В связи со сложившейся ситуацией и по причинам, не зависящим от компании Wacom, в настоящее время Wacom не имеет возможности предлагать онлайн-сервисы в России. Если Вас затронули ограничения, посетите страницу wacom.ru/support для получения дополнительной информации.
Ресурсы по продуктам
Здесь представлены драйверы, сертификаты, руководства и сведения о гарантии для продукта.
Найдите свой продукт ниже или просто загрузите новейший драйвер.
Найдите ниже ресурсы для своего продукта
Для начала выполните поиск по названию продукта или номеру модели либо выберите категорию своего продукта. Где я могу найти номер своей модели
Примените для поиска своего продукта другое ключевое слово или воспользуйтесь указанными ниже категориями
Нужна дополнительная помощь? Посетите нашу страницу поддержки
Либо для начала выберите категорию своего продукта.
Графические компьютеры
Автономный перьевой Windows компьютер
Интерактивные дисплеи
Pen input display for a computer
Графические планшеты
Pen input device for a computer
Планшеты Smartpad
Бумажные блокноты для оцифровки рукописного ввода
Цифровые перья для планшетов iPad, Android или Windows
Планшеты для подписи
Устройства для оцифровки рукописных подписей
Перья, подставки и многое другое
Где найти номер модели (артикул товара)?
Номер модели начинается с трех букв, дефиса и следующих за ними 3–4 цифр. Например: CTH-690. Его можно найти на упаковке или на обратной стороне продукта.
На изображениях указано расположение номера модели на упаковке.
На изображениях указано расположение номера модели на обратной стороне продукта.
Как устанавливать обновления из Wacom Center
Если Wacom Center включен, в него можно попасть из панели задач Windows или из панели быстрого запуска Mac.
Если Wacom Center не включен
В ОС Windows его можно открыть из меню «Пуск», зайдя в папку Wacom Tablet («Планшет Wacom») и выбрав Wacom Center
Чтобы открыть Wacom Center в ОС Mac, следует открыть Launchpad из Dock и выбрать «Wacom Center»
Для просмотра доступных обновлений (если таковые есть) для своего продукта нажмите на значок «Настройки»
и опцию «Общие настройки».
Важно: для просмотра имеющихся обновлений Ваш продукт Wacom должен быть подключен к Вашему компьютеру.
Если обновления имеются, нажмите кнопку Установить обновление и следуйте всем инструкциям по обновлению драйвера или продукта.
macOS Драйвер 6.4.1-1 (macOS 10.15–13)
— 151 MB10.01.2023
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.4.0-9 (macOS 10.15–13)
— 145 MB21.11.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.4.0-8 (macOS 10.15–13)
— 145 MB15.11.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.4.0-6 (macOS 10.15–12)
— 145 MB12.10.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.4.0-5 (macOS 10.15–12)
— 145 MB28.09.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.46-2 (macOS 10.14–12)
— 116 MB23.08.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.46-1 (macOS 10.14–12)
— 116 MB29.03.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.45-3 (macOS 10.14–12)
— 114 MB16.02.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.44-2 (macOS 10.13–12)
— 113 MB12.10.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.44-1 (macOS 10.13–11)
— 113 MB03.08.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.43-3 (macOS 10.13–11)
— 109 MB18.05.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.42-1 (macOS 10.13–11)
— 111 MB26.01.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.41-2 (macOS 10.13–11)
— 97.2 MB06.10.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.40-2 (macOS 10.12–10.15)
— 94.0 MB29.06.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.39-1 (macOS 10.12–10.15)
— 94.7 MB27.04.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.38-3 (macOS 10.12–10.15)
— 96.4 MB19.12.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.37-3 (macOS 10.11–10.15)
— 90.0 MB21.10.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.36-2 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 90.2 MB15.08.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.35-2 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 89.8 MB20.06.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.34-2 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 87.4 MB16.05.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.33-5 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 87.0 MB26.03.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.32-4 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 80.9 MB17.01.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.31-6 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 83.7 MB14.11.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.29-6 (macOS 10.11–10.13)
— 77.5 MB15.03.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.28-2 (macOS 10.11–10.13)
— 77.8 MB22.02.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.27-2 (macOS 10.11–10.13)
— 76.2 MB19.12.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.25-2 (macOS 10.11–10.13)
— 71.7 MB11.10.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.24-1 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 93.8 MB31.08.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.23-4 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 91.0 MB20.07.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.22-3 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 90.5 MB18.05.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.21-8 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 97.3 MB11.04.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.20-11 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 93.1 MB08.02.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.19-10 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 92.0 MB27.12.2016
macOS Драйвер 6.3.18-4 (macOS 10.9–10.12)
— 85.9 MB14.10.2016
macOS Драйвер 5.3.7-6 (macOS 10.9–10.12)
— 27 MB12.10.2016
macOS Драйвер 6.3.17-5 (macOS 10.9–10.11)
— 95.7 MB27.07.2016
macOS Драйвер 6.3.16-12 (macOS 10.9–10.11)
— 96.2 MB02.06.2016
macOS Драйвер 6.3.15-3 (macOS 10.8–10.11)
— 96.2 MB21.12.2015
macOS Драйвер 6.3.14-2 (macOS 10,8–10,10)
— 95.8 MB28.08.2015
macOS Драйвер 6.3.11-3a (macOS 10,8–10,10)
— 138 MB06.03.2015
macOS Драйвер 5.3.6-6 (macOS 10.8–10.11)
— 29 MB07.01.2015
macOS Драйвер 6.3.10w2 (macOS 10,8–10,10)
— 123.0 MB06.11.2014
macOS Драйвер 6.3.9w5 (macOS 10.7–10.9)
— 127.9 MB10.10.2014
macOS Драйвер 5.3.5-4 (macOS 10.7–10.10)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.8-2 (macOS 10.7–10.9)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.7-1 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 5.3.3-3 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.6-4 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.5-3 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 5.3.2-2 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 5.3.0-3 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.4-3 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.6-5 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.3-3 (macOS 10.5–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.2-4 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.1w2 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 6.2.0w4 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.7-5 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.5-3 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.4-4 (macOS 10.4–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.6-4 (macOS 10.4–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.3-4 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.5-2 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.4-2 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.3-3 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.2-5 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.1-3 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.0-6 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 5.1.1-1 (macOS 10.4–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.1-2 (macOS 10.4–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.0-7 (macOS 10.4–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 6.08-2 (macOS 10.3–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 5.08-2 (macOS 10.3–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 5.05-3 (macOS 10.3–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 6.05-3 (macOS 10.3–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 6.04-2 (macOS 10.3–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 5.03-3 (macOS 10.3–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 4.96-3 (macOS 10.2–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 4.95-1 (macOS 10.2–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 4.79-2 (macOS 10.2–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 4.78-2 (macOS 9)
Windows Драйвер 6.4.1-3 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 108 MB24.01.2023
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.4.1-2 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 108 MB10.01.2023
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.4.0-11 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 106 MB21.11.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.4.0-10 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 106 MB12.10.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.4.0-8 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 106 MB28.09.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.46-2 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 30.2 MB23.08.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.46-1 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 30.9 MB29.03.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.45-1 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 29.5 MB16.12.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.44-3 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 29.0 MB12.10.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.44-1 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 28.8 MB03.08.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.43-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10) (64-bit)
— 30.2 MB18.05.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.42-2 (Windows 7, 8, & 10) (64-bit)
— 31.7 MB26.01.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.41-1 (Windows 7, 8, & 10) (64-bit)
