Виджет таймер на рабочий стол для windows 10

Чтобы установить таймер в Windows 10: запустите приложение «Будильники и часы». Щелкните «Таймер». Нажмите кнопку «+» в правом нижнем углу, чтобы добавить новый таймер. Как...

Чтобы установить таймер в Windows 10: запустите приложение «Будильники и часы». Щелкните «Таймер». Нажмите кнопку «+» в правом нижнем углу, чтобы добавить новый таймер.

В приложении «Будильники и часы» перейти на вкладку «Таймер». Здесь вы можете увидеть любые таймеры, которые вы уже настроили (или таймер по умолчанию, если вы впервые посещаете приложение). Нажмите кнопку «Играть», чтобы запустить таймер.

Есть ли в Windows 10 секундомер?

Чтобы запустить приложение, выберите «Пуск» и выберите «Будильники и часы» в списке приложений или введите его имя в поле поиска. … Выберите Секундомер, а затем Пуск. Чтобы отметить круг или разделение во время работы секундомера, выберите Круги / Спуски (флажок).

Как мне получить значок часов на рабочем столе Windows 10?

Щелкните рабочий стол правой кнопкой мыши, чтобы открыть список параметров. Нажмите «Гаджеты», чтобы открыть галерею миниатюр гаджетов. Дважды щелкните значок «Часы» в галерее. , чтобы открыть настольные часы на рабочем столе.

Могу ли я установить таймер на выключение моего ПК?

Чтобы создать таймер выключения вручную, откройте командную строку и введите команду shutdown -s -t XXXX. «ХХХХ» — это время в секундах, по истечении которого компьютер выключится. Например, если вы хотите, чтобы компьютер выключился через 2 часа, команда должна выглядеть так: shutdown -s -t 7200.

Можете ли вы настроить свой компьютер на автоматическое выключение?

Метод 1 — автоматическое выключение при запуске

Например, если вы хотите выключить компьютер / ноутбук через 10 минут, введите: выключения-с-т 600. В этом примере 600 представляет количество секунд, поэтому в этом примере ваш компьютер автоматически выключится через 10 минут.

Как установить таймер?


  1. Откройте приложение «Часы» на телефоне.
  2. Вверху нажмите Таймер.
  3. Введите, как долго вы хотите, чтобы таймер работал.
  4. Коснитесь Пуск.
  5. Когда ваш таймер закончится, вы услышите звуковой сигнал. Чтобы отключить звуковой сигнал, нажмите «Стоп».

Как установить таймер в Google Chrome?

Просто перейдите на главную страницу Google и введите «Установить таймер на X минут / часов».. ‘При этом автоматически загрузится таймер над несколькими результатами поиска и начнется обратный отсчет. То же самое можно сделать из строки URL в Chrome, если вы не хотите полностью переходить к поисковой системе перед установкой таймера.

Как установить таймер экрана на моем ноутбуке?

Настройте автоматическую блокировку экрана компьютера с Windows

  1. Откройте панель управления. Для Windows 7: в меню «Пуск» щелкните «Панель управления». …
  2. Щелкните «Персонализация», а затем щелкните «Заставка».
  3. В поле ожидания выберите 15 минут (или меньше).
  4. Щелкните При возобновлении, отобразите экран входа в систему, а затем щелкните ОК.

Этот процесс предназначен для систем Windows 10. Сначала создайте ярлык календаря, нажав «Пуск». Следующий, перетащите плитку с живым календарем на рабочий стол. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши значок ярлыка календаря и нажмите «Копировать», чтобы он оказался в буфере обмена.

Как установить гаджеты на рабочий стол Windows 10?

Метод №1: гаджеты рабочего стола Windows

Или вы можете получить к ним доступ на панели управления в разделе «Оформление и персонализация».. Вы увидите, что теперь у вас есть доступ к классическим гаджетам рабочего стола. Конечно, если вам нужно больше гаджетов, просто нажмите «Получить больше гаджетов в Интернете» в окне гаджетов.

Приходит эпоха электроники, а вместе с тем популярные ранее механические приспособления уходят в небытие. Аналогичная ситуация происходит с таймерами, будильниками, а также прочими вещами, способными вести отчет. Сегодня, механическому таймеру или будильнику люди предпочитают мобильный телефон, который не только «зазвенит» в нужное время, но и сможет разбудить, либо сообщить о каком-либо важном событии под любимую мелодию, способную поднять настроение и «боевой дух». Однако, мобильный телефон (или смартфон) не всегда бывает под рукой, да и зачем, если у Вас есть компьютер?

Поставили вариться вкусняшку на плите и ждете, когда она закипит? Заказали пиццу? А, может быть, следите за здоровьем и в установленное время делаете зарядку для глаз? Уследить за всеми перечисленными и многими другими событиями позволит самый обычный таймер. Но, будьте уверены, сегодня необходимость в дополнительных программах напрочь отпадает! Просто скачайте гаджет, а затем установите его на свой рабочий стол Windows 7 или 10, настройте необходимые параметры и вуаля! Таймер оповестит Вас по наступлению установленного времени и Вы наверняка не пропустите важное!

