- Приступая к работе: Выбор языка программирования
- Выбор языка программирования
- Попробуйте C#
- Средства программирования в Windows
- Встроенные языки программирования в windows
- Встроенные языки программирования
- Microsoft полностью перепишет часть Windows на своем новом языке программирования
- Проект Verona
- Как смена языка поможет повысить безопасность
- Эксперименты Microsoft с Rust
- Несколько слов о Rust
- Разработка под Windows 10 — с чего начать
- Инструменты
- Документация
- Online-курс в Microsoft Virtual Academy
- Лицензия и разблокировка устройства
- Универсальные приложения
- Шаблоны
- Примеры
- Портирование приложений
- Итоги
Приступая к работе: Выбор языка программирования
Выбор языка программирования
Прежде чем продолжить, необходимо узнать, какие языки программирования можно выбрать при создании приложений универсальной платформы Windows (UWP). В пошаговых руководствах этой статьи используется язык C#, однако для создания приложений UWP вы можете использовать один или несколько других языков программирования (см. Языки, средства и платформы).
Для разработки можно использовать языки C++, C#, Microsoft Visual Basic и JavaScript. JavaScript использует разметку HTML5 для макета пользовательского интерфейса, а другие языки для описания пользовательских интерфейсов используют разметку XAML.
Примечание. Для приложений, использующих трехмерную графику: стандарты OpenGL и OpenGL ES, по умолчанию не являются доступными для приложений UWP. Если вы не желаете переписывать код OpenGL ES в Microsoft DirectX, возможно, вам будет интересно узнать о проекте Angle. Angle — это текущий проект, предназначенный для преобразования OpenGL в DirectX путем перевода вызовов API OpenGL в вызовы API DirectX. См. также:
Попробуйте C#
Как разработчик iOS, вы привыкли использовать Objective-C и Swift. Среди языков программирования Майкрософт наиболее близким к обеим является C#. Мы считаем, что для разработчиков наиболее простым в изучении и использовании является C#, поэтому для пошаговых руководств выбран именно этот язык. Подробнее о языке C#:
Ниже приведен класс, написанный на языках Objective-C и C#. Вариант на Objective-C показан первым, а вариант на C# — вторым.
Теперь для версии C#. Вы увидите, что аналогично Swift, для заголовка и реализации не используются отдельные файлы.
Средства программирования в Windows
Любители программирования в среде Windows тратят много времени на то, чтобы раздобыть себе коллекцию компиляторов с разными языками программирования, постоянно ищут их бесплатные версии, так как утилиту, скомпилированную коммерческим компилятором, вряд ли примут на продажу. В этом плане они считают Linux более продвинутой системой для разработчиков, ведь там так много всего для разработки, да еще даром. Так ли уж бедна Windows по части инструментария для разработки новых программ?
Возьмем в качестве примера «нетленную» Windows XP. В ней без всякого труда можно сразу обнаружить старую добрую программу debug.exe, которая поддерживает создание и отладку простых программ на ассемблере. Этот язык сейчас находится не в почете у молодых программистов, но профессионалы ее помнят и уважают. На сегодняшний день этот ассемблер поддерживает даже операции процессора с плавающей точкой (FPU). Программа позволяет писать свои куски кода как на языке ассемблер, так и в чистом коде, трассировать программу, использовать диагностические точки останова.
В каждой системе сегодня приходится устанавливать платформу.NET Framework, поэтому ее можно считать частью системы по умолчанию. Текущая версия платформы 4.5, и найти ее в папке Windows не сильно трудно. Для чего их искать? Дело в том, что там для каждой версии платформы хранятся бесплатные CLI/CLR версии популярных языков программирования: Visual Basic Compiler v.9, С#. В зависимости от версии, здесь можно обнаружить F# и другие полезные инструменты. Чтобы с ними работать без среды визуального программирования, можно найти любой из двух встроенных в систему редакторов. Грустно? Зато никто не требует знания ассемблера.
Можно припомнить, что в глубинах ОС скрыты средства автоматизации процессов, реализуемых на скриптах Windows Script Host (WSH), но его не назовешь универсальным языком программирования для всех, да и документацию на русском языке встретить очень сложно. Но авторы вирусов не жалуются: именно с помощью этой службы выполняются программы-скрипты, написанные на языках Jscript/VBScript.
Активируются скрипты с помощью двух дополнительных программ: Wscript для разработки оконных приложений и Cscript для создания консольных программ. Есть еще браузерные языки, исполняющиеся на стороне клиента, но они имеют серьезные ограничения по доступу к локальным ресурсам в целях безопасности. Собственно, отдельно упоминать их неинтересно: это все те же JS для всех браузеров и, дополнительно, VBS исключительно для движка IE.
Как видите, даже в голой системе можно не мечтать о коммерческих компиляторах, а сразу приниматься за работу, если такой набор языков вас устроит. Знакомство с ними дает много интересных знаний об устройстве и архитектуре Windows. В ином случае не обойтись без бесплатных компиляторов, которые поставляются третьими сторонами. В частности, их список можно найти в Википедии, набрав запрос.NET Framework. Увы, компиляторы для прямой генерации машинного кода сегодня редки и считаются анахронизмом.
Встроенные языки программирования в windows
Встроенные языки программирования
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
Встроенный язык программирования широко использовался и используется программистами всех стран. Он позволяет модифицировать компьютерные программы, не изменяя основной код этой программы, даёт возможность экспортировать данную модификацию с одной платформы на другую платформу (с Windows на Linux и наоборот).
Актуальность исследования заключается в том, что встроенный язык программирования используется для облегчения работы с основными языками программирования, не требует специального программного обеспечение, которое требует дополнительного времени для обработки, и позволяет модифицировать программу автономно от основного кода.
Встроенных языков программирования много и большинство из них предназначены для разных областей применения. Каждый программист, начинающий или профи, подбирает себе, тот встроенный язык, который ему удобен в использовании, который требует меньше временных затрат. Я разработал свой встроенный язык программирования BearScript, поэтому решил провести исследование, где использовал популярные встроенные языки программирования и авторский BearScript.
Цель исследования: выявление оптимального встроенного языка программирования при работе с основным кодом.
1. Изучить литературу и Internet – информацию по заявленной теме.
2. Сравнить встроенные языки программирования на удобность использование с основным языком программирования (C++).
3. Разработать рекомендации по выбору встроенного языка программирования
Объектом исследования являются встроенные языки программирования
В данной работе применялись методы:
эмпирического уровня: тестирование, сравнение;
экспериментального уровня: анализ;
теоретического уровня: изучение и обобщение, абстрагирование.
Гипотеза: встроенные языки программирования по своей сути выполняют одинаковые функции, следовательно, ничем друг от друга не отличаются.
Основная часть
1.Встроенные языки программирования.
Существуют разные встроенные языки программирования.
Первый это Lua ( «луна») — скриптовый язык программирования, разработанный в подразделении Tecgraf (ComputerGraphicsTechnologyGroup) Католического университета Рио-де-Жанейро (Бразилия). Интерпретатор языка является свободно распространяемым, с открытыми исходными текстами на языке Си.
По идеологии и реализации язык Lua ближе всего к JavaScript, в частности, он также реализует прототипную модель ООП, но отличается Паскале-подобным синтаксисом и более мощными и гибкими конструкциями. Характерной особенностью Lua является реализация большого числа программных сущностей минимумом синтаксических средств. Так, все составные пользовательские типы данных (массивы, структуры, множества, очереди, списки) реализуются через механизм таблиц, а механизмы объектно-ориентированного программирования, включая множественное наследование — с использованием метатаблиц, которые также отвечают за перегрузку операций и ряд других возможностей. Язык широко используется для создания тиражируемого программного обеспечения (например, на нём написан графический интерфейс пакета AdobeLightroom). Также получил известность как язык программирования уровней и расширений во многих играх (в том числе WorldofWarcraft и S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) из-за удобства встраивания, скорости исполнения кода и лёгкости обучения. [2].
Python поддерживает несколько парадигм программирования, в том числе структурное, объектно-ориентированное, функциональное, императивное и аспектно-ориентированное. Основные архитектурные черты — динамическая типизация, автоматическое управление памятью, полная интроспекция, механизм обработки исключений, поддержка многопоточных вычислений и удобные высокоуровневые структуры данных. Код в Python организовывается в функции и классы, которые могут объединяться в модули (они в свою очередь могут быть объединены в пакеты).
Эталонной реализацией Python является интерпретатор CPython, поддерживающий большинство активно используемых платформ. Он распространяется под свободной лицензией PythonSoftwareFoundationLicense, позволяющей использовать его без ограничений в любых приложениях, включая проприетарные. Есть реализации интерпретаторов для JVM (с возможностью компиляции), MSIL (с возможностью компиляции), LLVM и других. Проект PyPy предлагает реализацию Python с использованием JIT-компиляции, которая значительно увеличивает скорость выполнения Python-программ. [3]
C# относится к семье языков с C-подобным синтаксисом, из них его синтаксис наиболее близок к C++ и Java. Язык имеет статическую типизацию, поддерживает полиморфизм, перегрузку операторов (в том числе операторов явного и неявного приведения типа), делегаты, атрибуты, события, свойства, обобщённые типы и методы, итераторы, анонимные функции с поддержкой замыканий, LINQ, исключения, комментарии в формате XML.
Переняв многое от своих предшественников — языков C++, Pascal, Модула, Smalltalk и, в особенности, Java — С#, опираясь на практику их использования, исключает некоторые модели, зарекомендовавшие себя как проблематичные при разработке программных систем, например, C# в отличие от C++ не поддерживает множественное наследование классов (между тем допускается множественное наследование интерфейсов). [4]
Ещё существуют такие встроенные языки как ECMAScript [5], встроенный язык программирования 1С:Предприятие [1], UnrealScript [7],
2. Сравнение встроенных языков программирования.
Ручное отражение функций.
spam_system(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
Microsoft полностью перепишет часть Windows на своем новом языке программирования
Проект Verona
Корпорация Microsoft разрабатывает новый язык программирования, который ориентирован на создание приложений, не подверженных наиболее распространенным проблемам безопасности, пишет Zdnet.
Новый язык базируется на набирающем популярность Rust, развитием которого занимается компания Mozilla, разработчик известного браузера Firefox. Проект получил название Verona и, по данным издания, ключевое его отличие от Rust заключается в применении модели владения на основе групп объектов, а не единичных объектов. Ожидается, что исходные тексты текущих наработок в его рамках будут открыты под свободной лицензией Apache 2.0. Репозиторий проекта уже появился на принадлежащей Microsoft c 2018 г. платформе Github, но пока пуст.
Как отмечает Zdnet, Microsoft также может переписать некоторые низкоуровневые компоненты Windows 10 с использованием модифицированного Rust, чтобы исключить потенциальные проблемы, возникающие при применении языков C и C++.
Как смена языка поможет повысить безопасность
Языки C и C++ в течение десятилетий повсеместно используются в качестве инструмента разработки системного ПО и возлагают на программиста задачу управления оперативной памятью, что неизбежно приводит к возникновению ошибок, таких как обращение к участку памяти после его освобождения или, например, выход за границы буфера. По словам Мэтта Миллера (Matt Miller), специалиста Microsoft по безопасности, около 70% всех уязвимостей, обнаруженных в программных продуктах корпорации за последние 12 лет, связанны с ошибками управления памятью.
В языке Rust (как, видимо, и в Verona), в отличие от C и C++, реализован механизм автоматического управления памятью на основе принципа «владения», который избавляет программиста от необходимости вручную манипулировать памятью, тем самым снижая вероятность возникновения ошибок. Стоит также отметить, что в угоду производительности в Rust не используется так называемый сборщик мусора (Garbage Collector, GC), в задачи которого входит автоматическое удаление из памяти объектов, которые более не востребованы программой.
Эксперименты Microsoft с Rust
Zdnet пишет, что Microsoft начала экспериментировать с Rust летом 2019 г. Сообщалось, что компания собирается переписать некоторые из своих продуктов с использованием этого языка программирования.
В начале ноября 2019 г. Адам Берч (Adam Burch), программист из команды разработчиков Hyper-V (системы аппаратной виртуализации для x64-систем на основе гипервизора), написал в корпоративном блоге о том, что ему поручили переписать на Rust некий низкоуровневый компонент Windows, назвать который он пока не может. По его словам, несмотря на незавершенность проекта, опыт применения Rust оказался в целом позитивным. Он также отметил, что кодовую базу новых компонентов и уже существующих, но с «чистыми интерфейсами», перевести на Rust не составит большого труда. Кроме того, Берч посетовал на отсутствие некоторых возможностей в языке по сравнению с привычным ему C, но выразил уверенность в том, что Microsoft сможет посодействовать их добавлению.
Несколько слов о Rust
Rust появился в 2006 г. как личный проекта Грейдона Хоара (Graydon Hoare), сотрудника Mozilla. В 2009 г. Mozilla начала спонсировать разработку Rust для собственных нужд, а также расширила команду для дальнейшего развития языка.
Интерес Mozilla к Rust был вызван наличием огромного числа критических уязвимостей в разрабатываемом компанией браузером Firefox, в реализации которого присутствовало свыше 4 млн строк на языке C++. Rust был создан с учетом требований безопасности и параллелизма, что сделало его подходящим выбором для переписывания многих компонентов Firefox в рамках проекта Quantum по полной переработке архитектуры браузера. Кроме того, Mozilla использовала Rust для разработки Servo, движка рендеринга HTML, который должен был заменить действующий движок рендеринга Firefox.
Помимо Mozilla и Microsoft в своих проектах Rust применяют Google, Facebook, Amazon, Dropbox, Fastly, Baidu.
В августе 2019 г. в рамках саммита по технологиям с открытым исходным кодом (Open Source Technology Summit) Джош Триплетт (Josh Triplett), ведущий инженер Intel, рассказал о том, что его компания заинтересована в том, чтобы в ближайшем будущем Rust достиг «паритета» с доминирующим в области системной и низкоуровневой разработки языком C.
В том же месяце Грег Кроа-Хартман (Greg Kroah-Hartman), один из ключевых разработчиков ядра Linux, заявил, что не станет препятствовать включению в ядро фреймворка для написания драйверов на языке Rust.
Разработка под Windows 10 — с чего начать
Всем привет! Вы, наверняка, уже слышали новости про то, что за первые 4 недели Windows 10 установили уже более 75 миллионов человек. В таком контексте мы особенно рады поделиться с вами вводной статьей от Арсения Печенкина из компании DataArt о том, как начать разрабатывать приложения под десятку.
Тем, кто сомневается, ставить или нет на любимую машину Windows 10, предлагаем небольшой обзор материалов о платформе, инструментах разработки и новых возможностях, доступных при разработке приложений.
Думаю, все уже знают откуда и как взять свою копию ОС Windows 10, — не станем задерживаться на этом моменте. Установка производится аналогично установке Windows 8. Если собираетесь обновить систему, настоятельно рекомендую сделать бэкап файлов с системного диска.
Какие инструменты для разработки можно использовать? Вам понадобится новая MS Visual Studio 2015. Сейчас доступны бесплатная редакция Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition и платные редакции Professional и Enterprise.
Еще потребуются Windows 10 SDK и эмулятор Windows 10 Mobile. Эти пакеты можно поставить вместе с Visual Studio 2015 (если выбрать custom-установку и выбрать для установки эти пакеты, пока только в RC) или скачать отдельно.
Какое-то время назад почти все разделы по разработке под Windows 10 вели на разделы про разработку под Windows 8.1, но после релиза документацию постепенно обновляют (с учетом того, что UWP-платформа для Windows 10 является развитием WinRT).
Online-курс в Microsoft Virtual Academy
Для тех, кто предпочитает аудио-визуальный формат знакомства с платформой, есть вводный курс: A Developer’s Guide to Windows 10.
В курсе рассказаны основные особенности платформы, моделей и инструментов, доступных для создания приложений Windows. Рассмотриваются несколько основных сценариев, которые реализуются в приложении: работа при малом объеме памяти, фоновое выполнение задач, коммуникация между устройствами, управление файлами и данными и методы взаимодействия с пользователем.
Лицензия и разблокировка устройства
Как и при разработке для Windows 8/8.1, потребуется лицензия разработчика. Она получается аналогично лицензии разработчика Windows 8/8.1 при создании первого проекта прямо в Visual Studio (это не то же самое, что аккаунт для публикации в магазине). Для установки приложений на устройства не забудьте их разблокировать:
Универсальные приложения
Что нового ждет разработчика? Анонсировано, что универсальное приложение можно запустить на любой платформе Windows 10. Это реализовано через систему различных API. То есть существует слой API, общий для всех платформ (Universal Windows Platform, UWP). Если приложение использует только его возможности, оно будет работать на всех платформах c UWP.
Если требуется использование специфических возможностей платформы (например, работа с аппаратными кнопками на смартфоне), то вы можете исползовать соответствующие API через платформенные расширения. Данная функциональность будет работать только на платформах, где есть эти API, поэтому в коде нужно встраивать проверки доступности соответствующих методов и классов.
Из коробки в Visual Studio нам доступен только один шаблон проекта Blank App.
Это проект для одностраничного универсального Windows-приложения, в котором нет предопределенных элементов управления и структуры.
Кроме стандартного шаблона, можно найти шаблоны от сообщества разработчиков.