— 38.5 MB06.10.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.40-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.3 MB06.10.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.40-2 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.3 MB29.06.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.39-1 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 39.4 MB27.04.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.38-2 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.9 MB17.12.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.37-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 37.6 MB21.10.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.36-1 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.5 MB15.08.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.35-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 58.7 MB20.06.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.34-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 58.7 MB16.05.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.33-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 60.2 MB14.03.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.32-4 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 58.9 MB20.12.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.31-4 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 58.9 MB25.09.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.29-6 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 57.3 MB03.04.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.28-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 57.2MB22.02.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.27-2 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 56.2MB19.12.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.25-5 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 51.5MB19.10.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.24-5 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 75.3MB18.09.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.23-1 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 76.0MB06.07.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.22-6 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 74.9MB01.06.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.21-10 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 73.4MB06.04.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.20-7 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 73.0MB08.02.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.19-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 72.3MB12.12.2016
Windows Драйвер 6.3.18-5 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 79.6MB28.10.2016
Windows Драйвер 6.3.17-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 79.6 MB27.07.2016
Windows Драйвер 6.3.16-2 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, & 10)
— 78.4 MB27.04.2016
Windows Драйвер 6.3.15-3 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, & 10)
— 78.3 MB22.12.2015
Windows Драйвер 6.3.14-1 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, & 10)
— 78.2 MB28.08.2015
Windows Драйвер 5.3.5-3 (Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.2 MB20.08.2015
Windows Драйвер 6.3.11-4a (Windows XP, Vista, 7 &
— 143 MB02.03.2015
Windows Драйвер 6.3.10w2 (Windows XP, Vista, 7 &
— 100 MB10.09.2014
Windows Драйвер 6.3.9w3 (Windows XP, Vista 7 и
— 77 MB18.08.2014
Windows Драйвер 6.3.8-4 (Windows XP, Vista 7 и
— 37.7 MB21.04.2014
Windows Драйвер 5.3.3-2 (XP, Vista, 7, &
Windows Драйвер 6.3.6-3 (Windows XP, Vista 7 и
Windows Драйвер 6.3.5-3 (Windows XP, Vista и 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.7-3 (Windows XP, Vista 7 и
Windows Драйвер 5.3.2-1 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, &
Windows Драйвер 6.3.4-3 (Windows XP, Vista и 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.3-4 (Windows XP, Vista и 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.2-3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.2w3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.1w3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.2.0w5 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.5-5a (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.7-3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.4-6 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.6-7 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.3-4 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.1-6a (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.5-3a (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.4-3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.3-5 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.2-5 (Windows XP, Vista и 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.0-7a (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.1.1-1 (Windows XP & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.1-3 (Windows XP & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.0-6 (Windows XP & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 5.1.0-4 (Windows XP & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 5.08-6 (Windows 2000, XP, & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 5.05-7 (Windows 2000, XP, & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 6.05-7 (Windows 2000, XP, & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 5.03-3g (Windows 2000, XP, & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 4.97-6 (Windows 2000 и XP)
Windows Драйвер 4.95-6 (Windows 98SE, ME, 2000 и XP)
Windows Драйвер 4.93-3 (Windows 2000 и XP)
Windows Драйвер 4.78-6 (Windows 2000 и XP)
Вы ищете не это?
Windows 10,
Windows 7,
Windows 8 / 8.1
Wacom MobileStudio Pro | DTH-W1320/1620/1321/1621 |
Wacom Cintiq Pro | DTH-1320/1620/2420/3230 DTK-2420 |
Wacom Intuos Pro | PTH-460, 660, 860 |
One by Wacom | CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 |
Intuos/Wacom Intuos | CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690, 4100, 6100 |
Intuos 4 | PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL |
Intuos 5 | PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 |
Intuos Pro | PTH-451, 651, 851 |
Wacom One 13 | DTK133 |
Cintiq 13HD | DTK/DTH-1300 |
Wacom Cintiq | DTK-1660/2260 |
Cintiq 22HD/24HD | DTK/DTH-2200/2400 |
Cintiq 27QHD | DTK/DTH-2700 |
Cintiq Companion | DTH-W1300 |
Cintiq Companion 2 | DTH-W1310 |
Cintiq Companion Hybrid | DTH-A1300 |
ExpressKey Remote | EKR-100 |
DTU-1031/1031X/1141/1152 | |
DTK-1651/2241/2451/2100 | |
DTH-2242/2451/ |
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Windows 10,
Windows 7,
Windows 8 / 8.1,
Windows Vista,
Windows XP
Bamboo One, Bamboo Pad, Bamboo Pen, Bamboo Pen&Touch
- Драйверы
- Wacom Intuos 3 Drivers Download in Windows – [Work 100%]
- How to download or update Wacom Intuos 3 driver
- Method 1: Download Wacom Intuos 3 driver manually
- Method 2: Update Wacom Intuos 3 driver automatically (Recommended)
- Method 3: Update Wacom Intuos 3 driver via Device Manager
- Wacom PTZ 630 Drivers Download
- Find All Wacom PTZ 630 Drivers
- Recent Help Articles
- Popular Driver Updates for Wacom PTZ 630
- How to Install Drivers
- Open Device Manager
- Install Drivers With Device Manager
- Install Drivers Automatically
- Benefits of Updated Drivers
- Драйверы для графического планшета
- Wacom intuos ptz 630 драйвер windows 10
- Ptz 630 wacom driver
- Подробнее о пакете драйверов:
- Wacom Tablet Drivers. Характеристики драйвера
- Скриншот файлов архива
- Скриншоты с установкой Wacom Tablet Drivers
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- Popular Wacom Device Categories
- Driver Updates for Popular Wacom Device Models
- Featured Wacom Downloads
- How to Update Wacom Device Drivers Quickly & Easily
- How to Open Device Manager
- How to Install drivers using Device Manager
- Новости
- Теперь вы можете использовать Chrome OS на графическом планшете XP-PEN
- Samsung SSD 980 NVMe устанавливает новый стандарт производительности
- Samsung представляет новейший из твердотельных накопителей с интерфейсом SATA – 870 EVO
- Новая линейка мониторов Samsung с высоким разрешением 2022 года
- Wacom для учебы, преподавания и творчества. One By Wacom работает с Chromebook!
- Весна пришла с Wacom.by!
- Toshiba представляет жесткие диски серии MG09 емкостью 18 ТБ
- Ptz 630 wacom driver
- Подробнее о пакете драйверов:
- Wacom Tablet Drivers. Характеристики драйвера
- Скриншот файлов архива
- Скриншоты с установкой Wacom Tablet Drivers
- Файлы для скачивания (информация)
- Wacom intuos ptz 630 драйвер windows 10
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Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы или пройдите к полному перечню для поиска драйвера предыдущих релизов.
Wacom MobileStudio Pro | DTH-W1320, W1620 |
Wacom Cintiq Pro | DTH-1320, 1620 |
Wacom Intuos Pro | PTH-660, 860 |
One by Wacom | CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 |
Intuos | CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690 |
Intuos 4 | PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL |
Intuos 5 | PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 |
Intuos Pro | PTH-451, 651, 851 |
Cintiq 12WX | DTZ-1201W |
Cintiq 13HD | DTK/DTH-1300 |
Cintiq 21UX 2 | DTK-2100 |
Cintiq 22HD/24HD | DTK/DTH-2200/2400 |
Cintiq 27QHD | DTK/DTH-2700 |
Cintiq Companion | DTH-W1300 |
Cintiq Companion 2 | DTH-W1310 |
Cintiq Companion Hybrid | DTH-A1300 |
ExpressKey Remote | EKR-100 |
DTU-1031/1031X/1141 | |
DTU-1631/1931/2231 | |
DTK-1651/2241 | |
DTH-2242 |
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Last Updated: 8 months ago
If you’re looking for Wacom Intuos 3 drivers for your Windows computer, you’ve come to the right place. This post will show you how to download and update Wacom Intuos 3 drivers in Windows 10/8/7.
Updating your Wacom Intuos 3 drivers can keep your Wacom Intuos graphics tablet or pen in good condition and bring you the best possible experience. In addition, if you have problems with your Wacom Intuos 3 device, such as Wacom Intuos 3 not working or not detected by your computer, you should consider updating your Wacom Intuos 3 drivers.
Method 1: Download Wacom Intuos 3 driver manually
You can manually download the Wacom Intuos 3 driver from the Wacom Support center. This requires time and computer skills. Here’s how to do it:
2) Find the driver for your Wacom Intuos 3 device, and click Download. Ensure to select the latest version of your Wacom Intuos 3 driver and the correct operating system.
3) Once downloaded, follow the instruction to install the driver in your computer.
