What room has no ceiling floor doors or windows перевод

what room has no celing, floor, doors or windows? A mushroomПереведите Пожалуйста, получи быстрый ответ на вопрос у нас ответил 1 человек — Знания Орг.

Опубликовано 3 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от katewelli70

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    В какой комнате нет потолка, пола, дверей или окон? Гриб.

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      да просто

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      Ответ дан

      Как я поняла, это загадка на английском.

    3. Ответ

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      сори я не туда отправил

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      если что

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Русский язык — 3 года назад

Помогите решить тест по русскому языку тест по русскому языку «местоимение. разряды местоимений» для 6 класса
1. укажите личное местоимение:
1) некто
2) вас
3) ни с кем
4) собой
2. укажите относительное местоимение:
1) кто-либо
2) некоторый
3) кто
4) нам
3. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) кем-нибудь
2) кем
3) себе
4) никакой
4. укажите определительное местоимение:
1) наш
2) который
3) некий
4) каждый
5. укажите возвратное местоимение:
1) свой
2) чей
3) сам
4) себя
6. найдите указательное местоимение:
1) твой
2) какой
3) тот
4) их
7. найдите притяжательное местоимение:
1) самый
2) моего
3) иной
4) ничей
8. укажите неопределённое местоимение:
1) весь
2) какой-нибудь
3) любой
4) этот
9. укажите вопросительное местоимение:
1) сколько
2) кое-что
3) она
4) нами
10. в каком варианте ответа выделенное слово является притяжательным местоимением?
1) увидел их
2) её нет дома
3) её тетрадь
4) их не спросили


Русский язык — 3 года назад

Переделай союзное предложение в предложение с бессоюзной связью.
1. океан с гулом ходил за стеной чёрными горами, и вьюга крепко свистала в отяжелевших снастях, а пароход весь дрожал.
2. множество темноватых тучек, с неясно обрисованными краями, расползались по бледно-голубому небу, а довольно крепкий ветер мчался сухой непрерывной струёй, не разгоняя зноя
3. поезд ушёл быстро, и его огни скоро исчезли, а через минуту уже не было слышно шума


Русский язык — 3 года назад

помогите прошу!перепиши предложения, расставляя недостающие знаки препинания. объясни, что соединяет союз и. если в предложении один союз и, то во втором выпадающем списке отметь «прочерк».пример:«я шёл пешком и,/поражённый прелестью природы/, часто останавливался».союз и соединяет однородные члены.ночь уже ложилась на горы (1) и туман сырой (2) и холодный начал бродить по ущельям.союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) однородные членычасти сложного предложения—.поэт — трубач зовущий войско в битву (1) и прежде всех идущий в битву сам (ю. янонис).союз и соединяет:1) части сложного предложенияоднородные члены,2) ​

Аккаунт удален

Физика — 3 года назад

Вокруг прямого проводника с током (смотри рисунок) существует магнитное поле. определи направление линий этого магнитного поля в точках a и b.обрати внимание, что точки a и b находятся с разных сторон от проводника (точка a — снизу, а точка b — сверху). рисунок ниже выбери и отметь правильный ответ среди предложенных.1. в точке a — «от нас», в точке b — «к нам» 2. в точке a — «к нам», в точке b — «от нас» 3. в обеих точках «от нас»4. в обеих точках «к нам»контрольная работа по физике.прошу,не наугад важно


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Рассказ «Моя комната» на английском

Рассказ «My Room» обычно задают ученикам 3-6 классов, когда проходят тему «Мебель», обороты there is/there are и предлоги места. В зависимости от возраста, данный рассказ усложняется, и уже для выпускника школы превращается в подробное описание комнаты или квартиры с более сложной лексикой и грамматическими структурами. Однако для детей, начавших изучение английского совсем недавно, достаточно базовой структуры с перечислением мебели и характеристиками комнаты.

Используйте примеры сочинений «Моя комната» на английском языке ниже. Рассказы даны с переводом и расположены по мере усложнения лексики и грамматики.

Пример 1. Для начальной школы

This is my room. It’s big and light. I share it with my sister Ann. There are two beds, a wardrobe and a big desk with two chairs. Next to the desk there is a bookcase for our books and toys. There is a brown carpet on the floor. There are yellow curtains on the window. You can see some plants on the windowsill. My room is very cozy, I love it!