Портирование приложений
Приятный момент для разработчиков — возможность переноса приложений Windows 8.1 на Windows 10 (инструкция, видео). Если у вас было приложение под Windows Phone Silverlight, есть отдельная инструкция по портированию приложения на UWP.
Windows 10 уже доступна всем желающим, к услугам разработчиков — SDK и инструменты разработки. При наличии опыта создания приложений под Windows 8, освоение новой платформы будет легким и не потребует много времени.
Любители программирования в среде Windows тратят много времени на то, чтобы раздобыть себе коллекцию компиляторов с разными языками программирования, постоянно ищут их бесплатные версии, так как утилиту, скомпилированную коммерческим компилятором, вряд ли примут на продажу. В этом плане они считают Linux более продвинутой системой для разработчиков, ведь там так много всего для разработки, да еще даром. Так ли уж бедна Windows по части инструментария для разработки новых программ?
Возьмем в качестве примера «нетленную» Windows XP. В ней без всякого труда можно сразу обнаружить старую добрую программу debug.exe, которая поддерживает создание и отладку простых программ на ассемблере. Этот язык сейчас находится не в почете у молодых программистов, но профессионалы ее помнят и уважают. На сегодняшний день этот ассемблер поддерживает даже операции процессора с плавающей точкой (FPU). Программа позволяет писать свои куски кода как на языке ассемблер, так и в чистом коде, трассировать программу, использовать диагностические точки останова.
В каждой системе сегодня приходится устанавливать платформу.NET Framework, поэтому ее можно считать частью системы по умолчанию. Текущая версия платформы 4.5, и найти ее в папке Windows не сильно трудно. Для чего их искать? Дело в том, что там для каждой версии платформы хранятся бесплатные CLI/CLR версии популярных языков программирования: Visual Basic Compiler v.9, С#. В зависимости от версии, здесь можно обнаружить F# и другие полезные инструменты. Чтобы с ними работать без среды визуального программирования, можно найти любой из двух встроенных в систему редакторов. Грустно? Зато никто не требует знания ассемблера.
Можно припомнить, что в глубинах ОС скрыты средства автоматизации процессов, реализуемых на скриптах Windows Script Host (WSH), но его не назовешь универсальным языком программирования для всех, да и документацию на русском языке встретить очень сложно. Но авторы вирусов не жалуются: именно с помощью этой службы выполняются программы-скрипты, написанные на языках Jscript/VBScript.
Активируются скрипты с помощью двух дополнительных программ: Wscript для разработки оконных приложений и Cscript для создания консольных программ. Есть еще браузерные языки, исполняющиеся на стороне клиента, но они имеют серьезные ограничения по доступу к локальным ресурсам в целях безопасности. Собственно, отдельно упоминать их неинтересно: это все те же JS для всех браузеров и, дополнительно, VBS исключительно для движка IE.
Как видите, даже в голой системе можно не мечтать о коммерческих компиляторах, а сразу приниматься за работу, если такой набор языков вас устроит. Знакомство с ними дает много интересных знаний об устройстве и архитектуре Windows. В ином случае не обойтись без бесплатных компиляторов, которые поставляются третьими сторонами. В частности, их список можно найти в Википедии, набрав запрос.NET Framework. Увы, компиляторы для прямой генерации машинного кода сегодня редки и считаются анахронизмом.
Встроенные компиляторы, доступные в Windows 10, предназначены для VisualBasic, C #, JScript. Чтобы повысить скорость и производительность приложений, «ngen.exe создает собственные образы, которые представляют собой файлы, содержащие скомпилированный машинный код для конкретного процессора, и устанавливает их в кэш собственных образов на локальном компьютере.
Компилятор Microsoft C / C ++ (MSVC) использует базовое правило, чтобы определить, какой язык использовать при компиляции кода. По умолчанию, компилятор MSVC обрабатывает все файлы с расширением. c как исходный код C, и все файлы с расширением.
Как скомпилировать C в Windows 10?
Как скомпилировать программу C в командной строке?
- Выполните команду gcc -v, чтобы проверить, установлен ли у вас компилятор. Если нет, вам нужно скачать компилятор gcc и установить его. …
- Измените рабочий каталог на место, где находится ваша программа C. …
- Следующим шагом будет компиляция программы. …
- На следующем шаге мы можем запустить программу.
Как узнать, установлен ли компилятор C в Windows?
Введите «gcc –version» в командной строке. чтобы проверить, установлен ли на вашем компьютере компилятор C. Введите в командной строке «g ++ –version», чтобы проверить, установлен ли на вашем компьютере компилятор C ++. Но мы хорошо, если компилятор C успешно установлен на нашем компьютере на данный момент.
В Windows есть C?
Хотя исходный код Windows не является общедоступным, было заявлено, что его ядро в основном написано на C, с некоторыми деталями в сборе. … Сама операционная система GNU была создана с использованием языков программирования C и Lisp, поэтому многие ее компоненты написаны на C.
C предустановлен в Windows?
GCC не предустановлен в Windows по той же причине, что Visual Studio Community (который содержит бесплатную полную версию компилятора Microsoft C и связанные с ним инструменты) не входит в предустановку в Windows. Процент пользователей Windows, которые когда-либо захотят или будут нуждаться в использовании любого компилятора C, невероятно мал.
C предустановлен?
Среда для программирования на C
Компания командная строка терминала предустановлена в вашей операционной системе LINUX.
Где мне писать код на C?
Чтобы написать первую программу на c, откройте консоль C и напишите следующий код:
- #включают
- int main () {
- printf («Привет, язык Си»);
- 0 вернуться;
- }
Как скомпилировать C в Notepad ++?
Давайте начнем!
- Напишите и сохраните программу. Чтобы написать исходный код вашей первой программы на C, вам нужно открыть текстовый редактор Notepad ++. …
- Откройте терминал Cygwin. …
- Перейдите к своей программе с помощью терминала Cygwin. …
- Скомпилируйте программу, чтобы получить исполняемый файл. …
- Запустите исполняемый файл.
Как мне установить C?
Как установить C
- Скачать Turbo C ++
- Создайте каталог turboc на диске c и извлеките tc3.zip внутри c: turboc.
- Дважды щелкните файл install.exe.
- Щелкните файл приложения tc, расположенный внутри c: TCBIN, чтобы написать программу c.
Как узнать, установлен ли компилятор gcc в Windows?
Очень простой. и это будет означать, что gcc установлен на вашем компьютере. В окне командной строки введите «gcc» и нажмите Enter.. Если вывод говорит что-то вроде «gcc: фатальная ошибка: нет входных файлов», это хорошо, и вы прошли тест.
Какой ярлык для запуска программы C?
По ярлыку:
Скомпилируйте программу C, нажмите (Alt + f9) и запустите программу C, нажмите (ctrl + f9) ключи компилировать и запускать программу напрямую.
GCC предустановлен в Windows?
В Windows, если вы хотите иметь gcc (и другие компиляторы тоже), вам нужно загрузить исходный код и найти способ его скомпилировать … Для этого вам нужно сначала установить другое программное обеспечение, называемое предпосылками которые также необходимо будет скомпилировать и т. д.
Screenshot of Visual Studio 2013, editing the source code of a C++ program |
Developer(s) | Microsoft |
Stable release |
2022 17.4[1] |
Written in |
[2] |
Operating system |
Available in | 13 languages |
List of languages Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish and Turkish[4] |
Type | Integrated development environment |
License | Freemium[5] |
Website | visualstudio.microsoft.com |
Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs including websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native code and managed code.
Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion component) as well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger works as both a source-level debugger and as a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a code profiler, designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that expand the functionality at almost every level—including adding support for source control systems (like Subversion and Git) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software development lifecycle (like the Azure DevOps client: Team Explorer).
Visual Studio supports 36 different programming languages and allows the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages include C,[6] C++, C++/CLI, Visual Basic .NET, C#, F#,[7] JavaScript, TypeScript, XML, XSLT, HTML, and CSS. Support for other languages such as Python,[8] Ruby, Node.js, and M among others is available via plug-ins. Java (and J#) were supported in the past.
The most basic edition of Visual Studio, the Community edition, is available free of charge. The slogan for Visual Studio Community edition is «Free, fully-featured IDE for students, open-source and individual developers».
As of January 10, 2023, Visual Studio 2022 is a current production-ready version. Visual Studio 2013, 2015 and 2017 are on Extended Support, while 2019 is on Mainstream Support.[9]
Visual Studio does not support any programming language, solution or tool intrinsically; instead, it allows the plugging of functionality coded as a VSPackage. When installed, the functionality is available as a Service. The IDE provides three services: SVsSolution, which provides the ability to enumerate projects and solutions; SVsUIShell, which provides windowing and UI functionality (including tabs, toolbars, and tool windows); and SVsShell, which deals with registration of VSPackages. In addition, the IDE is also responsible for coordinating and enabling communication between services.[10] All editors, designers, project types and other tools are implemented as VSPackages. Visual Studio uses COM to access the VSPackages. The Visual Studio SDK also includes the Managed Package Framework (MPF), which is a set of managed wrappers around the COM-interfaces that allow the Packages to be written in any CLI compliant language.[11] However, MPF does not provide all the functionality exposed by the Visual Studio COM interfaces.[12]
The services can then be consumed for creation of other packages, which add functionality to the Visual Studio IDE.
Support for programming languages is added by using a specific VSPackage called a Language Service. A language service defines various interfaces which the VSPackage implementation can implement to add support for various functionalities.[13] Functionalities that can be added this way include syntax coloring, statement completion, brace matching, parameter information tooltips, member lists, and error markers for background compilation.[13] If the interface is implemented, the functionality will be available for the language. Language services are implemented on a per-language basis. The implementations can reuse code from the parser or the compiler for the language.[13] Language services can be implemented either in native code or managed code. For native code, either the native COM interfaces or the Babel Framework (part of Visual Studio SDK) can be used.[14] For managed code, the MPF includes wrappers for writing managed language services.[15]
Visual Studio does not include any source control support built in but it defines two alternative ways for source control systems to integrate with the IDE.[16] A Source Control VSPackage can provide its own customised user interface. In contrast, a source control plugin using the MSSCCI (Microsoft Source Code Control Interface) provides a set of functions that are used to implement various source control functionality, with a standard Visual Studio user interface.[17][18] MSSCCI was first used to integrate Visual SourceSafe with Visual Studio 6.0 but was later opened up via the Visual Studio SDK. Visual Studio .NET 2002 used MSSCCI 1.1, and Visual Studio .NET 2003 used MSSCCI 1.2. Visual Studio 2005, 2008, and 2010 use MSSCCI Version 1.3, which adds support for rename and delete propagation, as well as asynchronous opening.[18]
Visual Studio supports running multiple instances of the environment (each with its own set of VSPackages). The instances use different registry hives (see MSDN’s definition of the term «registry hive» in the sense used here) to store their configuration state and are differentiated by their AppId (Application ID). The instances are launched by an AppId-specific .exe that selects the AppId, sets the root hive, and launches the IDE. VSPackages registered for one AppId are integrated with other VSPackages for that AppId. The various product editions of Visual Studio are created using the different AppIds. The Visual Studio Express edition products are installed with their own AppIds, but the Standard, Professional, and Team Suite products share the same AppId. Consequently, one can install the Express editions side-by-side with other editions, unlike the other editions which update the same installation. The professional edition includes a superset of the VSPackages in the standard edition, and the team suite includes a superset of the VSPackages in both other editions. The AppId system is leveraged by the Visual Studio Shell in Visual Studio 2008.[19]
Code editor[edit]
Visual Studio includes a code editor that supports syntax highlighting and code completion using IntelliSense for variables, functions, methods, loops, and LINQ queries.[20] IntelliSense is supported for the included languages, as well as for XML, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript when developing web sites and web applications.[21][22] Autocomplete suggestions appear in a modeless list box over the code editor window, in proximity of the editing cursor. In Visual Studio 2008 onwards, it can be made temporarily semi-transparent to see the code obstructed by it.[20] The code editor is used for all supported languages.
The Visual Studio Code Editor also supports setting bookmarks in code for quick navigation. Other navigational aids include collapsing code blocks and incremental search, in addition to normal text search and regex search.[23] The code editor also includes a multi-item clipboard and a task list.[23] The code editor supports code snippets, which are saved templates for repetitive code and can be inserted into code and customized for the project being worked on. A management tool for code snippets is built in as well. These tools are surfaced as floating windows which can be set to automatically hide when unused or docked to the side of the screen. The Visual Studio code editor also supports code refactoring including parameter reordering, variable and method renaming, interface extraction, and encapsulation of class members inside properties, among others. An online version of Visual Studio Code is available at Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio includes a debugger that works both as a source-level debugger and as a machine-level debugger. It works with both managed code as well as native code and can be used for debugging applications written in any language supported by Visual Studio. In addition, it can also attach to running processes, monitor, and debug those processes.[24] If source code for the running process is available, it displays the code as it is being run. If source code is not available, it can show the disassembly. The Visual Studio debugger can also create memory dumps as well as load them later for debugging.[25] Multi-threaded programs are also supported. The debugger can be configured to be launched when an application running outside the Visual Studio environment crashes.
The Visual Studio Debugger allows setting breakpoints (which allow execution to be stopped temporarily at a certain position) and watches (which monitor the values of variables as the execution progresses).[26] Breakpoints can be conditional, meaning they get triggered when the condition is met. Code can be stepped over, i.e., run one line (of source code) at a time.[27] It can either step into functions to debug inside it, or step over it, i.e., the execution of the function body isn’t available for manual inspection.[27] The debugger supports Edit and Continue, i.e., it allows code to be edited as it is being debugged. When debugging, if the mouse pointer hovers over any variable, its current value is displayed in a tooltip («data tooltips»), where it can also be modified if desired. During coding, the Visual Studio debugger lets certain functions be invoked manually from the Immediate
tool window. The parameters to the method are supplied at the Immediate window.[28]
Visual Studio includes a host of visual designers to aid in the development of applications. These tools include:
- Windows Forms Designer
- The Windows Forms designer is used to build GUI applications using Windows Forms. Layout can be controlled by housing the controls inside other containers or locking them to the side of the form. Controls that display data (like textbox, list box and grid view) can be bound to data sources like databases or queries. Data-bound controls can be created by dragging items from the Data Sources window onto a design surface.[29] The UI is linked with code using an event-driven programming model. The designer generates either C# or VB.NET code for the application.
- WPF Designer
- The WPF designer, codenamed Cider,[30] was introduced with Visual Studio 2008. Like the Windows Forms designer it supports the drag and drop metaphor. It is used to author user interfaces targeting Windows Presentation Foundation. It supports all WPF functionality including data binding and automatic layout management. It generates XAML code for the UI. The generated XAML file is compatible with Microsoft Expression Design, the designer-oriented product. The XAML code is linked with code using a code-behind model.
- Web designer/development
- Visual Studio also includes a web-site editor and designer that allows web pages to be authored by dragging and dropping widgets. It is used for developing ASP.NET applications and supports HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It uses a code-behind model to link with ASP.NET code. From Visual Studio 2008 onwards, the layout engine used by the web designer is shared with the discontinued Expression Web. There is also ASP.NET MVC support for MVC technology as a separate download[31] and ASP.NET Dynamic Data project available from Microsoft.[32]
- Class designer
- The Class Designer is used to author and edit the classes (including its members and their access) using UML modeling. The Class Designer can generate C# and VB.NET code outlines for the classes and methods. It can also generate class diagrams from hand-written classes.
- Data designer
- The data designer can be used to graphically edit database schemas, including typed tables, primary and foreign keys and constraints. It can also be used to design queries from the graphical view.
- Mapping designer
- From Visual Studio 2008 onwards, the mapping designer is used by LINQ to SQL to design the mapping between database schemas and the classes that encapsulate the data. The new solution from ORM approach, ADO.NET Entity Framework, replaces and improves the old technology.
Other tools[edit]
- Properties Editor
- The Properties Editor tool is used to edit properties in a GUI pane inside Visual Studio. It lists all available properties (both read-only and those which can be set) for all objects including classes, forms, web pages and other items.
- Object Browser
- The Object Browser is a namespace and class library browser for Microsoft .NET. It can be used to browse the namespaces (which are arranged hierarchically) in managed assemblies. The hierarchy may or may not reflect the organization in the file system.
- Solution Explorer
- In Visual Studio parlance, a solution is a set of code files and other resources that are used to build an application. The files in a solution are arranged hierarchically, which might or might not reflect the organization in the file system. The Solution Explorer is used to manage and browse the files in a solution.
- Team Explorer
- Team Explorer is used to integrate the capabilities of Azure DevOps (either Azure DevOps Services or Azure DevOps Server) into the IDE . In addition to version control integration it provides the ability to view and manage individual work items (including user stories, bugs, tasks and other documents). It is included as part of a Visual Studio installation and is also available as a standalone download.[33][34]
- Data Explorer
- Data Explorer is used to manage databases on Microsoft SQL Server instances. It allows creation and alteration of database tables (either by issuing T-SQL commands or by using the Data designer). It can also be used to create queries and stored procedures, with the latter in either T-SQL or in managed code via SQL CLR. Debugging and IntelliSense support is available as well.