Method 2: Update Wacom Intuos 3 driver automatically (Recommended)
Manually downloading the driver for your Wacom Intuos 3 device is time-consuming. If you don’t have time or patience, you can do it automatically with Driver Easy.
Driver Easy will automatically recognize your system and find the correct drivers for it. You don’t need to know exactly what system your computer is running, you don’t need to be troubled by the wrong driver you would be downloading, and you don’t need to worry about making a mistake when installing.
You can update your drivers automatically with either the FREE or the Pro version of Driver Easy. But with the Pro version, it takes just 2 clicks (and you will get full support and a 30-day money back guarantee).
1) Download and install Driver Easy.
2) Run Driver Easy and click the Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers.
3) Click the Update button next to the flagged Wacom driver to automatically download the correct version of the driver (you can do this with the FREE version), and install the driver in your computer.
Or click Update All to automatically download and install the correct version of all the drivers that are missing or out of date on your system (this requires the Pro version – you’ll be prompted to upgrade when you click Update All ).
4) Restart your computer and take effect.
Method 3: Update Wacom Intuos 3 driver via Device Manager
You can also update your Wacom Intuos 3 driver via Device Manager, where you can view and manage the hardware devices and the driver software in your computer.
1) Ensure to connect your Wacom Intuos 3 device with your computer.
2) On your keyboard, press the Windows logo keyand R at the same time to invoke the Run box.
3) Type devmgmt.msc and click OK.
4) In Device Manager, right click on your Wacom Intuos device (it may be shown as Unknown device) and select Update driver.
5) Click Search automatically for updated driver software.
6) Follow the on-screen instruction to finish updating the driver.
That’s it. Hope this post comes in handy and helps in updating your Wacom Intuos 3 drivers in your Windows computer.
Download the latest version of the Wacom PTZ 630 driver for your computer’s operating system. All downloads available on this website have been scanned by the latest anti-virus software and are guaranteed to be virus and malware-free.
Recent Help Articles
If you have had recent power outages, viruses or other computer problems, it is likely that the drivers have become damaged. Browse the list above to find the driver that matches your hardware and operating system. To see more matches, use our custom driver search engine to find the exact driver.
DriverGuide maintains an extensive archive of Windows drivers available for free download. We employ a team from around the world which adds hundreds of new drivers to our site every day.
How to Install Drivers
Once you download your new driver, then you need to install it. To install a driver in Windows, you will need to use a built-in utility called Device Manager. It allows you to see all of the devices recognized by your system, and the drivers associated with them.
Open Device Manager
In Windows 10 & Windows 8.1, right-click the Start menu and select Device Manager
Install Drivers With Device Manager
Locate the device and model that is having the issue and double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
Select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button and follow the instructions.
In most cases, you will need to reboot your computer in order for the driver update to take effect.
Visit our Driver Support Page for helpful step-by-step videos
Install Drivers Automatically
If you are having trouble finding the right driver, stop searching and fix driver problems faster with the Automatic Driver Update Utility. Automatic updates could save you hours of time.
The Driver Update Utility automatically finds, downloads and installs the right driver for your hardware and operating system. It will Update all of your drivers in just a few clicks, and even backup your drivers before making any changes.
Once you download and run the utility, it will scan for out-of-date or missing drivers:
When the scan is complete, the driver update utility will display a results page showing which drivers are missing or out-of-date:
Next, update individual drivers or all of the necessary drivers with one click.
Benefits of Updated Drivers
Many computer problems are caused by missing or outdated device drivers, especially in Windows 10. If your deskttop or laptop is running slow, or keeps crashing or hanging, there is a good chance that updating your drivers will fix the problem.
Ensures your hardware runs at peak performance.
Fixes bugs so your system will have fewer crashes.
Unlocks new features and configuration options in your devices, especially with video cards and gaming devices.
Драйверы для графического планшета
Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы. Внимание для пользователей с MacOS 10.15 — ознакомьтесь с инструкцией для данной ОС
Wacom MobileStudio Pro | DTH-W1320/1620/1321/1621 |
Wacom Cintiq Pro | DTH-1320/1620/2420/3230 DTK-2420 |
Wacom Intuos Pro | PTH-460, 660, 860 |
One by Wacom | CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 |
Intuos/Wacom Intuos | CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690, 4100, 6100 |
Intuos 4 | PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL |
Intuos 5 | PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 |
Intuos Pro | PTH-451, 651, 851 |
Wacom One 13 | DTK133 |
Cintiq 13HD | DTK/DTH-1300 |
Wacom Cintiq | DTK-1660/2260 |
Cintiq 22HD/24HD | DTK/DTH-2200/2400 |
Cintiq 27QHD | DTK/DTH-2700 |
Cintiq Companion | DTH-W1300 |
Cintiq Companion 2 | DTH-W1310 |
Cintiq Companion Hybrid | DTH-A1300 |
ExpressKey Remote | EKR-100 |
DTU-1031/1031X/1141/1152 | |
DTK-1651/2241/2451/2100 | |
DTH-2242/2451/ |
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы. Внимание для пользователей с MacOS 10.15 — ознакомьтесь с инструкцией для данной ОС
Драйвер | Операционная система | Модель продукта Wacom |
Windows — Driver 6.3.37-3 |
Wacom MobileStudio Pro DTH-W1320, W1620 Wacom Cintiq Pro DTH-1320/1620/2420/3230 DTK-2420 Wacom Intuos Pro PTH-460, 660, 860 One by Wacom CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 Intuos/Wacom Intuos CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690, 4100, 6100 Intuos 4 PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL Intuos 5 PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 Intuos Pro PTH-451, 651, 851 Cintiq 12WX DTZ-1201W Cintiq 13HD DTK/DTH-1300 Wacom Cintiq 16 DTK-1660 Cintiq 22HD/24HD DTK/DTH-2200/2400 Cintiq 27QHD DTK/DTH-2700 Cintiq Companion DTH-W1300 Cintiq Companion 2 DTH-W1310 Cintiq Companion Hybrid DTH-A1300 ExpressKey Remote EKR-100 DTU-1031/1031X/1141/1152 DTK-1651/2241/2451/2100 DTH-2242/2451/
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Due to data privacy laws, switching to the language you have chosen will automatically log you out. Your current account will not be available in the language and region you have selected.
If you have an existing account in the language you have chosen, you can log into it, or you can create a new account.
Подробнее о пакете драйверов:
Драйверы для графических планшетов версии 6.3.30-6 ( от компании Wacom. Предназначены для автоматической установки на Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-64 бита.
Внимание! Перед установкой драйвера Wacom Tablet Drivers рекомендутся удалить её старую версию. Удаление драйвера особенно необходимо — при замене оборудования или перед установкой новых версий драйверов для видеокарт. Узнать об этом подробнее можно в разделе FAQ.
Скриншот файлов архива
Скриншоты с установкой Wacom Tablet Drivers
Файлы для скачивания (информация)
Рейтинг: 4.2/5 ( Проголосовало: 6 чел.)
Wacom is an electronics company that specializes in stylus-based products such as tablets, displays, and notebooks.The company was founded in 1983 in Japan. Wacom’s products include pen computers such as the MobileStudio Pro, pen displays such as the Cintiq Pro 32, and pen tablets such as the Wacom One and the Intuos.
Recent Help Articles
Tech Tip: Updating drivers manually requires some computer skills and patience. A faster and easier option is to use the Driver Update Utility for Wacom to scan your system for free. The utility tells you which specific drivers are out-of-date for all of your devices.
To get the latest driver, including Windows 10 drivers, you can choose from the above list of most popular Wacom downloads. Click the download button next to the matching model name. After you complete your download, move on to Step 2.
If your driver is not listed and you know the model name or number of your Wacom device, you can use it to search our driver archive for your Wacom device model. Simply type the model name and/or number into the search box and click the Search button. You may see different versions in the results. Choose the best match for your PC and operating system.
If you don’t know the model name or number, you can start to narrow your search down by choosing which category of Wacom device you have (such as Printer, Scanner, Video, Network, etc.). Start by selecting the correct category from our list of Wacom Device Drivers by Category above.
We employ a team from around the world. They add hundreds of new drivers to our site every day.
