Visual studio 2012 visual studio express 2012 для windows 7

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Visual Studio Express is a very popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) package from Microsoft built to be a lightweight alternative to the full package of the app. The toolset of the Visual Studio Express is a little smaller than the full IDE packages, but all the necessary features are present in it to create both native Windows applications and Windows 8 Metro-Style applications. Try out Visual Studio Community for a free, fully-featured, and extensible IDE; An updated alternative to the app.

Because of the ease of use, smaller toolset, and the great capabilities for the creation of applications of all shapes and sizes, Microsoft recommends the app for students, home users, hobbyists, and intermediate users who want to expand their knowledge. Programming language support that is present in Visual Studio Express covers five popular languages — Visual Basic Express, Visual C++ Express, Visual C# Express, Visual Web Developer Express, and Express for Windows Phone.  The entire process of creating new applications is set inside a highly streamlined dashboard that promotes the most useful tools in the easy-to-reach positions on your screen, enabling faster coding, application management, and an increase of daily productivity.

Features and Highlights

It speaks your favorite language
Develop in any native Windows language including C#, VB.NET, and C++. Extend your ambitions with support for Windows 8 desktop, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms (WinForms), and Win32. Whatever you choose, you’ll find a range of controls, frameworks, and client technologies to support your development.

Build great apps by design
Visually create your app with new designers for XAML. You’ll get to success faster with full feature support for layout, data binding, and template editing. You can also create Windows 8 apps and take advantage of full IntelliSense support for modifying XAML.

Get everyday tasks done faster
How can you speed up your work? By having your favorite tools at your fingertips and everything else close by. With a new user interface, you’ll navigate through the code more easily, find common tasks faster, and save time with almost everything.

Connect devices with continuous services
Connect your app to the cloud with APIs that make it simpler to integrate continuous services. Or strike out on your own and use VisualStudio Professional to create your own services instead.

Write code. Leave the rest to us
Move your development process to the cloud with Team Foundation Service, dramatically reducing your infrastructure maintenance and easily connecting to providers and external teams. With Team Foundation Service, your code is always safely managed and accessible.

Download Visual Studio Express 2012

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Visual Studio 2013 e 2015: Unable to start debugging on the web server. Could not start ASP.NET debugging - Come risolvere

Some weeks ago we published a rather comprehensive list of all Microsoft Visual Studio Build Numbers, Version IDs and Default Paths from VS6 to VS2017. For those who keep asking where they can download the ISO files of the older builds, we put together this far-from-complete list containing some of the most known official direct download links for the offline installers and/or ISO files, together with service packs and support files.

IMPORTANT: Let’s make it clear, this is not warez or pirate software: what we’re giving here is merely a list of links to some official Microsoft distributions offline installers public links collected from Google, StackOverflow and some MS support sites & forums.

If you want to add a new direct download link or make us aware of a broken one, write it on a comment and we’ll act accordingly adding or deleting the respective URL. It’s worth noting than we will only accept official links from any certified Microsoft-owned website.

As of today there are no offline installers for VS2019 yet, hence we’ll put the Web Installer link here hoping that it will be enough for you.

  • Visual Studio Community 2019 — All Versions (Enterprise, Professional, Test Professional, Team Explorer) — Web-Installer

In case you really need it, you can also create an offline installer manually using this official guide.

Visual Studio 2017

As of today there are no offline installers for VS2017 yet, hence we’ll put the Web Installer link here hoping that it will be enough for you.

  • Visual Studio Community — Older Editions and Versions — Online Installers (including VS2017)

In case you really need it, you can also create an offline installer manually using this official guide.

Visual Studio 2015

  • Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Edition with Update 3 (7.22 GB)
  • Visual Studio 2015 Professional Edition with Update 3 (7.22 GB)
  • Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition with Update 3 (7.19 GB)

Visual Studio 2013

  • Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition with Update 4

Visual Studio 2012

  • Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate — Offline Installer (ISO)
  • Visual Studio 2012 Premium — Offline Installer (ISO)
  • Visual Studio 2012 Professional — Offline Installer (ISO)
  • Visual Studio 2012 Test Professional — Offline Installer (ISO)
  • Visual Studio 2012 Team Foundation Server — Offline Installer (ISO)
  • Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows 8 — Offline Installer (ISO)

Visual Studio 2010

  • Visual Studio 2010 SP1 — Offline Installer (ISO)

Visual Studio 2008

  • Visual Studio 2008 90-days Trial — Offline Installer (ISO) (3.30 GB)
  • Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 — ISO
  • MSDN Library 2008 — ISO (2.15 GB)

Visual Studio 2005

  • Visual Studio 2005 Express — Offline Installer (EXE)
  • Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1

Visual Studio 2003

  • No links yet.