Это моя комната. Она большая и светлая. Я живу в ней вместе с моей сестрой Аней. Там есть две кровати, шкаф для одежды и большой письменный стол с двумя стульями. Рядом с столом есть книжный шкаф для наших книг и игрушек. На полу лежит коричневый ковер. На окне висят желтые шторы. Вы можете увидеть растения на подоконнике. Моя комната очень уютная, мне она нравится!

Пример 2. Для 5-6 класса

We live in three-room flat. The room I like most of all is my bedroom. It belongs only to me. My room is small, but it is very cozy and bright. There isn’t much furniture in it, only the most necessary pieces. There is a bed on the right. Next to the bed there is a yellow nightstand. You can see a vase with flowers on my dresser.

On the left there is my desk where I do my homework. It has a lot of drawers where I keep my textbooks, notes, pens, pencils and other necessary things. Of course, I have a computer connected to Internet. On the right there is a sofa and a built-in wardrobe. In the right corner there is a comfortable armchair. Beside it stands a lamp with blue shade. I like to turn on the lamp, sit in the arm-chair and read an interesting book.

There are some shelves with books in my room. You can see Russian and English books there. There is a big thick carpet on the floor. There are some posters with my favourite singers on the wall.

I like my room very much. When my friends come to visit me, I invite them into my room. My room is a nice place for both rest and work.


Мы живем в трехкомнатной квартире. Больше всего мне нравится моя спальня. Она принадлежит только мне. Моя комната небольшая, но очень уютная и светлая. Мебели в ней не так много, только самые необходимые предметы. Справа находится кровать. Рядом с ней стоит желтая тумбочка. Вы можете увидеть вазу с цветами на моем комоде.

Слева стоит мой письменный стол, где я делаю домашнее задание. В нем много ящиков, где я храню свои учебники, заметки, ручки, карандаши и другие необходимые вещи. Конечно, у меня есть компьютер, который подключен к Интернету. Справа стоит диван и встроенный шкаф. В правом углу — удобное кресло. Рядом стоит лампа с синим абажуром. Мне нравится включать лампу, сидеть в кресле и читать интересную книгу.

В моей комнате есть полки с книгами. Там можно увидеть русские и английские книги. На полу большой толстый ковер. На стене висят плакаты с моими любимыми певцами.

Мне очень нравится моя комната. Когда мои друзья приходят ко мне в гости, я приглашаю их в свою комнату. Моя комната — это хорошее место и для отдыха и для работы.

Пример 3. Для старшеклассников

I have got a big and cosy room on the first floor of our house. There is a big window with lace curtains in it, so my room is full of light. I spend a great deal of my time in this room: I do my homework, listen to music, read books and chat with my friends via the Internet.

The wallpapers are white with light blue flowers. There is a poster of my favourite music band above my bed. There is also a round mirror hanging on the wall and a small table under it. In the mornings I do my hair in front of it.

I also have a big desk with a table lamp on it. I do my homework at it and sometimes draw small pictures with colour pencils. I keep my workbooks and exercise books on the shelf above the desk. It is very convenient, as I have everything at hand while doing my homework.

There is a bed, bookshelves and a writing desk with a computer on it. My bed is not big, but comfortable. I like reading in bed before going to sleep, so I have a wall bracket lamp on the wall. I have got a lot of books and there is a bookcase near my bed.

My room is not just a place where I can relax, it is also a place where I can work! There are many large and exotic plants. It creates a special atmosphere here.

I love traveling and soccer, so on the walls in my room there are a lot of pictures and posters of footballers or different countries. Also I collect model cars, so on my shelf you can see a number of beautiful and old-fashioned cars. I personally believe that precisely this collection of selected cars and posters on the walls makes my room a bit special and unique.

There is also a stereo system and a guitar. Sometimes when I stay home alone, I turn on the music at full volume, or play guitar with friends. No matter what anyone says, my room is great!


У меня большая и уютная комната на втором этаже нашего дома. В ней большое окно с тюлевыми занавесками, поэтому моя комната полна света. Я провожу в своей комнате много времени: выполняю домашние задания, слушаю музыку, читаю книги и переписываюсь по Интернету со своими друзьями.

Обои белые с голубыми цветами. Над моей кроватью висит плакат моей любимой музыкальной группы. Еще на стене висит круглое зеркало, и под ним стоит маленький столик. По утрам я перед ним причесываюсь.