Wacom updates their drivers regularly. To get the latest Windows 10 driver, you may need to go to the Wacom website to find the driver for to your specific Windows version and device model.
Once you download your new driver, then you need to install it. To install a driver in Windows, you will need to use a built-in utility called Device Manager. It allows you to see all of the devices recognized by your system, and the drivers associated with them.
How to Open Device Manager
In Windows 10 & Windows 8.1, right-click the Start menu and select Device Manager
How to Install drivers using Device Manager
Locate the device and model that is having the issue and double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
Select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button and follow the instructions.
In most cases, you will need to reboot your computer in order for the driver update to take effect.
Tech Tip: Driver downloads and updates come in a variety of file formats with different file extensions. For example, you may have downloaded an EXE, INF, ZIP, or SYS file. Each file type has a slighty different installation procedure to follow.
If you are having trouble installing your driver, you should use the Driver Update Utility for Wacom. It is a software utility that automatically finds, downloads and installs the right driver for your system. You can even backup your drivers before making any changes, and revert back in case there were any problems. You can safely update all of your drivers in just a few clicks. Once you download and run the utility, it will scan for out-of-date or missing drivers:
When the scan is complete, the driver update utility will display a results page showing which drivers are missing or out-of-date. You can update individual drivers, or all of the necessary drivers with one click.
For more help, visit our Driver Support Page for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.
Теперь вы можете использовать Chrome OS на графическом планшете XP-PEN
Графический планшет XP-PEN теперь работает с Chrome OS 88.0.4324.109, что позволяет эффективно участвовать в курсах электронного обучения. Это помогает создать прогрессивную интерактивную лекцию, как на традиционной доске, только более универсальную. Наш планшет также позволяет …
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Wacom делает свои интуитивно понятные и простые в использовании графические планшеты и интерактивные дисплеи доступными для растущей группы пользователей Chromebook. One by Wacom – это первый графический планшет, получивший сертификат «Works With Chromebook», …
Графический планшет Wacom Intuos M Bluetooth, черный (CTL-6100WLK-N) всю весну со скидкой 7% по купону “Весна“! Заинтересовались? Планшеты могут закончиться и “досрочно”! Заказывайте скорей! Акция Wacom.by с 19.03.2022 года по 31.05.2022 года! …
Toshiba представляет жесткие диски серии MG09 емкостью 18 ТБ
3- е поколение 9-дисковой герметичной конструкции с гелиевым уплотнением и инновации в области записи с поддержкой энергопотребления помогают клиентам достичь новых уровней плотности хранения и энергоэффективности Корпорация Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage (Toshiba) объявляет …
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В наших магазинах представлены в большом ассортименте:
Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы. Внимание для пользователей с MacOS 10.15 — ознакомьтесь с инструкцией для данной ОС
Драйвер | Операционная система | Модель продукта Wacom |
Windows — Driver 6.3.37-3 |
Wacom MobileStudio Pro DTH-W1320, W1620 Wacom Cintiq Pro DTH-1320/1620/2420/3230 DTK-2420 Wacom Intuos Pro PTH-460, 660, 860 One by Wacom CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 Intuos/Wacom Intuos CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690, 4100, 6100 Intuos 4 PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL Intuos 5 PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 Intuos Pro PTH-451, 651, 851 Cintiq 12WX DTZ-1201W Cintiq 13HD DTK/DTH-1300 Wacom Cintiq 16 DTK-1660 Cintiq 22HD/24HD DTK/DTH-2200/2400 Cintiq 27QHD DTK/DTH-2700 Cintiq Companion DTH-W1300 Cintiq Companion 2 DTH-W1310 Cintiq Companion Hybrid DTH-A1300 ExpressKey Remote EKR-100 DTU-1031/1031X/1141/1152 DTK-1651/2241/2451/2100 DTH-2242/2451/
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Due to data privacy laws, switching to the language you have chosen will automatically log you out. Your current account will not be available in the language and region you have selected.
If you have an existing account in the language you have chosen, you can log into it, or you can create a new account.
Подробнее о пакете драйверов:
Драйверы для графических планшетов версии 6.3.30-6 ( от компании Wacom. Предназначены для автоматической установки на Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-64 бита.
Внимание! Перед установкой драйвера Wacom Tablet Drivers рекомендутся удалить её старую версию. Удаление драйвера особенно необходимо — при замене оборудования или перед установкой новых версий драйверов для видеокарт. Узнать об этом подробнее можно в разделе FAQ.
Скриншот файлов архива
Скриншоты с установкой Wacom Tablet Drivers
Файлы для скачивания (информация)
Рейтинг: 4.2/5 ( Проголосовало: 6 чел.)
Fixed drivers for Wacom Bamboo, Graphire, Intuos 1, 2, 3, and Cintiq 1st gen tablets on macOS Catalina / Big Sur
Wacom’s macOS drivers for Bamboo, Graphire, Intuos 1, 2 & 3 and Cintiq 1st gen tablets have bugs in them that cause them to completely fail to start on macOS 10.15 Catalina and macOS 11 Big Sur. This doesn’t apply to the Windows driver, or to the drivers for their newer tablets.
When you try to open the Wacom preference pane with a Bamboo tablet, you’ll get an error message saying «Waiting for synchronization», then finally «There is a problem with your tablet driver. Please reboot your system. If the problem persists reinstall or update the driver». For an Intuos 3 or Cintiq 1st gen tablet, the preference pane will open, but clicking anything will cause it to crash with the message «There was an error in Wacom Tablet preferences.» For Graphire and Intuos 1 & 2 tablets, the driver’s installer couldn’t even run on Catalina.
Thankfully I was able to track down the issues and I have patched the drivers to fix them!
My fixed Bamboo driver (v5.3.7-6) supports these tablets:
My fixed Graphire 1 & 2 and Intuos 1 & 2 driver (v6.1.6-4) supports these tablets:
My fixed Graphire 3 driver (v5.2.6-5) supports these tablets:
My fixed Graphire 4 driver (v5.3.0-3) supports these tablets:
And my fixed Intuos 3 and Cintiq driver (v6.3.15-3) supports these tablets:
Download the correct installer for your tablet here and double click it to run it, this will install my fixed version of Wacom’s driver:
If you get an error message that your Mac only allows apps to be installed from the App Store, right-click on it and click «Open» instead.
(If you’d prefer to install the fixed files yourself manually, you can use the manual installation instructions instead.)
After installing, follow the instructions in the next section to fix up the tablet’s permissions.
Fix up the tablet permissions
Touch your pen tip to your tablet, and it should prompt you visit System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy Tab to grant the tablet permissions.
If your tablet supports touch, touch the tablet with your finger, it should again prompt you to grant permissions. On the Accessibility page, tick the ConsumerTouchDriver or WacomTouchDriver entry.
With some tablets, the driver might only appear on the Input Monitoring page, and you may need to reboot a second time for it to appear on the Accessibility page too.
If your Wacom preference pane, pen support, or touch support is not yet working
You likely had permissions left over from the previous tablet driver, and these stale entries all need to be removed like so:
Now either reboot your computer, or run these two commands in the Terminal, to reload the tablet driver. For Bamboo and Graphire 3 & 4 tablets:
For Graphire 1 & 2, Intuos, and Cintiq tablets:
This should restore the prompts to ask you to add permissions, so now begin the instructions in this section again.
If nothing ever appears in «Input Monitoring» for you
For a handful of people, the Wacom driver never appears in the Input Monitoring list for them. To fix this, first open up the «Terminal» app and paste this line in and press enter to ensure that the Wacom service is enabled:
For Bamboo and Graphire 3 & 4 tablets:
For Graphire 1 & 2, Intuos, and Cintiq tablets:
If that doesn’t trigger it to ask you to add Input Monitoring permissions when you try to use the tablet, you can add it manually instead.
In there you should see a «PenTabletDriver» file (Bamboo), «PenTabletSpringboard» (Graphire 3 & 4), or «WacomTabletSpringboard» (Graphire 1 & 2, Intuos, Cintiq).