Таймер виджет
для Windows

Таймер виджет скриншот № 1

Таймер виджет — простенький таймер, сделанный под виджет Windows.

Позволяет выставить таймер на одну, десть, пятнадцать, двадцать, тридцать минут, один час, три часа и пять секунд.

По истечению времени выдается звуковой сигнал. Также можно выставить автоматическое выключение компьютера, выйти из системы или запустить любую программу (выполнить приложение .exe).

Окошко виджета реесть возможность регулировать прозрачность окошка виджета.

Приложение можно добавить в автозапуск Windows.

Что нового в Таймер виджет 4.9.1?

  • Улучшено фоновое изображение, интерфейс.

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Отзывы о программе Таймер виджет

tds110577 про Таймер виджет 4.6.1 [02-03-2021]

После скачивания и распаковки не запускается, антивирус Панда нашел какой то вирус и удалил.
| | Ответить

Константин в ответ tds110577 про Таймер виджет 4.6.5 [04-05-2021]

Наверно, виноват антивирус Panda.
| | Ответить

Людмила про Таймер виджет 4.5.1 [05-01-2021]

не могу разобраться, как его установить на рабочий стол. Большое количество файлов, но установочного не нашла.
| | Ответить

Константин в ответ Людмила про Таймер виджет 4.6.5 [04-05-2021]

Создать ярлык программы в Проводнике и поместить его на Рабочий стол.
| | Ответить

игорь про Таймер виджет 1.4 [10-03-2019]

маленькое и работает с одного клика. то что искал.
2 | 5 | Ответить

A list of excellent tools to improve your effectiveness

by Ivan Jenic

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and… read more

Updated on January 20, 2023

Reviewed by
Alex Serban

Alex Serban

After moving away from the corporate work-style, Alex has found rewards in a lifestyle of constant analysis, team coordination and pestering his colleagues. Holding an MCSA Windows Server… read more

  • Timer apps for Windows are excellent ways to manage your schedule and improve productivity.
  • The best of these tools are easy to use and offer excellent user interfaces.
  • Another feature you can look forward to is the wake-up timer that wakes your computer from standby and hibernation.

Best timer apps for Windows 10


To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

Productivity and good time management are gold in today’s world.

However, it seems that the majority of people still struggle to stay productive constantly. When everything else fails, we usually look for salvation in technology. In this case, apps and services are going to improve our focus and productivity level.

In that manner, we’ve prepared a list of the best apps and programs for Windows 10 that might help you improve your productivity.

Best free timer apps for Windows 10

  1. Orzeszek Timer (Hourglass) – Simple tool
  2. CookTimer – Easy to use
  3. DeskTime – Advanced tool for businesses
  4. SnapTimer – Portable program
  5. MultiTimer – Excellent management options
  6. CoolTimer – Highly customizable
  7. WakeupOnStandBy – Allows automation
  8. Focus Booster – Excellent interface

Orzeszek Timer (Hourglass)

orzeszek timer windows

If you have problems pronouncing this program’s name, you definitely won’t have any problems using it.

Orzeszek Timer is an extremely simple timer software for Windows that offers a lot of options at the same time. To set up a timer, you need to enter time, hit Enter, and the clock will start ticking.

The best thing about Orzeszek Timer is its versatility, as it allows you to enter any time format, and the program will automatically recognize it. Here are some examples:

  • 5 – 5 minutes
  • 2.5 – 2 minutes 30 seconds
  • 1d 5h 3m 25s – 1 day 5 hours 3 minutes 25 seconds
  • 1.05:03:25 – 1 day 5 hours 3 minutes 25 seconds
  • 1 5 3 25 – 1 day 5 hours 3 minutes 25 seconds
  • 01/01/2017 – until midnight on 1 January 2017
  • 01/01/2017 5:00 PM – until 5:00 pm on 1 January 2017

The program even accepts time to count down as a command line argument, so you can make batch files for your most frequently used countdown values.

However, we doubt you will need this feature unless you’re serious about setting up a timer, but it won’t hurt you to know.

Orzeszek Timer is free and comes as a portable application. You can download it from the link below.

Update: Orzeszek Timer has been replaced by Hourglass, but it offers the same functionality and more.

Get Orzeszek Timer


cook timer windows

CookTimer is a very simple timer app for Windows. It sets time intervals of 3/5/10/15 minutes, but you can also set up your own time.

When it comes to the user interface, CookTimer is one of the simplest timer apps for Windows you can find.

So, if simplicity matters to you, and you want your clock to tick, CookTimer might be into consideration.

