Введен неправильный серийный номер продукта windows xp

При повторной установке Windows XP, после форматирования диска, ввожу 25-значный ключ с с нижней части сертификата, который на наклеен на ноутбук, но выдаёт ошибку " Введён неверный серийный номер продукта". Как быть в таком случае?

  Введён неправильный серийный номер продукта

проблема с операционной системой Windows XP  /  Ростов-на-Дону

Операционная система Windows XP

При повторной установке Windows XP, после форматирования диска, ввожу 25-значный ключ с с нижней части сертификата, который на наклеен на ноутбук, но выдаёт ошибку » Введён неверный серийный номер продукта». Как быть в таком случае?

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При запуске игры через 20-30 секунд (игры с высокими разрешениями) комп перезагружается. Помогите решить проблему. Сигнатура проблемы:
Имя события …

Когда стояла Windows XP, звук был, а когда поставил Windows 7, звук пропал! Что делать?

0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 05.10.2010

Сообщений: 12


21.12.2010, 18:51. Показов 29255. Ответов 16

Windows XP не принимает лицензионный CD-key На компе лет 5 стояла винда XP OEM, с лицензионной наклейкой, решил переустановить и жестко обломался. Лицензионного диска не имею, скачал уже несколько образов оригинальных XP SP3, SP2, VL, OEM, RU, EN, ставил с разных — толку null. При вводе ключа с лицензионной наклейки все дистрибутивы объясняют, что ключ неправильный и хоть .

Может, дело в том, что ключ на дистрибутив строго определенного сборщика? Или нужен дистрибутив без сервис-пака? Прочитал в коментах к одному диску, что есть разница между базами номеров старой x14 и новой x15, а у меня вообще древняя получается X11-45398.

Есть средство узнать, какой дистрибутив подойдет под наклейку?

Старую ОС ничем не восстановишь, диск уже отутюжил стиранием, бэкапов не делал.

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь


I ♥ C#

470 / 261 / 25

Регистрация: 07.05.2010

Сообщений: 567

21.12.2010, 19:06


Попробуйте обратиться в службу технической поддержки: http://support.microsoft.com


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 05.10.2010

Сообщений: 12

22.12.2010, 00:51



Спасибо, за неимением более быстрых способов придется обращаться в MS, пока надеюсь на нечто лучшее.

Поиск дает инфо, что M$ вроде бы высылает диск за 10$, так что это на крайний случай. Было бы лучше у них в представительстве его получить, а еще лучше получить ссылку на скачивание. Сомневаюсь в успехе, потому что память подсказывает нечто вида «поддержка ОЕМ силами ОЕМ» и «диски не даем».

Совсем хорошо было бы понять принцип, концепцию. Есть какая-то привязка серийника и прочей информации с наклейки к разным дистрибутивам?

На наклейке Проф ОЕМ. Скачивал и пробовал соответственно тоже Проф.


Почетный модератор

Эксперт по компьютерным сетямЭксперт Windows

28037 / 15768 / 981

Регистрация: 15.09.2009

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Записей в блоге: 78

22.12.2010, 15:43


Сообщение от cybermatic
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Есть какая-то привязка серийника и прочей информации с наклейки к разным дистрибутивам?

наклейка у Вас от какой (SP1, SP2, SP3?)


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 05.10.2010

Сообщений: 12

23.12.2010, 00:00



MS Win Prof, сервис пак не указан. Есть еще ключ, надпись X11-45398 (судя по поиску в инете обозначение дистрибутива) и еще какие-то цифробуквы.


Почетный модератор

Эксперт по компьютерным сетямЭксперт Windows

28037 / 15768 / 981

Регистрация: 15.09.2009

Сообщений: 67,753

Записей в блоге: 78

23.12.2010, 00:07


приложите фото, сам ключ замажте….


Эксперт HardwareЭксперт Windows

21296 / 12106 / 653

Регистрация: 11.04.2010

Сообщений: 53,466

23.12.2010, 13:20


Сообщение от cybermatic
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На компе лет 5 стояла винда XP OEM,

скорее всего SP1


Почетный модератор

Эксперт по компьютерным сетямЭксперт Windows

28037 / 15768 / 981

Регистрация: 15.09.2009

Сообщений: 67,753

Записей в блоге: 78

23.12.2010, 14:11


if is it, то SP3 его скорее всего не примет.