Unlock the Input Monitoring page, then drag the PenTabletDriver / PenTabletSpringboard / WacomTabletSpringboard file onto it to add it to the list, and make sure it’s ticked. Now reboot your computer, and when you try to use the tablet it should prompt you to tick it in the Accessibility page too, after which it should start working.
If you enjoyed having your tablet back in action, please consider sending me a tip!
This will help fund me and further development of these fixed drivers.
Technical details of the bugs
PenTabletDriver launches two sub-drivers to do the work for it, ConsumerTouchDriver and TabletDriver. To find those drivers within its Resources folder it eventually calls this function to extract a path from a URL:
Forgive me for paraphrasing the original Objective C code as C++, I don’t speak objc!
When CFURL creates the path, its reference count starts out at 1. It queues the reference count to be decremented later by calling autorelease() on it, then returns it to Wacom’s driver. This call to autorelease pairs up with Wacom’s retainAutoreleasedReturnValue() call, and so and leaves the path’s reference count untouched, at 1.
But now the Wacom driver calls _objc_release() on the path. This decrements its reference count to 0, and the path is immediately freed!
The ConsumerTouchDriver also contains this same bug, and the patch is the same there.
Both the pen driver and the touch driver need fixes to stop them from crashing when a multi-touch gesture is performed, or the scroll ring is used to zoom.
When a gesture is performed, the function CMacHIDGestureEventOSX1010::PostGesture is responsible for sending that gesture to the operating system:
Notice how the result from CGEventCreate is being cast to a structure? CGEvent is supposed to be an opaque type, programs aren’t supposed to know or rely on its layout, since its structure changes from OS version to OS version, but here it is being cast to a structure so that its eventSubType and eventDirAmount fields can be assigned directly. These two writes cause heap corruption on Catalina and trigger a crash, because the layout of CGEvent has changed since Sierra!
The proper way to store values into an event is by using the CGEventSetIntegerValueField API, which allows you to refer to fields of CGEvent by a logical ID instead of their position in memory. So what are the equivalent field IDs for the two writes that the Wacom driver needs to make?
I did some Googling and discovered that these fields are undocumented because they’re part of Apple’s private API. This WebKit header reveals their names:
And those private API fields are stable from Sierra all the way to Big Sur! Now that we know this, the two assignments to eventStructure can be replaced by these calls, and the driver crashes are eliminated:
The floating-point version of PostGesture has the same issue:
And we can patch it like so:
Intuos 3 and Cintiq driver
The Intuos 3 and Cintiq driver has a bug in its preference pane that causes it to crash as soon as an item is clicked on.
One of the main features of the preference pane’s UI are the lists of icons representing the tablets, tools and applications you can configure. That icon list control uses a function like this to dispatch events (such as clicks) to its children:
So action:() ends up calling retain() and release() on a garbage pointer, which causes a segfault.
There’s another problem with this driver. If, while trying to get your tablet to work, you accidentally install the latest Wacom driver (that doesn’t support Intuos 3), it writes a newer-format preference file that the old Intuos 3 driver will crash when trying to read. And this situation doesn’t resolve itself, the user has to manually use the Wacom Utility to delete the tablet preferences in order to fix it.
This is odd because the preference file includes a version number which is designed to avoid this very situation. The old driver uses version 5, and the latest driver uses version 6:
And the driver code explicitly checks for this version number and should abort when it is too new:
But the driver never aborts, instead it crashes while attempting to load the preferences. So what’s going wrong here? The secret lies inside the MigratePen() function. This function is designed to upgrade older settings files to the current version, but unfortunately in the process it unconditionally overwrites the ImportFileVersion with the current version (5)! This leaves CTabletDriver::ReadSettings() unable to detect that the settings are too new to be parsed.
To solve this I beefed up the invalid version detection code from MigratePen() :
So now if the preferences are too new, MigratePen() won’t attempt to upgrade them, and ReadSettings() will cleanly skip loading the preferences. This causes the preferences to remain at their defaults, and if the user edits the settings using the preference pane, the settings should be cleanly overwritten.
Graphire 3 & 4 drivers
The installers for the Graphire drivers are an old format that Catalina no longer supports, so I had to completely rebuild them.
Graphire’s preference pane incorrectly relied on private symbols from the macOS standard library that are no longer present in Catalina, so it could no longer start.
For example, Wacom’s NSNibWakingOverride::awakeFromNib() function is called during GUI deserialization, and adds the loaded GUI control to a map so it can be accessed by its tag later:
But this relies on reading NSControl._tag, which is a private field. In macOS 10.9 that worked because NSControl was defined like this:
But in macOS 10.10, NSControl was refactored to move the _tag field into a new _aux field, making it inaccessible:
I patched awakeFromNib to make it properly call the public accessor function for this field:
In Wacom’s OPopupOutlineView::reloadData() function, the private NSTableView._dataSource field is incorrectly read directly:
So I patched this to use the public accessor instead:
Graphire 1 & 2 and Intuos 1 & 2 drivers
Fixes the Wacom Bamboo, Graphire, Intuos 1+2+3 and Cintiq 1st gen tablet drivers for macOS Catalina and Big Sur (including M1 macs)
Wacom MobileStudio Pro | DTH-W1320/1620/1321/1621 |
Wacom Cintiq Pro | DTH-1320/1620/2420/3230 DTK-2420 |
Wacom Intuos Pro | PTH-460, 660, 860 |
One by Wacom | CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 |
Intuos/Wacom Intuos | CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690, 4100, 6100 |
Intuos 4 | PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL |
Intuos 5 | PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 |
Intuos Pro | PTH-451, 651, 851 |
Wacom One 13 | DTK133 |
Cintiq 13HD | DTK/DTH-1300 |
Wacom Cintiq | DTK-1660/2260 |
Cintiq 22HD/24HD | DTK/DTH-2200/2400 |
Cintiq 27QHD | DTK/DTH-2700 |
Cintiq Companion | DTH-W1300 |
Cintiq Companion 2 | DTH-W1310 |
Cintiq Companion Hybrid | DTH-A1300 |
ExpressKey Remote | EKR-100 |
DTU-1031/1031X/1141/1152 | |
DTK-1651/2241/2451/2100 | |
DTH-2242/2451/ |
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Подробнее о пакете драйверов:
Драйвер версии 6.3.39-1 для графических планшетов Wacom. Предназначен для установки на Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.
Для автоматической установки скачайте и запустите файл — WacomTablet_6.3.39-1.exe .