It also offers a few more features, like resetting the timer by itself or ringing forever when the time is up. So if you forget that you’ve set up a timer, it won’t stop until you get reminded.

You can turn on both features from the main window, which also appears to be the only window CookTimer has.

There’s not much more to say about this app because it’s so simple. You set up a timer and get notified when it does its thing. That’s the whole philosophy.

CookTimer is free, and you can download it from the link below.

Get CookTimer



DeskTime is one of the best timer apps for Windows that is ideal for a corporate organization. It is a real-time tracker that helps to improve a team’s productivity.

One of the interesting features of this software is the offline tracking feature. This allows you or other team members to take note of your time away from your computer.

Also, if you need to track your productivity on the move, DeskTime is probably the best you can use. This is because it has Android and iOS versions that allow you to track your productivity from anywhere.

What’s more, DeskTime can track URLs, document titles, and apps. With this, you can easily track an employee’s workflow.

To make things better, it has a screenshot feature that helps you monitor your team member work behavior and habits.

Get DeskTime


snaptimer windows

When you look at SnapTimer, it would probably appear to be just another extremely simple timer app that doesn’t do much more.

Well, if that’s your first guess, you’re wrong because SnapTimer is much more than that. This tiny program allows you to manage alarms, make an action after the time expires, receive notifications, and more.

Of course, when you open SnapTimer, you can set up a timer and run it, but if you dig deeper, you’ll find more options.

You can set up alarms and even use a customized alarm sound. Additionally, SnapTimer can run a certain program or app after the time expires, which is quite a unique ability.

It also shows you tray notifications when the time is up. As we already mentioned, SnapTimer sports a very simple user interface, so you won’t have any problems getting around.

SnapTimer program is a portable program, so you don’t need to install it. If you’re interested in trying SnapTimer, you can download it free from the link below.

Get SnapTimer


multitimer windows

MultiTimer is another Windows 10 app that, as its name says, allows you to set up a couple of timers. The app can also run in the background, which can be a huge plus for many users.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

The developer made this app available on Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile.

MultiTimer offers quite good management options to keep all these timers under control. Timers can be grouped as logical units and combined to run as a sequence.

It also comes with Cortana integration, which makes setting up a timer even easier.

The fact that this app offers many customization options when setting up a timer also tells us that MultiTimer is all about timer management.

For example, you can edit timers’ names, icons, and notification sounds and set up a custom message that will appear when the time is up. All in all, MultiTimer is a simple yet feature-rich app for setting up timers.

So, if you want to experiment with multiple timers, you should try this app. MultiTimer is free on Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile; you can download it from the Microsoft Store.

Get MultiTimer

Read more about this topic

  • How to Download & Install Epson Scan 2 on Windows 11
  • Looker vs. Power BI vs. Tableau: Which Tool Is Better For You?


cooltimer windows

CoolTimer is the oldest program on our list and one of the pioneers of timer programs for Windows. So, because of its cult status and useful features, we’ve decided to put it on this list.

Despite its age, CoolTimer is still compatible with Windows 10.

As soon as you open CoolTimer, you’ll see an easily adjustable counter where you can set your desired period. Besides the regular timing option, CoolTimer allows you to set up multiple preset times.

You can even choose a notification sound from its library or upload your custom sound and use it as an alert. CoolTimer also has a stopwatch feature, an alarm clock, and a countdown timer.

If you want CoolTimer to ‘tell’ you something when the timer expires, you can set up a custom notification note to show up when the timer does its thing.

It also comes with changeable skins and themes, which gives this app a special charm. However, the default theme is pink, so we’re unsure how many users will decide to stick to it.

If you’re interested in using this vintage timer, you can download it free from the link below.

Get CoolTimer


wakuponstandby windows

No, this program doesn’t help you get up in the morning using some magic formula. It wakes up your computer from standby or hibernation.

The process is simple, you set up the time when you want your computer to wake up from sleep, you put your computer to sleep, and WakeupOnStandBy wakes it up automatically.

WakeupOnStandBy doesn’t only wake up your computer, as you can set different actions for the program to perform after it wakes up the system. For example, you can instruct it to shut down the computer, log off, or do nothing.

There are even more automatization options you can perform with WakeupOnStandBy. For example, you can program it to repeat the process every week, for two weeks, on particular days, and so on.

Besides waking up your computer from sleep, WakeupOnStandBy can also serve as your alarm clock. It supports any custom user’s playlist and even the internet radio.

If you want to download WakeupOnStandBy for free, you can do so from the link below.

Get WakeupOnStandBy

Focus Booster

focusbooster windows

Struggling to find focus as your thoughts often wander off your important assignment? Well, a program called Focus Booster might have a solution.

This program is pretty easy to use and has (in our opinion) the most beautiful interface of all programs on our list.

It uses a famous Pomodoro technique for time management (breaks time into 25 minutes intervals, with 5 minutes break).