- Server Explorer
- The Server Explorer tool is used to manage database connections on an accessible computer. It is also used to browse running Windows Services, performance counters, Windows Event Log and message queues and use them as a datasource.[35]
- Dotfuscator Community Edition
- Visual Studio includes a free ‘light’ version of Dotfuscator[36]
- Text Generation Framework
- Visual Studio includes a full text generation framework called T4 which enables Visual Studio to generate text files from templates either in the IDE or via code.
- ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool
- The ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool allows for the configuration of ASP.NET websites.
- Visual Studio Tools for Office
- Visual Studio Tools for Office is a SDK and an add-in for Visual Studio that includes tools for developing for the Microsoft Office suite. Previously (for Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005) it was a separate SKU that supported only Visual C# and Visual Basic languages or was included in the Team Suite. With Visual Studio 2008, it is no longer a separate SKU but is included with Professional and higher editions. A separate runtime is required when deploying VSTO solutions.
Testing Tools[edit]
Microsoft Visual Studio can write high-quality code with comprehensive testing tools to aid in the development of applications. These tools include:[37]
Unit testing, IntelliTset, Live Unit Testing, Test Explorer, CodeLens test indicators, Code coverage analysis, Fakes.[37]
Visual Studio allows developers to write extensions for Visual Studio to extend its capabilities. These extensions «plug into» Visual Studio and extend its functionality. Extensions come in the form of macros, add-ins, and packages. Macros represent repeatable tasks and actions that developers can record programmatically for saving, replaying, and distributing. Macros, however, cannot implement new commands or create tool windows. They are written using Visual Basic and are not compiled.[12] Add-Ins provide access to the Visual Studio object model and can interact with the IDE tools. Add-Ins can be used to implement new functionality and can add new tool windows. Add-Ins are plugged into the IDE via COM and can be created in any COM-compliant languages.[12] Packages are created using the Visual Studio SDK and provide the highest level of extensibility. They can create designers and other tools, as well as integrate other programming languages. The Visual Studio SDK provides unmanaged APIs as well as a managed API to accomplish these tasks. However, the managed API isn’t as comprehensive as the unmanaged one.[12] Extensions are supported in the Standard (and higher) versions of Visual Studio 2005. Express Editions do not support hosting extensions.
Visual Studio 2008 introduced the Visual Studio Shell that allows for development of a customized version of the IDE. The Visual Studio Shell defines a set of VSPackages that provide the functionality required in any IDE. On top of that, other packages can be added to customize the installation. The Isolated mode of the shell creates a new AppId where the packages are installed. These are to be started with a different executable. It is aimed for development of custom development environments, either for a specific language or a specific scenario. The Integrated mode installs the packages into the AppId of the Professional/Standard/Team System editions, so that the tools integrate into these editions.[19] The Visual Studio Shell is available as a free download.
After the release of Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft created the Visual Studio Gallery. It serves as the central location for posting information about extensions to Visual Studio. Community developers as well as commercial developers can upload information about their extensions to Visual Studio .NET 2002 through Visual Studio 2010. Users of the site can rate and review the extensions to help assess the quality of extensions being posted. An extension is stored in a VSIX file. Internally a VSIX file is a ZIP file that contains some XML files, and possibly one or more DLL’s. One of the main advantages of these extensions is that they do not require Administrator rights to be installed. RSS feeds to notify users on updates to the site and tagging features are also planned.[38]
Supported products[edit]
- Microsoft Visual C++
- Microsoft Visual C++ is Microsoft’s partial implementation of the C and full implementation C++ compiler and associated languages-services and specific tools for integration with the Visual Studio IDE. It can compile either in C mode or C++ mode. For C++, as of version 15.7 it conforms to C++17.[39] The C implementation of Visual Studio 2015 still doesn’t support the full standard; in particular, the complex number header complex.h introduced in C99 is unsupported.
- Visual C++ supports the C++/CLI specification to write managed code, as well as mixed-mode code (a mix of native and managed code). Microsoft positions Visual C++ for development in native code or in code that contains both native as well as managed components. Visual C++ supports COM as well as the MFC library. For MFC development, it provides a set of wizards for creating and customizing MFC boilerplate code, and creating GUI applications using MFC. Visual C++ can also use the Visual Studio forms designer to design UI graphically. Visual C++ can also be used with the Windows API. It also supports the use of intrinsic functions,[40] which are functions recognized by the compiler itself and not implemented as a library. Intrinsic functions are used to expose the SSE instruction set of modern CPUs. Visual C++ also includes the OpenMP (version 2.0) specification.[41]
- Microsoft Visual C#
- Microsoft Visual C#, Microsoft’s implementation of the C# language, targets the .NET Framework, along with the language services that lets the Visual Studio IDE support C# projects. While the language services are a part of Visual Studio, the compiler is available separately as a part of the .NET Framework. The Visual C# 2008, 2010 and 2012 compilers support versions 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 of the C# language specifications, respectively. Visual C# supports the Visual Studio Class designer, Forms designer, and Data designer among others.[42]
- Microsoft Visual Basic
- Microsoft Visual Basic is Microsoft’s implementation of the VB.NET language and associated tools and language services. It was introduced with Visual Studio .NET (2002). Microsoft has positioned Visual Basic for Rapid Application Development.[43][44] Visual Basic can be used to author both console applications as well as GUI applications. Like Visual C#, Visual Basic also supports the Visual Studio Class designer, Forms designer, and Data designer among others. Like C#, the VB.NET compiler is also available as a part of .NET Framework, but the language services that let VB.NET projects be developed with Visual Studio, are available as a part of the latter.
- Microsoft Visual Web Developer
- Microsoft Visual Web Developer is used to create web sites, web applications and web services using ASP.NET. Either C# or VB.NET languages can be used. Visual Web Developer can use the Visual Studio Web Designer to graphically design web page layouts.
- Azure DevOps
- Azure DevOps is intended for collaborative software development projects and provides version control, work planning and tracking, data collection, and reporting. It also includes the Team Explorer which is integrated inside Visual Studio. On September 10, 2018, Microsoft announced a rebranding of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to Azure DevOps Services and Team Foundation Server (TFS) to Azure DevOps Server.[45]
Previous products[edit]
- Visual FoxPro
- Visual FoxPro is a data-centric object-oriented and procedural programming language produced by Microsoft. It derives from FoxPro (originally known as FoxBASE) which was developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984. Visual FoxPro is tightly integrated with its own relational database engine, which extends FoxPro’s xBase capabilities to support SQL queries and data manipulation. Visual FoxPro is a full-featured,[46] dynamic programming language that does not require the use of an additional general-purpose programming environment. In 2007, Visual FoxPro was discontinued after version 9 Service Pack 2. It was supported until 2015.[47]
- Visual SourceSafe
- Microsoft Visual SourceSafe is a source control software package oriented towards small software-development projects. The SourceSafe database is a multi-user, multi-process file-system database, using the Windows file system database primitives to provide locking and sharing support. All versions are multi-user, using SMB (file server) networking.[48][49][50] However, with Visual SourceSafe 2005, other client–server modes were added, Lan Booster and VSS Internet (which used HTTP/HTTPS). Visual SourceSafe 6.0 was available as a stand-alone product[51] and was included with Visual Studio 6.0, and other products such as Office Developer Edition. Visual SourceSafe 2005 was available as a stand-alone product and included with the 2005 Team Suite. Azure DevOps has superseded VSS as Microsoft’s recommended platform for source control.
- Microsoft Visual J++/Microsoft Visual J#
- Microsoft Visual J++ was Microsoft’s implementation of the Java language (with Microsoft-specific extensions) and associated language services. It was discontinued as a result of litigation from Sun Microsystems, and the technology was recycled into Visual J#, Microsoft’s Java compiler for .NET Framework. J# was available with Visual Studio 2005 (supported until 2015) but was discontinued in Visual Studio 2008.
- Visual InterDev
- Visual InterDev was used to create web applications using Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) technologies. It supports code completion and includes database server management tools. It has been replaced with Microsoft Visual Web Developer.
Microsoft Visual Studio is available in the following editions or SKUs:[52]
The Community edition was announced on November 12, 2014, as a new free version, with similar functionality to Visual Studio Professional. Prior to this date, the only free editions of Visual Studio were the feature-limited Express variants. Unlike the Express variants, Visual Studio Community supports multiple languages, and provides support for extensions. Individual developers have no restrictions on their use of the Community edition. The following uses also allow unlimited usage: contributing to Open Source projects, academic research, in a classroom learning environment and for developing and testing device drivers for the Windows operating system. All other use by an organization depends on its classification as an Enterprise (more than 250 employees or more than 1 million USD in annual revenue, per Microsoft).[53] Non-Enterprises may use up to 5 copies without restriction, user number 6 and higher require a commercial license; Enterprise organizations require a commercial license for use outside of the noted exceptions.[53][54] Visual Studio Community is oriented towards individual developers and small teams.
As of Visual Studio 2010, the Professional edition is the entry level commercial edition of Visual Studio. (Previously, a more feature restricted Standard edition was available.)[57] It provides an IDE for all supported development languages. MSDN support is available as MSDN Essentials or the full MSDN library depending on licensing. It supports XML and XSLT editing, and can create deployment packages that only use ClickOnce and MSI. It includes tools like Server Explorer and integration with Microsoft SQL Server also. Windows Mobile development support was included in Visual Studio 2005 Standard, however, with Visual Studio 2008, it is only available in Professional and higher editions. Windows Phone 7 development support was added to all editions in Visual Studio 2010. Development for Windows Mobile is no longer supported in Visual Studio 2010. It is superseded by Windows Phone 7.
In addition to the features provided by the Professional edition, the Enterprise edition provides a new set of software development, database development, collaboration, metrics, architecture, testing and reporting tools.
The first version of Visual Studio was Visual Studio 97.[58] Before that, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual FoxPro and Visual SourceSafe were sold as separate products.
Microsoft first released Visual Studio (codenamed Boston,[59] for the city of the same name, thus beginning the VS codenames related to places)[59] in 1997, bundling many of its programming tools together for the first time. Visual Studio 97 came in two editions: Visual Studio Professional and Visual Studio Enterprise, the professional edition has three CDs, and the enterprise four CDs. It included Visual J++ 1.1 for Java programming and introduced Visual InterDev for creating dynamically generated web sites using Active Server Pages.[citation needed] There was a single companion CD that contained the Microsoft Developer Network library.
Visual Studio 97 was an attempt at using the same development environment for multiple languages. Visual J++, InterDev, and the MSDN Library had all been using the same ‘environment’, called Developer Studio.[120]
Visual Studio was also sold as a bundle with the separate IDEs used for Visual C++, Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro.[19]
6.0 (1998)[edit]
The next version, version 6.0 (codenamed Aspen, after the ski resort in Colorado),[citation needed] was released in June 1998 and is the last version to run on the Windows 9x platform.[121] Each version of each language in part also settled to v6.0, including Visual J++ which was prior v1.1, and Visual InterDev at the first release. The v6 edition of Microsoft was the core environment for the next four releases to provide programmers with an integrated look-alike platform. This led Microsoft to transition the development on the platform independent .NET Framework.
Visual Studio 6.0 was the last version to include Visual J++,[122][123] which Microsoft removed as part of a settlement with Sun Microsystems that required Microsoft Internet Explorer not to provide support for the Java Virtual Machine.
Visual Studio 6.0 came in two editions: Professional and Enterprise.[124] The Enterprise edition contained extra features not found in Professional edition, including:
- Application Performance Explorer
- Automation Manager
- Microsoft Visual Modeler
- RemAuto Connection Manager[citation needed]
- Visual Studio Analyzer
Visual Studio was also sold as a bundle with the separate IDEs used for Visual C++, Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro.[19]
.NET 2002[edit]
The default start page of Visual Studio .NET 2002, running on Windows XP
Microsoft released Visual Studio .NET (VS.NET), codenamed Rainier (for Washington’s Mount Rainier),[citation needed] in February 2002 (the beta version was released via Microsoft Developer Network in 2001). The biggest change was the introduction of a managed code development environment using the .NET Framework. Programs developed using .NET are not compiled to machine language (like C++ is, for example) but instead to a format called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) or Common Intermediate Language (CIL). When a CIL application executes, it is compiled while being executed into the appropriate machine language for the platform it is being executed on, thereby making code portable across several platforms. Programs compiled into CIL can be executed only on platforms which have an implementation of Common Language Infrastructure. It is possible to run CIL programs in Linux or Mac OS X using non-Microsoft .NET implementations like Mono and DotGNU.
This was the first version of Visual Studio to require an NT-based Windows platform.[125] The installer enforces this requirement.
Visual Studio .NET 2002 shipped in four editions: Academic, Professional, Enterprise Developer, and Enterprise Architect. Microsoft introduced C# (C-sharp), a new programming language, that targets .NET. It also introduced the successor to Visual J++ called Visual J#. Visual J# programs use Java’s language-syntax. However, unlike Visual J++ programs, Visual J# programs can only target the .NET Framework, not the Java Virtual Machine that all other Java tools target.
Visual Basic changed drastically to fit the new framework, and the new version was called Visual Basic .NET. Microsoft also added extensions to C++, called Managed Extensions for C++, so .NET programs could be created in C++.
Visual Studio .NET can produce applications targeting Windows (using the Windows Forms part of the .NET Framework), the Web (using ASP.NET and Web Services) and, with an add-in, portable devices (using the .NET Compact Framework).
The internal version number of Visual Studio .NET 2002 is version 7.0. Microsoft released Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio .NET 2002 in March 2005.[126]
.NET 2003[edit]
Default start page of Visual Studio .NET 2003 running on Windows XP
In April 2003, Microsoft introduced a minor upgrade to Visual Studio .NET called Visual Studio .NET 2003, codenamed Everett (for the city of the same name).[citation needed] It includes an upgrade to the .NET Framework, version 1.1, and is the first release to support developing programs for mobile devices, using ASP.NET or the .NET Compact Framework. The Visual C++ compiler’s standards-compliance improved, especially in the area of partial template specialization. Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 is a version of the same C++ compiler shipped with Visual Studio .NET 2003 without the IDE that Microsoft made freely available. As of 2010 it is no longer available and the Express Editions have superseded it. Visual Studio .NET 2003 also supports Managed C++, which is the predecessor of C++/CLI. The internal version number of Visual Studio .NET 2003 is version 7.1 while the file format version is 8.0.[127] Visual Studio .NET 2003 is the last version to support Windows NT 4.0 SP6a, Windows 2000 versions below SP3 and Windows XP before SP2.
Visual Studio .NET 2003 shipped in five editions: Academic, Standard, Professional, Enterprise Developer, and Enterprise Architect. The Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect edition includes an implementation of Microsoft Visio 2002’s modeling technologies, including tools for creating Unified Modeling Language-based visual representations of an application’s architecture, and an object-role modeling (ORM) and logical database-modeling solution. «Enterprise Templates» were also introduced, to help larger development teams standardize coding styles and enforce policies around component usage and property settings.
Service Pack 1 was released September 13, 2006.[128]
Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 Team Suite installation disc
Visual Studio 2005, codenamed Whidbey (a reference to Whidbey Island in Puget Sound region),[citation needed] was released online in October 2005 and to retail stores a few weeks later. Microsoft removed the «.NET» moniker from Visual Studio 2005 (as well as every other product with .NET in its name), but it still primarily targets the .NET Framework, which was upgraded to version 2.0. It is the last version to support Windows Server 2003 below SP1, and thus the last version able to target Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows Me for C++ applications.[129][130]
Visual Studio 2005’s internal version number is 8.0 while the file format version is 9.0.[127] Microsoft released Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2005 on December 14, 2006.[131] An additional update for Service Pack 1 that offers Windows Vista compatibility was made available on June 3, 2007.[132]
Visual Studio 2005 was upgraded to support all the new features introduced in .NET Framework 2.0, including generics and ASP.NET 2.0. The IntelliSense feature in Visual Studio was upgraded for generics and new project types were added to support ASP.NET web services. Visual Studio 2005 additionally introduces support for a new task-based build platform called Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) which employs a new XML-based project file format.[133] Visual Studio 2005 also includes a local web server, separate from IIS, that can host ASP.NET applications during development and testing. It also supports all SQL Server 2005 databases. Database designers were upgraded to support the ADO.NET 2.0, which is included with .NET Framework 2.0. C++ also got a similar upgrade with the addition of C++/CLI which is slated to replace the use of Managed C++.[134] Other new features of Visual Studio 2005 include the «Deployment Designer» which allows application designs to be validated before deployments, an improved environment for web publishing when combined with ASP.NET 2.0 and load testing to see application performance under various sorts of user loads. Starting with the 2005 edition, Visual Studio also added extensive 64-bit support. While the host development environment itself is only available as a 32-bit application, Visual C++ 2005 supports compiling for x86-64 (AMD64 and Intel 64) as well as IA-64 (Itanium).[135] The Platform SDK included 64-bit compilers and 64-bit versions of the libraries.
Microsoft also announced Visual Studio Tools for Applications as the successor to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and VSA (Visual Studio for Applications). VSTA 1.0 was released to manufacturing along with Office 2007. It is included with Office 2007 and is also part of the Visual Studio 2005 SDK. VSTA consists of a customized IDE, based on the Visual Studio 2005 IDE, and a runtime that can be embedded in applications to expose its features via the .NET object model. Office 2007 applications continue to integrate with VBA, except for InfoPath 2007 which integrates with VSTA. Version 2.0 of VSTA (based on Visual Studio 2008) was released in April 2008.[136] It is significantly different from the first version, including features such as dynamic programming and support for WPF, WCF, WF, LINQ, and .NET 3.5 Framework.