- Cintiq 12WX (DTZ-1200W)
- Cintiq 13HD (DTK-1300-2)
- Cintiq 13HD Touch (DTH-1300)
- Cintiq 15X (PL-550)
- Cintiq 18SX (PL-800)
- Cintiq 20WSX (DTZ-2000W)
- Cintiq 21UX (DTZ-2100)
- Cintiq 21UX 2010 (DTK-2100)
- Cintiq 22HD (DTK-2200)
- Cintiq 22HD Touch (DTH-2200)
- Cintiq 24HD (DTK-2400)
- Cintiq 24HD Touch (DTH-2400)
- Cintiq 27QHD (DTK-2700)
- Cintiq 27QHD Touch (DTH-2700)
- Cintiq Companion 256 Go (DTH-W1300L)
- Cintiq Companion 512 Go (DTH-W1300H)
- Cintiq Companion 2 (DTH-W1310)
- Cintiq Companion Hybrid 16 Go (DTH-A1300L)
- Cintiq Companion Hybrid 32 Go (DTH-A1300H)
- Cintiq Pro 13 (DTH-1320)
- Cintiq Pro 16 (DTH-1620)
- DTH-2242
- DTK-2241
- DTU-1031
- DTU-1031X
- DTU-1141
- ExpressKey Remote
- Intuos 3 A3 Wide (PTZ-1231W)
- Intuos 3 A4 (PTZ-930)
- Intuos 3 A4 Oversize (PTZ-1230)
- Intuos 3 A5 (PTZ-630)
- Intuos 3 A5 Wide (PTZ-631W)
- Intuos 3 A6 (PTZ-430)
- Intuos 3 A6 Wide (PTZ-431W)
- Intuos 4 L (PTK-840)
- Intuos 4 M (PTK-640)
- Intuos 4 S (PTK-440)
- Intuos 4 Wireless (PTK-540WL)
- Intuos 4 XL (PTK-1240)
- Intuos 5 M (PTK-650)
- Intuos 5 Touch L (PTH-850)
- Intuos 5 Touch M (PTH-650)
- Intuos 5 Touch S (PTH-450)
- Intuos Art Medium (CTH-690A)
- Intuos Art Small (CTH-490A)
- Intuos Comic Small (CTH-490C)
- Intuos Draw Small (CTL-490D)
- Intuos Pen Small (CTL-480S)
- Intuos Pen & Touch Medium (CTH-680S)
- Intuos Pen & Touch Small (CTH-480S)
- Intuos Pen & Touch Small Manga (CTH-480M-S)
- Intuos Photo Small (CTH-490P)
- Intuos Pro Large (PTH-851)
- Intuos Pro Large 2017 (PTH-860)
- Intuos Pro Medium (PTH-651)
- Intuos Pro Medium 2017 (PTH-660)
- Intuos Pro Small (PTH-451)
- Intuos Pro Special Edition (PTH-651S)
- MobileStudio Pro 13 64 Go (DTH-W1320T)
- MobileStudio Pro 13 128 Go (DTH-W1320L)
- MobileStudio Pro 13 256 Go (DTH-W1320M)
- MobileStudio Pro 13 512 Go (DTH-W1320H)
- MobileStudio Pro 16 256 Go (DTH-W1620M)
- MobileStudio Pro 16 512 Go (DTH-W1620H)
- PL-400
- PL-500
- PL-900 (DTU-1931)
- PL-1600 (DTU-1631)
- PL-2200 (DTU-2231)
Внимание! Перед установкой драйвера Wacom Cintiq/Intuos 3/4/5/Pen/Pro/PL Driver рекомендутся удалить её старую версию. Удаление драйвера особенно необходимо — при замене оборудования или перед установкой новых версий драйверов для видеокарт. Узнать об этом подробнее можно в разделе FAQ.
Скриншот файлов архива
Файлы для скачивания (информация)
Рейтинг: 3.0/5 ( Проголосовало: 9 чел.)
Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы или пройдите к полному перечню для поиска драйвера предыдущих релизов.
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Due to data privacy laws, switching to the language you have chosen will automatically log you out. Your current account will not be available in the language and region you have selected.
If you have an existing account in the language you have chosen, you can log into it, or you can create a new account.
Подробнее о пакете драйверов:
Драйверы для графических планшетов версии 6.3.30-6 ( от компании Wacom. Предназначены для автоматической установки на Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-64 бита.
Для установки необходимо скачать и запустить файл — WacomTablet_6.3.30-6.exe .
- Wacom Intuos (CTL-4100/6100/4100WL/6100WL)
- Wacom Cintiq Pro (DTK-2420 & DTH-1320/1620/2420)
- Wacom Cintiq Pro Engine (DPM-W1000)
- Wacom Intuos Pro (PTH-660/860)
- Wacom MobileStudio Pro (DTH-W1320/1620)
- One by Wacom (CTL-471/671/472/672)
- ExpressKey Remote (EKR-100)
- Cintiq Companion 2 (DTH-W1310)
- Cintiq Companion Hybrid (DTH-A1300)
- Cintiq Companion (DTH-W1300)
- Cintiq 27QHD (DTK-2700 & DTH-2700)
- Cintiq 24HD (DTK-2400 & DTH-2400)
- Cintiq 22HD (DTK-2200 & DTH-2200)
- Cintiq 13HD (DTK-1300 & DTH-1300)
- Cintiq 21UX 2 (DTK-2100)
- Cintiq 12WX (DTZ-1201W)
- Intuos (CTL-490/690 & CTH-490/690)
- Intuos (CTL-480/680 & CTH-480/680) Intuos Pro (PTH-451/651/851)
- Intuos 5 (PTK-450/650 & PTH-450/650/850)
- Intuos 4 (PTK-440/640/840/1240/540WL)
Внимание! Перед установкой драйвера Wacom Tablet Drivers рекомендутся удалить её старую версию. Удаление драйвера особенно необходимо — при замене оборудования или перед установкой новых версий драйверов для видеокарт. Узнать об этом подробнее можно в разделе FAQ.
Скриншот файлов архива
Скриншоты с установкой Wacom Tablet Drivers
Файлы для скачивания (информация)
Рейтинг: 4.2/5 ( Проголосовало: 6 чел.)
Драйвер | Операционная система | Модель продукта Wacom | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Windows — Driver 6.3.25-5 |
Внимание: Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы. Внимание для пользователей с MacOS 10.15 — ознакомьтесь с инструкцией для данной ОС
Wacom MobileStudio Pro | DTH-W1320, W1620 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wacom Cintiq Pro | DTH-1320/1620/2420/3230 DTK-2420 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wacom Intuos Pro | PTH-460, 660, 860 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
One by Wacom | CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Intuos/Wacom Intuos | CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690, 4100, 6100 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Intuos 4 | PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Intuos 5 | PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Intuos Pro | PTH-451, 651, 851 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cintiq 12WX | DTZ-1201W | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cintiq 13HD | DTK/DTH-1300 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wacom Cintiq 16 | DTK-1660 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cintiq 22HD/24HD | DTK/DTH-2200/2400 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cintiq 27QHD | DTK/DTH-2700 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cintiq Companion | DTH-W1300 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cintiq Companion 2 | DTH-W1310 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cintiq Companion Hybrid | DTH-A1300 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ExpressKey Remote | EKR-100 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DTU-1031/1031X/1141/1152 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DTK-1651/2241/2451/2100 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DTH-2242/2451/ |
Драйвер версии 6.3.39-1 для графических планшетов Wacom. Предназначен для установки на Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.
Для автоматической установки скачайте и запустите файл — WacomTablet_6.3.39-1.exe.