Также у меня есть большой письменный стол с настольной лампой. За ним я делаю домашнюю работу и иногда рисую картинки цветными карандашами. Свои учебники и тетради я храню на полке над столом. Это очень удобно, так как все под рукой, когда я делаю домашние задания.

Моя кровать не большая, но удобная. Мне нравится читать в кровати перед сном, поэтому у меня на стене висит бра. У меня много книг, и возле кровати стоит книжный шкаф.

Здесь есть кровать, книжные полки и письменный стол с компьютером. Моя комната это не только место, где я могу отдохнуть, это ещё и место, где я могу работать. В моей комнате есть много больших, экзотических растений. Это создаёт в моей комнате особую атмосферу.

Я люблю путешествия и футбол, поэтому в моей комнате большое количество картин и плакатов с футболистами и различными странами. Также я коллекционирую модели машин, поэтому на полку в моей комнате ты можешь увидеть целый ряд красивых, необычных и старомодных машин. Я считаю, что именно эта коллекция машин и плакаты на стенах делают мою комнату немного особенной и уникальной.

Здесь также есть музыкальный центр и гитара. Иногда, когда я остаюсь дома один, я включаю музыку на всю громкость или играю на гитаре с друзьями. Кто бы что ни говорил, но моя комната восхитительна!


IELTS Speaking. Part 1. Your home (accommodation) questions and model answers

Basic facts

For the past 21 years, I have been living in a house with my family, and I think if I can move out and start making a living on my own, I would try my best to have an independent place where I can plan and design a house layout that suits myself since sharing a room or a flat with strangers sounds troublesome to me.

I live in an independent house, which has a proper fence and a secure entrance. It has a nice front and a lavish green lawn. And it also comes with 3 storeys.

I live in a detached house. It is about 1,500 square feet. At the backside of the house, there is a parking space for two cars. Overall, it is a well-planned building.

I live in a flat (or apartment) in a 25-storey block of flats with my family. The building has some nice amenities such as laundry rooms, a foyer, a swimming pool, and a gym.

I am renting a big and luxurious condo in a skyscraper. There are 3 bedrooms and one big living room in it.

I am renting a nice serviced apartment. It has some handy hotel-like amenities, namely room service and housekeeping.

I live in a rented room in a paying guest accommodation. It is a superb building equipped with nice facilities, such as round-the-clock security, free Wi-Fi, and a common room made available to guests.

I live in a nice loft apartment. It has high ceilings and large windows. I use it for both living and working. It also includes some cool features like fitness rooms, club rooms, patios, and firepits.

I live on campus in a single room in a hall of residence. Next year I plan to move into student digs in town.

  • Tell me about where you live.

I live with my parents in the suburbs of Madrid … we only moved in recently … in fact we had a house-warming party just a few weeks ago …

  • Do you live in a house or a flat?

Actually I live on campus … in a single room… in halls of residence … all first year students are encouraged to do that as they’re close to the university … next year I plan to move into student digs in town …

It is located on the second floor of a building which is designed specifically for international students in the city of Birmingham.

I live with my family. There are 5 of us and we all have our own room, which is way more comfortable as the older we grow, the more privacy we need for ourselves. I think our house is big enough for us yet still a warm and cosy place that I call home.

I live with one of my coworkers, who was also my college friend. We share the rent and other expenses like electricity and water, so it’s not really expensive.

  • How long have you lived there?

Although during my childhood my family had to move a lot, I’ve lived in the most recent house for almost ten years. Comparing to the old houses, I think this house has been the best so far.

I’ve been living here since 2016, so it’s 2 years more or less although I did spend 6 months living in HCM city. I thought about moving somewhere else, but living here is pretty great and fun. Besides it’s really close to my office.

  • Do you plan to live there for a long time?

The answer would be yes if the respondent is my parents since moving in and out is too time-consuming and exhausting. Cleaning and arranging everything all over again would be like torture to them. For me, on the other hand, as I’m thinking of moving out to start my adult life, hopefully soon I’ll be able to afford to live in a flat or an apartment.

My answer would be yes. I have nothing to complain about with regard to my current accommodation. Everything is up to par, from the neighbours to the vicinity to the amenities. That’s why I have no intention of leaving this wonderful neighbourhood.

That was never my plan. Two years ago I decided to rent a room here because my house was too far and it took me forever to get to my office. But I only stay here for maybe 1 or 2 years more before I can afford a house of my own.

  • What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?