Visual Studio 6

  • No links yet.

IT Project Manager, Web Interface Architect and Lead Developer for many high-traffic web sites & services hosted in Italy and Europe. Since 2010 it’s also a lead designer for many App and games for Android, iOS and Windows Phone mobile devices for a number of italian companies. Microsoft MVP for Development Technologies since 2018.

View all posts by Ryan

Download Official Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 Final DVD ISO Image File and Language Pack with Full Review, Specs and Price Detail…

Download Official Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 Final DVD ISO Image File and Language Pack with Full Review, Specs and Price Details — Direct Download Links from Microsoft Servers

There was talk about the new Microsoft’s Visual Studio Express 2012 for the Microsoft Windows Desktop Edition right from a few months ago. Today, the new edition is available for download. In this article let us discuss more on the new capabilities and tools available in the product, ones that we have not seen in the past editions.

Visual Studio Express 2012

The types of projects:

The new Visual Studio Express 2012 is capable of doing the same projects that Visual Studio 2010 Express did like, WPF, WinForms, Visual Basic Class Libraries, console, C#, class libraries, Win32 projects, and apps for C++. It is also possible to combine C#, C++ and projects belonging to Visual Basic into one solution so that it is easy to write one application using any language available. In the end, it is possible to round trip projects with the SP1 of Visual Studio 2012.

Analyzing codes:

A targeted set of code analysis works as it is added to the latest Visual Studio 2012 incorporated for Windows 8. For different projects of C++ the rules help in detecting the common coding errors like buffer overflows, null pointers dereferencing, the use of uninitialized variables or APIs being misused. Most errors like these can lead to potential vulnerabilities or even application crashes when errors are not fixed in time. For projects being managed, the application features rules that ensure clear object disposal, garbage collection and performance.

Testing of Unit:

The new Visual Studio Express 2012 was designed with the intention of making it easy to run and write project unit tests. To ensure that it is made possible, Visual Basic Express 2012 included the existing unit framework for Visual Basic and C# and the all new C++ unit test framework. It lets you write, debug and run unit tests directly on Visual Studio. There is also an inclusion of project Unit Test templates for you to commence on unit tests quickly.

The basic requirements:

Operating systems that are supported:

  • Windows 8 (x64 and x86)
  • Windows 7 with SP1 (x64 and x86)
  • Windows Server 2012 (x64)
  • Window Server 2008 SP1 R2 (x64)

Architectures supported:

  • 64 bit (x64)
  • 32-bit (x86)

Minimum hardware necessities:

  • 1 Gigabyte of RAM,  (when running on virtual machine, its 1.5 gigabytes)
  • 5 gigabytes of hard disk space available
  • Hard disk drive — 5400 RPM
  • Available hard disk space – 100MB (better known in luggage pack)
  • DirectX9 – enabled video card running in a higher resolution display  

Data Connections:

In the earlier versions of the Express Products, the data source can be connected, but was limited to the files of database. Visual Studio Express made for Windows Desktop can support data sources of SQL server. For instance, in a Database explorer, individuals can navigate, connect, edit and query against object via the newest Windows Azure SQL and SQL Server 2012.

Features specific to languages:

The Windows Desktop version of Visual Studio 2012 features new VS library features and 2012 language. This includes await and async keywords in C++ AMP, C#, Visual Basic and improvised standards in C++ 11. Windows Desktop Express can be used with C# applications and Visual Basic in order to consider both platforms. Now it also includes 64-bit version of C++, libraries and cross compliers to build desktop applications (64-bit) without installing the older version of the Windows SDK. The new Visual Basic Express also features simpler control of source code, item tracking work, TFS provided automation.