Поддержка устройств:
- Cintiq 12WX (DTZ-1200W)
- Cintiq 13HD (DTK-1300-2)
- Cintiq 13HD Touch (DTH-1300)
- Cintiq 15X (PL-550)
- Cintiq 18SX (PL-800)
- Cintiq 20WSX (DTZ-2000W)
- Cintiq 21UX (DTZ-2100)
- Cintiq 21UX 2010 (DTK-2100)
- Cintiq 22HD (DTK-2200)
- Cintiq 22HD Touch (DTH-2200)
- Cintiq 24HD (DTK-2400)
- Cintiq 24HD Touch (DTH-2400)
- Cintiq 27QHD (DTK-2700)
- Cintiq 27QHD Touch (DTH-2700)
- Cintiq Companion 256 Go (DTH-W1300L)
- Cintiq Companion 512 Go (DTH-W1300H)
- Cintiq Companion 2 (DTH-W1310)
- Cintiq Companion Hybrid 16 Go (DTH-A1300L)
- Cintiq Companion Hybrid 32 Go (DTH-A1300H)
- Cintiq Pro 13 (DTH-1320)
- Cintiq Pro 16 (DTH-1620)
- DTH-2242
- DTK-2241
- DTU-1031
- DTU-1031X
- DTU-1141
- ExpressKey Remote
- Intuos 3 A3 Wide (PTZ-1231W)
- Intuos 3 A4 (PTZ-930)
- Intuos 3 A4 Oversize (PTZ-1230)
- Intuos 3 A5 (PTZ-630)
- Intuos 3 A5 Wide (PTZ-631W)
- Intuos 3 A6 (PTZ-430)
- Intuos 3 A6 Wide (PTZ-431W)
- Intuos 4 L (PTK-840)
- Intuos 4 M (PTK-640)
- Intuos 4 S (PTK-440)
- Intuos 4 Wireless (PTK-540WL)
- Intuos 4 XL (PTK-1240)
- Intuos 5 M (PTK-650)
- Intuos 5 Touch L (PTH-850)
- Intuos 5 Touch M (PTH-650)
- Intuos 5 Touch S (PTH-450)
- Intuos Art Medium (CTH-690A)
- Intuos Art Small (CTH-490A)
- Intuos Comic Small (CTH-490C)
- Intuos Draw Small (CTL-490D)
- Intuos Pen Small (CTL-480S)
- Intuos Pen & Touch Medium (CTH-680S)
- Intuos Pen & Touch Small (CTH-480S)
- Intuos Pen & Touch Small Manga (CTH-480M-S)
- Intuos Photo Small (CTH-490P)
- Intuos Pro Large (PTH-851)
- Intuos Pro Large 2017 (PTH-860)
- Intuos Pro Medium (PTH-651)
- Intuos Pro Medium 2017 (PTH-660)
- Intuos Pro Small (PTH-451)
- Intuos Pro Special Edition (PTH-651S)
- MobileStudio Pro 13 64 Go (DTH-W1320T)
- MobileStudio Pro 13 128 Go (DTH-W1320L)
- MobileStudio Pro 13 256 Go (DTH-W1320M)
- MobileStudio Pro 13 512 Go (DTH-W1320H)
- MobileStudio Pro 16 256 Go (DTH-W1620M)
- MobileStudio Pro 16 512 Go (DTH-W1620H)
- PL-400
- PL-500
- PL-900 (DTU-1931)
- PL-1600 (DTU-1631)
- PL-2200 (DTU-2231)
International, Ltd FT232
International, Ltd FT2232C
International, Ltd FT2232C
International, Ltd FT4232H
Quad HS
International, Ltd FT4232H
Quad HS
International, Ltd FT4232H
Quad HS
International, Ltd FT4232H
Quad HS
International, Ltd FT232H
Single HS
International, Ltd Bridge(I2C
Mode 3
Mode 3
Mode 3
Mode 3
Mode 3
touch (S)]
touch (M)]
touch (L)]
for Bamboo
One by
Wacom (S)]
[One by
Wacom (M)]
Pen &
Touch (S)]
Pen &
Touch (M)]
Pen (S)]
pro (S)]
pro (M)]
pro (L)]
USB Driver
Inc. CP210x
Bridge /
Inc. CP210x
Inc. CP210x
CP210x USB
CP210x USB
CP210x USB
CP210x USB
International, Ltd FT232
International, Ltd FT2232C
International, Ltd FT4232H
Quad HS
International, Ltd FT232H
Single HS
International, Ltd Bridge(I2C
touch (S)]
touch (M)]
touch (L)]
for Bamboo
Pen &
Comic Pen
& Touch
Pen &
Touch (M)]
Pen (S)]
Pen (M)]
Pen &
Comic Pen
& Touch
Pen &
Touch (M)]
Pen &
Pen &
Fun Pen &
One by
Wacom (S)]
[One by
Wacom (M)]
Pen &
Touch (S)]
Pen &
Touch (M)]
Pen (S)]
pro (S)]
pro (M)]
pro (L)]
«WOW! Finally my PC got up to speed!» Melany Kim 7/18/2016
Our main support OS are: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, and Windows 8.
Wacom Ptz 630 Driver Details:
Wacom Ptz 630 File Name: wacom_ptz_630.zip
Wacom Ptz 630 Driver Version: 797TP
Wacom Ptz 630 ZIP Size: 112.kb
Manufacturer: Wacom
Wacom Ptz 630 was fully scanned at: 2/2/2023
Scan Status: OK
Wacom Ptz 630 now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit,, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8,
Windows 10 Pro Education 32bit, Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit, Windows 7 Starter 64bit, Windows Vista Enterprise (Microsoft Windows NT 6.0.6000.0) 64bit, Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Microsoft Windows NT) 64bit, Windows 7 Professional 32bit, Windows 8 Pro 32bit,
Wacom Ptz 630 Download Stats:
Driver Uploaded: 1/8/2019
Direct Downloads: 715
Most Recent Download: 11/16/2019
Managed Downloads: 354
Most Recent Download: 11/25/2019
Download Mirrors: 2
Current Delay: 20 Seconds
Driver License: GNU
Direct Download Success Stats:
Reports Issued By 504/715 Users
Success Reported By 468/504 Users
Driver Download Score85/100
Driver Installation Score85/100
Overall preformance Score88/100
Wacom Ptz 630 driver direct download was reported as adequate by a large percentage of our reporters, so it should be good to download and install.
Installation Manager Success Stats:
Reports Issued By 250/354 Users
Success Reported By 238/250 Users
Driver Download Score96/100
Driver Installation Score88/100
Overall preformance Score94/100
Wacom Ptz 630 driver installation manager was reported as very satisfying by a large percentage of our reporters, so it is recommended to download and install.
1. Direct Download
Select your OS and press «Download».
This option requires basic OS understanding.
Select Your Operating System, download zipped files, and then proceed to
manually install them.
Recommended if Wacom Ptz 630 is the only driver on your PC you wish to update.
2. Driver Installation Manager
This option requires no OS understanding.
Automatically scans your PC for the specific required version of Wacom Ptz 630 + all other outdated drivers, and installs them all at once.
Please help us maintain a helpfull driver collection.
After downloading and installing Wacom Ptz 630, or the driver installation manager, take a few minutes to send us a report:
* Only registered users can upload a report.
Don’t have a password?
Please register, and get one.
Wacom Ptz 630 may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function
These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*
*Scans were performed on computers suffering from Wacom Ptz 630 disfunctions.
Scan performed on 4/24/2019, Computer: Sony VGN-FW160AE — Windows 7 64 bit
Outdated or Corrupted drivers:6/20
Device/Driver | Status | Status Description | Updated By Scanner |
Motherboards | |||
Intel(R) 82801GB SMBus Controller — 27DA | Corrupted By Wacom Ptz 630 | ||
Mice And Touchpads | |||
Genius HID mouse | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Microsoft Souris Microsoft USB Wheel Mouse Optical | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Elo TouchSystems Elo Serial Touchmonitor Interface | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Usb Devices | |||
Microsoft USB Composite Device | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Hewlett-Packard hp officejet 5500 series (DOT4USB) | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Sound Cards And Media Devices | |||
Dolby Laboratories Audio Device on High Definition Audio Bus | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Network Cards | |||
Microsoft SiS191-Ethernet-controller | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Keyboards | |||
Microsoft HID Keyboard | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Hard Disk Controller | |||
Ricoh Ricoh Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Others | |||
EPSON EPSON USB Printer | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Intel(R) 82801EB Ultra ATA Storage Controllers — 24D1 | Outdated | ||
Nokia Nokia 5230 USB LCIF | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners | |||
Canon Canon MG5300 series | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Video Cards | |||
ATI ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600/9700 Series | Corrupted By Wacom Ptz 630 | ||
Input Devices | |||
Microsoft HID-compliant consumer control device | Outdated | ||
Port Devices | |||
hspa Modem Application4 port (COM7) | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Monitors | |||
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) | Corrupted By Wacom Ptz 630 | ||
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices | |||
Acer NOKIA | Corrupted By Wacom Ptz 630 |
Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: Sony VGN-FW55LF_B — Windows 7 32 bit
Outdated or Corrupted drivers:9/21
Device/Driver | Status | Status Description | Updated By Scanner |
Motherboards | |||
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Processor E5 Product Family/Core i7 QPI Link 1 — 3C90 | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Mice And Touchpads | |||
Wacom Wacom Mouse | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
FUJITSU FUJITSU PS/2 QuickPoint4 | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Dell HID-compliant mouse | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Usb Devices | |||
Sony Ericsson Sony Ericsson K320 | Outdated | ||
Realtek USB Storage Device | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
AMD Standard Enhanced PCI naar USB-hostcontroller | Outdated | ||
Sound Cards And Media Devices | |||
VIA Vinyl AC97 Codec Combo Driver (WDM) | Corrupted By Wacom Ptz 630 | ||
Realtek Enheden High Definition Audio | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Network Cards | |||
Qualcomm Atheros Qualcomm Atheros AR9485WB-EG Wireless Network Adapter | Outdated | ||
Keyboards | |||
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Hard Disk Controller | |||
Ricoh Ricoh SD/MMC Controller | Corrupted By Wacom Ptz 630 | ||
Others | |||
Intel(R) Graphics Platform (SoftBIOS) Driver | Corrupted By Wacom Ptz 630 | ||
Texas Instruments Texas Instruments PCI-4510 CardBus Controller | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Initio Initio Default Controller | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners | |||
Importek USB Composite Device | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Video Cards | |||
ATI RADEON X600 Series (Microsoft Corporation — WDDM) | Corrupted By Wacom Ptz 630 | ||
Input Devices | |||
Eastern Times USB-HID (Human Interface Device) | Outdated | ||
Port Devices | |||
hspa Modem Application4 port (COM7) | Corrupted By Wacom Ptz 630 | ||
Monitors | |||
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) | Up To Date and Functioning | ||
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices | |||
Acer NOKIA | Up To Date and Functioning |
Driver Model | OS | Original Upload Date | Last Modification | Driver File | File Size | Compatible Computer Models | Availabilty To Instalation Manager |
Wacom Ptz 630 73349 | For Windows 7 32 bit | 6/10/2015 | 10/11/2016 | wacom_ptz_630-73349.exe | 171kb | HP HP Pavilion dv9000 GU136EA#ABF, NEC PC-LS150LS1KSG, Compaq FZ090AA-ABF SR5605FR, Sony SVT1113AJE, ASUS F6Ve, Dell PowerEdge R220, Compaq 5411EA 470029-828, Sony VPCEB1S8E, IBM 2374E80, Packard Bell ISTART D3180, Fujitsu Amilo A1665G Series, Toshiba Dynabook T552/47FKD, Toshiba Satellite 2455, NEC PC-MK34HEZEH, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 702.11.14 | For Windows 7 64 bit | 2/11/2015 | 7/9/2016 | wacom_ptz_630-702.11.14.exe | 51kb | LG R580-U.ARC3BT, HP PW572AA-B1U d1262.se, Panasonic CF-18KDHNBVA, Sony VGN-CR35T_B, Systemax Charity PC 2010, LG R405-A.CPF1E1, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 702.102 | For Windows 7 | 8/23/2016 | 1/21/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-702.102.exe | 184kb | IBM 8315B1U, NEC PC-MK33LLZZUFJF, Sony PCV-RZ502P, Sony VGN-FE90PS, IBM System x3630 M3 -[7377AC1, Panasonic CF-W2EW6AXS, HP RS898AA-B14 t3740.be, NEC PC-LL750RG1B, Lenovo ThinkCentre M92p, IBM 6792GGU, IBM ThinkPad R52, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 72933 | For Windows 10 | 6/12/2016 | 4/2/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-72933.exe | 90kb | IBM System x3200 M3 -[7328EBG, Sony VGN-SZ76GN_B, Gateway GT4228m, Sony VGN-Z690TJ, Acer NC-V5-571P-53338G75MASS, HP BK175AA-ABA HPE-270f, Sony VGC-LT1S, Packard Bell Easynote sb86, Fujitsu FMVA30DN, Acer Aspire 9810, Acer Aspire 5735Z, HP 23-d050xt, Acer Veriton S480G, KOBIAN KOB746, NEC PC-LL550VG3EW, LG P1-JPLCY, HP P5282A-ABA 9995, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 73862 | For Windows 10 64 bit | 4/15/2014 | 2/18/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-73862.exe | 108kb | HP CQ1150FRm, LG P1-5005P, LIGHTEDGE 965GFEKR, HP HP Compaq dc7600 Base Convertible Minito, Hora Hora4000, HP S5-1450k, Sony VPCW210ALI, Sony VGN-Z21WN_B, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 71.1894 | For Windows 7 32 bit | 2/24/2015 | 1/8/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-71.1894.exe | 207kb | Panasonic CF-Y4HW8AXR, HP PL497AA-UUZ a720.ch, Lenovo 3000 J205 Desktop, Lenovo 7659W29, HP PS373AA-B14 t861.be, HP VG123AA-ABF p6127f, Seneca Pro52700, HP HP Compaq nx8220, Toshiba SATELLITE C55-A-1CR, HP EJ161AA-UUZ t3220.ch, Toshiba Dynabook Qosmio F30/770LS, Fujitsu FMVNFD40, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 72600 | For Windows 7 64 bit | 6/12/2014 | 4/10/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-72600.exe | 207kb | ASUS ET2400IGTS-H61, HP WC734AA-ABD 1130de, Packard Bell IXTREME I7202, HP PS568AA-ABA A1019H, LG T380-LARB1E, HP HP Compaq nc6000, HP EJ218AA-B14 w5240.be, Dell Vostro 1320, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 72380 | For Windows 7 | 1/26/2016 | 1/13/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-72380.exe | 107kb | Panasonic CF-19MH207NW, Toshiba SATELLITE C870-181, Toshiba SATELLITE C870D-116, HP HP Pavilion dv9500, Foxconn A6GMV, HP HP ENVY13 Notebook PC, Gateway E-9520T, HP Pavilion P6640F ABC, WIPRO WSG68125W7E-0015, ARLT Computer Produkte Mr. Gamer 7-11 R2, HP GG020AA-AB3 g3085l, Sony VGN-TZ27GN_B, Gateway FX7026, Toshiba SATELLITE P300-160, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 70944 | For Windows 10 | 10/18/2016 | 2/18/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-70944.exe | 75kb | Compaq Presario 8141EA, Toshiba SATELLITE PRO C870-176, Sony PCG-FXA35/D, LG R590-XR7WK, Lenovo ThinkPad X200s, HP KZ758AA-ABU m9361.uk-a, HP EP245AA-ABU m7385.uk, NEC PC-GL22ES3GA, Acer Aspire 5940G, Compaq GB376AA-ABE SR2237ES, LG LM70-PKJE, WIPRO WSG37455W7-0092, Lenovo 8933W91, LG LS50-AC6U1, Fujitsu FMVF53BDWS, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 732.184 | For Windows 10 64 bit | 2/20/2014 | 8/23/2016 | wacom_ptz_630-732.184.exe | 195kb | Sony VGN-A317S, NEC PC-GV256CLAJ, LG E500-G.ABBTZ, Sony VGX-TP1L, Gateway 7310MC, LG LM70-PKJE, HP CQ1140JP, Compaq RK539AAR-ABA SR2173WM, Toshiba SATELLITE C855-11C, HP HP Pavilion dv2700, Lenovo 1066E5G, HP HPE-380jp, Toshiba PSC0LA-01C01H, Sony VGN-CS31ST_W, Olidata OLIDATA, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 71.1340 | For Windows 8 | 9/19/2014 | 4/21/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-71.1340.exe | 37kb | Fujitsu Amilo A1665G Series, Toshiba Dynabook T552/47FKD, Toshiba Satellite 2455, NEC PC-MK34HEZEH, HP BK424AAR-ABA HPE-257c, HP HP d230 MT, NEC PC-LS150HS1KSG, Lenovo ThinkPad X230, MAXDATA ECO4700IW, Sony VGN-SR25T_P, NEC NEC POWERMATE S2100-006, Packard Bell IMEDIA 9206, Sony VGN-SZ7AWN_C, WIPRO WSG37455V-0397, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 7081.18 | For Windows 7 32 bit | 4/18/2014 | 3/9/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-7081.18.exe | 40kb | Fujitsu FMVNFD70W, PCCHIPS M770LMRT, Compaq Presario 7RPM11 195749-999, NEC PC-LL3509D, HP P6740ch-m, LG LW70-JJKG, NEC PC-LL350DD1KS, HP KJ381AA-A2L m9260f, Fujitsu FMVCE80T7, , and more. | |
Wacom Ptz 630 70378 | For Windows 7 64 bit | 8/11/2015 | 1/27/2017 | wacom_ptz_630-70378.exe | 147kb | HP FK558AAR-ABA a6604f, IBM System x3650 M4: -[7915AC1, Infoquest QuestPC, Toshiba Satellite C855-S5194, Everex Everex StepNote SR Series, IBM 8141KGR, Fujitsu LifeBook T5010, Sony VGN-CS36MJ_J, Gateway H5212, Sony VPCEB33FG, HP DM150A-ABM A320M, IBM IBM eServer m Mem-[7976KJG, Sony VPCF13BFX, Sony PCG-Z1M, IBM 2373NG8, Sony SVE1712P1RB, , and more. |