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 05.10.2010

Сообщений: 12

29.12.2010, 15:06



Вопрос и решен на прошлой неделе, и открыт одновременно.

Поиск в инете где-то на 2-3 странице выдал мнение хорошего человека, что для моего случая может подойти и дистрибутив x15. Нашел, скачал, установил. Спасибо хорошему человеку, жалею, что не запомнил источник.

Осталась проблема понять хитро…ые привязки MS, если вдруг еще раз доведется столкнуться с таким. Раньше думал, что берешь любой дистрибутив и вводишь свой ключ. Теперь вижу, что есть еще какая-то привязка к первой части непонятного номера, присутствующего на наклейке (в моем случае Х11 из X11-45398).

Есть понятное правило, или в следующий раз вновь гадать на бараньей лопатке и не перегружать запросами серверы поисковиков?


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 27.08.2010

Сообщений: 8

27.07.2014, 16:28


для X11-45398 подходит диск X15-02456, проверить можно здесь


77 / 22 / 0

Регистрация: 06.01.2013

Сообщений: 403

29.07.2014, 11:59


некропост,такой некропост.


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 27.08.2010

Сообщений: 8

29.07.2014, 12:30


некропост,такой некропост.

да уж, просто искал диск для переустановки древней XP (на работе) — обматерил весь мелкософт, пока нашёл.


Эксперт CАвтор FAQ

21264 / 8280 / 637

Регистрация: 30.03.2009

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Записей в блоге: 30

29.07.2014, 12:57


Интересная логика. Диск потерял ты, но виноват в этом почемуто микрософт


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 27.08.2010

Сообщений: 8

29.07.2014, 14:48


Интересная логика. Диск потерял ты, но виноват в этом почемуто микрософт

диск потеряли до меня, но только майкрософт, может так запутать соответствие дисков, ключей, лицензий и правил — что проще пойти купить новую винду, чем просто разобраться с уже приобретённой. Зато макрософту профит.


Эксперт CАвтор FAQ

21264 / 8280 / 637

Регистрация: 30.03.2009

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Записей в блоге: 30

29.07.2014, 15:56


Сообщение от sovetsk
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но только майкрософт, может так запутать соответствие дисков, ключей, лицензий и правил

Чтобы утверждать «только микрософт», нужно его хоть с чем-то сравнить (а ещё лучше, сравнить со всем на свете). Помимо винды ты имел какие-нибудь лицензионные диски с коммерческой операционной системой?



Эксперт HardwareЭксперт Windows

15148 / 7736 / 726

Регистрация: 03.01.2012

Сообщений: 31,795

29.07.2014, 16:10


sovetsk, Evg, Холивар начинаем?


Эксперт CАвтор FAQ

21264 / 8280 / 637

Регистрация: 30.03.2009

Сообщений: 22,635

Записей в блоге: 30

29.07.2014, 17:25


Сообщение от gecata
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sovetsk, Evg, Холивар начинаем?



Download Article

Download Article

This wikiHow teaches you how to bypass the trial version of Windows XP, either by using a stock product key or by using software to display your own product key. Note that you should only use the following information if you are unable to activate even though you have a legally-purchased copy of Windows XP.

Note: The three methods presented here may need to be used together depending on the situation:

  1. Changing the Windows XP Product Key Manually — includes instructions for how to use a stock product key to activate Windows XP.
  2. Using the Windows Key Finder — provides the detailed steps to get the product key from your device using Windows Key Finder.
  3. Fixing the Windows Activation Loop — is only required if you have already reached the time limit for activation and need to reset the loop.
  1. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 1


    Hold down Win and tap R. This will open the «Run» program from which you can access your PC’s registry.

  2. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 2


    Type «regedit» into the Run field.


  3. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 3


    Press Enter. Doing so will launch the Registry Editor tool.

  4. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 4


    Review the options tree on the left side of your screen. You’ll need to navigate through several of the folders listed here in order to reach your destination.

    • Since the registry holds most of your computer’s sensitive system information, consider clicking File and then Export in the top left corner of your screen to back up your registry before proceeding.
  5. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 5


    Expand the «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE» folder. Note that you’ll need to click the + sign to the left of the folder to expand it—don’t click the folder itself.

  6. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 6


    Expand the «SOFTWARE» folder. Each folder you need to expand after this point will be inside of the previous folder (for example, «SOFTWARE» was inside of «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE» and so on).

  7. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 7


    Expand the «Microsoft» folder.