Download Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 Final DVD ISO Image File:

Users can Download Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 Final DVD ISO Image File from the Direct Download Links available below with supported architectures for both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) directly from official Microsoft Servers. For Genuine Activation Keys of Visual Studio Express 2012, user needs to purchase the full product from Microsoft Store. You can try the product for up to 30 days. You must register to obtain a free product key for ongoing use after 30 days. If any user wants Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 other than English version than you can also Download Visual Studio Express 2012 Language Pack from the links available below.

  • Download Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 DVD ISO Image File for Windows 8
  • Download Visual Studio Express 2012 Language Pack for Windows 8 (If Other than English)
  • Download Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 DVD ISO Image File for Windows Desktop
  • Download Visual Studio Express 2012 Language Pack for Windows Desktop (If Other than English)

Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows DesktopWhen the Visual Studio 2012 free versions were originally announced the first thing I noticed was that they had switched from a language-specific model (C# Express, VB Express, etc) to a target-specific model (Windows 8, Web). However, I was very surprised (and disappointed) that there was no free way to make Console Apps, or Windows Forms apps, or anything for the Windows Desktop. I wasn’t the only one who thought this was a problem. Shortly thereafter (with a lot of people pushing) Soma announced there would be a «Windows Desktop» Express version for free. He said:

…we heard from our community that developers want to have for Windows desktop development the same great experience and access to the latest Visual Studio 2012 features at the Express level.

Today, I’m happy to announce that we will add Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop to the Visual Studio 2012 family. This will bring to the Visual Studio Express family significant new capabilities that we’ve made available in Visual Studio 2012 for building great desktop applications.

I’m glad folks realized that no-cost desktop software development is important. Open Source projects need free tools like the Express SKUs. Even better that the the Express Desktop SKU gets the new 2012 features as well.

Today Visual Studio has made Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop available and you can go download it now free. The best part is that this one SKU supports C++, C#, and Visual Basic together. With this one free version you can make WinForms, WPF, Console or Class Libraries with any or all of Visual Basic, C#, as well as Win32 projects, class libraries, and CLR apps using C++. You can also, of course, combine projects over multiple languages into a single solution. You can target both .NET 4.0 and 4.5.

NOTE: You might wonder, what about a free F#? Why isn’t F# included? We’ve got a free download to add F# support to the free Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web!

Related Links

  • Download page for Visual Studio 2012 for Windows Desktop (Web Installer or ISO)
  • Product page and Details for VS2012 for Windows Desktop
  • F# Tools for Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web (you *don’t* need this if you have Pro already, this is just for Express for Web)

While Express SKUs don’t allow arbitrary add-ins (you need Pro for that) the free SKU does include Unit Testing, Code Analysis, as well as the NuGet package manager. It’s a bit of a nice coup for my little group that NuGet is now included in ALL Visual Studio 2012 SKUs, even Express ones. Package management is finally happening in .NET.

In the screenshot below I’ve added a C++ Console app, a Window Forms C# app and a C# Console to a single solution in VS2012 using Express for Windows Desktop.


Just to illustrate one of the reasons I think a free «Desktop» SKU is so important, I wanted to share a cool open source project I found recently called Topshelf. It’s a library for making Windows Services easier to write using .NET. It’s up on GitHub under an Apache license. The easiest way to get Topshelf is with NuGet with simply «install-package Topshelf». Topshelf has some impressive documentation as well, especially for an open source project!

Here’s a simple Windows Service with a basic heartbeat timer using Topshelf:

public class TownCrier
readonly Timer _timer;
public TownCrier()
_timer = new Timer(1000) {AutoReset = true};
_timer.Elapsed += (sender, eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine("It is {0} an all is well", DateTime.Now);
public void Start() { _timer.Start(); }
public void Stop() { _timer.Stop(); }

public class Program
public static void Main()
HostFactory.Run(x => //1
x.Service<TownCrier>(s => //2
s.ConstructUsing(name=> new TownCrier()); //3
s.WhenStarted(tc => tc.Start()); //4
s.WhenStopped(tc => tc.Stop()); //5
x.RunAsLocalSystem(); //6

x.SetDescription("Sample Topshelf Host"); //7
x.SetDisplayName("Stuff"); //8
x.SetServiceName("stuff"); //9
}); //10

Topshelf even has nice Log4net and NLog integration. Anyway, this is just the kind of powerful, useful, and interesting open source library that could be helped by a free Express SKU for Desktop. I’m not involved directly (yet ;) ) in making decisions this high up, but I (and many, many others) inside and out continue to advocate for balance. In this case I’m very glad that the decision was made to ship this SKU and I hope you all find it useful whether you work in open source or in education.