However, Focus Booster allows you to adjust your session and break length, and work at your own pace.

As we said, the interface is straightforward, so you just set up a timer, toggle a ticking background sound on and off, toggle the main alarm sound on or off, and the countdown will begin.

Focus Booster is beautifully designed to look like a meter. It shows you the time progress and fulfills the bar with green color as the time progresses.

Focus Booster is not entirely free. You can get a free version, but you’ll be only limited to 20 sessions per month.

The Individual option gives you 200 sessions for $3/pm, while the Unlimited version costs $5/pm. You can find out more about the pricing plans in the link below.

Get Focus Booster

That concludes our list of the best timer apps for Windows 10. What do you think about our picks?

There’s a chance we’ve missed some great apps or programs that you use, so don’t hesitate to tell us about your favorite timer apps for Windows 10 in the comments section below.

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A list of excellent tools to improve your effectiveness

by Ivan Jenic

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and… read more

Updated on January 20, 2023

Reviewed by
Alex Serban

Alex Serban

After moving away from the corporate work-style, Alex has found rewards in a lifestyle of constant analysis, team coordination and pestering his colleagues. Holding an MCSA Windows Server… read more

  • Timer apps for Windows are excellent ways to manage your schedule and improve productivity.
  • The best of these tools are easy to use and offer excellent user interfaces.
  • Another feature you can look forward to is the wake-up timer that wakes your computer from standby and hibernation.

Best timer apps for Windows 10


To fix various PC problems, we recommend Restoro PC Repair Tool:
This software will repair common computer errors, protect you from file loss, malware, hardware failure and optimize your PC for maximum performance. Fix PC issues and remove viruses now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download Restoro PC Repair Tool that comes with Patented Technologies (patent available here).
  2. Click Start Scan to find Windows issues that could be causing PC problems.
  3. Click Repair All to fix issues affecting your computer’s security and performance
  • Restoro has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

Productivity and good time management are gold in today’s world.

However, it seems that the majority of people still struggle to stay productive constantly. When everything else fails, we usually look for salvation in technology. In this case, apps and services are going to improve our focus and productivity level.

In that manner, we’ve prepared a list of the best apps and programs for Windows 10 that might help you improve your productivity.

Best free timer apps for Windows 10

  1. Orzeszek Timer (Hourglass) – Simple tool
  2. CookTimer – Easy to use
  3. DeskTime – Advanced tool for businesses
  4. SnapTimer – Portable program
  5. MultiTimer – Excellent management options
  6. CoolTimer – Highly customizable
  7. WakeupOnStandBy – Allows automation
  8. Focus Booster – Excellent interface

Orzeszek Timer (Hourglass)

orzeszek timer windows

If you have problems pronouncing this program’s name, you definitely won’t have any problems using it.

Orzeszek Timer is an extremely simple timer software for Windows that offers a lot of options at the same time. To set up a timer, you need to enter time, hit Enter, and the clock will start ticking.

The best thing about Orzeszek Timer is its versatility, as it allows you to enter any time format, and the program will automatically recognize it. Here are some examples:

  • 5 – 5 minutes
  • 2.5 – 2 minutes 30 seconds
  • 1d 5h 3m 25s – 1 day 5 hours 3 minutes 25 seconds
  • 1.05:03:25 – 1 day 5 hours 3 minutes 25 seconds
  • 1 5 3 25 – 1 day 5 hours 3 minutes 25 seconds
  • 01/01/2017 – until midnight on 1 January 2017
  • 01/01/2017 5:00 PM – until 5:00 pm on 1 January 2017

The program even accepts time to count down as a command line argument, so you can make batch files for your most frequently used countdown values.

However, we doubt you will need this feature unless you’re serious about setting up a timer, but it won’t hurt you to know.

Orzeszek Timer is free and comes as a portable application. You can download it from the link below.

Update: Orzeszek Timer has been replaced by Hourglass, but it offers the same functionality and more.

Get Orzeszek Timer


cook timer windows

CookTimer is a very simple timer app for Windows. It sets time intervals of 3/5/10/15 minutes, but you can also set up your own time.

When it comes to the user interface, CookTimer is one of the simplest timer apps for Windows you can find.

So, if simplicity matters to you, and you want your clock to tick, CookTimer might be into consideration.

It also offers a few more features, like resetting the timer by itself or ringing forever when the time is up. So if you forget that you’ve set up a timer, it won’t stop until you get reminded.

You can turn on both features from the main window, which also appears to be the only window CookTimer has.

There’s not much more to say about this app because it’s so simple. You set up a timer and get notified when it does its thing. That’s the whole philosophy.

CookTimer is free, and you can download it from the link below.

Get CookTimer



DeskTime is one of the best timer apps for Windows that is ideal for a corporate organization. It is a real-time tracker that helps to improve a team’s productivity.