  8. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 8


    Expand the «Windows NT» folder.

  9. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 9


    Expand the «CurrentVersion» folder.

  10. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 10


    Click the «WPA Events» folder. Don’t expand this one. You should see its contents listed in a window on the right side of the Registry Editor page.

  11. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 11


    Right-click the «OOBETimer» entry.

  12. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 12


    Click Modify.

  13. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 13


    Select the «OOBETimer» contents. These should be several pairs and sequences of random numbers.

  14. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 14


    Tap Delete. This should remove the values listed here.

  15. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 15


    Type in new numbers. It doesn’t matter what you put here, but you’ll need to keep the format consistent (for example, if you deleted four characters, you’ll need to replace that section with four characters).[1]

  16. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 16


    Click OK once you’re done. This will save your changes.

  17. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 17


    Exit the Registry Editor tool.

  18. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 18


    Open the Run tool again. Remember, you can hold Win and tap R to do so.

  19. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 19


    Type «%systemroot%system32oobemsoobe.exe /a« into the Run window. Exclude the quotation marks. Entering this command opens the Windows XP activation wizard.

    • For best results, simply copy and paste this text into the Run field.
  20. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 20


    Click OK.

  21. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 21


    Select the telephone option. This option should say «Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows» and there should be a clickable check box to the left of it.

    • If you see a note that says «Windows XP is already activated», changing your key manually isn’t working. Please proceed to the Windows Key Finder method.
  22. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 22


    Click Next.

  23. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 23


    Click Change Product Key. This is at the bottom of the «Activate» window.

  24. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 24


    Enter a Windows XP product key. Note that you may have to attempt this step a few times with different keys.

    • If you don’t know the version of Windows XP your computer is currently running, consult your computer’s manual to verify before you proceed with trying the linked product keys.
  25. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 25


    Click Update. This will generate a new Windows XP ID for your computer. After this process completes, you’ll need to confirm your activation of Windows XP.

  26. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 26


    Click Back.

  27. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 27


    Check the «Activate Windows over the Internet» option. This will allow you to activate your version of XP quickly.

    • Note that calling Microsoft using the «telephone a customer representative» option likely won’t work since Microsoft discontinued support for Windows XP on April 8th, 2014.
  28. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 28


    Follow the on-screen instructions. After you’ve completed your Windows XP activation, you should be able to use it without getting locked out of the system.

  29. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 29


    Open the Winkey Finder website. Winkey Finder is a free, no-install program that can locate and retrieve your Windows XP product key.[2]

  2. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 30


    Click on the latest version of Winkey Finder. As of January 2017, this is version 2.0.

    • Since this version is currently in beta, you can also download the final version of 1.75.
  3. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 31


    Click Download Winkey Finder. You should see this button at the bottom of the Winkey version page.

  4. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 32


    Right-click the Winkey folder. It should be wherever you chose to save it when you clicked Download (e.g., your Desktop).

  5. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 33


    Click Extract All. Doing so will extract the locked file’s contents onto your desktop.

  6. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 34


    Double-click the Winkey Finder folder. This is the one you just extracted.

  7. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 35


    Double-click the Win Keyfinder program. It should be the only executable («.exe») file in this folder.

  8. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 36


    View your product key. Running the Winkey Finder program should immediately display your Windows XP product key, allowing you to apply the key to the Windows XP activation wizard the next time Windows asks you to update.

    • To be safe, be sure to write down the product key when you see it.
  9. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 37


    Restart your computer. You can choose this option from the Start menu, or you can simply hold down your computer’s power button until it turns itself off and then press the button again.

  2. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 38


    Tap F8 as soon as your computer logo appears. You’ll need to do this during the first time the logo appears after rebooting.

    • Keep tapping F8 until you see the advanced options menu pop up.
  3. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 39


    Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Command Prompt. Starting up your computer in this mode will bypass the Windows activation loop long enough for you to reset the timer for your XP trial.

  4. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 40


    Tap Enter. You’ll need to wait a minute or so for Safe Mode to load.

  5. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 41


    Type «explorer.exe« into the Command Prompt program. Exclude the quotation marks.

  6. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 42


    Tap Enter. You should see a dialogue window pop up after doing so.

    • You may need to wait for a minute or so before the window comes up.
  7. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 43


    Click Yes. This may also say OK. After doing so, you should notice that your desktop interface is now accessible.

  8. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 44


    Hold down Win and tap R. This will bring up the Run tool from which you can complete the fix.