Visual Studio 2008,[137] and Visual Studio Team System 2008[138][139] codenamed Orcas (a reference to Orcas Island, also an island in Puget Sound region, like Whidbey for the previous 2005 release), were released to MSDN subscribers on November 19, 2007, alongside .NET Framework 3.5. The source code for the Visual Studio 2008 IDE is available under a shared source license to some of Microsoft’s partners and ISVs.[84] Microsoft released Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008 on August 11, 2008.[140] The internal version number of Visual Studio 2008 is version 9.0 while the file format version is 10.0. Visual Studio 2008 is the last version able to target Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows Vista RTM for C++ applications.[141]
Visual Studio 2008 is focused on development of Windows Vista, 2007 Office system, and Web applications. For visual design, a new Windows Presentation Foundation visual designer and a new HTML/CSS editor influenced by Microsoft Expression Web are included. J# is not included. Visual Studio 2008 requires .NET 3.5 Framework and by default configures compiled assemblies to run on .NET Framework 3.5, but it also supports multi-targeting which lets the developers choose which version of the .NET Framework (out of 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, Silverlight CoreCLR or .NET Compact Framework) the assembly runs on. Visual Studio 2008 also includes new code analysis tools, including the new Code Metrics tool (only in Team Edition and Team Suite Edition).[142] For Visual C++, Visual Studio adds a new version of Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC 9.0) that adds support for the visual styles and UI controls introduced with Windows Vista.[143] For native and managed code interoperability, Visual C++ introduces the STL/CLR, which is a port of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) containers and algorithms to managed code. STL/CLR defines STL-like containers, iterators and algorithms that work on C++/CLI managed objects.[144][145]
Visual Studio 2008 features include an XAML-based designer (codenamed Cider), workflow designer, LINQ to SQL designer (for defining the type mappings and object encapsulation for SQL Server data), XSLT debugger, JavaScript Intellisense support, JavaScript Debugging support, support for UAC manifests, a concurrent build system, among others.[146] It ships with an enhanced set of UI widgets, both for Windows Forms and WPF. It also includes a multithreaded build engine (MSBuild) to compile multiple source files (and build the executable file) in a project across multiple threads simultaneously. It also includes support for compiling icon resources in PNG format, introduced in Windows Vista. An updated XML Schema designer was released separately some time after the release of Visual Studio 2008.[147]
Visual Studio Debugger includes features targeting easier debugging of multi-threaded applications. In debugging mode, in the Threads window, which lists all the threads, hovering over a thread displays the stack trace of that thread in tooltips.[148] The threads can directly be named and flagged for easier identification from that window itself.[149] In addition, in the code window, along with indicating the location of the currently executing instruction in the current thread, the currently executing instructions in other threads are also pointed out.[149][150] The Visual Studio debugger supports integrated debugging of the .NET 3.5 Framework Base Class Library (BCL) which can dynamically download the BCL source code and debug symbols and allow stepping into the BCL source during debugging.[151] As of 2010 a limited subset of the BCL source is available, with more library support planned for later.
On April 12, 2010, Microsoft released Visual Studio 2010, codenamed Dev10,[89] and .NET Framework 4.[152][153] It is the last version to support Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008 below SP2, Windows 7 before SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 before SP1.
The Visual Studio 2010 IDE was redesigned which, according to Microsoft, clears the UI organization and «reduces clutter and complexity.»[154] The new IDE better supports multiple document windows and floating tool windows,[154] while offering better multi-monitor support. The IDE shell has been rewritten using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), whereas the internals have been redesigned using Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) that offers more extensibility points than previous versions of the IDE that enabled add-ins to modify the behavior of the IDE.[155]
The new multi-paradigm ML-variant F# forms part of Visual Studio 2010.[156]
Visual Studio 2010 comes with .NET Framework 4 and supports developing applications targeting Windows 7.[154] It supports IBM Db2 and Oracle databases, in addition to Microsoft SQL Server.[154] It has integrated support for developing Microsoft Silverlight applications, including an interactive designer.[154] Visual Studio 2010 offers several tools to make parallel programming simpler: in addition to the Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework and the Parallel Patterns Library for native code, Visual Studio 2010 includes tools for debugging parallel applications. The new tools allow the visualization of parallel Tasks and their runtime stacks.[157] Tools for profiling parallel applications can be used for visualization of thread wait-times and thread migrations across processor cores.[158] Intel and Microsoft have jointly pledged support for a new Concurrency Runtime in Visual Studio 2010[159]
and Intel has launched parallelism support in Parallel Studio as an add-on for Visual Studio.[160]
The Visual Studio 2010 code editor now highlights references; whenever a symbol is selected, all other usages of the symbol are highlighted.[161] It also offers a Quick Search feature to incrementally search across all symbols in C++, C# and VB.NET projects. Quick Search supports substring matches and camelCase searches.[161] The Call Hierarchy feature allows the developer to see all the methods that are called from a current method as well as the methods that call the current one.[161] IntelliSense in Visual Studio supports a consume-first mode which developers can opt into. In this mode, IntelliSense does not auto-complete identifiers; this allows the developer to use undefined identifiers (like variable or method names) and define those later. Visual Studio 2010 can also help in this by automatically defining them, if it can infer their types from usage.[161] Current versions of Visual Studio have a known bug which makes IntelliSense unusable for projects using pure C (not C++).[162]
Visual Studio 2010 features a new Help System replacing the MSDN Library viewer. The Help System is no longer based on Microsoft Help 2 and does not use Microsoft Document Explorer. Dynamic help containing links to help items based on what the developer was doing at the time was removed in the final release,[163] but can be added back using a download from Microsoft.[164]
Visual Studio 2010 no longer supports development for Windows Mobile prior to Windows Phone 7. Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 was released in March 2011.[165]
Ultimate 2010[edit]
Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 replaces Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite.[166] It includes new modeling tools,[167] such as the Architecture Explorer, which graphically displays projects and classes and the relationships between them.[168]
It supports UML activity diagram, component diagram, (logical) class diagram, sequence diagram, and use case diagram.[168] Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes Test Impact Analysis which provides hints on which test cases are impacted by modifications to the source code, without actually running the test cases.[169] This speeds up testing by avoiding running unnecessary test cases.
Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes a historical debugger for managed code called IntelliTrace. Unlike a traditional debugger that records only the currently active stack, IntelliTrace records all events, such as prior function calls, method parameters, events and exceptions. This allows the code execution to be rewound in case a breakpoint was not set where the error occurred.[170] Debugging with IntelliTrace causes the application to run more slowly than debugging without it, and uses more memory as additional data needs to be recorded. Microsoft allows configuration of how much data should be recorded, in effect, allowing developers to balance the speed of execution and resource usage. The Lab Management component of Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 uses virtualization to create a similar execution environment for testers and developers. The virtual machines are tagged with checkpoints which can later be investigated for issues, as well as to reproduce the issue.[171] Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes the capability to record test runs that capture the specific state of the operating environment as well as the precise steps used to run the test. These steps can then be played back to reproduce issues.[172]
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 logo
The final build of Visual Studio 2012 was announced on August 1, 2012, and the official launch event was held on September 12, 2012.[173]
Unlike prior versions, Visual Studio 2012 cannot record and play macros and the macro editor has been removed.[174]
New features include support for WinRT and C++/CX (Component Extensions) and C++ AMP (GPGPU programming) Semantic Colorization.[175]
On September 16, 2011, a complete ‘Developer Preview’ of Visual Studio 11 was published on Microsoft’s website. Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview requires Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, or later operating systems.[176] Versions of Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) and C runtime (CRT) included with this release cannot produce software that is compatible with Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 except by using native multi-targeting and foregoing the newest libraries, compilers, and headers.[177] However, on June 15, 2012, a blog post on the VC++ Team blog announced that based on customer feedback, Microsoft would re-introduce native support for Windows XP targets (though not for XP as a development platform) in a version of Visual C++ to be released later in the fall of 2012.[178] «Visual Studio 2012 Update 1» (Visual Studio 2012.1) was released in November 2012. This update added support for Windows XP targets and also added other new tools and features (e.g. improved diagnostics and testing support for Windows Store apps).[179]
On August 24, 2011, a blog post by Sumit Kumar, a Program Manager on the Visual C++ team, listed some of the features of the upcoming version of the Visual Studio C++ IDE:[180]
- Semantic colorization: Improved syntax coloring, various user-defined or default colors for C++ syntax such as macros, enumerations, typenames and functions.[180]
- Reference highlighting: Selection of a symbol highlights all of the references to that symbol within scope.[180]
- New Solution Explorer: The new Solution Explorer allows for visualization of class and file hierarchies within a solution/project. It can search for calls to functions and uses of classes.[180]
- Automatic display of IntelliSense list: IntelliSense is automatically displayed whilst typing code, as opposed to previous versions where it had to be explicitly invoked through use of certain operators (i.e. the scope operator (::)) or shortcut keys (Ctrl-Space or Ctrl-J).[180]
- Member list filtering: IntelliSense uses fuzzy logic to determine which functions/variables/types to display in the list.[180]
- Code snippets: Code snippets are included in IntelliSense to automatically generate relevant code based on the user’s parameters, custom code snippets can be created.[180]
The source code of Visual Studio 2012 consists of approximately 50 million lines of code.[181]
Interface backlash[edit]
During Visual Studio 11 beta, Microsoft eliminated the use of color within tools except in cases where color is used for notification or status change purposes. However, the use of color was returned after feedback demanding more contrast, differentiation, clarity and «energy» in the user interface.[182][183]
In the Visual Studio 2012 release candidate (RC), a major change to the interface is the use of all-caps menu bar, as part of the campaign to keep Visual Studio consistent with the direction of other Microsoft user interfaces, and to provide added structure to the top menu bar area.[184] The redesign was criticized for being hard to read, and going against the trends started by developers to use CamelCase to make words stand out better.[185] Some speculated that the root cause of the redesign was to incorporate the simplistic look and feel of Metro programs.[186] However, there exists a Windows Registry option to allow users to disable the all-caps interface.[187]
The preview for Visual Studio 2013 was announced at the Build 2013 conference and made available on June 26, 2013.[188] The Visual Studio 2013 RC (Release Candidate) was made available to developers on MSDN on September 9, 2013.[189]
The final release of Visual Studio 2013 became available for download on October 17, 2013, along with .NET 4.5.1.[190] Visual Studio 2013 officially launched on November 13, 2013, at a virtual launch event keynoted by S. Somasegar and hosted on events.visualstudio.com.[191] «Visual Studio 2013 Update 1» (Visual Studio 2013.1) was released on January 20, 2014.[192]
Visual Studio 2013.1 is a targeted update that addresses some key areas of customer feedback.[193]
«Visual Studio 2013 Update 2» (Visual Studio 2013.2) was released on May 12, 2014.[194]
Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 was released on August 4, 2014. With this update, Visual Studio provides an option to disable the all-caps menus, which was introduced in VS2012.[195]
«Visual Studio 2013 Update 4» (Visual Studio 2013.4) was released on November 12, 2014.[196]
«Visual Studio 2013 Update 5» (Visual Studio 2013.5) was released on July 20, 2015.[197]
Initially referred to as Visual Studio «14», the first Community Technology Preview (CTP) was released on June 3, 2014[198] and the Release Candidate was released on April 29, 2015; Visual Studio 2015 was officially announced as the final name on November 12, 2014.[199]
Visual Studio 2015 RTM was released on July 20, 2015.[197] Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 was released on November 30, 2015.[197] Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 was released on March 30, 2016.[197] Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 was released on June 27, 2016.[197] Visual Studio 2015 is the last version to support Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows 8.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 logo
Initially referred to as Visual Studio «15», it was released on March 7, 2017.[200] The first Preview was released on March 30, 2016.[201] Visual Studio «15» Preview 2 was released May 10, 2016.[202][203] Visual Studio «15» Preview 3 was released on July 7, 2016.[204][205] Visual Studio «15» Preview 4 was released on August 22, 2016.[206][207] Visual Studio «15» Preview 5 was released on October 5, 2016.[208]
On November 14, 2016, for a brief period of time, Microsoft released a blog post revealing Visual Studio 2017 product name version alongside upcoming features.[209]
On November 16, 2016, «Visual Studio 2017» was announced as the final name,[210] and Visual Studio 2017 RC was released.[211]
On March 7, 2017, Visual Studio 2017 was released for general availability.[211]
On March 14, 2017, first fix was released for Visual Studio 2017 due to failures during installation or opening solutions in the first release.[211]
On April 5, 2017, Visual Studio 2017 15.1 was released and added support for targeting the .NET Framework 4.7.
On May 10, 2017, Visual Studio 2017 15.2 was released and added a new workload, «Data Science and Analytical Applications Workload». An update to fix the dark color theme was released on May 12, 2017.
On August 14, 2017, Visual Studio 2017 15.3 was released and added support for targeting .NET Core 2.0. An update (15.3.1) was released four days later to address a Git vulnerability with submodules (CVE 2017-1000117).
On October 10, 2017, Visual Studio 15.4 was released.[212]
On December 4, 2017, Visual Studio 15.5 was released. This update contained major performance improvements, new features, as well as bug fixes.[213]
On March 6, 2018, Visual Studio 15.6 was released. It includes updates to unit testing and performance.[214]
On May 7, 2018, Visual Studio 15.7 was released. It included updates across the board including, the installer, editor, debugger among others. Almost all point releases, the latest of which is 15.7.6 released August 2, 2018, include security updates. With the release of Visual Studio 2017 15.7, Visual C++ now conforms to the C++17 standard.[39]
On September 20, 2018, Visual Studio 15.8.5 was released. Tools for Xamarin now supports Xcode 10.[215]
Visual Studio 2017 offers new features like support for EditorConfig (a coding style enforcement framework), NGen support, .NET Core and Docker toolset (Preview), and Xamarin 4.3 (Preview).[211] It also has a XAML Editor, improved IntelliSense, live unit testing, debugging enhancement and better IDE experience and productivity.[216] Additionally, it is the last version of Visual Studio to support maintaining Windows 10 Mobile projects.[217]
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (June 2018) |
On June 6, 2018, Microsoft announced Visual Studio 2019 (version 16).[218]
On December 4, 2018, Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 was released.[219]
On January 24, 2019, Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 was released.[220]
On February 13, 2019, Visual Studio 2019 Preview 3 was released.[221]
On February 27, 2019, Visual Studio 2019 RC was released.[222]
It is generally available (GA) since April 2, 2019 and available for download.[223]
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (December 2022) |
On April 19, 2021, Microsoft announced Visual Studio 2022 (version 17).[224][225] It is the first version to run as a 64-bit process allowing Visual Studio main process to access more than 4 GB of memory, preventing out-of-memory exceptions which could occur with large projects.
On June 17, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 was released.[226]
On July 14, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 was released.[227]
On August 10, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 was released.[228]
On September 14, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4 was released.[229]
On October 12, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 RC and Preview 5 was released while setting November 8, 2021 for its general availability.[230]
It is generally available (GA) since November 8, 2021 and available for download.[231]
Azure DevOps Services[edit]
On November 13, 2013, Microsoft announced the release of a software as a service offering of Visual Studio on Microsoft Azure platform; at the time, Microsoft called it Visual Studio Online. Previously announced as Team Foundation Services, it expanded over the on-premises Team Foundation Server (TFS; now known as Azure DevOps Server) by making it available on the Internet and implementing a rolling release model.[232][233] Customers could use Azure portal to subscribe to Visual Studio Online. Subscribers receive a hosted Git-compatible version control system, a load-testing service, a telemetry service and an in-browser code editor codenamed «Monaco».[234] During the Connect(); 2015 developer event on November 18, 2015, Microsoft announced that the service was rebranded as «Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)».[235] On September 10, 2018, Microsoft announced another rebranding of the service, this time to «Azure DevOps Services».[45]
Microsoft offers Stakeholder, Basic, and Visual Studio subscriber access levels for Azure DevOps Services. The Basic plan is free of charge for up to five users. Users with a Visual Studio subscription can be added to a plan with no additional charge.[236]
Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management[edit]
Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a collection of integrated software development tools developed by Microsoft. These tools currently consist of the IDE (Visual Studio 2015 Community and greater editions), server (Team Foundation Server), and cloud services (Visual Studio Team Services).[237] Visual Studio ALM supports team-based development and collaboration, Agile project management, DevOps, source control, packaging, continuous development, automated testing, release management, continuous delivery, and reporting tools for apps and services.[238]
In Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008, the brand was known as Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (VSTS). In October 2009, the Team System brand was renamed[167][239] Visual Studio ALM with the Visual Studio 2010 (codenamed ‘Rosario’) release.[240]
Visual Studio Team Services debuted as Visual Studio Online in 2013 and was renamed in 2015.[241]
Visual Studio Lab Management[edit]
Visual Studio Lab Management is a software development tool developed by Microsoft for software testers to create and manage virtual environments. Lab Management extends the existing Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management platform to enable an integrated Hyper-V based test lab. Since Visual Studio 2012, it is already shipped as a part of it; and, can be set up after Azure DevOps and SCVMM are integrated.[242]
Visual Studio LightSwitch[edit]
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch is an extension and framework specifically tailored for creating line-of-business applications built on existing .NET technologies and Microsoft platforms. The applications produced are architecturally 3-tier: the user interface runs on either Microsoft Silverlight or HTML 5 client,[243] or as a SharePoint 2013 app;[244] the logic and data-access tier is built on WCF Data Services and exposed as an OData feed hosted[245] in ASP.NET; and the primary data storage supports Microsoft SQL Server Express, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Azure. LightSwitch also supports other data sources including Microsoft SharePoint, OData and WCF RIA Services.