One of the interesting features of this software is the offline tracking feature. This allows you or other team members to take note of your time away from your computer.

Also, if you need to track your productivity on the move, DeskTime is probably the best you can use. This is because it has Android and iOS versions that allow you to track your productivity from anywhere.

What’s more, DeskTime can track URLs, document titles, and apps. With this, you can easily track an employee’s workflow.

To make things better, it has a screenshot feature that helps you monitor your team member work behavior and habits.

Get DeskTime


snaptimer windows

When you look at SnapTimer, it would probably appear to be just another extremely simple timer app that doesn’t do much more.

Well, if that’s your first guess, you’re wrong because SnapTimer is much more than that. This tiny program allows you to manage alarms, make an action after the time expires, receive notifications, and more.

Of course, when you open SnapTimer, you can set up a timer and run it, but if you dig deeper, you’ll find more options.

You can set up alarms and even use a customized alarm sound. Additionally, SnapTimer can run a certain program or app after the time expires, which is quite a unique ability.

It also shows you tray notifications when the time is up. As we already mentioned, SnapTimer sports a very simple user interface, so you won’t have any problems getting around.

SnapTimer program is a portable program, so you don’t need to install it. If you’re interested in trying SnapTimer, you can download it free from the link below.

Get SnapTimer


multitimer windows

MultiTimer is another Windows 10 app that, as its name says, allows you to set up a couple of timers. The app can also run in the background, which can be a huge plus for many users.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

The developer made this app available on Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile.

MultiTimer offers quite good management options to keep all these timers under control. Timers can be grouped as logical units and combined to run as a sequence.

It also comes with Cortana integration, which makes setting up a timer even easier.

The fact that this app offers many customization options when setting up a timer also tells us that MultiTimer is all about timer management.

For example, you can edit timers’ names, icons, and notification sounds and set up a custom message that will appear when the time is up. All in all, MultiTimer is a simple yet feature-rich app for setting up timers.

So, if you want to experiment with multiple timers, you should try this app. MultiTimer is free on Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile; you can download it from the Microsoft Store.

Get MultiTimer

Read more about this topic

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cooltimer windows

CoolTimer is the oldest program on our list and one of the pioneers of timer programs for Windows. So, because of its cult status and useful features, we’ve decided to put it on this list.

Despite its age, CoolTimer is still compatible with Windows 10.

As soon as you open CoolTimer, you’ll see an easily adjustable counter where you can set your desired period. Besides the regular timing option, CoolTimer allows you to set up multiple preset times.

You can even choose a notification sound from its library or upload your custom sound and use it as an alert. CoolTimer also has a stopwatch feature, an alarm clock, and a countdown timer.

If you want CoolTimer to ‘tell’ you something when the timer expires, you can set up a custom notification note to show up when the timer does its thing.

It also comes with changeable skins and themes, which gives this app a special charm. However, the default theme is pink, so we’re unsure how many users will decide to stick to it.

If you’re interested in using this vintage timer, you can download it free from the link below.

Get CoolTimer


wakuponstandby windows

No, this program doesn’t help you get up in the morning using some magic formula. It wakes up your computer from standby or hibernation.

The process is simple, you set up the time when you want your computer to wake up from sleep, you put your computer to sleep, and WakeupOnStandBy wakes it up automatically.

WakeupOnStandBy doesn’t only wake up your computer, as you can set different actions for the program to perform after it wakes up the system. For example, you can instruct it to shut down the computer, log off, or do nothing.

There are even more automatization options you can perform with WakeupOnStandBy. For example, you can program it to repeat the process every week, for two weeks, on particular days, and so on.

Besides waking up your computer from sleep, WakeupOnStandBy can also serve as your alarm clock. It supports any custom user’s playlist and even the internet radio.

If you want to download WakeupOnStandBy for free, you can do so from the link below.

Get WakeupOnStandBy

Focus Booster

focusbooster windows

Struggling to find focus as your thoughts often wander off your important assignment? Well, a program called Focus Booster might have a solution.

This program is pretty easy to use and has (in our opinion) the most beautiful interface of all programs on our list.

It uses a famous Pomodoro technique for time management (breaks time into 25 minutes intervals, with 5 minutes break).

However, Focus Booster allows you to adjust your session and break length, and work at your own pace.

As we said, the interface is straightforward, so you just set up a timer, toggle a ticking background sound on and off, toggle the main alarm sound on or off, and the countdown will begin.

Focus Booster is beautifully designed to look like a meter. It shows you the time progress and fulfills the bar with green color as the time progresses.

Focus Booster is not entirely free. You can get a free version, but you’ll be only limited to 20 sessions per month.

The Individual option gives you 200 sessions for $3/pm, while the Unlimited version costs $5/pm. You can find out more about the pricing plans in the link below.

Get Focus Booster

That concludes our list of the best timer apps for Windows 10. What do you think about our picks?