As I’ve already mentioned my family moved several times when I was younger. And the most current house where we’ve been living for about ten years is the best house so far. All of us have separate rooms for our need of privacy yet a big dining room where we can spend the whole evenings together watching TV or having dinner.

There’re quite a few differences. My parents’ house is huge with separate rooms, each of which has its own bathroom so it’s really convenient and private. However, my apartment right now is much smaller and I have to share a bathroom with my roomate.

  • Can you describe the place where you live?

Briefly, my humble house is located in a small and quiet street, so coming home to me is like all the craziness happened outside is left behind. Just beside my house stands a big old tree. I have my own room with walls painted violet, which is kinda a peaceful colour. The air outside is fresh. I usually open the window to enjoy the wind and sunshine, which will help cool down my room without an air conditioner. Since I spend most of my time staying at home, my room means the whole world to me. It’s like a friend who is always there to share ups and downs with me. So yeah, I would always miss my house, my room whenever I’m away.

  • Which room does your family spend most of the time in?

Probably the kitchen where we eat together. Unlike other families in town, we don’t watch TV very often, at least I don’t watch TV so we never sit together in the living room. Dinner is the only time of day that we all sit together and enjoy our meals.

  • What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?

Well, definitely I’ll spend some me-time there. I study, I chill out by reading, drawing and dancing all by myself. Sometimes I also invite one or two friends to spend time with. We’ll watch some movies together and tell each other endless stories.

  • Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
  • Is it easy to travel to and from your home?

Yes, the transport facilities to my house are very good. The bus service is ready frequent and the railway station is also very near.

Preference: flat or house

  • Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
  • Would you prefer to live in a house or a flat? Why?

I believe most people would prefer to have their own house rather than to rent a place and so do I. Hence, if I have my way, a house with a small garden would be my choice since I don’t enjoy the constant disturbance from next-door apartments and elevator rides every time coming home.

Each type has some things to offer me but I would have to go for a house. There’s usually more space, and the water supply is much more reliable.

  • What are the benefits of living in a flat/house?
  • Should we live in a flat or a house?

It heavily depends on people’s preference and affordability since each type of property has its own perks. If one enjoys the modern amenities that an apartment complex can provide such as gyms, swimming pools and convenience stores and, of course, he has money, an apartment would be a great choice. In contrast, houses are usually suitable for those who prefer privacy and a quiet lifestyle.

  • Why do you think some people invest a huge amount of money in buying houses?

People certainly have different reasons to buy property. I believe the most important one is privacy. You will gain much more independence and freedom to refurbish the place as you please since you are the owner. Besides, it would create a pride of ownership. No matter how small or big your house is, it is yours to renovate or brag about.)

Liking the place where you live

  • Do you like it? Why?
  • How do you like your flat/house?
  • How do you feel about your house/flat?

I like it! Very much! The house itself is very spacious for us and is in a good spot. I have my own office space and plenty of room still for all the family. Built on top of another house it has a high position, with great views of the town and even a sea view.

  • What do you like about your house?

Well to be honest, I would say that my house is quite pretty, of a medium size and green color that I love. Another significant thing that I like is the cool fresh air, which is due to the fact that there are many paddy fields and fruit orchards (fruit garden) around it. For me, it is the most desirable destination in the world.

  • What part of your home do you like the most?
  • What would you say is the best thing about your home?
  • What’s your favourite room in your home?
  • Which is your favourite room? Why?

It’s the dining room where my family spends our time together. Not only lunch or dinner but all our family reunions take place in the dining room where we can enjoy a harmonious atmosphere. We always try to keep the family dinner as something we cannot go a day without, since for us it’s the family bonding that lies behind.

Definitely my own bedroom. It’s the personal space where I can do whatever I want without getting scolded by my mom. Besides, my bedroom is an ideal place for me to avoid noise, so I tend to lock myself up in my bedroom whenever I need to concentrate on my study.

  • Is there anything you don’t like about the place where you live?
  • What do you least like about your home?

To be honest, I think I’d have to say that I’m not so keen on its lighting system. In my opinion, there are not enough lights, and therefore, it doesn’t supply sufficiently for the whole house. In addition to this, I’m not very fond of the lack of neighborhood services, especially supermarkets and shops, which is due to the fact that my house is the outskirts of the town.


  • What kind of decorations does it have?
  • How is your apartment decorated?
  • How do you decorate your home?