LightSwitch includes graphical designers for designing entities and entity relationships, entity queries, and UI screens. Business logic may be written in either Visual Basic or Visual C#. LightSwitch is included with Visual Studio 2012 Professional and higher. Visual Studio 2015 is the last release of Visual Studio that includes the LightSwitch tooling.[246]
The user interface layer is now an optional component when deploying a LightSwitch solution, allowing a service-only deployment.[247]
The first version of Visual Studio LightSwitch, released July 26, 2011,[248] had many differences from the current[when?] release of LightSwitch. Notably the tool was purchased and installed as a stand-alone product. If Visual Studio 2010 Professional or higher was already installed on the machine, LightSwitch would integrate into that.[249] The second major difference was the middle tier was built and exposed using WCF RIA Services.
As of October 14, 2016, Microsoft no longer recommends LightSwitch for new application development.[250]
Visual Studio Code[edit]
Visual Studio Code is a freeware source code editor, along with other features, for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.[251] It also includes support for debugging and embedded Git Control. It is built on open-source,[252] and on April 14, 2016, version 1.0 was released.[253]
Visual Studio Team System Profiler[edit]
Visual Studio Team System Profiler (VSTS Profiler) is a tool to analyze the performance of .NET projects that analyzes the space and time complexity of the program.[254] It analyzes the code and prepares a report that includes CPU sampling, instrumentation, .NET memory allocation and resource contention.[255]
See also[edit]
- Comparison of integrated development environments
- GitHub Copilot
- Microsoft Small Basic
- Microsoft Visual Studio Express
- Visual Studio Code
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- ^ «Performance Profiling in Visual Studio : VSTS Profiler». blog.ifourtechnolab.com. iFour Technolab. December 26, 2016. Archived from the original on December 27, 2016. Retrieved December 27, 2016.
External links[edit]
- Official website
Screenshot of Visual Studio 2013, editing the source code of a C++ program |
Developer(s) | Microsoft |
Stable release |
2022 17.4[1] |
Written in |
[2] |
Operating system |
Available in | 13 languages |
List of languages Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish and Turkish[4] |
Type | Integrated development environment |
License | Freemium[5] |
Website | visualstudio.microsoft.com |
Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop computer programs including websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native code and managed code.
Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense (the code completion component) as well as code refactoring. The integrated debugger works as both a source-level debugger and as a machine-level debugger. Other built-in tools include a code profiler, designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class designer, and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that expand the functionality at almost every level—including adding support for source control systems (like Subversion and Git) and adding new toolsets like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software development lifecycle (like the Azure DevOps client: Team Explorer).
Visual Studio supports 36 different programming languages and allows the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any programming language, provided a language-specific service exists. Built-in languages include C,[6] C++, C++/CLI, Visual Basic .NET, C#, F#,[7] JavaScript, TypeScript, XML, XSLT, HTML, and CSS. Support for other languages such as Python,[8] Ruby, Node.js, and M among others is available via plug-ins. Java (and J#) were supported in the past.
The most basic edition of Visual Studio, the Community edition, is available free of charge. The slogan for Visual Studio Community edition is «Free, fully-featured IDE for students, open-source and individual developers».
As of January 10, 2023, Visual Studio 2022 is a current production-ready version. Visual Studio 2013, 2015 and 2017 are on Extended Support, while 2019 is on Mainstream Support.[9]
Visual Studio does not support any programming language, solution or tool intrinsically; instead, it allows the plugging of functionality coded as a VSPackage. When installed, the functionality is available as a Service. The IDE provides three services: SVsSolution, which provides the ability to enumerate projects and solutions; SVsUIShell, which provides windowing and UI functionality (including tabs, toolbars, and tool windows); and SVsShell, which deals with registration of VSPackages. In addition, the IDE is also responsible for coordinating and enabling communication between services.[10] All editors, designers, project types and other tools are implemented as VSPackages. Visual Studio uses COM to access the VSPackages. The Visual Studio SDK also includes the Managed Package Framework (MPF), which is a set of managed wrappers around the COM-interfaces that allow the Packages to be written in any CLI compliant language.[11] However, MPF does not provide all the functionality exposed by the Visual Studio COM interfaces.[12]
The services can then be consumed for creation of other packages, which add functionality to the Visual Studio IDE.
Support for programming languages is added by using a specific VSPackage called a Language Service. A language service defines various interfaces which the VSPackage implementation can implement to add support for various functionalities.[13] Functionalities that can be added this way include syntax coloring, statement completion, brace matching, parameter information tooltips, member lists, and error markers for background compilation.[13] If the interface is implemented, the functionality will be available for the language. Language services are implemented on a per-language basis. The implementations can reuse code from the parser or the compiler for the language.[13] Language services can be implemented either in native code or managed code. For native code, either the native COM interfaces or the Babel Framework (part of Visual Studio SDK) can be used.[14] For managed code, the MPF includes wrappers for writing managed language services.[15]
Visual Studio does not include any source control support built in but it defines two alternative ways for source control systems to integrate with the IDE.[16] A Source Control VSPackage can provide its own customised user interface. In contrast, a source control plugin using the MSSCCI (Microsoft Source Code Control Interface) provides a set of functions that are used to implement various source control functionality, with a standard Visual Studio user interface.[17][18] MSSCCI was first used to integrate Visual SourceSafe with Visual Studio 6.0 but was later opened up via the Visual Studio SDK. Visual Studio .NET 2002 used MSSCCI 1.1, and Visual Studio .NET 2003 used MSSCCI 1.2. Visual Studio 2005, 2008, and 2010 use MSSCCI Version 1.3, which adds support for rename and delete propagation, as well as asynchronous opening.[18]
Visual Studio supports running multiple instances of the environment (each with its own set of VSPackages). The instances use different registry hives (see MSDN’s definition of the term «registry hive» in the sense used here) to store their configuration state and are differentiated by their AppId (Application ID). The instances are launched by an AppId-specific .exe that selects the AppId, sets the root hive, and launches the IDE. VSPackages registered for one AppId are integrated with other VSPackages for that AppId. The various product editions of Visual Studio are created using the different AppIds. The Visual Studio Express edition products are installed with their own AppIds, but the Standard, Professional, and Team Suite products share the same AppId. Consequently, one can install the Express editions side-by-side with other editions, unlike the other editions which update the same installation. The professional edition includes a superset of the VSPackages in the standard edition, and the team suite includes a superset of the VSPackages in both other editions. The AppId system is leveraged by the Visual Studio Shell in Visual Studio 2008.[19]
Code editor[edit]
Visual Studio includes a code editor that supports syntax highlighting and code completion using IntelliSense for variables, functions, methods, loops, and LINQ queries.[20] IntelliSense is supported for the included languages, as well as for XML, Cascading Style Sheets, and JavaScript when developing web sites and web applications.[21][22] Autocomplete suggestions appear in a modeless list box over the code editor window, in proximity of the editing cursor. In Visual Studio 2008 onwards, it can be made temporarily semi-transparent to see the code obstructed by it.[20] The code editor is used for all supported languages.
The Visual Studio Code Editor also supports setting bookmarks in code for quick navigation. Other navigational aids include collapsing code blocks and incremental search, in addition to normal text search and regex search.[23] The code editor also includes a multi-item clipboard and a task list.[23] The code editor supports code snippets, which are saved templates for repetitive code and can be inserted into code and customized for the project being worked on. A management tool for code snippets is built in as well. These tools are surfaced as floating windows which can be set to automatically hide when unused or docked to the side of the screen. The Visual Studio code editor also supports code refactoring including parameter reordering, variable and method renaming, interface extraction, and encapsulation of class members inside properties, among others. An online version of Visual Studio Code is available at Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio includes a debugger that works both as a source-level debugger and as a machine-level debugger. It works with both managed code as well as native code and can be used for debugging applications written in any language supported by Visual Studio. In addition, it can also attach to running processes, monitor, and debug those processes.[24] If source code for the running process is available, it displays the code as it is being run. If source code is not available, it can show the disassembly. The Visual Studio debugger can also create memory dumps as well as load them later for debugging.[25] Multi-threaded programs are also supported. The debugger can be configured to be launched when an application running outside the Visual Studio environment crashes.
The Visual Studio Debugger allows setting breakpoints (which allow execution to be stopped temporarily at a certain position) and watches (which monitor the values of variables as the execution progresses).[26] Breakpoints can be conditional, meaning they get triggered when the condition is met. Code can be stepped over, i.e., run one line (of source code) at a time.[27] It can either step into functions to debug inside it, or step over it, i.e., the execution of the function body isn’t available for manual inspection.[27] The debugger supports Edit and Continue, i.e., it allows code to be edited as it is being debugged. When debugging, if the mouse pointer hovers over any variable, its current value is displayed in a tooltip («data tooltips»), where it can also be modified if desired. During coding, the Visual Studio debugger lets certain functions be invoked manually from the Immediate
tool window. The parameters to the method are supplied at the Immediate window.[28]
Visual Studio includes a host of visual designers to aid in the development of applications. These tools include:
- Windows Forms Designer
- The Windows Forms designer is used to build GUI applications using Windows Forms. Layout can be controlled by housing the controls inside other containers or locking them to the side of the form. Controls that display data (like textbox, list box and grid view) can be bound to data sources like databases or queries. Data-bound controls can be created by dragging items from the Data Sources window onto a design surface.[29] The UI is linked with code using an event-driven programming model. The designer generates either C# or VB.NET code for the application.
- WPF Designer
- The WPF designer, codenamed Cider,[30] was introduced with Visual Studio 2008. Like the Windows Forms designer it supports the drag and drop metaphor. It is used to author user interfaces targeting Windows Presentation Foundation. It supports all WPF functionality including data binding and automatic layout management. It generates XAML code for the UI. The generated XAML file is compatible with Microsoft Expression Design, the designer-oriented product. The XAML code is linked with code using a code-behind model.
- Web designer/development
- Visual Studio also includes a web-site editor and designer that allows web pages to be authored by dragging and dropping widgets. It is used for developing ASP.NET applications and supports HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It uses a code-behind model to link with ASP.NET code. From Visual Studio 2008 onwards, the layout engine used by the web designer is shared with the discontinued Expression Web. There is also ASP.NET MVC support for MVC technology as a separate download[31] and ASP.NET Dynamic Data project available from Microsoft.[32]
- Class designer
- The Class Designer is used to author and edit the classes (including its members and their access) using UML modeling. The Class Designer can generate C# and VB.NET code outlines for the classes and methods. It can also generate class diagrams from hand-written classes.
- Data designer
- The data designer can be used to graphically edit database schemas, including typed tables, primary and foreign keys and constraints. It can also be used to design queries from the graphical view.
- Mapping designer
- From Visual Studio 2008 onwards, the mapping designer is used by LINQ to SQL to design the mapping between database schemas and the classes that encapsulate the data. The new solution from ORM approach, ADO.NET Entity Framework, replaces and improves the old technology.
Other tools[edit]
- Properties Editor
- The Properties Editor tool is used to edit properties in a GUI pane inside Visual Studio. It lists all available properties (both read-only and those which can be set) for all objects including classes, forms, web pages and other items.
- Object Browser
- The Object Browser is a namespace and class library browser for Microsoft .NET. It can be used to browse the namespaces (which are arranged hierarchically) in managed assemblies. The hierarchy may or may not reflect the organization in the file system.
- Solution Explorer
- In Visual Studio parlance, a solution is a set of code files and other resources that are used to build an application. The files in a solution are arranged hierarchically, which might or might not reflect the organization in the file system. The Solution Explorer is used to manage and browse the files in a solution.
- Team Explorer
- Team Explorer is used to integrate the capabilities of Azure DevOps (either Azure DevOps Services or Azure DevOps Server) into the IDE . In addition to version control integration it provides the ability to view and manage individual work items (including user stories, bugs, tasks and other documents). It is included as part of a Visual Studio installation and is also available as a standalone download.[33][34]
- Data Explorer
- Data Explorer is used to manage databases on Microsoft SQL Server instances. It allows creation and alteration of database tables (either by issuing T-SQL commands or by using the Data designer). It can also be used to create queries and stored procedures, with the latter in either T-SQL or in managed code via SQL CLR. Debugging and IntelliSense support is available as well.
- Server Explorer
- The Server Explorer tool is used to manage database connections on an accessible computer. It is also used to browse running Windows Services, performance counters, Windows Event Log and message queues and use them as a datasource.[35]
- Dotfuscator Community Edition
- Visual Studio includes a free ‘light’ version of Dotfuscator[36]
- Text Generation Framework
- Visual Studio includes a full text generation framework called T4 which enables Visual Studio to generate text files from templates either in the IDE or via code.
- ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool
- The ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool allows for the configuration of ASP.NET websites.
- Visual Studio Tools for Office
- Visual Studio Tools for Office is a SDK and an add-in for Visual Studio that includes tools for developing for the Microsoft Office suite. Previously (for Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005) it was a separate SKU that supported only Visual C# and Visual Basic languages or was included in the Team Suite. With Visual Studio 2008, it is no longer a separate SKU but is included with Professional and higher editions. A separate runtime is required when deploying VSTO solutions.
Testing Tools[edit]
Microsoft Visual Studio can write high-quality code with comprehensive testing tools to aid in the development of applications. These tools include:[37]
Unit testing, IntelliTset, Live Unit Testing, Test Explorer, CodeLens test indicators, Code coverage analysis, Fakes.[37]
Visual Studio allows developers to write extensions for Visual Studio to extend its capabilities. These extensions «plug into» Visual Studio and extend its functionality. Extensions come in the form of macros, add-ins, and packages. Macros represent repeatable tasks and actions that developers can record programmatically for saving, replaying, and distributing. Macros, however, cannot implement new commands or create tool windows. They are written using Visual Basic and are not compiled.[12] Add-Ins provide access to the Visual Studio object model and can interact with the IDE tools. Add-Ins can be used to implement new functionality and can add new tool windows. Add-Ins are plugged into the IDE via COM and can be created in any COM-compliant languages.[12] Packages are created using the Visual Studio SDK and provide the highest level of extensibility. They can create designers and other tools, as well as integrate other programming languages. The Visual Studio SDK provides unmanaged APIs as well as a managed API to accomplish these tasks. However, the managed API isn’t as comprehensive as the unmanaged one.[12] Extensions are supported in the Standard (and higher) versions of Visual Studio 2005. Express Editions do not support hosting extensions.
Visual Studio 2008 introduced the Visual Studio Shell that allows for development of a customized version of the IDE. The Visual Studio Shell defines a set of VSPackages that provide the functionality required in any IDE. On top of that, other packages can be added to customize the installation. The Isolated mode of the shell creates a new AppId where the packages are installed. These are to be started with a different executable. It is aimed for development of custom development environments, either for a specific language or a specific scenario. The Integrated mode installs the packages into the AppId of the Professional/Standard/Team System editions, so that the tools integrate into these editions.[19] The Visual Studio Shell is available as a free download.
After the release of Visual Studio 2008, Microsoft created the Visual Studio Gallery. It serves as the central location for posting information about extensions to Visual Studio. Community developers as well as commercial developers can upload information about their extensions to Visual Studio .NET 2002 through Visual Studio 2010. Users of the site can rate and review the extensions to help assess the quality of extensions being posted. An extension is stored in a VSIX file. Internally a VSIX file is a ZIP file that contains some XML files, and possibly one or more DLL’s. One of the main advantages of these extensions is that they do not require Administrator rights to be installed. RSS feeds to notify users on updates to the site and tagging features are also planned.[38]
Supported products[edit]
- Microsoft Visual C++
- Microsoft Visual C++ is Microsoft’s partial implementation of the C and full implementation C++ compiler and associated languages-services and specific tools for integration with the Visual Studio IDE. It can compile either in C mode or C++ mode. For C++, as of version 15.7 it conforms to C++17.[39] The C implementation of Visual Studio 2015 still doesn’t support the full standard; in particular, the complex number header complex.h introduced in C99 is unsupported.
- Visual C++ supports the C++/CLI specification to write managed code, as well as mixed-mode code (a mix of native and managed code). Microsoft positions Visual C++ for development in native code or in code that contains both native as well as managed components. Visual C++ supports COM as well as the MFC library. For MFC development, it provides a set of wizards for creating and customizing MFC boilerplate code, and creating GUI applications using MFC. Visual C++ can also use the Visual Studio forms designer to design UI graphically. Visual C++ can also be used with the Windows API. It also supports the use of intrinsic functions,[40] which are functions recognized by the compiler itself and not implemented as a library. Intrinsic functions are used to expose the SSE instruction set of modern CPUs. Visual C++ also includes the OpenMP (version 2.0) specification.[41]
- Microsoft Visual C#
- Microsoft Visual C#, Microsoft’s implementation of the C# language, targets the .NET Framework, along with the language services that lets the Visual Studio IDE support C# projects. While the language services are a part of Visual Studio, the compiler is available separately as a part of the .NET Framework. The Visual C# 2008, 2010 and 2012 compilers support versions 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 of the C# language specifications, respectively. Visual C# supports the Visual Studio Class designer, Forms designer, and Data designer among others.[42]
- Microsoft Visual Basic
- Microsoft Visual Basic is Microsoft’s implementation of the VB.NET language and associated tools and language services. It was introduced with Visual Studio .NET (2002). Microsoft has positioned Visual Basic for Rapid Application Development.[43][44] Visual Basic can be used to author both console applications as well as GUI applications. Like Visual C#, Visual Basic also supports the Visual Studio Class designer, Forms designer, and Data designer among others. Like C#, the VB.NET compiler is also available as a part of .NET Framework, but the language services that let VB.NET projects be developed with Visual Studio, are available as a part of the latter.