There’s a chance we’ve missed some great apps or programs that you use, so don’t hesitate to tell us about your favorite timer apps for Windows 10 in the comments section below.

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Есть много причин, почему вам нужен Приложение таймера в Windows 10. Возможно, вы занимаетесь спортом и хотите узнать, сколько вам осталось? Или, как многие люди в наши дни, вы хотите быть уверены, что не тратите слишком много времени на выполнение задачи. В мире, полном отвлекающих факторов, продуктивно работать перед экраном ПК еще никогда не было так сложно. Эти приложения помогают в этом.

таймер приложения Windows 10

Приложения-таймеры помогают организовать работу и следить за своим расписанием. Из множества вариантов секундомера обратного отсчета, доступных на рынке, вот лучшие приложения и виджеты таймера, доступные для Windows 10. Этот список из десяти приложений представляет собой хороший снимок приложений, доступных сегодня для Windows 10. Вы можете использовать эти приложения, чтобы повысить свою продуктивность и распоряжаться своим временем. Некоторые приложения работают на ПК с ОС Windows или на Мобильный телефон — поэтому, пожалуйста, проверьте, прежде чем загружать его для своего устройства.

Вот список некоторых из лучших приложений таймера для Windows 10:

  1. Таймер круглой тренировки
  2. SnapTimer
  3. MultiTimer
  4. CoolTimer
  5. WakeupOnStandBy
  6. Таймер + Pro
  7. Таймер арахисовый
  8. Усилитель фокуса
  9. Идеальный таймкит
  10. CookTimer.

1]Таймер раунда тренировки

Таймер Round Workout Timer, безусловно, был разработан с учетом физических упражнений и предлагает широкий спектр опций, предназначенных для людей, которые тренируются. Бесполезен для многих других вещей. Это приложение отлично подходит для упражнений. Это удивительное приложение для таймера доступно здесь.

SnapTimer — это очень адаптируемое приложение таймера для Windows 10. Оно предлагает исключительную простоту с некоторыми очень удобными функциями, такими как запуск программы после того, как таймер истечет. Очень полезное приложение-таймер, заслуживающее вашего внимания. Он похож на многие в списке, и его стоит попробовать, чтобы узнать, нравится ли он вам.


Прелесть этого приложения в том, что его можно запускать в фоновом режиме. Для многих пользователей именно эта функция выделяет его как идеальное приложение для таймера. Он также работает на Windows Mobile и является плюсом, если вам нужно одно и то же приложение на вашем ПК и телефоне. Как и многие другие в списке, приложение также совместимо с Cortana и может использоваться для установки сигналов тревоги и т. Д. Очень полезное приложение для всех пользователей, но тем более для тех, кому оно нужно для работы в фоновом режиме. Для получения дополнительной информации о приложении MultiTimer посетите его страницу здесь.


CoolTimer предоставляет пользователям превосходный графический интерфейс, и он существует уже много лет с некоторыми отличными улучшениями. Он остается совместимым с Windows 10, и на него стоит обратить внимание, поскольку он был основой на протяжении многих лет. Загрузите приложение CoolTimer с здесь.


Это приложение предназначено для вывода вашего ПК из режима ожидания по установленному вами расписанию. Это приложение идеально подходит для тех, кто хочет, чтобы их компьютер был готов, когда они этого захотят. Приложение WakeupOnStandBy можно загрузить с здесь.

6]Таймер + Pro

Приложение представляет собой очень простой таймер, который удовлетворит потребности большинства пользователей. Вы можете обвести точку, и это очень просто, чтобы установить таймер. Есть несколько вариантов оповещения, у вас могут быть звуки, вибрации и импульсы. Это одно из самых простых приложений в списке, но также одно из самых полезных. На него стоит обратить внимание тем, кто любит красивый графический интерфейс и простую в использовании систему. Если вы считаете, что приложение Timer + Pro стоит вашего дела, попробуйте загрузить его с здесь.

7]Арахисовый таймер

Это исключение в списке, и не только из-за запутанного названия! Он имеет расширенные функции, такие как обратный отсчет аргументов командной строки. Это очень продвинутое приложение, которое предлагает функциональность, которая не полезна многим людям, но для тех, кто использует определенные функции, они найдут ее чрезвычайно полезной. Это приложение для таймера можно загрузить с здесь.

8]Усилитель фокуса

Стремитесь сосредоточиться и вам нужно выделить время и пространство для выполнения важной задачи или проекта? Тогда вы могли бы сделать намного хуже, чем Focus Booster. В современном мире может быть трудно сфокусироваться, Focus Booster делает это намного проще и красивее при загрузке. Хотя единственная загвоздка в том, что многие функции недоступны бесплатно и есть платные опции.

Используя технику помидора, он понимает, что люди обычно работают скачкообразно и недолго, и может помочь вам найти свой идеальный рабочий режим. Узнайте больше о приложении Focus Booster здесь.