  9. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 45


    Type «rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk» without the quotation marks. This command resets the Windows XP trial clock to 30 days.

  10. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 46


    Click OK.

  11. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 47


    Restart your computer. When your welcome screen finishes loading, you should be able to log in like usual rather than being stuck in the activation loop.

  12. Advertisement

Add New Question

  • Question

    Why is Windows XP is stuck at the login screen in an activation loop?

    Community Answer

    You have a certain period of time to activate Windows. After this period, Windows will be stuck on the login screen in an activation loop.

  • Question

    Can I do this more than once? I have already done the 30 days one, a.k.a. Step 3. Nothing I do is working this time around.

    Community Answer

    You can only rearm the timer up to four times while in the grace period, or two times in safe mode.

  • Question

    How can I force Windows XP to update?

    Community Answer

    You can go to Start Button > All Programs > Windows Update and update it from there.

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  • Since official support for Windows XP ceased in April of 2014, you won’t be able to speak to a customer service representative, and over the internet.

Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


  • The linked product keys may not work, in which case you should use the Winkey Finder to help activate Windows XP.

  • Resetting the registry manually may only restore your Windows XP version to a 30 day trial.


About This Article

Article SummaryX

1. Download Windows Keyfinder.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Double-click the WinKeyFinder program.
4. Find a key next to «Product Key.»

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Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 3,169,486 times.

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Download Article

Download Article

This wikiHow teaches you how to bypass the trial version of Windows XP, either by using a stock product key or by using software to display your own product key. Note that you should only use the following information if you are unable to activate even though you have a legally-purchased copy of Windows XP.

Note: The three methods presented here may need to be used together depending on the situation:

  1. Changing the Windows XP Product Key Manually — includes instructions for how to use a stock product key to activate Windows XP.
  2. Using the Windows Key Finder — provides the detailed steps to get the product key from your device using Windows Key Finder.
  3. Fixing the Windows Activation Loop — is only required if you have already reached the time limit for activation and need to reset the loop.
  1. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 1


    Hold down Win and tap R. This will open the «Run» program from which you can access your PC’s registry.

  2. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 2


    Type «regedit» into the Run field.


  3. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 3


    Press Enter. Doing so will launch the Registry Editor tool.

  4. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 4


    Review the options tree on the left side of your screen. You’ll need to navigate through several of the folders listed here in order to reach your destination.

    • Since the registry holds most of your computer’s sensitive system information, consider clicking File and then Export in the top left corner of your screen to back up your registry before proceeding.
  5. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 5


    Expand the «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE» folder. Note that you’ll need to click the + sign to the left of the folder to expand it—don’t click the folder itself.

  6. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 6


    Expand the «SOFTWARE» folder. Each folder you need to expand after this point will be inside of the previous folder (for example, «SOFTWARE» was inside of «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE» and so on).

  7. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 7


    Expand the «Microsoft» folder.

  8. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 8


    Expand the «Windows NT» folder.

  9. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 9


    Expand the «CurrentVersion» folder.

  10. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 10


    Click the «WPA Events» folder. Don’t expand this one. You should see its contents listed in a window on the right side of the Registry Editor page.

  11. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 11


    Right-click the «OOBETimer» entry.

  12. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 12


    Click Modify.

  13. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 13


    Select the «OOBETimer» contents. These should be several pairs and sequences of random numbers.

  14. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 14


    Tap Delete. This should remove the values listed here.

  15. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 15


    Type in new numbers. It doesn’t matter what you put here, but you’ll need to keep the format consistent (for example, if you deleted four characters, you’ll need to replace that section with four characters).[1]

  16. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 16


    Click OK once you’re done. This will save your changes.

  17. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 17


    Exit the Registry Editor tool.

  18. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 18


    Open the Run tool again. Remember, you can hold Win and tap R to do so.

  19. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 19


    Type «%systemroot%system32oobemsoobe.exe /a« into the Run window. Exclude the quotation marks. Entering this command opens the Windows XP activation wizard.

    • For best results, simply copy and paste this text into the Run field.
  20. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 20


    Click OK.

  21. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 21


    Select the telephone option. This option should say «Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows» and there should be a clickable check box to the left of it.

    • If you see a note that says «Windows XP is already activated», changing your key manually isn’t working. Please proceed to the Windows Key Finder method.
  22. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 22


    Click Next.