- Microsoft Visual Web Developer
- Microsoft Visual Web Developer is used to create web sites, web applications and web services using ASP.NET. Either C# or VB.NET languages can be used. Visual Web Developer can use the Visual Studio Web Designer to graphically design web page layouts.
- Azure DevOps
- Azure DevOps is intended for collaborative software development projects and provides version control, work planning and tracking, data collection, and reporting. It also includes the Team Explorer which is integrated inside Visual Studio. On September 10, 2018, Microsoft announced a rebranding of Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) to Azure DevOps Services and Team Foundation Server (TFS) to Azure DevOps Server.[45]
Previous products[edit]
- Visual FoxPro
- Visual FoxPro is a data-centric object-oriented and procedural programming language produced by Microsoft. It derives from FoxPro (originally known as FoxBASE) which was developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984. Visual FoxPro is tightly integrated with its own relational database engine, which extends FoxPro’s xBase capabilities to support SQL queries and data manipulation. Visual FoxPro is a full-featured,[46] dynamic programming language that does not require the use of an additional general-purpose programming environment. In 2007, Visual FoxPro was discontinued after version 9 Service Pack 2. It was supported until 2015.[47]
- Visual SourceSafe
- Microsoft Visual SourceSafe is a source control software package oriented towards small software-development projects. The SourceSafe database is a multi-user, multi-process file-system database, using the Windows file system database primitives to provide locking and sharing support. All versions are multi-user, using SMB (file server) networking.[48][49][50] However, with Visual SourceSafe 2005, other client–server modes were added, Lan Booster and VSS Internet (which used HTTP/HTTPS). Visual SourceSafe 6.0 was available as a stand-alone product[51] and was included with Visual Studio 6.0, and other products such as Office Developer Edition. Visual SourceSafe 2005 was available as a stand-alone product and included with the 2005 Team Suite. Azure DevOps has superseded VSS as Microsoft’s recommended platform for source control.
- Microsoft Visual J++/Microsoft Visual J#
- Microsoft Visual J++ was Microsoft’s implementation of the Java language (with Microsoft-specific extensions) and associated language services. It was discontinued as a result of litigation from Sun Microsystems, and the technology was recycled into Visual J#, Microsoft’s Java compiler for .NET Framework. J# was available with Visual Studio 2005 (supported until 2015) but was discontinued in Visual Studio 2008.
- Visual InterDev
- Visual InterDev was used to create web applications using Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) technologies. It supports code completion and includes database server management tools. It has been replaced with Microsoft Visual Web Developer.
Microsoft Visual Studio is available in the following editions or SKUs:[52]
The Community edition was announced on November 12, 2014, as a new free version, with similar functionality to Visual Studio Professional. Prior to this date, the only free editions of Visual Studio were the feature-limited Express variants. Unlike the Express variants, Visual Studio Community supports multiple languages, and provides support for extensions. Individual developers have no restrictions on their use of the Community edition. The following uses also allow unlimited usage: contributing to Open Source projects, academic research, in a classroom learning environment and for developing and testing device drivers for the Windows operating system. All other use by an organization depends on its classification as an Enterprise (more than 250 employees or more than 1 million USD in annual revenue, per Microsoft).[53] Non-Enterprises may use up to 5 copies without restriction, user number 6 and higher require a commercial license; Enterprise organizations require a commercial license for use outside of the noted exceptions.[53][54] Visual Studio Community is oriented towards individual developers and small teams.
As of Visual Studio 2010, the Professional edition is the entry level commercial edition of Visual Studio. (Previously, a more feature restricted Standard edition was available.)[57] It provides an IDE for all supported development languages. MSDN support is available as MSDN Essentials or the full MSDN library depending on licensing. It supports XML and XSLT editing, and can create deployment packages that only use ClickOnce and MSI. It includes tools like Server Explorer and integration with Microsoft SQL Server also. Windows Mobile development support was included in Visual Studio 2005 Standard, however, with Visual Studio 2008, it is only available in Professional and higher editions. Windows Phone 7 development support was added to all editions in Visual Studio 2010. Development for Windows Mobile is no longer supported in Visual Studio 2010. It is superseded by Windows Phone 7.
In addition to the features provided by the Professional edition, the Enterprise edition provides a new set of software development, database development, collaboration, metrics, architecture, testing and reporting tools.
The first version of Visual Studio was Visual Studio 97.[58] Before that, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual FoxPro and Visual SourceSafe were sold as separate products.
Microsoft first released Visual Studio (codenamed Boston,[59] for the city of the same name, thus beginning the VS codenames related to places)[59] in 1997, bundling many of its programming tools together for the first time. Visual Studio 97 came in two editions: Visual Studio Professional and Visual Studio Enterprise, the professional edition has three CDs, and the enterprise four CDs. It included Visual J++ 1.1 for Java programming and introduced Visual InterDev for creating dynamically generated web sites using Active Server Pages.[citation needed] There was a single companion CD that contained the Microsoft Developer Network library.
Visual Studio 97 was an attempt at using the same development environment for multiple languages. Visual J++, InterDev, and the MSDN Library had all been using the same ‘environment’, called Developer Studio.[120]
Visual Studio was also sold as a bundle with the separate IDEs used for Visual C++, Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro.[19]
6.0 (1998)[edit]
The next version, version 6.0 (codenamed Aspen, after the ski resort in Colorado),[citation needed] was released in June 1998 and is the last version to run on the Windows 9x platform.[121] Each version of each language in part also settled to v6.0, including Visual J++ which was prior v1.1, and Visual InterDev at the first release. The v6 edition of Microsoft was the core environment for the next four releases to provide programmers with an integrated look-alike platform. This led Microsoft to transition the development on the platform independent .NET Framework.
Visual Studio 6.0 was the last version to include Visual J++,[122][123] which Microsoft removed as part of a settlement with Sun Microsystems that required Microsoft Internet Explorer not to provide support for the Java Virtual Machine.
Visual Studio 6.0 came in two editions: Professional and Enterprise.[124] The Enterprise edition contained extra features not found in Professional edition, including:
- Application Performance Explorer
- Automation Manager
- Microsoft Visual Modeler
- RemAuto Connection Manager[citation needed]
- Visual Studio Analyzer
Visual Studio was also sold as a bundle with the separate IDEs used for Visual C++, Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro.[19]
.NET 2002[edit]
The default start page of Visual Studio .NET 2002, running on Windows XP
Microsoft released Visual Studio .NET (VS.NET), codenamed Rainier (for Washington’s Mount Rainier),[citation needed] in February 2002 (the beta version was released via Microsoft Developer Network in 2001). The biggest change was the introduction of a managed code development environment using the .NET Framework. Programs developed using .NET are not compiled to machine language (like C++ is, for example) but instead to a format called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) or Common Intermediate Language (CIL). When a CIL application executes, it is compiled while being executed into the appropriate machine language for the platform it is being executed on, thereby making code portable across several platforms. Programs compiled into CIL can be executed only on platforms which have an implementation of Common Language Infrastructure. It is possible to run CIL programs in Linux or Mac OS X using non-Microsoft .NET implementations like Mono and DotGNU.
This was the first version of Visual Studio to require an NT-based Windows platform.[125] The installer enforces this requirement.
Visual Studio .NET 2002 shipped in four editions: Academic, Professional, Enterprise Developer, and Enterprise Architect. Microsoft introduced C# (C-sharp), a new programming language, that targets .NET. It also introduced the successor to Visual J++ called Visual J#. Visual J# programs use Java’s language-syntax. However, unlike Visual J++ programs, Visual J# programs can only target the .NET Framework, not the Java Virtual Machine that all other Java tools target.
Visual Basic changed drastically to fit the new framework, and the new version was called Visual Basic .NET. Microsoft also added extensions to C++, called Managed Extensions for C++, so .NET programs could be created in C++.
Visual Studio .NET can produce applications targeting Windows (using the Windows Forms part of the .NET Framework), the Web (using ASP.NET and Web Services) and, with an add-in, portable devices (using the .NET Compact Framework).
The internal version number of Visual Studio .NET 2002 is version 7.0. Microsoft released Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio .NET 2002 in March 2005.[126]
.NET 2003[edit]
Default start page of Visual Studio .NET 2003 running on Windows XP
In April 2003, Microsoft introduced a minor upgrade to Visual Studio .NET called Visual Studio .NET 2003, codenamed Everett (for the city of the same name).[citation needed] It includes an upgrade to the .NET Framework, version 1.1, and is the first release to support developing programs for mobile devices, using ASP.NET or the .NET Compact Framework. The Visual C++ compiler’s standards-compliance improved, especially in the area of partial template specialization. Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 is a version of the same C++ compiler shipped with Visual Studio .NET 2003 without the IDE that Microsoft made freely available. As of 2010 it is no longer available and the Express Editions have superseded it. Visual Studio .NET 2003 also supports Managed C++, which is the predecessor of C++/CLI. The internal version number of Visual Studio .NET 2003 is version 7.1 while the file format version is 8.0.[127] Visual Studio .NET 2003 is the last version to support Windows NT 4.0 SP6a, Windows 2000 versions below SP3 and Windows XP before SP2.
Visual Studio .NET 2003 shipped in five editions: Academic, Standard, Professional, Enterprise Developer, and Enterprise Architect. The Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect edition includes an implementation of Microsoft Visio 2002’s modeling technologies, including tools for creating Unified Modeling Language-based visual representations of an application’s architecture, and an object-role modeling (ORM) and logical database-modeling solution. «Enterprise Templates» were also introduced, to help larger development teams standardize coding styles and enforce policies around component usage and property settings.
Service Pack 1 was released September 13, 2006.[128]
Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 Team Suite installation disc
Visual Studio 2005, codenamed Whidbey (a reference to Whidbey Island in Puget Sound region),[citation needed] was released online in October 2005 and to retail stores a few weeks later. Microsoft removed the «.NET» moniker from Visual Studio 2005 (as well as every other product with .NET in its name), but it still primarily targets the .NET Framework, which was upgraded to version 2.0. It is the last version to support Windows Server 2003 below SP1, and thus the last version able to target Windows 98, Windows 2000 and Windows Me for C++ applications.[129][130]
Visual Studio 2005’s internal version number is 8.0 while the file format version is 9.0.[127] Microsoft released Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2005 on December 14, 2006.[131] An additional update for Service Pack 1 that offers Windows Vista compatibility was made available on June 3, 2007.[132]
Visual Studio 2005 was upgraded to support all the new features introduced in .NET Framework 2.0, including generics and ASP.NET 2.0. The IntelliSense feature in Visual Studio was upgraded for generics and new project types were added to support ASP.NET web services. Visual Studio 2005 additionally introduces support for a new task-based build platform called Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) which employs a new XML-based project file format.[133] Visual Studio 2005 also includes a local web server, separate from IIS, that can host ASP.NET applications during development and testing. It also supports all SQL Server 2005 databases. Database designers were upgraded to support the ADO.NET 2.0, which is included with .NET Framework 2.0. C++ also got a similar upgrade with the addition of C++/CLI which is slated to replace the use of Managed C++.[134] Other new features of Visual Studio 2005 include the «Deployment Designer» which allows application designs to be validated before deployments, an improved environment for web publishing when combined with ASP.NET 2.0 and load testing to see application performance under various sorts of user loads. Starting with the 2005 edition, Visual Studio also added extensive 64-bit support. While the host development environment itself is only available as a 32-bit application, Visual C++ 2005 supports compiling for x86-64 (AMD64 and Intel 64) as well as IA-64 (Itanium).[135] The Platform SDK included 64-bit compilers and 64-bit versions of the libraries.
Microsoft also announced Visual Studio Tools for Applications as the successor to Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and VSA (Visual Studio for Applications). VSTA 1.0 was released to manufacturing along with Office 2007. It is included with Office 2007 and is also part of the Visual Studio 2005 SDK. VSTA consists of a customized IDE, based on the Visual Studio 2005 IDE, and a runtime that can be embedded in applications to expose its features via the .NET object model. Office 2007 applications continue to integrate with VBA, except for InfoPath 2007 which integrates with VSTA. Version 2.0 of VSTA (based on Visual Studio 2008) was released in April 2008.[136] It is significantly different from the first version, including features such as dynamic programming and support for WPF, WCF, WF, LINQ, and .NET 3.5 Framework.
Visual Studio 2008,[137] and Visual Studio Team System 2008[138][139] codenamed Orcas (a reference to Orcas Island, also an island in Puget Sound region, like Whidbey for the previous 2005 release), were released to MSDN subscribers on November 19, 2007, alongside .NET Framework 3.5. The source code for the Visual Studio 2008 IDE is available under a shared source license to some of Microsoft’s partners and ISVs.[84] Microsoft released Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008 on August 11, 2008.[140] The internal version number of Visual Studio 2008 is version 9.0 while the file format version is 10.0. Visual Studio 2008 is the last version able to target Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows Vista RTM for C++ applications.[141]
Visual Studio 2008 is focused on development of Windows Vista, 2007 Office system, and Web applications. For visual design, a new Windows Presentation Foundation visual designer and a new HTML/CSS editor influenced by Microsoft Expression Web are included. J# is not included. Visual Studio 2008 requires .NET 3.5 Framework and by default configures compiled assemblies to run on .NET Framework 3.5, but it also supports multi-targeting which lets the developers choose which version of the .NET Framework (out of 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, Silverlight CoreCLR or .NET Compact Framework) the assembly runs on. Visual Studio 2008 also includes new code analysis tools, including the new Code Metrics tool (only in Team Edition and Team Suite Edition).[142] For Visual C++, Visual Studio adds a new version of Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC 9.0) that adds support for the visual styles and UI controls introduced with Windows Vista.[143] For native and managed code interoperability, Visual C++ introduces the STL/CLR, which is a port of the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) containers and algorithms to managed code. STL/CLR defines STL-like containers, iterators and algorithms that work on C++/CLI managed objects.[144][145]
Visual Studio 2008 features include an XAML-based designer (codenamed Cider), workflow designer, LINQ to SQL designer (for defining the type mappings and object encapsulation for SQL Server data), XSLT debugger, JavaScript Intellisense support, JavaScript Debugging support, support for UAC manifests, a concurrent build system, among others.[146] It ships with an enhanced set of UI widgets, both for Windows Forms and WPF. It also includes a multithreaded build engine (MSBuild) to compile multiple source files (and build the executable file) in a project across multiple threads simultaneously. It also includes support for compiling icon resources in PNG format, introduced in Windows Vista. An updated XML Schema designer was released separately some time after the release of Visual Studio 2008.[147]
Visual Studio Debugger includes features targeting easier debugging of multi-threaded applications. In debugging mode, in the Threads window, which lists all the threads, hovering over a thread displays the stack trace of that thread in tooltips.[148] The threads can directly be named and flagged for easier identification from that window itself.[149] In addition, in the code window, along with indicating the location of the currently executing instruction in the current thread, the currently executing instructions in other threads are also pointed out.[149][150] The Visual Studio debugger supports integrated debugging of the .NET 3.5 Framework Base Class Library (BCL) which can dynamically download the BCL source code and debug symbols and allow stepping into the BCL source during debugging.[151] As of 2010 a limited subset of the BCL source is available, with more library support planned for later.
On April 12, 2010, Microsoft released Visual Studio 2010, codenamed Dev10,[89] and .NET Framework 4.[152][153] It is the last version to support Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008 below SP2, Windows 7 before SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 before SP1.