9]Perfect Timekit

Прекрасная простота Perfect TimeKit определенно заслуживает вашего внимания. Предлагая мировые часы, обычный таймер и многие другие, это полнофункциональное приложение, которое работает для всех приложений и является одним из наиболее удобных в списке. Если вам нужна дополнительная информация о приложении Perfect Timekit, проверьте здесь.

10 CookTimer

Красивое простое приложение. Лучшая функция — это таймер приготовления. Очень простое приложение, которое отлично работает для той цели, для которой оно требуется. Вероятно, этого будет более чем достаточно для тех, кому не нужен ничего, кроме простого таймера. Получите это полезное приложение отсюда. Стоит 2,5 доллара.

Он поддерживает настраиваемые списки воспроизведения, чтобы вы могли просыпаться под музыку, которую хотите. Он также предлагает большой потенциал для запуска приложений в определенное время. Это мечта для тех, кто любит возиться и автоматизировать функции своего ПК.

Это ни в коем случае не список всех приложений таймера, доступных для Windows 10, это лучшее из доступных для платформы. Что бы вы ни выбрали, здесь каждый найдет что-то для себя.

таймер приложения Windows 10

There are many reasons as to why you would want a Timer app in Windows 11/10. Perhaps you are working out and want to see how long you have left? Or, like many people these days, you want to be sure that you are not spending too long doing a task. With a world full of distractions, getting productive in front of a PC screen has never been so difficult. These apps help to make it happen.

timer apps windows 10

Timer apps help organize work and keep a tab on your schedule. Of the many countdown stopwatch options available in the market, here are the best timer apps & widgets available for Windows 10. This list of ten apps is a good snapshot of the apps available for Windows 10 today. You can use these apps to up your productivity and get in charge of your time. Some of the apps work on Windows PC or on a Mobile Phone – so please check before you download the one for your device.

Here is a list of some of the best Timer apps for Windows 10:

  1. Round Workout Timer
  2. SnapTimer
  3. MultiTimer
  4. CoolTimer
  5. WakeupOnStandBy
  6. Timer + Pro
  7. Orzeszek Timer
  8. Focus Booster
  9. Perfect Timekit
  10. CookTimer.

1] Round Workout Timer

Round Workout Timer was certainly designed with exercise in mind and offers a vast array of options that are designed for people who are working out. Not useful for many other things. This app is excellent for exercise. This amazing timer app is available here.

2] SnapTimer

SnapTimer is a very adaptable timer app for Windows 10. It offers extreme simplicity with some very handy features such as starting a program after the timer runs out. A very useful timer app that is well worth your consideration. It is similar to many on the list and is worth trying out to see if you like it.

3] MultiTimer

The beauty of this app is that it can be run in the background. For many users, it is the feature that will set it apart as the perfect timer app for them. It also works on Windows Mobile and is a plus if you want the same app on your PC and your phone. Like many others on the list, the app is also compatible with Cortana and can be used to set alarms etc. A very useful app for all users, but even more so for those who need it to run in the background. For more details about the MultiTimer app, please check its page here.

4] CoolTimer

CoolTimer gives a superb GUI for users and it has been around for years now with some excellent refinements. It remains compatible with Windows 10 and is well worth taking a look at as it has been a mainstay for many years. Download the CoolTimer app from here.

5] WakeupOnStandBy

This app is designed to wake your PC up from being in standby on a schedule that you set. For those who want their PC to be ready when they want it, this app is absolutely perfect. The WakeupOnStandBy app could be downloaded from here.

6] Timer + Pro

The app is a very simple timer and will suffice for the needs of most users. You can circle a dot and it is as simple as that to set the timer. There are several options for alerting you, you can have sounds, vibrations and pulses. It is one of the most basic apps on the list but also one of the most helpful. It is well worth looking at for those who like a beautiful GUI and a simple to use system. If you find Timer + Pro app worth your cause, try to download it from here.

7] Orzeszek Timer

This is an outlier on the list and not just because of is confusing name! It has advanced features such as counting down command line argument. It is a highly advanced app that offers functionality that isn’t useful to many people, but to those who use the specific functions, they will find it amazingly useful. This timer app can be downloaded from here.

8] Focus Booster

Struggle to focus and need to create time and space to complete an important task or project? Then you could do a lot worse than Focus Booster. In today’s world, it can be hard to focus, Focus Booster makes it much much easier and is beautiful to boot. Though the only catch is that a lot of the functions are not available for free and there are paid options.

Using pomodoro techniques, it understands that people usually work in spurts and not long periods of time and can help you to find your ideal working pattern. Check more about the Focus Booster app here.

9] Perfect Timekit

The beautiful simplicity of Perfect TimeKit makes it definitely worth your consideration. Offering a World clock, regular timer and many others, it is a fully featured app that works for all applications and is one of the most usable on the list. If you need more information about the Perfect Timekit app, check here.