There’s more details over at the Visual Studio blog and the team is watching the comments.

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About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

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Авторское описание. С помощью Visual Studio Express 2012 для Windows Desktop можно разрабатывать функциональные настольные приложения на языках C#, Visual Basic и C++. В качестве целевых клиентских технологий можно выбирать Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms и Win32.

Visual Studio Express 2012 для Windows Desktop позволяет создавать настольные приложения на языках C#, Visual Basic и C++ и поддерживает Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms и Win32. Примечание. Visual Studio Express 2012 для Windows Desktop нельзя использовать для разработки приложений для Магазина Windows. Для разработки приложений для Магазина Windows можно установить Visual Studio Express 2012 для Windows 8. Чтобы разрабатывать приложения для всех платформ Майкрософт и для Web, можно установить Visual Studio Professional 2012.

Примечание. Для этой версии Visual Studio Express 2012 для Windows Desktop включена программа улучшения качества программного обеспечения.

Поддерживаемая операционная система

Windows 7 Service Pack 1; Windows 8; Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1; Windows Server 2012

  • Windows 7 с пакетом обновления 1 (SP1) (x86 и x64)
  • Windows 8 (x86 и x64)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 с пакетом обновления 1 (SP1) (x64)
  • Windows Server 2012 (x64)

Требования к оборудованию:

  • Процессор с тактовой частотой 1,6 ГГц или большей
  • ОЗУ объемом 1 ГБ (1,5 ГБ для работы на виртуальной машине)
  • 5 ГБ доступного пространства на жестком диске
  • Жесткий диск с частотой вращения 5400 об/мин
  • Видеокарта с поддержкой DirectX 9 и разрешения экрана не менее 1024 x 768

Имя файла: wdexpress_full.exe; VS2012_WDX_RUS.iso

Размер файла: 920 KB; 625.0 MB

Скачать Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 с официального сайта.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012


Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

Microsoft Visual C 2012 – более новая и современная версия библиотеки языка программирования «С». Данная сборка была выпущена в конце 2012 года и ориентирована на ОС «Windows XP, 7» и новую на тот момент, «8». «Visual studio 2012 express» отличается от предшественника тем, что включает в себя сразу пять отдельных компонентов, а не один. Главные из них ─ «Web», «Desktop» и «Phone» версии. Помимо отдельных составляющих, многие сборки ОС «Windows 7» идут с вшитым «Визуалом» 2012 года как базовым. Несмотря на это, пакет регулярно обновляется и требует периодической проверки версии. В  Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2012 x64»  стало доступно компилировать приложения на более ранние версии ОС и запускать их на текущей платформе. Доработка существенно улучшила использование старых программ на новых системах, и наоборот.

Стоит отметить, что в «Виндовс 7/8» появились параметры для восстановления ранней версии (если было обновление), а также запуск через ранние сборки ОС. Опции активно используются благодаря  Microsoft Visual C Redistributable 2012, x86  и  х64. Библиотека подвержена перезаписи своих данных по той простой причине, что выходят обновления и доработки. Стоит сверять версии установленных и устанавливаемых компонентов «Визуал студио, 2012», дабы не поставить старое поверх нового. В таком случае большая часть программ откажется запускать на текущей платформе. Потребуется обновление или переустановка. Чтобы верно скачать  Microsoft Visual C 2012, требуется знать всего два параметра: разрядность и версию ОС. Оба значения отображаются в «Свойствах системы» и являются важными для установки фактически любого продукта.

Актуальное использование пакета директории убережет от проблем с совместимостью приложений и «вылетов» их из рабочего режима. Когда удалось скачать  Visual studio2012, и он подошел─ стоит лишь сохранить отдельно файлы. В любой момент может потребоваться восстановление или откат, а готовое решение будет уже под рукой.

Преимущества пакета «Визуал» следующие:

  • открытый доступ;
  • установка под различные версии;
  • поддержка старых и новых сборок;
  • полное удаление в одно нажатие;
  • регулярное обновление продукта.

Для других ОС:

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