My home is styled in a minimal way. Almost everything is painted in plain white, and a few landscape paintings act as a delicate touch. The interior design is simple, but very pleasant to look at.

  • What can you see when you look out the window of your room?

Our house is a two-storey building, so it is not too high. The first thing that I can see from my window is the garden we have in front of our house. It is so refreshing to look at those beautiful garden and the flowers in it. I can also notice the street in front of our house and can see the people who walk on that street. If I see more closely, I can see many other houses in our neighbourhood and tall buildings which are not far away from our house.

Childhood house or room

  • What kind of place did you live in when you were a kid?
  • What was your home like when you were a child?
  • What sort of house did you live in when you were a child?
  • What was your room like?


  • Do you think your home needs any improvements?
  • What improvements do you think your home needs?
  • How do you think this room could be improved?
  • How do you think your home could be improved?
  • How do you plan to improve your home in the future?
  • If you could change one thing in your apartment, what would it be?
  • If you could change one thing about your apartment, what would it be?
  • How do you think your favourite room could be improved?
  • Would you change anything about your home? Why / why not?

Well, I don’t think I can decide for myself, but if it’s possible, I would like to change all the furniture in the living room. You know, it is quite old. And also the TV, I think it will be better with a newer TV for all of us.

Well, perhaps I would expand the dining area. It is the common space for family members to gather, so I think it would be nice if my house’s dining room could be a little more spacious.

Around your home (your neighbourhood)

  • Are there many people living near you?
  • Do you know all your neighbours?
  • How well do you know your neighbours?
  • How well do you relate to your neighbours?
  • What kind of people are your neighbours?

I know my neighbours quite well. They’re really nice people, and I always stop to talk whenever I see them.

I would say I know most of my neighbours. We live in a suburban area where people spend their times with their friends and neighbours and I know quite well the people who live next door.

  • Do you spend much time socializing with your neighbours in your neighbours’ homes?
  • How often do you see your neighbours?

I try to see my neighbours as often as possible because it helps me build up a solid and steady relationship with them, especially, if they live in close proximity to me. Besides, seeing neighbour as often as possible is important so that we can help out each other during the time of need and emergency.

I see them very often, almost twice a week. They often come to visit us and play indoor games. They also invite us to visit them and we often have parties and celebration together.

  • Do you invite your neighbours to your home? [Why/Why not?]

Yes, I do try to invite my neighbours to my home whenever I can because it helps us understand each other better, by exchanging our views and opinions with each other, on issues which affect our life. Inviting neighbours to my home also brings me joy and happiness when I feel down and depressed.

  • What public facilities are there near your home?
  • Are there many amenities near your home?
  • Is it easy to travel to and from your home?

My house is located in a residential complex, so everything is within reach. There is a gym, a park, as well as a wide variety of shops, which are more than enough to cater for all residents in my area.

  • Are the transport facilities to (or near) your home very good?
  • Is the public transportation good in the area where you live?

Not even slightly! The bus stations are always crowded with people who are really inappropriate and always talking out loud. The floors are so dirty that I don’t even want to step inside a station.

  • Are there many shops near your home?
  • What types of shops are available in your area?

We’ve got a few local shops nearby and a few independent stores but none of the big high street names . I have to go into town for them .


  • Do you plan to move?
  • Would you like to move to another place to live? Why? Where?
  • Would you like to move to a different home?
  • Have you ever thought of moving to a different place? Why?/Why not?
  • Are you prepared to move?
  • Are you preparing to move to a different place soon?
  • Are you planning to moving to live in a different place? Why? Where? /Why not?
  • If you had the opportunity, would you move to a different place? Why? Where? /Why not?
  • Do you think you will leave home soon?

Although my current accommodation is perfectly fine, I would love to experience living in a villa once. Since it was my childhood dream to have a swimming pool and a garden of my own, a villa seems like an ideal house for me.

I wish I could move to an apartment which is nearer to the city center since my house is very far from my school and the streets usually flooded when it’s rain.

Types of housing

In the city itself the majority of people live in apartment blocks … that’s what surprised me about England … most people seem to live in terraced houses with lovely back gardens …

In cities, the majority of people live in apartment blocks. People who do not have enough money to buy a house normally live in rental accommodation. In the countryside, people live in terraced houses with back gardens. I feel more and more people prefer to live in the suburbs because the environment there is much fresher.





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What room has no ceiling, floors, doors or windows? Mushroom.

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