  23. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 23


    Click Change Product Key. This is at the bottom of the «Activate» window.

  24. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 24


    Enter a Windows XP product key. Note that you may have to attempt this step a few times with different keys.

    • If you don’t know the version of Windows XP your computer is currently running, consult your computer’s manual to verify before you proceed with trying the linked product keys.
  25. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 25


    Click Update. This will generate a new Windows XP ID for your computer. After this process completes, you’ll need to confirm your activation of Windows XP.

  26. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 26


    Click Back.

  27. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 27


    Check the «Activate Windows over the Internet» option. This will allow you to activate your version of XP quickly.

    • Note that calling Microsoft using the «telephone a customer representative» option likely won’t work since Microsoft discontinued support for Windows XP on April 8th, 2014.
  28. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 28


    Follow the on-screen instructions. After you’ve completed your Windows XP activation, you should be able to use it without getting locked out of the system.

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  1. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 29


    Open the Winkey Finder website. Winkey Finder is a free, no-install program that can locate and retrieve your Windows XP product key.[2]

  2. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 30


    Click on the latest version of Winkey Finder. As of January 2017, this is version 2.0.

    • Since this version is currently in beta, you can also download the final version of 1.75.
  3. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 31


    Click Download Winkey Finder. You should see this button at the bottom of the Winkey version page.

  4. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 32


    Right-click the Winkey folder. It should be wherever you chose to save it when you clicked Download (e.g., your Desktop).

  5. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 33


    Click Extract All. Doing so will extract the locked file’s contents onto your desktop.

  6. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 34


    Double-click the Winkey Finder folder. This is the one you just extracted.

  7. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 35


    Double-click the Win Keyfinder program. It should be the only executable («.exe») file in this folder.

  8. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 36


    View your product key. Running the Winkey Finder program should immediately display your Windows XP product key, allowing you to apply the key to the Windows XP activation wizard the next time Windows asks you to update.

    • To be safe, be sure to write down the product key when you see it.
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  1. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 37


    Restart your computer. You can choose this option from the Start menu, or you can simply hold down your computer’s power button until it turns itself off and then press the button again.

  2. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 38


    Tap F8 as soon as your computer logo appears. You’ll need to do this during the first time the logo appears after rebooting.

    • Keep tapping F8 until you see the advanced options menu pop up.
  3. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 39


    Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Command Prompt. Starting up your computer in this mode will bypass the Windows activation loop long enough for you to reset the timer for your XP trial.

  4. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 40


    Tap Enter. You’ll need to wait a minute or so for Safe Mode to load.

  5. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 41


    Type «explorer.exe« into the Command Prompt program. Exclude the quotation marks.

  6. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 42


    Tap Enter. You should see a dialogue window pop up after doing so.

    • You may need to wait for a minute or so before the window comes up.
  7. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 43


    Click Yes. This may also say OK. After doing so, you should notice that your desktop interface is now accessible.

  8. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 44


    Hold down Win and tap R. This will bring up the Run tool from which you can complete the fix.

  9. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 45


    Type «rundll32.exe syssetup,SetupOobeBnk» without the quotation marks. This command resets the Windows XP trial clock to 30 days.

  10. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 46


    Click OK.

  11. Image titled Activate Windows XP Without a Genuine Product Key Step 47


    Restart your computer. When your welcome screen finishes loading, you should be able to log in like usual rather than being stuck in the activation loop.

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  • Question

    Why is Windows XP is stuck at the login screen in an activation loop?

    Community Answer

    You have a certain period of time to activate Windows. After this period, Windows will be stuck on the login screen in an activation loop.

  • Question

    Can I do this more than once? I have already done the 30 days one, a.k.a. Step 3. Nothing I do is working this time around.

    Community Answer

    You can only rearm the timer up to four times while in the grace period, or two times in safe mode.

  • Question

    How can I force Windows XP to update?

    Community Answer

    You can go to Start Button > All Programs > Windows Update and update it from there.

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  • Since official support for Windows XP ceased in April of 2014, you won’t be able to speak to a customer service representative, and over the internet.

Thanks for submitting a tip for review!


  • The linked product keys may not work, in which case you should use the Winkey Finder to help activate Windows XP.

  • Resetting the registry manually may only restore your Windows XP version to a 30 day trial.


About This Article

Article SummaryX

1. Download Windows Keyfinder.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Double-click the WinKeyFinder program.
4. Find a key next to «Product Key.»

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