10 CookTimer

Is a beautifully simple app. It’s best function is in its name as a cooking timer. A very basic app that works extremely well for the purpose that it is required for. It will probably be more than enough for those who need nothing more than a basic timer. Get this useful app from here. It costs $2.5.

It supports custom playlists so that you can wake up to the music that you want. It also offers lots of potential for running apps at certain times. It’s a dream for those who like to tinker and automate their PC’s functions.

By no means a list of all the timer apps available for Windows 10, this represents the best available for the platform. Whichever you choose, there is something here for everyone.

There are many reasons as to why you would want a Timer app in Windows 11/10. Perhaps you are working out and want to see how long you have left? Or, like many people these days, you want to be sure that you are not spending too long doing a task. With a world full of distractions, getting productive in front of a PC screen has never been so difficult. These apps help to make it happen.

timer apps windows 10

Timer apps help organize work and keep a tab on your schedule. Of the many countdown stopwatch options available in the market, here are the best timer apps & widgets available for Windows 10. This list of ten apps is a good snapshot of the apps available for Windows 10 today. You can use these apps to up your productivity and get in charge of your time. Some of the apps work on Windows PC or on a Mobile Phone – so please check before you download the one for your device.

Here is a list of some of the best Timer apps for Windows 10:

  1. Round Workout Timer
  2. SnapTimer
  3. MultiTimer
  4. CoolTimer
  5. WakeupOnStandBy
  6. Timer + Pro
  7. Orzeszek Timer
  8. Focus Booster
  9. Perfect Timekit
  10. CookTimer.

1] Round Workout Timer

Round Workout Timer was certainly designed with exercise in mind and offers a vast array of options that are designed for people who are working out. Not useful for many other things. This app is excellent for exercise. This amazing timer app is available here.

2] SnapTimer

SnapTimer is a very adaptable timer app for Windows 10. It offers extreme simplicity with some very handy features such as starting a program after the timer runs out. A very useful timer app that is well worth your consideration. It is similar to many on the list and is worth trying out to see if you like it.

3] MultiTimer

The beauty of this app is that it can be run in the background. For many users, it is the feature that will set it apart as the perfect timer app for them. It also works on Windows Mobile and is a plus if you want the same app on your PC and your phone. Like many others on the list, the app is also compatible with Cortana and can be used to set alarms etc. A very useful app for all users, but even more so for those who need it to run in the background. For more details about the MultiTimer app, please check its page here.

4] CoolTimer

CoolTimer gives a superb GUI for users and it has been around for years now with some excellent refinements. It remains compatible with Windows 10 and is well worth taking a look at as it has been a mainstay for many years. Download the CoolTimer app from here.

5] WakeupOnStandBy

This app is designed to wake your PC up from being in standby on a schedule that you set. For those who want their PC to be ready when they want it, this app is absolutely perfect. The WakeupOnStandBy app could be downloaded from here.

6] Timer + Pro

The app is a very simple timer and will suffice for the needs of most users. You can circle a dot and it is as simple as that to set the timer. There are several options for alerting you, you can have sounds, vibrations and pulses. It is one of the most basic apps on the list but also one of the most helpful. It is well worth looking at for those who like a beautiful GUI and a simple to use system. If you find Timer + Pro app worth your cause, try to download it from here.

7] Orzeszek Timer

This is an outlier on the list and not just because of is confusing name! It has advanced features such as counting down command line argument. It is a highly advanced app that offers functionality that isn’t useful to many people, but to those who use the specific functions, they will find it amazingly useful. This timer app can be downloaded from here.

8] Focus Booster

Struggle to focus and need to create time and space to complete an important task or project? Then you could do a lot worse than Focus Booster. In today’s world, it can be hard to focus, Focus Booster makes it much much easier and is beautiful to boot. Though the only catch is that a lot of the functions are not available for free and there are paid options.

Using pomodoro techniques, it understands that people usually work in spurts and not long periods of time and can help you to find your ideal working pattern. Check more about the Focus Booster app here.

9] Perfect Timekit

The beautiful simplicity of Perfect TimeKit makes it definitely worth your consideration. Offering a World clock, regular timer and many others, it is a fully featured app that works for all applications and is one of the most usable on the list. If you need more information about the Perfect Timekit app, check here.

10 CookTimer

Is a beautifully simple app. It’s best function is in its name as a cooking timer. A very basic app that works extremely well for the purpose that it is required for. It will probably be more than enough for those who need nothing more than a basic timer. Get this useful app from here. It costs $2.5.

It supports custom playlists so that you can wake up to the music that you want. It also offers lots of potential for running apps at certain times. It’s a dream for those who like to tinker and automate their PC’s functions.

By no means a list of all the timer apps available for Windows 10, this represents the best available for the platform. Whichever you choose, there is something here for everyone.

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