The Visual Studio 2010 IDE was redesigned which, according to Microsoft, clears the UI organization and «reduces clutter and complexity.»[154] The new IDE better supports multiple document windows and floating tool windows,[154] while offering better multi-monitor support. The IDE shell has been rewritten using the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), whereas the internals have been redesigned using Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) that offers more extensibility points than previous versions of the IDE that enabled add-ins to modify the behavior of the IDE.[155]
The new multi-paradigm ML-variant F# forms part of Visual Studio 2010.[156]
Visual Studio 2010 comes with .NET Framework 4 and supports developing applications targeting Windows 7.[154] It supports IBM Db2 and Oracle databases, in addition to Microsoft SQL Server.[154] It has integrated support for developing Microsoft Silverlight applications, including an interactive designer.[154] Visual Studio 2010 offers several tools to make parallel programming simpler: in addition to the Parallel Extensions for the .NET Framework and the Parallel Patterns Library for native code, Visual Studio 2010 includes tools for debugging parallel applications. The new tools allow the visualization of parallel Tasks and their runtime stacks.[157] Tools for profiling parallel applications can be used for visualization of thread wait-times and thread migrations across processor cores.[158] Intel and Microsoft have jointly pledged support for a new Concurrency Runtime in Visual Studio 2010[159]
and Intel has launched parallelism support in Parallel Studio as an add-on for Visual Studio.[160]
The Visual Studio 2010 code editor now highlights references; whenever a symbol is selected, all other usages of the symbol are highlighted.[161] It also offers a Quick Search feature to incrementally search across all symbols in C++, C# and VB.NET projects. Quick Search supports substring matches and camelCase searches.[161] The Call Hierarchy feature allows the developer to see all the methods that are called from a current method as well as the methods that call the current one.[161] IntelliSense in Visual Studio supports a consume-first mode which developers can opt into. In this mode, IntelliSense does not auto-complete identifiers; this allows the developer to use undefined identifiers (like variable or method names) and define those later. Visual Studio 2010 can also help in this by automatically defining them, if it can infer their types from usage.[161] Current versions of Visual Studio have a known bug which makes IntelliSense unusable for projects using pure C (not C++).[162]
Visual Studio 2010 features a new Help System replacing the MSDN Library viewer. The Help System is no longer based on Microsoft Help 2 and does not use Microsoft Document Explorer. Dynamic help containing links to help items based on what the developer was doing at the time was removed in the final release,[163] but can be added back using a download from Microsoft.[164]
Visual Studio 2010 no longer supports development for Windows Mobile prior to Windows Phone 7. Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 was released in March 2011.[165]
Ultimate 2010[edit]
Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 replaces Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite.[166] It includes new modeling tools,[167] such as the Architecture Explorer, which graphically displays projects and classes and the relationships between them.[168]
It supports UML activity diagram, component diagram, (logical) class diagram, sequence diagram, and use case diagram.[168] Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes Test Impact Analysis which provides hints on which test cases are impacted by modifications to the source code, without actually running the test cases.[169] This speeds up testing by avoiding running unnecessary test cases.
Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes a historical debugger for managed code called IntelliTrace. Unlike a traditional debugger that records only the currently active stack, IntelliTrace records all events, such as prior function calls, method parameters, events and exceptions. This allows the code execution to be rewound in case a breakpoint was not set where the error occurred.[170] Debugging with IntelliTrace causes the application to run more slowly than debugging without it, and uses more memory as additional data needs to be recorded. Microsoft allows configuration of how much data should be recorded, in effect, allowing developers to balance the speed of execution and resource usage. The Lab Management component of Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 uses virtualization to create a similar execution environment for testers and developers. The virtual machines are tagged with checkpoints which can later be investigated for issues, as well as to reproduce the issue.[171] Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 also includes the capability to record test runs that capture the specific state of the operating environment as well as the precise steps used to run the test. These steps can then be played back to reproduce issues.[172]
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 logo
The final build of Visual Studio 2012 was announced on August 1, 2012, and the official launch event was held on September 12, 2012.[173]
Unlike prior versions, Visual Studio 2012 cannot record and play macros and the macro editor has been removed.[174]
New features include support for WinRT and C++/CX (Component Extensions) and C++ AMP (GPGPU programming) Semantic Colorization.[175]
On September 16, 2011, a complete ‘Developer Preview’ of Visual Studio 11 was published on Microsoft’s website. Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview requires Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, or later operating systems.[176] Versions of Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC) and C runtime (CRT) included with this release cannot produce software that is compatible with Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 except by using native multi-targeting and foregoing the newest libraries, compilers, and headers.[177] However, on June 15, 2012, a blog post on the VC++ Team blog announced that based on customer feedback, Microsoft would re-introduce native support for Windows XP targets (though not for XP as a development platform) in a version of Visual C++ to be released later in the fall of 2012.[178] «Visual Studio 2012 Update 1» (Visual Studio 2012.1) was released in November 2012. This update added support for Windows XP targets and also added other new tools and features (e.g. improved diagnostics and testing support for Windows Store apps).[179]
On August 24, 2011, a blog post by Sumit Kumar, a Program Manager on the Visual C++ team, listed some of the features of the upcoming version of the Visual Studio C++ IDE:[180]
- Semantic colorization: Improved syntax coloring, various user-defined or default colors for C++ syntax such as macros, enumerations, typenames and functions.[180]
- Reference highlighting: Selection of a symbol highlights all of the references to that symbol within scope.[180]
- New Solution Explorer: The new Solution Explorer allows for visualization of class and file hierarchies within a solution/project. It can search for calls to functions and uses of classes.[180]
- Automatic display of IntelliSense list: IntelliSense is automatically displayed whilst typing code, as opposed to previous versions where it had to be explicitly invoked through use of certain operators (i.e. the scope operator (::)) or shortcut keys (Ctrl-Space or Ctrl-J).[180]
- Member list filtering: IntelliSense uses fuzzy logic to determine which functions/variables/types to display in the list.[180]
- Code snippets: Code snippets are included in IntelliSense to automatically generate relevant code based on the user’s parameters, custom code snippets can be created.[180]
The source code of Visual Studio 2012 consists of approximately 50 million lines of code.[181]
Interface backlash[edit]
During Visual Studio 11 beta, Microsoft eliminated the use of color within tools except in cases where color is used for notification or status change purposes. However, the use of color was returned after feedback demanding more contrast, differentiation, clarity and «energy» in the user interface.[182][183]
In the Visual Studio 2012 release candidate (RC), a major change to the interface is the use of all-caps menu bar, as part of the campaign to keep Visual Studio consistent with the direction of other Microsoft user interfaces, and to provide added structure to the top menu bar area.[184] The redesign was criticized for being hard to read, and going against the trends started by developers to use CamelCase to make words stand out better.[185] Some speculated that the root cause of the redesign was to incorporate the simplistic look and feel of Metro programs.[186] However, there exists a Windows Registry option to allow users to disable the all-caps interface.[187]
The preview for Visual Studio 2013 was announced at the Build 2013 conference and made available on June 26, 2013.[188] The Visual Studio 2013 RC (Release Candidate) was made available to developers on MSDN on September 9, 2013.[189]
The final release of Visual Studio 2013 became available for download on October 17, 2013, along with .NET 4.5.1.[190] Visual Studio 2013 officially launched on November 13, 2013, at a virtual launch event keynoted by S. Somasegar and hosted on events.visualstudio.com.[191] «Visual Studio 2013 Update 1» (Visual Studio 2013.1) was released on January 20, 2014.[192]
Visual Studio 2013.1 is a targeted update that addresses some key areas of customer feedback.[193]
«Visual Studio 2013 Update 2» (Visual Studio 2013.2) was released on May 12, 2014.[194]
Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 was released on August 4, 2014. With this update, Visual Studio provides an option to disable the all-caps menus, which was introduced in VS2012.[195]
«Visual Studio 2013 Update 4» (Visual Studio 2013.4) was released on November 12, 2014.[196]
«Visual Studio 2013 Update 5» (Visual Studio 2013.5) was released on July 20, 2015.[197]
Initially referred to as Visual Studio «14», the first Community Technology Preview (CTP) was released on June 3, 2014[198] and the Release Candidate was released on April 29, 2015; Visual Studio 2015 was officially announced as the final name on November 12, 2014.[199]
Visual Studio 2015 RTM was released on July 20, 2015.[197] Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 was released on November 30, 2015.[197] Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 was released on March 30, 2016.[197] Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 was released on June 27, 2016.[197] Visual Studio 2015 is the last version to support Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows 8.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 logo
Initially referred to as Visual Studio «15», it was released on March 7, 2017.[200] The first Preview was released on March 30, 2016.[201] Visual Studio «15» Preview 2 was released May 10, 2016.[202][203] Visual Studio «15» Preview 3 was released on July 7, 2016.[204][205] Visual Studio «15» Preview 4 was released on August 22, 2016.[206][207] Visual Studio «15» Preview 5 was released on October 5, 2016.[208]
On November 14, 2016, for a brief period of time, Microsoft released a blog post revealing Visual Studio 2017 product name version alongside upcoming features.[209]
On November 16, 2016, «Visual Studio 2017» was announced as the final name,[210] and Visual Studio 2017 RC was released.[211]
On March 7, 2017, Visual Studio 2017 was released for general availability.[211]
On March 14, 2017, first fix was released for Visual Studio 2017 due to failures during installation or opening solutions in the first release.[211]
On April 5, 2017, Visual Studio 2017 15.1 was released and added support for targeting the .NET Framework 4.7.
On May 10, 2017, Visual Studio 2017 15.2 was released and added a new workload, «Data Science and Analytical Applications Workload». An update to fix the dark color theme was released on May 12, 2017.
On August 14, 2017, Visual Studio 2017 15.3 was released and added support for targeting .NET Core 2.0. An update (15.3.1) was released four days later to address a Git vulnerability with submodules (CVE 2017-1000117).
On October 10, 2017, Visual Studio 15.4 was released.[212]
On December 4, 2017, Visual Studio 15.5 was released. This update contained major performance improvements, new features, as well as bug fixes.[213]
On March 6, 2018, Visual Studio 15.6 was released. It includes updates to unit testing and performance.[214]
On May 7, 2018, Visual Studio 15.7 was released. It included updates across the board including, the installer, editor, debugger among others. Almost all point releases, the latest of which is 15.7.6 released August 2, 2018, include security updates. With the release of Visual Studio 2017 15.7, Visual C++ now conforms to the C++17 standard.[39]
On September 20, 2018, Visual Studio 15.8.5 was released. Tools for Xamarin now supports Xcode 10.[215]
Visual Studio 2017 offers new features like support for EditorConfig (a coding style enforcement framework), NGen support, .NET Core and Docker toolset (Preview), and Xamarin 4.3 (Preview).[211] It also has a XAML Editor, improved IntelliSense, live unit testing, debugging enhancement and better IDE experience and productivity.[216] Additionally, it is the last version of Visual Studio to support maintaining Windows 10 Mobile projects.[217]
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (June 2018) |
On June 6, 2018, Microsoft announced Visual Studio 2019 (version 16).[218]
On December 4, 2018, Visual Studio 2019 Preview 1 was released.[219]
On January 24, 2019, Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 was released.[220]
On February 13, 2019, Visual Studio 2019 Preview 3 was released.[221]
On February 27, 2019, Visual Studio 2019 RC was released.[222]
It is generally available (GA) since April 2, 2019 and available for download.[223]
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On April 19, 2021, Microsoft announced Visual Studio 2022 (version 17).[224][225] It is the first version to run as a 64-bit process allowing Visual Studio main process to access more than 4 GB of memory, preventing out-of-memory exceptions which could occur with large projects.
On June 17, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 Preview 1 was released.[226]
On July 14, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2 was released.[227]
On August 10, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 was released.[228]
On September 14, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 Preview 4 was released.[229]
On October 12, 2021, Visual Studio 2022 RC and Preview 5 was released while setting November 8, 2021 for its general availability.[230]
It is generally available (GA) since November 8, 2021 and available for download.[231]
Azure DevOps Services[edit]
On November 13, 2013, Microsoft announced the release of a software as a service offering of Visual Studio on Microsoft Azure platform; at the time, Microsoft called it Visual Studio Online. Previously announced as Team Foundation Services, it expanded over the on-premises Team Foundation Server (TFS; now known as Azure DevOps Server) by making it available on the Internet and implementing a rolling release model.[232][233] Customers could use Azure portal to subscribe to Visual Studio Online. Subscribers receive a hosted Git-compatible version control system, a load-testing service, a telemetry service and an in-browser code editor codenamed «Monaco».[234] During the Connect(); 2015 developer event on November 18, 2015, Microsoft announced that the service was rebranded as «Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)».[235] On September 10, 2018, Microsoft announced another rebranding of the service, this time to «Azure DevOps Services».[45]
Microsoft offers Stakeholder, Basic, and Visual Studio subscriber access levels for Azure DevOps Services. The Basic plan is free of charge for up to five users. Users with a Visual Studio subscription can be added to a plan with no additional charge.[236]
Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management[edit]
Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is a collection of integrated software development tools developed by Microsoft. These tools currently consist of the IDE (Visual Studio 2015 Community and greater editions), server (Team Foundation Server), and cloud services (Visual Studio Team Services).[237] Visual Studio ALM supports team-based development and collaboration, Agile project management, DevOps, source control, packaging, continuous development, automated testing, release management, continuous delivery, and reporting tools for apps and services.[238]
In Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008, the brand was known as Microsoft Visual Studio Team System (VSTS). In October 2009, the Team System brand was renamed[167][239] Visual Studio ALM with the Visual Studio 2010 (codenamed ‘Rosario’) release.[240]
Visual Studio Team Services debuted as Visual Studio Online in 2013 and was renamed in 2015.[241]
Visual Studio Lab Management[edit]
Visual Studio Lab Management is a software development tool developed by Microsoft for software testers to create and manage virtual environments. Lab Management extends the existing Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management platform to enable an integrated Hyper-V based test lab. Since Visual Studio 2012, it is already shipped as a part of it; and, can be set up after Azure DevOps and SCVMM are integrated.[242]
Visual Studio LightSwitch[edit]
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch is an extension and framework specifically tailored for creating line-of-business applications built on existing .NET technologies and Microsoft platforms. The applications produced are architecturally 3-tier: the user interface runs on either Microsoft Silverlight or HTML 5 client,[243] or as a SharePoint 2013 app;[244] the logic and data-access tier is built on WCF Data Services and exposed as an OData feed hosted[245] in ASP.NET; and the primary data storage supports Microsoft SQL Server Express, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Azure. LightSwitch also supports other data sources including Microsoft SharePoint, OData and WCF RIA Services.
LightSwitch includes graphical designers for designing entities and entity relationships, entity queries, and UI screens. Business logic may be written in either Visual Basic or Visual C#. LightSwitch is included with Visual Studio 2012 Professional and higher. Visual Studio 2015 is the last release of Visual Studio that includes the LightSwitch tooling.[246]
The user interface layer is now an optional component when deploying a LightSwitch solution, allowing a service-only deployment.[247]
The first version of Visual Studio LightSwitch, released July 26, 2011,[248] had many differences from the current[when?] release of LightSwitch. Notably the tool was purchased and installed as a stand-alone product. If Visual Studio 2010 Professional or higher was already installed on the machine, LightSwitch would integrate into that.[249] The second major difference was the middle tier was built and exposed using WCF RIA Services.
As of October 14, 2016, Microsoft no longer recommends LightSwitch for new application development.[250]
Visual Studio Code[edit]
Visual Studio Code is a freeware source code editor, along with other features, for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.[251] It also includes support for debugging and embedded Git Control. It is built on open-source,[252] and on April 14, 2016, version 1.0 was released.[253]
Visual Studio Team System Profiler[edit]
Visual Studio Team System Profiler (VSTS Profiler) is a tool to analyze the performance of .NET projects that analyzes the space and time complexity of the program.[254] It analyzes the code and prepares a report that includes CPU sampling, instrumentation, .NET memory allocation and resource contention.[255]
See also[edit]
- Comparison of integrated development environments
- GitHub Copilot
- Microsoft Small Basic
- Microsoft Visual Studio Express
- Visual Studio Code
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External links[edit]
- Official website
Честно говоря, хотя вы, возможно, не захотите полностью работать с этим языком в этой среде для создания приложений или чего-то еще, вы можете обнаружить полезный факт, что программирование на этом языке в среде Windows предназначено только для обучения и изучения синтаксиса. Следует отметить, что никто не может Купить устройство Apple Чтобы иметь дело с этим языком, поэтому, если вы один из тех, кто работает в Окружающая среда Windows И кто может захотеть представиться на Swift Language Для начала вы нашли нужную статью.
Swift Language — это язык программирования Высокопроизводительная система с очень чистым и современным синтаксисом, обеспечивающая беспрепятственный доступ к существующим программам на C и Objective-C, по умолчанию безопасная в памяти. Несмотря на то что Из этого Свифта Однако, вдохновленный Objective-C и многими другими языками, он сам по себе не является языком, производным от C.Как полный, независимый язык, Swift объединяет основные функции, такие как управление потоком, структуры данных и функции, с высокоуровневыми структурами. такие как объекты, протоколы, замыкания и обобщения. Swift включает модули, устраняя необходимость в заголовках и повторении кода, если это необходимо.
Итак, Swift — один из самых популярных языков на данный момент, и не зря. Приложения для Mac и iOS захватывают большую часть рынка. Возможность создавать приложения для iOS изначально важна для людей, которые не хотят погружаться в глубины Objective C.
Поскольку Swift является домом для Apple, вам нужен Mac, верно? Ошибка. Хотя нет способа связать Swift в Windows «вне приложения», это не означает, что пользователи Windows не могут изучить Swift.
Вот как создать, скомпилировать и запустить простую программу Swift в Windows 10.
Что такое Свифт?
Прежде чем мы начнем, давайте посмотрим, что такое Swift на самом деле. Swift — это язык программирования, разработанный Apple. По словам Криса Латтнера, для этого потребовались идеи «из Objective-C, Rust, Haskell, Ruby, Python, C #, CLU и многих других языков программирования».
Это относительно молодой язык, выпущенный для публики в 2014 году, хотя он уже получил широкое признание. ситуация Индекс TIOBE В рейтинге лучших языков программирования в 2017 году Swift занял 11-е место, что делает его одним из самых быстрорастущих языков всех времен.
Короче говоря, если вы программируете для Mac или iOS, Swift для вас! Для более глубокого изучения использования Swift ознакомьтесь с этими причинами, по которым стоит изучить Swift.
