCG-GR390, PCG-GRT100, PCG-GRT170, PCG-GRT200, PCG-GRT200K, PCG-GRT200P, PCG-GRT240G, PCG-GRT260G, PCG-GRT270G, PCG-GRV550, PCG-GRV600, PCG-GRV670, PCG-GRX500, PCG-GRX520, PCG-GRX550, PCG-GRX560, PCG-GRX590, PCG-GRZ530, PCG-GRZ600, PCG-GRZ610, PCG-GRZ630, PCG-GRZ660, PCG-NV100, PCG-R505TEK, PCG-R505TSK, PCG-SR17K, PCG-SR33, PCG-SR33K, PCG-SR5K, PCG-SR7, PCG-SR7K, PCG-SRX77, PCG-SRX77P, PCG-SRX99P, PCG-TR2A, PCG-TR2AP, PCG-TR3A, PCG-TR3AP, PCG-TR5AP, PCG-VX89, PCG-XG18, PCG-XG19, PCG-XG28, PCG-XG28K, PCG-XG29, PCG-XG29K, PCG-XG38, PCG-XG38K, PCG-XG39, PCG-XG39K, PCG-XG500, PCG-XG500K, PCG-XG700, PCG-XG700K, PCG-XG9, PCG-Z1VA, PCG-Z1VAP, PCG-Z505G, PCG-Z505GX, PCG-Z505HE, PCG-Z505HS, PCG-Z505JE, PCG-Z505JEK, PCG-Z505JS, PCG-Z505JSK, PCG-Z505LE, PCG-Z505LEK, PCG-Z505LS, PCG-Z505LSK, PCG-Z505S, PCG-Z505SX, PCG-Z50LSK, PCV-RS704
- VGN series: VGN-A250, VGN-A260, VGN-A290, VGN-AR150g, VGN-AW200, VGN-AW200J, VGN-AW220J, VGN-CR220E, VGN-FS700, VGN-FS710, VGN-FS715, VGN-FS720, VGN-FS730, VGN-FS740, VGN-FS742, VGN-FS760, VGN-FS770, VGN-FS780, VGN-FS790, VGN-FS920, VGN-FS930, VGN-FS940, VGN-FS950, VGN-FS950P, VGN-FS960P, VGN-FS980, VGN-FS990, VGN-FW130E, VGN-FW140E, VGN-FW150E, VGN-FW160E, VGN-FZ320E, VGN-FZ340E, VGN-N110G, VGN-N130G, VGN-N150G, VGN-N160G, VGN-N170G, VGN-N220E, VGN-N230E, VGN-N250E, VGN-N270E, VGN-N5240E, VGN-NR200E, VGN-NR220E, VGN-NR240E, VGN-NR260E, VGN-NS200E, VGN-S260P, VGN-S270B, VGN-S270P, VGN-S360P, VGN-S380P, VGN-SZ200, VGN-SZ200P, VGN-SZ210P, VGN-SZ220, VGN-SZ220P, VGN-SZ240P, VGN-SZ280P, VGN-SZ300P, VGN-SZ330P, VGN-SZ360P, VGN-SZ370P
- VPC series: VPC-EC3CFX
- PCV series: PCV-220, PCV-240, PCV-E201, PCV-E203, PCV-E206, PCV-E324DS, PCV-E518DS, PCV-J100, PCV-J120, PCV-J200, PCV-L400, PCV-L600, PCV-LX600, PCV-LX700, PCV-LX800, PCV-LX810, PCV-LX900, PCV-LX910, PCV-LX920, PCV-MXS10, PCV-MXS20, PCV-R532DS, PCV-R536DS, PCV-R538DS, PCV-R539DS, PCV-R545DS, PCV-R547DS, PCV-R549DS, PCV-R553DS, PCV-R556DS, PCV-R558DS, PCV-RS100, PCV-RS101, PCV-RS210, PCV-RS220, PCV-RS221, PCV-RS300, PCV-RS310, PCV-RS312, PCV-RS320, PCV-RS322, PCV-RS400, PCV-RS400C, PCV-RS400CG, PCV-RS400CGP, PCV-RS400P, PCV-RS410, PCV-RS411, PCV-RS412, PCV-RS420, PCV-RS422X, PCV-RS430G, PCV-RS431, PCV-RS440, PCV-RS460, PCV-RS500C, PCV-RS500CG, PCV-RS510, PCV-RS512, PCV-RS514V, PCV-RS519, PCV-RS520, PCV-RS521, PCV-RS530G, PCV-RS540X, PCV-RS550X, PCV-RS600, PCV-RS600c, PCV-RS600CG, PCV-RS610, PCV-RS611, PCV-RS611X, PCV-RS612, PCV-RS613G, PCV-RS620G, PCV-RS630G, PCV-RS650, pcv-rs720G, PCV-RS724G, PCV-RS726G , PCV-RS730G, PCV-RX260DS, PCV-RX270DS, PCV-RX280DS, PCV-RX370ds, PCV-RX380ds, PCV-RX400ds, PCV-RX450, PCV-RX460, PCV-RX500, PCV-RX540, PCV-RX550, PCV-RX560, PCV-RX570, PCV-RX572, PCV-RX580, PCV-RX600, PCV-RX640, PCV-RX650, PCV-RX660, PCV-RX670, PCV-RX680, PCV-RX681, PCV-RX700, PCV-RX710, PCV-RX720, PCV-RX740, PCV-RX741, PCV-RX750, PCV-RX753, PCV-RX755, PCV-RX760, PCV-RX762, PCV-RX770, PCV-RX820, PCV-RX821, PCV-RX830, PCV-RX850, PCV-RX851, PCV-RX860, PCV-RX861, PCV-RX881, PCV-RX891, PCV-RZ14G, PCV-RZ20G, PCV-RZ22G, PCV-RZ24G, PCV-RZ26G, PCV-RZ30C, PCV-RZ30CG, PCV-RZ30CGP, PCV-RZ30CP, PCV-RZ30GN2, PCV-RZ30GN4, PCV-RZ31G, PCV-RZ32G, PCV-RZ34G, PCV-RZ35M, PCV-RZ35MX, PCV-RZ36G, PCV-RZ40, PCV-RZ40C, PCV-RZ40C1B, PCV-RZ40C1F, PCV-RZ40CG, PCV-RZ40CP, PCV-RZ40G, PCV-RZ40GN2, PCV-RZ40P, PCV-RZ44CG, PCV-RZ44G, PCV-RZ456G, PCV-RZ45CG, PCV-RZ45G, PCV-RZ46G, PCV-RZ50C, PCV-RZ50G, PCV-RZ54G, PCV-RZ56G, PCV-V100G, PCV-V200G, PCV-V505DC2, PCV-V505DC2P
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