Во-первых, нам понадобится редактор для написания нашего кода. Вы можете использовать любую удобную для вас среду IDE, хотя это не обязательно, и подойдет любой текстовый редактор. Выбор в основном зависит от личных предпочтений, хотя, если вам нужна помощь, использование этого руководства может помочь вам решить, что может помочь.
Сегодня мы будем использовать Notepad ++, потому что он бесплатный, простой и расширяемый. Скачать Блокнот ++ И вы должны его открыть. Давайте окунемся в мир программирования прямо сейчас!
Приложение Simple Swift для Windows
Для нашего тестового проекта сегодня мы собираемся создать простую программу, которая запускается в командной строке Windows. Начните с открытия нового файла Notepad ++. Мы начнем с вывода вопроса на экран, дождемся, пока пользователь напишет свой ответ, а затем воспользуемся этим ответом для предоставления ответа.
print("What is your name?")
Это будет отображаться, когда программа запущена. Теперь, когда мы задали вопрос, мы должны предоставить возможность пользователю ответить. Для этого мы используем метод readline () и сохраняем ответ как переменную с именем response.
var response = readLine()
Если вы знакомы с другими языками программирования, вы можете заметить здесь небольшие отличия. Во-первых, мы можем сохранить данные, полученные из readLine, как переменную вместо того, чтобы указывать, что это будет строка. Еще одно изменение для программистов, перешедших с JavaScript или C #, — это отсутствие точек с запятой для обозначения конца строк.
может быть Пользователи Python Здесь уже больше дома!
добавить вывод
Теперь, когда эта информация хранится в переменной, мы хотим использовать ее и отобразить для пользователя. Что может быть лучше, чем пожелать отличного дня?
print("Hello (response!), I hope you are having a great day!")
Даже если у вас есть опыт работы на других языках, вы увидите здесь некоторые различия. Вместо использования оператора + вне кавычек для отображения вашей переменной вы можете использовать (имя_переменной) в кавычках. Еще одно преимущество Swift — использование необязательных значений. Эти значения трудно понять на первый взгляд, но они добавляют больше функциональности к использованию переменных в Swift.
В этом случае мы просто хотим отобразить значение как есть, поэтому мы добавляем восклицательный знак после имени переменной. отклик! Чтобы указать, что это не необязательное значение. Необязательное значение — это переменная, которой может быть присвоено или не присвоено значение. не требует. Если ему не присвоено значение, оно не будет установлено ни с чем.
Определите вопросительный знак (?) После типа значения он не является обязательным, а восклицательный знак означает, что это не так.
Ваш код будет выглядеть так:
Чтобы сохранить код, используйте Файл -> Сохранить как и выберите файл Swift. Из списка Сохранить как тип. Если в вашем списке отсутствует тип файла Swift, выберите вместо него «Все файлы» и добавьте расширение файла. swift после выбранного имени файла.
Быстрая компиляция в Windows 10
Теперь, когда у нас есть простое приложение, нам нужно его скомпилировать и запустить. Хотя встроенного способа программирования Swift в Windows 10 нет, есть обходной путь. Хан Санджин создал переводчик для Swift, и он доступен Скачать с Github. Загрузите и установите приложение Swift для Windows, следуя инструкциям по ссылке.
После установки откройте его. Нажмите кнопкуПеревести файли выберите приложение, которое вы создали ранее. Нажмите Компилировать И подождите, пока приложение скомпилируется.
Для этого апплета это должно быть почти мгновенным, хотя это может занять некоторое время, в зависимости от того, насколько сложен ваш код!
В диалоговом окне должно появиться сообщение «Преобразовано успешно». Если нет, просмотрите свой код, чтобы убедиться, что вы не допустили ошибок. После того, как код будет скомпилирован, нажмите «Выполнить», чтобы запустить программу. Программа откроется в командной строке Windows и будет выглядеть так:
Стоит отметить, что вы должны использовать приложение Swift для Windows для запуска вашего кода, EXE-файл, созданный сам по себе, не будет запускаться, даже если приложение открыто.
Проект SwiftForWindows с открытым исходным кодом предоставляет простую в использовании среду разработки для программирования приложений Swift для Windows. Проект работает с компилятором Swift для Cygwin, MSVC и MinGW.
Начните писать код на Swift в Windows уже сегодня
Если вы решите, что Swift для вас, существует множество инструментов, которые могут вам помочь. Если у вас есть базовое представление об окружающей среде, почему бы не попробовать Несколько стартап-проектов для возрождения ваших знаний؟
Visual Basic — компьютерный язык (точнее, семейство языков), созданный и развиваемый корпорацией Microsoft, а также интегрированная среды разработки. Является дальнейшим развитием языка QuickBasic (также разработанного Microsoft), от которого унаследовал общую концепцию, стиль и синтаксис.
Однако, развитие Visual Basic пошло в сторону процедурного, объектного, компонентного и событийного программирования. Язык активно используется как для разработки Windows-приложений, так и для создания ПО для других платформ. Visual Basic можно скачать и использовать как отдельно, так и в составе Microsoft Visual Studio.
История развития
История Visual Basic началась в 1991 году, когда на основе синтаксиса QuickBasic компания Microsoft выпустила первую версию нового языка для своей операционной системы Windows. Новшеством, выделяющим новинку, стала связь с графическим интерфейсом, ранее реализованная программистом Аланом Купером в прототипе Tripod. Но именно в Visual Basic 1.0 эта реализация достигла нужного уровня. В том же году вышла версия языка для операционной системы MS-DOS с конвертором кода для Windows.
Первые версии языка были не слишком популярны, потому что по своему синтаксису и возможностям практически не отличались от QBasic, за исключением связки с графическим интерфейсом. Второй билд был дополнен функцией подсветки синтаксиса, среда разработки стала проще и понятнее.
Популярность Visual Basic начала расти с выходом версии 3.0 (1993 год). В нее были внесены существенные изменения — в частности, появилась возможность взаимодействовать с базами данных Access, а графический интерфейс переработали так, что работать с языком стало просто даже людям, не имеющим навыков в программировании.
В 1995 году вышла версия 4.0, одновременно с релизом Windows 95 — первой по-настоящему популярной версией этой операционной системы. Эта связка сделала Visual Basic действительно востребованным языком среди программистов. Среди ее ключевых отличий — возможность разработки как 32-, так и 16-разрядных приложений для Windows, а также появление полноценного компилятора, существенно увеличивающего скорость выполнения программ.
Начиная с версии 7.0, выпущенной в 2002 году, Microsoft резко изменила концепцию Visual Basic. Фактически, это уже был новый язык, хотя и позиционирующийся как логическое развитие предыдущего. Новая версия получила название Visual Basic.NET, она не имела обратной совместимости с предыдущими релизами. Ключевым отличием стало то, что код теперь стал полностью управляться фреймворком NET Framework Common Language Runtime.
Версии языка Visual Basic
Таким образом, в семействе языков Microsoft Visual Basic можно выделить несколько основных версий.
Visual Basic Classic (классический). Это первая версия языка, главные отличия которого заключались в основанных на QBasic общей концепции и синтаксисе, а также жесткая привязка к своей среде разработки и операционной системе. Иначе говоря, программировать на нем можно было только в собственной IDE и ОС Windows. Среда разработки предлагала пользователю широкий набор инструментов, таких как встроенный отладчик, функция просмотра переменных и структур в режиме реального времени, всплывающие подсказки, подсветка синтаксиса и т.д. Из-за этого программировать на классическом Visual Basic вне IDE (например, в обычном текстовом редакторе) было просто невозможно. Эта версия перестала развиваться в 2002 году, когда ее сменил Visual Basic .NET.
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Фактически, это тот же самый Classic, только немного упрощенный и адаптированный под разработку макросов и прикладного ПО для конкретных приложений. Язык программирования VBA встроен в структуру офисного пакета Microsoft Office (Word, Excel и т.д.), а также программных продуктов от других разработчиков — например, AutoCAD, CorelDraw, SolidWorks. Основанный на стандарте Microsoft COM (Component Object Model), он может задействовать все имеющиеся в ОС Windows COM-компоненты и ActiveX. Иными словами, можно исключительно с помощью средств, например, CorelDraw и языка VBA создавать приложения для Microsoft Office.
Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript). Тоже урезанная версия классического Visual Basic, но направленная на разработку скриптов для приложений, использующих технологию Active Scripting. VBS применяется, например, для написания клиентских сценариев в Internet Explorer и серверного кода в веб-приложениях, автоматизации административных функций в ОС семейства Windows и т.д.
Visual Basic.NET. Версия, появившаяся в 2002 году и представлявшая собой другой язык, в котором старые методы, применявшиеся в классическом Visual Basic, использовать уже было нельзя. Его основное отличие — тесная интеграция с платформой .NET Framework, выпущенной в то же время. В этой версии акцент смещен с индивидуальных особенностей самого языка на возможности фреймворка. Концептуально Visual Basic.NET. развивался в сторону объектно-ориентированности, он стал поддерживать полиморфизм, статическую типизацию, наследование и перезагрузку операторов. Благодаря этому с помощью него стало возможным создание действительно крупных программных продуктов, которые одновременно были гибкими и масштабируемыми. Несмотря на популярность и очевидные достоинства Visual Basic.NET., компания Microsoft прекратила его поддержку в 2020 году в пользу другого своего языка C#. «Вижуал Бэйсик» продолжает поставляться в комплексе с новыми версиями платформы .NET, однако обновлений для него не планируется.
Описание Visual Basic
Язык программирования «Вижуал Бэйсик» относится к категории императивных. Написанные на нем программы представляют собой строгую последовательность команд (приказов — отсюда и название «императивный»), причем каждая последующая использует данные, полученные при исполнении предыдущей. Кроме того, Visual Basic объединяет в себе элементы сразу нескольких парадигм (методологий) программирования:
- Процедурной — можно разбивать задачу на более мелкие и группировать последовательно выполняемые операторы кода в подпрограммы для их решения;
- Объектно-ориентированной — программу на Visual Basic можно представить как совокупность взаимодействующих друг с другом объектов, каждому из которых присвоен определенный класс, образующий определенную иерархию;
- Компонентно-ориентированной — она представляет программу как совокупность отдельных независимых языковых конструкций (модулей или компонентов) исходного кода, предназначенных для повторного использования;
- Событийно-ориентированной — в Visual Basic имеются встроенные обработчики событий, таких как использование программистом клавиатуры и мыши, сообщений, поступающих от других приложений, активности операционной системы и т.д.
Главной особенностью Visual Basic, отличающей его от большинства языков, стало применение в программировании графического интерфейса. Фактически, пользователь мог создать свое приложение как конструктор, используя готовые визуальные компоненты (например, кнопки управления, поля и т. д.), расставляя их в нужном порядке методом drag and drop (перетащи и брось). Так как эти компоненты имеют свои атрибуты и обработчики событий, они будут реагировать на действия пользователя при исполнении программы. Это дает возможность разрабатывать реально работающие (хоть и ограниченные по функционалу) приложения даже человеку, не имеющему никакого опыта в программировании.
Написание программ на Visual Basic происходит в интегрированной среде разработки, которая помогает пользователю подсказками, подсветкой синтаксиса, автоматической подстановкой и т.д. Управленческие элементы обеспечивают основной функционал приложения, при этом разработчик может существенно расширить ее с помощью обработчиков событий, которые исполняют дополнительный код в зависимости от задействованного компонента.
До 4 версии у Visual Basic не было собственного компилятора, для запуска и исполнения программ использовались библиотеки, которые поставлялись вместе с языком. С появлением компилятора работа приложений значительно упростилась, хотя для реализации некоторых функций продолжали использоваться библиотеки. Однако, теперь они были интегрированы в саму операционную систему, что облегчало задачу разработчикам. В последних версиях компилятор поставляется вместе с Visual Basic в составе пакета Microsoft Visual Studio, куда также входят редактор исходного кода, отладчик и другие инструменты для разработки программ и веб-приложений.
Преимущества Visual Basic
Простота. Язык программирования Visual Basic унаследовал от своего прародителя QuickBasic простой синтаксис, который доступен для изучения новичкам в программировании. Поэтому для многих программистов именно с этого языка начинается знакомство с разработкой программ и веб-приложений. Кроме того, в нем прекрасно реализована концепция визуального проектирования, которая также снижает порог вхождения.
Высокая скорость разработки. Благодаря графическому интерфейсу на Visual Basic можно быстрее разрабатывать приложения. Особенно это касается программных продуктов для операционной системы MS Windows, в которую уже интегрированы многие нужные инструменты и библиотеки. С разработкой приложений для других платформ дело обстоит сложнее, их пользователям нужно скачивать и устанавливать эти компоненты отдельно.
Мощная поддержка. Visual Basic долгое время был одним из основных продуктов компании Microsoft — одной из самых богатых и влиятельных IT-корпораций мира. Поэтому он до сих пор имеет значительную коммерческую и техническую поддержку (хотя проект прекратил развитие еще 2 года назад), информационное сопровождение в виде многочисленных учебников, инструкций, видеоуроков, справочных материалов и т. д. Это упрощает программистам поиск решений для возникающих перед ними задач.
Защита от ошибок. В Visual Basic используются указатели и доступ к памяти. Это делает написанные на нем приложения более стабильными. Кроме того, за счет постоянной автоматической компиляции программы по ходу ее написания в P-код (абстрактный машинный код для виртуальных машин) есть возможность быстро найти ошибку, не перезапуская приложение. Наличие удобного редактора с функциями автоматической подстановки, подсветки синтаксиса также повышают надежность работы конечного продукта.
Сильная типизация. В классическом Visual Basic была реализована строгая система типов. Это исключало возникновение многих неочевидных ошибок, которые свойственны языкам со слабой типизацией. С другой стороны, это же и в некоторой степени ограничивало возможности Visual Basic как императивного языка.
Недостатки Visual Basic
Ограниченная кроссплатформенность. На Visual Basic можно писать программы только под операционные системы Microsoft Windows и Apple MacOS. Хотя усилиями энтузиастов были разработаны некоторые способы, допускающие разработку приложений на VB для других платформ, особого распространения они не получили ввиду своей сложности.
Строгая привязка к среде программирования. Писать код на Visual Basic можно только с помощью поставляемых вместе с ним инструментов. С одной стороны, интегрированная среды разработки дает широкие возможности программисту. С другой — язык нельзя использовать вне ее, например, в обычном текстовом редакторе. В частности, это не позволяет писать на нем код многим программистам-пользователям операционных систем Linux.
Медленная работа программ. Практически все функции языка реализованы посредством библиотеки времени исполнения. Она выполняет множество необязательных действий для проверки и преобразования типов, что существенно замедляет работу приложений. У небольших приложений этот недостаток практически незаметен за счет избыточности ресурсов современных компьютеров, но при выполнении больших и многопоточных программ становится ощутимым.
Применение Visual Basic
Язык программирования Visual Basic создавался корпорацией Microsoft прежде всего как инструмент разработки продуктов для своей операционной системы Windows. Эта привязка сохранилась на протяжении всего срока развития и поддержки VB, за что неоднократно подвергалась критике. Однако, в рамках своей экосистемы он позволяет разрабатывать самые разные программные продукты:
- плагины и макросы для приложений Microsoft Office, CorelDraw, AutoCAD и некоторых других профессиональных программных продуктов;
- графические интерфейсы приложений, чему очень способствуют встроенные в язык инструменты визуальной разработки;
- консольные приложения, запускаемые с помощью командной строки — например, файловые менеджеры, веб-браузеры, текстовые редакторы и т.д.;
- игры — как правило, текстовые (вроде «О, счастливчик!») или несложные графические программы из-за того, что реализовать на Visual Studio полноценные проекты с развитой графикой и физикой очень сложно;
- специализированные приложения для выполнения математических, научных и статистических расчетов;
- серверные и веб-приложения и другие программные продукты.
Еще одной сферой, где Visual Basic популярен до сих пор, остается обучение программированию. Благодаря тому, что небольшое приложение на нем можно создать, практически не прописывая код, с помощью исключительно визуальных инструментов, это сильно снижало порог вхождения пользователя. При этом язык (точнее, его среда разработки) наглядно демонстрирует принцип работы компьютерной программы, взаимодействие ее компонентов и т. д.
Значение и перспективы Visual Basic
В 2020 году Microsoft заявила, что прекращает развитие этого языка (точнее, его версии Visual Basic.Net), хотя он продолжит выходить в комплекте Visual Studio. Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) по-прежнему используется во многих приложениях, созданных самой корпорацией и сторонними разработчиками. Однако, новых функций в него добавляться уже не будет.
Visual Basic с самого своего появления имел неоднозначную репутацию в среде профессиональных программистов. Многие специалисты считали его «игрушечным», пригодным только для обучения и создания небольших приложений и игр. Простота языка (точнее, принципа визуального проектирования) критиковалась за то, что сильно снижала порог вхождения, из-за чего любители создавали хоть и работоспособные, но крайне неэффективные продукты.
Тем не менее, Visual Basic стал одним из знаковых достижений компании Microsoft и оказал влияние на развитие других компьютерных языков. Некоторые из реализованных в нем решений были использованы в том же С#. Он также стал отличной «учебной партой» для многих специалистов, которые затем перешли на более востребованные ЯП.